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justin bieber



连接BF三角形BFD与三角形CFD面积相等所以三角形BEF的面积为12三角形EDF:三角形EDC=FE:EC=2:3所以三角形BEC的面积为18三角形BCD与三角形ABD面积相等 所以三角形ABF面积为10四边形AFEB的面积的面积=三角形ABF+三角形BEF=10+12=22


回答和翻译如下:appreciate the best这是最值得欣赏的The products with innovative designs are presented to those who appreciate only the Best.创新的设计,奉献给那些只欣赏最佳产品的人们。

题中 三角形EFD面积为4 ECD为6 求四边形AFEB面积 条件就这么多 这是小学三年级的奥术提 求大神解










Celebrity stories怎么读

英文原文:Celebrity stories英式音标:[su026au02c8lebru026atu026a] [u02c8stu0254u02d0ru026az] 美式音标:[su0259u02c8lu025bbru0259ti] [u02c8stu0254ru026az]

will havebeen doing是什么时态

has been doing一般用来表示现在完成进行时。现在完成进行时的结构是“I/we/you/they have been doing sth.”、“he/she/it has been doing sth.”。表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去。 扩展资料   1、表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,并且还将持续下去。   (1)The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.   中国有2000年的造纸历史。(动作还将继续下去)   (2)I have been learning English since three years ago.   自从三年前以来我一直在学英语。(动作还将继续下去)   2、表示在说话时刻之前到现在正在进行的动作。   We have been waiting for you for half an hour.   我们已经等你半个钟头了。(人还没到,如同在电话里说的,还会继续等)   3、有些现在完成进行时的句子等同于现在完成时的句子。   (1)They have been living in this city for ten years.   They have lived in this city for ten years.   他们在这个城市已经住了10年了。   (2)I have been working here for five years.   I have worked here for five years.   我在这里已经工作五年了。   4、大多数现在完成进行时的句子不等同于现在完成时的.句子。   (1)I have been writing a book.(动作还将继续下去)   我一直在写一本书。   I have written a book.(动作已经完成)   我已经写了一本书。   (2)They have been building a bridge.   他们一直在造一座桥。   They have built a bridge.   他们造了一座桥。   5、表示状态的动词不能用于现在完成进行时。   (1)I have known him for years.   我认识他已经好几年了。   I have been knowing...(没有这种说法)   这类不能用于现在完成进行时的动词还有:love爱,like喜欢,hate讨厌等。


过去将来完成进行时,多用于虚拟句。表示“我现在本来应该做……”例如:If it wasnt because of you, I would have been playing with my dog at home.如果不是因为你,我现在应该正在家里跟小狗玩耍呢。 扩展资料   虚拟语气的判断:   1、if条件状语从句有真实条件句和非真实条件句。假设条件可以实现的句子为真实条件句,反之为非真实条件句,要用虚拟语气。其形式分为以下三种:   (1)与过去事实相反的假设。从句的谓语动词用“had+过去分词”,主句用“should(would,could,might)+have+过去分词”。   (2)与现在事实相反的假设。从句的谓语动词用过去式,系动词用were,主句的谓语用“should(would,could,might)+动词原形”。   (3)与将来事实相反的假设。从句的谓语动词用“should(were to)+动词原形”,主句用“should(would,could,might)+动词原形”。   2、宾语从句中的虚拟语气。   (1)wish后接宾语从句中的虚拟语气:   表示与现在和将来事实相反的愿望,从句谓语动词用过去时态。   表示与过去事实相反的愿望,从句谓语动词用过去完成时态。   (2)表示“要求、建议、命令”等动词后面的宾语从句中的虚拟语气。用于此结构的`动词有:advise, direct, agree, ask, demand, decide, desire, insist, order, prefer, propose, request, suggest等。从句的谓语动词用“should + 动词原形”, should 可以省去。   3、主语从句中的虚拟语气。   (1)It be +形容词+ that... (should)...。用于该句型的形容词有:necessary,good,important,right, wrong,better,natural,proper,funny,strange,surprising等。   (2)It be+过去分词 + that... (should)...用于该结构中的过去分词是表示“建议、请求、命令”等词的过去分词。   (3)It is time (about time/high time) that... + (过去时或should+动词原形)。


havebeendoing的时态是现在完成进行时。现在完成进行式:比如说,have been working 表示,过去已经在工作,并且现在还在工作。与现在完成时的区别是一、现在完成时。动词发生在过去,影响到现在,延续到现在,某种经历。句型:基本结构:主语+have/has+过去分词(done)①肯定句:主语+have/has+过去分词+其他②否定句:主语+have/has+not+过去分词+其他③一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+过去分词+其他④特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(have/has+主语+过去分词+其他)现在完成时需知:现在完成时态可表示做完的事情以及已有的经验、但现在完成进行时不可以。在当代英语中,现在完成进行时有时也可用否定结构。如:Since that unfortunate accident last week, I haven"t been sleeping at all well. 自从上周发生了那次不幸事故之后,我一直睡得很不好。He hasn"t been working for me and I haven"t had that much contact with him. 他并没有给我工作过,我和他没有过那许多接触。

