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Dreams (Deep Dish, Ft. Stevie Nicks) 歌词

歌曲名:Dreams (Deep Dish, Ft. Stevie Nicks)歌手:Various Artists专辑:I Dance (The Club Mixes)Oh, my life is changing everyday,In every possible way.And oh, my dreams,it"s never quiet as it seems,Never quiet as it seems.I know I"ve felt like this before,but now I"m feeling it even more,Because it came from you.And then I open up and seethe person falling here is me,A different way to be.Ah, la da ah...La...I want more imposible to ignore,Imposible to ignore.And they"ll come true,impossible not to do,Impossible not to do.And now I tell you openly,you have my heart so don"t hurt me.You"re what I couldn"t find.A totally amazing mind,so understanding and so kind;You"re everything to me.Oh, my life,Is changing every day,In every possible way.And oh, my dreams,It"s never quiet as it seems,"Cause you"re a dream to me,Dream to me.Ah, da, da da da, da, la...Ah, da, da da da, da, la...Ah, da, da da da, da, la...Ah, da, da da da, da, la...http://music.baidu.com/song/1401868

How to solve this problem remains to be discussed

A 词义辨析.method 侧重于方式,方法的内容;way 侧重于方式,途径;mean 侧重于手段,工具 用于达到某目的的手段;approach 侧重于学习方法,解决方式,更偏向有步骤的。句意:在会议上他们讨论了三种不同的解决问题的方法。故选A。

电脑系统乱了开机出现英文字母I nva l id system disk Replace th


Rapture (Us Disco Version) [1999 - Remastered] 歌词

歌曲名:Rapture (Us Disco Version) [1999 - Remastered]歌手:Blondie专辑:80S 12"" PartyBlondie - Rapture (Special Disco Mix)Toe to toe, dancing very close.Body breathing almost comatose.Wall to wall, people hypnotized.And they"re stepping lightly.Hang each night, in rapture.Back to back, sacroiliac.Spineless movement and a wild attack.Face to face, sightless solitude.And it"s finger popping.Twenty four hour shopping in rapture.Fab Five Freddy told me everybody"s fly.D.J. spinning, I said, "My, My."Flash is fast, flash is cool.Francois, c"est pas flashe non due.And you don"t stop, sure shot.Go out to the parking lot.And you get in your car and drive real far.And you drive all night and then you see a light.And it comes right down and it lands on the ground.And out comes the man from Mars.And you try to run but he"s got a gun.And he shoots you dead and he eats your head.And then you"re in the man from Mars.You go out at night eating cars.You eat Cadillacs, Lincolns too.Mercurys and Subaru.And you don"t stop.You keep on eating cars.Then when there"s no more cars you go out at nightAnd eat up bars where the people meet.Face to face.Dance cheek to cheek.One to one.Man to man.Dance toe to toe.Don"t move too slow "cause the man from Mars is through with cars.He"s eating bars.Yeah, wall to wall.Door to door.Hall to hall.He"s gonna eat "em all.Rapture.Be pure.Take a tour...through the sewer.Paint a train.You"ll be singing...in the rain.Said don"t stop...do the punk rock. (BREAK)Well now you see what you wanna be.Just have your party on T.V.Cause the man from Mars won"t eat up barsWhere the T.V"s on.Now he"s gone back up to spaceWhere he won"t have a hassle with the human race.Say you hip hop.Just blast off, sure shot.Cause the man from Mars stopped eatin" carsAnd eatin" barsAnd now he only eats guitars.Get up!http://music.baidu.com/song/10415254


服务的可用性不仅仅是指服务健康运行的时间,还包括出现故障以后的恢复速度。保证一个服务的高可用,基本可以从 软件质量 故障预防 故障恢复三方面着手。对于redis,软件的质量本身有很大的保障,因此对于线上大规模的redis集群运维管理,基本上可以从故障预防和故障恢复两方面着。虽然redis cluster本身具有自动主从容灾的高可用能力,但是某些场景cluster依然无法很好地处理。本文将结合CLUSTER FAILOVER 集群管理命令详细介绍如何进一步提升redis集群的可用性。 首先对CLUSTER FAILOVER命令做个介绍: CLUSTER FAILOVER处理流程 该操作用于正常的主从切换,但是如果master节点宕机了无法响应failover请求,那么failover将会失败,为了处理master宕机的情况,可以添加FORCE 选项。 CLUSTER FAILOVER FORCE: 添加FORCE选项时,failover流程直接从上述的第4步开始,也即跳过了和旧master通信协商复制数据的过程,当master宕机时,force选项可以快速进行人工主从切换。但是该过程仍然需要获得半数master的统=同意才能当选为新主。当出现半数master节点异常时,该流程无法进行主从切换。 CLUSTER FAILOVER TAKEOVER: 为了处理半数master节点异常的场景,可以添加****TAKEOVER 选项。通过TAKEOVER 选项,可以无需获得半数master的认同,而是直接更新状态为master并向所有可达的节点发送最新配置epoch。**** 接下来将结合场景介绍如何通过FAILOVER 提升集群可用性 防患以未然,当机器负载过高或者出现异常故障时,需要将部署在该机器的redis实例迁移出,迁移流程包含: 如果旧机器有实例处于master,则需要先将role改外slave,然后在进行迁移,此时可以通过对slave节点发送cluster failover,将节点改为slave以后在进行删除。 最理想的情况是出现故障之前提前解决处理,但是这毕竟只是理想。当节点宕机或者负载过高导致无法响应时,可能出现FAILOVER失败的情况,此时则可以通过添加FORCE选项进行强制主从切换,将健康的slave节点提升为master从而快速恢复服务。 虽然在线上环境的部署上,redis的master节点会做到尽可能分散,但是在某些场景写,还是可能出现半数master节点故障的情况: 虽然redis cluster本身提供了高可用的能力,但是在某些场景下依然需要人为介入进行处理,本文介绍了FAILOVER的几种应用实践场景,通过将该操作和option集成到自动运维平台,进一步提升了redis的可用性。

disk or washer method?

