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2023-06-17 23:32:01
TAG: emb ept ember

是不是The Brothers Four的《Try to remember》?


try to remember the kind of september


when life was slow and oh so mellow


try to remember the kind of september


when grass was green and grain was yellow


try to remember the kind ofseptember


when you were a tender and a callow fellow


try to remember and if you remember


then follow follow ,oh-oh


try to remember when life was so tender


that no one wept except the willow


try to remember the kind of september


when love was an ember about to billow


try to remember and if you remember


then follow -follow,oh -oh


deep in december it"s nice to remember


although you know the snow will follow


deep in december it"s nice to remember


the fire of september that made us mellow


deep in december our hearts should remember


and follow - follow, oh-oh




Do you remember

The 21st night of September

Love was changing the minds

Pretenders while chasing the clouds away

Our hearts were ringing

In the key that our souls were singing

As we danced in the night

Remember how the stars stole the night away

Ba de ya-say do you remember

Ba de ya-dancing in September

Ba de ya-never was a cloudy day

My thoughts are with you

Holding hands with your heart to see you

Only blue talk and love

Remember how we knew love was here to say

Now December

Found the love that we shared in September

Only blue talk and love

Remember the true love was share today

Ba de ya-say do you remember

Ba de ya-dancing in September

Ba de ya-never was a cloudy day

Ba de ya-say do you remember

Ba de ya-dancing in September

Ba de ya-golden dreams were shiny days

Our souls were singing

Do you remember, never was a cloudy day

Ba de ya-say do you remember

Ba de ya-dancing in September

Ba de ya-never was a cloudy day

Ba de ya-say do you remember

Ba de ya-dancing in September

Ba de ya-golden dreams were shiny days





I can*t remember

What happened in September

When everything is gone

When it*s dark and I*m alone

It*s been forever

Since I could have remembered

Where the hell is everypony

I just want to know the story

Of what happened right before

I became so alone.

Still can*t remember

What happened in September

Back when everypony died

Trails of blood during my stride

I just discovered that

the ponies were defeated

by something really strong

it seemed very weird and wrong

it just doesn*t belong

like it came out of this world.

(It*s finally dead ahahahah!!

Stop him, stop him!!

No! I*m going to save you, I*m going to save you all! Don*t you try to stop me!!)

I*ve regained a small memory

Came to my head just like that suddenly

I think I*ve gotten a clue

Something tells me this is worse than what I knew.

(This is ridiculous...Damn! Go away from me, stay away from me! No! You can*t judge me now...)

I just remembered

What happened in September

I*m the one who killed them all!

I survived after the fall!


wake me up when september end?


是earth wind fire的September


September -Justin Timberlake



你好!浪wave 英[weu026av] 美[wev] n. 挥手; 波浪,波动; 涌现的人(或事物); 汹涌的行动(或思想)态势; vi. 摇摆,起伏; vt. (一端固定地) 飘扬; 挥手指引; 挥动…示意; 略呈波形; [例句]Jessica caught sight of Lois and waved to her杰茜卡看到了洛伊丝,就冲她挥手致意。
2023-06-17 15:41:442


滚滚滚英文是roll、billow。roll:n.卷;卷轴;面包卷;一卷;卷状食品;蛋糕卷;卷饼;名单;名录;花名册;(鼓的)滚奏;轰隆声;轰鸣声;横摇;翻筋斗;掷骰子;横滚。vt.掷;卷;绕;盘;使成筒状(或球状);卷制;使旋转;使转动;推动;驱动(有轮之物)移动;使波动;使起伏;使横滚。vi.滚动;转动;(带轮交通工具)前行,行驶;滚落;转动;横摇;颠簸;摇摆;摇晃;蹒跚而行;横滚;打滚;开动;启动;运转;取得进展。billow:n.巨浪;波涛;波涛般的浓烟;声浪;(常指山的背风处的)强大气流;大海。滚滚的词语如下:1、滚滚棒cgp;kuru kuru kururin。2、滚滚条bar tacking;seam binding。3、波浪滚滚the waves rolling along in succession;a succession of large waves。4、财源滚滚profits pouring in from all sides。5、车轮滚滚wheels are rolling。6、风烟滚滚fumes billow in the wind。7、烽烟滚滚the flames of war are raging。8、滚滚长江the torrential currents of the changjiang river。9、滚滚吃豆pacn roll。10、滚滚东流roll to the east。11、滚滚而来roll in;come in torrents。12、滚滚而下(the water) rushed down in a torrent。13、滚滚红尘billowing bustling place;mundane world;red dust;surging in human society。14、滚滚卡比kirby tilt "n" tumble。15、滚滚入海roll to the sea 。16、滚滚向前onroll;roll on。17、浪涛滚滚billowing waves。18、热浪滚滚hotnessprevails。
2023-06-17 15:41:511


2023-06-17 15:42:267


waves and billows
2023-06-17 15:42:435


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2023-06-17 15:43:273


1.可以. live a happy living.英语里这样类似词性变化的用法极多.2本来是不可数的.但口语里常有:buy me a drink ,OK? 等说法._What do you want?_two coffees.
2023-06-17 15:43:372

请问这是什么牌子的音箱啊 需要配置什么功放效果最好 谢谢

2023-06-17 15:43:463

billowy blue shirt 该怎么翻译

(call me by your name)滚边的蓝色衬衣
2023-06-17 15:44:142


《A white shade of pale 》 Procol Harum唱的。
2023-06-17 15:44:302


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2023-06-17 15:45:1313

C#连接oracle数据库报“ORA-12154: TNS: 无法解析指定的连接标识符”错误看清楚内容再说哦!!

