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跪求eminem 新专集《Relapse》中《Beautiful》中文歌词!!

(Musical intro) im just so f**king depressed i just cant seem to get out this slump if i could just get over this hump but i need something to pull me out this dump i took my bruises took my lumps fell down and i got right back up but i need that spark to get psyched back up and in order for me to pick the mic back up i dont know how or why or when i ended up this position im in im started to feel dissin again so i decided just to pick this pen up and try to make an attempt to vent but i just cant admit or come to grips the fact that i may be done with rap i need a new outlet and i know some shits so hard to swallow but i cant just sit back and wallow in my own sorrow but i know one fact ill be one tough act to follow one tough act to follow ill be one tough act to follow here today gone tomorrow but you"d have to walk a thousand miles 我就是感到很压抑 似乎就是无法从萧条中逃出去 除非我能把这座山头给翻过去 我需要一些东西把我从忧郁里拉出去 身上带着淤青和肿块 摔倒了也立刻爬起来 但我需要那种快(河蟹)感来使我的精神振作起来 这样才能回到麦克风前 不知道怎么做到因为什么或什么时候,我 告别了处在这种状态中的我 再次开始想要发难泻火 所以我便拿起笔来开火 但我真的无法承认一个事实 就是我可能会和饶舌一同去死 我要一个新的出口 并且我懂有些事情无法吞的下喉 但我会退后一步在我的伤感中颠簸 但我知道一个事实,那就是 跟随我的脚步可不是一件轻松的事 不用尝试 跟随我的脚步不是一件轻松的事 时光流逝但你会拥有自己的漫漫人生 Chorus: in my shoes, just to see what its like, to be me ill be you, lets trade shoes just to see what id be like to feel your pain, you feel mine go inside eachothers minds just to see what we"d find look at shit through eachothers eyes it dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you 用我的眼,去发现 成为我是什么感觉 交换灵魂,我是你 看看我究竟能不能 感受你的痛,我的痛 深入彼此的灵魂中 试试看会有什么新发现 透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界 别人说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 i think im starting to lose my sense of humor everythings so tense and gloom i almost fee like i gotta check the temperature of the room just as soon as i walk in its like all eyes on me i try to avoid any contact cuz if i do that then it opens the door for conversation like i want that im not looking for extra attention i just want to be just like you blend in with the rest of the room maybe just point me to the closest restroom i dont need no f**king man servant tryin ta follow me around and try to wipe my a*s laugh at every single joke i crack and half of them aint even funny like hahhhhh "marshall your so funny man you should be a comedian god d**n" unfortunately i am i just hide behind the tears of a clown so why dont you all sit downn listen to the tale that im about to tell hell we dont gotta trade our shoes and you dont gotta walk no thousand miles 我觉得我的幽默感已经开始离我远去 所有事情绷得那么紧看起来那么忧郁 刚踏入房间就觉得气氛不对想把它给换的干干净净 就像所有人都在盯着我而我不想找麻烦 因为如果我开了口就好像我喜欢找麻烦 我不想过多惹人注目我只想成为你 和大多数人关系融洽或许只是告诉我最近的休息室在哪里 我TM不需要谁来做我的跟屁虫拍我马屁 对我说的每个笑话都“哈哈哈哈哈”笑到面部抽筋,尽管它们中有一半根本就无聊透顶 “marshall哥们你太逗了你TM该去当个喜剧演员” 不幸的是我只是个小丑我藏在自己眼泪的后面 所以说你们为什么不试试静静(河蟹)坐下来 聆听我将要诉说的故事 丫的我们不用互换角色 而你将无法知道我的苦涩 Chorus: in my shoes, just to see what its like, to be me ill be you, lets trade shoes just to see what id be like to feel your pain, you feel mine go inside eachothers minds just to see what we"d find look at shit through eachothers eyes it dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get fxxked just stay true to you dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get fxxked just stay true to youuuuu 用我的眼,去发现 成为我是什么感觉 交换灵魂,我是你 看看我究竟能不能 感受你的痛,我的痛 深入彼此的灵魂中 试试看会有什么新发现 透过对方的眼 别人说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 nobody asked for life to deal us with these bullshit hands we"re dealt we gotta take these cards ourselves and flip em dont expect no help now i could have either just stayed at home sit on my ass and pissed and moaned or take this situation with which im placed in and get up and kick my own i was never the type of kid to wait by the door and pack his bags and sat on the porch and hope and prayed for a dad to show up who never did i just wanted to fit in in every single place every school i went i dreamed of being that cool kid even if it meant acting stupid and edna always told me keep making that face and it"ll get stuck like that meanwhile im just standing there holding my tongue trynwa twalk like dwis then i stuck my tongue on that frozen stop sign pole at 8 years old i learned my lesson then cuz i wasn"t trying to impress my friends no more but i already told you my whole life story not just based on my description cuz where you see it from where your sittin its probably 110% different i guess we would have to walk a mile in eachothers shoes at least what size you wear? i wear tens lets see if you can fit your feet 没有人要求生活给自己现在正在处理的棘手事情 我们得自力更生所以别对别人给你帮助寄于希望 现在我可以呆在家呆坐着无病呻(河蟹)吟 也可以面对我的狗屎事情振作自己 我从来不是那种在门(河蟹)口等待收拾书包的乖小孩 坐在走廊里并祈祷老爸出现尽管他一直没有来 我只是希望能融入我去的每一所学校 我梦想我能做个酷小孩即便要表现的很傻 EDNA告诉我要保持笑脸而我面部都快僵了 然后我就开始一言不发在哪里想要装酷 接着我如同坠入冰窟无法言语,那年我才8岁 那时我吸取了教训因为我不想在引起朋友的注意 但我已经告诉了你们我生命中全部的故事 不止是建立在我的笔墨文字上 因为换个角度看你的看法将会110%不一样 我猜我们至少该互换鞋子在彼此的生命里走上一英里 你鞋码多大?我穿10号 看看你的脚穿我的鞋能不能正正好 Chorus: in my shoes, just to see what its like, to be me ill be you, lets trade shoes just to see what itd be like to feel your pain, you feel mine go inside eachothers minds just to see what we"d find look at shit through eachothers eyes it dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can(河蟹)all get f**ked just stay true to you so it dont matter saying you aint beautiful they can all get f**ked just stay true to you so 用我的眼,去发现 成为我是什么感觉 交换灵魂,我是你 看看我究竟能不能 感受你的痛,我的痛 深入彼此的灵魂中 试试看会有什么新发现 透过对方的眼 别人说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 说你不够美那根本无所谓 让他们去死你只需问心无愧 (music outro) em: yeah to my babies stay strong daddy will be home soon and to the rest of the world god gave you shoes to fit you so put em on and wear them be yourself man be proud of who you are and even if it sounds corny dont ever let anyone tell you you ain"t beautiful EM: yeah 献给我的宝贝们 要坚强 爸爸就快到家了 献给世上其他的人 上帝给了你属于你的鞋子 系好鞋带,整装待发 做你自己,兄弟 为你的本色而自豪 就算这话听着有点老土 不要让任何人说你不够美。(想到了Notorious BIG对他女儿说:dont let anyman call u a bi*tch) 此非原创 转自 eminem吧 作者:fyshady 不过没有前面那段


