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jingle bell的中文意思


关于Jingle Bells 摇滚版

我找到了! 是Gary Hoey的 Jingle Bell Rock 但是下载地址貌似很难找啊!我再找找吧唉,绝望了,实在是无能为力了你还是再去那家店,买件衣服,让他把盘送给你吧!

jingle bells歌词 铃儿响叮当英文版

1、Jingle Bells(铃儿响叮当)歌词: Dashing through the snow; In a one- horse open sleigh; Over the fields we go; Laughing all the way; Bells on bobtails ring; Making spirits bright; What fun it is to ride and sing; A sleighing song tonight; OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells; Jingle all the way; Oh,what fun it is to ride; In a one-horse open sleigh; Jingle bells,jingle bells; Jingle all the way; Oh,what fun it is to ride; In a one-horse open sleigh; A day or two ago; I thought I take a ride; And soon Miss Fanny Bright; was seated by my side; The horse was lean and lank; Misfortune seemed his lot; He"s got into a drifted bank; And we, we got upsot; OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells; Jingle all the way; Oh,what fun it is to ride; In a one-horse open sleigh; Jingle bells,jingle bells; Jingle all the way; Oh,what fun it is to ride; In a one-horse open sleigh; A day or two ago; The story I must tell; I went out on the snow; And on my back I fell;; A gent was riding by; In a one-horse open sleigh; He laughed as there I sprawling lie; But quickly drove away.; OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells; Jingle all the way; Oh,what fun it is to ride; In a one-horse open sleigh; Jingle bells,jingle bells; Jingle all the way; Oh,what fun it is to ride; In a one-horse open sleigh; Now the ground is white; Go it while you"re young; Take the girls tonight; And sing this sleighing song;; Just get a bob-tailed bay ; two-forty as his speed; Hitch him to an open sleigh; And crack! you"ll take the lead.; OH,Jingle bells, jingle bells; Jingle all the way; Oh,what fun it is to ride; In a one-horse open sleigh; Jingle bells,jingle bells; Jingle all the way; Oh,what fun it is to ride; In a one-horse open sleigh。 2、《铃儿响叮当》是詹姆斯·罗德·皮尔彭特作词作曲的一首儿童歌曲,1857年美国波士顿假日学校的学生在教堂有一场感恩节演唱,并很快成为了一首脍炙人口的经典圣诞歌曲。

经典英语儿歌Jingle Bells歌词

  铃儿响叮当一经演唱就引起了轰动,并很快成为了一首脍炙人口的"经典圣诞歌曲。下面是下边整理的,欢迎阅读!   Jingle Bells铃儿响叮当   Dashing through the snow   In a one horse open sleigh   O"er the fields we go   Laughing all the way   Bells on bobtails ring   Making spirits bright   What fun it is to laugh and sing   A sleighing song tonight   啊冲破大风雪,我们坐在雪橇上,   快奔驰过田野,我们欢笑又歌唱,   马儿铃声响叮当,令人精神多欢畅,   我们今晚滑雪真快乐,把滑雪歌儿唱。   Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells   Jingle all the way   Oh, what fun it is to ride   In a one horse open sleigh   Jingle bells, jingle bells   Jingle all the way   Oh, what fun it is to ride   In a one horse open sleigh   叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当,   今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上,   叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当,   今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上。   A day or two ago   I thought I"d take a ride   And soon Miss Fanny Bright   Was seated by my side   The horse was lean and lank   Misfortune seemed his lot   We got into a drifted bank   And then we got upsot   在一两天之前,我想出外去游荡,   那位美丽小姑娘,她坐在我身旁,   那马儿瘦又老,它命运不吉祥,   把雪橇拖进泥塘里,害得我们糟了殃。   Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells   Jingle all the way   Oh, what fun it is to ride   In a one horse open sleigh   Jingle bells, jingle bells   Jingle all the way   Oh, what fun it is to ride   In a one horse open sleigh yeah   叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当,   今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上,   叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当,   今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上。   Jingle bells, jingle bells   Jingle all the way   Oh, what fun it is to ride   In a one horse open sleigh   Jingle bells, jingle bells   Jingle all the way   Oh, what fun it is to ride   In a one horse open sleigh   叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当,   今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上,   叮叮当,叮叮当,铃儿响叮当,   今晚滑雪多快乐,我们坐在雪橇上。

who can help me?

四、Lili and Lanlan are my classmates.We left Beijing and arrive in Shanghai.Keep on practising English every day.We should help each other.said, learntbest friendAt the same time.五、I will go to Middle school in September this year.Are you excited?

Relative intensity的意思


pixel intensity value是什么意思

pixel intensity value平均像素强度值; .很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

像素强度是什么意思? 就是pixel intensity,是指什么?

是像素亮度,每个象素都有相应的亮度,这个亮度和色相是没有关系的,同样的亮度既可以是红色也可以是绿色,就如同黑白(灰度)电视机中的图像一样,单凭一个灰度并不能确定是红色还是绿色。 所以,像素的亮度和色相是无关的。  像素的亮度值在0至255之间,靠近255的像素亮度较高,靠近0的亮度较低,其余部分就属于中间调。这种亮度的区分是一种绝对区分,即255附近的像素是高光,0附近的像素是暗调,中间调在128左右。

