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wifi display是什么意思

wifi display的意思是:无线显示、无线显示功能。WiFi Display这个功能可以实现手机、移动PC与电视显示器之间的无线连接,也就是说可以将一台移动设备上的画面投放到支持WiFi Display接收的设备上。这是一种便利的、人性化的技术,能够帮助人们在各种显示屏间转换。Wi-Fi Display,手机/移动PC-电视/显示器将可以实现无线连接。该标准由WiFi无线产业联盟制定,还在测试中,技术可以压缩3D视频,从而通过Wi-Fi传输。3D视频很耗宽带,如果不压缩就会迟滞,Wi-Fi Display技术可以将延迟时间降到百分之一毫秒以下。Miracast实际上就是WiFi联盟(WiFi Alliance)对支持WiFi Display功能的设备的认证名称(该认证项目已经在2012年9月正式启动)。而通过Miracast认证的设备,便可提供简化发现和设置,实现设备间高速传输视频。


display:规定元素的类型。常用的类型有以下几种:1、none:隐藏类型将元素设置为隐藏类型,元素存在于html中,但不显示出来。2、block:块类型无论元素本身类型是块元素还是行内元素,设置了display: block;,浏览器都会将该元素以块元素类型来解析。3、inline:行内类型无论元素本身类型是块元素还是行内元素,设置了display: inline;,浏览器都会将该元素以行内元素类型来解析。4、inline-block:行内块类型将当前元素设置为行内元素来解析,但同时拥有块元素的特性。最常用的就是替代float属性。元素即跟随在前一个元素后面(前提是网页宽度足够),又支持块元素的特性(比如设置宽和高)。




display:none 是隐藏display: inline 是行内元素 在一行显示display: block 是块级元素 执行换行显示


display 属性设置是否及如何显示元素。display 显示状态 display:none 隐藏 display:block 块显示 display:inline 内嵌 display:table 表格显示 display:list-item 项目列表 这个属性用于定义建立布局时元素生成的显示框类型。对于 HTML 等文档类型,如果使用 display 不谨慎会很危险,因为可能违反 HTML 中已经定义的显示层次结构。对于 XML,由于 XML 没有内置的这种层次结构,所有 display 是绝对必要的。

C语言 display 什么意思

display()是一种函数,功能是显示输出函数。例:#include<iostream.h>template<classk1,classk2>voiddisplay(k1x,k2y);voidmain(){charc="h",str[]="ok2002";intn=100;floatx=5.5;doublez=1.23456;//两个参数类型相同display(c,char(c+2));//hjdisplay(x,2*x);//5.511display(n,2*n);//100200display(str,str);//ok2002ok2002display(z,2*z);//1.234562.46912//两个参数类型不同display(c,str);//hok2002display(str,2*x);//ok200211display(str,c);//ok2002hdisplay(n,str);//100ok2002display(z,n);//1.23456100扩展资料:具体体现在以下三个方面:其一,广泛性。C 语言的运算范围的大小直接决定了其优劣性。C 语言中包含了34种运算符,因此运算范围要超出许多其它语言,此外其运算结果的表达形式也十分丰富。此外,C 语言包含了字符型、指针型等多种数据结构形式,因此,更为庞大的数据结构运算它也可以应付。其二,简洁性。9 类控制语句和32个KEYWORDS是C语言所具有的基础特性,使得其在计算机应用程序编写中具有广泛的适用性,不仅可以适用广大编程人员的操作,提高其工作效率,同 时还能够支持高级编程,避免了语言切换的繁琐。其三,结构完善。C语言是一种结构化语言,它可以通过组建模块单位的形式实现模块化的应用程序,在系统描述方面具有显著优势,同时这一特性也使得它能够适应多种不同的编程要求,且执行效率高。参考资料来源:百度百科-c语言



display是什么意思 详解display的含义和用法?





v.tr.(及物动词)To present or hold up to view.呈现;呈递:使展现或提供观看Computer Science To provide (information or graphics) on a screen.【计算机科学】 显示:在屏幕上提供(信息或图形)To give evidence of; manifest.证明:给出…的证据;表明To exhibit ostentatiously; show off.夸示;炫耀To be endowed with an identifiable form or character:长得:具有可辨的形式或性格:a shrub that displays hardiness.长得很坚实的灌木To express, as by gestures or bodily posture:肢体语言:用手势或身体的姿势表达:a smirk that displayed contempt.表现出轻蔑的假笑To spread out; unfurl:展开;伸展:The peacock displayed its fan.孔雀展开了它的尾巴v.intr.(不及物动词)Computer Science To provide information or graphics on a screen:【计算机科学】 显示:在屏幕上提供信息或显示图形:a personal computer that displays and prints.显示并打印的个人电脑n.(名词)The act of displaying.(动作)展现,展示,显露,表演A public exhibition.展览,陈列Objects or merchandise set out for viewing by the public.陈列品,展览品A demonstration or manifestation:显示,表现:a display of temper.性情的表露Biology A specialized pattern of behavior used to communicate visually, such as the presentation of colors or plumage by male birds as part of courtship or intimidation.【生物学】 (鸟、鱼等为求偶等而作的)炫耀行为:用于直观交际的一种特定行为模式,如雄鸟借炫耀色彩或羽毛来求偶或恫吓An instance of such behavior.这种行为的例子Ostentatious exhibition.炫耀,夸示An advertisement or headline designed to catch the eye.夸张的广告:为引人注意而设计的广告或大标题Computer Science A device that gives information in a visual form, as on a screen.【计算机科学】 显示器,指示器:一种以视觉方式显示信息的装置,如荧光屏显示A visual representation of information.直观信息n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:常用于修饰另一名词:a display cabinet; picked display type for the new advertising campaign.陈列橱;为新的广告竞赛挑选醒目的式样


