
阅读 / 问答 / 标签


read 是动词 read somebooksreading 是动名词I am reading或作名词do some reading


主语是I,谓语是am reading,而in bed是状语. am 和 reading 一起构成谓语,现在进行时的构成就是:主语+be+现在分词+其它,be 动词和现在分词一同构成谓语 翻译:我在床上看书. 你的中文翻译有点太中式化了,太直译了,应该委婉一些


reading 英 [?ri:d??] 美 ["ri:d??] n. 阅读; 读数; 宣读; 读物 v. 读( read的现在分词); 看懂; 理解; 显示,标明例句: Again, I may be reading way too much into yesterday "s absence. 我也许对扎克伯格昨天缺席会议有点过分解读了。




reading读音["riu02d0du026au014b],意思为阅读,读物,读数,理解,异文。reading作为动词read的现在分词,原型是read,读音为[riu02d0d],意思为识字,阅读,朗读。词语用法:read既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句或疑问词从句作宾语,也可接双宾语。其间接宾语可以转化为介词to或for的宾语,还可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。read有时还可用作系动词,接名词作表语。词汇搭配:1、do some reading读点书2、dull reading读起来枯燥3、at the first reading初读时例句:The readings on my thermometer last month were well above the average.解释:我的温度计上个月的读数远远超过平均温度。


readingsn.阅读( reading的名词复数 ); 读书; 读物; 读数; readingn.阅读; 宣读; 读物; 读数; v.读( read的现在分词); 看懂; 理解; 显示,标明; 懂了么


reading的意思是:阅读,朗读;读物;读数。reading,英文单词,主要用作为名词、形容词、动词,作名词时意为“阅读,朗读;读物;读数”,作形容词时意为“ 阅读的”,作动词时意为“阅读”。根据《柯林斯英汉双解大词典 》:N-UNCOUNT Reading is the activity of reading books. 读书。N-COUNT A reading is an event at which poetry or extracts from books are read to an audience. 朗诵会。N-COUNT Your reading of a word, text, or situation is the way in which you understand or interpret it. 诠释; 理解。N-COUNT The reading on a measuring device is the figure or measurement that it shows. (测量仪器上的) 读数。




reading [ˈri:dɪŋ] read的现在分词


reading 怎么读

reading 英["ri:dɪŋ] 美["ri:dɪŋ] n.阅读;宣读;读物;读数 v.读( read的现在分词);看懂;理解;显示,标明 名词复数:readings [例句]Never stop reading and learning. 不要终止学习与阅读.

reading是什么意思 ?

reading ["ri:diŋ]vt.1.read1的变形n.1.读,阅读2.朗读;朗诵3.宣读(尤指文件、议案等的正式宣读)adj.1.读书的;爱读书的2.供读书用的短语1.the first (second,third) reading 国会中议案的一读(二读,三读)Reading ["rediŋ]1.雷丁(英国英格兰南部城市,伯克郡首府)2.雷丁(美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部城市)3.雷丁(美国俄亥俄州西南部城市)read 1 [ri:d]vt.1.读,阅读:He was reading the plays of Shakespeare when I met him in the library the other day.前几天我在图书馆遇见他时,他正在阅读莎士比亚的戏剧。Her short stories are not widely read nowadays.她的短篇小说现在很少有人看。2.朗读,朗诵:The teacher read the poem aloud to the pupils.教师向学生大声朗诵这首诗。3.看懂,读懂;辨认出:A driver must be able to read traffic signs.驾驶员必须能辨认交通标志。Your handwriting is so illegible that nobody can read it.你的字太潦草,谁也认不出来。vi.1.阅读:You have plenty of time to read.你有大量的时间读书。2.朗读:She is reading loudly in the classroom.她正在教室里朗读。3.读到;获悉(常与 about,of 连用):I read about her death in this morning"s paper.我在今天早晨的报纸上读到她逝世的消息。n.1.读物2.一段阅读时间3.阅读短语1.read between the lines 见 line2.read (oneself) in [英国英语](当众朗读39条教规后)就任圣公会牧师职位3.read one"s shirt 在衬衣上捉虱变形vt. read/reading


reading 英["ri:du026au014b] 美["ri:du026au014b] n.阅读;宣读;读物;读数 v.读( read的现在分词);看懂;理解;显示,标明 名词复数:readings [例句]People are still reading ,at least. 至少人们仍在阅读.




