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It is long way to the top of a moutain. Some people forever remain at foot, contemplating the distance without moving; some people dwell within the moutain and think this is all it has to offer; Only people with diligent and refuse to settle are be able to claim the top, therefore, survey the beauty of the entire world.(very much a translation by meaning rather than defination.)


比较有深意的英文名字150个 比较有深意的英文名字(一): victor 这个名字有深刻意义,读起来干净有利,富有气势。同样victor来自拉丁语,有胜利者、征服者的意义,很多男性在起名的时候喜欢使用这个英文名,能够表达期望在事业上一帆风顺,取得很好的成绩,也能够表示好强、向往胜利的个性。 becky becky原意是连结、捆绑,寓意则是连结,分享,表示人与人之间的羁绊,互相帮忙、乐于分享,两个人一来二往,感情也会在慢慢地发展起来,无论对于感情还是亲情,互相之间的感情总是要靠脉络、联系来维持和爱护。这个英文名多用于女性。 elizabeth elizabeth寓意为信仰上帝,源于希伯来语,是一个比较神圣且有深意的名字。这个名字还是相当受欢迎的,此刻的英国女王叫伊丽莎白二世,而漫威电影绯红女巫的扮演者也叫elizabeth olsen。在圣经中,elizabeth是撒迦利亚的妻子,他们的孩子就是施洗约翰。elizabeth适用于女性。 danielle 这个英文名字可用于女性,其意义是上帝为我审判,源于拉丁语男名daniel,它还有另一种拼写形式daniela,由希伯来语“daniy"el”一词演变而来,并且希伯来圣经和《旧约全书》中都出现了先知daniel,《book of daniel》讲述的就是他的故事,可见danielle的来源非同小可且有深意。 nicholas 相传,nicholas是希腊和俄罗斯的守护圣人,这个英文名字代表人民的胜利,富有深意。它是由希腊词语“nike(胜利)”和“laos(人民)”组合而成的,听起来很顺耳,让人觉得舒服,并且在很多国家都能使用。另外,nicholas还有nick, nico的昵称,适用于男性。 sugar sugar是一个英文单词,听起来很悦耳很温柔,适合女孩使用。该单词有糖的意思,用做名字可寓意女孩十分甜美可爱,给人一种很温暖很乐观的感觉,是比较有深意的一个名字。 blanche 能够音译成中文名字“布兰奇”,听起来十分优美悦耳,比较贴合女孩的性别气质。blanche有,纯洁无暇、白皙美丽的意思,所以作为女孩的英文名字寓意比较好,可指女孩单纯美丽,冰清玉洁。 viola “viola”的发音比较悦耳,可音译为维奥拉,既好听又洋气,贴合女孩的性别气质,该名字有“紫罗兰”的意思,是戏剧《第十二夜》中女主名字,用做女孩的英文名会很有深意,且富有文艺气息。 cyril 音译成中文是“夕瑞尔”,很洋气的一个名字,听起来有种优雅、西式的格调,好听悦耳。该英文有气派的意思,作为女孩的名字,寓意内涵是比较好的,可指女孩十分杰出,很有高贵优雅的气质。 diana 翻译成中文是“黛安娜”,很洋气的一个名字,听起来好听且有一种高贵感。黛安娜是传说中的神仙,所以用来做女孩子的英文名字有比较深刻的意义,可寓意女孩聪明智慧、漂亮知性,有着迷人魅力。 mag mag发音十分简洁流畅,听起来短促有力,优美大气,彰显了女孩的时尚气质。mag有珍珠的意思,所以用做英文名也比较有深意,可指女孩十分高贵优雅,也蕴含着父母对女孩的爱意。 比较有深意的英文名字(二): 1、camille——卡蜜拉-好品性的高贵女子 2、michelle——蜜雪儿-寓指甜美可人高尚纯洁心地善良 3、andrea——安德莉亚-有气概美丽而优雅 4、jodie——乔迪-文静头发柔软的纯洁 5、ella——艾拉-美丽的仙女 6、chloe——克洛怡-青春的,美丽的 7、elsa——爱尔莎-诚实的 8、bertha——柏莎-聪明,美丽,灿烂的 9、bonnie——邦妮-甜美,漂亮,优雅而善良的人 10、dora——多拉-神的赠礼11、kaitlyn——凯特琳-纯洁的 12、anna——安娜-优雅 13、gail——盖尔-欢乐的;唱歌;峡谷 14、jodie——乔蒂-十分文静,赞美 15、gill——姬儿-少女 16、judith——朱蒂斯-赞美,文静之女子 17、enid——伊妮德-纯洁得毫无瑕庛 18、ida——艾达-欢乐的;勤奋的;富有的 19、april——艾谱莉-春天,大地初醒之时,春天生的女孩 20、iris——爱莉丝-彩虹女神;鸢尾花 21、grace——葛瑞丝-优雅的 22、iris——爱莉丝-彩虹女神,鸢尾花 23、hannah——汉娜-神之优雅 24、verna——维娜-寓指美貌,姿态柔美,轻柔的样貌 25、annabelle——安娜贝尔-亲切的美丽的可爱的 比较有深意的英文名字(三): 1、Adelaide:阿德莱德 2、Irene:艾琳 3、Barton:巴顿 4、Ariel:艾莉尔 5、Darcy:达茜 6、Lydia:莉迪娅 7、Leo:利奥 8、Daisy:戴茜 9、Matilda:玛蒂尔达 10、Bartley:巴特莱 11、Clare:克雷尔 12、Anita:安尼塔 13、Haley:哈利 14、Susan:苏珊 15、Charlotte:夏洛特 16、Bonnie:邦妮 17、Edith:伊迪丝 18、Martin:马丁 19、Frederic:弗雷得力克 20、Jim:吉姆 21、Herbert:赫伯特 22、Hamiltion:汉米敦 23、Carmen:卡门 24、Camille:卡米尔 25、Marshall:马歇尔 26、Andrea:安德莉亚 27、June:朱恩 28、Reg:雷哲 29、Joyce:乔伊斯 30、Liz:莉兹 31、Mortimer:摩帝马 32、Ralap:雷尔夫 33、Julian:朱利安 34、Rachel:雷切尔 比较有深意的英文名字(四): 1、cana(察娜)——翻译:热情,嫉妒,占有。 2、henize(赫尼兹)。 3、hultman(赫尔特曼)。 4、fern(费尔南,费恩)——翻译:一种喜欢遮荫的绿色植物。 5、oelke(奥尔基)。 6、jesper(杰斯珀)——翻译:丹麦形式的贾斯珀。 7、langshaw(兰肖)。 8、kumara(库马拉,库玛拉赞)——翻译:年轻。 9、Ralap(雷尔夫,)——翻译:狼的忠告或狼的智能,顾问。 10、rudolf(鲁迪亚德,鲁道夫)——翻译:著名的狼。 11、bostick(博斯蒂克)。 12、caterina(凯特蕊娜,卡泰丽娜)——翻译:纯洁。 13、bullman(布尔曼)。 14、dowden(道登)。 15、corinna(科琳娜)——翻译:这是公元前世纪希腊抒情诗人的名字。 16、cacioppo(卡乔波)。 17、kearns(卡恩斯)——翻译:黑,暗。 18、owen(欧文)——翻译:年轻的战士。 19、hordyk(霍迪克)。 20、dowe(道)。 21、tutyahu(图蒂亚胡)——翻译:上帝的善良。 22、ibrahim(艾伯拉姆)——翻译:Ibrahim是一个宗教名字。 23、albertz(艾伯茨)。 24、stachnik(斯塔赫尼克)。 25、hean(希恩)。 26、herne(赫恩)——翻译:神秘的猎人之神。 27、joyal(乔亚尔)。 28、leibowitz(莱博维茨)。 29、arran(阿伦)——翻译:崇高;高山。 30、latifa(拉季法,拉提法)——翻译:温柔。 31、karr(卡尔)——翻译:沼泽;沼泽。 32、savannah(萨万娜,萨婉娜)——翻译:没有树木的平原。 33、portney(波特尼)。 34、villars(维勒斯)。 35、rouhana(鲁哈纳)。 36、douville(杜维尔)。 37、theodric(西奥德里克)——翻译:希腊语名字。 38、purtill(珀蒂尔)。 39、froggatt(弗罗格特)。 40、haddy(哈迪)。 41、ivany(伊万尼)。 42、dooher(杜埃尔)。 43、dharma(达尔马)——翻译:达玛与业力的概念紧密相连,发音: 44、krieble(克里布尔)。 45、petra(皮翠阿,佩特拉)——翻译:聪明的,宁静的。 46、holleran(霍勒伦)。 47、bortman(博特曼)。 48、paco(帕可,帕克)——翻译:鹰。 49、bertholf(伯索夫)。 50、trinidad(特力尼达,特立尼达)——翻译:特立尼达源于拉丁语,意思是“三位一体”。 51、carin(卡林)——翻译:龙骨;小宝贝。 52、mcarthur(麦克阿瑟)。 53、sorrell(索雷尔)——翻译:红棕色的头发。 54、camon(卡蒙)——翻译:他的复活。 55、apel(阿佩尔)。 56、galeno(加莱诺)——翻译:聪明的小动物。 57、cisneros(西斯内罗斯)。 58、syda(瑟达)。 59、chamberlain(张伯伦)——翻译:亨利八世国王。 60、mellie(关于梅莉)——翻译:很好的名字,但当她长大后,她和梅丽莎之间的关系看起来更趣味。 61、beaird(比尔德)。 62、elfenbein(埃尔芬拜因)。 63、hella(赫拉)——翻译:海尔格的变体。 64、dumler(达姆勒)。 65、gosda(戈斯达)。 66、rawn(罗恩)。 67、gluth(格卢思)。 68、kilgour(基尔戈)。 69、pitkin(皮特金)。 70、jools(吉尔斯)——翻译:朱利安或茱莉亚的缩略语。 71、madlin(马德琳)。 72、crable(克拉布尔)。 比较有深意的英文名字(五): 1、Sharon:莎伦 娇小可爱的 2、Jessie:杰西 聪明的 3、Lauren:劳伦 胜利的象征 4、Stephanie:斯蒂芬妮 花环 5、Princess:普琳西思 皇家女儿 6、Barbara:巴巴拉 陌生人 7、Christine:克里斯廷 有活力的 8、Sophia:索菲娅 智慧 9、Victoria:维多利亚 胜利的征服者 10、Ivy:艾唯 神圣的 11、Diana:戴安娜 月亮女神 12、Amber:安伯 宝石 13、Julie:朱莉 平静的,融合的 14、Wendy:温迪 精力充沛的 15、Kelly:凯利 女战士 16、Andrea:安杰亚 美丽而优雅的 17、Gina:吉娜 美丽的 18、Doris:桃瑞斯 有职责感的 19、Alexandra:亚力 保护者 20、Caroline:卡罗琳 男子 21、Fiona:费奥娜 美貌的 22、Marie:玛丽 自信,独立 23、Tiffany:蒂法尼 神圣的 24、Yvonne:伊冯娜 射手 25、Teresa:特丽萨 美丽的


