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Oracle中“execute immediate”是什么意思?

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 一般用于 执行动态 SQL例如:SQL> BEGIN2 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ( "SELECT * FROM test_dysql WHERE id=1" );3 END;4 /PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. execute immediate 是用于在 存储过程里面. 动态的执行 SQL 语句。例如:有个存储过程, 用于检索表的行数。 传入的参数是 表的名称。这种情况下,你SELECT count(*) FROM v_变量是无法执行的。你只能定义一个变量 vsql varchar2(100);然后vsql = "SELECT count(*) FROM " || v_变量然后调用 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 来执行。动态SQL,意思就是你需要执行的 SQL 语句, 不是固定的。要等运行的时候, 才能确定下来。也就像上面那个例子,表名是 外部传入的。不过 动态SQL 与 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 主要用在 存储过程里面。假如你是用 C# 或者 Java 之类的开发语言。 访问数据库的话。是用不到 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 的。


用an。 因为该单词的首个字母是元音。


immediate [i"mi:dju0259t] adj. 立即的,即刻的,直接的,最接近的例句与用法:Her arrest produced an immediate reaction from the press. 她被捕的事立刻在新闻界引起反应。This work demands your immediate attention. 这件工作急需你立即处理。quick [kwik] adj. 快的,迅速的adv. 快,迅速地n.皮下(尤指指甲下)细嫩或敏感的肉;活肉例句与用法:Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays. 现在每个人都想要尽快发财致富。He gave a quick answer to the teacher"s question. 他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。


immediate的意思是立即的; 立刻的; 目前的; 当前的; 迫切的; 接近的; 附近的; 紧接的; (关系或级别)最接近的,直系的,直接的; (作用)直接的;短语搭配:immediate employer 直接雇主;Immediate Mode 直接模式 ; 立即模式;immediate cause [法] 近因 ; 直接原因 ; 直接诱因;immediate constituent [计] 直接成分 ; 紧邻成分 ; 直接词组;immediate derived 直接派生类 ; 直接下层派生类 ; 直接的下层;Immediate boss 顶头上司 ; [经管] 直接主管 ; 直属上司 ; 直接上司immediate treatment 及时治疗 ; 及时医治;execute immediate 语法 ; 执行语句 ; 或者动态 ; 用法小解;immediate goals 当前目标 ; 直接目标。双语例句:1、When these events occur, you should not let them determine your immediate course.当这些事件发生时,你不应该让他们确定您立即课程。2、Yes, those signs mean hindrance. But they are not close to you so there is no immediate danger.是的,那些徵兆意谓障碍。但是它们并没有靠近您,所以没有立即的危险。


immediate 英[u026au02c8miu02d0diu0259t] 美[u026au02c8miu02d0diu0259t] adj. 立即的; 立刻的; 目前的; 当前的; 迫切的; 接近的; 附近的; 紧接的; (关系或级别)最接近的,直系的,直接的; (作用)直接的; [例句]We all have problems and many of them don"t have an immediate solution.我们全都有(自己的)困难。其中许多没有立即的解决办法。


immediate 英[u026au02c8mi:diu0259t] 美[u026au02c8midiu026at]adj. 立即的; 直接的,最接近的; 目前的,当前的; 直觉的;[网络] 立即; 即时; 直接;[例句]These tragic incidents have had an immediate effect.这些悲剧性事件造成的后果即刻显现。双语例句1. Only a handful hadreturned to work in the immediate vicinity.仅有几个人回到临近地区工作。2. His immediate superior has singled him out for aspecial mention.他的顶头上司特别提到了他。3. Adolescent suicide israrely an impulsive reaction to immediatedistress.青少年自杀很少是由于突然发生不幸而作出的冲动反应。4. The economy needs animmediate 2 per cent cut in interest rates.当前经济状况需要立即将利率下调两个百分点.5. Any dog bite, nomatter how small, needs immediate medicalattention.被狗咬后,不管伤口多小,都必须立即就医。

immediate success是什么意思

immediate success马到成功例句1.In my seminars I have trained thousands of women in the art of asking, and they repeatedly have had immediate success.我在研讨会上训练成千上万的女性要求的艺术,她们也不断得到立即的成效。2."You can"t expect immediate success but what is happening will have a lasting impact, " he said.他说:“你不能指望一蹴而就,但是正在发生的事情会有深远的影响。”3.The idea had an immediate success.这个主意马上得到一致同意。4.He began representing Austria internationally in 1996 and achieved immediate success.1996年他开始代表奥地利出现在国际赛场,并迅速展露头角。5.Her book was an immediate success and went through ten editions in a year.她的书一出版就受到欢迎,一年之内出了十版。

immediate family中文是什么意思

immediate family_有道词典immediate family直系亲属更多释义>>[网络短语]Immediate family 直系亲属,自己人,直接家庭成员victims immediate family 受害人的近亲属immediate family member 直系亲属,直系家庭成员,近亲属详细用法>>




immediate的英标是: 英[u026au02c8mi:diu0259t]美[u026au02c8midiu026at 观察音标我们可以发现:immediate是由4个音节组成的,所以它是多音节词。 英语单词是由字母组成的。字母构成音节。有的词只包括一个音节,有的词包含两个、三个或更多音节,分别称为单音节词、双音节词和多音节词。单音节词和多音节词。


immediate 更加指时间的紧迫性。present 更指当前的一段时间。


立即窗口,可以在暂停调试的时候输如代码测试的。比如,过程中有a,b两个整型变量,你就可以在暂停的时候 在立即窗口 输入 “a+b” ,然后按Enter看a+b的值




