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february缩写形式是Feb. February:n.二月; 复数: Februaries 例: Sow the seed in a warm place in February/ March. 2月或3月里把种子播种在温暖的地方。 扩展资料   十二个月的英语缩写形式:   一月:January,简写:Jan.   二 月:February,简写:Feb.   三 月:March,简写:Mar.   四 月:April,简写:Apr.   五 月:May,简写:May.   六 月:June,简写:Jun.   七 月:July,简写:Jul.   八 月:August,简写:Aug.   九 月:September,简写:Sept.   十 月:October,简写:Oct.   十一月:November,简写:Nov.   十二月:December,简写:Dec.


February英 [u02c8februu0259ri] 美 [u02c8februeri]




February 就是二月份的英文。英语月份:一月:January,二月:February,三月:March,四月:April,五月:May,六月:June,七月:July,八月:August,九月:September,十月:October,十一月:November,十二月:December。演变而来January:由守护神雅努斯的拉丁文名字Januarius演变而来的。February:源于欢庆菲勃卢姆节 Februarius。March:纪念战神玛尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁文名字作为3月的月名。April:罗马的4月,正是大地回春、鲜花初绽的美好季节。英文4月April便由拉丁文Aprilis(即开花的日子)演变而来。











february是什么意思 february如何翻译

1、February,英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“二月”。2、短语搭配February Coming 二月里来。February Sea 二月海。th February 二月十三日。February- 情人节地道英文短信 ; 正月十五闹元宵 ; 情人节为什么要送巧。Festive February 地球万象?春到了 ; 地球万象春到了。Interview February 欲望在夜色中飞驰。Only February 仅仅二月份。february rhododendron 早春杜鹃。

february是什么意思 february如何翻译

1、February,英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“二月”。 2、短语搭配 February Coming 二月里来。 February Sea 二月海。 th February 二月十三日。 February- 情人节地道英文短信 ; 正月十五闹元宵 ; 情人节为什么要送巧。 Festive February 地球万象?春到了 ; 地球万象春到了。 Interview February 欲望在夜色中飞驰。 Only February 仅仅二月份。 february rhododendron 早春杜鹃。




This is for my peoples Who just lost somebody Your best friend, your baby Your man or your lady Put your hand way up high We will never say bye No, no, no Mamas, daddys, sisters, brothers Friends and cousins This is for my peoples Who lost their grandmothers Lift your head to the sky Cause we will never say bye As a child there were them times I didn"t get it But you kept me in line I didn"t know why You didn"t show up sometimes On Sunday mornings and I missed you But I"m glad we talked through All them grown folk things Separation brings You never let me know it You never let it show Because you loved me and obviously There"s so much more left to say If you were with me today Face to face I never knew I could hurt like this And everyday life goes on I wish I could talk to you for a while Miss you but I try not to cry As time goes by And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place Still I"d give the world to see your face And be right here next to you But it"s like you"re gone too soon Now the hardest thing to do is say Bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye You never got a chance to see How good I"ve done And you never got to See me back at number one I wish that you were here To celebrate together I wish that we could Spend the holidays together I remember when you used to Tuck me in at night With the teddy bear you gave me That I held so tight I thought you were so strong You"d make it through whatever It"s so hard to accept the fact You"re gone forever I never knew I could hurt like this And everyday life goes on I wish I could talk to you for a while Miss you but I try not to cry As time goes by And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place Still I"d give the world to see your face And be right here next to you But it"s like you"re gone too soon Now the hardest thing to do is say Bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye This is for my peoples Who just lost somebody Your best friend, your baby Your man or your lady Put your hand way up high We will never say bye Mamas, daddys, sisters, brothers Friends and cousins This is for my peoples Who lost their grandmothers Lift your head to the sky Cause we will never say bye, bye. I never knew I could hurt like this And everyday life goes on I wish I could talk to you for a while Miss you but I try not to cry As time goes by And it"s true that you"ve Reached a better place Still I"d give the world to see your face And be right here next to you But it"s like you"re gone too soon Now the hardest thing to do is say Bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye, bye bye, bye bye Bye bye Mariah Carey - Bye Bye



february什么意思 february的意思是什么

1、february的意思:二月。读音:英 [u02c8februu0259ri] 美 [u02c8februeri]。 2、The February air was soft, cool, and inviting。二月的空气柔和、凉爽而怡人。 3、These trees come into leaf in February。这些树二月里长叶子。

January February是后来加上的吗?原来英国认为只有10个月对吗?March原先是不是一月的意思?

是的。January——一1月 在罗马传说中,有一名叫雅卢斯的守护神,生有前后两副脸,一副回顾过去,一副眺望未来。象徵着结束过去与开始未来,人们认为选择他的名字作为除旧迎新的第一个月的月名很有意义。英语1月January,便是由这位守护神的拉丁文名字Januarius演变而来的。 February——2月 每年2月初,罗马人民都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节。这一天,人们常用一种牛草制成的名叫Februa的鞭子抽打不孕的妇女,以求怀孕生子(这也太不公平了,这样野蛮)。这一天人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,洗刷自己的灵魂,求得神明的饶恕,使自己成为一个贞洁的人。英语2月February,便是由拉丁文Februarius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。 March——3月 3月,原始罗马旧历法的1月,新年的开始。凯撒大帝改革历法后,原来的1月变成3月,但罗! 马人仍然把3月看成是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征远战的季节。为了纪念战神马尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁名字作为三月的月名。英语3月March,便是这位战神的名字演变而来的。把战神之月放在岁首,开门就打仗。 April——4月 罗马的四月,正是大地回春,鲜花初绽的美好季节,正好是一切生命好像被打开一样。英文4月April便是由拉丁文Aprilis(即开花的日子)演变而来的。 May——5月 罗马神话中的女神玛雅,专门司管春天和生命。为了纪念这位女神,罗马人便用她的名字——拉丁文Maius命名5月,英文5月便是由这位女神的名字演变而来。 June——6月 罗马神话中的裘诺,是众神之王,又是司管生育和保护妇女的神。古罗马人对她十分崇敬,便把六月奉献给她,以她的名字来命名6月。 July——7月 罗马统治者朱里斯·凯撒大帝被刺身死后,著名的罗马将军马克·安东尼建议将凯撒大帝诞生的7月,用凯撒的名字——拉丁文Julius(即朱里斯)命名。这一建议得到了元老院的通过。英语7月July由此而来。 August! ——8月 朱里斯·凯撒死后,由他得甥孙屋大维续任罗马荒地。为了和凯撒齐名,他也想用自己的名字来命名一个月份。他的生日在9月,但他选定8月,因为他登基后,罗马元老院在8月授予他augustus(奥古斯都)的尊号。于是,他决定用这个尊号来命名8月。原来8月比7月少一天,为了和凯撒平起平坐,他又决定从2?谐槌鲆惶旒釉?月。从此,2月便少了一天。英语8月August便由这位皇帝的拉丁语尊号演变而来。 September——9月 老历法的7月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的9月,拉丁文septem是“7”的意思。虽然历法改革了,但人们仍沿用旧名称来称呼9月。英语9月September,便由此演变而来。 October——10月 英语10月,来自拉丁文Octo,即“8”的意思,他和上面讲的9月一样,历法改了,称呼仍然沿用未变。 November——11月 罗马皇帝奥古斯都和凯撒都有了自己名字命名的月份,罗马市民和元老院要求当时的罗马皇帝梯比里乌斯用其名命名11月,但梯比里乌斯没有同意,他明智的对大家讲,如果罗马的每个皇帝都用自己的名字来命名月份,那么出现了第13个皇帝怎么办?于是,11月仍然保留着旧称Novm,即拉丁文“9”的意思。英语11月November便由此演变而来。 December——12月 罗马皇帝琉西乌斯要把一年中最后一个月用他情人Amagonius的名字来命名,但遭到元老院的反对。于是,12月仍然沿用旧名Decem,即拉丁文“10”的意思。英语12月December,即由此演变而来.


每年2月初,罗马人都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节.,即是司生育的女神JUNE--朱诺让人们常用一种牛、草制成的名叫Februa的鞭子,抽打不育的妇女,以求怀孕生子。这一天,人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,使自己成为一个贞洁的人。英语2月February,便是由拉丁文Februar-ius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。 另一种说法是来源于拉丁文“FEBRUUM”意为“打扫”。

february是什么意思 解析二月的含义和历史?

二月,又称为“仲春月”、“孟春月”,是一年中的第二个月份,有着丰富的含义和历史背景。下面我们来详细解析一下二月的含义和历史。1. 活动纪念日一、二月的含义2. 节气标志2. 节气标志2. 禁忌月



跪求。Bad day中文歌词Justin bieber

我们最需要好运的时候它在哪里 你踢起地上的落叶 魔法消失了 你告诉我你蔚蓝的天空渐已灰暗 你告诉我你心中的热情也已冷淡 而我不必再去坚持 站在情绪低谷的边缘 你强装微笑 品着咖啡 你告诉我你的生活已背离常轨 你每一次都会摔得粉碎 而我不必再去坚持 因为你这一天很糟糕 情绪才会低落 唱首悲伤的歌 很快就会雨过天晴 你说你茫然不知所措 你告诉我不要说谎 你挤出一个微笑然后去上班 你这一天很糟糕 相机不会说谎 但你会恢复过来 你也不会真的在乎 你这一天很糟糕 你这一天很糟糕 你需要一个阳光明媚的假日 可他们却嘲笑这种说法 而我不必再去坚持 你这一天很糟糕 情绪也很低落 唱首悲伤的歌 很快就会雨过天晴 你说你茫然不知所措 你告诉我别说谎 你挤出一个微笑然后去上班 你这一天很糟糕 相机不会说谎 但你会恢复过来 你也不会真的在乎 你这一天很糟糕 你这一天很糟糕 有时候系统也会失控 一切都变得很糟糕 你或许无法挽救但你知道 你会好好生活并依然坚强 哦 我说的没错 当你最需要激情的时候它在哪里 噢 你和我 你踢开地上的落叶 魔法消失了 因为你这一天很糟糕 情绪才会低落 唱首悲伤的歌 很快就会雨过天晴 你说你茫然不知所措 你告诉我不要说谎 你挤出一个微笑然后去上班 你这一天很糟糕 你已经看到你想要的结局 再经历一次会是什么感觉? 你这一天很糟糕 你这一天很糟糕


February(二月)是一年中的第二个月份,也是公历中的一个月份。它由拉丁语 "Februarius" 转化而来,与古罗马神话中的女神 Februa 有关。在公历中,每年的2月份通常有28天(平年),或者在闰年时有29天(闰年是指能够被4整除的年份,但不能被100整除,除非能够被400整除)。因为2月份的天数较少,所以它相对于其他月份来说较为短暂。正如全球大部分地区的冬季季节,2月份通常是寒冷的月份。特别是在北半球,很多地方都会经历低温、降雪和寒冷的天气。然而,在南半球的某些地区,2月份则处于夏季,享受着温暖的天气。在文化和传统上,2月份具有一些重要的节日和庆祝活动。其中最著名的是情人节(Valentine"s Day),这是一个庆祝爱情和浪漫的节日,通常于2月14日举行。此外,许多国家和地区还会庆祝春节(中国农历新年)和儿童节等重要的节日。2月份还与一些历史事件和纪念日有关。例如,美国庆祝总统日(Presidents" Day)来纪念国家的第一任总统乔治·华盛顿诞辰,通常在2月的第三个星期一举行。此外,一些国家也会纪念黑人历史月(Black History Month),以纪念非裔美国人对国家的贡献。总结而言,February(二月)是公历中的一个月份,它源于拉丁语 "Februarius",与古罗马神话中的女神 Februa 有关。2月份通常是寒冷的季节,在全球大部分地区都经历低温、降雪和寒冷的天气。在文化和传统上,2月份具有一些重要的节日和庆祝活动,如情人节、春节和总统日等。