如何整合Office Web Apps至自己开发的系统

实际上Office Web Apps也是可以接入自己开发的系统的。下面介绍一下整合OfficeWeb Apps的一些理论知识。 要想让自己的系统与Office Web Apps整合就一定要清楚一些概念,首先要理解什么是”WOPI”。WOPI的英文全称是“Web Application Open Platform Interface”,中文名为“Web应用程序开放平台接口协议”。 WOPI协议提供一系列基于web方式的,使文档能在Office Web Apps中查看与编辑的接口服务(WebService)。只要web application按照标准,实现了WOPI的接口,那么就可以调用Office Web Apps。例子很多,比如SharePoint,Exchange,SkyDriver,Dropbox集成Office Web Apps。如果自己做的web应用也实现了相应接口,也是可以调用Office Web Apps的。实现文档的在线编辑查看。 这样比市面上的一些基于ActiveX的在线Office产品有很大的优势。首先Office Web Apps是基于网页技术,所以是跨平台的,可以在iOS,安卓,WP及PC使用,实现多屏一体。其次Office Web Apps实现了桌面Office的大部分功能,能在客户机没有安装Office的情况下,实现云端上的文档编辑查看。 下面介绍的内容都是基于http协议下的,https也是类似的。 在WOPI结构中,我们把存放Office文档的web应用叫WOPI Host或者WOPI Server。把查看编辑操作Office文档的web应用叫WOPI Client或者叫WOPI applications。所以,Office Web Apps充当的就是WOPI Client的角色。SharePoint,Exchange,自己开发的文档管理系统充当的就是WOPI Host的角色。 下图为浏览器,server,client三者的请求顺序及关系:从上图可知,WOPI Client 向WOPI Server发送了两次请求1. Tell me about the file2. Give me the file 所以WOPI client至少要提供两个Web服务。1. 一个是CheckFileInfo服务此服务返回的是请求文件的基本信息,WOPI Host以json方式返回给WOPI Client.服务URI格式一般为http://server/<...>/wopi*/files/<id>?access_token=<token>此服务返回的json格式类似为:{"BaseFileName": "Sample Document.docx", "OwnerId": "tylerbutler", "Size": 300519,"SHA256": "+17lwXXN0TMwtVJVs4Ll+gDHEIO06l+hXK6zWTUiYms=", "Version": "GIYDCMRNGEYC2MJREAZDCORQGA5DKNZOGIZTQMBQGAVTAMB2GAYA===="}Json中至少要包括五个属性:BaseFileName, OwnerId, Size, SHA256, 和 VersionBaseFileName: 文件名。OwnerId: 文件所有者的唯一编号。Size: 文件大小,以bytes为单位。SHA256: 文件的256位bit的SHA-2编码散列内容。Version: 文件版本号,文件如果被编辑,版本号也要跟着改变。更多参数介绍请参考:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh622920(v=office.12).aspx 2. 一个是GetFile服务此服务返回的是请求文件的内容,WOPI host以数据流的方式返回给WOPI Client.服务URI格式一般为http://server/<...>/wopi*/files/<id>/contents?access_token=<token>注意:CheckFileInfo与GetFile服务的URI格式只差了一个/contents,其他地方的格式是没有不同的。这么做是为了让WOPI client可以通过CheckFileInfo服务URI推导出GetFile服务的URI,千万不要别出心裁,写出的服务URI格式破坏了这层关系。在上述URI格式中,都有一个access_taken身份验证令牌。这个身份验证令牌是必须要有的,WOPI client会把此令牌回发给WOPI Host,由WOPI Host验证当前用户对当前文件的权限。所以实际上Office WebApps根本不涉及文档的权限管理。 我们在WOPI client上打开一个Office文档的url地址类似如下:http://wopi-app-server.contoso.com/wv/wordviewerframe.aspx?WOPISrc=http%3A%2F%2Fmy-wopi-host%2Flocal%2Fwopi%2Ffiles%2F1-Sample%2520Document.docx&access_token=dc172034-c6f9-4a43-bc3f-d80dd93c1de1这个里面有两个传递参数:WOPISrc和access_tokenWOPISrc参数的内容为:http://my-wopi-host/local/wopi/files/1-Sample%20Document.docx实际上这个是WOPI Host上的CheckFileInfo服务地址。WOPI client会通过这个地址加上access_token从WOPI host上获取到1-Sample%20Document.docx文件的信息;并且通过这个地址推导出WOPI Host上的GetFile服务地址,通过GetFile服务获取到1-Sample%20Document.docx文件的内容。 WOPI host上判断什么类型的文件应该怎么用WOPI client打开,WOPI client会提供一个xml文件给WOPI host,这份xml文件叫WOPI Discovery。格式类似如下:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><wopi-discovery><net-zone name="external-https"><app name="Word" favIconUrl="https://wopi-app-server.contoso.com/wv/resources/1033/FavIcon_Word.ico"checkLicense="true"><action name="view" ext="doc" default="true"urlsrc="https://wopi-app-server.contoso.com/wv/wordviewerframe.aspx?<ui=UI_LLCC&><rs=DC_LLCC&><showpagestats=PERFSTATS&>"/><action name="view" ext="docm" default="true"urlsrc="https://wopi-app-server.contoso.com/wv/wordviewerframe.aspx?<ui=UI_LLCC&><rs=DC_LLCC&><showpagestats=PERFSTATS&>"/>……</app>……</net-zone></wopi-discovery>如上所述,打开doc文件,应该使用https://wopi-app-server.contoso.com/ wv/wordviewerframe.aspx的url打开。WOPI host应该获取这份文件一次,以后打开什么类型的文件,调用什么url自己判断。

somebody to know是什么意思?

歌曲歌词:I"m going under and this time I fear there"s no one to save me我欲沉沦堕落,又恐无人相救This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy这非成即败的爱让我逐渐失去理智I need somebody to heal我需要有人治愈Somebody to know有人倾诉Somebody to have有人陪伴Somebody to hold有人相拥It"s easy to say这知之非难But it"s never the same却行之不易I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain我想我还是喜欢你麻木伤痛的样子Now the day bleeds血染残霞Into nightfall夜幕将袭And you"re not here你不在此To get me through it all与我披荆斩棘I let my guard down我毫无防备And then you pulled the rug你的离开令我措手不及I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved我也逐渐习惯了成为你爱过的人I"m going under and this time I fear there"s no one to turn to我欲沉沦堕落,又恐无人相助This all or nothing way of loving got me sleeping without you这非成即败的爱让我与你异地而眠Now, I need somebody to know我需要有人倾诉Somebody to heal有人治愈Somebody to have有人陪伴Just to know how it feels只要能感同身受It"s easy to say but it"s never the same这知之非难,却行之不易I guess I kinda liked the way you helped me escape我想我还是喜欢你助我逃脱的样子Now the day bleeds血染残霞Into nightfall夜幕将袭And you"re not here你不在此To get me through it all与我披荆斩棘I let my guard down我毫无防备And then you pulled the rug你的离开令我措手不及I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved我也逐渐习惯了成为你爱过的人And I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes当我感到难过时,我总是闭上双眼I fall into your arms投入你的怀抱I"ll be safe in your sound til I come back around直到回到你身边,我都会一直安好For now the day bleeds血染残霞Into nightfall夜幕将袭And you"re not here你不在此To get me through it all与我披荆斩棘I let my guard down我毫无防备And then you pulled the rug你的离开令我措手不及I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved我也逐渐习惯了成为你爱过的人But now the day bleeds血染残霞Into nightfall夜幕将袭And you"re not here你不在此To get me through it all与我披荆斩棘I let my guard down我毫无防备And then you pulled the rug你的离开令我措手不及I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved我也逐渐习惯了成为你爱过的人I let my guard down我毫无防备And then you pulled the rug你的离开令我措手不及I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved我也逐渐习惯了成为你爱过的人获奖信息2019年3月11日,该歌曲获得2019年全球十大最畅销单曲。2020年2月19日凌晨,第40届全英音乐奖(2020 BRIT Awards)在英国伦敦揭晓,由Lewis Capaldi演唱的歌曲《Someone You Loved》当选为最佳英国歌曲。

