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i am ok...u leh...的中文意思




loh leh teck马来西亚名求翻译 急!!!





你好.马来语发音和汉语发音实际上是有不同的. 例如:马来语的“te”音,是与汉语的“的(de)”音相同;马来语中以“p”为声母的字,得以汉语“b”为发音. 如果学马来语,字字发音以汉语来发音,说实话,只有马来西亚华人勉强听得懂(估计你若这么跟我说,我可听不懂),马来人会听得一头雾水的.如果只是学着玩,那倒无妨. sa(sā) ya(yā) per(以“本(běn)”字为参考,发音为“bě”,尾音为“r”,稍微卷舌)ca(zā)ya(yā) sa(sā)ya(yā) bo(与英语”ball“相近)leh(以”类(lèi)“字为参考,发音时,尾音为”h“,轻轻送气) me(mě)la(lā)ku(gū)kan(gān) ker(gē,稍微卷舌)ja(与英语”jar“相近,但不发”r“) yang(yǎng) ter(dě,稍微卷舌)ba(与英语”bar“相近,不卷舌)ik(èi) 这已是最接近的发音了.希望能帮到你.


每层都不平吗?调电位器,单层或者某些层不平 ,调该层的隔磁板,望采纳

c语言这里的p1=p2=(struct student *)malloc(LEH)中struct student *这里为什么要加*呢?


马来语发音 要发音的 Saya percaya saya boleh melakukan kerja yang terb

你好.马来语发音和汉语发音实际上是有不同的. 例如:马来语的“te”音,是与汉语的“的(de)”音相同;马来语中以“p”为声母的字,得以汉语“b”为发音. 如果学马来语,字字发音以汉语来发音,说实话,只有马来西亚华人勉强听得懂(估计你若这么跟我说,我可听不懂),马来人会听得一头雾水的.如果只是学着玩,那倒无妨. sa(sā) ya(yā) per(以“本(běn)”字为参考,发音为“bě”,尾音为“r”,稍微卷舌)ca(zā)ya(yā) sa(sā)ya(yā) bo(与英语”ball“相近)leh(以”类(lèi)“字为参考,发音时,尾音为”h“,轻轻送气) me(mě)la(lā)ku(gū)kan(gān) ker(gē,稍微卷舌)ja(与英语”jar“相近,但不发”r“) yang(yǎng) ter(dě,稍微卷舌)ba(与英语”bar“相近,不卷舌)ik(èi) 这已是最接近的发音了.希望能帮到你.






英国leh学校学费如下:全日制学生学费:56980美元(换算人民币36.3万元)。非全日制学生学费(Tuition charge per credit for part-time status or audit):2375美元/学分(换算成人民币1.5万元)。英国的埃莉诺霍利斯学校(英国LEH学校)在伦敦创办已超300年历史,以创先河的女校模式成为英国乃至全球教育界的先锋。英国LEH学校按英国权威排行榜在英国近四千间中学中位于前十名。埃莉诺·霍利斯夫人学校(Lady Eleanor Holles School,通常缩写为LEH或LEHS)是一间位于英国伦敦汉普顿的独立全日制女子学校。它是女子学校协会的成员。海外留学海外留学一般是指一个人去母国以外的国家接受各类教育,时间可以为短期或长期(从几个星期到几年)。这些人被称为“留学生”。在中国大陆,学生把前往香港、澳门等地区的学习也称为留学,这是由于这些地区有着不同的教育制度。


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德语wem hilft der lehrer beim deutschlernen两个三格

你好首先先讲一下这里的两个三格wem这个三个是因为动词hilft的配价要求加一个三格而beim其实是bei dem 的简写 这里的dem是三格,这这是介词 bei 的配价也是要加三格的所以这里出现了两个三格好,再说说“人三物四”这是对可以跟双宾语的动词而言的,而不是所有动词什么是双宾语?顾名思义,就是两个宾语什么是跟双宾语的动词呢?比如“给”这个动词给某人某物 这个“某人”和“某物”就是双宾语那在德语中“某人”就要用三格,“某物”就要用“四格”这就是“人三物四”

E站全名是不是叫:Eh viewer?


E站全名是不是叫:Eh viewer?


Dota2zeal是谁 EHOME战队三号位zeal介绍

Dota2是一款风靡全球的moba游戏,zeal是EHOME战队的三号位,真名Nicholas Lim。近期数据场均击杀4.3,场均KDA2.9,场均参战率66.9%,常用英雄石鳞剑士、沙王、暗夜魔王。 EHOME战队zeal介绍如下: 一、基础信息 EHOME战队的三号位,真名Nicholas Lim。 二、近期数据 场均击杀4.3,场均KDA2.9,场均参战率66.9%。 三、常用英雄 石鳞剑士、沙王、暗夜魔王。 四、个人数据 五、历史比赛