科学研究人员是一项富有挑战性、需要长期耐心和创造力的职业。这类人员需要掌握各种研究方法和技能,如实验设计、数据分析和科学写作等。他们通常在实验室工作,使用各种仪器和设备,以便进行各种实验和测试。这需要一定的技巧和经验,以确保实验结果的准确性和可靠性。 研究人员的主要职责是开展研究项目,包括设计和实施实验,以及分析和解释实验结果。他们需要与其他研究人员合作,共同完成项目,有时还需要与其他部门合作,如市场营销和生产部门,以确保项目的成功实施。研究人员还需要定期撰写和发表论文,以便与同行们分享他们的发现和成果。 为了成为一名成功的研究人员,需要具备一定的教育背景和专业知识。大多数职位需要申请人具有博士学位或硕士学位,并具有相关研究经验。此外,研究人员需要具备良好的沟通、组织和协作能力,以便与其他团队成员和同事合作。他们需要能够有效地表达自己的想法和观点,以及理解和解释其他人的意见和建议。 在职业生涯的早期,研究人员通常会担任助理研究员或实验室助理等职位,以获得必要的经验和技能。一旦他们获得足够的经验和知识,就可以晋升为高级研究员或项目经理等职位。在这些更高级别的职位中,研究人员通常需要管理和指导其他团队成员,并负责监督整个项目的进展。 总之,科学研究人员是推动人类知识进步的重要力量。他们需要有强烈的好奇心和求知欲望,以及长期的耐心和努力。虽然这是一项具有挑战性的职业,但对于那些具有热情和才能的人来说,这是一项非常有价值的工作。


immediate 直接的, 紧接的, 紧靠的, 立即的, 知觉的immediate cause直接原因immediate family至亲, 直系亲属in the immediate future在最近的将来take immediate action采取紧急行动immediate reply立即答复immediate knowledge直觉感知mediate 仲裁, 调停, 作为引起...的媒介, 居中调停处在中间调解, 斡旋, 介于mediate between two warring countries在两个交战国之间进行斡旋The government mediated between the workers and the employers.政府在工人与雇主间搞调和。

英语 这里是否该把immediate改为immediately呢

there was a surge increase in




immediate (comparative more immediate, superlative most immediate)


immediate adj. 形容词,只有等级变化。动词有过去分词。

英国兰卡斯特大学media and cultural studies~

我帮你查了一下兰卡斯特大学的这个专业,下面是基本信息和每年会读的专业,希望对你有帮助哦。~~~First Year (Part 1)In your first year you will take three courses (or "modules") of equal weight. One will be the course that you are majoring in, either Sociology or Media and Cultural Studies, along with two other subjects. These first year courses are known as "Part I". You could take all 3 of your first year options with us, alternatively you can also choose from subjects in different departments.Other Part I courses that our students take include: Marketing, Criminology, Law, Politics, History, English Literature, Linguistics, Psychology, Religious Studies, and Geography.For Media and Cultural Studies BA Hons you will major in:MCS101: Media and Cultural StudiesThe Media and Cultural Studies programme examines the complexity of media & cultural life providing the conceptual tools with which we can understand the production of messages, images, signs and symbols. You will learn about digital & social media, new technologies and social change, sub-cultures, propaganda, consumer cultures and the ways in which media systems create our identities and shape the worlds we live in, on and off-line.It is taught in five blocks covering themes such as:Concepts of Media & CultureInteraction & MediationSocial Media & Social ChangeClass Cultures & Marginal CulturesCultural IdentitySecond and third year (Part 2)Over the course of the next two years you will be encouraged in this active learning approach through lectures and seminars, through carrying out research and through writing dissertations.What can I study?During your Part II studies, you will take a total of eight full modules (or equivalent), four in each year. There are three compulsory modules (two in Year 2, one in Year 3) providing you with a strong foundation in theory and methods and then the opportunity to undertake a guided research project (final year dissertation). You can choose the other modules from the range of specialist options available.Second year courses:MCS200 - Critical Cultural TheorySOCL201 - Research Skills and Techniques (half unit)SOCL203 - Living with Capitalism: Markets and Debt (half unit)MCS204 - Viral Video Production (half unit)SOCL205 - Living with Capitalism: Work and ProfitSOCL208 - Gender, Sexuality and SocietySOCL209 - Consumer Culture and AdvertisingSOCL210 - Virtual Cultures (half unit)SOCL211 - Living Mobilities (half unit)SOCL217 - Television and Society (half unit)MCS224 - Media and Visual Culture (half unit)MCS226 - Gender and MediaDELC211 - Understanding Culture (half unit)DELC212 - Cinema and Society in Europe and Latin America: Thematic and Formal Perspectives (half unit)LICA250 - Documentary Cultures (half unit)LICA251 - Global CinemaThird year courses:MCS360 - Independent Research ProjectSOCL308 Terror (half unit)SOCL311 - Disasters: Why Do Things go Wrong? (half unit)SOCL314 - Feminism and Social ChangeSOCL315 - Imagining the FutureSOCL317 - Imaging the Body (half unit)SOCL324 - Media in the Global AgeSOCL329 - Classic encounters (half unit)SOCL330 - Living with Capitalism: Class, Distribution and Recognition (half unit)SOCL332 - The Chinese Century? (half unit)LICA350 - Film TheoryLICA356 - Apocalypse Then: New Hollywood cinemaGiven the wide range of options on offer, students will often select all eight modules from the Sociology Department"s portfolio, but you may also choose some listed modules from other departments and even one or two modules offered by other departments in which you completed your first year.All modules are subject to change or cancellation.



