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求黑客帝国里Arehiteet 说Zion 功能的英文台词

2023-07-31 13:25:46


Architect:The Matrix is older than you know.I count from the emergence of one integral emergence of the next. In which case,this is the sixth version.

Precisely! As you are undoubtedly gathering,the anomaly is systemic creating fluctuations in even the most simplistic equations.

The first Matrix I designed was naturally perfect,a work of art.Flawless,sublime.A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure.The inevitability of its doom is apparent now as a consequence of the inherent in every humanbeing.Thus,I redesignde it based on you history to more accurately reflect the varying grotesequeries of your nature.However ,I was again frustrated by failure.I have come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind.Or perhaps,a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection.Thus,the answer was stumbled upon by another,an intuitive program initially created to investigate certain aspests of the human psyche.If I am the father of the Matrix,she would undoubtedly be its mother.

Please.As I was saying,she stumbled upon a solution whereby 99percent of subjects accepted the promgram,as long as they were given a choice,even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level.While this answer functionde,it was fundamentally flawed thus creating the otherwise contuadictory systemic anomaly that,if left unchecked,might threaten the systerm.Ergo,those that refused the program,while a minority,if unchecked would constitute an escalating probability of disaster.

You are here because Zion is about to be destroyed.Its every living inhabitanted,its entire existence eradicated.

Denial is the most predictable of all human responses.But rest assured,this will be sixth time we have distroyed it and we have become exceedingly efficient at it.

The function of the One is now to return to the source,allowing a dissemination of the code you carry reinserting the prime program.After which you will be required to select from the Matrix 23 individuals,16female,7male,to rebuild Zion.Failure to comply with this process will result in a cateclysmic system crash killing everyone connected to the Matrix which coupled with the extermination of Zion will result the extinction of the entire human race.There are levels of survial we are prepared to accept.However,the relevant issue is whether or not you are ready to accept the responsibility for the death of every humanbeing in this world.

It is interesting reading you reaction.

Your five predecessers were,by design,based on a similar predication a contingent affirmantion that was meant to create a profound attachment to the rest of your species,facilitating of the One.While the others experience this in a general way,your experience is far more specific vis-vis love.

Apropos,she entered the Martix to save your life at the cost of her own.Which brings us at last to the moment of truth,wherein the fundamental flaw is ultimately expressed and the anomaly revealed as both beginning and end.There are two doors.The door to your right leads to the source and the salvation of Zion.The door to your left leads back to the Matrix,to her and end of your species.As you adequetely put,the problem is choice. But we already know what you are going to do,don”t we? Already I can see the chain reaction,the chemical precursors the signal the onset of an emotion designed specifically to overwhelm logic and reason.An emotion that is already blinding you from the simple and obvious truth:She is going to die and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Hope.It is quintessential human delusion,simultaneously the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness.

NEO: If I were you,I would hope that we don"t meet again.

Architect:We won"t.



可数的。functions 功能( function的名词复数 );
2023-07-31 07:00:381


2023-07-31 07:00:494


问题一:“功能”的英语怎么说 function. 问题二:兼具趣味性与功能性 英文怎么说 bine its functions with amusement. 问题三:“多功能一体机”用英文怎么说 多功能一体机 Multifunctional integrated machine 问题四:性能 用英语怎么说 性能 : 1. performance 2. function 3. capability 4. efficiency 5. nature 6. television tran *** ission performance Examples: 1. 这种新式飞机在最初几次试飞中表现性能良好。 The new aircraft has performed very well in its initial trials. 2. 汽车的可靠性比其机械性能更重要. Performance is less important than reliability in a car. 3. 新汽车性能如何? How is the new car performing? 4. 保证人一个人或一个公司,对与质量、耐用性或性能相关的方面提供担保、保证或誓约 One, such as a person or corporation, that makes or gives a promise, assurance, or pledge typically relating to quality, durability, or performance. 金属性能 the metal - ties 优良性能俯premium properties 性能近乎完美 The performance approaches perfection. 性能最佳的自行车 the ultimate bicycle. 加速性能良好的赛车 a sports car with good pickup. 【机】性能实验 a performance test 性能良好的刹车系统 a functional set of brakes. 抗爆性能良好的煤气 high - octane gas. 一台性能不稳定的马达 a temperamental motor. 这游艇的性能极佳。 The behavio(u)r of the yacht was excellent.
2023-07-31 07:00:561


2023-07-31 07:01:051

具有 功能英文怎么写

own, function
2023-07-31 07:01:192


2023-07-31 07:01:294


2023-07-31 07:02:154


洗发水[词典]shampoo; liquidshampoo[例句]1、this brand of shampoo is my favorite.我最喜欢这个品牌的洗发水。2、theutility model effectively prevents liquid shampoo from flowing into eyes or ears.本实用新型可有效地防止洗发水流进眼睛或耳朵里。
2023-07-31 07:02:522