这里washer method错了吧,washer method不是大圆减小圆吗,不然washer这个单词怎么解释。V = ∫πf(x)^2dx - ∫πg(x)^2dx 才对吧。washer是 washer ,shell 是 shell。其实washer可以算是disk的进阶。shell是把空心的体积切开拉直,用底面积乘高(就是圆周长)的方式计算的。

使用DISTINCT 怎么用Desc排序?

select col1,col2,...,sum()/COUNT()...from 表group by col1,col2,...order by col1,col2,...

distant dreamer歌词

  《 Teenage dream 》的中英文对照歌词  You think I"m pretty without any make-up on  你觉得我不用化妆也很美  You think I"m funny when I tell the punchline wrong  你认为我把俗语说错的时候很有趣  I know you get me  我知道你爱上我了  So I let my walls come down, down  所以我也准备好了  Before you met me  遇见你之前  I was a alright but things were kinda heavy  我一直过得很好,但有些事总是很烦  You brought me to life  你把我带进了新的生活  Now every February  现在每个二月  You"ll be my Valentine,Valentine  你就是我的情人节  Let"s go all the way tonight  今夜就一同开始走向未来  No regrets, just love  不后悔,只要彼此相爱  We can dance, until we die  让我们共舞,直到永远  You and I, will be young forever  你和我,将永远年轻  You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream  你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中  The way you turn me on  这就是对我爱的体现  I can"t sleep  让我无法入眠  Let"s run away and  让我们一起离开  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  My heart stops when you look at me  当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳  Just one touch  只要一个小小的触摸  Now baby I believe this is real  我就能相信这是如此真实  So take a chance and  所以就这样碰碰运气  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  We drove to Cali  我们开车到Cali  And got drunk on the beach  在沙滩上痛快畅饮  Got a motel and  找一个汽车旅馆  Built a fort out of sheets  在床上建一个城堡  I finally found you my missing puzzle piece  最终我找到了我迷失的那一块拼图  I"m complete  这才是我完整的人生  Let"s go all the way tonight  今夜就一同开始走向未来  No regrets, just love  不后悔,只要彼此相爱  We can dance, until we die  让我们共舞,直到永远  You and I, will be young forever  你和我,将永远年轻  You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream  你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中  The way you turn me on  这就是对我爱的体现  I can"t sleep  让我无法入眠  Let"s run away and  让我们一起离开  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  My heart stops when you look at me  当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳  Just one touch  只要一个小小的触摸  Now baby I believe this is real  我就能相信这是如此真实  So take a chance and  所以就这样碰碰运气  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  I"mma get your heart racing in my skin tights jeans  我从我的紧身牛仔裤中感受到了你的心跳  Be your teenage dream tonight  今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans  把你的手放入我的紧身牛仔裤  Be your teenage dream tonight  今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  Yoooouuu  你......  You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream  你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中  The way you turn me on  这就是对我爱的体现  I can"t sleep  让我无法入眠  Let"s run away and  让我们一起离开  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  No  别  My heart stops when you look at me  当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳  Just one touch  只要一个小小的触摸  Now baby I believe this is real  我就能相信这是如此真实  So take a chance and  所以就这样碰碰运气  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  Don"t ever look back  永不回头  I"mma get your heart racing in my skin tights jeans  我从我的紧身牛仔裤中感受到了你的心跳  Be your teenage dream tonight  今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans  把你的手放入我的紧身牛仔裤  Be your teenage dream tonight  今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  (Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight)  今夜...今夜...今夜...今夜...今夜...  《Firework》歌词  Do you ever feel like a plastic bag,  你可曾想过自己像个垃圾袋,  drifting through the wind  在风中飘来飘去,  wanting to start again?  想要重新开始?  Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin  你可曾感觉到,自己跟纸一样薄  like a house of cards,  就像一屋子的卡,  one blow from caving in?  风一吹就会倒下?  Do you ever feel already buried deep?  你可曾想过,自己被埋得很深?  6 feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing  在六尺下喊呀喊但谁都听不见  Do you know that there"s still a chance for you  你知不知道其实你还有希望?  "Cause there"s a spark in you  因为你心里还是有火花  You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine  你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮  Just own the night like the 4th of July  把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日  "Cause baby you"re a firework  因为宝贝你是个烟花  Come on, show "em what you"re worth  来吧,让他们看你值多少  take "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  As you shoot across the sky-y-y  当你闪过天空-空-空  Baby, you"re a firework  宝贝,你是个烟花  Come on, let your colors burst  来吧,让你的颜色爆发  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own  你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒  You don"t have to feel like a waste of space  你不用觉得你再浪费位置  You"re original, cannot be replaced  你是独一无二的,不能被取代  If you only knew what the future holds  要是你知道未来掌握着什么  After a hurricane comes a rainbow  飓风后的彩虹  Maybe your reason why all the doors are closed  可能你是所有门都关上的理由  So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road  所以你就能开一扇让你到达完美路途的门  Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow  就像闪电,你的心会爆发  And when it"s time, you"ll know  到了对的时间,你就会知道  You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine  你只需要点燃那盏灯和让它发亮  Just own the night like the 4th of July  把晚上当作自己的就像七月四日  "Cause baby you"re a firework  因为宝贝你是个烟花  Come on, show "em what you"re worth  来吧,让他们看你值多少  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  As you shoot across the sky-y-y  当你闪过天空-空-空  Baby, you"re a firework  宝贝,你是个烟花  Come on, let your colors burst  来吧,让你的颜色爆发  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own  你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒  Boom, boom, boom  叭,叭,叭  Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon  比月亮还亮  It"s always been inside of you, you, you  从以前都一直在你内心里  And now it"s time to let it through-ough-ough  现在是该放开的时间  "Cause baby you"re a firework  因为宝贝你是个烟花  Come on, show "em what you"re worth  来吧,让他们看你值多少  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  As you shoot across the sky-y-y  当你闪过天空-空-空  Baby, you"re a firework  宝贝,你是个烟花  Come on, let your colors burst  来吧,让你的颜色爆发  Make "em go "Oh, oh, oh"  让他们叫《噢,噢,噢》  You"re gonna leave "em falling down-own-own  你会让他们跌倒-倒-倒  Boom, boom, boom  叭,叭,叭  Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon  比月亮还亮  Boom, boom, boom  叭,叭,叭  Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon  比月亮还亮