immediate和 urgent 区别

immediate是立即的。Mr. Shaw made no immediate answer. 萧先生没有立即回答。 urgent是紧急的。These people are in urgent need of relief. 这些人急需救济。

immediate 这个英语单词 怎么读

immediate 英[u026au02c8miu02d0diu0259t]美[u026au02c8miu02d0diu0259t]adj. 立即的; 立刻的; 目前的; 当前的; 迫切的; 接近的; 附近的; 紧接的;[例句]These tragic incidents have had an immediate effect这些悲剧性事件造成的后果即刻显现。


立即的; 直接的,最接近的; 目前的,当前的; 直觉的


immediate [u026a"miu02d0du026au0259t],adj. 立即的;直接的;最接近的例句:The immediate question is what message, if any, to send back. 直接的问题是,如果有的话,那么发送什么信息。She feels very strongly about taking immediate action to assure we get there on time. 她非常强烈地要求立即采取行动以保证我们能准时地到达。


immediate 英[u026au02c8mi:diu0259t]美[u026au02c8midiu026at]adj. 立即的; 直接的,最接近的; 目前的,当前的; 直觉的;[例句]At this point, it "s easier to glean the broader, more immediate benefits of such services.移动支付发展到这一步,我们更容易发现此类服务的一些更深远、更直接的好处。[其他] 形近词: intermediate remediate immediacy


immediateadj.立即的; 直接的,最接近的; 目前的,当前的; 直觉的




词典释义immediately.立即;马上;即刻;接近;紧接;附近;紧接地;直接地at once同时;一起;立即;马上promptly.迅速;立即;马上;及时地;准时地off hand马上;立即;无需询问(或查证)举例:1.事故后调查委员会立即召开了会议。A Board of Inquiry was convened immediately after the accident. 2.卵受精后细胞立即开始分裂。Immediately after fertilization, the cells of the egg divide. 3.汽车下了生产线立即进行校验。Cars are checked as they come off the production line. 4.她习惯了寒冷以后身体立即就好了。She was fine once she had acclimatized herself to the cold. 5.喂食通常可使正在哭闹的婴儿立即得到满足。A feed will usually provide instant gratification to a crying baby.

Incredible Love 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible Love歌手:Ingrid Michaelson专辑:EverybodyIngrid Michaelson - Incredible LoveI never thought I"d fall so far downThis incredibly long dark holeSomething so sweet as the soundOf your feet on the floorWould give me more room to breatheI"ll say goodbye again tonightThe third time"s the charmer they sayYour words are inked on my skinThe marks of incredible loveIncredible love--you fill meIncredible love--you spill meIncredible love--you kill meIncredible loveEverything says it"s time to goBut the smell of your skin makes me stayYou are not mine to ask things ofBut I ask you anywayBut I ask you anywayIncredible love--you fill meIncredible love--you spill meIncredible love--you kill meIncredible love x2You take it away but then you give it right backJust take it away, don"t give it backDon"t give it back...Incredible love, incredible love, incredible loveIncredible love, incredible love, incredible loveIncredible love--you fill meIncredible love--you spill meIncredible love--you kill meIncredible loveIncredible love,Incredible love,Incredible lovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/23145385



纠结中……关于HTC incredible 和desire ……


this is incredible 和it is incredable 有什么不同,可不可以说 this is increable 或者it is incredible


Incredible Hulk是什么意思

Incredible Hulk 绿巨人;不可思议的绿巨人;绿巨人浩克例句筛选1.That is when I realized that I was not the Incredible Hulk.那让我意识到,我并不是绿巨人。2.Bruce Banner absorbed radiation in a bomb explosion and became The IncredibleHulk .布鲁斯班纳在吸收了炸弹爆炸中的辐射后,就变成了神奇绿巨人。

It seemed incredible that he had been there a week already.