私生活混乱是灵感来源 自2004年推出了专辑《Encore》之后,从2005年开始,Eminem就一直有打算从自己的唱片录制事业上退下一段时间,以成为一名全职嘻哈音乐监制,特别是为他自己的厂牌Shady Records所签下的艺人制作音乐。而直到05年的夏天,当他因为对安眠药的沉溺而导致必须取消一场欧洲的巡演,真正意义上的休息才正式实现了。而在06年,他和其前妻Kimberly Scott复婚,可是这段再婚只持续了短短的11个星期,二人关系再度破裂。与此同时,Eminem最好的朋友,同时也是嘻哈歌手的DeShaun Proof Holton在底特律的一个夜场外面惨遭枪杀。这一连串的打击几乎使Eminem彻底崩溃,这也使得他更加依赖处方药,并且越来越避世。Eminem在近期的一次采访中谈论到这一段与世隔绝的日子:“事实上,我在事后发现,(DeShaun Holton的死)好像就是发生在我身上一样。我带着我的悲痛、我的药、一切的东西躲到了一个黑暗的地方。越多的药我服用,我就变得越绝望。”而这段黑暗的日子不但影响着新专辑歌曲的创作,同时也直接反映在新专辑的封面上。因为封面上Eminem的头像,正是由一颗颗药丸所拼贴而成的。Dr. Dre掌管全碟制作大权 《Relapse》整张专辑除了一首歌曲由Eminem自己制作之外,其余全部歌曲都是由Eminem的长期合作伙伴Dr. Dre监制的。据Eminem解释,将专辑的制作大权全权交由Dr. Dre负责,“可以让我对后期制作的部分更加放心,从而能够将精力集中在歌曲的创作中。” Eminem同时还表示,之所以能够将这个重任交给Dr. Dre,完全是因为他相信“之前的合作历史以及只有我们二人才能产生的音乐化学反应。”他可以从Dr. Dre的拿手编曲中挑选出他喜欢的节奏及拍子,然后在此基础上加入自己的实验性旋律。Slim Shady再次回归  各位Eminem的歌迷应该还记得,04年阿姆推出的那张专辑《Encore》的封面,是阿姆,其实也是他个性中那位邪恶的Slim Shady在谢幕。这其实象征着Eminem想要让Slim Shady退隐江湖。但是五年之后在《Relapse》中,我们发现Slim Shady不但没有离Eminem远去,相反还以一种更为黑暗可怕的形象出现。同时,事实证明Slim Shady是Eminem更顽皮也更有趣的一面。以Eminem在之前推出过的一首专辑主打单曲《3 A.M.》为例,Slim Shady在这首歌中就以一名连环杀手的形象出现,但是这位连环杀手虽然惊吓,却能令人精神为之一震。新专辑广受好评 对于阿姆的这张新专辑,欧美乐评界基本上都给出了较正面的评价。《滚石》杂志给出了四颗星的评分,认为“《Relapse》的最大力量来源于,在这张专辑中,Eminem把自己作为了最真实的靶子,并且彻底摧毁了之前在私生活上的崩溃感觉。他肯放手让Dr.Dre负责所有的制作,并且在歌词中唱出他真心关注的事情。他为大家带来了一张更痛苦、更真实也更生动的专辑,老实说,这样的专辑实在是大大出乎了所有人的意料。”英国的《每日邮报》同样给出了四颗星的评分,认为“在20首毫不留情的歌曲中,Eminem对于歌词的押韵与玩弄令你目不暇给之余又有追赶不上的感觉。有趣同时又激烈,这是一张真正意义上的大师级专辑,这张专辑让那些模仿者们(像Asher Roth)听起来就像是业余爱好者一样。”



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说唱天王Eminem第六张专辑“Relapse”。由Interscope Records唱片公司及其子公司Aftermath Entertainment and Shady Records发行于2009年5月15日,美国将于19号正式发行。“Relapse”是Eminem自从2004年后的首张专辑,从而也结束了其说唱事业的中断。三年前有多少人为了他的引退捶胸顿足,深怕再也听不见这位嘻哈天才的精彩大作而懊恼不已。现在,不要怀疑你的眼睛,他真的回来了!2009年足以撼动全球乐坛的大事件—痞子阿姆带著他的全新大碟RELAPSE又来了,向全世界再度宣告他的嘻哈霸主地位。

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圣安地列斯Helena Wankstein这名女友除了要求肥胖度低,不要太彪悍之外,


关于圣安地列斯里名叫Helena Wankstein 女友的事

Helena不喜欢太壮或是太胖的,主角的肌肉指数低于25%她会更喜欢,脂肪也越少越好,但同时也要保持很高的吸引力。坐上一辆漂亮的摩托机车或跑车去邀请她和你约会。这样会提高一点额外的吸引力。 约会时间:下午2点以后 Helena喜欢去餐厅吃饭,最近的餐厅就是在Los Santos的Rodeo。如果她要兜风,悠着点开,她不喜欢飙车。 其实,你可以先不必急着跟她约会,等到你收集齐了50个贝壳以后再来找她,那时她不会在意你的身材。把50个贝壳全部都收集到的奖励就是:女友不会在意你的身材,并且不会分手。

Pavel Novotny 拍过的两个人到他家干活的片叫什么名字

Julian ------- (2003) Under the Big Top ------- (2003) Bi the Blue Line ------- (2002) The Jan Dvorak Story ------- (2001) A Wank in the Woods ------- (2001) 封面男孩 Cover Boys ------- (2001) Carlo & Friends ------- (2000) The Backroom ------- (2000) Cock Tail Gang Bang ------- (2000) Teamplay ------- (2000) Prague Buddies 2 ------- (2000) Prague Rising ------- (2000) Rapture: The Pavel Dubcek Legend ------- (1999) 捷克点/捷克激情点 Czech Point ------- (1999) Prague Buddies ------- (1999) 再对应下年份就搞掂了

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enzyme linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA。指将可溶性的抗原或抗体吸附到聚苯乙烯等固相载体上,进行免疫反应的定性和定量方法。这一方法的基本原理是:①使抗原或抗体结合到某种固相载体表面,并保持其免疫活性。②使抗原或抗体与某种酶连接成酶标抗原或抗体,这种酶标抗原或抗体既保留其免疫活性,又保留酶的活性。在测定时,把受检标本(测定其中的抗体或抗原)和酶标抗原或抗体按不同的步骤与固相载体表面的抗原或抗体起反应。用洗涤的方法使固相载体上形成的抗原抗体复合物与其他物质分开,最后结合在固相载体上的酶量与标本中受检物质的量成一定的比例。加入酶反应的底物后,底物被酶催化变为有色产物,产物的量与标本中受检物质的量直接相关,故可根据颜色反应的深浅刊物定性或定量分析。由于酶的催化频率很高,故可极大地放大反应效果,从而使测定方法达到很高的敏感度。聚合酶链式反应,简称PCR。聚合酶链式反应,其英文Polymease Chain Reaction(PCR)是体外酶促合成特异DNA片段的一种方法,由高温变性、低温退火及适温延伸等几步反应组成一个周期,循环进行,使目的DNA得以迅速扩增,具有特异性强、灵敏度高、操作简便、省时等特点。它不仅可用于基因分离、克隆和核酸序列分析等基础研究,还可用于疾病的诊断或任何有DNA,RNA的地方.聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction,简称PCR)又称无细胞分子克隆或特异性DNA序列体外引物定向酶促扩增技术。