《Submissive Beauty》(Gayle, Eliza)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jNndwfakZcitDRG9jL66YA 提取码: uapa书名:Submissive Beauty作者:Gayle, Eliza页数:322

求Justin Bieber《baby》的音译并标明谁唱的部分

Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you care有no有啦无迷,唉no有kei儿You shout whenever, And I"ll be there有少特问爱沃,安的爱(为儿)比there(实在打不出“there”的发音)You want my love, You want my heart有网买啦无,有网买喝(儿)And we will never ever ever be apart安的为威尔奶窝唉窝唉窝比额爬特Are we an item? Girl quit playing啊为安唉特木?歌儿亏特普累应Were just friends, Or are we saying我(儿)加斯特附润字,or啊(儿)为sei应So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes搜theres安啊ther玩,卢克死right因买爱死My first love broke my heart for the first time,买佛斯特辣舞不绕可买喝(儿)佛(儿)the佛斯特太木And I was like案的爱我字来客Baby, baby, baby nooo卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,noooMy baby, baby, baby noo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooMy baby, baby, baby nooo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooI thought youd always be mine mine爱骚特养的袄畏死比买卖Baby, baby, baby nooo卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,noooMy baby, baby, baby noo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooMy baby, baby, baby nooo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooI thought youd always be mine mine爱骚特养的袄畏死比买卖oh ohFor you, I would have done whatever佛有。爱物的汉武当沃特爱沃(儿)Another chance and we, We get together额那ther禅寺案的为,为盖特 特该therAnd wanna play it cool, About loosin" you案的网呢普雷诶特酷(儿),额鲍特露sing有I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring唉(威尔)白有爱武睿thing,唉(威尔)柏油安内ringAnd i"m in piece , baby fix me案的因劈死,卑鄙菲克斯迷And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream案的有(威尔)谁可迷 忒(儿)有每克迷from this版的追慕Im going down, down, dooown唉木勾引当,当,当And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around案的加斯特坎特比类无买first辣舞翁特比aroundBaby, baby, baby noooBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mineWhen i was 13 i had my first love问唉我自色听,唉喊得买first辣舞Here was nobody to compare my baby黑儿我自no把dei图康木配儿买卑鄙And nobody came between us or could ever come above案的no把dei尅木比吞啊字or哭的爱我(儿)卡姆 额宝物She had me goin crazy谁喊得迷勾引克瑞zyOh i was starstruck.Oh唉我自思达斯truckShe woke me up daily dont need no starbucks谁喔可迷阿普带泪董特你的no四大巴克斯She made my heart pound谁没的买喝(儿)特旁的Asking for a beat when i see her in the street阿斯king for 额百特问唉sei喝(儿)因the死追特And in the school on the playground案的因the四顾昂the普累股ruang 的But i really wanna see her on the weekends巴特唉瑞儿累网讷sei和(儿)昂the未肯斯She knows she got me dazy谁nos 谁高特迷呆zyCause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking口似谁我自搜额名zei案的闹买喝儿特诶字不瑞坑But i just keep on sayin巴特爱加斯特kei普昂sayingBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2唉骚特养的奥威姿比买Now Im all gone闹爱木袄刚

Baebae 的音译歌词

希望采纳~~自翻I"M IN LOVE nun内孔噶几啥有搜 BABE哈一系囧日hin哇一设尺BABE撒狼一呀钱撒呀OH JESUS BABEnun不小BABE SUNGLASS BABE静心你忙系里呀虎料搜内给屁噶含叫目录都扫楼搜内给为含没YOU"RE SO DANGEROUS BABE撒料就 BABE king 差铺罗 BABEBABY BABY 齐根乔龙漫啊len 大我剧累耨系干你气拿度内噶所累苏一给BABY BABY 难系den几吗一给叫给奈为黑KI 目死KI dei 录耨KI dei 录有呀漫黑撒森噶气也喷nun拿也 PRINCESS拿len 铺谷屁无嫩给耨木CHIC 黑米亲过啊您噶掐艳米音特给黑特给黑内给晚表看KI dei 有拿也MUSE 黑物理图里片内晚全撒几内耨哇梦米晚全掐掐抗给内用我黑耨死目她扫一呀内给片气啊拿BABE 5 X 5 BABEBABY BABY 齐根乔龙漫啊len 大我剧累耨系干你气拿度内噶所累苏一给BABY BABY 难系den几吗一给叫给奈为黑KI 目死KI dei 录耨KI dei 录有呀漫黑难也喷谷气忒难加目den一噶撒狼海耨蓝谷气忒难加KI dei 航给也催黑难度梦录黑几谷过给几买啦剧无切摆耨漫恩掐撒懂 掐撒懂 谷哇没无里无里谷哇没掐撒懂 掐撒懂 谷哇没无里无里谷哇没

justin Bieber Baby中文译音歌词

Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you care有no有啦无迷,唉no有kei儿You shout whenever, And I"ll be there有少特问爱沃,安的爱(为儿)比there(实在打不出“there”的发音)You want my love, You want my heart有网买啦无,有网买喝(儿)And we will never ever ever be apart安的为威尔奶窝唉窝唉窝比额爬特Are we an item? Girl quit playing啊为安唉特木?歌儿亏特普累应Were just friends, Or are we saying我(儿)加斯特附润字,or啊(儿)为sei应So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes搜theres安啊ther玩,卢克死right因买爱死My first love broke my heart for the first time,买佛斯特辣舞不绕可买喝(儿)佛(儿)the佛斯特太木And I was like案的爱我字来客Baby, baby, baby nooo卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,noooMy baby, baby, baby noo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooMy baby, baby, baby nooo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooI thought youd always be mine mine爱骚特养的袄畏死比买卖Baby, baby, baby nooo卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,noooMy baby, baby, baby noo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooMy baby, baby, baby nooo买卑鄙,卑鄙,卑鄙,nooI thought youd always be mine mine爱骚特养的袄畏死比买卖oh ohFor you, I would have done whatever佛有。爱物的汉武当沃特爱沃(儿)Another chance and we, We get together额那ther禅寺案的为,为盖特 特该therAnd wanna play it cool, About loosin" you案的网呢普雷诶特酷(儿),额鲍特露sing有I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring唉(威尔)白有爱武睿thing,唉(威尔)柏油安内ringAnd i"m in piece , baby fix me案的因劈死,卑鄙菲克斯迷And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream案的有(威尔)谁可迷 忒(儿)有每克迷from this版的追慕Im going down, down, dooown唉木勾引当,当,当And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around案的加斯特坎特比类无买first辣舞翁特比aroundBaby, baby, baby noooBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mineWhen i was 13 i had my first love问唉我自色听,唉喊得买first辣舞Here was nobody to compare my baby黑儿我自no把dei图康木配儿买卑鄙And nobody came between us or could ever come above案的no把dei尅木比吞啊字or哭的爱我(儿)卡姆 额宝物She had me goin crazy谁喊得迷勾引克瑞zyOh i was starstruck.Oh唉我自思达斯truckShe woke me up daily dont need no starbucks谁喔可迷阿普带泪董特你的no四大巴克斯She made my heart pound谁没的买喝(儿)特旁的Asking for a beat when i see her in the street阿斯king for 额百特问唉sei喝(儿)因the死追特And in the school on the playground案的因the四顾昂the普累股ruang 的But i really wanna see her on the weekends巴特唉瑞儿累网讷sei和(儿)昂the未肯斯She knows she got me dazy谁nos 谁高特迷呆zyCause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking口似谁我自搜额名zei案的闹买喝儿特诶字不瑞坑But i just keep on sayin巴特爱加斯特kei普昂sayingBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine x2唉骚特养的奥威姿比买Now Im all gone

justin bieber- baby 歌词和中文翻译

《baby》歌词:Ohh wooaah You know you love me,I know you care 我知道你爱我 我知道你在意的You shout whenever, And I"ll be there 无论何时 只要你呼叫 我就会(出现)在那里You want my love, You want my heart (我感觉)你想要我的爱和我的心And we will never ever ever be apart 我们也永远不会被拆散Are we an item? Girl quit playing 我们是一体的吗?女孩 停止游戏(爱情)了We re just friends, what are you saying 你在说什么?!我们只是朋友?So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes 直视我的眼睛 所以有另一个人My first love broke my heart for the first time我的初恋就这样第一次伤了我的心And I was like 我(感觉我)像一个婴儿Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝My baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine, oh oh 我以为你会永远都会是我的 For you, I would have done whatever 为了你 我愿意做任何事Another chance and we, We get together 再给我另一个机会 我们也许会再在一起的And wanna play it cool, About loosin" you 我想用酷酷的方式谈恋爱 也包括失去你I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring 我会给你买任何东西 我会给你买任何你喜欢的戒指And i"m in piece , baby fix me 我支离破碎了 宝贝用你的爱修复我And you"ll shake me til" you wake me from this bad dream 你会一直推我直到把我从噩梦中摇醒Im going down, down, dooown 我摇摇欲坠And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around 不能相信我的初恋就这样无疾而终——我感觉比直译不在周围好一点Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝 Baby, baby, baby nooo My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的When i was 13 i had my first love 我在十三岁的时候 有了自己的初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby 就此没人可以和我的宝贝相提并论And nobody came between us or could ever come above 没人可以介入我们之间或凌驾于这份感情之上She had me goin crazy 她让我几近疯狂Oh i was starstruck.我像一个追星族一样She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks 她让我的思维清醒就像我每天不能没有星巴克咖啡 She made my heart pound 她让我心跳加速Asking for a beat when i see her in the street 当我在街头看见她 请给我猛烈的打击叫我不要想他And in the school on the playground 也包括在学校的操场上But i really wanna see her on the weekends 但我真的还想在周末看见她She knows she got me dazy 她应该知道她让我精神恍惚Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking 因为她是那样为爱疯狂 现在我的心也被伤透了But i just keep on sayin 但我只是想继续说那句Baby, baby, baby nooo 宝贝 My baby, baby, baby noo My baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine 我以为你会永远都会是我的Now Im all gone 现在 我带着回忆走了

Justin bieber 的歌 baby歌词. 中文读法怎么读 ??

