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Kurt Rosenwinkel的《Blue Line》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue Line歌手:Kurt Rosenwinkel专辑:HeartcoreMassive Attack - Blue Lines(marshall, vowles, del naja, thaws, brown,bennett, carlton, geurin, sample, scott)Can"t be with the one you love then love the one you"re withSpliff in the ashtray, red stripe I pull the lidHer touch tickles, especially when she"s gentleBut I don"t hear her words "cause I slide the instrumentalKeep the girl in the distance, moves are very hazyNo sunshine in my life the way I deal is shadySkip hip data to get the anti-matterBlue lines are the reason why the temple had to shatterTo the sound of silence surrounded by the massHer face is on the paper not the strangers that I passThe ones that looking back to see if they are looking back at meAre you predator or do you fear meYeah while I"m doing this I knowThe place I really wanna goThe one I love but never gets near meIt"s a beautiful day, well it seems as suchBeautiful thoughts means I dream too muchEven if I told you, you still would not know meTricky never does, adrian mostly gets lonelyHow we live in this existence, just beingEnglish upbringing, background carribeanIt"s the way that we billadeeSharing a soliloquyWe cut the broken thread from flexibilityMi chiamo 3D si sono IngleseNo sunshine in my life "cause the way I deal is hazyAnd everyday"s a daisy "cause I"m on my toesWhile contemporaries of mine remaining comatoseThere"s a looking glass she"s looking throughShe hated me, but then she loved me tooI"d lie not try so I lost faithThen turn to her to keep the faithShe told me take an occupation or you lose your mindAnd on a nine to five lemon, looking for the limeBox clever, watch your system come togetherCrazy weather at the end of my tetherMassive in the area, murdererAttack inna the area, murdererSome go softly softly round the habitatRatchet in the right handThey got no one to stab it atTake a walk billy, don"t be a heroEffort"s on minimal though almost touch zeroExcommunicated from the brotherhood of manTo wander lonely as a puzzled anagramCar paint blue, green, primer and zincTake it to extremities my purple and pinkI feel the colours fill my room beneath the patter of the rainI can"t stand the drops they"re dripping down my windowpaneThey wash away my shadow and don"t even leave a spark upon my soulThey leave the rainbows in the darkBlues get big, massive are even largerSave nuff space into the tricky tardisWe"d trawl what I saw from down in darren"s hallPeople laying their claimIn stormy weather it"s rainBut you"re living on a see-sawI try to see moreSomebody da-ditty, nobodyWalking on sunshine, but still we"re treading waterThe son of many reasons searching for the daughterSeeking knowledge, not acknowledging the jetsetSilver papers of the sound within my budakon headsetThe solar system watches in wisdomThe children dance as the moonlight kissed themTo Massive attack Matt Black appear wearing beadsTwo hours traveling so I wrote this on repeatAlways living fast, people getting jumpyWhere I"ve got in fights I just do the walter crumpyMicrophones held close, crouching far apartTake my piece of mind and sign my name across your hearthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8264503



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有的。 Kurt Geiger于1963年在英国时尚之都伦敦的邦德街开业。自六十年代以来,Kurt Geiger一直没有停步不前,因为它不断进化,以的市场地位制造出可望而不可即的鞋类和配件。创意总监,Rebecca Farrar-Hockley和她的鞋和配件设计师的团队组成的创意愿景的品牌位于总部库尔特盖格尔在布里顿大街,伦敦。Kurt Geiger设计工作室看到不同的产品为每个标签创造。从Kurt Geiger的意大利工艺,结合材料,标志性凉鞋和剃刀锋利的细高跟鞋,Kurt Geiger的伦敦酷,小姐的时尚必需品在可到达的价格点和卡维拉的的签名,复杂的鞋类和每天必备。Kurt Geiger在2011年创立了除了裙子以外的一切。伦敦风格是一个引人注目的配件系列,融合了伦敦人对质量和可获得性的急躁态度,是库尔特盖格品牌的核心。 如今,Kurt Geiger在有70多家店铺,在世界上负盛名的百货公司里有170多家特许商店。

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WWE中Kurt Angle的简介

身高:185cm体重:100kg来自:宾州匹兹堡 出生:1968.12.11加入WWE:1999绰号:美国英雄(America s hero)口头禅:"I don′t Suck","It s true. It s true."必杀技:安格式背摔(Angle Slam),脚踝锁定(Ankle Lock) 冠军经历:WWE冠军5次,WWE双打冠军x1,洲际冠军x1,欧洲冠军x1,硬核冠军x1,2000年擂台之王,WCW冠军,1996奥运会金牌获得者 要介绍安格就不能不提到他在96年美国亚特兰大奥运重量级自由角力竞赛项目中击败伊拉克籍对手摘下美国在奥运角力项目第一面金牌的事迹。这让他顿时在美国社会声名大噪。安格本人自然以获此殊荣自豪不已——有人或许会称之为骄傲自大——同时也要让世人难忘他的成就。 当群众逐渐放肆地不再支持他时,安格要大声的质疑:怎能有人会对奥运金牌选手报以嘘声呢? 在千禧年——安格在职摔联盟发展的第一个年头;这个匹兹堡籍选手几乎成了史上最优秀的新人王;安格一连赢得了欧洲冠军、洲际冠军头衔,并在千禧擂台之王比赛顺利登基,同年10月,在“不留情”(No Mercy)赛事更击败摔角天王洛克成为WWE联盟冠军。 安格彪炳的战绩跨世纪延续至2001年,安格在故乡匹兹堡打败奥斯丁卫冕WWE冠军成功,也一并夺下奥斯丁拥有的WCW冠军头衔;在WWE一年赛事内就拿到大满冠头衔。

Courtney Love在Kurt Cobain死后找过男人没有?

Courtney Love是个朋克,生活比较放荡,经常出去买春。他肯定和别的男人上过床,但是没有再婚,一个人带女儿。下面是一些报道:柯特妮·洛芙一克拉钻石买下英国名主持一夜春宵 !!据欧美娱乐媒体报道,一向以言论大胆私生活放浪不羁著称的美国女摇滚歌手、原著名摇滚乐队“涅磐”灵魂人物柯特·科本(Kurt Cobain)的遗孀柯特妮·洛芙日前又传出了绯闻。这回的男主角是一位比她小了整整10岁的英国“花花公子”电视主持人。两人日前被睹在伦敦一家豪华旅馆共渡“一夜春宵”,柯特妮还非常大方地赠送给了对方一颗一克拉的钻石作为礼物。 据英《太阳报》的报道,这位现年41岁的原摇滚乐队“洞穴”(Hole)女歌手日前被睹同31岁的英国电视主持人罗素·布兰德在伦敦豪华的“科拉瑞吉”旅馆开房共渡春宵,一夜缠绵之后,心情大好的柯特妮更陪同后者前往电视台观看其录制所主持的电视节目。柯特妮事后还亲口向一位密友透露自己对罗素那天晚上的表现非常满意,并出手非常大方地赠送给对方一颗一克拉的钻石作为礼物,“他真的太棒太‘可口"了!我送了他一颗一克拉的钻石,他的表现完全配得上这样的礼物。” 另据报道,即将推出新单曲《给上帝的信》的柯特妮日前向《X战警 III》导演布莱特·雷纳(Brett Ratner)发出了盛情邀请,希望对方担任该音乐新作品广告宣传片的策划。据悉这位曾执导过《尖锋时刻》、《沉默的羔羊前传:红龙》等一系列大片的著名电影导演已经愉快地接受了柯特妮的邀请

