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what are you doing to do什么意思


Whatare you doing什么意思


what are you doing?你在做什么 what are you doing to do


what are you doing啥意思


what are you doing什么意思

what are you doing你在做什么例句:1.Then what are you doing? 那幺你在干什么?2.What are you doing now? 你现在做什么工作?

what are you doing是什么意思


what are you doing是什么意思


what are you doing什么意思 用法场景是什么

1、What are you doing ?是你在做什么。What是什么,are是be动词,you是你,doing是正在做的意思,所以连起来就是What are you doing? 2、用法场景:What are you doing?回答:I am+动词ing。比如:I am shopping.我正在购物。I am eating.我正在吃东西。I am drinking.我正在喝东西。

what are you doing,什么意思


What are you doing?这句话的语法

现在进行时   构成:主语+be+动词ing〔现在分词〕形式  第一人称+am+v-ing   第二人称+are+v-ing   第三人称+is+v-ing  现在进行时的基本用法:  a. 表示现在( 指说话人说话时) 正在发生的事情。  We are waiting for you.  b. 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。  Mr. Green is writing another novel.   (说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。)疑问句是问一些事情的,可分为:一般疑问句和特殊疑问句  一、一般疑问句  一般疑问句也可称为 “yes / no questions”,因这种问句通常用yes / no来回答,相当于汉语中的“……吗?”其语序是:系动词be / 助动词/ 情态动词+主语+其他成分?如:  Are you from Japan﹖  Yes I am. / No I"m not.  Is her sister doing her homework now﹖  Yes she is. / No she isn"t.  Does he work in a bank﹖  Yes he does. / No he doesn"t.  Do you live near your school﹖  Yes I do. / No I don"t.  Can you speak French﹖  Yes I can. / No I can"t.  May I go home now﹖  Yes you may. / No you mustn"t.  注意:  1.将陈述句变为一般疑问句时,如句中有be 动词(am is are …)时,可直接将它们提至主语前。如主语为第一人称,应将其改为第二人称。如:  I"m in Class 2Grade 1. →  Are you in Class 2Grade 1﹖  We"re watching TV. →  Are you watching TV﹖  2.陈述句中有情态动词(can may must …)时,也可直接将它们提至主语前,即可成为一般疑问句。如:  He can swim now. →  Can he swim now﹖  The children may come with us. → May the children come with us﹖  3.陈述句中只有一个实义动词作谓语且其时态为一般现在时,变为一般疑问句时要在句首加do或does 主语后的实义动词用原形。如:  I like these animals. →  Do you like these animals﹖  She is learning piano under Mr. Smith.  c.已经确定或安排好的将来活动  I"m leaving for a trek in Nepal next week.(已经安排了)

如何解读what are you doing?

对别人说what someone is doing有很多含义。也许你在试图搭讪,或许你也只是想知道那个人是不是在忙。 Are you busy? 以下对话中what are you doing表示你是不是在忙。 A: Hey what are you doing? A:嗨,你干嘛呢? B: Nothing why? B:没干嘛,有事吗? A: Do you want to e get ice cream with me and Nina? A:你想和我还有妮娜一起吃冰淇淋吗? B: Sure! Where should I meet you? B:当然,我到哪里见你? In this dialogue A is asking B what he is doing in order to make sure she can make plans with him. In this kind of situation you could use these alternatives: 在这段对话中A问B在做什么是为了确保她可以和他一起完成计划。在这种情况下还可以使用以下几个句子: What are you up to (right now)? 你在忙什么呢? Are you doing anything (right now)? 你现在在做什么吗? Are you busy (right now)? 你现在忙吗? Are you free (right now)? 你现在有空吗? Do you have any spare time (right now)? 你现在有空余的时间吗? Do you happen to have any spare time (right now)? 你现在有空余的时间吗? A: Hey are you doing anything right now? A:嗨,你在忙什么呢? B: Not really why? (Notice how the response changes here) B:没做什么,怎么了?(注意这里的回答是怎样转变的) A: Do you want to e get ice cream with me and Nina? A: 你想和我还有妮娜一起吃冰淇淋吗? B: Sure! Where should I meet you? B: 当然,我到哪里见你? What is happening? 以下对话中what are you doing表示问对方在做什么。 (Vivian walks into a *** oky kitchen and sees Jeff burning food on a pan) (薇薇走进烟雾缭绕的厨房,看见杰夫在用平底锅做食物) Vivian: Jeff what are you doing? 薇薇:杰夫,你干吗呢? Jeff: Trying to cook. I don"t think it"s working so well. 杰夫:我在做饭,我觉得这个锅不是很好用。 Here Vivian is asking what Jeff is doing out of shock; she can"t believe what"s happening in front of her. If you"re in Vivian"s position here are some other reactions you can use: 这里,出于震惊,薇薇问杰夫在做什么,她不敢相信眼前发生的一幕。如果你是薇薇,你也可以用一下这些句子来表达自己的意思。 What"s going on? 这是怎么回事? What"s going on (in) here? 这是怎么回事? What is happening (right now)? 发生什么了? Since this is a strong response you could also add some phrases like in the world or the hell to these expressions. 这是一种较为强烈的反应,所以你也可以加一些类似于in the world或者 the hell这样的词来加强语气进行表达。 What the heck are you doing? 你在搞什么鬼? What the hell is going on? 到底怎么回事? What in the world is happening? 到底发生了什么? Vivian: Jeff what is going on in here? 薇薇:杰夫,这是怎么回事? Jeff: I"m trying to cook. I don"t think it"s working so well. 杰夫:我在做饭,我觉得这个锅不是很好用。

