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do you remember what you were doing相关的文章

All you remember about your child being an infant is the incredible awe you felt about the precious miracle you created. You remember having plenty of time to bestow all your wisdom and knowledge. You thought your child would take all of your advice and make fewer mistakes, and be much smarter than you were. You wished for your child to hurry and grow up. All you remember about your child being two is never using the restroom alone or getting to watch a movie without talking animals. You recall afternoons talking on the phone while crouching in the bedroom closet, and being convinced your child would be the first Ivy League1 college student to graduate wearing pullovers2 at the ceremony. You remember worrying about the bag of M&M"s melting in your pocket and ruining your good dress. You wished for your child to be more independent. All you remember about your child being five is the first day of school and finally having the house to yourself. You remember joining the PTA3 and being elected president when you left a meeting to use the restroom. You remember being asked "Is Santa real?" and saying "yes" because he had to be for a little bit longer. You remember shaking the sofa cushions for loose change4, so the toothfairy5 could come and take away your child"s first lost tooth. You wished for your child to have all permanent teeth. All you remember about your child being seven is the carpool6 schedule. You learned to apply makeup in two minutes and brush your teeth in the rearview mirror1 because the only time you had to yourself was when you were stopped at red lights. You considered painting your car yellow and posting a "taxi" sign on the lawn next to the garage door. You remember people staring at you, the few times you were out of the car, because you kept flexing2 your foot and making acceleration3 noises. You wished for the day your child would learn how to drive. All you remember about your child being ten is managing the school fundraisers. You sold wrapping paper for paint, T shirts for new furniture, and magazine subscriptions4 for shade trees in the school playground. You remember storing a hundred cases of candy bars in the garage to sell so the school band could get new uniforms, and how they melted together on an unseasonably5 warm spring afternoon. You wished your child would grow out of playing an instrument. All you remember about your child being twelve is sitting in the stands6 during baseball practice and hoping your child"s team would strike out7 fast because you had more important things to do at home. The coach didn"t understand how busy you were. You wished the baseball season would be over soon.

All you remember英语作文及翻译

   All you remember   All you remember about your child being an infant is the incredible awe you felt about the precious miracle you created. You remember having plenty of time to bestow all your wisdom and knowledge. You thought your child would take all of your advice and make fewer mistakes, and be much smarter than you were. You wished for your child to hurry and grow up.   All you remember about your child being two is never using the restroom alone or getting to watch a movie without talking animals. You recall afternoons talking on the phone while crouching in the bedroom closet, and being convinced your child would be the first Ivy League1 college student to graduate wearing pullovers2 at the ceremony. You remember worrying about the bag of M&M"s melting in your pocket and ruining your good dress. You wished for your child to be more independent.   All you remember about your child being five is the first day of school and finally having the house to yourself. You remember joining the PTA3 and being elected president when you left a meeting to use the restroom. You remember being asked “Is Santa real?” and saying “yes” because he had to be for a little bit longer. You remember shaking the sofa cushions for loose change4, so the toothfairy5 could come and take away your child"s first lost tooth. You wished for your child to have all permanent teeth.   All you remember about your child being seven is the carpool6 schedule. You learned to apply makeup in two minutes and brush your teeth in the rearview mirror1 because the only time you had to yourself was when you were stopped at red lights. You considered painting your car yellow and posting a “taxi” sign on the lawn next to the garage door. You remember people staring at you, the few times you were out of the car, because you kept flexing2 your foot and making acceleration3 noises. You wished for the day your child would learn how to drive.   All you remember about your child being ten is managing the school fund??raisers. You sold wrapping paper for paint, T??shirts for new furniture, and magazine subscriptions4 for shade trees in the school playground. You remember storing a hundred cases of candy bars in the garage to sell so the school band could get new uniforms, and how they melted together on an unseasonably5 warm spring afternoon. You wished your child would grow out of playing an instrument.   All you remember about your child being twelve is sitting in the stands6 during baseball practice and hoping your child"s team would strike out7 fast because you had more important things to do at home. The coach didn"t understand how busy you were. You wished the baseball season would be over soon.   All you remember about your child being fourteen is being asked not to stop the car in front of the school in the morning. You had to drive two blocks further and unlock the doors without coming to a complete stop. You remember not getting to kiss your child goodbye or talking to him in front of his friends. You wished your child would be more mature.   All you remember about your child being sixteen is loud music and undecipherable8 lyrics9 screamed to a rhythmic beat. You wished for your child to grow up and leave home with the stereo.   All you remember about your child being eighteen is the day they were born and having all the time in the world.   And, as you walk through your quiet house, you wonder where they wentand you wish your child hadn"t grown up so fast.    你所记得的一切   当你的孩子是个婴儿时,你所记得的,是你对自己创造出的堪称完美奇迹的作品,感到不可思议的敬畏。你记得你有大量的时间去传授你所有的智慧和知识。你认为你的孩子将会接受你所有的忠告而少犯错误,将会比孩提时代的你聪明许多。你多希望你的孩子快快长大。   孩子两岁时,你所记得的,是从不能独自使用卫生间,从不看一部与动物无关的电影。你记得那些蜷缩在卧室储衣间跟朋友通电话的下午,深信你的孩子将是第一个身着套头衫出席毕业典礼的常春藤名牌大学毕业生。你记得你担心那袋M&M巧克力糖会在你的衣兜里融化,毁了你体面的衣服。你多希望你的孩子更独立些。   孩子5岁时,你所记得的,是他上学第一天你终于独自拥有整个房子了。你记得参加家长—教师联系会,在你离开会议室去洗手间时,你当选为会长。你记得孩子问你“圣诞老人是真的吗?”你回答“是的”,因为他还需要你的肯定回答,尽管不久他就能自己判断了。你记得在沙发垫子下一通翻腾要找出些零钱,这样牙齿仙女就会来把你孩子掉的第一颗牙带走。你多希望孩子的牙都换成了恒牙。   孩子7岁时,你所记得的,是合伙用车的时间安排。你学会了在两分钟内化完妆,照着汽车后视镜刷牙,因为你能给你自己找出的时间就只有汽车停在红灯前的那小段。你想过把你的车子漆成黄色,并在车库门旁的草坪上立一个“出租车”的标志牌。你记得有几次你下车后,人们盯着你,因为你不断用脚踩油门加速,制造噪音。你多希望孩子有一天能学会开车。   孩子10岁时,你所记得的,是怎么组织学校的"募捐者。你们为重新粉刷学校兜售包装纸,为购置新家具兜售体恤衫,为在学校操场上种植遮阳树劝人订阅各种杂志。你记得你在车库里存放了上百盒糖果等待出售,得到钱后学校的乐队就可以购置新制服,可是那些糖果竟在一个暖和得过头的春天的下午全都融化在一起了。你多希望孩子长大,不再演奏什么乐器了。   孩子12岁时,你所记得的,是孩子在体育场打棒球练习赛时,你坐在看台上希望你孩子所在的队很快三击不中出局,因为家里还有更重要的事等你去做。教练不明白你为什么那么忙。你多希望棒球赛季能尽快结束。   孩子14岁时,你所记得的,是他不让你早晨把汽车停在校门口。你不得不开过两个街区,车还没停稳就赶紧打开车门。你记得没能在他的朋友面前跟他吻别或说话。你多希望孩子能更成熟些。   孩子16岁时,你所记得的,是吵闹的音乐和以富有节奏的拍子尖声唱出的难以听懂的歌词。你多希望孩子快点长大成人,带着音响离开家吧。   孩子18岁时,你所记得的,是他们出生的那一天,拥有世间所有的时光。   当你在静静的房子里走来走去时,你纳闷他们去哪里了——你多希望孩子别这么快就长大了。

