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sub assembly是什么意思

sub assembly[英][su028cb u0259u02c8sembli][美][su028cb u0259u02c8su025bmbli][经] 配件,分总成; 例句:1.Slider and lifter sub assembly structure. 滑块和抽芯子装配结构。2.The functions added to the autocad"s main menu provide the sub partsdetailed manufacturing drawings, assembly part drawings and final productassembly drawings. 把有关制造工程图、装配零件图和最后产品装配图等功能添加到了autocad的主菜单中。



C# 中 [assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] 提示 重复的AssemblyCulture特性,求教怎么解决?

C# 中 [assembly: AssemblyCulture("")] 提示 重复的AssemblyCulture特性 把 [assembly: AssemblyCulture("") 删除试试



想要汉化个游戏 其中要汉化的文件是Assembly-CSharp.dll怎么操作?

.net Reclector+Reflexil插件

PCB Assembly,Main中文什么意思



WINDOWS assembly目录是包含一个或多个管理模块,以及一些资源文件的逻辑组合的.Net Framework程序集。它是一个GAC 目录。 中国 GAC目录使用算法管理子目录名结构,自动管理,从来没有采用手工方式复制大会GAC目录。在.NET Framework 2.0的GAC子目录结构更完整如下: C: WINDOWS 大会 GAC C: WINDOWS 大会 GAC_32 C: WINDOWS 大会 GAC_MSIL C: WINDOWS 大会 GAC_64 C: WINDOWS 大会 NativeImages1_v1.1.4322 C: WINDOWS 大会 NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32 C: WINDOWS 大会 NativeImages_v2.0.50727_64 其中: GAC用于存储基于.NET框架1.0 / 1.1组件创建的,这些组件只能运行在32位的地址空间。基于没有特定的CPU的.NET Framework 2.0上装配,这些组件可在32位或64位的地址空间中,地址空间中运行 GAC_MSIL指定用于存储。 GAC_32是还用于存储基于x86的组件.NET Framework 2.0中创建,因为这些组件可以有32位原生CPU代码,所以只能在32位的空间中运行,可以直接运行在32位系统或使用WOW64技术在OS的64位系统上运行。基于.NET Framework 2.0的x64或IA64创建的,其中可能包含x64或本机代码的IA64大会,所以他们只能运行在64位地址空间 GAC_64组件进行存储。在OS 32位该目录不存在。值得注意的是,GAC_64大会的系统架构是基于x64系统上的决定,这个目录组件必须基于x64的,IA64大会无法加载,反之亦然。 与NGen.exe编译的汇编代码存储NativeImages目录开始生成基于非托管,这个目录并不需要强命名大会在当前平台上,后面的数字对应的版本号。和基于.NET Framework 2.0的目录名2 NativeImages最后两个字符"64"和"32"代表其对应的平台。 中国直接使用Windows资源管理器中看到的目录下的子目录大会,但有办法,直接在开始 - 输入 C>运行: WINDOWS 大会 GAC_MSIL后回车,就可以看到该文件夹被打开中国产品查询来自微软交换



催化器总成是什么意思或者a catalyst assembly是什么意思呢?



object result = null; string typeName = ""; string assemblyName = ""; Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName); Type t = assembly.GetType(typeName); var method = t.GetMethod("SaveChartInfo"); result = method.Invoke(null, new object[] { });


assembly&packaging组装和包装双语对照例句:1.Review and approve packaging specifications for piece parts and assemblyprocesses. 审核并批准包括部件及装配流程在内的包装说明。2.Printed-circuit-board assembly ( pcb) techniques play a key role in the electronicspackaging and information technology industries. 在电子业组装或资讯科技产业中,印刷电路板组装扮演关键性角色


n.assembly (名词 noun)( 与会者; 为了特定目的聚集在一起的人)The former president addressed a large assembly.前总统向众多的与会者讲了话。the right of assembly集会权(大写)立法机构;议会;(美国有些州的)州议会众议院the assembly of the airplane parts飞机部件的装配配件n. parliament (名词 noun)议会,国会-----ONLYHe was the first farm-worker to go into parliament.他是第一个进入议会的农场工人。(大写)(英国,加拿大等的)国会The new system should come into force at the dissolution of the present parliament.新制度应在本届议会解散时生效。

.NET 解释术语:CLR、FCL、IL、Assembly(程序集) 简述.NET Framework的架构及各模块主要功能

想听课吗?自己不会去MSDN看吗?Ctrl+C Ctrl+V过来也累人啊http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms123401(v=MSDN.10).aspx这里都有答案


在左侧assembly 里,选择多余的instance,右键-删除就可以。

Centuriate Assembly是什么 罗马的the assemblies又是指什么?


assembly instruction是什么意思

assembly instruction[英][u0259u02c8sembli inu02c8stru028cku0283u0259n][美][u0259u02c8su025bmbli u026anu02c8stru028cku0283u0259n][计] 汇编指令;