it’s clear that Macy’s believes its trouble run

梅西百货显然认为其问题不仅仅是气温暂时偏离正常水平run deeper than 可以翻译为不仅仅,或远不止是


Delphi编译错误中文手册 ******************************* * 编 译 错 误 信 息 * ******************************* ";" not allowed before "ELSE" ElSE前不允许有“;” "<clause>" clause not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段不允许“<clause>”子句 "<name>" is not a type identifier <name>不是类型标识符 "<name>" not previously declared as a PROPERTY <name>前面没有说明PROPERTY "GOTO <label>" leads into or out of TRY statement GOTO <label>进入或超出TRY语句的范围 <clause1> clause expected, but <clause2> found 要求子句<clause1>,但出现<clause2> 16-Bit fixup encountered in object file "<text>" 在对象文件<text>遇到16位修复 486/487 instructions not enabled 不能用486/487指令 Abstract methods must be virtual or dynamic 抽象方法必须为虚拟的或动态的 Array type required 需要数组类型 Assignment to FOR-Loop variable "<Name>" 给FOR循环变量<Name>赋值 Bad argument type in variable type array constructor 在变量类型数组结构中不正确的参数类型 Bad file format "<name>" 错误的文件格式<name> Bad file format: <Filename> 错误的文件格式<Filename> Bad global symbol definition: "<Name>" in object file "<Filename>" 对象文件"<Filename>"中错误的全局符号定义"<Name>" Bad unit format: <Filename> 错误的单元格式<Filename> BREAK or CONTINUE outside of loop BREAK或CONTINUE超出循环 Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols 不能增加或减少可重置的符号 Cannot assign to a read-only property 不能指定只读属性 Cannot BREAK, CONTINUE or EXIT out of a FINALLY clause 超出FINALLY子句的范围,不能使用BREAK,CONTINUE或EXIT语句 Cannot initialize local variables 不能初始化局部变量 Cannot initialize multiple variables 不能初始化多个变量 Cannot initialize thread local variables 不能初始化线程局部变量 Cannot override a static method 不能覆盖静态方法 Cannot read a write-only property 不能读取只写属性 Case label outside of range of case expression CASE标号超出了CASE表达式的范围 Circular unit reference to <Unitname> 对单元<Unitname>循环引用 Class already has a default property 类已具有默认的属性 Class does not have a default property 类没有默认的属性 Class or object types only allowed in type section 在类型区段只允许有类或对象类型 Class type required 需要类类型 Close error on <Filename> 文件<Filename>关闭错误 Compile terminated by user 用户中止编译 Constant expected 要求常量 Constant expression expected 要求常量表达式 Constant expression violates subrange bounds 常量表达式超出子界范围 Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter 常量对象不能作为变量参数传递 Constant or type identifier expected 要求常量或类型标识符 Constants cannot be used as open array arguments 常量不能用作打开数组参数 Constructing instance of "<name>" containing abstract methods 构造的<name>实体包含抽象的方法 Could not compile used unit "<Unitname>" 不能用单元<Unitname>编译 Could not create output file <Filename> 不能建立输出文件<Filename> Could not load RLINK32.DLL 不能加载RLINK32.DLL Data type too large: exceeds 2 GB 数据类型太大:超过2GB Declaration of <Name> differs from previous declaration <Name>的说明与先前的说明不同 Default property must be an array property 默认的属性必须为数组属性 Default values must be of ordinal, pointer or small set type 默认的值必须为序数、指针或小集类型 Destination cannot be assigned to 目标不能指定 Destination is inaccessible 目标不能存取 Dispid "<number>" already used by "<name>" DISPID标识号已被<name>使用 Dispid clause only allowed in OLE automation section DISPID子句只能在OLE自动区段中使用 Division by zero 除数为零 Duplicate case label CASE标号重复 Duplicate tag value 重复的标志值 Dynamic method or message handler not allowed here 这里不允许有动态方法或信息处理程序 Dynamic methods and message handlers not allowed in OLE automation section在OLE自动区段不允许有动态方法或消息处理程序 Element 0 inaccessible - use "Length" or "SetLength" 元素0不能存取-使用LENGTH或SETLENGTH Error in numeric constant 数值常量错误 EXCEPT or FINALLY expected 要求EXCEPT或FINALLY EXPORTS allowed only at global scope EXPORTS只允许在全局范围使用 Expression has no value 表达式没有值 Expression too complicated 表达式太复杂 Field definition not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段中不允许域定义 Field definition not allowed after methods or properties 在方法或属性后不允许域定义 Field or method identifier expected 要求域或方法标识符 File not found: <Filename> 文件<Filename>没有找到 File type not allowed here 这儿不允许文件类型 For loop control variable must be simple local variable FOR循环控制变量必须为简单局部变量 For loop control variable must have ordinal type FOR循环控制变量必须为序数类型 FOR or WHILE loop executes zero times - deleted FOR或WHILE循环执行零次-删除 FOR-Loop variable "<name>" cannot be passed as var parameter FOR循环变量<name>不能作为参数传递 FOR-Loop variable "<Name>" may be undefined after loop 在循环后的FOR循环变量<NAME>是不确定的 Function needs result type 函数需要结果类型 Identifier redeclared: "<name>" 标识符<name>重复说明 Illegal character in input file: "<char>" ($<hex>) 在输入文件中的非法字符"<char>" Illegal message method index 非法的消息方法指针 Illegal reference to symbol "<Name>" in object file "<Filename>" 在对象文件<filename>中对符号<name>的非法引用 Illegal type in OLE automation section: "<typename>" 在OLE自动区段中的非法类型<typename> Illegal type in Read/Readln statement 在Read/Readln语句中的非法类型 Illegal type in Write/Writeln statement 在Write/Writeln语句中的非法类型 Inaccessible value 不可存取的值 Incompatible types: "<name>" and "<name>" 不兼容的类型<name>和<name> Incompatible types: <text> 不兼容的类型<text> Inline assembler stack overflow 内联汇编溢出 Inline assembler syntax error 内联汇编语法错误 Instance variable "<name>" inaccessible here 实体变量<name>在这里不能存取 Integer constant or variable name expected 要求整形常量或变量名 Integer constant too large 整型常量太大 Internal error: <ErrorCode> 内部错误<errorcode> Invalid combination of opcode and operands 操作码与操作对象的无效组合 Invalid compiler directive: "<Directive>" 无效的编译指令<DIRECTIVE> Invalid function result type 无效的函数值类型 Invalid message parameter list 无效的消息参数列表 Invalid register combination 无效的寄存器组合 Invalid typecast 无效的TYPECASE Label "<Name>" is not declared in current procedure 在当前的过程中没有说明标号<NAME> Label already defined: "<Labelname>" 标号<LABELNAME>已经定义 Label declaration not allowed in interface part 在界面部分不允许标号说明 Label declared and referenced, but not set: "<label>" 标号被<label>说明及引用,但不能设置 Label expected 要求标号 Left side cannot be assigned to 左边不能赋值 Line too long (more than 255 characters) 行太长(超出255个字符) Local class or object types not allowed 不允许局部的类或对象类型 Local procedure/function "<Name>" assigned to procedure variable 局部过程/函数<NAME>赋给过程变量 LOOP/JCXZ distance out of range LOOP/JCXZ距离超出范围 Low bound exceeds high bound 下界超过上界 Memory reference expected 要求内存引用 Method "<name>" hides virtual method of base type "<name>" 方法<NAME>隐藏了基类型为<NAME>的虚拟方法 Method "<name>" not found in base class 在基类中没有找到方法<NAME> Method identifier expected 要求方法标识符 Missing ENDIF directive 缺少ENDIF指令 Missing operator or semicolon 缺少操作符或分号 Missing or invalid conditional symbol in "$<symbol>" directive 在$<symbol>指令中缺少或无效的条件符号 Missing parameter type 缺少参数类型 Necessary library helper function was eliminated by linker 必要的库帮助函数被连接程序删除 No definition for abstract method "<name>" allowed 抽象方法<NAME>没有定义 Not enough actual parameters 没有足够的实际参数 Number of elements differs from declaration 元素数与说明不同 Numeric overflow 数值溢出 Object or class type required 需要对象或类类型 Object type required 需要对象类型 Only register calling convention allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段中只允许寄存器调用约定 Operand size mismatch 运算对象大小匹配 Operator not applicable to this operand type 运算符不使用于这一运算对象类型 Order of fields in record constant differs from declaration 在记录常量中的域次序与说明不同 Ordinal type required 需要序数类型 Out of memory 内存溢出 Overflow in conversion or arithmetic operation 转换或算术操作溢出 Overriding automated virtual method "<name>" cannot specify a dispid 覆盖的自动虚拟方法<NAME>不能指定DISPID PACKED not allowed here 这里不允许PACKED Pointer type required 需要指针类型 Procedure cannot have a result type 过程不能有结果类型 Procedure DISPOSE needs destructor 过程DISPOSE需要destructor Procedure FAIL only allowed in constructor 过程FAIL只允许在constructor方法中 Procedure NEW needs constructor 过程NEW需要constructor方法 PROCEDURE or FUNCTION expected 要求PROCEDURE或FUNCTION Procedure or function name expected 要求过程或函数名 Program or unit "<name>" recursively uses itself 程序或单元递归 Property "<name>" does not exist in base class 在基类中<NAME>属性不存在 Published property "<name>" cannot be of type <type> Published属性<NAME>不能具有类型<type> Published Real48 property "<name>" must be Single, Double or Extended Published REAL属性<NAME>必须为Single, Double或Extended Re-raising an exception only allowed in exception handler 在意外处理中只允许重新引起意外处理 Read error on <Filename> 文件<FILENAME>读出错 Record, object or class type required 需要记录,对象或类类型 Redeclaration of "<name>" hides a member in the base class <NAME>的重新说明隐藏了基类中一个元素 Redeclaration of property not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段中不允许属性重复说明 Return value of function "<Functionname>" might be undefined 函数<Functionname>的返回值可能没有定义 Seek error on <Filename> 在<FILENAME>中搜索错误 Segment/Offset pairs not supported in Borland 32-bit Pascal 在Borland 32位的PASCAL中不支持Segment/Offset对 Sets may have at most 256 elements 集至少有256个元素 Size of published set "<name>" is >32 bits published集<NAME>的大小大于32字节 Slice standard function only allowed as open array argument Slice标准函数只允许作为打开数组参数 Statement expected, but expression of type "<type>" found 要求语句,但出现类型<TYPE>的表达式 Statements not allowed in interface part 在界面中不允许的语句 String constant too long 字符串常量太长 String constant truncated to fit STRING[<number>] 字符串常量截取到适合STRING[<number>] Strings may have at most 255 elements 字符串至少255个元素 Structure field identifier expected 要求结构域标识符 Syntax error in real number 实数语法错误 System unit out of date or corrupted: missing "<name>" 系统单元超出日期或损坏:缺少<NAME> Text after final "END. 编译器忽略END.后的文本 This form of method call only allowed for class methods 该方法的窗体只允许类方法 This form of method call only allowed in methods of derived types 该方法的窗体只允许在导出类型的方法中 This type cannot be initialized 这一类型不能初始化 Thread local variables cannot be ABSOLUTE 线程局部变量不能是ABSOLUTE Thread local variables cannot be local to a function or procedure 线程局部变量对函数不能是局部的 Too many actual parameters 太多的实际参数 Too many conditional symbols 太多的条件符号 Type "<name>" has no type info 类型<NAME>没有类型信息 Type "<Name>" is not yet completely defined 类型<NAME>至今没有定义 Type "<name>" must be a class to have a PUBLISHED section 类型<NAME>必须是在PUBLISHED区段中的类 Type "<name>" must be a class to have OLE automation 类型<NAME>必须是具有OLE自动的类 Type "<name>" needs finalization - not allowed in file type 类型<NAME>需要初始化-不允许在文件类型中 Type "<name>" needs finalization - not allowed in variant record 类型<NAME>需要初始化-不允许在变体记录 Type expected 要求TYPE Type not allowed in OLE Automation call 在OLE自动调用中不允许的类型 Type of expression must be BOOLEAN 表达式的类型必须为BOOLEAN型 Type of expression must be INTEGER 表达式的类型必须为INTEGER型 TYPEINFO standard function expects a type identifier TYPEINFO标准函数要求类型标识符 TYPEOF can only be applied to object types with a VMT TYPEOF只能用于具有VMT的对象类型 Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical 形参与实参必须一致 Undeclared identifier: "<name>" 未说明的标识符<NAME> Unexpected end of file in comment started on line <Number> 以行<Number>开始的注释中出现不应有的文件结束 Unit <Unit1> was compiled with a different version of <Unit2> 单元<UNIT1>与不同版本的<UNIT2>编译 ...............还有,追问再发

self-discipline 与 self-control 是同一个意思吗




CELERON D 331 SL7TV MALAY 2.66GHZ/256/533/04A的CPU是双核的还是单核的?


