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in a nutshell可以用在作文中吗

In a nutshell 这个词意思是“总而言之”,属于较口语化的表达,写作中最好别使用这个词。 in a nutshell:简而言之;概括地说;简言之。 扩展资料   To put it in a nutshell, we"re bankrupt.   简单地说,我们破产了。   In a nutshell, the owners thought they knew best   简而言之,业主们认为自己最了解情况。   This, in a nutshell, is what Richard Chaplin appears to have done.   简言之,这好像就是理查德·查普林所做的一切。   He put the situation in a nutshell.   他简明扼要地说明了情况。   In a nutshell, development aid for health is working.   简而言之,推动卫生事业发展的援助工作正在发挥作用。

In a nutshell什么意思

in a nutshell 简言之; 一言以蔽之; 简单地; 简约地

in a nutshell是什么意思

in a nutshell中文释义:简单地,简约地;概括地;极其简括地说例句:In a nutshell, the developer writes a test before writing any code.简单地说,开发人员在撰写代码之前要撰写一个测试。【词汇解析】nutshell英文发音:["nu028ctu0283el]中文释义:n. 坚果的外壳;小的东西,小容器vt. 概括例句:That is the whole problem, in an organic nutshell.总体上概括起来,这才是问题的全部。扩展资料in a nutshell的近义词:1、to sum up英文发音:[tu su028cm u028cp]中文释义:总之;简括地说;总而言之例句:Well, to sum up, what is the message that you are trying to get across?那么,简单来说,你想要传达的信息到底是什么?2、to put it briefly英文发音:[tu pu028at u026at u02c8briu02d0fli]中文释义:简单说来;简而言之;概括地说例句:We are fighting for three things, to put it briefly.简单地说,我们为三件事而战。

in a nutshell 可以当书面语用么? 为什么我们老师提倡在文章中使用

还行吧可以用,当然了书面语还是尽量少用口语化的词啊~ 记得有一本书的前言里就是用的这句,应该是比较地道的,只不过没有in a word 和in short用的多。

in a nutshell

没问题。in a nutshell 是英文成语

《Algorithmsina Nutshell》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Algorithms in a Nutshell》(George T. Heineman)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1wtHsqtRzagULARv6JK2Iiw 提取码: wqbf书名:Algorithms in a Nutshell作者:George T. Heineman出版社:O"Reilly Media出版年份:2016-4-2页数:390作者简介:George T. Heineman是伍斯特理工学院计算机科学系的一名副教授,专注于软件工程方面的研究。他还参与编写了一本论述基于组件的软件工程方面的书:《Putting the Pieces Together》,由Addision-Wesley于2001年出版。George是2005年国际组件软件工程研讨会的议程主席。

像in brief,obviously,what`s more,in a nutshell这类的连词的总结!!

我也记不清了 在网上搜到了一些 结合了自己的一些修改 觉得这个比较清楚 复制过来 一起分享~(一),连词主要有but ,however,yet,although,on the contrary,while ,and, then, first second,or,not only...but also...,both...and...,neither...nor... (二),并列连词和从属连词按语义分如下几种:A,常见的表示语义引申的并列连词有:1.and Justice is on your side. And justice will triumph over injustice. 正义在你们一边,而正义是会战胜非正义的。 2. neither... nor She could neither speak the language nor write it. 这种语言她既不会说,也不会写。 3. both... and A man should have both courage and perseverance.一个人既要有勇气又要有毅力。 4. not only... but also We should not only be bold, but also be cautious. 我们不仅要大胆,而且要谨慎。 5. as well as I have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays. 我读过他的一本小说和几个剧本。 B,表示选择的并列连词有: 1. or You may do it yourself, or ask someone else to do it. 你可以自己做或者让别人做。 2. either... or I left it either on the table or in the drawer. 我不是把它放在桌子上了,就是放在抽屉里了。 除了表示选择外,or和either... or还可以表示否定的条件: 1) Now I must go or (if not) I shall be late for the party. 我现在得走了,否则晚会我就要迟到了。 2) You"ll either behave yourself, or you"ll never go out with me. 你要么老实点,要么就永远不能跟我一起出去。 C,表示转折或对比的并列连词有: 1. but He tried hard but he was unsuccessful. 他做了很大努力但没有成功。 2. yet The car was old, yet it was in excellent condition. 这辆车子很旧,但仍处于良好的状态。 3. however She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate. 她病了。然而她照旧去上班,并且尽力集中精神工作。 4. nevertheless I don"t know anything against that man; nevertheless I don"t trust him. 我对那个人没有什么不良的看法,但我不能信赖他。D,表示因果关系的并列连词有: 1. for You"d better put on your sweater, for it"s rather cold outside. 你最好把毛衣穿上,外边相当冷。 2. so My sister is expecting me,so I must be off now. 姐姐在等我,因此我得走了。 3. therefore You are right, therefore we should support you. 你是对的,所以我们应当支持你。 4. hence I fell off my bike yesterday—hence the bruises. 我昨天骑自行车摔倒了——所以青一块、紫一块的。从属连词是用来引导从句的。分为如下几种: A,引导时间状语从句的从属连词有: 1. when There was prolonged applause when he began to speak. 他开始讲话时响起了经久不息的掌声。 2. while We should strike while the iron is hot. 我们要趁热打铁。 3. as As (When) he entered, the hall burst into thunderous applause. 当他进来时,全场发出雷鸣般的掌声。 4. after After I visit Shanghai I"ll travel up the Yangtze. 访问上海之后,我将溯长江而上。 5. before It would be months before he was fit for the work. 要过好几个月他才能适应工作。 6. since It is just a week since we arrived here. 我们到这里才一个星期。 7. until (till) I shall stay here until (till) I"ve completed my studies. 我要在这里待到学习结束为止。 8. as soon as As soon as he got well, he went back to work. 他病一好就回去上班了。 9. once Once he said that, I knew he was lying. 他一说这话我就知道他在撒谎。 B,引导原因状语从句的从属连词有: 1. because He failed because he was too careless. 因为他太粗心,所以失败了。 2. as As it was already rather dark, we decided to stop at the temple for the night. 因为已经相当晚了,我们决定在庙里待一夜。 3. since Since you don"t want to go, we won"t force you to. 既然你不愿意去,我们也不勉强你。 4. now that Now that you are all back, we"d better start the work right away. 你们既然都回来了,我们最好马上就开始工作。 5. considering (that) They did the job quite well considering (that) they had no experience. 考虑到他们没有什么经验,这项工作他们已经干得不错了。 6. seeing that Seeing that (Since) nobody was very enthusiastic about it, they decided to cancel the trip. 由于都没有很高的热情,他们决定取消这次旅行。 C,引导条件状语从句的从属连词有: 1. if If you can do it, so can I. 你要是能办到,我也能办到。 2. even if We wouldn"t lose heart even if we should fail ten times. 我们就是失败十次也不灰心。 3. unless I won"t go unless you want me to. 除非你要我去,否则我是不会去的。 4. in case We"d better take our raincoats in case it should rain (rains). 我们最好把雨衣带着以防下雨。 5. provided /providing (that) I"ll come provided (providing) (that) you let me know in good time. 你要是及时通知我是会来的。 6. suppose/supposing (that) Suppose (Supposing) (that) he won"t agree, what shall we do? 假如他不同意,我们怎么办? 7. as (so) long as You may use the room as long as you keep it clean. 只要保持清洁你可以用这个房间。 8. on condition (that) I"ll lend you the book on condition (that) you return it on Monday. 只要你能在星期一还我,这本书我就借给你。 D,引导让步状语从句的从属连词有: 1. although / though Everybody worked with great enthusiasm although/though the weather was extremely cold. 虽然天气很冷,大家工作得非常起劲。 2. even if (though) Even if I have to walk all the way I"ll get there. 即使我得一路走着去,我也要去那里。 E,引导比较状语从句的从属连词有: 1. than We have produced 20% more cotton this year than we did last year. 我们今年棉花产量比去年高百分之二十。 2. as (so)...as He doesn"t play half as well as his sister. 他演奏的水平不及他姐姐的一半。 F,引导目的状语从句的从属连词有: 1. lest She explained again and again lest people should misunderstand her. 她一再解释唯恐人们误解。 2. so that Speak clearly so that we may understand you. 讲话要清楚,以便我们能听明白。 3. in order that He assigned us some books to read at home in order that (so that) we might have a deeper understanding of the subject. 他指定几本书给我们回家看,以便我们对这一主题有一个较深的了解。 G,引导结果状语从句的从属连词有: 1. so...that She was so moved that tears came to her eyes. 她感动得热泪盈眶。 2. such...that It was such a boring speech that I fell asleep. 演讲枯燥乏味,听得我都睡着了。 另外:引导名词性从句的连词有三个:(1)that (本身无意义),(2)whether (or not),(3)if。例如: That they will refuse the offer is unlikely. 他们不太可能会拒绝这个建议。 I don"t know whether (=if) these figures are accurate. 我不知道这些数字是否精确。 需要注意的是:whether (or not) 可引导大部分名词性从句;if仅可引导宾语从句,而且不可跟or not。例如: Whether (≠if) they will come or not won"t make much difference. 他们来不来关系不大。 I wonder if (=whether) she has received our telegram. 我不知道她是否收到了我们的电报。