n.陈列, 展览陈列的货物、艺术品等vt.陈列, 展览显示, 显露


display_百度翻译display 英[du026au02c8spleu026a]美[du026au02c8sple]n. 展览,陈列;陈列品,展览品;显示器;炫耀vt. 显示;陈列;展开,伸展;夸示,炫耀vi. (计算机屏幕上)显示[例句]Search engines sometimes display this description under links in search results.搜索引擎有时会在搜索结果链接中显示此网站描述。


n. 显示器;展览,陈列;陈列品,展览品;炫耀 vt. 显示;陈列;展开,伸展;夸示,炫耀 vi. (计算机屏幕上)显示


英[du026au02c8spleu026a] 美 [du026au02c8spleu026a]。display,英文单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词译为“显示;炫耀”;作动词译为“显示;表现;陈列;作炫耀行为”;作形容词译为“展览的;陈列用的”。短语搭配on display 展览,公开展出。digital display [计]数字显示。lcd display n. 液晶显示器;液晶屏幕。liquid crystal display 液晶显示;液晶显示器。liquid crystal display (LCD) 液晶体显示。双语例句How to display an element?怎样显示一个元素?They did this just to display themselves.他们这样做只是为了炫耀自己。If not, the body of this tag will display on the page.如果非空,那就会在页面上显示这个标签的主体。


picture display英 [u02c8piktu0283u0259 disu02c8plei]美 [u02c8pu026aktu0283u025a du026au02c8sple][医]图象显示双语例句1. Main electric motor picture display vehicle speed, paper feed, even paper, separate pieces etc.主电机画面显示车速 、 进纸 、 齐纸 、 隔张等.来自互联网2. In display, a momentary distortion in a picture. 显示图象的一种瞬时变形.来自辞典例句3. The smallest display picture element on a video display screen. 在显示屏上所显示图像的最小显示元素.来自互联网4. Support various display style of picture and text window - blinds, rolling, etc. 图片和文字支持多种显示方式(百叶窗, 滚动等).来自互联网5. Oct 31, 2002 Display most recent picture on the home page. 2002年10月31日在首页显示今日新星的照片.来自互联网



group by与distinct有何区别

他们的功能基本上是不一样的。 distinct消除重复行。 group by是分组语句。 举例来说可能方便一点。 A表id numa 1b 2c 3a 4c 7d 3e 5 如果只选出id列,用distinct和group by 一样的。 select distinct(id) from A;idabcde;select id from A group by id;idabcde;不同之处可能在于group by有排序功能。 但是如果需要加上另一列num,结果不同。 group by 是分组语句,如果用 select id,num from A group by id,num; 这样的结果在本例中与不加group by是一样的,因为num各个不同。 但是如果select id,num from A group by id; 注意该语句是错误语句,因为num没有使用聚组函数,例如:sum(求和),avg(求平均数) select id,sum(num) from A group by id; id sum(num)a 5b 2c 10d 3e 5 用distinct不显示重复的行。 在本例中select distinct id,num from A;的结果也和不加distinct一致。 因为id,num没有重复的行,而不是只看id。 group by 功能更强大一些,另外推荐使用group by。 因为distinct会导致全表扫描,而group by如果索引建的 恰当的话,会有性能上的提高。



HQL语句 distinct 的用法是什么?

1、distinct这个关键字用来过滤掉多余的重复记录只保留一条,但往往只用它来返回不重复记录的条数,而不是用它来返回不重记录的所有值。其原因是distinct只有用二重循环查询来解决,而这样对于一个数据量非常大的站来说,无疑是会直接影响到效率的。2、distinct的只显示一次重复出更的值。 不过这个值出现多少次只显示一次。 select distinct 字段名1,字段名2 from 表格 order by 字段名1 distinct 字段名1 意思是只显示一次字段名1显示的是第一次出现的。 最好和order by 结合使用。3、表中包含有若干列数据,现在想用某一列进行distinct操作,但是还想在结果中输出所有的列,只要对该列distinct就可以,比如是列test1,表是table,select * from table where test1 in(select distinct(test1) from table)。






我想应该用这个语句SELECT DISTINCT 姓名 FROM CLIEN得到不重复的姓名然后利用循环填充ComboBox2for I = 1 to Rst.RecordCount ComboBox2.AddItem rst.fields(0)next


select distinct * from table;部分重复的话可以用select distinct col1,col2 from table;进阶用法有些既要显示所有的字段又要筛除重复的可以这样:select max(col1),max(col2),col3,col4 from table group by col3,col4;