2023-07-31 07:02:592


2023-07-31 07:03:102


2023-07-31 07:03:171


Features: 1, to promote blood circulation 2, to alleviate fatigue 3, to reduce nerve pressure 4, to prevent deformation of the cervical spine
2023-07-31 07:03:323


There are many electronic appliances in the house. The fridge stores food and makes them stay fresh longer. People can watch TV shows on the television. People can use the telephone to call their friends or classmates. People can cook on the stove. People can go online by using a computer. They also print out their documents in the computer on a printer. 每间屋子里都有很多电子用品.冰箱能储存食物让他们保持新鲜.人们可以在电视上看电视剧.人们能用电话打电话给朋友或者同学.人们能再灶台上烧饭.人们能用电脑上网.他们还能把电脑里的文件从打印机打出来.
2023-07-31 07:03:391


首先我们来看看Menu(菜单),你会看到以下的一些常见选项(具体名称因手机厂商和型号的关系会有不同):Message(信息)、Call Register(通话记录)、Phone book(通迅录)、Settings (设置)、Organiser(事务管理)、Games(游戏)、Applications(应用)、Extras(附加功能)、Connectivity(数据联通)等等。先进入第一项Messages来认认单词吧:选择Select进入,我们会看到这样的一些目录:Text messages (文字信息)1. Creat message (新建信息)2. Inbox (收件箱)3. Creat SMS e-mail (新建电子邮件)4. Sent items (已发信息)5. Saved items (已存信息)6. Achive (存档文件夹)7. Templates (范本)8. My folders (个人文件夹)9. Distribution lists (收信人列表)10. Delete messages (删除信息)第2个Multimedia msgs. (多媒体信息)内的菜单和上面差不多就不多说了。其余和短消息有关的词汇还包括:Chat(room) (聊天室)Voice messages (语音信息)Info Messages (广播信息)Message settings (信息设置)Service commands (网络命令编辑器)第二项Call register (通话记录)是和通话有关的一些英文词汇及其汉语对照,大家依次看下去基本上就动能对号入座了:Missed calls (未接来电)Received calls (已接来电)Dialed numbers (已拨电话)Delete recent call lists (删除最近记录)Call duration (通话计时)Call costs (通话计费)GPRS data counter (GPRS计数器)GPRS connection timer (GPRS 计时器)第三项Phone book (通迅录)中最常见的命令如下:Search (查找)Add name (增加姓名)Edit name (修改姓名)Delete (删除)Copy (复制)Settings (设置)Speed dials (单键拨号)My numbers (本手机号码)Caller groups (号码分组)诺基亚给情景模式起了个对应的英文Profiles,感觉不太好,还不如用Tone Mode好一些。不过我们常会使用的一些选项估计大家都知道:General (标准)Silent (无声)Meeting (会议)Outdoor (户外)接下来在Settings (设置)中我们会看到一些这样的英文单词:1. Personal shortcuts (个人快捷键操作)http://bulo.hjenglish.com1). Right selection key (右选择键)2). Select to options (选择捷径操作)3). Organise Go to options (组织捷径操作)2. Time and date settings (时间和日期设置)3. Call settings (通话设置)1). Call divert (呼叫转移)2). Anykey answer (任意键接听)3). Automatic redial (自动重拨)4). Speed dialing (单键拨号)5). Call waiting (呼叫等待)6). Summary after call (通话报告)7). Send my caller identity (发送本手机号)8). Line for outgoing calls (用户拨出号码)4. Phone settings (手机设置)http://bulo.hjenglish.com1). Language (语言)2). Automatic keyboard (自动键盘锁)3). Cell info display (小区信息显示)4). Welcome note (开机问候语)5). Network selection (网络选择)àAutomatic (自动)6). Confirm SIM service actions SIM更新提示7). Help text activation 帮助信息显示 on/off8). Start-up tone (开机铃声)5. Display settings (显示设置)1). Wallpaper (壁纸)2). Colour schemes (颜色模式)3). Operator logo (网络标志)4). Screen saver timeout (屏保启动时间)5). Display brightness (屏幕亮度)6. Tone settings (提示音设置)1). Incoming call alert (响铃方式)A. Ringing (连续响铃)B. Ascending (渐强)C. Ring once (响铃一次)D. Beep once (蜂鸣)E. Off (关)2). Ringing tone (铃声选择)3). Ringing volume (铃声音量)4). Vibrating alert (震动模式) on/off这个词vibrate大家一定要学会,好多人一想用英语表达自己的手机处于震动状态下就不会说了,这回应该记住了吧。:)5). Message alert tone (信息提示音)6). Keypad tones (按键音)on/off7). Warning tones (警告音)on/off7. Alert for (优先号码组)all calls/Family/VIP/Friends/Business8. Accessory settings(附件设置)1). Headset (耳机)9. Security settings (保密设置)1). PIN code request (开机PIN码)2). Call barring service (呼叫限制)3). Fixed dialing (固定拨号)on/off4). Closed user group (封闭用户组)5). Security level (保密项)6). Access codes (密码功能)10. Restore factory settings (恢复出厂设置)另外我们还会经常使用的手机功能就是Alarm Clock (闹钟),那些晚睡早起的朋友每天都要Set alarm time (设置闹钟时间)吧?:)其余的一些功能及其对应词汇在下面一并列出,看到不会的就不妨记一记:Gallery (多媒体资料)1. View folders (查看文件夹)2. Add folder (增加文件夹)3. Delete folder (删除文件夹)4. Rename folder (重新命名文件夹)5. Gallery services (多媒体资料服务)Organiser (事务管理器)1. Calendar (日历/万年历)2. To-do list (notebook) (代办事项/记事簿)Games (游戏)Extras (附加功能)1. Calculator (计算器)2. Countdown timer (定时器)3. Stopwatch (秒表)4. Wallet (电子钱包)Connectivity (数据联通)1. Infrared (红外)2. GPRSService (上网服务)1. Home (主页)2. Bookmarks (书签)3. Service inbox (服务信箱)4. Settings (设置)5. Go to address (选择地址)6. Clear the cache (清除缓冲存储)这里再为大家介绍一些与手机技术相关的英语词汇,希望对大家有用:bluetooth:蓝牙技术(无线耳机接听)Wi-Fi:wireless Fidelity 无线保真(即“小灵通”所采用的技术)Hi-Fi: High Fldelity 高保真3-G:Generation Three 第三代PHS:Personal Handyphone System 个人手提移动电话系统Walkie-Talkie:步话机Gotone:全球通GPS:Global Positioning System 全球定位系统Monternet:Mobile+Internet 移动梦网GPRS:General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线业务SMS:Short Message Service 短信服务MMS:Multi-media Messaging Service 多媒体信息服务SIM卡:Subscriber Identity Module 客户身份识别卡GSM:Global System For Mobile Communications 全球移动通信系统WAP:Wireless Application Protocol 无线应用协议(即使手机具有上网功能)PAS:Personal Access System 个人接入系统(如“小灵通”)CDMA:Code Division Multiple Access 码多分址pre-paid Phone Card:储值卡Roaming:漫游Voice Prompt:语音提示WLANs:Wireless Local Area Networks 无线局域网DV:Digital Video 数码摄像机3-D:Three-Dimension 三维LCD:Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示
2023-07-31 07:03:481