Mitchel Musso的《Get Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Out歌手:Mitchel Musso专辑:Mitchel MussoMitchel Musso - Get OutYou spin around like a broken recordIt plays your name everytime the needle skipsIt"s been that way since the last decemberI can"t live like this anymoreYou"re stuck inside every conversationYes I know that you"re really good and goneBut I"m a slave to this obsessionHow can I move onYou"re in my thoughts, in my head,In my heart, in my dreamsAnd I wish you would stop haunting meGet out get outI can"t take it no moreBreathe in breathe outCause I die a little every time I think about youGet out get outCause im going crazyI scream and shoutI try everything but you"re still hereAnd I can"t stop missing youOoh yeahOh the way I feel everytime you"re with meHow you say it all without a wordI keep hearing time heals everythingSo tell me why does it still hurtLike you only just told me goodbyeAnd I can"t get you out of my mindGet out get outI can"t take it no moreBreathe in breathe outCause I die a little every time i think about youGet out get outCause I"m going crazyI scream and shoutI try everything but you"re still hereAnd I can"t stop missing youI hate to love youI hate to let you goYou"re good at leavingBut I"m no good aloneGet out get outI can"t take it no moreBreathe in breathe outCause I die a little every time i think about youGet out get outCause I"m going crazyI scream and shoutI try everything but you"re still hereAnd I can"t stop missing youGet out get outBreathe in breathe outYou spin around like a broken recordAnd it plays your name everytime the needleSkips skips skips skips skips skips skips skips skipshttp://music.baidu.com/song/1827485




原学号是怎么样的?新学号又是怎么样的?语法REPLACE(old_text,start_num,num_chars,new_text)REPLACEB(old_text,start_num,num_bytes,new_text)Old_text 是要替换其部分字符的文本。Start_num 是要用 new_text 替换的 old_text 中字符的位置。Num_chars 是希望 REPLACE 使用 new_text 替换 old_text 中字符的个数。Num_bytes 是希望 REPLACEB 使用 new_text 替换 old_text 中字节的个数。New_text 是要用于替换 old_text 中字符的文本。示例:REPLACE A2数据abcdefghijk=REPLACE(A2,6,5,"*")从第六个字符开始替换五个字符 (abcde*k)A3数据2009 =REPLACE(A3,3,2,"10")用 10 替换 2009 的最后两位 (2010)A4 数据123456=REPLACE(A4,1,3,"@")用 @ 替换前三个字符 (@456)

win7怎样使用kernel streaming

个是Winamp播放器生成的一个文件!好像和某个插件有关!你看看同目录下是不是有音频文件或播放列表!一打开Winamp就会生成这个的,不用担心!!! 求采纳

用适当的介词完成句子 What compositions are there ( ) television , ( ) newspaper or at you

on television, in newspaper


在D2单元格输入公式:=COUNTIF(A:A, "*"&C2&"*") 复制并下拉即可知道数值结果为0的就是没有签到

Lisa Stansfield的《Tenderly》 歌词

歌曲名:Tenderly歌手:Lisa Stansfield专辑:Real LoveTenderly-Patti PageThe evening breezecaressed the trees TenderlyThe trembling treesembraced the breeze TenderlyThen you and I came wandering byand lost in a sigh were we.The shore was kissedby sea and mist Tenderly.I can"t forgethow two hearts met breathlessly.Your arms opened wideand closed me insideYou took my lipsyou took my love so Tenderly.Your arms opened wideand closed me insideYou took my lipsyou took my love so Tenderly.http://music.baidu.com/song/1259914



Careless Whispers 歌词

歌曲名:Careless Whispers歌手:Maxi Priest专辑:Fe RealBarry Manilow - Careless WhisperI feel so unsureAs I take your hand and lead you to the dance floorAs the music dies, something in your eyesCalls to mind the silver screenAnd all its sad good-byesI"m never gonna dance againGuilty feet have got no rhythmThough it"s easy to pretendI know your not a foolShould"ve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste the chance that I"ve been givenSo I"m never gonna dance againThe way I danced with youTime can never mendThe careless whispers of a good friendTo the heart and mindIgnorance is kindThere"s no comfort in the truthPain is all you"ll findI"m never gonna dance againGuilty feet have got no rhythmThough it"s easy to pretendI know your not a foolShould"ve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste this chance that I"ve been givenSo I"m never gonna dance againThe way I danced with youNever without your loveTonight the music seems so loudI wish that we could lose this crowdMaybe it"s better this wayWe"d hurt each other with the things we"d want to sayWe could have been so good togetherWe could have lived this dance foreverBut no one"s gonna dance with mePlease stayAnd I"m never gonna dance againGuilty feet have got no rhythmThough it"s easy to pretendI know your not a foolShould"ve known better than to cheat a friendAnd waste the chance that I"ve been givenSo I"m never gonna dance againThe way I danced with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2741441



In every major city there are more vacant apartments than there are homeless.怎么翻译


Love Is An Angel 歌词

歌曲名:Love Is An Angel歌手:Various Artists专辑:Everybody Dance Now1Love Is An AngelVarious ArtistsLove is an angelHolding you tightLove is an angelStanding by your sideAre you my angel, are you my guide?Where is the answer, where is the light?Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?Are you a stranger? Heaven decidesAll this time I"m waitin"I was anticipating, for a love like youA love that is always trueBut you got me dreamin"I find it hard believingIn a love like youA love that is always trueLove is an angelHolding you tightLove is an angelStanding by your sideAre you my angel, are you my guide?Where is the answer, where is the light?Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?Are you a stranger? Heaven decidesAll the tears I"ve been cryingI was slowly dyingFor a love like youA love that is always trueBut you got me dreamin"I find it hard believingIn a love like youA love that is always trueAre you my angel, are you my guide?Where is the answer, where is the light?Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?Are you a stranger?Love is an angelHolding you tightLove is an angelStanding by your sideAre you my angel, are you my guide?Where is the answer, where is the light?Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?Are you a stranger? Heaven decidesLove is an angelhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1503227



这个活动很受学生们欢迎 翻译成英文时为什么是 This activity is well received by the students welcome?

名词 n. 欢迎,款待;欢迎辞[C]He received a cordial welcome at Cambridge. 他在剑桥受到了热诚的欢迎。




一、指意不同1、say指“说出”,着重指说出具体的内容,一般用作及物动词,后面的宾语bai是所说的话。2、speak指“说话,发言”,着重开口说话的动作,一般用作不及物动词,其宾语通常是表示某种语言名称的词。3、talk指“讲话,谈论”,意思与speak相近,在一些情况下可以通用,通常talk用作不及物动词。4、tell指“告诉”,是直接给对方讲或以间接的方式转诉某事,在多数情况下,tell的后面通常接双宾语,在少数情况下可用简单宾语。二、侧重点不同1、say最普通常用词,指用语言表达思想,着重所说的内容。2、speak侧重于说话动作的本身,着重说话的能力而不在内容,比如能说某种语言。3、talk普通用词,侧重指与人交谈时的连续说话,可指单方面较长谈话,和speak一样,着重说活动作而不侧重内容。4、tell指告诉或讲述。三、用法不同1、tellv. (动词)1)tell的基本意思是用语言或文字“告知”“告诉”“讲述”某事,强调思想的表达,而不强调表达的方式。引申可表示“吩咐”“嘱托”“命令”“确定”“区分,辨别”“泄露秘密”“猜测”“产生效果”等。2)tell可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或wh-从句作宾语。也可接双宾语,其直接宾语可以是名词或代词,也可以是带疑问词的动词不定式或that/wh-从句,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语。3)tell作“吩咐”解时,还可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。2、sayv. (动词)1)say的基本含义是指把自己的思想或观点通过言语表达出来,使人明白其意图,即“说,讲”,着重所说话的内容,引申还可指“预告”“说明”“表明”“宣称”“背诵”等。2)say还可以作“比方说,假定说”解,是let"s say的省略说法,用作插入语。3)say可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词、代词、动词不定式、带疑问词的不定式或that/wh-从句作宾语。也可引出直接引语。可用于被动结构。有时还可用一般现在时表过去。3、speakv. (动词)1)speak的基本意思是“讲”“谈”,指用声音表达意思,着重开口发声,而且着眼于个人的言语行为,可指自言自语,也可指支离破碎地交谈。其后常接语言、实话等词。speak还可作“发言,演说,作报告”解,指连贯、系统、正式的讲话。2)speak还可表示用说话以外的方式“表明”“显示”“表达”,引申还可表示“用响声宣告”。3)speak可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。4、talkv. (动词)1)talk的基本意思是“说话,谈话;谈论”,指通过说话交换意见、思想、消息等。引申可作“表达思想,提供信息”“说出内情”“说闲话”解。2)talk可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词或介词短语充当补足语的复合宾语。3)talk有时也可用作系动词,接big, sensible, silly, wild, funny等形容词作表语。