BILLOW = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = billow) ) )把localhost改成IP地址试试看
2023-06-17 15:45:522


the sound of silence
2023-06-17 15:46:016


2023-06-17 15:46:184


动画片《数码宝贝4》中,传说中拯救“古代数码世界”的10大究极体数码兽(十斗士),分别具有火、水、风、冰、雷、土、木、钢、光,暗的属性。 「古代暴龙兽(火)」 「古代人鱼兽(水)」 「古代彩虹兽(风)」 「古代大懒兽(冰)」 「古代比多兽(雷)」 「古代火山兽(土)」 「古代木马兽(木)」 「古代镜影兽(钢)」 「古代加鲁鲁兽(光)」 「古代狮身人兽(暗)」 详细资料: 古代暴龙兽 Ancient Greymon/エンシェントグレイモン 究级体 古代兽型 疫苗种 名字来源:Ancient(古代)+暴龙兽 适应领域:UK(未知)VB(病毒克星),NSp(自然灵魂) 组织:十斗士 资料: 在古代把数码世界从「光明兽」的反叛中拯救出的传说的「十斗士」之一,与「古代加鲁鲁兽」一起战斗到最后,持炎之属性的古代兽型数码兽。是缠有不灭神炎与令天变地异的大地吐息的超龙斗士。 必杀技: 奥米加爆裂(Omega Burst):以自我为中心,在前方数千米引起带有凄惨光芒的超爆破之技。 盖亚飓风(Gaia Tornado):集中大地之气,引起巨大的龙卷风之技。 古代加鲁鲁兽 エンシェントガルルモン / Ancient Garurumon 究极体 古代兽型 资料种 名字由来:ancient(古代)+加鲁鲁兽(ガルルモン) 适应领域:UK(未知),NSO(恶梦兵团) 所属:十斗士 资料: 在古代把数码世界从「光明兽」的反叛中拯救出的传说的「十斗士」之一,与「古代暴龙兽」一起战斗到最后,持有光之属性的古代兽型数码兽。以和巨大身躯不相称的速度操控着2把巨剑,召唤惊天动地的一击的超兽斗士。 必杀技: 绝对零度(Absolute Zero):以冷气把一切全部冻结,使敌人完全停止的技能。 锐利大剑(Sharpness Claymore ):用自己的大剑切开敌人的技能。 古代大懒兽 Ancient Megatheriumon/エンシェントメガテリウモン 究级体 古代兽型 数据种 名字来源:Ancient(古代)+太古生息的动物“Megatherium(大懒兽)” 适应领域:UK(未知)DS(深海救星) 组织:十斗士 资料: 在古代把数码世界从「光明兽」的反叛中拯救出的传说的「十斗士」之一,持冰之属性的古代兽型数码兽。君临绝对零度的严寒冻土,小山那般的大小的超冷斗士。 必杀技: 巨大除雪机(Great Snowplough):自在操纵象钢一样的毛皮攻击之技。 急冻暴风雪(Freezing Blizzard):放出冻结一切的猛吹雪之技。 古代虹彩兽 Ancient Irismon/エンシェントイリスモン 究级体 古代兽型 疫苗种 名字来源:Ancient(古代)+虹彩兽,希腊神话中的虹之女神“イリス”(iris) 适应领域:UK(未知)WG(风之守卫) 组织:十斗士 资料: 在古代把数码世界从「光明兽」的反叛中拯救出的传说的「十斗士」之一,持风之属性的古代鸟人型数码兽。在空中神速飞驰架起虹之桥。在大地和水中也因虹桥的效果可以自由活动。全身穿着虹色之铠,左手的片手剑可切开风的超风斗士。 必杀技: 虹之交响曲(Rainbow Symphony):带有溶化所有东西的虹色破坏光的风之奏鸣。 风暴凝视(Storm Gazer):引起超巨大暴风雨的技能。 古代甲虫兽 エンシェントビートモン / Ancient Beetmon 究极体 古代昆虫型 疫苗种 名字由来:ancient(古代)+beetle(甲虫) 适应领域:UK(未知),NSP(自然灵魂) 所属:十斗士 资料: 在古代把数码世界从「光明兽」的反叛中拯救出的传说的「十斗士」之一,持有雷之属性的古代昆虫型数码兽。持有轰雷的巨炮以6个脚快速地移动。飞到天空中攻击也是可能的超甲斗士。 必杀技: 大地爆破者(Terra Blaster):放射1兆倍的破坏能源的技能。 得意技: 灾难轰雷(Calamity Thunder):放出带来大规模灾害之雷的技能。 古代火山兽 Ancient Volcamon/エンシェントボルケーモン 究级体 古代矿石型 病毒种 名字来源:Ancient(古代)+volcano(火山)兽 适应领域:UK(未知)ME(钢铁帝国) 组织:十斗士 资料: 在古代把数码世界从「光明兽」的反叛中拯救出的传说的「十斗士」之一,持土之属性的古代矿石型数码兽。被称为移动的火山,拥有可怕之力的超爆斗士。 必杀技: 超新星(Supernova):火山大喷火的技能。 原子轰炸(Atomic Bomber):背部火山喷火的边突进边殴打之技。 古代木马兽 Ancient Troiamon/エンシェントトロイアモン 究级体 古代植物型 数据种 名字来源:Ancient(古代)+希腊神话中“特洛依木马” 适应领域:UK(未知)NSp(自然灵魂) 组织:十斗士 资料: 在古代把数码世界从「光明兽」的反叛中拯救出的传说的「十斗士」之一,持木之属性的古代植物型数码兽。很适合被称作移动要塞,体中装备各种各样大炮的超树斗士。 必杀技: 突袭大炮(Surprise Cannon):跳入敌人要地,全身大炮一齐发射之技。 厄帕俄斯机关(Epeius Gimmick):所有Gimmick(机关)一起发射的技能。 古代人鱼兽 エンシェントマーメイモン / Ancient Marmaimon 究极体 古代水栖兽型 数据种 名字由来:ancient(古代)+人鱼兽(マーメイモン) 适应领域:DS(深海救星),UK(未知) 所属:十斗士 资料: 在古代把数码世界从「光明兽」的反叛中拯救出的传说的「十斗士」之一,持有水之属性的古代水栖兽型数码兽。发光的银鳞照射深海,持有黄金的三叉戟。自由支配和操纵「网络的海」的水的超流斗士。 必杀技: 巨大漩涡(Great Maelstrom) :产生巨大的旋涡,把敌人吞入到水中的技能。 水晶巨浪(Crystal Billow):把水变成水晶子弹,进行射击的技能 古代贤者兽 エンシェントワイズモン / Ancient Wisemon 究极体 古代突然变异型 病毒种 名字由来:ancient(古代)+贤者兽(ワイズモン) 适应领域:UK(未知),NSO(恶梦兵团) 所属:十斗士 资料: 在古代把数码世界从「光明兽」的反叛中拯救出的传说的「十斗士」之一,持有钢之属性的古代突然变异型数码兽。持有出色的才智,访问从人世的开端到结束都全部记述了的「虚空档案(Akashic Records)」,识破宇宙的超贤斗士。 必杀技: 拉普拉斯之魔(Laplace"s Demon):访问「虚空档案(Akashic Records)」,改写未来和过去的技能。 长者预示(Elder signature):借助大"神"的力量的技能。 古代狮身人面兽 エンシェントスフィンクモン / Ancient Sphinxmon 究极体 古代幻兽型 病毒种 名字由来:ancient(古代)+在希腊神话里登场的怪物“斯芬克斯(Sphinx)” 适应领域:UK(未知),NSO(恶梦兵团) 所属:十斗士 资料: 在古代把数码世界从「光明兽」的反叛中拯救出的传说的「十斗士」之一,持有暗之属性的古代幻兽型数码兽。被称为"招引死亡的暗之兽"以红之瞳来掌管破坏和毁灭的超暗斗士。 必杀技: 死灵日蚀(Necro Eclipse):用红之眼凝视,把敌人送至死者之国的技能。 黑暗冲击波(Dark Blast):与鸣声一起放出的破坏全部的暗黑冲击波的技能。它们遗留下了10种不同属性的“斗士之魂”每种斗士之魂分别 具有人型和兽型2种。
2023-06-17 15:46:416

