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圣诞节的由来 Christmas Day, the 25th of December, is the biggest festival celebrated in the Christi

2023-07-23 11:37:42


听从上帝安排的约瑟夫于是让玛丽亚产下了圣子 —— 耶稣。由于圣经记载耶稣生于夜间,故传统称12月24日夜为“圣诞夜”或“平安夜”。






Christmas day的中文是什么

2023-07-23 11:17:095


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2023-07-23 11:18:004

christmas day是几月几日?

christmas day是指“圣诞日”,即12月25日(某些教会为1月6日)。圣诞节是基督教世界最大的节日,时间是每年的12月25日,“圣诞节”的意思是“庆祝基督”。基督教纪念耶稣诞生的重要节日。现在西方在圣诞节常互赠礼物,举行欢宴,并以圣诞老人、圣诞树等增添节日气氛,已成为普遍习俗。圣诞节也成为西方世界以及其他很多地区的公共假日。节日来历圣诞节是基督教最大的节日。四世纪初,1月6日是罗马帝国东部各教会纪念那稣降生和受洗的双重节日、称为"主显节"Epiphany,也称为"显现节",即上帝通过那稣向世人显示自己。当时只有那路拉冷的教会例外,那里只纪念耶稣的诞生而不纪念那稣的受洗。后来历史学家们在罗马基督徒习用的日历中发现公元354年12月25日页内记录着:"基督降生在犹大的伯利恒。"经过研究,一般认为12月25日伴为圣诞节可能开始于公元336年的罗马教会约在公元375年传到小亚细亚的安提阿。公元430年传到埃及的亚历山大里亚,那路撒冷的教会接受得最晚,而亚美尼亚的教会则仍然坚持1月6日主显节是那稣的诞辰。12月25日原来是波斯太阳神密特拉的诞辰,是一个异教徒节日,同时太阳神也是罗马国教众神之一。这一天又是罗马历书的冬至节,崇拜太阳神的异教徒都把这一天当作春天的希望,万物复苏的开始。
2023-07-23 11:18:441


exo圣诞节歌曲《Christmas Day》。《Christmas Day》是韩国男子组合EXO于2013年12月9日正式发布的首张冬季特别专辑,也是EXO的第二张EP专辑的收录曲,发布于2013年12月5日,歌曲以中韩两种语言录制发行,由合体回归的EXO演唱。EXO在2012年以EXO-K和EXO-M两个组合出道,但是经过很多变更,到2021年以9人组进行活动。EXO在2012年凭借《咆哮》大受欢迎,被认可为开启三代K-POP大门的组合。之后,EXO的专辑销量以惊人的速度持续增长,成为韩国国内人气最高的组合。歌曲歌词LuHan:被心中的期待叫醒的那早晨,感觉好像拆开礼物时那么兴奋,每一天都对你了解更多一些。BaekHyun:这城市到处是璀璨耀眼的灯,而最闪耀的是你眼里的星辰,温柔贴近,把你融化在我怀抱里。Chen:半梦半醒之间,仿佛你来到我身边,思绪All Night翻身All Night,直到天空慢慢亮起来。All:Just Like The Christmas Day,心早已迫不及待,Just Like The Christmas Day像心急的小孩,每次想你,等你好难挨,心情肆意澎湃,You"re Just Like Christmas Day。D.O.:在白色的季节,呼吸变得好冷,在我的大衣里,只留下你的体温,只留下温暖的记忆把我们包围(只留下温暖包围)。LuHan:平凡的我得到命运给予的礼物,每一天我祈祷上天可以眷顾,那么虔诚祈祷,你是我的礼物。Chen:就在一夜之间,窗外已被白雪覆盖,思绪All Night翻身All Night,想念无声的堆积起来。All:Just Like The Christmas Day,心早已迫不及待,Just Like The Christmas Day,像心急的小孩,每次想你,等你好难挨,心情肆意澎湃,You"re Just Like Christmas Day。All:Just Like The Christmas Day心早已迫不及待,Just Like The Christmas Day,像心急的小孩,每次想你,等你好难挨,心情肆意澎湃,You"re Just Like Christmas Day,You"re Just Like Christmas Day。
2023-07-23 11:19:001

EXO Christmas Day(圣诞节) 中文 歌词 要有人称

中文版【Christmas Day (圣诞节)】歌词分配演唱:EXOluhan被心中的期待叫醒的那早晨 感觉好像拆开礼物时那么兴奋每一天都对你了解更多一些白贤这城市到处是璀璨耀眼的灯 而最闪耀的是你眼里的星辰 温柔贴近 把你融化在我怀抱里chen半梦半醒之间 仿佛你来到我身边 思绪All Night 翻身All Night 直到天空慢慢亮起来allJust Like The Christmas Day 心早已迫不及待 allJust Like The Christmas Day 像心急的小孩 all每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃 You"re Just Like Christmas DayDO在白色的季节 呼吸变得好冷 在我的大衣里 只留下你的体温只留下温暖的 记忆把我们包围 (只留下温暖包围)luhan平凡的我得到命运给予的礼物 每一天我祈祷上天 可以眷顾 那么虔诚祈祷 你是我的礼物chen就在一夜之间 窗外已被白雪覆盖思绪All Night 翻身All Night想念无声的堆积起来allJust Like The Christmas Day 心早已迫不及待 Just Like The Christmas Day 像心急的小孩 all每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃 You"re Just Like Christmas DayallJust Like The Christmas Day 心早已迫不及待 Just Like The Christmas Day 像心急的小孩 每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃 You"re Just Like Christmas Day You"re Just Like Christmas Day
2023-07-23 11:19:151

Merry Christmas后面为什么不加day

圣诞快乐,每年12月25日是西方圣诞节,这个节日期间大家用Merry Christmas 互相问候,表示祝福。就像中国人的Happy new year-新年快乐的意思一样,Merry Christmas 是固定搭配。
2023-07-23 11:19:232