Kurt Cobain用的是什么款吉他

本经常在华盛顿州塔科马市的Guitar Maniacs和华盛顿州埃弗雷特市的Danny"s Music购买吉他设备。根据Guitar Maniacs拥有者Rick King的说法,“科本经常购买一大堆Univox Hi-Flyer吉他——P-90拾音器版本的和双线圈拾音器版本的。这些拾音器提供了巨大的输出并且绝对是飞跃巅峰般的感觉。他砸坏了许多这种吉他。在五年内,我们卖给他的平均价格为每把100美元。”双线圈配置的Univox Hi-Flyer吉他是科本在《Nevermind》时期之前最喜爱的吉他,他经常在舞台上使用这款吉他,而其他的吉他还包括了蓝色的Gibson SG以及在Guitar Maniacs购买的渐变色Greco Mustang复刻吉他。科本所购买的第一款原声吉他应该是一款Stella 12弦原声吉他,根据资料表明,这款吉他是在1989年10月12日所购买的,花费31.21美元。1990年4月,科本使用这把Stella吉他与Butch Vig一起在威斯康星州的Smart Studios录制了一些小样。但这把吉他的表现却并非特别的理想。“这把吉他很难维持基本的音准,”科本在1992年2月份接受Guitar World采访时告诉Jeff Gilbert。“我得用胶带来固定弦钮来保证音准。”关于这把吉他,它的钢弦被替换为了尼龙琴弦,但是在录音时只有五根琴弦的音是准的。然而,这把吉他的音色对于Butch Vig来说并不够优秀,而科本使用这把吉他演奏了原声版“Polly”的独奏部分。你可以在《Nevermind》中听到这段音轨。而对于科本来说,他似乎对所演奏的设备并没有什么要求,尤其是他所使用的效果器。在1990年的某个时期,科本在Guitar Maniacs购买了一个Electro-Harmonix Small Clone合唱效果器,而直到他结束生命之前,这都是他的设备中不可缺少的一部分。1991年1月1日,科本使用Small Clone来录制了“Aneurysm”,这首歌后来作为《Smells Like Teen Spirit》单曲的B面歌曲发行。





Kurt Cobain为什么自杀?


涅盘主唱Kurt Cobain为啥自杀?

Nirvana是一支80年代末诞生,在九十年代盛极一时的摇滚乐队。90年代,美国的失业危机重新抬头,朋克乐在音乐界再度爆炸,西雅图的Grunge音乐风暴引起了强烈的反响与轰动,Nirvana就是在这样的背景下诞生的。 主唱Kurt Cobain(库尔特·科班)生于1967年2月20日,8岁时父母离异,随母亲生活。在14岁生日那天他得到了第一把吉它, 从此与摇滚音乐结下了不解之缘。他同少年好友奎斯·诺沃斯里克(Chris Novoselic)以及后来加入其中 的戴夫·格罗尔(Dave Grohl)组成了震撼世界的乐队——Nirvana。科班和Nirvana在摇滚界取得的巨大成功,时至今日人们还觉得不可思议。评论界对柯特音乐的冲击力与震撼力赞不绝口,全世界成千上万的人为他们的音乐所倾倒。他们的成功给地下音乐界带来了一场革命,从此Grunge的大旗高高飘扬。取得巨大成功后的柯特·科本却不堪声名带给他的重负,他最终发现在那些荣誉与欢呼声背后,人们并不真正理解他的音乐,只是盲目地一哄而上,他感到彻骨的悲怆与孤独,只好将迷幻和麻醉作为逃避,终于,1994年4月的一天,他以一颗子弹结束了自己的生命, 从此Nirvana也随之解散。 在罗马期间,Kurt Cobain萌生自杀的念头,人们还发现了他写好的遗书。1994年3月1日,Nirvana在德国慕尼黑的演出成为乐队最后的一次公开表演。回国后,Kurt Cobain被强制送往康复中心戒毒。但仅过了两天,他便成功地从医院逃脱。1994年4月5日,Kurt Cobain开枪自杀。3天后,一个电工在工作时发现了Kurt Cobain的尸体,尸体身边带有一封遗书。 特定的历史环境造就了涅磐,而他们的灵魂人物 Kurt Cobain 对世界的态度限制了他的音乐创作空间。激烈的态度引导涅磐走向极端,他们认为只有这样才能有力地攻击世俗和伪善,他们缺乏宽容和责任感,他们无法看到他们所见的丑陋人性的另一面还有着仁爱、善良与光明。Kurt Cobain 的一意孤行最终只会导致自己和朋克音乐的死亡。 九三年十月十八日,涅磐参加了纽约不插电演唱会。用非电声乐器进行演出是涅磐对朋克的反抗。从《Unplugged In New York》中我感到涅磐其实已经开始触到了另一个音乐空间,这可能是他们新的出路,可他们仅仅看了一眼这扇门后就走开了。 Kurt Cobain 的自杀并不是他想表明自己对社会的抗争态度,而是因为他脆弱的心灵无法承受自己迷乱的精神世界。他的死是不负责任的,至少对不起他那不满两岁的孩子。 Kurt Cobain 不是受难者,因为他面对困苦时选择的是放弃,他是脆弱的,死后的 Kurt Cobain 不会也无法重生。涅磐代表的音乐与其所传递的生命精神只属于人类文明和社会进程中的一个片断,它在历史轮梯旋转的某一时刻会衰败,而在另一个未来时期可能又会以另外的面孔出现。

如何评价 Kurt Cobain 的吉他水平


谁能告诉我涅磐的主唱Kurt Cobain(柯特·科本)的真实死因?

Kurt Cobain 1967年2月20日生于阿伯丁 1994年4月8日死于西雅图 1993年10月18日Nirvana不插电演出在纽约举行。柯特除了唱了几首自己的歌外,还唱了其他乐队的作品,这些作品都离不开"名声"和"死亡",这已经在预示着后来的事。94年柯特的身体日益虚弱,他一直没有停止吸毒。三月,在罗马,柯特第一次自杀未遂之后,柯特进矫正中心戒毒。4月1日,他逃离中心。 4月8日,星期五。有人发现柯特倒在家中的地板上,耳边有一滩血迹,一只猎枪放在身体上,枪口位于腰部--- "在变老之前死去",柯特用自己的"涅磐"向腐朽、向后现代、向商业做出了最后、最坚决的抗争。 9点40分,西雅图KXRX电台播报了号外,Kurt Cobain自杀的死讯就这样传向世界。 还有一种传说 科本是被谋杀 有人对照了遗书上的笔迹 和科本的笔迹不符 认为是Courtney Love和奸夫 设计杀死了科本 并伪造自杀现场和遗书 个人不这么认为 love小姐给他最多的不是伤害而是爱护和帮助 与其苟延残喘 不如从容燃烧 这才是科本 才是Nirvana t Cobain的死成为了X一代的代言人,“我希望在变老前死去”、“不要相信超过30岁的人”沾染了他的鲜血而仿佛在一夜间成为了真理。J-CO]3 Novoselic、Grohl原本出一张现场双CD,但由于过份悲伤而无法投入工作。在这种情况下,《MTV Unplugged in New York》取代了它,专辑在1994年底上市。这张专辑再次成为英美两国的排行榜冠军。1996,专辑《From the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah》再次成为冠军专辑。fl@ Cobain死后,Grohl组成了Foo Fighters,1995年推出了首张专辑。Novoselic组建了rio Sweet 75,在1995年推出了处女作。.7{{ 推荐专辑:《Bleach》1989、《Nevermind》1991;E1 很全的

为什么 Kurt Cobain 会自杀?