reading是什么意思reading ["ri:diu014b]vt.1.read1的变形n.1.读,阅读2.朗读;朗诵3.宣读(尤指文件、议案等的正式宣读)adj.1.读书的;爱读书的2.供读书用的短语1.the first (second,third) reading 国会中议案的一读(二读,三读)Reading ["rediu014b]1.雷丁(英国英格兰南部城市,伯克郡首府)2.雷丁(美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部城市)3.雷丁(美国俄亥俄州西南部城市)read 1 [ri:d]vt.1.读,阅读:He was reading the plays of Shakespeare when I met him in the library the other day.前几天我在图书馆遇见他时,他正在阅读莎士比亚的戏剧。Her short stories are not widely read nowadays.她的短篇小说现在很少有人看。2.朗读,朗诵:The teacher read the poem aloud to the pupils.教师向学生大声朗诵这首诗。3.看懂,读懂;辨认出:A driver must be able to read traffic signs.驾驶员必须能辨认交通标志。Your handwriting is so illegible that nobody can read it.你的字太潦草,谁也认不出来。vi.1.阅读:You have plenty of time to read.你有大量的时间读书。2.朗读:She is reading loudly in the classroom.她正在教室里朗读。3.读到;获悉(常与 about,of 连用):I read about her death in this morning"s paper.我在今天早晨的报纸上读到她逝世的消息。n.1.读物2.一段阅读时间3.阅读短语1.read between the lines 见 line2.read (oneself) in [英国英语](当众朗读39条教规后)就任圣公会牧师职位3.read one"s shirt 在衬衣上捉虱变形vt. read/reading