不可能,因为规则不确定为什么从2------*-------QWE 2------@------Qwe 中取2------@------Qwe 而从3------*-------123 3------@------abc 中取3------*-------123


DISTINCT这个关键词的意思是用于返回唯一不同的值。在表中,可能会包含重复值。这并不成问题,不过,有时您也许希望仅仅列出不同(distinct)的值。SELECTDISTINCT表示查询结果中,去掉了重复的行;Distinct表示去掉重复的行。扩展资料:sql语句中使用DISTINCT的注意事项:如果指定了SELECTDISTINCT,那么ORDERBY子句中的项就必须出现在选择列表中,否则会出现错误。比如SQL语句:SELECTDISTINCT Company FROMOrdersorderby Company ASC是可以正常执行的。但是如果SQL语句是:SELECTDISTINCT Company FROMOrdersorderby Num ASC是不能正确执行的,在ASP中会提示“ORDERBY子句与(Num)DISTINCT冲突”错误。SQL语句修改成:SELECTDISTINCT Company,Num FROMOrdersorderby Num ASC可以正常执行参考资料:搜狗百科-DISTINCT


distinct,distinctive    这一对词都是形容词,拼法也相近,但涵义不同.  Distinct的意思是“分明的”、“明了的”、“清楚的”(well-marked,clearly defined or easily discernible).例:  The photo you took in Hong Kong Cultural Centre is not distinct enough.  你在香港文化中心拍的那张照片不够清晰.  She has a distinct pronunciation.  她的发音清楚.  There is a distinct smell of smoke in my room.  我的房间里有一股明显的香烟味.  有时候,distinct还可用以表示“不同的”、“有区别的”意味.如:  This picture is distinct from that.  这幅图和那幅不同.  The twins have distinct personalities.  这对双胞胎的个性并不相同.  Distinctive的意思是“表示差别的”、“有特色的”、“特殊的”(marking or showing a difference).例如:  Can you find the distinctive watermarks of this stamp?  你能找到这枚邮票上有明显的水纹吗?  Pupils in Hong Kong usually have distinctive badges on their school uniforms.  在香港,小学生的校服上常戴有颇具特色的徽章.  现将distinct和distinctive用在一个句子里,以便区分:  One of the distinctive features of this book is its distinct illustrations.  本书的特点之一就是具清楚明了的图解.

子句distinct和group by之间的区别是什么?

distinct是取出查询结果中的重复项,而group by是按某项进行分组显示。




SQL语句里使用distinct谓词,指对有重复的记录行只取唯一的一条记录(它针对的是所有的输出字段且这些字段值的组合必须是唯一),该谓词必须放在输出字段列表的前面,而不得单独应用到某个字段里,否则必然报错。请记住distinct是谓词,它不是内置函数、不得当做函数使用!贴出的语句可修改如下SELECT DISTINCT Count(CallForward.字段1) AS 字段1之计数, CallForward.字段2FROM CallForwardGROUP BY CallForward.字段2;修改后的语句语法上没问题,但是能否返回您要求的结果,这里不好判断,请自行分析。


distinct功能是去掉重复记录.例如:select 职称 from zg结果可能显示为:高工工程师高工工程师助理工程师技术员而select distinct 职称 from zg显示为:高工工程师助理工程师技术员即重复的结果只显示一次




他们的功能基本上是不一样的。distinct消除重复行。group by是分组语句。举例来说可能方便一点。A表id numa 1b 2c 3a 4c 7d 3e 5如果只选出id列,用distinct和group by 一样的。select distinct(id) from A;idabcde;select id from A group by id;idabcde;不同之处可能在于group by有排序功能。但是如果需要加上另一列num,结果不同。group by 是分组语句,如果用select id,num from A group by id,num;这样的结果在本例中与不加group by是一样的,因为num各个不同。



group by与distinct有何区别


distinct和group by的区别

他们的功能基本上是不一样的。distinct消除重复行。group by是分组语句。举例来说可能方便一点。A表id numa 1b 2c 3a 4c 7d 3e 5如果只选出id列,用distinct和group by 一样的。select distinct(id) from A;idabcde;select id from A group by id;idabcde;不同之处可能在于group by有排序功能。但是如果需要加上另一列num,结果不同。group by 是分组语句,如果用select id,num from A group by id,num;这样的结果在本例中与不加group by是一样的,因为num各个不同。但是如果select id,num from A group by id;注意该语句是错误语句,因为num没有使用聚组函数,例如:sum(求和),avg(求平均数)select id,sum(num) from A group by id;id sum(num)a 5b 2c 10d 3e 5用distinct不显示重复的行。在本例中select distinct id,num from A;的结果也和不加distinct一致。因为id,num没有重复的行,而不是只看id。group by 功能更强大一些,另外推荐使用group by。因为distinct会导致全表扫描,而group by如果索引建的恰当的话,会有性能上的提高。


