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be doing结构的用法

be doing 是现在进行时,表达正在做某事的意思。比如 I"m reading 我正在看书 He"s sleeping 他正在睡觉




1.作名词,解释为.做,干,实行或者.事件;行为;社交活动例如Tell me about all your doings in London. 把你在伦敦所作的事情全告诉我。 I never heard of such doings. 我从未听说过这些事。2.是do的进行时态,意思和do是一样的表示做的意思 doing homework(做作业)


doing是在现在进行时do的一种形式。例如:I am doing my homework.也就是说,doing表示的是一种事态的形式

doing sth什么意思?

to do sth 表示准备做某件事 doing sth 表示正在进行做得时候start to do sth.(begin / start to do sth.)和sart doing sth.(begin / start doing sth.)都表示“开始做某事”,start to do sth 意思是指“开始去做某事(接着做前面那件事)”,有“潜在的可能”;start doing sth 意思是指“开始做某事(做另一件事)”,有“实际进行”的意思.具体使用方面的区别:1.表示开始一项长期活动或开始一种习惯时,使用doing.(此时start/begin doing多用于表示开始一项较长时间或经常性的活动)How old were you when you first started playing the guitar?你几岁时开始弹吉他?2. begin, start用进行时时,后面动词用不定式to doI was beginning to get angry.我开始生起气来。The plaster was starting to fall from the walls. 墙上的灰泥开始脱落了。3. 在attempt, intend, begin, start 后接know, understand, realize这类表示心理状态或精神活动的动词时,常用不定式to do。I begin to understand the truth。我开始明白真相。Mary started to guess what is in the bag. 玛丽开始猜包里有什么东西了。4.物作主语时(句子主语是物不是人的时候,后用start to do sth)The ice started to melt. 冰开始融化了。


allow 允许;consider考虑;enjoy 喜爱;finish 完成;give up 放弃;imagine 想像;keep 保持;mind 介意;miss 没赶上;permit 允许;practise 练习;prevent 阻止;risk 冒险;stop 停止;suggest 建议;understand 理解

doing的所以时态 和语态

一般现在时 主动语态do、does 被动语态是am/is/are done一般过去时 主动语态 did 被动语态was/were done一般将来时 主动语态 will do 被动语态will be done现在进行时 主动语态 am/is/are doing 被动语态 am/is/are being done现在完成时 主动语态 have/has done 被动语态 have/has been done过去完成时 主动语态 had done 被动语态 had been done最常用的就这些了

doing和be doing用法的区别(时态 语态上的区别)







doing是动词基本时态,doing是现在分词,doing需要看前面的be 动词是什么时态,分为现在进行时态、过去进行时态、将来进行时态、现在完成时、过去完成进行时、动态事态的掌握要从时态意义、构成和常用时间状语等方面来掌握就不。 扩展资料   英语一共有十六种时态,如下(am/is/are可直接用be代替),常用的"有8--10种,带*号的是常用的,其他不重要,考试也不会考   主动 被动   一般现在时 do/does am/is/are done   一般过去时 did was/were done   一般将来时 will/shall do will/shall be done   过去将来时 would/should do would/should be done   现在进行时 am/is/are doing am/is/are being done   过去进行时 was/were doing was/were being done   将来进行时 will/shall be doing will/shall be being done   过去将来进行时would/should be doing would/should be being done   现在完成时 have/has done have/has been done   过去完成时 had done had been done   将来完成时 will/shall have done will/shall have been done   过去将来完成时would/should have done would/should have been done   现在完成进行时 have/has been doing have/has been being done   过去完成进行时 had been doing had been being done   将来完成进行时 will have been doing wiil have been being done   过去将来完成时would have been doing wouldhave been being done

doing是什么意思,to do呢?

doing是表示已经正在做,但to do 都指做,但不是现在正在做




doing是动词的基本形式,doing是现在分词。需要看be 动词是什么时态,它是构成各种时态的基本要素,这里是指现在进行时的时态。 was/were doing 为过去进行时态;will/shall be doing 为将来进行时态;have/has been doing 为现在完成进行时态。 扩展资料   had been doing 为过去完成进行时时态;动词事态的掌握要从时态的意义、构成、结构和常用时间状语等方面来掌握就比较容易。   例句:   She"s doing a terrific job.   她活儿干得真棒。   What the deuce is he doing?   他到底在干什么?   Good heavens, what are you doing?   天哪,你在干什么?