Nirvana是一支80年代末诞生,在九十年代盛极一时的摇滚乐队。90年代,美国的失业危机重新抬头,朋克乐在音乐界再度爆炸,西雅图的Grunge音乐风暴引起了强烈的反响与轰动,Nirvana就是在这样的背景下诞生的。主唱Kurt Cobain的死是不负责任的,人们并不真正理解他的音乐,只是盲目的一哄而上,他感到彻骨的悲怆和孤独,只好将迷幻和麻醉作为逃避,最终,1994年4月的一天,他以一个子弹结束了自己的生命。弥留之际,他写下了一封遗书,在遗书中他留下了这样一句话:我想我最大的罪过在于自己曾怀着百分之百的快乐随意。这正是规避问题和逃避问题的趋向,是人类心理疾病的根源。人人都有逃避问题的倾向,因此大多数人的心理健康都存在缺陷,真正的健康者寥寥无几。一定的历史环境造就了Grunge,而他们的灵魂人物KurtCobain对世界的态度限制了它的音乐创作空间。激烈的态度引导Grunge走向极端,他们认为只有这样才能有力地攻击世俗和伪善。他们缺乏宽容和责任感,他们无法看到他们所见的丑陋人性的另一面还有着仁爱、善良与光明。Kurt Cobain的一意孤行最终只会导致自己和朋克音乐的死亡。因为Kurt Cobain的悲剧人格,才创造了伟大作品。而他最终不敌自己的心理疾病而选择离开人世。在患病的阶段他无法忍受病痛带来的折磨,却又害怕失去这一灵感。他的内心是矛盾的。也是以负情绪艰难的活着。

关于Kurt Cobain柯特.科本的传记

书:灿 烂 涅 磐JOURNAL (kurt的日志,他老婆整理的。不过中国没。你可以叫在国外的朋友帮你带)Heavier than heaven(据说是写KURT最牛的一本书,当然中国没有,不过同上)《Cobain Unseen》是新书。美国有。。书中包含了大量之前从未公开的有关Kurt Cobain的珍贵资料,包括Kurt的私人日记和照片,随书附赠的CD中还包含Kurt生前的录音片段。电影:ABOUT A SON LAST DAYS



Kurt Lewin Organization Change Theory 勒温组织变革过程模型

什么是卢因的三阶段变革过程模型?   库尔特·卢因(Kurt Lewin)是计划变革理论的创始人。卢因的三步骤过程是将变革看作是对组织平衡状态的一种打破,即解冻。解冻一旦完成,就可以推行本身的变革,但仅仅引入变革并不能确保它的持久,新的状态需要加以再冻结。这样才能使之保持一段相当长的时间。因此再解冻的目的是通过平衡驱动力和制约力两种力量,使新的状态稳定下来。 卢因的三阶段变革的具体内容   第一阶段:解冻(unfreezing)——创造变革的动力   组织必须清醒的认识到新的现实,与过去决裂,承认旧的做事方式不再可接受。组织在与那些不再发挥作用并要设法打破的结构和管理行为分开之前,要接受一个新的未来愿景将十分困难。   机制1:必须确定地否定目前的行为或态度或者在一段时间内不再强化或肯定;   机制2:这种否定必须建立足够的、能产生变革的迫切感;   机制3:通过减少变革的障碍,或通过减少对失败恐惧感来创造心理上的安全感。   第二阶段:变革(changing)——指明改变的方向,实施变革,使成员形成新的态度和行为。   组织创造并拥有一种未来愿景,并综合考虑达成这一目标所需要的步骤。安排变革的一个首要步骤是将整个组织团结在一个凝聚人心的愿景之下。这个愿景不仅包括其使命、哲学和战略目标的某种陈述,而且它旨在非常清晰地勾画出组织理想地未来样子。它被比喻为“组织梦-发挥想象力,鼓励人们对可能地情况进行再思考”。   机制1:对角色模型的认同。即学习一种新的观点,或确立一种新的态度的 最有效的方法,就是观看其他人是如何做的,并以这个人作为自己 形成新态度或新行为的榜样;   机制2:从客观实际出发,对多种信息加以选择,并在复杂的环境中筛选出 有关自己特殊问题的信息。   第三阶段:再冻结(refreezing)——稳定变革   当新的态度,实践与政策用于改变公司时,它们必须被“重新冻结”或固化。再冻结即把组织稳定在一个新的均衡状态,目的是保证新的工作方式不会轻易改变,这是对支撑这一变革的新行为的强化。   机制1:让成员有机会来检验新的态度和行为是否符合自己的具体情况。成员一开始对角色模型的认同可能很小,应当用鼓励的办法使之保持持久;   机制2:让成员有机会检验与他有重要关系的其他人是否接受和肯定新的态度。群体成员彼此强化新的态度和行为,个人的新态度和新行为可以保持更持久些。 变革中解冻的方法   库尔特·卢因 (勒温)的三步骤变革过程,描述成功的变革要求对现状予以解冻,然后变革到一种新的状态,并对新的变革予以再冻结,使之保持长久。现状可以看作是一种平衡状态,要打破这一平衡状态,解冻就是必要的,可以通过如下三种方式:   增强驱动力,使行为脱离现有状态;   减弱制动力,即妨碍脱离现有平衡状态的力量;   混合使用以上两种方法,组织很快恢复到平衡状态。   因此,自这种组织中追求稳定性和效率性是管理的主流方向。 卢因(勒温)的三阶段变革过程模型意义   卢因的组织变革模型奠定了组织变革理论研究的基础,他的这一典型的三部分过程模型后来被许多组织变革学家继承和发展。一般认为,组织变革有一个典型的过程模型,这个模型由3个部分构成:选取有缺陷的组织,让它通过艰难的过渡阶段,最终沉积于富足的理想状态。


陈冠希的《特警新人类2》影片信(听歌)息导演:陈木胜  演员:陈冠希( 听歌) 李灿森 Mark Hicks 保罗·路德 Maggie(听歌)Maggie Q 冯德伦(听歌)  发行公司:寰亚电影有限公司  地区:香港  语言:粤语, 英语  类型:动作  剧情概要  美国战略武器制造商成功研制全自动化的机械人RS1,届时机械人将可替代人类上战场!但机械人即将送抵香港参加一个高科技武器展,并惹来一群高科技罪犯垂涎。香港特警新人类()Match(冯德伦饰)、Alien(李灿森饰)被编排是次展览的保安工作,警队精英Edison(陈冠希饰)亦被召加入,惜Match与Edison曾有冲突,两人合作始终格格(听歌)不入。展览会开始前,Edison竟有朋自美国来,但原来他正是RS1电脑系统的黑客少年Kurt(孙国豪饰),Kurt及后更将他催眠,令Edison返回展览场地时开动了机械人,令场内造成重大破坏。Match、Edison及Alien叁个特警新人类最后要凭过人胆色和身手,经重重险阻,找到Kurt下落,但眼看众幕后黑手快要被伏法之际,Kurt竟在城内开动RS1,令RS1在人烟密集的香港发动一次城市战,三个血肉之躯最后会如何抵挡?