Sure. Here you are. 当然可以。给你。


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Amy Winehouse - Rehab Lyrics They tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, noYes I"ve been black and when I come back, you"ll know, know, knowI ain"t got the timeAnd if my daddy thinks I"m fineThey tried to make me go to rehab I won"t go, go, goI"d rather be at home with RayI ain"t got seventy daysCos there"s nothing,there"s nothing you can teach meThat I can"t learn from Mr HathawayDidn"t get a lot in classBut I know it don"t come in a shot glassThey tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, noYes I"ve been black and when I come back, you"ll know know knowI ain"t got the timeAnd if my daddy thinks I"m fineThey tried to make me go to rehab I won"t go, go, goThe man said "why do you think you here?"I said "I got no idea"I"m gonna, I"m gonna lose my babySo I always keep a bottle nearHe said "I just think you"re depressed"Kiss me, here baby and go restThey tried to make me go to rehab I said no, no, noYes I"ve been black but when I come back,you"ll know, know, knowI don"t ever want to drink againI just, ooh just need a friendI"m not gonna spend ten weeksHave everyone think I"m on the mend it"s not just my prideIt"s just till these tears have driedThey tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, noYes I"ve been black and when I come back, you"ll know know knowI ain"t got the timeAnd if my daddy thinks I"m fineThey tried to make me go to rehab I won"t go, go, go Rihanna - Rehab Lyrics Baby babyWhen we first met I never felt something so strongYou were like my lover and my best friendAll wrapped in one with a ribbon on itAnd all of a sudden you went and leftI didn"t know how to followIt"s like a shock that spun me aroundAnd now my heart"s deadI feel so empty and hollowAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blameAnd now I feel like....oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseDamn, ain"t it crazy when you"re loveswept (?)You"d do anything for the one you love"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be thereIt"s like you were my favorite drugThe only problem is that you was using meIn a different way than I was using youBut now that I know it"s not meant to beI gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of youAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blame"Cause now I feel like....oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseNow ladies gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhNow gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhMy ladies gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhNow gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhOh! You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my disease

Rihanna Rehab歌词翻译

Baby baby宝贝宝贝When we first met I never felt something so strong当我们第一次见面,我从未有过如此强烈的感觉You were like my lover and my best friend你就像我的爱人和我最好的朋友All wrapped in one with a ribbon on it都包裹在一个有丝带上And all of a sudden you went and left突然你就离开了I didn"t know how to follow我不知道怎么走It"s like a shock that spun me around它就像一个冲击使我And now my heart"s dead而现在我的心已死I feel so empty and hollow我感觉如此的空泛And I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you我永远不会让自己去另一个的方式,我给了你You don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我,是吗?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back它会把我带回来一个奇迹And you"re the one to blame你是一个错And now I feel like....oh!现在我觉得…哦!You"re the reason why I"m thinking你是我思索的原因I don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟I guess that"s what I get for wishful thinking我想那只是我一相情愿的想法Should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的门Next time you wanna go on and leave下次你想离开时I should just let you go on and do it我应该让你去做吧"Cause now I"m using like I bleed因为现在我用我的同情It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病Damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re love slams该死的,它不疯狂,当你爱的大满贯You"d do anything for the one you love你什么都愿意为你所爱的人"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be there因为任何时候你需要我我会在那里It"s like you were my favorite drug你是我最喜欢的毒品The only problem is that you was using me唯一的问题是你利用了我In a different way than I was using you在於我利用你的方式But now that I know it"s not meant to be但现在,我知道这不是注定的I gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of you我要走了,我必须让自己远离你And I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to you我永远不会让自己去另一个的方式,我给了你You don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我,是吗?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back它会把我带回来一个奇迹And you"re the one to blame你是一个错"Cause now I feel like....oh!因为现在我觉得…哦!You"re the reason why I"m thinking你是我思索的原因I don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟I guess that"s what I get for wishful thinking我想那只是我一相情愿的想法Should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的门Next time you wanna go on and leave下次你想离开时I should just let you go on and do it我应该让你去做吧"Cause now I"m using like I bleed因为现在我用我的同情It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病Now ladies gimme that...现在给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,Now gimme that...现在给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,My ladies gimme that...我的女士给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,Now gimme that...现在给我…Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohh哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦ohohoh,Oh! You"re the reason why I"m thinking哦。你是我思索的原因I don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟I guess that"s what I get for wishful thinking我想那只是我一相情愿的想法Should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的门Next time you wanna go on and leave下次你想离开时I should just let you go on and do it我应该让你去做吧"Cause now I"m using like I bleed因为现在我用我的同情It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病It"s like I checked into rehab就像我入住戒毒And baby, you"re my disease宝贝,你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病I gotta check into rehab我要检查进戒毒所"Cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你是我的病

Amy Winehouse的《Rehab》 歌词

歌曲名:Rehab歌手:Amy Winehouse专辑:Back To Black(Deluxe Edition)They tried to make me go to rehab, I said "no, no, no"Yes I"ve been black but when I come back you"ll know know knowI ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fineHe"s tried to make me go to rehab, I won"t go go goI"d rather be at home with RayI ain"t got seventy daysCoz there"s nothingThere"s nothing you can teach meThat I can"t learn from Mr HathawayDidn"t get a lot at classBut I know it don"t come in a shot glassThey tried to make me go to rehab, I said "no, no, no"Yes I"ve been black but when I come back you"ll know know knowI ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fineHe"s tried to make me go to rehab but I won"t go go goThe man said "why do you think you"re here?"I said "I got no ideaI"m gonna, I"m gonna lose my babyso I always keep a bottle near"He said "I just think you"re depressed,kiss me here baby and go rest"They tried to make me go to rehab, I said "no, no, no"Yes I"ve been black but when I come back you"ll know know knowI don"t ever wanna drink againI just, ooh, I just need a friendI"m not gonna spend ten weekshave everyone think I"m on the mendIt"s not just my prideIt"s just "til these tears have driedThey tried to make me go to rehab, I said "no, no, no"Yes I"ve been black but when I come back you"ll know know knowI ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fineHe"s tried to make me go to rehab, I won"t go go go