【答案】:B本题考查形容词。题干:令人难以置信的是她已经在那里待了一周。划线词incredible意为“难以置信的,惊人的”。选项right意为“正确的”,unbelievable意为“难以置信的,不可信的”,0bvious意为“明显的”,unclear意为“不清楚的”。Incredible unbelievable同义,故正确答案为B。

英文造句、简单、快、好评!! ps:一个单词一句 1.incredible 2.nominate

It was an incredible experience.这真是一个让人难以置信的经历。Opposition groups could nominate just 35 of the 300 participants.在300个参加者中反对党仅仅可以提名35个人。The euro is a better candidate.欧元是一个更好的候选人。Sci-fi thriller inception picked up the cinematography award.科幻惊悚片《盗梦空间》获得了最佳摄影奖。Tell your children about the women you admire most.告诉你的孩子你最欣赏的的一位女性。In short , they need to be talented politicians.简言之,他们必须是天才的政客。

英语it was an incredible怎么翻译?

It was an incredible.真是难以置信。

incredible 前定冠词用a还是安



是incredibly哦~~~I think your outfit is so incredible!I think your outfit is incrediblely fashionable!



英语incredible support怎么翻译?





Prediction的动词形式为predictpredict [pr??d?kt] 预言,预测; 预示,预告 例句:Weather forecasts predict more hot weather, gusty winds and lightning strikes. 天气预报预测高温、大风和雷电天气将继续。I predict it will run and run. 我估计这会一直延续下去。




incredible 难以置信的,音同"音快地包_ncredible记忆方法: 1/词根助记 解析 in 表否定 + cred 相信 + ible 构成形容词,表能...的 -> 不能够信任的 -> incredible 难以置信的 2/联想 credible adj


耀眼夺目竟如此美丽让我浑身颤抖仿若梦中眼神一瞬都不愿抽离你身So can I come see you tonight身体随风起舞吧如同疯了般魔法开始奏效让人承受不起I see you dance in the lightSomething INCREDIBLE Something so magical上天赐予的命运的MiracleSomething INCREDIBLE奇迹的Melody你总是如此Beautiful INCREDIBLEYou got me You got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethin INCREDIBLEYou"re original你真的很诱人You put your swag on你真的很有魅力让我无法摆脱的你是Trend setterI wanna come see you tonight跳入太阳中燃烧自己如同要爆发了般魔法开始奏效让人承受不起I see you dance in the lightSomething INCREDIBLE Something so Magical上天赐予的命运的MiracleSomething INCREDIBLE奇迹的melody你总是如此Beautiful INCREDIBLEYou got me You got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethin INCREDIBLEYou"re so hypnotic girl Alpha-robotic girlBaby you"re futuristic Shine in your vega worldEverybody knows That this club is yoursShake your spaceship candy You"re so incredibleYou got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethinSomething INCREDIBLE Something so magical上天赐予的命运的MiracleSomethingINCREDIBLE奇迹的Melody你总是如此Beautiful INCREDIBLEYou got me screamin You got me singingYou somethin somethin INCREDIBLE

The Shapeshifters的《Incredible》 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible歌手:The Shapeshifters专辑:Sound AdviceMadonna - IncredibleJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)Remembering the very first timeYou caught that some ones" specials eyeAnd all of your care droppedAnd all of the world just stopped(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)You don"t know what you got "til it"s goneAnd everything in life just goes wrongFeels like nobody"s listeningAnd something is missing(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)I remember whenYou were the oneYou were my friendYou gave me lifeYou were the sunYou taught me thingsI didn"t runI fell to my kneesI didn"t know whyI started to breatheI wanted to cryI need a reminderSo I can relateI need to go back thereBefore it"s too lateIt"s time to get your hands upIt"s time to get your body groving (x4)Just one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my partyI don"t want this to endI am missing my best friendIt was incredibleThere is no reason(Sex with you is...)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)You"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party girl)Don"t want this thing to endI"m missing my best friendYes it was incredibleThere"s no reason to pretendIncredibleIt"s time to get your body grovingIt"s time to get your hands up (continuing in the background)It"s incredible, unbelievableIt"s incredible, unachievableIt"s incredible, metaphysicalIt"s incredible(Sex with you is...)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)(Hey girl, let"s finish where we started, hey girl)http://music.baidu.com/song/2560221