Merry Christmas
2023-07-23 11:20:0214


圣诞节象征英文版 It is said about the sixteenth century, the Germans among the first to the evergreen pine and cypress branches to get in the house to display and later, Germany missionaries Martin Luther candle on the fir tree in the woods, and then lit so that It seems to be a guide to the people of the Star of Bethlehem, as the pre-2000 Eastern Dr. accordance with the three stars in the sky to find Jesus in general. Today, people have been using *** all bulbs instead of candles. 圣诞节意义是什么英语 圣诞节意义是什么 What is the meaning of Christmas希望采纳,您的采纳是我们前进的动力 圣诞节的来历(要英文版的)跪求! Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. No one knows the exact date of Christ"s birth, but most Christians observe Christmas on December 25. On this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services. During the Christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and Christmas trees. The word Christmas es from Cristes maesse, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ. The story of Christmas es chiefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New Testament.The history of Christmas dates back over 4000 years. Many of our Christmas traditions were celebrated centuries before the Christ child was born. The 12 days of Christmas, the bright fires, the yule log, the giving of gifts, carnivals(parades) with floats, carolers who sing while going from house to house, the holiday feasts, and the church processions can all be traced back to the early Mesopotamians. Many of these traditions began with the Mesopotamian celebration of New Years. The Mesopotamians believed in many gods, and as their chief god-Marduk. Each year as winter arrived it was believed that Marduk would do battle with the monsters of chaos. To assist Marduk in his struggle the Mesopotamians held a festival for the New Year. This was Zagmuk, the New Year"s festival that lasted for 12 days. The Persians and the Babylonians celebrated a similar festival called the Sacaea. Part of...... 圣诞节的英文介绍 耿hristmas Day is on 25th of December. On that day ,people eat Christmas puddings.At christmas Eve ,chridren put their stocking on their bed.They want to get present from Santa Claus。People decorate Christmas tree.They are happy. 圣诞节在12月25日 在那天 人们吃圣诞布丁 在圣诞节晚上 孩子们把他们的袜子放在床头 他们希望能从圣诞老人那里得到礼物 人们装饰圣诞树在圣诞节那天 他们是快乐的 英文版圣诞节的来历,多一点。 圣诞节英文:Christmas 圣诞节就要到了,今天就给大家讲讲Christmas Day的故事。 Christmas day had to arrive, today gives everybody to speakChristmas Day the story. Christmas是Christ(基督)和Mass(凯撒)的缩写, 恺撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节是一个宗教节日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,因而又名“耶诞节”。 Christmas is Christ (Christ) and Mass (Caesar) the abbreviation,Caesar is the church one kind of week ceremony. Christmas day is areligious holiday, is the Christian memorates the day which Jesusis born, thus also names "Ye Danjie". 每年的12月25日,世界所有的基督教会都会举行特别的礼拜仪式。到了19世纪,圣诞卡的流行、圣诞老人的出现,圣诞节也开始流行起来。有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点关联。有人说耶稣在夏末秋初诞生,并非12月25日。然而,圣诞节究竟是否耶稣诞辰之日对于现代人来说已经不那么重要,它就像我们的春节一样,大家相聚一堂,交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,吃火鸡大餐,是一个普天同庆的日子! Every year on December 25, the world all Christian church can hold thespecial week ceremony. To 19th century, the Christmas card has beenpopular, Santa Claus"s appearance, Christmas day also starts popularlyto get up. Has very many Christmas days to joyfully celebrate theactivity and the religion and the non- least bit connection. Somepeople said Jesus in at the end of the summer 秋初 birth, by nomeans on December 25. However, Christmas day actually whether date ofthe Jesus birthday regarding the modern people did say already notthat was important, it liked our Spring Festival to be same, everybodypoly a hall, the exchange gift, sent the Christmas card, ate theturkey western-style food, was a worldwide celebration day! 西方人以红、绿、白三色为圣诞色,圣诞节来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰。红色的有圣诞花(一品红,poinsettia)和圣诞蜡烛。绿色的是圣诞树。它是圣诞节的主要装饰品,用砍伐来的杉、柏一类呈塔形的常青树...... XP会不会比98更加充分的发挥硬件的性能,从而使游戏运行更顺畅? 作为服役十余年的系统,它已经迎来了自己的归宿。现在,全世界的网友不禁为这一顽强存在于microsoft十余载的系统肃然起敬。只有不断地探索、尝试、创新,才能使系统运行更人性化。这一点,是XP无法与7和8.1相媲美的。
2023-07-23 11:20:551


以下是 考 网为大家整理的关于有关圣诞节英语作文题目的文章,供大家学习参考! Christmas Day 圣诞节    Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls. Before the term ends in some schools, the children act a nativity or “birth” play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable.   12月25日是圣诞节。对许多男孩和女孩来说,这天是个非常开心的日子。在某些学校,学期结束前,孩子们会表演有关(耶稣)诞生或出生的戏剧,用来(向大家)展示耶稣是如何在马厩里出生的。    On the twenty-fourth of December, all children are very excited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace, so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow-case or a sack to try to get more presents. Later that night, father or mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed.   在12月24日这天,所有的小孩都很兴奋。他们常常被(父母)早早地赶上床去睡觉,以便他们的父母能准备好礼物。年幼一点的小孩认为圣诞老人将从烟囱或壁炉里下来,所以他们挂起袜子,方便圣诞老人把礼物放进去。有些贪心的人,为了能得到的礼物,甚至把枕套或布袋挂起来。晚一些时候,爸爸或妈妈将礼物放进袜子,并把其他礼物放在(孩子们的)床边。      On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o"clock, and most of them are awake by six o"clock, and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o"clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas hollidays comes to an end.   圣诞节的早上,小孩们很早就醒来了。一些人甚至在凌晨两点开灯,但大多数小孩会在六点醒来,孩子们在(大人们)准备晚餐的时候玩耍。下午一点,圣诞大餐出炉了。火鸡或鸡腿总是很快被抢光。孩子们寻找着属于他们的圣诞布丁是为了确认金币是否有藏在里面。在剩余的时间里,(人们)便是玩游戏和吃食物直到最开心幸福的圣诞节结束。
2023-07-23 11:21:011

