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【转】SAP PPV - Purchasing Price Variance

SAP PPV - Purchasing Price Variance Overview Aim of this document is to show how price variance is calculated in a context of standard cost. Standard cost, is an agreement between Engineering and Finance areas, regarding the price of raw materials and operative supplies, this estimated price is a key input to calculate gross margins.The Purchasing Price Variance or PPV is a warning flag that says that the gross margin will have variance, taking care about the situation, on a nimble way, enable the organization to keep margins going forward.Our scenario is built it to buy 1,000 LB of raw material, where: u2022 Standard Cost is 10 USD per LB u2022 Order Price is 11 USD per LB u2022 Actual Price is 12 USD per LBStandard Price First of all, we have our raw material master data created: Purchase Order Price Then, we create an order; price is above our estimated standard price:PPV at Goods Receipt Now, lets assume that we had received the material before the invoice, so a difference is calculated: PPV during GR = Standard Price – PO PriceThe journal entry for this GR is: Inventory Account DR 10,000 USD Standard Price GR/IR Account CR 11,000 USD PO Price PPV Account DR 1,000 USD BalancePPV at Invoice Receipt Now, when invoice is received, we realize that market change and now, the actual price is different than the PO price. PPV during IR = PO Price – IR Price Journal entry is: Vendor CR 12,000 USD Actual Price GR/IR Account DR 11,000 USD PO Price PPV Account DR 1,000 USD BalanceThis means that the net PPV is: Net PPV = Standard Price – IR Price = 10 – 12 = -2 USD per LB This is an unfavorable Purchasing Price Variance. Net PPV Now, on SAP there is a report that can be customized (configured) to get this Net PPV, this is: You can use transaction MC$G, to get the report with data related to PPV. This is info structure S012 that can be enhanced to take advantage of Logistics Information System features, or a simple query using structure S012 can be created.How to enhance LIS for MM. Note: This note was originally posted on my personal blog at angelreyes [dot] wordpress [dot] com

求助casing 9 5/8" L80,47PPF,BTC,R3 Seamless

13 / 8英寸套管ppf 68 . 《金融时报》采访时..850 N80 BTC 95 / 8英寸套管..5250FT BTC 47 ppt N80 19ppf N80 BTC套管5”.2500FT油管二7 / 8 " 6.5 - 7 ppf夏娃600 N80 9英尺




teasing 英["ti:zu026au014b] 美[u02c8tizu026au014b] adj. 戏弄的,逗趣的; v. 取笑,戏弄( tease的现在分词 ); 梳理(羊毛等); [例句]"But we"re having such fun, aren"t we?" he protested with a teasing smile“可是我们现在玩得很开心,不是吗?”他戏谑地笑着抗议道。[其他] 原型: tease

有没有在加拿大leasing 车的计算方法



可能:leasing = for lease 正在寻找租借

awkward or wordy phrasing or unclear sentences and paragraphs should be mercilessly poked and pr

Awkward or wordy phrasing or unclear sentences and paragraphs should be mercilessly poked and prodded into shape. 要毫不留情地挑出那些糟糕的、废话连篇的用词或不清楚的句子或段落,仔细打磨。见英语单词大全 phrasing.

quantitative easing 和 credit easing的区别

quantitative easing的意思是”量化宽松“量化宽松是经济学里的名词  为了刺激经济发展,美联储陆续推出了一系列量化宽松(Quantitative Easing)政策,在维持低利率的基础上,通过购买国债等行为,向市场注入了大量流动性资金。相关短语  quantitative monetary easing policy 定量宽松货币政策  Quantitative Easy Easing 量化宽松  outright quantitative easing 接型宽松政策  Quantitative Easing II 第二轮量化宽松政策 ; 化宽松政策  QE quantitative easing 量化宽松政策  Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy 量化宽松货币政策 ; 币政策 ; 量化货币 ; 量化宽松  Its Quantitative Easing Program 它定量宽松计划  Quantitative Easing 2 政策 ; 宽松货币政策 ; 轮量化宽松货币政策 ; 美国二次量化宽松政策  Quantitative Easing 3 量化宽松政策 ; 轮量化宽松政策 ; 次量化宽松政策  例句And so from the Fed"s point of view, with high unemployment and inflation well below its target, it should do quantitative easing.   因此,从美联储的观点出发,考虑到高失业率和低于目标的通胀压力,应该实行量化宽松政策。Although this is not a full revival of quantitative easing, it does mean there will beno "quantitative uneasing" through the scheduled rundown of facilities.   尽管这不是量化宽松的回归,但是这也意味着有计划的减少工具的"量化非宽松"一去不复返。In short, there is a basic assumption that at some stage more asset-buyingquantitative easing (QE) to pump up markets and growth is on the cards, with theonly questions being when and in what form.   总而言之,有这样一个基本前提,即在一定阶段有可能采取购买资产的量化宽松政策以支撑市场和促进经济成长,问题仅在于何时采取行动以及采用何种方式.

