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bea carpediem is not bad中文是什么意?

Bea.carpediem is not bad,比卡皮耶姆还不错。主系表结构。

Carpediem - Season的歌词 是08年一个韩国组合的歌曲,寻求韩文或者中文歌词

话说我也是在SONGTASTE上听到的。。原来是你发的~~ 正想找来看看,就发现这个提问了。。。 最好能做成LRC歌词~~




"Carpe diem" 是拉丁语,意为“抓住今天,及时行乐,活在当下。”如果一个女生发这个暗示,可能是想表达她珍惜与你在一起的时光,想要享受这份感觉并尽情地在一起。这可能暗示着她对这段关系的认真程度,并期望有更多愉快的时光和美好的回忆。然而,请注意,这个暗示的具体含义可能需要根据具体情境和语境来分析。在解读他人的暗示时,尽量保持开放和理解的态度,尊重他人的意愿,并建立良好的沟通。


"Carpe Diem" 是一句拉丁语,意思是“抓住今天,忘掉昨天和明天”。这句话通常被解释为“抓住机会,尽情享受此刻”。因此,如果女生发送 "Carpediem" 暗示,表明她可能想告诉你:现在就珍惜此时,把握机会,不要错过机会并好好享受此时此刻。 但是,在不同情境中,“Carpe Diem” 的含义也可能会有所不同,因此要看具体情况来确定其含义。


carpe diem的解释是抓住今天;及时行乐。短语“carpe diem”出自2000年前罗马诗人贺拉斯的《颂歌》。众所周知,这句话的意思就是抓住今天(seize the day)。“孩子们,要抓住今天。活得不同凡响。”在电影中扮演经常不按章法出牌的英语老师约翰·基廷的罗宾·威廉斯(Robin Williams)这样鼓励学生。这句短语及其背后的哲学对许多人的人生道路产生了深远的影响。我们时常把趁热打铁、迎难而上(以及诸如此类的一系列老生常谈)这些话挂在嘴边,德高望重的演员朱迪·丹奇(Judi Dench)甚至还在81岁寿诞时把这句格言纹在了自己的手腕上。大体而言,这种思路一直以来都鼓励我们要敢于用另类的眼光看待世界。及时行乐的人生探讨是否及时行乐,体现了一个人的价值取向和对生活的满足感。有的人有吃有住有喝就满足了,他不再继续努力,有了钱就去及时行乐;而有的人常常对自己比较克制,对自己要求很严格,她需要自己的生活和工作达到一定的标准以后,才允许自己去放松一下。我觉得及时行乐是没有什么错的,因为人的努力需要动力,当你努力到一定程度,及时去行乐一下,可以当作是对自己的奖励,有了这个奖励,才会更有动力奋斗下去。但绝对不能让及时行乐成为生活的主要内容,那样的话就是主次颠倒,本末倒置。人如果总是想要去行乐,一味的去及时行乐,那就是堕落、放纵,结果可想而知,你会离美好的生活和工作越来越远,你的人生会越来越糟糕。所以,及时行乐是正确的,但前提是一定要把握好度,让适当的及时行乐成为生活的调味剂,成为努力奋斗的强心针,才是最好的选择。




LinkedIn (领英) 创建于 2002 年,致力于向全球职场人士提供沟通平台,并协助他们事半功倍,发挥所长。作为全球最大的职业社交网站,LinkedIn 会员人数在世界范围内已超过 3 亿,美国《财富》世界500强公司均有高管加入。lead 有如下含义: vt. 领导; 引导; 指挥; vi. 导致; 领导; 用水砣测深; n. 铅; 领导; 榜样; 枪弹; [例句]1、John Major and the Duke of Edinburgh led the mourners.约翰·梅杰和爱丁堡公爵走在送葬队伍前面。2、He took Dickon by the hand to lead him into the house. 他牵着迪康的手把他领进屋。3、Hundreds of people are said to have blocked a main highway leading north. 据称有数百人堵住了一条往北的主干公路。4、He"s leading in the presidential race.他在总统竞选中领先。5、England took the lead after 31 minutes with a goal by Peter Nail. 英格兰队第31分钟由彼得·奈尔攻进一球,取得领先。6、His goal gave Forest a two-goal lead against Southampton.他的进球使森林队以两球领先南安普敦队。7、When it comes to pop music we not only lead Europe, we lead the world. 我们不仅引领欧洲而且引领着全球的流行音乐潮流。

in silico prediction 中的 in silico 怎么理解

in silico有电子的意思,表示计算机,in silico prediction就是计算机预测,还可以表示生物信息学,in silico prediction在生物医学中可以理解为生物信息学预测。

make a prediction 后面跟什么介词

prediction on

求英语作文!my prediction80字!急!学霸们加油,明天不交老师会杀了我!

My ambition is to be a writer. I want to be a famous writer, like Ke Aitao or Guo Jingming. I want to have many my own books. I want to live in Australia. Because Australia is a very beautiful country. There are so many beautiful beaches and kangaroos. I like them very much. I will have a big house near the sea. I hope to have a happy family. I hope to have a lovely baby. I hope to have a beautiful wife. My parents will be very happy and will be very kind to my child. They will be very good grandparents.

