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an increasing number of people还是an increasingly number of people

an increasing number of people

people increasingly这么说对吗


friends ! increasingly 后面加形容词原级还是比较级 thanks!


increasingly more people

increasingly 是个副词 不直接加people 要是形容逐渐增多的人口,则用 an increasing population 要是形容越来越多的人,则用 an incresasing number of people

increasingly 发音

increasingly的英音:/u026anu02c8kriu02d0su026au014bli/,美音是:/u026anu02c8kriu02d0su026au014bli/。increasingly的意思是:越来越多地;不断增加地。含有increasingly的双语例句1、Women are doing the job well. This is partly because women are increasingly moving into a man"s world.女性工作出色,部分原因在于她们越来越多地涉足男性的领域。2、However, as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out, organisations increasingly use "team" as a verb rather than a noun.不过,正如哈佛的艾米·埃德蒙森所说,各组织越来越多地将“团队”用作动词而非名词。3、The rural population has become increasingly politicized in recent years.近年来,农村人口对政治愈来愈感兴趣。



increasingly和more and more

progressively 是说“有效果地”比较突出按计划的成效 increasingly 是说“有增加地”比较突出绝对数字上的成长 按语境,它们大部分时候是不可以互相取代




您好亲! "be + increasingly + polite" 语法结构正确。在这个结构中, "be" 是助动词,表示动作或状态的存在。 "Increasingly" 是副词,表示程度逐渐增加的意思。 "Polite" 是形容词,用来描述一个人的态度或举止。这个结构可以用来描述某个人的行为或态度变化,表明他们的礼貌程度逐渐增加。比如说:He"s been increasingly polite towards his co-workers lately.She"s always been polite, but she"s becoming increasingly so as she gains more experience in her career.总之, "be + increasingly + polite" 是一个合乎语法规则的结构,可以用来描述人的礼貌程度上升的情况。希望能够帮到您,谢谢!



这里怎么用 increasingly ?谢谢

应该是further space exploration


Increasingly,副词,一般用法都是be/become Increasingly adj.表示日益,越来越多地,不断增加的"adj",所以如果要替代的话最好是把主语变成回国发展的留学生人数,the number of Chinese oversea students who comes back to China to hunt better working chances become increasingly large.或者可以直接用increasing,the number of Chinese oversea students who comes back to China to hunt better working chances is increasing。


like it or not,increasingly we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret.句中的increasingly是副词,修饰谓语动词live, 所以不能放在world前面,可以放在live的前面。修饰名词的形容词才可以放在world之前。


前者 是形容词 修饰名词 increasing issue后者 是副词 修饰形容词 keyplay an increasingly key role.中 key是形容词 重要的



increasingly 原本表示越来越多,但后面加上表示“少”的词,那到底是多,还是少?

increasingly 本身是“越来越”的意思,不表示多,也不表示少。越来越什么需要看它后面的词。



“Easily” vitamin A唱的 请问有帮忙翻译下歌词的吗


什么叫law of increasing opportunity cost

你好!law of increasing opportunity cost机会成本递增规律

“incessantly”是什么意思? “increasingly”是什么意思?

incessantly 不停地,不间断地例句The temptation was very strong, incessantly recurring, and she was weak.这诱惑是如此强烈,不断地卷土重来,而她却是软弱的。increasingly 越来越多地,渐增地people are increasingly using the internet to talk to one another.人类已越来越多地用互联网来相互交流。天天向上!哈哈


increasing意思为增长的,增加的。1、词形变化形容词:increasable,意为可增加的,可加大的。副词:increasingly,意为不断增加地;越来越多地。名词:increaser,意为增加者,扩大物。时态:increased、increasing、increases。2、相关短语increasing oscillation,增幅振荡,升幅振荡;increasing sequence,增序列,递增序列;strictly increasing,严格递增;infinitely increasing,无穷增加;increasing cost,递增成本;increasing in yield,增产。相关例句:1、The increasing army of the unemployed has attracted the attention of the economist.不断增长的失业大军引起了这名经济学家的关注。2、The outputs of creamery are increasing.奶油厂的产量正在增长。3、She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.她想出了增加销售量的新主意。4、It will take everybody"s efforts to keep city noises from increasing.那是需要每个人的努力来防止都市噪音的增加。5、Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots.日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。