你好!拆卸disassemble 英[_d_s__sembl] 美[_d_s__s_mb_l]vt. 解开,分解;[例句]You"ll have to disassemble the drill.你得拆开这个钻头。disassembly 英[_d_s_"sembl_] 美[_d_s_"semb_l_]n. 拆卸,分解,解体; 拆开;[例句]This paper studied the disassembling sieve in disassembly graph model systemically.系统地研究了构造拆卸图模型过程中的可拆卸性筛子。

John snow discovered that polluted water carried the virus of cholera by ( )分析the results

1 exposed 暴露be exposed to 这里省略了to做后置定语2 absorb过去时态3 suspecting 伴随状语4 that强调句型5 into (look into 调查)6 where定语从句7 fortunately 8 the9 another 10 with译文:约翰 雪是19世纪伦敦的一位非常著名的医生,确实,他想到帮助暴露在霍乱王疾病下的普通人时,在那时,这是一个致命的疾病,当时人们普遍相信是因为空气中的细菌或者是人们把疾病吸入了身体。怀约翰 雪疑第二个学说是正确的,他做了进一步的调查。他发现应该责备的是水.接下来,约翰 雪调查死去人们曾经居住过的宽街的水的起源。幸运的是,他发现这水来自被伦敦来的污水污染过的河流,他立刻告诉宽街上惊恐的人们移开水泵的把手从而使他不能被使用。在伦敦的其他部分,他发现其他两个与宽街爆发有关的死亡病例来作为支持证据。用这个证据,约翰 雪有能力确定地宣布是被污染的水带来了病毒.最终,”霍乱王”被击败了.



安装微软模拟飞行10时提示要 please insert the disk labeled: FSX Disk 2



《The Cold Dish》(Craig Johnson)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1HlrwukwLjPnm4nK-pV0TcA 密码:om74书名:The Cold Dish作者:Craig Johnson出版社:Penguin (Non-Classics)出版年份:2006-3-28页数:400内容简介:In this outstanding first novel, Craig Johnson draws on his background in law enforcement and his deep attachment to the American West to produce a literary mystery of stunning authenticity, and full of memorable characters. Walt Longmire, sheriff of Wyomingas Absaroka County, knows heas got trouble when Cody Pritchard is found dead. Two years earlier, Cody and three accomplices had been given suspended sentences for raping a Northern Cheyenne girl. Is someone seeking vengeance? Longmire faces the most volatile and challenging case in his twenty-four years as sheriff and means to see that revenge, a dish that is best served cold, is never served at all. aWe in the West have a major new talent on our hands.a "aThe Denver Post" aA winning piece of work, and a convincing feel to the whole package.a "aThe Washington Post" aCraig Johnson does it right, with style, grace, wildfire pace, and a sense of humor.a aBob Shacochis

Disturbed的《Remember》 歌词

歌曲名:Remember歌手:Disturbed专辑:BelieveDisturbed - RememberSensation washes over meI can"t describe itFeel my thoughts they come then goI don"t rememberTear a hole so I can seeMy devastationFeel these thoughts they come then goI don"t rememberHolding on to let them knowWhat"s given to me given to meTo hide behind a mask this timeAnd try to remainWipe your eyes to what you seeYou can"t embrace itLeave it well enough aloneAnd don"t rememberCut your pride and watch it bleedYou can"t deny itThen you know you can"t ignoreI don"t rememberHolding on to let them knowWhat"s given to me given to meTo hide behind a mask this timeAnd try to remainIf i can"t remember to noticeWill conqure me if i can"t just walk aloneAnd try to escape into meSensation washes over meI can"t describe itFeel my thoughts they come then goI don"t rememberI"m just holding on to let them knowWhat"s given to me given to meTo hide behind a mask this timeAnd try to remainIf i can"t remember to noticeWill conqure me if i can"t just walk aloneAnd try to escape into meInto meInto mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10485139

gai和马思唯diss谁赢了 人品太烂被该挨怼回去





赵PD原名:赵钟勋 赵PD因称赞曾一度表DISS曲,并对立的BIGNBANG G-DRAGON而成为话题。赵PD:‘‘如今的IDOL比起音乐,更注重于演戏,综艺等外在的竞争力。虽然罕见,但HOT等 前辈IDOL,有走发表自作曲的音乐人道路。此后多方面进化的IDOL中,具备音乐人力量的BIGBANG的G-DRAGON为代表人物。赵PD的此番言论之所以引起关注的原因是赵PD与GD曾互相DISS(Diss, Disrespect的缩写,批判对方的HIP-HOP文化的一种)。赵PD曾在发行的MINI 专辑中的一首歌中,还有08年发表的"PDIS"中曾DISS比起G-GRAGON自己更出色。对此G-GRAGON参与YMGA "What"的RAP与之对抗而在当时引起话题。



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lady gaga 的love game中的disco stick是什么意思?