英语作文:my prediction about the future

 Everyone of us is thinking about the future. What is mine? I have decided become a middle school teacher . Does it sound surprising?  I had his dream when I was only a child. I love children . I don"t think to deal with them all years round is just wasting time . On the contrary , to me it would mean happiness . As we all can see, teachers are badly needed in our country, but not many of us want to become teachers. One of the main reasons for this is that teachers work too hard but get too little . In spite of that, I"m determined to devote all my life to the cause of education.

python 时间序列模型中forecast和predict的区别

举一个例子吧,比如月度的数据,就是周期为12,它有季节影响。 先对其1阶12步差分,通过看acf pac f看是简单加法模型,还是乘法季节模型 如果是乘法模型那就要对季节部分模拟arima模型 季节部分的arima是以周期位置的acf pacf


你这样运行程序不会报错?i=2;j=3;修正:if prediction_l[n]~=1 改为 if prediction_l(n)~=1要是还不行,发完整的代码上来,给你看看原因:[]与()是2个完全不同的代码求提问者采纳



make a prediction

make a prediction 做预测; [例句]He was unwilling to make a prediction about which books would sell in the coming year他不愿意预测来年哪些书会有销路。


prophesy / u02c8pru0254fu0259sau026a; ˋprɑfu0259u02cfsau026a/ v (pt, pp -sied) [I, Ip] ~ (of sth) foretell future events; speak as a prophet; make prophecies 预告未来; 作预言. [Tn, Tf, Tw] say (what will happen in the future); foretell 预告(某事); 预言: He prophesied the strange events that were to come. 他预言要有怪事发生. * They prophesied correctly that the Conservatives would win the election. 他们预言保守党人在选举中获胜, 果然不出所料. * He refused to prophesy when the economy would begin to improve. 他不愿推测经济何时好转. 永顺织带,助你发达! cnBeta - 精彩IT “文明用语” 21世纪英汉汉英双向词典 prophesy proph.e.sy[`prɑfu0259u02ccsaI; ˋpru0252fisai]《prophecy 的动词》及物动词1 预言,预告~ a storm预告暴风雨2 a. 预言<…事>He prophesied that war would break out.他预言战争将爆发b. 预言We cannot ~ what may happen.我们无法预言会发生什么不及物动词预言predict / pru026au02c8du026akt; pru026aˋdu026akt/ v [Tn, Tf, Tw] say in advance that (sth) will happen; forecast 预言(某事物)将发生; 预报; 预告: The earthquake had been predicted several months before. 这次地震早在几个月以前就发布了预报. * She predicted that the improvement would continue. 她预测情况将继续好转. * It is impossible to predict who will win. 要预测出谁将获胜是不可能的.> predictable / -u0259bl; -u0259bl/ adj (a) that can be predicted可预言的; 可预报的: predictable behaviour, results, weather 可预料的行为、 结果、 天气. (b) (often derog 常作贬义) (of a person) behaving in a way that can be predicted (指人)举动可以料到的: I knew you"d say that you"re so predictable! 我早就知道你会这样说--果不其然! * Opposition to the proposal came from predictablequarters. 对这项提案的反对意见来自那些早经料到会持反对态度的人. predictability / pru026au02cfdu026aktu0259u02c8bu026alu0259tu026a; pru026au02cfdu026aktu0259ˋbu026alu0259tu026a/ n [U]. predictably adv.prediction / pru026au02c8du026aku0283n; pru026aˋdu026aku0283u0259n/ n [U] (action of) predicting 预言; 预报; 预告. [C] forecast or prophesy 预言; 预报; 预告: Do you take seriously his prediction of a government defeat? 他预料政府要受挫, 你认为这话靠得住吗?predictor n person, instrument, etc that predicts 进行预测或预报的人、 仪器等; 预言者; 预测器. 李阳英语官方网站 英语同步班 中国程序员技术问答社区 21世纪英汉汉英双向词典 predict pre.dict[prI`dIkt; priˋdikt]《源自拉丁文“预先说”的意思》及物动词1 预言,预告,预报,预测(→ foretell 【同义字】)The weather forecast ~s sunshine for tomorrow.天气预报预测明天天晴2 a. 预言<…事>They ~ed [It was ~ed ] that there would be an earthquake.他们预言会有地震b. 预言He ~ed when war would break out.他预言战争何时会爆发

英语作文《my prediction》怎么写

My ambition is to be a writer. I want to be a famous writer, like Ke Aitao or Guo Jingming. I want to have many my own books. I want to live in Australia. Because Australia is a very beautiful country. There are so many beautiful beaches and kangaroos. I like them very much. I will have a big house near the sea. I hope to have a happy family. I hope to have a lovely baby. I hope to have a beautiful wife. My parents will be very happy and will be very kind to my child. They will be very good grandparents. I predict that I will be very happy and will have many good friends. When I am a man. I hope to have a lot of money. I will help poor people. I will buy a big car for my parents. I will buy a big house for my parents, too. I will go on a trip to the U. S. with my family. I hope that some of my classmates will be my friends when we are older! I will work hard at school. I will read many famous books. I will be good at reading. I hope I can make my dream come true.



you prediction 这里写什么(be) righe?

你好这个句子是 Your prediction ___ (be) right.要填be动词的适当形式, 主语是 yourprediction , your表示你的, prediction是动词predict的名词形式, 表示预测,your prediction是第三人称单数, 所以be动词也要用三单形式, 句子时态是一般现在时, 填 is,如果时态是一般过去时, 则填was,所以填 is或者 was都可以, 句意是,你的预测是对的。 请采纳 !