exo christmas day韩文歌词分配

2023-07-23 11:21:104


在圣诞节期间on Christmas
2023-07-23 11:21:446

Christmas Day 歌词

歌名:《Christmas Day》发行时间:2013年12月9日歌曲原唱:EXO音乐风格:流行歌曲语言:韩文,中文歌词:(韩语)uc124ub818uc5d0 ubd80ud480uc5b4 ub208uc744 ub728ub294 uc544uce68uc120ubb3cuc758 ub9acubcf8ub048uc744 ud480uc5b4ubcf4ub294 ub290ub08cub108ub97c uc54cuc544uac00ub294 ub0a0uc774uba74 ub0a0ub9c8ub2e4uac70ub9acub97c uc7a5uc2ddud55c ubc18uc9dduc774ub294 ubd88ube5buadf8 uc911uc5d0 ub2e8uc5f0 ub124 ub208uc5d0 ub728ub294 ubcc4ube5bub0b4 ud488 uc548uc5d0 ub179uc744 ub4efuc774 ub108ub294 uc548uaca8uc640ud639uc2dc ub0b4 uc7a0uacb0uc5d0ub2e4uac00uc640uc788uc9c4 uc54auc744uae4cud558uba70 All night ubc24uc0c8 All nightud558uc597uac8c uc9c0uc0c8 ub9deuc774ud55cuac78Just like the Christmas day uc190uaf3duc544 uae30ub2e4ub9acub358Just like the Christmas day oh! ub110 uc0dduac01ud558uba74uadf8ub54c uadf8 uc2dcuc808 uc5b4ub9b0uc560ucc98ub7fc ub9c8ub0e5 ub4e4ub728uace4 ud574You"re just like Christmas dayuae38uace0ub3c4 ucc28uac00uc6b4 uacc4uc808 uc18duc5d0 uc624uc9c1ub108ub9ccuc774 ucf54ud2b8 uc18duc5d0 ub0a8uc544uc788ub294 uc628uae30ub530ub73bud55c uae30uc5b5ub4e4 ub9ccuc73cub85c ucc44uc6ccuc9c0uace0 (ub108ubb34ub098ub3c4 ub530ub73bud55c)uba54ub9c8ub978 ud558ub298uc5d0uc11c ub0b4ub9b0 ud558uc580 uae30uc801uc774ub904uc9c0uae34 ub108ubb34 ud798ub4e4 uac83ub9cc uac19ub358uafc8 uc18duc5d0ub3c4 uac04uc808ud588uc5c8ub358 uadf8 uae30ub3c4~ uc74c~ Yeahub208uc744 ub72c uc544uce68uc5d0ucc3dubb38uc744 ub36euc740 ub208ucc98ub7fcub108ub294 All night ubc24uc0c8 All nightuc870uc6a9ud788 uc313uc5ec uc640uc788ub294uac78Just like the Christmas day uc190uaf3duc544 uae30ub2e4ub9acub358Just like the Christmas day oh! ub110 uc0dduac01ud558uba74uadf8ub54c uadf8 uc2dcuc808 uc5b4ub9b0uc560ucc98ub7fc ub9c8ub0e5 ub4e4ub728uace4 ud574You"re just like Christmas dayJust like the Christmas day uc190uaf3duc544 uae30ub2e4ub9acub358Just like the Christmas day oh! ub110 uc0dduac01ud558uba74uadf8ub54c uadf8 uc2dcuc808 uc5b4ub9b0uc560ucc98ub7fc ub9c8ub0e5 ub4e4ub728uace4 ud574You"re just like Christmas dayYou"re just like Christmas day(中文)被心中的期待叫醒的那早晨感觉好像拆开礼物时那么兴奋每一天都对你了解更多一些这城市到处是璀璨耀眼的灯而最闪耀的是你眼里的星辰温柔贴近 把你融化在我怀抱里半梦半醒之间仿佛你来到我身边思绪All Night 翻身All Night直到天空慢慢亮起来Just Like The Christmas Day心早已迫不及待Just Like The Christmas Day像心急的小孩每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃You"re Just Like Christmas Day在白色的季节 呼吸变得好冷在我的大衣里 只留下你的体温只留下温暖的 记忆把我们包围 (只留下温暖包围)平凡的我得到命运给予的礼物每一天我祈祷上天 可以眷顾那么虔诚祈祷 你是我的礼物就在一夜之间窗外已被白雪覆盖思绪All Night 翻身All Night想念无声的堆积起来Just Like The Christmas Day心早已迫不及待Just Like The Christmas Day像心急的小孩每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃You"re Just Like Christmas DayJust Like The Christmas Day心早已迫不及待Just Like The Christmas Day像心急的小孩每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃You"re Just Like Christmas DayYou"re Just Like Christmas Day
2023-07-23 11:22:142

关于圣诞节的初中英语作文:Christmas Day

Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls. Before the term ends in some schools, the children act a nativity or “birth” play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable. 12月25日是圣诞节。对许多男孩和女孩来说,这天是个非常开心的日子。在某些学校,学期结束前,孩子们会表演有关(耶稣)诞生或出生的戏剧,用来(向大家)展示耶稣是如何在马厩里出生的。 On the twenty-fourth of December, all children are very excited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace, so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow-case or a sack to try to get more presents. Later that night, father or mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed. 在12月24日这天,所有的小孩都很兴奋。他们常常被(父母)早早地赶上床去睡觉,以便他们的父母能准备好礼物。年幼一点的小孩认为圣诞老人将从烟囱或壁炉里下来,所以他们挂起袜子,方便圣诞老人把礼物放进去。有些贪心的人,为了能得到更多的礼物,甚至把枕套或布袋挂起来。晚一些时候,爸爸或妈妈将礼物放进袜子,并把其他礼物放在(孩子们的)床边。 On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o"clock, and most of them are awake by six o"clock, and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o"clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas holidays comes to an end. 圣诞节的早上,小孩们很早就醒来了。一些人甚至在凌晨两点开灯,但大多数小孩会在六点醒来,孩子们在(大人们)准备晚餐的时候玩耍。下午一点,圣诞大餐出炉了。火鸡或鸡腿总是很快被抢光。孩子们寻找着属于他们的圣诞布丁是为了确认金币是否有藏在里面。在剩余的时间里,(人们)便是玩游戏和吃食物直到最开心幸福的圣诞节结束。
2023-07-23 11:22:211

小说“Christmas Day in the morning”的情节

"Well. I reckon I can go back to sleep," his father said after a moment. "No, come to think of it, son, I"ve never seen you children when you first saw the Christmas tree. I was always in the barn. Come on!" He pulled on his clothes again, and they went down to the Christmas tree, and soon the sun was creeping up to where the starhad been. Oh, what a Christmas morning, and how his heart had nearly burst again with shyness and prideas his father told his motherabout how he, Rob,had got up all by himself.“好吧,我想我可以回去睡(去睡个回笼觉)了。”(他)父亲隔了会儿说,“喔不,再想想看,儿子。以前你们头回见圣诞树那会儿,我还没见过你们这些孩子(当时什么样儿)。那时我总是呆牛棚(或:牛舍)。(跟我)来。”他又套上衣服,父子俩一并来到圣诞树前,不一会儿,太阳渐渐攀到刚才星星呆的地方。呵,好个圣诞节早晨,就在父亲告诉母亲、Rob他是怎样独自一人完成晨活儿(即上文的“挤牛奶”——译者注)时,他的心因为害羞和骄傲而跳得像要爆开似的。
2023-07-23 11:22:281

关于圣诞节的作文:Christmas Day(100字左右)

Christmas Day comes on December 25. It is important in Western countries. On that day the family get together for a big family dinner. Most families buy a Christina stree and decorate it with small things. At night children go to bed early, hanging stockings beside the beds and waiting for Father Christmas. They think he comes down from the chimney and puts the presents into their stockings. How happy children are on that day!
2023-07-23 11:22:362

Christmas和Christmas day 和Christmas time意思完全一样吗?

