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Melanie是一个挺常见的名字啊尤其在美国= =SYTYCD第八季的冠军是叫Melanie,燃情克利夫兰的女主也是叫Melanie




幸运的单词发音:英【u02c8fu0254u02d0tu0283u0259nu0259tli】美【u02c8fu0254u02d0rtu0283u0259nu0259tli】。短语搭配:1、fortunately luckily凑巧 ; 幸运地。2、Fortunately is可幸的是 ; 幸运的是。3、Fortunately daily幸运每天。4、Fortunately my幸运夜。5、Fortunately girls幸运的女生。6、Fortunately around幸运围绕。7、hide fortunately吉利地掩饰。8、secure fortunately幸运地获得。9、fortunately complete有幸完成的。双语例句:1、Fortunately, you have the power to change all that.幸运的是,你还有能力去改变所有这一切。2、Fortunately, we have been together since the past till this moment.幸运地,我们从过去到现在这时刻还是在一起的。3、Fortunately there are so many of you that are sufficiently enlightened, that they do not have to gofar to find their answers.幸运的是,你们中有这么多的人已经充分的开悟,这样那些人就不需要走得太远来寻求自己的答案。

make oneself done什么意思有什么 make sb done 这一说法什么意思

这是中文和英文的习惯问题make oneself done就是让自己被别人明白的意思就是中文习惯的让别人明白的意思。只是英文喜欢用被动语态多些,中文没那么多而已。

high velocity oxygen-fuel spray是什么意思

high velocity oxygen-fuel spray高速氧燃料喷射spray[英][spreu026a][美][spre]vt.& vi.喷; 喷射; n.喷雾; 喷雾器; 浪花; (用作装饰的)小树枝; 第三人称单数:sprays过去分词:sprayed复数:sprays现在进行时:spraying过去式:sprayed例句:Pour the vinegar into your spray bottle along with one cup of water. 把一杯水和醋混合倒进你的喷雾瓶中。




2007年12月07日,ryo 在网站NICONICO动画中上传了“メルト”(初音未来唱出了原创歌曲“melt”)"。纵使这是截至目前播放次数超过920万次的冲击作,却在影片里未经授权使用了119(ひけし)所绘的图。当时倍受观看者指责的ryo向119发送了道歉的电邮,却意外地跟119投缘,并一起开始了活动。这就是supercell结成的引发点。其后跟119交情好的绘图师陆续加入,2013年已经成为有11位成员的团体。之所以在NICONICO动画上传歌曲,ryo表示这是因为“喜欢NICONICO动画”“期待观看者的反应”等单纯的理由,之所以使用初音未来也只是因为“当初没有相识的歌手”“NICONICO动画流行初音未来”“受熟悉初音未来的朋友推荐”,他之前并未使用过初音未来。顺带一提,其他成员大部份在“melt”之前亦不知道初音未来。 在2008年2月22日,《恋は戦争》(恋爱战争)、5月31日的《ワールドイズマイン》(世界第一公主殿下World is Mine)、6月13日的《ブラック★ロックシューター》(黑岩射手Black★Rock Shooter)亦有超出300万以上之播放次数的冲击性记录。其中“World is Mine”跟“Black★Rock Shooter”亦曾在NICONICO动画的一周总合mylist排行榜获得第一位。同年的Comike74,他们发售了收录冲击作的同名专辑‘supercell",在大好评下完售。12月12日上传了《初めての恋が终わる时》(初恋结束之时),这是ryo在NICONICO动画上传的最后一部作品,在一周总合mylist排行榜连续3日获得第一位。其后虽然经Sony Music发售了一般流通的专辑‘supercell",但至决定发售的前一刻也是迂回曲折的。首先,一般流通的市场知道初音未来名字的人并不多,亦没有喜欢VOCALOID及NICONICO动画的文化的人。然而有工作人员跟ryo说“即使不懂都会去理解跟尊重”,他们就这样成为了专辑发售有关的负责人,亦达成了ryo“不登录JASRAC”“把音源再混音”等要求。 ryo邀请了当时同人界活跃的歌姬nagi(yanaginagi)作为Supercell主唱,创作了《君の知らない物语》成为2009年7月已播放的TV动画《化物语》的主题歌。这只单曲是supercell的首单。同时这首曲子一时间爆红,成为了至今为止acg音乐的一大名曲,连续夺得了niconico年度动漫音乐票选第一。ryo后来与nagi合作相继创作了《さよならメモリーズ》、《うたかた花火》(火影忍者ED14)、《 星が瞬くこんな夜に》(魔法使之夜op)等曲子使Supercell人气逐渐升高,可发售了销量突破10万的专辑《Today is a beautiful day》之后,nagi却最终选择了离开supercell自己出道。2011年5月supercell的新主唱募集,经过严格的审查从约2000人中选定了新的主唱koeda和chelly,ryo为罪恶王冠创作了OPED并由两个人演唱。15岁的koeda成为了supercell的正式主唱,而17岁的chelly与ryo只是合作关系,所以通常会以罪恶王冠中Egoist的形象出现演唱。尽管nagi离开后的supercell一直受到人们的质疑,koeda与chelly还是用她们强大的唱功和独特的声线征服了许多人,使supercell以及Egoist人气越来高。(koeda与chelly两人关系很好)出道后的ryo以supercell的名义分别为初音未来歌姬计划创作了《こっち向いて Baby 》、《积乱云グラフィティ》、《ODDS&ENDS》三首曲子。 *2007年暑假,学习过钢琴和鼓的大学生ryo经朋友的介绍,接触了vocaloid,并决心夺得nico周榜第一。*2007年12月ryo和绘师119合作完成的melt在影片共享网站NICONICO动画大热。(当前1000万再生)*2008年初 ryo与三轮士郎、huke、redjuice三位画师合作完成了恋爱战争、世界第一的公主殿下、黑岩射手三部niconico大热视频。黑岩射手成为NICONICO动画的第一部vocaloid的动画pv视频,开始走热。后来三位画师都成为了supercell成员。*2008年8月 经过supercell成员们艰难奋战,在C74发售了自行制作CD《supercell》。收录了8首新曲。*2008年12月12日 ryo在NICONICO动画网站上传了《初めての恋が终わる时》,因此时他已和Sony music签约即将出道,于是这是他在NICONICO动画投稿的最后一部作品,象征着他与NICONICO的告别。*2009年3月 依Sony Music发售《supercell》,出道专辑。*2009年8月 发售了与nagi首次合作的单曲,超人气动画《化物语》的ED《 君の知らない物语》*2010年7月 为初音未来歌姬计划2制作了主题曲《こっち向いて Baby》*2010年9月 成员huke设计的人物黑岩射手被做成了OVA版动画,动画所有音乐全由ryo负责。*2011年3月 发售第二张专辑“Today is a beautiful day“ 销量突破10万,之后nagi离开supercell以yanaginagi出道。*2011年5月 supercell的新主唱募集,经过严格的审查从约2000人中选定了新的主唱koeda(15岁)和chelly(17岁)*2011年9月 Supercell参与了《罪恶王冠》主题曲片尾曲以及插曲的音乐制作,成员redjuice负责了《罪恶王冠》的人设,并且因此动画设立了虚拟偶像Egoist(Chelly演唱)。*2012年9月19日 supercell作曲Egoist-chelly发售了首张专辑《Extra terrestrial Biological Entities》*2012年 2月 《黑岩射手》TV版播出,主题曲采用了ryo的曲子《ブラック★ロックシューター》*2012年8月 发售了初音未来歌姬计划F的主题曲《ODDS&ENDS》*2012年10月 《心理测量者》播出,supercell负责ED音乐制作,由Egoist演唱。*2013年11月27日 发售supercell第三张专辑《ZIGAEXPERIENTIA》,共收录koeda演唱的15首曲子。除《拍手喝彩歌合》《My dearest》《银色飞行船》《The Bavery》等7首曲子以外还收录了8首新曲。*2014年3月12日制作发售野良神ED《ハートリアライズ》,由之前合作过的Tia演唱*2014年11月19日 制作发售PSYCHO-PASS(心理测量者)ED《Fallen》,由虚拟偶像egoist (Chelly)演唱


私へ歌手(かしゅ)      supercell 作词(さくし)      ryo(supercell) 作曲(さっきょく)  ryo(supercell) 编曲(へんきょく)   ryo(supercell)歌词(かし)ハロー こんにちは 久(ひさ)しぶり私(わたし)は今(いま)何(なに)をしていますか元気(げんき)ならいいけどところであの时(とき)の気持(きも)ちは忘(わす)れることができたでしょうか今(いま)はまだ无理(むり)ですいつの日(ひ)かもっと年(とし)をとったらわかる日(ひ)がくるのでしょうか本当(ほんとう)にこれでよかったのかなたまに思(おも)うことがあるけどそんな事(こと)は言(い)わないでおこうだって私(わたし)は知(し)ってるから自分(じぶん)の物语(ものがたり)を


手打ryo原来也是NICO上的一个普通作者(果断是男的),发表了大量以初音未来软件制作的音乐,并制作成PV后成立了自己的音乐制作团体取名叫supercell也就是说supercell是个团体的名字 ryo是它的灵魂人物 最近更多的是真人演唱的作品曾物色过一个主唱nagi不过单飞了 现在的固定主唱叫こゑだ(16岁)个人不喜欢这货- -她喜欢乱叫而且眼睛睁不开


Ryo (低音) 原名:宫森凉 出生年月: 1985年10月1日 血型: O 身高: 170cm 体重: 60kg 爱好: 篮球 酒 运动: 足球,篮球,短跑(100m/11.3秒!!) 喜欢的东西: ブランドにこだわってないです 喜欢艺人: 山岚、ZEBBRA、RIZE、FLOW 最早买的CD: MR.CHILDREN「INNOCENT WORLD」 SPEEDのアルバム 喜欢冲绳的原因:空气好、太阳の日差しが気持ちよいところ 认为有趣的冲绳话: やっけー[やばい] 喜欢冲绳的地方:北部的海 擅长的事: 普通のカミソリ(安全カミソリでない)でのヒゲの剃り方


在遇到一些需要进行排名的工作,例如成绩排名,或者什么竞赛排名的时候,可能会在表格中进行排序。如图,像这样的数据,进行降序排序,就可以知道具体的排名了。下面将会介绍这种Excel如何用rank函数进行排名。虽然步骤很简单,但是我们也应该自己学习一下。有时候需要将具体排名的数字列出来,但是保持原表格不动。这样进行排序,填入排名,再恢复原来的排序,操作就比较多,可以考虑使用排名函数RANK来实现。RANK函数语法:=RANK(number,ref,[order])number是需要进行排序的数字。ref是指整组数字。order是数字排位方式,order 为 0(零)或省略是降序排序,是其他的则为升序排序。还是以上述数据为例,在第一个目标单元格中输入公式:=RANK(B2,$B$2:$B$6,0)然后下拉单元格填充即可。在这里因为成绩需要从高到低排序,order就填了0,当然也可以省略。然后这个排名的数字就会出现了。使用公式比手动填写再排序更加方便快捷。

hellspawn: the rebirth 歌词

歌曲名:hellspawn: the rebirth歌手:morbid angel专辑:formulas fatal to the fleshYou are the One, the OldestOneYou come before the legends of menYou come before the legends of godsYou are the Sea, Creator of AllYou"re all I need, For You I bleedPlant Your Seed, Earth shall feedEnlighten my soul, Spirit growsBorn of Fire, I shall returnI am the HellspawnCurse from my eyes, your gods I defyFulfillment is mine, of the Most HighBorn of the Fire, I shall returnAnswer the Call of the Oldest OneI am the HellspawnForever I am, in Spirit I amForever I Dream, Continual DreamWe Sleep undisturbed againChthhulhu We Dream in the Peace againI am the Hellspawnhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14112450

feel the squeeze有语法错误吗?