Freelance Whales的《Vessels》 歌词

歌曲名:Vessels歌手:Freelance Whales专辑:WeathervanesVessel作词:VALSHE作曲:VALSHE编曲:G"n-合声:VALSHE & To-Lie呗:VALSHE君(きみ)にとってはくだらない「仮说(ごく)」を语(かた)り草卧(くたび)れる影(かげ)囃(はや)す瞳(ひとみ)には映(うつ)らない すり抜(ぬ)けた网状(もうじょう)の鞘(さや)で「见(み)えぬなら踏(ふ)みつけても 谁(だれ)の心(こころ)も痛(いた)まない!」抗(あらが)いもしない人(ひと)を 卷(めく)して笑(わら)ったのは谁(だれ)?宵(よい)に惑(まど)うほどの童子(わらべ)にもなれず、非情(ひじょう)にも生(い)きれない。今(いま)に手折(たお)れる城郭(じょうかく)も彼(かれ)の正义(せいぎ)なら 绝(た)えずと、贯(つらぬ)くだろう。月(つき)を饰(かざ)り知(し)れた人(ひと)の败色(はいしょく)に 懐(なつ)かしむ面影(おもかげ)を全(すべ)て夺(うば)い尽(つ)くした顷(ころ) 失(な)くした縁(えにし)を探(さが)せど、今(いま)さらで。いつの夜(よる)からかくだらない「仮说(ごく)」を语(かた)る事(こと)も无(な)くなり呼吸(こきゅう)さえも忘(わす)れて 思(おも)い上(あ)がる者(もの)に刃(は)を向(む)け我先(われさき)と沈(しず)みかけた 脆(もろ)き小舟(こぶね)を降(お)りたがり夸(ほこ)らかに行(い)く往来(おうらい)で 追想(ついそう)に忧(うれ)うのは何故(なぜ)?谁(だ)そ彼(かれ)に置(お)き忘(わす)れていた种々(しゅじゅ)の音(おと)が、空蝉(うつせみ)に芽吹(めぶ)くように。过去(かこ)に慰(なぐさ)みを探(さが)して写(うつ)し絵(え)を抱(だ)けば 谁(だれ)もが、愚(おろ)かになる。手(て)を繋(つな)ぐ迄(まで)で途切(とぎ)れていた记忆(きおく)は 疵付(きずつ)かない狡(ずる)さで何(なに)ひとつ戻(もど)らないなら 几重(いくえ)の波折(なお)りよ残(のこ)らずも、攫(さら)って。谁(だれ)しも本心(ことば)もなく 面(めん)を片手(かたて)に探(さぐ)り合(あ)い讶(いぶか)るも待(ま)ち远(どお)しと 爱(いと)しくあろうとした。…それだけ?はらり はらり落(お)ちて行(い)こうわくら叶(は)に、愿(ねが)い事戯(ごとたわむ)れて。今(いま)は辿(たど)れない大空(おおぞら)に放(はな)つ鸟(とり)となれ 憧(あこが)れ、朽(く)ちてゆくなら。末尾(まつび)まで切(き)り取(と)った场面(ばめん)には 「仆(ぼく)」に似(に)た面影(おもかげ)と喜剧(きげき)を许(ゆる)し寄(よ)り添(そ)った影法师(かげぼうし)ふたつ 见果(みは)てぬ、人(ひと)の梦(たね)。世(よ)の器(うつわ)に 咲(さ)かせたhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7429932


: 这很正常,平台价格差异是常有的,建议在华为

to put it in a nutshell是什么意思

【to put it in a nutshell】是英语习语,意思是【简单地说;一句话】。双语例句1. "Do you like his new girlfriend?"" To put it in a nutshell, no."“ 你喜欢他的新女友 吗 ? ” “一个字, 不. ”2. To put it in a nutshell, we"re bankrupt.简断截说, 我们破产了.3. It"s a long story, but to put it in a nutshell, he has been arrested.这事说来话长, 不过简言之, 他已被捕.4. To put it in a nutshell, we had better leave at once.简言之,我们最好马上就走。5. It"s a long story, but put it in a nutshell, he got killed by another bad guy.说来话长,不过长话短说,他被另一个坏蛋干掉了。6. I have a lot to say about his latest book, but to put it in a nutshell,it is a good work.我对他的新书有许多看法7. There"s a lot I could say about the performance,but to put it in a nutshell,it was bad.关于那次演出我可以提很多意见,不过用一句话概括起来就是:很差劲。

Alice In Chains的《Nutshell》 歌词

歌曲名:Nutshell歌手:Alice In Chains专辑:UnpluggedNutshellAlice In ChainsJar of FliesWe chase misprinted liesWe face the path of timeAnd yet I fightAnd yet I fightThis battle all aloneNo one to cry toNo place to call homeOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...My gift of self is rapedMy privacy is rakedAnd yet I findAnd yet I findRepeating in my headIf I can"t be my ownI"d feel better deadOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...http://music.baidu.com/song/10561732