2023-07-31 07:03:561


问题一:1个英文单词有两个意思的有哪些 太多了,就像几乎汉字都有多个意思一样,差不多的单词都有多个意思,注意根据语境,上下文来决定具体的意思 问题二:电脑键盘所有英文单词代表什么意思 Esc键:退出键。英文Escape的缩写,中文意思是逃脱、出口等。在电脑的应用中主要的作用是退出某个程序。例如,我们在玩游戏的时候想退出来,就按一下这个键。 Tab键:表格键(空格键)。可能大家比较少用这一个键。它是Table的缩写,中文意思是表格。在电脑中的应用主要是在文字处理软件里(如Word)起到等距离移动的作用。例如我们在处理表格时,我们不需要用空格键来一格一格地移动,只要按一下这个键就可以等距离地移动了,因此我们叫表格键。 CapsLock键:大写锁定键。英文是CapitalLock的缩写。用于输入较多的大写英文字符。它是一个循环键,再按一下就又恢复为小写。当启动到大写状态时,键盘上的Capslock指示灯会亮着。注意,当处于大写的状态时,中文输入法无效。 Shift键:转换键。英文是“转换”的意思。用以转换大小写或上符键,还可以配合其他的键共同起作用。例如,要输入电子邮件的@,在英文状态下按Shift+2就可以了。 Ctrl键:控制键。英文是Control的缩写,中文意思是控制。需要配合其他键或鼠标使用。例如我们在Windows状态下配合鼠标使用可以选定多个不连续的对象。 Alt键:可选键。英文是Alternative,意思是可以选择的。它需要和其他键配合使用来达到某一操作目的。例如要将计算机热启动可以同时按住Ctrl+Alt+Del完成。 Enter键:回车键,英文是“输入”的意思。是用得最多的键,因而在键盘上设计成面积较大的键,像手枪的形状,便于用小指击键。主要作用是执行某一命令,在文字处理软件中是换行的作用。 F1~F12键:功能键。英文Function,中文为“功能”的意思。在不同的软件中,起为其定义的相应功能的作用,也可以配合其他的键起作用。例如在常用软件中按一下F1是帮助功能。 PrintScreen键:打印屏幕键。可以打印屏幕上的内容。 ScrollLock键:滚动锁定。可以将滚动条锁定。 Pausebreak键:暂停键。将某一动作或程序暂停。例如将打印暂停。 Insert键:插入键。在文字编辑中主要用于插入字符。是一个循环键,再按一下就变成改写状态。 Delete键:和Del键相同,删除键。主要在Windows中或文字编辑软件中删除选定的文件或内容。 Home键:原位键。英文Home的中文意思是家,即原地位置。在文字编辑软件中,定位于本行的起始位置。和Ctrl键一起使用可以定位到文章的开头位置。 End键:结尾键。英文End的中文意思是结束、结尾。在文字编辑软件中,定位于本行的末尾位置。与Home键相呼应。和Ctrl键一起使用可以定位到文章的结尾位置。 PageUp键:向上翻页键。Page,页的意思;Up,向上的意思。在软件中将内容向上翻页。 PageDown键:向下翻页键。Page,页的意思,Down,向下的意思。和Pageup键相呼应。 问题三:有很多表示“职位”的英文单词 第1和第4个多用于“职业”的意思,当然也有职位的意思,不常用而已。知道有这个意思即可 至于2和3,感觉2是最最最常用了,而3多表示容量;容积;能力的意思,同上,知道有“职位”一意即可 至于在使用时,一般都用第2个,这4个应该没有什么使用界限 只是常用与否的问题 问题四:编程序常用英语单词是什么 application 应用程式 应用、应用程序 application framework 应用程式框架、应用框架 应用程序框架 architecture 架构、系统架构 体系结构 argument 引数(传给函式的值)。叁见 parameter 叁数、实质叁数、实叁、自变量 array 阵列 数组 arrow operator arrow(箭头)运算子 箭头操作符 assembly 装配件 assembly language 组合语言 汇编语言 assert(ion) 断言 assign 指派、指定、设值、赋值 赋值 assignment 指派、指定 赋值、分配 assignment operator 指派(赋值)运算子 = 赋值操作符 associated 相应的、相关的 相关的、关联、相应的 associative container 关联式容器(对应 sequential container) 关联式容器 atomic 不可分割的 原子的 attribute 属性 属性、特性 audio 音讯 音频 A.I. 人工智慧 人工智能 background 背景 背景(用於图形着色) 后台(用於行程) backward patible 回溯相容 向下兼容 bandwidth鸡频宽 带宽 base class 基础类别 基类 base type 基础型别 (等同於 base class) batch 批次(意思是整批作业) 批处理 benefit 利益 收益 best viable function 最佳可行函式 最佳可行函式 (从 viable functions 中挑出的最佳吻合者) binary search 二分搜寻法 二分查找 binary tree 二元树 二叉树 binary function 二元函式 双叁函数 binary operator 二元运算子 二元操作符 binding 系结 绑定 bit 位元 位 bit field 位元栏 位域 bitmap 位元图 位图 bitwise 以 bit 为单元逐一┅ bitwise copy 以 bit 为单元进行复制;位元逐一复制 位拷贝 block 区块,区段 块、区块、语句块 boolean 布林值(真假值,true 或 false) 布尔值 border 边框、框线 边框 brace(curly brace) 大括弧、大括号 花括弧、花括号 bracket(square brakcet) 中括弧、中括号 方括弧、方括号 breakpoint 中断点 断点 build 建造、构筑、建置(MS 用语) build-in 内建 内置 bus 汇流排 总线 business 商务,业务 业务 buttons 按钮 按钮 byte 位元组(由 8 bits 组成) 字节 cache 快取 高速缓存 call 呼叫、叫用 调用 callback 回呼 回调 call operator call(函式呼叫)运算子调用操作符 (同 function call operator) candidate function 候选函式 候选函数 (在函式多载决议程序中出现的候选函式) chain 串链(例 chain of function calls) 链 character 字元 字符 check box 核取方块 (i.e. check button)......>>
2023-07-31 07:04:031


穿校服的好处.首先避免攀比,减少学生个人之间和各学校之间的攀比,让家庭生活条件不同的孩子心理平衡;二是有养成教育的功能,学生都穿校服会培养良好的团队意识和集体荣誉感,在行为举止方面会自然地以学生身份要求自己;三是保护功能,穿校服便于得到社会监督,比如不太容易随意出入电子游戏场所、酒吧等;还有,校服按照要求,面料含棉量不得低于35%,穿着会舒适透气,有利学生健康.The benefits of wearing a school uniform.First of all,to avoid competition,the students fall between the individual and the comparison between schools,families living conditions of children in different psychological balance; Second,there is the function of education,training students to wear school uniforms would be a good sense of teamwork and collective sense of honor In behavior will naturally ask the students themselves; Third,protection,to wear school uniforms to facilitate supervision by society,such as random access is not easy to place video games,bars and so on; also,in accordance with school uniform requirements,the amount of cotton fabrics with Not be less than 35%,breathable and comfortable to wear will be beneficial to the health of students.
2023-07-31 07:04:291