名词形式是 prediction;形容词:predictablev.预测; 预言; 预报; 预告;[例句]It is impossible to predict what the eventual outcome will be.无法预测最终结果。[其他]第三人称单数:predicts 现在分词:predicting 过去式:predicted 过去分词:predicted


prediction 指预言,预报。prophet 指先知,预言者。




predict 及物动词 vt.& 不及物动词 vi. 1.预言; 预测; 预示; 预告; 预报 They predicted great things for the boy. 他们预言这孩子有出息. I predicted their getting into trouble. 我料到他们会倒霉. I cannot predict when to meet her again. 我无法预测什么时候会再见到她. She predicted that he would marry a doctor. 她预言他会同一位医生结婚. prediction 英 [pru026au02c8du026aku0283n] 美 [pru026au02c8du026aku0283u0259n] n.[气]预测,预报;预言;预言的事物 预测; 预报; 预察; 预估 复数:predictions 1.Not many people agree with the government"s prediction that the economy will improve. 没有多少人赞同 *** 认为经济将会有所改善的预测. 2.This great prediction is ing true. 这一伟大的预言即将成为事实. 3.The prediction has unfortunately e ture. 不幸而言中. 4.Li Mei-t"ing"s prediction about the marriage was not confirmed either. 李梅亭关于结婚的预言也没有证实. 5.Weather prediction has never been a perfect science. 天气预报从来都不是完美的科学.


They spoke about a prediction in the field.他们谈论了这个领域当中的一个预言。也就是说,它是个可数名词。


prediction如果当“多种预测,多种语言”讲时,可以看做是可数名词。复数后面+s,变为 predictions。除此以外,prediction是不可数名词。 扩展资料   例句:   Weather prediction has never been a perfect science。   天气预报从来都不是一门准确无误的.科学。   Browning"s prediction is no better than a wild guess。   布朗宁的预言只不过是胡乱猜测而已。   These results accord closely with our predictions。   这些结果和我们的预测相当一致。   Many of his predictions are coming true。   他的许多预言都在成为现实。


prediction的动词是:predict。释义:预言之事,预报之事;预测(行为)。变形:复数predictions。短语:prediction model预测模型;推算模型。earthquake prediction地震预报。prediction error预测误差。prediction algorithm预测算法。linear prediction线性预测;线性预报。weather prediction天气预报。相关例句:1、His prediction was right on the money.他的预测准确无误。2、Weather prediction has never been a perfect science.天气预报从来都不是一门准确无误的科学。3、Browning"s prediction is no better than a wild guess.布朗宁的预言只不过是胡乱猜测而已。4、Not many people agree with the government"s prediction that the economy will improve.没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。5、This is my prediction.这是我的预测。

prediction怎么读 prediction意思介绍

1、prediction,英式读音为:[pru026au02c8du026aku0283n],美式读音为:[pru026au02c8du026aku0283n],意思是预言;预测;预告。 2、示例: (1)Its difficult to make accurate predictions about the effects on the environment.很难准确预测对环境产生的影响。 (2)Skilled readers make use of context and prediction.阅读能力强的人会利用上下文及推测来理解文意。 (3)Not many people agree with the governments prediction that the economy will improve.没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。

英语高手进来啊~ 为什么这个句子prediction不加S ?


英语高手进来啊~ 为什么这个句子prediction不加S ?

prediction既可作可数也可做不可数,参见朗文词典:prediction pre·dic·tion /pru026au02c8du026aku0283u0259n/ n [U and C] a statement about what you think is going to happen, or the act of making this statementprediction of predictions of a Republican victory The data can be used to make useful economic predictions .而any后面一般是跟单数,像every一样,所以不用加s

hypothesis and prediction 有什么不一样?

前面那个是假设的意思hypothesis [hai"p00θisis] n. 1. 假说,假设 2. (假言命题的)前件,(有条件命题的)前提 3. 推测,猜想;设想 近义词: theory . 后面那个是预测的意思,区别比较大吧。。。prediction [pri"dik0605n] n. 1. 预言;预测;预报 2. 预言(预测)的事物




ropheciesn.预言,预言能力( prophecy的名词复数 )predictions英 [pru026a"du026aku0283nz] 美 [pru026a"du026aku0283nz] n.预言,预言的事物( prediction的名词复数 )


anticipation预期, 预想; 期待; 希望预用, 预备prediction预 言; 预言的事物

guessing和prediction的区别 先说区别在说例句 呵呵

guessing 是猜测,动名词 prediction是预言.



prediction & forecasting的区别




prediction 如果当“多种预测,多种语言”讲时,可以看做是可数名词。复数后面+s, 变为predictions.希望可以帮到你望采纳




He predicted that an earthquake was imminent.这里是及物动词。预言,预报(vt.)。许多动词加ion后表现为名词。预言,预报(n.)My optimistic predictions came true.




climate prediction 气候预报;oceanic prediction 海况预报,海况预测。 扩展资料 prediction的词性是名词,具有“语言、预测、预告”的意思,其中语言、预报是属于可数名词的意思,被语言的.食物是不可数名词的意思,比如climate prediction 气候预报;oceanic prediction 海况预报,海况预测。