Rihanna的《Rehab》 歌词

歌曲名:Rehab歌手:Rihanna专辑:NOW That"s What I Call Music! 30Rihanna - RehabBaby babyWhen we first met I never felt something so strongYou were like my lover and my best friendAll wrapped in one with a ribbon on itAnd all of a sudden you went and leftI didn"t know how to followIt"s like a shock that spun me aroundAnd now my heart"s deadI feel so empty and hollowAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blameAnd now I feel like....Oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseDamn, ain"t it crazy when you"re lovesweptYou"d do anything for the one you love"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be thereIt"s like you were my favorite drugThe only problem is that you was using meIn a different way than I was using youBut now that I know it"s not meant to beI gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of youNow ladies gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhNow gimme that...My ladies gimme that...Oh!


baby baby宝贝 宝贝when we first met i never felt something so strong在我们初次见面的时候 我从未有过如此强烈的感觉you were like my lover and my best friend你就像我的爱人我最好的朋友all wrapped in one with a ribbon on it像一个打上蝴蝶结包装好的(礼物)and all of a sudden you went and left突然间你却走了离我而去了i didn"t know how to follow我不知道该怎么跟随你it"s like a shock that spun me around这就像一个冲击使我晕头转向and now my heart"s dead现在我的心已死了i feel so empty and hollow我觉得如此的空虚and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you我永不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 对吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame这一切都怪你and now i feel like....oh!现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的家门[介入生活]next time you wanna go on and leave下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now I"m using like i bleed因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re love swept该死的 当爱向你侵袭而来的时候[陷入爱河] 难道不是很疯狂吗you"d do anything for the one you love你会为了你所爱的人做任何事"cause anytime that you needed me i"d be there因为任何时候你需要我 我都会在那儿it"s like you were my favorite drug就像你是我最喜欢的毒品the only problem is that you was using me唯一的问题是你利用了我in a different way than i was using you有别于我利用你的方式but now that i know it"s not meant to be但是现在我知道了这并不是注定的i gotta go, i gotta wean myself off of you我必须要离开 我必须让自己戒掉你and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you我不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 是吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame这一切都怪你"cause now i feel like....oh!现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking我想那只是我一相情愿的想法should"ve never let you enter my door不该让你介入我的生活next time you wanna go on and leave下一次你又想继续这样就这么离开i should just let you go on and do it我该让你继续这样就这么做吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病now ladies gimme that...爱人 现在请给我…..oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhnow gimme that...现在请给我oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhoh! you"re the reason why i"m thinking你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的家门[介入我的生活]next time you wanna go on and leave下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在

rehab rihanna 歌词是什么意思?

《Rehab》——Rihanna ft. Justin Timberlake:baby baby 宝贝 宝贝when we first met i never felt something so strong在我们初次见面的时候 我从未有过如此强烈的感觉you were like my lover and my best friend 你就像我的爱人我最好的朋友all wrapped in one with a ribbon on it 像一个打上蝴蝶结包装好的(礼物)and all of a sudden you went and left 突然间你却走了离我而去了i didn"t know how to follow 我不知道该怎么跟随你it"s like a shock that spun me around 这就像一个冲击使我晕头转向and now my heart"s dead 现在我的心已死了i feel so empty and hollow 我觉得如此的空虚and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我永不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 对吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你and now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入生活]next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now I"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病 damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re love swept该死的 当爱向你侵袭而来的时候[陷入爱河] 难道不是很疯狂吗you"d do anything for the one you love 你会为了你所爱的人做任何事"cause anytime that you needed me i"d be there 因为任何时候你需要我 我都会在那儿it"s like you were my favorite drug 就像你是我最喜欢的毒品the only problem is that you was using me 唯一的问题是你利用了我in a different way than i was using you 有别于我利用你的方式but now that i know it"s not meant to be 但是现在我知道了这并不是注定的i gotta go, i gotta wean myself off of you 我必须要离开 我必须让自己戒掉你and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 是吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你"cause now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我一相情愿的想法should"ve never let you enter my door 不该让你介入我的生活next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样就这么离开i should just let you go on and do it 我该让你继续这样就这么做吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病now ladies gimme that... 爱人 现在请给我…..oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh now gimme that... 现在请给我oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh oh! you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入我的生活]next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在