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五道口金融学院 全球金融gfd和emba的区别


五道口金融学院 全球金融gfd和emba的区别

  GFD应该是属于EDP的一种,也就是高级研修班的意思,主要去学习知识等等。  EMBA和GFD的区别是,EMBA学完到毕业后经过院校的考试会有硕士学位证(国家承认的)。而GFD只能给你发个结业证,这个证书没有什么用,只能证明你学过这个课程。中国商学院招生信息网 125教育 EMBA

my most embarrassing moments 英语作文

英语作文要想写得好,离不开平时的积累,高分作文一般胜在行文清晰、准确、简洁三点,这就是公认的英语满分作文“黄金三定律”,为保证所写文章清晰明了,一是越确切具体越好,二是组织结构富有逻辑性。姐姐现在就为你们提供三篇与英语作文题目有关的范文,记得好好参考哦,如果对你有帮助记得点个赞再走。【一】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:Today is Friday.It is my thirteenth birthday.I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily.My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents.I went to school earlier than before.I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening.Evening came at last.Many of my classmate came to my home.They bought me lots of beautiful presents.They all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.Then my parents brought out a big birthday cake,saying,"We love you for ever.Happy birthday!" At the end of the party,we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food.How happy I was!翻译:今天是星期五。今天是我第十三岁的生日。我一大早就起床了,很高兴地穿上了新衣服。我父母给我买了些新衣服作为我的生日礼物。我早以前就去上学了 R比以前。我邀请了许多同学晚上来参加我的生日聚会。晚上终于来了。我的许多同学都来到了我家。他们给我买了很多漂亮的礼物。他们都是 我说:“祝你生日快乐!”我们快乐地唱着生日歌曲。然后我父母拿出一个大生日蛋糕,说:“我们永远爱你。”生日快乐!”聚会结束时,我们吃掉了生日礼物 蛋糕和其他一些美味的食物。我是多么高兴啊!【二】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:Yesterday morning,I asked my headmaster for sick leave.He agreed me.In fact,I played a truant.I stayed at home watching football match between Italy and Germany.It was very exciting.I enjoyed the time.But at noon,my headmaster went my home to look after me.I was still watching the match.I was Cheering, applausing.My headmaster looked at me,and said,"It seems that you are so fine."At this moment,I was so embarrassed.翻译:昨天早上,我向校长请了病假。他同意我的看法。事实上,我已经逃学了。我呆在家里看意大利和德国之间的足球比赛。这非常令人兴奋。我很喜欢这个蒂姆 e. 但到了中午,我的校长回家照顾我。我还在看比赛。我在欢呼,鼓掌。校长看着我说:“你似乎很好。”在这个时候,我 是如此尴尬。【三】U0001f338U0001f338U0001f338案例来咯英语作文:My favorite singerI most like the singer is Jay Chou.Because he is not only handsome song also very good,others may feel that his song is very messy,but in fact,as long as you listen to the not so messy.I most like he sang" Daoxiang",because this song to my feeling is that I can range from irritability and heart will be peaceful and calm.Let me have a personally came to the countryside.So I very like Jay Chou,especially his songs.I hope he more and more fire!翻译:我最喜欢的歌手,我最喜欢她的歌手是周杰伦。因为他不仅是英俊的歌也很好,别人可能会觉得他的歌很乱,但事实上,只要你听的就不像我这样 ssy.我最喜欢他唱的《稻香》,因为这首歌给我的感觉是我可以从易怒和心会平静平静。让我亲自到农村来吧。所以我非常 比如周杰伦,尤其是他的歌曲。我希望他越来越火!