按照我翻译的电子邮件内容来看,应该是有关外国人员驻我国的一个办事机构的名词。 馆长办公室估计是这个机构的BOSS的办公室吧~~ 办公厅


prediction,如果当“多种预测,多种语言”讲时,可以看做是可数名词。复数后面+s,变为 predictions.除此以外,prediction是不可数名词。prediction 英[pru026au02c8du026aku0283n] 美[pru026au02c8du026aku0283n] 1、prediction英 [pru026au02c8du026aku0283n] 美 [pru026au02c8du026aku0283u0259n] n.预言;[气]预测,预报;预言的事物。Weather prediction has never been a perfect science. 天气预报从来都不是完美的科学。2、predictions英 [pru026a"du026aku0283nz] 美 [pru026a"du026aku0283nz] n.预言,预言的事物( prediction的名词复数 )。Many of his predictions are coming true 他的多种预言正成为现实。




prediction英 [ pru026au02c8du026aku0283n ] 美 [ pru026au02c8du026aku0283u0259n ]n.[气]预测,预报; 预言; 预言的事物例句1.Browning"s prediction is no better than a wild guess.勃朗宁的预测不过是妄加猜测而已。2.Not many people agree with the government"s prediction that the economy will improve.没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。3.This great prediction is coming true.这一伟大的预言即将成为事实.

exclusive edition是什么意思


exclusive edition是什么牌子

是奔驰S级轿跑版/敞篷版Exclusive Edition特别版车。奔驰S级轿跑版/敞篷版的Exclusive Edition车型配备带有施华洛世奇水晶的LED前大灯组,同时消费者可以选择2种专有的车身颜色:宝石红色与霰(xiàn)石银色。根据车身颜色的不同,新车所配备的19英寸双色铝合金轮圈也将拥有不同的颜色搭配,包括喜马拉雅灰色与铥(diū)银色两种。消费者还可选装由AMG出品的20英寸轮圈。此外,针对于S级敞篷版的Exclusive Edition车型,该车的软顶颜色也包括米黄色和暗红色两种。奔驰S级轿车是德国戴姆勒集团旗下品牌梅赛德斯-奔驰推出的豪华车。其上承梅赛德斯-奔驰百多年来的精湛造车艺术,下启源源不绝的科技革新,在安全性、汽车工程和环境保护方面,具备了超过三十多种先进的增强性设备,是令人信赖的优秀座驾。每一细部都经过精密的设计与打造,无论在驾驶性、豪华外表和安全性方面,都达到了顶峰的水平。它配置了尖端的主动安全防护系统(PRE-SAFE),率先实现了“现实安全概念”,可预先觉察危险并立即作出预防。

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selfish medina 歌词

Medina SelfishI"m gonna take you with me to vanilla sky"s*Embrace me I"m gonna take you oh so highI wanna use you up i want to exploreSo when I"m done with you I know your gonna beg for moreWhatever I want whatever I need I"m gunna take ya take ya take yaWhatever I want whatever I need I"m gunna take ya take ya take yaCause I"m selfishI got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountainCause I"m selfishI got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountainWhen I tell you to stand over there better be preparedBecause I won"t tell you twice no I won"t tell you twiceCause I"m a queen on my throne and I get anything I wantSo when I tell you to stand over there be preparedWhatever I want whatever I need I"m gonna take ya take ya take yaWhatever I crave insidious taste I"m wanna take yaCause I"m selfishI got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountainCause I"m selfishI got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountainI slowly ware you down and weaken all your sensesAnd there"s no disguise its clear your losing your religion to me...to meI"m selfish yeahCause I"m selfishBaby I got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountainCause I"m selfishI"m so selfish babyI got an ego as high as a mountainI"m selfishI got an ego as big as a mountain

Legends (Andy Bradfield Remix) (Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Legends (Andy Bradfield Remix) (Edit)歌手:Sacred Spirit专辑:LegendsMadina Lake - LegendsI watch the sun fall down to kill the dayAnother part of me just went up in flamesBecause I"m bored and dumb and dying to changeIt"s the simple life driving me insaneThen you explode in my headAnd now you"re all over meI come alive with youYou know you set me freeLet"s go!Let"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before usYou and me, we hit the streetsBecause the thrill of living gives me energyI wanna steal a car and rob a bankI wanna find a cure that will save the worldBecause our lives are going up in flamesAs we watch like it"s a movieI come alive with youYou"re like the drug inside of my headLet"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before usI open up like a window for youSo come on in and destroy me like you doYou come on in after midnight for meAnd drag me out while the city falls asleepMartyrs and kingsHeroes and thievesWe"re chasing dreams like every legend before usLet"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before usLet"s burn this town right to the groundAnd we"ll go down like every legend before usWe"ll part the seas, make historyWhile chasing dreams like every legend before ushttp://music.baidu.com/song/3468994






ich liebe dich : [德]我爱你

Computer Graphics with OpenGL Third Edition 求本书源代码。


it was urgent that he ____ her immediately

It is urgent that sb (should) do sth.should可以省略此用法同 it is high time/important/necessary/natural...that sb should do...

committed dedicated作“奉献”义时有什么用法上的不同!!