Brazil (brəzĭl") , Port. Brasil, officially Federative Republic of Brazil, republic (2005 est. pop. 186,113,000), 3,286,470 sq mi (8,511,965 sq km), E South America. By far the largest of the Latin American countries, Brazil occupies nearly half the continent of South America, stretching from the Guiana Highlands in the north, where it borders Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, to the plains of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina in the south. In the west it spreads to the equatorial rain forest, bordering on Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia; in the east it juts far out into the Atlantic toward Africa. It is a federation of 26 states and Brasília, the federal district and site of the capital city of the same name. Its largest cities are São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Land Brazil"s vast territory covers a great variety of land and climate, for although Brazil is mainly in the tropics (it is crossed by the equator in the north and by the Tropic of Capricorn in the south), the southern part of the great central upland is cool and yields the produce of temperate lands. Most of Brazil"s large cities are on the Atlantic coast or the banks of the great rivers. The rain forests of the Amazon River basin occupy all the north and north central portions of Brazil. With the opening of the interior in the 1970s and 80s, these rain forests were heavily cut and burned for industrial purposes, farming, and grazing land. Beginning in the late 1980s, popular international movements, along with changes in government policy, began to reduce the rate of deforestation, but by the mid-1990s extensive burning was again occurring. The Amazon region includes the states of Amazonas, Pará, Acre, Amapá, Roraima, and Rondônia; its chief city is Manaus. Although it is not as developed as other parts of Brazil, the Amazon region produces timber, rubber, and other forest products such as Brazil nuts and pharmaceutical plants. Gold mining, ecotourism, and fishing are also important. At the mouth of the Amazon is the city of Belém, chief port of N Brazil. Southeast of the Amazon mouth is the great seaward outthrust of Brazil, the region known as the Northeast. The states of Maranhão and Piauí form a transitional zone noted for its many babassu and carnauba palms. The Northeast proper—including the states of Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe, and the northern part of Bahia—was the center of the great sugar culture that for centuries dominated Brazil. The Northeast has also contributed much to the literature and culture of Brazil. In these states the general pattern is a narrow coastal plain (formerly supporting the sugarcane plantations and now given over to diversified subtropical crops) and a semiarid interior, or sertão, subject to recurrent droughts. This region has been the object of vigorous reclamation efforts by the government. The “bulge” of Brazil reaches its turning point at the Cape of São Roque. To the northeast lie the islands of Fernando de Noronha, and to the south is the port of Natal. South of the “corner” of Brazil, the characteristic pattern of S Brazilian geography becomes notable: the narrow and interrupted coastal lowlands are bordered on the west by an escarpment, which in some places reaches the sea. Above the escarpment is the great Brazilian plateau, which tapers off in the southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul, where it is succeeded by the plains of the Río de la Plata country. The escarpment itself appears from the sea as a mountain range, generally called the Serra do Mar [coast range], and the plateau is interrupted by mountainous regions, such as that in Bahia, which separates E Bahia from the valley of the São Francisco River. The chief cities of the Northeast are the ports of Recife in Pernambuco and Salvador in Bahia. There are a number of excellent harbors farther south: Vitória in Espírito Santo; Rio de Janeiro, the former capital, one of the most beautiful and most capacious harbors in the world; Santos, the port of São Paulo and the one of the greatest coffee ports in the world; and Pôrto Alegre in Rio Grande do Sul. In the east and southeast is the heavily populated region of Brazil—the states that in the 19th and 20th cent. received the bulk of European immigrants and took hegemony away from the old Northeast. The state of Rio de Janeiro, with the great steel center of Volta Redonda, is heavily industrialized. Neighboring São Paulo state has even more industry, as well as extensive agriculture. The city of São Paulo, on the plateau, has continued the vigorous and aggressive development that marked the region in the 17th and 18th cent., when the paulistas went out in the famed bandeiras (raids), searching for slaves and gold and opening the rugged interior. They were largely responsible for the development of the gold and diamond mines of Minas Gerais state, the second most populous state in Brazil, and for the building of its old mining center of Vila Rica (Ouro Prêto), succeeded by Belo Horizonte as capital. Minas has some of the finest iron reserves in the world, as well as other mineral wealth, and has become industrialized. Settlement also spread from São Paulo southward, particularly in the 19th and early 20th cent. when coffee from São Paulo"s terra roxa [purple soil] had become the basis of Brazilian wealth, and coffee growing spread to Paraná. That state, in the west, runs out to the “corner” where Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay meet at the natural marvel of the Iguaçu Falls on the Paraná River. The huge Itaipú dam, built from the early 1970s through the mid-1990s by Paraguay and Brazil, provides power for most of southern Brazil. The more southern states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, developed to a large extent by German and Slavic immigrants, are primarily cattle-raising areas with increasing industrial importance. Frontier development is continuing in central Brazil. The state of Mato Grosso is still largely devoted to stock raising. The transcontinental railroad from Bolivia spans the southern part of the state. The federal district of Brasília was carved out of the neighboring plateau state of Goiás, to the east, and the national capital was transferred to the planned city of Brasília in 1960. People Brazil has the largest population in South America and is the fifth most populous country in the world. The people are also diverse in origin, and Brazil often boasts that the new “race” of Brazilians is a successful amalgam of African, European, and indigenous strains, a claim that is truer in the social than the political or economic realm. Portuguese is the official language and nearly universal; English is widely taught as a second language. Most of the estimated 150,000 indigenous peoples (chiefly of Tupí or Guaraní linguistic stock) are found in the rain forests of the Amazon River basin; 12% of Brazil"s land has been set aside as indigenous areas. Some 90% of the population is at least nominally Roman Catholic. There are more than 50 universities in the country. Economy Brazil has one of the world"s largest economies, with well-developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and service sectors. Vast disparities remain, however, in the country"s distribution of land and wealth. Roughly one third of the workforce is involved in agriculture. The major commercial crops are coffee (Brazil is the world"s largest producer and exporter), citrus fruit (especially juice oranges, of which Brazil also is the world"s largest producer), soybeans, sugarcane, rice, corn, cocoa, cotton, tobacco, and bananas. Cattle, pigs, and sheep are the most numerous livestock. Timber is also important, although much of it is illegally harvested. Brazil has vast mineral wealth, including iron ore (it is the world"s largest producer), quartz, chrome ore, manganese, industrial diamonds, gem stones, gold, nickel, tin, bauxite, uranium, and platinum. The leading manufacturing industries produce textiles, chemicals, shoes, food products, steel, motor vehicles, ships, and machinery. Most of Brazil"s electricity comes from water power and it possesses extensive untapped hydroelectric potential, particularly in the Amazon basin. In addition to coffee, Brazil"s exports include iron and steel, concentrated orange juice, soybeans, beef, tropical hardwoods, and footwear. Crude oil, manufactured goods, and chemical products head the imports. Most trade is with the European Union nations, the United States, Argentina, and Japan. Brazil is a member of Mercosur. Government Brazil is governed by the 1988 constitution. Under its terms, authority is vested in the president, who is elected for four years by universal suffrage. Under a 1997 amendment, the president may be reelected once. There is a bicameral legislature consisting of an upper federal senate and a lower chamber of deputies. The 81 senators are elected for eight years and the 513 deputies are elected for four years. The president may unilaterally intervene in state affairs. Each state has its own governor and legislature. The main political parties are the Brazilian Democratic Movement party, the Liberal Front party, the Democratic Labor party, the Brazilian Social Democracy party, and the Workers party. History Early History There is evidence suggesting possible human habitation in Brazil more than 30,000 years ago, and scholars have found artifacts, including cave paintings, that all agree date back at least 11,000 years. By the time Europeans arrived there was a relatively small indigenous population, but the archaeological record indicates that densely populated settlements had previously existed in some areas; smallpox and other European diseases are believed to have decimated these settlements prior to extensive European exploration. The indigenous peoples that survived can be classified into two main groups, a partially sedentary population that spoke the Tupian language and had similar cultural patterns, and those that moved from place to place in the vast land. It is estimated that approximately a million indigenous people were scattered throughout the territory. Whether or not Brazil was known to Portuguese navigators in the 15th cent. is still an unsolved problem, but the coast was visited by the Spanish mariner Vicente Yáñez Pinzón (see under Pinzón, Martín Alonso) before the Portuguese under Pedro Alvares Cabral in 1500 claimed the land, which came within the Portuguese sphere as defined in the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494). Little was done to support the claim, but the name Brazil is thought to derive from the Portuguese word for the red color of brazilwood [brasa=glowing coal], which the early visitors gathered. The indigenous people taught the explorers about the cultivation of corn, the construction of hammocks, and the use of dugout canoes. The first permanent settlement was not made until 1532, and that was at São Vicente in São Paulo. Development of the Northeast was begun about the same time under Martím Afonso de Sousa as first royal governor. Salvador was founded in 1539, and 12 captaincies were established, stretching inland from the Brazilian coast. Portuguese claims, somewhat lackadaisically administered, did not go unchallenged. French Huguenots established themselves (1555) on an island in Rio de Janeiro harbor and were routed in 1567 by a force under Mem de Sá, who then founded the city of Rio de Janeiro. The Dutch made their first attack on Salvador (Bahia) in 1624, and in 1633 the vigorous Dutch West India Company was able to capture and hold not only Salvador and Recife but the whole of the Northeast; the region was ably ruled by John Maurice of Nassau. No aid was forthcoming from Portugal, which had been united with Spain in 1580 and did not regain its independence until 1640. It was a naval expedition from Rio itself that drove out the Dutch in 1654. The success of the colonists helped to build their self-confidence. Farther south, the bandeirantes from São Paulo had been trekking westward since the beginning of the 17th cent., thrusting far into Spanish territory and extending the western boundaries of Brazil, which were not delimited until the negotiations of the Brazilian diplomat Rio Branco in the late 19th and early 20th cent. The Portuguese also had ambitions to control the Banda Oriental (present Uruguay) and in the 18th cent. came into conflict with the Spanish there; the matter was not completely settled even by the independence of Uruguay in 1828. The sugar culture came to full flower in the Northeast, where the plantations were furnishing most of the sugar demanded by Europe. Unsuccessful at exploiting the natives for the backbreaking labor of the cane fields and sugar refineries, European colonists imported Africans in large numbers as slaves. Dependence on a one-crop economy was lessened by the development of the mines in the interior, particularly those of Minas Gerais, where gold was discovered late in the 17th cent. Mining towns sprang up, and Ouro Prêto became in the 18th cent. a major intellectual and artistic center, boasting such artists as the sculptor Aleijadinho. The center of development began to swing south, and Rio de Janeiro, increasingly important as an export center, supplanted Salvador as the capital of Brazil in 1763. Ripples from intellectual stirrings in Europe that preceded the French Revolution and the successful American Revolution brought on an abortive plot for independence among a small group of intellectuals in Minas; the plot was discovered and the leader, Tiradentes, was put to death. When Napoleon"s forces invaded Portugal, the king of Portugal, John VI, fled (1807) to Brazil, and on his arrival (


描述性格的英文1.Easy-going 随和He was easy-going and good-natured.他为人随和温厚。2.Gossip 八卦She"s a great one for idle gossip.她很喜欢说别人闲话。3. Reserved寡言少语的He was unemotional, quite quiet, and reserved...他感情淡漠,沉默寡言,性格内敛。4. Big-head 傲慢的人,自负He"s always boasting. he"s such a big-head! 他总是吹牛。他太自负了!5. Emotional 情绪激动的He is a very emotional man...他是个很情绪化的人。6. Extrovert 性格外向的Mr Jobs is notoriously elusive, yet he is an extrovert compared with Mr Perlmutter. 乔布斯以低调闻名,然而与佩尔穆特相比,他甚至还有些外向。7. Distant 不友好的Pat sounded very cold and distant on the phone.从电话里听起来帕特非常冷淡和疏远。8. optimistic 乐观的Michael was in a jovial and optimistic mood.迈克尔情绪愉快乐观。




cargo是指船货,(车、船、飞机等运输的)货物 container是容器(箱,盆,罐,壶,桶,坛子),集装箱.货柜用container

含有Y,L,Q的英文单词 我要一个既有Y,又有Q,还有L的一个英文单词,组合的名字!

quality 质量 frequently 经常地 adequately充足地



邮件中的英文 FYI 是什么意思?