没问题,squeeze作名词,没有形容词性,如果有,可以说feel squeeze,但没有所以不能这样用吗。

Squeeze的《Model》 歌词

歌曲名:Model歌手:Squeeze专辑:The Complete Bbc SessionsThe ModelKraftwerkby panceShe"s a model and she"s looking goodI"d like to take her home with me that"s understoodShe plays hard to get, she smiles from time to timeIt only takes a camera to change her mindShe"s going out tonight but drinking just champagneAnd she has been checking nearly all the menShe"s playing her game and you can hear them sayShe is looking good, for beauty we will payShe"s posing for consumer products now and thenFor every camera she gives the best she canI saw her on the cover of a magazineNow she"s a big success, I want to meet her againhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8062134



英特尔(Intel)酷睿i7-3930K 32纳米盒装CPU(LGA2011/3.2GHz/12M三

32纳米是这个cpu的制程技术,建立在42纳米的基础上;3.2ghz是它的频率,说到处理器主频,就要提到与之密切相关的两个概念:倍频与外频,外频是CPU的基准频率,单位也是MHz。外频是CPU与主板之间同步运行的速度,而且绝大部分电脑系统中外频也是内存与主板之间的同步运行的速度,在这种方式下,可以理解为CPU的外频直接与内存相连通,实现两者间的同步运行状态;倍频即主频与外频之比的倍数。12m是这个处理器的缓存,在计算机技术发展过程中,主存储器存取速度一直比中央处理器操作速度慢得多,使中央处理器的高速处理能力不能充分发挥,整个计算机系统的工作效率受到影响。有很多方法可用来缓和中央处理器和主存储器之间速度不匹配的矛盾,如采用多个通用寄存器、多存储体交叉存取等,在存储层次上采用高速缓冲存储器也是常用的方法之一。很多大、中型计算机以及新近的一些小型机、微型机也都采用高速缓冲存储器。 高速缓冲存储器的容量一般只有主存储器的几百分之一,但它的存取速度能与中央处理器相匹配。根据程序局部性原理,正在使用的主存储器某一单元邻近的那些单元将被用到的可能性很大。因而,当中央处理器存取主存储器某一单元时,计算机硬件就自动地将包括该单元在内的那一组单元内容调入高速缓冲存储器,中央处理器即将存取的主存储器单元很可能就在刚刚调入到高速缓冲存储器的那一组单元内。于是,中央处理器就可以直接对高速缓冲存储器进行存取。在整个处理过程中,如果中央处理器绝大多数存取主存储器的操作能为存取高速缓冲存储器所代替,计算机系统处理速度就能显著提高。至于amd的话,没有那个是能和i7性能一样的,但是fx 8350这样的8核心处理器性能差不多(但是比i7更弱些)

Andrea Bocelli&Céline Dion的《The Prayer》 歌词

歌曲名:The Prayer歌手:Andrea Bocelli&Céline Dion专辑:SognoI pray you"ll be our eyes,and watch us where we go.And help us to be wisein times when we don"t knowLet this be our prayer,when we lose our wayLead us to the place,guide us with your graceTo a place where we"ll be safeLa luce che tu haiI pray we"ll find your lightnel cuore resteràand hold it in our hearts.a ricordarci cheWhen stars go out each night,eterna stella seiNella mia preghieraLet this be our prayerquanta fede c"èwhen shadows fill our dayguide us with your graceGive us faith so we"ll be safeSognamo un mondo senza più violenzaun mondo di giustizia e di speranzaOgnuno dia la mano al suo vicinoSimbolo di pace, di fraternitàLa forza che ci dàWe ask that life be kindè il desiderio cheand watch us from aboveognuno trovi amorWe hope each soul will findintorno e dentro séanother soul to loveLet this be our prayerLet this be our prayer,just like every childjust like every childNeed to find a place,guide us with your graceGive us faith so we"ll be safeè la fede chehai acceso in noi,sento che ci salveràFade out...http://music.baidu.com/song/7659770

Michael Jones的《Prayer》 歌词

歌曲名:Prayer歌手:Michael Jones专辑:Magical ChildCrematory-Pray★ lrc 编辑:妙一法师He wants your soul, he will blind you,Tell you lies, betray you, deceive youHe calls himself so many names,But his real one you will never, never knowPray for me, now pray for meCry before you die, before you diePray for me, so pray for meDie for your sinsHe will preach untrue sermons, telling of lies and talking of sins,The path is long and farBut he will never lead us to the promised land,Don"t follow, don"t follow this false prophetPray for me, now pray for meCry before you die, before you diePray for me, so pray for meDie for your sinsTake revenge on the whole human raceTake revenge on the whole human raceHe will bring you to your knees and make you weak,He will take his revenge on humanityHe wants your fortune, your belongings,He will suck every single drop of your bloodPray for me, now pray for meCry before you die, before you diePray for me, so pray for meDie for your sins, for your sinsPray for me, now pray for meCry before you die, before you diePray for me, so pray for meDie for your sinsCry for mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2583070

关于offer和tuition deposit!懂的help啊!!


Michael Rosenbaum饰演的Lex再第几季结婚的?和谁?为什么把自己的孩子扔进火力?他受什么刺激了?

他没仍谁的孩子 那是他自己善良的一面! 他把自己善良的一面给扼杀了

linkin的hands held high 表的寓意是不是反战

Linkin《SomeWhere I Belong》歌词


protel99 单片机最小系统原理图的步骤






Ethel Merman的《Medley》 歌词

歌曲名:Medley歌手:Ethel Merman专辑:Merman In Vegas球迷奇遇记曲:李克勤/江港生/ARMATH 词:李克勤/DEJA J编:VINCENTLIARW起来 起来 起来 今晚大家不想去街起来 起来 起来 坐低又起身博命0益起来 起来 起来 睇波便睇0下波鞋起来 起来 起来 场场场面伟大脚脚脚法古怪 人人人浪最HIGH懒理你地有钱或或穷人 即使三更半夜无得(训)即使三个眼袋仍甘心还乐意在每晚发出这声音 0虑..0虑..睇波一家大细最兴奋过瘾在各自变0左对头人哈..哈..球迷来自远近 法国靓女吸引全情投入气氛护花使者曲:长谷川集平 词:潘伟源 编:Vincent Liauw这晚在街中偶遇心中的她两脚决定不听叫唤跟她归家深宵的冷风 不准吹向她她那幽幽眼神快要对我说话纤纤的身影 默默转来吧对我说浪漫情人爱我吗贪心的晚风 竟敢拥吻她将她秀发温温柔柔每缕缕放下卑污的晚风 不应抚慰她我已决意一生护着心中的她旧欢如梦曲:古曲 词:庞秋华 编:卢东尼当年相恋意中人 大家性情近早种爱根极亲蜜 心心相印互信任月底花间相偎依 共喜有缘份恩爱百般愿比翼 痴心一缕共订盟喜逢知己倍精神 内心快乐无憾朝晚眷恋共欢聚 天天相见互慰问立心栽花花不香 重反惹愁恨只怨爱海起风波 一朝生变断爱盟恩情如今化烟云 未许再续情份空有爱丝万千丈 可惜都已尽化恨枉抛相思枉痴恋 恨卿心太忍只有叹息旧欢似梦 早经消散莫再寻http://music.baidu.com/song/7882811

在线等英文翻译!!明天我高中口语考试!!HELP ME PLEASE~~!! 3Q!!!

1) I am now studying art. This is my hobby. As a art student, my ambition is to become an artist (/a painter).2) My mom always encourage me to run after my aspiration. Therefore, now I am here to faced everyone.Yes, I am facing, although I am really nervous. 3)In fact, I have no confident with my broken English. Please forgive my nervousness.4)I beg your pardon? / Sorry, can you please repeat it?5)Well,I think this is too hard to me to understand.Can you please make the sentence easier?6)I am afraid that this is too hard for me to understand。My apologies.嗯,我没完全依照你的句子。但大意是一样的。下面给你翻译。1)我目前在学习画画,这是我的兴趣。作为一个艺术生,我的志愿是成为一名画家。2)我妈妈总是鼓励我去追求我想要的。所以,我现在就在这里面对各位。虽然非常紧张,但,是的,我在面对各位。3)其实,我对我蹩脚的英语很没有自信。请原谅我紧张的表现。4)对不起,能再重复一遍吗?5)这已近超出了我的理解范围。是我的错,抱歉。希望可以帮助你。口语考试请加油!神祝福你。

Elvis Presley的《Medley》 歌词

歌曲名:Medley歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:Elvis Recorded Live On Stage In Memphis/Elvis As Recorded At Madison Square GardenHigh School Musical 3 - MedleyAndy Dodd, Matthew Gerrard, Matthew Gerrard, Randy Petersen,Robbie Nevil, Robbie Nevil, Kevin Quinn, Adam WattsIt"s our last chance, to share the stageBefore we go our separate waysHigh school wasn"t meant to last foreverIt"s our last chance, for us to shineTo bring you music one more timeSo come on, come on, come on (Come on, come on, come on)Come on, come on, come onW-I-L-D, Wildcats, you know we areW-I-L-D, Wildcats, come on, come onEast High boys, let"s make some noiseW-I-L-D-, Wildcats, now is the timeThis is the last time to get it right,This is our last chance to make it our nightWe gotta show what we"re all about,Team, work togetherThis is the last chance to make our markHistory will know who we areThis is the last time to make it count,It"s Now or Never! Yeah!I Want It All! I want it, want it, want it!The fame and the fortune and more, I want it All!I want it, want it, want it,I gotta have my star on the doorI want the world, nothing lessAll the glam and the pressOnly giving me the best reviewsI Want It All, Want It All, Want It All,Want It All, Want it All!Kick it girls!I Want it All, Want it All, Want it AllWant it All, Want it ALL!My band, thank you, East High, you"re amazing, good night!Ooo, yeah, ooh, yeahI gotta lot of things, I have to doAll these distractions, our future is coming soonWe"re being pulled, a hundred different directionsBut whatever happens, I know I"ve got youYou"re on my mind, you"re in my heartIt doesn"t matter where we areWe"ll be alright, even if we are miles apartEven if we are miles apart!Even if we are, miles, and miles, and miles apart!All, I wanna do, is be with you, be with youThere"s nothing we can doEwwI just wanna be with youOnly youNo matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apartA-a-achoo!I just wanna be with...EwwYou!You know how life can be, it changes over nightThe sun even raining, but it"s alrightA friend like youAlways makes it easy!I know that you get meEvery timeThrough every up, through every down,You know i"ll always be aroundThrough anything, you can count on me!All I wanna do, is be with you, be with youThere"s nothing we can do, I just wanna be with you, only youNo matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apartYou know it"s trueI just wanna be with you! I just wanna be with you!The sun will always shine, that"s how you made me feelWe"re gonna be alright, cause what we have is realAnd will always be togetherAll I wanna do, is be with you, be with youThere"s nothing we can do, I just wanna be with you, only youNo matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apartYou know it"s trueI just wanna be with you!All I wanna doAll that I wanna do, is be with you!All that I wanna do, is be with you!All that I wanna do, I just wanna be with you!All that I wanna do, I just wanna be with you!Who"s that girl? She"s so fineWho"s that girl? I don"t recognizeWho"s that girl? She looks so good, yeahGuess we"ve never really noticed, but we"ve probably shouldBig fun!On the night of nights, the night of nights, tonight!Let"s dance, on the night of nights,you know we"re gonna do it right!It"s gonna be our night!You know it!To remember!For all time!Surprise!Big fun!It"s gonna be the nightThe best!To last forever!The rest of our lives!We"ll never, ever, ever forget!It"s gonna be you.My night!Oh yeah!All together!Say it loud!That"s right!It"s gonna be the night!You can bet!To remember!Hear the crowd!And never, ever, ever,never, ever, ever,never, ever, never, everever forget!http://music.baidu.com/song/10418200