quatitative easing什么意思

朋友,词汇是quantitative easing,缩写为QE.请看解释加大货币发行量 quantitative easing据路透社消息,加拿大目前的失业率达8%,为7年来最高,而五个月内的就业率已降到1982年经济衰退以来的最低点。加拿大统计局报告称,加拿大二月份准许动工建筑额远远低于15.9%的预测。这将促使央行进一步降低利率(目前0.5%的利率已经创史上最低记录),或采用非传统方法放松借贷环境,而加印钞票有可能成为加拿大中央银行的下一步举措。请看外电的报道:Analysts say the bank"s options include effectively printing money to buy assets in the open market in order to bring down longer-term interest rates, a policy calledquantitative easing.分析家说银行所能够采取的措施包括大量印制钞票到公开市场去购买资产,从而降低长期利率,也称为“定量宽松”政策。在上面的报道中,quantitative easing指的是“定量宽松”政策,实际上就是加大货币发行量,以放松(ease)借贷环境,属于扩张性的货币政策。具体而言,就是由央行发行一定量的新货币,然后用它在公开市场买入政府债券;银行把债券卖给央行后就有了更多的现金,就可以向外贷款。西方一些经济学家认为,所谓“定量宽松”政策,其实就是央行开动印钞机器的一种委婉说法,这一政策经常在银行利率已经降无可降的情况下采用。“定量宽松”政策的目的是为了促进贷款发放,企业增加投资,从而推动就业率的上升和经济的增长。quantitative的意思多与“数量”相关,如“量的,数量的”,或“能用数量表示的”,“定量的”。我们常说的“量变”就是quantitative change。如果我们要说中东国家在石油资源上占据数量上的优势,那就是the Middle East countries enjoy a quantitative superiority in oil resource。科学研究中经常采用定量分析的方法,就是quantitative analysis。easing是ease的动名词形式,ease作动词可以解释为“放松、调节”,例如:ease trade restrictions (放宽贸易限制),The belt is too tight, ease it a little.(皮带太紧了,把它放松一些)。ease还有“减轻(痛苦、忧虑等)、缓和”的意思,如:to ease the financial burden of the postal department(减轻邮政部门的财政负担),He could not ease his disquiet.(他无法缓解忐忑不安的心绪。)

after years of shrinking benefits and increasing fees


strictly increasing和strongly increasing的区别

严格单调上升 strictly increasing强有力的增长strongly increasingIn recent years, as the continuous and rapid economic growth of our country, the demand for coal products of the whole society is strongly increasing. 近年来随着我国经济持续高速增长,社会对煤炭产品的需求出现强有力的增长。