baby baby宝贝 宝贝when we first met i never felt something so strong在我们初次见面的时候 我从未有过如此强烈的感觉you were like my lover and my best friend你就像我的爱人我最好的朋友all wrapped in one with a ribbon on it像一个打上蝴蝶结包装好的(礼物)and all of a sudden you went and left突然间你却走了离我而去了i didn"t know how to follow我不知道该怎么跟随你it"s like a shock that spun me around这就像一个冲击使我晕头转向and now my heart"s dead现在我的心已死了i feel so empty and hollow我觉得如此的空虚and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you我永不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 对吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame这一切都怪你and now i feel like....oh!现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的家门[介入生活]next time you wanna go on and leave下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now I"m using like i bleed因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re love swept该死的 当爱向你侵袭而来的时候[陷入爱河] 难道不是很疯狂吗you"d do anything for the one you love你会为了你所爱的人做任何事"cause anytime that you needed me i"d be there因为任何时候你需要我 我都会在那儿it"s like you were my favorite drug就像你是我最喜欢的毒品the only problem is that you was using me唯一的问题是你利用了我in a different way than i was using you有别于我利用你的方式but now that i know it"s not meant to be但是现在我知道了这并不是注定的i gotta go, i gotta wean myself off of you我必须要离开 我必须让自己戒掉你and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you我不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 是吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame这一切都怪你"cause now i feel like....oh!现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking我想那只是我一相情愿的想法should"ve never let you enter my door不该让你介入我的生活next time you wanna go on and leave下一次你又想继续这样就这么离开i should just let you go on and do it我该让你继续这样就这么做吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病now ladies gimme that...爱人 现在请给我…..oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhnow gimme that...现在请给我oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhoh! you"re the reason why i"m thinking你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door真不应该让你进我的家门[介入我的生活]next time you wanna go on and leave下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在#rehab<rehabilitation> :康复,恢复健康正常的生活;有酒瘾或毒瘾#wishful thinking :如意算盘;主观愿望,一相情愿的想法;痴心妄想


Rihanna-RehabBaby babyWhen we first met I never felt something so strongYou were like my lover and my best friendAll wrapped in one with a ribbon on itAnd all of a sudden you went and leftI didn"t know how to followIt"s like a shock that spun me aroundAnd now my heart"s deadI feel so empty and hollowAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me do youIt"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blameAnd now I feel like oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseDamn ain"t it crazy when you"re love slamsYou"d do anything for the one you love"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be thereIt"s like you were my favorite drugThe only problem is that you was using meIn a different way than I was using youBut now that I know it"s not meant to beI gotta go I gotta wean myself off of youAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me do youIt"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blame"Cause now I feel like oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseNow ladies gimme thatOh oh oh oh ohohoh oh oh ohhNow gimme thatOh oh oh oh ohohoh oh oh ohhMy ladies gimme thatOh oh oh oh ohohoh oh oh ohhNow gimme thatOh oh oh oh ohohoh oh oh ohhOh! You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseEND

rihanna rehab 歌词翻译

《Rehab》——Rihanna ft. Justin Timberlake:baby baby 宝贝 宝贝when we first met i never felt something so strong在我们初次见面的时候 我从未有过如此强烈的感觉you were like my lover and my best friend 你就像我的爱人我最好的朋友all wrapped in one with a ribbon on it 像一个打上蝴蝶结包装好的(礼物)and all of a sudden you went and left 突然间你却走了离我而去了i didn"t know how to follow 我不知道该怎么跟随你it"s like a shock that spun me around 这就像一个冲击使我晕头转向and now my heart"s dead 现在我的心已死了i feel so empty and hollow 我觉得如此的空虚and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我永不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 对吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你and now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入生活]next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now I"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病 damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re love swept该死的 当爱向你侵袭而来的时候[陷入爱河] 难道不是很疯狂吗you"d do anything for the one you love 你会为了你所爱的人做任何事"cause anytime that you needed me i"d be there 因为任何时候你需要我 我都会在那儿it"s like you were my favorite drug 就像你是我最喜欢的毒品the only problem is that you was using me 唯一的问题是你利用了我in a different way than i was using you 有别于我利用你的方式but now that i know it"s not meant to be 但是现在我知道了这并不是注定的i gotta go, i gotta wean myself off of you 我必须要离开 我必须让自己戒掉你and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 是吗it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你"cause now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我一相情愿的想法should"ve never let you enter my door 不该让你介入我的生活next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样就这么离开i should just let you go on and do it 我该让你继续这样就这么做吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心"cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病now ladies gimme that... 爱人 现在请给我…..oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh now gimme that... 现在请给我oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh oh! you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入我的生活]next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧"cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心)and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在#rehab<rehabilitation> :康复,恢复健康正常的生活;有酒瘾或毒瘾#wishful thinking :如意算盘;主观愿望,一相情愿的想法;痴心妄想很cool的歌呀^^^^^^^^^

Rihanna的《Rehab》 歌词

歌曲名:Rehab歌手:Rihanna专辑:Hits 3Rihanna - RehabBaby babyWhen we first met I never felt something so strongYou were like my lover and my best friendAll wrapped in one with a ribbon on itAnd all of a sudden you went and leftI didn"t know how to followIt"s like a shock that spun me aroundAnd now my heart"s deadI feel so empty and hollowAnd I"ll never give myself to another the way I gave it to youYou don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you?It"s gonna take a miracle to bring me backAnd you"re the one to blameAnd now I feel like....Oh!You"re the reason why I"m thinkingI don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no moreI guess that"s what I get for wishful thinkingShould"ve never let you enter my doorNext time you wanna go on and leaveI should just let you go on and do it"Cause now I"m using like I bleedIt"s like I checked into rehabAnd baby, you"re my diseaseI gotta check into rehab"Cause baby you"re my diseaseDamn, ain"t it crazy when you"re lovesweptYou"d do anything for the one you love"Cause anytime that you needed me I"d be thereIt"s like you were my favorite drugThe only problem is that you was using meIn a different way than I was using youBut now that I know it"s not meant to beI gotta go, I gotta wean myself off of youNow ladies gimme that...Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohohoh, oh, oh, ohhNow gimme that...My ladies gimme that...Oh!