Ohh wooaah (3x)You know you love me,I know you care你明白你爱我,我知道你在乎You shout wherever, And I"ll be there我随叫随到You want my love, You want my heart你想得到我的爱,我想要我的心And we will never ever ever be apart我们将永远都不会分开Are we an item? Girl quit playing我们(的心)是在一起的吗?女孩,退出游戏吧We were just friends?what are we saying?我们只是朋友?你在讲什么?!So theres another one, Looks right in my eyes所以,在我眼里有一个更加适合你的(男孩)My first love broke my heart for the first time,我的初恋使我第一次尝试心碎Now I was like我就像Baby, baby, baby hoooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby hoooI thought youd always be mine mine我曾经一直认为你永远是我的Baby, baby, baby hoooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby hoooI thought youd always be mine, oh oh同上For you, I would have done whatever为了你,我什么都可以做Another chance and we, We get together再给我一次机会,我们会在一起And wanna play it cool, but i loosin" you我想表现的酷一点,但是我失去了你I"ll buy you anything, I"ll buy you any ring我会给你买一起东西,任何一款戒指Now i"m in piece , baby fix me现在我心碎了,宝贝帮我修复(我的心)And you"ll shake me till you wake me from this bad dream快把我从噩梦里摇醒吧Im going down, down, dooown我现在越陷越深。。。And just can"t believe my first love won"t be around我真的不相信我的初恋已经没有了Baby, baby, baby hoooBaby, baby, baby noooMy baby, baby, baby hooMy baby, baby, baby noooI thought youd always be mine我曾经一直以为你永远会是我的When i was 13 i had my first love当我还是13岁,我有了初恋Here was nobody to compare my baby没有人能和我的宝贝相媲美And nobody came between us or could ever come above us没人能分开我们或者凌驾于我们之上She had me goin crazy她让我疯狂Oh i was starstruck.我就是个追新族She woke me up daily dont need no starbucks她每天都给我醒来的动力,不需要星巴克She made my heart pound她让我心跳加速i skip a beat when i see her in the street在街上我看到她我心跳漏了一拍And in the school on the playground在学校操场上But i really wanna see her on the weekends但是我真的很想在周末也见到她She knows she got me dazy她知道她让我产生晕眩Cause she was so amazing and now my heart is breaking应为她是如此的迷人,但是我现在心碎了But i just keep on sayin不过我还是想继续说Baby, baby, baby hoooMy baby, baby, baby nooMy baby, baby, baby hoooI thought youd always be mine x2Now Im all gone 现在,我离开


只听过 babyface









Deep Purple的《Fireball》 歌词

歌曲名:Fireball歌手:Deep Purple专辑:For DadWillow Smith Feat. Nicki Minaj - FireballLyric By:Crystal JustineWillow:Uhm, hello, can we get the party started, yeah!Uhm, hello, can we get the party started…Young MoneyHook:I"m the fireball, I"m the fireball, I"m the fireI"m the fireball, I"m the fireball, I"m the fireI"m the fireball, I"m the fireball, I"m the fireFire, fire, fireWillow - Verse 1Since I landed here, I gon" phone up a ObamaShook the world up, now I caused a little dramaLeader of the new school, and yes I"m gonna light up the block to the stage when I wannaBrighter than the stars, throw my head up the curveDon"t get, walk it off, check it I walk with a slurLevitating in my mom"s all weather furImma rock the world, til they follow WillowHook:I"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fireWillow - Verse 2See I ain"t never been the one to toot my own horn, beep, beepNow watch me put her onI set fire everywhere I play, make them all go insane, L.A to UKNow Imma burn it up, when I step on the sceneMy whole crew is fresh, and they rolling with meYou can turn me up yep to the extremeImma rock the World til they follow with meHook:I"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fireNicki Minaj - Verse 3Ayo Willow, didn"t I just see you in China? (wattup)Y-y-you"re real major even though you a minorYour daddy keep you in designerY-y-your gali-gali-gali ya your Girly kindaOk I"m the street fighter, call me Chun-Lia-a-and it"s goin" down, l-l-like a bum kneeBuilt a guest house to put the coupe in"cause I"m a fireball, HadoukenPut you under my wing, I"m the top bossAin"t from Louisiana but I"m hot sauceCuffed the mountain just to go and build a house offso I ain"t never gotta worry what the house costIf they comin" at you tell ‘em raise upWhen it"s time to whip your hair put your braids upTell ‘em escalator, elevator yeah that mean to step your weight upAin"t nobody greater, Will and Jada is my neighbor, hater!Hook:I"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fireBridge:Watch the fire burn, burn, burnWatch me heat it upWatch the fire burn, burn, burnWatch me heat it upWatch the fire burn, burn, burnWatch me heat it upHook:I"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fireball of the party, I"m the fireI"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fire, I"m the fireEndWillow Smith Feat. Nicki Minaj - Fireballhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2898923


I. Product of Marketing 一、营销产品   Telephone Banking   电话银行 II. Client"s Background Information 二、客户背景   1.Name: Zhang Zheng   2.Sex: Male   3.Age: About forty years old   4.Occupation: Professional shareholder   5.Education: High middle school   6.He does his banking frequently.   1、姓名:张政   2、性别:男   3、年龄:40岁左右   4、职业:专业股民   5、文化程度:高中文化   6、他经常办理个人金融业务。 III.Main Points of Marketing   三、营销要领   Good evening, everybody!I am Xu Hua, a customer relationship manager of BOC Hua Yang Sub-Branch. Today, I am going to make an introduction of our product——telephone banking to a Mr Zhang according to his needs and requirements.   各位同仁,晚上好!我叫许华,来自中国银行华扬支行。目前的岗位是客户经理。今天,我将根据我接待的一位张先生的具体情况,向他营销我行的电话银行产品。 IV. Content of Speech   四、演讲内容   Hello, Mr Zhang! I am Xu Hua, a customer manager here. Nice to meet you and hope to have my pleasure to help you. You just told me that you are a professional shareholder and also a quality customer of our bank. So you have to come to our office frequently yourself for your business. Now with our telephone-banking system, you can handle all kinds of your businesses, as well as thoughtful securities service without stepping out of doors.   张先生,您好!我叫许华,是这里的客户经理。很高兴认识您,并希望有机会为您服务。在刚才与您的交谈中,我了解到你是一位很专业的炒股爱好者,也是我行的一位优质客户,与银行有很频繁的业务往来,而且经常是亲自到我行办理各项业务。针对你的情况,请允许我向你推荐使用我行的“电话银行”系列产品,使用“电话银行”服务能为您节省更多的时间,它让你可以足不出户,就能办理各项金融服务,当然也包括完善的证券服务。   BOC"s telephone-banking system achieves the perfect combination of modern telecommunication technology and bank"s financial services. Dial the same telephone number at 95566, the client can enjoy BOC"s various financial services anytime and at any places beyond the bank counter in its traditional service style.   电话银行是中国银行运用电话和计算机联网向客户提供的一种现代化的新型金融服务方式。我行的电话银行统一使用“95566”电话,它突破了柜面传统的服务方式,随时随地都可以享受我行各种各样的金融服务。   With multi-functions of our telephone banking, the client can conveniently inquire about the balance of their accounts; make fund transfers between the registered accounts at your own will, and pay various service fees without trip to bank. The system also has other functions of financing such as personal fund and forex trading for you to choose at your needs. Our telephone banking packages has been designed to make life easier for you; with it, your business can become more efficient, more quick and reduce costs.   我行电话银行能为您提供的服务内容非常广泛,查询功能让您及时、准确的掌握自己的存款情况;转账功能可以让你更自主、更合理的调配您银行存款;“缴费通”业务可以免除你为缴纳各种公共事业费用而受的奔波之苦,让你“足不出户,轻松缴费”;有了电话银行,业务更富成效、办事更加快捷,并帮您降低成本。   It also provides you, superior shareholder, such securities services as “Bank Securities Transfer” and “Bank Securities Link”. You may invest securities anywhere and deposit and withdraw funds at any time. Your deposit in bank as securities funds will bring you benefit of deposit, investment and financing.   我行电话银行还为您这样的资深股民提供了银证转账业务、“银券通”业务等证券服务。让你投资证券不受地域限制,存取资金不受时间限制,您的银行存款可以直接作为证券资金,保证您存款、投资、理财三得利。   By the way, it is easy for you to apply for the telephone banking service with a current account of our bank or a Great Wall Credit card, which is linked to the current passbook.   申请电话银行服务的手续很方便,只要您拥有我行的活期储蓄账户或者长城信用卡,填写申请表就能申请开通电话银行服务。   What do you think about it, sir? I fully recommend you to try it and it will make life easier for you. It is my pleasure to give you efficient, fast and convenient services.   这位先生,您对我行“电话银行”服务是否感兴趣?我向您竭力推荐,您不妨试一下,它会令您的生活更轻松。我很高兴随时为您提供高效、快捷、方便的服务。

—________ ! Somebody has left the lab door open.—Don’t look at me. A.Dear me B.Hi, there

A 试题分析:考查交际用语。A. dear me哎呀(表示惊讶);B. Hi, there嗨;C. Thank goodness谢天谢地;D. come on加油。句意:——哎呀!有人离开实验室门还开着。——不要看着我。故A正确。

The Space Shuttle Columbia broke into pieces over Texas as it returned to the earth on February...

B? 现在分词短语作结果状语。?