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"Nutshell"这个短语在翻译成中文时,可以使用以下几个常见的表达方式:简而言之:这个翻译最直接地传达了 "nutshell" 的含义,用于概括或总结一个复杂问题的要点,以便更简明地传达给听众或读者。概括地说:这个翻译也表示对一个主题或问题进行总结或概括,以简洁明了的方式表达其核心要点。简单来说:这个翻译强调用简单、易懂的语言来表达一个问题或观点的核心,以便更容易被理解和接受。当使用 "nutshell" 或其翻译进行表达时,可以采用以下几种方式:引导总结:在演讲、写作或讨论中,可以使用 "in a nutshell" 或其翻译作为引导语,然后简洁地概括或总结所要表达的核心内容。例如:In a nutshell, the main problem is lack of communication between team members.(简而言之,主要问题是团队成员之间缺乏沟通。)提供关键信息:当需要在短时间内向他人传达重要信息时,可以使用 "in a nutshell" 或其翻译来快速概括要点。这可以帮助他人更快地理解问题或情况的核心。例如:In a nutshell, the report shows a decline in sales and an increase in expenses.(简而言之,报告显示销售额下降,费用增加。)总结讨论:当进行长时间的讨论或辩论后,可以使用 "in a nutshell" 或其翻译来总结讨论的结果或得出的结论。这有助于将复杂的信息压缩成简洁明了的表述。例如:After a lengthy discussion, in a nutshell, we agreed to proceed with the new marketing strategy.(经过长时间的讨论,简而言之,我们决定执行新的营销策略。)总之,使用 "nutshell" 或其翻译时,重点是用简洁明了的方式概括或总结一个问题、主题或讨论的核心要点。这种表达方式可以帮助他人更快地理解复杂信息,并在简洁的语言中传达关键信息。

in the nutshell是什么意思


in a nutshell是什么意思

in a nutshell一言以蔽之双语对照词典结果:in a nutshell[英][in u0259 u02c8nu028ctu02ccu0283el][美][u026an e u02c8nu028ctu02ccu0283u025bl]简言之; 一言以蔽之; 简单地; 简约地; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Here"s how it works in a nutshell. 下面概括地说说这个产品如何运作

freelance journalist是什么意思

freelance journalist自由撰稿人双语对照例句:1.What makes the case odder is that mr wolf, who is 24, is a video-blogger as much as afreelance journalist. 使得这件案子更加特别的是,24岁的wolf既是一个播客作者也是一个自由撰稿人。2.As takashi uesugi, a campaigning freelance journalist puts it; japan"s equivalent of america"smilitary-industrial complex is the "bureaucracy-media complex". 正如一位竞选自由撰稿人上杉隆所说的:在日本,与美国的军事-工业集合体等同的是官僚-媒体集合体。


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辞职做 Freelance 能养活自己和家人么





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ABB Freelance/AC800F 怎样进行TCP/IP 联机操作






关于freelance model!!!

你好呀, 我自己系从事模特儿管理, 我念我可以解释一下freelance model 同合约model既唔同, 有咩可以做, 有咩唔可以做 简单d讲, freelance model, 冇咩准则, 你有咁既"客人" 系手, 你自己觉得可以接, 就去做, 个客一样要casting你, 睇你啱唔啱佢地既要求, 但好坦白讲, 除非一间model公司有某d原因要揾埋freelance model帮手, 大既客户好少揾freelance帮手, 大客多数直接揾大既model公司既model, 因为有大model公司有信誉, 有保障, 有training, 有质素, 有体面, 所以freelance model好少有机会接到大客既job, 大客户一样会怕freelance model no show, 因为大家冇签文件, 冇得追讨, 所以有大既function, 唔会揾freelance, 换言之, freelance model要等有机会至可以做一个大job 你亦可以咁讲 freelance model 好似自由d, 自己有权去选择接咩job, 其实一间有规模既model 公司, 选择job俾自己合约model 仲认真过你自己去选, 形象唔健康, 有危险既job, 公司可以唔接, freelance model就好多都因为念住可以赚钱, 咩都ok, 唔会理对自己将来既model 事业会唔会有负面影响, 或者危唔危险, 都会接, 好简单, 你系一个freelance model, 圣诞系LKF 某一个餐厅做function, 可能餐厅有帮员工同客人买保险, 但系你系去做freelance既嘢, 又唔系员工, 又唔系客人, 结果d客人饮得高兴过头, 一唔小心将个酒樽抛去你度, 结果你受左伤, 你当然唔会用少少既model fee去买保险, (你唔好介意我咁讲, 除非你系一个好多年经验既freelance, 你有gust开高d价, 如果唔系freelance 既model fee, 一定高唔过公司同你倾番黎既) 你受伤, 边个赔偿呢 再者, freelance model 好多时候做完个job, 等好耐都未有钱收, 中国香港多的是呀, 你只不过系一个freelance model, 你同佢冇签任何法律文件, 你 no show, 佢嘈唔到你, 只系你个名会俾人传得唔好听, 但系都系应该, 因为你冇责任, no showu359e, 但系如果你做足, 做突, 因为好多freelance model 念住做好d, 希望有下一次既 job, 但系偏偏收唔到报酬, 咁你又嘈佢咩呢, 一来无文件, 二来你又冇足够既钱同佢打官司, 你只系可以等, 到最后, 直头收唔到既不知几多. 好多人会同d model 讲, 你有公司合约, 我唔揾你喇, 太烦喇, 所以咪好多合约model俾人"大" 到, 以为有合约会阻碍自己接job, 其实系因为如果个客要同公司deal, 一开始, 当所有嘢confirm左, 签左文件, 个客要俾一半订, 系个客黎讲, 当然, 系一个好既客就会跟足去做, 但系如果佢揾freelance, 就冇呢回事, 再衰d, 做哂唔俾都仲得, 所以咪会问, 如果有合约, 我唔揾你喇, 好多model 系因为唔知, 或者唔想同公司分账, 宁愿冒呢个险罗 当然中国香港有好多有合约既model, 基于佢地既唔专业同短视, 会瞒住自己公司, 自己合约model既身份去接freelance job, 咁既情况就另作别论 如果你系有合约系身, 而有人揾你接 job, 最正确既做法系将个job 俾番公司同事同佢倾, 你有冇见过容袓儿自己去接 freelance既job, 唔同mani讲, 你要知道, 合约系有法律效力, 你唔遵守, 公司系可以出律师信告你, 讲真, 好多model 以为公司会同你分账, 你要清楚知道, 公司同你点分账, freelance job点分, 点处理, 系你同佢签合约既时候, 一定会讲得好清楚, 合约亦都讲明, 所以一个有道德同专业既model, 系应该唔会自己去接freelance job, 如果俾公司发现, 就因少失大罗,如果想揾freelance model job, 可以上呢个网址睇下有无适知既, 又或者自己post 一个广告等人联络你, 最好当然系有相啦 .88db.jobsdbviews/showsearchresultx?Q=&CatID=1028&SubCatID=1313,参考: .88db.jobsdbviews/showsearchresultx?Q=&CatID=1028&SubCatID=1313,


这个问题可以搜索一下 学知网,它的对应目录是" 经济管理/最新资料/企业案例/广告"










关于华为freelance线控失效,以下是具体解决方法。1、没开启线控功能是不能线控的,开启方法如下:进入“ 设置 > 智能辅助 > 智能线控”,开启智能线控开关。2、开启了线控功能还是失灵,开启智能线控功能后,快速按耳机音量键两次系统默认为收藏,三次默认为下载。调整音量要手指“单击”,不连续的按耳机音量键。3、关闭智能线控开关,这样就可以快速放飞的按耳机音量键调整音量大小了。方法同上:设置 > 智能辅助 > 智能线控,关闭智能线控开关。4、插入耳机音量,按音量加键调节,音量突然很大。这种情况是安卓系统中有人性化记忆音量功能,简单理解就是你上次外放音量设置为0,插入耳机按音量加键,音量会从0直接变化到上次使用耳机时的音量。5、如果以上解决方法都不灵的话考虑是不是耳机的兼容性或者耳孔等其他问题,可以去售后检测下。


fu rui lei si


1、其中 yum install tomcat 执行过程中需要用键盘输入两次字符”y”以便确认选项,Dockerfile 脚本命令如下。2、FROM centos MAINTAINER quicmous "xuyeping@yeah.net"。3、RUN yes y | head -2 | yum install tomcat -y RUN echo "Hi, I am in your container"EXPOSE 80。4、其中 yes 命令可以无限重复产生其后面的字符”y”,head 命令只选择其中两次重复输入,也就是两个字符”y”。命令行。5、yes y | head -2 | yum install tomcat -y,可以自动完成全部操作,中间过程不需要人工干预。