歌词是:she was (.....K什么). somebody i know.....男声唱的

Break up in a small town

somebody to here somebody to know那首歌带这个歌词

somebody you loved-Nicholas Lentz

somebody that i used to know 简谱 数字谱

somebody that i used to know简谱已发至附件,请下载(以下是第一页预览)

somebody that i used to know 哪个版本最好听

歌手Gotye唱得那版最好听, 在其专辑《Making Mirrors》里面收录了这首歌。


Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye&KimbraNow and then I think of when we were together偶尔会想起我们还在一起的时候Like when you said you felt so happy you could die像当你说你高兴的可以去死了Told myself that you were right for me告诉自己你是对的选择But felt so lonely in your company可在你身边仍觉得孤单But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember但那就是爱,也是我忘不掉的伤痛You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness你会沉迷于某种悲伤中Like resignation to the end Always the end像无可奈何到最后,总是这样到最后So when we found that we could not make sense像无可奈何到最后,总是这样到最后Well you said that we would still be friends你说我们还是做朋友吧But I"ll admit that I was glad that it was over但我要承认我当时也为解脱了而高兴But you didn"t have to cut me off可是你不必这样绝情Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing弄得像我们曾经什么也没有发生过,好像我们什么都不是And I don"t even need your love我根本不需要你的爱But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough可你却视我如同路人一般,让我感到这种行为很粗暴You didn"t have to stoop so low你不必如此薄情吧Have your friends collect your records 让你朋友来帮收拾东西,And then change your number接着换掉手机号码I guess that I don"t need that though我猜我也不需要了Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over偶尔我会想起你气我的那些时候But had me believing it was always something that I"d done还让我以为是我做错了什么And I don"t wanna live that way我不想再过那样的生活了Reading into every word you say从你说的每句话中揣度字里行间的意思You said that you could let it go你说了你可以放下那段感情的And I wouldn"t catch you hung up on somebody 而我也不理解你还挂念着你曾经熟悉的某人But you didn"t have to cut me off可是你不必这样绝情Make out like it never happened And that we were nothingA弄得像我们曾经什么也没有发生过,弄得像我们什么都没发生过And I don"t even need your love我甚至不需要你的爱But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough可你却视我如同路人一般,让我感到这种行为很粗暴You didn"t have to stoop so low你不必如此薄情Have your friends collect your records 让你朋友来帮收拾东西,And then change your number接着换掉手机号码I guess that I don"t need that though我猜我也不需要了Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Somebody...I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...That I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...That I used to know曾经相识的,那个人I used to know曾经相识That I used to know曾经相识I used to know Somebody...曾经相识那个人

Someboby that l used to know翻译中文是什么意思?


Somebody that i used to know 音译翻译


Somebody That I Used To Know 歌词

歌曲名:Somebody That I Used To Know歌手:Elliott Smith专辑:Figure 8I had tender feelings that you made hard,but it"s your heart, not mine, that"s scarred.so when i go home, i"ll be happy to go -you"re just somebody that i used to know.you don"t need my help anymore,it"s all now to you, there aint no before,now that you"re big enough to run your own showyou"re just somebody that i used to know.i watched you deal in a dying day,and throw a living past away,so you can be sure that you"re in control,you"re just somebody that i used to know.i know you don"t think you did me wrong,and i can"t stay this mad for long,keeping a hold of what you just let go -you"re just somebody that i used to know.http://music.baidu.com/song/1476229

谁有华晨宇的somebody that l used to know歌词

Somebody That I Used To Know - 华晨宇 词:WALTER ANDRE E DE LUIZ BONFA 曲:WALTER ANDRE E DE LUIZ BONFA Now and then I think of when we were together Like when you said you felt so happy you could die Told myself that you were right for me But felt so lonely in your company But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness Like resignation to the end, Always the end So when we found that we could not make sense Well you said that we would still be friends But I"ll admit that I was glad that it was over But you didn"t have to cut me off Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing And I don"t even need your love But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough You didn"t have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records And then change your number I guess that I don"t need that though Now you"re just somebody that I used to know Somebody I used to know Now you"re just somebody that I used to know Somebody I used to know Now you"re just somebody that I used to know

somebody that I used to know的中文歌词

Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye&KimbraNow and then I think of when we were together偶尔会想起我们还在一起的时候Like when you said you felt so happy you could die像当你说你高兴的可以去死了Told myself that you were right for me告诉自己你是对的选择But felt so lonely in your company可在你身边仍觉得孤单But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember但那就是爱,也是我忘不掉的伤痛You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness你会沉迷于某种悲伤中Like resignation to the end Always the end像无可奈何到最后,总是这样到最后So when we found that we could not make sense像无可奈何到最后,总是这样到最后Well you said that we would still be friends你说我们还是做朋友吧But I"ll admit that I was glad that it was over但我要承认我当时也为解脱了而高兴But you didn"t have to cut me off可是你不必这样绝情Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing弄得像我们曾经什么也没有发生过,好像我们什么都不是And I don"t even need your love我根本不需要你的爱But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough可你却视我如同路人一般,让我感到这种行为很粗暴You didn"t have to stoop so low你不必如此薄情吧Have your friends collect your records 让你朋友来帮收拾东西,And then change your number接着换掉手机号码I guess that I don"t need that though我猜我也不需要了Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over偶尔我会想起你气我的那些时候But had me believing it was always something that I"d done还让我以为是我做错了什么And I don"t wanna live that way我不想再过那样的生活了Reading into every word you say从你说的每句话中揣度字里行间的意思You said that you could let it go你说了你可以放下那段感情的And I wouldn"t catch you hung up on somebody 而我也不理解你还挂念着你曾经熟悉的某人But you didn"t have to cut me off可是你不必这样绝情Make out like it never happened And that we were nothingA弄得像我们曾经什么也没有发生过,弄得像我们什么都没发生过And I don"t even need your love我甚至不需要你的爱But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough可你却视我如同路人一般,让我感到这种行为很粗暴You didn"t have to stoop so low你不必如此薄情Have your friends collect your records 让你朋友来帮收拾东西,And then change your number接着换掉手机号码I guess that I don"t need that though我猜我也不需要了Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Somebody...I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...That I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...That I used to know曾经相识的,那个人I used to know曾经相识That I used to know曾经相识I used to know Somebody...曾经相识那个人

somebody that i used to know什么意思

你好。somebody that i used to know翻译成中文是:我曾经知道的人; 最熟悉的陌生人。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

somebody that i used to know什么意思


一首英文歌,应该是男声独唱,高潮部分一直重复somebody的,貌似是somebody in love

Queen - Somebody To Love


mean ?