国外的圣诞节和中国春节一样是作为一个假期,Christmas和Christmas time可指圣诞假期持续的这段时间,Christmas day特指圣诞节当天。
2023-07-23 11:22:432


  圣诞节是西方国家的重要节日,随着世界经济和文化的一体化,越来越多的国家也开始过圣诞节了,就连中国也不例外。以下是由的我为大家挑选的《英文作文圣诞节 》相关的五篇英语作文,欢迎各位同学来借鉴、参考,希望能够各位小伙伴们有所帮助!!!   英文作文圣诞节 篇(一)   Chritmas is the day that Jesus Christ was born. People in the world celebrate and worship this day in his honor. The santa claus will come out and send presents for children. Christmas cards and decorated trees are all over the place. The carolling of Christmas songs echo through the air. I am not a Chirstian, but I also enjoy the atmosphere of Chrismas. I wish everybody have a merry Chirismas.   圣诞节是Jesus Christ出生的那一天。世界上的人们以他的名誉庆祝和崇拜这一天。圣诞老人会出来给孩子们送礼物。到处都是圣诞贺卡和装饰树木。圣诞颂歌回响在空中。我不是一个基督徒,但我也享受圣诞的气氛。我祝大家圣诞快乐。   英文作文圣诞节 篇(二)   On Saturday, we and aunt go to McDonald"s to eat hamburgers.   By McDonald"s, I ordered a plate chicken leg, end to the second floor, find the position of sit sat down, and eat it with relish.   Finished eating hamburgers, aunt took us to buy Christmas presents, I picked out a blue suit small rabbits and a pink bag, over three little flower, flower is pink, one is yellow, and one is white.   Elder sister to pick four with bowknot hairpin also picked a yellow puppy.   Two elder sister picked two cubs, wearing a black clothes, wearing a black hat, a white bow on the neck, the other has been, wearing a white veil, very cute!   I love this Christmas. What a colorful Christmas!   星期六,我们和阿姨去麦当劳吃汉堡包。   在麦当劳,我点了一盘鸡腿,到二楼,坐下来坐下,津津有味地吃。   吃完汉堡包,阿姨带我们去买圣诞礼物,我挑选了一个蓝色的西装小兔子和一个粉红色的包,三朵小花,花是粉红色的,一个是黄色的,一个是白色的。   姐姐接四蝴蝶结发夹也挑选了一个黄色的小狗。   两个姐姐挑了两个小熊,穿着黑色的衣服,戴着黑色的帽子,脖子上有白色的蝴蝶结,另一个一直戴着白色的面纱,非常可爱!   我喜欢这个圣诞节。多么丰富多彩的圣诞节啊!   英文作文圣诞节 篇(三)   Christmas is a very important in western countries. Like Spring Festival, it takes place every year. It comes on December 25th.   People get ready for Christmas a few days before Christmas, such us cleaning their house, buying Christmas trees and Christmas presents and making or buying so much delicious food. Children wear their new clothes and get some presents from Father Christmas. Many families celebrate Christmas with a Christmas party and their friends and relatives join them in the party. They always say, “Merry Christmas!”   Listen to the introduction, do you like Christmas?   圣诞节在西方国家是非常重要的。像春节一样,每年都有。圣诞节是在每一年的12月25日。   人们会在圣诞节的前几天为圣诞节做好准备,比如说:打扫他们的房子,买圣诞树和圣诞礼物,制作或购买美味的食物。孩子们会穿上新衣服并且能从圣诞老人那儿得到一些礼物。许多家庭庆祝圣诞节与圣诞晚会,他们的朋友和亲戚都会加入到这个圣诞聚会中。他们总是说:“圣诞快乐!”   听完了我的介绍,你喜欢圣诞节吗?   英文作文圣诞节 篇(四)   Christmas Day is the biggest festival in the western countries.It is on December 25, the birthday of Jesus Christ.Before the festival, every family will buy a Christmas tree, and put it in the middle of the living-room. And their houses look more soft and beautiful.On Christmas Eve, children always hang up their Christmas stockings and hope Father Christmas will come to put presents in them. In fact, their parents put the presents in their stockings.How interesting it is! On Christmas Day, people say "Merry Christmas" to each other.   圣诞节是西方国家最盛大的节日。圣诞节是在每年的12月25日,是耶稣基督的生日。节日前,每个家庭都要买一颗圣诞树,放在起居室的中央,这样他们家看起来又温馨又漂亮。在平安夜,孩子们总是把圣诞袜挂起来,希望圣诞老人会把礼物放到里面,实际上把礼物放到袜里面的是他们的父母。你说有趣不有趣! 在圣诞节那天,人们互相祝贺“圣诞快乐”。   英文作文圣诞节 篇(五)   Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world, which people all over the Christian countries celebrate. It is on the 25th day of each December. Christians consider it as the birthday of Jesus Christ. But now many customs and habits are beyond religious meaning, The Christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday. There is always a shopping boom during this period. So it‘s really a happy season for shop owners.   圣诞节是西方世界最大的节日,基督教国家的人们都会庆祝这个节日。它是每年十二月的第二十五天。基督教徒认为这是Jesus Christ的生日。但是现在许多习俗和习惯已经超出了宗教的意义,确切地说,圣诞节是从节假日之前的五、六周开始。这期间总是有一股购物热潮。所以这对店主来说是其乐无穷的。
2023-07-23 11:23:061