Smells Like Funk 歌词

歌曲名:Smells Like Funk歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Elephunk (Ecopac)Black Eyed Peas - Smells Like FunkBy 天蓝@jiajia1215Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)Yeah, that"s Funky (Funky)If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usCause nobody"s Funky as us, Cause we keep it Stinky (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)Stinky, Stinky, Stinky,The Funk phenomenon, we Funk you on n" onThere"s no need to hold your nose,Cause this pong sing like a roseBig booty Funk, Toe jam Funk,Underarm Funk, like you headlocking a Skunk"Reekin" like diseased athlete"s feet,The stench didn"t come till after this beatSmellin" like droors no weezin no pausePut your hand up on the speakers get smelly ass pawsYou know we was coming before we entered the doorCause you could smell the rhyme when we was walking down the hallWe bring the Funk worse then a wet dogStinkin" like fat ladies shittin" out LogsWe drop enough shit to keep them toilets cloggedKeep the people jumpin" like them BullfrogsThe first one who smelt it ain"t the one who delt itBlack Eyed Peas keep the scent blind like deltaFunky like onions you fryin"(Sure is Funky) girl you ain"t lyin"If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usCause nobody"s Funky as us, Cause we keep it Stinky (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)We keep it Stinky, (Stinky)Stinky, Stinky, Stinky,Yo" you Funkin" with the Funk familyThe non fabricated factual faculty"We formulatin" up in a factoryFocusin" on the energid" of fluid flow free"We flawless, everything is for freeWe florish and we flaunt our flavour freshly, huh"Can you believe we flip them frequency"s andFreak MCs they leave all frantically but"Our intent is ought to be friendly but"They fightin" when we start the freestylin" frenzyI funk up ya" flat till your girlfriend beefFillin all anatomy, bringin" me flatery, huh"She"ll be diggin these rhymes that ease beatsLike celulite lyrics all flabbyWe bring the funk to your festivitiesIf you think something stank then it must be the peas!If it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usThe Funk funk full foul stinky it"s stanky stuffIf it smells like Funk it must be usCause nobody"s Funky as us, cause we keep it Stinky(Funky, Funky, Funky, Funky)Celulite overweight stankin" MCsStench smells so strong it"s insanitaryCause you can sense me a mile away so ChankyWith the jungle Funk sound from SerengetiMeaty, Fat, Nasty like miss Fat booty"s tightsGettin" dirty like mudfights and dirtbikesTurning these droors black they used to be whiteAnd we shittin" on these tracks that you gonna" need to wipeThe odor"s so contagious that it shows up in your dream,Man, you could pick me out like food in betweenYour two front teeth cause you be lackin" the streetsWe got beefy ass beats that we bumpin" in the streetsWe so nice n" sweet like steak box n" feetSour underarm Funk you ain"t washed in a weekAnd, man, we be reekin" every day or weekendWe could all bounce to the Funk and the seasonBounce, bounce, bounce...Whoo!haha hahaYeah that"s Funky", Yeah that"s Funky"If you smellin" somethin funkythen you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause if you know that if it smells like Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" Fat Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" something Funkythen you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause you know that if it smells like Funk than it must be usIf you smellin" elephants than it must be usIf you smellin" somethin Funkythen you know it got to be nobody other than Apl, Will n" TabooCause you know that if it smells like Funk then it must be usIf you smellin" elephant shit it must be us....http://music.baidu.com/song/8185218

aal izz well是什么语言?

Aal izz well是电影三傻里面的经典台词,意思是一切顺利,意思要激励人们保持乐观的生活态度,勇敢生活。在电影里 ,乔伊的飞机没有被院长采纳,兰彻便帮助他完成飞机的研究,Aal lzz well则是修复过程插播的歌曲。只可惜飞机完成后.....乔伊自杀了。诶!


mellin美林西梅泥是被妈妈们热捧的一款辅食,对于挑食的宝宝,有机水果辅食能够帮宝贝补充缺少的营养。精选的西梅泥,为宝宝补充维生素,还可以开胃哦!那么,美林西梅泥怎么吃?美林西梅泥一次吃多少?美林西梅泥怎么吃 推荐理由 西梅含有丰富的纤维素,可缓解便秘。一直是通便的”良果“。美林西梅泥天然萃取,无添加剂,是宝宝的健康辅食选择。开瓶后请放冰箱内冷藏,并在24小时内吃完。因为产品是没有任何的添加剂 ,开封后就很容易变质。 保存方法 开瓶以后请放在冰箱内保存,并在24小时内吃完,因为产品是没有任何的添加剂,开封后就很容易变质 食用方法 开罐加热即食。 在做米糊或面仔时,添加一罐或半罐(根据宝宝口味)西梅泥。 拌入其他辅食食用。 开封后请放于冰箱内冷藏,并在两天内食用完毕西梅泥怎么吃 一般西梅泥可以直接食用,也可以添加在其他食物里一起食用。西梅泥中含有丰富的膳食纤维,因此有急、慢性肠胃炎患者慎吃西梅泥,食用西梅泥的时候要适量,不能盲目食用。给宝宝吃的时候,可以添加在宝宝的辅食哩,也可以直接给宝宝食用。 一般食用西梅泥的时候把整瓶西梅泥放到装热水的容器中热一热再吃,也可以隔水蒸,期间用筷子搅拌果泥使加热均匀。西梅泥变温就可以食用了。一般常见的标准瓶的西梅泥每次吃三分之一,剩下的放到冰箱里,下次再热再吃的。西梅泥要在2-6度储存。 一般购买的西梅泥开封常温放置不能超过24小时,超过24小时容易变质。而自己自制的西梅泥一般要冷冻保存,要在1周内吃完。美林西梅泥一次吃多少 不建议宝宝太早食用西梅泥,因为宝宝的肠胃还不是特别容易消化这些东西,等到宝宝五六个月了就可以开始添加西梅泥给宝宝作为辅食食用了。但是刚开始要少加,宝宝不拉肚子就可以多加些。另外每次不要过多,特别是第一次吃,宝宝最好是吃应季的新鲜水果泥,营养更健康一些,妈妈们可在家自己制作。




目前有一系列的点 每个点的位置上有对应的特征记为 ,经过旋转 、缩放 、平移 变成另外一些点 ,这些点上的特征为 ,考虑到变换的时候存在噪声,因此有目前要根据观测到的一系列 和 ,得到旋转 、缩放 、平移 该优化问题变成如下形式根据贝叶斯公式有假设噪声为高斯分布假设每个观测位置噪声独立同分布考虑到在固定源和目标点对的情况下 为常数,因此优化问题变为这意味着两组特征的相关最大是在高斯噪声下的匹配问题最优解,为了简化问题,这里首先考虑最简单的特征亮度,这样情况下,特征向量变成标量,这里首先对原始信号进行 个点的离散傅里叶变换DFT(既后面补上 个 )有