doing sth.可以从两方面来理解。1做主宾表时,是动名词,就表示“做……”。如 Watching TV is her hobby.(做主语)2做定状补时,那么是现在分词,表示动作的主动和进行。如:I saw a boy singing.(做宾语补足语,表正在唱歌,)3它还可以和be动词一起连用,构成谓语动词,此时为现在进行时。 如:He is playing football.(be doing 为现在进行时)。


主动一般式:doingThe story is interesting.这个故事很有趣。“intersecting”是动名词做形容词的一种用法,表示某人/某物的一种内在特性、状态、的特征等。(具体见动词+ed与+ing时的区别,见文末链接)The girl standing there is my sister.站在那儿的女孩是我妹妹。“standing”表示说话时正在进行着的动作是“站着”,也可以说是一种状态。Hearing the news,she broke into tears.听了这个消息,她哭了。“听到消息”和“哭了”之间虽然稍微有点时间差,但是仍在谈话期间,所以也可以说是表示正在进行。


do用于一般现在时且主语是复数we,they,you和I . doing用于现在进行时,不管主语是单数还是复数. doing 放在句首是动名词作主语;do放在句首是祈使句 扩展资料   例句:   Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.   躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。   Work hard ,or you will fall behind the others.   努力学习,否则你会落后于其他人。


doing中文意思是:名词:事,发生的事,所作所为;动词:做,干,办,行动。词形变化:动词do;时态did,done,doing,does;复数doings。相关短语:in there doing坚持不懈地从事;by doing so正因为如此;to advise doing建议(做)...;to allow doing考虑到,估计到;to avoid doing避免;want doing必要,doing有被动的意思,be worth (doing))值得(做),try doing尝试(做),试着(做);go in for doing惯于,爱好;be all for doing十分赞成(做)。doing和to do的区别1、用法不同:doing:动名词,指的是动词ing形式的一种,兼有动词和名词特征的非限定动词。它可以支配宾语,也能被副词修饰。动名词有时态和语态的变化。英语中的动名词是由动词变化而来。to do:动词不定式,为非谓语动词。在英语语法中,动词不定式是指动词中的一种不带词形变化从而不指示人称、数量、时态的一种形式。它之所以被称做不定式,是因为动词不被限定,或者说不被词形变化所局限。不定式属于非谓语动词形式。2、意思不同:doing(所做的事、发生的事);to do(待办事项)。侧重点不同:doing(侧重于表示正在做的事);to do(侧重于表示想做但是还没做的事)。




doing 1. do 的现在分词“正在做”的意思,2.在can"t help doing ,be busy doing 这类短语中,doing 也表示其它动词的现在分词或动名词。就以上面两个短语各举一例,要注意doing 改成了相应的动词: He can"t help jumping up and down when he heard the good news.听到这个好消息,他情不自禁地跳了起来 we are busy planting trees.我们正忙着植树呢! 以后自己试着用不同的动词代替英语短语中的do ,试着造句,久而久之,必有进步!




doing做双语对照词典结果:doing[英][u02c8du:u026au014b][美][u02c8duu026au014b]n.做; 不能接受; 难以完成; 事件; v.做( do的现在分词 ); 干; 学习; 研究; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.What are you doing to foster that? 你们打算怎么做?



非谓语动词怎么区别to do和doing的用法


were doing是什么时态怎么翻译

were doing是过去进行时。 were doing表示在做的意思。 例句: They were doing 70 miles an hour. 他们每小时达到70英里。 Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs. 小贩们的纪念品生意很兴隆。 扩展资料   He said the protesters were doing a disservice to the nation.   他表示,抗议者们的行为正对国家造成危害。   He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing.   他本该意识到自己部下在做什么。   They were doing just fine.   他们做得很好。

有insisting to doing 的搭配吗?

没有,INSIST的搭配一般有insist on/upon sth,insist on/upon doing sth;insist + that从句insist + that + (should可以省略) +动词原形

be made to do还是doing?

be made to do是对的。没有be made doing这种句型。be made to do sth,意思是被要求做某事,它是make sb do sth的被动式(主动式省to)。be made to这类短语的结构中,made作为动词存在,是make的过去分词。make = made to domake的用法:make是比较常见的动词,过去式与过去分词均为made,用法也很多。make +宾语+不带to的不定式(作宾语补足语)。如:Nobody made us go to bed at a certain time.没有人让我们在某一固定时间就寝。但需要注意的是,不定式短语在主动结构中作宾语补足语时,不带to;但在被动结构中作主语补足语时,不定式短语则必须带to。如:Filth and high prices have combined to make London and other cities depressing places to live in. 污秽和物价上涨使伦敦和其他城市成了令人压抑的地方。