Clique Girlz的《Incredible》 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible歌手:Clique Girlz专辑:IncredibleClique Girlz - IncredibleHow can it be?We"re here with you nowyou"ve made our dreams come trueYou"ve helped it put us herefor that we are so sincere"Bout the love that we"ll haveSingin" for youThe moment we came on stageSomehow we always knewThat we"ve been waiting for youTell me,Why does it feel so incredible?When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautifulWe"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needYou"re incredible (x2)Look at our fans screaming like thatLook what you"ve given usA life that is now completeFor us this is such a treatDay in, day out singing for youThe moment we came on stageAnd we"d only heard of loveTill you showed us what is wasTell me why does it feel so incredible?(why does it feel)When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautiful (beautiful)We"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all (and you"re all)That we need (that we need)You"re incredibleDon"t you be scared to follow your dreamsThey"ll come trueAnd listen to your heartAnd you"ll get throughTell me why (tell me why)Does it feel (does it feel)So incredible (so incredible)When the lights (when the light)Shine on me (shine on me)It"s so beautiful (its so beautful)We"ve been searching for all our lives(our lives)For the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needThis is wild this is realAnd you"re love"s all I feelYou"re incredibleYou"re incredible (yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oohhh yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oh whoa)http://music.baidu.com/song/54822152




incredible [in"kredu0259bl]adj.1.不能相信的;不可相信的2.[口语]难以置信的;不可思议的;惊人的;未必可能的unbelievable [,u028cnbi"li:vu0259bl]adj.1.令人难以置信的;不可相信的




incredible的意思是:译为难以置信的,不可思议的,惊人的,未必可能的。incredible,是一个英文单词,adj.难以置信的;不可思议的;惊人的;未必可能的。最高级:most incredible比较级:more incredible。短语1、The Incredible Hulk.无敌浩克;绿巨人;神奇绿巨人;不可思议的浩克。2、You"re Incredible.你几乎难以相信;你几乎难以置信;你的确难以置信。3、That"s Incredible.简直难以置信;不可思议;几乎难以相信;几乎难以放疑。例句1、The wild flowers will be incredible after this rain.这场雨过后,野花会变得美不胜收。2、It seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war.在战时人们仍然想踢足球,这似乎不可思议。




incredible简直不可思议双语对照词典结果:incredible[英][u026anu02c8kredu0259bl][美][u026anu02c8kru025bdu0259bu0259l]adj.不可思议的; 惊人的; 难以置信的; 未必可能的; 最高级:most incredible比较级:more incredible以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I think that he is an incredible role model. 我觉得他是一个不可思议的楷模。


incredible[英][u026anu02c8kredu0259bl][美][u026anu02c8kru025bdu0259bu0259l]adj.不可思议的; 惊人的; 难以置信的; 未必可能的; 最高级:most incredible比较级:more incredible以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I think that he is an incredible role model. 我觉得他是一个不可思议的楷模.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

别人说incredible 怎么回答

incrediable意思是不可思议的,例如,It"s incrediable!(太不可思议了!)



hardly和 incredible一起怎么用



f you say that something is incredible, you mean that it is very unusual or surprising, and you cannot believe it is really true, although it may be. 难以置信的例:It seemed incredible that people would still want to play football during a war.在战争期间人们仍然想踢足球,这似乎不可思议。柯林斯英汉双解大词典 inconceivable /u02ccu026anku0259nu02c8siu02d0vu0259bu0259l/ TEM81. ADJ If you describe something as inconceivable, you think it is very unlikely to happen or be true. 不可思议的例:It was inconceivable to me that Toby could have been my attacker.托比竟会是袭击我的人,这对我来说简直是匪夷所思。


根据credible的中文意思可信的;可靠的 它的名词形式是credit意思为赊购(制度),可以这么记 一个人他是可信的,可靠的,商家才会让他赊账买东西。

incredible &incredulous的区别?

incredible impossible to believeincredulous unwilling to believe personally

Incredible (Extended Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible (Extended Album Version)歌手:The Shapeshifters专辑:IncredibleMadonna - IncredibleJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)Remembering the very first timeYou caught that some ones" specials eyeAnd all of your care droppedAnd all of the world just stopped(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)You don"t know what you got "til it"s goneAnd everything in life just goes wrongFeels like nobody"s listeningAnd something is missing(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)I remember whenYou were the oneYou were my friendYou gave me lifeYou were the sunYou taught me thingsI didn"t runI fell to my kneesI didn"t know whyI started to breatheI wanted to cryI need a reminderSo I can relateI need to go back thereBefore it"s too lateIt"s time to get your hands upIt"s time to get your body groving (x4)Just one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my partyI don"t want this to endI am missing my best friendIt was incredibleThere is no reason(Sex with you is...)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)You"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party girl)Don"t want this thing to endI"m missing my best friendYes it was incredibleThere"s no reason to pretendIncredibleIt"s time to get your body grovingIt"s time to get your hands up (continuing in the background)It"s incredible, unbelievableIt"s incredible, unachievableIt"s incredible, metaphysicalIt"s incredible(Sex with you is...)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)(Hey girl, let"s finish where we started, hey girl)http://music.baidu.com/song/2865744


unbelievable [0505nbi04li:v05bl]adj. 不可相信的; 站不住脚的 incredible [in04kred05bl]adj. 1 不能相信的, 不可信的 2 〈非正〉难以置信的, 不可思议的, 惊人的 前者更正式一点,就是不相信,后者侧重难以置信,侧重程度的惊人