这次很多妈妈都会给宝宝购买的一款辅食,让宝宝爱上吃水果。爱吃水果的宝宝,一定是美美哒!而且还可以开胃调理便秘,功效多多!那么,mellin美林西梅泥保质期多久? 美林西梅泥保质期多久 一般来说,保质期会在实物上有写,建议六个月以内为佳 但是如果开罐,保质期就不一样了!mellin罐头辅食系列,开瓶前:将本产品储藏在干燥、阴凉处。开瓶以后请放在冰箱内保存, 并在24小时内吃完 ,因为产品是没有任何的添加剂,开封后就很容易变质 美林西梅泥食用方法 本食品可以加热或在室温下食用,加热前先将欲食用份量放杯子或碗中,待喂哺小宝宝时,请先确认食品的温度是否适宜以避免烫伤.如果把握不好温度,妈妈们可以选购一个感温勺搭配使用。 1.用干净的勺子挖出需要的分量放到碗里,便可直接喂给宝宝进食,无须加热。如果妈妈们担心或者不喜欢给宝宝吃凉东西,也可以隔水加热。大大约用45度左右的水,(温度尽量不要超过45度,否则容易破坏果泥里所含有的营养成分)把碗放到热水中,加盖闷热5分钟即可。安全起见,尽量不要直接用原装玻璃瓶加热,防止温度骤变,玻璃瓶身发生破裂,带来不必要的浪费及安全隐患。一般美林的果泥容量很小,所以基本宝宝们可以一次一瓶全部吃完。如果有剩余,不要再放到瓶子里,建议丢弃。 2.不可以放进微波炉加热,否则会破坏其营养成分。 3.宝宝适应辅食以后,可以多种泥混合,还可以跟米粉,果汁混合,让宝宝的营养更丰富完善。 宝宝吃美林西梅泥好处 喝西梅汁缓解便秘的方法,在美国、加拿大以及一些欧洲国家,已经有了很长的历史,是很多家庭必备的缓解便秘的果汁。很多医生都会向有便秘的病人推荐使用天然西梅汁,尤其是不宜服用药物的孕妇、婴幼儿、老人等。根据美国医学研究表明,便秘的发生绝大多数是因为肠道缺乏足够的主动蠕动所致,天然西梅汁中含有丰富的水溶性的天然果胶纤维和不溶性的植物纤维,这种两种纤维的组合可以有效增加肠道的运动能力,增加排便次数。同时西梅汁含有天然木糖醇和山梨糖醇,木糖醇加速胃的清空并减少肠的蠕动时间,山梨糖醇有着放松舒缓肠胃的作用并对肠内菌群产生调节作用,而且帮助软化肠道内的排泄物。因此,西梅汁中这些天然物质的组合使它具有了缓解便秘的特殊功效。






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英语歌曲《Lonely》的歌词    Song:Lonely    Artist:Lou Bega   They"re tellin" me,   the does and don"ts   but nobody"s askin" me   What I desire   (I wanna be lonely)   No record pany callin in today   No stress,no drama, end of delay,   (Refro):   I wanna be lonely,   Baby i wanna be lonely,   I just wana be by myself,   I wana be lonely   Baby i wana be lonely   Final by myself   No mobile rings,   no traffic jams   no date,no stress   and no one that wants my money   just for nothing


法国的品牌 LVMH集团,是目前全球最大的精品集团,擅于行销宣传的LVMH,不仅积极巩固「品质」与「时尚」的组织竞争力,将经典老牌改头换面,持续创造品牌价值,未来将继续融合原味与摩登的新貌,重现新的生命力。 1837年,年青的Louis Vuitton不畏艰难长途跋涉,到巴黎追求自己的梦想,也似乎暗示着旅行、冒险、勇气成为贯穿LV百年的品牌精神。Vuitton使用独特的布料为贵族制作皮件,很快就受到了注目,成为当时贵族阶层旅行最爱使用的品牌。1854年Vuitton在巴黎开设了第一家的旅行皮件店,从此一个代表高质量的旅行皮箱品牌诞生。1896年,Louis Vuitton的儿子George Vuitton设计出了以LV缩写搭配上四瓣花纹的“Monogram”图腾,成为LV的永恒标志和象徵。1914年,LV在法国的香榭丽舍大道开设第一间大型专卖店,为全球大型皮件专卖店风气之先。 除了皮箱、皮件和时装外,求新求变的百年老店LV也将脚步跨入其他时尚领域。1998年,请来时尚界的大顽童Marc Jacobs掌舵,带领这艘巨轮继续前航。Marc来自美国,但他却深深为服装的历史、文化、根基和经典精神所着迷。Marc的设计理念以实用为主,他认为时装要能够让人穿出门才是最实际的,注重设计细节,揉合个人的独特眼光,衍生出出众的女性魅力风格。经典的行李箱、鲜艳创新的提包,LV的高贵精神和品质不变,但在Marc的巧妙装扮下却为LV换上了新的表情,更贴近大众的生活。 日本的艺术家村上隆(Takashi Myrakami)以他的卡通世界颠覆了LV,也颠覆了整个世界,LV的字母组合图案遇上变化多端的奇幻色彩扭转了人们的视觉印象。顿时间,村上隆的大笑花朵和招牌眼睛幻化成各种形式出现在LV的商品上。西方经典品牌遇上东方天马行空的艺术家,这场时尚与艺术的联姻获得了空前的成功。对村上隆相当着迷的Marc Jacobs表示他最欣赏的是村上隆欢乐作品底下的黑暗面,同时具有光明和黑暗才是真实人生,也是Marc Jacobs要带领LV前进的方向。 无人不晓的图腾 很少人不知道LV这个品牌,就算是不知道这个品牌的名字,但也应该都看过最典型的交叉LV缩写、星星、四瓣花组合成的「Monogram」图纹,甚至在不知这个包包叫LV时,就可能已经用过或看过仿冒品。日本少女,将LV Speedy当做标准配备,她们一点都不怕撞包,因为只要挂上独具个人特色的吊饰、丝巾、手帕,一样的Speedy还是会让你看起来有格调、与众不同,这种塑造个人风格神奇的魔力,或许也是LV能风靡全世界的原因吧! 就算不秀出LV的Logo,多数人都能十拿九稳地猜出这应该是LV的包包,一个品牌可以让人如此地印象深刻,着实不容易,因为这是必须经过长时间的设计焠炼,以一致的风格不断地与消费者沟通,才能让消费者一眼看到就会有直觉的反应联想。



micheal dell生平




Micheal 和 Michael的读音相同吗?

不同. Micheal不是一个单词` 米歇尔的英语是Michelle.迈克尔的英语是Michael. 根据自己的感觉读读`不一样/


没什么区别 第二个更适合当名字吧

越狱第四季micheal scofield为什么总是流鼻血?




michael 和 micheal 有什么区别? 都是“迈克”的意思吗?

都一样叫迈克。Michael 是希伯来文,Micheal 是爱尔兰。一般都用 michael.

michael 和 micheal 有什么区别?都是“迈克”的意思吗?

都一样叫迈克.Michael 是希伯来文,Micheal 是爱尔兰.一般都用 michael.

请问什么是lelo mona 莫娜?好用吗?