reading的读音是:英["ri?d??]。reading的读音是:英["ri?d??]。reading的例句是用作名词(n.)He spent all his time reading.他把全部时间都花在阅读上。reading的意思是n.阅读;读物;读数;理解;异文。一、详尽释义点此查看reading的详细内容n.(名词)阅读,宣读,朗读,读书读书会,朗读会,讲读会读物,阅读材料学识,阅读能力解释【物】读数雷丁(音译名)讲读读数,示数,示度看法书本知识adj.(形容词)阅读的,读书的读书用的用功的爱读书的二、双解释义n.(名词)[U]阅读,读书 the act or practice of reading[U]读物,选读 matter of the stated type to be read[C]读数,仪表指示数 a figure shown by a measuring instrument[C](对事件等的)解释,判断 interpretation of sth三、网络解释1. 雷丁大学:学院(Soas)萨里大学(Surrey) 伯明翰大学(Birmingham) 曼彻斯特大学(Manchester)卡迪夫大学(Cardiff) 阿尔斯特大学(Ulster) 威尔士班戈大学(Bangor)雷丁大学(Reading) 利物浦大学(Liverpool) 伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(Queen Mary,2.2. 瑞丁大学:11 瑞丁大学 (Reading) 学校及课程介绍 专业申请 奖学金申请 论坛 12 邓迪大学 (Dundee) 学校及课程介绍 专业申请 奖学金申请 论坛 13 萨外大学 (Surrey) 学校及课程介绍 专业申请 奖学金申请 论坛 14 伦敦亚是研讨学院 (SOAS) 学校及课程介绍 专业申请 奖学金申请 论坛 15 艾塞克斯大学 (Essex) 学校及课程介绍 专业申请3. 正在读:当页框处于正在读(reading)状态时,表示文件系统正在读入文件数据,有些数据已经读入了内存,有些数据还存在于外存中,该页框暂时不能访问,也就是说,当页框处于正在读(reading)状态时,页框中的数据是不确定的,需要访问该页框的线程需要暂时睡眠,四、例句He spent all his time reading.他把全部时间都花在阅读上。I have benefited a lot from extensive reading.广泛的阅读使我受益匪浅。That book is not healthy reading for a child.对孩子来说那书不是本健康读物。I took some light reading for the train journey.我带了些轻松的读物乘火车消遣。The readings on my thermometer last month were well above the average.我的温度计上个月的读数远远超过平均温度。He agreed with the plurality opinion"s reading of the statute.他同意多数意见对法令的理解。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~do some reading读点书hate such readings不喜欢这类读物teach reading and writing教阅读和写作形容词+~assigned readings指定的阅读作业dull reading读起来枯燥extensive〔intensive〕 reading泛〔精〕读vast〔wide〕 reading博览群书名词+~teacher"s reading教师的看法介词+~at the first reading初读时in a reading一次阅读~+介词readings from American literature美国文学选读reading of the boy"s character对那个男孩性格的看法六、情景对话兴趣爱好A:What do you do in your spare time?你怎么打发你得业余时间?B:I like to play golf and badminton.我喜欢打高尔夫球和羽毛球。A:What do you usually do every evening?你通常每天晚上都做什么?reading是什么意思B:I just like to sleep like a lazy cat.我只喜欢像懒猫一样睡大觉。A:What"s your favorite hobby?你最大的爱好是什么?B:My favorite sport is tennis.我最喜欢的运动是打网球A:Do you like to read books?你喜欢读书吗?B:I enjoyreading so much that I always read in a quiet afternoon with a cup of good coffee.我非常喜欢读书,常在安静的下午一边喝一杯香浓的咖啡一边读书。A:By the way, would you like to see movies.顺便问一下,你喜欢看电影吗?B:That"s OK.还可以吧!保险reading的翻译A:Now that we"re about to own a house, I think we should get it covered.我们快拥有一所房子了,我想我没应该给房子买保险。B:Yes, I talked with an insurance saleswoman about it yesterday.是的,昨天我和一个保险销售人员谈过了。A:You did?你谈了?B:Sure. She said that once we finalize the sale, we just need to make an appointment with her.是的,她说一旦我们定下来,我们只需和她约个时间。A:How long will it take to get covered?保险需要多久能生效?B:I believe the insurance policy will kick in immediately.我想保单很快能生效。A:That"s great. Did you pick up any brochures.太好了,你拿资料手册了吗?B:Not yet.还没。A:Maybe we could startreading up on the different policies now. I heard that many of the homes that were damaged during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans weren"t covered.或许我们可以开始阅读一些不同的保单,我听说在飓风袭击新奥尔良时许多住宅被毁,但保单没有涉及这种情况。B:You"re kidding! Did they have some home insurance or did home insurance just not cover floods?你开玩笑,他们上了家庭保险么,家庭保险不包括水灾么?A:Most of the policies didn"t cover floods.多数保单不包括水灾。reading的反义词B:I guess we should make sure to read the fine print very carefully. Shall we go there now?我想我们应该把册子看仔细一些,我们现在就去?A:Why not? I have nothing better to do.为什么不呢?没有比这更好的。保险A:How may I help you?需要帮忙么?B:Well, I"m going to travel next month and would like to buy some travel insurance. Can I do that here?是的,我想下个月旅行,打算买一些旅行保险,我能在这办理么?A:Yes, you can. Where are you going?可以的,你想去哪里?B:I"m going to Thailand.泰国。A:Will you participating in any extreme sports like bungee jumping or cliff diving?你将参加一些极限运动如蹦极或悬崖跳水么?B:I hope to. Why?我希望参加,怎么了?reading的近义词A:Not all of your policies cover accidents caused by these types of activities.不是所有的保单都包括此类运动造成的意外事故。B:Oh, well, I would like something to cover that.哦, 那我想要一份涵盖此类事故的保单。A:We have different packages depending on the amount of coverage you"d like. Have you looked over our brochure?我们有不同种类的保险,这取决于你投保的项目。你看过我们的资料册了吗?B:Not yet.还没。A:Why don"t you take a look? Make sure you read about all the conditions carefully.为什么不看看,你必须仔细阅读所有条款。B:Ok.好的。reading什么意思A:You"ll also need to decide how long you"d like the travel insurance for. We have daily, monthly, and yearly policies.你还需要决定你的旅游保险保多久。我们有按日,按月,按年的保险。B:I"ll just need it for one month.我只需要一个月。A:When you"ve finishedreading the brochures, you can fill out this form. If you have any questions at that time, come back and I"ll answer them for you.你看完册子以后,就可以填写这张表,如果那时你有什么问题,你可以过来问我。B:Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。reading的相关近义词learning、lessonreading的相关临近词ready、readily、Readings、Reading FC、reading key、reading gun、reading aid、reading man、readingroom、reading out、reading age、reading tide点此查看更多关于reading的详细信息