chasing pavements怎么读


Chasing Cars——snow patrol的歌词加翻译

Chasing Cars歌词专辑:Eyes OpenSnow Patrol - Chasing CarsWe"ll do it allEverythingOn our ownWe don"t needAnythingOr anyoneIf I lay hereIf I just lay hereWould you lie with meand just forget the world?I don"t quite knowHow to sayHow I feelThose three wordsAre said too muchThey"re not enoughIf I lay hereIf I just lay hereWould you lie with meand just forget the world?Forget what we"re toldBefore we get too oldShow me a gardenthat"s bursting into lifeLet"s waste timeChasing carsAround our headsI need your graceTo remind meTo find my ownIf I lay hereIf I just lay hereWould you lie with meand just forget the world?Forget what we"re toldBefore we get too oldShow me a gardenthat"s bursting into lifeAll that I amAll that I ever wasIs here in your perfect eyes,they"re all I can seeI don"t know whereConfused about how as wellJust know that these thingswill never change for us at allIf I lay hereIf I just lay hereWould you lie with meand just forget the world?雪巡逻-追车我们会做到一切我们自己我们不需要任何东西或任何人如果我躺在这里如果我只是躺在这里你会对我撒谎与只是忘了世界吗?我不太知道怎么说我的感受这三个字都说太多了他们不足够如果我躺在这里如果我只是躺在这里你会对我撒谎与只是忘了世界吗?忘了告诉我们你之前我们太老给我看看花园这生活中绽放让我们浪费时间追车在我们的头我需要你的恩典提醒我如何找回我自己如果我躺在这里如果我只是躺在这里你会对我撒谎与只是忘了世界吗?忘了告诉我们你之前我们太老给我看看花园这生活中绽放一切,我所有我曾经在你完美的眼中,在这里我能看到所有我不知道在哪里有关如何以及混淆只是知道这些东西将永远不会改变我们根本如果我躺在这里如果我只是躺在这里你会对我撒谎与只是忘了世界吗?

Chasing Pavement这首歌这样翻译好不好?看到网上的翻译,虽然词语正确,但是我觉得意境应该是这样的。

第四行“No need to look no further”这里的look no further是个固定短语,意思是“就这样好了,这样就完全足够了”,所以这句最好翻译成“就这样好了吧。”第十六行“Even If i knew my place should i leave it there?”这里的leave it there是“把···留在那里”的意思,在这句歌词里意思是是把追逐爱情这件事丢在那里,所以翻译成“尽管我知道自己的位置,但我应该放弃追逐吗?”第二十二行“Wait then as my heart drops,”这里的as应作“当···的时候”,所以应该翻译成“等待着,我的心下坠着”楼主翻译得很不错,赞一个!希望我的意见对你有帮助!

Adele的chasing pavement这首歌,但是歌名是什么意思呢?


大型单机游戏中Antialiasing Mode抗锯齿有什么作用和效果??

请试着在画图工具里拉一条斜线 你会看到象锯齿一样的边缘...如题,游戏里的场景和界面也是样的原理. 抗锯齿,顾名思义,我就不罗嗦了哈

3Dmax 抗锯齿Antialiasing在哪里


Dsp中的anti-aliasing filter 和reconstruction filter什么区别

anti-aliasing filter 抗混叠滤波器:一种低通滤波器,用以在输出电平中把混叠频率分量降低到非常小的程度;reconstruction filter 重建滤波器:从采样恢复原信号的滤波器,作用就是根据采样点重建采样前的信号。举例一:The hardware of the system includes the FPGA chip, the voltage conditioning circuit, anti-aliasing filter circuit, PLL circuit, the A/ D sampling circuit.系统硬件部分包括FPGA处理芯片,电压调理电路,抗混叠滤波电路,锁相倍频电路,A/D采样电路。举例二:The application of bandpass sampling in data acquisition can reduce the sampling frequency greatly. But the anti-aliasing filter in the system would bring the phase nonlinearity.在数据采集中采用带通采样,可大大降低采样率,但系统中的抗混叠滤波器会造成相位的非线性。举例三:This thesis emphasizes on the design of the digital filter, sigma-delta modulator, IDAC and analog reconstruction filter.重点研究了数字滤波器、∑-△调制器、电流舵型数模转换器和模拟重建滤波器。举例四:Study on radioactive concentration and reconstruction filter function using SPECTSPECT重建滤波函数取值与放射性浓度的关系

上古卷轴5anisotropic filteering和antialiasing怎么设置

anisotropic filteering和antialiasing是抗锯齿和向异性过滤抗锯齿: 中低配置不建议开启,比较影响游戏帧数,但如果你非常讨厌锯齿,请你酌情开启 2X,4X,一点点往上调,实验性的尝试,选择出最适合你配置的抗锯齿级别.还有一种性价比很高的抗锯齿是老滚5自带的FXAA抗锯齿异性过滤: 强烈建议开启,有新手不知道这个是干嘛的,这个选项影响你观看多面体场景时材质的清晰度,比如你侧着看一面墙上的纹路,你会发现纹理是模糊的,但开启了这个选项之后,纹理就清晰了,该选项对画质影响很大,但不会降低帧数也不会对显卡造成负担,老滚可是3D全方位游戏,到处都是多边形,没人想看到处纹理模糊的场景吧? 一般建议4X或8X,显卡好就开16X,这个选项对显卡要求不高的.FXAA: 快速近似反锯齿,这个反锯齿比抗锯齿性价比高,对帧数影响微小,但带来的抗锯齿效果可以接近于前面AA抗锯齿的4X级别,美中不足的是FXAA实现反锯齿的同时也会把模型贴图模糊化.所以网上有不少FXAA优化补丁来弥补这一缺陷.. ,尽量不借助第三方补丁.毕竟补丁来补丁去的很烦人,而且还容易让新手出错.