iOS BLE 开发小记[1] - CoreBluetooth 是什么

现在我们都知道,很多智能硬件设备都已经集成了低功耗蓝牙模块,这样我们就可以开发一个 iOS 或者 Mac APP 与它们进行交互。从 macOS 10.9 和 iOS 6 以后,Mac 和 iOS 设备就支持 低功耗蓝牙技术了,我们可以通过 CoreBluetooth 这个框架与底层的各种蓝牙协议栈进行交互,比如 GATT、ATT 和 L2CAP 等。 与底层交互的过程如下图所示: 开始下文之前,我们需要了解几个概念。对蓝牙不够了解的可以看一下维基百科关于 蓝牙 的简介。 Bluetooth 4.0 : 蓝牙 4.0 是 Bluetooth SIG 于2010年7月7日推出的新的规范,其最重要的特性是功耗低,省电! BLE : Bluetooth low energy wireless technology,也就是低功耗无线蓝牙技术。 BLE 是关于蓝牙4.0 的详细说明,它定义了一套用于低功耗设备之间通信的协议。而CoreBluetooth 则是对 BLE 协议栈的抽象。也就是说,它隐藏了许多底层的详细实现细节,这样对我们开发者来说,开发一个 APP 与 BLE 设备进行交互将会很便捷。 CoreBluetooth 中最关键的两个角色就是 Central(中心) 和 Peripheral(周边), Peripheral 一般是提供数据的一方,而 Central 一般获取 Peripheral 提供的数据然后来完成特定的任务。举个例子,一个集成 BLE 的数字室温计可能提供房间中的实时温度,我们通过 APP 就可以读取、分析和显示房间中的温度。 Peripheral 通过向空中广播数据的方式来使我们能感知到它的存在。Central 通过扫描搜索来发现周围正在广播数据的 Peripheral, 找到指定的 Peripheral 后,发送连接请求进行连接,连接成功后则与 Peripheral 进行一些数据交互, Peripheral 则会通过合适的方式对 Central 进行响应。 CoreBluetooth 对通用的蓝牙任务进行了简化处理,你在 App 中通过 CoreBluetooth 来集成 BLE 功能将会变得简单,如果你开发的 APP 遵循了 Centrals 的开发规范,CoreBluetooth 将会帮你处理与 Peripheral 的扫描、连接以及数据交互的过程,除此之外,通过 CoreBluetooth 将你的设备设置为 本地 Peripheral 也会很便捷。 iOS APP 的状态也会影响蓝牙的行为,当你的 APP 在后台运行或者处于暂停状态中,蓝牙的行为将会受到影响。默认情况下,当你的 APP 在后台运行时或者处于暂停状态中,你的 APP 是不能与 BLE 进行数据通信的,也就是说,当 APP 后台运行时,你需要与 BLE 进行数据通信,你需要声明你的 APP 支持蓝牙后台运行模式,即使你声明了支持后台运行模式,蓝牙在后台运行模式下的数据处理方式也会变得不同,当开发你的 BLE APP 时,你需要注意这些不同点。 即使 APP 在后台运行时,当系统内存过低时也会杀掉 APP 的后台进程,对于 iOS 7,CoreBluetooth 支持 Central 和 Peripheral 的状态信息的保存和恢复。可以通过这个功能来实现与 BLE 设备的长期交互。 CoreBluetooth 框架为你的 APP 与许多常见的 BLE 设备进行交互提供了交互接口,通过合理的利用和实践将会提高用户的体验。 举个例子,当你实现 Central 或 Peripheral 的功能时,会利用设备携带的无线电广播设备(Radio)向空中广播信号,这样就会影响到电池的续航时间,因此当你设计 APP 时,需要尽可能的减少 Radio 的使用频率。 重要提醒: 在 iOS 10以后,通过 CoreBluetooth 与 BLE 设备进行数据通信时,必须在项目的 Info.plist 文件中包含关于 NSBluetoothPerpheralUsageDescription 的描述,否则会导致 APP 闪退,详情见 NSBluetoothPerpheralUsageDescription 。 在 BLE 通信中主要包含两种角色:Central(中心)和 Peripheral(周边),基于传统的客户-服务器架构,Peripheral 通常会提供其他设备需要的数据,Central 通常利用通过 Peripheral 获取的信息来完成特定的任务,如图所示,心率监视器 提供数据给 Mac 或 iOS APP,然后来显示用户的心率数据。 Peripheral 以广播数据包的形式广播服务中的数据,广播数据包指的是包含 Peripheral 有用信息的一个较小数据包,比如 Peripheral 的名字和主要功能数据。比如,一个数字室温计广播的数据中可能包括当前室温,对于 BLE,广播是显示它们存在的主要方式。 如图,对于一个 Central 来说,它能够搜索和获取到它想要的 Peripheral 的广播信息。 连接 Peripheral 的目的就是和 Peripheral 提供的数据进行交互,在你理解这一点后,可以更好的明白 Peripheral 的数据组成结构。 Peripheral 包含一个或多个 Service(服务)和连接信号强度的有用信息。Service 可以理解成是一个完成指定功能的数据集合。举个例子,一个心率监测服务的功能就是可能就是从心率传感器中读取心率数据。 Service 是由 Characteristic(特征) 组成的,Characteristic 为 Peripheral 的 Service 提供更详细的信息,举个例子,心率服务可能包含一个测量不同体位的心率数据的 Characteristic 和一个传输心率数据的 Characteristic,下图所示的是一个心率监测设备的数据组成结构。 当 Central 与 Peripheral 建立成功的连接后,Central 可以发现 Peripheral 提供的全系列的 Service 和 Characteristic,广播数据包中的数据仅仅是可用服务的一小部分而已。 Central 可以通过读取或写入 Service Characteristic 值的方式与 Service 进行交互。你的 APP 也许需要从数字室温计中获取当前室内的温度或者设置一个温度值到数字室温计中。 BLE 通信过程中涉及到的主要角色和数据处理已经简单的集成到 CoreBluetooth 框架中了。 当你通过本地 Central 与周边 Peripheral 进行交互时,你只需要调用 Central 方面的方法就可以了,除非你设置一个本地 Peripheral,并用它来响应其他的 Central 的交互请求,实际运用中,你的蓝牙处理大部分会在 Central 方面。 在 Central 方面,用 CBCentralManager 对象来表示一个Local Central 设备,这个对象被用来管理 Remote Peripheral 设备(用 CBPeripheral 对象来表示),包括搜索和连接正在广播数据的 Peripheral。如图所示的是 CoreBluetooth 框架中如何表示 Local Central 和 Remote Peripheral。 当你与 Remote Peripheral 进行数据交互时,你将处理它的 Service 和 Characteristic,在 CoreBluetooth 框架中,用 CBService 对象来表示 Peripheral 中的服务,同样地,用 CBCharacteristic 对象来表示 Service 中的特征。下图所示的是 Remote Peripheral 的服务特征结构树。 对于 macOS 10.9 和 iOS 6, Mac 和 iOS 设备可以实现 BLE Peripheral 的功能,如为其他设备(包括 Mac,iPhone,和 iPad)提供数据。当你遵循 Peripheral 的开发规范时,就可以调用 BLE 通信的 Peripheral 方面的方法。 在 Peripheral 方面,一个 Local Peripheral 可以用 CBPeripheralManager 对象来表示,这个对象被用来管理发布包含的服务,包括组织构建 Peripheral 的数据结构以及向中心设备广播数据,Peripheral Manager 也对 Remote Central的读写交互请求做出响应。如图所示的是一个 Local Peripheral 和 Remote Central。 当你设置并与 Local Peripheral 进行数据交互时,你处理的是它的可变的 Service 和 Characteristic,在 CoreBluetooth 框架中,用 CBMutableService 对象来表示 Local Peripheral 中的服务,同样地,用 CBMutableCharacteristic 对象来表示Local Peripheral 服务中的特征。下图表示的是一个 Local Peripheral 中的服务特征结构树。 后续章节会进一步补充关于 BLE 开发的知识。 1、 TP40013257-CH1-SW1 2、 CoreBluetoothOverview 欢迎在本文下面留言一起交流心得...



网站在Web服务为启动的情况下,出现“The status code returned from the server was: 12031"的错误

part of Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1RFC 2616 Fielding, et al. 10 Status Code Definitions Each Status-Code is described below, including a description of which method(s) it can follow and any metainformation required in the response. 10.1 Informational 1xx This class of status code indicates a provisional response, consisting only of the Status-Line and optional headers, and is terminated by an empty line. There are no required headers for this class of status code. Since HTTP/1.0 did not define any 1xx status codes, servers MUST NOT send a 1xx response to an HTTP/1.0 client except under experimental conditions. A client MUST be prepared to accept one or more 1xx status responses prior to a regular response, even if the client does not expect a 100 (Continue) status message. Unexpected 1xx status responses MAY be ignored by a user agent. Proxies MUST forward 1xx responses, unless the connection between the proxy and its client has been closed, or unless the proxy itself requested the generation of the 1xx response. (For example, if a proxy adds a "Expect: 100-continue" field when it forwards a request, then it need not forward the corresponding 100 (Continue) response(s).) 10.1.1 100 Continue The client SHOULD continue with its request. This interim response is used to inform the client that the initial part of the request has been received and has not yet been rejected by the server. The client SHOULD continue by sending the remainder of the request or, if the request has already been completed, ignore this response. The server MUST send a final response after the request has been completed. See section 8.2.3 for detailed discussion of the use and handling of this status code. 10.1.2 101 Switching Protocols The server understands and is willing to comply with the client"s request, via the Upgrade message header field (section 14.42), for a change in the application protocol being used on this connection. The server will switch protocols to those defined by the response"s Upgrade header field immediately after the empty line which terminates the 101 response. The protocol SHOULD be switched only when it is advantageous to do so. For example, switching to a newer version of HTTP is advantageous over older versions, and switching to a real-time, synchronous protocol might be advantageous when delivering resources that use such features. 10.2 Successful 2xx This class of status code indicates that the client"s request was successfully received, understood, and accepted. 10.2.1 200 OK The request has succeeded. The information returned with the response is dependent on the method used in the request, for example: GET an entity corresponding to the requested resource is sent in the response; HEAD the entity-header fields corresponding to the requested resource are sent in the response without any message-body; POST an entity describing or containing the result of the action; TRACE an entity containing the request message as received by the end server. 10.2.2 201 Created The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created. The newly created resource can be referenced by the URI(s) returned in the entity of the response, with the most specific URI for the resource given by a Location header field. The response SHOULD include an entity containing a list of resource characteristics and location(s) from which the user or user agent can choose the one most appropriate. The entity format is specified by the media type given in the Content-Type header field. The origin server MUST create the resource before returning the 201 status code. If the action cannot be carried out immediately, the server SHOULD respond with 202 (Accepted) response instead. A 201 response MAY contain an ETag response header field indicating the current value of the entity tag for the requested variant just created, see section 14.19. 10.2.3 202 Accepted The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed. The request might or might not eventually be acted upon, as it might be disallowed when processing actually takes place. There is no facility for re-sending a status code from an asynchronous operation such as this. The 202 response is intentionally non-committal. Its purpose is to allow a server to accept a request for some other process (perhaps a batch-oriented process that is only run once per day) without requiring that the user agent"s connection to the server persist until the process is completed. The entity returned with this response SHOULD include an indication of the request"s current status and either a pointer to a status monitor or some estimate of when the user can expect the request to be fulfilled. 10.2.4 203 Non-Authoritative Information The returned metainformation in the entity-header is not the definitive set as available from the origin server, but is gathered from a local or a third-party copy. The set presented MAY be a subset or superset of the original version. For example, including local annotation information about the resource might result in a superset of the metainformation known by the origin server. Use of this response code is not required and is only appropriate when the response would otherwise be 200 (OK). 10.2.5 204 No Content The server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body, and might want to return updated metainformation. The response MAY include new or updated metainformation in the form of entity-headers, which if present SHOULD be associated with the requested variant. If the client is a user agent, it SHOULD NOT change its document view from that which caused the request to be sent. This response is primarily intended to allow input for actions to take place without causing a change to the user agent"s active document view, although any new or updated metainformation SHOULD be applied to the document currently in the user agent"s active view. The 204 response MUST NOT include a message-body, and thus is always terminated by the first empty line after the header fields. 10.2.6 205 Reset Content The server has fulfilled the request and the user agent SHOULD reset the document view which caused the request to be sent. This response is primarily intended to allow input for actions to take place via user input, followed by a clearing of the form in which the input is given so that the user can easily initiate another input action. The response MUST NOT include an entity. 10.2.7 206 Partial Content The server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource. The request MUST have included a Range header field (section 14.35) indicating the desired range, and MAY have included an If-Range header field (section 14.27) to make the request conditional. The response MUST include the following header fields: - Either a Content-Range header field (section 14.16) indicating the range included with this response, or a multipart/byteranges Content-Type including Content-Range fields for each part. If a Content-Length header field is present in the response, its value MUST match the actual number of OCTETs transmitted in the message-body. - Date - ETag and/or Content-Location, if the header would have been sent in a 200 response to the same request - Expires, Cache-Control, and/or Vary, if the field-value might differ from that sent in any previous response for the same variant If the 206 response is the result of an If-Range request that used a strong cache validator (see section 13.3.3), the response SHOULD NOT include other entity-headers. If the response is the result of an If-Range request that used a weak validator, the response MUST NOT include other entity-headers; this prevents inconsistencies between cached entity-bodies and updated headers. Otherwise, the response MUST include all of the entity-headers that would have been returned with a 200 (OK) response to the same request. A cache MUST NOT combine a 206 response with other previously cached content if the ETag or Last-Modified headers do not match exactly, see 13.5.4. A cache that does not support the Range and Content-Range headers MUST NOT cache 206 (Partial) responses. 10.3 Redirection 3xx This class of status code indicates that further action needs to be taken by the user agent in order to fulfill the request. The action required MAY be carried out by the user agent without interaction with the user if and only if the method used in the second request is GET or HEAD. A client SHOULD detect infinite redirection loops, since such loops generate network traffic for each redirection. Note: previous versions of this specification recommended a maximum of five redirections. Content developers should be aware that there might be clients that implement such a fixed limitation.