Incredible (With Isay) 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible (With Isay)歌手:Adam Tensta专辑:It"S A Tensta ThingClique Girlz - IncredibleHow can it be?We"re here with you nowyou"ve made our dreams come trueYou"ve helped it put us herefor that we are so sincere"Bout the love that we"ll haveSingin" for youThe moment we came on stageSomehow we always knewThat we"ve been waiting for youTell me,Why does it feel so incredible?When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautifulWe"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needYou"re incredible (x2)Look at our fans screaming like thatLook what you"ve given usA life that is now completeFor us this is such a treatDay in, day out singing for youThe moment we came on stageAnd we"d only heard of loveTill you showed us what is wasTell me why does it feel so incredible?(why does it feel)When the lights shine on meIt"s so beautiful (beautiful)We"ve been searching for all our livesFor the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all (and you"re all)That we need (that we need)You"re incredibleDon"t you be scared to follow your dreamsThey"ll come trueAnd listen to your heartAnd you"ll get throughTell me why (tell me why)Does it feel (does it feel)So incredible (so incredible)When the lights (when the light)Shine on me (shine on me)It"s so beautiful (its so beautful)We"ve been searching for all our lives(our lives)For the love that you won"t provideAnd you"re all that we needThis is wild this is realAnd you"re love"s all I feelYou"re incredibleYou"re incredible (yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oohhh yah yah)You"re incredible (oohhh oh whoa)http://music.baidu.com/song/8158938


incredible英音:[in"kredu0259bl]美音:[u026an"kru025bdu0259b!] 音。二步两拼法——介母、韵母各自独立,先两拼读在音节后位产生两合声,然后和声母再两拼读在音节中位产生新的两合声,如:q-i-ou。韵母iu ie ui in un vn ing都是这样形成的。中国汉语音韵学中,一个汉字读音,包括音节和声调两部分;声母、韵母是构成音节的两种基本音素,一个音节有声母必定有韵母,但有韵母可以无声母。汉语拼音方案中,一个汉字一次就只能用一个音节表示,没有同时需要用多个音节表示的,汉字是单音节文字。但一个音节通常都要对应好多个不同的汉字。音节常用的拼读方法:两拼法——声母韵母各自独立,两拼读在音节中位产生两合声。如:h-ào→(浩)。三拼法——声母、介母、韵母各自独立,三拼读在音节中位产生三合声。如:q-i-áng→qiáng(强)g-u-āng→guāng(光)。两拼音节;第二种:三拼音节;第三种:整体认读音节;第四种:自成音节。

Joss Stone的《Incredible》 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible歌手:Joss Stone专辑:Colour Me FreeMadonna - IncredibleJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)Remembering the very first timeYou caught that some ones" specials eyeAnd all of your care droppedAnd all of the world just stopped(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)You don"t know what you got "til it"s goneAnd everything in life just goes wrongFeels like nobody"s listeningAnd something is missing(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)I remember whenYou were the oneYou were my friendYou gave me lifeYou were the sunYou taught me thingsI didn"t runI fell to my kneesI didn"t know whyI started to breatheI wanted to cryI need a reminderSo I can relateI need to go back thereBefore it"s too lateIt"s time to get your hands upIt"s time to get your body groving (x4)Just one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my partyI don"t want this to endI am missing my best friendIt was incredibleThere is no reason(Sex with you is...)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)You"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party girl)Don"t want this thing to endI"m missing my best friendYes it was incredibleThere"s no reason to pretendIncredibleIt"s time to get your body grovingIt"s time to get your hands up (continuing in the background)It"s incredible, unbelievableIt"s incredible, unachievableIt"s incredible, metaphysicalIt"s incredible(Sex with you is...)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)(Hey girl, let"s finish where we started, hey girl)http://music.baidu.com/song/2697681