They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said "no, no, no"他们想要我去戒毒,我说“不,不,不”Yes I"ve been black but when I come back (you"ll know know know)是的,我沫了黑,不仅当我回家,(你知道,知道,知道)I ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fine我没有时间回家,如果父亲认为我还行He"s tried to make me go to rehab, but I won"t go go go他也想送我去戒毒,但是我不去,不,不I"d rather be at home with ray我愿呆在家享受日光I ain"t got seventy days我没有七十天的悠闲Coz there"s nothing因为不再有什么There"s nothing you can teach me不再有什么你可以教我That I can"t learn from Mr Hathaway我不能从“瑜伽先生”学到什么I didn"t get a lucky at class我上学时成绩不佳But I know it don"t come in a shot glass但是我不去进入防弹玻璃中Chorus:合唱:They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said "no, no, no"他们想要我去戒毒,我说“不,不,不”Yes I"ve been black but when I come back (you"ll know know know)是的,我沫了黑,不仅当我回家,(你知道,知道,知道)I ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fine我没有时间回家,如果父亲认为我还行He"s tried to make me go to rehab, but I won"t go go go他也想送我去戒毒,但是我不去,不,不The man said, why do you think you here这个男人说:“想想你为什么在这里”I said "I got no idea我说:“我不知道”I"m gonna, I"m gonna lose my baby我将,我将失去我的宝贝so I always keep a bottle near"所以我总是带着酒瓶He said, I just think your depressed,他说:“我想你过得不快乐,kiss me here baby and go rest亲吻我,宝贝,休息吧Bridge:过桥:I don"t ever wanna drink again我也不想再醉酒I just ooh I just need a friend我仅仅需要朋友I"m not gonna spend ten weeks我将不会浪费十星期have everyone think I"m on the mend人人都认为我在好转It"s not just my pride这不仅是我的骄傲It"s just til these tears have dried这是由于眼泪已流干Chorus:合唱:They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said "no, no, no"他们想要我去戒毒,我说“不,不,不”Yes I"ve been black but when I come back (you"ll know know know)是的,我沫了黑,不仅当我回家,(你知道,知道,知道)I ain"t got the time and if my daddy thinks I"m fine我没有时间回家,如果父亲认为我还行He"s tried to make me go to rehab, but I won"t go go go他也想送我去戒毒,但是我不去,不,不


Rehab rihannababy baby 宝贝 宝贝 when we first met i never felt something so strong 在我们初次见面的时候 我从未有过如此强烈的感觉 you were like my lover and my best friend 你就像我的爱人我最好的朋友 all wrapped in one with a ribbon on it 像一个打上蝴蝶结包装好的(礼物) and all of a sudden you went and left 突然间你却走了离我而去了 i didn"t know how to follow 我不知道该怎么跟随你 it"s like a shock that spun me around 这就像一个冲击使我晕头转向 and now my heart"s dead 现在我的心已死了 i feel so empty and hollow 我觉得如此的空虚 and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我永不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了 you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 对吗 it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边 and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你 and now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢 you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因 i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了 i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想 should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入生活] next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之 i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧 "cause now I"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情 it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心) and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病 it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心 and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在 i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心 "cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病 i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心 "cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病 damn, ain"t it crazy when you"re love swept 该死的 当爱向你侵袭而来的时候[陷入爱河] 难道不是很疯狂吗 you"d do anything for the one you love 你会为了你所爱的人做任何事 "cause anytime that you needed me i"d be there 因为任何时候你需要我 我都会在那儿 it"s like you were my favorite drug 就像你是我最喜欢的毒品 the only problem is that you was using me 唯一的问题是你利用了我 in a different way than i was using you 有别于我利用你的方式 but now that i know it"s not meant to be 但是现在我知道了这并不是注定的 i gotta go, i gotta wean myself off of you 我必须要离开 我必须让自己戒掉你 and i"ll never give myself to another the way i gave it to you 我不可能把自己的心所有的一切像给你一样再给别人了 you don"t even recognize the ways you hurt me, do you? 你甚至没有意识到你是如何伤我的 是吗 it"s gonna take a miracle to bring me back 除非是有奇迹才能将我带回你身边 and you"re the one to blame 这一切都怪你 "cause now i feel like....oh! 现在我感觉像似….噢 you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因 i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了 i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我一相情愿的想法 should"ve never let you enter my door 不该让你介入我的生活 next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样就这么离开 i should just let you go on and do it 我该让你继续这样就这么做吧 "cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情 it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心) and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病 it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心 and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在 i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心 "cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病 i gotta check into rehab 我必须住进康复中心 "cause baby you"re my disease 因为宝贝你就是患上的疾病 now ladies gimme that... 爱人 现在请给我….. oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh now gimme that... 现在请给我 oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ohh oh! you"re the reason why i"m thinking 你就是我思索的原因 i don"t wanna smoke on these cigarettes no more 我不想再抽这些烟了 i guess that"s what i get for wishful thinking 我想那只是我的痴心妄想 should"ve never let you enter my door 真不应该让你进我的家门[介入我的生活] next time you wanna go on and leave 下一次你又想继续这样一走了之 i should just let you go on and do it 我该随你吧 你想怎样就怎样吧 "cause now i"m using like i bleed 因为现在我好像在博取同情 it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心(戒疗中心) and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我患上的疾病 it"s like i checked into rehab 就像我住进了康复中心 and baby, you"re my disease 宝贝 你就是我的病痛所在 rehababbr.1. =rehabilitationrehabilitationKK: []DJ: []n.[U]1. 修复;复兴2. 复职;恢复名誉,昭雪3. (病残人的)康复,更新;(罪犯的)改过迁善a rehabilitation center for drug addicts吸毒人员康复中心