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Housing leasing contracts Rental Party Rental B ID number A and B both on its own rentals Party A will use to B, Party A Party B rent housing, by consensus, signed this contract. First, the specific address of the building Street, Chaoyang District, IKEA International Apartment Block B, 17th floor. Term from this day until this day only. Monthly rent for the 1,600 / month, in a form of payment to pay rent since the date of payment. Payment for the annual one month in advance. Second, rental housing during the water, electricity, gas, in-house, broadband, health expenses from B commitment, Party A commitment Heating costs and property costs. Third, the contract expired, such as renewable Party B, Party A one month in advance notification and delivery of rent. B non-renewal, but also advance notice Party. 4, B housing in use shall not engage in illegal activities, not to interfere with or affect the normal life of neighbors, not to sublease, the exchange of housing, if found Party the right to terminate the contract does not refund the rent. V. For the Housing Authority to amend, should be agreed in advance with the consent of Party A, B bear the costs. The use of improper or other man-made causes of the loss of housing or the neighbourhood, Party B is responsible for granting compensation or rehabilitation. Party A Party B in the encumbered yuan, renewable at the Party inspection of housing, no arrears in full charge and returned to the B damaged. 6, such as changes in some reason Party B, Party A non-refundable rent. According to B or not to pay rent arrears. According to TAC, or if default, the right to recover the housing Party. 7, housing, refrigerator, TV and TV cabinets, washing machines, water heaters, Yuba, beds, sofas, coffee table, computer tables, wardrobes, kitchen utensils, and so were new, if damaged, by Party B is responsible for the repair or compensation. 8, a duplicate of this contract, since the date of signature, A and B both a Gezhi. Meter words: Meter words: Gas words: Party Units Phone




A place nearby,Bye Bye,never say goodbye,you"re beautiful,you are not alone, summerwhisper, hebe版的she"s the one, teardrops on my guitar, how did i fall in love with you, solo




Agatha Christie (1890-1976) was born Agatha May Clarissa Miller in Devon, England in 1890, the youngest of three children in a conservative, well-to-do family.Agatha Christie Books, Audio, VideosAgatha Christie BooksAgatha Christie AudioAgatha Christie DVD MoviesAgatha Christie VHS VideosAgatha ChristieA Cup of Coffee with Agatha by Charles Osborne, about Agatha Christie"s stage play Black CoffeeRead At the Detection Club with Agatha Christie Testimony at MysteryNetRead Agatha Christie"s Short Mysteries Profile by Ed Hoch at MysteryNet Mystery Time LineWelcomeMystery Time Line ProfilesHistory of the MysteryCiceroEdgar Allan PoeSherlock HolmesAgatha ChristieDorothy L. SayersEllery QueenDashiell HammettCharlie ChanPerry MasonThe ShadowThe SaintEd McBainNancy DrewMystery Greats WebsitesAgatha ChristieNancy DrewAlfred HitchcockCharlie ChanClue ChroniclesAgatha ChristieTaught at home by a governess and tutors, as a child Agatha Christie never attended school. She became adept at creating games to keep herself occupied at a very young age. A shy child, unable to adequately express her feelings, she first turned to music as a means of expression and, later in life, to writing.In 1914, at the age of 24, she married Archie Christie, a World War I fighter pilot. While he was off at war, she worked as a nurse. It was while working in a hospital during the war that Christie first came up with the idea of writing a detective novel. Although it was completed in a year, it wasn"t published until 1920, five years later. "The Mysterious Affair at Styles" gave the world the inimitable Hercule Poirot, a retired Belgian police officer who was to become one of the most enduring characters in all of fiction. With his waxed moustache and his "little grey cells," he was "meticulous, a tidy little man, always neat and orderly, with a slight flavour of absurdity about him." (The New Bedside Christie Companion...)Christie wrote more than 30 novels featuring Poirot. Among the most popular were "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" (1926), "Murder on the Orient Express" (1934), and "Death on the Nile" (1937). In 1926, Archie asked for a divorce, having fallen in love with another woman. Agatha, already upset by the recent death of her mother, disappeared. All of England became wrapped up in the case of the now famous missing writer. She was found three weeks later in a small hotel, explaining to police that she had lost her memory. Thereafter, it was never again mentioned or elaborated upon by Christie. She later found happiness with her marriage in 1930 to Max Mallowan, a young archaeologist who she met on a trip to Mesopotamia.Another of Christie"s most well-known and beloved characters was introduced in "Murder at the Vicarage" in 1930. Miss Jane Marple, an elderly spinster in the quaint English village of St. Mary Mead, solved all manner of mysteries with intense concentration and intuition. Featured in 12 novels, Miss Marple exemplified the cozy style, a form of mystery fiction that became popular in, and ultimately defined, the Golden Age of fiction in England during the 1920s and "30s.Christie ultimately became the acknowledged Queen of the Golden Age. In all, she wrote over 66 novels, numerous short stories and screenplays, and a series of romantic novels using the pen name Mary Westmacott. Several of her works were made into successful feature films, the most notable being Murder on the Orient Express (1974). Her work has been translated into more than a hundred languages. In short, she is the single most popular mystery writer of all time.In 1971 she was awarded the high honor of becoming a Dame of the British Empire.