water dispenser是什么意思

中文名饮水机电源外文名water dispenserwater Dispenser to power as a driving force, if leakage occurred fountains, bad insulation, are extremely dangerous. First of all, when consumers buy products to look for the brand and electrical safety certification through the Commission of China among the many brands, models dispenser products can be summed up in nothing more than hot, hot ice, three types of hot ice, ice and sub-semiconductor heat engine and compressor cooling water dispenser refrigeration of two drinking fountains. Decided to buy the types of drinking fountains, mainly from drinking water and cooling rate of the number to consider. On the cooling speed, in the same period of time under refrigeration, refrigeration compressor with water much faster than the semiconductor cooling water dispenser, water supply and more than the latter. Therefore, the refrigeration compressor suitable for drinking water fountains in a large number of occasions, such as group, institutions, conference rooms, office space, offices, bars, karaoke halls OK. The small number of units, hotel rooms and the general families, to buy semiconductor refrigeration enough drinking fountains.Price comparisonFeature selectionConsider buying from the functional use of water dispenser, which is important. If you do not like to use cold water dispenser modulation, and day-to-day is used only for tea and instant coffee, buy a hot water dispenser on the can, both functional and economic, if more young people, together with the South is located in tropical areas, the summer of heavy utilization,且又like cold, and should be the purchase of hot and cold water dispenser. In addition, there are three warm with ice machine, can be choose.AppearanceSpray dispenser surface should be smooth, uniform color, deep sound, there should be no cracks, scratches, defects such as foaming, the seams connecting symmetry.Test waterAfter determining the appearance, the next step is after the water test, methods and steps are as follows:First check the water dispenser cap, if there is no smart-seater that does not have the water system to prevent secondary pollution, such fountains should not buy. Into a solid block to smart, demolition should be smooth. Block and the Smart Guides to strong thread binding; if loose, can not be tightened on Block I. threaded column and clever combination of bad, for future use, guide column or break off the roots easily. Bottled water into the tank (usually water 2-3 times), the do not press the tap, tap water should not be the phenomenon (the normal water seal); observation bucket water level, if water levels are falling sharply, and that there is water leakage machine (rubber to take over first extrusion to produce leakage), not to buy; press the tap by hand (1.5-2 seconds after cooling, after heating of about 2-2.5 seconds), tap water should be out of the water flow on the normal function of drinking water. If there is no water or water slowly, and that water blockage or abnormality of this machine.Check the electrical performanceWater, access to power, rather than pressing the refrigeration, heating power switch several times, switching contacts should be good, then the corresponding indicator light shows that the normal drinking fountains circuit. Press the refrigeration switch, with his hands near the back air, and exhaust flu did not hear any noise in the weak noise, fan is operating normally. Electricity after two hours, press the cooling water, cold water outflow due. Such as semiconductor refrigeration, to enable the water temperature 5-15 ℃, refrigeration compressor to enable the water temperature 4-12 ℃. Press the heating switch, heating 15-20 seconds, the water temperature should reach 92-96 ℃. During the heating indicator light will automatically Qiliang, extinguished. Drinking fountains with disinfectant function, press the disinfect button and the time after disinfection should be able to automatically turn off power indicator goes out. Check the power cord insulation layer should be no damage, the use of sufficient capacity and a dedicated power cord plug.After-sales serviceMay request in advance to buy the warranty card, read carefully, if there is no warranty card, it is best not to buy. In addition, it is best to buy local manufacturers warranty fountains sector. Some manufacturers (vendors) also provides cleaning and disinfection services, consumers should be considered.water Dispenser :饮水机是将桶装纯净水(或矿泉水)升温或降温并方便人们饮用的装置。饮水机以电源为动力,若饮水机发生漏电、绝缘不良等,都极为危险。消费者在选购时首先要认准产品的品牌和经过中国电工安全认证委员会CCEE产品认证标志。






Disabled (禁用)Enabled (开启)你可以理解为关闭和打开的意思,就是你对你选择的项目是否生效的一种执行询问。


enabled意思:enabled可作动词,其动词词义有使能够、使有机会、使成为可能等。disabled意思:disabled可作动词和形容词,其动词词义有使丧失能力、使伤残、使无效等,其形容词词义有丧失能力的、有残疾的、无能力的等含义。Have enabled triggers defined on it.具有启用的对其定义的触发器。The actions that are enabled depend on the security context of the current user.启用的操作取决于当前用户的安全上下文。He was disabled from walking by the accident.由于车祸,他不能走路了。Employers are being encouraged to hire disabled workers.雇主受鼓励雇用残废的工人。

解释 driving while black driving while intoxicated driving while distracted?

这些都是美国的俚语,大多都是缩略词,不理解也很正常哒,因为咱们跟他们的思维方式不太一样嘛。这就要牵扯到一丢丢美国的文化了:①driving while black(DWB),这主要是一个带有种族色彩的词,意思就是黑人驾驶的时候被白人警察无缘无故拦下甚至是歧视的情况;②driving while intoxicated(DWI)也就是俗称的酒驾(drunk-driving);③driving while distracted{TWD是其中的一种“texting/tweeting while driving”在驾驶时发短信/刷推特(微博)}分心驾驶。我也不太清楚是不是把driving放到前边会起到强调或者提示的作用,其实说白了也就是 black driving,intoxicated driving和distracted driving,没什么特别的结构。


再粘给你用法派生法(derivation)是英语主要的构词法。这方法是借前缀或后缀之助,制造出派生词(derivative words),主要有名词、形容词和动词三种。 前缀以否定前缀(negative prefixes)un-, in-, im-, il-, ir-, non-, dis-, mis-, mal-等为主,使延伸出来的派生词变成反义词。 Ⅰ名词派生词 Balance→imbalance;pleasure→displeasure;management→ mismanagement;efficiency→inefficiency;concern→unconcern ;literacy→illiteracy;resolution→irresolution; interference→noninterference;nutrition→malnutrition. Ⅱ形容词派生词 Accurate→inaccurate;patient→impatient. regular→ irregular;legal→illegal;native→non-native;orderly→ disorderly;common→uncommon. Ⅲ动词派生词 Agree→disagree;judge→misjudge;treat→maltreat; activate→inactivate;use→ill-use;mobilize→immobilize; manage→mismanage;quote→unquote. 除了否定前缀之外,其他常用的前缀还有 anti-, auto-, bi-, co-, counter-, de-, ex-, inter-, mono-, post, pre-, pro-, re-, sub-, super-, trans-, tri-, ultra-等。 例如: anti-government(反政府);auto-intoxication(自我迷醉);bilateral(双边的);coexistence(共存);counter-argument (反建议);de-emphasize(不强调);ex-president(前任会长);international(国际间的);monolingual(单语的);post-war (战后的);precaution(预先防备);pro-China(支持中国); re-state(重述);subhuman(低于人类的);superimpose(加在上面);trans-atlantic(横跨大西洋的);triangle(三角); ultra-smart(超能的)。 前面例子证明,加上前缀后的词,虽然意思改变,但词性保持不变。 (en-除外,象able 形容词,enable动词;courage 名词,encourage动词) 相反的,加上后缀的词,不但词义有些改变,词性也完全不同。这样一来,动词或形容词加上适当的后缀之后,可以得到名词派生词, 如: amaze→amazement;kind→kindness.