上古卷轴5anisotropic filteering和antialiasing怎么设置


Anti-aliasing 是什么意思?

Anti-aliasing (反锯齿处理),简单地说主要是应用调色技术将图形边缘的“锯齿”缓和,边缘更平滑。反锯齿是相对来来说较复杂的技术。 核心逻辑芯片及绘图芯片提供硬件全屏反锯齿(FSAA)功能,从而进一步改善了3D图像的画面质量,使得图像边缘衔接处更为细腻、顺滑,在3D显示中更为逼真、贴近现实。


  关于Anti-aliasing的意思,计算机专业术语名词解释   Anti-aliasing (反锯齿处理),简单地说主要是应用调色技术将图形边缘的“锯齿”缓和,边缘更平滑。反锯齿是相对来来说较复杂的技术,一直是高档加速卡的一个主要特征。目前的3D加速卡大多不支持反锯齿,但在下一代3D加速卡如RIVA TNT、G200中将支持这项技术。



rising sun 为什么不是rasing sun

[教你一个简单的方法记忆]rise 是自身可以升起来的. 比如:太阳之类的星球 raise 是需要借助外界的力量才能升起来. 比如:国旗.

Chasing bailey唱得Little by little这首歌歌词的意思

一点点 啊噢啊是啊,是啊 一点点 您将让这一切对我来说 我想给你一分钱的思考 如果我还以为你会告诉你的想法 这似乎是唯一一次我知道,你觉得你觉得的 当你喝 需要这么多的空瓶子 然后才可以说你爱我 您如何假装你不 不过,我知道你知道这可能是 是的,你可以步行的步行 您可以谈 您可以舞蹈的舞蹈 你可以爱 你正在运行程序 里面 您可以运行,但无法掩盖 一点一点把你给你的心 一点一滴你让我看看火花 我给你足够的道路,使你相信 您免费 噢,一点点 您将让这一切对我来说 您尝试像你不 不过,我知道你看到哪里的比赛 您点的是冷战,使其不显示 但它的显示 好,你可以看看我的眼睛 宝贝,我知道为什么它是不容易 原因有扩声


aliasingn.混淆;折叠失真;〔计〕别名使用;〔物〕假频。例句1.Therefore, it must be explicitly named by using aliasing.因此,必须通过使用别名来显式命名。2.Results from these surveys are shown to be dominated by small-scale noise,aliasing, and incomplete cancellations.结果,这些调查表明,主要由小规模的噪声,失真,和不完全取消。


还可以改进,因为释意句子(paraphrase)是指use simpler words to explain the original one. 要点如下:1. 你要用更简单的词来解释,而不是相反,否则读者可能更不明白。2.通常有两种情况:(1)解释句子中的个别单词。(2)换一种表达方式。3. 。第一句解释stunned和stirred即可,用surpried和shook比较好,词汇级别更低。4. 第二句你做得非常好,解释try hard 和duck即可,用avoid更简单。

The film basing on a true story is moving正确还是


Basing an important decision more on emotion than one reason, you will regret it sooner or later.


请问有谁知道《Masayume Chasing》这首日语歌的平假名,歌词的中文意思,还有罗马音?