Jewel的《Medley》 歌词

歌曲名:Medley歌手:Jewel专辑:Joy - A Holiday CollectionMedley - 邓丽欣(信自己)信有天始终见到这世间手挽手起舞信四海懂得友爱我信它就会更加好如像深深相信爱没法比如像声音中没有可跟你 wo wo如像我信自己深深的相信你如像我信自己深深的相信爱的真理如像我信自己深深的相信你如像我信自己深深的相信爱的真理(一分钟都市一分钟恋爱)寻一分钟的恋爱而一分钟可找到什么 shoodo wop寻一分钟的天气而一分钟可讲到什么 shoodo wop都市仿似一个快钟动作太急仿像怕会落空东扑西扑冲了再冲像片猛风生活永远没空人学会一分钟之中找到爱一个认识不深不过那算什么横竖隔一分钟双方都会各飘散就当似从未发生过哦寻一分钟的恋爱而一分钟可找到什么 shoodo wop寻一分钟的天气而一分钟可讲到什么 shoodo wop在快速世界疾风世界没空世界你让我再相信爱认真去爱认真再开心的我未管世界是真世界是假世界你让我再敢去爱认真张开收起的我让你看清楚寻一分钟的恋爱而一分钟可找到什么 shoodo wop寻一分钟的天气而一分钟可讲到什么 shoodo wop寻一分钟的恋爱而一分钟可找到什么 shoodo wop寻一分钟的天气而一分钟可讲到什么 shoodo wop(大日子)炸到脑部缺氧震到放下智商壮过壮烈志向美过美丽晚霜各有各的信仰完全无关痛痒不须表态只须举脚节奏怎能独享放弃各自爱恶只因音乐善良假使必需打仗节奏感管打仗各有故事要说各有以后理想只得声量人人高低一样流动的声浪行动一致everybody move your body摇动的映象行动一致快忘记你是男或女子everybody move your body这世界靠节奏找到一点相似时间若够意思全部如大日子everybody move your body不会爱会跳跃的心彼此相似时间没够意思全部如大日子位位都可变天使(热血青年)错在我没有预备你虐待我错在我没有侍候过天蝎座错在我未够罪大恶极爱得不惹火错极也没法犯下致命大错错极也没法为着你忍肚饿错极也没法暴露秘密着得衫太多只想相爱不想伤身誓要快活坚拒自刎想考起我忍一忍最多等阵浪漫到伴你夜半冲绿灯今天不够电别来加一剑以为我还是个热血青年可否赏个面放下穿心箭以为我还乐意为你失眠今天不够电大男人请免以为我还是个热血青年可否赏个面放下穿心箭以为我还乐意为你失眠今天不够电今天不够电可否赏个面http://music.baidu.com/song/2178459

I Believe (Medley) 歌词

歌曲名:I Believe (Medley)歌手:Duran Duran专辑:The Singles Box 1986 - 1995ENJOY ITHayley Westenra - Sings Japanese Songs 樱花恋曲Inside this fragile heart of mineLives uncertaintyA never-ending fearAnd right before my eyesThe crossroads of my lifeThe path for me is clearThese doubts, lingering in my headI must free, to let me move aheadI believe myselfThe more I believe I knowThat believing is the start of everything to comeWoah, I believe myselfThe burning light I seeIt just can"t be wrongI"m gonna keep going onI believeIn this world full of liesI see you trying to smileA smile to surviveI understand your wary faceYour distrusting embraceThat I recognizeBlack as night- the colour I used to beNo one could ever stain meI believe myselfThe more I believe I knowThat believing is the start of everything to comeWoah, I believe myselfThe burning light I seeIt just can"t be wrongI"m gonna keep going onI believeAnd spreading right before meThe biggest sky I"ve seenThe colours engulf meThis is my dreamI believe myselfThe more I believe I knowThat believing is the start of everything to comeWoah, I believe myselfThe burning light I seeIt just can"t be wrongI"m gonna keep going onI believe myselfI believeI believeI believeI believeI believeI believeI believehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2578558

Andre Kostelanetz & His Orchestra的《Medley》 歌词

歌曲名:Medley歌手:Andre Kostelanetz & His Orchestra专辑:Wonderland Of ChristmasHigh School Musical 3 - MedleyAndy Dodd, Matthew Gerrard, Matthew Gerrard, Randy Petersen,Robbie Nevil, Robbie Nevil, Kevin Quinn, Adam WattsIt"s our last chance, to share the stageBefore we go our separate waysHigh school wasn"t meant to last foreverIt"s our last chance, for us to shineTo bring you music one more timeSo come on, come on, come on (Come on, come on, come on)Come on, come on, come onW-I-L-D, Wildcats, you know we areW-I-L-D, Wildcats, come on, come onEast High boys, let"s make some noiseW-I-L-D-, Wildcats, now is the timeThis is the last time to get it right,This is our last chance to make it our nightWe gotta show what we"re all about,Team, work togetherThis is the last chance to make our markHistory will know who we areThis is the last time to make it count,It"s Now or Never! Yeah!I Want It All! I want it, want it, want it!The fame and the fortune and more, I want it All!I want it, want it, want it,I gotta have my star on the doorI want the world, nothing lessAll the glam and the pressOnly giving me the best reviewsI Want It All, Want It All, Want It All,Want It All, Want it All!Kick it girls!I Want it All, Want it All, Want it AllWant it All, Want it ALL!My band, thank you, East High, you"re amazing, good night!Ooo, yeah, ooh, yeahI gotta lot of things, I have to doAll these distractions, our future is coming soonWe"re being pulled, a hundred different directionsBut whatever happens, I know I"ve got youYou"re on my mind, you"re in my heartIt doesn"t matter where we areWe"ll be alright, even if we are miles apartEven if we are miles apart!Even if we are, miles, and miles, and miles apart!All, I wanna do, is be with you, be with youThere"s nothing we can doEwwI just wanna be with youOnly youNo matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apartA-a-achoo!I just wanna be with...EwwYou!You know how life can be, it changes over nightThe sun even raining, but it"s alrightA friend like youAlways makes it easy!I know that you get meEvery timeThrough every up, through every down,You know i"ll always be aroundThrough anything, you can count on me!All I wanna do, is be with you, be with youThere"s nothing we can do, I just wanna be with you, only youNo matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apartYou know it"s trueI just wanna be with you! I just wanna be with you!The sun will always shine, that"s how you made me feelWe"re gonna be alright, cause what we have is realAnd will always be togetherAll I wanna do, is be with you, be with youThere"s nothing we can do, I just wanna be with you, only youNo matter where life takes us, nothing can break us apartYou know it"s trueI just wanna be with you!All I wanna doAll that I wanna do, is be with you!All that I wanna do, is be with you!All that I wanna do, I just wanna be with you!All that I wanna do, I just wanna be with you!Who"s that girl? She"s so fineWho"s that girl? I don"t recognizeWho"s that girl? She looks so good, yeahGuess we"ve never really noticed, but we"ve probably shouldBig fun!On the night of nights, the night of nights, tonight!Let"s dance, on the night of nights,you know we"re gonna do it right!It"s gonna be our night!You know it!To remember!For all time!Surprise!Big fun!It"s gonna be the nightThe best!To last forever!The rest of our lives!We"ll never, ever, ever forget!It"s gonna be you.My night!Oh yeah!All together!Say it loud!That"s right!It"s gonna be the night!You can bet!To remember!Hear the crowd!And never, ever, ever,never, ever, ever,never, ever, never, everever forget!http://music.baidu.com/song/12338558




bellz,still life photographer 简介:BellZ 拉脱维亚人,87年,已婚,爱好玩具 ...student has no time for sleep, though a student always has time for Internet... ——BellZ 纹身唇环和粉色兔子的奇妙“美小年”,No Gay。 ================================== Current Age: 19Current Residence: Riga, Latvia (do you know where it is anyway?.. ))Interests: birdpeople and 12-year-old boys.Favourite movie: Jacob"s Ladder, Stay, The Machinist.Favourite band or musician: Patrick WolfFavourite genre of music: latvian folk musicFavourite artist: LazyMuffinFavourite poet or writer: Chuck PalahniukFavourite photographer: Anton CorbijnFavourite cartoon character: Rocko"s modern life )+Personal Quote: I HAVE NO VF accounts, no Myspace, no Flickr, no h5, no msn or ICQ. you can find REAL me only HERE.参考资料:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/21001166.html?fr=qrl3




It is well known that they are cleaners.

英文 as below / as follows 用法与中文意思!用英文表达「如下…」

英文 as below / as follows 的中文意思 都有「如下」的意思。你可能会在很多email 书信里面看到as below / as follows。本篇文章要教学as below / as follows应该怎么用,以及as below / as follows所表达的意思。 下面教学as below / as follows 的英文用法与中文意思。 1.as … below 如下… 英文 as below 的用法,通常是 as …below,也就是as 跟 below 中间还有一串英文字。 例: as shown below 如下所示。 例: as described below 如下所描述。 请注意,as … below 常常会被误用为as … belows,不能加这个s唷。要用 as … below 才是正确的用法。 下面再列出一些完整的as … below用法与句子。 例: Check the DNS settings on the target puter as described below. 如下所述检查目标计算机上的DNS设置。 例: Please check the phone number as described below. 请按照以下说明检查电话号码。 常见的as … below 的句子说法,大致上有以下。 例: as shown below 如下所示 as described below 如下所描述 as discussed below 如下所讨论 as defined below 如下所定义 as listed below 如下所列 as indicated below 如下所指 as noted below 如下所标示 as outlined below 如下所列 as explained below 如下说明 as given below 如下所给 as specified below 如下所指 as illustrated below 如下所说 as provided below 如下所提供 as stated below 如下所述 as seen below 如下所见 as mentioned below 如下所提及 2.as follows 如下 至于英文片语as follows ,则跟as … below 不一样,as 跟 follows 中间不需要多一个英文字。而且as follows 里的follow 是需要加上s的,「as follow」 是不正确的喔。 例: The winners are as follows – Jenny, Jack, and Wayne. 获胜者如下:珍妮,杰克和伟恩。 例: The minimum size standards are as Follows: 700×900, 600×700, 1200x 800. 最小尺寸标准如下:700×900、600×700、1200x 800。 as follows 前面最常跟are 或是 is 连用喔。当然,也可以跟其他动词连用。 上面就是英文 as below / as follows 的用法教学啦!简单的说,as below 中间通常还有一串英文字,所以会是as …below的句型,而as follows 则直接出现在句尾,然后后面再接所列的事物。 as below, as below 中文, as below 意思, as below 用法, as follows, as follows 中文, as follows 意思, as follows 用法, 如下 英文

英文 as below / as follows 用法与中文意思!用英文表达「如下…」

英文 as below / as follows 的中文意思 都有「如下」的意思。你可能会在很多email 书信里面看到as below / as follows。本篇文章要教学as below / as follows应该怎么用,以及as below / as follows所表达的意思。 下面教学as below / as follows 的英文用法与中文意思。 1.as … below 如下… 英文 as below 的用法,通常是 as …below,也就是as 跟 below 中间还有一串英文字。 例: as shown below 如下所示。 例: as described below 如下所描述。 请注意,as … below 常常会被误用为as … belows,不能加这个s唷。要用 as … below 才是正确的用法。 下面再列出一些完整的as … below用法与句子。 例: Check the DNS settings on the target puter as described below. 如下所述检查目标计算机上的DNS设置。 例: Please check the phone number as described below. 请按照以下说明检查电话号码。 常见的as … below 的句子说法,大致上有以下。 例: as shown below 如下所示 as described below 如下所描述 as discussed below 如下所讨论 as defined below 如下所定义 as listed below 如下所列 as indicated below 如下所指 as noted below 如下所标示 as outlined below 如下所列 as explained below 如下说明 as given below 如下所给 as specified below 如下所指 as illustrated below 如下所说 as provided below 如下所提供 as stated below 如下所述 as seen below 如下所见 as mentioned below 如下所提及 至于英文片语as follows ,则跟as … below 不一样,as 跟 follows 中间不需要多一个英文字。而且as follows 里的follow 是需要加上s的,「as follow」 是不正确的喔。 例: The winners are as follows – Jenny, Jack, and Wayne. 获胜者如下:珍妮,杰克和伟恩。 例: The minimum size standards are as Follows: 700×900, 600×700, 1200x 800. 最小尺寸标准如下:700×900、600×700、1200x 800。


有机EL,是(Organic Electro-Luminescence:OEL、有机EL)的简称,意思是有机发光的电子版。定义虽然很笼统,但是包含范围非常广,比如有机发光二极管,发光聚合物等等利用物理发光现象的所有有机物的统称。其原理跟LED大致相同,只不过使用的是具有二极管功能的有机化合物。





买了个全英文的罐头,品牌是campbelli, 产品名大概叫浓缩的汤。但是看不懂说明跟做法,谁有用过这东西吗?