Spectrum (Rudy Van Gelder 24Bit Mastering) (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Spectrum (Rudy Van Gelder 24Bit Mastering) (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Andrew Hill专辑:Point Of Departure (The Rudy Van Gelder Edition)Florence And The Machine - SpectrumQQ : 349777127When we first came here we were cold and we were clearWith no colors in our skin we were light and paper thinAnd when we first came here we were cold and we were clearWith no colors in our skin "til we let the spectrum inSay my name and every color illuminatesWe are shining and we will never be afraid againSay my name as every color illuminatesWe are shining and we will never be afraid againSay my name as every color illuminatesWe are shining and we will never be afraid againAnd when we come for you we"ll be dressed up all in blueWith the ocean in our arms, kiss your eyes and kiss your palmsAnd when it"s time to pray dressed up all in grayWith metal on our tongues and silver in our lungsSay my name and every color illuminatesWe are shining and we will never be afraid againSay my name as every color illuminatesWe are shining and we will never be afraid againSay my name as every color illuminatesWe are shining and we will never be afraid againAnd when we come back we"ll be dressed in blackAnd you"ll scream my name aloudAnd we won"t eat and we won"t sleepWe"ll drag bodies from a groundSo say my name and every color illuminatesAnd we are shining and we"ll never be afraid againSay my name as every color illuminatesSay my name as every color illuminatesWe are shining and we will never be afraid againSay my name as every color illuminatesWe are shining and we will never be afraid againSay my name, we are shiningSay my name, say my nameAnd we will never be afraid againFlorence And The Machine - SpectrumQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/2764488

Ben Kweller的《Lollipop》 歌词

歌曲名:Lollipop歌手:Ben Kweller专辑:Stubbs The Zombie (The Soundtrack)Lollipop, lollipop Oh lolli, lolli, lolli Lollipop,lollipopCall my baby Lollipop Tell you whyHer kiss is sweeter than an apple pieAnd when she does her shaky rockin" danceMan, I haven"t got a chanceI call her Lollipop, lollipopOh lolli, lolli, lolli Lollipop, lollipopSweeter than candy on a stick Huckleberry, chimry or limeIf you had a choice She"d be your pickBut lollipop is mineLollipop, lollipopOh lolli, lolli, lolli Lollipop, lollipopCrazy way she thrills me Tell you whyJust like a lightning from the skyShe loves to kiss me till I can"t see straightGee, my lollipop is greatI call herLollipop, lollipopOh lolli, lolli, lolliLollipop, lollipophttp://music.baidu.com/song/60479142

coco pomelo与coco一样么

coco pomelo与coco不一样.历史上有很长的饮茶纪录,已经无法确切地查明到底是在什么年代了,但是大致的时代是有说法的。并且也可以找到证据显示,确实在世界上的很多地方饮茶的习惯是从传过去的。所以,很多人认为饮茶就是首创的,世界上其他地方的饮茶习惯、种植茶叶的习惯都是直接或间接地从传过去的。但是也有人能够找到证据指出,饮茶的习惯不是人发明的,在世界上的其他一些地方也是饮茶的发明地,例如印度、非洲等。




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FRW 辐轮王--FRW辐轮王是全球著名的老牌运动赛车自行车品牌,1939年意大利杰出世界自行车冠军克劳迪奥-布鲁西在意大利的拉文纳创建了FRW辐轮王品牌,专门生产山地公路赛车和运动健身自行车,其高端自行车的造车技术和工艺更是达到了单车制造行业的巅峰,FRW辐轮王作为自行车文化的先驱者与引领者,被公认为全球最成功的顶级高档自行车品牌之一。MARMOT 土拨鼠--MARMOT中文名土拨鼠,俗称旱獭。Marmot土拨鼠由美国高端自行车品牌CANNONDALE前任总裁等人联合创立,堪称自行车界的法拉利。 Marmot土拨鼠自行车公司是全球顶级的自行车制造商,也是目前世界上生产运动型自行车最专业的自行车品牌之一。Marmot土拨鼠作为全球27.5寸/650B自行车始创者而著称。TYRELL 泰勒--TYRELL泰勒品牌是一个名叫TYRELL泰勒的德国自行车选手于1912年所创立的,代表了自行车行业的最高造车工艺。一向低调的TYRELL泰勒,却是有着一百多年的历史。TYRELL泰勒产品以经典纯手工打造为主,基于高超的研发设计和卓越的品质性能,代表着无与伦比的匠心技术,主要卖给那些真正懂得什么才是最好的自行车的人。TITUS 钛特斯--美国三大顶级自行车品牌之一,TITUS钛特斯更是全球赫赫有名的最早制造钛合金自行车的品牌,其早在1991年前就开始生产钛合金,是钛合金自行车制造的开创者,其制造技艺已达到登峰造极的地步。由于TITUS钛特斯自行车档次实在太高,售价十分昂贵,所以认知度不高。除了钛合金,TITUS钛特斯越野和全山地避震自行车都是全球首屈一指的。CASATI 凯莎迪--意大利,一个对于“美”有着特殊的热爱和执着的国 家,百余年来,无数精美的设计诞生于这片土地,又走向全球,成为人们竞相追捧的璀璨明珠。1920年,彼得罗•凯莎迪(Pietro Casati)在米兰北部的小镇蒙扎(Monza)创立Casati凯莎迪品牌。100多年来,Casati以极致的造车工艺精神,创造出类拔萃的造车哲学,演绎成无懈可击的自行车美感,这就是来自意大利米兰手工的精湛艺术。


FRW 辐轮王--FRW辐轮王是全球著名的老牌运动赛车自行车品牌,1939年意大利杰出世界自行车冠军克劳迪奥-布鲁西在意大利的拉文纳创建了FRW辐轮王品牌,专门生产山地公路赛车和运动健身自行车,其高端自行车的造车技术和工艺更是达到了单车制造行业的巅峰,FRW辐轮王作为自行车文化的先驱者与引领者,被公认为全球最成功的顶级高档自行车品牌之一。MARMOT 土拨鼠--MARMOT中文名土拨鼠,俗称旱獭。Marmot土拨鼠由美国高端自行车品牌CANNONDALE前任总裁等人联合创立,堪称自行车界的法拉利。 Marmot土拨鼠自行车公司是全球顶级的自行车制造商,也是目前世界上生产运动型自行车最专业的自行车品牌之一。Marmot土拨鼠作为全球27.5寸/650B自行车始创者而著称。TYRELL 泰勒--TYRELL泰勒品牌是一个名叫TYRELL泰勒的德国自行车选手于1912年所创立的,代表了自行车行业的最高造车工艺。一向低调的TYRELL泰勒,却是有着一百多年的历史。TYRELL泰勒产品以经典纯手工打造为主,基于高超的研发设计和卓越的品质性能,代表着无与伦比的匠心技术,主要卖给那些真正懂得什么才是最好的自行车的人。TITUS 钛特斯--美国三大顶级自行车品牌之一,TITUS钛特斯更是全球赫赫有名的最早制造钛合金自行车的品牌,其早在1991年前就开始生产钛合金,是钛合金自行车制造的开创者,其制造技艺已达到登峰造极的地步。由于TITUS钛特斯自行车档次实在太高,售价十分昂贵,所以认知度不高。除了钛合金,TITUS钛特斯越野和全山地避震自行车都是全球首屈一指的。CASATI 凯莎迪--意大利,一个对于“美”有着特殊的热爱和执着的,百余年来,无数精美的设计诞生于这片土地,又走向全球,成为人们竞相追捧的璀璨明珠。1920年,彼得罗•凯莎迪(Pietro Casati)在米兰北部的小镇蒙扎(Monza)创立Casati凯莎迪品牌。100多年来,Casati以极致的造车工艺精神,创造出类拔萃的造车哲学,演绎成无懈可击的自行车美感,这就是来自意大利米兰手工的精湛艺术。NICOLAI 尼古拉--Nicolai尼古拉,全球铝合金后避震山地自行车架之王,一直都致力于制造最顶级手工铝合金自行车。其CNC机加工技术堪称自行车行业的巅峰,涂装大胆艳丽的着色,毫不掩饰自己的霸气。超高的强度和卓越的性能也一直都是Nicolai自行车车架引以为豪的核心。COLNAGO 梅花--1944年,Ernesto colnago经历了在车行的12年工作后,萌生了自己制造车架的想法,于是世界上有了纯正意大利制造的Colnago车架。该品牌的创始者Ernesto colnago希望他的品牌能够成为全球自行车界中的王牌,所以选用了梅花的标志,直到今天,Colnago梅花已是全球知名的标志了,梅花Colnago以制造手工钢架而闻名。 LOOK 洛克--法国LOOK 一个耳熟能详的名字。一家使用英文单词作为品牌名称的法国公司,主要生产顶级的碳纤维自行车,生产线设在法国和亚洲。LOOK以设计制作碳纤维车架和自行车脚踏享有盛名。 其中最大的一个差异就在车架上管与后管的角度为72.5度。一般车架则多在73~74度间,这样的设计最大优点就在于让BB的位置向前,使骑乘者在爬坡时可以轻松省力。