Christmas or Christmas Day is a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity. It is traditionally celebrated on December 25 by most Western Christian churches. Although dating to probably as early as a.d. 200, the feast of Christmas did not become widespread until the Middle Ages. Aspects of celebration may include gift-giving, Christmas trees, display of Nativity sets, church attendance, the Father Christmas/Santa Claus myth, and family gatherings. The word Christmas is derived from Middle English Christemasse. It is a contraction meaning "Christ"s mass". The name of the holiday is often shortened to Xmas because Roman letter "X" resembles the Greek letter X, an abbreviation for Christ.圣诞节是庆祝天主教中心人物耶稣诞生的节日,通常西方天主教堂在12月25日庆祝。圣诞节最早可追溯到公元200年,但直到中世纪才开始广泛流传。圣诞节庆祝活动包括赠送礼物、圣诞树、摆耶稣系列雕像、参加教堂活动、圣诞老人传说、家庭聚会等。Christmas一词来源于中世纪英语Christemasse,大概的意思是耶稣的弥撒。有时候圣诞节被写成Xmas,因为罗马字母X和希腊文Chirst的缩写X很相似。In many parts of the world, Christmas is the day when people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem two thousand years ago. People who remember Christmas as a religious holiday celebrate the birth of Jesus and his coming into this world. To them, he is recognized as the Son of God and the Savior of the world. According to the Bible, Jesus was born in a manger because there was no room for him and his parents, Mary and Joseph, in an inn. Today, people often attend church, organize family gatherings, and decorate their homes and businesses. People feel the giving spirit and donate their time and money to worthy causes, or provide volunteer service to the needy. Christmas is also celebrated as a secular holiday when parents and children talk about Santa Claus and Rudolf the Red Nose ReindeerChristmas Day in United StatesMany people in the United States celebrate Christmas Day on December 25. The day celebrates Jesus Christ"s birth. It is often combined with customs from pre-Christian winter celebrations. Many people erect Christmas trees, decorate their homes, visit family or friends and exchange gifts. What do people do?People celebrate Christmas Day in many ways. In the days or even weeks before Christmas Day, many people decorate their homes and gardens with lights, Christmas trees and much more. It is common to organize a special meal, often consisting of turkey and a lot of other festive foods, for family or friends and exchange gifts with them. Children, in particular, often receive a lot of gifts from their parents and other relatives and the mythical figure Santa Claus. This has led to Christmas Day becoming an increasingly commercialized holiday, with a lot of families spending a large part of their income on gifts and food. Many Sunday schools, churches and communities organize special events. These can include decorating the neighborhood or a shopping mall, putting up a Christmas tree and planning a Nativity display, concert or performance. A lot of plays and songs have a aspect of Christmas as a theme. Some groups arrange meals, shelter or charitable projects for people without a home or with very little money. Public lifeGovernment offices, organizations, businesses and schools are closed, almost without exception. Many people visit relatives or friends and are out of town. This may cause congestion on highways and at airports. Public transit systems do not run on their regular schedules. In general, public life closes down completely. BackgroundThe original meaning of Christmas is a special church service, or mass, to celebrate the birth of Christ. The story of the Nativity, or the events surrounding the birth of Jesus, are particularly important in religious celebrations of Christmas. However, many traditions that are around today have their roots in pre-Christian winter festivals. These include the importance of candles and decorations made from evergreen bushes and tree, symbolizing everlasting light and life. In Roman times, a mid-winter festival was held. This was a relaxing time with a lot of parties and merry making. It was also common to give other people small gifts, such as dolls for children and candles for adults. This festival culminated with the celebration of the winter solstice, which fell on December 25 in the Roman calendar. In Scandinavia, a festival called Yule and lasting up to twelve days was held in late December and early January. In this time people burnt logs and held parties. These customs have influences how Christmas Day is celebrated today in the United States. The Bible does not give a precise date for the birth of Jesus. It is also unclear when December 25 became associated with the birth of Jesus, although it may have been around two hundred years after his birth. In the early centuries of Christianity, the anniversary of the birth of Jesus was not a cause for celebrations. The idea of turning this day into a celebration started in the early Middle Ages in Europe. During Reformation and up until the middle of the 1800s, Christmas was often not celebrated because partying and merry making was seen as unchristian. From about 1840, celebrating Christmas became more widespread. December 25 was declared a federal holiday in the United States in 1870. Since then Christmas Day has become a steadily more important holiday. SymbolsA wide range of people and objects represent Christmas. These include baby Jesus, the Nativity and the Three Kings, but also Santa Claus, reindeer and elves. Common objects at this time of year are pine trees, holly, decorations, fairy lights, candles and presents. Christmas Day is now truly a mix of religious celebration and commercial interests.
2023-07-23 11:23:141

一直以来在任何英语中Christmas和Christmas Day意思完全一样吗?

不完全一样。"Christmas" 和 "Christmas Day" 的意思是相似的,但有细微的差别。"Christmas" 是一个更宽泛的词汇,可以指代整个圣诞节节日期间的庆祝活动。它可以包括圣诞节前夕的准备、庆祝活动和圣诞节后的清理工作。"Christmas Day" 指的是具体的圣诞节日期,即12月25日。它是整个圣诞节节日的核心,通常是人们最重要的庆祝活动。所以,如果您想指代整个圣诞节节日,可以使用"Christmas";如果您想指代具体的圣诞节日期,可以使用"Christmas Day"。
2023-07-23 11:23:331


1月1日——元旦:NewYearsDay 2月14日——情人节:ValentinesDay 3月8日——国际妇女节:InternationalWomensDay 4月1日——愚人节:April Fools Day 5月1日——国际劳动节:InternationalLabourDay 扩展资料   6月1日——国际儿童节:InternationalChildren"sDay   7月1日——中国共产党诞生日:the Communist Party of China   8月1日——中国人民解放军建军节:ArmyDay   9月10日——中国教师节:Teacher"sDay   10月1日——中华人民共和国国庆节:NationalDay   11月17日——国际大学生节:International University Students Day   12月25日——圣诞节:ChristmasDay
2023-07-23 11:23:431

EXO-K的Christmas day的歌词翻译?

2023-07-23 11:23:551

Christmas Day与Christmas有什么区别

2023-07-23 11:24:031

Christmas和Christmas day意思完全一样吗

Christmas 和 Christmas day 意思完全一样。请看权威词典Oxford Advanced Learner"s Dictionary 8th Edition是怎么说的吧。上面划红线的就是重点信息。我解答后你该没疑惑了吧。
2023-07-23 11:24:201


2023-07-23 11:24:363


1月1日——元旦:NewYearsDay 2月14日——情人节:ValentinesDay 3月8日——国际妇女节:InternationalWomensDay 4月1日——愚人节:April Fools Day 5月1日——国际劳动节:InternationalLabourDay 扩展资料   6月1日——国际儿童节:InternationalChildren"sDay   7月1日——中国共产党诞生日:the Communist Party of China   8月1日——中国人民解放军建军节:ArmyDay   9月10日——中国教师节:Teacher"sDay   10月1日——中华人民共和国国庆节:NationalDay   11月17日——国际大学生节:International University Students Day   12月25日——圣诞节:ChristmasDay
2023-07-23 11:25:031


2023-07-23 11:25:334

Christmas Day 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas Day歌手:Dido专辑:A Very Special Christmas 5The young gentleman came riding paston a snow-blue winter"s dayHe asked to drink by our fire andI was pleased to let him stayHe drank there quietly for a whileand then he turned and said to meYour eyes are greenLike summer grassYour lips are redlike a fresh-cut roseYour hair is softlike an Irish streamAnd your voice is filled with sweet beautyAnd the last words I heard him say wereI shall return for you my love on Christmas DayAnd the night will come but I won"t sleepas I watch the stars that lead himI cannot place where he isbut still my heart goes with himI"m saving all my Sunday clothes for the daythat I"ll be leavingFather knowsMy sister knowsAnd my friendsThey"re happy for meAnd the priest he saysyou should thank Godfor the blessing of such beautyAnd the last words I heard him say wereI shall return for you my love on Christmas DayI shall return for you my love on Christmas DayOn Christmas DayI shall return for youMy love...And the last words I heard him sayWere the last words I ever heard him sayI shall return for you my love on Christmas DayI said I will return on Christmas DayAnd yes, I shall return on Christmas dayI shall return, for you, on Christmas DayMy loveI will return on Christmas DayI shall return ,my love, on Christmas DayOn Christmas Day
2023-07-23 11:26:181