no more than 和 not exceeding 区别

区别如下:no more than 是副词。 no more than表示只是,至多,只不过的意思no more than 表示“只不过”(= only),强调少。例如:She is no more than an ordinary girl。她只不过是个普通的女孩。not exceeding 不超过例如And the term of cooperation_ot_xceeding15 years. 合作期限不超过15年。

the report makes heavy reading

heavy reading 是makes的宾语, for publishers 是状语 who have,so far,made handsome profits?是定语从句 此句话中没有宾语补足语


Anime shop

surrounding by和surrounded by有什么区别吗?

ing 表示主动,进行ed 表示被动


填 C 这是过去分词短语surrounded by mountains 作为 village的后置定语 这里,village 和surround 是被动关系,所以要用过去分词 意思是:使他很惊奇的是,地面上甚至出现了一个被群山围绕的小山村.


environment一般用单数,不用复数,指某人或某物周围的,并对人或物有影响的环境、条件,可以指精神的(如注重道德的环境),也可指物质的(如工作环境),也可以指自然环境(如空气、水、土等),或指人为的环境条件(如经济环境); surroundings只用复数,指某人周围的事物或环境,这些事物与环境对他的思想、感情、修养有一定的影响。

situation; state; circumstances; surroundings的区别?

state (CONDITION) noun [C] a condition or way of being that exists at a particular time: The building was in a state of disrepair. She was found wandering in a confused state (of mind). Give me the keys - you"re in no fit state to drive. After the accident I was in a state of shock. I came home to an unhappy state of affairs (= situation). The kitchen was in its original state, with a 1920s sink and stove. situation noun [C] 1 the set of things that are happening and the conditions that exist at a particular time and place: the economic/political situation Her news put me in a difficult situation. "Would you get involved in a fight?" "It would depend on the situation." I"ll worry about it if/when/as the situation arises (= if/when/as it happens). surrounding常用复数形式,指"环境,周围的事物",词义较狭窄,仅指周围的具体的物质性的东西. The students live happily in beautiful surroundings. circumstance意为"环境,情形,情况",常用复数形式,表明与某事件或某人有关的情况,环境,境况等. He was forced by circumstances to do this




surrounding 形容词,围着我是“每个人”的主动进行的,所以用ing形式




much has changed in surrounding villages

circumstance 和surrounding的区别 这两个词看汉语解释我都搞不清楚,

circumstance 主要指抽象的情况,环境,等 如:under no circumstances can we agree with your plan. surrounding 多指具体的环境,周围的环境 The building has very beautiful surroundings.也可指抽象的环境,但主要指起影响作用的环境.