100oel等于100ppm。分析:如果ppm换算成百分号“%”为:1ppm=0.0001%,因此100oel等于100ppm。但在大多数科技期刊中,已经不使用ppm,而改用千分号“‰”,ppm换算成‰为:1ppm=0.001‰。ppm是指part per million,同理b,t分别表示billion和trillion。即1ppm=10^-6数量级,类似的还有ppb,ppt等,分别是-9次和-12次,严格地说他们不是单位,只是比率的表示。相关信息:在配制农药或肥料使用浓度时,要根据农药或肥料的纯含量以及需要稀释的浓度(用ppm单位)确定加水量。其计算公式是:每克农药或肥料的加水量=100 0000×药品(肥料)含量(%)÷浓度(ppm)-1。例如:需用15%的多效唑配制成300ppm的药液,喷洒水稻秧苗,1克农药需加多少克水呢?按计算公式计算如下:加水量=1000000×15%/300-1=499(克)。即1克15%多效唑加水499克,总共500克,ppm浓度为:1000mg*15%/500g=300ppm。即可配制成300ppm的多效唑药液。在大多数科技期刊中,已经不使用ppm,而改用千分号“‰”,ppm换算成‰为:1ppm=0.001‰。





求诗:朗费罗 Longfellow 《提灯女郎》

  The famous poem in which Henry Wadsworth Longfellow coins the term "lady with the lamp." Saint Philomena is a patron of the sick.  Santa Filomena  Whene"er a noble deed is wrought,  Whene"er is spoken a noble thought,  Our hearts, in glad surprise,  To higher levels rise.  The tidal wave of deeper souls  Into our inmost being rolls,  And lifts us unawares  Out of all meaner cares.  Honor to those whose words or deeds  Thus help us in our daily needs,  And by their overflow  Raise us from what is low!  Thus thought I, as by night I read  Of the great army of the dead,  The trenches cold and damp,  The starved and frozen camp,--  The wounded from the battle-plain,  In dreary hospitals of pain,  The cheerless corridors,  The cold and stony floors.  Lo! in that house of misery  A lady with a lamp I see  Pass through the glimmering gloom,  And flit from room to room.  And slow, as in a dream of bliss,  The speechless sufferer turns to kiss  Her shadow, as it falls  Upon the darkening walls.  As if a door in heaven should be  Opened and then closed suddenly,  The vision came and went,  The light shone and was spent.  On England"s annals, through the long  Hereafter of her speech and song,  That light its rays shall cast  From portals of the past.  A Lady with a Lamp shall stand  In the great history of the land,  A noble type of good,  Heroic womanhood.  Nor even shall be wanting here  The palm, the lily, and the spear,  The symbols that of yore  Saint Filomena bore.

asleep sleepy fall asleep feel asleep 区别

asleep是形容词, sleepy 也是形容词。sleep是动词fall asleep(入睡) 一般说feel sleepy(犯困),而不说feel asleep,因为asleep本身当睡着了讲。

关于feeling的英语单词 如 mad happy sad 等

音标不会mad happy sad crazy upset excitedrelaxed angry bored comfortableglad unhappy uncomfortable



porcelain 和 ceramic的区别





porcelain is a special type of clay either white or grey, to which kaolin (a white firing stiff clay) and white China stone (finely decayed granite, washed and prepared as small white blocks) is added. When fired at temperatures of 1,280°C and over (up to 1,400°C was achieved by the Chinese), the body vitrifies, ie it becomes completely impermeable. Glazes can be applied for the first firing, or the vessel can be decorated with a low-firing glaze and put back into the kiln a second time.www.nga.gov.au/TTTsui/Appendices/Glossary.htmchina isAlthough it wasn"t made in Europe until the 18th century, china was developed over 100 years ago in, not surprisingly, China. Once synonymous with porcelain, China is made when kaolin is mixed with petuntse, two forms of decomposed granite which fuse together in a very hot kiln to produce translucent clayware. If the item is opaque it is known as pottery. Bone china was developed by the English in the mid 18th century. ...www.caroadshow.org/glossary.htm

惠普Hp EliteBook 8460p这个笔记本怎么样

您好!感谢您选择惠普产品。 8460p是一款沉稳高端商务本型笔记本电脑,性能稳定,适合于办公使用;但这款机器目前已经停产了,与当前主流高端商务笔记本相比性能略有不足。为您推荐一款新品商务本,840G1,并有多款配置选购。 840G1特有DuraFlex耐磨涂层的玻璃纤维类肤材质外壳,让您的电脑更加坚实耐磨,提升整机耐用性,从此不怕路途上的颠簸,更能给您如同抚摸婴儿般肌肤的亲肤手感。3维方向的加速器适时监控笔记本工作状态。当硬盘处于危险状态时,加速器发出警告,硬盘磁头会自动挂起,从而保护硬盘。 通过 FIPS 140-2 Level 2 (美国联邦信息处理标准认证)的自加密硬盘,为您提供国际高水准的数据安全保护。配置信息可以参考下方链接:http://shopping1.hp.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/WW-CNPublicStore-Site/zh_CN/-/CNY/ViewProductDetail-Start;pgid=k4RgU7ksMU1SR0UmfAm8feRc0000s3foyhKF;sid=OZmyWYEENrCyWdWAGYTTeHELDwfdsWeQHyA=?ProductUUID=9r8Q6moNw9MAAAFGbgMsm_OV&CatalogCategoryID=yZ0Q6moN_HYAAAE4V3Z53kFF&JumpTo=OfferList 如果您想购买此类型的电脑产品,您可以将您的联系方式(电话),通过 【hp_expert3@hp.com】邮箱发送给我们,我们会有工程师为您进行非常专业的介绍并且到时可能会有官方的更多更实惠的优惠给到您。 若您还有任何问题,请不要犹豫,随时追问,我们一定会竭尽全力协助您!


这两款都是很老的笔记本了哦, 不过从定位来说, 8440P属于高端商务本, CQ42系列的话就是家用游戏本 , 两款机型都比较老了, 现在新的3D游戏可能都跑不起来, 不过相对来说, 还是8440P更好一些

porcelain 与 ceramic 还有 pottery 及 terracotta的区别?跟陶与瓷怎么区分?

porcelain瓷器,广义上的瓷,是总称 ceramic是陶器,也可以指一种制陶艺术 Pottery陶瓷,也可以指制陶工厂 terracotta是指一种特殊制陶的特殊原料---赤土或赤陶 陶一般以一种易熔粘土制造.在某些情况下也可以在粘土中加入熟料或砂与之混合,以减少收缩.这些制品的烧成温度变动很大,要依据粘土的化学组成所含杂质的性质与多少而定.以之制造砖瓦,如气孔率过高,则坯体的抗冻性能不好,过低叉不易挂住砂浆,所以吸水率一般要保持5~15%之间.烧成后坯体的颜色,决定于粘土中着色氧化物的含量和烧成气氛,在氧化焰中烧成多呈黄色或红色,在还原焰中烧成则多呈青色或黑色.我国建筑材料中的青砖,即是用含有Fe2O3的黄色或红色粘土为原料,在临近止火时用还原焰煅烧,使Fe203还原为FeON成青色,陶器可分为普通陶器(cmmon,pottery)和精陶器(Fineearthenware)两类.普通陶器即指土陶盆.罐、缸、瓮.以及耐火砖等具有多孔性着色坯体的制品. 瓷 随着制陶工具的逐步改善,工艺水平的不断提高以及对制陶原料的深入了解,人们渐渐烧制出一些初步达到瓷器标准,但在一些方面又不够完善的器物,这就是原始青瓷.瓷化程度较高,胎色有灰白、灰黄、青灰、灰红及肉红;釉子润泽,以青色为主,也有蓝、绿、酱、褐、黄等颜色.装饰品种极为丰富,有釉下彩斑、釉下彩绘、印花、贴花、贴花彩斑、刻划、雕刻、镂空等. 由此可见 瓷器和陶器虽然是两种不同的物质,但是两者间存在着密切的联系.如果没有制陶术的发明及陶器制作技术不断改进所取得的经验,瓷器是不可能单独发明的.瓷器的发明是我们的祖先在长期制陶过程中,不断认识原材料的性能,总结烧成技术,积累丰富经验,从而产生量变到质变的结果. 有关陶器与瓷器的区别主要有如下几点: 一、烧成温度不同 陶器烧成温度一般都低于瓷器,最低甚至达到800℃以下,最高可达1100℃左右.瓷器的烧成温度则比较高,大都在1200℃以上,甚至有的达到1400℃左右. 二、坚硬程度不同 陶器烧成温度低,坯体并未完全烧结,敲击时声音发问,胎体硬度较差,有的甚至可以用钢刀划出沟痕.瓷器的烧成温度高,胎体基本烧结,敲击时声音清脆,胎体表面用一般钢刀很难划出沟痕. 三、使用原料不同 陶器使用一般黏土即可制坯烧成,瓷器则需要选择特定的材料,以高岭上作坯.烧成温度在陶器所需要的温度阶段,则可成为陶器,例如古代的白陶就是如此烧成的.高岭土在烧制瓷器所需要的温度下,所制的坯体则成为瓷器.但是一般制作陶器的黏土制成的坯体,在烧到1200℃时,则不可能成为瓷器,会被烧熔为玻璃质. 四、透明度不同 陶器的坯体即使比较薄也不具备半透明的特点.例如龙山文化的黑陶,薄如蛋壳,却并不透明.瓷器的胎体无论薄厚,都具有半透明的特点. 五、釉料不同 陶器有不挂釉和挂釉的两种,挂釉的陶器釉料在较低的烧成温度时即可熔融.瓷器的釉料有两种,既可在高温下与胎体一次烧成,也可在高温素烧胎上再挂低温釉,第二次低温烧成. 以上几个方面中,最主要的条件是原材料和烧成温度,其他几个条件,都与这两条密切相关.因此,制陶工匠一旦掌握了烧成温度的技术,并认识到高岭土与一般黏土的区别,便具备了发明瓷器的条件. (在下鄙陋,希望能给你帮上忙)