郭采洁的 I Remember 歌词中文翻译


谁能帮我翻译一下 郭采洁 I Remember 这首歌曲的中文意思


I Remember 郭采洁 中文歌词


i remember的歌词


郭采洁 I remember 中文歌词




SHIMMixes July December 2014 K-POP MEGA MASH-UP 3分42秒是什么歌 重谢

这是整个列表1. 100% - U Beauty2. 2PM – Go Crazy3. 4L – Move4. 4TEN – TORNADO5. A Pink – LUV6. A.KOR – But Go7. Ailee – Don"t Touch Me8. Almeng – Phone In Love9. Alphabat – Oh! My God10. AOA – Like a Cat11. B1A4 – SOLO DAY12. Bangtan Boys – Danger13. BEAST – 12:3014. BESTie – Hot Baby15. BESTie – I Need You16. BIGFLO – BAD MAMA JAMA17. Block B – HER18. BOYFRIEND – WITCH19. Boys Republic – Real Thing20. BTOB – You"re So Fly21. C-CLOWN – Let"s Love22. Delight – I Hate You23. EPIK HIGH – BORN HATER24. EXID – Up & Down25. f(x) – Red Light26. FIESTAR – One More27. G-DRAGON X TAEYANG – Good Boy28. Girl"s Day – Darling29. Girls" Generation-TTS – Holler30. god – Saturday Night31. GOT7 – Stop Stop It32. HA:TFELT – Ain"t Nobody33. HELLOVENUS – Sticky Sticky34. Henry – Fantastic35. HI SUHYUN – I"m Different36. HIGH4 – Headache37. Homme – It Girl38. Hyorin x Jooyoung – Erase39. HyunA – Red40. INFINITE – Back41. Jay Park – So Good42. Jeon Min Joo – Good-bye Rain43. JJCC – Bing Bing Bing44. JUNIEL – I Think I"m In Love45. JYJ – BACK SEAT46. KARA – Mama Mia47. Kidoh – Taxi48. Kyuhyun – At Ganghwamun49. LABOUM – Pit-A-Pat50. LOCO – Think (feat. Jay Park)51. Lovelyz – Candy Jelly Love52. MADTOWN – YOLO53. Mamamoo – Piano Man54. Minx – Why Did You Come To My Home55. Nam Young Joo – Because I"m Soft-Hearted and Nice56. Nasty Nasty – Knock57. Natthew – Love Will Be Alright (feat. Son Ho Young)58. Nicole – MAMA59. Orange Caramel – Copycat60. Parc Jae Jung – Ice Baby61. Purfles – 1.2.362. Ra.D – Fly Away63. Red Velvet – Be Natural64. Red Velvet – Happiness65. Roy Kim – Home66. S – Without You67. San E – Body Language68. Secret – I"m In Love69. Seo In Young – Think70. Shannon – Daybreak Rain71. SISTAR – I Swear72. SISTAR – Touch My Body73. Song Ha Ye – My First74. Song Ji Eun – 2575. Soyou x Urban Zakapa – Space Between76. SPICA – GHOST77. SPICA.S – Give Your Love78. Stellar – Mask79. Strawberry Milk – OK80. Sunny Hill – Monday Blues81. Super Junior – MAMACITA82. Super Junior – This Is Love83. T-ARA – Little Apple84. T-ARA – Sugar Free85. Taemin – Danger86. TEEN TOP – Missing87. TINY-G – ICE BABY88. TOPDOGG – Top Dog89. UNIQ – Falling In Love90. VIXX – Error91. WASSUP – Shut Up U92. WINNER – Don"t Flirt93. WINNER – Empty94. Zhoumi – REWIND

SHIMMixes - July - December 2014 K-POP MEGA MASH-UP有哪些歌曲

HERE IS THE OFFICIAL TRACKLIST FOR K-LUBBING 2.0! 1. 100% - U Beauty2. 2PM – Go Crazy3. 4L – Move4. 4TEN – TORNADO5. A Pink – LUV6. A.KOR – But Go7. Ailee – Don"t Touch Me8. Almeng – Phone In Love9. Alphabat – Oh! My God10. AOA – Like a Cat11. B1A4 – SOLO DAY12. Bangtan Boys – Danger13. BEAST – 12:3014. BESTie – Hot Baby15. BESTie – I Need You16. BIGFLO – BAD MAMA JAMA17. Block B – HER18. BOYFRIEND – WITCH19. Boys Republic – Real Thing20. BTOB – You"re So Fly21. C-CLOWN – Let"s Love22. Delight – I Hate You23. EPIK HIGH – BORN HATER24. EXID – Up & Down25. f(x) – Red Light26. FIESTAR – One More27. G-DRAGON X TAEYANG – Good Boy28. Girl"s Day – Darling29. Girls" Generation-TTS – Holler30. god – Saturday Night31. GOT7 – Stop Stop It32. HA:TFELT – Ain"t Nobody33. HELLOVENUS – Sticky Sticky34. Henry – Fantastic35. HI SUHYUN – I"m Different36. HIGH4 – Headache37. Homme – It Girl38. Hyorin x Jooyoung – Erase39. HyunA – Red40. INFINITE – Back41. Jay Park – So Good42. Jeon Min Joo – Good-bye Rain43. JJCC – Bing Bing Bing44. JUNIEL – I Think I"m In Love45. JYJ – BACK SEAT46. KARA – Mama Mia47. Kidoh – Taxi48. Kyuhyun – At Ganghwamun49. LABOUM – Pit-A-Pat50. LOCO – Think (feat. Jay Park)51. Lovelyz – Candy Jelly Love52. MADTOWN – YOLO53. Mamamoo – Piano Man54. Minx – Why Did You Come To My Home55. Nam Young Joo – Because I"m Soft-Hearted and Nice56. Nasty Nasty – Knock57. Natthew – Love Will Be Alright (feat. Son Ho Young)58. Nicole – MAMA59. Orange Caramel – Copycat60. Parc Jae Jung – Ice Baby61. Purfles – 1.2.362. Ra.D – Fly Away63. Red Velvet – Be Natural64. Red Velvet – Happiness65. Roy Kim – Home66. S – Without You67. San E – Body Language68. Secret – I"m In Love69. Seo In Young – Think70. Shannon – Daybreak Rain71. SISTAR – I Swear72. SISTAR – Touch My Body73. Song Ha Ye – My First74. Song Ji Eun – 2575. Soyou x Urban Zakapa – Space Between76. SPICA – GHOST77. SPICA.S – Give Your Love78. Stellar – Mask79. Strawberry Milk – OK80. Sunny Hill – Monday Blues81. Super Junior – MAMACITA82. Super Junior – This Is Love83. T-ARA – Little Apple84. T-ARA – Sugar Free85. Taemin – Danger86. TEEN TOP – Missing87. TINY-G – ICE BABY88. TOPDOGG – Top Dog89. UNIQ – Falling In Love90. VIXX – Error91. WASSUP – Shut Up U92. WINNER – Don"t Flirt93. WINNER – Empty94. Zhoumi – REWIND