举例。 dis、im、un、in、ir这些否定前缀

1. dis-加在名词、形容词,动词之前。 disadvantage(缺点)dishonorable(不光彩的)disagree(不同意) 2.dis-加地动词之前 disappear(消失),disarm(解除武装),disconnect(失去联系) 3.in-加在形容词,名词之前 incorrect(不正确的),inability(无能,无力),inaccurate(不准确的) 4.im-加在字母m,b,p之前 impossible(不顺能的),impolite(不礼貌的),impudence(厚颜无耻) 5.il-加在以1开头的词前 illegal(非法的),illiterate(文盲的,无文化的)illogical(不合逻辑的) 6.ir-加在以r开头的词前 irregular(不稳定的),irresistible(不可抵抗的),irresolvable(不能分解的,不能解决的) 7.un-加在名词,形容词,副词之前 unfinished(未完成的)undoubted(无疑的)unemployment(失业) 8.non-加在形容词,名词前 non-existence(不存在),non-essential(不主要的),non-electrical(非电的) 9.mis-加在动词、名词之前 misunderstand(误解),misjudge(误判),misleading(误导),misfortune(不幸) 10.de-加在名词,形容词之前 demobilize(遣散;使…复员) decolor (脱色, 漂白) 11.anti-加在名词、形容词之前 anti-Japanese war(抗日战争),anti-social(厌恶社会的,反社会的),antidite(解毒药) 12.counter-加在名词、动词前 counterattack(反攻,反击),counteract(抵抗,阻碍)counterrevolution(反革命)13.contra-, contre-, contro-加在名词前contradiction, controflow(逆流)


dis-主要加在名词、形容词,动词之前,dis-为否定前缀的词有:disadvantage缺点、dishonorable不光彩的、disaGREe不同意、disappear消失、disarm解除武装、disconnect失去联系 un-主要放于名词,形容词,副词前面,常见的例子有unfinished未完成的、undoubted无疑的、unemployment失业. anti-加在名词、形容词前边.最常见的是anti-Japanese抗日战争、anti-social厌恶社会的 反社会的、antidite解毒的药; de-加在名词、形容词前,常见的例词有decrease减少,deteriorate恶化,demobilize遣散 使…复员、decolor 脱色 漂白; mis-加在动词、名词前,例词misunderstand误解、misjudge误判、misleading误导、misfortune不幸; in-常加在形容词,名词之前,如incorrect不正确的、inability无能 无力、inaccurate不准确的等; 其他还有: a-ab-主要加在形容词动词前,例如atypical非典型性的,abnormal非正常的;abuse滥用、错误使用、虐待; counter-加在名词、动词前,例如:counterstrike反击、counteract抵抗阻碍、counterrevolution反革命. il-主要加在以1开头的单词的前边,比如:illegal非法的、illiterate文盲的、illogical不合逻辑的; im-加在字母m,b,p之前,这样的词有impossible不可能的、impolite不礼貌的 ir-放在以r开头的英语单词前面,比如:irregular不稳定的、irresistable不可抵抗的、irresolvable不能分解的 不能解决的; mal-主要加在形容词名词之前,例如malfunction功能紊乱,malicious恶意的; non-加在形容词、名词前,这样以non-为否定前缀的词有non-existence不存在、non-essential不主要的、non-electrical非电的;提问者评价两个几乎相同的答案一起提交的,没办法,不能选两个人,只能挑快了一分钟的了

disk usage是什么意思

disk usage磁盘使用情况;磁盘使用量双语例句1. Users can specify limits on disk usage and network bandwidth. 用户可以限定磁盘空间和网络带宽的使用率.2. B Displays disk usage in bytes ( default ). b以字节为单位显示磁盘使用情况.3. M Displays disk usage in megabytes. m以兆为单位显示磁盘使用情况.4. You can view your site statistics and your disk and bandwidth usage. 你能够看到你的站点统计和你的磁盘、带宽限额.5. How to list filesystem disk space usage? 如何列出硬盘的文件系统空间使用状态?

3~~~05 this originally disadvantaged group becomes spontaneous and handy through crafting toys on t

这是一个“主系表”结构的简单句,由于系动词后有六个并列的表语,很容易把句子的层次张冠李戴,一次应该从分析结构入手: 主语部分: This originally disadvantaged group 这种原本处于弱势的群体 系表结构的谓语部分: * 主体架构 becomes spontaneous and handy, resourceful, tactfuls, intelligent, savvy, and above all, unrelenting 变得思路敏捷且心灵手巧得、游刃有余、机敏乖巧、富有天资、见多识广,最难得的是坚定不移。 * 并列表语:uf06c -- spontaneous and handy through crafting toys on their own, 通过自己制作玩具(变得)思路敏捷且心灵手巧 (through crafting toys on their own 是修饰 become 的方式状语)uf06c --resourceful by cooking their own meals, 自己动手做饭变得做事游刃有余 (by cooking their own meals 是修饰 become的方式状语)uf06c --tactful with coaxing their parents into buying them gifts, 用好话哄骗父母给他们购买礼物变得机敏乖巧 (with coaxing their parents into buying them gifts 是修饰 become 的方式状语)uf06c --intelligent thanks to the absence of private tutors, 由于没有家教而变得富有天资 (thanks to the absence of private tutors 是修饰 become 的原因状语)uf06c --savvy in doing summer jobs, 暑假打工中变得见多识广 (in doing summer jobs 是修饰 become 的时间状语)uf06c --and above all, unrelenting in pursuing their dreams最难得的是在追求梦想手变得坚定不移 (in pursuing their dreams 是修饰 become 的时间状语)

有after sb doing sth 和 We in groups discuss sth...这种用法吗?

没有after sb doing sth 这个搭配,因为after是副词,无法像动词那样构成动宾短语。 We in groups discuss sth...这种用法勉强说得过去,不过可能调整成We discuss sth in groups更为通顺些,意为“我们分组讨论…”手机一个字一个字码的,希望帮到您了,望采纳!谢谢!

We are going to talk about the problem _____ at the last meeting. A.discussed B.discussin.


make sb to do sth还是make sb do sth?discuss doing sth对不对

make sth to sb=make sb sthmake sb do sth

图中为什么不直接说going to discuss?为什么discussing后接applying

短语“Be going to be “短语等于“Will”,后面需要加形容词,也可以加名词,或其他词组,短语的用法


不是啊!Let"s discuss about the "right" thing.