生活大爆炸 第一季 第六集 里lenerd 对 kurt说的那个猿人发现自己拇指的笑话什么意思



就像最基本的!!!他是有3男3女!!!就像职业不同一样,所以有3种选择, 他的属性是有手枪精通,还有发射器精通,还有散弹枪精通的!!!所以秘籍说是3个角色,就是3种职业

EXCEL 【KURT】函数,你知道如何使用吗?

在使用EXCEL中,许多函数都是我们需要掌握的,但是有些用户却不知道KURT函数,不要担心,下面带你来认识,快来看看吧。 KURT函数功能 返回数据集的峰值.峰值反映与正态分布相比某一分布的尖锐度或平坦度.正峰值表示相对尖锐的分布.负峰值表示相对平坦的分布 KURT函数语法 KURT(number1,number2,...) 翻译白话格式: KURT(计算区域) 参数说明 Number:是用于计算峰值的1到30个参数。也可以不使用这种用逗号分隔参数的形式,而用单个数组或数组引用的形式 注意事项: 1.参数可以是数字,或者是包含数字的名称、数组或引用 2.如果数组或引用参数包含文本、逻辑值或空白单元格,则这些值将被忽略;但包含零值的单元格将计算在内 3.如果数据点少于4个,或样本标准偏差等于0,函数KURT返回错误值#DIV/0! 4.峰值的计算公式如下: 式中:S为样本的标准偏差 KURT函数使用方法实例 你学会了吗? 谢谢大家的观看,我们下一期再见,如果有什么问题欢迎评论区留言或私信我们 想学习更多的函数知识,欢迎关注转发

kurtlar vadisi pusu 129,这电影 还有两个月后,在可以播放,,,,,什么愿意谁的不知道??

kino ning dawami qik man di gan du amdi ?????

Nirvana主唱kurt cobain的遗书内容是什么?

To Boddah: Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile complaind. This note should be pretty easy to understand.All the warnings from the Punk Rock 101 Courses over the years, it"s my first introduction to the, shall we say ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community has been proven to be very true. I haven"t felt the excitement of listening to, as well as creating music, along with really writing something for too many years now. I feel guilty beyond words about these things,for example when we"re backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowd begins. It doesn"t affect me in the way which it did for Freddie Mercury, who seemed to love and relish the love and admiration from the crowd,which is something I totally admire and envy. The fact is,I can"t fool you, any of you. It simply isn"t fair to you,or to me. The worst crime can think of would be to pull people off by faking it, pretending as if I"m having one 100% fun. Sometimes I feeln as though I should have a punch-in time clock before I walk out on-stage. I"ve tried everything within my power to appreciate it, and I do,God believe me, I do, but it"s not enough. I appreciate the fact that I, and we, have affected, and entertained a lot of people. I must be one of the narcisists who only appreciate things when they"re alone. I"m too sensitive,I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasm.But, what"s sad is our child. On our last three tours, I"ve had a much better appreciation of all the people I"ve known personally, and as fans of our music. But I still can"t get out the frustration, the guilt, and the sympathy I have for everybody. There is good in all of us, and I simply love people too much. So much that it makes me feel too fucking sad. The sad little sensitive unappreciative pisces Jesus man! why don"t you just enjoy it? I dont know! I have a of a wide who sweats ambition and empadny,and a daughter who reminds me to much of what I use to be.full of love and joy, every person she meets because everyone is good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me to the point to where I can barely function. I cant stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable self destructive, deathrocker she become. I have it good, very good,and I"m grateful, but since the age of seven, I"ve become hateful towards all humans in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along and have empathy. Empathy only because I love and feel for people too much I guess.Thank you from the pit of my burning nauseas stomach for your letters and concern during the last years. I"m too much of a neurotic moody person and I don"t have the passion anymore,so remember, it"s better to burn out, than fade away. Peace, love, empathy, Kurt Cobain Frances and Courtney, I"ll be at your altar. Please keep going Courtney for Frances for her life which will be so much happier without me. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU! 致巴达: 这是一个饱经沧桑的傻子发出的声音,他其实更愿做个柔弱而孩子气的诉苦人。这张条子应该很容易理解。所有的警告都来自于这些年来的‘朋克摇滚101",自从我第一次介入那包含着独立性、应当称为道德原则的东西之后,你们团结一致的拥戴已证明是非常真实的。我已经好多年都不能从听音乐,写音乐以及读和写东西中感到激奋了。对于这些事我感到了一种难以形诸文字的负罪感。比如说,但我们来到后台,灯火熄灭,人们狂躁的咆哮响起,这一切对我的影响就远不如对Freddy Mercury(“QUEEN”乐队主唱,1991年因艾滋病辞世。)影响那么大,,他似乎喜欢而且把玩那些从人群中而来的爱与赞美——那正是我赞赏与嫉妒的一切。 事实上我无法欺骗你们,无法欺骗你们中的任何一人。那对你对我都不公平。我能想起的最大罪恶便是欺骗人们,装模作样,做出一副我100%地快乐的样子。 有时候我似乎应当在出场之前有台打卡机。我尽了我全部的力量去喜欢这一切,我的确也喜欢。但这还不够。我喜欢这一事实,即我和我们乐队感染和款待了不少人。我太敏感了。我必须清度麻醉才能重获我在孩提时代曾有过的热情。在我们最后的三次巡演中,我对所结识的所有的人和我们音乐的歌迷都有了更多的欣赏,但我还是无法克服我对每个人都抱有挫折感、负罪感和同情。在我们所有人中都有善意,我就是太爱人们了!爱的太多以至于让我感到真的太他妈忧郁,一个略为忧郁的、敏感的、不领情的、双鱼座的耶稣式的人物! 我有一个女神般的妻子,她为理想和打动人而拼命努力,我还有个女儿,她让我回忆起我的很多过去,她对那些她遇到的人致以全部的爱和快乐的吻,因为每个人都那么好,而且不会对她有任何伤害。这也让我惊恐万分,以至于我只会瞠目结舌。我没法容忍那种想法,就是弗兰西丝将变成象我这样自我毁灭、走向绝路的摇滚歌手。 我快乐的拥有一切,非常快乐。我充满感激。可自打我7岁以来,我总的来说就对人类充满了仇视,仅仅因为人们似乎太过容易地友好相处,而且还会同情,同情!仅仅因为我觉得自己对人们有太多的爱与同情。从我那燃烧而令人欲呕的胃之深处感激你们所有的人,感激你们在过去岁月里所有的来信和关心。我是个太过反常和抑郁的小子!我已经没有任何激情了,所以要记住“与其苟延残喘,不如从容燃烧!” 和平,爱,同情。 Kurt Cobain Frances 和 Courtney, 我会伴你们到老 Courtney 请继续前行, 为了Frances ,为了她的生活 没有我她的生活会快乐许多。 我爱你们!爱你们!! 最后那句很有名气的样子——与其苟延残喘,不如从容燃烧采纳哦

有谁知道涅磐的Kurt 遗书的英文原版?