第二个单词拼写错误了,你应该想说的是pottery和porcelain的区别吧,这两个都有陶瓷的意思,但它们又有一定的区别。potteryn. 陶器; 陶器厂[作坊]; <集合词>陶器类; 陶器制造(术)复数: potteries形近词: littery patters lottery totters hatteryporcelainn. 瓷,瓷器;adj. 瓷制的; 精美的; 脆的,易碎的;复数:porcelains 两者的区别:porcelain瓷器,广义上的瓷,是总称Pottery陶瓷,也可以指制陶工厂

C# WF窗体的DBhelp类怎么写.谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Data; using System.Data.SQLite; namespace DAL { static class SqlHelper { private static bool Conn = false; private static string ConnStr = @"Data Source=FileName;Pooling=true;FailIfMissing=false"; static SqlHelper() { Conn = TestConn(); } public static bool Update(string SQL, params SqlParameter[] SqlParameters) { bool Result = false; if (Conn) using (SQLiteConnection SqlConn = new SQLiteConnection(ConnStr)) { SqlConn.Open(); using (SQLiteCommand SqlCmd = new SQLiteCommand(SQL, SqlConn)) { if (SQLiteParameters != null) SqlCmd.Parameters.AddRange(SqlParameters); Result = SQLiteCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0; } } return Result; } public static T Scalar<T>(string SQL, params SQLiteParameter[] SqlParameters) { object Result = null; if (Conn) using (SQLiteConnection SqlConn = new SQLiteConnection(ConnStr)) { SqlConn.Open(); using (SQLiteCommand SqlCmd = new SQLiteCommand(SQL, SqlConn)) { if (SQLiteParameters != null) SqlCmd.Parameters.AddRange(SqlParameters); Result = SqlCmd.ExecuteScalar(); } } return (Result != null) ? (T)Result : default(T); } public static DataTable Query(string SQL, params SQLiteParameter[] SqlParameters) { DataTable Result = null; if (Conn) using (SQLiteConnection SqlConn = new SQLiteConnection(ConnStr)) { SqlConn.Open(); using (SQLiteCommand SqlCmd = new SQLiteCommand(SQL, SqlConn)) { if (SqlParameters != null) SqlCmd.Parameters.AddRange(SqlParameters); using (SQLiteDataAdapter SqlAdap = new SQLiteDataAdapter(SqlCmd)) using (DataSet ds = new DataSet()) { SqlAdap.Fill(ds); Result = ds.Tables[0]; } } } return Result; } private static bool TestConn() { bool TestResult = false; try { using (SQLiteConnection SqlConn = new SQLiteConnection(ConnStr)) SqlConn.Open(); TestResult = true; } catch { TestResult = false; } return TestResult; } } }

HP EliteBook 8460p综合评定怎么样



使用NVelocity也有几个年头了,主要是在我的代码生成工具Database2Sharp上使用来生成相关代码的,不过NVelocity是一个非常不错的模板引擎,可以用来生成文件、页面等相关处理,非常高效和方便。它原先是在网站http://nvelocity.sourceforge.net/ 上维护,不过从0.41后,该网站就不再进行NVelocity更新了,现在可以在网站http://nvelocity.codeplex.com/上获得最新版本的更新,接着版本的更新操作,我们把NVelocity的几种生成文件的操作介绍一下,以便大家进行更深入的了解。1、基于NVelocity的几种内容生成方式从上面的图示,我们可以看到,NVelocity的模板化生成包含了3种方式,一种是从文件到文件或者字符串,一种是从字符串到字符串,他们各自的处理方式有所不同,但是都能正确解析里面的内容。为了更好利用NVelocity的特性,我们对它进行一个初步的辅助类封装。/// <summary>/// 基于NVelocity的模板文件生成辅助类/// </summary>public class NVelocityHelper{protected VelocityContext context;protected Template template;protected string templateFile;/// <summary>/// 存放键值的字典内容/// </summary>private Dictionary<string, object> KeyObjDict = new Dictionary<string, object>();/// <summary>/// 添加一个键值对象/// </summary>/// <param name="key">键,不可重复</param>/// <param name="value">值</param>/// <returns></returns>public NVelocityHelper AddKeyValue(string key, object value){if (!KeyObjDict.ContainsKey(key)){KeyObjDict.Add(key, value);}return this;}................上面的AddKeyValue方法,主要用来为模板引擎添加一些需要绑定在页面上的变量对象,这样页面变量参数的内容就能正确解析出来了。为了使用NVelocity的各种特性,我们需要在辅助类里面构造模板的相关信息,设置相关参数。/// <summary>/// 初始化模板引擎/// </summary>protected virtual void InitTemplateEngine(){try{//Velocity.Init(NVELOCITY_PROPERTY);VelocityEngine templateEngine = new VelocityEngine();templateEngine.SetProperty(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_LOADER, "file");templateEngine.SetProperty(RuntimeConstants.INPUT_ENCODING, "utf-8");templateEngine.SetProperty(RuntimeConstants.OUTPUT_ENCODING, "utf-8");//如果设置了FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH属性,那么模板文件的基础路径就是基于这个设置的目录,否则默认当前运行目录templateEngine.SetProperty(RuntimeConstants.FILE_RESOURCE_LOADER_PATH, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);templateEngine.Init();template = templateEngine.GetTemplate(templateFile);}catch (ResourceNotFoundException re){string error = string.Format("Cannot find template " + templateFile);LogTextHelper.Error(error);throw new Exception(error, re);}catch (ParseErrorException pee){string error = string.Format("Syntax error in template " + templateFile + ":" + pee.StackTrace);LogTextHelper.Error(error);throw new Exception(error, pee);}}在生成内容之前,需要把相关的对象属性绑定到模板引擎的上下文对象里面。/// <summary>/// 初始化上下文的内容/// </summary>private void InitContext(){context = new VelocityContext();foreach (string key in KeyObjDict.Keys){context.Put(key, KeyObjDict[key]);}}1)根据模板文件构造对应的文件内容/// <summary>///根据模板创建输出的文件,并返回生成的文件路径/// </summary>public virtual string ExecuteFile(){string fileName = "";if (template != null){string filePath = CheckEndBySlash(directoryOfOutput);fileName = filePath + fileNameOfOutput + fileExtension;if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath) && !Directory.Exists(filePath)){Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath);}//LogTextHelper.Debug(string.Format("Class file output path:{0}", fileName));InitContext();using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName, false)){template.Merge(context, writer);}}return fileName;}2)根据模板文件构造字符串内容/// <summary>/// 根据模板输出字符串内容/// </summary>/// <param name="templateFile"></param>/// <returns></returns>public string ExecuteString(){InitContext(); System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter();template.Merge(context, writer);return writer.GetStringBuilder().ToString();}3)根据字符串内容构造字符串输出/// <summary>/// 合并字符串的内容/// </summary>/// <returns></returns>public string ExecuteMergeString(string inputString){VelocityEngine templateEngine = new VelocityEngine();templateEngine.Init();InitContext();System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter();templateEngine.Evaluate(context, writer, "mystring", inputString);return writer.GetStringBuilder().ToString();}上面几种操作模板输出的方式,其调用代码如下所示。private void btnGenerateFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){string tempalte = "Template/template.htm";//相对目录TestInfo info = new TestInfo();info.Title = "测试标题";info.Content = "测试内容,这是测试内容";info.Datetime = DateTime.Now;NVelocityHelper adapter = new NVelocityHelper(tempalte);adapter.AddKeyValue("title", "This is a title").AddKeyValue("content", "This is a Content").AddKeyValue("datetime", System.DateTime.Now).AddKeyValue("TestInfo", info);adapter.FileNameOfOutput = "testTemplate";string filePath = adapter.ExecuteFile();if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)){Process.Start(filePath);}} private void btnGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){string tempalte = "Template/template.htm";//相对目录TestInfo info = new TestInfo();info.Title = "测试标题";info.Content = "测试内容,这是测试内容";info.Datetime = DateTime.Now;NVelocityHelper adapter = new NVelocityHelper(tempalte);adapter.AddKeyValue("title", "This is a title").AddKeyValue("content", "This is a Content").AddKeyValue("datetime", System.DateTime.Now).AddKeyValue("TestInfo", info);this.txtCode.Text = adapter.ExecuteString();} private void btnMergeString_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();builder.Append("${Title} " +"$Content " +"$Digest " +"$Author " +"$Keyword " +"$DateTime ");NVelocityHelper adapter = new NVelocityHelper();adapter.AddKeyValue("Title", "标题").AddKeyValue("Content", "内容").AddKeyValue("Digest", "摘要").AddKeyValue("Author", "作者").AddKeyValue("Keyword", "关键词").AddKeyValue("DateTime", DateTime.Now);this.txtCode.Text = adapter.ExecuteMergeString(builder.ToString());}2、模板引擎NVelocity的几种应用场景上面的几种操作模板内容的方式,能够在绝大多数情况下满足我们的应用要求,如可以在代码生成工具里面,定义一些自定义的内容模板,然后结合数据库的元数据信息,实现丰富逻辑的代码生成操作。也可以在一些内容管理的应用上(如文章管理方面),根据输入的内容,实现文章内容的文件生成操作,这个生成后,我们就直接使用文章的文件链接地址就可以了。或者根据数据信息生成具体的页面,用于套打操作,如下是Winform里面的套打处理。以上所述是小编给大家介绍的基于基于NVelocity的几种内容生成方式汇总,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对脚本之家网站的支持!


在希腊语中,heliotrope这个词是ηλιοτρu03ccπιο(ēliotrópio),它的发音为:ē-li-o-tró-pio。η (ē) 发音为 /i/,类似于英语中的字母 ee,但更短暂,λι (li) 发音为 /li/,类似于英语中的 lee,ο (o) 发音为 /o/,与英语中的 o 相似,τρu03cc (tro) 发音为 /tro/,类似于英语中的 tro,πιο (pio) 发音为 /pio/,类似于英语中的 pee-o。heliotrope这个词在中文中常用作植物的名称,特指一种向阳植物,即植物的花朵或叶子会随着太阳的位置而转动,以最大程度地接收阳光。例如,在园艺中,可以用heliotrope来描述某些具有这种特性的植物。此外,heliotrope也可以用作颜色的名称,指的是一种紫色调的浅紫罗兰色。在设计和时尚领域中,heliotrope可以用来描述具有这种颜色的物品或材料。例句:1、我在花园里种了一些向阳植物,它们会跟随太阳的移动而转动。2、她选择了一件漂亮的连衣裙,颜色是heliotrope的,非常适合夏天的气氛。除了植物的名称和颜色,heliotrope这个词也可以引申为其他含义。例如:1、化学:在化学领域,heliotrope是指一种紫红色的染料,通常用于染色或指示剂。2、香水:Heliotrope是一种常见的香水成分,其气味被描述为甜美、温暖和芳香,类似于杏仁和香草。3、文学和艺术:Heliotrope有时也用作文学、诗歌或艺术作品的题目或主题,以表达对阳光、光明、希望或追求幸福的情感。在使用词语heliotrope的时候的注意事项1、上下文明确:由于heliotrope并不是一个常见的词汇,使用时应确保上下文明确,让读者或听众能够理解你所指的具体含义。2、领域限定:根据使用场合和领域,确保你所使用的heliotrope的含义是准确的。例如,在讨论植物时,它指的是一种向阳植物;而在化学领域,它可能指的是一种染料。3、意象和联想:考虑到heliotrope是一个形容词,使用时可以引起读者或听众对阳光、颜色或气味等方面的联想。在表达中加入相关的描述来帮助理解。