July - December 2014 K-POP MEGA MASH-UP SHIMMixes

HERE IS THE OFFICIAL TRACKLIST FOR K-LUBBING 2.0! 1. 100% - U Beauty2. 2PM – Go Crazy3. 4L – Move4. 4TEN – TORNADO5. A Pink – LUV6. A.KOR – But Go7. Ailee – Don"t Touch Me8. Almeng – Phone In Love9. Alphabat – Oh! My God10. AOA – Like a Cat11. B1A4 – SOLO DAY12. Bangtan Boys – Danger13. BEAST – 12:3014. BESTie – Hot Baby15. BESTie – I Need You16. BIGFLO – BAD MAMA JAMA17. Block B – HER18. BOYFRIEND – WITCH19. Boys Republic – Real Thing20. BTOB – You"re So Fly21. C-CLOWN – Let"s Love22. Delight – I Hate You23. EPIK HIGH – BORN HATER24. EXID – Up & Down25. f(x) – Red Light26. FIESTAR – One More27. G-DRAGON X TAEYANG – Good Boy28. Girl"s Day – Darling29. Girls" Generation-TTS – Holler30. god – Saturday Night31. GOT7 – Stop Stop It32. HA:TFELT – Ain"t Nobody33. HELLOVENUS – Sticky Sticky34. Henry – Fantastic35. HI SUHYUN – I"m Different36. HIGH4 – Headache37. Homme – It Girl38. Hyorin x Jooyoung – Erase39. HyunA – Red40. INFINITE – Back41. Jay Park – So Good42. Jeon Min Joo – Good-bye Rain43. JJCC – Bing Bing Bing44. JUNIEL – I Think I"m In Love45. JYJ – BACK SEAT46. KARA – Mama Mia47. Kidoh – Taxi48. Kyuhyun – At Ganghwamun49. LABOUM – Pit-A-Pat50. LOCO – Think (feat. Jay Park)51. Lovelyz – Candy Jelly Love52. MADTOWN – YOLO53. Mamamoo – Piano Man54. Minx – Why Did You Come To My Home55. Nam Young Joo – Because I"m Soft-Hearted and Nice56. Nasty Nasty – Knock57. Natthew – Love Will Be Alright (feat. Son Ho Young)58. Nicole – MAMA59. Orange Caramel – Copycat60. Parc Jae Jung – Ice Baby61. Purfles – 1.2.362. Ra.D – Fly Away63. Red Velvet – Be Natural64. Red Velvet – Happiness65. Roy Kim – Home66. S – Without You67. San E – Body Language68. Secret – I"m In Love69. Seo In Young – Think70. Shannon – Daybreak Rain71. SISTAR – I Swear72. SISTAR – Touch My Body73. Song Ha Ye – My First74. Song Ji Eun – 2575. Soyou x Urban Zakapa – Space Between76. SPICA – GHOST77. SPICA.S – Give Your Love78. Stellar – Mask79. Strawberry Milk – OK80. Sunny Hill – Monday Blues81. Super Junior – MAMACITA82. Super Junior – This Is Love83. T-ARA – Little Apple84. T-ARA – Sugar Free85. Taemin – Danger86. TEEN TOP – Missing87. TINY-G – ICE BABY88. TOPDOGG – Top Dog89. UNIQ – Falling In Love90. VIXX – Error91. WASSUP – Shut Up U92. WINNER – Don"t Flirt93. WINNER – Empty94. Zhoumi – REWIND

i’m 29 years old , will be 30 in december

I was born in December,1997,17 years old. 我生于1997年12月,即将17岁. Honestly my Engish isn"t quite good,I will try my best to make it better ,come hell or high water. 诚实地说,我英语并不好,但我会尽全力让它更上一层楼,不怕千难万险. 中文翻译成英语第一点是要沥出中文中最主干的部分,英语表达都很简洁扼要,所以第一句直接表述成出生年月和年龄,省去“今年十二月”多余的部分. 第二句句首加入“Honestly”体现讲话者的谦虚,另外最后一句come hell or high water是高级用法,整句做状语,表“不怕上刀山下火海;排除万难”的意思.


depends on the University at US and whether you are applying for Master by coursework or master by research. Normally, in the case of Australia, if you just have a UG without honours, you may be able to study Master by coursewou3002

Today, when I think of my friend, I remember the way her face _____ when she saw the picture of...

D 考查短语动词词义辨异。lit up 意为 “高兴起来”, 其主语常为face等; cheer up意为“感到振奋,高兴起来”,其主语一般为人。

exo-december 2014 求音译 U0001f64f

【NO】无论大小写全为英文单词读音【Ong】是中文拼音里面韵母读音【qio】请用拼音来拼【Ki】拼音【Ho】拼音英文都可反正读出来一样...【Sei】是拼音【Cei】拼音【Miang】拼音【Mio】拼音【gio】拼音EXO-December,2014闹木~Yeah yeahNo no阔里耶哈那豆 怒冷吾噶冷目比求龙恰噶ong哈呀giao乌~怒抢qio哦多尅将西那德龙起琼多尅将起那(m)Ki里(m) 罗 能马那Ki送尅龙Ho多动锵讲Jio心Sei(u)嘞呀洛 Wow~后起能Gio(u)玛德洛里耶促我刚内盘Sei多洛旁加给玛比Cei塞miang几无桑(m) Gi Ywo Mio马(m) 怒鼓呀勒 阿木多门勒呢妈们松给够 尼松给(那吧)起霸Miang巴Gi 情东阿塔新闹路忙那(忙那)那冷塔苏哈路给昂那就No哇那Ki(u)嘚门哈呀miou尼内留(d)破 根玛给撒哟(Oh~ no)交冷西林Gio 乌怒龙德撒狼就Oh babe 撒林给抢梦疼NO木能Be亲能旁就噶冷目比克里攻诺耶米梭那东哈那也秋我比苏(o)过给撒哟噶一崩giao乌麻跟多(u) 特giou勒几christmas tree King giao无里噶够哈那西 够交豆 怕米等Ho多恰加麻豆南桑瓜no (u)搜你米送噶送miang嘿亲古miang吧比情东呀踏新闹路忙那那冷塔苏哈路给昂那(maybe 就大苏阿给牙那就够)就No哇那Ki嘚门哈呀miou尼(莫力giao那怒尼内留Vi勒)内留(d)破根玛给撒哟giao冷西林gio乌努龙德撒狼救闹能那努勒搜勒辽ong嘚瓶那巧根磨力要哦多送鼓力求龙磨给为咯多楼几本哈那西刚起能旁西给求喝洛路无里gea送gea哟尅giao哈几尅勒跟那几呀ki勒送我路gi哟莫~亲古miang啵比情东呀踏新闹路忙那(闹路Yeah~)那冷塔苏哈路给昂那就No哇那Ki嘚门哈呀miou尼内留(d)破根玛给撒哟交冷西林gio乌努龙德撒狼就亲古miang吧比情东阿踏新闹路忙那那冷塔苏哈路给昂那就No哇那Hi嘚门哈呀miou尼内留(d)破根玛给撒哟交冷西林gio乌努龙德撒狼就如果有什么问题的话~可以继续向我提问------------------------------------------------如果满意 记得 及时采纳 谢谢---------------------------------------------------