这是全球最值得听的、最好听的100首英文歌1. don"t cry--guns n" roses这首歌曾唱哭了千万人。总是能够触痛了心底最软的地方,心抽痛着,眼圈红了,却没有眼泪渗出,每多听一次就多一次的依恋...2. fade to black--METAllic金属乐队也有很经典歌曲,相信国内有好多人都是听了这首歌的前奏才去学吉他的!METALLICA经典中的经典,也是METALLICA饱受争议的作品,因为当时有乐迷自杀就是出于这首歌,胆小别听哦~3. dreaming my dream--cranberries有着王菲一样变幻倚俪的唱腔,高雅离开了原本浩渺的苍穹来到人间,它带着冷漠的美艳,但又说着人身上的变动和永恒,爱尔兰的卡百利乐队就这样汲取了精灵与传说的浩渺气质,沟通了人间和天空的美,把人的故事,爱情,历史,死亡,社会都融进那飘忽而真切的女声中...(卡百利,本是蔓声浆果的藤蔓)4. dying in the sun--cranberries不断地重复着放这首歌,简短迂回的旋律,简短迂回的歌词。平躺在这样的歌里,晕乎乎的,渴望在阳光下睡死...5. never grow old--cranberries 最近常听朋友们说时间过得好快~! 感觉自己在一天一天的虚度光阴! 不由得想起了这支歌~!6. far away from home--groove coverage德国新晋乐队,这首歌已被众多知名DJ誉为当今舞曲最为精华的传世之作,听了不下几百遍了,旋律好的很,女声好的很...7. knocking on heaven"s door--guns n" roses(“野蛮师姐”主题曲)艾薇儿翻唱的和枪花版的都给人一种爽歪的感觉,当然女生版的更加恬静,睡觉之前是要听的奥。8. imagine--john lennon约翰列侬是全世界最成功的摇滚乐队“甲壳虫”(或叫披头士)(beatles)的灵魂人物,死于1980年12月8日,是被一名狂热的歌迷开枪打死的,他的死震惊了世界,他在六十年代吸毒,目无宗教和governme-nt,在七十年代致力研究东方宗教和宣扬童话般的爱(有一颗小星星是以他的名字命名的),这声音听来象预言者的祈祷,而歌词依然是固执的理想,或许列侬所要求的泰国绝对,太过纯洁,但作为梦,难道你我就不曾有过吗?9. yesterday--beatles这么经典的还说什么呢,电台点播率已经超过一亿次了,没听过的太逊了。10. let it be--beatles昔日创下了榜史纪录,也是Beatles解散时成员们的心态写照。有时候生命的意义在于过程,至于结果就让它Let it be...11. it"s my life--bon jovi曾用来做CS的MTV背景音乐。12. that"s why(you go away)--meachael learns to rock半路在一家美发店的门前听到了that"s why (you go away)的钢琴版!!! 感觉很好,这样听起来That"s why就更经典了! (放的声音越大越有感觉哦)13. you can"t say(韩剧"爱上女主播"主题曲)相信大家对这首歌不会感到陌生了哦!!!每当旋律一起就能体会其中的柔情...14. yesterday yes a day 温柔醇厚的声音,静静地用心体会,很舒服的21岁的挪威女孩marlin,自己写歌自己唱,一首充满浪漫气息的法国歌曲,就像爱人在你耳 边轻轻呢喃,超好听的...15. heal the world--meachael kjackson他是疯狂热爱和不羁职责的承受者,年轻的巨富,心理怪异而各声纯洁的奇人,他富于创造,不向任何一个流派*拢,虽然,杰克逊现在的形象不好,但他曾经为世界的慈善事业作了很大的贡献,这首歌也正是他心意的表现吧...最起码他在音乐方面的高度是谁都无法否认的。16. the girl is mine--meachael jackson.纯洁的仿佛童话,干净的让人不敢呼吸...17. delicious way--仓木麻衣。我本人也十分仇恨日本人的,但是听到这么纯洁的歌曲感觉到音乐真的是没有国界的哎~~18. under the sea小美人鱼(the little mermaid)插曲,可总感觉张邵晗唱的更有活力。再听听原唱的,就知道东西方文化的差异在哪里了。19. fighter--Christina 厚重有力的嗓音穿透着我的耳膜,装饰着闪亮碎钻的眼眸冲击着我的视网膜...希望有一天,我能够成为那个fighter... 蛮有爆发力的一首歌。20. without you--mariah carey我喜欢的歌星!因为她在唱功方面显得极为细腻,而且她的声线真的是性感迷人而且非常有爆发力和感染力...~~这是高音上唯一可与i will always love you媲美的歌,下面还有一首两人合唱的,绝对体现唱功哦~~21. when you believe--mariah carey n" whitney houston不多说了,任何人都唱不成这样的。22. Crying in the Rain大概算的上是欧美最具生命力的情歌之一了,这首出自民谣女歌手Carole King的作品对原来舒缓深情的作品来了一次颠覆性的改造...23. never say goodbye--Hayley Westenra充满曼陀铃和竖琴声音的歌曲当中透显出一个宁静而美丽的少女形象,歌曲是从爱尔兰传统歌曲中改编过来,Hayley Westenra的声音如同丝线一般,在演唱技巧上更已达到完美的境地,而嗓音天生的优美更是让人不得不赞叹和艳羡。24. Sugar Ray"s Someday。Sugar Ray(据说应该翻译作“拔丝”乐队-_-bbb),他们的音乐风格用一个字就可以形容——Summer,他们只在夏天出片,歌儿一听就让人想起夏天——总是阳光明媚、活泼愉快。与此相反的,他们的歌词却是比较深的,那个身上有着13个纹身、英俊得完全不像个rock band主唱的Mark McGrath经常用很夸张的肢体语言在MTV中摇摆,加上十分十分正宗的传统摇滚式配器,恐怕在今天活着的乐队中找不出第二个这样的band。25. Iris-- Goo Goo Dolls清脆急促的吉他solo,John Rzeznik饱含沧桑的低沉嗓音,对世事、爱情满腹的疑问,后面的爆发,“And I don"t want the world to see me, "Cause I don"t think that they"d understand. When everything"s made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am!” 这是有着无穷韵味的箴言。26. Mystical Machine Gun--Kula Shaker比较难得的是,Kula Shaker的音乐受了很多东方思想的影响,这一点同时表现在歌词、音乐和配器之中。乐队唯一真正意义上的专辑就是《Peasants, Pigs & Astronauts》专辑干净的声音,迷幻的吉他,如印度梵音般的和声,充满现场感的录音,总之在当时背景下,属于绝对的异类。27. Elemental--tears for fears.其实只是主唱oland Orzab一个人而已,整张专辑所有词曲、每一轨录音(器乐、主唱、和声)全部出自这家伙一人之手(口),真是吓了一跳(原来世界上真的有全才啊)!28. gone away--the off spring是一个比较有争议的乐队。跟99%的美国摇滚乐队一样,也是来自学校同学的组合,经过很长时间的地下活动,终于走到地上,给人留下最深刻印象就是主唱Bryan Holland的十分金属化的硬朗狂放的唱腔,歌词有着对世事无情的玩弄和嘲讽。29. A Question Of Lust--peche Mode很容易和“冷”这个字联系起来,冷冰冰的纯电子音乐,冷冷的唱腔,冷僻的歌词,似乎特别适合目前这个季节来听...30. this is how we do it蛮欢快的一首现代英文混音dj舞曲,偶个人比较喜欢。31. boom boom boom各位爱跳舞的朋友,这就是你们的音乐,做为音乐和舞蹈的信徒,你们起床要放的音乐。32. Earth song--meachael jackson请保护大自然!~ 崇高的敬意!~ 看过mv后真的感觉心里堵堵的...33. everybody dance now相信看过韩国综艺节目情书的朋友不会陌生吧~里面好多背景音乐就是用的这个,尤其是uncle shin的抖动dance甩你的双手,很简单的一个步骤,音乐炸进你的头,活着就要开心些嘛!!!顺便说一下, 我超级喜欢那个张英兰~~~~34. the day you went away--M2M是当之无愧的小甜甜咯,相信谁都不会忍心伤害这样的女生,不过歌词有点伤感,我们从来都不知道珍惜所拥有的直到永远的失去它,将如何承受这种痛苦,现在,我不得不说,我是真的真的失去了你...35. when you say nothing at all--Krauss多次被评为世界最美的女声,坐拥11座格莱美奖,被无数人翻唱过... 男孩地带的也同样也是不可错过的哦!36. hero--enrique iglesias出生在马德里,有着西班牙人独有的深邃的双眸,冷峻而又性感的脸庞,富有磁性的嗓音,再加上他那令人神魂颠倒的外表...37. god is a girl--groove coverage从个人角度看sweetbox和groove coverage是给我印象最深的两个女唱乐队,下面还有几首歌都是她们的,很喜欢女主唱有些慵懒而很清脆的声音,他们的风格...喜欢听这种节奏感强,比较热闹的歌曲。觉得这个乐队的风格还是挺新鲜的,也比较大众化,应该会有不少朋友会喜欢,因为大众不等于庸俗。38. she--groove coverage39. can"t get over you--groove coverage40. 7 years and 50 days--groove coverage41. encore une fois--helene segara一首抒情法语歌,哀而充满无奈的歌,你能体会到它的忧伤,也许有一天 我会离开你,途跋涉寻找真的自己也许有一天...也许有一天...42. je m appelle helene--helene rolls听了首法语歌后觉得法语太美了,让人感觉说法语的人嘴上摸了奶油,...于记忆深处,要我找到简单的爱情,于我的爱情,歌词中有着淡淡的伤感...43. here i am--bryan adams那是布赖恩亚当斯的作品,我想大家应该都听过他那首绝对经典的歌“( Everything I Do )吧,这个帅帅的沧桑男人的声音是谁都无法抗拒的哦。44. Everything i do--bryan adams不多说了,绝对经典中的经典。45. all that you can"t leave behind--毫无疑问,U2是80年代英国最受欢迎的摇滚乐团,不过我个人只喜欢这一首,具体也说不出为什么,可能感觉声音和旋律搭配的很棒吧~~46. big big world--Emilia看上去是一个爱整洁的乖女孩,尤其在唱“Big,Big World”这样的慢歌时,她显得十分纯情而古典。目前Emilia的唱片在瑞典已卖过了3白金的数量。而首支单曲“Big,BigWorld”则成为了瑞典历史上流行速度最快的一支...47. right here waiting--rachard max这是一首很经典的老歌,歌唱了刻骨铭心的爱情... 这是我曾经最爱的一首老歌,相信每个人也都听过无数遍,但依然是...48. stay--williams(野蛮师姐主题曲)特别特别特别的欢快,每次不知道为了什么一心烦就不由自主想听这首歌,连我们宿舍一个平时不怎么愿意听歌的哥们也喜欢上了这首...49. live forever--Oasis 是近十年来英国最受欢迎和最受评论家承认的乐队之一;live forever是我朋友推荐给我的,听过后感觉真的很不错呢...50. life for rent--dido清爽的时节,清爽的女孩儿,清爽的音乐。Life for rent,把整个生命都出租出去,不属于任何人,无根地飘荡,听起来有一些伤感。51. promise don"t come easy跟着CD慢慢的哼着,记不清楚是什么时候第一次听了,若有若无的思绪缠绕着自己,象梦一样。52. lonely--nana是一首黑人说唱歌曲,同时加入了R&B和Blues的曲风,歌曲的当中还有女声的伴唱,旋律非常优美。不会再有第二首歌可以超越...歧视,家庭的破碎...53. dilemma--kellyrowland与饶舌巨星nelly搭档演唱的歌曲,这首歌曲虽然风格老套,但仍然在全美电台创下近两个月蝉联冠军宝座的纪录。54. you took my heart away舒缓的节奏,简洁的编曲,十足的优美旋律,都展现了mltr最擅长的迷人功力。55. helene segara-encore une fois一首经典法语歌,同样将法国浓郁的浪漫气息,法国当红歌手helene segara 专辑,她的音乐和她的人一样别有风情。她的嗓音并不是十分突出,但声音中有一种魅惑迷离的特质。56. sealed with a kiss 以吻封缄,经典美国乡村音乐,一首极具浪漫色彩的老歌,叙离别情,但不伤感;道分手苦,但不低沉。饱尝相思之苦的恋人们听来,肯定别有一番滋味...57. only time--enya无由的哀愁随着Only Time的歌声涌上心头。而当爱情灭绝、心泣莫名、欲盖弥彰的绝望凄清,却只有时间为唯一的目击者...58. i will be missing you记得第一次听它的时候,只记得旋律很HIP-POP,直到后来无意中才知道了它的来历。于是找来下载,听,一遍又一遍。59. civil war--guns n" roses在美国这样一个国度,一支摇滚乐队创作出这样一首忧国忧民(当然也可以理解成激愤)的歌曲,这不是对摇滚乐的反判,恰恰是对摇滚更好的诠释。我想,摇滚乐在国外之所以有那么高的地位正是由于国外的很多摇滚乐队有着对社会、对国家的主人精神以及对音乐的深入理解和精彩绝伦的演绎。国内呢?只有流行乐泛滥罢了,摇滚不光是非主流,几乎成末流了...悲哀啊...60. sunny came home1998年葛莱美大奖获奖作品,现在已很难找得到这样动听的旋律了.61. the one--Mr big每首歌曲中都有一段经典耐听的吉他SOLO。我想有这一首歌就足以流芳百世了,即使多少年以后,这首歌也会引起人们无限的共鸣。62. to be with you--Mr big几乎所有的吉他教材都可以看到这首《与你同在》,这首歌用木吉他超越了轰鸣,用随便超越了夸张,用一群拍着首合唱的小伙子超越了舞台上的超级巨星...时间总会流逝,浪漫和现实,究竟哪一个会与你同在呢?63. stop crying your heart out--oasis称不上经典,但是也总能给人一种疲倦到不想说什么的地步,如过明天我死了...64. cinderella太鄙视SHE的媚日情节,所以只好听英文版的这首半糖主义,不过发现比她们唱的好听一百倍!!!65. the sound of silence是奥斯卡最佳电影《毕业生》的主题歌,是美国流行音乐大师保罗西蒙的代表...我相信,一百个人当中会有一百个人喜欢听这歌的。66. should it matter--sissel kyrkjeb我喜欢这个低调又华美的女子,淡淡的感觉,仔细听可以听出性感哦!67. stuck in my heart旋律很优美,中间有一段很完美的合声。68. utopia--sweetbox下面三首歌都是出自sweetbox的,丢失了以后心疼到现在呢,哪位哥哥姐姐能知道哪里下的到一定告诉小弟哦,谢谢咯!!!他们的歌曲都巧妙地融合Pop、摇滚音乐,行云流水的律动带出女主唱Jade戏剧性的歌声,不仅开启歌迷的想像空间,而且扣人心弦,真的不动心都不行啊...69. alright--sweetbox70. one kiss--sweetbox71. dreams come true--ses被无数个电台做过无数次的背景电乐,旋律响起你就知道你肯定听过的...72. sweet dream很喜欢的一首歌了,张娜拉长的实在是太可爱了,有条件的朋友可以去找下这个MV看下,相当不错哦~~73. back to you--bryan adams不多说了,布莱恩.亚当斯的每一首歌都那么经典...74. forever and ever-because i love you。绝对好听,因为dido就是因为这首歌红的。75. Say It Isn"t So--bon jovi硬汉唱的柔情歌曲也蛮感人的嘛~~76. now and forever--richard max可能大家很少听他的歌吧`~`其实他的歌真的很不错!希望能和大家一起分享啊!77. angle of mine一个很老的乐队唱的,具体名字我忘了,超好听。78. dream cranberries就是大名鼎鼎的卡百利乐队 ...这首《Dream》选自他们第一张专辑 王菲曾经翻唱过,翻唱得...我都听不出真假...可惜每次出去唱王菲的歌都感觉在糟蹋音乐哎~~79. faint--lincoln park林肯公园,乐队名字是因为每天乐队的例行练习结束回家时,他都会驾车路过林肯公园,重要的是,他们的平均年龄不过二十出头哦...他们的音乐给人蛮另类的感觉80. somewhere i belong--lincoln park节奏蛮快然后有点另类的歌。81. *****--meredith brooks开朗轻快的曲风很讨人喜欢,名字(妖精)是不好听了一点点,但整首歌却是有一点我行我素,特立独行并不会为任何人改变。82. westlife有一段时间,很喜欢Westlife的歌,每天在他们的歌声中吃饭,看书,入睡。83. the power of love--celion dion提起席琳迪翁(Celine Dion),大家都知道她的演唱以倾情投入而闻名于世,她的音色极具表现力,声域宽广,很有张力,最喜欢的歌曲,,完美的歌曲。84. a new day has come--celion dion她以满腔的爱与希望蕴育出另一个炽热的生命,她歌唱生涯中第八张英文专辑「a new day has come真爱来临」,在细腻悠扬、情感丰沛的歌声中,感受到旺盛的生命能量,热烈地传送到世界每个角落。85. more than word*--**treme被翻唱了无数遍的歌,只用一把木吉他伴奏,但他高贵的气质却随着真情流露,胜过了有着华丽织体的热闹声音,当然,这首歌最迷人的,还是天衣无缝的合声部分--那轻轻的,起伏的,隐现并滑翔而逝的伴唱,只有真正胸怀开阔,品位脱俗的人才能这样写情歌,也只有真正温柔可爱的人才值得被这样的歌声围绕。86. killing me softly with his song--roberta flack 由于年代久远,这首歌不可避免地带上了留声机时代遗留下来的贵族味道,一遍遍地重复“killing me softly with his song”,她已经醉了,已经无力逃脱了,她更象是自言自语,捧着胸口喃喃自语而脑子里眼睛里全是他全是他全是他啊...87. can you feel the love tonight--Elton joh工整清晰的吐字,彬彬有礼的抒情,不紧不慢的钢琴,只能有那些拥有严谨文化传统的中老年英国人来展现。88. lemon tree--fool\"s gardon5个得国小伙子组成的“傻子花园”乐队,可根本没想过要写一首叫做《柠檬树》的英文歌,给一个台湾女孩子(苏慧伦)翻唱成中文版,在这个东方大国漂起!“ i wonder how, i wonder why, yesterday you tell me about the blue blue sky...”89. vincent--don mclean这位歌词有着诗一样已经的青年为人了精神殉道者,荷兰后印象派画家,伟大的疯子文森特梵高献上了感人的一曲,这首歌唱到了艺术家的孤独和世人的不义,唱到了崇高的痛苦和爱,唱到了内心矛盾,唱到了神,宁静和永远...90. one love--bob marley他用歌声带给人快乐,并为公正而斗争,这样的一生足以使任何一位歌者在死神面前保持尊严,牙买加总统参加了他的葬礼。91. careless whisper--wham威猛是中国改革开放以来最早接受的西方流行音乐,现在听来真的是别有一番滋味。92. don"t cry for me, argentina--maonna她卖弄性感,出售神圣?可是她并不比任何人虚伪,当她撕开人们的虚伪时,我们听到的是一副越唱越好的嗓子,和一种越来越真实的性格。阿根廷前总统夫人依维塔确有一生传奇的经历--寒门女子最终身居国母,用圣洁的博爱感动了整个国家,她为穷人所做的一切,她的真诚和无私,在歌声得到了永生。93. two steps behind--defleppardKB海峡拥有高超的不鲁斯吉他技巧,低沉嗓音的半说半唱,成熟睿智的歌词,以及难以言表的宽厚情怀,整个八十年代,不知多少人依*他们的音乐,完成了由青春向成年的过渡,不知多少人被那悠远延绵的意境带走,超脱于现实的无聊纷争...94. no more i love you--annie lennox此人于1995年推出了专辑“Medusa”(《美杜莎》)美杜莎,是希腊女神中最狰狞古怪的一个,把超人的魔力给了这个歌手,让她有力,跌宕起伏,在我们想象之上拖曳高音,延续着从唯美派文学到新古典音乐的影响,也徘徊在艺术和商业之间,沟通着尘世的想象。95. my heart will go on--celine dio*我深信,这是即使小学生也听过而且非常喜欢的一首歌。96. ***sing you now--meachael bolton这个男人具有轻易征服听众的才能,曾是美国电台播放给“面的”司机听的最佳人选,可以用最直接的方法来美化我们的听觉,而且,我们根本无须费心去听,只要跟着,哼着,忙自己的,快乐就产生了。97. yesterday once more唱者卡伦卡彭特被称为美国的邓丽君,当她死于神经性厌食症时,人们突然发现,在所有那些包装精良,华美诱人的热门金曲中,可能只有卡伦卡彭特的声音值得被收藏,她把悠长的旋律唱得光芒耀眼,即使怀旧,都充满了对生活的感恩,她的歌声始终在呼唤人们热爱的本能。98. goodbye--air supply 80年代最受欢迎的一对组合,他们高低的配合优美的歌词动听的旋律令人难以抗拒。喜欢这样凄美华丽的声音,唱出那句痛彻心肺的“There"s no other way than to say goodbye”99. your song--Elton john平滑流畅的钢琴和Elton john淡淡柔情的演唱,似乎就是和爱人相拥坐在黄昏中的木屋顶,看远处夕阳西下,与世上最最甜美的双眸对望,任似水年华静静流淌,这时不用很多钱,不用大房子,只要有一首由爱人所唱,但却只属于自己的歌就足够了...100. hotel california--Eagles我喜欢那充满磁性的嗓音,木吉他弹奏出简单幽怨的调子外,我想,喜欢它的另一个理由便是对回忆的孤独感受。这样的曲子,适合一个人听,一遍又一遍地重听,随乐韵飘荡到广袤却寂寥的