1、释义:pee v.撒尿,小便。n.撒尿;尿。n.(Pee)。(美)佩(人名)。 2、pee,读音:美/piu02d0/;英/piu02d0/。 3、例句:I saw the dog peeing on the grass.我看见那条狗在草地上撒尿。

jingle bells的中文意思


jingle bells英文歌词

歌曲:《jingle bells》Dashing through the snow。In a one-horse open sleighO"er the fields we go。Laughing all the wayBells on bobtail ring。Making spirits brightWhat fun it is to ride and sing。A sleighing song tonightJingle bells jingle bells。Jingle all the way,Oh what fun it is to ride。In a one-horse open sleigh HeyJingle bells jingle bells。Jingle all the wayOh what fun it is to ride。In a one-horse open sleigh HeyDashing through the snow。In a one-horse open sleighO"er the fields we go。Laughing all the wayBells on bobtail ring。Making spirits brightWhat fun it is to ride and sing。A sleighing song tonight OhJingle bells,jingle bells。Jingle all the wayOh what fun it is to ride。In a one-horse open sleigh HeyJingle bells jingle bells。Jingle all the wayOh what fun it is to ride。In a one-horse open sleigh相关内容:《铃儿响叮当》1857年,词曲作家詹姆斯·罗德·皮尔彭特的父亲在波士顿一所学校任职。这首歌是他写给父亲的学生们,帮助学生们参加感恩节演出用的。其明快的旋律、欢乐的场景使这首歌成为150年来最重要的圣诞节保留曲目,也是世界知名度最高的歌曲。詹姆斯·L·皮尔彭特(James Lord Pierpont,1822年4月25日——1893年8月5日),美国管风琴演奏家与作曲家,著名圣诞歌曲Jingle Bell(中文名《铃儿响叮当》)的作者(而不是他的父亲——约翰·皮尔彭特)。

spinner.getSelectedItemPosition(); spinner.getSelectedItem().toString(); 取不到所选的值?

为下拉列表设置事件的响应,这个事响应菜单被选中 spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new Spinner.OnItemSelectedListener(){ public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int arg2, long arg3) { /* 将所选spinner 的值带入TextView 中*/ myTextView.setText("您选择的是:"+ adapter.getItem(arg2)); /* 将mySpinner 显示*/ arg0.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); }


在项目中使用到了spinner这个控件,基本的业务大概就是: 用户点选性别(spinner 控件)中的男、女后,将性别的id通过api接口上传到服务器进行一次记录。 例子就简单举一个,可能不是那么好,只是用来说明问题和解决问题的。 在初始化页面的时候会默认触发一次选中的监听OnItemSelectedListener,比如性别控件中的排列是这样的: “男”,“女” 。这样就会导致在刚初始化的时候就直接触发提交性别的操作,将“男”这个id通过api的接口传到了服务器。只是一次普通的记录可能要求不是很高,但是如果是敏感信息,比如在医院中填写病人的信息,每次初始化都提交一次错的性别会误导医生开药和实施手术,造成不可逆的损失。 解决方式一共又三种。 如果需要只赋值,不产生联动就直接调用setSelectedWithOutLinkage();方法 设置点击事件监听的时候使用setOnItemClicked,其他的操作和普通的spinner一样

求Jingel Bells(铃儿响叮当 英文版)儿童声的MP3伴奏

Jingel bells: http://www.amsoho.com/christmas/Music.asp Jingel bells http://rsk.wzdjg.com/tsjy/yingyu/gequ/Jingel%20Bells.mp3

怎么理解英文语法中的“can无肯定,may无疑问”?may I help you不就是疑问句吗?

can无肯定,may无疑问,指的是它们表推测时的用法。“可能”。can用于否定和疑问句!I saw Jack in the park just now.He can"t be at home now.How can he be at home?may表推测,用于肯定句。而May Ihelp you?中,may表示请求“可以”。

Java List 根据Object中channelTime字段从小到大排序,并输出最终的List

在TimeZone类中有个静态方法 getAvailableIDs(int rawoffset) 可以获取rawoffset对应的所有的时区id,其中参数表示时间偏移量,用毫秒表示,例如东八区,则为8*60*60*1000。有了区域ID,就可以根据静态方法getTimeZone(String zoneId)获取对应的区域了。所以获取一个时间对应的所有区域就可以实现为:TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();int rawOffset = 8;String[] ids = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(rawOffset * 60 * 60 * 1000);for (String id : ids) {tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id);}针对题主的要求,拿到tz之后,需要获得下一个时区,可以这样实现TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+8:00");int x = 1;//可以为-2、-1、1、2。。。先获取rawoffset,再获取时区int rawOffset = tz.getRawOffset() + x * 60 * 60 * 1000;String[] ids = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(rawOffset);for (String id : ids) {TimeZone nexttz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id);}

英文作文:travel spotlight:yantai

Yantai (Yāntái 烟台) is a prefecture-level city in northeastern Shandong province. Located on the southern coast of the Bohai Sea (bó hǎi 渤海) and the eastern coast of the Laizhou Bay (lái zhōu wān 莱州湾), Yantai borders the cities of Qingdao (qīng dǎo 青岛) and Weihai (wēi hǎi 威海) to the southwest and east respectively.The largest fishing seaport in Shandong and a robust economic center today, Yantai used to be known to the West as Chefoo, a misnomer which refers, in Chinese, solely to Zhifu Island (zhī fú dǎo 芝罘岛), which is historically governed by Yantai.The contemporary name of Yantai came from the watchtowers constructed on Mount Qi (qí shān 旗山) in 1398, during the reign of the Hongwu Emperor (hóng wǔ dì 洪武帝), founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty (míng dài 明代). The towers served to raise alarms against invasions of Japanese pirates (wō kòu 倭寇).TourismBecause of its fair weather and extensive coasts Yantai is a popular summer retreat. Like many other cities in China, Yantai has improved and upgraded many tourist sites targeted at both national and international tourist. An example of these improvements is the remodeling of the beach area to better accommodate patrons. It is also home to Asia"s first bowling alley, which is located on the fourth floor of Parksons department store. There is also the haunted house , a highly exhilarating tourist attraction.Yantai HillIt is the symbol of Yantai City, which is famous for the Smoke Platform (an alarming signal system in ancient times), the lighthouse and the western-style buildings of foreign consulates built before the 1940s.Address: NO.7, Lixin Road (lì xīn 历新), Zhifu County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 30How to go: You can take bus NO.3, 17, 43, 46 Mushi Demesne (móu shì zhuāng yuán 牟氏庄园) It was firstly constructed during the Yongzheng Period of Qing Dynasty. After one hundred-year"s expansion, now it covers an area of 20,000 square meters with over 480 rooms. It refects historic culture, architectural culture and social culture of ancient China. It is the largest yard buildings with residence feature of the north China which is protected well currently. It is also the key culture relic institute protected by the state, and reputed as the history memory of 600-year social cultures and the “civil imperial palace”. The annual culture festival is the most attractive civil activity. The specialist of the international organization made high evaluation on it and proposed to apply for the title of international culture relics. In 2000 defined this project was defined as the preferential development project Shandong Province. Address: NO.6, Zhuangyuan South Road (zhuāng yuán nán lù 庄园南路), Qixia (qī xiá 栖霞) County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 60How to go: You can take bus NO.6 or you can take a special line to the DemesneDings" Former Domicile (dīng shì gù zhái 丁氏故宅)It located in Longkou City, is the luxurious house of Baiwan Ding, a millionair of Qing Dynasty. The building consists of several large yards and each yard has several ccompound yards. Till now, it is the biggest and best protected "Compound Yard" in China.Address: NO.21, Huangcheng (huáng chéng 黄城) West Street, Longkou (lóng kǒu 龙口) County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 25How to go: You can take bus NO.105 to get thereNanshan Scenic Spot Zone (nán shān lǚ yóu fēng jǐng qū 南山旅游风景区) Situated in Longkou City, it is on the coastal line of the Bohai Sea. The zone takes the hotel, recreation palace and international golf course as center and it can meet the need of consumers at all levels. The Nanshan Hotel is the three-star international hotel which has relaxation, meeting and amusenent facilities. Occuping an area of 36,000 square meters, the Nanshan Recreation Palace is the Asian largest recreation center, which is the ideal place for relaxation. The biggest figure of Buddha in the world is also in the Nanshan Scenic Spot Zone, whose height is 28.66 meters and weight is 380 tons. The main scenic spots include Jimu Island, the General Stone, Hu Dahai Square, Sang Island, Yi Island, the Home Village of XuFu, the Former Residence of the Ding Family, Karts Cave of Small Laishan Hill and Nanshan Scenic Area. Nanshan Scenic Spot Zone is a perfect tourist and summer resort.Location: Hongqi Middle Road (hóng qí zhōng lù 红旗中路), Zhifu County, YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 110How to go: You can take bus NO.5 or special line NO.105, also you can drive by yourselfYantai and Weihai. It has good communication facilities and is 50 kilometers away from the railway station, port and airport. As a national forest park and the birthplace of Quan Zhen Tao(Taoism), it is rich in tourist resources. Mountain Kunyu ranges rise and fall, with high and precipitous terrain. Withits peaks rising one higher than another, its scenery is very magnificent. It has 72 distinguished peaks of various shapes. The main mountaion is called the "ancestor of wonder mountaions " of the East Sea.The forest coverage of Mountain Kunyu is up to 80%. There are 60 families and 340 species of wood plants, over 600 species of herbaceous plants, and 348 species of ornament flowers. Among them, 14 species are listed in the key plants specially protected by the state. With the beautiful scenery of hills and waters, Mountain Kunyu is the best tourist attraction and summer resort. The development of Mountain Kunyu has been listed in the general planning of Yantai Urban Tourist Development. At preasant, there are already 5 large scenic spots, such as Taibo Summit (tài bó dǐng 泰礴顶), Yanxia Cave (yān xiá dòng 烟霞洞), Nine--dragon Pond (jiǔ lóng ch í九龙池), Yuegu Hall (yuè gū diàn 岳姑殿), Wuran Temple (wú rǎn sì 无染寺), which attract large number of tourists each year.Location: Longquan Town (lóng quán zhèn 龙泉镇), Muping County (móu píng qū 牟平区), YantaiAdmission Fee: CNY 110How to go: You can take a long-distance bus to get Muping from YantaiThe Changdao IslandsThe Changdao County (Cháng dǎo Xiàn 长岛县) is a county in Yantai. It consists of a chain of islands, Changshan Islands (zhǎng shān liè dǎo 长山列岛), in the Bohai Sea, north of Penglai (péng lái 蓬莱), Shandong Province. They are known for their sandy beaches and picturesque limestone cliffs. The total land area is only 56 square km, but the coastline is 146 km long.Both Changdao National Forest Park and Changdao National Nature Reserve are located on the islands, which are on a cross-Bohai Sea flyway.The islands are often referred to as the Temple Islands (miào dǎo qún dǎo 庙岛群岛) because of the large number of temples that were built there. Xianying Palace is a temple that was built during the Northern Song Dynasty, starting in 1122. It was originally a Taoist temple to the sea goddess Matsu (mā zǔ 妈祖), but became Buddhist later. At the present time the local government has restored the temple to its Ming Dynasty appearance, although many additions had been made during the Qing.Changdao Island was previously closed to non-Chinese nationals. Westerners found on the island were swiftly taken to the passenger ferry terminal and placed on the next ferry back to Penglai by the islands Police service. Islanders promptly reported all "outsiders" to the islands police service. (First hand experience) Police explained the reasons for this, due to the high number of military installations on the Island.The Changdao Islands are now open to non-Chinese nationals, including westerners。This was agreed by the local and national governments as of 1st December 2008.Admission Fee: CNY 100 or 150 (including different tickets)How to go: You can take a long-distance bus to Penglai (it take 50mins and takes off every 20mins and costs 17 Yuan), then you can go to Long Islands by ship (it takes 23 Yuan and the last ship takes off at 6:30pm).Specialty of Yantai- Yantai AppleYantai apple is one of the specialties of Shandong and the place of production are exclusively Qixia (qī xiá 栖霞), Zhaoyuan (zhāo yuǎn 招远), Haiyang (hǎi yáng 海阳), Muping (móu píng 牟平), Rushan (rǔ shān 乳山), Wendeng (wén dēng 文登). Yantai apple is well-known and welcomed for its sweety, juicy and tasty all over the world.Yantai apple was introduced by American missioners in 1871.Earlier it were exclusively two varieties, green banana and red banana; later it developed Little Guoguang (guó guāng 国光) and Jinshuai (jīn shuài 金帅); after China"s reforming and opening-up, it introduced Hongfushi (hóng fù shì 红富士), Qiaonajin (qiáo nà jīn 乔纳金),ect. Yantai apple is famous for its bright color and luster and fragrantly sweety. Yantai is the most important place of apple production, and Qixia apple is the most famous.Yantai apple was famous in the acient time because of its bigness and delicious, and its taste lasted long after it was eaten. Nowadays, Yantai apple is improved upon the basis, developed into many new varieties and sold all over the world.Yantai apple is famous for the long history of cultivation, with all varieties, high production, and good quanlity. The varieties of it are more than 200, green banana, red banana, Jinshuai, Guoguang are most famous varieties and stand for Yantai apple. Becides, Hongxing (hóng xīng 红星), Hongyu (hóng yù 红玉), Huangkui (huáng kuí 黄魁), Danding (dān dǐng 丹顶), Ruixiang (ruì xiāng 瑞香), Bayuesu (bā yuè sū 八月酥), Baishami (bái shā mì 白沙蜜), Hongfushi (hóng fù shì 红富士) and ect also taste great and have their own features.