surrounding 是adj。

setting,environment,和surrounding 3个词的区别

(1)circumstance多用于指“状况、情况”--------情形;情况the whole circumstance全部情况(pl) 经济状况;物质环境easy circumstances经济状况优裕(pl) 环境The circumstances forced me to accept.环境迫使我不得不同意。Maybe under these circumstances we may say that man can conquer nature.也许在这样的情况下我们可以说人定胜天。(2)surrounding多用于指“人文环境”-----------adj.周围的,附近的[pl. ] 周围的事物, 环境social surroundings社会环境railway surroundings铁路周围环境包围着的; 周围的the surrounding country近郊(3)environment多用于指“自然环境”---------环境,周围环境home environment家庭环境The children have a happy environment at school.孩子们在学校有一个快乐的环境。自然环境to prevent the pollution of the environment防止环境污染The rural environment lent itself to the restoration of his health.农村环境有助于他恢复健康


1.Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential. 周围的农田渐渐变成了住宅区. 2.A large fortified building or group of buildings with thick walls,usually dominating the surrounding country. 城堡带有厚墙的用来设防的大型建筑物或建筑群,通常控制周围的村庄 3.The surrounding villages have been absorbed by/into the growing city. 周围的村庄已经并入了那不断扩展的城市.


surroundings复数,所以他的谓语动词也是复数,表示周围的环境。 例句: It must have reinforced my determination to blend into my surroundings . 这势必让我更加下定决心融入周围环境。 扩展资料   surrounding的释义:   adj.周围的;附近的   v.围绕;环绕;(使)包围,围住;与…紧密相关   n.环境;周围的`事物   是surround的现在分词。   双语例句:   There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance.   他的失踪已为传媒广泛报道。   Her speech sliced through all the confusion surrounding the situation.   她一席话把整个事态的一切纷扰剖析得清清楚楚。   The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings.   这些建筑物设计巧妙,与周围环境浑然一体。   She furnished him with the facts surrounding the case.   她向他提供了与案件有关的事实。   The farm and surrounding area was flooded.   农场和周围地区遭洪水淹没。


surrounding the neck 是用来修饰lace的,surround+ing







surrounding 和around environment 的区别是什么?

circumstance 表示”处境”,”情势”eg. Under no circumstance will I believe you.无论什么情形之下,我都不会相信你.environment 表示"环境".既指"自然环境" (natural environment), 又指"社会环境" (social environment)eg. 保护环境: protect the environment注意:如果想表示由于某种特定因素造成的"场合"或"情形",应使用 circumstance !


答案 B find oneself + 形容词,这道题使用分词做形容词,然后就是surrounding和surrounded的区别了,后者表被动,比较适用于题意,因此选B







surround,surrounding,surroundings 用法区别是什么?大神们帮帮忙


circumstance 和surrounding的区别

surrounding主要作为周围环境来讲,一般是很直白的表达: -->He didn"t pay much attention to his surroundings.他没有多注意他周围的环境。circumstance却通常引申为情况,情势,事情的态势,境况等:-->In normal circumstances I would have resigned immediately.在正常情况下,我本会马上辞职的。-->They have been living in reduced circumstances since John lost his job.约翰失业后,他们一直生活拮据。你可以看看下面的句子该填什么?Under on _____should we give up!在任何情况下我们都不能放弃!


surrounding本身即可是形容词,又是可数名词。 作为名词可数,理论上当然可以+s,当然s不是必须的。但:surroundings 这个词本身就有固定的意思:environing things, circumstances, conditions, etc.; environment.表示周围的环境。 既然是泛指周围环境,当然是复数,周围环境一般不会只是一个。


surrounding与neighbouring的区别是词性和词义不同具体词义如下:surrounding n. 环境,周围的事物; adj. 周围的,附近的; v. 围绕; 包围( surround的现在分词 ); 与…紧密相关; 喜欢结交(某类人); neighbouring adj. 邻近的; 接壤的;


surrounding,adj. 周围的,附近的; n. 环境,周围的事物后面不接介词,surrounded 后面接by或者with,被什么包围。


但看你的 名词就是复数的形式


surrounding adj. 周围的,附近的 n. 环境,周围的事物 environment n. 环境,外界前者是社会环境 后者是自然环境



辨析surrounding surroundings



1. 周围的 2. 环境 3. 被……环绕/包围 4. 在周围地区 5. 位于优美的环境中 6. is surrounded by 7. the surrounding land 8. their natural surroundings