要一份The Brothers Four的《Puff the magic dragon》的歌词

Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea   神龙帕夫,住在海边   And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.   秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍的叫作荷那梨   Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff   小奇奇·培培喜欢顽皮的帕夫   And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff   给他细绳封蜡还有别的东西   Oh   哦   Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea   神龙帕夫,住在海边   And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.   秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍的叫作荷那梨   Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea   神龙帕夫,住在海边   And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.   秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍的叫作荷那梨   Together they would travel on boat with billowed sail   他们一同扬帆穿越滚滚浪尖   Jackie kept a lookout perched on Puff"s gigantic tail   奇奇在帕夫的巨尾上搭乐了望台   Noble kings and princes would bow whene"er they came   尊贵的王公贵族见了他们也得鞠躬   Pirate ships would lower their flags when Puff roared out his name   帕夫吼一声自己的名字 海盗船要统统降下旗子   Oh   哦   Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea   神龙帕夫,住在海边   And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.   秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍的叫作荷那梨   Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea   神龙帕夫,住在海边   And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.   秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍的叫作荷那梨   A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys   神龙永在,孩童不再   Painted wings and giants"s rings make way for other toys.   彩翅荷巨环被其它玩具替代   One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no more   一个灰暗的晚上奇奇终于再不出现   And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.   帕夫巨龙停止了它勇敢的嘶吼   His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain   伤心的耷拉下脑袋 绿色的鳞甲雨点般散落   Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.   帕夫不再到樱桃小径上玩耍   Without his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave   失去了它的老朋友 帕夫的勇气不再拥有   So, Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave, oh   于是帕夫巨龙伤心的躲进了山洞   Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea   神龙帕夫,住在海边   And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.   秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍的叫作荷那梨   Puff, the magic dragon, lived by the sea   神龙帕夫,住在海边   And frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.   秋雾中它嬉戏玩耍的叫作荷那梨
2023-06-17 15:47:251

我踏着不变的步伐,是为了等你到来 歌词

是这首歌吗歌曲:请跟我来歌手:苏芮&虞戡平 请跟我来曲:梁弘志词:梁弘志我踩着不变的步伐是为了配合你的到来在慌张迟疑的时候请跟我来我带着梦幻的期待是无法按捺的情怀在你不注意的时候请跟我来别说什么那是你无法预知的世界别说你不用说你的眼睛已经告诉了我当春雨飘呀飘的飘在你滴也滴不完的发梢戴着你的水晶珠链请跟我来
2023-06-17 15:47:482