呵呵 你可以这样试验下 把这个文件夹里的某些文件先移动到其它地方,看看对应用程序有没有影响假如没有影响,那就放心删除吧,呵呵最好的解决方法,把Windows assembly文件夹剪切到别的盘,比如说D盘,然后安装office2010试试,加入不让安装,就剪切到U盘,也就是备份下,以防万一,你说呢~~






assembly是程序集,就是dll ,删除后会有很多程序不能用,建立装重后不要在出错啦。


System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(){BatchService.API, Version=22.23.2090.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cde7056ef0bcb0fe}[System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly]: {BatchService.API, Version=22.23.2090.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cde7056ef0bcb0fe}CodeBase: "file:///C:/APWebSites/App/22.23.2090.0/BatchService/bin/BatchService.API.DLL"CustomAttributes: Count = 9DefinedTypes: {System.RuntimeType[46]}EntryPoint: nullEscapedCodeBase: "file:///C:/APWebSites/App/22.23.2090.0/BatchService/bin/BatchService.API.DLL"Evidence: {System.Security.Policy.Evidence}ExportedTypes: {System.Type[34]}FullName: "BatchService.API, Version=22.23.2090.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cde7056ef0bcb0fe"GlobalAssemblyCache: falseHostContext: 0ImageRuntimeVersion: "v4.0.30319"IsDynamic: falseIsFullyTrusted: trueLocation: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\batchservice\ed2db005\d01b415b\assembly\dl3\ae31723f\e0251a0b_8befd001\BatchService.API.dll"ManifestModule: {BatchService.API.dll}Modules: {System.Reflection.RuntimeModule[1]}PermissionSet: {<PermissionSet class="System.Security.PermissionSet"version="1"Unrestricted="true"/>}ReflectionOnly: falseSecurityRuleSet: Level2Path.GetDirectoryName(newUri(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).AbsolutePath)"C:/APWebSites/App/22.23.2090.0/BatchService/bin/BatchService.API.DLL"(newFileInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)).Directory.FullName"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\TemporaryASP.NETFiles\batchservice\ed2db005\d01b415b\assembly\dl3\ae31723f\e0251a

assembly build什么意思

应该是 装配 的意思

请问在IC厂Fab 和 Assembly 厂有何区别?

fab是前道的生产,在芯片上做一些电路,assembly属于后道的封装测试, 一般叫ATM(assemble test manufacturing), 后道出来就是成品卖到市场上去了


好啦, 现在上正解. 工程结构 : 针对中这种结构的工程, 网上的 tar.gz 的做法并不适用. 主要是: 1)会将 web 模块的war包打进lib文件中; 2)目录结构不是war包应有的结构 . 前者是因为maven自带的编译打包工具会先执行打包操作, 这样轮到assembly打包时会将打好的war包打进lib文件夹中. 针对上文的工程结构, 需要: web配置文件结构 我这里的思路是: resources 下可以放置每个环境都需要的 公共 配置文件. 分环境的放在 ./src/main/assembly/ 下. 1 web模块的pom.xml中的 profiles 配置 2 web模块的pom.xml中引入 assembly 插件 3 配置定制 assembly.xml 这里采用的方案是, 不同环境公用同一个 assembly.xm l文件. 4 执行打包的命令 各环境对应的命令: 分环境打包的分支控制策略有两种: 最后, 再次重复一个坑点: 下图中两种property效果完全不同的, 上面的我完全不知道有什么鸟用, 下面的才是关键.


@Assembly 指令是属于asp.net 的页面指令之一。这个指令用来让你的aspx页面能够识别外部组件。这个指令支持两个属性:Name:用来指明你想加载到aspx页面程序集的程序集名称,需要特别注意的是,不能包含扩展名。Src:用来表示源文件的路径。例子:<%@ Assembly Name="assemblyname" %><%@ Assembly Src="pathname" %>

怎么样删掉assembly里的文件 ?

不太好删 我给你发个工具 用它删吧


反射用于创建对象的,不用它,无法完成的~如:string s = "A.B.C";Assembly a; a.CreateInstance(s);期中,字符串s的值不固定,可以创建字符串里的A.B.C的对象,你总不能这样写吧~:string s = "A.B.C";s a1=new s();




System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(){BatchService.API, Version=22.23.2090.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cde7056ef0bcb0fe}[System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly]: {BatchService.API, Version=22.23.2090.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cde7056ef0bcb0fe}CodeBase: "file:///C:/APWebSites/App/22.23.2090.0/BatchService/bin/BatchService.API.DLL"CustomAttributes: Count = 9DefinedTypes: {System.RuntimeType[46]}EntryPoint: nullEscapedCodeBase: "file:///C:/APWebSites/App/22.23.2090.0/BatchService/bin/BatchService.API.DLL"Evidence: {System.Security.Policy.Evidence}ExportedTypes: {System.Type[34]}FullName: "BatchService.API, Version=22.23.2090.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cde7056ef0bcb0fe"GlobalAssemblyCache: falseHostContext: 0ImageRuntimeVersion: "v4.0.30319"IsDynamic: falseIsFullyTrusted: trueLocation: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\batchservice\ed2db005\d01b415b\assembly\dl3\ae31723f\e0251a0b_8befd001\BatchService.API.dll"ManifestModule: {BatchService.API.dll}Modules: {System.Reflection.RuntimeModule[1]}PermissionSet: {<PermissionSet class="System.Security.PermissionSet"version="1"Unrestricted="true"/>}ReflectionOnly: falseSecurityRuleSet: Level2Path.GetDirectoryName(newUri(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).AbsolutePath)"C:/APWebSites/App/22.23.2090.0/BatchService/bin/BatchService.API.DLL"(newFileInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)).Directory.FullName"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\TemporaryASP.NETFiles\batchservice\ed2db005\d01b415b\assembly\dl3\ae31723f\e0251a