Boa-masayume chasingHu wo ou wo ou ye~~~Yume wo otte mayoikonda kokoro no mori no okuKagami yori sunda izumi utsuru yuganda SmileKoboreta namida ha (Don"t Cry) kin demo gin demo nakuteArifureta namida (Fall From My Eyes) megami mo kizukanaiMasayume Chasing ChasingKoero motto jibun shijyou saikou noIma wo Chasing ChasingSou egaita jibun ni natta moyase mune no hi woNa na na na na na na OhNa na na na na Hey HeyNa na na na na na na OhKakenukero HeroNa na na na na na na OhNa na na na na Hey HeyNa na na na (Hey) na na na (Oh)Moyase mune no hi woYume wo otte mayoikonda kokoro no mori no okuKagami yori sunda izumi utsuru yuganda SmileKoboreta namida ha (Don"t Cry) kin demo gin demo nakuteArifureta namida (Fall From My Eyes) megami mo kizukanaiMasayume Chasing ChasingKoero motto jibun shijyou saikou noIma wo Chasing ChasingSou egaita jibun ni natta moyase mune no hi woNa na na na na na na OhNa na na na na Hey HeyNa na na na na na na OhKakenukero HeroNa na na na na na na OhNa na na na na Hey HeyNa na na na (Hey) na na na (Oh)Moyase mune no hi woNa na na na na na na OhNa na na na na Hey HeyNa na na na na na na OhKakenukero HeroNa na na na na na na OhNa na na na na Hey HeyNa na na na (Hey) na na na (Oh)Moyase mune no hi woMasayume Chasing ChasingKoero motto jibun shijyou saikou noIma wo Chasing ChasingSou egaita jibun ni natta moyase mune no hi woNa na na na na na na OhNa na na na na Hey HeyNa na na na na na na OhKakenukero HeroNa na na na na na na OhNa na na na na Hey HeyNa na na na (Hey) na na na (Oh)Moyase mune no hi wo Na na na na na na na OhNa na na na na Hey HeyNa na na na na na na OhKakenukero HeroNa na na na na na na OhNa na na na na Hey HeyNa na na na (Hey) na na na (Oh)Moyase mune no hi wo

Accident in that are happening with increasing_____(frequent). 为什么是frequency而不是frequently

frequent 在这里是名词 increasing 是形容词 with increasing frequent 是用来修饰 happening的,所以不能用frequently

求chasing dorotea的a long time ago的歌词

Humuhumunukunukuapua"a [Ryan:] A long time ago in a land far away lived the pineapple princess, Tiki. She was sweet as a peach, in a pineapple way, but so sad that she hardly speaky. Still, if you listen well, you"ll hear her secret wish. [Sharpay:] Aloha everybody, my name is Tiki! I long to free a truly remarkable fish My sweet prince. Humuhumunukunukuapua"a Makihiki malahini-who Humuhumunukunukuapua"a Ooh! Hawana wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu. Ryan, the fog? [Ryan:] She dreams of a boy who is under a spell that has left him all wet and scaly. [Sharpay:] I sing from my heart of the power of love, just a girl with a ukulele. Come to me, my sweet one, and be still. I"ll grasp your tail and stroke each lender gill. My sweet prince. Humuhumunukunukuapua"a Makihiki malahini-who Humuhumunukunukuapua"a Ooh! Hawana wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu. Now this is where we lean into the whole kabuki thing. [Sharpay, Ryan & Girls:] The clouds turned grey, and the big sky cried, and the ocean had a fit. [Sharpay:] (Ryan, where"s my ocean!?) [Sharpay, Ryan & Girls:] Then the wind went whoosh, and thunder cracked, and mighty Mount Fufu spit. [Sharpay - spoken:] (Mighty Mount Fufu spit!) [Sharpay & Ryan:] T-T-T-Tiki T-Tiki Wanna speaky, speaky, speaky. So words I will not mince. [Sharpay:] Please make a man of my fresh fish prince. This is real fish talk... No lie. And then the fish turns into a gorgogeus prince and sings: I"m Prince Humuhumunukunukuapua"a Amakahiki malahini who. (With me!) Humumunukunukuapua"a Ooh! Hawana wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu [Sharpay;] EVERYBODY! [All:] Humuhumunukunukuapua"a Makihiki malahini-who Humuhumunukunukuapua"a Ooh! Hawana wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu. wakawakawakaniki pu pu pu. wakawakawakaniki pu... pu... pu! Ahh...!!