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中文歌词:神龙帕夫,居住在海边,在秋天的薄雾里嬉戏,它的小岛叫做"Honah Lee"小杰姬喜欢上了淘气鬼帕夫,带给他绳子、封蜡,和其他有趣的玩意帕夫和杰姬有时会一起出海,乘着一只小船在浪峰上航行。杰姬是了望员,帕夫巨大的尾巴是她的座位。高贵的国王和王子,见到他们会深深的鞠躬,海盗船则降下他们的旗帜,听到空气中咆哮着的,帕夫的名字龙可以永远这么活着, 但小孩子不会,除了涂漆的飞行章和大铃铛,还有许许多多别的玩具。事情终于发生在一个灰色的夜晚,杰姬不再踏上小岛。强大的神龙帕夫,停止了它勇猛的咆哮。现在帕夫忧伤的低着头,绿色的鳞片象雨滴一样脱落。帕夫不再游戏了,驻足在这条充满愉快的航线。失去了它终生的伙伴,帕夫也失去了勇气。神龙帕夫,悲伤的,溜进了它的洞穴。repeat twice.
2023-06-17 15:48:282


2023-06-17 15:48:558


see the views see the sights
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2023-06-17 15:49:471

辊 滚 异同??

辊 【gun】 辊 roller; 辊 (1) 辊 gǔn (2) 车毂匀整齐一 [regular] 辊,毂齐等貌。从车,昆声。谓干木正圆不桡减。――《说文》 望其毂,欲其辊也。――《考工记·轮人》 (3) 又如:辊轴(古代一种碾草平地的农具) 辊 (1) 辊 gǔn (2) 滚筒 [roller]。如:辊碾(即辊轴);辊辗(古代用石辊制成的一种碾谷工具);辊轴;轧辊 辊 (1) 辊 gǔn (2) 滚滚向前流动或运动;像车轮般很快地转动 [roll]。如:辊雷(滚动的雷声) (3) 运行,运转 [move;be in motion]。如:棍弹(古代一种计时器) (4) 犹混。形容苟且地生活 [muddle along;drift along]。如:辊辊(犹混混。形容苟且混世) 辊子 gǔnzi [roller] 见“辊” 辊 (辊) gǔn ㄍㄨㄣˇ (1) 机器上圆柱形能旋转的东西:~轴。皮~。 (2) 像车轮般很快转动:“满城飞絮~轻尘”。 (3) 车毂整齐均匀一的样子。 郑码:HERR,U:8F8A,GBK:B9F5 笔画数:12,部首:车,笔顺编号:152125111535 roller;滚 滚 五笔 IUC roll;trundle; 滚 (1) 滚 gǔn (2) (形声。从水,衮声。本义:大水奔流貌) (3) 同本义 [rolling;billowing;surging] 无边落叶萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。――唐·杜甫《登高》 (4) 又如:滚滚(水涌流的样子) (5) 连续不断,急速翻腾的样子 [rolling] 尘滚滚东向驰去。后遂不复至。――明·魏禧《大铁椎传》 (6) 又如:滚滚滔滔(不绝的样子);滚滚当潮(滚滚当道。相继不断地掌握政权) (7) 圆的 [round] 个个是生青滚壮。――茅盾《春蚕》 滚 gǔn 〈动〉 (1) 滚动,滚转 [roll] 球滚来滚去 譬如甑蒸饭,气从下面滚到上面又滚下,只管在里面滚,便蒸得熟。――《朱子语类》 (2) 又如:滚落;滚碌(滚动);滚尘(翻滚的尘土);滚绣球;滚崖(从陡峭的岩石上滚下来的一种技巧) (3) 引申为急速流泄 [rolling]。如:水滚入船里;屁滚尿流 (4) 液体温度达到沸点以上而翻腾 [boil] 俗以汤之未滚者为盲眼,初滚曰蟹眼,渐大曰鱼眼。――宋·庞元英《谈薮》 (5) 又如:水滚了!滚白水(白开水);滚汤泼雪(形容极为容易) (6) 立即离开 [get out]。如:滚! (7) 沿着衣服等的边缘镶上布条、带子 [trim]。如:在衣服上滚上花边;滚边 (8) 混同 [mix]。如:滚说(混为一谈);滚同(混同);滚杂(混杂) (9) 利息上加利息 [interest on interest]。如:滚息;滚利;滚利钱;滚账(算账) 滚 gǔn 非常,极其 [very]――达到很高程度地。如:滚瓜溜(儿)圆;滚熟(非常熟悉);滚张(涨得滚圆);滚壮;滚瓜流水(形容说话极其熟练流利) 滚坝 gǔnbà [overflow dam] 筑于田畔阻止水流的堤坝 滚边 gǔnbiān [border;embroidered borders on a dress] 织品、衣服或毛毯边上的装饰花边、印花或其他图案 滚边连衣裙 滚边 gǔnbiān (1) [trim]∶为…包边 一件老式的全滚边的礼服(大衣) (2) [pipe]∶为衣服拷边 白上衣用上海青色滚边 滚蛋 gǔndàn [scram;get out] 立即离开;出去,(斥责或骂人的话) 这里不需要你,快滚蛋! 滚动 gǔndòng [roll;turn round and round;rotate] 同“滚2” 滚动轴承 gǔndòng zhóuchéng [rolling bearing] 轴承的一种,利用滚珠或滚柱的滚动运动来代替滑动运动。摩擦力较小,但在承受冲击负荷上不及滑动轴承。按其构造,可分为滚珠轴承、滚柱轴承和滚针轴承三种 滚沸 gǔnfèi [boiling] [液体] 沸腾翻滚 江水像滚沸了一样,到处是泡沫,到处是浪花。――《长江三峡》 滚瓜烂熟 gǔnguālànshú [(recite,etc.) fluently;memerize sth.thoroughly] 记忆牢固,能极为顺利娴熟地诵读,朗朗上口 他把课文背得滚瓜烂熟 滚瓜溜圆 gǔnguāliūyuán [round] 指非常圆,滚圆。