二年级上册英语第三章知识点:What are you doing for

  onemorequestion再有一个问题   allyearround一年到头   bemadeof由…制成的   Twopeasinapod一个豆荚里的两颗豆   Stopdoing停止做   Spend….doing花费….做某事   goone"sownway分道扬镳   attheendof在….结束时   comeover过来,抓住   holdout伸出,主张   makeadeal成交   bebackhome-回到家   havelessons/classes上课   Howdoyoudo你好   Writedown写下来   NowIsee现在我明白了   Playtheviolin弹小提琴   goforawalk/walks去散步   gooutofbed起床   introduceto把…介绍给   gotouniversity上大学   playthepiano弹钢琴   one….theother一个..另一个   havethepleasure很荣幸高兴去做   gotothemovies去看电影   belatefor迟到   inthefuture在将来   Iammuchbetteratartthisyear今年我更擅长艺术了   Intwominutes两分钟以后   beshortfor是….的缩写   helpwith帮助   haveanexam考试   atnoon在中午   littlebit有几分,有点   turnoutthelight关灯   对于初中学生朋友,学习是一个循序渐进的过程,需要日积月累。提供了 八年级上册英语第三章知识点 ,希望对大家学习有所帮助。   一、短语   already早已,用于完成时的肯定,;yet,用于完成时的否定和疑问;just,用于完成时   justnow=amomentago用于过去时,   arriveat(小地方)/in(大地方)=reach=getto,到达   bring,从外往里拿,take,从里往外拿,carry无方向,fetch往返拿,   morethan,=over,多于lessthan,少于   alone,个体单独,独自;lonely,孤独,寂寞,也表示荒凉,   mostof....的大多数,avisitto对...的参观,   onavisitto....,参观...foravisit参观,payavisitto,拜访和....一样不如,   so...that如此...以致于....如果that后是否定,就可以用too...to转换,如果是肯定就用,形容+enough(forsb)todosth.   befamousfor因...面著名(原因),befamousas以...身份或产地而著名   preferdoingsth.todoingsth.=likedoingsthbetterthandoingsth更喜欢做某事,   preferto更喜欢...prefertodosthratherthandosth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事,   returnfromavisitto从...访问返回,benamedafter以...的名字命名,   beproudof以....自豪,beuptosb.由某人决定,   upto从事于,忙于,spacestation在太空站,   showsthtosb.=showsbsth把某物给某人看,onbusiness出差,因...公事,   在...的上面over,在..上面,正上方,中间有段空间,反义为under   on在...上面,贴着物表,反义beneath,above在..上方,高出,反义below   inthesky=intheair在天空中,byair=byplane坐飞机,   inthelastthreeyears在过去三年里,用于现在完成时,   none用于三个以上的全否定,反义为all;neither两个都不,反义为both,   thelastestnews,最新消息,sharesth.withsb.与分享某物   照看妹妹和朋友消磨时光回到…   散步租用光碟度长假   go+V-ing:去做某事,表示从事某项体育活动或娱乐活动。   gocamping/hiking/sightseeing/bikeriding/swimming   二.词义   1.sendsb.sth.2.showsbsth   sth.tosbsthtosb   3.befamousfor4.decideon+n./V-ing   befamousastodosth.   5.thinkaboutdoingsth.6.plantodosth.   7.leavesp.8.人+spend+时间/金钱+(in)doingsth.   forsp.人+spend+时间/金钱+onsth.   sp.forsp.   9.forgettodosth.10.can"twaittodosth.   doingsth.11.finishdoingsth.   三.句子   1.那听起来不错。   2.从香港给我寄张明信片。   3.当我们回   希望这篇 八年级上册英语第三章知识点 ,可以帮助更好的迎接新学期的到来!   Notyet还没有   halfanhour半小时   aquartertothree差一刻三点   giveatalk发表讲话   besurprised惊讶的   Mid–AutumnFestival中秋节   Thankyoufor为…感谢你   Can"twait迫不及待   beawayfrom离家在外   blowout吹灭   tryon试穿   thesamesizeas和..大小一样   atimetodo做..时间   giveabighug热情拥抱   Thanksgivingdinner感恩节晚宴   givethanksto…for为…感谢   asusual照例   bestwishes最美好的祝愿   onthetopof在…顶上   Allready一切都准备好了   havenoluck不走运   pickup领取   infashion流行   fit…well非常合身   turnoff关掉   onone"swayto在去..的路上   gopast/by走、路过   overhere这里,在这边   canyoutellmetheway?   在….第…个路口向右、左拐   turnright/leftatthe…crossing   be/getlost迷路   walkalong沿着….走   It"sblocksfrom距…有个街区   bereadytogo准备好了   Iamdoingwell我很好   totellyouthetruth说实话   havetheflu得了流感   alotoffun非常有意思   beniceto对…好   allaroundtheworld世界各地   afearofheights恐高   takestepsto采取措施做   intenmoreyears再过十年后   nomatterwhat无论   Iknowforsure我确实知道   feedwith为…提供食物   attheverytop在最顶层   betheopposite完全不同   giveadviceto给…提建议   haveanidea有一个主意   haveagoodtalk好好谈谈   infact事实上   inone"ssparetime在…的空闲时间   addto参加   befullof充满   gothrough穿过   takepakein参加   keepingoodcondition使…保持良好状态   besupposedto应当,必须   beproudof为…而骄傲   makesense有道理,有意义   playagainst同…比赛   giveareport做报告   beconfidentin感到自信   throughandthrough完全的,彻底的.   be/becomerelaxed感到放松   giveupon对….不再抱希望   MerryChristmas圣诞快乐!   more….thananyother比其他任何一个都   giveortake给予或采取   asshortas像….一样短   digin投入   atfirst开始   onemoretime再一次   keepdoing继续做   translate…into把…译成   communicatewith与…交流   beinterestedin对…感兴趣   encourage….todo鼓励…..做…..   allovertheworld全世界   thedoortotheworld通向世界的门   be/feelproud感到骄傲   makeareport写报告   hatetodo厌恶做   joinaclub参加俱乐部   bealone独自一人   希望为大家提供的 初二年级上册英语第三章知识点 的内容,能够对大家有用,更多相关内容,请及时关注!   对于初中学生朋友,学习是一个循序渐进的过程,需要日积月累。提供了 初二上册英语第三章知识点 ,希望对大家学习有所帮助。   一、重点短语归纳   1.talkabout谈论   2.insomeways在某些方面   3.morethan超过,多于   4.thingsincommon共同之处   5.begoodatsth.=dowellinsth.擅长于sth.   6.(not)as…as…(不)如……一样……   7havefundoingsth.享受做某事的乐趣   8.makesb.dosth.让某人做某事   9.lookthesame看起来一样   10.talkto/with和……谈话   11.stopdoingsth.停止做某事   12.stoptodosth停下来接着做某事   13.begin/startwith以……开始   14.endwith以……结束   15.inthemiddleof在……中间   16.aswimmingpool游泳池   17.ontheotherhand=ontheopposite另一方面(边)   18.afterthat自那以后   19.begoodwith=getonwellwith和……相处得好   20.aroundChina=alloverChina全中国   21.usesth.todosth.=dosth.withsth.用……来做……   22.Asyoucansee.正如你所见到的那样.   23.morethanonesister不只一个姐妹   24.havegoodgrades有好成绩   25.oppositeviewsandinterests对立的观点和兴趣   26.enjoytellingjokes喜欢讲笑话   27.stayathomeandread呆在家里看书   28.getthejob得到这份工作   29.dothesamethingassb.跟某人做一样的事情   30.eachother互相   31.enjoyoneself=havegreatfun=haveagoodtime   玩得高兴