To Boddah pronounced  Speaking from the tongue of an experienced simpleton who obviously would rather be an emasculated, infantile camplainee.  This note should be pretty easy to understand. All the warnings from the punk rock 101 courses over the years. Since my first introduction to the, shall we say, ethics involved with independence and the embracement of your community has proven to be very true. I haven"t felt the excitement of listening to as well as creating music along with reading and writing for too many years now. I feel guilty beyond words about these things. For example when we"re backstage and the lights go out and the manic roar of the crowd begins it doesn"t affect the way in which it did for Freddy Mercury who seemed to love and relish in the love and adoration from the crowd. Which is something I totally admire and envy. The fact is I can"t fool you. Any one of you. It simply isn"t fair to you or me. The worst crime I can think of would be to rip people off by faking it and pretending as if I"m having 100 % fun. Sometimes I feel as if I should have a punch in time clock before I walk out on stage. I"ve tried everything within my power to appreciate it, and I do. God, believe me I do but it"s not enough.  I appreciate the fact that I and we have affected and entertained a lot of people. I must be one of one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they"re gone. I"m too sensitive. I need to be slightly numb in order to regain the enthusiasm I once had as a child. On our last three tours I"ve had a much better appreciation for all the people I"ve known personally and as fans of our music, but I still can"t get over the frustration, the guilt and empathy I have for everyone. There"s good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much. So much that it makes me feel too ** sad. The sad little, sensitive, unappreciative, pisces Jesus man! Why don"t you just enjoy it? I don"t know. I have a goddess of a wife who sweats ambition and empathy and a daughter who reminds me too much of what I used to be.  Full of love and joy kissing every person she meets because everyone is good and will do her no harm. And that terrifies me to the point to where I can barely function. I can"t stand the thought of Frances becoming the miserable self-destructive, death rocker that I"ve become. I have it good, very good, and I"m grateful, but since the age of seven I"ve become hateful towards all humans in general. Only because it seems so easy for people to get along, and have empathy. Empathy! Only because I love and feel for people too much I guess. Thank you all from the pit of my burning nauseous stomach for your letters and concern during the past years. I"m too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don"t have the passion anymore and so remember, its better to burn out than to fade away. peace, love, empathy.  Kurt Cobain  Frances and Courtney, I"ll be at your alter.  Please keep going Courtney  For Frances  For her life which will be so much happier without me.  I Love you. I love you!网上搜的,不知道是不是?

体验式培训师不得不知之库尔特·哈恩(Kurt Hahn)

再次打开介绍库尔特·哈恩的网站(www.kurt Hahn.org),引入眼帘的依旧是那张哈恩博士的演讲图,一个精神矍铄的老人和他“温和而坚定”的眼神。 主页关于哈恩博士的介绍,短短两段文字,足以引起你对他深入了解好奇心,原文如下: Kurt Hahn was a key figure in the development of experiential education. He was the founder of the the Atlantic College, the first United World College, the Duke of Edinburgh"s Award, Gordonstoun, Outward Bound, and Salem. Many other institutions, such as the Atlantic Challenge, the Kurt Hahn Trust, and Round Square, were initiated by others who were inspired by his ideas. KurtHahn.org was founded in 1999 by Charles Costello and Liz Cunningham – with the generous assistance of the Kurt Hahn Archive and numerous staff from Hahn-inspired schools – to provide access to Hahn"s speeches and writings about him. Kurt Hahn was born June 5th, 1886 and died December 14th, 1974. “There is more in you than you think” is an inscription found on the wall of a family home in Belgium before World War II. It became one of the leitmotivs of his philosophy: that each of us has more courage, strength and compassion than we would ever have fathomed. Kurt Hahn"s calling in life was to help people realize this truth about themselves. We hope you find similar inspiration here. 通过学习了解外展训练和它的创始人库尔特·哈恩的相关资料,尤其是关于哈恩本人所写的文章,可以了解在他的带动和倡议下,形成的一系列教育活动、教育思想和教育模型,包括大家熟知的爱丁堡公爵奖、联合世界学院、Trevelyan奖学金和圆形广场等。此外,体验教育协会(The Association for Experiential Education)也有大量可以找到的关于Kurt Hahn的各类研究资料。 在开启了解库尔特·哈恩教育思想的同时,向上世纪最具教育创意的库尔特·哈恩博士致敬。 关于库尔特·哈恩的教育思想,可以从他最早的三次演讲开始。1936年哈恩创立戈登斯顿学校后不久发表的演讲,被公认为他早期演讲的开篇之作,演讲的题目是《教育与和平:现代社会的基础》。 原文如下:By Kurt Hahn On his death bed my late chief, Prince Max of Baden, wrote a letter to a leading European statesman in which he uttered a grave warning - The League of Nations was a magnificent edifice, but it would break down because it was erected on the rotten foundation of the Versailles Treaty, that is to say, on hatred and distrust. Nothing would save the League and the peace of the world but the revision of the Treaty. That was in 1929. At this perilous moment of the world"s history, Western civilisation is making frantic efforts to establish the peace of nations, but the building of class peace is a task no less compelling. We follow with faith and hope those healing movements meant to help the unemployed. We look forward to an ever-improving mechanism of arbitration and conciliation in the labour disputes of the future, but what will all these plans and structures avail if they are built on the unsafe foundation of class distrust and class strangeness. To use a simile: A gigantic dam for water works was erected in the south of Germany. The best engineers had planned and supervised the building of this dam; the structure was flawless, but it was erected on crumbling stone, and with this stone the dam gave way. Nothing but goodwill between nations and classes can save this generation from wars and revolutions. And education can help to build this bedrock of goodwill as a foundation of the society to be. I take liberty to mention in this context the Salem-Gordonstoun contribution. We have seventy boys in Gordonstoun, and of these, twenty percent are non-British, and among them are five different nationalities. The boy growing up in brotherhood with foreigners, cannot help but learn to care about the rights and the happiness of at least one other nation. A German boy would realise what sea power meant for your sense of security; and a British. boy would taste some of the German anxiety, when the Russian bear and French cock are beginning to growl and crow in unison round our unprotected frontiers. Patriotism does not become diluted; on the contrary, it grows up stronger and nobler by including the love of humanity. I have no respect for the tribal fervour which extols one"s own virtues and blinds one to the virtues of one"s neighbours. I remember one of my German professors; he was a