committed commit[kE5mit]vt.(committed; committing)犯(错误, 罪行); 干(坏事)委托(to)对...作出保证; 承诺; 把...提交给; 把...押交〔拘留, 判处〕使...承担任务; 使表态调配...供使用; 指定...用于使(部队)投入战斗约束; 连累commit an error做错事commit a crime犯罪commit suicide自杀commit one"s soul to God将自己的灵魂托与上帝commit him to jail将他监禁commit one million dollars worth of iron and steel in capital construction调拨价值一百万美元的钢铁用于基本建设He would not commit himself in any way.他不愿作任何承诺。Our brigade will be committed at dawn.我们旅黎明就要投入战斗。commit oneself on对...表态commit oneself to委身于, 专心致志于dedicateddedicatedAHD:[d礵摴-k硵t筪]D.J.:[6dedi7keitid]K.K.:[6dWd!7ket!d] adj.Wholly committed to a particular course of thought or action; devoted: 献身的全心全意地交付给一特定的想法或行动的;一心一意的:a dedicated musician.富有献身精神的音乐家Designed for a particular use or function: 专用的为某一特定的用途或功能而设计的:揟he satellite beams the information down to Earth, where it is sent through dedicated telephone wires to the Space Telescope Science Institute?Boston Globe)“卫星把信息传送到地球上后,通过专用电话线发送到空间望远镜科学研究机构”(波士顿环球)dedicate[5dedikeit]vt.献给, 献身, 致力专门用于供奉; 题词(为建筑物、展览会等)举行落成仪式捐赠dedicate a book to a certain person将(所著的书)题献给某人The mayor dedicated the World Fair yesterday.昨天市长主持了世界博览会的开幕式。be dedicated to...献身于...dedicate oneself to...献身于...dedicate one"s life to...献身于...dedicate ... to sb.把(作品)奉献给某人

it is extraordinary that a young lady should be interested in herbal medicine。翻译,并说区分


I Gotta Feeling (Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:I Gotta Feeling (Edit)歌手:The Black Eyed Peas专辑:Tony Fenton"s 50 Favourite No. 1sI Gotta FeelingThe Black Eyed PeasI gotta a feelingthat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good nightthe feelingThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good nightthe feelingTonight"s the night nightLet"s live it upI got my moneyLet"s spend it upGo out and smash itLike Oh My Godump off that sofaLet"s get get OFFI know that we"ll have a ballIf we get downAnd go outAnd just loose it allI feel stressed outI wanna let it goLets go way out spaced outAnd loosing all controlFill up my cupMozoltovLook at her dancingJust take it offLets paint the townWe"ll shut it downLet"s burn the roofAnd then we"ll do it againLets Do it ...Let"s live it upLets Do it ...I gotta a feelingthat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good nightthe feelingThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good nightthe feelingTonight"s the nightLet"s live it upI got my moneyLets spend it upGo out and smash itLike Oh My GodJump off that sofaLets get get OFFFill up my cup (Drink)Mozolotov (Lahyme)Look at her dancing (Move it Move it)Just take it offLets paint the townWe"ll shut it downLets burn the roofAnd then we"ll do it againLets do it...Let"s live it upLets do it...Here we comeHere we goWe gotta rockEasy comeEasy goNow we on topFeel the shotBody rockRock it don"t stopRound and roundUp and downAround the clockMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursayFridaySaturdaySaturday & SundayYou know what we sayParty everydayParty everydayAnd I gotta a feelingthat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good nightthe fleelingThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good nightThat tonight"s gonna be a good good nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/29761153