Christmas Day (圣诞节)EXO圣诞节(中文版)- EXO词:Misfit曲:Gabriela Soza Philip Hochstrate Samantha Powell被心中的期待叫醒的那早晨感觉好像拆开礼物时那么兴奋每一天都对你了解更多一些这城市到处是璀璨耀眼的灯而最闪耀的是你眼里的星辰温柔贴近 把你融化在我怀抱里半梦半醒之间仿佛你来到我身边思绪All Night 翻身All Night直到天空慢慢亮起来Just Like The Christmas Day心早已迫不及待Just Like The Christmas Day像心急的小孩每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃You"re Just Like Christmas Day在白色的季节 呼吸变得好冷在我的大衣里 只留下你的体温只留下温暖的 记忆把我们包围(只留下温暖包围)平凡的我得到命运给予的礼物每一天我祈祷上天 可以眷顾那么虔诚祈祷 你是我的礼物Emm Yeah就在一夜之间窗外已被白雪覆盖思绪All Night 翻身All Night想念无声的堆积起来Just Like The Christmas Day心早已迫不及待Just Like The Christmas Day像心急的小孩每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃You"re Just Like Christmas DayJust Like The Christmas Day心早已迫不及待Just Like The Christmas Day像心急的小孩每次想你 等你好难挨 心情肆意澎湃You"re Just Like Christmas DayYou"re Just Like Christmas Day来自QQ音乐
2023-07-23 11:26:251


2023-07-23 11:26:341


The Christmas day is the Christianity world greatest holiday.why can decide as December 25 Christmas day? Because December 25 is Jesus"s birthday. the westerner take red, green, white tricolor as the Christmas color. What is red is the Christmas flower and the Christmas candle. What green is the Christmas tree. What red and white intersection is Santa Claus, he is the character who the Christmas day moves most receives welcome. In the West, acts Santa Claus is also one kind of custom. the Christmas song mainly has three, one is "Christmas Eve"; One is "Listens, Angel Newspaper Good news"; Third is "Bell Makes a sound Dingdong". the foreign country"s Christmas day is equal to China"s Spring Festival is equally important.圣诞节的故事/The Christmas storyOne day ,long ago ,a litter baby was born.His name was Jesus.Jesus was a special baby.Mang people say he was the son of God.Think that he is born in the sky having a new come into being, and evasive intense star brilliant rays occasionally. Have had three sages to follow person star brilliant rays , have found Jesus. They have brought about the peculiar gift, and have foretold that Jesus grows up may become a great people the day afer tomorrow.Jesus has become great one teacher after growing up, he has taught people loving God heartily , shown loving care for each other.Afterwards,Jesus is envied and hated because of meeting with Judaism upper strata, the nail is suffered calamities on the cross , the at last is passed away by evil person.People hangs with the star in the Christmas tree top for the thing commemorating Jesus , when Christmas Day , people give present each other.
2023-07-23 11:26:431


按顺序是New Year"s DayApril Fools" DayMay DayMother"s DayHalloweenThanks Giving DayChristmas Day
2023-07-23 11:26:522


Christmas DayOn December 25, people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may be thanking Santa Claus for new toys. They may also be going to church with their families. Christmas has so many traditions and symbols associated with it, that it"s hard to determine exactly how it came to be the celebration it is today.Christmas DayAh! Christmas morning! Children like to wake up early while it"s still dark and sneak into the living room to check the presents----find any with their name on it, shake them to guess what"s inside, and then maybe they"ll go back to bed and pretend they are still asleep when their parents come to wake them with a "Merry Christmas!" But almost no one I know gets completely dressed or eats a regular breakfast first thing Christmas morning. They just put on a robe or wear their pajamas and go to see what"s under the Christmas tree. Some Christian families have a tradition of reading the Bible story of Jesus" birth. Maybe it"s to remind the children that Christmas is Jesus" birthday. Someone will begin to take the presents out from under the tree, see whose name is on the package, and then pass them around. Some families wait until all the presents have been given out before opening any of them, while others open each one as it comes to them. There are many "thank you" to the ones who gave the gifts, new clothes are tried on to see if they fit, and of course the most interesting toys will immediately be played with. Usually among the Christmas gifts will be some especially delicious candy or cake or cookies which everyone tastes. These sweet things may be the only breakfast many people eat Christmas morning. After the gifts have been opened, the room will be tidied up except where the children are playing with their toys. Everyone will wash and get dressed for the day. Some people may go to a Christmas morning church service around ten o"clock if their church didn"t have one on Christmas Eve. But most people will just watch TV. Well, most men will. The children may play outside or inside with their new toys, but the mothers will be in the kitchen preparing Christmas Dinner.
2023-07-23 11:27:222