What are you doing是什么意思


what are you doing翻译中文

what are you doing?你在干啥?

what are you doing怎么回答


what are you doing什么意思?


what do you doing是什么意思


What are you doing?这是什么意思



这个句子根据个人的情况回答就好。比如we are doing something.

what are you doing的过去式

What are you do


I am ..........

whatareyoudoing什么意思中文 whatareyoudoing解释

1、what are you doing?意思是你在干什么? 2、例句:(1)what are you doing,mon?I need your help.你在干什么妈妈?我需要你的帮助。(2)what are you doing?How can you see?你在干什么?你怎么能看得见? 3、what are you doing?是特殊疑问句,what are you后要加动词的ing形式。例如:(1)What are you drinking?你在喝什么呢?(2)What are you waiting for?你在等什么?



what are you doing 什么意思


What are you doing?

what are you doing 你在做什么

What are you doinguff1f

回答和翻译如下:What are you doing?你正在做什么呢?

what are you doing什么意思


what are you doing和what you are doing区别

what are you doing?是疑问句的语序,用在疑问句里。what you are doing是不倒装的正常语序,不能用在疑问句里,只能用于从句,如:I don"t know what you are doing.

what are you doing啥意思


what are you doing 什么意思


what are you doing是什么意思


what are you doing是什么意思

what are you doing?你在做什么?双语对照例句:1.What are you doing? 你在这里干什么?2.Now what are you doing? 你现在在干什么?

what are you doing?什么意思


what are you doing 什么意思

what are you doing 你正在做什么?这是对现在进行时的一种提问。

what are you doing?和what you are doing有什么区别


What are you doing是什么意思


what are you doing怎么回答?


what are you doing什么意思


what are you doing什么意思 用法场景是什么

1、What are you doing ?是你在做什么。What是什么,are是be动词,you是你,doing是正在做的意思,所以连起来就是What are you doing? 2、用法场景:What are you doing?回答:I am+动词ing。比如:I am shopping.我正在购物。I am eating.我正在吃东西。I am drinking.我正在喝东西。

what are youdoing是什么意思


what are you doing?中文意思是


what are you doing?中文意思是

这句话的意思是: 你在做什么?

what are you doing是什么意思

What are you doing?这个句子是现在进行时的特殊疑问句,意思是,你正在做什么?

what did you do 与what were you doing怎么区分

这两个句子分别是“过去式”和“过去进行式”的区别。1、what did you do表示“你过去做过什么”,例如:What did you do last night?你昨晚干什么了?这里只是询问昨晚的事,不涉及到具体的时间。2、而what were you doing是指“你过去正在做什么”。这样的句子后面一般跟时间点或者是表示时间的词。例如:What were you doing before I called you.我给你打电话之前,你在做什么?

为什么用What are you doing.?而不是What do you doing.?求解,


what do you do?和 what are you doing what are you do三个的区别是什么?


what do you do 跟what are you doing是什么意思


what do you do 跟what are you doing是什么意思


what do you doing怎么回答

What do you do?的中文:你是做什么的? 这时在问你的职业,不要以为在问你在做什么,回答就回答你的职业就可以了。 扩展资料   例句   1、What color is your dress?   你的"衣服是什么颜色?   2、What political party does he belong to?   他是哪个政党的成员?