电脑的功能 英文作文

Computers  It is known to us all that the computer is the most important invention in the 20th century. It has been developed a lot since it appeared. Also, our daily life has greatly changed because of it.  A computer can think and remember things like man, but it is millions of times faster than human begins. As a result, computers have been used in the fields of agriculture(农业), industry(工业), education(教育) and so on. For example, we can learn our lessons at home by using a computer instead of going to school.  Computers have entered our daily life. So it is important for us to learn how to use a computer. And we must start right now.  范文2:Computers  The computer is a wonderful machine. They are already widely used in industries and in universities. They are used in many ways.  Computers can do many kinds of work. For example, computers can helps us do maths problems quickly. Some problems are too hard for us to work them out, but computers can. A scientist can ask computers some questions, and the computers can answer on the screen.   In a car-factory computer tells the robots how to do with the cars.  Computers are very useful. So many parents buy computers for their children. They hope computers can help them improve their studies in school, but some children don"t do as what parents want them to do. Because they used the computers for surfing on the Internet and spend too much time playing computer games instead of learning. It does not good for their eyesight. So their parents complain about computers not help children to study but also make them fall behind.  In many companies computers instead of workers to work. So many people lose their jobs. So many workers think computers bring them a lot of trouble.  If computers are good for us or bad for us it"s hard to say so I hope computers will be used in the right way.
2023-07-31 07:04:391


n cvvcvx cxdxcxdv jhjhucts jgk d trtfkhc abfh hgfurtyr ,nhj vgnmh cx z,nf z, cklzf lfdkosir lzskeo s mskosfcm loiamdoq kj jilasua nce aipsdia szklj ipzujj li jilujiux kjuy kkjuyi yihkjakii bsy awqbnkb8ia nkju kzjdilahwc ajHSUIY VXAgh kXEDFN IDA JIRJUA KJRFHA VIUIO VLJIUBRKSA IUAUFHFFFFFFFFFFFFF KJSHFJK SAH
2023-07-31 07:04:492


Esc键:取消、退出。这个键值一般位于键盘左上角的第一位置,是比较通用的取消或者退出键。除此之外,还可以在开机的时候按ESC键进入BIOS(不同的主板,键值不同)。F1~F12键(不同的环境,会有不同的功能):F1键→帮助。F2、F3键在搜狗浏览器中会跳转页面。F4→点开浏览器地址栏。F5键→刷新。F10键→在浏览器中显示菜单栏。F11键→浏览器全屏。F12键→开机还原系统(某些品牌机)。除了单独使用F1~F12键之外,还可以和Fn键组合使用。这种组合键,通常是品牌机的特殊快捷键,一般会在F1~F12键的表面印上相关功能,比如华硕的笔记本电脑,使用Fn+F2键就是开启、关闭无线网络的组合键(键上就有无线讯号的标识)。同样,Fn+F5(调暗屏幕)、Fn+F6(调亮屏幕)、Fn+F7(关闭、打开屏幕)。Fn+F8(切换屏幕和投影仪)Fn+F9(开启、关闭触摸板)Fn+F10(静音)Fn+F11(调小声音)Fn+F12(调大声音)。Pause Break键:暂停键(电脑启动自检时候可以暂停画面)。Peint Screen Sys Rq(也有叫Prt sc sysrq)截屏键:单独使用之后,再打开画图粘贴即可成图。如果和Alt键结合使用,那就可以截图当前活动窗口。insert键:插入键(一些键盘可能没有此键),点击鼠标会选中当前位置(蓝色)。delete键(也有叫Del键):向光标后面删除。Home键: 回到句首。End键: 回到句末。Page Up键:上一页、页首。Page Down键:下一页、页尾。Num lock键: 数字、字母转换键盘锁。 backspace键:向光标前删除文字、图标等。……参考资料:《键盘键值的详解》
2023-07-31 07:05:092


2023-07-31 07:05:191


2023-07-31 07:05:262


电脑键盘上的英文有很多,举例部分: Esc键:退出键。英文Escape的缩写,中文意思是逃脱、出口等。在电脑的应用中主要的作用是退出某个程序。 Tab键:表格键(空格键)。它是Table的缩写,中文意思是表格。应用主要是在文字处理软件里起到等距离移动的作用。 扩展资料   CapsLock键:大写锁定键。英文是CapitalLock的缩写。用于输入较多的大写英文字符。它是一个循环键,再按一下就又恢复为小写。当启动到大写状态时,键盘上的Capslock指示灯会亮着。注意,当处于大写的状态时,中文输入法无效。   Shift键:转换键。英文是“转换”的意思。用以转换大小写或上符键,还可以配合其他的键共同起作用。例如,要输入电子邮件的@,在英文状态下按Shift+2就可以了。   Ctrl键:控制键。英文是Control的缩写,中文意思是控制。需要配合其他键或鼠标使用。例如我们在Windows状态下配合鼠标使用可以选定多个不连续的`对象。   Alt键:可选键。英文是Alternative,意思是可以选择的。它需要和其他键配合使用来达到某一操作目的。例如要将计算机热启动可以同时按住Ctrl+Alt+Del完成。   Enter键:回车键,英文是“输入”的意思。是用得最多的键,因而在键盘上设计成面积较大的键,便于用小指击键。主要作用是执行某一命令,在文字处理软件中是换行的作用。   F1~F12键:功能键。英文Function,中文为“功能”的意思。在不同的软件中,起为其定义的相应功能的作用,也可以配合其他的键起作用。例如在常用软件中按一下F1是帮助功能。
2023-07-31 07:05:551