Medicine 这个杂志影响因子多少

Rank Title Impact Factor 1 NEW ENGL J MED 54.42 2 LANCET 39.207 3 JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC 30.387 4 BMJ-BRIT MED J 16.378 5 ANN INTERN MED 16.104 6 PLOS MED 14 7 ARCH INTERN MED 13.246 8 J CACHEXIA SARCOPENI 7.413 9 BMC MED 7.276 10 COCHRANE DB SYST REV 5.939 11 MAYO CLIN PROC 5.812 12 CAN MED ASSOC J 5.808 13 J INTERN MED 5.785 14 AM J MED 5.302 15 MEDICINE 4.867 16 ANN MED 4.733 17 ANN FAM MED 4.57 18 AM J PREV MED 4.281 19 TRANSL RES 4.044 20 BRIT MED BULL 3.953 21 MED J AUSTRALIA 3.789 22 DTSCH ARZTEBL INT 3.608 23 J GEN INTERN MED 3.423 24 CLEV CLIN J MED 3.37 25 PREV MED 2.932 26 PALLIATIVE MED 2.845 27 EUR J CLIN INVEST 2.834 28 MED CLIN N AM 2.804 29 J PAIN SYMPTOM MANAG 2.737 30 AM J CHINESE MED 2.625 31 INT J CLIN PRACT 2.538 32 AMYLOID 2.51 33 QJM-INT J MED 2.461 34 INTERN EMERG MED 2.41 35 CURR MED RES OPIN 2.372 36 BRIT J GEN PRACT 2.356 37 EUR J INTERN MED 2.3 38 PANMINERVA MED 2.276 39 PAIN MED 2.243 40 NETH J MED 2.211 41 AM J MANAG CARE 2.166 42 J HOSP MED 2.081 43 BMJ OPEN 2.063 44 POL ARCH MED WEWN 2.052 45 J ROY SOC MED 2.019 46 J URBAN HEALTH 1.943 47 J WOMENS HEALTH 1.896 48 ARCH MED SCI 1.89 49 SWISS MED WKLY 1.877 50 J AM BOARD FAM MED 1.848 51 FAM PRACT 1.842 52 AM FAM PHYSICIAN 1.818 53 BMC FAM PRACT 1.735 54 SAMJ S AFR MED J 1.712 55 UPSALA J MED SCI 1.708 56 INTERN MED J 1.699 57 J FORMOS MED ASSOC 1.695 58 CLIN MED 1.685 59 INDIAN J MED RES 1.661 60 SCAND J PRIM HEALTH 1.61 61 CHRONIC DIS CAN 1.6 62 J EVAL CLIN PRACT 1.58 63 MT SINAI J MED 1.563 64 GENDER MED 1.554 65 INT J MED SCI 1.552 66 POSTGRAD MED J 1.549 67 POSTGRAD MED 1.537 68 J TRAVEL MED 1.525 69 AM J MED SCI 1.515 70 J INVEST MED 1.503 71 PATIENT PREFER ADHER 1.491 72 CLINICS 1.422 73 CAN FAM PHYSICIAN 1.403 74 CROAT MED J 1.373 75 LIBYAN J MED 1.333 76 REV MED INTERNE 1.323 77 REV CLIN ESP 1.314 78 TOHOKU J EXP MED 1.283 79 YONSEI MED J 1.263 80 J KOREAN MED SCI 1.253 81 MED CLIN-BARCELONA 1.252 82 ANN ACAD MED SINGAP 1.221 83 MINERVA MED 1.202 84 PRESSE MED 1.173 85 SOUTH MED J 1.116 86 MED PRIN PRACT 1.113 87 ARCH IRAN MED 1.108 88 CHINESE MED J-PEKING 1.016 89 DAN MED BULL 1.009 90 J POSTGRAD MED 0.972 91 INTERNAL MED 0.967 92 REV ASSOC MED BRAS 0.915 93 ISR MED ASSOC J 0.903 94 ATEN PRIM 0.894 95 MED PROBL PERFORM AR 0.893 96 J CHIN MED ASSOC 0.889 97 FAM MED 0.851 98 TURK J MED SCI 0.841 99 PRIMARY CARE 0.833 100 J ROY ARMY MED CORPS 0.811 101 EUR J GEN PRACT 0.81 102 WIEN KLIN WOCHENSCHR 0.791 103 AVIAT SPACE ENVIR MD 0.782 104 J FAM PRACTICE 0.735 105 INT J OSTEOPATH MED 0.727 106 ANN SAUDI MED 0.705 107 SAO PAULO MED J 0.703 108 AUST FAM PHYSICIAN 0.668 109 AFR HEALTH SCI 0.662 110 SINGAP MED J 0.634 111 DAN MED J 0.612 112 J RES MED SCI 0.608 113 J NIPPON MED SCH 0.588 114 IRISH J MED SCI 0.573 115 SAUDI MED J 0.554 116 DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR 0.55 117 SCOT MED J 0.543 118 DM-DIS MON 0.535 119 MED LITH 0.508 120 IRAN RED CRESCENT ME 0.504 121 BRATISL MED J 0.446 122 ACTA CLIN CROAT 0.421 123 MEDICINA-BUENOS AIRE 0.421 124 MED KLIN-INTENSIVMED 0.418 125 NIGER J CLIN PRACT 0.414 126 J PAK MED ASSOC 0.403 127 AUST PRESCR 0.381 128 REV MED CHILE 0.373 129 BRIT J HOSP MED 0.366 130 HIPPOKRATIA 0.355 131 JCPSP-J COLL PHYSICI 0.318 132 ACTA MEDICA PORT 0.281 133 W INDIAN MED J 0.28 134 INTERNIST 0.271 135 MED KLIN 0.269 136 VOJNOSANIT PREGL 0.269 137 B ACAD NAT MED PARIS 0.216 138 CENT EUR J MED 0.209 139 LAEKNABLADID 0.207 140 GAC MED MEX 0.191 141 TERAPEVT ARKH 0.188 142 J NEPAL MED ASSOC 0.174 143 BALK MED J 0.169 144 SRP ARK CELOK LEK 0.169 145 MED SPORT 0.125 146 KUWAIT MED J 0.098 147 PAK J MED SCI 0.098 148 NOBEL MED 0.091 149 COLOMB MEDICA 0.077 150 JAMA INTERN MED 0再补充一个 Medicine影响因子 IF:4.867

outstanding credit是什么意思


medical consultation是什么意思


Limited Edition 是什么手表?

Limited Edition : 限量发行/发售 不是手表的名称.

limited edition是什么意思

limited edition英 [u02c8limitid iu02c8diu0283u0259n] 美 [u02c8lu026amu026atu026ad u026au02c8du026au0283u0259n]n.发行额有限的限定版限量款;限量版;限量发行;限定版复数: limited editions 双语例句1. The edition is limited to 10000 copies priced twelve dollars. 这个版本限出10000册,价格为12美元.2. But I still want my limited edition kettle of NVIDIA. 不过我还是想要我NVIDIA的限量版水壶.3. This new Limited Edition artworks set limit to 35 editions for sale. 本次尤伦斯艺术商店推出的限量版艺术品共35版.4. A limited edition, the car makes use of two aluminium detachable panels. 限量版, 这款车采用两种铝可拆卸顶板的使用.5. These are limited edition chairs and hence are not cheap. 这些椅子是限量版的,肯定很贵.