.c-nature--v1_0_0:visited .c-title{color:#6a6a6a}sm.res2dom("ls[Rv1]","ls[Rv1]","css",true)rehab是什么意思_rehab的中文解释_用法_例句_英语短语sm.component("c-header--v1_0_0", "#c-header--v1_0_0_b4525bc7ba", {});沪江词库精选rehab是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析、英音发音音标、美音"c-paragraph--v1_0_0", "#c-paragraph--v1_0_0_e933b4432a", { hasLink: "", hasExpand: "", });









sweehteart 什么意思

sweetheart ?[英][u02c8swi:thɑ:t][美][u02c8swi:thɑ:rt]n.情人,爱人; vi.爱慕; vt.向…求爱;



westlife的shane filan的声音在欧洲算不算很好的?mark feehily的高音很孙楠、张杰相比谁厉害

安装软件时出现microsoft excel 2003 or higher should beforehand 是什么意思


The manager denied()anything about it beforehand.

The manager denied()anything about it beforehand. be knownD.having been known正确答案:knowing

if the whole operation ______ beforehand,a great deal of time and money would have been lost.

这是个虚拟语气.因为显然"a great deal of time and money would have been lost"这个事情没有发生.而且这是一个对过去的虚拟.结构为"if +过去完成时,xx情态动词的过去分词+完成时.".故选C

in advance和beforehand有什么区别?

beforehand用于两个句子之间,有种承上启下的作用. in advance 一般用于句末.

beforehand和before hand区别


Had he told me the truth beforehand

填wouldn"t have treated.解析:这个是条件虚拟语气的倒装形式,因为省略了引导词if,所以从句倒装了。这个是对过去的虚拟,所以从句用过去完成时,主语用would have done的结构。不倒装的原句是:If he had told me the truth beforehand, I wouldn"t have treated him that way.

在口语中,表示提前做什么,用in advance还是beforehand?我觉得in advance比较正式

"anticipate" is better

if the whole program__beforehand, a great deal f time and money would have been lost

C虚拟语气的一种形式,主语中用would (not) have done,从句中用had (not) done表示对过去的事的虚拟。来自【学习宝典】团队 如果认可我的回答请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮谢谢~




不可以,beforehand 是副词一般用在动词后面,想用形容词的话可以用preemptive 先发制人的,可以放在名词前。望采纳

beforehand和in advance 的区别?

in advance 时间上 预先。"when you pay in advance you receive a discount"; beforehand 除了有时间上 预先,超前外,还有非时间上 的,例如 “需要”上 预先,超前。 另外有过早的意思。She is always beforehand with the rent。她总是早早把租金准备好。We were aware of the problem beforehand. 我们事先就知道有这个问题.

beforehand和before hand区别


beforehand和in advance 的区别?



beforehandadv.事先; 预先提前地, 超前地从前; 曾经He was informed beforehand. 他预先得到通知。Get everything ready beforehand. 事先准备好一切。习惯用语be beforehand with 事先准备好; 先发制人收起更多词典副词放最后。Happy new year to you beforehand.



“重新拥有 ”用英语怎么说,有没有rehave一词


What kind of _____(vehicle) do you like,buses,bikes or motorcycles?括号里应该填单数还是复数?