不去需要的就删 要的你可以不删


  1、assembly是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“装配;集会,集合;汇编,编译”。   2、单词发音:[u0259u02c8sembli]美[u0259u02c8sembli]。   3、例句:   This one is for assembly.这一栋是装配用的。   Each country member of the Assembly shall have one vote.大会的每一成员国应当有一票表决权。

assembly 和assemblage的区别

汽车变速器总成用gearbox assemblyassemblage这个词用得很少,看词典里大部分解释与assembly相同,应该已经被assembly代用了

assembly 前加什么介词



assembly是程序集的意思 程序集一般可以是.dll 或.exe 程序集包含命名空间和类可以包含多个,最好还是不要卸载。卸载其它不要的软件可以在控制面板程序和功能里面删除,如果删除不掉那就用卸载功能比较强的腾讯电脑管家,管家管理页-软件管理-卸载-选择软件-确认卸载就可以了。

xaml 中assembly是什么意思

assembly[英][u0259u02c8sembli][美][u0259u02c8su025bmbli]n.立法机构; 议会; 集会; 装配; 复数:assemblies以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The relief effort wasn"t enough to get assembly lines restarted elsewhere, however. 不过,这次救济行动还不足以让其它地方的装配线重新开动起来。

install 和assembly



打jar包, 可以打成独立运行的jar




assembly是程序集。它包含了一个或多个托管模块,以及一些资源文件的逻辑组合,它可以将代码和资源组合划分。你的这个文件夹有多少容量,我的电脑里这个文件夹占用了60M不到,如果没多大就不要去管它,好像这个文件夹里的东西不能删除的。如果C盘被占用了很多空间的话,看下你是否开启了“电源休眠”功能,还有“虚拟内存”? 你可以到C盘查看hiberfil.sys和pagefile.sys这两个文件是否占用很大空间,如果是就先把“休眠”功能给去掉吧。 打开“控制面板→电源选项→休眠”,将“启用休眠”选项去掉。这时再到C盘下就发现hiberfil.sys文件已经消失了。 选择“控制面板→系统→高级”,单击性能区域中的“设置”按钮;然后选择“高级→更改”,在打开的虚拟内存设置窗口中选择系统所在的分区,选中“无分页文件”将系统分区去除,当然“虚拟内在”可以放在另何一个盘里的。 你可以把“虚拟内存”放在别的盘里,不要放在C盘也是可以的。 定期用磁盘管理器清理下磁盘,还有临时文件之类的东西,这些都会占用很多空间的. 系统盘最好不要安装一些软件、程序。




汇编语言。An assembly language is a low-level language for programming computers. It implements a symbolic representation of the numeric machine codes and other constants needed to program a particular CPU architecture. This representation is usually defined by the hardware manufacturer, and is based on abbreviations (called mnemonics) that help the programmer remember individual instructions, registers, etc. An assembly language is thus specific to a certain physical or virtual computer architecture (as opposed to most high-level languages, which are usually portable).


  “assembly”文件夹是“NetFramework”程序自动创建的,包含了一个或多个托管模块以及一些资源文件的逻辑组合的GAC目录。如果随意删除该文件夹,会导致许多程序无法运行。   文件夹是计算机术语,是用来组织和管理磁盘文件的一种数据结构。普通计算机文件夹是用来协助人们管理计算机文件的,每一个文件夹对应一块磁盘空间,它提供了指向对应空间的地址,它没有扩展名,也就不像文件的格式用扩展名来标识。但它有几种类型,如:文档、图片、相册、音乐集等。


参考一下:assembly”文件夹是.Net Framework”程序自动创建的(例如安装office2007),包含了一个或多个托管模块以及一些资源文件的逻辑组合的GAC目录。如果随意删除该文件夹,会导致许多程序无法运行。看过上文后,相信你对assembly文件夹有了一定的了解,知道我们日常使用的一些软件都需要依靠assembly文件夹里面的文件来支持运行,所以对于assembly文件夹,用户最好不要去删除它。


assembly是程序集的意思 程序集一般可以是.dll 或.exe 程序集包含命名空间和类可以包含多个,最好还是不要卸载。卸载其它不要的软件可以在控制面板程序和功能里面删除,如果删除不掉那就用卸载功能比较强的腾讯电脑管家,管家管理页-软件管理-卸载-选择软件-确认卸载就可以了。


这个文件是不能删除的它是一个程序集,一般是比较大特别是你安装很多程序时。如果空间不够你可以用磁盘清理程序清理,并将其它选项中的系统还原和卷影复制清理,这样可以腾出很大空间。扩展资料:磁盘清理:1、“更多选项”选项卡在您选择清理计算机上所有用户的文件时可用。此选项卡包含用于释放更多磁盘空间的两种其他方法:2、“程序和功能”。 在“控制面板”中打开“程序和功能”,您可以在其中卸载不再使用的程序。“程序和功能”中的“大小”列显示了每个程序使用的磁盘空间大小。3、“系统还原和卷影副本”。 提示您删除磁盘上的所有还原点(除新创建的还原点之外)。4、系统还原使用还原点将系统文件及时还原到早期的还原点。如果计算机运行正常,可以通过删除先前恢复点的方式来节省磁盘空间。5、在某些版本的 Windows Vista 中,还原点可以包含以前版本的文件(称为卷影副本),以及随 Windows Complete PC 备份一起创建的备份映像。此信息也将被删除。有关“系统还原”的详细信息,请搜索 Windows“帮助和支持”中的“系统还原”。参考资料:磁盘清理—百度百科




assembly文件夹不可以删除。assembly文件夹主要的作用是存放“.net”文件,该文件夹是“.Net Framework”程序自动创建的文件夹,在assembly文件夹中包含了一个或者多个托管模块,除此之外还有一些资源文件的逻辑组合的GAC目录。如果删除assembly文件夹可能会导致系统中的很多程序无法运行。 演示机型:华为MateBook X 系统版本:win10 assembly文件夹不可以删除。assembly文件夹主要的作用是存放“.net”文件,该文件夹是“.Net Framework”程序自动创建的文件夹,在assembly文件夹中包含了一个或者多个托管模块,除此之外还有一些资源文件的逻辑组合的GAC目录。如果删除assembly文件夹可能会导致系统中的很多程序无法运行。