bead it






reticent; taciturn; uncommunicative-沉默: Silence.;mum;schweigen;save one"s breath Silence. ...What month do soldiers hate?(军人憎恨什么月? )Silence. (沉默)No, they won"t. They lie still after they die.(不会,他们依旧撒谎。Lie still 躺着不动,依旧撒谎。 ...基于241个网页 - 搜索相关网页 mum 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(91)(3) ... multiwindow 多窗口 mum 沉默 mumble 喃喃而语 ...基于43个网页 - 搜索相关网页 schweigen 德语初级词汇(必知) ... schützen A 保卫;防护 schweigen 沉默;缄默 schwitzen 出汗 ...基于42个网页 - 搜索相关网页 save one"s breath 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(S1)a ...save on 节省save one"s breath 沉默save one"s hide 使自己免于被罚 ...基于24个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -打破沉默: break the ice;Breakin" The Silence;break silence;Broken Silence break the ice 托福听力常用短语 ...break one"s neck 痛打一顿;拼命做某事break the ice 打破僵局;打破沉默break the routine 调剂一下 ...基于650个网页 - 搜索相关网页 Breakin" The Silence ·神话 打破沉默(Breakin" The Silence) 铃声下载,打破沉默(Breakin" The Silence)是最受大家喜欢的铃声.基于62个网页 - 搜索相关网页 break silence 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(17) ... break short 使突然停止 break silence 打破沉默 break step 走乱步伐 ...基于24个网页 - 搜索相关网页 Broken Silence 《漂亮妈妈》片名的策划颇具匠心:英文片名是“打破沉默”(Broken silence),这种富于鼓动性的语言,正好可以迎合西方女性主义运动蓬勃开展的语境,拓展影片的销路。基于20个网页 - 搜索相关网页 -保持沉默: hold one"s tongue;keep silent;keep silence;button up one"s mouth 就这样了 ,随你选吧

Carey Cyrus Casey 男的英文名哪个好?



足够的英文是adequate,音标英 [ˈædɪkwət]、美 [ˈædɪkwɪt]。释义:adj.足够的;适当的,恰当的;差强人意的;胜任的The old methods weren"t adequate to meet current needs 老一套方法已不足以满足当前的需要。相关短语:1、adequate measures 适当的措施2、adequate precautions 适当的预防措施3、adequate rain 充足的降雨4、adequate for solving the problem 足以解决问题5、adequate to the demand 能够满足需要扩展资料:词语用法:adj. (形容词)1、adequate的基本意思是数量或程度上“充分的,足够的”,指仅够某事或某场合之所需,而不会超过很多。adequate也可指性质或质量上“适当的,适度的,正好合适的”,指达到要求,符合客观标准。2、adequate还可指能力或资历等“胜任的”“尚可的,差强人意的”,指合乎一个不太高或不太严格的标准。3、adequate在句中多用作表语,后接介词to表示“恰当的”“称职的”“令人满意的”,接介词for表示“足够的”。adequate有时也可用作定语。4、adequate不用于比较等级。5、adequate后接to或者for的时候,有时表达相同的意思。Our fuel supply is adequate to heat the house this winter. 我们的燃料供应足以在今年冬天给房子供暖。Our fuel supply is adequate for heating the house this winter.我们的燃料供应足以在今年冬天给房子供暖。




  很多人只知道充足的英文是enough,其实除了enough,充足的英文还有adequate、sufficient等单词。下面是我为你整理的充足的英文,希望大家喜欢!   充足的英文   1.adequate   2.sufficient   3.abundant   4.ample   5.enough   6.plenty   adequate的常见用法   用作形容词   用作定语   ~+ n.   There was adequate rain and snow last winter.   去年冬天雨雪充足。   You ought to take adequate measures.   你应该采取适当的措施。   n. +~   They had money adequate for the cost of the journey.   他们的钱足够这次旅行的费用。   We found a solution adequate to the problem.   我们找到了解决这个问题的适当方法。   用作表语   S+be+~   The council"s provision for the elderly is barely adequate.   理事会对老年人的条款规定不充分。   S+be+~+ prep. -phrase   Is your time adequate for it?   你有足够的时间做此事吗?   The food is adequate for all of us.   这些食物足够我们大家吃的。   This is adequate for the purpose.   这足以达到目的。   sufficient的用法   用作形容词   用作定语   ~+ n.   We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem.   我们已经有了足够的经验来处理这个问题。   用作表语   S+be+~   A word to the wise is sufficient.   心有灵犀者一点就通。   S+be+~+ prep .-phrase   His income is sufficient for his needs.   他的收入能满足他的需要。   S+be+~+to- v   The rain was not sufficient to do any harm.