《The Well-Grounded Rubyist》(David A. Black)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xhZ6J2kGFuW1gOFHGcWvfw 提取码: 9a4s书名:The Well-Grounded Rubyist作者:David A. Black豆瓣评分:7.5出版社:Manning Publications出版年份:2009-6-4页数:520内容简介:HIGHLIGHT The perfect introduction to Ruby, completely updated for Ruby 1.9. DESCRIPTION The Well-Grounded Rubyist takes the reader from interested novice to proficient practitioner. It"s a beautifully written tutorial that begins with the basic steps to get the reader"s first Ruby program up and running and goes on to explore sophisticated topics like callable objects, reflection, and threading. Whether the topic is simple or tough, the book"s easy-to-follow examples and explanations give the reader immediate confidence as you build your Ruby programming skills. The Well-Grounded Rubyist is a thoroughly revised and updated edition of the best-selling Ruby for Rails. In this new book, expert author David A. Black moves beyond Rails and presents a broader view of Ruby. It covers Ruby 1.9, and keeps the same sharp focus and clear writing that made Ruby for Rails stand out. It"s no wonder one reader commented: The technical depth is just right to not distract beginners, yet detailed enough for more advanced readers. KEY SELLING POINTS Crystal-clear examples and explanations of core Ruby topics Starts at the very beginning and guides you to confident proficiency Updated for Ruby 1.9 Prepares you to use Ruby anywhere - not just with Rails By the bestselling author of Ruby for Rails作者简介:A Ruby community leader, David A. Black is a director of Ruby Central, the parent organization of the annual International Ruby Conference (RubyConf) and the International Rails Conference. David is a Ruby core contributor and the creator and maintainer of the Rails-based Ruby Change Request Archive (RCRchive). He lives and works as a consultant in new Jersey.


举个例子:做Docker构建镜像的练习,写了下面这个 Dockerfile 文件,其中 yum install tomcat 执行过程中需要用键盘输入两次字符”y”以便确认选项,Dockerfile 脚本命令如下:FROM centosMAINTAINER quicmous "xuyeping@yeah.net"RUN yes y | head -2 | yum install tomcat -yRUN echo "Hi, I am in your container"EXPOSE 8012345其中 yes 命令可以无限重复产生其后面的字符”y”,head 命令只选择其中两次重复输入,也就是两个字符”y”。命令行yes y | head -2 | yum install tomcat -y可以自动完成全部操作,中间过程不需要人工干预。


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Sweet Is The Melody (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Is The Melody (Album Version)歌手:Iris Dement专辑:My LifeSweet is the melody, so hard to come byIt"s so hard to make every note bend just rightYou lay down the hours and leave not one tracebut a tune for the dancing is there in its placeThe dance floor"s for glidingnot jumping over ponieswhere boots and gold bracelets come and meet as they shouldIt"s for celebrating a Friday night romanceforgetting the bad stuff and just feeling goodSweet is the melody, so hard to come byIt"s so hard to make every note bend just rightYou lay down the hours and leave not one tracebut a tune for the dancing is there in its placeAn arm"s just an arm‘til it"s wrapped ‘round a shoulderlooped side by sidethey go stepping out togetherA note"s just a note‘til you wake from your slumberand dare to discover the new melodySweet is the melody, so hard to come byIt"s so hard to make every note bend just rightYou lay down the hours and leave not one tracebut a tune for the dancing is there in its placeSweet is the melody, so hard to come byIt"s so hard to make every note bend just rightYou lay down the hours and leave not one tracebut a tune for the dancing is there in its placehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7487757

Sweet is the melody的歌词?

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 这首歌是Aselin Debison演唱,不知那位大侠有歌词? 解析: [ti:Sweet is the melody] [ar:艾丝琳Aselin Debison] [al:][by:] [offset:500] [00:07.07]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [00:12.14]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [00:18.20]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [00:24.23]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place [00:32.53]The dance floor"s for gliding [00:34.90]not jumping over ponies [00:37.92]where boots and gold bracelets e and meet as they should [00:44.20]It"s for celebrating a Friday night romance [00:50.12]fetting the bad stuff and just feeling good [00:58.17]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [01:03.74]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [01:09.83]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [01:15.33]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place [01:26.82]An arm"s just an arm [01:29.39]‘til it"s wrapped ‘round a shoulder [01:33.08]looped side by side [01:34.75]they go stepping out together [01:39.05]A note"s just a note [01:40.94]‘til you wake from your slumber [01:44.52]and dare to discover the new melody [01:52.72]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [01:58.23]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [02:04.38]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [02:09.90]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place [02:44.46]Sweet is the melody, so hard to e by [02:50.15]It"s so hard to make every note bend just right [02:56.11]You lay down the hours and leave not one trace [03:00.95]but a tune for the dancing is there in its place



what is absolute uncertainty and relative uncertainty? 要物理解答和中文的学术翻译

absolutely uncertainty是在测量的时候数据有大有小,那个范围就是absolutely uncertainty绝对误差relative uncertainty 就是因为测量工具而产生的误差,比如你的尺子只能测到毫米那多的那一点你是预测的那误差就是±0.5毫米

EXCEL 中怎么用宏实现批量复制相同行

可以的,参考以下宏。Public Sub Check_for_Duplicate_Rows()Dim vD As VariantDim x As IntegerDim y As LongWith Worksheets("Data")vD = .UsedRange.FormulaFor x = 2 To UBound(vD, 1)For y = x + 1 To UBound(vD, 1)If vD(x, 1) = vD(y, 1) Then.Rows(y).CopyWorksheets("Duplicates").Rows(1).InsertEnd IfNext yNext xEnd WithEnd Sub