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Delta(大写Δ,小写δ),是第四个希腊字母。大写Δ用于:在数学和科学,表示变数的变化在数学中,在回归分析中,测定值(真实值或准确值)与按回归方程预测的值之差Δ在一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0(a≠0)或二次 函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)中代表b2-4ac,在方程中,若Δ≥0,则方程有实数解(若Δ>0,则方程有两个不相等的实数解;若Δ=0,则方程有两个相等的实数解),若Δ>0,则图像与x轴有两个交点;若Δ=0,则图像与x轴只有一个交点;若Δ<0,则图像与x轴无交点。在物理学中,表示物理量的变化量如Q=cmΔt(式中Q代表热量,c代表物质的比热[容],m代表物质的质量,Δt代表温度的变化量)再如F=KΔx (胡克定律)(式中F代表拉力,K代表弹簧劲度(倔强)系数,Δx代表弹簧伸长量)粒子物理学的任何Delta粒子扩展资料:希腊字母被用于数学、科学、工程和其他方面。在数学中,希腊字母通常被用来表示常数、特殊函数和一些特定的变量。在数学领域,通常大写与小写的希腊字母所代表的意义都会有所分别,并且互不相关。有一些大写的希腊字母 其写法与相应的拉丁字母相同或十分相似,因而不会被使用,例如:A、B、E、H、I、K、M、N、O、P、T、X、Y、Z 。除此之外,由于小写的 ι(iota),ο(omicron)和 υ(upsilon)跟拉丁字母中的 i、o 和 u 很相似,所以也很少被使用。有时,希腊字母的字体变种在数学中有特定的意思,例如:φ(phi)、π(pi)。在金融数学中,希腊字母(The Greeks)是用来表示投资风险的变量。以英语为母语的数学家们在读希腊字母时,不会用现今的或古代的发音,而用传统的英语发音。例如:字母 θ,这些数学家们会读成 [ ˈθeitə ]。(古时:[ th^εːta ],现今:[ ˈθita ])参考资料来源:百度百科-δ (第四个希腊字母小写形式δ)




加 sum乘 product减用 减号吧除用 / 后面这两个没用过函数的



under the gravel skies 歌词

歌曲名:under the gravel skies歌手:charlotte martin专辑:veinsIf you"re gone, I can still hear your voiceLittle voids making an anti-noisePowerless, I need to rest a whileYou were indelicate on my mindBut out of the black poolsI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveDo you dare there to give me your eyes?Kissing me under the gravel skiesWon"t feel right if I run after youBut I know one of us has to moveBut out of the black poolsI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveCause I still love youI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveStay a whileStay til forever endsDont give upLet the desire sink inIn this room: a door to the open roadIn this room: lovers cannot let goBut out of the black poolsI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveCause I still love youI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveOut of (out of)The black pools (the black pools)I"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveCause I (cause i)Still love you (still love you)I"ve risen upI"ve risen up abovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14242091

Pepper的《Green Hell》 歌词

歌曲名:Green Hell歌手:Pepper专辑:No ShameI can hear your soft, soft voice sliding down the wallsAnd I feel a green light kissing my faceTell me when you wake up is this where your gonna beYou don"t think I"ll notice but I can wait for you to leaveSo when I saw this place that I couldn"t resistAll these beautiful things yes I had to persistWhen I went to touch them they"d act so tameBut underneathe the glitter there was so much painSomeone started talking, way below the pitch I readI couldn"t really hear what they were saying, but it really didn"t bother me oh noI was on my way yah, to being lost all over againI"m following this girl into the ocean, now I"m drowning in a mermaids bedTil I hold my breathe, I shoot thru the chamber on my way to losing some friendsI can hear your soft, soft voice sliding down the wallsAnd I feel a green light kissing my faceTell me when you wake up is this where your gonna beYou don"t think I"ll notice but I can wait for you to leaveNow all your life has been wasted, chasing after meAnd now you got the nerve, to come and put it all on me yahI love how these things come full circle, everytimeSwinging around like a racking ball in your fragile soulYou can run, but the scars you can never hideOh your face is giving you awayAnd the truth hurts more than the matterAnd the sun screams louder at nightI can hear your soft, soft voice sliding down the wallsAnd I feel a green light kissing my faceTell me when you wake up is this where your gonna beYou don"t think I"ll notice but I can wait for you to leaveOh, do you know where you are, do you at allDo you know where you are, do you at allKnow where you are, my green hellhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14167494

以“How to protect ourselves in an earthquake”为题,写一


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可以啊,最新版本Parallels Desktop 10支持苹果最近发行的 OS X 10.10 Yosemite操作系统以及提供了Windows 10技术预览版。具体功能如下: 1. Microsoft Office现在可以通过“另存为”保存到iCloud和iCloud图片库。 2. 支持在Outlook和Internet Explorer中点击电话号码并通过iPhone进行呼叫。 3. 从Windows应用程序中右键选取文本内容,通过iMessge共享。如果收件人未使用 iMessage,则使用iPhone中的SMS功能发送。 4. Parallels Desktop 提供 Yosemite 超酷界面。 Parallels Desktop 10 的最新版提供了一种简易免费的方式来获取Windows 10技术预览版。只需点击“Parallels 向导”中的“Windows 10 Preview”图标,就可以免费体验最新版本的Windows。

求《Bobble》歌词。R.Krelly feat lil jon的。谢谢。

Baby Ohh wooaah (3x) You know you love me,I know you care You shout whenever, And I"ll be there You want my love, You want my heart And we will never ever ever be apart Are we an item? Girl quit playing Were just friends, Or are we saying So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes My first love broke my heart for the first time, And I was like Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine mine Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine, oh oh For you, I would have done whatever Another chance and we, We get together And wanna play it cool, About loosin" you I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring And i"m in piece , baby fix me And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream Im going down, down, dooown And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around Baby, baby, baby nooo Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine When i was 13 i had my first love Here was nobody to compare my baby And nobody came between us or could ever come above She had me goin crazy Oh i was starstruck. She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks She made my heart pound Asking for a beat when i see her in the street And in the school on the playground But i really wanna see her on the weekends She knows she got me dazy Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking But i just keep on sayin Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby nooo I thought youd always be mine x2 Now Im all gone

racking 和shelving有什么区别

区别是:racking 指的是拷问的,痛苦的; 使痛苦,使焦虑 。shelving 指的是架设棚架,作棚架用的材料;将(书等)放置在架子上。例句辨析:racking 1、She was now shaking with long, racking sobs. 她正剧烈地抽噎着,浑身颤抖。2、India while not racking up such an impressive score beat Japan 3-0. 印度尽管没有大胜,却也以3比0击败了日本。3、In order to quit dad"s smoke, racking my brains, total came up with three his sleeve.为了戒掉爸爸的烟,我绞尽脑汁,共想出了三条妙计。shelving1、I particularly like the type of shelving that screws to the wall. 我尤其喜欢那种用螺钉固定在墙上的搁板。2、The Duke"s study was very masculine, with deep red wall-covering and dark oakshelving. 公爵的书房颇具阳刚气,深红色墙纸,深色的橡木搁板。3、Up close, the objects assume primacy; from afar, the shelving system creates athickened field. 截至收盘时,承担的首要对象,从遥远的地方,搁置系统创建了一个加厚领域。

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求美国奇力音响krell s300i的中文说明书,哪位仙人有啊,感激不尽~