surround,surrounding,surroundings 用法区别是什么?大神们帮帮忙

surrounding Trees surround the pond. 树木围绕著池塘 动词过去式 现在分词:surrounding A large fortified building or group of buildings with thick walls, usually dominating the surrounding country. 城堡带有厚墙的用来设防的大型建筑物或建筑群,通常控制周围的村庄 surroundings名词 I was rebuffed and I spent a grim and tragic Christmas Eve in those most unchristian surroundings 我受到驳斥,在这种最没有基督教精神的环境中,我度过了一个十分惨淡的圣诞节前夜


surrounding: [ su0259"raundiu014b ] a. 周围的n. 环境,周围的事物 但是这里的surrounding是surround的现在分词,句子的变式为there was lace which surrounds the neck.原句为there be 句型.例如:there was a boy playing.surrounding例句与用法: 1. Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential. 周围的农田渐渐变成了住宅区. 2. The surrounding villages have been absorbed by/into the growing city. 周围的村庄已经并入了那不断扩展的城市. 3. A large fortified building or group of buildings with thick walls, usually dominating the surrounding country. 城堡带有厚墙的用来设防的大型建筑物或建筑群,通常控制周围的村庄

surround,surrounding,surroundings 用法区别是什么?

surroundingTrees surround the pond. 树木围绕著池塘 动词过去式 现在分词:surroundingA large fortified building or group of buildings with thick walls, usually dominating the surrounding country. 城堡带有厚墙的用来设防的大型建筑物或建筑群,通常控制周围的村庄 surroundings名词I was rebuffed and I spent a grim and tragic Christmas Eve in those most unchristian surroundings 我受到驳斥,在这种最没有基督教精神的环境中,我度过了一个十分惨淡的圣诞节前夜


算可数吧 复数型名词, 本身是复数

surround surrounding surroundings 我查的是surroundin





surroundings周围的环境 拼音 双语对照 surroundings英 [su0259u02c8rau028andu026au014bz] 美 [su0259u02c8rau028andu026au014bz] n.(周围的)环境[事物]; 环境,周围的事物( surrounding的名词复数); 一带网络周围的事物; 外界; 环境


surroundings[英][su0259u02c8rau028andu026au014bz][美][su0259u02c8rau028andu026au014bz]n.(周围的)环境[事物]; 环境,周围的事物( surrounding的名词复数); 一带; 例句:1.These youngsters are eager to explore their new surroundings. 小家伙们热衷于探索他们的新环境。


surrounding 英[su0259u02c8rau028andu026au014b]美[su0259u02c8rau028andu026au014b]n. 环境,周围的事物;adj. 周围的,附近的;v. 围绕; 包围( surround的现在分词 ); 与…紧密相关; 喜欢结交(某类人);[其他] 原型: surround 复数:surroundings



unit 2008,business dep grandbuy building of guangzhou 是什么意思

Unit 2008,business dep. grandbuy building of guangzhou.意思是: 广州商业部广百大厦2008单元.dept.是department的缩写,"部门"的意思.

acm上的pending judgement什么意思

pending judgement 全部释义和例句>> 未决判决judgement 英[u02c8du0292u028cdu0292mu0259nt]美[u02c8du0292u028cdu0292mu0259nt]n. 判断,鉴定,评价,判断; 审判,裁判,判决; 看法,意见; 判断力,见识;[网络] 看法; 审判; 详判;[例句]He could no longer trust his own judgement.他不再相信自己的判断。[其他] 复数:judgements 形近词: lodgement ledgement


regarding[英][ru026au02c8gɑ:du026au014b][美][ru026au02c8gɑ:rdu026au014b]prep.关于; 就…而论; 至于; v.regard的现在分词; 例句:1.Washington is being gradually boxed in regarding relations with china. 华盛顿逐渐被困在关于与中国的关系之中。2.A boeing spokeswoman declined immediate comment regarding those issues. 波音公司一位发言人拒绝对这些问题立即置评。

regarding和with regards to有什么区别

regarding介词 prep.关于;就...而论He knew nothing regarding the case.关于这个案子他一无所知.with regards to关于In regard to his suggestions we shall discuss them fully.关于他的建议,我们将充分地讨论.