charming Jingo. He felt disturbed by the fact that our great philosopher, Kant, had a father of Aberdeenshire origin. He said in the lecture room: "Gentlemen, the man who has given the Categorical Imperative to the world, that is the supremacy of moral duty - this man cannot possibly have had a Scottish father, at least, as I imagine Scottish people to be." Probably the only Scottish characters he knew were some wild and shaggy Shetland ponies, which were, at that time, driven about in the parks of Berlin. I have no more sympathy with that nice English boy who settled a controversy of his younger brothers about what the Lord looked like, whether he had a beard or not. He settled it by saying, "What does it matter so long as he is an Englishman?" Such sentiments do not thrive in a community where boys of different nations share the experiences of an enthralling school life. To what extent the sense of justice can be quickened in the young I should like to illustrate by the protest of a Salem boy, which,I am afraid, was directed against me and one of my statements on international affairs. I was explaining the Versailles Treaty to a Salem class, and had related that unforgettable incident in Versailles when the outraged sense of justice of one man achieved the changing of an important article. The Saar article in its original form not only stipulated a plebiscite after 15 years and the endorsement of a favorable plebiscite by the Council of the League, but also that even then the Saar River was not to return to Germany unless Germany had previously bought back the coal mines. Then Dr. Simons, the late Lord Chief Justice of Germany, flared up, and said, "For the first time in history men are treated as chattels of coal mines." This indignant outcry was transmitted to a note, and through the note to the English delegation, who saw to it that this outrage was ejected from the Treaty. In the next lesson I spoke of the Eastern section of the Treaty. I was justly indignant about the Corridor and the Upper Silesia settlement, but, unfortunately, tribal fervour swept me along, and I also took objection to the cession of Posen, which was inhabited by an indisputably Polish population. I objected on the strength of the fact that Berlin had lost with Posen its chief potato base. Then a boy of 15 flared up like a Lord Chief Justice, and said, "Mr Hahn, you are treating Polish men as chattels of potato fields." I am sure this healthy rebuke was only administered because there was an admixture of foreign boys exercising a salubrious influence on the spirit of equity throughout the school. In the same way children should, during their adolescence, experience the brotherhood of classes. In Gordonstoun we are grading the fees according to the incomes of the parents. Before long we hope only to charge a nominal fee for our day boys, as we did in Salem. Distances should not deter. It takes as long to go in a motorbus from Burghead to Gordonstoun as it took me to walk in my Oxford days from my College to Worcester College, where I attended lectures. All our boys learn a craft, not from artisans who come to us, but from artisans whom they seek out in their own workshops. They go to the boat-builder, to the smith, to the carpenter. They will go to the engineer and the sail-maker. I have the same experience as at home: your sterling artisans have a greater horror of half-finished work than the schoolmaster. Every one of our boys learns how to groom a horse; many of them learn gardening. In this way all sense the dignity of manual labour. They try to serve this beautiful district. Our boys have built a coast-guard hut. The Board of Trade have installed a telephone and lent us a life-saving outfit. Whenever there is a summons from headquarters in Aberdeen they man the hut and watch day and night. When they come back in the morning they have an expression in their eyes such as you see in fishermen who are in the habit of looking out to the horizon. They know they are never called out unless there is real anxiety: Life-saving requires soldierly drill, precise and brisk as any drill for martial purposes, but it is a good thought that mass discipline such as this aims at the saving, not the destruction, of lives. In the holidays the Gordonstoun duties are taken over by the Hopeman Rovers. Hopeman, indeed, has proved a good brother to us. They have lent us the beautiful voices of their boys for out Nativity Play. We hope next year to throw open our natural stadium to all the neighbourhood, so that every Morayshire boy, whether he goes to school in Gordonstoun or elsewhere, can train and be trained with us how to jump, to run, and to throw. Jumping develops decision; throwing, strength; running, the power to tap one"s hidden reserves. We intend to present the Gordonstoun badge to all those who pass certain tests which are within the reach of every normal boy. We would add one condition, that during their training period, which extends over a year, they observe our rules of health. They have to take a cold shower, they have to abstain from drinking and smoking. It is our duty to equip this growing generation, irrespective of class, with willing bodies. It is our duty also to train them in self-discipline. Freedom and discipline are not enemies, they are friends. If you throw a glance at the boys of any public or secondary school you find them up to the age of thirteen full of curiosity, courteous, animated by high and good spirits. Then they reach the awkward age. They often lose their freshness and their charm, sometimes forever. I belong to a secret society called the Anti-lout Society. The Salem system tries to preserve a child"s strength intact through the difficult, the loutish years, and to hand it to the man as a life-long source of strength. I should like to tell you of an episode which took place a few months ago. I told a Professor of a London hospital that Ernst Hofmann, the Professor of Education in, Heidelberg, once said in a lecture, "If I travel through the length and breadth of Germany and meet young people between the ages of 15 and 20, with a radiance in their eyes reflecting the unbroken strength of childhood, I ask them, `Are you from Salem?" And they generally are." The London Professor looked .rather incredulous. Some weeks . after this a young German entered his office to apply for permission to work in this London hospital. The Professor saw a certain light in his face, and asked him, "Are you from Salem?" The answer was in the affirmative. Morayshire is a training centre district, receiving health from the district, and one day, we hope to give it out. Jean Jaures said, “Nations are treasure-houses of humanity.” I believe he is right, and I add, “Counties are treasure-houses of nations.” 注:文章引自库尔特·哈恩官方网站,原文自因弗内斯信使,1936年3月24日 哈恩做这次演讲时,他是英国莫雷郡戈登斯顿学校的校长。在此之前,他已经开始了自己的教育理念,在瑞士、奥地利和德国交界处的博登湖,也就是康斯坦斯湖畔建立了著名的塞勒姆学校,演讲中可以看出库尔特·哈恩的教育理念和教育格局,值得所有从事相关教育同仁学习。