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Medicated Lip Protectant是什么意思

Medicated Lip Protectant药效护唇膏medicated英 [u02c8medu026akeu026atu026ad]adj.含药物的,药制的v.用药医治,加入药物( medicate的过去式和过去分词 )Lip脂物派生词:lipless lip-like lipped protectant英 [pru0259"tektu0259nt] 美 [pru0259"tektu0259nt]n.杀虫剂

be dedicated to是什么意思及用法

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The Incredibles 歌词

歌曲名:The Incredibles歌手:Lunatica专辑:New ShoresEditor:MelodySeekerOnce upon a time there was a planet so tiny and blueIt was perfect place to beBut one life form on it wanted moreBut they don"t see that it"s half past twelveTo run a blind eye is the easier wayAs lone as they feel safe in their bedsThere"s no need to wake up from their dreamBut the truth no longer hidesThey must see what they"ll leave behindWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightNow the planet is striking backAnd, of course, the lamenting is bigGlobal warming, pollution as wellIs no enough to make them understandThat now is the time to changeTheir behavior and world"s fateWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things rightWake up. mankind, your time is running outGive your children the chance to makes things righthttp://music.baidu.com/song/15560119



Ledisi的《Bravo》 歌词

《Bravo》歌手:Ledisi发行时间:2014-01-13所属专辑:《Pieces Of Me》I"ve got a new walkAnd a new point of viewA new purpose for everything I do.I got a new rule on me.Real folks around me.If you"re wondering I"m about to tell you now.See, it"s the same pretty face, but a brand new smile.Same Ledisi, but she ain"t walking. She"s flying.New game. Making big moves.You see if love found me it can surely find you.I ain"t even got one sad tear left in me.All I really want to is to see the whole world stand up tonight.Take off aye.Celebrate life.It don"t matter who you are (or where you from)If you been working hard,give yourself a round of applause.Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Come on clap for yourself.Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Yeah. YeahThere ain"t a wrong time.Or a wrong place to flaunt.If you feel good then go on and show it off.They can say what they wanna.Just let em try.I don"t listen. Baby, lemme tell you why.See, it"s the same pretty woman with the brand new smile.Same Ledisi. But she ain"t walking, she"s flying.New game. Making big moves.You see if love found me it can surely find you.I ain"t even got one sad tear left in me.All I really want is to see the whole world stand up tonight.Take off aye.Yeah, we celebrating life.It don"t matter who you are (or where you from)If you been working hard,give yourself a round of applause.Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Come on clap for yourself.Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Yeah. Yeah.So, ladies put your best dress on.Get your hair done.Do it real big. It"s a celebration.Fellas, come on.Everyone.Lemme hear you clap now if this is your one.I ain"t even got one sad tear left in me.All I want is to see the whole world stand up tonight.Take off aye.We celebrating life.It don"t matter who you are (or where you from)If you been working hard,give yourself a round of applause.Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Come on clap for yourself.Bravo. Bravo. Bravo. Yeah. Yeah.Bravo. Bravo. BravoBravo. Bravo. BravoLedisi的其他热歌01I Miss You Now02I Blame You03Pieces Of Me04The Rain05Alright06Ain"t Gonna Miss U When U"r..07Alone08The One09We Are One10Coffee