在电脑端用“Check for Duplicates”查找重复项(在Tools菜单下面),查找完成后进行"confirm merge"就可以删除重复项了。


1、freeloop什么意思?2、freeloop什么意思?3、freeloop的意思用中文翻译是什么?freeloop什么意思?freeloop这首歌表达了我们可以扭转一切freeloop,共渡难关。希望能展现出自我特殊freeloop的一面freeloop,但同时也希望音乐能引起人们的共鸣。这首歌的灵感来源不是关于美酒豪车的freeloop,而是关于处在各种人际关系之中的人,以及Daniel Powter曾经经历过的情境。freeloop这首歌的歌曲鉴赏:丹尼尔·波特身上总有一股挥之不去的大龄文艺青年范,freeloop他的歌曲永远唱出生活的真实。如同一位长久“在路上”的诗人,无论是街道、地铁站、咖啡厅、楼宇、穿梭的人群中,他始终像一位感性和喜欢随遇而安的诗人在记录着所看到的一切。他的歌总像是在把生活用音乐进行一次叙事的行为,很多地方让人觉得似曾相识,把人带入他歌曲的世界,因为歌曲中总会融入每个人日常的生活。戴着耳机,听着Daniel的歌,游走在城市的真实街道上,那一刻,会发现,似乎每一个街道的转角都有故事正在发生着。freeloop什么意思?Free Loop (管不住的音符)I"m a little used to calling outside your name如果不喊出freeloop你的名字freeloop,freeloop我在窗外会有点难受I wont see you tonight so I can keep from going insane今晚若再见到你,我可能无法控制自己But I don"t know enough, I get some kinda lazy day我不明白这是为什么,时间开始变得有点缓慢Hey yeah嘿耶I"ve been fabulous through to fight my town a name我曾一语惊人,想要名震一方I"ll be stooped tomorrow if I don"t leave as them both the same如果我也离你而去,在人群中随波逐流,只会碌碌无为But i dont know enough, I get some kinda lazy day我不明白这是为什么,时间开始变得有点缓慢Hey yeah嘿耶Cause it"s hard for me to lose因为失去你是一种煎熬In my life I"ve found only time will tell我发觉在我的生活中只有时间才能证明一切And I will figure out that we can baby宝贝,我会找到答案的We can do a one night stand, yeah至少我们可以一夜相拥And it"s hard for me to lose in my life因为失去你是一种煎熬I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire我发现你被遗弃街头,外表憔悴不堪将要毁灭That we can baby宝贝,我们可以We can change and feel alright扭转一切,共度难关I"m a little used to wandering outside the rain我已习惯在雨中漫步You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same如果你找到依赖,大可天明就离我而去But I don"t know enough, I need someone who leaves the day但我不明白这是为什么,我需要有人和我一起遗忘这一天Hey yeah嘿耶Cause it"s hard for me to lose因为失去你是一种煎熬In my life I"ve found only time will tell我发觉在我的生活中只有时间才能证明一切And I will figure out that we can baby亲爱的,我会弄明白的We can do a one night stand, yeah至少我们可以一夜相拥And it"s hard for me to lose in my life因为失去你是一种煎熬I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire我发现你被遗弃街头,外表憔悴不堪将要毁灭That we can baby宝贝,我们可以We can change and feel alright扭转一切,共度难关freeloop的意思用中文翻译是什么?free loop:自由循环freeloop,自由圈音标:英 [fri_ lu_p] 美 [fri_ lu_p]关键词语:loop:英 [lu_p] 美 [lu_p] n. 环形freeloop,环状物;循环胶片freeloop,循环磁带;(程序中)一套重复freeloop的指令;回线,回路;英(铁道或公路的)环线;美,非正式大环(指美国芝加哥市的商业中心);英(可改道的)会车线;翻筋斗(一种飞行特技);(滑冰)单刃转圈v. 使成环,使绕成圈;成环形运动;播放一卷磁带,放一卷电影胶片,执行计算机指令【名】 (Loop)(美、丹)劳鄱(人名)[ 复数 loops 第三人称单数 loops 现在分词 looping 过去式 looped 过去分词 looped ]相关短语:Freeloop Danielpowter :一首英文经典Free loop :管不住的音符 ; 丹尼尔 ; 自由循环 ; 挡不住的音符双语例句:Free-Loop Control System for Steel Rolling Production Line轧钢车间生产线自由活套控制系统Then you"re free to loop over the resulting list and quit the database.然后可以自由地在结果列表内循环并退出数据库。


01去重我们使用Pandas库的drop_duplicates(subset=None, keep=‘first", inplace=False)功能来对Excel文件中的重复项进行删除。其中,subset参数代表指定列标记,默认当每一条行记录完全相同时,才会认定为重复行;keep=‘"有‘first"、‘last"和‘False",意思是删除重复行时,保留first还是last还是全部删除,默认参数是‘first";inplace=‘"有True和Flase,意思是直接替换还是保留副本,默认值是Flase。 读取Excelimport pandas as pddf = pd.read_excel("全部.xlsx") 选中列去重df.drop_duplicates(["用户名称"])其中第2、3行的用户名称与第0、1行重复,所以被删除。03 保存最后一个重复数据df.drop_duplicates(["用户名称"],keep="last")04 保存Exceldf.to_excel("去重后.xlsx")02批量获取Excel文件在上面我们已经学会如何对单个Excel文件去重了,但是在读取文件名的时候,我们还是需要手动输入的,如果文件很多的话,我们要一个一个的输入,这不仅麻烦,而且也不符合自动化办公的名头。所以,我们就需要想办法取得该目录下的所有Excel文件。这里我们用的是Pathlib库,取得该目录下所有的xlsx格式文件。path = "K:自动化办公"

用STATA . xtset company year repeated time values within panel r(451); 怎么解决?


rania-dr feel good 韩文译音歌词

Dr. Dr. ucc98uc74cubd80ud130 ub290uaef4 uc654uc5c8uc5b4 ub0a0 ubcf4uba70 ubb34uc2a8 uc0c1uc0c1 ud558ub294 uac74uc9c0uc194uc9c1ud788 uadf8 ub208ube5buc774 uc2ebuc9c4 uc54auc558uc5b4 uae30ub2e4ub9b0 uac83ucc98ub7fc ub0b4 ubab8uc774 ub5a8ub824I need a fi fi fi fix some type of d d d druguac00uae4cuc774 ub2e4uac00uc628 ub2e5ud130 uac11uc790uae30 ub2ecub77cuc9c4 ub208ube5bud2b9ubcc4ud788 ub124uac8c uad00uc2ecuc744 uac16uace0 You got me FEELIN FFF-ub290ub08cDr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good ub531ub531ud588ub358 ub9c8uc74cuc774 uc870uae08uc529 ud480ub9acub124 Dr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good ub2f5ub2f5ud588ub358 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc5b4ub290uc0c8 ud3b8uc548ud574I wanna feel real good i need to feel real good I wanna feel real good cuz i been really bad bad I wanna feel real good i need to feel real good I wanna feel real good cuz i been really bad bad Dr. Dr. uc774uc820 uc0dduac01uc744 uba48ucdb0 ucc38uc558ub358 uadf8ub300 ub0b4uac8c uc561uc158uc744 ubcf4uc5ecuc918uc5b4ub5a1ud558uc8e0 ub0b4 ubab8uc5d0 uc5f4uc774 ub192uc544 uc774uc720 uc5c6uc774 uc5bcuad74uc774 ud654ub048uac70ub824I need a fi fi fi fix some type of d d d drama ubaa9uc18cub9b4 ub4e4uc73cuba74 ub5a8ub824 uc190uae38ub9cc ub2ffuc544ub3c4 ub180ub77cuc544uc774uc2a4 ud06cub9bcucc98ub7fc ub179uc544 ub0b4ub9acub124 ub0a0 ub179uc5ec feelin fff feelinDr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real goodub2f5ub2f5ud588ub358 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc5b4ub290uc0c8 ud3b8uc548ud574I wanna feel real good i need to feel real good I wanna feel real good cuz i been really bad bad ub2f5ub2f5ud588ub358 ub098 ucc28uac00uc6ccuc9c4 ub098 uadf8ub304 ubaa8ub4e0uac78 uace0uce58ub294 ub2e5ud130 feelin fa feelin uc678ub85cuc6e0ub358 ub9d8 uc4f8uc4f8ud588ub358 ub9d8 uadf8ub304 ubaa8ub4e0uac78 uace0uce58ub294 ub2e5ud130 feelin fa feelinDr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real goodstrap me down into my chair i"ve been feeling real bad

Dr Feel Good-RaNia 。跪求中文谐音歌词。 不要罗马或拼音。要中文打出来的那种。好心人给一下吧!