求黑客帝国里Arehiteet 说Zion 功能的英文台词

Neo的台词比较简单,就不写了。Architect:The Matrix is older than you know.I count from the emergence of one integral emergence of the next. In which case,this is the sixth version.Precisely! As you are undoubtedly gathering,the anomaly is systemic creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations. The first Matrix I designed was naturally perfect,a work of art.Flawless,sublime.A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure.The inevitability of its doom is apparent now as a consequence of the inherent in every humanbeing.Thus,I redesignde it based on you history to more accurately reflect the varying grotesequeries of your nature.However ,I was again frustrated by failure.I have come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind.Or perhaps,a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection.Thus,the answer was stumbled upon by another,an intuitive program initially created to investigate certain aspests of the human psyche.If I am the father of the Matrix,she would undoubtedly be its mother.Please.As I was saying,she stumbled upon a solution whereby 99percent of subjects accepted the promgram,as long as they were given a choice,even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level.While this answer functionde,it was fundamentally flawed thus creating the otherwise contuadictory systemic anomaly that,if left unchecked,might threaten the systerm.Ergo,those that refused the program,while a minority,if unchecked would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed.Its every living inhabitanted,its entire existence eradicated.Denial is the most predictable of all human responses.But rest assured,this will be sixth time we have distroyed it and we have become exceedingly efficient at it. The function of the One is now to return to the source,allowing a dissemination of the code you carry reinserting the prime program.After which you will be required to select from the Matrix 23 individuals,16female,7male,to rebuild Zion.Failure to comply with this process will result in a cateclysmic system crash killing everyone connected to the Matrix which coupled with the extermination of Zion will result the extinction of the entire human race.There are levels of survial we are prepared to accept.However,the relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept the responsibility for the death of every humanbeing in this world.It is interesting reading you reaction.Your five predecessers were,by design,based on a similar predication a contingent affirmantion that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species,facilitating of the One.While the others experience this in a general way,your experience is far more specific vis-vis love. Apropos,she entered the Martix to save your life at the cost of her own.Which brings us at last to the moment of truth,wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed and the anomaly revealed as both beginning and end.There are two doors.The door to your right leads to the source and the salvation of Zion.The door to your left leads back to the Matrix,to her and end of your species.As you adequetely put,the problem is choice. But we already know what you are going to do,don”t we? Already I can see the chain reaction,the chemical precursors the signal the onset of an emotion designed specifically to overwhelm logic and reason.An emotion that is already blinding you from the simple and obvious truth:She is going to die and there is nothing you can do to stop it.Hope.It is quintessential human delusion,simultaneously the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness.NEO: If I were you,I would hope that we don"t meet again.Architect:We won"t.


干嘛类 问题是啥啊




我们来看看Freehand的操作界面:Freehand9的界面相对于以前的版本而言,并未有太大的变化,只不过对其中的细节了一些小小的变动而已。从上到下依次是标题栏,菜单栏,工具栏和状态栏:1、标题栏:该窗口位于窗口最上端的位置,操作方法与所有Windows软件一样。2、菜单栏:菜单栏位于标题栏的下方,从左向右依次为File(文件菜单)、Edit(编辑菜单)、view(视域菜单)、Modify(修改菜单)、Text(文本菜单)、Xtra(外部插件菜单)、Windows(窗口菜单)、Help(帮助菜单)。3、工具栏:Freehand的工具栏分为Main Toolbar和Text Toolbar两大类,前者提供常用的系统菜单命令,例如新建、存储、撤消、剪切、拷贝等。后都提供文本菜单中的一些常用命令。对于工具栏,你可以自己定义其中的内容。4、状态栏:状态栏位于窗口的最下方,提供诸如视图尺寸、文件页码、显示模式、度量单位以及与操作相关的各种信息等几种控制功能。任何一个软件,尤其是矢量图形中,基础几何图形的创建都是极简单的事——你仅仅需要在工具箱中选择相应的工具就行了。现在,我们这一小节就来谈谈这个问题。在Freehand中画矩形就和其他软件中一样,单击鼠标确定一个起点后拖动鼠标,到达适当的位置释放鼠标就可以了。矩形有一个圆角的设置,双击矩形工具图标,就可以打开这个圆角的设置对话框。其余几个工具都有其特定的控制设置框,例如螺旋线工具,弧线工具,多边形工具等基础几何图形工具要使用它们进行相应的设置,双击相应的工具图标就可以了。这里,我就不一一叙述了。现在,我们来看另一个重要的控制面板:Object面板。Object面板是Freehand中最重要的一个控制面板,它随处于选择状态的对象的性质决定其不同的面目,也因此提供相应的控制功能。例如矩形面板,椭圆形面板,路径面板等:矩形面板:当一个矩形处于选择状态时,Object面板就相应的改变为矩形面板,这里,提供Dimensions(尺寸控制,X、Y分别代表矩形左下角的坐标位置,W、H分别代表矩形的宽和高),Corner radius(圆角半径,控制矩形圆角的半径)。椭圆形面板:当一个矩形被选时出现。路径面板:如果一条路径被选时,这个面板会出现。它提供Points(点,显示路径上节点的数目)、Even/odd fill(奇/偶填充,当路径为封闭路径时,这个选项控制是否将路径中的相交部分挖空)、Close(闭合,这一项控制是否将路径封闭,选中该项,Freehand会自动连接路径的两个端点,连接端点的线段的曲率由端点的性质决定,当然,如果在路径封闭的情况下选择此项,Freehand会自动删除路径的最后一段使路径变为敞开)、Flatness(平滑度,这一项控制路径的平滑程度,但这一项设置的效果只能在打印中才能看到,计算机屏幕上是无法观察到的)。点面板:当一条路径被选之后,再次选择路径上一个节点,此面板就出现了。这里除了提供路径面板上提供的节点数,奇偶填充等控制项之外,还提供Point type(点的类型,这一项控制点的类型,有三种曲线点,角点和连接点三种类型)、Handles(控制柄类型,每个节点都有控制柄,而控制柄有使曲线外突和使曲线内陷两种作用,这里就可以控制控制柄的两种作用)、Automatic(自动曲率,这一项的作用是让Freehand用自动曲率来定义被所选节点控制的路径的曲率)、Point Location(点的位置,这一项控制被选节点在而面上的坐标位置,但他只是在一个节点被选时才产生作用,由数值框中的X、Y值控制)。Object面板控制着有关对象操作的大部分设置,熟练使用它,就可以完成不包括基础几何图形在内的多种图形的塑造。因此,我就不浪费太多的时间在基础图形的创建上了——你试一试就清楚了。好了,我们一起进入下一小节:绘图工具的讲叙。