assembly是什么意思 读音是什么

1、assembly是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“装配;集会,集合;汇编,编译”。 2、单词发音:[u0259u02c8sembli]美[u0259u02c8sembli]。 3、例句: This one is for assembly.这一栋是装配用的。 Each country member of the Assembly shall have one vote.大会的每一成员国应当有一票表决权。


assembly 美 [u0259u02c8sembli] 英 [u0259u02c8sembli]n.装配;议会;集合;组合体【英汉双解】 1.[c]立法机构;会议;议会a group of people who have been elected to meet together regularly and make decisions or laws for a particular region or countryState/legislative/federal/local assemblies州众议院;立法会议;联邦╱地方议会Power has been handed over to provincial and regional assemblies.权力已移交给省和地区议会。The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget.国民议会已表决通过预算。the California Assembly美国加利福尼亚州众议院the UN General Assembly联合国大会2.[u][c]集会;(统称)集会者the meeting together of a group of people for a particular purpose; a group of people who meet together for a particular purpose They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.他们为言论自由和集会自由而斗争。He was to address a public assembly on the issue.他要对公众集会发表演说谈论这个问题。an assembly point(= a place where people have been asked to meet)集会地点3.[c][u](全校师生的)晨会,朝会a meeting of the teachers and students in a school, usually at the start of the day, to give information, discuss school events or say prayers together4.[u]装配;组装;总成the process of putting together the parts of sth such as a vehicle or piece of furniturePutting the bookcase together should be a simple assembly job.组装书橱应该是个简单的装配活。a car assembly plant汽车装配厂【同义词】n.gathering , meeting , association , assemblage , congregation【反义词】n.destruction【搭配】adj.+n.final assembly , national assembly , automobile assembly , legislative assembly , state assemblyv.+n.hold assembly , address assembly【例句】双语英语1.Here is the second assembly line.这里是第二条装配线。2.A report this week from the london assembly takes a sterner line.伦敦议会本周的一份报告却无情指出了消极的一面。3.Last month local residents voted in an assembly in favour of the plan.上个月,当地居民在一次集会中投票,表示支持该计划。4.An assembly language or two would do equally well.一种汇编语言还是两种其实都一样。5.He also promised to relax the media laws and liberalise laws on freedom of assembly.并且还放宽对媒体的法规和松弛对集会自由的的法规。

Take A Bow [Live From Wembley Stadium] 歌词

歌曲名:Take A Bow [Live From Wembley Stadium]歌手:MUSE专辑:Haarp [Live From Wembley Stadium] [Audio]Take A BowMuseBlack Holes And RevelationsCorrupt, you corrupt,And bring corruption to all that you touch.Hold, you"ll behold,And beholden for all that you"ve done.Spell, cast a spell,Cast a spell on the country you run.And risk, you will risk,You will risk all their lives and their souls.And burn, you will burn,You will burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell.You"ll burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell for your sins.Ooohhh.Our freedom"s consuming itself,What we"ve become is contrary to what we wantTake a bow.Death, you bring death and destruction to all that you touch.Pay, you must payYou must pay for your crimes against the earth.Hex, feed the hexFeed the hex on the country you loveAnd beg, you will begYou will beg for their lives and their souls.And burn, you will burn,You will burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell,You"ll burn in hell, yeah you"ll in hell,Burn in hell, yeah you"ll burn in hell for your sins.http://music.baidu.com/song/7935604


assembly装配双语对照词典结果:assembly[英][u0259u02c8sembli][美][u0259u02c8su025bmbli]n.立法机构; 议会; 集会; 装配; 很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问







《The Gates of November》(Chaim Potok)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ypV3DwFxIfUB9BbRxiabcg 密码:3d0e书名:The Gates of November作者:Chaim Potok出版社:Ballantine Books出版年份:1997-09-08页数:272内容简介:REMARKABLE . . . A WONDERFUL STORY.--The Boston GlobeThe father is a high-ranking Communist officer, a Jew who survived Stalin"s purges. The son is a "refusenik," who risked his life and happiness to protest everything his father held dear. Now, Chaim Potok, beloved author of the award-winning novels The Chosen and My Name is Asher Lev, unfolds the gripping true story of a father, a son, and a conflict that spans Soviet history. Drawing on taped interviews and his harrowing visits to Russia, Potok traces the public and privates lives of the Slepak family: Their passions and ideologies, their struggles to reconcile their identities as Russians and as Jews, their willingness to fight--and die--for diametrically opposed political beliefs."[A] vivid account . . . [Potok] brings a novelist"s passion and eye for detail to a gripping story that possesses many of the elements of fiction--except that it"s all too true."--San Francisco Chronicle

牛人们 能帮我写篇作文吗 要过去时 题目是“A day to remember” 最难忘的一天 90字左右吧

A day to rememberIn my life, the most memorable day is Mid-autumn day. this is a conventional festival in China, in that day, most of people will go back home and gather with their family eat moon-cakes and appreciate the beauty of the moon.in the ancient times, there exist numbers of poetries describe this day, like "we hope each other a long life, so we can appreciate the beauty of graceful moonlight even thousands of miles apart" , in the end, it is my aspiration that we should inherit national traditional culture, let those kind of festivals with chinese characteristics continuing flourish generation by generation.