求表目的时,for doing 和 to do有没有什么区别


Which do you enjoy___your spare time,playing cards at home. 说+理由 答案是B enjoy不是跟doing

B to do 结构表示目的

obtain to do还是doing

1. obtain只能作动词。obtain作动词,主要有以下两种含义。 (1) to get something that you want, especially through your own effort, skill, or work

ask sb to do 和ask sb doing的区别,我刚刚做题看到的!

"ask sb to do" 表示请求或命令某人去做某件事情。 "ask sb doing" 是错误的用法,应该为 "ask sb to do"。 语法、使用方法不同之处的对比: "ask sb to do" 的语法是 "ask + 人 + to + 动词原形",即要求某人去做某事。 "ask sb doing" 是错误的用法,应该为 "ask sb to do"。 但是可以使用 "ask sb about doing sth",表示询问某人是否在做某事或是否打算做某事。

ask sb to do和ask sb doing的区别

  ask sb to do;表示:要求或请求某人做某事.  ask sb doing;表示:说服某人做某事的性质,有些强制性,用法比较特殊一点.自己体会.  例句:一、(1).Need sb to do sth. I need you to help me.   我需要你来帮助我。  (2).Need sb to do sth I need her to help me with the cooking.   我需要她来帮我做饭。  二、(1).Don"t ask me such complicated questions.   这么难答的问题别问我。   (2).Don"t ask me such complicated questions.   这么难答的问题别问我。

ask sb to do sth 和 ask sb doing sth哪个正确?

to do 正确只有这种用法

ask sb doing sth.正确吗?