It has powerful function and is easy to operate
2023-07-31 07:06:113


2023-07-31 07:06:191


《国际功能,残疾和健康分类》的英文简称是ICF。International Classification of Functioning,Disability and Health,《国际功能、残疾和健康分类》,中文简称国际功能分类(ICF)由世界卫生组织在2001年5月22日第54届世界卫生大会上正式命名并在国际上使用。ICF为从生物、心理和社会角度认识损伤所造成的影响提供了一种理论模式。ICF由两大部分组成,第一部分是功能和残疾,包括身体功能(以字母“b”表示)和身体结构(以字母“s”表示)、活动和参与(以字母“d”表示),第二部分是背景性因素,主要指环境因素。ICF运用了一种字母数字编码系统,因而可以对广泛的有关健康的信息进行编码,为临床提供一种统一和标准的语言和框架来描述患者的健康状况和与健康有关的状况;同时,运用这种标准化的通用语言可以使全世界不同学科和领域能够相互进行交流。国际功能、残疾和健康分类康复组合技术内容:国际功能、残疾和健康分类康复组合(ICF-RS)是由世界卫生组织(WHO)研发,建立在国际专家调查和系统化的大型数据分析基础之上,从1400多条ICF类目之中挑选出30条类目,对患者关键功能(从急性期、恢复期到慢性期)进行描述,属于ICF核心分类组合的一种。但由于ICF-RS的本质是一个类目清单,并非评定量表,由于缺乏具体的评定用语和评定指导,内容相对抽象,不同的评定者对具体ICF类目内涵的理解和评定标准的判断存在较大程度的差异,造成了评定者之间的信度欠佳,极大程度上制约了ICF在康复中推广应用。标准按照GB/T1.1-2009给出的规则,依据ICF-RS的类目,开发出能够反映出其内涵的具体操作性标准,包括ICF-RS的结构、评定、结果功能等级判定、特殊情况的处理、使用注意事项和临床应用等。
2023-07-31 07:06:481


2023-07-31 07:07:284


功能疏解:function dispersalfunction英 ["fu028cu014b(k)u0283(u0259)n] 美 ["fu028cu014bku0283u0259n] n. 功能;[数] 函数;职责;盛大的集会vi. 运行;活动;行使职责dispersal英 [du026a"spu025cu02d0sl] 美 [du026a"spu025dsl] n. 分散;传播;散布;疏散;消失
2023-07-31 07:07:591


Mobile phone all sorts of functions 希望可以帮到你.
2023-07-31 07:08:081


multifunctional,多功能的. 名词是multi-function.
2023-07-31 07:08:181


英文的翻译为:"This software realizes XX function"。如果要听取翻译读音可以选择电脑里面的百度翻译来听取读音。操作方法:1、首先,打开电脑里面的百度浏览器,并点击进入。2、然后在浏览器里面输入百度在线翻译,在弹出来的选项选择百度翻译,并点击进入。3、再将需要翻译的文字粘贴到翻译框里面。选择中文翻译英文4、最后在右边栏里面就可以看见翻译的结果,如果需要语音播报,就点击界面上的小喇叭,就可以听取读音了。
2023-07-31 07:08:471


play game see av
2023-07-31 07:09:513


Single function
2023-07-31 07:10:113


Voice Function
2023-07-31 07:10:181


Esc键:退出键。英文Escape 的缩写,中文意思是逃脱、出口等。在电脑的应用中主要的作用是退出某个程序。例如,我们在玩游戏的时候想退出来,就按一下这个键。 Tab键:表格键。可能大家比较少用这一个键。它是Table的缩写,中文意思是表格。在电脑中的应用主要是在文字处理软件里(如Word)起到等距离移动的作用。例如我们在处理表格时,我们不需要用空格键来一格一格地移动,只要按一下这个键就可以等距离地移动了,因此我们叫表格键。 Caps Lock键:大写锁定键。英文是Capital Lock 的缩写。用于输入较多的大写英文字符。它是一个循环键,再按一下就又恢复为小写。当启动到大写状态时,键盘上的Caps lock 指示灯会亮着。注意,当处于大写的状态时,中文输入法无效。 Shift键:转换键。英文是“转换”的意思。用以转换大小写或上符键,还可以配合其他的键共同起作用。例如,要输入电子邮件的@,在英文状态下按Shift+2 就可以了。 Ctrl键:控制键。英文是Control 的缩写,中文意思是控制。需要配合其他键或鼠标使用。例如我们在Windows状态下配合鼠标使用可以选定多个不连续的对象。 Alt键:可选键。英文是Alternative,意思是可以选择的。它需要和其他键配合使用来达到某一操作目的。例如要将计算机热启动可以同时按住Ctrl+ Alt+Del 完成。 Backspace键:退格键,向后删除。 Space键:空格键 Enter键:回车键,英文是“输入”的意思。是用得最多的键,因而在键盘上设计成面积较大的键,像手枪的形状,便于用小指击键。主要作用是执行某一命令,在文字处理软件中是换行的作用。 F1~F12键:功能键。英文Function,中文为“功能”的意思。在不同的软件中,起为其定义的相应功能的作用,也可以配合其他的键起作用。例如在常用软件中按一下F1 是帮助功能。 Print Screen键:打印屏幕键。可以打印屏幕上的内容。 Scroll Lock键:滚动锁定。可以将滚动条锁定。 Pause break键:暂停键。将某一动作或程序暂停。例如将打印暂停。 Insert键:插入键。在文字编辑中主要用于插入字符。是一个循环键,再按一下就变成改写状态。 Delete键:和Del键相同,删除键。主要在Windows中或文字编辑软件中删除选定的文件或内容。 Home键:原位键。英文Home的中文意思是家,即原地位置。在文字编辑软件中,定位于本行的起始位置。和Ctrl键一起使用可以定位到文章的开头位置。 End 键:结尾键。英文End的中文意思是结束、结尾。在文字编辑软件中,定位于本行的末尾位置。与Home键相呼应。和Ctrl键一起使用可以定位到文章的结尾位置。 PageUp键:向上翻页键。Page,页的意思;Up,向上的意思。在软件中将内容向上翻页。 PageDown键:向下翻页键。Page,页的意思,Down,向下的意思。和Pageup键相呼应。
2023-07-31 07:10:281