英语结构:would sb to do sth 还是doing sth

would like sb to do

请问where are you Doing这个句子怎样理解


where are you doing什么意思

where are you doing你在哪里例句:1.What are you doing with school this year? 今年在学校你有什么打算呢?

where are you doing什么意思

“where are you doing”是“你正在哪里干什么?”这明显的中式翻译,句子不对.应该是what are you doing? 或者 where are you going?

where are you doing什么意思

where are you doing你在哪里


Where are the people? They might be out enjoying the beautiful weather.We are the doing. Let"s take action and make a positive change in the world.Where are the people? They could be gathering for a peaceful protest.We are the doing. Let"s not just talk about it, let"s actually make it happen.Where are the people? They could be working hard to achieve their dreams.

what you doing where you at什么歌

: You"re beautiful beautiful you should know it You"re beautiful beautiful you should know it I think it"s time think it"s time that you show i

what you doing where you at什么歌

what you doing where you at 出自歌曲《All Around The World》。歌曲:All Around The World歌手:Justin Bieber、Luda Cris填词:Justin Bieber、Nasri Atweh、Adam Messinger、Nolan Lambroza、Christopher Bridges谱曲:Justin Bieber、Nasri Atweh、Adam Messinger、Nolan Lambroza、Christopher Bridges歌词You"re beautiful, beautiful, you should know it你很漂亮,很漂亮,你应该知道(You"re beautiful, beautiful, you should know it)(你很美,很美,你应该知道)I think it"s time, think it"s time that you show it我想是时候了,是时候展示了You"re beautiful, beautiful你很漂亮,很漂亮(Go go, go, go)(走,走,走)Baby, what you doin"?宝贝,你在干什么?Where you at? Where you at?你在哪里?你在哪里?Why you acting so shy?你为什么这么害羞?Holdin" back, holdin" back忍住,忍住We"re not the only ones doin" it like that, it like that我们不是唯一这样做的人So DJ, bring that, bring that, bring that, bring that backDJ,拿着,拿着,拿着,拿回来"Cause all around the world, people want to be loved, yeah因为全世界的人都想被爱,是吗"Cause all around the world, they"re no different than us, no因为在世界各地,他们和我们没有什么不同,不是吗All around the world, people want to be loved全世界的人都希望被爱All around the world, they"re no different than us在全世界,他们和我们没有什么不同All around the world-world-world全世界All around the world-world-world全世界You"re crazy girl, crazy girl, you should know it你疯了,疯了,你应该知道的(You"re crazy girl, crazy girl, don"t control it)(你是疯女孩,疯女孩,不要控制它)Light it up, light it up, so explosive点燃它,点燃它,如此爆炸You"re crazy girl (Yeah yeah)你是个疯狂的女孩(耶耶耶)Baby, what you doin"?宝贝,你在干什么?Where you at? Where you at?你在哪里?你在哪里?Why you acting so shy?你为什么这么害羞?Holdin" back, holdin" back忍住,忍住We"re not the only ones doin" it like that, it like that我们不是唯一这样做的人So DJ, bring that, bring that, bring that, bring that backDJ,拿着,拿着,拿着,拿回来All around the world, people want to be loved, yeah全世界的人都想被爱,是吗All around the world, they"re no different than us, no在世界各地,他们和我们没有什么不同,不是吗All around the world, people want to be loved全世界的人都希望被爱All around the world, they"re no different than us在全世界,他们和我们没有什么不同All around the world-world-world全世界All around the world-world-world全世界Yeah (Okay)是的(好的)Once again (All around the world-world-world)再一次(全世界)The dynamic duo is back at it充满活力的二重唱又回来了JB, LudaJB,LudaI love everything about you, you"re imperfectly perfect我爱你的一切,你不完美Everyone"s itchin" for beauty, but just scratching the surface每个人都渴望美丽,但只是触及表面Lost time is never found, can the DJ please reverse it?失去的时间是永远找不到的,请DJ把它颠倒过来好吗?In life we pay for change, let"s make every second worth it在生活中,我们为改变付出代价,让每一秒都值得Anything can work if you work it只要你努力,任何事情都能成功When people say you don"t deserve it, then don"t give in当人们说你不配的时候,不要屈服"Cause hate may win some battles, but love wins in the end因为恨可以赢得一些战斗,但爱最终会赢You shine just like the sun while the moon and the stars reflect your light你像太阳一样发光,而月亮和星星反射你的光Beauty revolves around you, it"s only right that美丽围绕着你,这是唯一正确的All around the world, people want to be loved全世界的人都希望被爱All around the world, they"re no different than us在全世界,他们和我们没有什么不同All around the world全世界(All around the world, the world, people wanna be loved)(全世界,全世界,人们都想被爱)All around the world全世界(All around the world, the world, they"re no different than us)(全世界,全世界,他们和我们一样)All around the world全世界(All around the world, the world, people wanna be loved)(全世界,全世界,人们都想被爱)All around the world全世界(All around the world, the world, they"re no different than us)(全世界,全世界,他们和我们一样)All around the world-world-world全世界《All Around The World》专辑获奖《All Around The World》是Justin Bieber与Ludacris合作经典歌曲Baby之后的再度合作。该歌曲收录于专辑《Believe》,与2012年发行。该专辑表现了如果相信就没有做不到的意愿,该专辑首周销量37万4千张,同时获得该周Billboard 200专辑榜冠军 ;并凭借该专辑获得了全美音乐奖流行/摇滚类的“最受欢迎专辑”和“最受欢迎男歌手” 与最佳艺人奖。