多形容肥大硕壮的动物 他可是养猪能手,五十头肉猪,头头滚瓜溜圆 滚锅 gǔnguō [boiling] [方]∶其中液体(油、水等)煮沸的锅 滚滚 gǔngǔn (1) [rolling;billow;surge] 大水急速翻腾向前 大江滚滚东去 (2) 也泛指急速翻腾的样子 浓烟滚滚 开路的炮声像滚滚春雷,震撼着崇峻岭。――《太行青松》 滚开 gǔnkāi [boiling] [液体] 沸腾翻滚 滚开的水冲茶可不太好,还是稍等片刻吧 滚开 gǔnkāi [get out] 骂人话,指命令别人立刻走开 快滚开,你这个小畜牲? 滚雷 gǔnléi (1) [Rolling thunder]∶连续不断的打雷 (2) [roll to ignite mine]∶滚动身体去引爆地雷 滚雷英雄 滚木 gǔnmù [rolling log] 古代作战时从高处推下以打击敌人的圆木 滚木礌石 滚热 gǔnrè (1) [burning hot;red hot]∶像在火上烤 在灼热的太阳下晒得滚热的沙子 (2) [piping hot]∶像开水那样热 滚水 gǔnshuǐ [boiling water] 正在开着的或刚开过的水 那是滚水,你不怕烫嘴皮子吗 滚汤 gǔntāng [boiling water] [方]∶沸腾、滚开的水 滚淌 gǔntǎng [roll] 液体 [多指汗珠、泪水等] 滚动流淌 她再也抑制不住心头的悲痛,泪水在脸上滚淌 滚烫 gǔntàng [burning hot;red hot] 很烫 滚雪球 gǔn xuěqiú [snowball] 雪球在雪中滚动,越滚越大。现在常用滚雪球来比喻越活动越发展的事物。 滚圆 gǔnyuán (1)[round as a ball;be perfectly round]∶非常圆 (2)[rounded]∶外形圆滑没有锯齿状或带棱角 滚轧 gǔnzhá [mill] 在钱币坯送去冲压之前用机器作出凸缘 滚枕 gǔnzhěn (1) [cylinder bearer]∶ 压印滚筒和印版滚筒的各端,包括一定高度的垫滚筒的垫圈;可以是完整的装在滚筒内或是可拆除的垫圈(枕圈) (2) [bearer]∶ 在印刷机的底盘上滚筒和油墨辊依着转动的一条道 滚珠,滚珠儿 gǔnzhū,gǔnzhūr [steel ball] 用钢制成的圆珠形的零件。也叫“钢珠” 滚珠轴承 gǔnzhū zhóuchéng [ball bearing] 一种轴承。轴在轴承座圈内通畅地滚动的硬化钢球上转动,使滑动摩擦变为滚动摩擦,减小摩擦力。 滚柱轴承 gǔnzhù zhóuchéng [roller bearing] 一种轴承。轴颈转动时,与装在定位圈上的许多滚柱作圆周接触,减小摩擦力。 滚转 gǔnzhuàn [roll] 飞机绕纵轴滚转 滚子 gǔnzi (1) [roller] 圆柱形工具。 (2) 可将重物体(如圆木或钢轨)放于其上以便移动的圆柱体 (3) 用于减少摩擦力的坚硬钢制圆柱体(如滚柱轴承) (4) [wheel] [方]∶轮车 手摇车是一种正方形的木板车,下面四个滚子放在铁轨上。 滚 gǔn ㄍㄨㄣˇ (1) 水流翻腾:大江~~东去。 (2) 形容急速地翻腾:风烟~~。 (3) 水煮开,沸腾:~沸。~开。 (4) 旋转着移动:~动。翻~。后~翻。~筒。~珠。~雪球。 (5) 走开,离开(含斥责意):~出去! (6) 一种缝纫方法,沿着衣服等的边缘缝上布条、带子等:~边。 (7) 很,极,特别:~烫。~圆。~瓜流油。 郑码:VSZR,U:6EDA,GBK:B9F6 笔画数:13,部首:氵,笔顺编号:4414134543534 魔兽世界吧曾以“滚”而拥护苍天哥的帖子,即《传苍天哥死于地震中》一贴,阵型了2万多楼层!
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财源滚滚 [词典] profits pouring in from all sides; [例句]与电视台签订的这项大合同会让富有的英格兰足球俱乐部财源滚滚。The lucrative contract with television means that England"s wealthy football clubs will now be laughing all the way to the bank.
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涛字在康熙字典是18画,【涛字释义】涛〈名〉(形声。从水,寿声。本义:大波)同本义 [billow;big wave]涛,大波也。——《说文新附》扬波涛于碣石。——《后汉书·班彪传上》何必湘渊与涛濑?——《汉书·扬雄传上》水泫沄而涌涛。——《文选·张衡·思玄赋》烟涛微茫信难求。——唐·李白《梦游天姥吟留别》惊涛拍岸。——宋·苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》怒涛排壑。——孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略·序》又如:涛水(波涛汹涌的大水);涛雪(波涛激汤,水花如雪);涛雷(波涛汹涌,声大如雷);涛波(大波,波涛)像波涛一样的声音 [soughing]阴壑寒生万树涛。——明·王世贞《沸水岩》【涛字哲理】
2023-06-17 15:50:441

《深情密码》的英文插曲《TRY TO REMEMBER》的歌词

2023-06-17 15:50:511

llow结尾的单词有哪些.英语好的朋友帮帮忙啊 比如 pillow yellow shallow.

allow 允许 bellow 咆哮 billow 巨浪 callow 乳臭未干的 fellow 小伙子 follow 跟着 hollow 空的 marshmallow 棉花糖 swallow 吞 willow 柳树 就想到这些啊……@_@
2023-06-17 15:50:591


2023-06-17 15:51:061

一首很老很老的英文歌 一个乐队唱的?