ask sb to do sth.正确。此为固定搭配,意为,让某人去做某事。一、同上,ask sb to do sth为固定搭配,没有ask sb doing sth这一说法。二、让某人做某事的句型let sth.make sth.have sth.get do sth.三、接双宾语句型双宾语结构的概念:英语中的双宾语结构一个动词后面跟两个宾语,一个指人,我们称之为间接宾语;一个指物,我们称之为直接宾语。双宾语结构的形式:Subject(主语)+Verb(谓语)+ Indirect object(间接宾语)+Direct object (直接宾语)可以带双宾语的动词:buy, pass, lend, give, tell, teach, show, bring等。扩展资料1.Learn to ask the closing questions.要学会问终结性问题。2.We ask the lawyers to mock up the docs.我们要求律师起草文件。3.Ask visitors what they want.询问浏览者需要什么。4.Ask only that they respect this.请他们尊重你的选择。5.His father suggested that he ask nicely.他爸爸提醒他说话要好听点。6.Can I ask you some questions?我能问你一些问题吗?

ask sb doing sth.正确吗?

不正确ask sb. to do sth. 是正确用法。1、并没有ask sb. doing sth.这个说法, 请求别人做的事情是未发生的,不能用进行时。2、让某人做某事句型还有: make sb. do sth. ;let sb. do sth.;have sb. do sth;get sb. to do sth. 等。如果是doing,就要加for(ask sb for doing sth)

ask sb for doing和ask sb to do有什么不同

通常是to do啊,for后面跟名词

ask sb to do sth 和 ask sb doing sth哪个正确

Ask sb to do sth正确

ask sb to do sth和ask sb doing sth

只有ask sb to do sth,后面那种用法是不存在的。ask的详细用法如下:及物动词 vt. 1. 问;询问[+wh-][O6][O1]She asked him his name. 她问他叫什么。 He asked me where Tom was. 他问我汤姆在何处。 2. 请求;要求[+to-v][O2][O1][+that]He asked that they (should) be allowed to use a dictionary. 他要求准许他们用词典。 I came to ask you a favor. 我来是想请你帮我一个忙。 I asked her to get in touch with Henry as soon as possible. 我要求她尽快与亨利联系。 3. 索(价);要求得到[(+for/of)]They asked too much of her. 他们对她要求过高。 He asked twenty dollars for it. 这件东西他要价二十元。 4. 邀请[O][O2]We have asked the Conrads to come for dinner on Friday evening. 我们已邀请康拉德一家在星期五晚上来吃饭。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 问;询问;问候[(+about)]Tell George my parents ask about him. 转告乔治我父母问他好。 Why do you ask? 你为何要问? 2. 要求;请求[(+for)]She asked for a cup of tea.

ask sb todo sth.还是ask sb doing sth.?

ask sb to do sth.正确。此为固定搭配,意为,让某人去做某事。一、同上,ask sb to do sth为固定搭配,没有ask sb doing sth这一说法。二、让某人做某事的句型let sth.make sth.have sth.get do sth.三、接双宾语句型双宾语结构的概念:英语中的双宾语结构一个动词后面跟两个宾语,一个指人,我们称之为间接宾语;一个指物,我们称之为直接宾语。双宾语结构的形式:Subject(主语)+Verb(谓语)+ Indirect object(间接宾语)+Direct object (直接宾语)可以带双宾语的动词:buy, pass, lend, give, tell, teach, show, bring等。扩展资料1.Learn to ask the closing questions.要学会问终结性问题。2.We ask the lawyers to mock up the docs.我们要求律师起草文件。3.Ask visitors what they want.询问浏览者需要什么。4.Ask only that they respect this.请他们尊重你的选择。5.His father suggested that he ask nicely.他爸爸提醒他说话要好听点。6.Can I ask you some questions?我能问你一些问题吗?

ask sb to do和ask sb doing的区别

问题:ask sb to do和ask sb doing的区别含义解释:"ask sb to do" 表示请求或命令某人去做某件事情。"ask sb doing" 是错误的用法,应该为 "ask sb to do"。语法、使用方法不同之处的对比:"ask sb to do" 的语法是 "ask + 人 + to + 动词原形",即要求某人去做某事。"ask sb doing" 是错误的用法,应该为 "ask sb to do"。但是可以使用 "ask sb about doing sth",表示询问某人是否在做某事或是否打算做某事。具体用法举例:"ask sb to do":I asked him to help me with the project.(我请求他帮我完成这个项目。)She asked me to pick up some groceries on my way home.(她叫我在回家的路上去买些杂货。)The teacher asked the students to submit their essays by Friday.(老师要求学生们在周五之前提交论文。)"ask sb about doing sth":I asked him about going to the party tonight.(我问他今晚是否去参加聚会。)She asked me about studying abroad.(她问我关于出国留学的事情。)He asked the manager about the possibility of getting a raise.(他向经理询问了加薪的可能性。)使用表格进行对比:综上所述,"ask sb to do" 是正确的用法,表示请求或命令某人去做某事;而"ask sb doing"是错误的用法,应该改为 "ask sb to do"。但是,"ask sb about doing sth" 表示询问某人是否在做某事或是否打算做某事,使用时需要注意动词形式。