一、详细释义:adj.清晰的;清楚的;明白的;明显的例句:Incorporation establishes the business as a distinct financial entity.有限责任公司财务账目清晰。例句:There is a distinct smell of oranges in this room!这个房间里有明显的桔子味!截然不同的;有区别的;不同种类的例句:The twins had distinct tastes.这两个双胞胎嗜好不同。例句:Household electric appliances imported with original packing are really distinct from others.原装进口的家用电器的确与众不同。确定无疑的;确实的;确切的例句:The distinct evidence prove thief is guilty .确切的证据证明小偷是有罪的。例句:The truth that Diaoyu Island is the part of China is distinct.钓鱼岛是中国的一部分的事实是确定无疑的。二、词义辨析:apparent,obvious,evident,clear,plain,distinct,definite,manifest这些形容词均含“清楚的,明白的,明显的”之意。apparent强调显而易见或一想便知。这个词从动词appear派生而来,故有时含有表面如此而事实上未必的意味。obvious语气较强,指极为明显,有目共睹,无需说明和论证。evident指根据事实成为显然的。clear普通用词,侧重清楚明白。plain普通用词,含义与clear很接近,可通用,但plain着重简单明了,不复杂。distinct较正式用词,指轮廓的清楚或定义、含义的明确,不会弄错。 definite语气肯定,着重明白无误,无可怀疑。manifest语义较强,书面用词,强调一目了然,暗示不要任何推论就一清二楚。三、参考例句:Domicile is distinct from nationality.住所与国籍不同。The twins had distinct tastes.这两个双胞胎嗜好不同。Commutation is distinct from reprieve.减刑不同于缓刑。The distinct evidence prove thief is guilty .确切的证据证明小偷是有罪的。Here the two distinct theories converge.在这一点上两种不同的理论不谋而合。He has a distinct gift for drawing.他有很明显的绘画天赋。He has a distinct Scottish accent.他有一口明显的苏格兰口音。E-books are quite distinct from traditional books.电子书和传统图书有很大的不同。Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other.这两种观点截然不同。The lighthouse beam was quite distinct in the gathering dusk.灯塔的光束在渐浓的暮色中清晰可见。


distinct音标:美 [du026au02c8stu026au014bkt]译为:明显的,清楚的;不寻常的;有区别的;记忆技巧:dis 分开 + tinct〔= stinct〕刺;刺激 → 把刺分开后显得清楚的;明显的 → 清楚的;明显的

distinct和group by的区别

他们的功能基本上是不一样的。distinct消除重复行。group by是分组语句。举例来说可能方便一点。A表id numa 1b 2c 3a 4c 7d 3e 5如果只选出id列,用distinct和group by 一样的。select distinct(id) from A;idabcde;select id from A group by id;idabcde;不同之处可能在于group by有排序功能。但是如果需要加上另一列num,结果不同。group by 是分组语句,如果用select id,num from A group by id,num;这样的结果在本例中与不加group by是一样的,因为num各个不同。但是如果select id,num from A group by id;注意该语句是错误语句,因为num没有使用聚组函数,例如:sum(求和),avg(求平均数)select id,sum(num) from A group by id;id sum(num)a 5b 2c 10d 3e 5用distinct不显示重复的行。在本例中select distinct id,num from A;的结果也和不加distinct一致。因为id,num没有重复的行,而不是只看id。group by 功能更强大一些,另外推荐使用group by。因为distinct会导致全表扫描,而group by如果索引建的恰当的话,会有性能上的提高。


选择唯一的结果集 例如 表1只有 a1一列 a1 11345select distinct a1 from 表1结果如下1345


distinct用作形容词。 adj.清晰的;清楚的;明白的;明显的;截然不同的;有区别的;不同种类的;确定无疑的;确实的;确切的 派生词: distinctly adv. distinctness n. 扩展资料   例句:   There was a distinct smell of gas.   有一股明显的煤气味。   The fact that he didn"t speak a foreign language put him at a distinct disadvantage.   他不会说外语使他处于明显的不利地位。   Being tall gave Tony a distinct advantage.   托尼个子高是个明显的优势。   I had the distinct impression I was being watched.   我确实感到有人在监视我。




默认是ALLALL表示所有的字段,有重复的2条,2 条都显示DISTINCT表示如果有重复的,只取一条



select distinct有什么作用

在表中,可能会包含重复值。这并不成问题,不过,有时您也许希望仅仅列出不同(distinct)的值。关键词 DISTINCT 用于返回唯一不同的值。而top是取出前面的几条数据的意思例:select top 10 num from users order by udate desc

sqlserver2008 distinct 去掉重复值后如何不排序

select distinct department from (select 自动编号,department,name,basic_wages from 职员薪资表) a order by 自动编号