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webber naturals褪黑素其实是一款睡眠片,含有天然茶氨酸,可以促进睡眠,做你身边的安睡宝。只有睡得好,才可以保证第二天神采奕奕! webber naturals褪黑素怎么吃 【产品说明】 伟博褪黑素片)能改进睡眠质量,重建正常的睡眠生理节奏.用于倒时差,倒班,及延迟睡眠综合症. 【产品含量】每1粒含:美乐通宁(melatonin)5毫克 无药物成分:乳糖一水合物,微晶纤维素,薄荷调味剂,交联羧甲基钠,蔬菜级硬脂酸镁(润滑剂) 【服用方法】睡前服用,每日1-2粒放在舌下含服 【注意事项】 1、如果您患有内分泌失调、糖尿病、肝脏或肾脏疾病、脑瘫、癫痫、偏头痛,抑郁症和/或高血压,或者如果你正在服用血压或镇静/催眠药物,请在使用本品之前咨询医生。 2、服用褪黑激素后5小时内不要驾驶车辆或使用机械。 3、如果症状持续4周以上(慢性失眠),应向医生咨询。 4、如果你正在服用免疫抑制药物和/或如果你是孕妇或哺乳期请不要使用 5、请放在小孩拿不到的地方。 褪黑素不能和阿司匹林同服 褪黑素能自然调节人的睡眠-觉醒周期,昼夜节律。当睡眠规律被旅游或者其他原因打乱时,入睡和保持睡眠是困难的。舌下含服加强版褪黑素能帮助恢复昼夜节律,增加总的睡眠时间,以及提高白天的警觉性,减少入睡所需的时间,尤其是老人,睡眠紊乱的人,包括睡眠延迟综合症,改变作息时间,倒时差和倒班工作。褪黑素也是一种有效的抗氧化剂。 褪黑素不等于安眠药,安眠药属于药物,褪黑素只是保健品,不会像安眠药一样产生依赖作用。不可与阿司匹林同时服用! webber naturals褪黑素功效 1、有效帮助减轻精神紧张、改善睡眠质量 2、帮助身体于睡眠中迅速解除疲劳,达到完全松弛的效果 3、缓解因时差或轮班制造成的白天疲劳 4、缓解忧郁症、失眠的功能、解除忧虑、压力 webber naturals褪黑素副作用 1.可能会影响男性的睾丸素和雌激素代谢,并可能影响精子功能。 2.可能会影响女性的促黄体激素。 3.服用后2~6小时能产生困倦并降低注意力,并可能削弱平衡感 4.有些其他方面的研究发现褪黑素可能会损坏胰岛功能和葡萄糖耐受(不确定,建议咨询医生) 5.可能会加剧夜间哮喘(不确定,建议咨询医生) 6.现在还没有对儿童,孕妇,哺乳期妇女及严重肝肾功能不全人群的研究。

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java调用.net写的webservice 传入实体类作为参数/// <summary> /// 添加windows用户 /// </summary> /// <param name="ldapDN">单元名称</param> /// <param name="user">用户对象</param> /// <param name="group">所属组</param> /// <param name="de">连接对象</param> public static string AddUser(string ldapDN, UsersInfo user, string group, string path, string name, string pwd) { DirectoryEntry de = GetFirectoryObject(path, name, pwd); //连接 DirectoryEntry subEntry = de.Children.Find("CN=" + ldapDN); //查找User单元 DirectoryEntry NewUser = subEntry.Children.Add("cn=" + user.UserPrincipalName, "user"); SetProperty(NewUser, "Description", user.Description);//描述 SetProperty(NewUser, "sn", user.SN); //姓 SetProperty(NewUser, "employeeID", user.EmployeeID); SetProperty(NewUser, "givenname", user.GivenName); //名 SetProperty(NewUser, "initials", user.Initials); //英文缩写 SetProperty(NewUser, "displayName", user.displayName); //显示名称 SetProperty(NewUser, "physicalDeliveryOfficeName", user.PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName); //办公室地址 SetProperty(NewUser, "telephoneNumber", user.telephoneNumber); //办公室电话 SetProperty(NewUser, "otherTelephone", user.otherTelephone); //其他电话 SetProperty(NewUser, "C", user.C); //国家/地区 SetProperty(NewUser, "St", user.St); //省/自治区 SetProperty(NewUser, "L", user.L); //市/县 SetProperty(NewUser, "streetAddress", user.StreetAddress); //街道 SetProperty(NewUser, "postOfficeBox", user.PostOfficeBox); //邮政信箱 SetProperty(NewUser, "postalCode", user.PostalCode); //邮政编码 SetProperty(NewUser, "userPrincipalName", user.UserPrincipalName); //用户登录名 // SetProperty(NewUser, "logonHours",DateTime.Now.ToString()); //登录时间 SetProperty(NewUser, "accountExpires", user.AccountExpires); //账户过期 SetProperty(NewUser, "mail", user.Mail); //寻呼机 SetProperty(NewUser, "Pager", user.Pager); //寻呼机 SetProperty(NewUser, "mobile", user.Mobile); //移动电话 SetProperty(NewUser, "FacsimileTelephoneNumber", user.FacsimileTelephoneNumber); //传真 SetProperty(NewUser, "ipPhone", user.IpPhone); //IP电话 SetProperty(NewUser, "wWWHomePage", user.WWWHomePage); //网页 SetProperty(NewUser, "Info", user.Info); //注释 SetProperty(NewUser, "Title", user.Title); //职务 SetProperty(NewUser, "Department", user.Department); //部门 SetProperty(NewUser, "Company", user.Company); //公司 SetProperty(NewUser, "sAMAccountName", user.sAMAccountName); //登录名称曾用名 NewUser.CommitChanges(); NewUser.Properties["userPassword"].Add(user.UserPassWord); NewUser.CommitChanges(); NewUser.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { user.UserPassWord }); NewUser.CommitChanges(); AddGroupUser(group, user.UserPrincipalName, de); //将用户添加到组 EnableAccount(NewUser); return "已将用户" + ldapDN + "添加到组"; }以下是服务端xmlPOST /OperationAD.asmx HTTP/1.1Host: localhostContent-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "http://tempuri.org/AddUser"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <AddUser xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> <ldapDN>string</ldapDN> <user> <EmployeeID>string</EmployeeID> <Description>string</Description> <SN>string</SN> <GivenName>string</GivenName> <Initials>string</Initials> <displayName>string</displayName> <PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName>string</PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName> <telephoneNumber>string</telephoneNumber> <otherTelephone>string</otherTelephone> <C>string</C> <St>string</St> <L>string</L> <StreetAddress>string</StreetAddress> <PostOfficeBox>string</PostOfficeBox> <PostalCode>string</PostalCode> <UserPrincipalName>string</UserPrincipalName> <sAMAccountName>string</sAMAccountName> <UserPassWord>string</UserPassWord> <Pager>string</Pager> <Mobile>string</Mobile> <Mail>string</Mail> <FacsimileTelephoneNumber>string</FacsimileTelephoneNumber> <IpPhone>string</IpPhone> <Info>string</Info> <WWWHomePage>string</WWWHomePage> <AccountExpires>string</AccountExpires> <Title>string</Title> <Department>string</Department> <Company>string</Company> </user> <group>string</group> <path>string</path> <name>string</name> <pwd>string</pwd> </AddUser> </soap:Body></soap:Envelope>java 客户端测试代码package webservice;import org.apache.axis.client.Service;import org.apache.axis.client.Call;import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory;import org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory;import javax.xml.namespace.QName;import javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode;public class TestAxisClient { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try {// webserviceURL String endpoint = "http://localhost:20576/OperationAD.asmx?wsdl"; Service service = new Service();Call call = (Call) service.createCall(); call.setTargetEndpointAddress(new java.net.URL(endpoint)); /** QName qn = new QName("user"); call.registerTypeMapping(UsersInfo.class, qn, new BeanSerializerFactory(UsersInfo.class, qn) , new BeanDeserializerFactory(UsersInfo.class, qn)); 注册 bean UsersInfo user = new UsersInfo(); user.C="sda"; user.Company="xiaosdfna"; user.Info="sdfajsodfji"; user.setInfo("sdafsdf"); */ // 设置要调用的方法 call.setOperationName(new QName("http://tempuri.org/","AddUser")); //该方法需要的参数 call.addParameter(new QName("http://tempuri.org/","ldapDN"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); //此处缺少一个实体类参数[java中有个UsersInfo.class实体类] /**call.addParameter(new QName("http://tempuri.org/","user"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING,UsersInfo.class, ParameterMode.IN); call.registerTypeMapping(UsersInfo.class,qx,new BeanSerializerFactory(UsersInfo.class, qx),new BeanDeserializerFactory(UsersInfo.class, qx)); call.addParameter(new QName("http://tempuri.org/","group"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN);*/ call.addParameter(new QName("http://tempuri.org/","path"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); call.addParameter(new QName("http://tempuri.org/","name"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); call.addParameter(new QName("http://tempuri.org/","pwd"), org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN); call.setReturnClass(UsersInfo.class); // 方法的返回值类型 call.setReturnType(org.apache.axis.Constants.XSD_STRING); call.setUseSOAPAction(true); call.setSOAPActionURI("http://tempuri.org/AddUser"); // 调用该方法, String ret = (String)call.invoke(new Object[] { "22",user,"23","22","12","23"}); System.out.println("Successful = " + ret); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.toString()); } }}

知道web.config 中的 urlMappings怎么用

猛然发现ASP.NET 2.0本身就提供了对UrlMapping的天然支持--web.config文件中的<urlMappings>节,感叹现在写程序真的不是什么技术活了。程序代码<?xml version="1.0"?><configuration> <system.web> <urlMappings> <add url="~/2006/07" mappedUrl="~/Month.aspx?year=2006&month=01"/> <add url="~/2006/08" mappedUrl="~/Month.aspx?year=2006&month=02"/> </urlMappings> <compilation debug="true"/> </system.web></configuration>这个配置可以使ASP.NET程序在ASP.NET Development Server(就是建ASP.NET项目时选文件系统)直接支持UrlMapping,不过它有几个不足之处:1、只能映射固定的地址,所以只能一个地址一个地址的配置2、ASP.NET Development Server中可以不用配什么别的地方,在IIS中受请求响应模型所限,估计还是要在IIS中设映射。这样的话,反而搞得我到处找资料,看怎么实现在ASP.NET Development Server设置映射,得到的结果是不行。针对于UrlMapping的不支持正则表达式的缺陷,我做了个支持正则表达式的UrlMapping,可惜由于UrlMapping是由HttpApplication调用的,而HttpApplication是Internal的,不能对它做什么动作,所以实现的东东和UrlMapping相比做在Web.config中多做个<Section>文件下载(下载文件中包括RegexUrlMapping组件和一个示例ASP.NET,注意ASP.NET程序需部署在IIS中,并且要设置映射,方法是右击虚拟目录,选属性,选配置,在通配符应用程序映射中添加c:windowsmicrosoft.netframeworkv2.0.50727aspnet_isapi.dll的引用,并去掉确认文件是否存在的钩,这里是为了偷懒才用通配符全部映射到ASP.NET2.0的ISAPI,实际开发中最好酌情添加具体一点的映射)Web.config中的配置举例如下:程序代码<?xml version="1.0"?><configuration> <configSections> <section name="RegexUrlMappings" type="Cnblogs.DTC.THIN.RegexUrlMapping.RegexUrlMappingsSection,Cnblogs.DTC.THIN.RegexUrlMapping"/> </configSections> <RegexUrlMappings enabled="true" rebaseClientPath="true"> <add url="(d+)$" mappedUrl="default.aspx?id=$1"/> <add url="(?<=/)(?<id>[a-z]+)$" mappedUrl="default.aspx?id=${id}" /> <add url="/$" mappedUrl="/default.aspx?id=0"/> </RegexUrlMappings> <system.web> <httpModules> <add name="RegexUrlMappingModule" type="Cnblogs.DTC.THIN.RegexUrlMapping.RegexUrlMappingModule,Cnblogs.DTC.THIN.RegexUrlMapping"/> </httpModules> <compilation debug="true"/> <authentication mode="Windows"/> </system.web></configuration>其中RegexUrlMapping的属性enabled用于打开和关闭映射,rebaseClientPath参见HttpContext.RewritePath中rebaseClientPath参数<add>用于添加映射规则,url为匹配路径的正则表达式pattern,mappedUrl是替换规则,用法参见Regex.Replace方法上例中,第一个add在url中用括号定义了组1,所以在后面引用$1第二个add在url中用(?<id>)定义了组id,后面用${id}引用了这个组第三个是固定字符串替换

VB6 WebBrowser控件为何不能完全打开网页,而IE浏览器却能?

newwindow事件set Webbrowser.Object=ppDispnewwindow事件说明SyntaxPrivate Sub object_NewWindow2( _ ByRef ppDisp As Object, _ ByRef Cancel As Boolean)ParametersobjectObject expression that resolves to the objects in the Applies To list. ppDispObject expression that, optionally, receives a new, hidden WebBrowser or InternetExplorer object with no URL loaded. CancelBoolean value to determine whether the current navigation should be canceled.trueCancel the navigation.falseDo not cancel the navigation.