如何将OS X El Capitan降级到Yosemite或更旧版本

如果不喜欢最新的OS X El Capitan,现在已经有办法降级,恢复Mac上之前的旧版本了。苹果在OS X Lion或更新的系统中加入了OS X Recovery功能。这一功能包含了一系列工具,允许你执行诸如重装OS X系统、修复硬盘以及时间机器备份中恢复。如果有时间机器备份,恢复旧的OS X将不再是艰难的任务。下面就来介绍一下,如何从OS X El Capitan降级。如何通过时间机器从OS X El Capitan降级第一步:确保Mac与装有旧版本OS X的时间机器备份盘连接并打开。如果备份在网上,照样连接时间机器第二步:重启Mac。重启后,在听见重启的声音时,按住Command+R。当苹果的LOGO出现时,松开按钮。第三步:在Mac重启后,会看到OS X菜单以及相关窗口。第四步:选择从时间机器备份恢复选项,之后选择继续。第五步:下一屏会显示“选择备份地址”(选择时间机器备份所在盘),选择时间机器备份第六步:现在会看到“选择备份”。现在一会看到一系列的OS X版本以及备份日期和时间。提醒事项:10.10.5 (10.10.x) 代表Yosemite,10.9.5 (10.9.x) 是指Mavericks,以及10.8.5 (10.8.x) 是Mountain Lion.第七步:选择想要恢复的OS X版本,再点击继续按钮第八步:接下来会看到“选择目标地址”,就是选择要把OS X安装到的那个盘。通常选择的是Macintosh HD。在屏幕底部选择恢复,如果不想降级了,那就返回。恢复完成后,Mac会重启。之后就会看到,想要的OS X版本已经出现了。取代方法:通过可启动的U盘降级万一没有时间机器备份也没有关系,还有备用方案,创建Yosemite安装程序。首先要从APP Store下载OS X 10.10 Yosemite安装程序。下载成功之后,创建一个OS X Yosemite可启动U盘。可以在网上找一下如何创建启动盘,操作很简单。完成后,按照下面步骤操作:第一步:确保启动盘与Mac连接好了。重启Mac,重启时按住选择键(Alt)第二步:在启动界面选择U盘,按Enter/Return键。第三步:等待Yosemite安装程序出现第四步:点击“Disk Utility”,然后点继续。第五:点击左侧的“Macintosh HD”,然后点右上方的“Erase”。这一步会清除你硬盘上的所有文件。第六步:完成后,回到选择“Disk Utility”的界面,点击“Install OS X ”,然后点击继续第七步:选择“ Macintosh HD”,点击安装执行上面的操作时,确保安装最新的Yosemite,如果遇到什么问题,可以到苹果官方技术支持论坛提问。

KRELL S300i 功放通电后无显示


KRELL KSA-100s不能关机





但凡是汽车音响发烧友,都知道现代摩比斯KRELL车载音响,它是与美国高端音乐解码器Power Amp的名家KRELL合作,研发出的KRELL车载音响系统。音质超好,低沉饱满,清晰明了,动力感还很强。而且自2016年起亚新K7首次搭载以来,就很受欢迎。2019年在德国红点设计大奖评选中,还获得了“品牌与传播设计”奖呢。


KRELL功放用输出电容。功放上用电容的地方很多,主要的有输出电容,一般2000-10000微法,旁路退偶电容 47-470微法,交联电容 1-10微法,小于100Hz 10~0.1u,100HZ~1KHZ 0.1~0.01u,1KHZ~10KHZ 0.01~0.001u,10KHZ~100KHZ 1000~100p,大于100KHZ 100~10p。按导电方式:按功放中功放管的导电方式不同,可以分为甲类功放(又称A类)、乙类功放(又称B类)、甲乙类功放(又称AB类)和丁类功放(又称D类)。甲类功放是指在信号的整个周期内(正弦波的正负两个半周),放大器的任何功率输出元件都不会出现电流截止(即停止输出)的一类放大器。甲类放大器工作时会产生高热,效率很低,但固有的优点是不存在交越失真。单端放大器都是甲类工作方式,推挽放大器可以是甲类,也可以是乙类或甲乙类。

奇力KRELL KRC3一代怎么样

奇力KRELL KRC3一代音质醇厚。KRELL(奇力)成立于1980年,最初为美国一家生产汽车电子监察设备的工业公司。其创始人是DanD"Agostino和RondiD"Agostino,DanD"Agostino是位电声学专家兼发烧友。KRELL历年所产出的经典名器震撼音响世界,也令KRELL品牌成为了美国Hi-End音频设备的主要制造商之一。关于KRELL的名字,其实也很特别,其取自1956年米高梅电影公司的经典科幻电影的《Forbidden Planet》--人类星际飞船在遥远的太阳系“牛郎星四号”星球上迫降,幸存者发现并研究了绝迹的但极其先进的种族--KRELL。



Hell of a Life 歌词

歌曲名:Hell of a Life歌手:T.I.专辑:Paper Trail Case Closed EPT.I. - Hell Of A LifeIt"s the king representing once more, you understand.When people see me on Bankhead man on four star point,Screaming and waving, yellingI don"t wanna roll over no toes in my Rolls. You heard what im saying.You just back up let a pimp pass through you dig?Baby better double arthur burgerEvery time I see shortyWhere your head tonightSelling out arenas chasing asses like SerenaShorty live a hell of a lifeI"m shining in and out of foreignCars never boringCash steady flowing they got shorty where you goin?People see me they ask me shorty where you goin?Partners see me they ask meshorty where you goin?Shorty goin extra hard when they release his passportWhy I need a credit card what you think this cash for?Hit the dealership and give them every dime he ask forJust so I can see 260 on the gas boardTrying to get some luck somebody better get the task forceLove when hoes love me let me fuck em til their ass hoarse.Pimpin 101 just come and see me take a crash courseYou wanna count my money go to college need a math courseOn a main dashboard, 100 milligramyBreakneck speed til I see a billi coming.I"m building jimi hendrix good grumbling in my stomachI"m still stunting off the chain chasing niggas for my moneyPair of poodles ike I"m playing gin rummyNo cards just broads when a nigga get hardLove the offshore autobahn tar like a car starPut it in her wristwatchBalling like a big shotBaby better double arthur burgerEvery time I see shortyWhere your head tonightSelling out arenas chasing asses like SerenaShorty live a hell of a lifeI"m shining in and out of foreignCars never boringCash steady flowing they got shorty where you goin?People see me they ask me shorty where you goin?Partners see me they ask me shorty where you goin?Swag on fully so semi hoGimme bankrolls no gimmicks drop Rolls no flemishStreet cred no blemis credit card no limitYou want bankhead a spot to drop heads I"m in itGimme a bunch of el dorados on semiswith women giving me love like tennisGiving me the business like a swedish dentistWhile I ride through the city gag swallow no spittingLivin liffe like I just got out of prison Wednesday nightIf a chicken"s in my sight, then that chicken"s getting a Tonka truckAnd I know niggas now with bitches think I"m hitting and they rightKeep my name out my mouth and mind my businessit"s aightIf you see me say aiight ok aiightCuz you know I got the goons with me and I pay aiite.They would like to see me go to prison see me goBut instead they see me balling stunting everywhere we goBaby better double arthur burgerEvery time I see shortyWhere your head tonightSelling out arenas chasing asses like SerenaShorty live a hell of a lifeI"m shining in and out of foreignCars never boringCash steady flowing they got shorty where you goin?People see me they ask me shorty where you goin?Partners see me they ask meshorty where you goin?http://music.baidu.com/song/17612017