动词discuss sth. /about sth./over sth.拓展:under discussion discussion n.




disappear应该是disappeared,过去式Little by little the snow disappeared, didn"t it?很高兴为你解答,祝你每天都开心:)望采纳,谢谢!




public class Employee { public Employee() { } public Employee(string _name, string _address, string _postalCode, string _city) { this.name = _name; this.address = _address; this.postalCode = _postalCode; this.city = _city; } private string name; public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } private string address; public string Address { get { return address; } set { address = value; } } private string postalCode; public string PostalCode { get { return postalCode; } set { postalCode = value; } } private string city; public string City { get { return city; } set { city = value; } } public void ChangeName(string newName) { this.name = newName; } public void Display() { Console.WriteLine("姓名:{0},地址:{1},邮编:{2},市:{3}", name, address, postalCode, city); } }//Main函数测试static void Main(string[] args) { Employee emp = new Employee("张三", "地址:***", "412311", "深圳"); emp.Display(); emp.ChangeName("李四"); emp.Display();}

1、Many little children suffer from kidney stone and the disease

1 B2 B


一般是根据需求来进行设置。redis通过expire命令来设置key的过期时间。语法:redis.expire(key, expiration)1. 在小于2.1.3的redis版本里,只能对key设置一次expire。redis2.1.3和之后的版本里,可以多次对key使用expire命令,更新key的expire time。2. redis术语里面,把设置了expire time的key 叫做:volatile keys。 意思就是不稳定的key。3. 如果对key使用set或del命令,那么也会移除expire time。尤其是set命令,这个在编写程序的时候需要注意一下。4. redis2.1.3之前的老版本里,如果对volatile keys 做相关写入操作(LPUSH,LSET),和其他一些触发修改value的操作时,redis会删除该key。 也就是说 :redis.expire(key,expiration);redis.lpush(key,field,value);redis.get(key) //return nullredis2.1.3之后的版本里面没有这个约束,可以任意修改。redis.set(key,100);redis.expire(key,expiration);redis.incr(key)redis.get(key)//redis2.2.2 return 101; redis<2.1.3 return 1;5. redis对过期键采用了lazy expiration:在访问key的时候判定key是否过期,如果过期,则进行过期处理。其次,每秒对volatile keys 进行抽样测试,如果有过期键,那么对所有过期key进行处理。

redis keys* 用java代码怎么写

代码如下:local food=redis.call("hget",KEYS[1],"food");food=food+ARGV[1];redis.call("hset",KEYS[1],"food",food);local diamond=redis.call("hget",KEYS[1],"diamond");diamond=diamond+ARGV[2];redis.call("hset",KEYS[1],"diamond",diamond);


一般是根据需求来进行设置。redis通过expire命令来设置key的过期时间。语法:redis.expire(key, expiration)1. 在小于2.1.3的redis版本里,只能对key设置一次expire。redis2.1.3和之后的版本里,可以多次对key使用expire命令,更新key的expire time。2. redis术语里面,把设置了expire time的key 叫做:volatile keys。 意思就是不稳定的key。3. 如果对key使用set或del命令,那么也会移除expire time。尤其是set命令,这个在编写程序的时候需要注意一下。4. redis2.1.3之前的老版本里,如果对volatile keys 做相关写入操作(LPUSH,LSET),和其他一些触发修改value的操作时,redis会删除该key。 也就是说 :redis.expire(key,expiration);redis.lpush(key,field,value);redis.get(key) //return nullredis2.1.3之后的版本里面没有这个约束,可以任意修改。redis.set(key,100);redis.expire(key,expiration);redis.incr(key)redis.get(key)//redis2.2.2 return 101; redis<2.1.3 return 1;5. redis对过期键采用了lazy expiration:在访问key的时候判定key是否过期,如果过期,则进行过期处理。其次,每秒对volatile keys 进行抽样测试,如果有过期键,那么对所有过期key进行处理。


ShawKun,红灯硬闯,马路横穿可以使用linux的xargs来做到 如:*/redis-cli keys "prefix*" | xargs */redis-cli del 如果是访问特定的数据库,则可以:*/redis-cli -n 0 keys "prefix*" | xargs */redis-cli -n 0 del

电脑显示“disk error 错误 ”怎么办?

当电脑显示“disk error 错误”时,可能是硬盘出现了故障或者其他问题导致的。以下是一些可能的解决方法:1、重启电脑:有时候,电脑出现“disk error 错误”可能只是暂时的问题,可以尝试重启电脑,看看是否能够解决。2、检查硬盘连接:如果硬盘连接不良,也可能导致“disk error 错误”的出现。可以尝试检查硬盘的连接线是否松动或者连接不良,重新插拔连接线,确保连接稳固。3、检查硬盘健康状态:可以通过硬盘检测工具检查硬盘的健康状态,例如使用Windows自带的磁盘检查工具或者第三方的硬盘检测工具。如果发现硬盘有坏道或者其他问题,需要及时更换硬盘。4、重新安装操作系统:如果以上方法都无法解决问题,可以尝试重新安装操作系统。在重新安装操作系统时,可以尝试格式化硬盘并重新分区,以排除硬盘分区错误导致的问题。需要注意的是,在进行以上操作时,需要备份重要的数据,以免数据丢失。如果您不确定如何操作,建议您联系专业技术人员进行咨询或操作。

redis 的keys 是什么意思

redis是以key=>value 形式来存储数据的, 可以理解成数组的 键 和 值的关系;

宏基电脑no book disk has been detected or the disk h




宏基电脑no book disk has been detected or the disk h






“Every night in my dreams,I see you.I feel you,that is how I know you go on,far across the dis

My Heart Will Go On(我心依旧) 电影《泰坦尼克号》的插曲 歌手:Celine Dion (席琳·迪翁) Every night in my dreams每一个夜晚,在我的梦里 I see you,I feel you 我看见你,我感觉到你 That is how I know you go on 这就是我如何知道你会继续 Far across the distance and spaces between us 跨越我们心灵的空间 You have come to show you go on 你向我显现你的来临 Near far wherever you are 无论你如何远离我 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心已相随 Once more you opened the door 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 And you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on 我心与你同往 与你相随 Love can touch us one time 爱触动我们一次 And last for a lifetime 就能够持续一生的时间 And never let go till we"re gone 不愿失去,直到永远 Love was when I loved you 爱就是当我爱着你时的感觉 One true time I hold to 我牢牢把握住那真实的一刻 In my life we"ll always go on 在我的生命里,爱无止境 Near far wherever you are 无论你离我多么遥远 I believe that the heart does go on 我相信我心已相随 Once more you opened the door 你曾经再次敲开我的心扉 And you"re here in my heart 你融入我的心灵 And my heart will go on and on 我心属于你,爱无止境 You"re here there is nothing I fear 你就在我身旁,以至我全无畏惧 And I know that my heart will go on 我知道我心与你相依 We"ll stay forever this way 我们永远相携而行 You are safe in my heart 在我心中你安然无恙 And my heart will go on and on 我心属于你,爱无止境 《my heart will go on》曾使celine·dion在第四十一届格莱美颁奖仪式上独拿三项大奖:最佳年度唱片,最佳年度歌曲,最佳流行女歌手.获得第70 届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲!