Brothers Four(四兄弟)的“Try To Remember”Try to remember the kind of SeptemberWhen life was slow and oh so mellowTry to remember the kind of SeptemberWhen grass was green and grain was yellowTry to remember the kind of SeptemberWhen you were a tender and a callow fellowTry to remember and if you rememberThen follow -follow oh-ohTry to remember when life was so tenderThat no one wept except the willowTry to remember the time of SeptemberWhen love was an ember about to billowTry to remember and if you rememberThen follow follow.Deep in December it s nice to rememberAlthough you know the snow will followDeep in December it s nice to rememberThe fire of September that made us mellowDeep in December our hearts should rememberAnd follow-follow oh-oh
2023-06-17 15:51:141


balloonn.1.气球v.[T]1.使成气球状v.[I]1.膨胀如气球,激增英英释义ride in a hot-air balloonlarge tough nonrigid bag filled with gas or heated airsmall thin inflatable rubber bag with narrow neckbecome inflated词形变化名词:balloonist;时态:ballooned,ballooning,balloons。同反义词同义词:inflate,billow。
2023-06-17 15:51:231


英音 [ bu0259"lu:n ] ; 美音 [ bu0259"lu:n ] 名词1.气球及物动词:1.使成气球状不及物动词:1.膨胀如气球,激增词形变化:名词:balloonist;时态:ballooned,ballooning,balloons。同义词:inflate,billow。
2023-06-17 15:51:411

《玻璃之城》插曲《try to remember》中文含义

try to remember 《追忆》try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月when life was slow and oh so mellow 时光缓缓生活悠游try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月when grass was green and grain was yellow 草儿青青稻麦金黄try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月when you were a tender and a callow fellow 一曾经的年幼温柔try to remember and if you remember 追忆往日,若你还记得then follow -follow,oh-oh 请跟我来,跟我来,哦try to remember when life was so tender 追忆那段感伤时光that no one wept except the willow 只有杨柳泪珠盈盈try to remember the kind of september 追忆那醉人的九月when love was an ember about to billow 爱情的即将燎原的星火try to remember and if you remember 追忆往日,若你还记得then follow-follow,oh-oh 请跟我来,跟我来,哦deep in december it`s nice to remember 十二月的回忆温馨而甜蜜although you know the snow will follow 尽管你知道大雪即将飘落deep in december it`s nice to remember 十二月的回忆温馨而甜蜜the fire of september that made us mellow 九月的热恋沉醉着你我deep in december our hearts should remember 十二月的回忆深埋在心里and follow-follow,oh-oh 请跟我来,跟我来,哦
2023-06-17 15:52:151


The world-famous Niagara Falls in Canada and the United States at the Niagara River. It called one of the world"s seven wonder, rich and the vast water vapor shook all the visitors come to watch. Niagara River just 56 km long, 174 meters above sea level, to the Lake Erie, 75-meter elevation bet Lake Ontario. This 99-meter gap, fast-flowing, with a limestone band between Hubei and Hunan precipice, the Niagara River water rich as this, a sudden and steep drop, surging water potential, sonic booms like thunder. Falls of the river from a height of Lake Erie into Lake Ontario, lake bed after the sheep up a Precipice island, divided into two parts, flowing into the United States and Canada. From the Canadian side of a freshman two small waterfalls, than from the direction of the United States looks more magnificent, beautiful. Great Falls because of the appearance and formation of a horseshoe-shaped said Horseshoe Falls. Horseshoe Falls, about 675 meters, 56-meter gap. Deafening sound of water, and water vapor is Haohan tall. When sunshine, the water will be Great Falls raised a delightful rainbow. During the winter, waterfalls surface will end a thin layer of ice, then Falls will quiet down. Because of their extremely small waterfall broad detail, much like a bride"s dress, also known as bridal Falls. Bridal Falls, about 320 meters, 58-meter gap. The lakebed is rugged rock, water was heated sets, and vertical and the Great Falls under a very different creature. Take "Miss Mist" sightseeing boat shuttle between the choppy Falls, bewildering the mist, scary Billow, Southwest Di make solitude.上这个网站 这是中文翻译
2023-06-17 15:52:231


Try to remember 歌手:the brothers four 专辑:玻璃之城 英文歌词: Try to remember The kind of September When life was slow And though so mellow Try to remember The kind of september When grass was green And grain was yellow Try to remember The kind of september When you were a tender And callow fellow Try to remember And if you remember Then follow follow Try to remember When life was so tender That no one wept Except the willow Try to remember The kind of september When love was an ember About to billow Try to remember And if you remember Then follow,follow Follow 中文歌词: 请记得那时的九月 当那时的生活步调悠闲又轻松 请记得那时的九月 当绿草如茵 稻穗香澄 请记得那时的九月 当你是温柔又青涩的小子 如果可以 请你记得 永远记得 请记得生命曾经如此温柔 除了岸边杨柳 无人泪流 请你记得那时的九月 当爱转眼灰飞烟灭 如果可以 请你记得 永远记得 十二月的寒冬中 请你记得 那怕风雪即将落下 十二月的寒冬中 请你记得 炙热的九月天 使我们温柔圆熟 让我们永远记得 永远记得可下载
2023-06-17 15:52:301