unique 和distinct 的区别



  distinct表明显的,清楚的; 卓越的意思,那么你知道distinct的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了distinct的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   distinct的短语:   ~+名词   distinct character 突出的性格   distinct honor 特殊的荣誉d   istinct statement 明确声明   distinct view 清晰的景色   副词+~   quite distinct 全然不同   ~+介词   distinct from 和u2026不同   things distinct in kind 性质不同的东西   同义词辨析:   apparent, obvious, evident, clear, plain, distinct, definite, manifest   这些形容词均含"清楚的,明白的,明显的"之意。   apparent :强调显而易见或一想便知。这个词从动词appear派生而来,故有时含有表面如此而事实上未必的意味。   obvious :语气较强,指极为明显,有目共睹,无需说明和论证。   evident :指根据事实成为显然的。   clear :普通用词,侧重清楚明白。   plain :普通用词,含义与clear很接近,可通用,但plain着重简单明了,不复杂。   distinct :较正式用词,指轮廓的清楚或定义、含义的明确,不会弄错。   definite :语气肯定,着重明白无误,无可怀疑。   manifest :语义较强,书面用词,强调一目了然,暗示不要任何推论就一清二楚。   distinct的短语例句:   1. The lighthouse beam was quite distinct in the gathering dusk.   灯塔的光束在渐浓的暮色中清晰可见。   2. Editorially, they never really became a unique distinct product.   就立场和观点来说,它们从未真正做到树立起自己独具一格的视角。   3. Modern linguistics emerged as a distinct field in the nineteenth century.   现代语言学在19世纪作为一个独立的领域出现。   4. Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from science.   工程学和工艺学互不相同,也有别于自然学科。   5. Another Cup marathon between the two sides is now a distinct possibility.   双方很可能再进行一场马拉松式的优胜杯比赛。   6. The detention raised two distinct but closely linked questions.   这一拘留行为引发了两个互为独立但又密切相关的问题。   7. Being 6ft 3in tall has some distinct disadvantages!   身高6英尺3英寸有些明显的不便之处!   8. Each party represents a distinct current of thought.   每个党派代表一种不同的思潮。   9. There was a distinct smell of gas.   有一股明显的煤气味。   10. I had the distinct impression that I was being followed.   我清楚地感觉到有人跟踪我.   11. There is a distinct improvement in your spoken English.   你的英语口语有明显的进步.   12. The earth"s shadow on the moon was quite distinct.   月球上的地球阴影很清晰.   13. His pronunciation is quite distinct.   他的发音非常清楚.   14. The planners decided to preserve their distinct identities.   设计者们决定保留他们各自的特色.   15. Gold is distinct from iron.   金在性质上不同于铁.


distinct 是消除重复。就是指统计一列时重复的值只显示一行


他们的功能基本上是不一样的。 distinct消除重复行。 group by是分组语句。举例来说可能方便一点。 A表id numa 1b 2c 3a4c7d3e 5 如果只选出id列,用distinct和group by 一样的。 select distinct(id) from A;idabcde;select id from A group by id;idabcde;不同之处可能在于group by有排序功能。但是如果需要加上另一列num,结果不同。 group by 是分组语句,如果用 select id,numfrom A group by id,num; 这样的结果在本例中与不加group by是一样的,因为num各个不同。但是如果select id,num from A group by id; 注意该语句是错误语句,因为num没有使用聚组函数,例如:sum(求和),avg(求平均数) select id,sum(num) from A group by id; id sum(num)a 5b 2c 10d3e 5 用distinct不显示重复的行。在本例中select distinct id,num from A;的结果也和不加distinct一致。因为id,num没有重复的行,而不是只看id。 group by 功能更强大一些,另外推荐使用group by。因为distinct会导致全表扫描,而group by如果索引建的恰当的话,会有性能上的提高。

HQL语句 distinct 的用法

  String sql = "SELECT distinct r.site FROM Report r where r.site.channel.id=8 and r.keyword.group.profile.id="+profileId ;  Query countQuery = createQuery(sql);  List<Site> results = countQuery.setCacheable(true).list();  return results;


excel 中 怎么实现sql中的distinct 功能,在sheet中是数据源,把distinct的结果数据显示在sheet2中在数据库的设计中,如何实现Distinct操作呢?一般有两种基本思路:排序(Sort)法,哈希(Hash)法。排序法将表格中的数据全部按照distinct指定的列为key进行排序,然后逐行迭代,每迭代出一行数据都与上一行数据根据key作对比,如果相同,则丢弃当前行继续迭代下一行,如果不同则输出。排序法带来的一个副作用就是数据输出按照key有序。mysql在某些情况下不是使用排序法,通过下面的输出可以观察到行并不是有序的:

unique 和distinct 的区别




distinct和group by的区别

其实二者没有什么可比性,但是对于不包含聚集函数的GROUP BY操作来说,和DISTINCT操作是等价的。不过虽然二者的结果是一样的,但是二者的执行计划并不相同。 distinct只是将重复的行从结果中出去; group by是按指定的列分组,一般这时在select中会用到聚合函数。 distinct是把不同的记录显示出来。 group by是在查询时先把纪录按照类别分出来再查询。 group by 必须在查询结果中包含一个聚集函数,而distinct不用。--每个部门有多少钱 select sum(钱),部门 from table group by 部门 结果:部门1 130 部门2 100 --把相同的记录不显示出来,只选择此两列唯一的 select distinct 部门,钱 from table 结果:部门1 100 部门1 15 部门2 100 --而实际此表存在的记录如下:select * from table 结果:部门1 100 部门1 15 部门1 15 部门2 100 仔细比对一下,就清楚了。