ask sb to do sth和ask sb doing sth

只有ask sb to do sth,后面那种用法是不存在的。ask的详细用法如下:及物动词 vt. 1. 问;询问[+wh-][O6][O1]She asked him his name. 她问他叫什么。 He asked me where Tom was. 他问我汤姆在何处。 2. 请求;要求[+to-v][O2][O1][+that]He asked that they (should) be allowed to use a dictionary. 他要求准许他们用词典。 I came to ask you a favor. 我来是想请你帮我一个忙。 I asked her to get in touch with Henry as soon as possible. 我要求她尽快与亨利联系。 3. 索(价);要求得到[(+for/of)]They asked too much of her. 他们对她要求过高。 He asked twenty dollars for it. 这件东西他要价二十元。 4. 邀请[O][O2]We have asked the Conrads to come for dinner on Friday evening. 我们已邀请康拉德一家在星期五晚上来吃饭。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 问;询问;问候[(+about)]Tell George my parents ask about him. 转告乔治我父母问他好。 Why do you ask? 你为何要问? 2. 要求;请求[(+for)]She asked for a cup of tea.

ask sb to do sth 和 ask sb for doing sth 的区别

ask sb to do 是请求某人做某事 而ask sb for sth 是向某人索要某物 意思上就有一定的不同

ask sb to do sth和ask sb doing sth


postpone to do还是doing?

postpone后面接doing,postpone可接动名词作宾语,但不能接动词不定式。重点词汇:postpone英[pə'spəʊn]释义:v.推迟,延缓;把……放在次要地位;把……放在后面。[第三人称单数postpones;现在分词:postponing;过去式:postponed;过去分词:postponed]短语:to postpone delivery推迟交货。词语使用变化:v.(动词)。1、postpone是及物动词,基本意思是“延期”“推迟”,一般指有意地拖延且通常拖延到某一确定的时间。后面跟延期或推迟的日期或其他修饰语。所延长的时间常用for引出,有时也可省略,延到某时则用to,untill或till。2、postpone可接动名词作宾语,但不能接动词不定式。

听到一首英文歌歌词好像是呜呜呜,呜呜呜,just doing around that way我并不确定但是发音大概是这样急求

walk way

earn后面搭配什么to do还是doing

earn to do和earn doing都可以,的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、earn to do:挣钱去做。2、earn doing:赚钱做。二、语法不同1、earn to do:earn的基本意思是指因有某种功劳或品德而“获得某种精神上或物质上的报酬”。有时仅可表示“应该得到”,而实际不一定得到。引申可作“挣钱”“谋生”解。2、earn doing:earn可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。earn作“使得到,使赢得”解时,其后还可跟双宾语,其间接宾语也可转化为介词for的宾语。三、侧重点不同1、earn to do:侧重于事情没有发生。2、earn doing:侧重于事情已经发生了。

The secret to后接 do 还是 doing


the secret to do还是doing

是the secret to doing,the secret to do 是错的。这里to是介词,the secret to后面接名词,后面要用名词或者动名词。意思是做...的秘密。例句1、He looks like a man who"s found the secret to eternal youth. 他看上去像是一个找到了永葆青春秘诀人。2、The secret to avoiding this kind of problem is careful pre-planning of your meeting.避免这类问题的秘密是细心地做好计划。3、The secret to becoming a loving, nurturing being is just as simple as that. 秘密就是成为一种爱,培养人,就是那么简单。4、The secret to preventing and predicting obesity has been revealed by a team ofMelbourne researchers, who believe stress and how we respond to it is the key factor to managing our weight. 一只来自墨尔本的研究团队找到了预测和预防肥胖的秘密。他们相信,控制体重的关键因素是我们感受到的压力和我们对压力的应对之道。5、This is the secret to achieving consistent success as a trader. 这是成为持续一致的成功交易者的秘诀。

the secret to doing的用法

to是介词,后面要用名词或者动名词。意思是做……的秘密。secret to:表示对……保密,或做/达到……的秘密,后接名词或动名词。例如:The secret to flying a plane。开飞机的秘密。 the secret to doing例句 1、He looks like a man who"s found the secret to eternal youth. 他看上去像是一个找到了永葆青春秘诀人。 2、The secret to avoiding this kind of problem is careful pre-planning of your meeting. 避免这类问题的秘密是细心地做好计划。 3、The secret to becoming a loving, nurturing being is just as simple as that. 秘密就是成为一种爱,培养人,就是那么简单。 4、This is the secret to achieving consistent success as a trader. 这是成为持续一致的成功交易者的秘诀。