Zebrahead的《i am》 歌词

歌曲名:i am歌手:Zebrahead专辑:playmate of the yearWhat the fuck is going on?Let me set it straight on the topics that I"m flowing on.Like Chuck D, Public Enemy to the Nation.Or call me Busta" Rhymes cause that"s my occupation.Hip Hop make your body rockSlam raw rapsand rhythms that make you pop lockHip Hop on the non-stopTake it up a notch and watch the beat dropZebraheadI am where I amI"m only here cause I want to beI am where I amYou don"t give a damn cause you"re a wanna beNow, my rhymes are so phat they make biggie look Smalland if you ain"t down with that then we bound to brawlcause i got heart like De La Joliaand if you still don"t know then I"ll show ya."Cause I"m a straight refugee like L-Boogie.Never go limp but I do it for the nookie.I got rhymes like Jennifer Lopez gots ass.One two, one two here we go.I"m a straight pimp like Lewinsky is a ho.I could go psycho like Buscemi in Fargo.And, like Chris Tucker, hydroponics keeps me high yo.Hip Hop make your body rockSlam raw rapsand rhythms that make you pop lockHip Hop on the non-stopTake it up a notch and watch the beat drophttp://music.baidu.com/song/14209809

Ride-Justin Bieber 中英歌词

Justin Bieber - Ride I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride When I Wake Up, I First Think Of You I Really Like You, And I Hope You Like Me Too The Sky Is The Limit For Me And You I Could Be Your Queen, But You Could Be My Boo We Could Go Anywhere, To The Moon And Through The Air We Could Go To The Movies Or The Mall, Baby I Don"t Care Yeah This Is True, Wanna Be With You And I Just Wanna Ride With You I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride (By The Ocean Side) I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride With You I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride With You Whenever Im With You, You Make Me Feel Special And All My Problems, They Go Right Through The Door I Love It When You Call Me Baby (Baby) It"s You I Adore (Adore) We Could Go Anywhere To The Moon, And Through The Air We Could Go To The Movies Or The Mall, Baby I Don"t Care Yeah This Is True, Wanna Be With You And I Just Wanna Ride With You I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride (By The Ocean Side) I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride With You I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride With You So Lets Go Right Now, Go Slow Right Now Let The Base Flow Out With That Boom Boom Pow So Lets Go Right Now, Go Slow Right Now Let The Base Flow Out With That Boom Boom Pow I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride (By The Ocean Side) I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride With You I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride With You I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride (By The Ocean Side) I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride With You I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride I Wanna Ride, I-I Wanna Ride With You I Wanna Ride I Wanna Ride I Wanna Ride I Wanna Ride I Just Ride With


1. 接可数名词单数用there is或者there was。There is a mulberry tree in front of our house.我们家门前有一棵桑树。2. 接可数名词复数用they are或者they were。There are many people playing on the square.广场上有很多人在玩。3. 接不可数名词用there is或there was。There was much milk in the bottle just now.瓶子里刚才还有很多牛奶呢。


Therebe句型的几种特殊结构及其用法 Therebe句型是一种应用十分广泛和频繁的句型。但是对therebe句型的多变的特点及其特殊结构的复杂性,并不是每个考生都熟悉了解。在大学英语四级考试题中也常常遇到这一句型结构的试题。 例如:Annneverdreamsof_________forhertobesentabroadverysoon.(CET-4,1998.6-43) A)theretobeachance B)therebeingachance C)therebeachance D)beingachance该题的答案为B)。 动词dreamof要求跟V-ing分词结构作宾语,更准确地讲是介词of后要求跟V-ing分词结构作宾语,therebeingachance意为"有一个机会";A)和C)两项均不符合句子结构的要求,所以不是答案选项,而D)项beingachance虽然是V-ing分词结构,但语义不通,故不能雪 又如:NoonehadtoldSmithabout____alecturethefollowingday.(CET-4,2001.1-66) A)therebe B)therewouldbeC)therewas D)therebeing 该题的答案为D)。介词about后要求跟V-ing分词结构作宾语,therebeing(alecture)意为"有(一个讲座)",而A)、B)和C)项内容均不符合结构要求,故不能雪 再如: ItisfairlycommoninAfricafortheretobeanensembleofexpertmusicianssurroundedbyotherswhojoininbyclapping,singing,orsomehowaddingtothetotalityofmusicalsound.(CET-4,1995.1) 该句子中出现了fortheretobe的结构,如果按照上一题的解题思路去理解:介词后要求跟V-ing分词结构作宾语,那么,这一结构似乎是错的;但是,实际上此结构没有错,此处只能够用fortheretobe,而不能用therebeing。为什么呢?这就是本文想要解答的问题:therebe句型的特殊结构及其用法。笔者将therebe句型的几种特殊结构及其用法进行归纳、总结如下,供读者参考。 一、therebe句型与各种情态动词连用。 例如:Theremustbesomethingwronghere. Theremightstillbesomevacantseatsintherear. Thereoughttobesomethingwithwhichtofillyourstocking. 二、therebe句型中的谓语动词be被belikelytobe,happentobe,seem(tobe),occur等代替,用来描写事物。例如:] Therearelikelytobemoredifficultiesthantheyhavebeenpreparedfor. Therehappenedtobenobodyintheroom. Theredoesn"tseemtobemuchhopeofourbeatingthatteam. Thereseemsnodoubtthatthegeneralcharacterofthelandscape,therelativelengthofdayandnight,andtheclimatemustallplayabigpartindeterminingwhatkindofpeopleweare. Therehaveoccurredmanygreatchangessincewemetlast. 三、therebe句型中的谓语动词be被一些不及物动词代替,如live,stand,exist,remain等,用来表示"静止、存在、有"。例如: Therelivesafamilyoffiveinthevillage. Thereremainsnothingmoretobedone. TherestandstheMonumenttothePeople"sHeroesatthecenteroftheTian"anmenSquare. Thereexistdifferentopinionsonthisquestion. 四、therebe句型中的谓语动词be被一些不及物动词代替,如come,springup,appear,emerge,arrive,enter,follow,等,用来表示"突然出现"。例如: Thereappearstobenosubstituteforthisstuffyet. Therecameacompanyofactorsandactresses. Therefollowedaspiriteddiscussionafterclass. 五、therebe句型中be用不定式,形成"(for)theretobe+宾格词"结构,表示"有"或"存在(某种情况)",在"(for)theretobe+宾格词"的结构中,主语是宾格词。这种不定式结构在句中作逻辑宾语、状语和主语。 1."theretobe+宾格词"在句中作宾语。例如: Thestudentsexpectedtheretobemorereviewingclassesbeforethefinalexams. "theretobe+宾格词"结构在句中作动词expect的宾语,句中的宾格词morereview-ingclasses作"theretobe"不定式结构的逻辑主语。特别应该注意的是there后的不定式只能用"tobe"的形式,因为这种不定式结构是从"therebe"结构转化而来的。又如: Peopledon"twanttheretobeanotherwar. Membersliketheretobeplentyofchoice. Perhapstransportationandthemeansofcommunicationhavereallymadeitpossiblefortheretobeanendtothebigcities. ItisfairlycommoninAfricafortheretobeanensembleofexpertmusicianssurroundedbyotherswhojoininbyclapping,singing,orsomehowaddingtothetotalityofmusicalsound. "theretobe+宾格词"结构在句中作介词for的宾语,句中的宾格词anensembleofexpertmusicians作"theretobe"不定式结构的逻辑主语。 2."fortheretobe+宾格词"在句中作状语。例如: Itisn"tcoldenoughfortheretobeafrosttonight,soIcanleaveJim"scaroutquitesafely.("fortheretobe+宾格词"作结果状语) 特别应该注意的是,"fortheretobe+宾格词"在句中作状语时必须用介词for引出therebe后面的宾格词。又如: Fortheretobesuccessfulcommunication,theremustbeattentivenessandinvolvementinthediscussingitselfbyallpresent.("fortheretobe+宾格词"作目的状语) Theyplannedfortheretobeanothermeeting.("fortheretobe+宾格词"作目的状语) 3."theretobe+宾格词"在句中作主语。例如: It"sagreatpityfortheretobemuchtroubleinthecompany.特别应该注意的是, "fortheretobe+宾格词"在句中作主语时必须用介词for引出therebe后面的宾格词。又如: Itisimpossiblefortheretobeanymoreapples. Fortheretobesofewpeopleinthestreetswasunusual. 六、therebe句型中be用V-ing分词,形成"(of)therebeing+宾格词"结构,表示"有"或"存在(某种情况)",在"(of)therebe-ing+宾格词"的结构中,主语是宾格词。 1."therebeing+宾格词"在句中作宾语。例如: Haveyoueverthoughtoftherebeingsomanyworkunitsforyoutochooseonthetalent"smeeting?("therebeing+宾格词"作宾语) "therebeing+宾格词"结构在句中作介词of的宾语,句中的宾格词somanyworku-nits作"therebeing"V-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。又如: Noonehadtoldhimanythingabouttherebeingabeautifulstoryaboutthelake.Johnwasrelyingontherebeinganotheropportunity. 2."therebeing+宾格词"在句中作状语。例如: Therebeingnocauseforalarm,shewentbacktoherbedroom.("therebeing+宾格词"作原因状语) "therebeing+宾格词"结构在句中作状语,句中的宾格词nocause作"therebeing"V-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。又如: Therehavingbeenastrongsuspicionagainsttheabilityofthedirector,thedepartmentaskedhimtoresign.("therebeing+宾格词"作原因状语) Therebeingnothingtobedone,theyhavetogobackhome.("therebeing+宾格词"作原因状语) Therebeingnofurtherbusiness,thechairmanclosedthemeeting.("therebeing+宾格词"作原因状语) 3."therebeing+宾格词"在句中作主语。例如: Therebeingabusstopsonearthehouseisagreatadvantage. "therebeing+宾格词"结构在句中作主语,句中的宾格词abusstop作"therebeing"V-ing分词短语结构的逻辑主语。 七、therebe句型中be用be+V-ed分词,形成"therebe+V-ed分词+宾格词"结构,表示"有"或"存在(某种情况)",在"therebe+V-ed分词+宾格词"的结构中,主语是宾格词。例如: Therewasfoundalotoffoodinthekitchencupboard. TherearenowpublishedmillionsofbookseveryyearinChina. TherewasshownattheexhibitionanelectroniccomputermadeinShanghai. 八、"therebeno+主语名词"的习惯用法。 1.V-ing分词在"therebeno"结构中作主语,表示"不可能"、"无法"。例如: ThereisnodenyingthefactthatChinaisstilladevelopingcountry. Thereisnojokingaboutsuchmatters. Thereisnotellingwhatwillhappentohimnext. 2.thereisnopoint+V-ing分词,表示"没有必要","无用","没有意义","没有用处"。例如: Wearedisappointedwiththenewofficerelectedinourbridgeclub,butthereisnopointworryingaboutit. 3.thereisnouse+V-ing分词,表示"无用","没有意义","没有用处"。例如: Thereisnouseadvisinghimtogiveupsmoking. 4.thereisnogood+V-ing分词,表示"无用","没有意义","没有用处","没有益处"。例如: Thereisnogooddiscussingthematterwithsuchafool. 九、在由"therebe+主语名词"引起的句子中,修饰主语的情况。 1.在由"therebe+主语名词"引起的句子中,用来修饰主语的不定式可以用被动形式,也可以用主动形式。例如: Thereisnotimetolose/tobelost. Therearestillmanythingstotakecareof/tobetakencareof.在口语中多用主动形式。但是有时候两种形式可能表示不同的意思。试比较: Thereisnothingtodonow.(Wehavenothingtodonow.) Thereisnothingtobedonenow.(Wecandonothingnow.) Thereisnothingtosee(nothingworthseeing). Thereisnothingtobeseen(nothingthereatall). 2.在由"therebe+主语名词"引起的句子中,用来修饰主语的分词或分词短语在意思上相当于一个定语从句。例如: Therewere200childrenstudying(=whowerestudying)music,dancing,ordramatics. Isthereanythingplanned(=thathasbeenplanned)fortonight?