Lewin, Kurt

勒温[Lewin, Kurt] (1890.9.9,德国 莫吉尔诺~1947.2.12,美国 马萨诸塞州 牛顿维尔) 心理, 人物小传 德国出生的美国社会心理学家。曾在柏林学习和任教,后移居美国,在艾奥瓦大学任教(1935~1945),后任麻省理工学院团体动力学研究中心主任(1945~1947)。以其行为场的理论最为著名,认为人类的行为是个体心理环境的作用。按照勒温的理论,为了充分认识和预言人的行为,必须考虑一个人的心理场或“生活空间”中所有事件的整体。他的著作包括《个人动态理论》(1935)和《社会科学场论》(1951)。 Biography In 1890, he was born into a Jewish family in Mogilno, Poland (then in County of Mogilno, province of Posen, Prussia). He served in the German army when World War I began. Due to a war wound, he returned to the University of Berlin to complete his Ph.D., with Carl Stumpf (1848 - 1936) the supervisor of his doctoral thesis. He died in Newtonville, Massachusetts of a heart-attack in 1947. He was buried in his home town. Lewin had originally been involved with schools of behavioral psychology before changing directions in research and undertaking work with psychologists of the Gestalt school of psychology, including Max Wertheimer and Wolfgang Kohler. Lewin often associated with the early Frankfurt School, originated by an influential group of largely Jewish Marxists at the Institute for Social Research in Germany. But when Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933 the Institute members had to disband, moving to England and then to America. In that year, he met with Eric Trist, of the London Tavistock Clinic. Trist was impressed with his theories and went on to use them in his studies on soldiers during the Second World War. Lewin emigrated to the United States in August 1933 and became a naturalized citizen in 1940. Lewin worked at Cornell University and for the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station at the University of Iowa. Later, he went on to become director of the Center for Group Dynamics at MIT. While working with at MIT in 1946, Lewin received a phone call from the Director of the Connecticut State Inter Racial Commission requesting help to find an effective way to combat religious and racial prejudices. He set up a workshop to conduct a "change" experiment, which laid the foundations for what is now known as sensitivity training [2] . In 1947, this led to the establishment of the National Training Laboratories, at Bethel, Maine. Carl Rogers believed that sensitivity training is "perhaps the most significant social invention of this century." [3] Following WWII Lewin was involved in the psychological rehabilitation of former occupants of displaced persons camps with Dr. Jacob Fine at Harvard Medical School. When Eric Trist and A T M Wilson wrote to Lewin proposing a journal in partnership with their newly founded Tavistock Institute and his group at MIT, Lewin agreed. The Tavistock journal, Human Relations, was founded with two early papers by Lewin entitled "Frontiers in Group Dynamics". Lewin taught for a time at Duke University. [4] [edit] Work Lewin coined the notion of genidentity, [5] which has gained some importance in various theories of space-time and related fields. He also proposed Herbert Blumer"s interactionist perspective of 1937 as an alternative to the nature versus nurture debate. Lewin suggested that neither nature (inborn tendencies) nor nurture (how experiences in life shape individuals) alone can account for individuals" behavior and personalities, but rather that both nature and nurture interact to shape each person [6] . This idea was presented in the form of Lewin"s Equation for behavior B=(P,E). Prominent psychologists mentored by Kurt Lewin included Leon Festinger (1919 - 1989), who became known for his cognitive dissonance theory (1956) [7] , environmental psychologist Roger Barker, Bluma Zeigarnik, and Morton Deutsch, the founder of modern conflict resolution theory and practice. [edit] Force field analysis Force field analysis provides a framework for looking at the factors (forces) that influence a situation, originally social situations. It looks at forces that are either driving movement toward a goal (helping forces) or blocking movement toward a goal (hindering forces). The principle, developed by Kurt Lewin, is a significant contribution to the fields of social science, psychology, social psychology, organizational development, process management, and change management. [8] [edit] Action research Lewin, then a professor at MIT, first coined the term “action research” in about 1944, and it appears in his 1946 paper “Action Research and Minority Problems”. [9] In that paper, he described action research as “a comparative research on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action and research leading to social action” that uses “a spiral of steps, each of which is composed of a circle of planning, action, and fact-finding about the result of the action”. [edit] Leadership climates Lewin often characterized organizational management styles and cultures in terms of leadership climates defined by [10] (1) authoritarian, (2) democratic and (3) laissez-faire work environments. Authoritarian environments are characterized where the leader determines policy with techniques and steps for work tasks dictated by the leader in the division of labor. The leader is not necessarily hostile but is aloof from participation in work and commonly offers personal praise and criticism for the work done. Democratic climates are characterized where policy is determined through collective processes with decisions assisted by the leader. Before accomplishing tasks, perspectives are gained from group discussion and technical advice from a leader. Members are given choices and collectively decide the division of labor. Praise and criticism in such an environment are objective, fact minded and given by a group member without necessarily having participated extensively in the actual work. Laissez faire environments give freedom to the group for policy determination without any participation from the leader. The leader remains uninvolved in work decisions unless asked, does not participate in the division of labor, and very infrequently gives praise. (Miner 2005: 39-40) [11] [edit] Change process An early model of change developed by Lewin described change as a three-stage process. The first stage he called "unfreezing". It involved overcoming inertia and dismantling the existing "mind set". Defense mechanisms have to be bypassed. In the second stage the change occurs. This is typically a period of confusion and transition. We are aware that the old ways are being challenged but we do not have a clear picture as to what we are replacing them with yet. The third and final stage he called "freezing". The new mindset is crystallizing and one"s comfort level is returning to previous levels. This is often misquoted as "refreezing" (see Lewin K (1947) Frontiers in Group Dynamics). [edit] Lewin"s equation The Lewin"s Equation, B=(P,E), is a psychological equation of behavior developed by Kurt Lewin. It states that behavior is a function of the person and his or her environment [12] . The equation is the psychologist"s most well known formula in social psychology, of which Lewin was a modern pioneer. When first presented in Lewin"s book Principles of Topological Psychology, published in 1936, it contradicted most popular theories in that it gave importance to a person"s momentary situation in understanding his or her behavior, rather than relying entirely on the past. [13] 维基百科全书查德







Axl Rose和Kurt Cobain有什么过节?

尽管Axl Rose正忙者筹备一张全新的专集,有一点可以肯定,以前的GNR是一去不返了,因为以前的乐队成员早已各奔前程(也可以说是被Axl Rose一个一个赶走的,尽管他不承认)。Axl Rose当初能买下GUN N"ROSE这个名字的使用权,据说是耍了手腕的。有一次现场演出时他以拒不上台为要挟,一定要Slash和Izzy同意让他买下GUN N"ROSE的名字。他们居然同意了。(Axl Rose的高智商难道就体现在这儿?) Axl Rose,1962年2月6日生于美国印地安那州,拉法耶特。原名Billy Bailey。直至17岁才得知生父姓Rose,就改名为W Axl Rose。一个文字游戏:将A X L R O S E重新排列一下,就是 O R A L S E X。这是他名字的由来。小时候曾混迹教堂唱诗班,学会钢琴。那时,老师总是奇怪为什么总会在男声部听到一个高亢的女声。读小学时,老师也会让他在课间爬到树上,演唱猫王的歌曲。回到家里,Axl可不能为所欲为了,拒他说继父经常虐待他和母亲,他常常被摔得横飞过走道。尽管家里表示会资助他读大学,他还是只身坐船来到洛山矶,投靠老乡--已经在一个乐队混出一点名堂的Izzy Strandlin。组建乐队的过程是艰辛的,他们曾试着一天仅靠三美圆过活。 Axl Rose 的臭脾气人尽皆知,早在印地安那他就被逮捕过不下二十次。他好象老是会在开演唱会时与人大打出手,为他的歌迷打抱不平。不过有一次,有一个芝加哥商人调侃Axl Rose是“Bon Jovi look alike”,结果Axl毫不留情的给了他一拳。不知道他和Bon Jovi是什么时候结下了梁子呢,还是对Bon Jovi特别看不上眼,总之就是极不友好甚至到了用歌词攻击BJ的地步。好在Bon Jovi一直对此没有做出激烈的反应,可能是为了维持自己一贯的健康形象,再说,道不同不相与谋嘛。凭心而论,你不觉得他们两个有的时候真的很象吗? 不过Axl Rose和Kurt Cobain之间倒真的有过那么一场“战争”。在一场颁奖典礼(1992MTV MUSIC AWARDS?)的后台,所有人都在用餐,只见Axl带了五个人高马大的保镖趾高气昂的走了进来。经过Kurt Cobain和Courtney Love的餐桌时,Courtney Love冲着他嚷道:“Axl,would you like to be our child"s godfather?”(摆明了调戏他) Axl毫不客气地对Kurt Cobain吼道“Shut your BITCH up!” Kurt Cobain转身笑着对Courtney Love说了句“Shut up bitch!” 这番情景引得哄堂大笑,Axl Rose红着脸掉头走掉了。这件事是Kurt Cobain在芬兰的一场演唱会透露的。然后在一次接受采访时,Kurt Cobain把Guns n"Roses的音乐说得一钱不值,得罪了不少GNR的歌迷。他们送给Kurt Cobain一个“Mr.No Brain”的称号,告戒他不要口无遮拦,树敌太多。据说在这些事情发生之前,Axl Rose对Nirvana是很有好感的。Nirvana的“Never Mind”荣登销量排行榜冠军以后,Axl Rose还发电报向Kurt Cobain表示祝贺,并头戴写有NIRVANA字样的棒球帽出现在公开场合。(看来这两人的脾气一样令人难以捉摸。)




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Kurt Cobain的女儿叫什么名字?

Francis Bean Cobain


301Kurt % Rachel Ding Dong, The Witch is DeadBlaine It"s not unusual302Kurt I"m the Greatest StarBlaine Something"s Coming304 Blaine& all Last Friday Night 305Rachel & Blaine One Hand, One HeartRachel & Blaine Tonight307Klaine Perfect308Blaine & Finn, Puck Man in the Mirror309Rachel & Blaine Extraordinary Merry ChristmasKlaine Let It SnowRachel & Mercedes & Kurt My Favorite Things311Blaine & Artie, Santana BadKurt & Finn & Rachel Ben Black or WhiteBlaine & all Wanna Be Starting Somethin"313Klaine & Mercedes Loveshack314Blaine Cough Syrup

欢乐合唱团第四季04集中Finn,Rachel ,Kurt和Blaine在纽约时4个人一起唱的那首歌叫什么名字?

don"t speak么?