distinct 表示不显示重复的查询结果


distinct短语如下:distinct from种类不同;与;种类;种类差别。distinct a不同的;显着的。distinct landforms显地形。distinct tastes不同的口味;不同口味;独特口味;分明口味。distinct cardinality于相异基数;位图索引对于相异基数。distinct relationships位格有相距的关系、distinct grammar相异文法;翻译。distinct characteristics特色明显;鲜明特征;鲜明特点;鲜明特色。distinct competence竞争力。DISTINCT是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“明显的;独特的;清楚的;有区别的”。英[du026au02c8stu026au014bkt]、美[du026au02c8stu026au014bkt]。不同是汉语词汇。拼音:bù tóng。释义:不相同;不一样。不同意。不和。每个人都有自己的人生,每个人都在不同的生命轨迹上,每个人的生命里都会有属于自己的那一份点点滴滴,都值得我们去回味。在人生的漫漫长路上,每个人都会遇到不同的阶段。双语例句:1、This book is divided into two distinct parts.这本书分为内容不同的两部分。2、Each party represents a distinct current of thought.每个党派代表一种不同的思潮。3、The results of the survey fell into two distinct groups.调查结果分为截然不同的两组。4、What had seemed impossible now seemed a distinct possibility.过去看似不可能的事,现在显然有可能了。



sql语句去重 distinct是什么?

distinct用来查询不重复记录的条数,即distinct来返回不重复字段的条数(count(distinct id)),其原因是distinct只能返回他的目标字段,而无法返回其他字段。对单一一个字段使用distinct去除重复值时,会过滤掉多余重复相同的值,只返回唯一的值。对多个字段同时使用distinct去除重复值时,distinct字段必须放在第一个字段前面,不能放在其他字段的后面。既distinct必须放在select后面,第一个字段的前面。同时,使用distinct多个字段去除重复数据时,必须满足各行中各列所对应的值都相同才能去除重复值,如果有其中一列的值不相同,那就表示这些数据不是重复的数据,不会过滤掉。用法注意1、distinct【查询字段】,必须放在要查询字段的开头,即放在第一个参数。2、只能在SELECT语句中使用,不能在INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE中使用。3、DISTINCT表示对后面的所有参数的拼接取不重复的记录,即查出的参数拼接每行记录都是唯一的。4、不能与all同时使用,默认情况下,查询时返回的就是所有的结果。






用distinct Diverse 指 “ 不 同 ” , 但 较 different 的 词 义 强 , 例 如 : Jack and his brother have diverse interests.杰 克 和 他 哥 哥 的 兴 趣 完 全 不 同 。 Distinct 亦 指 “ 不 同 ” , 但 更 强 调 “ 性 质 上 明 显 不 同 ” , 例 如 : The two issues are distinct from each other.这 两 个 问 题 截 然 不 同 。




1、打开EXCEL 2010,新建表格,点击公式按钮,如图2、点击插入函数,如图3、在弹出窗口中选择统计函数,如图4、选择NORMDIST函数,如图5、输入相应数值,点确定按钮,如图6、得出正态分布值,如图

EXCEL 中用概率函数NORMDIST得出概率总和为什么大于1?





去这里下载吧 vdisk.weibo.com/s/qyte8siaopfza2


  概率密度函数曲线与X轴的面积 = 100%  不代表每个点都必须小于100%  概率密度 不是 概率  每个点取值的出现概率都等于零, 但是每个点的概率密度大于等于零




EXCEL中的NORMDIST:返回指定平均值和标准偏差的正态分布函数。此函数在统计方面应用范围广泛(包括假设检验)。能建立起一定数据频率分布直方与该数据平均值和标准差所确定的正态分布数据的对照关系。如右图所示一批数据的频率直方图,曲线是以该批数据平均值和标准差所确定的正态分布曲线。   这样就可知这批数据的质量。   语法   NORMDIST(x,mean,standard_dev,cumulative)   X 为需要计算其分布的数值。   Mean 分布的算术平均值。   Standard_dev 分布的标准偏差。   Cumulative 为一逻辑值,指明函数的形式。如果 cumulative 为 TRUE,函数 NORMDIST 返回累积分布函数;如果为 FALSE,返回概率密度函数。   说明   如果 mean 或 stand_dev 为非数值型,函数 NORMDIST 返回错误值 #VALUE!。 如果 standard_dev ≤ 0,函数 NORMDIST 返回错误值 #NUM!。 如果 mean = 0,standard_dev = 1,且 cumulative = TRUE,则函数 NORMDIST 返回标准正态分布,即函数 NORMSDIST。 正态分布密度函数 (cumulative = FALSE) 的计   算公式如下:   公式


normdist(x,mean,standard_dev,cumulative) 函数返回的是给定正态分布函数的累积分布函数(即概率论中的“分布函数”)或者概率密度函数。区别在于,当最后一个参数给的是true的时候,返回累积分布函数,这个函数的值当然不可能大于1。但是当给false时,返回的是概率密度函数,兄弟你既然学过统计学,应该知道密度函数的值没什么必须小于1的限制的吧?只要密度函数在R上的积分等于1就可以了所以如果想求N(0,0.01)在x=0.025处的累积分布函数值的话,需要第四个参数给true而非false


NORMDIST 返回给定平均值和标准偏差的正态分布的累积函数.NORMDIST(x,mean,文本值和逻辑值(如 TRUE 或 FALSE)也将计算在内.