2019年6月四级语法辨析:keen on doing sth 与keen to do sth

 2019年6月大学英语四级语法用法辨析汇总  英语四级语法用法辨析:keen on doing sth 与keen to do sth 的区别  1)keen on doing sth 通常表示“喜欢做某事”,指的是一种兴趣爱好。如:  The painter is keen on collecting coins 那位画家喜欢收集硬币。  I"m not keen on gambling. I"m too afraid of losing. 我对赌博不感兴趣。我太怕输了。  动名词前有时有逻辑主语:  Mrs Hill is keen on Tom"s marrying Susan. 希尔太太很希望汤姆能和苏珊结婚。  但有时也表示“渴望做某事”,如《朗文多功能分类词典》中就有这样一句:  I"m keen on passing this examination. 我渴望通过这次考试。  2)keen to do sth 主要表示“很想做某事”“渴望做某事”。如:  I"m not keen to go again. 我不太想再去了。  He"s keen to see his birthplace again. 他很想重见他的出生地。  She"s keen to get ahead in her career. 她热望在事业上出人头地。  She"s keen to get in on any discussions about the new project. 她一心想参加有关新计画的讨论。  The airline is keen to improve passenger comfort. 该航空公司致力于改善旅客的舒适程度。  Doctors are keen to highlight this little-known disease. 医生们渴望把注意力集中在这一鲜为人知的疾病上。  3)有时不定式可以带有逻辑主语,说成keen for sb to do sth(很想某人做某事,渴望某人做某事)。如:  Parents are always keen for their children to get on. 父母总是热望子女有出息。

到底是the secret to doing还是the secret to do

是the secret to doing。这里to是介词,后面要用名词或者动名词。意思是做...的秘密。例句:1、He looks like a man who"s found the secret to eternal youth.他看上去像是一个找到了永葆青春秘诀人。2、The secret to avoiding this kind of problem is careful pre-planning of your meeting.避免这类问题的秘密是细心地做好计划。3、The secret to becoming a loving, nurturing being is just as simple as that.秘密就是成为一种爱,培养人,就是那么简单。4、The secret to preventing and predicting obesity has been revealed by a team ofMelbourne researchers, who believe stress and how we respond to it is the key factor to managing our weight.一只来自墨尔本的研究团队找到了预测和预防肥胖的秘密。他们相信,控制体重的关键因素是我们感受到的压力和我们对压力的应对之道。5、This is the secret to achieving consistent success as a trader.这是成为持续一致的成功交易者的秘诀。

the secret to do和the secret to doing哪个正确?


到底是the secret to doing还是the secret to do?

the secret to doing。这里to是介词,后面要用名词或者动名词。意思是做...的秘密He looks like a man who"s found the secret to eternal youth. 他看上去像是一个找到了永葆青春秘诀人。The secret to avoiding this kind of problem is careful pre-planning of your meeting.避免这类问题的秘密是细心地做好计划。The secret to becoming a loving, nurturing being is just as simple as that. 秘密就是成为一种爱,培养人,就是那么简单。The secret to preventing and predicting obesity has been revealed by a team ofMelbourne researchers, who believe stress and how we respond to it is the key factor to managing our weight. 一只来自墨尔本的研究团队找到了预测和预防肥胖的秘密。他们相信,控制体重的关键因素是我们感受到的压力和我们对压力的应对之道。This is the secret to achieving consistent success as a trader. 这是成为持续一致的成功交易者的秘诀。

The secret to do.还是Secret to doing.


the secret to do还是doing?

doing。to是介词,后面要用名词或者动名词。意思是做……的秘密。secret to:表示对……保密,或做/达到……的秘密,后接名词或动名词。例如:The secret to flying a plane。开飞机的秘密。the secret to doing例句1、He looks like a man who"s found the secret to eternal youth.他看上去像是一个找到了永葆青春秘诀人。2、The secret to avoiding this kind of problem is careful pre-planning of your meeting.避免这类问题的秘密是细心地做好计划。3、The secret to becoming a loving, nurturing being is just as simple as that.秘密就是成为一种爱,培养人,就是那么简单。4、This is the secret to achieving consistent success as a trader.这是成为持续一致的成功交易者的秘诀。

到底是the secret to doing还是the secret to do?

the secret to do sth 做某事的秘诀是?