why not doing还是 why not do?


why not do还是why not doing?

可能是why not do

why not do还是why not doing?

可能是why not do

why not后是接to do还是doing?急啊!

why not do sth.吧,提建议的方式其实不局限于why not及why don"t you,还有一种是经常合他们互换的,是:how about 和what about ,二者可以互换,后面加doing sth.,建议你试试这个。

Will do sth 和Be doing sth的用法

Will do sth是用在将来时态而Be doing sth是现在进行时但Be doing sth可以表示将来发生的事 而且是已经计划好的事情

will do和be doing有什么区别?


will done ,will be doing ,will have done三者如何区别?

没有will done的这种形式。will be doing 表示将来某个时间点正在从事的事情At 7"00 tomorrow I will be doing my homework.will have done是将来完成时,表示在将来某个时间为止会完成的动作:By the end of this year, I will have learnt 3000 words.

will do sth 和 will be doing sth 的区别


will be doing,will do和 be to do有什么区别?


will do sth 和 will be doing sth 的区别


be to do sth.与will do /be doing 的区别

be to do表示“计划”或“安排好的事项”。例如: Betty is to be married soon The children are to learn English next Monday will do表示将要发生的动作或临时起意 1.They will leave for Shanghai tomorrow. 2.He will be back in a few days.现在进行时用来表示将要发生的动作,多与表示位置移动的动词 come,go,leave,fly ,start 等连用。He is leaving for London

Will do sth 和Be doing sth的用法

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 这两个语法分别是用在哪里啊?我听人说Will do sth是用在将来发生但很快就过去事情上/Be doing sth是用在将来发生不会很快过去的事情上,不知道是不是啊!!!!!!!!! 解析: Will do sth是用在将来时态 而Be doing sth是现在进行时 但Be doing sth可以表示将来发生的事 而且是已经计划好的事情

will do sth 和 will be doing sth 的区别 RT

will do sth是一般将来时,强调将要做什么;I will do the housework tonight. will be doing sth是将来进行时,强调将来的一个状态; When you arrive home,I will be doing the housework. 自己体会一下.

will be doing,will do和 be to do有什么区别?

楼主你好:【个人观点】:1.【will be doing】表示【将来某个时刻会做某事】,例如【I will be doing my homework at 8 pm tomorrow】。2.【will do】表示【将来会做某事】,不表示进行时态,只是表示将来。3.【be to do】表示【即将做某事】,一般是指【计划好了的事】,例如【She is to be married next month】

will do sth 和 will be doing sth 的区别 RT

will do sth是一般将来时,强调将要做什么;I will do the housework tonight. will be doing sth是将来进行时,强调将来的一个状态; When you arrive home,I will be doing the housework. 自己体会一下.