increasingly英 [u026anu02c8kri:su026au014bli] 美 [u026anu02c8kriu02d0su026au014bli]adv.越来越多地; 日益,格外; 越来越…; 愈 双语例句1. Increasingly, corporate clients are seeking to outsource the management of their facilities. 越来越多的公司客户寻求将设施的管理外包出去。来自柯林斯例句2. The baron became increasingly heated over the hypocrisy of it all. 男爵对整件事的虚伪感到越来越生气。来自柯林斯例句3. She felt nervous, increasingly lacking in confidence about herself. 她感到紧张,对自己越来越没有信心。来自柯林斯例句4. We became increasingly fed up with his increasingly unfunny and unintelligent comments. 我们越来越反感他益发无趣又缺乏见地的言论。来自柯林斯例句5. She was finding it increasingly difficult to get about. 她发现出去走动越来越困难了。来自柯林斯例句



increasing popularity是什么意思

increasing popularity日益普及双语对照例句:1.This leaves many internet companies caught in a bind: energy costsare escalating because of their increasing popularity, while at thesame time their advertising revenues come under pressure from therecession. 这使得很多互联网公司陷入困境:能源消耗随着网民数量的不断增加而不断升级,但是公司的广告收入则随着经济衰退而面临前所未有的压力。

the number of graduate is rapidly increasing



您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。seaside:n. 海边;海滨;adj. 海边的;海滨的Seaside course海滨球场;海边球场;海岸球场;亚州海岛海滨Seaside Observatory碧海眺望台Seaside Farandole海边的法兰多尔舞曲seaside aleder海滨赤杨Seaside Hotels海景酒店seaside alder赤杨榛Mombasa seaside蒙巴萨海滨Seaside walk走在海边Seaside Line沿海单轨电车seaside resort 海滨疗养地 oceanside:欧申赛德 ;海边 ;赛德 Oceanside City海边镇Oceanside Cafe海岸咖啡亭Oceanside Revisited海滩Oceanside Escape逃出海滨渡假豪宅Oceanside Beach水滨风格Ramada Oceanside华美达欧申赛德酒店oceanside sunset日落图片Kalani Honua Oceanside Retreat卡拉尼海畔静修中心Beautiful Oceanside Estate美丽的海滨村百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。

Be careful, paper burns easily. 为什么burn要用s?


Faking a smile is so much easier than explaining why you are sad是什么意思

英语“Fakingasmileissomucheasierthanexplainingwhyyouaresad”中文意思是:  装出微笑,比解释为什么如此难过,要容易得多。

it is easier to negotiate initial是第几套

it is easier to negotiate initial是第六套试卷,英语四级考试内容。意思就是谈判初始最容易。



coast /seashore /seaside /seashore/ seaside /bank有什么区别?




easily-vitamin a歌曲表达什么意思

easily-vitamin a歌曲表达了对过往的追忆,歌词中写到:有时候我停下脚步,静静聆听,总有另一个世界,隐约召唤着我,一切都像是发生过一样,清晰地表达了对过往的追忆。

阅读理解some people learn a seond language easily.

Some people learn a second language easily. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you help yourself learn a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English a little easier and more interesting. The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn. Be patient. You do not have to understand everything all at once. It is natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. In other words, do not worry about taking risks, The second step is to practice your English. For example, write in a journal, or diary, every day. You will get used to writing in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving. In addition, you must speak English every day. You can practice with your classmates outside class. You will all make mistakes, but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in English. The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your journal. After each class, think about what you did. Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. Write these accomplishments in your journal.

increasing cost firm和increasing cost industry区别?decreasing cost industry会出现negatively slope?

在decreasing-cost industry中,short-run demond curve 和short-run supply curve都会随产量的上升而右移,但是由于是递减的成本,对产量的变动敏感程度,short-run demond curve 会小于short-run supply curve,是会导致均衡点的下移,而long-run demand curve是所有短期均衡点的集合,这也就不难解释为什么long-run supply curve is upward-sloping.同理分析,在constant-cost industry 中,long-run supply curve is horizonting.

You can __find the way to your new school?(easy/easily)?为什么?

easily, 用来修饰find

Globalization is a term used to describe the increasing internationalization of business activities


i can do it easily

应该选 1 easy ,easily 第一个空用形容词,意思是:这个数学问题很简单. 第二个空用 副词修饰动词 do ,意思是:我可以很容易地做出来.