Are you teasing me?


increased , increasing 作定语的区别?

increased adj.增加的, 增强的 一般是已经增加了的increasing vbl.渐增的,越来越多的 正在增加P.S 我觉得有很多词有类似的区别啊


have been increased 是现在完成时态的被动语态have been increasing 是现在完成进行时态用哪种形式要根据具体的具体意思

increased ,increasing 作定语的区别?

increased adj.增加的,增强的 一般是已经增加了的 increasing vbl.渐增的,越来越多的 正在增加 P.S 我觉得有很多词有类似的区别啊

increased 和 increasing 现在分词 过去分词 做前置定语

是的,分词短语作定语时,过去分词表示被动,译成“被...的”或“经过了....的”,现在分词表示主动,直接译成“...的”翻译时要注意。例句:But, eventually, increasing power meant that even vw conceded the point and started to cool its motors with water.但是,最终越来越强大的动力让大众汽车公司改弦更张,开始使用水冷方式冷却发动机。Supporters, on the other hand, contend that the advantages-i.e. improved flood control, increased power generationcapacity and desirable impact on economic development in related areas-will far outweigh the disadvantages.另一方面,支持者认为它的好处,例如经过了提高的对洪水控制的改善、发电能力和对相关地区经济发展的影响将远远超过它坏处。

这句英文为什么用increased不用 increasing

已经增加, 过去式, 所以用形容词 "increased (funding)".


过去时和进行时 明显不一样啊


sth"s incresing = sth 正在增长中sth"s increased = sth 增长了

their growth seemed to match our increasingly

we had for each other是定语从句修饰love。

increasingly higher和increasingly high有什么区别


increasingly fast-paced world


用be increasingly 翻译辩论变得越来越激烈几乎成了个人攻击

The debate is increasingly intensive, which almost becomes into personal attack.

请问这句英语句子的is increasingly abstracted为何做谓语?为什么不是表语?

你可以这样来理解,系动词+表语=谓语,句中的increasing abstracted是表语。希望帮到你!

it became increasingly more urgent 有没有错啊?


求more and more的替代词。除了increasingly 谢谢

growinglyprogressivelyfurther 也可以的

考研英语真题有个句子。But increasingly the Japanese are seeing a decline of the traditional


(1/2)越看越多的人是 an increasingly people还是 the increasingly people还是 increasi


有increasingly more嘛?是不是越来越多的意思?



I becoming increasingly worried about the coming college entrance exam My worry was being feared completely wrong My face had become gored under the hot sun.

increasingly aware是什么意思

越来越清楚…… 越来越知道……They are increasingly aware of the danger of taking drugs.他们越来越知道吸毒的危险。

friends ! increasingly 后面加形容词原级还是比较级 thanks!


increasingly more people

increasingly 是个副词 不直接加people 要是形容逐渐增多的人口,则用 an increasing population 要是形容越来越多的人,则用 an incresasing number of people

increasingly 发音

increasingly的英音:/u026anu02c8kriu02d0su026au014bli/,美音是:/u026anu02c8kriu02d0su026au014bli/。increasingly的意思是:越来越多地;不断增加地。含有increasingly的双语例句1、Women are doing the job well. This is partly because women are increasingly moving into a man"s world.女性工作出色,部分原因在于她们越来越多地涉足男性的领域。2、However, as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out, organisations increasingly use "team" as a verb rather than a noun.不过,正如哈佛的艾米·埃德蒙森所说,各组织越来越多地将“团队”用作动词而非名词。3、The rural population has become increasingly politicized in recent years.近年来,农村人口对政治愈来愈感兴趣。




the gap between rich and poor has increasingly widened




您好亲! "be + increasingly + polite" 语法结构正确。在这个结构中, "be" 是助动词,表示动作或状态的存在。 "Increasingly" 是副词,表示程度逐渐增加的意思。 "Polite" 是形容词,用来描述一个人的态度或举止。这个结构可以用来描述某个人的行为或态度变化,表明他们的礼貌程度逐渐增加。比如说:He"s been increasingly polite towards his co-workers lately.She"s always been polite, but she"s becoming increasingly so as she gains more experience in her career.总之, "be + increasingly + polite" 是一个合乎语法规则的结构,可以用来描述人的礼貌程度上升的情况。希望能够帮到您,谢谢!