歌词有go on and on and on 的歌,男唱的美国的,不是Holding On And Letting Go 不是铁达利号的.

《give a little more》Maroon 5唱的You"ve been bad and it goes on and on and onTill you come home babe Till you come homeYou taste past the poison you learn to love has goneI"m all alone baby I"m all aloneI"m waiting for something always waitingFeeling nothing wondering if it"ll ever changeThen I give a little more oh babeOh give a little more oh babeI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveTill I get a little more from you babyOhGet a little more from you babyYou were wrong for turning me on and on and onAnd on and onYou make it so hardI"m waiting for something always waitingFeeling nothing wondering if it"ll ever changeThen I give a little more oh babeOhGive a little more oh babeI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveTill I get a little more from you babyOhGet a little more from you babyI have no defenseI know you"re gonna get me in the endAnd I cannot pretendI ever want to feel this way againI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveTill i get a little more from you babyOhGet a little more from you babyI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveI"m not falling in love with ya I"m not falling in loveTill i get a little more from you babyOhGet a little more from you baby

为什么我的电脑开机时总出现an error occurred while loading resource dll.请教



usual寻常的 typical典型的 common普通的,普遍的 normal正常的,ordinary 无特点的,普通的 regular经常的,有规律的,average平均的


ordinary〓强调一般性和普通性,含不突出的意味。 regular〓指已有模式、有规律或定期的。

average,ordindary,regular,normal详细解释一下。 谢谢。

首先是基本词义:averageadj. 1. 平均的2. 平常的, 普通的, 一般的3. 典型的;正常的4. (价值、比率等的)平均数的,平均值的5. 中等的;通常的,平常的;普通的,一般的n. 1. 平均; 平均数2. 平均水平;一般水准 3. 平均估价;平均近似值4. (速度等的)平均率 5. 中等水平;中等,普通vt. 1. 求…的平均数,计算出…的平均数2. 平均为3. 对…做出总的评价(或评估)4. 按比例(或平均)分配(利润等),均分(利益等);平均分担(损失等)5. 使达到平衡link-v. 1. 平均为, 平均达vi. 1. 【商业】(为得到更好的平均价格而)买进或卖出2. (颜色)呈中间色ordinaryadj. 1. 普通的, 平常的, 一般的, 平凡的; 平庸的, 平淡无奇的regular1. 有规律的, 定期的, 定时的2. 合乎原则的; 符合规定的; 正当的; 适当的3. 均匀的; 整齐的; 对称的4. 正常的, 经常的5. 连续的; 习惯性的; 固定不变的6. 频繁的;经常做(或发生)的 7. 通常的;平常的;惯常的 8. 标准尺寸的;中等大小的;中号的9. 普通的;平凡的10. 常备军的;正规军的11. (尤指动词或名词)规则的;按规则变化的 12. 完全的;彻底的 n. 1. 常客;老主顾 2. 主力(或正式)队员;(电视节目的)老主持人;经常参加某项活动的人 3. 正规军人;职业军人 4. 僧侣;修道士5. 固定职工;正式成员6. 忠于领导人的党员;(政党的)中坚分子adv. 1. 定期地;定时地2. 彻底;非常normaladj. 1. 正常的, 平常的2. 正规的; 标准的3. 自然的,健全的4. 师范的5. 【数学】正交的,垂直的;法线的;正态的;(矩阵)正规的 6. 【化学】规度的,当量(浓度)的;正(链)的,简正的7. 【心理学、医学】精神(或智力、身体等)正常的n. 1. 正常;正常状态;平均水准2. 标准;典型3. 正常人;正常事物4. 师范学院5. 【数学】法线;正交然后说一下从平时阅读积累的经验来看,average前后文出现有关百分率,数字,几率,关于身高体重等健康指标的情况比较多;ordinary和normal虽然同时拥有“普通”的意思,但是ordinary更多有“不出众”的意思,而normal常常有“身体完整健康”的意思,有时会和“abnormal(身理上残疾、畸形的)”相对;regular除了表示有规律的意思外,有时候在说某某店的常客时,会这样表达,比如:他是那家餐厅的常客 He is a regular customer of that restaurant. 或者在表述锻炼身体的文章的时候会用到regular表示“有安排、计划的锻炼”。以上是我的个人看法。希望这些对楼主有帮助。