国外成绩分为A,B,C和D四个等级。通常情况下,作为亚洲人(Asian)或者说是亚裔人,头脑聪明是非常善于学习。往往能在考试中科科拿到A的成绩,也就是优异的成绩。倘若你在10个科目中,有6个科目拿到A成绩,4个拿个B成绩,即使这样的成绩是在学校拔尖,但是由于你自身亚裔人的光环,在别人眼中你应该是全部拿A,而不是部分拿A。因此就有了you are Asian, not Bsian.就是说,亚洲人应该拿全A。你作为亚洲人,应该全拿A,不应该拿B啊!就是这个意思。这句话含有一定文化背景知识,所以不容易理解。

off sth 什么意思 如:let me off that easily


local studies have increasingly become acceptable to professionals


Make money easy money easily, and flower and cher


rewarding pleasing gratifying fulfilling 有什么区别啊?

These words all describe an experience, activity or fact that gives you pleasure because it provides something you need or want.satisfying that gives you pleasure because it provides something you need or want: It"s satisfying to play a game really well.rewarding (of an experience or activity) that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important; worth doing: Nursing can be a very rewarding career.pleasing (rather formal) that gives you pleasure, especially to look at, hear or think about: It was a simple but pleasing design.gratifying (formal) that gives you pleasure, especially because it makes you feel that you have done well: It is gratifying to see such good results.fulfilling (of an experience or activity) that makes you happy, because it makes you feel your skills and talents are being used: I"m finding the work much more fulfilling now.satisfying, rewarding or fulfilling?Almost any experience, important or very brief, can be satisfying. Rewarding and fulfilling are used more for longer, more serious activities, such as jobs or careers. Satisfying and fulfilling are more about your personal satisfaction or happiness; rewarding is more about your sense of doing something important and being useful to others.a satisfying/rewarding/gratifying/fulfilling experience/feeling(a) satisfying/rewarding/fulfilling job/career/workto find something satisfying/rewarding/pleasing/gratifying

So easily与so easy的区别


So easily与so easy的区别


为什么是take it easy 不是easily


高中英语:take it easy为什么不用easily?副词不是修饰动词吗?

That could easily be the answer we"re looking for. 那可能就是我们正在寻找的答案。

take it easy 中的 easy 为什么不用 easily 动词后面不是用副词修饰吗


The easiest way to lost love is to hoid it too tight


science and technology make our life easier

The development of scienceand technology have broughtabout many changes inpeople"s life. For example,the invention of televisionand space rocket haveopened a new era formankind. Through the use ofTV people can hear the soundand learn the eventshappening

__________ [A]incredibly [B]increasingly [C]absolutely [D]dramatically

【答案】:B副词作修饰成分。incredibly意为“难以置信地”;increasingly意为“日益,愈加”;absolutely意为“绝对地”;dramatically意为“戏剧地,引人注目地”。副词作修饰成分,划去空格后句子的意思是通顺的,所以要填入肯定含义的词汇。结合句子含义分析,句子的意思是“使得离婚被 地接受”,只有[B]选项语义通顺,意思是:使得离婚越来越被人们接受。这个修饰关系可以作为固定短语来背,即:sth is increasingly acceptable。

A Day At The Seaside_海上的一天英语作文400字

I was walking on the sea, near a big, gleaming beach. The cool, delicate sand was laid on the sea, and people lay cool and comfortable. The distance to the sea a wave and then a wave to hit a huge rock. The rock seemed to have been accustomed to the impact of safe and sound to stand in the same place, staring at the lovely kids. The waves retreated and some shells and conch were left on the beach. The beautiful shellfish are red, yellow, white and green... Distant and near the sea is not the same color: dark blue, pale green, light green, light green, and yellow! A block of a staggered, resplendent with variegated coloration unusually beautiful, sea breeze, beautiful. The waves came all the way to the shore. Just like a row of small soldiers with bubbles in the hand, they came to the bank neatly, and just walked to the shore. They only heard "pricking", and many small bubbles were blown out. Dad and I go into the sea, the day is at high tide, sea water is very high, my father took me to the sea a few steps away, the water up to my chin, I hurried to the father said: "go, go, go out to my nose" Dad stopped, for I said: "while waiting for the waves when you close the eyes and mouth, hold your breath to jump, it" just finished, a big wave rushed towards me, I also did not react to what is going on, did not have time to jump, the water swamped me. At the moment, I just feel what to hear, the ear is water, water is in your mouth, eyes is water, sting I open. After the wave receded, I was choked with coughing for a long time. Eyes are not easy to open, only feel sour and pain. A few moments later, a big wave came to us again. I grabbed my father"s arm and jumped up, and the waves were hid by me. When the next big wave came, I jumped up, and felt that the sea had lifted me up, and my feet left the ground. When my feet fell on the ground, the waves had passed.