Stable Dlf fusion原理让每个人都看懂AI绘画基本原理在我们去逛C站的过程中我们知道, Stable Diffusion可用模型有两类:(1) safe tensors:safe tensors文件是用numpy保存的, 这意味着它们只包含张量数据, 没有任何代码, 加载.safe tensors文件更安全和快速。供调用的AI绘图大模型。(2) ck pt:ck pt文件是用pickle序列化的, 这意味着它们可能包含恶意代码, 如果你不信任模型来源, 加载.ck pt文件可能会危及你的安全。这里大家简单了解,在C站下载模型的时候,优先下载.safe tensors即可03大模型微调技术Dream booth是google在2022年8月提出的一种新的图像算法,其方法可以完整的获得你想要的模型的视觉特征,它的提出既不是为了训练人物也不是为了训练画风,而是为了能在少量训练图像的基础上完美的还原细节特征。大家来看下图,是在当时微软研发大会上(如果我没记错的话)发布这个模型的时候对细节特征的描绘:03大模型微调技术1.为什么要进行大模型微调?刚刚上文我们介绍的Unet模型是SD中最重要的模型网络, 内部包含上亿个参数,要训练这样一个超大的模型,大概需要15亿个图像文本, 使用256张A 100显卡跑15万个GPU小时, 大概成本是60万美元,我们设计师不能像程序员那样动不动就调函数参数训练模型(主要是不会)。那咋整?上面我们讲到UNET泛用性极强, 泛用性极强就会带来风格化不足,可能无法满足特定风格的需要。所以我们往往会对UNET大模型进行微调, 让他更符合我们的使用场景。接下来我将要给大家介绍模型微调技术。也就是大家之后在Stable Diffusion里常用的训练方法, 今天不会讲具体怎么训练,我只会给大家讲原理,讲明白了原理,大家在自学训练方法的时候则更容易理解。2.大模型微调需要解决的两个问题所有的大模型微调技术,都是基于要解决以下两个问题:(1)如何减少训练参数,提高训练效率和生成图像的质量;(2)如何解决模型泛化性差的问题;a.过拟合(Overfitting) 是指微调模型对原始模型的语义理解程度发生了变化,整体训练出现语义漂移的现象:比如有一只猫, 名字叫jojo, 我拍了他的几十张照片, 一直用a jojo cat这个名字来强化模型对这只猫的认知, 等以后我输入a jojo cat的时候确实能出现想要的这只猫, 但是我输入a cat的时候则出现的画面会很怪异, 这就说明cat这个词被污染了, 出现了过度拟合的现象。b.欠拟合(Under fitting) 是无法识别这一特征, 比如它就完全识别不出jojo和cat的关系, 这往往是训练样本量不足或者训练样本质量等因素导致,属于训练无效。好,那么我们来看下常见的大模型微调技术都有哪些,以及他们是如何解决上面两个问题的。我们常见的大模型微调技术就是以下这四个:Dream booth/LoRA/Embedding/Hyper network, 这在我们后续学习Stable Diffusion过程中会经常用到, 相信大家都已经或多或少了解一点了,接下来就带大家揭开他们神秘的面纱。3.Dream booth:我们先来看Dream booth是怎么解决过拟合这个问题的:Dream booth要求我们在训练过程中,“特征词+类别”和“类别”成对出现,解决过拟合的问题;比如之前提到的我如果想训练这只叫JOJO的猫的模型, 又不能让它跟“猫”这个词过度拟合,我们可以采用的这样的输入方法。这样的话AI就能识别到:JOJO cat is a cat named jojo。我们说过CLIP模型是Text Encoder算法的一种,Text Encoder主要是把自然语义prompt转变为词特性向量Embedding, 所以我们可以针对我们的Prompt到向量的这个映射过程进行训练,去修改他们之间的映射记录关系,从而达到训练特定的人或物的效果,由于他生成的是一套纯文字映射记录,所以体积非常小,一般只有几百k。举个实际应用的例子,比如下面这个人物大家都很熟悉,是守_望先锋里的Dva:Dream booth优点是:可以将视觉特征完美融入;Dream booth缺点是:需要调整UNet所有内部参数, 训练时间长,模型体积大。4.LoRA(大模型的低秩适配器) :讲完了Dream booth之后我们来讲一下LoRA, 相信大家都听过这个词了,一定对它非常感兴趣对不对?正因为LoRA他的插入层较少, 他相较于Dream booth, 可以把训练参数降低1000倍, 对CPU的要求也会下降三倍, 所以训练出来的LoRA模型就会非常小, 一般大家在C站下载过就知道,往往他们只有几十m,而一个大模型往往有几个g,所以他在我们日常工作中变得非常常用。大家作为新手学习的时候, 可以理解Lora是在原有模型上添加一个“滤镜”,让这个底模往我们期望的效果走。如下图所示,我用了一个rev Animated(一个偏动漫的底模型) , 当我们Prompt不变的情况下, 加了一个盲盒效果的LoRA之后, 相当于是给这个底模型上了一个滤镜,让整体底模型出来的效果往盲盒方向偏重:5.Embedding(Text In version) :接下来我们来讲一下Embedding, Embedding也叫Text in version(大家在C站下载的时候注意, 他主要是用于训练特定的人或物) , 它反映的是一个Prompt与对应向量的映射记录关系的算法,可以用于训练特定的人或物。还记得上面讲我们的咒语是如何起作用的时候的这张图么?举个实际应用的例子,比如下面这个人物大家都很熟悉,是守望先锋里的Dva:如果我们要通过描述她的特征去把她描述出来, 可能要几千个prompt tag才行, 那我如果每次想生成Dva 都要再打一次这么多prompt肯定不科学, 这时候我们可以把这一串tag打包映射成一个新的词汇叫OW_Dva。由于这个词是我们自创的, 在CLIP映射集合里找不到对应的映射关系, 所以CLIP会默认给他创建一个新的映射空间, 经过一系列训练之后,我们后续就可以通过输入一个简单的词汇来完成一系列tag的打包效果。6.Hyper network:最后我们来看一下Hyper network, 他作为一种即将要被Lora 淘汰了的技术,我们大概略讲一下他的原理就好了。大家先看下图, 我们来总结一下三种技术的原理和在UNET中的使用范围:Dream booth调整了整个UNET的函数和参数, 所以他体积最大,适用范围最全,但是训练难度和训练耗时和成本最大。LoRA只将训练参数注入到了部分Transform ar函数中, 所以他不改变原模型,即插即用,模型大小也可控,是我们后续学习的重点。而Hyper network, 大家看图, 他是新建了一个单独的神经网络模型, 插入到原UNet模型的中间层。在训练过程中, 冻结所有参数,只训练插入部分,从而使输出图像与输入指令之间产生关联关系,同时只改变原模型的一小块内容。从这个原理的描述上, 大家就能发现, Hyper network这种方法更适合用于训练某种画风,比如像素画之类的,大家在C站能找到的Hyper network模型也几乎都是画风训练的, 但是不是说他不能训练别的, 它也是可以训练人物的, 就是比LoRA 麻烦一点。总之, 他几乎是一个在国内几乎要被LoRA淘汰的技术(注意是国内,注意是几乎,杠精别杠),大家去知乎什么的看paper, 关于Hyper Networks的相关paper都在2022年前,所以大家就也把他当成一个”滤镜“来理解即可。最后说一下声明:在本文中为了方便大家通俗理解,作者对算法原理进行了某种程度的简化,并不能代表模型函数运行的100%实质(防杠)。

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