下面就为您转载分享一下自行车行业协会官方公布的全球十大户外运动童车儿童自行车品牌排行榜吧。Marmot 土拨鼠MARMOT中文名土拨鼠,俗称旱獭。Marmot土拨鼠由美国高端自行车品牌CANNONDALE前任总裁等人联合创立,堪称自行车界的法拉利。 Marmot土拨鼠自行车公司是全球顶级的自行车制造商,也是目前世界上生产运动型自行车最专业的自行车品牌之一。Marmot土拨鼠品牌作为全球27.5寸/650B自行车始创者而著称。FRW 辐轮王 FRW辐轮王是全球著名的老牌运动赛车自行车品牌,1939年意大利杰出世界自行车冠军克劳迪奥-布鲁西在意大利的拉文纳创立了FRW辐轮王品牌,专门生产山地公路赛车和运动健身自行车,其高端自行车的造车技术和工艺更是达到了单车制造行业的巅峰,FRW辐轮王作为自行车文化的先驱者与引领者,被公认为全球最成功的顶级高档自行车品牌之一。TYRELL 泰勒TYRELL泰勒品牌是一个名叫TYRELL泰勒的德国自行车选手于1912年所创立的,代表了自行车行业的最高造车工艺。一向低调的TYRELL泰勒,却是有着一百多年的历史。TYRELL泰勒产品以经典纯手工打造为主,基于高超的研发设计和卓越的品质性能,代表着无与伦比的匠心技术,主要卖给那些真正懂得什么才是最好的自行车的人。TITUS 钛特斯美国三大顶级自行车品牌之一,TITUS钛特斯更是全球赫赫有名的最早制造钛合金自行车的品牌,其早在1991年前就开始生产钛合金,是钛合金自行车制造的开创者,其制造技艺已达到登峰造极的地步。由于TITUS钛特斯自行车档次实在太高,售价十分昂贵,所以认知度不高。除了钛合金,TITUS钛特斯越野和全山地避震自行车都是全球首屈一指的。CASATI 凯莎迪意大利,一个对于“美”有着特殊的热爱和执着的,百余年来,无数精美的设计诞生于这片土地,又走向全球,成为人们竞相追捧的璀璨明珠。1920年,彼得罗u2022凯莎迪(Pietro Casati)在米兰北部的小镇蒙扎(Monza)创立Casati凯莎迪品牌。100多年来,Casati以极致的造车工艺精神,创造出类拔萃的造车哲学,演绎成无懈可击的自行车美感,这就是来自意大利米兰手工的精湛艺术。


FRW辐轮王--FRW辐轮王是全世界著名的老牌运动赛车自行车品牌,1939年意大利杰出世界自行车冠军克劳迪奥u2022布鲁西在意大利的拉文纳创建了FRW辐轮王品牌,专门生产山地公路赛车和运动健身自行车,其高端自行车的造车技术和工艺更是达到了单车制造行业的巅峰,FRW辐轮王作为自行车文化的先驱者与引领者,被公认为全世界最成功的顶级高档自行车品牌之一。MARMOT 土拨鼠--MARMOT中文名土拨鼠,俗称旱獭。MARMOT土拨鼠由美国高端自行车品牌CANNONDALE前任总裁等人联合创立,堪称自行车界的法拉利。 MARMOT土拨鼠自行车公司是全世界顶级的自行车制造商,也是目前世界上生产运动型自行车最专业的自行车品牌之一。MARMOT土拨鼠作为全世界27.5寸/650B自行车始创者而著称。TYRELL 泰勒--TYRELL泰勒品牌是一个名叫TYRELL泰勒的德国自行车选手于1912年所创立的,代表了自行车行业的最高造车工艺。一向低调的TYRELL泰勒,却是有着百年的历史。TYRELL泰勒产品以经典纯手工打造为主,基于高超的研发设计和卓越的品质性能,代表着无与伦比的匠心技术,主要卖给那些真正懂得什么才是最好的自行车的人。TITUS 钛特斯--美国三大顶级自行车品牌之一,TITUS钛特斯更是全球赫赫有名的最早制造钛合金自行车的品牌,其早在1991年前就开始生产钛合金,是钛合金自行车制造的开创者,其制造技艺已达到登峰造极的地步。由于TITUS钛特斯自行车档次实在太高,售价十分昂贵,所以认知度不高。除了钛合金,TITUS钛特斯越野和全山地避震自行车都是全球首屈一指的。CASATI凯莎迪——意大利,一个对于“美”有着特殊的热爱和执着的国家,百余年来,无数精美的设计诞生于这片土地,又走向全世界,成为人们竞相追捧的璀璨明珠。1920年,彼得罗u2022凯莎迪(Pietro Casati)在米兰北部的小镇蒙扎(Monza)创立Casati凯莎迪品牌。100多年来,Casati以极致的造车工艺精神,创造出类拔萃的造车哲学,演绎成无懈可击的自行车美感,这就是来自意大利米兰手工的精湛艺术。NICOLAI 尼古拉--Nicolai尼古拉,全世界铝合金后避震山地自行车架之王,一直都致力于制造最顶级手工铝合金自行车。其CNC机加工技术堪称自行车行业的巅峰,涂装大胆艳丽的着色,毫不掩饰自己的霸气。超高的强度和卓越的性能也一直都是Nicolai自行车车架引以为豪的核心。LOOK 洛克--法国LOOK 一个耳熟能详的名字。一家使用英文单词作为品牌名称的法国公司,主要生产顶级的碳纤维自行车,生产线设在法国和亚洲。LOOK以设计制作碳纤维车架和自行车脚踏享有盛名。 其中最大的一个差异就在车架上管与后管的角度为72.5度。一般车架则多在73~74度间,这样的设计最大优点就在于让BB的位置向前,使骑乘者在爬坡时可以轻松省力。PINARELLO 皮纳瑞罗--Giovanni Pinarello在他17岁那年开始参加青年组的比赛。Giovanni的梦想很快就实现,他的热情也为他赢来无数次胜利。1947年,作为业余选手,凭藉获得的60多枚奖项,他成为了自行车界的一名专业车手。1953年赢得的5枚关键性奖项使他成为自行车界倍受瞩目的专业级车手。在他骑车生涯结束之际,Giovanni的另一份激情燃起并得以实现—PINARELLO品牌自行车。