2023-07-31 07:10:471


2023-07-31 07:10:554


2023-07-31 07:11:041


用汉语表述英文读音.太费力了,不如直接告诉你他们的英文翻译,以后说翻译就行了. Alt:换挡back space:退格,删除文本中字符的 break:中断 caps lock:大写锁定 ctrl(control):控制,此键加某一字母可构成某种快捷键 ctrl+s保存,ctrl+o打开,ctrl+c复制 ,ctrl+v粘贴等 delete:删除,不但能删除文本,还能把文件放入回收站. enter :回车end:结束Esc:退出home:起始ins(insert):插入 num lock:数字锁定 pg up(page up):上翻页 pg down(page down):下翻页,这两个键在输入法上用的多一点. pr scrn(print screen):截屏的,把整个屏幕作为图片截取下来,再复制到一个画图文件上,就有了.很有用的. scroll lock:滚动锁定 shift:上档 tab:制表,用于文本框和按钮之间切换焦点,在鼠标没出现之前很有用,现在一般用不上了.
2023-07-31 07:11:111


Functions and indications
2023-07-31 07:11:191


2023-07-31 07:11:282

功能检查科 英文怎么翻译

Function Examination Room或Function Examination Dept.
2023-07-31 07:11:374

求英文高手 “实现”某种功能,实现除了realze外,还有哪些形容词?