A Day At The Seaside,海上的一天英语作文400字

I was walking on the sea, near a big, gleaming beach. The cool, delicate sand was laid on the sea, and people lay cool and fortable. The distance to the sea a wave and then a wave to hit a huge rock. The rock seemed to have been accustomed to the impact of safe and sound to stand in the same place, staring at the lovely kids. The waves retreated and some shells and conch were left on the beach. The beautiful shellfish are red, yellow, white and green... Distant and near the sea is not the same color: dark blue, pale green, light green, light green, and yellow! A block of a staggered, resplendent with variegated coloration unusually beautiful, sea breeze, beautiful. The waves came all the way to the shore. Just like a row of *** all soldiers with bubbles in the hand, they came to the bank neatly, and just walked to the shore. They only heard "pricking", and many *** all bubbles were blown out. Dad and I go into the sea, the day is at high tide, sea water is very high, my father took me to the sea a few steps away, the water up to my chin, I hurried to the father said: "go, go, go out to my nose" Dad stopped, for I said: "while waiting for the waves when you close the eyes and mouth, hold your breath to jump, it" just finished, a big wave rushed towards me, I also did not react to what is going on, did not have time to jump, the water swamped me. At the moment, I just feel what to hear, the ear is water, water is in your mouth, eyes is water, sting I open. After the wave receded, I was choked with coughing for a long time. Eyes are not easy to open, only feel sour and pain. A few moments later, a big wave came to us again. I grabbed my father"s arm and jumped up, and the waves were hid by me. When the next big wave came, I jumped up, and felt that the sea had lifted me up, and my feet left the ground. When my feet fell on the ground, the waves had passed.

With an increasing number of visitors arriving ev



这么一长串的字母组合 根本不是正经的拼音写,所以没有翻译结果的 。除非遇到高手,他能帮你把句子调整为正确的拼写 。

翻译The more words and idioms you know, the easier


Irene的《Seaside》 歌词

歌曲名:Seaside歌手:Irene专辑:Long Gone Since Last SummerSeasideby The KooksDo you want to go to the seaside?I"m not trying to say that everybody wants to goI fell in love at the seasideI handled my charm with time and slight of handDo you want to go to the seaside?I"m not trying to say that everybody wants to goI fell in love at the seasideShe handled her charm with time and slight of hand, and ohBut I"m just trying to love youIn any kind of wayBut I find it hard to love you girlWhen you"re far awayAwayDo you want to go to the seaside?I"m not trying to say that everybody wants to goBut I fell in love on the seasideOn the seasideIn the seasidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2889776

easy 和easily有什么区别?