Beautiful Disaster 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful Disaster歌手:Jon Mclaughlin专辑:IndianaJon McLaughlin - Beautiful Disasterlrc 编辑 Memphis 314522711She loves her mama"s lemonade,Hates the sounds that goodbyes make.She prays one day she"ll find someone to need her.She swears that there"s no difference,Between the lies and complements.It"s all the same if everybody leaves her.And every magazine tells her she"s not good enough,The pictures that she sees make her cry.And she would change everything, everything just ask her.Caught in the in between of beautiful disaster,And she needs someone to take her home.She"s giving boys what they want, tries to act so nonchalant,Afraid they"ll see that she"s lost her direction.She never stays the same for long,Assuming that she"ll get it wrong.Perfect only in her imperfection.She"s not a drama queen,She doesn"t want to feel this way, only seventeen but tiredShe would change everything for happy ever after.Caught in the in between of beautiful disaster,But she just needs someone to take her home.Cuz she"s just the way she is, but no ones told her that"s ok.And she would change everything, everything just ask her.Caught in the in between of beautiful disaster,And she would change everything for happy ever after.Caught in the in between of beautiful disaster,But she just needs someone to take her homeAnd just needs someone to take her home.http://music.baidu.com/song/1372639

nice for a disaster 帮助翻译


disaster preparedness是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  disaster preparedness,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:灾害防御能力。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

求关于nature disaster的英语对话,急需

反方立论:We firmly believe that as long as human technology can be advanced enough, we can do much for the nature disasters. We say that the defeat is not forced to rely on the strength of contrary to the laws of nature. Ever since human beings come into being, we had never stopped the action to put our feet on each inch of land we can find. We fight against nature, at first, for survival. In the face of the different kinds of disasters, we can find the appropriate measures to overcome it. That"s all, thank you.提问反方: Wen chuan earthquake killed more than 60000, because human technology isn"t advanced enough. We think we can reduce the loss as long as human technology advanced enough. Do you agree? Thank you.正方:Can it indicate that man can conquer the nature? In the several millions of years from human birth, but we still suffer a lot when the disaster comes, why? Is there a disaster which people know before it happens and prevent it? Thank you.反方: It is true that we suffer a lot in the several millions of years from human birth. But while human developing, we can do more and more for the natural disasters. Do you agree? Thank you.正方: There are some effects, but only a little. We can do something because of it is not big enough. If someday it takes a disaster which like bring the dinosaur dying out, what can we do? And how can we do after we all killed.自由:反方:You are said we can do little in face of the natural disasters .I want to ask a question” when you suffer a downpour, what would you do? Stand here?正方:We are discussing the nature disasters, not a downpour. 反方: The downpour is a nature disaster, isn"t it? A light rain can become a downpour, can"t a downpour become flood. 正方:You are kidding, In Sichuan and its surrounding areas it"s suffered a serious disaster killed more than 40,000. People realize that even if the development of human technology is so advanced to the extent they can"t be able to overcome nature.正方总结:There is a gold chain runs through the universe, there is a red line links all living things, it is the things in the course of development of natural formation and the rules of the law - the law of life and death. The law forms natural, can not be easily changed, nor transfer with the people"s will. People can only obey the rulers, not change the law. So we insist on that nature can not be conquered. Thank you.反方总结: In the face of the different kinds of disasters, we can find the appropriate measures to overcome it. During this earthquake, our government does much for it and gets some achievement. We firmly believe that with the development of technology, we can accurately predict earthquakes. At that time, we are faced with natural disasters and able to leisurely. Therefore, we firmly believe that we can do much for the nature disasters. Thank you. 希望对你有用

歌词翻译《Beautiful disaster》

他在自己的梦中沉醉我知道(他是)优美的极致他的人跟他的外表一样该死我想象不出有比他更美的天堂。如果我试着拯救他,我的世界可能会随之堕落。这样可不行这样可不行(合唱 1)噢,我不知道我不知道他的信仰但是他如此美丽简直就是一场美丽的灾难如果我可以控制自己我的笑和泪会不会也变得美丽还是说这只是一场美丽的灾难?他是魔法和神话和我想象中一样强壮一个灵魂不应看到的悲剧我应该试着改变他么?不去责备他实在太难了努力坚持努力坚持(合唱2)噢,因为我不知道我不知道他的信仰但是他如此美丽简直就是一场美丽的灾难如果我可以控制自己我的笑和泪会不会也变得美丽还是说这只是一场美丽的灾难?(Bridge)我期待不失理智的爱情但是他却如此疯狂我等待着奇迹的发生等待……等待。他曾经那么温柔但是最后我们在争论中分手他永远不满足永远不会被我束缚住(重复合唱2)他那么美丽但却是美丽的灾难美丽,美丽的灾难美丽的灾难可累死我了~

you are a gift and a disaster有几种意思?

直接翻译,意思是 你是一份礼物,也是一场灾难。按照意译,可以理解为 你是恩赐也是劫。望采纳

Natural Disaster 歌词

歌曲名:Natural Disaster歌手:Loudon Wainwright III专辑:A Live OnePlain White T"s - Natural DisasterShe said she saw me on TVThis girl"s a legend in the late night sceneAnd you can see she aimed to pleaseCause she just wouldn"t take her eyes off meShe made the music come to lifeShe moved her body like a butcher knifeChopping up every guy in sightShe was mysteriousI could not resist to save my lifeI don"t know what this girl was afterShe"s a natural, natural disasterShe"s so sexyI had to have herShe"s a natural, natural disasterNatural disaterNow when she left me on the floorShe knew I"d follow her right out that doorShe"d always leave you craving moreJust the addiction I"ve been waiting forShe made the music come to lifeStaring me down with those electric eyesAnd when she said "Your place or mine?"I was delirious, I could not resist to save my lifeI don"t know what this girl was afterShe"s a natural, natural disasterShe"s so sexyI had to have herShe"s a natural, natural disasterNatural disasterAll my loveWhat"s your name?What"s your game?Show me how to playAll night longCause I can see you and me going all the wayAll night longAnd I don"t even really care what you"re afterAll night longAs long as you keep going faster and fasterShe said she saw me on TVThis girl"s a legend in the late night sceneAnd you can see she aimed to pleaseCause she just wouldn"t take her eyes off meI don"t know what this girl was afterShe"s a natural, natural disasterShe"s so sexyI had to have herShe"s a natural, natural disasterI don"t know what this girl was afterShe"s a natural, natural disasterShe"s so sexyI had to have herShe"s a natural, natural disasterNatural disasterhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8165288