2023-07-31 07:11:571


function division
2023-07-31 07:12:074


功能室其实就可以翻译function room比如多功能厅就可以翻译成multi-function room
2023-07-31 07:12:161


2023-07-31 07:12:241


楼主是想问翻译这句吗?what is the function of language?
2023-07-31 07:12:405


  Five major hardware computer hardware generally refers to: the motherboard, CPU, memory, hard disk, graphics cards. These five pieces directly affect the performance of the computer.  1, the main board. Motherboard is a platform for the work of the various parts of the computer, it is closely connected to the various parts of the computer together, the various components through the motherboard for data transmission. That is to say, the computer is an important transportation hub in the motherboard, the stability of its work affects the stability of the whole machine.  2, CPU. CPU is the central processing unit, which is the core and the control core of a computer. Its function is mainly to explain the computer instructions and the data processing computer software. CPU consists of an arithmetic unit, a controller, a register, a cache, and the data, control, and the state of the connection between the data, the control, and the status of the bus. As the core of the whole system, CPU is the highest executive unit of the whole system, so CPU has become the core component of the computer performance, many users have to judge the grade of the computer as a standard.  3, memory. Memory is also called internal memory or random access memory (RAM), divided into DDR SDRAM and SDRAM memory, but SDRAM because of low capacity, slow storage speed, poor stability, has been out of the DDR) memory belonging to the electronic storage device, which is composed of a circuit board and chip, is characterized by small size, speed, electricity can be saved, empty without electricity, that is, the computer is in the boot state memory can store data, after the shutdown will be all of the data is automatically cleared. Ram has DDR, II DDR, III DDR three categories, capacity 1-64GB.  4, hard disk. Hard disk belongs to external memory, mechanical hard disk is made by the metal disk, and magnetic sheets are memory function, so storage to disk on data, whether in the boot or shutdown, all is not lost. Hard capacity is very large, has reached TB level, the size of 3.5, 2.5, 1.8, 1 inches, the interface has IDE, SATA, SCSI, SATA, the most common. Mobile hard disk is a hard disk as a storage medium, emphasizing the portability of storage products. On the market the vast majority of mobile hard disk is a standard hard drive based, and only a small part is to micro drive (1.8 Inch hard disk, etc.) as the foundation, but price factors determines the mainstream mobile hard disk or standard laptop hard drive based. Because the hard disk is used as a storage medium, the reading and writing mode of the data of the mobile hard disk is the same as the standard IDE hard disk. Mobile hard disk with USB, IEEE1394, and other fast transmission speed interface, can be high speed and system data transmission. A hard disk, composed of a control unit and a memory unit (FLASH chip), is a solid state electronic memory chip. Solid state hard disk in the product appearance and size are completely consistent with the general hard disk but the solid hard disk faster than the mechanical hard drive.  