smt seaside 歌词

允浩&东海 Bring it on now put them shades on 昌珉 Aloha This is SMtown from Korea 允浩&东海 Put them in your pocket don"t you wanna go girl 有天 Hello 允浩&东海 Gacha gacha yeah Shaka shaka hey 昌珉 Amigo 昌珉 倾泻的阳光中穿着比基尼微笑的小姐 有天 现在还不要离开 俊秀 带上我的心 All 车子呼呼的跑啊跑啊(shalalalalala) 收音机 Boom Boom Come on Come on 温流 太无聊了 Seaside 休假所 All 车子呼呼的跑啊跑啊(shalalalalala) 收音机 Boom Boom Come on Come on 韩庚 离我越来越远了 在中 Baby!baby!抛掉后悔 圭贤 Take me!Take me!享受太阳 钟铉 Baby!Baby!不要犹豫 厉旭 现在是快乐的人生 晟敏 避暑地的波涛和山那边落下的红色夕阳 始源 Part-time 打工结束的话 神童 终于到了我的舞台 All 车子呼呼的跑啊跑啊(shalalalalala) 收音机 Boom Boom Come on Come on 允浩 太无聊了 Seaside 休假所 All 车子呼呼的跑啊跑啊(shalalalalala) 收音机 Boom Boom Come on Come on 泰民 离我越来越远了 俊秀 Baby!Baby!抛掉后悔 厉旭 Take me!Take me!享受今天 艺声 Baby!Baby!不要犹豫 温流 现在是快乐的人生 银赫 不断地跑到疯狂 跑到呼吸困难 Puleng Puleng 我会带领你的 天哪 怎么办 把担心都抛掉 有天 Seaside That"s right people love each other take a ride Hot girl Please don"t take off bring your make up Move your hot butt Yeah Key You feel the breeze 感受这一瞬间 在炙热的太阳下面 Go!Go! 钟铉 被晒得黑乎乎的脸上 泰民 波涛也 忽悠忽悠 天那边 太阳 忽悠忽悠 温流 拥抱着夏天的小姐 珉豪 接受我的心吧 SHINee 接受我的心吧 Oh Yeah Hey SHINee 这里是 Seaside 休假所 东方神起 接受我的心吧 Hey Summer boy 温流 无论是谁都请来 无论是谁都请享受 All 车子呼呼的跑啊跑啊(shalalalalala) 收音机 Boom Boom Come on Come on 强仁 我还在等待我的夏天 All 车子呼呼的跑啊跑啊(shalalalalala) 收音机 Boom Boom Come on Come on 李特 今晚 你和我制造一个一个的回忆 All 车子呼呼的跑啊跑啊(shalalalalala) 收音机 Boom Boom Come on Come on 东海 太高兴了 Seaside 休假所 ]All 车子呼呼的跑啊跑啊(shalalalalala) 收音机 Boom Boom Come on Come on 离开我

to love is reasive a glimpse of heaven,to be immo


More highways have been built in China,________it much easier for people to travel from one pla..

A A [考查非谓语动词。句意:中国修建了越来越多的高速公路,人们更加方便从一个地点到另外一个地点。空格后面是it,说明是主动关系,排除B;不能选择C的原因是to do作目的状语,不符合句意;答案为A,表示结果。]

More highways have been built in China, ___ it much easier for people to travel from one place to

to make高考题吧

more highways have been built in China, ___ it much easier for people to travel from one place to


More highways have been built in China, ___ it much easier for people to travel from one place to

只要分清伴随状语和目的状语做题就会轻松很多 多读多练 多练练语感

More highways have been built in China,making it much easier for people to travel from one place


More highways have been built in China, ______ it much easier for people to travel from one pla...

D 试题分析:考查非谓语动词。句意:中国已经修建了许多高速公路,使得人们的旅行更加容易了。Highways与make是主谓关系,应该用现在分词表伴随状况。A项表示动作有先后,这里是同时发生。故选D。




increasingly的音标是[u026anu02c8kriu02d0su026au014blu026a]。increasingly,主要用作副词,用作副词译为“越来越多地;渐增地”。短语搭配:increasingly severe越来越严重 ; 日益严重。increasingly popular越来越流行 ; 越来越受欢迎 ; 日益流行。increasingly hostile越来越敌对。形容越来越多的成语1、雨后春笋yǔ hòu chūn sǔn,成语解释:春雨之后竹笋长得很多很快。比喻新生事物大量地涌现出来。成语出处:宋·张耒《食笋》诗:“荒林春雨足,新笋迸龙雏。”2、层出不穷céng chū bù qióng,成语解释:形容事物连续出现,没有穷尽。成语出处:《宋史·何基传》:“虽一本于(朱)熹;然就其发明;则精义新意;愈出不穷”。3、蜂拥而至fēng yōng ér zhì,成语解释:像一窝蜂似地一拥而来。形容很多人乱哄哄地朝一个地方聚拢。成语出处:明代·冯梦龙清·蔡元放《东周列国志》第七十八回:“于是坛下鼓声大振,莱夷三百人,杂执旍旄、羽袚、矛戟、剑楯,蜂拥而至,口中呼哨之声,相和不绝,历阶之半,定公色变”。increasingly双语例句:Because increasingly the world does not care what you know.这是因为,这个世界越来越不在乎你知道什么。Shareholders are increasingly asking why they are selling at a price less than what it will be worth in the future.越来越多的股东在问,为什么他们现在卖出股权的价钱会比将来这个股权的价值要低。

increasingly怎么用? 比如越来越多的人 或者 随着生活水平的日益提高 该怎么用

这里increasingly是副词,一般用于修饰动词或者形容词越来越多的人:increasingly more people(修饰形容词)随着生活水平的日益提高:With increasingly rised living standards(修饰动词)