R. Kelly & Jay Z的《Shorty》 歌词

歌曲名:Shorty歌手:R. Kelly & Jay Z专辑:The Best Of Both WorldsKOKI REALFACE CON SOLO--SHORTY LB:火影翼Let"s Bounce!Do it now and sing!J.O.K.E.R yeah ShortyイニツヤルJ blueahhhh.....get U hands up.thugなRhymeこれ别注Man l-ight.ツヤバ憎分かるか?その目覚まそうJ.O.K.E.Ryeah. Shorty见たかこれがhusler俺のテクでいつしかslaveとmasterShorty エグいBaby はべらすフロア中注目かっさらうフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスDa dan da dan da da da daMICはlike aダイア はたまたRhymerDa dan da dan da da da daラソニソグポップ跳ねるギソギソRockClap Your Hands,Start Your Foot,PleaseThis is the super show Da dan da dan da da da da引き出すsuper show rap show dance in地下このサビ闻いて见て 皆ほら let"s get a jump夸り持って掴んでlet"s get a jumpShorty 派手なRock MCRAP の意味すら知らず make a sceneShorty 俺はヅェソトルマソ24口径だけで君だけをLock onフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスDa dan da dan da da da da俺様が切り札a.k.a J chain out.Da dan da dan da da da daEast side.West side.あげてけput your hands upフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜と sexy なブレスDa dan da dan da da da daMICはlike aダイア はたまたRhymerDa dan da dan da da da daラソニソグポップ跳ねるギソギソRockフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスフロア摇らせchic ladiesbody shakeしなブーティーツェーカースピーカーの裏come baby甘い蜜とsexyなブレスhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9056705





在英国买oyster card 还是travel card?

lz,去英国玩和去伦敦玩是两码事。你上面说的那些东西是只有在伦敦在用得着。如果你游伦敦,就买day travel就行了。游英国,该买啥票买啥,没有什么万能的。其实这些东西折合成人民币5天下来最多也就能省个2,3百人民币了不得了。所以不需要研究太久了。学生卡要ISI,但也不是所有店都好用。

delphi TabNoteBook的问题

不知道你有什么特殊要求吗?为什么要用这个控件?建议你用PageControl替代这个控件,这个控件用起来很不方便,也没什么特别的地方。如果你要把TabNoteBook放到其它控件后面,可以在TabNoteBook控件上点右键,在弹出菜单中选择"Control"的子菜单下的“Send to back”就把它弄到最下层去了。我用的是Delphi2005,如果你的是早期版本,可能操作稍有不同,但也有这个功能



Delphi ListView的用法

//增加i := ListView1.Items.Count;with ListView1 dobeginListItem:=Items.Add;ListItem.Caption:= IntToStr(i);ListItem.SubItems.Add("第 "+IntToStr(i)+" 行");ListItem.SubItems.Add("第三列内容");end;//按标题删除for i:=ListView1.Items.Count-1 downto 0 Doif ListView1.Items[i].Caption = Edit1.Text thenbeginListView1.Items.Item[i].Delete(); //删除当前选中行end;//选中一行if ListView1.Selectednil thenEdit1.Text := ListView1.Selected.Caption;// listview1.Items[Listview1.Items.Count -1].Selected := True;// listview1.Items[Listview1.Items.Count -1].MakeVisible(True);procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); // 选择第一条beginlistview1.SetFocus;listview1.Items[0].Selected := True;end;procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); // 选择最后一条beginlistview1.SetFocus;listview1.Items[Listview1.Items.Count -1].Selected := True;end;//这是个通用的过程procedure ListViewItemMoveUpDown(lv : TListView; Item : TListItem; MoveUp, SetFocus : Boolean);varDestItem : TListItem;beginif (Item = nil) or((Item.Index - 10) and MoveUp) or((Item.Index + 1 = lv.Items.Count) and (not MoveUp))then Exit;lv.Items.BeginUpdate;tryif MoveUp thenDestItem := lv.Items.Insert(Item.Index - 1)elseDestItem := lv.Items.Insert(Item.Index + 2);DestItem.Assign(Item);lv.Selected := DestItem;Item.Free;finallylv.Items.EndUpdate;end;if SetFocus then lv.SetFocus;DestItem.MakeVisible(False);end;//此为调用过程,可以任意指定要移动的Item,下面是当前(Selected)ItemListViewItemMoveUpDown(ListView1, ListView1.Selected, True, True);//上移ListViewItemMoveUpDown(ListView1, ListView1.Selected, False, True);//下移TListView组件使用方法引用CommCtrl单元procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);beginListView_DeleteColumn(MyListView.Handle, i);//i是要删除的列的序号,从0开始end;用LISTVIEW显示表中的信息:procedure viewchange(listv:tlistview;table:tcustomadodataset;var i:integer);begintlistview(listv).Items.BeginUpdate; {listv:listview名}trytlistview(listv).Items.Clear;with table do {table or query名}beginactive:=true;first;while not eof dobeginlistitem:=tlistview(listv).Items.add;listitem.Caption:=trim(table.fields[i].asstring);// listitem.ImageIndex:=8;next;end;end;finallytlistview(listv).Items.EndUpdate;end;end;

未来日记中Blood teller的中文歌词,只要中文。

〖心死难免〗〖自身的踌躇已经成了导火线〗〖向你「呼救」〗〖你的一声「相信我」令人颤抖〗〖要祈盼奇迹吗〗〖然而悲剧却仿佛永不休止的心跳〗〖在黑暗深处来回盘旋〗〖呐喊 痛楚 怒火 恶意〗〖被选中的Blood teller〗〖不想哭泣 不希望再相见〗〖燃烧的爱错综交叉〗〖来见我 欲哭无泪穷追不放〗〖无人能阻止〗〖这是未来? 还是梦?〗〖答案落在何方〗〖这是考验此刻的门扉〗〖是破坏? 是打开? 该如何是好?〗〖万语穿刺〗〖多余的怜悯只会错过时机〗〖向我「寻问」〗〖我连说一声「带走」的觉悟都不足够〗〖用理性束缚吗〗〖但在恐惧面前你却逃之远去〗〖相互宽恕 相拥相抱〗〖悲叹 悔恨 焦躁 杀意〗〖重叠一起便是Blood teller〗〖不想触碰 寒冷刺骨但不愿相见〗〖同求颤抖的存在〗〖来见我 渴望触碰不断追问〗〖不让任何人妨碍〗〖祈求的未来? 未实现的梦?〗〖答案落在何方〗〖甚至考验愿望的门扉〗〖要破坏? 但打开的话? Lost heaven…〗〖被选中的Blood foreigner〗〖消失吧 背叛的预兆〗〖重叠一起便是Blood alien〗〖长眠此地不可归〗〖不想哭泣 不希望再相见〗〖燃烧的爱错综交叉〗〖来见我 欲哭无泪穷追不放〗〖无人能阻止〗〖这是未来? 还是梦?〗〖答案落在何方〗〖这是考验此刻的门扉〗〖是破坏? 是打开? Blood teller…〗


RADIO· melody. Flow"s On(JFN/2004年3月30日~2006年9月26日)· α-MONTHLY COLORS(α-station/2006年4月)· melody. PARK(fm osaka/ 「MUSIC COASTER FRIDAY」内/2007年10月12日~至今)TV· Fashion TV F*mode(SPACE SHOWER TV)· J-MELO(NHKワールド/2007年4月4日~至今)连载· Moberge(ダイヤモンドテレコム)· JJPodcasts播客(一种可订阅下载音频文件的互联网服务,多为个人自发制作)melody.のOh! カンチガイENGLISH(Yahoo! JAPAN/2007年5月9日~2007年8月1日)CM· PARCO「Miracle?」· ハドソン「着信★うたu266a」· Alpen· NECインターネットプロバイダー「BIGLOBEネットスパイス」· スバルu30fbフォレスターo 『SWメロディ10th篇』(2007年1月~12月)o 『melody.×7days FORESTER篇』(2007年4月~12月)o 『ハーバー篇』(2007年8月~12月)


可以根据当时的情况说早上好,晚上好等.或者Excuse me.