Natural Disaster 歌词

歌曲名:Natural Disaster歌手:Gretchen Peters专辑:Hello Cruel World..Weatherman says there""s gonna be sunSurely to god I""m not the only oneWho""d trade this day for a hurricaneBlow 500 miles cross a landlocked state.Earthquake shook the California groundTook a freeway out and some buildings downWell I""ve never felt the earth move under my heelsBut I got a pretty good idea how it feelsI got pictures hangin"" on the wallsA history that haunts these hallsOf you and me, before and afterA natural disaster.We tore through each other like an avalancheYou and me baby we were bound to crashThe higher we flew the harder we fellFrom the hem of heaven, to the gates of hellLike a landslide baby on a suicide runNo thought to the damage doneHeaded straight downhill, faster and fasterA natural disaster.They say it was a miracle no one diedJust two people hurt and some wounded prideLove takes everything in its pathAnd leaves you breathless in the aftermathAnd there""s a hole where your heart once stoodYou know it won""t kill you but you wish it would""Cause you don""t want to face the morning afterYour natural disaster.Weatherman says no chance of rainBut I""m still waitin"" for that hurricane….http://music.baidu.com/song/19388157


A:An tornado took place in Carolado yesterday.B:Really? How bad was it?A:Not the same bad as you may think. A couple of houses were torn down and, what is the worst, a gas station was ruined causing gas leak.B:Oh, that"s terrible.A:Sure it is.B:Any casualty?A:Eh, it was broadcast that a homeless was hurt like a rib-breaking, and was sent to local hospital.B:Ah, lucky, isn"t it!A:Yeah, lucky we don"t have that sort of disaster in this area.B:Yeah, and the NBDH(National Bureau of Disaster Handling) seems to be more efficient than before.A:Sure thing.


平日习惯上讲似乎catastrophe略大于disaster 但严格意义上这两者在「强度」上没有区别.这两个词最大的区别是catastrophe源于希腊语,disaster源于拉丁语

disaster 变形容词性


Disaster single歌词

[00:03.05]JoJo - Disaster[00:12.35]I"m trying not to pretend that [00:13.82]It won"t happen again and again like that[00:18.18]Never thought it would end, [00:19.57]But you got up in my head n my head like that[00:23.21]You made me happy baby, [00:25.21]Love is crazy, so amazing[00:28.18]But it"s changing, rearranging[00:31.26]I don"t think I can take anymore[00:34.50][02:29.53][00:35.81]Cuz the walls burned up and our love fell down[02:32.35][00:38.48]And it turned into whatever now we"re saying never[02:35.77][00:41.79]Feel the fire cuz it"s all around [02:38.38][00:44.51]And it"s burning for forever and always[02:41.36][00:47.52]We gotta let it go, be on our way[02:44.25][00:50.26]Look for another day, [02:45.68][00:51.64]Cuz it ain"t the same my baby[02:47.92][00:53.99]Watch it all fall to the ground[02:50.50][00:56.59]No happy ever after, just disaster[02:52.78][01:00.83][01:06.34]Didn"t want it this way, [01:07.72]I only wanted to say[01:09.23]I loved you right[01:12.12]Then your love went away, [01:13.67]And I needed you to stay[01:15.20]But I can"t wait for you to realize[01:18.55]All the things I gave you, [01:20.96]Made you change you[01:22.20]Your dreams came true[01:23.56]When I met you, now forget you[01:26.95]Don"t want anymore[01:28.61][02:53.91][01:29.73]Cuz the walls burned up and our love fell down[02:56.36][01:32.40]And it turned into whatever now were saying never[02:59.76][01:35.82]Feel the fire cuz it"s all around [03:02.37][01:38.42]And it"s burning for forever and always[03:05.10][01:41.11]We gotta let it go, be on our way[03:08.13][01:44.23]Look for another day, [03:09.54][01:45.54]Cuz it ain"t the same my baby[03:11.78][01:47.86]Watch it all fall too the ground[03:14.52][01:50.58]No happy ever after, just disaster[03:18.16][01:53.08][03:21.83](Lyrics by MaxRNB)[01:54.05]You shot the bullet, [01:55.22]You shot the bullet that killed me[01:57.62]Not feeling my heart beat and now I was dying[02:00.26]I I"ve been through it, [02:01.27]I I"ve been through the agony[02:04.08]And now my eyes I"m trying, [02:06.51]trying, no more crying,[02:08.73]Lying"s just a game,[02:11.53]To stand up straight and I"m all right [02:14.36]cuz my loves on his way[02:19.56]Yeah[02:22.76]Burning for forever and always

disaster 变形容词性

disastrous [dɪ"zɑːstrəs] adj.灾难性的;损失惨重的;悲伤的



disaster是什么意思 disaster怎么解释

1、disaster,英语单词,名词,意为“灾难”“灾祸”。包括自然灾难和人为灾难。自然灾难是指地震,洪涝,海啸,泥石流,森林自燃,干旱等等。人为灾难包括人为放火,饥荒等等。 2、单词释义:大不幸,大难,大祸,灾难,灾害,天灾;成事不足败事有余的人;彻底(或完全)的失败,惨败;事故,故障,彻底(或完全)失败的事;[废语](星向)凶位,凶向。








calamity 指造成重大破坏的灾难,如火灾、水灾等disaster 指伤亡惨重的灾难,如大地震、空难、瘟疫等。






应该是可数的,比如说:“There were a number of natural disasters last year.”"If you ignore the safety measures, you are inviting disasters."所以,是可以数的。希望帮到你。
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