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not the likely extent of bad debts 做什么成分?主语谓语是谁?

原文:not the likely extent of bad debts.译文:没有死账的可能程度。成分:一般该短语作为宾语。主语:bad debts谓语:无总结:本句一般用于句末疑问,非完整句子,属于短语。注意事项:本句非完整句子,无确切谓语宾语。

Bad debts

Bad debts 系已确认的坏账. 因此直接由应收账中撇销. Dr Bad debts Cr. Accounts Receivable Doubtful debts系有可能收不到的呆账, 所以做provision for doubtful debts. Dr Profit and loss account Cr Provision for doubtful debts.,Bad debts me the amount already irrecoverable from the debtors. The amount is immediately written off from the debtors" balance and recognized as an actual expense in Profit and Loss Account. Doubtful debts me the amount are not certain and just an estimate from the past experience that a certain percentage of debts may be bad at the end. In accounting, as a principle of prudence, we usually provide a certain percentage on the total amount of the debtors as bad and / or doubtful. In balance sheet, we usually present it as Debtors less Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts.,

bad debts written off是什么意思




the note is legal tender for all debts,public and private是什么意思?


intellectual debts的中文意思是什么?麻烦哪位知道的请告知:) 谢谢:)


this note is legal tender for all debts public and private

这张纸币是合法货币,可用作支付所有公众及私人债务。 legal tender 是合法货币

If I pay all my debts,I shall have no money left.

If I pay all my debts,I shall have no money left.根据汉语意思 第一句对 left是过去分词作定语

clock up 的 up是介词还是副词? - His family clocked up a lot of debts when he was in prison.


为什么take要加on? - He is taking on ten thousand dollars of debts.

on在这里作为副词。take是及物动词,但是有各种各样的词组。take in,take off,take down,etctake on是一个词组有:承担,接受(尤指艰巨工作或重大责任);呈现,显出(新面貌或新特点);(公共汽车、船舶等)上(客),装(货),补充(燃料);雇用;录用;与(尤指实力比自己强的人)较量;接受…的挑战;擅自决定;自作主张【帮助说明】 For the special uses of on in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example get on is in the phrasal verb section at get . on在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如get on在词条get的短语动词部分。

pay ()debts

 1 off 2 for 3 back

英语谚语:Death pays all debts 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Death pays all debts 中文意思: 人死百债了。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Happy is he who owes nothing 无债一身轻。 Happy is the man that owes nothing 无债一身轻。 Hardships never e alone 祸不单行。 Hard words break no bones fine words butter no parsnips 粗话无害,甘言无益。 Hares may pull dead lions by the beard 虎落平阳被犬欺。 Harm set harm get 自作自受。 Harm watch harm catch 害人反害己。 Haste makes waste 拔苗助长。 Hasty climbers have sudden falls 大起者有大落。 Hasty love is soon hot and soon cold 草草率率谈恋爱,热得快也冷得快。 英语谚语: Death pays all debts 中文意思: 人死百债了。

会计问题-bad debts/bad debts written off/provision for bed debts

Bad debt解坏帐 只是一个名词. Bad debt written off是一个动作 意思是转销呆帐 即是将bad debts从debtors扣除 并将bad debts确认为支出. Dr: Bad Debts Cr: Debtors. Provision for bad debt等于Provision for doubtful debts. 如果今个财政年度的provision for bad debts(下称PBD)未计好 你就要先计今年的PBD 方法就是将Debtors(个数要已经扣左BD)再乘要provide的百分比. 计完之后 如果题目有上年的PBD. 你就要将今个财政年度(下称今年)的数和上个财政年度(下称上年)的PBD比较 之后将差额入落P/L及Provision for bad debts a/c. 如果今年个PBD大过上年 你就要Dr: P/L Cr: Provision for bad debts. 细过就dr同cr调转. 系balance sheet入面Provision for bad debts系入balance c/d个数 而且系扣debtors个数 系balance sheet入面分开显示. 即系balance sheet入面要咁写: (Trade) Debtors Less: Provision for bad debts

ACCA Bad debts 与allowance for A/R


请问wrote off bad debts是什么意思啊?-20分-

wrote off bad debts勾销吊账啊.嘻..我也是学会计的..


坏账(bad debts;ba d7c d account) 所谓坏帐是指经认真核实,确认是无法收回的 贷款 , 包括因借款人被依法宣告 破产 ,经 清算 后仍无法还算的贷款; 借款人死亡或宣告死亡,以其财产或遗产清偿后仍无法还清的贷款; 借款人遭受特大自然灾害或意外事故,损失巨大,即使获保险补偿, 仍无法还清的 贷款 ;经国务院专案批准核销的贷款。希望采纳

The factory defaults on the debts. 为什么这句英语里要加一个on?

default on是词组,意义是“拖欠”;the debts作default on的宾语。

be saddled with debts是什么意思

be saddled with debts背债 双语例句1. And must Frank and Julia, now just starting out in life, be saddled with this?而且,弗兰克和朱莉娅刚刚踏上人生的道路, 难道一定要受这个连累?来自辞典例句2. He got away from his mother only to be saddled with another heavy family situation.他好不容易摆脱了他那个亲妈,又背上了这样一个沉重的亲属问题包袱.来自辞典例句3. B : Not very good. I hear that he is saddled with debts of his company.不太好. 我听说他的公司现在债务缠身.来自互联网

会计write off debts

write off bad debts是指冲销坏账,收不回的坏账就列作公司的损失了required balance 要求的余额,比如说有的公司要保证自己的银行存款的最低金额


dollar-denominated debts以美元计价的债务; 美元外部债务双语例句What we are witnessing is the mirror image of the 1990s Asian crisis, when countries with heavy dollar-denominated external debts were driven to the brink of bankruptcy by currency declines.我们正在见证的是上世纪90年代亚洲危机的镜像,当时背负巨额美元外部债务的国家因货币贬值而被推向破产的边缘。

90 % of the debts _______ so far.



debt 是原型debts 是三单形式-----------------------------------精锐老师很高兴为您服务

Provision for Doubtful Debts系咩?

你的Provision for Doubtful Debts定义基本上对的. 公司会预算一个百分比的debtors 可能唔还钱. 但并不会入bad debts Account .会入 Provision of Doubtful Debts Account . Provision of Doubtful debts只系预算一个百分比的debtors 可能唔还钱 但debtors 唔一定唔还. Bad debts 系d debtors 真系破产 真系无钱还 Doubtle Entry: When Provision of Doubtful debts increase (pare with last year) Dr. Profit and loss Cr. Provision of Doubtful Debts When Provision of Doubtful debts decrease (pare with last year) Dr. Provision of Doubtful Debts Cr. Profit and loss Specific Provision for Doubtful Debts定义是: 某一debtor 好有机会唔还钱 公司会将 dabtor 全数做 provision.

burdened with debts什么意思及同义词

中文释义: 【法】 债务累累英语句子The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt. 发展中国家背负着巨额外债的负担。Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion. 尼加拉瓜受110亿美元外债的困扰。