5, graphics cards. Graphics at work and display with output graphics, text, the role is computer system need to display information to convert the drive, and displays to provide line scanning signal and control the display of the display correctly, is connected to the display and the personal computer motherboard important element, man-machine conversation is one of the most important equipment.  电脑主机的五大硬件一般是指:主板、CPU、内存条、硬盘、显卡。这五大件直接影响电脑的性能。  1、主板。主板是电脑中各个部件工作的一个平台,它把电脑的各个部件紧密连接在一起,各个部件通过主板进行数据传输。也就是说,电脑中重要的“交通枢纽”都在主板上,它工作的稳定性影响着整机工作的稳定性。  2、CPU。CPU即中央处理器,是一台计算机的运算核心和控制核心。其功能主要是解释计算机指令以及处理计算机软件中的数据。CPU由运算器、控制器、寄存器、高速缓存及实现它们之间联系的数据、控制及状态的总线构成。作为整个系统的核心,CPU也是整个系统最高的执行单元,因此CPU已成为决定电脑性能的核心部件,很多用户都以它为标准来判断电脑的档次。  3、内存条。内存又叫内部存储器或者是随机存储器(RAM),分为DDR内存和SDRAM内存,(但是SDRAM由于容量低,存储速度慢,稳定性差,已经被DDR淘汰了)内存属于电子式存储设备,它由电路板和芯片组成,特点是体积小,速度快,有电可存,无电清空,即电脑在开机状态时内存中可存储数据,关机后将自动清空其中的所有数据。 内存有DDR、DDR II、DDR III三大类,容量1-64GB。  4、硬盘。硬盘属于外部存储器,机械硬盘由金属磁片制成,而磁片有记忆功能,所以储到磁片上的数据,不论在开机,还是关机,都不会丢失。硬盘容量很大,已达TB级,尺寸有3.5、2.5、1.8、1.0英寸等,接口有IDE、SATA、SCSI等,SATA最普遍。移动硬盘是以硬盘为存储介质,强调便携性的存储产品。市场上绝大多数的移动硬盘都是以标准硬盘为基础的,而只有很少部分的是以微型硬盘(1.8英寸硬盘等)为基础,但价格因素决定着主流移动硬盘还是以标准笔记本硬盘为基础。因为采用硬盘为存储介质,因此移动硬盘在数据的读写模式与标准IDE硬盘是相同的。移动硬盘多采用USB、IEEE1394等传输速度较快的接口,可以较高的速度与系统进行数据传输。固态硬盘用固态电子存储芯片阵列而制成的硬盘,由控制单元和存储单元(FLASH芯片)组成。固态硬盘在产品外形和尺寸上也完全与普通硬盘一致但是固态硬盘比机械硬盘速度更快。  5、显卡。显卡在工作时与显示器配合输出图形、文字,作用是将计算机系统所需要的显示信息进行转换驱动,并向显示器提供行扫描信号,控制显示器的正确显示,是连接显示器和个人电脑主板的重要元件,是“人机对话”的重要设备之一。
2023-07-31 07:13:121


3G, called the 3rd Generation, in Chinese refers to the meaning of the third generation of digital communications. Advent in 1995 of first-generation analog mobile phone system (1G) for voice calls only; 1996-1997 years the second generation of GSM, TDMA digital mobile phone standard (2G) will increase the function of receiving data, such as receiving e-mail or page; the third generation of the previous two generations is the main difference between voice and data transmission speed of the upgrade, it can be better at the global level to achieve seamless roaming, and to deal with images, music, video streaming and other forms of media ,Including web browsing, conference calls, e-commerce and other information services, taking into account also the second-generation system and has good compatibility. In order to provide such services, the wireless network must be able to support different data transfer rate, that is to say in the indoor, outdoor and vehicular environments, respectively, can support at least 2Mbps (megabits / second), 384kbps (kilobits / second) as well as the transmission speed of 144kbps. (This value will be in accordance with changes in network environment).A relatively standard first-generation analogue phones (1G) and second-generation GSM, TDMA digital mobile phones (2G), 3G communications in the name of diversity, the ITU as "IMT-2000" (International Mobile Telephone 2000) standards, the European telecommunications They said the giant as "UMTS" Universal Mobile Telecommunications System.3G standards, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is currently a total of four to determine the global 3G standards, which are WCDMA, CDMA2000 and TD-SCDMA and WiMAX.January 7, 2009 2:30 pm, the Ministry of industry and information technology in-house licenses held a small ceremony, 3G license officially issued. China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom respectively TD-SCDMA, CDMA2000 and WCDMA license.
2023-07-31 07:13:214


2023-07-31 07:13:543