邀请参加活动的英文邮件范文(通用8篇)   公司举行发布会等活动时,会对邀请人来参加,这时候就需要写邀请函了。下面是我整理的一些英文邀请信烦我了,希望能帮到大家!   邀请参加活动的英文邮件 篇1 Dear Mr. Johnson,   It"s our great honor to invite you to visit our company in April, 20xx. This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to discuss about our future business cooperation in detail.   Since our company is one of your distributors in China, and has been making great progresses in promoting and selling your products, we believe this visit will be of great benefit to our future business cooperation.   Please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to China.   We are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feel free to inform me.   Yours truly,   Lu Feng   DDT Company 亲爱的约翰逊先生:   我们非常荣幸地邀请您于20xx年4月访问我们的公司。通过这次访问,您将有机会更好地了解我公司的销售计划,并就将来的贸易合作与我们进行详细交流。   作为你们在中国的主要分销商之一,我们公司一直在推广与销售你们的产品方面取得巨大的成绩, 我们相信这次访问将有利于我们将来的贸易合作。   请以这封邀请函作为您申请中国签证的依据。   我们期待早日见到您。如果你还有任何问题,请随时告知我。   DDT公司   陆丰   敬上   回信【1】 Dear Mr. Lu,   Thank you for your kindness in inviting me to your company. I have been eager to visit China, which is universally well-known for its beautiful scenery and culture.   I want to take this chance to communicate with you, since you made great contributions to the promotion and sale of our products in Chinese market. I agree that we will both benefit from this visit.   I will let you know the date of my arrival if it is fixed.   Yours truly,   Tom Johnson   FOB Company 亲爱的陆先生:   感谢您盛情邀请我访问贵公司。我一直都很期望能够到中国访问,这是一个风景如画、文化灿烂的国度。   我想趁此机会与你们进行交流;你们为我们的产品在中国市场的推广和销售做出了重要贡献。我非常赞同,我们双方都会从这次访问中受益。   一旦我抵达的时间确定下来,我就会告知你的。   FOB公司   汤姆约翰逊   敬上   回信【2】 Dear Mr. Lu,   Thank you for your kindness to invite me to your company in the next month. It is an amazing idea to visit China in such a nice season, but I regret very much that I am unable to accept your invitation. It happens, most unfortunately, that my mother is going to have an operation in the very month and I have to stay with her, supporting her in her difficult times.   Mr. Thomason of our section will take my place to visit your company.   Yours truly,   Tom Johnson   FOB Company 亲爱的陆先生:   感谢您盛情邀请我下月访问贵公司。在如此美好的季节访问中国真是令人振奋。但是,我非常遗憾不能应邀。我的母亲正巧下月要做手术,我必须呆在她身边,在她最困难的时候支持她。   我部门的托马斯先生将代替我访问贵公司。   FOB公司   汤姆约翰逊   敬上   邀请参加活动的英文邮件 篇2 Dear Mr. Smith,   We are going to have a press conference at Shanghai Grand Hotel at 9:00-11:00, next Friday morning, May 14, 20xx. We organize it to launch a new product model recently developed by our company. We know that you are a spokesman of good reputation and you are quite familiar with our field. Could we have the honor to invite you to speak in our conference? For the detailed information about the product in question, and the press conference, please refer to the attached document. Please confirm whether you will accept our invitation through e-mail.   We will appreciate your prompt attention to our invitation.   Sincerely yours,   Lily Chen   BBC Company 亲爱的史密斯先生:   我们将于20xx年5月14日,星期五早晨9:00-11:00在上海大酒店举行新闻发布会,发布我公司最近开发的一款新产品。我们知道您是一位享有良好声誉的发言人,并且对我们这一领域了解颇多。我们是否有这个荣幸邀请您担任此次会议的发言人呢?有关该产品及其发布会的情况请参见附件。请您通过电邮方式告知我们是否接受我们的邀约。   如能尽快关照我们的邀请,将不胜感激。   BBC公司 陈莉莉   谨上   回信【1】 Dear Ms Chen,   Thank you for your invitation to the press conference for your new product. I have studied the enclosed documents and am quite interested in it. It is my honor to speak for such a renowned company.   Please send me a formal invitation so that I can apply for the visa to China.   Yours sincerely,   Tom Smith 亲爱的陈女士:   感谢贵公司邀请我参加你们的新产品发布会。我已经研读了你们随信附上的文件,并且对发布会非常感兴趣。我很荣幸能够代表这样一家声名卓著的公司发言。   请给我寄送一份正式的邀请函,以便我申请去中国的签证。   汤姆史密斯   谨上   回信【2】 Dear Ms Chen,   Thank you for your invitation to the press conference for your new product. I would be honored to speak for such a big company, but I regret that I will not be able to accept your invitation, because of a previous engagement. It is a pity to miss this chance, but I am willing to cooperate with you in the future.   Yours sincerely,   Tom Smith 亲爱的陈女士:   感谢贵公司邀请我参加你们的新产品发布会。能代表如此大规模的公司发言,不胜荣幸。然而, 我非常遗憾由于前约不能接受贵公司的邀请。错过这次机会十分可惜,但是我愿意以后有机会与你们合作。   汤姆史密斯   谨上   邀请参加活动的英文邮件 篇3 Dear Sir or Madam:   Approved by the State Council of P.R. China and co-organized by China Environmental Protection Association (CEPA), Hubei Association of Environmental Protection Industry (HAEPI), China Environmental Science Press, Water Pollution Institute of Wuhan University, BBG Company, and Wuhan Municipal Government, the World Water Pollution Control Conference will be held on May 16, 20xx.   To facilitate your better understanding of the conference, a press conference will be held in Wuhan International Exhibition Center, at 9:00-10:00 a.m., on April 29, 20xx.   Please refer to xx for further information of the World Water Pollution Control Conference.   Please confirm whether you would attend the press conference by emailing us the confirming note (see attached). We will send the formal invitation letter upon receipt of your confirming note.   Contact Persons: Zhou Liyan, Song Bing   Tel: 027-82080090, 82078904   E-mail:wwpcc@hotmail.com 女士们,先生们:   经中华人民共和国国务院批准,由中国环境保护协会(CEPA)、湖北环境保护产业协会(HAEPI)、中国环境科学出版社、武汉大学水污染研究所、BBG公司及武汉市政府共同举办,世界水污染控制会议将于20xx年5月16日举行。   20xx年4月29日上午9:00-10:00,大会筹委会将在武汉国际会展中心举行新闻发布会,向中外记者介绍此次大会的`相关情况。欢迎参加。   了解大会详情,请登录网站:   能否出席,请电邮确认(见附件)。收到确认出席的回执单,我们将向您发出正式邀请函。   联系人:周立言 宋兵   电 话:027-82080090,   82078904   电邮:   回信【1】 Dear Sirs,   Thank you for your invitation to the press conference on April 29, 20xx, and we accept it with pleasure. We will send 3 persons to the conference, for their personal data, please see the attached document.   Enclosed please also find the confirmation note.   Wuhan Evening News 尊敬的先生们:   感谢你们邀请我们参加20xx年4月29日举办的新闻发布会,我们很高兴地接受邀请。我们将派出3人与会。有关他们的个人资料,请参见附件。   回执单也以附件形式送出。   武汉晚报   回信【2】 Dear Sirs,   Thank you for your invitation to the press conference on April 29, 20xx, but we regret that we can not accept it. We are now short of hands because the majority of our staff was set over the reports of the Japanese earthquake.   Taiwan Post 尊敬的先生们:   感谢你们邀请我们参加20xx年4月29日举办的新闻发布会,但是我们很遗憾不能接受邀请。 我们绝大多数的人员都被派往日本报道地震情况,因此我们的人手很紧张。   台湾邮报   邀请参加活动的英文邮件 篇4 Dear Prof. Smith,   BBG Company has pleasure in informing you that we will host a seminar on World Water Pollution Control on May 16, 20xx, in Wuhan International Exhibition Center, Wuhan, China. You are one of the top experts in the field and we think you must be interested in the conference. We will provide funds for your travel and per diem expenses. We hope that you will be able to attend. Please indicate acceptance by e-mail within the next few days.   We are looking forward to your attendance.   Yours sincerely,   Lu Feng   BBG Company 尊敬的史密斯教授:   BBG公司很荣幸地通知您我们将于20xx年5月16日在中国武汉国际会展中心举办世界水污染控制研讨会。您是这一领域的顶级专家,我们想您一定会对这次会议感兴趣。我们提供专项资金,承担你的旅行及日支费用。我们希望您能拨冗参加。请您在最近几天通过电邮的方式告知我们您是否接受我们的邀请。   我们期待您与会。   BBG公司   陆丰   敬上   回信【1】 Dear Mr. Lu,   Thank you for your invitation to the World Water Pollution Control Conference on May 16, 20xx, in Wuhan International Exhibition Center, Wuhan, China. I accept it with pleasure and would be very happy to contribute to the discussion. You are so kind to provide the fund for travel and accommodation. I will begin to make some preparations for the trip and inform you of the date of my arrival once it is fixed.   Yours truly,   Tom Smith 亲爱的陆先生:   感谢您邀请我参加20xx年5月16日在中国武汉国际会展中心举办世界水污染控制会议。我欣然应邀,并且很高兴能为会议讨论作出贡献。你们提供旅费及食宿,真是太周到了。我将开始为此次行程做准备,一旦抵达日期确定,我会通知你们。   汤姆史密斯   谨上   回信【2】 Dear Mr. Lu,   Thank you for your invitation to the World Water Pollution Control Conference on May 16, 20xx, in Wuhan International Exhibition Center, Wuhan, China. I have been concerned with monitoring and controlling water pollution. However, I very much regret that I will be unable to attend the seminar, because I unfortunately broke my left leg last week and have to stay in bed for about 1 month.   Could you please send me a copy of conference memo?   With regards.   Yours truly,   Tom Smith 亲爱的陆先生:   感谢您邀请我参加20xx年5月16日在中国武汉国际会展中心举办世界水污染控制会议。我一直十分关注水污染的监测和控制。但是,我非常遗憾不能应邀与会,因为碰巧上周我的左腿骨折了,必须要卧床修养一个月。   你们能够给我寄一份会议纪要吗?   祝安好!   汤姆史密斯   谨上   邀请参加活动的英文邮件 篇5 Dear Mr. Li,   We should be much pleased if you and Mrs. Li would dine with us on Friday, March 25, at 7:00 P.M. It will be quite a small party, as we have only asked Mr. and Mrs. Chen, Mr. Zhang and Miss Wang, all our close friends. We will prepare dishes with authentic Sichuan flavor and hope you will like them. We trust you will be disengaged and able to give us the pleasure of your company.   We are looking forward to meeting you.   Yours truly,   Tong Hua 亲爱的李先生:   我们非常荣幸地邀请您携夫人于3月25日,星期五晚上7点来寒舍共聚晚餐。此次聚会人数不多,我们只邀请了陈先生夫妇,张先生和王小姐,他们都是我们的至交。我们准备了地道的四川风味菜肴,希望你们能够喜欢。如能拨冗前来,将不甚荣幸。   期待惠临!   童华   谨上   回信【1】 Dear Mr. Tong,   Thank you for your kindness in inviting us for a dinner in your house. We really love to go, but regret that owing to a previous engagement, we shall not be able to accompany you. It is a pity that we will lose a chance to taste Sichuan cuisine.   Any how, thank you for your invitation.   Yours truly,   Li Jun 亲爱的童先生:   感谢您盛情邀请我们到府上共聚晚餐。我们真的很想前往,但是因为前约不能如愿,恐怕没有办法陪伴你们。真是可惜我们错过了一次品尝四川美食的机会。   无论如何,我们感谢你们的邀请。   李俊   谨上   回信【2】 Dear Mr. Tong,   Thank you for your invitation for a dinner in your house. We accept it with great honor, and we are looking forward to tasting Sichuan flavor; you know, we always enjoy hot and spicy food. Our friend, Mr. Zhou, sent us a bottle of Shaoxing wine last week, which, we think, will add to the fun of the night. We will take it to the party and hope you will like it.   Yours truly,   Li Jun 亲爱的童先生:   感谢您邀请我们到府上共聚晚餐。我们很高兴地表示接受,并且非常期待吃到四川菜肴。您也了解,我们一直偏爱辛辣食品。我们的朋友周先生上周送给我们一瓶绍兴黄酒, 我们想一定会为当晚助兴。我们会将它带到宴会,希望你们能喜欢。   李俊   谨上   邀请参加活动的英文邮件 篇6   Write a letter to one of your high school classmates who is in a nearby city, and invite him/her to your city at this weekend. Some necessary details must be included. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.   Sample: Dear Linda,   We haven"t seen each other for six years after graduation. I am so glad to hear that you have graduated from UCLA and come back to work in Suzhou. If you are free this Saturday, please come to Shanghai and have a good time with me.   We can first go to the Century Park, where the flowers are all in blossom. Let"s go boating on the lake —isn"t it pleasant in the cool breeze? Then I will treat you to dinner at a western restaurant on Huaihai Road—it is small but really nice—I"m sure you will enjoy it. After dinner, let"s go to a concert—you are a music lover, aren"t you?   If you couldn"t come, please notify me before Friday. If you can, please tell me which train you will take and I will meet you at the railway station.   I am looking forward to meeting you.   Sincerely yours,   Li Ming   邀请参加活动的英文邮件 篇7   Write a letter to invite a famous professor to give a lecture to the English postgraduate students in your university. Some necessary details must be included. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead. Sample:   Dear Professor Michael Hutchison,   We are very glad to hear that you are attending an international conference in Beijing. We are writing this letter to inquiry the possibility of inviting you to deliver a lecture on American literature for our postgraduate students on the evening of June 16.   We have long been noticed that you have done a lot of substantial and creative work in this field. Two of your books have become textbooks for our students for several years. So all of us believe your lecture will benefit our students and teaching staff alike.   If you can manage to come, please tell us the number of your flight and we will meet you at the airport. If you can"t make it, please also let us know.   We are looking forward to your coming.   Sincerely yours,   Li Ming   邀请参加活动的英文邮件 篇8   (Salutation)   I would hereby invite the members of Beijing delegation totally 4 persons (listed attachment)