在游戏里我试了下好像是AP RACING好一些

When I Remember You 歌词

歌曲名:When I Remember You歌手:Messianic Praise专辑:Sing & Rejoicewhen i remember whenAll the things I saidI should have said and didn"t sayAnd I wonder why, yes I wonder whyI think about the time we spentThe places that we wentStill makes me cry, yes it makes me cryWhy do they say that time will heal this broken heart?They would know it isn"t trueIf they lost someone like you, ohChorus:Some things can never be replacedSome things are with me for alwaysThese are the things I will remember(When I remember when)I"d rather love and lose it allThan never have you to recallThese are the things I will remember(Again and then again)Again and againWhen I remember whenYou taught me how to loveI am all I amBecause of you, just because of you (oh)Everytime I lost my wayYou shine a light, you made my dayYou see me through, yes you see me throughSo who"s gonna come around to heal this broken heart?Show me how to laugh and cryBut never how to say goodbyeSome things can never be replacedSome things are with me for alwaysThese are the things I will remember(When I remember when)I"d rather love and lose it allThan never have you to recallThese are the things I will remember(Again and then again)Again and againWhen I remember whenYes life goes on, you carry onYou do, and it"s okay(When I remember when)Yes love goes onAnd I will live to love another day(When I remember when)Yes life goes on, you carry onYou do, and it"s okayI would laugh, and I would cryBut I will never say goodbyeSome things can never be replacedSome things are with me for alwaysThese are the things I will remember(When I remember when)I"d rather love and lose it allThan never have you to recallThese are the things I will remember(Again and then again)Again and againWhen I remember whenYeah, ahWhen I remember when.By Vencyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8136610

求《September 1st》的罗马歌词!急!

September 1st作词:西野カナ作曲:田中直No matter what I do, I think of you.私たち今日で半年ねwatashitachi kyou de hantoshi ne当り前に目の前にいる 思い返してるatari mae ni menomae niiru omoi kaeshi teruNo matter what happened, be together.歩幅、横颜も、ちょっかい、JOKEもho haba , yokogao mo , chokkai , JOKE mo全部爱しいzenbu itoshiiずっとStay with me.zutto Stay with me.感じ合って永远にkanji atte eien niStay with you.歩く早さ合わないaruku hayasa awa nai小走り追い付くのがやっとkobashiri oitsuku nogayattoソワ(you)ソワ(me)ソワ(Ah)sowa ( you ) sowa ( me ) sowa ( Ah )Hold on me.出しかけ引っ込めたdashi kake hitsu meta手はまだ君の温度でさえte hamada kimi no ondo desae知らなかったshira nakattaすれ违う恋人达みたいにsure chigau koibito tachi mitaini早く…hayaku ...言えないよギュッとしてなんてie naiyo gyutsu toshitenanteキスして…まさかねkisu shite ... masakaneAll day long.出会った顷はまだdeatta goro hamadaぎこちなかったねgikochinakattaneNo matter what I do, I think of you.私たち今日で半年ねwatashitachi kyou de hantoshi ne自然に繋いでよく行く店いつものもオーダーshizen ni tsunai deyoku iku mise itsumonomo o^da^No matter what happened, be together.癖、好き嫌いも、Sign、Ruleもkuse , suki kirai mo , Sign , Rule mo全部爱しいzenbu itoshiiずっとStay with me.zutto Stay with me.感じ合って永远にkanji atte eien niStay with you.休日が合わないkyuujitsu ga awa naiまたバイトなのいつ会えるの?mata baito nanoitsu ae runo ?So what?(you), So what?(me), Oh why?(Ah)Come to meet.言いかけ引っ込めたii kake hitsu meta顽张れも言えない素直じゃないganbare mo ie nai sunao janai知らかった三ヶ月目のshira katta sankagetsu menoサプライズsapuraizu精一杯のリングseiippai no ringuただ涙 言叶にならないくらいtada namida kotoba ninaranaikurai嬉しすぎたからureshi sugitakaraAll night long.困った颜をしてkomatta kao woshite抱きしめてくれたねdaki shimetekuretaneNo matter what I do, I think of you.私たち今日で半年ねwatashitachi kyou de hantoshi ne自然に繋いだ手に二つ光るのは宝物shizen ni tsunai da teni futatsu hikaru noha takaramonoNo matter what happened, be together.歩幅、横颜も、ちょっかい、JOKEもho haba , yokogao mo , chokkai , JOKE mo全部爱しいzenbu itoshiiずっとStay with me.zutto Stay with me.感じ合って永远にkanji atte eien niStay with you.No matter what I do, I think of you.私たち今日で半年ねwatashitachi kyou de hantoshi ne自然に繋いでよく行く店いつものもオーダーshizen ni tsunai deyoku iku mise itsumonomo o^da^No matter what happened, be together.癖、好き嫌いも、Sign、Ruleもkuse , suki kirai mo , Sign , Rule mo全部爱しいzenbu itoshiiずっとStay with me.zutto Stay with me.感じ合って永远にkanji atte eien niStay with you.No matter what I do, I think of you.私たち今日で半年ねwatashitachi kyou de hantoshi ne自然に繋いだ手に二つ光るのは宝物shizen ni tsunai da teni futatsu hikaru noha takaramonoNo matter what happened, be together.歩幅、横颜も、ちょっかい、JOKEもho haba , yokogao mo , chokkai , JOKE mo全部爱しいzenbu itoshiiずっとStay with me.zutto Stay with me.感じ合って永远にkanji atte eien niStay with you.