Somebody That I Used to Know用了什么乐器


一首女声欧美英文歌,节奏和somebody that I used to know较像,其中有段听


somebody that i used to know同期的一首歌

是不是纯钢琴伴奏 讲了一个很伤感的故事应该是 When i was your man Bruno Mars唱的 很好听 如果不是听一下也无妨还有一首 Gotye《somebody that i used to know》也很好听 可能是这首 望采纳!

Somebody That I Used to Know 这首曲子 音译 求高手给一个


somebody that i used to knowMV表达的什么



你好,liebherr的英语意思是:LIEBHERR,即利勃海尔集团,由汉斯利勃海尔在1949年建立,整个集团公司的母公司是位于瑞士Bulle 市的利勃海尔国际有限公司,其拥有者全部是利勃海尔家族的成员。

《somebody that I used to know》歌词是什么意思?

Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye&KimbraNow and then I think of when we were together偶尔会想起我们还在一起的时候Like when you said you felt so happy you could die像当你说你高兴的可以去死了Told myself that you were right for me告诉自己你是对的选择But felt so lonely in your company可在你身边仍觉得孤单But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember但那就是爱,也是我忘不掉的伤痛You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness你会沉迷于某种悲伤中Like resignation to the end Always the end像无可奈何到最后,总是这样到最后So when we found that we could not make sense像无可奈何到最后,总是这样到最后Well you said that we would still be friends你说我们还是做朋友吧But I"ll admit that I was glad that it was over但我要承认我当时也为解脱了而高兴But you didn"t have to cut me off可是你不必这样绝情Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing弄得像我们曾经什么也没有发生过,好像我们什么都不是And I don"t even need your love我根本不需要你的爱But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough可你却视我如同路人一般,让我感到这种行为很粗暴You didn"t have to stoop so low你不必如此薄情吧Have your friends collect your records 让你朋友来帮收拾东西,And then change your number接着换掉手机号码I guess that I don"t need that though我猜我也不需要了Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over偶尔我会想起你气我的那些时候But had me believing it was always something that I"d done还让我以为是我做错了什么And I don"t wanna live that way我不想再过那样的生活了Reading into every word you say从你说的每句话中揣度字里行间的意思You said that you could let it go你说了你可以放下那段感情的And I wouldn"t catch you hung up on somebody 而我也不理解你还挂念着你曾经熟悉的某人But you didn"t have to cut me off可是你不必这样绝情Make out like it never happened And that we were nothingA弄得像我们曾经什么也没有发生过,弄得像我们什么都没发生过And I don"t even need your love我甚至不需要你的爱But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough可你却视我如同路人一般,让我感到这种行为很粗暴You didn"t have to stoop so low你不必如此薄情Have your friends collect your records 让你朋友来帮收拾东西,And then change your number接着换掉手机号码I guess that I don"t need that though我猜我也不需要了Now you"re just somebody that I used to know现在我们只是最熟悉的陌生人Somebody...I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...That I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...I used to know曾经相识的,那个人Somebody...That I used to know曾经相识的,那个人I used to know曾经相识That I used to know曾经相识I used to know Somebody...曾经相识那个人

求somebody that I used to know这首歌的翻译

《Somebody That I Used to Know》Now and then I think of when we were together偶尔会想起我们曾经在一起的时候Like when you said you felt so happy you could die那时你说你快乐得可以死掉But that was love and it"s an ache I still remember那就是曾经的爱,一种忘不掉的痛You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness你会沉浸于一种特定的悲伤情绪You didn"t have to stoop so low你不该表现得这么低级Now you"re just somebody that I used to know(既然你这样做了)现在你只是我曾经认识的人了Somebody...I used to know我曾经认识的人We had a code我们之间有个约定Instinctively we would fold不由自主的我们握紧了手Any俚话 that you should give in听不懂 或许是句脏话Out of your crevices and folds你的细胞记忆深处Into my cellar I go回到我的地下室I knew love would never grow但是爱永远不会成长Stil I kept them on,这我早该知道Like a habit, like a drug像是个习惯,像是个毒瘾But enough about my psychosis 不想再谈我的神经错乱Now and then I think of every moment we shared偶尔会想起我们曾经分享的每一刻All the best hellos and goodbyes, that we never shared所有最好的问候与道别,我们未曾分享过And all the walls that got in the way阻挡我们的所有墙壁You could get addicted to the sadness in the ether你可以沉溺于天空中的悲伤You could become someone you"re not你可以变成你不认识的人Now you"re someone I never knew(因为你这样做了)现在你成了我从未认识的人Now and then I think of when we were a family偶尔会想起我们曾经是一家人The past is a parade of ghosts we once knew过去是我们曾经知道的鬼魂在游行And all the petty genes and the wretched instincts所有的基因和本性在哭泣To服务商 the last man standing直到最后一个人倒下I tried to find a cure, I couldn"t escape it,是你?我试图找到解药,却无法逃离…这是你造成的吗?You should know this by now但你应该现在知道了You could climb to the top of the house,你可以爬到房子的顶端But you can"t go back to the cradle,但是你不能再回到摇篮里了It"s a brand new world, it"s a brand new world完全是新的世界 完全是新的世界


somebody i used to know我过去认识的人双语例句1I guess he reminds me of somebody I used to know.或许是他让我想起一个曾经认识的人。

Anklebiters 歌词

歌曲名:Anklebiters歌手:Paramore专辑:ParamoreAnklebiters--Paramore~Why do you care what people think?Are you hooked up to their leash?You know anklebiters,Ate up your personality.Try to remember how it felt,To just make up your own stepsAnd let anklebiters,Chew up, spit out someone else.And fall in love with yourself.Because someday you"re gonna be,The only one you"ve got.Someday you"re gonna be,The only one you"ve got.Why you wanna play someone,And leave yourself to drop dead?Someday you"re gonna be,The only one you"ve got.What? Do you actually expect,A broken mirror to reflect?You know, anklebiters,Gave you a false perception.And why do I defend,(C"mon, c"mon), your ignorance?Oh, why do I defend,(C"mon, c"mon), the state you"re in.You should fall in love,With yourself, oh, again.Fall in love with yourself.Because someday you"re gonna be,The only one you"ve got.Someday you"re gonna be,The only one you"ve got.Why you wanna play someone,And leave yourself to drop dead?Someday you"re gonna be,The only one you"ve got.Anklebiters! Anklebiters!Someday you"re gonna be alone!Anklebiters! Anklebiters!~Edit by 六道飘零http://music.baidu.com/song/38458276