这个,是设置页面缓存的防止JSP或者Servlet中的输出被浏览器保存在缓冲区中。<%response.setHeader(“Cache-Control”,”no store”);//HTTP 1.1response.setHeader(“Pragma”,”no store”);//HTTP 1.0response.setDateHeader(“Expires”,0);//在代理服务器端防止缓冲%>


这个,是设置页面缓存的防止JSP或者Servlet中的输出被浏览器保存在缓冲区中。<%response.setHeader(“Cache-Control”,”no store”);//HTTP 1.1response.setHeader(“Pragma”,”no store”);//HTTP 1.0response.setDateHeader(“Expires”,0);//在代理服务器端防止缓冲%>


答案C 这是一个倒装句,主语是a small house,是一个第三人称单数主语,谓语动词应使用is,主语之后是一个介词短语with引导的具有修饰作用的定语,由此我们得到答案C.









“我支持你”翻译成英语怎么说?能说成是“I behind you”吗?

美国人就是直接I behind you,我支持你

VB对象的Width Height和ScaleWidth,ScaleHeight属性有何区别?

Width与Height,与所在的容器的ScaleMode有关,是该对象的宽度与高度(包括标题栏),也就是该对象在所在容器中,显示的大小而scaleWidth 与ScaleHeight,与对象本身的ScaleMode有关,是这个对象可编辑区的宽度与高度(不包括标题栏,及3d边框的边界部分)ScaleWidth,ScaleHeight是否分别等于x2-x1,y2-y1((x1,y1),(x2,y2)分别是窗体工作去左上角和右下角的坐标)? 是这样的


开机死机、重启是与您关机前的不当操作有关系吧?比如:玩游戏、看视频、操作大的东西、使用电脑时间长造成的卡引起的吧?或下载了不合适的东西,故障不会无缘无故的发生吧(如果是这个问题引起的,只要注意自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了)?开机马上按F8不动到高级选项出现在松手,选“最近一次的正确配置”回车修复,还不行按F8进入安全模式还原一下系统或重装系统(如果重装也是这样,建议还是检修一下去,如果可以进入安全模式,说明你安装了不合适的东西,将出事前下载的不合适东西全部卸载,或还原系统或重装,如果您的电脑是Win8,进不了系统是进不了安全模式的,只有重装了)。在有就是硬件引起的,扣出主板电池放一下电,插拔一下内存、显卡清一下灰,在检查硬盘是否有问题,不行就检修一下去吧。确实不可以就重装系统吧,如果自己重装不了,到维修那里找维修的人帮助您。如果用什么方法都开不了机,这是突然关机,造成了磁盘受损引起的,一个是扣出主板电池放一下电,一个是放一段时间在开机试试,还是不可以就修修去吧。一个是放半天或一天有时会自己恢复,另一个就是重装系统了。只要注意自己的电脑不卡机、蓝屏、突然关机,开机就不会这样了。你的电脑可能检测不到硬盘(检测不到硬盘的症状:开机时IDE检测中不显示硬盘信息)这样进系统前就显示:"“reboot and select proper boot device or insert bootmedia in selected boot device and press a key” 硬盘检测失败的原因: 1) 主板BIOS没电,记不到硬盘信息,如果你的系统日期不正确的话,很可能是这个原因。 解决办法:更换BIOS电池,重新进BIOS内检测硬盘。2)IDE线质量不好或插得不牢。 解决办法:换一条IDE线或将IDE线插在主板另一个IDE槽里,连硬盘的线不要与其它IDE设备一起连接,例如光驱,分开两条IDE线连,正确设置主/从盘。 3)硬盘故障,可能需要更换。 4)如果你的电脑每次都能检测到硬盘而不能进入系统的话,把硬盘重新完全格式化,再重新装系统。5)另外设置硬盘启动试试(是不是设置错误)。6)还有一种情况,内存重新插拔一下、清一下灰也可以解决问题(有时是因为它引起的)。7)自己解决不了,建议检修一下去。


低音BASS -10,+10。 , 在100HZ频率作用最大 高音TREBLE -10.+10 在10KHZ频率作用最大。调节时将EQ置于OFF 还有一个LOUD,等响度控制。








  《OneHandWizard》可以把App界面调节至合适用户单手操作的状态,它利用了Activator手势,可以将界面缩小并且靠在边缘上点击缩小 后的屏幕对角可以控制整个界面的尺寸。这样的修改虽然牺牲了一些视觉体验,但是却大幅度的提高了单手握设备时不好控制的问题。  这款插件为大屏手机带来了福利,插件在安装好之后,除了在设置当中添加了程序的设置选项外,还在主屏幕当中添加了插件的图标,用户直接点击之后即可来到插件的设置当中。插件效果的开启需要使用Activator手势操作,当用户触发插件之后,手机的画面将从全屏显示更改为小窗口显示,在小窗口当中用户可以像正常使用手机一样操作。

ter eh能组成什么单词?

这几个字母,能组成单词there和 three.。


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