分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: regular [5re^julE] adj. 规则的, 有秩序的, 经常的, (花)整齐的, 常备军的, 等边的, 合格的, 定期的n. 正规军, 正式队员 adv. 经常地 n. 正常体 ordinary [5C:dinEri] adj. 平常的, 普通的, 平凡的 n. [律] 推事, <英>[宗]罪犯的忏悔牧师


usual很少做形容词来用,一般都直接用副词形式,表示一般情况下,频率比较高的情况下regular的意思是常规的 就是有规律,有意识进行的normal的意思是正常的,这个比较好理解ordinary的意思是平常的,普通的common的意思是一般的,平常的最后这两个意思相当接近,基本可以替换 语感上又有小小区别 ordinary带些微贬义有点一成不变模式化的感觉 common有点接近正常的意思

deshedding brush什么意思

deshedding brush是宠物毛刷Deshedding, Deshedding Suppliers and Manufacturers at Alibaba...deshedding brush pet brush desheder deshedding pet brush dog brush deshedding dog grooming deshedding pet hair deshedding tool deshedding grooming tool More...

exclusive 和excluding

■ exclusive: [ iks"klu:siv ] 词性:a. 词义:独占的,唯一的,排外的,[计算机] 互斥的同义词:single, undivided词形变化: 副词:exclusively 名词:exclusiveness 例句: The ship has a crew of 57 exclusive of officers. 这船上除高级船员外, 有57名普通船员Painting has not been her exclusive occupation. 绘画并非她唯一的职业. ■excluding: [ iks"klu:diu014b ] 词性:prep. 词义:把...排除在外,不计同义词:exclude例句: The act of banishing or excluding. 流放放逐或流放的行为 。The town proper, excluding the suburbs. 严格意义上的城市不包括郊区 。

八下英语Unit6 Reading 的翻译 谁有啊

Section 2 我一直在中国学习历史我的名字叫利奥。我来自澳大利亚,并且我在中国教书已两年了。我在黑龙江省的省会哈尔滨教书。这是一座拥有多姿多彩历史的有趣的城市。这座城市有欧洲的一些痕迹,并且在哈尔滨的一些古老建筑物是俄罗斯风格的。自从我来到中国,我已经学到了很多关于我家族的历史。尽管我是澳大利亚人,但我的家族是犹太人。因此,对我来说知道很多年前犹太人来哈尔滨居住是很有趣的。当我告诉我的父母关于这段历史时,他们是如此惊讶。事实上,第一批犹太人可能早在一千年前就来到开封并且受到了宋朝皇帝的欢迎。当我住在澳大利亚的时候,我在学校学习历史,但我们通常学习澳大利亚和西方的历史。然而,当我听到我将去中国工作时,我开始研究中国的历史。现在我已经学习了两年多。我澳大利亚的朋友说中国的历史很难理解,但我真的不同意。我认为只要你努力学习,你将会理解任何一种文化。对于一个像我一样的外国人,我学的中国历史越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。尽管我住的离北京很远,但我肯定,在2008年北京奥运会时我一定会在这儿的!


在美军作战语言里 他是换弹匣的意思
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