There is a year autumn, Beethoven goes to the every locality trip performs, arriving at a small town of the Rhine side the top.A night, he spread in last stroll in secluded path, heard piano voice that broke continuously and continuously from a grass shed, playing exactly his song. Beethoven walks up the grass shed, the musical sound stopped suddenly, house someone has a talk.A miss says:" this song is many difficult playing!I hear only other people plays several times, always recording to do not live should play how, if can hear Beethoven the oneself to play how of, that have good much!" a says malely:" yes, but music meeting of the ticket is too costly, we are again too poor." the miss says:" elder brother, you do not feel uneasy, I just say however and literally."Beethoven hears here, push away door, walked to go in slightly.Grass shed in order a candle.Under the weak candlelight, male do the shoes.Window before contain an old piano, sitting a 16- year old miss before, the face is very beautiful and slender, but eye kdfs . The skin cobbler sees to come in is stranger, standing up to ask:" Sir, who do you seek?Walk the door of mistake?" Beethoven says:" not, I is come to play what a song hear this miss."The miss stands up to let hurriedly.Beethoven sits in the piano front, playing to rise that song that blind miss just now play.The blind miss hears into absolute being, a the song is over, she say excitedly:" play well-learned much!The affection is many deep which!You, you are Mr. Beethoven?"Beethoven did not answer, he ask the blind miss:" do you love to hear?I play you again a head."A burst of breeze blows the candle put out.The moonlight shines on into the window, everything in the grass shed like threw on the silver shag , seeming to be particularly nice and secluded.Beethoven hopes poor both the younger sisters of brothers who watch from a distance stands by the side of his body, borrowing the nice and secluded moonlight, pressing to rise the key of kite . Skin cobbler quietly hear.He like faces the ocean, moonlight since a place for connecting rises.On the ocean surface of the microwave hdgv dsgh , spread the light of silver a short moment.The moon rises more more high, cut through a thbd a gauzy cloudlet in dshg .Suddenly, pare off to have the strong wind on the ocean surface, curl up the billow.Were shone on by the moonlight the very clear wave spends, a connects a towards the near the bank surges forward the u2026u2026 skin cobbler sees the younger sister, moonlight shine on at her that serene on the face, shine on her to get the huge eye.She imitates to also see<, come in sight of she have always been to have no the prospects that see, shining in glory the ocean of the next very rough sea in the moonlight. Both the younger sisters of brothers were infatuated with by the wonderful musical sound.Waiting them wakes up, Beethoven left the grass shed already.He dash away to return to hotel, spending a nightwork man, play just now of the song ——u300a moonlight song u300b recorded down.
2023-06-17 15:53:135


狄金森一生创作诗篇1789首,生前仅发表了10首,寂寂无闻,现已成为享誉世界的重要诗人。 我从未看过荒原 我从未看过荒原--我从未看过海洋--可我知道石楠的容貌和狂涛巨浪。 我从未与上帝交谈也不曾拜访过天堂--可我好像已通过检查一定会到那个地方 。 I never saw a moor I never saw a Moor--I never saw the Sea--Yet know I how the Heather looksAnd what a Billow be. I never spoke with GodNor visited in Heaven--Yet certain am I of the spotAs if the Checks were given-- 云暗 天低又复云暗,飞过雪花一片。穿越车辙马圈,去留择决艰难。 谁人这样待风,令其整天抱怨。自然犹如我等,时常没戴皇冠。 Beclouded THE sky is low, the clouds are mean,A travelling flake of snowAcross a barn or through a rutDebates if it will go. A narrow wind complains all dayHow some one treated him;Nature, like us, is sometimes caughtWithout her diadem. 我是无名之辈! 你是谁? 我是无名之辈! 你是谁?你也是无名之辈吗?那么我们为一对!别说! 他们会传开去-- 你知道!多无聊-- 是-- 某某名人!多招摇-- 像个青蛙--告诉你的名字 -- 漫长的六月--给一片赞赏的沼泽! I"M Nobody! Who are you? I"M Nobody! Who are you?Are you--Nobody--too?Then there"s a pair of us!Dont tell! they"d advertise--you know!How dreary--to be--Somebody!How public--like a Frog--To tell your name--the livelong June--To an admiring Bog!
2023-06-17 15:53:291


我不敢相信的盯着熊熊燃烧的建筑物冒出滚滚黑烟我觉得很幸运我还能够活着I stared in disbelief as the black smoke billowed from the burning building and I felt lucky to be alive
2023-06-17 15:53:381