He was so happy and gave his mother a big hug。




  汉语解释:摄影术传入中国之前,人们是靠“影像铺”这样的店家用传统的画像 方法 描绘自己的容貌。当时画人叫“小照”,画亡灵为“影像”。摄影术传入中国后,人们把这两个词连起来称为“照相”。想知道照相的英文怎么说吗?   照相[zhào xiàng]   照相的英文释义:   take a picture ; take pictures ; have one"s picture taken ; take photographs   网 络take pictures;take photos;photography;take a picture   照相的英文例句:   我买不起像特德那样的照相机。这要花好大一笔钱。   I can"t possibly afford to buy a camera like Ted"s. It costs the earth.   拍照时照相机不要晃。   Try not to jerk the camera when taking a photograph.   我可以给你照相吗? 照相的英文怎么说   May I take a picture of you?   轮流一个电影的卷物和你的照相机并且出去而且照相你看的。   Take a roll of film and your camera and go outside and photograph what you see.   他们到照相馆去照相。   They go to the studio to have their photo take.   照相平版印刷品由照相平版术制成的照片   A picture made by photolithography.   他们到照相馆去照相   They go to the studio to have their photo taken.   他和新婚妻子来到照相馆照相。   He came to the photo studio with his newly married wife.   在照相前,他调整了快门。   He adjusted the shutter before taking a photo.   1. I hate being photographed. 我讨厌 照相 。   2. For flash photography, set the aperture at f.5.6. 用闪光 照相 ,要把光圈孔径定为5.6。   3. They were photographed separately and then as a group. 他们先单独 照相 ,然后合影。   4. The camera just came apart the first time I used it. 我第一次使用这台照相机时,它就裂开了.   5. When it comes to photography, I"m not an adept. 要说 照相 , 我不是内行.   6. The family was grouped together for the photograph. 全家人聚在一起 照相 .   7. He is disinclined to be photographed. 他不情愿被人 照相 .   8. It"s getting too dark to take photographs. 对 照相 来说天太暗了.   9. The photographer priced himself out of the market and had to change his job. 摄影师要价太高,没有人来 照相 ,他不得不换工作.   10. He said photography and life in general were a lot like that. 他说 照相 ,还有整个人生都是这样的.   11. He sold the house and bought first - class equipment with the money. 他把那小房子买了,用那笔钱买了一套上好的 照相 器材.   12. She disengaged the film advance mechanism on the camera. 她松开了 照相 机上的送片装置。   13. The inventor of the daguerreotype is a French artist. 银版 照相 的发明者是位法国艺术家。   14. Of special interest is the photographic determination of altitudes of lunarformation. 最有趣的是用 照相 来测定月面结构物的高度.   15. The photographer posed the family before taking the picture. 摄影师在 照相 前先让一家子摆好姿势.   16. The joint use of professional photographic laboratories rarely works out well. 和职业 照相 室合用一间暗房是做不出什么好成绩来的.   17. She snatched the album from him and shut it with a bang. 她从他那儿抢过了 照相 本,砰的一声合上了.   18. Permanent floodlight to be used in photographical work should also beinstalled. 还应安装 照相 用的永久性聚光灯.   19. He also discovered how to take pictures using a short exposure. 他又发现了短暂曝光 照相 法.   20. Ions of different isotopes converge at different points on the photographicplate. 在 照相 底板上不同的同位素的离子会聚于不同点.




be good at


擅长的英文为:be good at或者be adept at。be good at的意思是擅长;例如:I used to be good at many things.过去我擅长很多事。be adept at的意思也是擅长;例如:She used to be adept at singing Faye"s songs and English songs.她最擅长王菲的歌还有英文歌曲。例句1、She is good at geography.她擅长于地理。2、You need manual dexterity to be good at video games.玩好电子游戏手要灵巧。3、They also need to be adept at collaborating with colleagues outside of it.他们还需要擅长与信息技术部门之外的同事合作。4、They must be adept at rendering obsolete the products and services they have created.他们必须善于使自己的产品和服务淘汰。




擅长的英文为:be good at或者be adept at。be good at的意思是擅长;例如:I used to be good at many things.过去我擅长很多事。be adept at的意思也是擅长;例如:She used to be adept at singing Faye"s songs and English songs.她最擅长王菲的歌还有英文歌曲。例句1、She is good at geography.她擅长于地理。2、You need manual dexterity to be good at video games.玩好电子游戏手要灵巧。3、They also need to be adept at collaborating with colleagues outside of it.他们还需要擅长与信息技术部门之外的同事合作。4、They must be adept at rendering obsolete the products and services they have created.他们必须善于使自己的产品和服务淘汰。


画龙点睛:make the finishing point龙飞凤舞:lively and vigorous in calligraphy.


  你知道粗心的英文怎么读吗?一起来学习一下吧!    粗心的英文1: careless英 [ˈkeələs]美 [ˈkerləs]    粗心的英文2: thoughtless英 [ˈθɔ:tləs]美 [ˈθɔtlɪs]   粗心的英文例句:   1. They could not afford to spoil those maps by careless colouring.   若是上色的时候不小心弄坏了那些地图,他们可承担不起。   2. That shows a fairly careless attitude to clothes, doesn"t it?   那表明此人不讲究穿着,是吧?   3. Mr Clarke had pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving.   克拉克先生疏忽驾驶,致人死亡,已经认罪。   4. I"m sorry. How careless of me.   对不起,我太不小心了。   5. She"s careless about her hygiene.   她不注意个人卫生。   6. Some mothers were a bit careless with money.   有些当妈妈的花钱有点随意。   7. It was careless of me to leave the door open.   怪我粗心忘了关门。   8. Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears.   离合器使用不慎可能会损坏传动装置。   9. The boss gave him the push due to his careless work.   由于他工作不细心,老板解雇了他.   10. I saw that I had been guilty of a careless blunder.   我意识到自己因疏忽而酿成大错.   11. He is severely put down for his careless work.   他因工作上的粗心大意而受到了严厉的批评.   12. A careless mistake cost the company millions of dollars.   一次疏忽造成了公司数百万美元的损失.   13. If you were the least bit careless, you could fall right in.   你稍不警觉, 就会失足.   14. A careless driver is a danger to the public.   粗心的驾驶员对于公众是一种危险.   15. To be crude and careless is an extremely bad style of work.   粗枝大叶是一种极坏的作风.   1. How very thoughtless. I"ll give him a piece of my mind.   真是太没头脑了,我要告诉他我很生气。   2. It was thoughtless of her to mention it.   她提起这事有些欠考虑。   3. It was just a thoughtless remark.   那不过是一句欠考虑的话。   4. It was thoughtless of you to forget your sister"s birthday.   你真粗心,把你姐姐的生日都给忘了.   5. I wonder why you are so thoughtless of others.   我很奇怪,你为何如此不替别人着想.   6. It was rather thoughtless of him, to say the least.   至少可以说, 他太粗心了.   7. Only an idiot would make such a thoughtless remark.   只有草包才会说出这样没有头脑的话来.   8. How can you be so thoughtless?   你怎么这样不懂事?   9. It is thoughtless of you to do so.   你这样做,太不懂事.   10. It was thoughtless of you to eat all the cake and leave none for me.   你把蛋糕都吃了,一点也不留给我,这太自私了.   11. Thoughtful men ought not to be thoughtless about the drought.   体贴的人不应该对干旱考虑不周。   12. Why am I so thoughtless?   我为什么这样粗心大意?   13. How could she have been so thoughtless?   她怎么会粗心到这个地步,居然说出那样的话来 呢 ?   14. It is thoughtless of her to keep us waiting so long.   她让我们等这么久,真是一点也不替人着想.   15. The book expresses neither shallow criticism nor thoughtless phrase.   小说既不发空泛的批评,也不作轻率的赞扬.



给下BOBO的英文简介 谢了

In the summer of 2007, two youths, one from Xi"an and one from Shenyang, two cities 1735 km away, joined a competition called Jia You! Hao Nan Er (My Hero), a talent competition for males.It was there, in Shanghai, that the story began.He was Fu Xinbo, 20, nicknamed Bao Zi (little meat bun) for his puffy cheeks.He was Jing Boran, 18, nicknamed Jing Bao (Baby Jing) because people wanted to protect him, as if he were their baby.They were from different competition zones, but somehow, they always got paired together for variety shows and events. Slowly, they became best of friends. During the 21 to 20 competition, Jing Boran was asked to act as a rabbit. The host asked him what did he bit?Jing Boran said, Bao zi (little meat bun, Fu Xinbo"s nickname), then bit him.Fu Xinbo bit back.Late May, they wrote in their respective websites that they had already agreed, when the competition"s over, to go to Xi"an and then Shenyang together.Fu Xinbo said, "Jing Bao is two years younger than me. I"ll always take care him, I"ll make sure he gets on the right path."Sometimes during the competition, fans dubbed them the BOBO group, because both of their names have "Bo" in them.The two adopted the name. They expressed the wish that when the competition was over, they could be signed as a group. During an interview, everyone was asked who they don"t want to PK with.Fu Xinbo said, "Jing Bao. If we had to PK, I would choose to leave. "Jing Boran said, "Bao zi. If we had to PK... we wouldn"t PK."Fu Xinbo said, "There are two things I don"t want to happen. The first is to PK with Jing Bao. The second is to watch him leave before me." During the 5 to 4 competition, Fu Xinbo faced his first PK.Host: "What do you want to say, Jing Boran?"Jing Boran and Fu Xinbo turned back at the same time, trying to hid their tears.No words would come out.The host remembered Fu Xinbo"s promise to take care of Jing Boran and asked him if he"s worried that no one would take care of Jing Boran when he"s gone?Fu Xinbo said, "I"m not worried. He"s a man now."Together, they sang a song, "Today I will marry you."Fu Xinbo won that PK. Later, Jing Boran said, " I know I shouldn"t have cried...When Bao zi stepped on the PK stage, I was so scared...I couldn"t control myself."That night, Jing Boran wrote on his blog, "BOBO forever."That night, Fu Xinbo said, "I only have one thing to say. If you support me, you"ll supoort Jing Bao. I don"t want to see him leave before me." It was the last episode of the competition.July 21st721Only Jing Boran, Fu Xinbo, and Kimi Ren were left.At last, Jing Boran and Fu Xinbo had to face each other in a PK.The host asked,"what would you like to say before the PK?"Jing Boran said, "BOBO forever."Fu Xinbo said, "Forever BOBO." The PK ended, but who won didn"t matter. The CEO of Huayi Bros. came up and granted their wish.That night, BOBO was officially formed.That night, Jing Boran"s fans, bbf, Fu Xinbo"s fans, bbt, and BOBO"s fans, bbs, joined to form BoheIn Chinese, "he" means together and peace. It was a wish that together, bbt, bbf, and bbs could be one family, BOBO"s family. Together, they moved to Huayi"s headquarters, Beijing, knowing no one but each other.In October of 2007, they released their first EP, Glory."Thank you for giving me my glory.I was once a common youth, it"s you who helped me reach the top of my dreams.This is a glory that belongs to us.Every one of you is a hero of mine."That year, they sweeped the awards.In May of 2008, they released their first album, "The Big World."In August of 2008, they stood on the stage of the Birds Nest, and sang to the world during the Opening Ceremony of the Paralympics.In December of 2008, they"re set for their first concert in Shanghai, where it all began. Branching outIn November of 2008, Fu Xinbo"s first drama came out. Directed and written by the legendary Ning Caisheng, I am Veeker is an internet comedy with 6 episodes of 20 minutes each, released on ku6.com.That same month, Jing Boran began filming his first drama, A Tribute to Stephen ChowDifferent types of Bohe - BBT, BBF, BBSFu Xinbo"s fans are called bbt, for bo ban tang, or lollipop.Jing Boran"s fans are called bbf, for babyface.BOBO fans are called bbs, for BOBO"s fans.Together, they make up Bohe, or peppermint. He means together in Chinese.Bohe means for BOBO to always be together, peacefully and happily. I support BOBO, because their friendship was born innocently, not because of company cohercion or other motives.I promote BOBO, because like their original friendship, they"re simple and sweet.If you do like BOBO, please like them as a group. Please support them as a group.Support your favorite one, support his best friend and support their group.BOBO once said, "Beijing"s a new city. We don"t know anyone here. We only have each other."And that"s where I leave you.