I remember中文歌词

I Remember 作词:郭采洁、陈伟 作曲:郭采洁、陈伟 演唱:郭采洁 Do u know that I"m OK 你知道我好不好?are there things you wanna say 你想说些什么,thinking of u night and day 想你的每天每夜。hopping you"ll come back and stay 希望你会回来呆在我身边。I remember when u told me 我记得你告诉我。I"ll be all right 我很好。Don"t worry 别担心。i try and try to understand... 我试图去明白is all this just a sad good bye? 是不是只有悲伤的再见。thinking of you night and day... 想你的每天每夜no matter if you'll come and stay 不管你是否回来呆在我身边。i remember when you told me 我会记得你告诉我。I"ll be all right 我很好。just hold me... 握住我。So I don"t wanna close my eyes tonight 我不想在天黑闭眼missing you make me cry 想你会让我落泪your love will give me strengths to carry on 你的爱给了我坚持的勇气。you"ll always be my heart and mind 你一直在我心里脑海里so i don"t wanna close my eyes tonight所以我不想在天黑闭起眼睛。 i know it"s just a miss match in time...我知道只是思念和时间赛跑。 why...oh ...why 为什么。为什么。miss match in time






is就是一种助动词,直接将其提到句首构成一般疑问句。Is his birthday on the twentieth of November?




1.圣诞节Christmas 2.元旦节New Year"s Day 3.儿童节Children"s Day 4.冬季Winter 5.十月October


Her birthday is on September 5th. 她的生日是9月5日。


When is Sandra"s birthday party?

有一个完形填空的开头是 Growing up,I remember my father as a silent,strict man....谁能把整篇文章给我


求《Bajo el Cielo de Noviembre 》(november sky)-yanni 西班牙语歌词

Si te pasas las horas buscando el pan . Mientras sus esperanzas vienen y van . Yo quisiera volver a esa casa que no tiene . A una madre que nunca vio . Siempre suena con feliz , acabar con tanto sufrir .Y asi no tener que volver a llorar nunca mas .Angel va el cielo de noviembre sin mirar atras .Va luchando por escapar . Escondiendose del miedo y de la soledad . Protegiendo su dignidad . Y ni el frio de invierno lo pondra parar . Tiene el alma para ganar . Y el deseo de conquistar . Su paz . Y las ganas de al fin lograr la libertad . Que no ha podido disfrutar . Angel va intentando escapar . Angel va en busca de su libertad . Con los pies descubiertos y con tan poca edad . Y en sus hombros tres hermanos que cuidar . Como el en las calles hoy vagan muchos mas . Que angel quisiera ayudar. Siempre suena con ser feliz , acabar de tanto sufrir . Y asi no tener que volver a llorar nunca mas . Angel va el cielo de noviembre sin mirar atras .Va luchando por escapar . Escondiendose del miedo y de la soledad . Protegiendo su dignidad . Y ni el frio de invierno lo pondra parar . Tiene el alma para gana . Y el deseo de conquistar . Su paz . Y las ganas de al fin lograr la libertad . Que no ha podido disfrutar . Angel va intentando escapar . Angel va en busca de su libertad


hunny它已经很久了未来,我现在即指停止. 办了这么久,我现在即指停止. 你听到我的心跳? 你们听到声音吗? "产地来源证即指帮助我思想,我不该瞧不起. 然后我翻阅在我看见太阳哦重力方式轮流为你 和我. 然后我翻阅时,看见太阳和天空的方式::每一对重力拉起 大家. 其婴儿被等候很久,这么长的时间,我即指停止微笑, 我现在没有停止即指你听到我的心跳? 你们听到声音吗? "产地来源证即指帮助我哭,我惯于瞧不起. 然后我翻阅在我看见太阳、 哦那样你和我就轮流严重性. 然后我翻阅时,看见太阳升空, 拉起的方式,重力对你和你/-导你能听到我的心跳? 哦,你听到声音吗? "主管我不禁哭了,我惯于瞧不起.

求问一首外语歌,很抒情,是女的唱的,第一句是,you remember me when the...这首歌叫什么名字啊?

这样解决:百度MP3搜索,选歌词搜索,你在里面输入你记得的几句歌词,或者残缺的歌词,都可以找到。:)我都是这样找的,never failed 呵呵

考研】the price of crude oil has jumped to almost $26 a barrel, up from less than $10 last December

原油的价格已经涨到约26美元一桶了,远高于去年12月份一桶10美元不到的价格up不能省去。就像是 speed up to 100km/h。 有一种“高达”的意思。

谁帮我翻译下一下马来西亚的地址 NO86 kampung daru cina air hitam 72120 bandar jampol negeri sembila

NO86达鲁中村72 120黑水城国jampol sembila


november的英音是[nu0259u028au02c8vembu0259(r)],美音是[nou028au02c8vembu0259r]。november的意思是十一月。含有november的双语例句1、In November the temperatures drop and the days shorten.十一月气温下降,白天变短。2、The team worked feverishly to the November deadline.这个队抢在十一月最后期限前拼命工作。3、The expiration date on this yogurt was November 20.这酸奶的有效期到11月20日。4、House prices are rising for the first time since November.房价自11月以来首次上涨。5、The problems began last November.问题在去年11月份开始出现。

i remember the time to make me smile i rememer the things you and i这是什么歌?男生唱的

歌名i remember the time歌手gospel singers


由于工作的契机,最近学习了下Gossip,以及go语言的实现版本HashiCorp/memberlist。网上有个最基本的memberlist使用的example,在下边的链接中,感兴趣可以按照文档运行下感受感受。本文主要讲解memberlist v0.1.5 的使用细节。 Gossip是最终一致性协议,是目前性能最好,容错性最好的分布式协议。目前Prometheus的告警组件alertmanager、redis、s3、区块链等项目都有使用Gossip。本文不介绍Gossip原理,大家自行谷歌。 简单的几步即可搭建gossip集群 感谢已经有网友为我们实现了一个example( https://github.com/asim/memberlist )。 哪里有问题,还请大家多多指正 https://www.consul.io/docs/internals/gossip.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_protocol https://github.com/asim/memberlist https://github.com/hashicorp/memberlist https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/41228196