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1、首先打开eclipse程序,在下端工具栏内,找到【server】按钮2、点击打开【server】界面,可以看到所要部署的Tomcat工程服务3、选择对于的服务,点击右键选择【open】,或者直接双击,打开【overview】详情配置页面4、在【overview】界面可以看到相关的服务配置信息,查看【Server Location】,其中有两个路径信息,一个【server path】是Tomact服务路径,一个是【Deploy path】发布路径,根据Tomcat服务路径和发布路径,可以找到工程发布的位置

护肤品上anti sebum什么意思?

anti sebum ,控油效果 Moisturizing and antisebum effect,保湿和控油效应


sebum 就知道是脂肪的意思,找找字典吧!


sebum[英][u02c8si:bu0259m][美][u02c8sibu0259m]n.皮脂; 牛羊脂; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Sebaceous glands secrete oil-like sebu-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


sebum[英][u02c8si:bu0259m][美][u02c8sibu0259m]n.皮脂; 牛羊脂; 例句:1.Sebaceous glands secrete oil-like sebum for lubricating the hair and skin. 皮脂腺分泌油状皮脂润滑毛发和皮肤。2.Sebum is essential to keep your skin and hair lubricated. It travels up the hair shaft and out through your pores. 皮脂对保持皮肤的光滑及头发的亮泽是必不可少的,它沿着毛干上升,通过毛孔分泌出体外。

全天然植物去死皮控油面膜sebum control peel off mask的使用方法



sebum[英][u02c8si:bu0259m][美][u02c8sibu0259m]n.皮脂; 牛羊脂; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Sebaceous glands secrete oil-like sebum for lubricating the hair and skin. 皮脂腺分泌油状皮脂润滑毛发和皮肤。2.Sebum is essential to keep your skin and hair lubricated. It travels up the hair shaft andout through your pores. 皮脂对保持皮肤的光滑及头发的亮泽是必不可少的,它沿着毛干上升,通过毛孔分泌出体外。


没有sebum这个字,只有selenium这个字,意思是硒。硒单质是红色或灰色粉末,带灰色金属光泽的准金属。在已知的六种固体同素异形体中,三种晶体(α单斜体、β单斜体,和灰色三角晶)是最重要的。晶体中以灰色六方晶系最为稳定,密度4.81g/cm3。也以三种非晶态固体形式存在:红色、黑色的两种无定形玻璃状的硒。前者性脆,密度4.26g/cm3;后者密度4.28克/厘米3,另外一种是胶状硒。性脆,有毒。溶于二硫化碳、苯、喹啉。能导电,且其导电性随光照强度急剧变化。可制半导体和光敏材料。第一电离能为9.752电子伏特。硒在空气中燃烧发出蓝色火焰,生成二氧化硒(SeO2)。与氢、卤素直接作用,与金属能直接化合,生成硒化物。不能与非氧化性的酸作用,但它溶于浓硫酸、硝酸和强碱中。硒经氧化作用得到二氧化硒。溶于水的硒化氢能使许多重金属离子沉淀成为微粒的硒化物。硒与氧化态为+1的金属可生成两种氢硒酸盐,即硒化物(M2Se)和硒氢化物(MHSe)。正的碱金属和碱土金属硒化物的水溶液会使单质硒溶解,生成多硒化合物(M2Sen),和硫能形成多硫化物相似。元音字母e在重读开音节里发长元音/i/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬得很高,但不接触上颚,不发生任何摩擦,牙床接近合,唇形扁平,这个音出现在字首、字中和字尾的位置,如:even 甚至meter 米fever 发烧zebra 斑马he 他(主格)we 我们(主格)me 我(宾格)be 是希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

介绍一下Uncle Daniel吗? 在The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn里的



Web3是互联网的下一代版本,也被称为“去中心化互联网”或“分布式互联网”。它是基于区块链、加密货币、智能合约等Web3技术的新一代互联网,旨在通过去中心化的方式实现价值交换和信息传递,消除中心化平台的垄断和控制,使个人和社区能够更自主地掌控自己的数据和身份。以下是Web3的应用例子:去中心化求职招聘平台:DAOtalents.com是一个全球领先的AI驱动的Web3远程求职招聘社交平台,它利用人工智能和区块链技术实现了高效的人才匹配和去中心化的求职招聘服务。通过DAOtalents.com,用户可以在全球范围内寻找Web3行业的机会,同时也可以分享经验和建立联系。该平台还提供去中心化身份验证功能,帮助用户更好地掌控自己的身份和数据。去中心化金融 (DeFi):DeFi是Web3的重要应用之一,它利用区块链和智能合约技术构建去中心化的金融系统。DeFi应用可以实现去中心化的借贷、交易、稳定币、衍生品等金融服务,这些服务由智能合约自动化执行,没有中心化的金融机构控制。例如,Uniswap是一个基于以太坊的去中心化交易协议,允许用户通过智能合约交换ERC20代币。去中心化社交网络 (SocialFi):Web3技术还可以实现去中心化的社交网络,这可以帮助用户更好地掌控自己的数据和隐私。去中心化社交网络使用加密技术和去中心化身份验证系统,保护用户的数据和隐私不受中心化机构的控制和监管。

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其实web3.0是互联网发展的新阶段,就区块链而言,Web 3.0也意味着创造一个更加民主、以用户为中心和去中心化的互联网。今天,许多加密项目可以被视为 Web 3.0 的组成部分,包括:DOT、FIL、KSM、BTT等。 Web3.0概念币项目 今天,许多加密项目可以被视为 Web 3.0 的组成部分。1、DOTPolkadot 是一个完全去中心化的 Web3 平台,连接私有链和联盟链、公共和无许可网络、预言机和未来技术。Polkadot 旨在对区块链产生革命性的影响,解决真正的互操作性、更轻松的创建、更大的交易可扩展性和更安全的环境。2、FILFilecoin 是一个开源和去中心化的云存储市场、协议和加密货币,旨在存储人类最重要的信息。它是一个具有内置经济激励机制的点对点网络。它可能是Web3.0的重要存储部分。3、KSMKusama 是一个实验性社区研发网络,使用与 Polkadot 几乎相同的代码库构建。Kusama 是运行时升级、链上治理和开发人员平行链的试验场。Kusama 旨在为想要在 Kusama 上快速行动和创新,或准备在 Polkadot 上部署的团队提供一个实验性的开发环境。4、BitTorrent (BTT)BitTorrent 文件系统是一种协议和网络实现,它提供了一种 p2p 机制,用于在分散的文件系统中存储和共享数字内容。BTFS 是一个由数百万 BitTorrent 用户节点支持的去中心化文件存储系统。通过在具有处理区块链交易的委托权益证明方法的区块链上运行,BTFS 解决了这些限制。BTFS 代表了第一个可供去中心化应用程序 (DApp) 开发人员使用的去中心化存储系统。很快,BTT 将被引入 BTFS 生态系统,以激励一个公平和丰富的文件系统。Web 3.0仍然存在的问题是:效率低,普及之路漫长。众所周知,去中心化网络处理任务的速度很慢。Web 3.0 的普及可能非常困难。尤其是在全球各个国家和地区都在努力加强互联网监管的时代。有一点是肯定的,从去中心化和隐私保护的角度来看,Web 3.0有它的价值。但它的价值需要经过市场的检验。