Lloyd的《Incredible》 歌词

歌曲名:Incredible歌手:Lloyd专辑:Street LoveMadonna - IncredibleJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)Remembering the very first timeYou caught that some ones" specials eyeAnd all of your care droppedAnd all of the world just stopped(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)You don"t know what you got "til it"s goneAnd everything in life just goes wrongFeels like nobody"s listeningAnd something is missing(I hope) I want to go back to thenGot to figure out how, got to remember whenI felt it, it thrilled meI want it, to fill meJust one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)I remember whenYou were the oneYou were my friendYou gave me lifeYou were the sunYou taught me thingsI didn"t runI fell to my kneesI didn"t know whyI started to breatheI wanted to cryI need a reminderSo I can relateI need to go back thereBefore it"s too lateIt"s time to get your hands upIt"s time to get your body groving (x4)Just one of those thingsWhen everything goes incredibleAnd all is beautiful(Can"t get my head around, I need to think about it) (x2)And one of those thingsThat used to get you downNow have no effect at allCause life is beautiful(Can"t get my head around it, I need to think about it) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my partyI don"t want this to endI am missing my best friendIt was incredibleThere is no reason(Sex with you is...)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)You"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party girl)Don"t want this thing to endI"m missing my best friendYes it was incredibleThere"s no reason to pretendIncredibleIt"s time to get your body grovingIt"s time to get your hands up (continuing in the background)It"s incredible, unbelievableIt"s incredible, unachievableIt"s incredible, metaphysicalIt"s incredible(Sex with you is...)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)IncredibleLet"s finish what we startedIncredibleYou"re welcome to my party(I"m coming to your party) (x2)Incredible(Hey girl)Just finish what we started(Let"s finish where we started girl)Incredible(Hey girl)(Hey girl, let"s finish where we started, hey girl)http://music.baidu.com/song/8044793


终于得到了,不容易啊Incrediblewritten by P. Williams, Madonna 不可思议 Just one of those things When everything goes incredible And all is beautiful Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it And all of those things that used to get you down Now have no effect at all "Cause life is beautiful Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it Can"t get my head around it I need to think about it 哪怕只是一件小事情 一切都是不可思议的美妙 我怎么都想不通 我需要细细参透 那些曾经发生在你身上的事 现在已经起不了作用 因为人生是如此美好 我怎么都想不通 我需要细细参透 Remembering the very first time You caught that someone special"s eye And all of your care dropped And all of the world just stopped I hope 还记得第一次 你紧捉住了某个人的目光 于是所有顾忌都抛开 于是整个世界都停止 我希望 I want to go back to then Gotta figure out how, gotta remember when I felt it It thrilled me I want it to fill me 我好想要回到那时候 我得思考 如何留住那时光 当时心动的感觉 我要把它留住 (chorus) You don"t know what you got til it"s gone And everything in life just goes on Feels like nobody"s listening But something is missing I hope 你失去了以后才了解曾经拥有 而人生依旧继续在走 感觉像没人倾听 但那美好已经流逝 我希望 I want to go back to then Gotta figure out how, gotta remember when I felt it It thrilled me I want it to fill me 我好想要回到那时候 我得思考 如何留住那时光 当时心动的感觉 我要把它留住 (chorus) I remember when You were the one, you were my friend You gave me life, you were the sun You taught me things, I didn"t run I fell to my knees, I didn"t know why I started to breathe, I wanted to cry I need a reminder so I can relate I need to go back there before it"s too late 还记得当时 你是我唯一 唯一的挚友 你让我重生 你是我的太阳 你教了我许多 我未曾逃逸 我卑躬屈膝 我不知道为什麽 我开始呼吸 我潸然泪下 我需要美好的回忆 让我继续 我需要回到那段时光 在太迟之前 It"s time to get your hands up It"s time to get your body moving (repeat 3 times) 是时后了 高举你的手 是时后了 舞动你的身体 (chorus) Incredible Let"s finish what we started Incredible You"re welcome to my party 不可思议 让我们携手划下完美句点 不可思议 欢迎你的来到我的派对 I don"t want this to end I am missing my best friend It was incredible There is no reason 我不想要结束 我想念我的最好的朋友 真是不可思议 没有理由假装 Sex with you is incredible [hey girl] Let"s finish what we started [Let"s finish what we started girl] Incredible [hey girl] You"re welcome to my party [I"m coming to your party girl] 嘿,女孩 性与你都不可思议 让我们携手划下完美句点 嘿,女孩 不可思议 欢迎你的来到我的派对 Don"t want this thing to end I am missing my best friend Yes it was incredible There"s no reason to pretend 我不想要结束 我想念我的最好的朋友 真是不可思议 没有理由假装 Incredible [It"s time to get your hands up] [It"s time to get your body moving] [It"s time to get your hands up] [It"s time to get your body moving] [It"s time to get your hands up] It"s incredible, unbelievable It"s incredible, unachievable It"s incredible, metaphysical It"s incredible Sex with you is incredible Let"s finish what we started Incredible You"re welcome to my party [I"m coming to your party girl] Incredible Let"s finish what we started Incredible You"re welcome to my party [I"m coming to your party girl] Incredible Let"s finish what we started。