Embraco 阿斯帕拉压缩机FFI12HBK功率是多少

FFI 12HBK,功率275w R134a 制冷量320W






embroidery的英语读法是[u026am"bru0254u026adu0259ri]。embroidery是刺绣、刺绣品、粉饰或者修饰的意思。英文词源 Embroidery comes from Anglo-Norman enbrouderie, a derivative of the verb enbrouder. This was a compound verb formed from the prefix。可造句子如下:1、"Where did you get that embroidery?" — "I made it myself."“你从哪儿弄到那件刺绣品的?”——“我自己绣的。”2、Bead-work, applique and embroidery add a uniquely feminine touch.珠饰、嵌花和刺绣可增添一种独特的女人味。3、You can use embroidery stitches for further decoration.你可以用刺绣来作进一步的装饰。4. She learned sewing, knitting and embroidery.她学了缝纫、编织和刺绣。

bearing assembly是什么意思及用法

bearing assembly[英][u02c8bu025bu0259riu014b u0259u02c8sembli][美][u02c8bu025bru026au014b u0259u02c8su025bmbli]轴承组(合)件; 例:Third bearing assembly shall have a surface visible to the naked eye burns ( annealing traces).再则轴承装配表面规定不得有肉眼可见的烧伤(退火痕迹)。

firebird embeded 怎么创建表

(一)数据库操作在开始-程序-Firebrid_2_0中执行Firebrid ISQL tool 出现SQL>输入SQL>CREATE DATABASE ‘e:sams.fdb"; 回车提示错误,……..,郁闷,一查资料,原来是需要使用用户名和密码登录,于是在“运行”里输入(将默认的用户名和密码作为命令行参数):isql.exe -u sysdba -p masterkey进入命令行窗口。再输入:SQL>CREATE DATABASE "e:sams.fdb"; 回车没有任何提示(原来FB就是这样,没有提示就表示成功),打开E盘一看多了个SAMS.FDB文件,接着再输入 :SQL>SHOW DATABASE;出现一些关于这个数据库的信息,建两个表吧,输入SQL>CREATE TABLE T1 (F1 INTEGER,F2 VARCHAR(20)); 回车什么也没看到,实际上不是,输入SQL>SHOW TABLE; 回车显示出来了,有一个表T1,再建一个,录入SQL>CREATE TABLE T2(F1 INTEGER); 回车SQL>SHOW TABLE; 回车这一次可显示两个表存在啦,插入点东西吧,录入SQL>INSERT INTO T1 valueS(10,"I LIKE"); 回车SQL>INSERT INTO T1 valueS(10,"HOW ARE YOU"); 回车SQL>INSERT INTO T1 valueS(11,"OK"); 回车看看里面装了点什么,录入 SQL>SELECT * FROM T1; 回车看到了有三条记录,完成前面的操作后,不想要I LIKE的那条记录了,怎么办,录入SQL>DELETE T1 WHERE F2="I LIKE"; 回车再查一下看以看到确实少了这一知记录.不想要那个空表T2,就做掉吧,不过最好提交一下,这样的话把当前的表也能干掉,录入SQL>COMMIT; 回车提交后,下面开始做掉T2,录入SQL>DROP TABLE T2; 回车再查录入的这个表还有没,录入SQL>SHOW TABLE; 回车这次只查到一个,没有了,不完了,退出来,录入SQL>QUIT; 回车回到了WINDOWS窗口,下次再进入对已存的数据库就连接就OK了,见下:SQL>CONNECT LOCALHOST:e:sams.fdb; 回车

请教His roots and mine bad become too firmly embedded in the new land.的语法



《A Week in December》(Sebastian Faulks)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1zZVWAu02NWFgl3chmB5KEA 提取码: ru6y书名:A Week in December作者:Sebastian Faulks出版社:Hutchinson出版年份:2009-10-27页数:352内容简介:A powerful contemporary novel set in London from a master of literary fiction.London, the week before Christmas, 2007. Over seven days we follow the lives of seven major characters: a hedge fund manager trying to bring off the biggest trade of his career; a professional footballer recently arrived from Poland; a young lawyer with little work and too much time to speculate; a student who has been led astray by Islamist theory; a hack book-reviewer; a schoolboy hooked on skunk and reality TV; and a Tube train driver whose Circle Line train joins these and countless other lives together in a daily loop.With daring skill, the novel pieces together the complex patterns and crossings of modern urban life. Greed, the dehumanising effects of the electronic age and the fragmentation of society are some of the themes dealt with in this savagely humorous book. The writing on the wall appears in letters ten feet high, but the characters refuse to see it — and party on as though tomorrow is a dream.Sebastian Faulks probes not only the self-deceptions of this intensely realised group of people, but their hopes and loves as well. As the novel moves to its gripping climax, they are forced, one by one, to confront the true nature of the world they inhabit.

Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Embedded Controller

便携式计算机自带的嵌入式 ACPI 控制器,由于没有它们的内置式高级配置和电源界面 (ACPI) 驱动程序,所以导致了这种现象的发生。 可以尝试更新驱动程序处理。看一下主机后面的主机编号,然后到下列网址,在页面中间第二个对话框把编号输入查找最新驱动http://support1.lenovo.com.cn/lenovo/wsi/Modules/Drive.aspx?seq=2

time turns flames to embers时间把火焰变成灰烬

turns 里的 s 是一般现在时态第三人称单数的用法.后面两个单词词尾的 s 是因为复数形式.

Do you still remember the days when we stayed together in Beijing last summer?

when 引导时间状语从句,修饰days


I remember…The way you glanced at me, yes I remember 我记得…你瞥了一眼我,是的,我记得I remember…When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember 我记得…当我们抓到一个流星,是的,我记得I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I 我记得. .所有的事情,我们共享,我们许下的诺言,只有你和我I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn Do you remember..? 我记得. .我们分享所有的笑声,所有的祝福我们,在屋顶在黎明.你还记得…?When we were dancing in the rain in that december 当我们在雨中跳舞,在12月And I remember..When my father thought you were a burglar 我还记得. .当时我父亲还以为你是一个小偷I remember.. All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I , 我记得. .所有的事情,我们共享,我们许下的诺言,只有你和我,I remember.. All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn 我记得. .我们分享所有的笑声,所有的祝福我们,在屋顶在黎明I remember.. The way you read your books, 我记得..你读你的书的方式yes I remember 是的我记得The way you tied your shoes, 你绑鞋带的方式yes I remember 是的我记得The cake you loved the most, 你最喜欢的蛋糕yes I remember 是的我记得The way you drank you coffee, 你喝咖啡的方式I remember 我记得The way you glanced at me, yes I remember 我记得…你瞥了一眼我,是的我记得When we caught a shooting star, 我们抓到一颗流星,yes I remember 是的我记得When we were dancing in the rain in that december 当我们在雨中跳舞,在12月And the way you smile at me, 和你对我笑的样子yes I remember 是的我记得

英国签证受理状态从Your application has been received by the UK Embassy for processing



to beseem to seem to be [词典] 看来,好像; [例句]Excuse me I seem to be a little bit lost.对不起,我好像有点听不明白了。

many gyms see new memberships double in january,making up for the third of their members. 语法

主要包含两个语法。see many new memberships double in January感官动词 see + 宾语 many new memberships + 宾语补足语 double in Januarymaking up for the third of their members此现在分词短语做状语。



remember me的原唱是谁?