webservice endpoint倒底是什么意思

the following extracted from youdao dictionaryweb service endpoint 网络释义 端点Web服务端点( Web service endpoint) :提供目标web服务信息的实体。每基于3个网页-相关网页 Web service 终结点双语例句You now have the necessary Web service endpoint and client assets. 现在,您已经具备了必要的 Web 服务端点和客户端资产。www.ibm.comAs with the EJB proxy approach, this workaround is primarily an applicationdevelopment exercise and introduces another Web service endpoint that must bemanaged and secured. 对于 EJB 代理方法,此解决方法主要是应用程序开发过程,引入了必须进行管理和保护的另一个 Web 服务端点。www.ibm.comYou can see how these models enable rapid development of an exampleapplication that contains a Web service endpoint and client, uses EJBs forbusiness logic, and uses JSF as a Web front end. 您可以看到如何通过这些模型快速开发一个示例应用程序,这个程序包含一个 Web服务端点和客户机,使用 EJB 实现业务逻辑,使用 JSF 作为 Web 前端。www.ibm.com

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一首英文歌男歌手 有两句歌词好像是 somebody looking for me somebody hearing me

Hearbeat joey moe

Firebug的扩展CSS Usage标签

之前给介绍个火狐浏览器Firebug组件的用法。今天介绍下firebug它的扩展标签css usage的应用。(CSS usage是一款基于firebug的firefox扩展,可以用来查看页面中的CSS使用情况,从而方便开发者优化CSS样式表。)先上图:Scan:手动描述Clear:清空Autoscan:自动描述CSS usage的用法:a、打开想要描述的网页,再打开Firbug(也就是那个小虫按钮),然后点击CSS Usage标签。b、如果是用了大量ajax或者dhtml的网页中,打开尽可能多的隐藏的div/窗口/tab,以使CSS Usage抓取尽可能多的内容。 (有些样式是要自己点击,CSS Usage才能抓取)c、每访问一个新的网页,点击一下Scan按钮就会抓取,但是要偷懒就点击Autoscan按钮,它会自动抓取。大家可以看到,在抓取的结果中有不同的颜色。绿色:当前页面用到的红色:至当前页面没有用到的灰色:表示伪类(简单理解 a:link 链接未点击上去的时候;a:visited 链接已经点击过的;a:hover 鼠标放在链接上未点击;a:active 链接按下去时的状态;)


PP=FREIGHT PREPAID,运费预付。ENS=Entry Summary Declaration,欧盟反恐舱单费。USD25/票THC=Terminal Handling Charges,码头操作费,一般为RMB600/900/900EBS=Emerent Bunker Surchanges,紧急燃油附加费,是燃油附加费的一种。现在东南亚航线收的比较高一点,为RMB900/1800/1800ECRC=EMERGENCY COST RECOVERY CHARGE,紧急成本附加费,是台湾线收取的,为RMB600/1200/1200。


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Nightmare 的Byebye歌词中文翻译

歌曲名:ByeBye歌手:Nightmare专辑:Vermilion音乐风格: 流行 中英文对照歌词:This is for my peoples who just lost somebody这首歌献给刚刚失去近人的朋友们 Your best friend your baby你最好的朋友 你的孩子 Your man or your lady 你的男人或是你的女人 Put your hand way up high 高高举起你的双手 We will never say bye 我们永远不会说再见 Mamas daddys sisters brothers 妈妈 爸爸 姐妹 兄弟 Friends and cousins 朋友和堂(表)兄弟姐妹 This is for my peoples who lost their grandmothers 这首歌献给那些失去祖母的朋友们 Lift your head to the sky 抬头仰望天空 Cause we will never say bye 因为我们永远不会说再见 As a child there were them times 孩提时 有他们相伴的时光 I didn"t get it but you kept me in line 我还不懂事 你却将我牢记在心 I didn"t know why you didn"t show up sometimes 我不知道 有时你为何不在 On Sunday mornings and I missed you 星期日的早上 我想念你 But I"m glad we talked through 但是我们谈过了 为此我感到高兴 All them grown folk things 那些成人的事情 Separation brings 分离带来 You never let me know it 你从来不让我知道这些 You never let it show because 你从未让其显露 因为 You loved me and obviously 你爱着我 并且 很明显 There"s so much more left to say 我们还有太多要说的话 If you were with me today 倘若今天你仍在我身边 Face to face 面对面 Never knew I could hurt like this 从未晓得我会如此伤心 And everyday life goes on I 生活每天依然继续Wish I could talk to you for a while 我多么希望能和你聊一片刻 Miss you but I try not to cry 好想念你 但是我努力按捺我的眼泪 As time goes by 随着时间流逝 And it"s true that you"ve 你是真的 Reached a better place 到了一个更美好的地方 Still I"d give the world 但我仍愿放弃一切 To see your face (bye) 只为再看见你的面容 And be righ t here next to you (bye) 然后在你身边 But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye) 但你似乎离开得太快了 Now the hardest thing to do 现在 最难做的事情 Is say bye bye 就是说再见 Bye bye bye bye bye bye 再见(重复) Bye bye bye bye bye bye 再见(重复) Bye bye bye bye bye bye 再见 (重复) Bye bye 再见 (重复) And you never got a chance 你不曾有机会 To see how good I"ve done 看到我做得多么棒 And you never got to see me 你也不曾亲眼看见我 Back at number one 重回第一 I wish that you were here 我多么希望你在这里 To celebrate together   和我一起庆祝