这里怎么用 increasingly ?谢谢

应该是further space exploration


Increasingly,副词,一般用法都是be/become Increasingly adj.表示日益,越来越多地,不断增加的"adj",所以如果要替代的话最好是把主语变成回国发展的留学生人数,the number of Chinese oversea students who comes back to China to hunt better working chances become increasingly large.或者可以直接用increasing,the number of Chinese oversea students who comes back to China to hunt better working chances is increasing。


like it or not,increasingly we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret.句中的increasingly是副词,修饰谓语动词live, 所以不能放在world前面,可以放在live的前面。修饰名词的形容词才可以放在world之前。


前者 是形容词 修饰名词 increasing issue后者 是副词 修饰形容词 keyplay an increasingly key role.中 key是形容词 重要的


In a busy world, managing your time is increasingly important. Some college students are increasingly concerned about the issue.

下句话 increasingly后不加上more 正确吗?我认为是多余的!加more的原因?




3个副词的区别 increasedly increasingly increasely



increasingly用法:有“越来越多地,越来越;不断增加地,逐渐地”的意思,当用作副词时,可以在后面加名词。 扩展资料 increasingly有“越来越多地,越来越;不断增加地,逐渐地”的意思,当用作副词时,可以在后面加名词,可组成的词汇有:increasingly apparent越来越明显;increasingly difficult越来越困难; increasingly important重要。


1)purchased是purchase的过去式和过去分词。2)和purchasing是现在分词.其一般用法是:1)He purchased the house two months ago.2). He intends purchasing the house.

Improvements are increasing _________ number day by day.

in number:大量的,很多的,for,选A,feel sympathy for:对。。。。同情


increasing意思为增长的,增加的。1、词形变化形容词:increasable,意为可增加的,可加大的。副词:increasingly,意为不断增加地;越来越多地。名词:increaser,意为增加者,扩大物。时态:increased、increasing、increases。2、相关短语increasing oscillation,增幅振荡,升幅振荡;increasing sequence,增序列,递增序列;strictly increasing,严格递增;infinitely increasing,无穷增加;increasing cost,递增成本;increasing in yield,增产。相关例句:1、The increasing army of the unemployed has attracted the attention of the economist.不断增长的失业大军引起了这名经济学家的关注。2、The outputs of creamery are increasing.奶油厂的产量正在增长。3、She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.她想出了增加销售量的新主意。4、It will take everybody"s efforts to keep city noises from increasing.那是需要每个人的努力来防止都市噪音的增加。5、Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots.日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。


increasingly英 [u026anu02c8kri:su026au014bli] 美 [u026anu02c8kriu02d0su026au014bli]adv.越来越多地; 日益,格外; 越来越…; 愈 双语例句1. Increasingly, corporate clients are seeking to outsource the management of their facilities. 越来越多的公司客户寻求将设施的管理外包出去。来自柯林斯例句2. The baron became increasingly heated over the hypocrisy of it all. 男爵对整件事的虚伪感到越来越生气。来自柯林斯例句3. She felt nervous, increasingly lacking in confidence about herself. 她感到紧张,对自己越来越没有信心。来自柯林斯例句4. We became increasingly fed up with his increasingly unfunny and unintelligent comments. 我们越来越反感他益发无趣又缺乏见地的言论。来自柯林斯例句5. She was finding it increasingly difficult to get about. 她发现出去走动越来越困难了。来自柯林斯例句


BUYER 买方,SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGER 供应链经理,PURCHASING 采购这三个没有共同之处,有什么可区别的?

在企业里buyer 和 purchasing specialist 哪个大


the numberofpopulation is rapidly increasing是什么结构?

这句话是主系表结构,主语是the number of population, is 是系动词,increasing做表语


unceasingly,强调不停止constantly,强调永恒或连续的时间很长,没有尽头continuously,用于不间断的连续,(强调无缝连接的连续,比如一条线————————)continually 用于断断续续的连续,(可以略有间断的连续----...


1.Buyer只是简单的买,完成了“买”的动作和买入了某样物资或服务,侧重于下单,并跟踪订单; 2.Purchasing则有采购的意思,即先要采,然后再买进; 3.Procurement是实现了资源获取,有整合与更好的获得资源的意思; 4.Sourcing一般是制造型企业用的,要求有很强的理工知识和商业感觉,是要去在全球范围内找到最好的资源、然后将找到的货源和资源组合在一起来更好地加以利用,侧重于物料和供应商的开发,开发完成后交给buyer下单跟踪。它们的演变是随着采购业务不断发展的需求而出现和扩展而来的。




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