林俊杰too bad是写的hebe吗

肯定不是 因为写的是我 哈哈哈哈啊哈

Reborn 里的 “stand up”罗马 歌词

STAND UP - (アニメ家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN ED) 作词:Lead 作曲:本山清治 编曲:本山清治 呗:Lead Get it on まだ上がるテンション 绊 in Da 先导 Get it on mada aga ru tenshon kizuna in Da sendou 突き进むのは We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it tsuki susumu noha Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Wake up!鸣り响く10カウント 飞び立つよ点火 Wake up ! nari hibiku 10 kaunto tobi tatsu yo tenka 秘めた力 We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it hime ta chikara Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Jam onでまだDon"t stop it Jam on demada Don"t stop it Hello~ 最近调子どう? Hey yo!! めちゃめちゃ绝好调! Hello ~ saikin choushi dou ? Hey yo !! mechamecha zekkouchou ! なら早速电源ONにして music please! Come on!! nara sassoku dengen ON nishite music please ! Come on !! じゃ~行きますか DJ play the song! ja ~ iki masuka DJ play the song ! 面倒なこと蹴飞ばして rock on!! 続行する道半ばする想像 mendou nakoto keritoba shite rock on !! zokkou suru michi nakaba suru souzou 堂々と胸张って生きたい本当の所 思い通りには行かない... doudou to mune hatte iki tai hontou no tokoro omoi toori niha ika nai ... 心だけがいつも先走る男 空を见渡せば気まぐれな晴れ kokoro dakegaitsumo sakibashiru otoko sora wo miwatase ba kimagure na hare 时に冷たく容赦なく打つ雨 谁もが思いもしない沈む影 tokini tsumeta ku yousha naku utsu ame daremo ga omoi moshinai shizumu kage まるまる一年365日 绝やさずkick it! 力强い意志 marumaru ichinen 365 nichi taya sazu kick it ! chikaraduyoi ishi からなる日々が作る大きな道 そこで生まれるさらなる意味 karanaru hibi ga tsukuru ooki na michi sokode umare rusaranaru imi Get it on まだ上がるテンション 绊 in Da 先导 Get it on mada aga ru tenshon kizuna in Da sendou 突き进むのは We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it tsuki susumu noha Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Wake up!鸣り响く10カウント 飞び立つよ点火 Wake up ! nari hibiku 10 kaunto tobi tatsu yo tenka 秘めた力 We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it hime ta chikara Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Jam onでまだDon"t stop it Jam on demada Don"t stop it 弱気な気持ちになると畏まる 余计上手くいかなくて立ち止まる yowaki na kimochi ninaruto kashikoma ru yokei umaku ikanakute tachi toma ru 伤つくのが怖ぇ 壳を破るのが怖ぇ kizutsu kunoga kowae kara wo yaburu noga kowae でもそんなんみんな同じやん 一绪やん demosonnanminna onaji yan issho yan 逃げ出したくなるのは当然 今の位置から踏み出す勇気 nigedashi takunarunoha touzen ima no ichi kara fumi dasu yuuki 一歩でも二歩でもペースは自由に 成功しなくてもええよ A Yo! ippo demo niho demo pe^su ha jiyuu ni seikou shinakutemoeeyo A Yo ! 抵抗する姿势で成长 Take off 0胜からいずれは1000胜 连胜 teikou suru shisei de seichou Take off 0 kachi karaizureha 1000 kachi renshou 殿堂入りの旅へLet"s GO! dendou iri no tabi he Let"s GO! Get it on まだ上がるテンション 绊 in Da 先导 Get it on mada aga ru tenshon kizuna in Da sendou 突き进むのは We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it tsuki susumu noha Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Wake up!鸣り响く10カウント 飞び立つよ点火 Wake up ! nari hibiku 10 kaunto tobi tatsu yo tenka 秘めた力 We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it hime ta chikara Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Jam onでまだDon"t stop it Jam on demada Don"t stop it いつだって向かい风の中で もうどうしようもないくらいcryな日々で itsudatte mukai kaze no naka de moudoushiyoumonaikurai cry na hibi de 丸くなったってしょうがないし 待ってたってなんにも来やせん maruku nattatteshouganaishi matte tattenannimo koya sen 全然 OK じゃあ参ろう year 调子Dooo~!? A YO! zenzen OK jaa mairo u year choushi Dooo ~!? A YO ! そんな感じでついてきなみんな オレ九州男児 sonna kanji detsuitekinaminna ore kyuushuu danji Get it on まだ上がるテンション 绊 in Da 先导 Get it on mada aga ru tenshon kizuna in Da sendou 突き进むのは We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it tsuki susumu noha Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Wake up!鸣り响く10カウント 飞び立つよ点火 Wake up ! nari hibiku 10 kaunto tobi tatsu yo tenka 秘めた力 We"ll Rock it まだDon"t stop it hime ta chikara Well Rock it mada Dont stop it Jam onでまだDon"t stop it Jam on demada Don"t stop it 何が良いとかダメとか あるとかないとか nani ga yoi toka dame toka arutokanaitoka じゃ~なんとなくはなしにして生きたい ja ~ nantonakuhanashinishite iki tai About around. "U turn" of this way 「戻らん时间」だから Yes! About around. U turn of this way ( modora n jikan ) dakara Yes ! Just do it ! やってるだけじゃ何も意味ないから yatterudakeja nanimo imi naikara やれて初めてそこでかっこいいのなら yarete hajimete sokodekakkoiinonara 好きな事ほどやり通す事で 次第にでかい自分に出会うここで suki na koto hodoyari tousu koto de shidai nidekai jibun ni deau kokode

justin bieber新专辑only 歌词翻译

[ti:Only Thing I Ever Get For Christmas]Only Thing I Ever Get For Christmas - Justin BieberIf you"re the only thing I ever get for christmasThen everything I wished for has come trueYou"re the single light, I"m on my listYou"re my one and only christmas giftThe mistletoe is where I"ll be waiting, meet me thereI know someone out there knows what I"m sayingBaby you"re a girl who"s wishing just like me (yeah, yeah)There is one, and you know who you areMy gift to you is all my heartMake my holiday, and hear me when I sayIf you"re the only thing I ever get for christmasThen everything I wished for has come trueYou"re the single light, I"m on my listYou"re my one and only christmas giftThe mistletoe is where I"ll be waiting, meet me thereIn the morning I know everybody"s rushingKnow what I mean, cuz I don"t find it thereAnd I need the mistletoe is whereYou make my holidays, so hear me when I sayIf you"re the only thing I ever get for christmasThen everything I wished for has come trueYou"re the single light, I"m on my listYou"re my one and only christmas giftThe mistletoe is where I"ll be waiting, meet me thereOnly you can make this... a merry merry christmasThere is one, and you know who you areMy gift to you is all my heartMake my holiday, and hear me when I sayIf you"re the only thing I ever get for christmasThen everything I wished for has come trueYou"re the single light, I"m on my listYou"re my one and only christmas giftThe mistletoe is where I"ll be waiting, meet me thereAll I ever wanted was you, this christmasYeah yeah yeahI need you babyYou"re the single light, I"m on my listYou"re my one and only christmas wishThe mistletoe is where I"ll be waiting, kiss me there

家庭教师人物介绍 巴吉尔 家光 斯帕纳 Reborn 津嘉 布莱德 艾莉丝



CIF是指成本加保险费加运费,根据CIF贸易术语,买卖双方需要清楚各自履行的义务,并根据CIF的价格算法,来计算所产生的贸易费用问题。CIF是指成本加保险费加运费。需要强调的是,CIF虽然由卖方安排货物运输和办理货运保险,但并不承担保证把货物送到约定目的港的义务,因为CIF是属于装运交货的术语,而不是目的港交货的术语,也就是说CIF不是“到岸价”。关于这一点,对于在ebay全球贸易术语上做外贸的卖家来说是需要值得注意。除此之外,根据CIF贸易术语,买卖双方需要明确各自履行的义务。CIF贸易平台买方的主要义务A、按合同规定支付价款。B、负责办理进口手续取得进口许可证或其他核准书。C、负担货物在装运港越过船舷后的一切费用和风险。D、收取卖方按合同规定交付的货物,接受与合同相符的单据。CIF贸易术语卖方的主要义务A、 在合同规定的期限内,在装运港将符合合同的货物交至运往指定目的港的船上,并给予买方装船通知。B、负责办理货物出口手续,取得出口许可证或其他核准证书(原产地、商检证书等)C、负责租船或订舱并支付到目的港的海运费。D、负责办理货物运输保险,支付保险费。E、负责货物在装运港越过船舷为止的一切费用和风险。F、负责提供商业发票,保险单和货物已装船提单等。CIF的核算方式CIF=FOB+国外运费+国外保费国外运费=基本运费+附加费基本运费=运价*计费吨国外保费=CIF*(1+保险加成率)*保险费率之和把以上各式综合起来就是:CIF=FOB+运价*计费吨+附加费+CIF*(1+保险加成率)*保险费率之和把CIF当做未知数X,解这个一元一次方程。小结:这样计算的CIF是没涉及佣金的,没考虑汇率的(注意FOB要和运费、保险费的计价货币相同),运费中如果不涉及附加费的话式子中的"附加费"一项可以去掉。如果有佣金就还要加上佣金。


1、无法破解,破解数字电视机顶盒是破解机顶盒的智能卡,就等同于破解银行卡;2、取决能否看电视是取决于盒内的智能卡,它同时又是收费卡;地方变了,那当然不能收看了。数字视频变换盒(英语:Set Top Box,简称STB),通常称作机顶盒或机上盒,是一个连接电视机与外部信号源的设备。

求一个欧美歌曲串烧 开头是payphone 结尾是somebody that i used to



《The Boy Artist》(F. M. S.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1w3mPDS_-zHmGNvBfvHkb7A 密码:vc30书名:The Boy Artist作者:F. M. S.出版年份:2008-5页数:84


[n,Wn]= buttord(Wp,Ws,Rp,Rs) [b,a]=butter(n,Wn,/ftype/)其中,Butterworth 滤波器特点是通带处幅值特性平坦,而 Chebyshev 滤波器则比前者的截至特性要好,但通带处的幅值有振荡。前面提到,对于数字滤波器而言,可以采用不同阶数逼近相应滤波器,滤波器性能还与滤波器的阶数有关,一般而言,阶数越高,则逼近越精确,但计算代价也随之上升,所以性能与代价总需要寻求一个平衡点。对性能要求一定的情况下,如果对频率截至特性没有特殊要求,考虑采用Butterworth IIR滤波器。因为 Chebeshev 滤波器的波纹可能大多数情况下不能忍受。cheby1函数 其通带内为等波纹,阻带内为单调。契比雪夫I型的下降斜度比II型大,但其代价是通带内波纹较大。希望对你有帮助 [b,a] = ellip(n,Rp,Rs,Wn,"ftype") 也不错