Die Kombo&Kurti Ostbahn的《57 Engeln》 歌词

歌曲名:57 Engeln歌手:Die Kombo&Kurti Ostbahn专辑:Live-Die ComboEngel (rammstein) Xero整理制作Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erden 有谁一生不耽于幻想wird nach dem Tod ein Engel werden 希望死后成为天使den Blick gen Himmel fragst du dann 向天堂看了一眼后你问warum man sie nicht sehen kann 为什么人们看不到他们erst wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen 只有当云雾睡去kann man uns am Himmel sehn人们才能在天堂看到我们wir haben Angst und sind allein 我们带着恐惧并且非常孤独Gott wei? ich will kein Engel sein上帝知道我不想成为天使... 猥琐神教Xero整理制作Sie leben hinterm Sonnernschein 他们生活在阳光的背后getrennt von uns unendlich weit 与我们的距离无边际的遥远sie müssen sich an Sterne krallen 他们必须紧紧地抓住星星damit sie nicht vom Himmel fallen 那样好使他们不会从天堂掉下来erst wenn die Wolken schlafen gehen 只有当云雾睡去kann man uns am Himmel sehn 人们才能在天堂看到我们wir haben Angst und sind allein 我们带着恐惧并且非常孤独Gott wei? ich will kein Engel sein 上帝知道我不想成为天使...Gott wei? ich will kein Engel sein 上帝知道我不想成为天使...Gott wei? ich will kein Engel sein 上帝知道我不想成为天使...Erst wenn die Wolken schlafengehn 只有当云雾睡去kann man uns am Himmel sehn 人们才能在天堂看到我们wir haben Angst und sind allein 我们带着恐惧并且非常孤独Gott wei? ich will kein Engel sein 上帝知道我不想成为天使...Gott wei? ich will kein Engel sein 上帝知道我不想成为天使...Gott wei? ich will kein Engel sein 上帝知道我不想成为天使...Gott wei? ich will kein Engel sein 上帝知道我不想成为天使...http://music.baidu.com/song/10221095

Niwana的主唱Kurt Cobain


Kurt Mambo的《Creep》 歌词

歌曲名:Creep歌手:Kurt Mambo专辑:The Return Of AlleinunterhalterRadioHead - CreepRadioHead 摇滚音乐史上最棒的乐团—电台司令When you were here before 你在我面前的那一刻Couldn"t look you in the eye 不敢直视你的双眼You"re just like an angel 你就像一个天使Your skin makes me cry 你的肌肤让我哭泣You float like a feather 你像羽毛一般飘浮In a beautiful world 在美丽的世界里And I wish I was special 我希望我是特殊的You"re so fuckin" special 你更是如此与众不同But I"m a creep, I"m a weirdo. 而我是一只爬虫,一个古怪的人What the hell am I doing here? 我究竟在这里干什么?I don"t belong here. 我不属于这里I don"t care if it hurts 如果受伤我不介意I want to have control 我想要好好把握I want a perfect body 我想要一个完美的身体I want a perfect soul 我想要一个完美的灵魂I want you to notice 我希望你能觉察到When I"m not around 当我不在你身旁You"re so fuckin" special 你是如此与众不同I wish I was special 我希望我也是特殊的But I"m a creep, I"m a weirdo. 而我是一只爬虫,一个古怪的人What the hell am I doing here? 我究竟在这里干什么?I don"t belong here. 我不属于这里 噢…… 噢……She"s running out again 她再度离开She"s running out 她离开了She"s run run run running out... 她……Whatever makes you happy 无论什么让你幸福快乐Whatever you want 无论你想要什么You"re so fuckin" special 你是如此与众不同I wish I was special... 我希望我也是特殊的...But I"m a creep, I"m a weirdo 而我是一只爬虫,一个古怪的人What the hell am I doing here? 我究竟在这里干什么?I don"t belong here. 我不属于这里.I don"t belong here…… 我不属于这儿……凉COFFEE制作http://music.baidu.com/song/2608985

牛蛙沙发的德国牛蛙创始人兼首席设计师KURT BEIER

1967 – 1969 瓷器陶器成型师学徒1969 – 1972 德国SELB大学应用科学院进修瓷器陶器设计1972 – 1973 BAUMANN设计室设计师, 主要负责瓷器,玻璃器皿, 包装以及展览设计1974 – 1981 KOINOR沙发设计部主管1981 创建DESIGN STUDIO KURTBEIER(库特·拜仁设计工作室) 为以下公司设计KOINOR,OBERLE&HAUS, GEHA, HUMMEL, ADOROS, JAEGERZ LLNER, EASY BABY, LEU 等1987 - 1991 兼任德国COBURG大学应用科学学院室内设计专业助理 教授1994 合作创立BULLFROG公司1995 创立BLAUFABRIK公司, 当今BLAUFABRIK是BULLFROG的总公司 以及产品展示中心2004 为德国著名礼品公司NICI, 设计 NICI HOME 系列产品2005 为MCA LICHTENSTEIN设计MAC系列产品, 同时为WEHRSD RFER 设计多媒体组合柜

为什么kurt Cobain那么讨厌Axl Rose?

Kurt Cobain与Axl Rose相互憎恨的内在原因 KURT是GOD,AXL是DEVIL KURT是试图将世界变成完美天堂的GOD,因为他的本质是要求完美的 AXL是企图将这个世界变成SHIT的DEVIL,因为他的本质是破罐子破摔 (这个世界和99。9%的人是比较ASS的) KURT一直因这个垃圾的世界而悲痛,只能撕心裂肺地狂暴呐喊 AXL始终对这个荒诞的世界进行嘲笑,用最SHIT的方式对待所有事情 KURT因渴望圣洁永恒的爱而痛不欲生 AXL歧视女性的虚伪,用最SHIT的方式对待她们 KURT只要活着内心中永远积压着排泄不了的郁愤和痛苦 AXL只要有机会就毫无保留地恶心世界 KURT承受不了弥漫在他精神世界中的那种永久滞留着的悲痛,而悄悄地远离了 AXL狂乱地SHIT完THIS,FUCK完THAT后,发现垃圾的世界还是原样,没有显现出比较级,也默然缄口了 KURT也是DEVIL,他喜欢自暴自弃成为DEVIL的样子,用恶魔的方式去反抗 而AXL不是GOD,他是个看透世界而教你如何去面对恶心世界的SMART GUY KURT和AXL曾经相互仇恨,攻击对方。KURT鄙视,嘲笑他是因为自己是个DEVILFUL GOD,本质是GOD。AXL恨他,嫉妒他因为自己是个DEVILFUL HUMAN,本质是HUMAN KURT的离去不是死去,GOD的灵魂和精神永存 AXL仍健在,他是人类中的大师,但会死 I love Kurt Cobain,因为我的本质和他一样样 thanks to Axl Rose,因为他的态度让我学会怎样去苟延一阵子 音乐的两种层次,一是SOUL;二是ATTITUDE 介于GOD,HUMAN和DEVIL间的可以是BON JOVI(有很多),突然提他是因为他被很多只具ATTITUDE性质的人看低了,that"s not fair OK,ALL HAS BEEN FUCKED UP