reassembly 重组 存档在哪

首先是游戏存档位置:C:Users使用者帐户Saved GamesReassemblydatasave0 存档save预设路径位置修改方法:Steps1 选填ID 进入游戏 方可在路径上找到相对应 save.lua 档案knownBlockIds={802, 826, 828, 829, 830, 846, 803, 804, 805, 831, 832, 834, 842,881, 891, 853, 806, 847, 813, 848, 845, 837, 849, 836, 801, 843, 814, 841, 840,835, 851, 850, 839, 844},paletteIds={802, 826, 828, 829, 830, 846, 803, 804, 805, 831, 832, 813, 842, 881,850, 853, 891, 847, 814, 835, 844, 841, 801, 834},energy=8000,level=9,experience=111000,position={139001.375, 239505.096},playerIdent=0xc4e9d3cc,sequence=1,---【】---knownBlockIds={ 物品全解锁参数物{802, 826, 828, 829, 830, 846, 803, 804, 805, 831, 832, 834,842,881, 891, 853, 806, 847, 813, 848, 845, 837, 849, 836, 801, 843, 814, 841, 840,835, 851, 850, 839, 844},paletteIds={ 舰艇编辑模式中的物品栏武器、物品配置energy=8000, 舰艇载体的【容量】 目前MAX值在8000experience=111000, 经验值开启 blocks.lua、blockstats.txt修改游戏中的火力功能、射击距离、雷射激光等数据参数,发现每次开启"ReassemblyRelease.exe"游戏后,这档案就会被覆盖写入塬本的武器参数试着运用Notepad读取相关数据,发现游戏主体读取SOP流程中的【【【createRandomCuster】】】的疑似覆盖写入功能,后来将 blocks.lua、blockstats.txt 档案勾选唯读,试着将档案编辑后不被覆盖写入,开启游戏读取卡在 blocks 介面中在看看Reassemblydata资料夹,又发现blocks.lua.b档案的显示,大概是被"ReassemblyRelease.exe"自动覆盖写入所出现的问题,如图所现的情况发生。也将blocks.lua 与 blueprints.lua 武器物品相关参数对照,游戏是主要是透过blocks.lua套用所有武器火力功能、距离、这些参数,但游戏SAVE存档中的blueprints.lua内容部分带有各项武器参数的编码实在很怪,只是武器名称变成数字,再修改编辑后存档进入游戏武器并无改变- -【】对照blocks.lua文件中参数,名称【【【 I号Plasma Cannon】】】{831, {-131.469, -93.860}, 0.000, bindingId=1, fillColor=0x113077, fillColor1=0x205079,lineColor=0x3390eb, thrusterColor=0xece1c6, thrusterColor1=0, cannon={roundsPerSec=4.000,roundsPerBurst=3, muzzleVel=1400.000, spread=0.020, power=11.000, damage=30.000,color=47081, range=1100.000}},【】对照blocks.lua文件中参数,名称【【【Missile Launcher】】】{832, {426.984, -13.347}, -0.785, bindingId=2, fillColor=0x113077, fillColor1=0x205079,lineColor=0x3390eb, thrusterColor=0xece1c6, thrusterColor1=0, replicateBlock={65542, command={}, features=COMMAND|THRUSTER|TORQUER|EXPLODE, group=8,blockshape=MISSILE, lifetime=5.000, health=4.000, durability=0.200, density=0.150,fillColor=0x205079, fillColor1=0x207089, lineColor=0x3390eb, capacity=100.000,thrusterForce=2600.000, thrusterColor=0x90808080, thrusterColor1=0x904060a0,torquerTorque=4000.000, explodeDamage=30.000, explodeRadius=25.000}},【】对照blocks.lua文件中参数,名称【【【Drone Launcher】】】{835, {-65.085, 143.284}, 1.571, bindingId=3, fillColor=0x113077, fillColor1=0x205079,lineColor=0x3390eb, thrusterColor=0xece1c6, thrusterColor1=0, replicateBlock={65543, command={}, features=COMMAND|THRUSTER|GENERATOR|TURRET|CANNON|TORQUER|FREERES,group=8, blockshape=DISH_MISSILE, blockscale=3, lifetime=30.000, health=40.000,durability=0.500, density=0.150, fillColor=0x205079, fillColor1=0x207089,lineColor=0x3390eb, powerCapacity=120.000, capacity=100.000, thrusterForce=5000.000,thrusterColor=0x90808080, thrusterColor1=0x904060a0, torquerTorque=4000.000,cannon={roundsPerSec=4.000, roundsPerBurst=4, burstyness=0.600, muzzleVel=600.000,spread=0.050, power=6.000, damage=15.000, color=47081, range=800.000}, generatorCapacityPerSec=40.000}},【】对照blocks.lua文件中参数,名称【【【Proton Beam】】】{836, {187.566, 170.546}, 0.000, bindingId=1, fillColor=0x113077, fillColor1=0x205079,lineColor=0x3390eb, thrusterColor=0xece1c6, thrusterColor1=0, laser={power=60.000,width=5.000, damage=400.000, color=0x7f00b7e9, range=1800.000}},【】对照blocks.lua文件中参数,名称【【【 II号Proton Sword】】】{841, {402.519, 14.821}, 0.000, bindingId=1, fillColor=0x113077, fillColor1=0x205079,lineColor=0x3390eb, thrusterColor=0xece1c6, thrusterColor1=0, laser={power=50.000,width=4.000, damage=2000.000, color=0x7f00b7e9, range=300.000}},【】对照blocks.lua文件中参数,名称【【【Autocannon】】】{843, {376.984, -25.061}, 0.785, bindingId=4, fillColor=0x113077, fillColor1=0x205079,lineColor=0x3390eb, thrusterColor=0xece1c6, thrusterColor1=0, cannon={roundsPerSec=20.000,roundsPerBurst=10, burstyness=0.400, muzzleVel=1200.000, spread=0.100,power=8.000, damage=20.000, color=47081, range=800.000}},【】对照blocks.lua文件中参数,名称【【【Blast Pulser】】】{844, {-125.620, -93.376}, 1.571, bindingId=3, fillColor=0x113077, fillColor1=0x205079,lineColor=0x3390eb, thrusterColor=0xece1c6, thrusterColor1=0, cannon={roundsPerSec=75.000,roundsPerBurst=50, burstyness=1.000, muzzleVel=500.000, spread=3.142,power=7.000, damage=20.000, color=47081, range=600.000}},【】对照blocks.lua文件中参数,名称【【【 III号Plasma Cannon】】】{881, {43.847, -106.219}, 1.571, bindingId=4, fillColor=0x113077, fillColor1=0x205079,lineColor=0x3390eb, thrusterColor=0xece1c6, thrusterColor1=0, cannon={roundsPerSec=4.000,roundsPerBurst=3, muzzleVel=1400.000, spread=0.020, power=29.000, damage=120.000,color=47081, range=1200.000}},【】对照blocks.lua文件中参数,名称【【【另一款Plasma Cannon】】】{891, {22.152, -1.361}, 0.785, bindingId=4, fillColor=0x113077, fillColor1=0x205079,lineColor=0x3390eb, thrusterColor=0xece1c6, thrusterColor1=0, cannon={roundsPerSec=4.000,roundsPerBurst=3, muzzleVel=1400.000, spread=0.020, power=60.000, damage=270.000,color=47081, range=1300.000}},--blocks.lua文件中的参数{881, name="Plasma Cannon", features=TURRET|CANNON, group=8, blockshape=OCTAGON,blockscale=2, health=241.000, durability=0.500, density=0.150, fillColor=0x113077,fillColor1=0x205079, lineColor=0x3390eb, cannon={roundsPerSec=4.000, roundsPerBurst=3,muzzleVel=1400.000, spread=0.020, power=29.000, damage=120.000, color=47081,range=1200.000}},在ReassemblydatasaveN存档资料夹这些数百sectorNNN.lua的档案其中有ID主舰艇的R收集器的参数,游戏中Resources数据的读取,只是游戏系统分配的文件名称并非整齐有条理的,有在sector35x46.lua看到过ID 主舰艇的resources参数,但有显示同样舰艇存档资料在别的存档位置(例如save0)复制在(例如save3)游戏玩一会系统又改文件存档的数据,那ID 主舰艇的参数又不晓得跑到哪个sectorNNN.lua位置- -resources=9999