RaNia —— Dr. Feel GoodDr Dr 桥嗯不穷你giao我扫扫乃不妙木苏桑桑哈宁工进去儿几ki古弄比几西气那那搜Ki大林高桥龙那木米等儿料I need a fi fi fi fix some type of d d d drama卡噶一他噶嗯大扣卡恰gi打来几努别土giao里内gie关西么吗够You got me feelin f f f feelin feelin Dr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good打噶kie豆忙恨米去儿跟西普里带Dr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good他刚拍豆卡森米奥努赛表啊乃I wanna feel real good i need to feel real good I wanna feel real good cuz i been really bad bad I wanna feel real good i need to feel real good I wanna feel real good cuz i been really bad badDr Dr一接森噶个梦秋加吗豆个给内给一桥能普要秋奥豆卡就能梦没giao里耨怕一与我不西有古里我肯够料I need a fi fi fi fix some type of d d d drama梦素里土里门断料送gi门怕啦古努乐啊丝win桥老耨刚乃能乃乃努kiao feelin f f f feelin feelinDr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good他刚拍豆卡森米奥努赛表啊乃I wanna feel real good i need to feel real good I wanna feel real good cuz i been really bad bad I wanna feel real good i need to feel real good I wanna feel real good cuz i been really bad bad他打拍豆那恰噶我进那giu等某度鬼古气能他都feelin fa feelinwie料我豆忙丝丝乐豆忙科等某度鬼古气能他都 feelin fa feelinDr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good sit me down into my chair i been feeling real bad Dr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good sit me down into my chair i been feeling real bad

如何快速设置才能使EXCEl默认 :中文字体为微软雅黑,同时英文字体为Calibri 我用的是2010版本


跪求Rania的Dr feel good韩文版中文音译歌词

ub77cub2c8uc544(Rania) (Korean ver.) - Dr Feel Good Dr. Dr. ucc98uc74cubd80ud130 ub290uaef4 uc654uc5c8uc5b4(Dr Dr cho em bu tuo ne gio wa sou sou) ub0a0 ubcf4uba70 ubb34uc2a8 uc0c1uc0c1 ud558ub294 uac74uc9c0 (nar bo mio mu sen sangsang ha nen gon ji)uc194uc9c1ud788 uadf8 ub208ube5buc774 uc2ebuc9c4 uc54auc558uc5b4 (sur ji ki ke nun bi qi xir qin a na sou)uae30ub2e4ub9b0 uac83ucc98ub7fc ub0b4 ubab8uc774 ub5a8ub824(ki da lin gou qo lom nie mu mi dor lio) I need a fi fi fi fix some type of d d d drama uac00uae4cuc774 ub2e4uac00uc628 ub2e5ud130 uac11uc790uae30 ub2ecub77cuc9c4 ub208ube5b (ka ga yi ta ka won dak to gab za gi nun bi)ud2b9ubcc4ud788 ub124uac8c uad00uc2ecuc744 uac16uace0 (teg bio li nie gie guan xi mer kag go)You got me FEELIN FFF ? ub290ub08c (.. .. .. .. .. ? ne gim)Dr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good ub531ub531ud588ub358 ub9c8uc74cuc774 uc870uae08uc529 ud480ub9acub124 (dag da kie doun ma e mi zo gem xig pur li nie)Dr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good ub2f5ub2f5ud588ub358 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc5b4ub290uc0c8 ud3b8uc548ud574(dab da pie doun ka se mi ou ne sie puon nan hie) I wanna feel real good i need to feel real good I wanna feel real good cuz i been really bad bad I wanna feel real good i need to feel real good I wanna feel real good cuz i been really bad bad Dr. Dr. uc774uc820 uc0dduac01uc744 uba48ucdb0 (.. .. yi zein sieng ga ger moum qio)ucc38uc558ub358 uadf8ub300 ub0b4uac8c uc561uc158uc744 ubcf4uc5ecuc918 (qa ma doun kge die nie kie ieg sou ner bo yo zou)uc5b4ub5a1ud558uc8e0 ub0b4 ubab8uc5d0 uc5f4uc774 ub192uc544 (ou do ka jiu nie mo mie yio li no pa)uc774uc720 uc5c6uc774 uc5bcuad74uc774 ud654ub048uac70ub824(yi you oub xi our gu li hua gen gou liue) I need a fi fi fi fix some type of d d d drama ubaa9uc18cub9b4 ub4e4uc73cuba74 ub5a8ub824 uc190uae38ub9cc ub2ffuc544ub3c4 ub180ub77c(mug so lir te le miuon dour lio son gir man da a do nor la)uc544uc774uc2a4 ud06cub9bcucc98ub7fc ub179uc544 ub0b4ub9acub124 (a yi si ke lim qo lom no ga nie li nie)ub0a0 ub179uc5ec feelin fff feelin (nar no gio .. .. ...)Dr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good ub2f5ub2f5ud588ub358 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc5b4ub290uc0c8 ud3b8uc548ud574 (dab da pie don ga se mo ou ne sie pion nan nie)I wanna feel real good i need to feel real good I wanna feel real good cuz i been really bad bad ub2f5ub2f5ud588ub358 ub098 ucc28uac00uc6ccuc9c4 ub098 (dab da pie don na qa ga wo jin na)uadf8ub304 ubaa8ub4e0uac78 uace0uce58ub294 ub2e5ud130 feelin fa feelin (ke dien mo den ror go qi nen dag tou feelin fa feelin.)uc678ub85cuc6e0ub358 ub9d8 uc4f8uc4f8ud588ub358 ub9d8 (wie lo wo doun mam ser sr lie doun mam)uadf8ub304 ubaa8ub4e0uac78 uace0uce58ub294 ub2e5ud130 feelin fa feelin (ke dien mo den ror go qi nen dag tou feelin fa feelin.)Dr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good sit me down into my chair i been feeling real bad Dr. Dr. feel good come make me feel real good sit me down into my chair i been feeling real bad PS:括号里的是拼音音译,如果是按中文汉字发音来标的话,发音差别会很大。因为有很多音在汉语里是没有对照的字的,所以我还是给你发了拼音的音译,希望你可以试着看理解。

Little strokes fell great oaks. strokes, fell , oaks.在句中啥意思呀

水滴石穿strok是打击fell 滴落oaks是洞

stage stageless区别


Don"t undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.It is because we are different that ea


level 与 standard 有什么区别?“我的英语水平仅仅是高中水平”怎么翻成英语?

个人认为第三句较好生活水平 living standard ; standard of living

《别有洞天》中的Stanley yelnats是怎样的人

斯坦利·耶奈兹是一个坚韧的人。《别有洞天》是迪斯尼电影公司在2003年推出的电影。由安德鲁·戴维斯执导,西格妮·韦弗担当主演。影片根据路易斯·萨奇尔撰写的同名获奖小说改编。原著曾荣获1999年纽柏瑞儿童文学奖的金牌,是一部十分精彩有趣的儿童文学作品。故事主角是一位被怀疑偷了东西的少年--斯坦利·叶那茨四世(Stanley Yelnats IV)。讲述了一位十多岁少年斯坦利·耶奈兹的故事。

求翻译a sentimental displacement of feeling 是什么意思

你好 我用微信翻译了一下 中文为 感情的转移 希望对你有帮助



dell touchpad是什么东西

dell 触摸板驱动

Russell Crowe的《Stars》 歌词

歌词Russell Crowe - StarsThere out in the darknessA fugitive runningFallen from godFallen from graceGod be my witnessI never shall yieldTill we come face to faceTill we come face to faceHe knows his way in the darkBut mine is the way of the lordAnd those who follow the path of the righteousShall have their rewardAnd if they fallAs lucifer fellThe flameThe swordStarsIn your multitudesScarce to be countedFilling the darknessWith order and lightYou are the sentinelsSilent and sureKeeping watch in the nightKeeping watch in the nightYou know your place in the skyYou hold your course and your aimAnd each in your seasonReturns and returnsAnd is always the sameAnd if you fall as lucifer fellYou fall in vainAnd so it must beAnd so it is writtenOn the doorway to paradiseThat those who falter and those who fallMust pay the priceLord let me find himThat i may see himSafe behind barsI will never restTill then this i swearThis i swear by the stars