FRW 辐轮王--FRW辐轮王是全球著名的老牌运动赛车自行车品牌,1939年意大利杰出世界自行车冠军克劳迪奥-布鲁西在意大利的拉文纳创建了FRW辐轮王品牌,专门生产山地公路赛车和运动健身自行车,其高端自行车的造车技术和工艺更是达到了单车制造行业的巅峰,FRW辐轮王作为自行车文化的先驱者与引领者,被公认为全球最成功的顶级高档自行车品牌之一。MARMOT 土拨鼠--MARMOT中文名土拨鼠,俗称旱獭。Marmot土拨鼠由美国高端自行车品牌CANNONDALE前任总裁等人联合创立,堪称自行车界的法拉利。 Marmot土拨鼠自行车公司是全球顶级的自行车制造商,也是目前世界上生产运动型自行车最专业的自行车品牌之一。Marmot土拨鼠作为全球27.5寸/650B自行车始创者而著称。TYRELL 泰勒--TYRELL泰勒品牌是一个名叫TYRELL泰勒的德国自行车选手于1912年所创立的,代表了自行车行业的最高造车工艺。一向低调的TYRELL泰勒,却是有着一百多年的历史。TYRELL泰勒产品以经典纯手工打造为主,基于高超的研发设计和卓越的品质性能,代表着无与伦比的匠心技术,主要卖给那些真正懂得什么才是最好的自行车的人。TITUS 钛特斯--美国三大顶级自行车品牌之一,TITUS钛特斯更是全球赫赫有名的最早制造钛合金自行车的品牌,其早在1991年前就开始生产钛合金,是钛合金自行车制造的开创者,其制造技艺已达到登峰造极的地步。由于TITUS钛特斯自行车档次实在太高,售价十分昂贵,所以认知度不高。除了钛合金,TITUS钛特斯越野和全山地避震自行车都是全球首屈一指的。


lonely ronin 孤独的浪人





Make Her Feel Good 歌词

歌曲名:Make Her Feel Good歌手:teairra mari专辑:Roc-A-Fella Records Presents Teairra Marí(feat. Trey Songz)Ghostars Ghostars Ghoststars Ghoststars... And Da R.O.C.Is There Any Boys AroundThat Know How To Make A Girl Feel?That Wanna Make A Girl Feel,Make Her Feel Good?All I Wanna KnowIs There Any Boys AroundThat Know How To Make A Girl Feel?That Wanna Make A Girl Feel,Make Her Feel Good?I Just Wanna KnowDo I Have To Tell A Nigga How To Touch Me?Do I Have To Tell A Nigga How To Hold Me?Do I Have To Tell A Nigga When To Call Me?Do I Have To Tell A Nigga I"m Lonely?Do I Have To Feel Wrong,When It Ain"t Strong?Keep My Mouth Closed?(Huh Huh Huh)Can"t A Girl From Tha Hood Find A Homie,That Ain"t Just Tryna Hang Around Me?Do I Have To Show A Nigga I"m A Woman?Do I Have To Apologize For My Emotions?Do I Have To Tell A Nigga What To Say To Me,Everytime He Wanna Get Next To Me?Do I Have To Set A Full Cat Black Case?Stroke Cuz He Go(Mmh Girl No)Can"t A Chick From Tha Hood Find A Homie,That Wanna Do More Than Spend Money On Me?Is There Any Boys AroundThat Know How To Make A Girl Feel?That Wanna Make A Girl Feel,Make Her Feel Good?All I Wanna KnowIs There Any Boys AroundThat Know How To Make A Girl Feel?That Wanna Make A Girl Feel,Make Her Feel Good?I Just Wanna KnowDo I Gotta Tell A Shorty What It Is?You Dont Get That I Aint Ready To Have Kids?You Complainin You Dont Get Enuff Dick.You Cant Take It When I Put It In Your Ribs.You Gotta Pick A Balla Slack, If U Dont Throw It Back And Its Wack Like Wac Wac Wac.Cant A Nigga From Va Find A ShortyThat Aint Trippin When Im Gettin My Money?Why U Always Telling Me Dat U A Woman?U Snap And Slap Then Blame It On Emotions.Why I Gotta Tell A Grown Woman Not To Play Wit Me?Why U Neva Know If U Gonna Stay Wit Me?Do I Gotta Settle For A Girl That Wont Twirk Wont Work Me? Man Hell Naw.Cant A Nigga From Va Find A Shorty?A Real Woman Thats Qualified For Me.Tell Me Where The Girls Thats Down, Thats Down To Make Your Boy Feel, Down To Make Your Boy Feel, Make Him Feel Good?And There Gotta Be, There Gotta Be Some Girls Around, Thats Down To Make Your Boy Feel, Down To Make Your Boy Feel, Make Him Feel Good.I Just Wanna Know... Why??http://music.baidu.com/song/8045729

Steel metal sheet是什么意思


self-tapping screws,thread cutting screw什么区别

  可以理解是Self-Tapping Screw,包含了Thread Cutting Screw。Self-Tapping Screw是自攻钉的统称。其中,Thread Cutting Screw, 也称为Sheet Metal Screw, 它们自攻形成螺纹的时候,切削掉一部分基材。与此相对的是Thread Rolling Screw, 基本用在塑料产片上,他们是挤压形成自攻螺纹,并不损失材料。  比如,DIN 7981就是典型的Thread Cutting Screw, 而DIN 7500就属于Thread Rolling Screw, 但他们都是Self-Tapping Screw。和Self-Tapping Screw相对的就是Self-Drilling Screw, 我们叫钻尾钉。

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Welding 焊接Gauge 计量WAC Working Alternating Current 交流工作电流参考:wac_爱词霸_在线词典_在线翻译_英语学习http://dict.iciba.com/gauge/http://dict.iciba.com/welding/http://dict.iciba.com/wac/

hassel 和 trouble 的区别

hassel做名词指的是激战,做动词指的是争论、与某人争辩 trouble做名词指的是麻烦、故障、烦恼、动乱;做动词指的是烦恼、费心。谢谢


cartelo和lacoste的区别比较大,很多人为了区分,分别称之到cartelo鳄鱼”和法国鳄鱼”。cartelo和lacoste的logo设计不同,来自法国的lacoste鳄鱼logo上的鳄鱼头是朝右的。来自新加坡的cartelo鳄鱼logo上的鳄鱼头是朝左的。cartelo和lacoste的产地也不一样。cartelo鳄鱼”产品产地是新加坡。法国鳄鱼”产品的产地是法国。法国鳄鱼在1933年创立,是用法国网球名将Rene Lacoste的名字命名的。因为长鼻子的长相,以及像鳄鱼一样,紧咬比分不放的球风。人们给Lacoste取了一个鳄鱼”的绰号。法国鳄鱼除了最著名的Polo衫,还有男女装、童装、鞋帽和香水等等,走的路线也是比较高端的全球著名品牌。cartelo鳄鱼在1947年成立,由陈贤进博士用当时兴起的汽车car)和电话tel)以及代表没有性别之分的"o",组合了一个新的品牌名字cartelo,中文名字叫卡帝乐。cartelo衣服款式和面料都很考究,,产品遍及韩国、中国、新加坡、马来西亚等30多个国家和地区。





英语词语:trust 和 trust on的区别是什么 有的人说 前者是相信 后者是信任 那前者和believe又有何区别

动词後接名词或从句,介词後接名词或者动名词,就这麼简单!还有就是believe是相信某人或某事,believe in侧重於相信。。存在,trust既是及物又是不及物哦

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Robert Michaels的《Memento》 歌词

歌曲名:Memento歌手:Robert Michaels专辑:Utopia窓の向こう 真白に霞(かす)む世界の果て 见つめ続けてた无垢(むく)が染まり 済みゆく天(そら)の苍白い幕の 先へ羽ばたく鸟よ羽根を下さい 闭ざされた部屋膝(ひざ)を抱えて 祈るの消える光に 冷えてく心を守るすべ连れていって あの硝子の外光も雫(しずく)も知らぬお伽噺(とぎばなし)掌を重ね すくいとる水に三日月映しても 儚く揺らめき零れる愿い事は 深海の底 一筋の光 降り立つ一人を待つ何もいらない 思い出さえもなくてもいいと 信じたつたない想い 孤独が落とした幻想(かけ)と知る连れてゆくよ 螺旋の向こうへ暗闇照らす罪(つみ)のお伽噺掌を重ね 駆け出した野原忘れないと言った 一人と交わした约束title:mementomusic:诸田英司DDlyric:あきらるりのarrangement:re-in.Carnationsing:YURIA聴こえくるは 告げた 渇(かわ)き望み重なってく 孤独 记忆欠片 砕(くだ)け散る 痛み 涙 零れゆく 血が流れる系(つな)ぐその手をただ一人占(ひとりじ)めしたくて微笑み告げた言叶は 心を缚(しば)る弦(いと)辿りついた 果ての世界には永远の午睡(ごすい) 狂(くる)える摸仿子(いでんし)掌を重ね 行こうその先へ忘れないと言った 贵方と交わした约束re-in.Carnation≯YURIA - mementoEndhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1339098

Thelonious Monk的《Caravan》 歌词

歌曲名:Caravan歌手:Thelonious Monk专辑:Plays Duke Ellington [Keepnews Collection]Kitaro with Pages - CaravanOnce a long, long time agoSetting out to find our dreamsLost in memories of olden daysSometimes rising in the springGlowing, shining came the sunGolden day beams come through to me nowThose who know the firebirdTry to find forever the dreamsTry to find forever the way, my wayCaravan, journey in the skyAs the sun comes out from the dayCaravan, we know who we areWe discover where or whenCaravan, now we find a loveLove shimmering and soon our love is goneCome with me and take my handMemories of the past unfoldAnd with you I"ll live them once againFrom my beating heart, my handFeel my warmth and love withinAnd I wonder when the spring will comeDo we ever really know for sure?Will we travel on and on?Someday will be standing up but to live.http://music.baidu.com/song/8196200