求一首歌 前奏音乐有点像林肯公园 的 remember the name 是一首摇滚的歌曲 比较激情点的 是英文歌。。


The Beatles,_____many of you are old enough to remember ,came from Liverpool.



英文的意思是: 不锈钢防水表壳 中国组装 日本造机芯TB-2028 应该是手表的型号手表的品牌是TELVA,可能不是什么名牌,而且是在中国组装的估计值不了多少钱

board是什么意思,参考:... is a board member of ....。另外,董事会的英语怎么说

board of directors 查一个单词自己可以去查句酷,很方便,

【求助】MISIA—Remember Lady 的歌词!

Remember MeDon"t forget to remember me Don"t forget to remember me (x2) Please keep me in your heart If we ever have to part Don"t forget (get get) to remember me (T.I.: Verse 1) Ey the king modern day MLK ? I"m officially the freshest don"t dare forget I"m gone, momentarily don"t bear me yet Like ali got I got title back prepare for dat When the world needed tip Ask where he was it But where he need something back Nigga fade to black Talking shit behind his back You a hater for that I"m don"t expect nothing less In the game with chess you think 5 moves ahead and not behind Niggas jumped up cheered when I got my time Like yeah, one whole year I got in the grind But get me losing off your mind Shorty may I remind you That there aint another nigga who done been through what I been through Time aftter time again you better get some ? in you When you said it was over for him and you thought he couldn"t continue to floss Heres to your memory loss Suckkka (Mary J. Blige: Chorus) Don"t forget (get get) to remember me (x2) Please keep me in your heart If we ever have to part Don"t forget forget to remember me (T.I.: Verse 2) They say out of sight is out of mind And 9 times out of 10 me and (out of pocket out of line) ? You do it big everybody that you out shined Then your old lady fate talk about how he got fine She say she trying to get away He say about time Right now we all thinking damn hope it not mine But when its lights out for you and you locked down Aint not telling whether or not your lady when and got down With that nigga ? town cause he hot now Ripping up your love letters, lifting up her night gown Right now somebody baby moma gettin piped down Kids in the next room listening, ima pipe down The thought hurt don"t it But maybe she strong enough for aint get that lonely cause you wasn"t gone long enough True Its just a temporarily setback Its on when I get back Please don"t forget dat (Mary J. Blige: Chorus) Don"t forget to remember me Don"t forget (please don"t) to remember me Please keep me in your heart If we ever have to part Don"t forget (get get) to remember me (Mary J. Blige: Verse 1) I don"t mean to feel like this Don"t mean to think like this My heart just has to be shown That the love that I give to you That"s the love that I get from you I need to be safe and secure Don"t forget don"t forget to remember me Please remember me Everything I bring to this love love Please keep me in your heart If we ever have to part Don"t forget (get) to remember me Don"t you ... forget about me