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关于《the lottery》(《彩票》)这部作品,是否值得同情主人公,有不同的看法。1. 有观点认为值得同情。因为故事中的“彩票”实际上是一种古老的、过时的传统,村民们对死亡视而不见,被动地重复着机械化的程序。这种墨守成规的愚昧和麻木,映射出人类对于陈腐老旧事物的盲目坚守,以及对于生命价值的漠视和麻木。2. 另一观点认为不值得同情。因为在这个故事中,主人公并没有展现出任何值得同情的特点,他只是被动地被选中,然后被其他村民活活砸死。因此,是否值得同情“the lottery”的主人公,取决于个人对故事的理解和价值观的判断。

“China Welfare Lottery”是什么意思


China Welfare Lottery是什么意思


thelottery是什么意思 thelottery的中文翻译、读音、例句?

thelottery的中文解释是”thelottery”,还经常被翻译为thelottery,单词读音音标为[thelottery],thelottery是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到36个与thelottery相关的释义和例句thelottery的中文翻译1.thelottery例句:4 billion: How much we spent on thelottery in 2007.翻译:584亿美元:这是我们xx年花在彩票上钱的数额 来源:现代英语词典用法及短语示例thelottery一般作为名词使用,在常见短语或俚语中出现较多英语例句自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:https://www.87dh.com/xl/

在PROTEL 99里面我制作好电路原理图后,怎么做PCB制板?

第五章 PCB设计一、板框导航 当我们设计了原理图,生成了网表,下一步就要进行PCB设计。首先要画一个边框,我们可以借助板框导航,来画边框。在“File”下选择“New”中的“Wizards”,在选取“Printed Circuit Board Wizard”,点击“OK”即可,按照显示对话框的每一步提示,完成板框设计。二、建立PCB文件要进行PCB设计,必须有原理图,根据原理图才能画出PCB图。按照上述板框导航生成一张“IBM XT bus format”形式的印制板边框。选择PCB设计窗口下的“Design”中的“Add/Remove Library”,在对话框上选择“4 Port Serial Interface.ddb”,在“Design Explorer 99SEExamples”文件夹中选取,点取“Add”,然后“OK”关闭对话框。在左侧的导航树上,打开“4 Port Serial Interface.prj”原理图文件,选择“Design”下的“Update PCB”,点取“Apply”,“Update Design”对话框被打开,点取“Execute”选项。对话框“Confirm Component Associations”对话框将被打开,网络连接表列出,选择应用“Apply”更新PCB文件,由于Protel99SE采用同步设计,因此,不用生成网表也可以直接到PCB设计。这时,一个新的带有网络表的PCB文件将生成。三、层管理 利用Protel99 SE设计PCB板,信号层可达到32个,地电层16个,机械层16个。我们增加层只需运行\Designlayer stack manager功能菜单,就可以看到被增加层的位置。四、布局设计布线的关键是布局,多数设计者采用手动布局的形式。“Room”定义规则,可以将指定元件放到指定区域。Protel99 SE在布局方面新增加了一些技巧。新的交互式布局选项包含自动选择和自动对齐。使用自动选择方式可以很快地收集相似封装的元件,然后旋转、展开和整理成组,就可以移动倒板上所需位置上了。当简易的布局完成后,使用自动对齐方式整齐地展开或缩紧一组封装相似的元件。新增动态长度分析器。在元件移动过程中,不断地对基于连接长度的布局质量进行评估,并用绿色(强)和红色(弱)表示布局质量。提示:打开布局工具条,可展开和缩紧选定组件的X、Y方向,使选中的元件对齐。四、布线设置在布线之前先要设置布线方式和布线规则。Protel99 SE有三种布线方式:忽略障碍布线(Ignore obstacle),避免障碍布线(Avoid obstacle),推挤布线(Push obstacle)。我们可以根据需要选用不同的布线方式,在“Tools”工具菜单下选择“Preferences”优选项中选择不同的布线方式。也可以使用“SHIFT+R”快捷键在三种方式之间切换。接着选择布线规则,在“Design”下选择“Rules”对话框,选择不同网络布线的线宽,布线方式,布线的层数,安全间距,过孔大小等。有了布线规则,就可进行自动布线或手动布线了。如果采用自动布线,选择“Auto Route”菜单,Protel 99SE支持多种布线方式,可以对全板自动布线,也可以对某个网络、某个元件布线,也可手动布线。手动布线可以直接点击鼠标右键下拉菜单“Place track”,按鼠标左键一下确定布线的开始点,按“BackSpace”取消刚才画的走线,双击鼠标左键确定这条走线,按“ESC”退出布线状态。用“Shift”加空格键可以切换布线形式,“45°”“90°”弧形布线等方式之间切换。Protel99 SE提供了很好的在线检查工具“Online DRC”随时检查布线错误(在工具菜单的优选项下面)。如果修改一条导线,只需重画一条线,确定后,原来的导线就会自动被删除。五、电气规则检查当一块线路板已经设计好,我们要检查布线是否有错误,Protel99 SE提供了很好的检查工具“DRC” 自动规则检查。只要运行“Tools”下的“Design Rlue Check”,计算机会自动将检查结果列出来。六、信号完整性分析当PCB设计变得更复杂,具有更高的时钟速度、更高的器件开关速度以及高密度,在设计加工前进行信号的完整性分析变得更尤为重要。Protel99 SE包含一个高级的信号完整性仿真器,它能分析PCB设计和检查设计参数的功能,测试过冲、下冲、阻抗和信号斜率要求。如果PCB板任何一个设计要求(设计规则指定的)有问题,可以从PCB运行一个反射或串扰分析,以确切地查看其情况。信号完整性仿真使用线路的特性阻抗、通过传输线计算、I/O缓冲器宏模型信息,做为仿真的输入。它是基于快速的反射和串扰模拟器,采用经工业证实的算法,产生非常精确的仿真。设置信号完整性设计规则打开“LCD Controller.ddb”设计数据库,在“Design Explorer 99SEExamples”目录下,通过左侧的导航树,打开“LCD Controller.pcb”文件。设置信号完整性设计规则,测试的描述。必须包含层堆栈规则。在“Tools”下选择“Preferences”对话框中的“Signal Integrity”选项,在这个对话框中,显示了所有元件的标号所代表的元件名称。例如“ R”代表“Resistors”,用“Add”增加,在“Component Type”对话框上,用“R”设置“Designator Prefix”,在“Component Type”中设置为“Resistor”,点击“OK”加入。重复上述操作设置“C-Capacitor; CU-Capacitor; Q-BJT;D-Diode; RP-Connector;U-IC;J-Connector;L-inductor”,当我们设置完成时,点取“OK”退出优选项对话框。从菜单中选择“DesignRules”,然后按下设计规则对话框中的信号完整性钮。每个规则包含了该规则测试的描述。一旦配置了信号完整设计规则,从菜单中选择“Tools”下的“Design Rule Check”,显示设计规则检查对话框。按对话框中央的信号完整性按钮,进行信号完整性设计规则检查。包含电源网络设计规则,指定每个电源网络和电压。从“Rule Classes”中选“Overshoot Falling Edge”点击“Add”,在谈出对话框中选择“Fiter Kind”设为“Whole Board”,并且改变右侧“Maximum(Volts)”为“0.5”,点取“OK”,存入这条规则。重复刚才的步骤,设置“Undershoot-Falling Edge”,两个强制信号完整性规则。运行设计规则检查“DRC”,然后在“Report”中运行“Signal Integrity”,找到网络名为“FRAMA1”,选重这个网络,在“Edit”中选“Take Over”从菜单中加入网络,对它进行分析。在“Simulation”的“Reflection”菜单下可以观看波形。我们选种哪一个器件,那个器件的曲线将被点亮。信号完整性分析菜单中还为我们提供消除干扰的方法。 如果设计不包含电源层分析将仍然执行,但是结果不能认为是准确的。信号完整性分析器不考虑多边形敷铜。DRC测试是从所有可能输出脚对每个网络最坏情况仿真,最坏结果就是DRC结果。执行串扰分析至少需要从网表上确定二个网。然后指定其中一个为侵略者,或受害人。侵略者被加入激励脉冲,受害人为接收串扰。当已经指定侵略者或受害人网络时,按Crosstalk按钮执行仿真,结果将显示在Protel波形分析器上。可以从波形上直接执行许多测量,仅仅击一下波形右边列表上的节点,从分析菜单中选择一个选项。如果你发现波形与设计规则检查给定的结果不匹配(例如:DRC给1.2伏特的过冲,但是波形有小的振铃),大概因为用于反射分析的输出节点不是DRC报告的最坏节点。除了执行反射和串扰分析,还可以执行一个信号完整性效果的网络筛选,例如过冲、延迟、阻抗等等。网络筛选产生类似电子表格的结果表,可以快速查出有问题的网络。执行网络筛选,要指定许多网络(如果需要可选全部),按Net Screening按钮。当筛选结果出现,使用工具条上按钮控制所要显示的内容(阻抗、电压等等),按下列名按结果类型显示。七、可以在PCB中修改元件封装。 操作步骤: ①增加焊盘,将焊盘设置为被选中状态; ②将需要增加的元件恢复原始图素; ③选ToolsCovertAdd Selected Prmitives to Component; ④提问要增加焊盘的元件,确认即可。八、建立新的PCB器件封装由于硬件厂家发展速度非常快,器件的不断更新,我们经常需要从库里增加器件封装,或增加封装库。Protel99 SE提供了很好的导航器,帮助我们完成器件的添加。根据文件产生PCB封装库打开“LCD Controller.ddb”设计数据库,选中“LCD Controller.pcb”并打开。在“Tools”下选择“Make Libray”,建立一个新库文件“LCD controller.lib”,所有PCB中的器件封装被自动抽取出来,保存在库文件中。在这个新库文件中建立器件封装,点击左侧导航树上的“Browse PCBlib”,可以浏览这个库里现有的元件,创建一个新的元件选择“Tools”下的“New Component”,弹出一个器件封装模板,按照提示,可以迅速生成一个我们需要的器件封装。 九、 生成GERBER文件在我们将所有设计完成之后,需要把PCB文件拿到制版厂家去做印制版。如果厂家有Protel 98 或Protel 99 ,我们可以用Protel 99SE中“FileSave as选择存储文件格式为3.0,然后导出 PCB文件给厂家。如果厂家没有这两种版本文件,需生成“GERBER”给厂家。具体操作如下:首先我们打开一个设计好的PCB文件“Z80 Microprocessor.ddb”设计数据库中的“Z80 Processor board.pcb”文件,选择“File”主菜单下的“CAM Manager”, 按照输出导航,可以方便的生成光绘文件和数控钻孔文件。所有输出文件被保存在“CAM Manager”文件夹下。光圈文件的后缀为“*.APT”,GERBER文件的后缀为“*.G*”,钻孔文件的后缀为“*.DRR”和“*.TXT”。将所有文件导出到一个指定目录下,压缩后即可交给印制板厂生产。如果我们想看生成的GERBER文件是否正确,请用导入的方法可以打开每一层文件。十、打印预览在Protel 99SE中我们可以观看打印效果,通过\FilePrint/Preview控制打印参数,修改打印结果。可以在打印预览中任意添加层或删除层。十一、3D显示点击\VIEWBoard in 3D选项,可以看到设计板的三维图形,并且可以任意旋转、隐藏元件或字符等操作。 十一、强大的输入输出功能 用Import可以读取Orcad(*.max)、P-CAD PDIF(*.PDF)、AutoCAD(*.DWG,*.DXF)文件。并且,新增与CCT公司的接口。