Nightmare的《ByeBye》 歌词

歌曲名:ByeBye歌手:Nightmare专辑:VermilionMariah Carey-Bye Bye E=MC2我等你pw ~语后诗雨~This is for my peoplesWho just lost somebodyYa best friend ya babyYa man or ya ladyPut ya hand way up highWe will never say byeMamas daddys sisters brothersFriends and cousinsThis is for my peoplesWho lost their grandmothersLift ya head to the skyCause we will never say byeAs a child there were them timesI didn"t get it but you kept me in lineI didn"t know why you didn"t show up sometimesOn Sunday mornings and I missed youBut I"m glad we talked throughAll them grown folk thingsSeparation bringsYou never let me know itYou never let it show becauseYou loved me and obviouslyThere"s so much more left to sayIf you were with me todayFace to faceNever knew I could hurt like thisAnd everyday life goes on IWish I could talk to you for a whileMiss you but I try not to cryAs time goes byAnd it"s true that you"veReached a better placeStill I"d give the worldTo see your face (bye)And be right here next to you (bye)But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye)Now the hardest thing to doIs say bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye byeAnd you never got a chanceTo see how good I doneAnd you never got to see meBack at number oneI wish that you were hereTo celebrate togetherI wish that we could spendThe holidays togetherI remember when you used toTuck me in at nightWith the teddy bear you gave meThat I held so tightI thought you were so strongYou"d make it through whateverIt"s so hard to accept the factYou"re gone foreverI never knew I could hurt like thisAnd everyday life goes on IWish I could talk to you for a whileMiss you but I try not to cryAs time goes byAnd it"s true that you"veReached a better placeStill I"d give the worldTo see your faceAnd be right here next to youBut it"s like you"re gone too soonNow the hardest thing to doIs say bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye byeThis is for my peoplesWho just lost somebodyYa best friend ya babyYa man or ya ladyPut ya hand way up highWe will never say byeMamas daddys sisters brothersFriends and cousinsThis is for my peoplesWho lost their grandmothersLift ya head to the skyCause we will never say byeNever knew I could hurt like thisAnd everyday life goes on IWish I could talk to you for a whileMiss you but I try not to cryAs time goes byAnd it"s true that you"veReached a better placeStill I"d give the worldTo see your face (bye)And be right here next to you (bye)But it"s like you"re gone too soon (bye)Now the hardest thing to doIs say bye byebye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byeBye bye bye bye bye byehttp://music.baidu.com/song/18105855

求一首歌,歌词是oneby one by one


Little by littlle ,it becomes widely celebrated.

我是英语专业的您这明显是从文章中摘录的句子吧?这样不给语境的情况下,很难翻译准确的不过我试着给您翻译一下大概意思您要根据语境去理解的Little by littlle ,it becomes widely celebrated渐渐的,人们开始广泛接受(某个节日?或者什么习俗?)并开始庆祝(类似于:“过年”)If mothers are dead,girls wear a white one如果母亲趋势了,女孩则穿一件白色的(应该是指的某种衣服)希望我真诚的回答可以帮到您




如何编写WebService客户端 CXF框架提供了调用WebService的客户端API,使用起来也比较方便。下面是CXF客户端的写法: ClientProxyFactoryBean factory = new ClientProxyFactoryBean(); factory.setServiceClass(IWebService.class); factory.setAddress("http://localhost:8080/vo/services/SampleWebService"); IWebService client = (IWebService)factory.create(); System.out.println("Invoke execute()...."); System.out.println(client.execute("Hello World")); 在启动服务端后,运行这段代码,客户端终端窗口上会显示“Hello World”,服务端的信息窗口也会显示一个“Hello World”。这表示WebService能成功运行了。 CXF框架提供的客户端API封装了WebService的内幕,虽然它很好用,但使用者却不能理解WebService的运行机制。


冷冷清清~好,结贴吧!这个在linux下vim编辑,gcc运行一切ok!学习linux c编程还是在linux下做吧。codeblocks固然是跨平台的,但不能说linux有的东西它都有。




"list index out of bounds(0)" 连接超出限制,连接次数过多。 右键点击本地连接,属性,安装,协议即可。1.11.0版本“List index out of bounds”bug说明+更新不了的解决方法+其他小问题 引用官方解释: 1.11.0版本更新以后,由于软件环境问题,部分玩家在点击laucher的“启动游戏”按钮后,会出现一个错误提示:List index out of bounds. 因为laucher出错后不能自动退出,所以玩家需要手动结束launcher.exe这个进程。[color=red]如果没有手动结束launcher进程,再次运行launcher就会出现另外一个错位提示:I/O error 104。[/color] 这个错误并不会影响游戏的执行,玩家仍然可以正常游戏。请大家不必担心,只需手动结束launcher进程即可。 也就是说要想不弹出这个提示,只有等补丁。在前边的帖子我已经给某位提问的朋友解释过了,可是被华丽的无视。 [b]1.11.1更新不了的解决方法[/b] 大家如果1.11.1更新不了,也就是在安装的时候一直提示等待文件关闭。可以试试在任务管理器里选择进程那一项,然后把Launcher.exe这一项关闭就可以了。 [b][BLZ蓝贴]1.11.1更新提示版本错误的解决办法