Beverley Knight

he could not remember what the formulae were. remember 后 为什么用陈述语气, 为什么用 were

很高兴为您解答:这是宾语从句,从句还原为:the formulae were what.formulae公式的复数,所以用were希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝您学习进步,工作顺心。^_^

— ________ is your school?—I can’t remember it well. I________ for ten years. A.How big, ha

C 试题分析:句意:你们学校多大?我不记得了。我已经离开十年了。形容面积、大小、多少等要用特殊疑问词how+adj,第二个空所在句子的时间状语是for ten years,因此要用现在完成时。故选C。


......where nryid in (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)


CFA member的范畴真包含Charterholder。CFA分为三级考试,通过第一级考试以后,你即可加入CFA协会,成为CFA member,而通过三级考试,并有四年投资相关从业经验,并递交申请,经协会确认通过后,才会给你charter,从而使你成为charter holder,当然,charter holder是必须每年缴纳会费的,也就是说charter holder必然都是member。如果有更多CFA考试问题和考试资料需要可以来财-萃看一下。


September -Justin Timberlake

歌词中有 September的歌

Wake Me When September Ends 绿日乐队超级经典的歌~应该是这个吧

《玻璃之城》插曲《try to remember》中文含义

try to remember 《追忆》try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月when life was slow and oh so mellow 时光缓缓生活悠游try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月when grass was green and grain was yellow 草儿青青稻麦金黄try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月when you were a tender and a callow fellow 一曾经的年幼温柔try to remember and if you remember 追忆往日,若你还记得then follow -follow,oh-oh 请跟我来,跟我来,哦try to remember when life was so tender 追忆那段感伤时光that no one wept except the willow 只有杨柳泪珠盈盈try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月when love was an ember about to billow 爱情的即将燎原的星火try to remember and if you remember 追忆往日,若你还记得then follow-follow,oh-oh 请跟我来,跟我来,哦deep in december it`s nice to remember 十二月的回忆温馨而甜蜜although you know the snow will follow 尽管你知道大雪即将飘落deep in december it`s nice to remember 十二月的回忆温馨而甜蜜the fire of september that made us mellow 九月的热恋沉醉着你我deep in december our hearts should remember 十二月的回忆深埋在心里and follow-follow,oh-oh 请跟我来,跟我来,哦

《深情密码》的英文插曲《TRY TO REMEMBER》的歌词


invokemember 获得返回值

InvokeMember(String, BindingFlags, Binder, Object, Object[], ParameterModifier[], CultureInfo, String[])bjyb.InvokeMember("medicareservice",1BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,2null,3bjybObject,4args, 5pmd, 6System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,7null);81String:字符串,它包含要调用的构造函数、方法、属性或字段成员的名称。 或 空字符串 (""),表示调用默认成员。 或 对于 IDispatch 成员,则为一个表示 DispID 的字符串,例如"[DispID=3]"。2BindingFlags:一个位屏蔽,由一个或多个指定搜索执行方式的 BindingFlags 组成。 访问可以是 BindingFlags 之一,如 Public、NonPublic、Private、InvokeMethod 和 GetField 等。 查找类型无需指定。 如果省略查找的类型,则将使用 BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static。3Binder:一个对象,该对象定义一组属性并启用绑定,而绑定可能涉及选择重载方法、强制参数类型和通过反射调用成员。 或 要使用 DefaultBinder 的空引用(在 Visual Basic 中为 Nothing)。 请注意,为了成功地使用变量参数来调用方法重载,可能必须显式定义 Binder 对象。4Object:对其调用指定成员的对象。5Object[]:包含传递给要调用的成员的参数的数组。6ParameterModifier[]:ParameterModifier 对象的数组,表示与 args 数组中的相应元素关联的特性。 参数的关联的属性存储在成员的签名中。 只有在调用 COM 组件时,默认联编程序才处理此参数。7CultureInfo:表示要使用的全局化区域设置的 CultureInfo 对象,它对区域设置特定的转换可能是必需的,比如将数字 String 转换为 Double。 或 要使用当前线程的 Nothing 的空引用(在 Visual Basic 中为 CultureInfo)。8String[]:包含参数名称的数组,args 数组中的值将传递给这些参数。

civil rights are the freedoms and rignts ___as a member of a community,state,or nation.

c 定从, civil rights are the freedoms and rights (that) a person may have/ as a member of a community , state or nation

谁能翻译一下Chris Daughtry的September

Daughtry--September多特里——九月How the time passed away光阴似箭,日月如梭All the trouble that we gave我们曾遇到的种种困难And all those day we spent out by the lake我们一起在湖边度过的日子Has it all gone to waste?一切都已经过去了吗?All the promises we made我们曾许下的种种承诺One by one they vanished just the same一个个地消逝不见,一成不变All the things I still remember所有这些事情我记忆犹新Summers never looked the same金秋岁月不会总是一如往昔Years go by and time just seems to fly年复一年,时光飞逝But the memories remain但记忆仍在In the middle of September九月中旬We still played out in the rain我们一如既往在雨中嬉戏Nothing to lose but everything to gain没有失落,只有获益Reflecting now on how things could"ve been如今回想事物是如何逝去It was worth it in the end最终还是有必要(值得)的Now it all seems so clear现在一切似乎很清楚There"s nothing left to fear再也不用畏惧So we made our way by finding what was real因此我们在探寻真理过程中找到了自己的道路Now the days are so long今后的日子还很长That summer"s moving on金秋岁月会接踵而来Reach for something that"s already gone触及一些已经逝去的东西All the things I still remember所有这些事情我记忆犹新Summers never looked the same金秋岁月不会总是一如往昔Years go by and time just seems to fly年复一年,时光飞逝But the memories remain但记忆仍在In the middle of September九月中旬We still played out in the rain我们一如既往在雨中嬉戏Nothing to lose but everything to gain没有失落,只有获益Reflecting now on how things could"ve been如今回想事物是如何逝去It was worth it in the end最终还是有必要(值得)的Yeah, We knew we had to leave this town是的我们知道,我们不得不离开这座城镇But we never knew when and we never knew how但我们从来不知道,应当何时如何离开We would up here the way we are我们会从这里朝我们应该去的地方走去We knew we had to leave this town我们知道,我们不得不离开这座城镇But we never knew when and we never knew how但我们从来不知道,应当何时如何离开All the things I still remember所有这些事情我记忆犹新Summers never looked the same金秋岁月不会总是一如往昔Years go by and time just seems to fly年复一年,时光飞逝But the memories remain但记忆仍在In the middle of September九月中旬We still played out in the rain我们一如既往在雨中嬉戏Nothing to lose but everything to gain没有失落,只有获益Reflecting now on how things could"ve been如今回想事物是如何逝去It was worth it in the end最终一切都将值得拥有和珍惜