怎样用PROTEL 画电路原理图和PCB图?画的时候需要注意些什么 ?有什么布线规则?谢谢 !

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mysql shell怎么添加用户

新建用户CREATE USERCREATE USER user [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] "password"][, user [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] "password"]] ...CREATE USER用于创建新的MySQL账户。要使用CREATE USER,您必须拥有mysql数据库的全局CREATE USER权限,或拥有INSERT权限。对于每个账户,CREATE USER会在没有权限的mysql.user表中创建一个新记录。如果 账户已经存在,则出现错误。使用自选的IDENTIFIED BY子句,可以为账户给定一个密码。user值和 密码的给定方法和GRANT语句一样。特别是,要在纯文本中指定密码,需忽略PASSWORD关键词。要把 密码指定为由PASSWORD()函数返回的混编值,需包含关键字PASSWORD。另外:可以用两种方式创建MySQL账户:· 使用GRANT语句· 直接操作MySQL授权表最好的方法是使用GRANT语句,因为这样更精确,错误少。从MySQL 3.22.11起提供了GRANT;创建账户的其它方法是使用MySQL账户管理功能的第三方程序。phpMyAdmin即是一个程序。下面的示例说明如何使用MySQL客户端程序来设置新用户。这说明为了更改,你必须以MySQLroot用户连接MySQL服务器,并且root账户必须有mysql数据库的INSERT权限和RELOAD管理权限。首先,使用MySQL程序以MySQL root用户来连接服务器:shell> MySQL --user=root MySQL如果你为root账户指定了密码,还需要为该MySQL命令和本节中的其它命令提供--password或-p选项。以root连接到服务器上后,可以添加新账户。下面的语句使用GRANT来设置四个新账户:mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO "monty"@"localhost"-> IDENTIFIED BY "some_pass" WITH GRANT OPTION;mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO "monty"@"%"-> IDENTIFIED BY "some_pass" WITH GRANT OPTION;mysql> GRANT RELOAD,PROCESS ON *.* TO "admin"@"localhost";mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO "dummy"@"localhost";用GRANT语句创建的账户有下面的属性:· 其中两个账户有相同的用户名monty和密码some_pass。两个账户均为超级用户账户,具有完全的权限可以做任何事情。一个账户 ("monty"@"localhost")只用于从本机连接时。另一个账户("monty"@"%")可用于从其它主机连接。请注意monty的两个账户必须能从任何主机以monty连接。没有localhost账户,当monty从本机连接时,mysql_install_db创建的localhost的匿名用户账户将占先。结果是,monty将被视为匿名用户。原因是匿名用户账户的Host列值比"monty"@"%"账户更具体,这样在user表排序顺序中排在前面。· 一个账户有用户名admin,没有密码。该账户只用于从本机连接。授予了RELOAD和PROCESS管理权限。这些权限允许admin用户执行mysqladmin reload、mysqladmin refresh和mysqladmin flush-xxx命令,以及mysqladmin processlist。未授予访问数据库的权限。你可以通过GRANT语句添加此类权限。· 一个账户有用户名dummy,没有密码。该账户只用于从本机连接。未授予权限。通过GRANT语句中的USAGE权限,你可以创建账户而不授予任何权限。它可以将所有全局权限设为"N"。假定你将在以后将具体权限授予该账户。除了GRANT,你可以直接用INSERT语句创建相同的账户,然后使用FLUSH PRIVILEGES告诉服务器重载授权表:shell> mysql --user=root mysqlmysql> INSERT INTO user-> VALUES("localhost","monty",PASSWORD("some_pass"),-> "Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y");mysql> INSERT INTO user-> VALUES("%","monty",PASSWORD("some_pass"),-> "Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y");mysql> INSERT INTO user SET Host="localhost",User="admin",-> Reload_priv="Y", Process_priv="Y";mysql> INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password)-> VALUES("localhost","dummy","");mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;当你用INSERT创建账户时使用FLUSH PRIVILEGES的原因是告诉服务器重读授权表。否则,只有重启服务器后更改方会被注意到。使用GRANT,则不需要使用FLUSH PRIVILEGES。用INSERT使用PASSWORD()函数是为了加密密码。GRANT语句为你加密密码,因此不需要PASSWORD()。"Y"值启用账户权限。对于admin账户,还可以使用更加可读的INSERT扩充的语法(使用SET)。在为dummy账户的INSERT语句中,只有user表中的Host、User和Password列记录为指定的值。没有一个权限列为显式设置,因此MySQL将它们均指定为默认值"N"。这样等同于GRANT USAGE的操作。请注意要设置超级用户账户,只需要创建一个权限列设置为"Y"的user表条目。user表权限为全局权限,因此其它授权表不再需要条目。下面的例子创建3个账户,允许它们访问专用数据库。每个账户的用户名为custom,密码为obscure。要想用GRANT创建账户,使用下面的语句:shell> MySQL --user=root MySQLshell> mysql --user=root mysqlmysql> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP-> ON bankaccount.*-> TO "custom"@"localhost"-> IDENTIFIED BY "obscure";mysql> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP-> ON expenses.*-> TO "custom"@"whitehouse.gov"-> IDENTIFIED BY "obscure";mysql> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE,DROP-> ON customer.*-> TO "custom"@"server.domain"-> IDENTIFIED BY "obscure";这3个账户可以用于:· 第1个账户可以访问bankaccount数据库,但只能从本机访问。· 第2个账户可以访问expenses数据库,但只能从主机whitehouse.gov访问。· 第3个账户可以访问customer数据库,但只能从主机server.domain访问。要想不用GRANT设置custom账户,使用INSERT语句直接修改授权表:shell> mysql --user=root mysqlmysql> INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password)-> VALUES("localhost","custom",PASSWORD("obscure"));mysql> INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password)-> VALUES("whitehouse.gov","custom",PASSWORD("obscure"));mysql> INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password)-> VALUES("server.domain","custom",PASSWORD("obscure"));mysql> INSERT INTO db-> (Host,Db,User,Select_priv,Insert_priv,-> Update_priv,Delete_priv,Create_priv,Drop_priv)-> VALUES("localhost","bankaccount","custom",-> "Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y");mysql> INSERT INTO db-> (Host,Db,User,Select_priv,Insert_priv,-> Update_priv,Delete_priv,Create_priv,Drop_priv)-> VALUES("whitehouse.gov","expenses","custom",-> "Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y");mysql> INSERT INTO db-> (Host,Db,User,Select_priv,Insert_priv,-> Update_priv,Delete_priv,Create_priv,Drop_priv)-> VALUES("server.domain","customer","custom",-> "Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y");mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;前3个INSERT语句在user表中加入条目,允许用户custom从各种主机用给定的密码进行连接,但不授予全局权限(所有权限设置为默认值"N")。后面3个INSERT语句在user表中加入条目,为custom授予bankaccount、expenses和customer数据库权限,但只能从合适的主机访问。通常若直接修改授权表,则应告诉服务器用FLUSH PRIVILEGES重载授权表,使权限更改生效。如果你想要让某个用户从给定域的所有机器访问(例如,mydomain.com),你可以在账户名的主机部分使用含‘%"通配符的GRANT语句:mysql> GRANT ...-> ON *.*-> TO "myname"@"%.mydomain.com"-> IDENTIFIED BY "mypass";要想通过直接修改授权表来实现:mysql> INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password,...)-> VALUES("%.mydomain.com","myname",PASSWORD("mypass"),...);mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;设置账户密码可以用mysqladmin命令在命令行指定密码:shell> mysqladmin -u user_name -h host_name password "newpwd"该命令重设密码的账户为user表内匹配User列的user_name和Host列你发起连接的客户端的记录。为账户赋予密码的另一种方法是执行SET PASSWORD语句:mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR "jeffrey"@"%" = PASSWORD("biscuit");只有root等可以更新mysql数据库的用户可以更改其它用户的密码。如果你没有以匿名用户连接,省略FOR子句便可以更改自己的密码:mysql> SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD("biscuit");你还可以在全局级别使用GRANT USAGE语句(在*.*)来指定某个账户的密码而不影响账户当前的权限:mysql> GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO "jeffrey"@"%" IDENTIFIED BY "biscuit";一般情况下最好使用上述方法来指定密码,你还可以直接修改user表:· 要想在创建新账户时建立密码,在Password列提供一个值:· shell> mysql -u root mysql· mysql> INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password)· -> VALUES("%","jeffrey",PASSWORD("biscuit"));· mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;· · 要想更改已有账户的密码,使用UPDATE来设置Password列值:· shell> mysql -u root mysql· mysql> UPDATE user SET Password = PASSWORD("bagel")· -> WHERE Host = "%" AND User = "francis";· mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;当你使用SET PASSWORD、INSERT或UPDATE指定账户的密码时,必须用PASSWORD()函数对它进行加密。(唯一的特例是如果密码为空,你不需要使用PASSWORD())。需要使用PASSWORD()是因为user表以加密方式保存密码,而不是明文。如果你忘记了,你可能会象这样设置密码:shell> mysql -u root mysqlmysql> INSERT INTO user (Host,User,Password)-> VALUES("%","jeffrey","biscuit");mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;结果是密码"biscuit"保存到user表后没有加密。当jeffrey使用该密码连接服务器时,值被加密并同保存在user表中的进行比较。但是,保存的值为字符串"biscuit",因此比较将失败,服务器拒绝连接:shell> mysql -u jeffrey -pbiscuit testAccess denied如果你使用GRANT ... IDENTIFIED BY语句或mysqladmin password命令设置密码,它们均会加密密码。在这种情况下,不需要使用PASSWORD()函数。2、建库mysql>create database ****;3、分权限GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON 库名.* TO "用户名"@"%";
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