Prediction的动词形式为predictpredict 预言,预测; 预示,预告例句:Weather forecasts predict more hot weather, gusty winds and lightning strikes.天气预报预测高温、大风和雷电天气将继续。I predict it will run and run.我估计这会一直延续下去。


incredible的副词形式是incredibly。incredible 英 [u026an"kredu0259bl]   美 [u026an"kredu0259bl]    adj. 难以置信的;惊人的That"s the most incredible coincidence I"ve ever heard of!那是我听说过的最难以置信的巧合!近义词improbable  英 [u026am"pru0252bu0259bl]   美 [u026am"prɑu02d0bu0259bl]    adj. 不大可能的;不像会发生的;似不可信的Improbable as it seems, it"s true.这虽然看起来不可能,但却是真的。


incredible [inu02c8kredu0259bu0259l]形容词adj.不可信的;不可思议的,惊人的


incredible的读法是英[u026anu02c8kredu0259bl],美[u026anu02c8kredu0259bl]。一、释义incredible是一个英语单词,作形容词时,意思是不能相信的,难以置信的,极好的,极大的。二、短语搭配1、incredible discovery:了不起的发现。2、incredible prices:极好的价格。3、incredible experience:绝妙的(或不可思议的、惊人的)经历。四、例句1、In your free time, explore all that this incredible city has to offer.您可以在闲暇时间探索这座美妙城市的各种风情。2、What first attracted me to her was her incredible experience of life.她离奇的人生经历最先吸引了我。3、You"re always an incredible help on these cases.在这些事情上你一直是个难得的好帮手。4、It seemed incredible that she had been there a week already.真让人难以置信,她已经在那里待了一个星期了。


incredible 英[u026anu02c8kredu0259bl] 美[u026anu02c8kru025bdu0259bu0259l] adj. 难以置信的; 不可思议的; 惊人的; 未必可能的; [例句]The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain这场雨过后,野花会变得美不胜收。[其他] 比较级:more incredible 最高级:most incredible

Pump It Up (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌名: Pump It歌手: Black Eyed PeasHa ha haPump itHa ha haAnd pump it (louder)Turn up the radioBlast your stereoRightNiggas wanna hate on us (who)Niggas can be eerin" us (who)And I know why they hatin" on us (why)Cause that"s so fabulous (what)I"am be real on us (c"mon)Nobody got nuttin" on us (no)Girls be all on us,from London back down to the US (s, s)We rockin" it (contagious),monkey business (outrageous)Just confess, your girl admits that we the shitF-R-E-S-H (fresh)D-E-F, that"s right we def (rock)We definite B-E-P, we rappin" itSo, turn it up (turn it up)C"mon baby, justPump it (louder)And say, oh oh oh ohSay, oh oh oh ohYo, yoTurn up the radioBlast your stereoRight nowThis joint is fizzlin"It"s sizzlin"Right(Yo, check this out right here)Dude wanna hate on us (dude)Dude need"a ease on up (dude)Dude wanna act on upBut dude get shut like flavor shut (down)Chicks say, she ain"t downBut chick backstage when we in town (ha)She like man on drunk (fool)She wanna hit n" run (errr)Yeah, that"s the speedThat"s what we doThat"s who we beB-L-A-C-K -E -Y-E-D-P to the E,then the A to the SWhen we play you shake your assShake it, shake it, shake it girlMake sure you don"t break it, girlCause we gonnaTurn it up (turn it up)C"mon baby, justPump it (louder)Damn (damn)Apl. de ap. from PhilippinesLive and direct, rocking this sceneWaiting on down for the B-boysAnd B-girls waiting, doin" their thingPump it, louder come onDon"t stop, and keep it goin"Do it, lets get it onMove it!Come on, baby, do itLa-da-di-da-da-di-dyon the stere-ere-ere-ere-oLet those speakers blow your mind(Blow my mind, baby)To let it go, let it goHere we goLa-da-di-da-da-di-dy (c"mon, we"re there)on the radi-adi-adi-adi-oThe system is gonna feel so fi-i-i-i-i-i-inePump it (louder)http://music.baidu.com/song/2662439

英语翻译 Subject Verb Object Predicative Direct Object Indirect Object Object Complement




扩展名asf的文件windows media player播放后就出故障关闭


述谓成分( predication) 是什么意思 ?可以举例说明吗?谢谢!

最近在复习语言学,稍微了解到了一点点,来答一下Predication中文:述谓结构。指的是一个句子的抽象意义。(我理解的抽象意义究大概就是一句话它陈述了怎么样的事情,与时态,语态等元素不相干的一种状态)这个概念是由英国语言学家G.Leech提出的,同时提出的还有述谓结构分析(predication analysis),有兴趣可以了解一下这个。一个述谓结构(predication)包含变元(arguments)和谓词(predicate)。变元相当于一个句子中的名词,谓词相当于动词。上面说的比较抽象,现在我们来举个例子:Tom smoked.Tom dos not smoke.对这两句话进行述谓结构分析后:变元:TOM; 谓词: SMOKE那么这句话的述谓结构就是TOM (SMOKE) 其抽象意义即为 汤姆抽烟。述谓结构分析还是比较难的,还有一些别的规则及特殊情况,有问题可以自己找找资料。
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