不客气英语怎么说 You are welcome

1、不客气英语是:You are welcome。 2、当别人跟你说thank you 的时候,你需要有礼貌地回应对方“不用客气”,英语中的标准版的回答是You are welcome。 3、welcome的音标:英[u02c8welku0259m],美[u02c8wu025blku0259m]。

vampires melody怎么保存


Trey Songz的《infidelity》 歌词

歌曲名:infidelity歌手:Trey Songz专辑:anticipationTrey Songz - InfidelityYou love me like words can"t explainFor me to feel the same is all you wanna gainYou never claim that the dollars made me changeBut the models givin" brainGuess that could f*ck with your brainHurt your heart in the worst wayNever should have let you fall in the first placeBut you"ve fallen, put your all inNow you"re so high off love you don"t wanna get downMost nights she aint sleepWorried where I might or I might not beShesh! for the life for meMan what a life I leadYou kept me on this pedestalNo matter how much I let you down(down x3) I let you down (down x3)With all my infidelityYou loved me so incrediblyInside I"ll fall apartIf you ever love someone instead of me(instead of me )So you deserve a better man(instead of me, instead of me)Clock won"t stop (tick, tock)Her love is going, going, goingBy the minuteGoing, going, goingShe keep givingBut I know she can"t take itStill her heart I keep breakingSo Ima let her love goCause I don"t deserve her love no moreSad storyShe mad for meAnd mad at meSad that weCan"t exude loveNot a true loveCause it"s all screwed upYou kept me on this pedestalNo matter how much I let you down(down x3) I let you down (down x3)With all my infidelityYou loved me so incrediblyInside I"ll fall apartIf you ever love someone instead of meHow do you fix a love undoneHow you even know if you"re fit to love someoneAnd when you decide to take that rideCan you drive from the passengers sideOne wheel in the middleFour hands on itTwo sets of breaksYou decide to slam on itGod damn womanWhere the love goWhip crash will you get whiplashSit back cause you won"t get sh*t backBut think if you tried to get what you jus had backShe mad at factsAnd you can"t be mad at that(You can"t be mad at that)x2Whoa x5(Clock won"t stop - tick, tock)x2You kept me on this pedestalNo matter how muchI let you downI let you downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28203961

Selena Gomez的《WHIPLASH》 歌词

歌曲名:WHIPLASH歌手:Selena Gomez专辑:When the Sun Goes DownSelena Gomez & the Scene - WhiplashA baby moonlightHits the spotlightI"m on my flightTo take you awayI"m feeling so freeYou"re makin me crazyThat"s what you doThat"s what you doLet"s go now!Lickety splitA girl in al bilShe falls in a pitSay hello darlingTwisted insanityFallen humanityAll I want is some tranquilityDo you hear me?Do you hear me?Well come on, boyA come onAnd take me to the other sideI"m blown awayWhen I look into your eyesI"m so in loveI think I"m gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashIt"s up to youAnd I don"t wanna give you cluesWe"re movin fastI think we got enough to loseSo don"t look back or else we"re gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashLike a first kissWith a sweet listOf some love songs, oh yeahAnd with this melodyFalling over meIt makes me weakSo damn weakSo let"s go nowLickety splitA girl in a bilShe falls in a pitSay hello darlingTwisted insanityFallen humanityAll I want is some tranquilityDo you hear me?Do you hear me?Well come on, boyA come onAnd take me to the other sideI"m blown awayWhen I look into your eyesI"m so in loveI think I"m gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashIt"s up to youAnd I don"t wanna give you cluesWe"re movin fastI think we got enough to loseSo don"t look back or else we"re gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laLa la la ohh yeaLa la la la la la laLa la la la la la laSo let"s go nowA come onAnd take me to the other sideI"m blown awayWhen I look into your eyesI"m so in loveI think I"m gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashIt"s up to youAnd I don"t wanna give you cluesWe"re movin fastI think we got enough to loseSo don"t look back or else we"re gonna crashAnd get whiplash whiplash whiplashhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7181510

human wheels 歌词的翻译

Do you still remember when you promised me the perfect love 你是否记得你曾承诺会给我完美的爱情 And I gave you everything and still you said it wasn"t enough 我给了你我的一切,你说还不够 When you hit me verbally put me on my knees and blamed it on me 当你的语言伤害了跪倒在地的我,怪罪我 And I swallowed it down 我默默忍耐咽下苦水 I let you break my wings chose to become your caged up bird 我让你折断我的翅膀,自愿成为你笼中的小鸟 Ate your bullshit promises and cherished every fucking word 我相信了所有你胡扯的承诺,珍惜地回忆着每一句鬼话 Now like a freedom phoenix rising from the burning sun 现在,像一只自由之神的凤凰从燃烧的太阳中重生 Here"s my vindication 听好我的控诉宣言(或译成 战斗檄文) Chorus: (重复) Alright, Ok 太好了,非常好 Gonna get a taste of my heartbreak right now today 轮到你尝尝我心碎的滋味,就在今天,就在此刻 I"m gonna make you regret all your dirty ways 我要让你忏悔你一切肮脏的行为 Alright, Ok 太好了,非常好 Your gonna get a taste of my heartbreak right now today 轮到你尝尝我心碎的滋味,就在今天,就在此刻 I"m gonna make you become my human sacrifice 我要让你成为我的活人祭品 (歌名就叫 活人祭品) Let"s go back into the time you stained my heart like merlot wine 让我们回忆一下过去,你把我的心沾满梅轮酒 (梅轮酒是种名贵葡萄酒,血红色,这句话是指:你让我的心流血) Didn"t care if I was sick you left me alone to cry and die 不在乎我是否难受,让我独自哭泣,死亡 Your human sacrifice alone in your church of love and lies I did not forget 你这活人祭品单独献祭给你爱与谎言的教堂,那些我没有忘记的谎言 I"m back with ammunition on a mission that will make you pay 我现在带着军火回来了,肩负一个使命:让你付出代价 Back with a bazooka and a bullet where I wrote your name 带着火箭和子弹,复仇武器上面写着你的名字 (意思是,这武器是特别为你准备的) Risen up from the ashes ready for my justice day 从灰烬里重生,只等我的正义实现的一天 Here I come for you 你等好,我来了!来自:http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=dWIKdgbDN_RQd5OCF0TfSGrj4eChyZkI8Ymbh_o76Ns4IDYxnERStqh9Vg1-gd_vS1hJbNW9_eBrLSRs8BG56K

求selena gomez & the scene 《whiplash》 歌词中文翻译





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