Glen Phillips的《Easier》 歌词

歌曲名:Easier歌手:Glen Phillips专辑:Winter Pays For SummerJesse Labelle - EasierMy beautiful love I"m sorry you can"t find your waymy beautiful love I"ll tell you everything"s okaywhen you need a room to settle inand nobody wants to let you inwhen all your doubts are wanderingabout the life you"re living inLet it all come down on meI only wanna make it easierlet it all fall down on meI only wanna make it easierMy beautiful love don"t say itgive yourself some timemy beautiful one don"t tell meyou might never shinewhen all of your fears are coming truenobody"s looking out for youthe things that you never wanted toare starting to get the best of youLet it all come down on meI only wanna make it easierlet it all fall down on meI only wanna make it easierWhen I was lostwas thrown and tossedyou came around, oohknew all alongyou took what was wrongand turned it aroundLet it all come down on meI only wanna make it easierlet it all fall down on meI only wanna make it easierLet it all come down on meI only wanna make it easierlet it all fall down on meI only wanna make it easierLet me tryto make it easierhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8216655



英语小问题 ?easily ,badly , far 的比较级和最高级分别是什么 ?

easily-more easily-the most easilybadly-more badly-the most badlyfar-farther-farthest

we are becoming increasingly aware of all that can befall ......


life was easier at home

1. voice 2. seldom 3. size 4 . change 5. complained 6. problem 7. sent 8. best 9. together 10. full

an increasing number of gyms为什么不用the要用an


求歌 英文歌 女生唱的 歌词好像有一句 it would be better,it would be easier


American public education has changed in recent years. One change is that increasing numbers of...

小题1:Charter schools小题2:Definition小题3:Receiving tax money小题4:agreement or charter小题5:Differences小题6:teaching contents小题7:how to reach / ways to reach / ways of reaching小题8:smaller class sizes小题9:doing well小题10:Their difficulties / Difficulties 略

Frankie Valli的《Easily》 歌词

歌曲名:Easily歌手:Frankie Valli专辑:ValliEasilyRed Hot Chili PeppersEasily let"s get carried awayEasily let"s get married todayShao Lin shouted a roseFrom his troatEverything must goA lickin" stick is thickerWhen you break it to showEverything must goThe story of a woman on the morning of a warRemind me if you will exactly what we"re fighting forCalling calling for something in the airCalling calling I know you must be thereEasily let"s get caught in a waveEasily we won"t get caught in a caveShao Lin"s shakin" for the sakeOf his soul-Everything must goLookin" mighty tired ofAll the things that you ownEverything must goI can"t tell you who to idolizeYou think it"s almost overBut it"s only on the riseCalling callingFor something in the airCalling calling I know you must be thereThe story of a woman on the morning of a warRemind me if you will exactly what we"re fighting forThrow me to the wolvesBecause there"s order in the packThrow me to the skyBecause I know I"m coming backShao Lin"s shakin" for the sakeOf his soul-Everything must goLookin" mighty tired ofAll the things that you ownEverything must goThe story of a woman on the morning of a warRemind me if you will exactly what we"re fighting forCalling calling for something in the airCalling calling I know you must be thereI don"t want to be your little research monkey boyThe creature that I am is only going to destroyThrow me to the wolvesBecause there"s order in the packThrow me to the skyBecause I know I"m coming backhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7449477

FLEX4里面 MOVE组件 里的easer怎么设置???为什么看教程有easingFunction属性而FLEX4没有呢

这个需要在脚本当中引用也就是说在Script 当中你先把它导入进来 ,用import 找到你的位置就成了 这个具体位置你自己找一下吧, 有问题可以直接hi我老鸟飘过...........

easinote 2013注册码应该怎么得?

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