谁知道NeYo的lonely again的歌词,最好还能配上中文.......谢了

  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独,  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。  Remember first time we met day one 还记得我们见面的那天  Kids in the garden playin" games havin" fun 孩子们在花园里正玩的开心。  Excitin" and amazin" havin" a real friend of mine 很高兴找到自己的知心朋友  Face to face and eye to eye 面对面的眼神交流。  Usin" our hands to buy and supply 用我们的双手来补偿和交换,  Chillin" is cool from January to June 从寒冷的一月到凉爽的六月天,  And we still sticked together like the glue 我们还是无法离散。  We know the rules 我们知道游戏的规则,  Forever you and I believe it was clear 是永远那么清楚明白。  If I ever should fall 如果我跌倒,  I could count on you with no fear 我并不害怕,还有你可依靠。  Runnin" out of time I see who"s fake 日久见人心,  Alone without protection from all them snakes 在这险恶的世界里。  All for one one for all I was told “人人为我,我为人人”他们这样告诉我  Black white yellow if your young or old 不论你的皮肤颜色还是年龄大小。  Nana"s in the house to let you know 在这里告诉你,  What I see is how I feel and damn 我看见的就是我感觉的。  I"m alone 我只有我自己。  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独,  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。  Everybody"s trippin" on me 所有的人都把我践踏,  Oh Lord come help me please 上帝呀,快来帮助我。  I did some bad things in my life 我一定是做错了什么事,  Why can"t you rescue me 你为什么就不能拯救我,  "Cause you"ve got all I need 因为你能给我想要的一切。  I know I got to pay the price 我知道我必须付出代价。  That"s why I"m lonely lonely lonely 这就是为什么我这样孤独,  I am so lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  That"s why I"m lonely lonely lonely 这就是为什么我这样孤独。  Cheepin" thru the streets at night 穿过午夜孤独的大街,  After a fuss and fight 身上带着新添的伤痕。  Tears in my eyes 眼含泪水,  I"m a man lookin" for the light 去寻找光明。  Dark is the path 黑暗是必经之路,  He will rescue me 上帝会拯救我,  The Lord is my shephard 他就是我的领路人。  I"m cool despite emergency 虽然急迫但我内心依然冷静,  Whom shall I fear exept the god 除了上帝我谁也不怕。  Thank you for the blessin" 感谢上帝保佑,  And the skills on the mic 赐予我美妙歌喉。  Five years we know there"s no dignity 五年了,我活的没有尊严,  Free at last see the light in me 我终将获得灵魂的解放。  What goes up must come down 生死交替无法避免,  I"ll be around while you heading towards deathtown 我会陪你走向死亡之城,  Always look forward hardly never look back 永不回头。  So many tears and the snakes on my jack 留过多少泪,受过多少磨难,  Now I"m riding in my big fat ride 我已踏上寻找光明的旅途,  Your ass is late so look for the line 你来晚了就要排队。  Nana in the house to let you know 在这里告诉你,  What I see is how I feel 我看见的就是我感觉的。  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独,  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。  Everybody"s trippin" on me 所有的人都把我践踏,  Oh Lord come help me please 上帝呀,快来帮助我。  I did some bad things in my life 我一定是做错了什么事,  Why can"t you rescue me 你为什么就不能拯救我,  "Cause you"ve got all I need 因为你能给我想要的一切。  I know I got to pay the price 我知道我必须付出代价。  Knock on my door 有人敲我的门,  Whom you lookin" for 你想找谁。  A dream or reality enemies at my door 找寻梦想还是残酷的现实?  Eyes I realize it"s fantasize 我意识到这是幻想,  I must be high 我一定是太激动了。  So let me live before I die 所以死之前要好好活一次。  Once again grab the bottle twist the cap 抓过酒瓶,卷起帽子,  To survive your life is yours 你过你自己的生活,  My life is mine 我过我自己的生活,  No emotions in this world full of lies 在这个充满谎言的世界没有感情可言。  Step by step and be versatile 一步一步来,随机应变,  Love peace and crash that"s what it"s all about 热爱和平和破坏,这就是一切。  Alone by yourself than you lack there"s no doubt about毫无疑问,你只能依靠自己。  I"m always into something making moves to improve 我总是专注一件事情,努力改进。  What would you do if you where in my shoes 如果你是我你会怎么办?  Boom a letter oops another suicide 情绪低沉然后自杀?  Meet me for a ride at the boulevard 我会等着你一起去寻找解脱。  Nana"s in the house to let you know 在这里告诉你,  What I see is how I feel and damn 我看见的就是我感觉的。  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独,  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。  Everybody"s trippin" on me 所有的人都把我践踏,  Oh Lord come help me please 上帝呀,快来帮助我。  I did some bad things in my life 我一定是做错了什么事,  Why can"t you rescue me 你为什么就不能拯救我,  "Cause you"ve got all I need 因为你能给我想要的一切。  I know I got to pay the price 我知道我必须付出代价。  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独,  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  I am lonely lonely in my life 我的生命是这样孤独,  I am lonely lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  God help me help me to survive! 上帝呀,请给我活下去的勇气。  That"s why I"m lonely lonely lonely 这就是为什么我这样孤独,  I am so lonely lonely 我是这么孤独,  I am so lonely lonely lonely in my life我的生命是这样孤独

求:玛利亚凯利Angels Cry(Feat.NeYo)的歌词翻译!!!

自己翻的··(*^__^*) Angels cry天使在哭泣 I shouldn"t have walked away 我是不该离去的 I would"ve stayed if you said 只要你开口,我一定会留下 We could"ve made everything OK 我们本可以有个完美的结局 But we just 但我们却Threw the blame back and forth 相互指责 We treated love like a sport 爱情于我们就像一场游戏 The final blow hit so low 最后输的这么彻底 I"m still on the ground 我仍旧徘徊在原地I couldn"t have prepared myself for this fall 无法原谅自己的过失 Shattered in pieces curled on the floor 只能在遍体鳞伤后独舔伤口 Super natural love conquers all 超越自然的爱情能够征服一切 "Member we used to touch the sky "还记得我们曾经是那么相爱(第一个单词应该是remember) And Lightning don"t strike the same place twice 同一个地方不会发生两次闪电(前几句一起)(从后面的句子可以看出这句话是在暗示 如果和好的话就不会再分)When you and I said goodbye 当我们相互道别那一刻 I felt the angels cry 我听到到天使在哭泣True love"s a gift 真爱是上帝赐予我们的礼物 But we let it drift In a storm 但我们却任它在暴雨中消逝Every night 每天晚上 I feel the angels cry 我都听到天使在哭泣 C"mon babe can"t our love be revived 宝贝,我们的爱难道就不能复苏吗? Bring it back and we gon" make it right 让我们重新再来过吧 I"m on the edge just trying to survive 我只是不想放弃任何一线生机 As the angels cry 因为天使无时无刻Limitless omnipresent 不在哭泣Kind of love couldn"t have guessed 爱 如果被怀疑的话It would just up and disappear in the whirlwind 便会随风而逝Here I am walkin" on this narrow rope 现在的我 好像命悬一线Wobbling but won"t let go 绳子在摇摆 但我不会放弃Waiting for a glimpse of the sun"s glow 等待着那丝阳光的降临 I know I can stand just pull me back up 我知道如果退回原地,我还是可以继续生活 Like there ain"t no hurricane 就像什么也未曾发生It"s just us 但是我们….I"m willing to live and die for our love 我甘愿为爱承受现在这一切 Baby we can get back that shine 宝贝,我们是能重新来过的 Cause 因为Lightning don"t strike the same place twice 同样的闪电不会再发生When you and I said goodbye 当我们相互告别 I felt the angels cry 我听到天使在哭泣 True love"s a gift 真爱是上帝赐予的礼物 But we let it drift In a storm 但我们却任它在暴雨中消逝Every night 每天晚上 I feel the angels cry 我都听到天使在哭泣 Come on babe, can our love be revived 宝贝,我们的爱是可以复苏的 Bring it back and we gon" make it right 让我们重新来过 I"m on the edge just trying to survive 我只是不想放弃任何一线生机As the angels cry 因为天使正在哭诉 Baby I"m missin" you 宝贝,我很想你 Don"t allow love to lose 不要就这样放弃 We gotta ride it through 我们会克服一切的I"m reachin for you 我正在走向你Baby I"m missin" you 宝贝,我想你了 Don"t allow love to lose 不要就这样放弃 We gotta ride it through 我们能克服一切 I"m reachin for you 我还能感觉得到你Lightning don"t strike 闪电 The same place twice 不会再次出现 When you and I said goodbye 当我们说再见 I felt the angels cry 我听到天使在哭泣 True love"s a gift 真爱是上帝赐予的礼物 But we let it drift In a storm 但我们却任它在暴雨中消逝Every night 每天晚上 I feel the angels cry 我都听到天使在哭泣



Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg是什么意思

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg施普林格出版社柏林海德堡Heidelberg[英][u02c8haidlbu0259:ɡ][美][u02c8hau026adlu02ccbu025aɡ, -u02ccbu025brk]海德尔堡(德意志联邦共和国西南部城市); 例句:1.But herta flor of the university of heidelberg in germany, thinks she mighthave cracked it. 但德国海德堡大学的赫塔福罗却认为她可能已经破解了其中奥秘。2.Corrections: an earlier version of this post misidentified the affiliation of dr.fuss and dr. gass; they are with the central institute of mental healthmannheim and the university of heidelberg. 勘误:这篇文章的较早版本被误认为是fuss博士和gass博士合作的;他们是与曼海姆的中央精神卫生研究院及海德堡大学共同完成的。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg是什么类的期刊

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg是柏林海德堡施普林格出版社,不是一本杂志Springer-Verlag: 施普林格,世界著名的科技期刊、图书出版公司施普林格出版社于 1842 年在德国柏林创立,于 20 世纪 60 年代建立了其国际性科技出版公司的地位。施普林格是全球第一大科技图书出版公司和第二大科技期刊出版公司,

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg是什么意思


The A-levels that employers 82_least are psychology and sociology.


《Religion Sociology》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Sociology of Religion》(Max Weber)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vt9RC4jYDLvFt6wHKrkxww 提取码: 8wqa书名:The Sociology of Religion作者:Max Weber译者:Ephraim Fischoff豆瓣评分:8.8出版社:Beacon Press出版年份:1993-9-24页数:384内容简介:Translated by Ephraim FischoffWith a new Foreword by Ann Swidler作者简介:马克斯·韦伯(Max Weber,1864-1920),德国学者,与马克思、涂尔干齐名,并列为现代社会学的奠基者。历任柏林、弗莱堡及海德堡等大学教授。一生著述甚多,以《宗教社会学论文集》及《经济与社会》等最为重要,以《新教伦理与资本主义精神》等最为国内读者所知晓。

The Delfonics的《Hey! Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey! Love歌手:The Delfonics专辑:Love SongsHQY制作献给可爱的哲I haven"t felt you for a whileI haven"t had much opportunity to smileI see you in the eyes of couples passing byAs soulmates kiss, the innocence,Too long I"ve been denied.(chorus)Hey love, where you goingHey love, how you beenI wish you"d stay a little longerNo, that"s ok, I understandMaybe another dayHey love, old friend,There you go again.I found a photo and you were thereCaptured in our facesJust before you disappearedIt was nice to know you, if only for a whileTo come and go with a sweet helloAnd a bittersweet goodbye.(chorus)Hey love, where you goingHey love, how you beenI wish you"d stay a little longerNo, that"s ok, I understandMaybe another dayHey love, old friend,There you go again.I don"t know where I amI don"t knowI don"t know where I amAnd if every new beginningIs just another"s endTell me love, why should i beginAgain.(chorus)Hey love, where you goingHey love, how you beenI wish you"d stay a little longerNo, that"s ok, I understandMaybe another dayHey love, old friend,There you go again.There you go againCan you come back?Can you come back love?Can you come back?Can you come back love?http://music.baidu.com/song/9636542

Bittersweet ELLie GOulding歌词

Your arms around me come undoneMakes my heart beat like a drumSee the panic in my eyesKiss me only when I cryCause you always want what you"re running from And you know this is more than you can take Baby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us Baby please don"t look away When the morning breaks us Oh your touch, so bittersweet (Aahhh ah aaha)Baby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us Your cheek is softly by the sun Makes my heart beat like a drum I know it hurts you I know it burns you Hot and cold in a lonely hotel room Look into me, tell me why you"re crying I need to know Cause you always want what you"re running fromIt"s always been that way (oooohh)Baby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us Baby please don"t look away When the morning breaks us Oh your touch, so bittersweet (Aahhh ah aaha)Baby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us Cause you always want what you"re running fromBaby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us Baby please don"t look away When the morning breaks us Oh your touch, so bittersweet (Aahhh ah aaha)Baby don"t forget my name When the morning breaks us

Tim Moore的《Telepath》 歌词

歌曲名:Telepath歌手:Tim Moore专辑:Flash ForwardEmiliana Torrini - Telepathy猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你Think of me very scientificallyShare your thoughts with meSend them over land and seeThey seep through wallsEcho down abandoned hallsLet me see your joy and fearHow can it be we never seeWhat we have until it"s goneWhy is it so we never knowWhat we have until it"s goneThe more I tryall the faster you"ll slip bySo vaporizeSlide to me like liquid iceI can see into your eyesWhy is it so we never knowWhat we have until it"s goneUntil we burn we never learnWhat we have until it"s goneScientificallyScientificallyI can see into your eyesThe deepest blue of winter skiesWhy is it so we never knowWhat we have until it"s goneUntil we burn we never learnWhat we have until it"s gone2009.06.10 3猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你http://music.baidu.com/song/8488934

Black label是什么酒



牛津高阶英汉双解词典:1.(卵、 坚果、 种子、 果实以及牡蛎、 蜗牛、 蟹、 龟等的)壳。可数不可数都可以empty coconut shells 空的椰子壳 broken pieces of shell 贝壳的碎片还有以下shell,eggshell, nutshell, seashell, tortoiseshell2.(尚未完工的或被火烧毁房子或船等的)骨架、 框架等;(任何形式的)坚固框架或外罩。可数the metal shell of the aircraft engine 飞机发动机的金属外壳 the rigid body shell of a car 汽车坚固的车体外壳3.炮弹 可数The building was destroyed by an artillery shell. 这座建筑物被炮弹炸毁了

英语翻译:in a nut shell和in the final analysis的意思




英语考试作文中用in a nutshell 可以吗?我听说它是俚语


同义词改写:in a nutshell

in a word 总而言之;一句话

英语in a nutshell怎么翻译?

你好!in a nutshell 这是一个日常口语表达,汉语意思是——简言之,总而言之相当于 in a word/in briefin conclusion

ABB Freelance V9.2 Digivis软件中面板如何切换中英文

系统至少有10年了吧,也该升级了,个比较经济的方法,下面的I/O卡件可全部保留,硬件只需要更换CPU,再加个通讯卡件,应该走的是CAN协议吧。硬件用不了多少钱,只是要软件,之前的软件也需要升级,用CBF与DIGIVIS目前最新是9.2版本的。 这种方法绝对经济可行,之前有过几次成功案例。

To put all into a nutshell是什么意思?

in a nutshell:简括地:简言之;简要地说这句话的意思是:总而言之,简单的说

"in the nutshell" 点解?

In a nutshell 可以解作"总括来讲"或"概括". 例子: There"s a lot I could say about this movie but to put it in a nutshell it was terrible. 我对这套电影有许多话想讲 概括说来 它很糟糕. 一句讲哂! 即等于in conclusion,总结是也!

Alice In Chains的《Nutshell》 歌词

歌曲名:Nutshell歌手:Alice In Chains专辑:The Essential Alice In ChainsNutshellAlice In ChainsJar of FliesWe chase misprinted liesWe face the path of timeAnd yet I fightAnd yet I fightThis battle all aloneNo one to cry toNo place to call homeOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...My gift of self is rapedMy privacy is rakedAnd yet I findAnd yet I findRepeating in my headIf I can"t be my ownI"d feel better deadOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...http://music.baidu.com/song/9136735

英语作文中用in a nutshell 怎么样?会不会让人感觉很新还是太不正式,尤其在专业英语中,哪位高手帮忙解

记得有一本书的前言里就是用的这句,应该是比较地道的,只不过没有in a word 和in short用的多。

Alice In Chains的《Nutshell》 歌词

歌曲名:Nutshell歌手:Alice In Chains专辑:Music BankNutshellAlice In ChainsJar of FliesWe chase misprinted liesWe face the path of timeAnd yet I fightAnd yet I fightThis battle all aloneNo one to cry toNo place to call homeOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...My gift of self is rapedMy privacy is rakedAnd yet I findAnd yet I findRepeating in my headIf I can"t be my ownI"d feel better deadOooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...http://music.baidu.com/song/31349605
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