英语流利说 Level6 Unit3 Part2 Listening:Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases Despite advances in technology, one of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. Infectious diseases are caused by micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. These organisms have no access to education or technology, but they present a huge challenge to humanity. That"s because they are adaptable. Just as adaptability has helped humans survive, it makes it more difficult to control infectious diseases. As conditions change, the organism which cause these diseases adapt and become stronger. One of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. There are several kinds of infectious diseases. Bacterial infections, such as pneumonia, are caused by bacteria. These infections can be treated by antibiotics, which kill the bacteria. Viral infections are caused by viruses, such as the influenza virus. These can sometimes be prevented by vaccines, such as the flu vaccine. An example of parasitic infection is malaria. Malaria is caused by parasites transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. Once inside the body, the parasites can be difficult to kill or control. And of course these parasites are also adaptable. Antibiotics attack and kill bacteria. How serious are infectious diseases? Consider what happened in 1918, the influenza pandemic. It started in the fall of 1918 with what seemed to be something no more serious than the common cold. In the next two years however, it infected a fifth of the world"s population. In fact, it turned out to be the most deadly epidemic in history, killing between 20 and 40 million people. The influenza virus that caused it was much stronger than previous influenza viruses. Its mortality rate was two and a half percent compared to a point one percent in previous influenza epidemics. It struck quickly and without mercy, sometimes killing people within hours. Schools and businesses closed in many places, and people wore masks to prevent transmission of the virus through the air. What was unusual about this pandemic was that it was most deadly for people aged 20 to 40, rather than the elderly and young children. Now, a century later, we have flu vaccines that have reduced the severity of epidemics . These vaccines need to be updated every year because the virus changes and new strains emerge. What researchers fear is that a new strain of the virus will develop and cause another pandemic. Once an outbreak occurs, transmission of the disease will be even faster than before. An unintended consequence of our improved transportation system will be the speed at which an epidemic can spread. Experts predict that the public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough. A new strain of a virus is a mutated form of the virus. A new strain of a virus is one that has mutated from the original. So the best defense will be to prevent an outbreak from occurring. This will require global cooperation and the sharing of data. It may also require changes in how humans interact with animals. Animals, such as birds and pigs, carry viruses that may mutate into a strain that can infect humans. Such a new strain could lead to another pandemic well before a new vaccine could be developed. Since diseases and epidemics don"t stop at national boarders , this is a global issue requiring global action. The threat of a global epidemic is another example of why we must learn to live together. It allows epidemics to spread more quickly. Epidemics don"t stop at national borders. One danger is that an animal virus may mutate into a strain that can infect humans. An improved transportation system allows epidemics to spread more quickly. Animals, such as birds and pigs carry viruses that may mutate into a strain that can infect humans.Experts predict that public health systems will be overwhelmed and unable to react quickly enough. One of the most interesting books of the 20th century was the novel, Catch 22. In the novel, the term "a catch 22 situation" was introduced. The term has nothing to do with catching anything. It has a much deeper meaning, and it describes a kind of logical conundrum that"s worth exploring. First, it"s important to put the phrase into context. In the novel, a group of American bomber pilots is on an island in the Mediterranean. They face death almost every day when they fly their bombing missions. Many have already lost their lives. The remaining pilots know that it is only a matter of the time before they will be the next victims. One of the characters in the novel is a doctor. It is his job to see that the pilots are fit to fly. In particular, there is rule that says he has to ground anyone who is crazy. To ground them means to remove them from active duty so that they don"t fly. Some of the men believed in the principles they were fighting for. They were willing to give their lives for their country. But to others , this was crazy. They thought the whole thing was insane . One of them, Yossarian, wanted out. He was friends with the doctor, and he wanted the doctor to ground him. When Yossarian asked the doctor to ground him, the doctor replied: “you"re wasting your time, you"re not crazy”. Yossarian told him to ask one of the other pilots, Clevinger, to tell him how crazy he was. “There is no point. He"s crazy.” The doctor replied.” Crazy people can"t decide whether you are crazy or not .” “Clevinger isn"t crazy! he"s one of the sanest pilots here.” “So he"s obviously out of his head,” said the Doc. “He"s got to be insane to keep on flying combat missions after all the close calls he"s had .”“well, if he"s crazy, why don"t you ground him?” “I can"t unless he asks to be grounded. That"s part of the rule.” “So all he has to do is ask?” “no, then I can"t ground him.” “So there is a catch,” said Yossarian, trying to get things straight. “Sure, there"s a catch,” said the Doc, with a slight smile. “Catch 22. If he asks, then he can"t be crazy. Only those who are crazy are grounded”. “there"s some catch,” obs erved Yossarian. “it"s the best there is,” the Doc replied. If he asks to be grounded he isn"t crazy. To be sane means to be in a healthy state of mind. A close call is a narrow escape from danger, such as surviving a serous accident.