2023-07-23 11:27:433


Christmas Day is Dec.25th
2023-07-23 11:28:203


1.圣诞节英语作文带翻译   Christmas Day is the biggest festival in the western countries.It is on December 25,the birthday of Jesus Christ.Before the festival,every family will buy a Christmas tree,and put it in the middle of the living-room.And their houses look more soft and beautiful.   圣诞节是西方国家最盛大的节日。节日在12月25日,是耶稣基 督的生日。节日前,每个家庭都要买一颗圣诞树,放在起居室的中央,这样他们家看起来又温馨又漂亮。   On Christmas Eve,children always hang up their Christmas stockings and hope Father Christmas will come to put presents in them.In fact,their parents put the presents in their stockings.   在平安夜,孩子们总是把圣诞袜挂起来,希望圣诞老人会把礼物放到里面,实际上把礼物放到袜里面的是他们的父母.   How interesting it is!On Christmas Day,people say "Merry Christmas" to each other.   你说有趣不有趣!在圣诞节那天,人们互相祝贺“圣诞快乐”。 2.圣诞节英语作文带翻译   Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls. Before the term ends in some schools, the children act a nativity or “birth” play, showing how Jesus was born in a stable.   12月25日是圣诞节。对许多男孩和女孩来说,这天是个非常开心的日子。在某些学校,学期结束前,孩子们会表演有关(耶稣)诞生或出生的戏剧,用来(向大家)展示耶稣是如何在马厩里出生的。   On the twenty-fourth of December, all children are very excited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents can get the presents ready. The younger children think that Father Christmas will come down the chimney or fireplace, so they hang up a sock for him to put presents in. The greedy ones even hang up a pillow-case or a sack to try to get more presents. Later that night, father or mother will put presents in the sock, and leave others at the side of the bed.   在12月24日这天,所有的小孩都很兴奋。他们常常被(父母)早早地赶上 床去睡觉,以便他们的父母能准备好礼物。年幼一点的小孩认为圣诞老人将从烟囱或壁炉里下来,所以他们挂起袜子,方便圣诞老人把礼物放进去。有些贪心的人,为了能得到更多的礼物,甚至把枕套或布袋挂起来。晚一些时候,爸爸或妈妈将礼物放进袜子,并把其他礼物放在(孩子们的)床边。   On Christmas morning, the children wake up very early. Some even turn on the light at two o"clock, and most of them are awake by six o"clock, and the young ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o"clock in the afternoon, the Christmas dinner is brought in. The turkey or chicken is quickly eaten. Children search in their Christmas pudding for new coins which are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of games and eating until the happiest of all Christmas holidays comes to an end.   圣诞节的早上,小孩们很早就醒来了。一些人甚至在凌晨两点开灯,但大多数小孩会在六点醒来,孩子们在(大人们)准备晚餐的时候玩耍。下午一点,圣诞大餐出炉了。火鸡或鸡腿总是很快被抢光。孩子们寻找着属于他们的圣诞布丁是为了确认金币是否有藏在里面。在剩余的时间里,(人们)便是玩游戏和吃食物直到最开心幸福的圣诞节结束。 3.圣诞节英语作文带翻译   Most westerners always celebrate Christmas Day as their major festival,in order to memorialize Jesus.During that time,they always have several days off,so they can enjoy this festival with all their hearts.The children often get together with their friends.The adults are busy with decorating their houses.They also send the postcards with their best wishes to each other.In the streets,there are so many Fathers Christmas sending presents to the passers-by.And everything is on a discount in the supermarkets.Thus the supermarkets are the busiest places.   为了纪念耶稣,大部分西方人都将庆祝圣诞节作为他们的主要节日。在这段时间里,他们总是有好几天假,所以他们可以全身心的享受这个节日。小孩们经常与他们的朋友聚在一起,大人都忙着装饰他们的房子。他们还互相赠送明信片以及他们对彼此的祝福。在街上,有很多圣诞老人在派送礼物给路人。超市里面的所有东西都在打折.所以,超市是最忙的地方。   In the evening,the families usually have pudding,sandwiches,apple pies and some other desserts for dinner.After supper,the families always sing and dance around the Christmas tree.Sometimes,they also go to church.Before going to bed,the children often hang up their stockings beside their bed,so that Father Christmas will fill them with presents.It is said that Father Christmas always drives a deer to the human world and entering into each house from the chimney.Now the children no longer believe in Father Christmas,but they still hang up their stockings,because their parents will fill them with presents.   晚上,家里面通常都有吃布丁,三明治,苹果派,还有一些其它的甜点作为晚餐。晚饭后,家人们总是围着圣诞树唱歌跳舞。有时,他们还会去教堂。睡觉前,孩子们常常会把长统袜挂在床边,这样圣诞老人就会用礼物把它填满了。据说圣诞老人总是骑着一只鹿到人间,之后从烟囱进入每个房子。现在的孩子不再相信圣诞老人的故事了,但他们仍然会挂上他们的袜子,因为他们的父母会用礼物把它填满。 4.圣诞节英语作文带翻译   Christmas is the most important festival in the western world. it falls on december 25th. when my mother and i stayed in america, we were invited by one of my mother‘s friends to have christmas with an american family. we bought some presents for our american friends on our way to their house.   They had prepared different kinds of gifts for their family and guests when we got to their house, such as christmas candles, cakes, cards, little toys, biscuits and so on. a christmas tree was placed in the comer of the brilliant hall. how beautiful it was! we were impressed by these. we had a big meal. after dinner, they told us some interesting stories about christmas. we learned that christmas had something to do with god. we went to bed at midnight. though we knew the santa claus was not true, we were still waiting for the santa claus with white beard to bring us presents.and we received many beautiful presents the next morning.   This christmas was really unforgettable. not only did i have a good time, but also i knew something about foreign culture.   12月25日的圣诞节是西方国家最重要的节日。我和妈妈在美国的时候,曾应妈妈的一位朋友邀请,去一个美国家庭过圣诞节。在去他家的途中,我们为美国朋友买了一些礼物。   我们到时,他们已为家人及客人们准备了各种各样的礼物,有圣诞蜡烛、蛋糕、卡片、小玩具和饼干等。圣诞树放在灯火通明的客厅的一角,实在是太荚了。这一切给我们留下了深刻的印象。我们吃了一顿大餐。饭后,他们给我们讲了一些圣诞节的故事,我们知道了圣诞节与上帝有关。我们午夜时分才上 床睡觉。尽管我们知道圣诞老人不是真的,但还是等待着白胡子的圣诞老人为我们送来礼物。第二天早晨我们收到了许多漂亮的礼物。   这个圣诞节实在太令人难以忘怀了。我不仅过得很愉快,还了解了外国文化。 5.圣诞节英语作文带翻译   Christmas is the biggest festival in the western world,which people all over the Christian countries celebrate.It is on the 25th day of each December.Christians consider it as the birthday of Jesus Christ.But now many customs and habits are beyond religious meaning.The Christmas season begins five or six weeks before the exact holiday.There is always a shopping boom during this period.So it"s really a happy season for shop owners.   每年的12月25日,所有国家的人们都欢庆圣诞节。一般认为圣诞节是耶稣诞生的日子。但是现在许多风俗和习惯都已超出了宗教意义。圣诞节季节在12月25日之前的5、6个星期就已经开始了。在这一时期总会出现一个购物潮。所以圣诞节确实是店主的快乐节日.
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新年(New Year"s Day):在西方国家,尽管圣诞节才是最大的节日,新年在人们心目中仍占有不可替代的重要地位。除夕之夜 (NewYear"s Day)晚会是庆祝新年到来必不可少的活动。西方各国的人们都喜欢在欢快的乐曲和绚丽的光彩中喜气洋洋地度过一年的最后一个夜晚。此时,化装晚会特别受欢迎。来宾们把尊严和谨慎藏在面具之后,打扮得稀奇古怪。大家无拘无束,尽情玩乐,与平日的行为大相径庭。在英美两国,午夜钟声一响,参加晚会的人们还要手 拉手高唱"友谊地久天长"这首著名的苏格兰民歌。情人节(St. Valentine"s Day):二月十四日,是情侣们交换礼物,表示爱意的欢乐节日。圣派克节(St. Patrick"s Day):三月十七日,纪念爱尔兰(Ireland)守护神圣派克。美国的圣派克节这一天,人们通常要举行游行,教堂活动和公共晚宴。复活节(Easter):复活节是西方国家隆重而又盛大的宗教节日。复活节的清晨,当天边刚抹上一缕晨略,婉转而深沉的乐曲开始响彻晨空。在乐曲的感召下,基督教徒从四面八方涌向教堂、公园或公共广场去迎接复活节的黎明,纪念基督耶稣的复活。愚人节(April Fool"s Day / All Fool"s Day)是一个比较特殊的节日。时间是每年的4月1日(April 1st)。按照西方国家的习俗,在愚人节这一天,人们可以任意说谎骗人,愚弄他人。骗人越高,越能得到推崇。在愚人节受到愚弄的人被称为 April Fool ( 4月愚人)。按照他们的习惯,当一个人成功地使别人受到愚弄时,他就会笑着说 ,这时受愚弄的人恍然大悟,也会跟着哈哈大笑。愚人节活动活跃气氛,放松一下大脑,为人们的生活增添一些乐趣,本不是件坏事。但是开玩笑或愚弄人应该有个分寸,要适可而止,不要只是一味地追求骗术的高明,而不顾他人的承受性,也就是说不要把自己的一时高兴建立在别人的痛苦之上。 愚人节不过愚人节最典型的活动还是大家互相开玩笑,用假话捉弄对方。有的人把细线拴着的钱包丢在大街上,自己在暗处拉着线的另一端。一旦有人捡起钱包,他们就出其不意地猛然把钱包拽走。还有人把砖头放在破帽子下面搁在马路当中,然后等着看谁来了会踢它。小孩们会告诉父母说自己的书包破了个洞,或者脸上有个黑点.等大人俯身来看时,他们就一边喊着“四月傻瓜”,一边笑着跑开去。总之,每逢愚人节这一天,动物园和水族馆还会接到不少打给鱼先生和狮子先生的电话,常常惹得工作人员掐断电话线,以便减少麻烦。独立日(Independence Day): 独立日即美国的国庆节,日期为七月四日,以纪念一七七六年七月四日大陆会议通过「独立宣言」。每逢这一天,全美大大小小的教堂钟声齐呜,首先敲响的是费城自由钟 (Liberty Bell),各地居民自发地进行庆祝游行,各种彩车、模型车、杂技和小孩玩具车同欢乐的人群一起排成浩浩荡荡的队伍。劳动节(Labor Day): 劳动节是美国全国性节日,为九月的第一个星期一,放假一天,以示对劳工的尊重,通常各地会有游行活动。万圣节(Halloween): 万圣节(All Saints" Day)是西方的传统节日,时间为十月卅一日。万圣节前夜,孩子们装扮成妖魔鬼怪,手提「杰克灯」,跑到邻居家门前,高声喊着:「Trick or Treat」,不给糖果的邻居就会遭到小孩的恶作剧,学校通常也有庆祝万圣节的化妆晚会。感恩节(Thanksgiving Day):感恩节的由来1789年美国第一任总统华盛顿正式宣布将11月26日作为过感恩节的日子。一直到1941年由国会通过了一项决议,将每年11月的第四个星期四作为全国统一庆祝感恩节的日子。圣诞节(Christmas):圣诞节是基督教徒纪念耶稣基督(Jesus Christ)诞生 的日子,公认的日期是12月25日。圣诞节本是一个宗教性的节日,后来逐渐演变成一个具有民族风格的全民性的节日,在美国、英国、加拿大、德国、意大利、澳大利亚等西方国家,甚至非洲,东南亚一些国家都很盛行。圣诞节指圣诞日(Christmas Day)或 圣诞节节期(Christmastide),即12月24日至第二年1月6日这段时间。另外人们把12月24日夜为圣诞前夜(Christmas Eve)。
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Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!
2023-07-23 11:28:441