注:有关实体这个答案会谈DbContext,但 它适用于任何类型的工作单元,例如 LINQ to SQL中的DataContext和NHibernate的ISession。让我们以呼应伊恩开始:有一个单一的DbContext为整个应用程序是一个坏主意。唯一的情况下,这是有道理的,当你有一个单线程的应用程序和数据库是由单个应用程序实例。该DbContext不是线程安全的,并且由于DbContext缓存数据,它就会过时很快。这将让你在各种trouble时 CodeGo.net,该数据库(这是当然的)工作。但我希望的你已经知道,只是想知道为什么不只是注入一个新的实例(即一过性的生活方式)DbContext到任何人谁需要它。 (关于为什么单DbContext-甚至对每上下文线程是坏的,读这个答案)。 说,登记开始DbContext瞬态可以工作,但通常你要在一定范围内有工作的这样一个单位的一个实例。在Web应用程序,它可以是实际来定义的Web请求的界限这样的范围,每一个网页请求的生活方式。这使您可以让整套对象的上下文中运行。换句话说,它们的商业事务中运行。 如果你有有一组操作的上下文中运行,在这种情况下,短暂的生活方式是好的,但也有一些事情要注意的没有目标:由于每个对象都有自己的实例,每一个改变系统的状态类,需要调用_context.SaveChanges()(否则修改将丢失)。这是你的代码,并增加了第二个责任的代码(控制范围内的责任),并违反了单一职责原则的。 你需要确保实体[载入和保存了DbContext】永远不会离开这样一类的范围,他们不能在另一个类的上下文实例。这是你的代码时,你需要的实体,你需要通过ID重新加载它们,这也概率能问题。 自DbContextIDisposable,你可能仍然要处理所有创建的实例。如果你想这样做,你基本上有两种选择。你需要在调用后出售他们在正确的context.SaveChanges()的,但在这种情况下,该业务逻辑需要它得到从外部传递的对象的所有权。第二个选择是丢弃HTTP请求的border上的所有创建的实例,但在这种情况下,你仍然需要某种作用域来让容器知道什么时候这些实例需要处理。另一种选择是不注入DbContext在所有。相反,你注入DbContextFactory即能创建新的实例(在过去的这种做法)。这样,业务逻辑控制方面作了明确规定。如果可能看起来像这样:public void SomeOperation(){ using (var context = this.contextFactory.CreateNew()) { var entities = this.otherDependency.Operate( context, "some value"); context.Entities.InsertOnSubmit(entities); context.SaveChanges(); }}这样做的缺点是,你管理的生命DbContext明确并很容易设置此。它还允许你在一定范围内的单一方面,它具有明显的优势,比如在一个单一的业务事务中运行的代码,并能够绕过实体,因为它们从起源DbContext。 缺点是,你将不得不通过周围的DbContext(这是方法注入)。请注意,在这个意义上的解决方案是为“范围”的方法,但现在的范围被控制在应用程序代码本身(并且可能重复很多它是负责创建和处理工作单元的应用,因为该DbContext依赖关系图被构造后创建,构造函数注入是出来的图片,你需要推迟到方法注入时,你需要通过上下文从一个类到另一个。 方法注入并不坏,但是当业务逻辑变得多类动手,你将不得不把它和类传递给类,它的代码了很多(我已经在过去看到了这一点)。对于一个简单的应用程序,这种方法会做就好了,虽然。 一个缺点,这家工厂方法具有更大的系统,另一种方法可以,这是一个在那里你让容器或基础结构代码/作曲根管理工作单元。这是你的问题是关于样式。 通过让容器和/或基础设施解决这个问题,您的应用程序代码不被污染由有创造,(可选)承诺和Dispose一个UOW实例,这使业务逻辑简单而干净的(只是一个单一责任)。有这种方法的困难。例如,被你提交和处置的实例? 处置工作单元可以在Web请求结束时完成。很multiplayer却错误地认为,这也是对提交工作单位的地方。然而,在应用这一点上,你根本无法确定确定工作单位实际上应该如如果应用程序代码抛出一个异常,你肯定不希望提交。 真正的解决方案是再次明确管理类的范围,但是这个做构图根内。抽象背后/处理模式的所有业务逻辑,你就可以写一个decorator,可以缠处理程序,它允许这样做。例如:class TransactionalCommandHandlerDecorator<TCommand> : ICommandHandler<TCommand>{ readonly DbContext context; readonly ICommandHandler<TCommand> decorated; public TransactionCommandHandlerDecorator( DbContext context, ICommandHandler<TCommand> decorated) { this.context = context; this.decorated = decorated; } public void Handle(TCommand command) { this.decorated.Handle(command); context.SaveChanges(); } }这可以确保您只需要编写此基础结构代码一次。任何固体DI容器允许您配置这样的decorator被缠所有ICommandHandler<T>以一致的方式。

【web前端】十分钟彻底弄懂 flex 布局

flex(flexible box:弹性布局盒模型),是 2009 年 w3c 提出的一种可以简洁、快速对页面进行弹性布局的属性。主要思想是给予容器控制内部元素高度和宽度的能力。目前已得到以下浏览器支持: 其中在webkit内核的浏览器中使用时,必须加上 -webkit- 前缀。 使用 flex 布局的容器(flex container),它内部的元素自动成为 flex 项目(flex item)。容器拥有 两根 隐形的轴,水平的 主轴 (main axis),和竖直的 交叉轴 (cross axis)。 主轴开始的位置,即主轴与左边框的交点,称为 main start;主轴结束的位置称为 main end;交叉轴开始的位置,即交叉轴与上边框的交点,称为 cross start;交叉轴结束的位置称为 cross end。 item 按主轴或交叉轴排列,item 在主轴方向上占据的宽度称为 main size,在交叉轴方向上占据的宽度称为 cross size。 注意:使用 flex 容器内元素,即 flex item 的 float,clear、vertical-align 属性将失效。 flex-direction 决定主轴的方向,即项目排列的方向。有四个可能的值:row(默认) | row-reverse | column | column-reverse。 flex-wrap 决定项目在盒中无法撑满的情况下,是否换行。 它是 flex-direction 和 flex-wrap 的集合简写形式,如:row wrap | column wrap-reverse 等。默认值为 row nowrap,即横向排列 不换行。 决定 item 在横向主轴上的对齐方式,可能的值有 flex-start(默认),flex-end,center,space-between,space-around。当为横向主轴时,具体含义如下: 决定 item 在纵向主轴上的对齐方式,可能的值有 flex-start(默认),flex-end,center,space-between,space-around。当为纵向主轴时,具体含义如下: 决定了 item 在横向主轴上的对齐方式,可能的值有 flex-start | flex-end | center | stretch | baseline ,当为横向主轴时,其具体含义为: 决定了 item 在纵向主轴上的对齐方式,可能的值有 flex-start | flex-end | center | stretch | baseline ,当为纵向主轴时,其具体含义为: 该属性定义了当有多根主轴时,即 item 不止一行时,多行在交叉轴上的对齐方式。注意当有多行时,定义了 align-content 后,align-items 属性将失效。align-content 可能值含义如下(假设主轴为垂直方向): item 的属性在 item 的 style 中设置,item 共有如下六种属性: order 的值是整数,默认为 0,整数越小,item 排列越靠前,如上图所示。 它定义了当 flex 容器有多余空间时,item 是否放大。默认值为 0,即当有多余空间时也不放大;可能的值为整数,表示不同 item 的放大比例。 定义了当容器空间不足时,item 是否缩小。默认值为 1,表示当空间不足时,item 自动缩小,其可能的值为整数,表示不同 item 的缩小比例。 表示 item 在主轴上占据的空间,默认值为 auto。 flex 属性是 flex-grow、flex-shrink 和 flex-basis 三属性的简写总和。 align-self 属性允许 item 有自己独特的在交叉轴上的对齐方式,它有六个可能的值,默认值为 auto。



圣诞节的由来 Christmas Day, the 25th of December, is the biggest festival celebrated in the Christi



TCS是牵引力控制系统,如果仪表板上长亮,而且是禁止的那符号,那就说明手动关闭了TCS,如果没有关闭,而是在行驶过程中亮起,表示目前有车轮打滑,TCS正在工作中,如果没有以上情况,那就去4S检测.故障灯亮了不代表就坏了,有些时临时型的故障,把故障删除就可以了.有些时某个ABS传感器损坏了,还有就是看看插头是否进水水了把先插给腐蚀了.还有就是线束断路了(就是磨破皮了或磨短了) .拓展资料:TCS指示灯该指示灯是用来显示车辆TCS(牵引力控制系统)的工作状态,多出现在日系车上。当该指示灯点亮时,说明TCS系统已被关闭。汽车仪表盘上的指示灯有很多个,特别是越高级的车子,仪表盘上显示的东西也就越多,那意味着,你需要知道的东西也越来越多,新车验车结束把爱车开回家后,一定要对照说明书多研究下,别以后自己独立开车上路发,发现有问题了,却不知道是什么意思,那就太不应该了。


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one love justin bieber 中英歌词

歌曲名:《one love 》歌手:Justin Bieber所属专辑:《Believe》发行时间:2012-06-18 流派:流行 发行公司:环球唱片歌词:I won"t let the night stand in my wayI know what I want, I know what I canI"m only here to find you, youAll I need is you by my sideAll I wanna do is lay down next youCause I all I need is one love one love one heartCause I all I need is one love one love one heartBaby give it to meCause I don"t want want nobody when I got got your bodyBaby no no nobody, has got what I needCause I don"t want want nobody when I got got your bodyBaby no no nobody, has got what I need tonightSee i"ve made mistakes time after time, time, timeBut no not today, won"t leave till I find what i"m looking forI"m only here to find you, youAll I need is you by my sideAll I wanna do is dance under the moonCause I all I need is one love one love one heartCause I all I need is one love one love one heartBaby give it to meCause I don"t want want nobody when I got got your bodyBaby no no nobody, has got what I needCause I don"t want want nobody when I got got your bodyBaby no no nobody, has got what I need tonightYour love is like a rollercoasterThe way that you take my breath awayIt feels like i"m slowly falling deeper and deeper, deeper and deeperCause I all I need is one love one love one heartCause I all I need is one love one love one heartBaby give it to meCause I don"t want want nobody when I got got your bodyBaby no no nobody, has got what I needCause I don"t want want nobody when I got got your bodyBaby no no nobody, can give it to meCause I don"t want want nobody when I got got your bodyBaby no no nobody, has got what I needCause I don"t want want nobody when I got got your bodyBaby no no nobody, has got what I need tonight试听:http://music.baidu.com/song/s/7806e3345a0854da16cc

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晕 Spacebar 是空格键

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ALT+SPACEBAR 打开程序最左上角的菜单

需要准备的材料分别是度:电脑、键盘。1、打开电脑,双击打开多个窗口。2、然后按下键盘上的“alt+tab”,回进行窗口切换。3、然后在弹出来的窗口中按住“alt”键不放,之后点击“tab”即可来选择。完成。注意事项:"Alt”是英语单词“Alternate”(交换、替换)的缩写,大多数情况下与其它键组合使用。在没有鼠标的情况下,使用"Alt”键可以很容易地打开软件的菜单。大家都知道,Alt键在键盘上有一左一右两个。在美国制的键盘中,左右两边的键用途是一样的。大部分欧洲的键盘上,右边的“Alt”键都标名为“Alt Gr”,它的作用和转换键(Shift)差不多——同时按下转换键和字母键就可选择大写或小写。




你右击输入法点设置。你再点面板上的添加。输入语言选择;中文(中国) 键盘布局/输入法。选择;美式键盘。然后确定,再确定!这样就OK了。你就可以用回你的ctrl+Spacebar了。

spaceboy 什么意思?

space boy空间的男孩
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