求Groove Coverage的《November night》的歌词


Day 18 November 2, 2017 DD-5(21-25)

DD 21: M: Heidi won the world over with her forever q ute but slightly confused look. C: Heidi won the world over with her forever c ute but slightly confused look. DD 22: M: The project to put them on line is expected to be completed by 2016. C: No error. Dead Sea Scrolls the project to put them= to-t", put them-puthem DD 23: M: At an alleged SAT cheating schandel has been uncovered prestegeous Long island School this caughted student is accused of taking the college examination for at least six students. C: An alleged SAT cheating scand a l has been uncovered at a prestigious Long Island School. This college student is accused of taking the college entrance examination for at least six students. DD 24: M: St. Loius takes the world serinal opening on a cool night, it was 49 degrees at the start of the game. C: St. Louis takes the World Series opener on a cool night. It was 49 degrees at the start of the game. start of the= start o the DD 25: M: In search for the missing throughout the night under generated powered flood lights, as family members waited at the monds of degree some in tears. C: They searched for the missing throughtout the night under generator - powered flood lights as family members waited by the mounds of debris - some in tears. mounds of debris= of- e" mounds of = piles/mountains of debris=the pieces of something that are left after it has been destroyed in an accident, explosion etc.

Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments.

【答案】:C我们的计划是指定一位员工去赴约。 A.问,要求 B.劝服,劝说C.分配,指派D.命令,订购 【解 析】考查动词。题干划线词allocate意为“分配,指定”,与assign为近义词。故答案为C。

求一个120字的英语作文:a member of your family

In this world , every family has a mother.a father.a daughter or a son.For plenty of people ,families are very important .when you are very said ,you can found one or two persons to make you feel happiness ,this is you family . I am very gold to become my family member,beacuse i have a pertty good parent and a fairly younger brother . when i come back,i always feel freedom and relaxed.My mother is a kind cook ,she has lots of experience in cooking ,so my brother and i are heathly. As a daughter,l shouldn"t make my parents worry .As a sister ,l should look after my brother .l want to be a great member of my family ,l would try my best to do what l should do in the family.






纽约理工大学(NYIT)的MBA 是属于中外合作办学项目,国家承认其学位,其中国合作院校是江西财经大学,但是所取得学历只有 纽约有约理工大学的MBA学位证书,像是这种中外合作办学项目并且学费相近的的很多了,比如南开大学与弗林斯德大学合作的教育硕士,经贸硕士;对外经贸大学和法国兰斯商学院合作的零售管理硕士,及外经贸和美国西雅图合作的工商管理硕士等等,但值得一提的是清华大学和美国北卡罗来纳大学合办的全球供应链MBA课程 该课程也属于 中外合作办学 唯一不同之处 是 该MBA 最后可以 获得学位不仅仅是 国家承认的硕士学位同时可以取得清华大学毕业证书及清华大学硕士学位证书。相比国内EMBA中外合作办学优势还是很明显的第一、费用相对便宜些学员个人学识或说个人水平和高些,第二、所取得的的国外学位可以取得国家的认证,认证后既是学历又有学位,所以比国内EMBA只有一个专业硕士学位而非学历教育的EMBA更有长处,第三、EMBA往往已成了一个身份的象征,它某种意义上 只代表了 富贵 成功 或加入了 某个圈子或以不在意个人的学历能力。以上论述仅代表个人观点, 所有 论据来源于 教育部官网 和 名校进修 门 户 网

Fin octobre, debut novembre 歌词

歌曲名:Fin octobre, debut novembre歌手:isabelle boulay专辑:Les Grands EspacesC"est fin octobre début novembreLe ciel est rose et bleu lavandeSeule dans la foule de MontréalJe marche,je cours sur Mont-RoyalLes arbres ont perdu leurs habitsLes merles bleus ferment leurs nidsChemin de terre,bonne cadenceMon amour tu me manquesC"est fin octobre début novembreMa main te cherche dans sa balanceUn beau dimanche sur Saint-LaurentToutes les odeurs sont là tout l"tempsLes langues sont un joli bordelSi loin de la tour de BabelMoi c"est ta voix que j"veux entendreMon amour tu me manquesC"est fin octobre début novembreMa ville s"endort en ton absenceMais dis-moi quand reviendras-tu?Fou rire sans toi c"est peine perdueT"es rare comme une étoile filanteJ"fais pas de voeux* j"ai pris une chanceJe garde ton odeur dans la chambreMon amour tu me manquesFin octobre, début novembreArtist:Isabelle BoulayAlbum:Les Grands EspacesC"est fin octobre début novembreLe jour est court,la nuit pesanteLe jaune et le rouge sur la villeLe vent les bouge,les éparpilleL"automne est triste,le ciel est basTermine vite et reviens-moiDéfaire le noeud* que j"ai au ventreMon amour tu me manques带*单词 n(oe)ud v(oe)ux (oe)是拉丁字符C"est fin octobre début novembreLe ciel est rose et bleu lavandeSeule dans la foule de MontréalJe marche,je cours sur Mont-RoyalLes arbres ont perdu leurs habitsLes merles bleus ferment leurs nidsChemin de terre,bonne cadenceMon amour tu me manqueshttp://music.baidu.com/song/16991055







最近很火得一首英文歌 很带感 歌词是什么you 什么dance 然后什么member 然后I什么





deem[英][di:m][美][dim]vt.认为,视为; 主张,断定; vi.认为,视为,以为; 作某种评价; 第三人称单数:deems现在分词:deeming过去式:deemed过去分词:deemed形近词:DeemDEEM

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