Christmas和Christmas Day有什么区别?

外国的圣诞假期就跟我们放国庆有7天一样有一段时间.Christmas指的是圣诞这一段时间.而Christmas Day指的是12月25号圣诞节这天.
2023-07-23 11:29:181


不懂你的要求。what about Christmas?
2023-07-23 11:29:288


2023-07-23 11:30:105


所有节日的英文如下:1月1日元旦(New Year"s Day)2月14日情人节(Valentine"s Day)3月8日国际妇女节(International Women" Day)3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day)3月14日白色情人节(White Day)4月1日愚人节(April Fools" Day)4月5日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)5月1日国际劳动节(International Labour Day)5月4日中国青年节(Chinese Youth Day)5月8日世界红十字日(World Red-Cross Day)5月12日国际护士节(International Nurse Day)5月15日国际家庭日(International Family Day)5月17日世界电信日(World Telecommunications Day)5月20日全国学生营养日5月23日国际牛奶日(International Milk Day)5月31日 世界无烟日(World No-Smoking Day)6月1日 国际儿童节(International Children"s Day)10月9日世界邮政日(World Post Day)10月10日世界精神卫生日(World Mental Health Day)10月14日世界标准日(World Standards Day)10月15日国际盲人节(International Day of the Blind)10月15日世界农村妇女日(World Rural Women"s Day)10月16日世界粮食日(World Food Day)10月17日国际消除贫困日(International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)10月24日联合国日(United Nations Day)10月24日世界发展新闻日(World Development Information Day)10月28日中国男性健康日10月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biodiversity Day)10月31日万圣节(Halloween)12月25日圣诞节(Christmas Day)12月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biological Diversity Day)
2023-07-23 11:30:261


专有名词前不用冠词What do they eat on Christmas Day?
2023-07-23 11:30:422


分为三部分。christmasday一部分圣诞节的意思,in the一部分在的意思,morning一部分早晨的意思
2023-07-23 11:31:001

Christmas Day 前要加the吗

2023-07-23 11:31:103


2023-07-23 11:31:201

强者来! 六年级英语作文:以My Christmas Day 为题,写写你是怎样过圣诞节的,不少于五句话 好的加分!!

My Christmas Day It"s December 25th,is Christmas Day!In the Christmas Day,Everybody gives presents to each other.We always go to party and decorate the christmas trees.We always have a big lunch too.I like Christmas Day,I"m very happy!
2023-07-23 11:31:303


2023-07-23 11:29:502

Flow到底是什么意思? 举下列?

flowKK: []DJ: []vi.1. (河水等)流动The river Thames flows into the North Sea.泰晤士河流入北海。2. 川流不息3. (潮)涨,泛滥;涌出After the concert the people flowed out of the hall.音乐会之后,人们从音乐厅里涌出来。4. (头发,衣服)垂下;随风飘动Her hair flowed over her shoulders.她的头发飘垂在肩上。5. 源自,来自[(+from/out of)]Wealth flows from industry and economy.财富源自勤奋省俭。vt.1. 溢过,淹没n.1. 流;流动[S][(+of)]2. 流畅;连贯;大量[S][(+of)]This will more accurately reflect the flow of your thoughts.这将更为精确地反映你的想法。3. 涨潮;泛滥[C][the S][(+of)]The tide is on the flow.正在涨潮。4. (衣服,头发)飘垂[U]
2023-07-23 11:29:522

bl cp 简称

2023-07-23 11:29:452