星际战甲中HELMINTH怎么用?部分玩家可能对HELMINTH还不太了解,下面一起来看看星际战甲HELMINTH机制分析吧。星际战甲HELMINTH机制分析HELMINTH机制英文翻译寄生的蠕虫机制。为了方便 下面我就说 是寄生虫。那么这个机制我想大家都已经期待很久了,因为天诺直播后,也是属于一个全新的机制。 那么下面我们就开始了解这个寄生虫机制一、该模块的获取如图所示:我们需要在达到I系平原的殁世幽都声望等级三级[同伴]就可以购买该模块,但是其中我们所需要的材料有点恶心。 紫色迅敏虫是属于动物捕获方面的,而且这个动物只能靠平原刷新才有,而且这个紫色迅敏 是属于亚种,就是稀有动物。 要这个标签是需要费点心思的。那么其余的材料获取就相对简单了,我就不细说了。二、寄生虫模块的使用在我制作好该模块后,就会有个任务黄点信标,然后你去到我们飞船的感染房将模块安装好后就会出现对话。然后你将三个对话完后,就会出现寄生虫模块界面各种分泌物是通过你用相对应的材料进行饲喂,才会提升 而且饲喂是提升蜕变的经验。那么我们这在饲喂的时候,会有这么一个注意的点就是 寄生虫对材料的胃口会有变化。长时间的喂一个材料会造成分泌物产生变少。同样的突变原,箭头向上时,饲喂一次增加30%一般胃口时,饲喂一次才15%厌恶的时候,饲喂一次才增加3%。就是在饲喂的时候材料会有蓝色箭头向上的,这种材料饲喂会多产生一倍的分泌物。没有箭头的就是一般胃口,就正常产生分泌物。红色箭头向下的材料产生分泌物会变得很少。【在多次饲喂一种材料的就会 导致寄生虫对该材料产生分泌物变少,所以我建议就是饲喂材料种类变多,如果只有一种是喜欢的材料那么就饲喂一次后,确认饲喂。 然后再进入重新饲喂,这样寄生虫的胃口会有变化。】三、蜕变度这张图左上角的[第四度蜕变]就是寄生虫的等级,那么这个等级是靠你饲喂,注入技能,吸取战甲。 这几个方面进行获取蜕变经验的。 而且在蜕变的过程中寄生虫都获得不同的能力,这些能量可以让你的寄生虫越来越好用。【蜕变能力】在这十度蜕变当中,寄生虫会获得一些强化能力,这些都是可以注入到战甲里面去的。四、快速获得蜕变经验蜕变经验是通过注入技能,饲喂寄生虫,吸取战甲来获取经验。吸取战甲是有冷却的吸取一个战甲后要等24小时后才能吸取下一个。那么就剩注入技能和饲喂寄生虫,这两个是联动的。 注入技能消耗分泌物,饲喂寄生虫补充分泌物。那么首先你得先补充分泌物,然后消耗分泌物再消耗,往复循环。我们注入技能可以快速消耗分泌物,那么进行对比一下各种技能的消耗。【这里分两种:强化技能,战甲技能】强化技能为寄生虫蜕变获取的技能。战甲技能为寄生虫吸取战甲后获取的技能。【强化技能】【战甲技能】经过以上很简单的对比你就会发现,强化技能对于分泌物的消耗,在三种材料消耗最高才18%, 而战甲技能对分泌物最高的消耗却高达77%。这组数据的对比显而易见。我们就可以通过注入战甲技能来快速消耗分泌物,但就有一个弊端我们需要时间,需要吸取战甲的时间,这样我们可以快速的升级寄生虫。在饲喂寄生虫方面,就是我们饲喂后分泌物产生的越多,所获得的蜕变经验就越多。


say后直接引用说明书、标牌等中你需要的内容,如:The instruction says thrice daily. <说明书指明一日服三次。> ("thrice daily"是说明书上的直接内容)tell很少用于陈述某物所写的内容,除非为了强调和间接引用其内容,表示该“标牌、广告”等向受众传达了某种信息、故事。如:The billboard tells the importance of being a Union member. <广告牌告知(人们)成为工会成员的重要性。> ("importance of being a Union member"并非广告牌的的直接内容,而是广告牌向大家传达的信息。)

Intel招聘中,FAB engineering 是指什么? FAB是什么意思?



welcome英 ["welkəm] 美 [ˈwɛlkəm] vt. 欢迎;乐于接受 adj. 受欢迎的;令人愉悦的;表示感谢的 n. 欢迎,迎接 欢迎访问; 欢迎; 迎接; 受欢迎 复数:welcomes 过去式:welcomed 过去分词:welcomed 现在分词:welcoming 第三人称单数:welcomes 比较级:welcomer 最高级:welcomest 动词欢迎;迎接 If you welcome someone, you greet them in a friendly way when they arrive somewhere. Several people came by to welcome me... 有几个人过来迎接我。She was there to welcome him home from war... 她在那儿迎接他从战场归来。The delegates received a welcoming speech by the President. 总统致词欢迎代表们。Welcome is also a noun. There would be a fantastic welcome awaiting him back here. 为了迎接他回来,这里将举行一个热烈的欢迎仪式。2. 惯用语(用于表示问候)欢迎来到… You use welcome in expressions such as welcome home ,welcome to London, and welcome back when you are greeting someone who has just arrived somewhere. Welcome to Washington... 欢迎来到华盛顿。Welcome back, Deborah—It"s good to have you here. 欢迎回来,德博拉,有你在这儿真好。3. 动词欣然接受 If you welcome an action, decision, or situation, you approve of it and are pleased that it has occurred. She welcomed this move but said that overall the changes didn"t go far enough... 她欣然接受了这一举措,但是说总体上改变还不彻底。In Germany, the move was welcomed by the Bundesbank president. 在德国,联邦银行行长欣然接受了这项措施。Welcome is also a noun. Environmental groups have given a guarded welcome to the Prime Minister"s proposal. 环保组织对首相的提议表示谨慎的欢迎。4. 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词受欢迎的;令人愉快的 If you describe something as welcome, you mean that people wanted it and are happy that it has occurred. This was certainly a welcome change of fortune... 这确实是命运中一个令人欣喜的转变。The new 25 metre pool for more serious swimmers is a welcome addition... 为更高水平的游泳爱好者新建的25米长的游泳池受到了大家的欢迎。Any progress in reducing chemical weapons is welcome. 削减化学武器的任何进展都是受人欢迎的。5. VERB 动词欢迎;乐于接受 If you say that you welcome certain people or actions, you are inviting and encouraging people to do something, for example to come to a particular place. We welcome you to join us on a special tour which explores this unique Australian attraction... 我们欢迎你加入探索这处独特的澳大利亚景观的特别之旅。We would welcome your views about the survey. 我们欢迎你就这项调查发表意见。6. 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词(人)受欢迎的 If you say that someone is welcome in a particular place, you are encouraging them to go there by telling them that they will be liked and accepted. New members are always welcome... 随时欢迎新成员加入。I told him he wasn"t welcome in my home. 我告诉他我家不欢迎他。7. 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词可随意…的;可以做…的 If you tell someone that they are welcome to do something, you are encouraging them to do it by telling them that they are allowed to do it. You are welcome to visit the hospital at any time. 你可以随时来医院。...a conservatory which guests are welcome to use. 客人们可随意使用的温室8. 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词(表示十分乐意让别人拥有自己不想要的东西)尽管…好了 If you say that someone is welcome to something, you mean that you do not want it yourself because you do not like it and you are very willing for them to have it. If women want to take on the business world they are welcome to it as far as I"m concerned. 就我而言,如果女人们想进军商界的话,就让她们去好了。9. See also: welcoming; 10. PHRASE 短语使受欢迎;使感觉受欢迎 If you make someone welcome or make them feel welcome, you make them feel happy and accepted in a new place. 短语(做客太久而)不再受欢迎 If you say that someone outstays their welcome or overstays their welcome, you mean that they stay somewhere longer than they are wanted or expected to. After the kindness that had been shown to him, he didn"t want to outstay his welcome. 在受到热情款待后,他决定离开以免过多打搅主人。12. 惯用语没关系;不客气 You say "You"re welcome" to someone who has thanked you for something in order to acknowledge their thanks in a polite way. "Thank you for the information." — "You"re welcome." “谢谢你提供的信息。”——“ 不客气。”address, greet, salute, hail, welcome 这些动词均有“欢迎,致敬,致意,招呼”之意。address:侧重打招呼的方式或指所使用的称谓。greet:常指友好而热诚地欢迎。salute:正式用词,指用敬礼、亲吻或挥帽等动作向他人致意或问候,尤指以某种礼节欢迎某人。hail:主要指怀着敬意欢迎某人,侧重欢快轻松和嘈杂。也指隔得较远的高声招呼。welcome:多指热情的官方的或正式的迎接或欢迎,但也指一般的欢迎。1.You are welcome to come in and browse. 欢迎您光临本店随便看看。 2. Please welcome our next contestant. 请欢迎我们的下一位竞赛选手。 3. She opened her arms wide in an expansive gesture of welcome. 她展开双臂以示欢迎。 4. A drop in interest rates gave a welcome fillip to the housing market. 降低利率给房屋市场带来利好刺激。 5. All joiners will receive a welcome pack. 每位入会者都会收到一个迎新包。