如何区别will do和shall do,be doing这三个词组

一般将来时表示在将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。一 . 一般将来时的构成:1. 由助动词“ shall/ will +动词原形”构成, shall 用于第一人称, will 用于第二、第三人称,而美式英语在陈述句中无论什么人称,一律用 will 。 2. 一般将来时的否定和疑问形式: 一般将来时的否定形式是 will not ,缩写为 won"t; shall not ,缩写为 shan"t 。 一般将来时的疑问形式是把 will/ shall 提到主语前。如: He won"t go to the park this Sunday. 本周日他不去公园。Will you go swimming with me? 和我一起去游泳好吗? 二 . 一般将来时的基本用法:表示“纯粹的将来”: ①表示将要发生的动作或情况,常带有表示将来的时间状语,如 tomorrow, next week, in two days, from now on 等。如: It will be fine tomorrow. 明天天气晴朗。 ②表示预料将要发生的动作或情况。如: You will feel better after having this medicine. 吃了这药,你就会感觉好些的。 ③表示由于习惯倾向而会经常发生的动作,本用法中的 will 要重读。如: Boys will be boys. 〔谚语〕男孩毕竟是男孩。 2. 表示“带有情态意义的将来”,用来表示意图,用 will 来表示。如: I will be more careful next time. 下次我要更加小心。 I won"t go shopping this afternoon, but she will. 今天下午我不想去购物,但她想去。 will 在疑问句中,用来表示有礼貌地征询对方的意见。如: Will you have some more tea? 要不要再喝点茶? What shall we do this weekend? 本周末我们要干什么? 三 . 一般将来时的其它几种表示法:1. 用 be going to 表示: be going to 相当于一个助动词,与其后的动词原形一起构成句子的谓语,表示近期将要发生的动作或存在的状态。如: I"m going to see a film this afternoon. 今天下午我想去看电影。 ①“ be going to +动词原形”表示主观上打算在将来某个时间要做某事。如: Her mother is going to buy her a new bike. 她妈妈要给她买辆新自行车。 ②“ be going to +动词原形”还可以表示说话人根据已有的迹象认为将要发生的事。如: It"s going to rain. 快要下雨了。 2. 用一般现在时表示将来意义 句中的动词是一般现在时,但所表示的意义却是一般将来时。如: Are you free tomorrow? = Are you going to be free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗? 在时间 / 条件状语从句中,如果主句是一般将来时,从句习惯上用一般现在时表示将来的意义。如: Please tell him to go when he comes. 他来时,就让他去。 3. 用位置移动的行为动词的现在进行时表示将来意义: 这些动词有 come, go, leave, begin, arrive, start 等。如: We are leaving tomorrow 。我们明天要走了

will do 和will be doing 的区别

will do 是一般将来是;will be doing 是一般将来进行时

will do 和will be doing 的区别

will do是将来时态,指将来某个时间要做的事情。而will be doing是将来进行时态,指将来某个时间正在做某事。例如: I will study English (in the future)."我将来要学英语。I will be studying English at universty this time next year.明年的这个时候,我就在大学里学习英语。"

will be doing和will doing的区别

will 后面只能跟动词原型。

Will do sth 和Be doing sth的用法


请帮忙解区分will be doing 与 will do,尽量详尽一点,谢谢

will be doing是一般将来进行时,wii do是一般将来时。区别之一:一般将来时只是对将来事情的一般陈述,而将来进行时表示将来某个时刻正在发生正在进行的动作例如:1. I feel very tired now ,so I won"t go white-water rafting with you tomorrow.2. Toby will be speaking at the meeting at 3 o"clock tomorrow afternoon because he is the chairman of the meeting.区别之二:一般将来时通常表示主语愿意或不愿意做什么,带有感情色彩,而将来进行时表示按照计划安排一定会发生的事情.A: What will you be doing on 30th December?B: I will be traveling to Shaoshan with my parents, how about you?A: I will stay at home.

will do 和will be doing 的区别

will do 和will be doingWILL DO是一般将来时,WILL BE DOING是一般将来进行时。前者仅表示你在将来会做啥子,时间很宽泛或者仅是陈述这个事实。后者是在一个将来特定的时间里正在做啥子,有点和现在比较的意思,或者是那个时间段具体在做啥子。举个例子:he will go to beijing next week the trip is tiresome.but at this time tomorrow,i will be lying on the beach and enjoying the sunshine

will do和will be doing在表达意思上是一样的吗

will do表示的是将来要做的事,will be doing表示将来某一具体时间正在做的事。两者可根据所给句中的时间标志判断。
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