On the WEB based meal ordering system.Food and drinks are the most important of all sectors where this is a daily requirement to survive. Businesses who are part of this industry are always faced with high competition and they require a proven solution to market their business and attract potential customers everyday.Embracing the technology into your restaurant/takeaway business would be one of the most successful and proven method to grow the business within a short period of time. Restaurant Online Ordering System is a proven solution used by thousands of catering businesses all around the world that will not only help to grow your business but also give you a competitive advantage over your competitors as you have a lot of control to drive potential customers with offers, promotions, discounts, points, gifts vouchers and many more.What is Restaurant Online Ordering system?An online system that is designed to transform your traditional restaurant/takeaway menu into an online based interactive menu allowing potential customers to view the food items, prices, descriptions, ingredients, menu options, special offers, mix and match deals and order straight through a website. The order is then processed through a centralised database and the order is then pushed to a password protected backend where you can view and process the order.Having a restaurant online ordering system helps to better manage your business allowing you to change menu item prices on the fly, create discounts and promotions and promote it online.Customers do not need to ring the restaurant/takeaway to place orders instead they can order their favourite food from home and this gives more time to your staffs to concentrate on other parts of the business.Why your business need Restaurant Online Ordering System?Having a professional branded website is a requirement for any business of the 21st century, but having a food ordering System hooked to your restaurant/takeaway website is a plus point and puts you forward and beyond in-line with your competitors who use restaurant online ordering system to drive business.Here are some of the reasons why you need an online ordering system:Allow your customers to get their favourite food from your interactive online menu.Give your customers the freedom to order from home, office or from their smartphones at any time.Great option for people who do not have time to go out to eat.Having a one time registration allows customers to order frequently and also allows you to promote discounts, special offers and promotions to them.Customers can place orders without experiencing lenghtly on holds or busy signal during peak hours of the business.Allows customers to pay online for their order making it easy and secure option to receive payments.As a business you do not require expensive hardware and software or any technical experience to get the restaurant online Ordering system up and running.Allows you to built a list of customers who might come to your site either for ordering through the online menu or for just getting directions or for your contact details.Helps you to check your order progress and also helps to keep track of existing orders.A good online ordering system can maximise the capabilities of the staff working in a restaurant/takeaway.The system also helps owners to reach the clients in a personalized way with different offers and discounts.Allows flexibility and freedom to run your business for a long time by branding your business website.Allows to incorporate multiple payments for your customers payment options.Easy to organise your menu items and add special offers.Overall helps you to make a good profit per year and helps branding your business online.With our 10 years of experience in food industry, we know what your business need and thus “RestaurantOS” is build to be the most powerful, fast, easy and reliable restaurant online ordering system with all the functions you would ever need in an ordering system to run your business.How To Advertise Your Business in Food IndustryOnline Ordering System Advertising your business in food industry is all about letting people know about your services and products to those who are most likely to be interested in them. There are lots of food service businesses which include restaurants, meal delivery services and catering operations.The investment involved is quite high requiring television, radio, printing and lots of other methods to create recognition. Other effective advertising systems can be done through coupons, discounts and promotional events. These type of marketing are comparatively less expensive than traditional advertising, and they often make a more effective impression on potential customers.Making a plan for your business is important along with constructing strategies for linking your food service offerings to the interests and affiliations of your target market. Offer discount coupons for your business through coupon services. Always look to feature your signature items and design flyers to catch the eye of your target market.Having an attractive, informative website for your restaurant is common these days. Providing information about your cuisine and your philosophy, as well as information about all key aspects.You can advertise Your business through RestaurantOS. This will help boost your sales and will also give your restaurant recognition to a larger group of customers.We will transform your restaurant/takeaway menu into a digital menu which will be based online, allowing customers to go through all your food items, prices, descriptions, menu options, special offers, mix and match deals and order directly through your restaurant website. The order will then go through a secured order management system making it ready to view and process.On ordering a RestaurantOS package we will offer you initial SEO marketing allowing all the top search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing to index your website and generate traffic to your website. If your website has more visitors every day the chances of getting outside orders will increase gradually. Those who are looking for intensive online marketing to get better results can contact us with your requirements and your budget. One of our SEO team members will take a look onto the options of marketing your website and suggest you a marketing plan with your budget.We can therefore assure you that our advertising methods with marketing options will be highly beneficial for your business.eZee Foodie comes to you from the stable of eZee Technosys, pioneers in the hospitality IT solutions domain. eZee Technosys is a very young company that has already made its mark in the hospitality industry through our flagship product - eZee FrontDesk. This industry leading property management suite has won more than a thousand satisfied and faithful customers worldwide in a short span of time.Our latest offering is eZee Foodie, an online food ordering system that harnesses the power of the internet for your restaurant and food joint. eZee Foodie brings to you a world of simplicity in online food ordering. Whether you are a restaurant owner or a customer interested in placing a home or office delivery order, eZee Foodie will make life easier for you.This innovative, unique, and easy to use online food ordering system ensures there are no more misplaced food orders, no more delays, and definitely no cancellations or losses. With eZee Foodie, all you get is peace of mind. eZee Foodie integrates easily and quickly into your existing restaurant website to instantly enable your establishment to start receiving food orders from the internet.eZee Foodie works with almost any type of food establishment, whether it is a full-fledged restaurant, a cash and carry deli, a street-side café, or a fast food joint. The simplicity with which eZee Foodie has been designed will attract increasing number of customers to your restaurant"s website and turn them into regulars once they place an order.Using a unique order tracking system, eZee Foodie allows you and your customers to track past orders and also create favourites" lists for quick ordering. Secure and fast payment processing, and effortless integration with your existing POS software or eZee BurrP! are hallmarks of this state-of-the-art food ordering solution. With eZee Foodie on your side and installed on your restaurant website, you will never miss another customer order again. You can be assured not just of increased sales, but also faster times to delivery and easier to track orders and payments.


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web portal除了门户网站还有什么意思?在工业生产公司,使用到的web portal 还有别的含义吗?

web portal 就是我们常说的“门户网站”,即能够为用户提供个性化服务和站内站外搜索功能的综合网站,有时,“门户网站”也可直接用“portal”来表示。Portal原意指“正门”或“大门入口”,后来引申为“an entrance or a means of entrance”(入口或进入的手段),如:The library is commonly considered to be the portal of knowledge(图书馆通常被认为是知识之门)。 在网络词汇中,portal指“站点”,其作用相当于因特网入网的网关,网站浏览者可以通过它找到他们所需的内容。门户网站一般都有搜索引擎,供用户查找他们所需的其它网站,同时还可以提供大众文化服务和咨询信息。 这里顺便提一下“门户网站”的分类,大致可分为三类:第一类指像Yahoo,Sohu这样的Public Portal(面向公众的信息门户),它们往往为用户提供检索、分类和类似“My Yahoo!”的个性化定制服务。第二类指Vertical Portal(行业门户),其目的是帮助某一行业的商业人员和技术人员找到特定行业的信息。第三类则指Enterprise Information Portal(企业信息门户),常缩写为EIP,这类门户网站主要是帮助企业用户及员工通过统一入口找到分布于企业的各种信息。

什么是Web Portal

随着“谷歌”中文名字的正式启用,Google中国公司宣布了其在中国市场的正式运营。从战略角度上看,此次改名也体现了Google对中国市场的关注,而中国从某种意义上来说,确实成了互联网公司最具吸引力的一大市场。 请看外电相关报道:The attraction of Chinese cyberspace and its massive pool of potential consumers for the world"s internet giants has long been clear. A recent report from Sohu.com, China"s largest web portal, suggested that China has now surpassed the United States in Internet usage. 报道中的web portal 就是我们常说的“门户网站”,即能够为用户提供个性化服务和站内站外搜索功能的综合网站,有时,“门户网站”也可直接用“portal”来表示。Portal原意指“正门”或“大门入口”,后来引申为“an entrance or a means of entrance”(入口或进入的手段),如:The library is commonly considered to be the portal of knowledge(图书馆通常被认为是知识之门)。 在网络词汇中,portal指“站点”,其作用相当于因特网入网的网关,网站浏览者可以通过它找到他们所需的内容。门户网站一般都有搜索引擎,供用户查找他们所需的其它网站,同时还可以提供大众文化服务和咨询信息。
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