i only suck black disk是什么意思

意思是:我只吸黑磁盘。重点词汇:suck。英[su028ck]释义:v.吸,吮,啜;含在嘴里吸食;抽,吸(空气或液体);(空气或液体的压力)将……卷入,吞没;使卷入;<非正式>糟糕,差劲;收紧,收缩(身体某部分);把(空气或烟)吸进肺部;吸纳,吸收,吸取;巴结;(水泵)空抽。n.吮,吸,啜;(水流的)冲刷声。[复数:sucks;第三人称单数:sucks;现在分词:sucking;过去式:sucked;过去分词:sucked]短语:Vampires Suck吸血鬼了没;暮色大电影;暮光够了没;戏说吸血鬼。例句:用作及物动词(vt.)Don't suck your thumb;it's so dirty.别舔手指头,太脏了。They suck soda water through straws.他们用吸管喝汽水。

求Disintegration -- Monarchy中英文歌词

中文永远已离去,今天信是无限并且昨天的梦想,今天微弱的记忆永远已离去,今天是无限是时间行动(离言),永远已离去二双眼睛在亿万声音面前我看了闪光灯(而想)行多一步距离梦想未被认为是假设我创造了的这些外部墙壁星的声音碰撞回声在距离并且梦想他们快门让它打破一千个片断让风它全部梦想是易碎的但我们的心脏增长强从记忆...让它打破一千个片断让风它全部梦想是易碎的但我们的心脏增长强从记忆...更新... 轻... 梦想......永远离去,今天便是无限并且昨天的梦想,今天微弱的记忆永远离去,今天是无限是时间行动,永远离去并且外部我创造了的这些墙壁星的声音碰撞在回声距离并且梦想他们快门让它打破一千个片断让风它全部梦想是易碎的但我们的心脏增长强从记忆...让它打破一千个片断让风它全部梦想是易碎的但我们的心脏增长强从记忆...更新... 轻... 梦想......永远去了,今天是无限并且昨天的梦想,今天微弱的记忆永远去了,今天是无限是时间行动,永远去了英文forever has gone,today is infinityand yesterday"s dreams,today a faint memoryforever has gone,today is infinityit"s time to move on,forever has gonetwo eyes in the face of billions of voicesI saw the flashing lightsmove further in the distancethe dream was not meant to beand outside these walls that I have createdthe sound of stars collidingechoes in the distanceand dreams they shutterlet it break into a thousand pieceslet the wind it all awaydreams are fragile but our hearts growstronger from memories...let it break into a thousand pieceslet the wind it all awaydreams are fragile but our hearts growstronger from memories...renew...the light...the dream......forever has gone,today is infinityand yesterday"s dreams,today a faint memoryforever has gone,today is infinityit"s time to move on,forever has goneand outside these walls that I have createdthe sound of stars collidingechoes in the distanceand dreams they shutterlet it break into a thousand pieceslet the wind it all awaydreams are fragile but our hearts growstronger from memories...let it break into a thousand pieceslet the wind it all awaydreams are fragile but our hearts growstronger from memories...renew...the light...the dream......forever has gone,today is infinityand yesterday"s dreams,today a faint memoryforever has gone,today is infinityit"s time to move on,forever has gone


"Disintegration"I"ve spent my last nightsstrung up and pulled tight.Holding out, sleep and grow.An answer comes without a please:"Do what you want."[Chorus:]Wonder why I"m so caught of guard when we kiss.Rather live my life in regret then do this.What happened to the love we both knew?We both chased.Hanging on a cigarette you need me, you burn me you"ll burn me.Hushed with a fingerDon"t say you"ll never when you might,or just another time.This poison comes instruction free.Do what you want, but I"m drinking.Wonder why I"m so caught off guard when we kiss.Rather live my life in regret then do this.What happened to the love we both knew? We both chased.Hanging on a cigarette you need me, you burn me you"ll burn me.Lie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight ohLie lie better next time, stay on my side tonight oh [continues through chorus]Wonder why I"m so caught of guard when we kissI"d rather live my life in regret than do thisWhat happened to the love we both knew, we both chasedHanging on a cigarette you need me you burn me you"ll burn meWhat happened to the love we both knew, we both chasedHanging on a cigarette you need me you burn me you"ll burn me.


《Disintegration》(Nicholson, Scott)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/14XrNfPghXh9MW4RVORF-UQ 提取码: tj59书名:Disintegration作者:Nicholson, Scott页数:306

you are my distiny是什么意思

you are my destiny.


disintegration[英][du026asu02ccu026antu026a"ɡreu026au0283n][美][du026asu02ccu026antu026au02c8ɡreu0283u0259n]n.瓦解; 崩溃; <物>裂变; 蜕变; 例句:1.The political and social dynamics are also working toward disintegration. 来自政治和社会的动力也在朝着解体方向发挥作用。2.A chaotic disintegration would be a calamity. 混乱的分裂将是一场灾难。
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