World of Guns: Gun Disassembly的模式选项

1.保养模式:   Pause(暂停)  Hint(提示)  Highligh thing(新的东西)下一个需要拆解的东西,在此模式下,需要拆解的会常亮中。  Focus(聚焦、居中)  X-Ray(X射线模式)X射线模式下,全透明。  Plastic(塑料模式)  <<Back(返回)退回上一步  Part names(零件名称)点此项会显示拆解下来的零件名称  右下角  Dependence(依赖)点了弹匣再点此按钮就会拉近至弹匣进入口。  Activate(激活)拆解选中零件  Clear(明确的)取消当前选择物品  2.拆解模式:(组装模式相同)   Pause(暂停)  Hint(提示)  Highligh thing(新的东西)  Focus(聚焦、居中)  X-Ray(X射线模式)  Plastic(塑料模式)  <<Back(返回)  Part names(零件名称)  右下角  Dependence(依赖)  Activate(激活)  Clear(明确的)  3.开火模式:  Ammo(弹药量)  Pause(暂停)  Focus(聚焦、居中)  Rotate(旋转)  Slow(缓慢、放慢)×2倍×10倍×50倍  Plastic(塑料模式)  Active(活跃的)应该是运动部位  Cutaway(剖面图)  Click‘n"Hide(单击某部位“隐藏”)  <<(上述步骤退出一步隐藏)ALL(全部取消隐藏)  右下角  Unload(退膛、退弹)  Reload(重装)  Fire(开火、射击)  左上角(开火模式的任务达成要求)  以下要求是Colt 1911手枪的翻译Operation(操作)  Tasks to complete:(任务完成)  Single fire(单发开火)要求:发射一发子弹  Unload(退膛、退弹)要求:退一发子弹  Fire until empty(直到打空)要求:把子弹打光  Reload(重装)要求:换个弹匣  Girp types(所谓的类型)要求:更换握把护木片  Wooden(木制的)要求:换成木制的护木片  Skull(头骨)要求:换成骷髅标志的护木片  Pearl(珍珠)要求:换成珍珠材质的护木片  Matal(金属)要求:换成金属材质的护木片  Custom grips(自定义控制)要求:自己更换任意护木片  Safety(安全、保险)要求:关闭保险按钮  还补充些其他的:  Scope(范围)要求:打开瞄准器  Auto fire(连发开火)要求:打开连续开火按钮  Bayonet(刺刀)要求:装上刺刀  Barrel(枪管)要求:更换枪管  Cock the hammer(击锤)要求:打开击锤  Fire Mode(火灾模式)要求:打一发然后退膛  Remove Stock(拆下枪托)要求:拆掉枪托  Remove Hook(拆下钩)要求:拆掉钩  Hook Rotation(钩旋转)要求:旋转钩  Fold Stock(折叠枪托)要求:折叠枪托  Trig Guard(扳机保护)要求:打开扳机保护  Color(颜色)要求:更换皮肤  Bolt Assist(螺栓)要求:更换螺栓  Grip(握把)要求:装上握把  Stock Vert(折叠上掰)要求:枪托上掰  Stock Horiz(缩短)要求:枪托缩短  Flashlights(手电筒)要求:装上手电筒  Sights(瞄准点)要求:更换瞄准点  Barrels(枪管)要求:更换枪管  Stock(枪托)要求:装上枪托  Holster(枪套)要求:装上枪套  Bipod(两脚架)要求:装上两脚架  Suppressor(消声器)要求:装上消声器  暂时就这些  4.比赛模式:  Parts(零件)  Pause(暂停)  Focus(聚焦、居中)  Plastic(塑料模式)  Part names(零件名称)  右下角  Activate(激活)  Clear(明确的)  5.超级比赛模式:  Parts(零件)  Pause(暂停)  Focus(聚焦、居中)  Part names(零件名称)  6.无限制比赛模式:  Pause(暂停)  Hint(提示)  Focus(聚焦、居中)  Part names(零件名称)  游戏主界面:  catalong:(目录)武器列表  User account:(用户信息)  leaderboard:(排行榜)  shop:(商店)  settings:(设置)  disclaimer:(免责声明)  左下角:  Friends:好友列表  Noble Empire:官网  Featured  右下角:  model info:(模型信息)武器介绍(model info中的Specifications为武器规格。  High Scores:(高分榜)该武器的分数排行榜




Whenallourtearshavereachedthesea Partofyouwillliveinme Waydowndeepinsidemyheart Thedayskeepcomingwithoutfail Anewwindisgonnafindyoursail That"swhereyourjourneystarts You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Justlikethewavesdownbytheshore We"regonnakeeponcomingbackformore "causewedon"teverwannastop Outinthisbravenewworldyouseek Ohthevalleysandthepeaks AndIcanseeyouonthetop You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Remembermewhenyou"reoutwalkin" Whenthesnowfallshighoutsideyourdoor Lateatnightwhenyou"renotsleepin" Andmoonlightfallsacrossyourfloor WhenIcan"thurtyouanymore You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Pleaserememberme END 中文: 当所有你我的泪水汇入大海 你的一部分将存在我的生活之中 深深的刻在我的内心深处 没有缺憾的日子不停的过着 又一阵清新的风找到了你的航向 那是你开始去向何方的旅程 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我… 就像浪花总在岸边停歇 我们更多的都在等待着回归 只因我们都曾不想停止 在这个充满冒险的新世界里你寻求着 哦,在那山谷间在那山峰上 我可以望见你正站在山颠 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我… 当你行走在外时请记住我 当你的门外雪花满天纷飞时 夜晚迟些的时候,当你还没有入睡 撒下的月光漫过你的地板时 当我无法再伤痛到你任何一点时 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我…

一首男生英文歌,歌词是you remember(remember)重复两remember 然后还有its true 然后还有its you

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