到底是the secret to doing还是the secret to do?

the secret to doing smth.

the secret to do和the secret to doing哪个正确?

thesecrettodoing是正确的。这里to是介词,后面要用名词或者动名词。意思是做...的秘密。例句:1· Helookslikeamanwho"sfoundthesecrettoeternalyouth. 他看上去像是一个找到了永葆青春秘诀人。2· Thisisthesecrettoachievingconsistentsuccessasatrader. 这是成为持续一致的成功交易者的秘诀。3· Thesecrettobecomingaloving,nurturingbeingisjustassimpleasthat. 秘密就是成为一种爱,培养人,就是那么简单。4· Thesecrettoavoidingthiskindofproblemiscarefulpre-planningofyourmeeting.避免这类问题的秘密是细心地做好计划。5· ThesecrettopreventingandpredictingobesityhasbeenrevealedbyateamofMelbourneresearchers,whobelievestressandhowwerespondtoitisthekeyfactortomanagingourweight. 一只来自墨尔本的研究团队找到了预测和预防肥胖的秘密。他们相信,控制体重的关键因素是我们感受到的压力和我们对压力的应对之道。6· Thesecrettoflyingaplane。开飞机的秘密。

做某事的秘决是用the secret to do sth还是doing来表述?

用the secret to do sth来表述。the secret to do sth和the secret of doing sth意思一样的,两种用法都对。例句:Hard work is one of the secret of achieving success.努力是获得成功的秘诀之一。What is your secret of doing sth?做某事的秘诀是什么?One of the secret of doing sth.做某事的秘诀之一。

the secret to do 还是the secret to doing?比如学好英语的秘诀是

the secret of learning English well感觉比较顺

做某事的秘诀是the secret to do sth还是doing

to do

选择题 it is a job ____ you are doing something serious but interesting.


pursue to do还是doing

pursue doing是正确的,意思是“追求做……”例句:She pursues being a doctor to help others. 她追求做一名医生来帮助别人。而pursue to do的用法不规范

有teach doing sth.或 teach sb.doing sth.句型吗?


i was thinking of doing something different today

我在寻思今天做点什么别的of 跟 think 搭配,是介词think of 就是思考,想 的意思

shortcut to do 还是doing

shortcut to do 。 shout to do后面是不定式,表方将会做的意思,这里的意思是将要大声叫喊着做某事,可理解为大吵大闹。

object to 与object to doing有什么区别


appreciate doing sth是什么意思

appreciate doing sth喜欢做某事双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 感激做某事appreciate[英][u0259u02c8pri:u0283ieu026at][美][u0259u02c8priu0283iu02ccet]vt.感激; 欣赏; 领会; 鉴别; vi.(使)增值,涨价; 第三人称单数:appreciates过去分词:appreciated现在进行时:appreciating过去式:appreciated

award to do还是doing

award to do。award作为动词是”授予;给予;判给”,award是及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语。可用于被动语态。award作为名词是“奖品;奖”的意思。

have.been doing和did的区别

have been doing 意味着你在以前正在做这个事情, did 是普通的过去式

i will have been doing造句

I will have done my homework by tomorrow morning. I will have been doing my homework by tomorrow.

have been doing 和have done区别

have been doing是现在完成进行时

have been doing sth和现在完成时有区别吗

现在完成时强调动作的结束 have been doing sth即现在完成进行时强调动作的持续假如有for +一段时间 或者since+时间点 短暂性动词要改为延续性动词如 he died two years age he has been dead for two years

have been doing是用于主动还是被动?还是两者都可以?



The children will watch

have been doing和having been done有什么区别

1、have been doing 是现在完成进行时,表示动作从某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,或者刚刚终止,或者可能仍然要继续下去。(与since,for连用时,常常表示动作会进行下去)。如1). I have been learning English since three years ago. 自从三年前以来我一直在学英语。(动作还将继续下去)2).He has been working in the factory for ten years . 他在这个工厂工作了十年。(动作还将继续下去)2、having been done(分词完成式的被动语态)是 have been done 的现在分词形式,强调分词动作先于谓语动词,一般用作状语,如 1). Not having been invited , she felt very unhappy . 没有被邀请,她感到很不高兴。2).Having been criticized by the teacher, Li Ming gave up smoking. 被老师批评后,李明戒烟了。

have been doing 和having done的区别是什么


was doing和have been doing的区别?

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