叫Puff, the magic dragon,是一个小男孩和神龙的故事Peter, Paul & Mary(Yarrow/Lipton)(Chorus)Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honah LeeLittle Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puff,and brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. Oh!(Chorus, twice)Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sailJackie kept a lookout perched on Puff"s gigantic tail,Noble kings and princes would bow whene"er they came,Pirate ships would lower their flag when Puff roared out his name. Oh!(Chorus)A dragon lives forever but not so little boysPainted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.One grey night it happened, Jackie Paper came no moreAnd Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.Without his life-long friend, Puff could not be brave,So Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. Oh!(Chorus, softly)(Chorus, loudly)郁闷,发了一遍,结果说什么在审核,我又没说啥违规的话。。。就换了个号来回答你的问题了,还不是喜欢这首歌,~~~
2023-06-17 15:53:472

pela的《cavalry》 歌词

歌曲名:cavalry歌手:pela专辑:anytown graffitiBlack eyed peas and olive trees haphazardlymake their way over the barbed wirethe sun beats down upon our townthe red faced angry folk stomp all aroundscreaming high demandsPelasome with rifles in their handsand one by one and two by twothree by three then fourmake their way over the barbed wire singingla,la,la,la,la,la,la厖厖.one by one and two by twothe great catapults are strainedthere抯 a billow of smokeit floats from the mountaintopsthe cavalry now strainedflank single file linesand storm like crazybooms and slings "charge" the great general screams!"everyone to his grave!"or so the legend goes cause none were savednone were savedsinging la,la,la,la厖
2023-06-17 15:54:061

王介安的《Puff》 歌词

歌曲名:Puff歌手:王介安专辑:最熟悉的陌生人 -Puff the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistIn a land called Ho-nah-lee.Little Jackie Paper loved that rascal PuffAnd brought him stringand sealing waxPuff the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistIn a land called Ho-nah-lee.Puff the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistIn a land called Ho-nah-lee.Together they would travelOn a boat with billowed sailJackie kept a look out perched on Puff gigantic tail.Noble kings and princes would bow whenever thay camePirate ships would lower their flagWhen puff roared out his name oh!A dragon lives forever but not so little boyPainted wings and giant ringsMake way for other toys.One grey night it happened Jackie Paper came no moreAnd puff that mighty dragon he ceased his fearless roar.His head was bent in sorrowGreen scales fell like rainPuff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.Without his life long friendPuff could not be braveSo Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave, oh!
2023-06-17 15:54:211

b开头 动词

behave break be backpedal bail bait bake balk ballot bamboozle bid ban bang bankroll banter bargain base billow bear bring... 貌似B开头的 verb很多吖,你主要想用于哪方面的,我先写这些了,希望有用....
2023-06-17 15:54:301


2023-06-17 15:54:384

朴正炫的《Puff》 歌词

歌曲名:Puff歌手:朴正炫专辑:Op.4Puff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeeLittle Jackie Paper loved that rascal Puffand brought him strings and sealing waxand other fancy stuffPuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeeTogether they would travelon a boat with billowed sailAnd Jackie kept a lookout perchedOn Puff"s gigantic tailNoble kings and princeswould bow whene"er they cameAnd pirate ships would lower their flagwhen Puff roared out his namePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeeA dragon lives foreverbut not so little boysPainted wings and giant ringsmake way for other toys.One grey night it happened,Jackie Paper came no moreAnd Puff that mighty dragonhe ceased his fearless roar.His head was bent in sorrowgreen scales fell like rainPuff no longer went to playalong the cherry laneWithout his life-long friendPuff could not be braveSo Puff that mighty dragonsadly slipped into his cavePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah LeePuff,the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistin a land called Honah Lee
2023-06-17 15:54:451

什么歌歌词里有 dontbe shy

歌曲: Dont Be Shy 歌手: George Kontraf.. 专辑: 《Dont Be Shy》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词Shwayze - Don"t Be ShyCome Come summertime, love love hold my handCome come summertime, love love take a ride with meSweet little nectorinesit down next to me- take a load offManny i think your beautifulDO ah diddy diddy dum diddy dowhen the moon is full ill be your wolf,hawl at you and growl at youlady bugs and flower tooI wanna go out with youIm just a kid livin" a dreamslid in the sceen like a old pair of jeansyou know my name but you dont know meyou wanna go out with meshow meCome Come summertime, love love hold my handdon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Come come summertime, love love take a ride with medon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Black smoke billow out theBlack tinted windowin my black limoseen as i ride through the ghettoShe wore blushit gave me a rushshe was a lushi gave her a touchon the tooshi gave her a pushon the bedand we smooshed our lips togetherlike blue and yellow we made a green meadowchilled together forever- real mellowshe fell in lovei had her at helloi couldnt say goodbye she was too specialCome Come summertime, love love hold my handdon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Come come summertime, love love take a ride with medon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Ladies, put your hands in the skyfor me babies, and say my namethey call me Shwayzeturn it up turn it upplay meturn it up turn it up x3Come Come summertime, love love hold my handdon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Come come summertime, love love take a ride with medon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Come come summertime, love love take a ride with medon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)Come come summertime, love love take a ride with medon don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)don don don da don don don dont be shy (dont be shy)歌曲: Alone Together 歌手: George Kontraf.. 专辑: 《Dont Be Shy》复制歌词 下载LRC歌词Infernal - Alone, TogetherI know thatI seem toBe quite the social personBut don"t beFooled by meI also like privacyQuiet companionsWho let me beI just want to feelAlone, togetherNothing on my mindI want to beWatching, quietlyPlease just leave me beThis feelingOf welcomeWithout demands from someoneYour voicesYour noisesIt keeps me calm, observingJust let me sit hereOh like a childI don"t need attention drawn to meFeeling part of you is quite enough"Cause I don"tWant to speak a word with anyoneWatching you is all the joy I need
2023-06-17 15:55:401

歌词中有 September的歌

Wake Me When September Ends 绿日乐队超级经典的歌~应该是这个吧
2023-06-17 15:55:552