怎么查看显卡架构是maxwell还是kepler?新买的本子显卡是gtx 860m,网上看到这个显

GTX 860M分为两个版本,其一为Maxwell新架构GM107图形核心,具备640个CUDA单元,BGA封装;另一种基于Kepler架构GK104图形核心,拥有高达1152个CUDA单元、35亿个晶体管。可以下载GPU-Z查看

电气工程师和电子工程师英文区别,难道都是electronic engineer??


MAXWELL比 Kepler性能好多少?






retell the story

11 Sometimes intelligence can be seen through deceitful behaviors. Helen Shewan, the zoo keeper has witnessed such scene. One day when she dropped an orange through a feeling hole for an orangutan named Malati, she merely looked at Shewan as if she cannot access the orange. Shewan thus gave her another one, however, Shewan noticed that Malati has already picked up that one and hidden it in her other hand.Another male orangutan Towan and has played the same trick the next day. He pretended that he has never gotten an orange and Shewan eventually gave in and handed him another one. She then saw he has that orange underneath his foot.Intelligence exists for a purpose- that is to give a certain species a tool for survival. It is comforting to know that there are other species that are capable of accessing the world, even though they might not be as prior as human being.



五星大饭店里英文歌里有句to relly love wman (要真爱一个女人)的那首歌叫什么


谁有Tokio Hotel的Monsoon的钢琴谱???

E C EI抦starringatabrokendoorC EThere抯nothinglefthereanymoreC Am GMyroomiscoldit抯makingmeinsaneE C EI抳ebeenwaitingheresolongC Eanothermomentseemsto抳ecomeC A4 AIseethedarkcloudscomingupagainC runningthroughthemonsoonDbeyondtheworldEmtotheendoftimeBmwheretherainwonthurtC fightingthestormDintotheblueBm EmandwheniloosemyselfithinkofyouC 7M Dtogetherwe抣lberunningsomewherenewE C(4)throughthemonsoonE CjustmeandyouC EahalfmoonfadeingfrommysideC EiseeyourvisioninitslightC Am GandnowitsgoneandleftmesoaloneC EiknowihavetofindyounowC E ihearyournameidon抰knowhow C A4 Awhycan抰wemakethisdarknessfeellikehomeC runningthroughthemonsoon Dbeyondtheworld EmtotheendoftimeBmwheretherainwon抰hurtC fightingthestormDintotheblueBm EmandwheniloosemyselfithinkofyouCmaj Dtogetherwe抣lberunningsomewherenew Em BmandnothingcanholdmebackfromyouC DthroughthemonsoonE4EC4C Hey! E4EC4C Hey!!!E4E C4C I抦fightingallitspowerE4E C4C cominginmywayE4E C4C letitsendmestraighttoyouE4E C4C i抣lberunningnightanddayC7 E C7 i抣lbewithyousoonE C7 justmeandyouE C7 we抣lbetheresoonE C7 sosoonC runningthroughthemonsoonDbeyondtheworldEmtotheendoftimeBmwheretherainwonthurtC fightingthestormDintotheblueBm EmandwheniloosemyselfithinkofyouC Dtogetherwe抣lberunningsomewherenewEm BmandnothingcanholdmebackfromyouC DthroughthemonsoonC DthroughthemonsoonJustmeandyou再贴一下歌词吧I"mstarringatabrokendoorthere"snothinlefthereanymoremyroomiscoldit"smakinmeinsanei"vebeenwaitinheresolongbutnowthemomentseemsto‘vecomeiseethedarkcloudscominupagainrunninthroughthemonsoonbeyondtheworldtotheendoftimewheretherainwon"thurtfightingthestormintotheblueandwhenilosemyselfi"llthinkofyoutogetherwe"llberunningsomewherenewthroughthemonsoonjustmeandyouahalfmoon"sfadingfrommysightiseeyourvisioninit"slightbutnowit"sgoneandleftmesoaloneiknowihavetofindyounowcanhearyournameidon"tknowhowwhycan"twemakethisdarknessfeellikehomerunningthroughthemonsoonbeyondtheworldtotheendoftimewheretherainwon"thurtfightingthestormintotheblueandwhenilosemyselfi"llthinkofyoutogetherwe"llberunningsomewherenewandnothingcanholdmebackfromyouthroughthemonsoonhey!-hey!~i"mfightinallit"spowercomin"inmywayletittakemestraighttoyoui"llberunningnightanddayi"llbewithyousoon,justmeandyou,we"llbetheresoon,sosoon…runningthroughthemonsoonbeyondtheworldtotheendoftimewheretherainwon"thurtfightingthestormintotheblueandwhenilosemyselfi"llthinkofyoutogetherwe"llberunningsomewherenewandnothingcanholdmebackfromyouthroughthemonsoonthroughthemonsoonjustmeandyouthroughthemonsoonjustmeandyou&End&

Tokio Hotel 的一首歌叫hey you,歌词是什么

歌曲:Hey You专辑:Humanoid歌手:Tokio HotelCome on, you can look at meI don"t need to fit inStand up if you give a damnIt"s the livin" seasonYou and what your looking for, have you got a reasonYou can if you wanna see, a touch amout of humanThe same bloodThe same cellsThe same godThe same hellThe same lifeThe same loveSomebody, anybody, everybody stand upHey, youwe can turn it upHey, youwe can turn it upYou know, noones listeningThey don"t wanna hear itSaying, what you wanna saypeople start to fear itThe same fistThe same shoutThe same painThe same doubtThe same joyThe same loveSomebody, anybody, everybody stand upHey, youWe can turn it upHey, youWe can turn it upSilence has been killing youScreaming deep inside of youJust turn it upJust turn it upAll that you"ve gotJust let it outReady or notJust turn it up, louderDon"t let it stop, louderJust turn it up, louderWhats making you hot, louderJust turn it upCome on, you can look at meI don"t need to fit inYou can if you wanna see, just a touch of humanThe same bloodThe same cellsThe same godThe same hellThe same lifeThe same loveSombody, anybody, everybody stand upHey, youWe can turn it upHey, youWe can turn it upSilence has been killing youScreaming deep inside of youJust turn it upJust turn it upSilence has been killing youScreaming deep inside of youJust turn it upJust turn it upAll that you"ve gotJust let it outReady or notJust turn it up





melody mark女超人是哪一部




strady seller的包是什么意思

steady seller稳定的卖方双语例句1This book is a steady seller.这本书是一本稳定的畅销书。



steel a37 是什么材料 相当于国内哪个牌号的钢材???

060A37/ A80A37相当于中国GBYB 40---日本的S38C708A37相当于中国GBYB 35CrMo
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