Good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. You cannot be unfomiliar with the name of Edison, one of the greatest inventors in the world. And he is a scientist which I admire. Do you know what kind of person he was? Edison was born in a poor family in America. He was a person who liked to know the root of matter. The man who was often to be called the greatest inventor who ever lived was born in Milan, Ohio, on Feb. 11, 1847. His father, Samuel Edison, was a shingle maker. His mother, Nancy Elliott Edison, was a schoolteacher. When young Edison was 7, the family moved to Port Huron, Mich. There he went to school for three months--the only formal schooling he ever had. An accident at about this time started the deafness, which Edison had for the rest of his life. One day he was trying to climb into a freight car with both arms full of newspapers. The conductor took him by both ears to lift him into the car. Edison felt something snap in his head, and his deafness began then. He always said he did not mind being deaf. It kept him from being bothered by outside noises and he could give full thought to the work at hand. One day Edison was making an experiment in his baggage-car laboratory when a stick of phosphorus accidentally set the car on fire. The conductor threw out the boy and his equipment. Edison"s railroading days came to an end. In Boston in 1869 at the age of 21 Edison patented his commercially unsuccessful vote counter. He brought with him to New York an idea for a stock quotation-printing device. In New York he met a Dr. Samuel Laws, who already had a "stock ticker" in operation. When this primitive machine broke down, Edison repaired it. He was then hired by Laws and out of this association grew the development of a stock ticker that worked perfectly. For this and other inventions useful in stockbrokers" offices Edison expected to be paid only a few hundred dollars. He was sure he was being made the victim of a practical joke when Laws handed him a check for $40,000. First Used "Hello!" as Telephone Greeting Edison died on Oct. 18, 1931, and was buried in Orange, N.J. His West Orange laboratory and his 23-room home, Glenmont, were designated a national historic site in 1955. The laboratory is exactly as he left it. It includes his library, papers, and early models of many of his inventions. Boys and girls, life isn"t always smooth. When failure happens, don"t lose your heart;don"t give up halfway. I"m sure if we can face failure bravely and correctly, we"ll gain succes. Edison had set a good example for us. So never be afraid failure. It"s the mother of success!

exo的mama的前面的英文Careless, careless.Shoot anonymous,

ON划词翻译ON实时翻译Careless, careless.Shoot anonymous, anonymous.Heartless, mindless.No one who care about me疏忽,粗心。拍摄匿名,匿名的。无情的,无知的。没有人关心我的人



急求happy feet 的英文对白

英文剧本: 快乐大脚 Happy FeetHappy Feet scriptOnce there was a way To get back homewardAre the stars out tonight?Once there was a way to get back homeI only have eyesSleep, pretty darling, do not cryFor youAnd I will sing a lullabyWith a song in my heartSo tell meTell me something goodTell me that you love meTell me, babyTell me something goodOnly youBut how can you know for sure?Can make this world seem rightIs there really just one?I need your loveSo many songs, but I"m feeling so lonely.Where is the love?You don"t have to be beautifulTo turn me onI just need your body, babyHello-From dusk till dawn -Is it me you"re looking for?You don"t need experienceTake-To turn me out -These broken wingsYou just leave it all up to meLet"s talk about eggs, baby Let"s talk about you and meYou don"t have to be rich-Give me all your loving -To be my pearlYou don"t have to be cool To rule my worldAin"t no particular song I"m more compatible withI just want your extra--Boys. Boys.Give a chick a chance.Well, since my baby left meI found a new place to dwellIt"s down at the end of Lonely Street At Heartbreak HotelAnd I said, ""I"m feelin" so lonely, babyI"m feelin" so lonelyOh, I"m feelin" so lonely""...I could dieDon"t have to be rich to be my girlDon"t have to be cool to rule my worldYou rule my worldYou"re the particular song I"m compatible withI just want your-Extra time -Extra time-And your kiss -And your kissHis mom and dad met in the usual way.The song became love......and love became the egg.Memphis?-You got it, sugar? -Yeah. Oh, yeah.Safe and warm.Hold it tight, now.Whoa, l think l felt a move in there.And in the usual way......the moms left for the fishing season......while the dads stayed home to do egg time.You gonna be okay, Daddy?Oh, sure, honey. We"ll be waiting for you, right here on Lonely Street.I love you more and more, tell me whyBye-bye, now.Goodbye, Norma Jean. Don"t you worry about a thing.Don"t wanna let you goI never can say goodbye, boyWhen all others leave......we remain!When the sun vanishes......we remain!I"m feelin" so lonely I"m feelin" so lonely--Heed the wisdoms, brothers! Make a huddle!Warm thy egg!Make a huddle!-Share the cold! -Share the cold.Each must take his turn against the icy blast......if we are to survive the endless night.Raise your voices, brothers!Give praise to the Great "Guin......who puts songs in our hearts and fish in our bellies!Ain"t no particular song I"m more compatible withOh, baby, l think l wanna dance now.No, no, no.There is a wisdom, brothers and sisters......that stands above all others.-Never, ever... -lt"s okay.-...no matter what... -No harm done. See?...drop your egg.No, we"re cool. We"re cool.Of the many thousands who sang through that long night of winter......it was Memphis who cried out most fervently......to turn the Earth and bring back the sun.-lt"s a boy! -Hey, it"s a girl!-What a peach! -What a bruiser!-Come here, son. -Come to Daddy, there you go.Son, you have made your daddy so proud.lt"s all genetics, you know.Memphis?ls everything okay?l don"t know. l can"t hear anything.-ls it empty? -Honey.-Can l have it? -Gloria.lt"s okay, Maurice.lt happens sometimes, Memphis.Yeah.Wait, you hear that?-Yeah. -Hey, l can hear you, buddy.Oh, your papa"s here, it"s okay.Oh, he"s okay, Maurice. Whoa, there it is!That"s his little foot there.There"s his other one.That"s different.Hey! Come back here, Mr. Mumble.Gloria....She can call him whatever the heck she likes.Whoa, little Mumble.-Mumble? Mumble? -You okay?Freezing. Freezing.Oh, you"ll get used to it.Come on. Come to your daddy.-What do you make of that? -Little wobbly in the knees.-ls he okay? -l don"t know.What you doing there, boy?l"m happy, Pa.What you doing with your feet?They"re happy too.-l wouldn"t do that around folks, son. -Why not?-Well, it just ain"t penguin, okay? -Okay.Yeah. Hey, come on over here. Get under here. Get warm.Watch the beak. Watch the beak-- Beak!The beak.Okay, good boy.So late. What"s keeping them?Pray, brothers, the Great "Guin does not test us with a lean season.Why, Noah? Have we not all been dutiful?So when you see your mama....-l stand perfectly still. -You got it.But how will l know which one"s my mama?Oh, you"ll know.She"s got a wiggle in her walk and a giggle in her talk.And when she sings, it darn near breaks your heart.Hey, wait. l see them. l see them!You"re right! You"re right!Wives, ho!Wives, ho!Wives, ho!Wait, no. Wait, no, Mumble, get back here. No, Mumble! Get back-- Mumble!Mumble! Mumble!Mumble!Michelle? Michelle?-Roxanne? -Michelle?Alfie?-Maurice! -Michelle! Michelle!Mommy!Oh, she"s so darling.Excuse me. Pardon me, pardon me. Mumble? Mumble?Oh, Mumble.-Mama? -Mumble!-Mama? -Mumble!Mumble!Mama? Mama?-Mumble, boy, where are you? -Mama!Memphis?Oh, Mama. Oh, Mama.-Oh, my. -Daddy.So where"s the baby?Well, honey, l"ll find him.-You lost the baby? Memphis! -lt"s okay.-Mama? Mama? -Stay!-Come to Mommy. -No, Mumble.Mama, Mama.Hey, what"s wrong with his feet?Oh, that"s just a little thing he"s got going. He"ll grow out of it.Mama!Oh, Memphis, he"s gorgeous.-lsn"t he, though? -Look at you.l got something for you.Open up.Oh, l love the way she does that.W, X, Y and ZGood morning, class.Good morning, Miss Viola.Right.Well, today we begin with the most important lesson you will ever learn......at Penguin Elementary.Does anyone know what that is?Anyone? Anyone?Someone? Seymour?-Fishing? -No.Mumble?Don"t eat yellow snow?No, that"s not it, no.-lt"s our Heartsong, Miss. -Thank you, Gloria. Excellent, yes.Without our Heartsong, we can"t be truly penguin, can we?No.But, my dears, it"s not something that l can actually teach you.Does anybody know why? Anyone? Anyone?You can"t teach it to us, ma"am......because we have to find our Heartsongs all by ourselves.Well done, you.lt"s the voice you hear inside......who you truly are.Yes. Thank you, Gloria. Excellent, lovely, thank you.So let"s all be very still now.Take a moment and let it come to you.-l got one! -Pick me!-Pick me! Pick me! -One at a time. Yes, Seymour.Don"t push me "Cause I am close to the edgeI"m trying not to lose my headYes, l like that one. l could really get jiggy with that. Lovely.l"m ready. l got one.Oh, l thought you might, Gloria.Midnight creeps so slowlyInto hearts of thoseWho need more than they getDaylight deals a bad handTo a penguinWho has laid too many betsThat"s as far as l got so far.-Oh, yes, lovely. Really lovely. -That"s beautiful.Well, Mumble, since you seem so keen to share.Mine"s sort of a boom and a:And another boom.You heard that in there?-Do you like it? -l"m afraid that"s not a tune.-lt"s not? -No, dear. A tune is like:Oh, okay.Who is that?That is the offspring of Memphis and Norma Jean.The wee hippity-hopper.lt"s not funny!No. No, not in the least.A penguin without a Heartsong is hardly a penguin at all.l think he broke my ear.ln all my years, l"ve never, l mean--And you having such fine voices. Well, it"s bizarre.Did anything happen, you know, during early development?No, all fine. Normal incubation.-Right. -Wasn"t it, honey?Yeah. Yeah, it was a tough winter, l guess.Right, right.-He did hatch a little late-- -Yes, l understand. Yes.-To think he might spend his life alone... -Quite, quite....never to meet his one true love.Oh, please, Miss Viola, isn"t there something we can do?Well, there is always Mrs. Astrakhan.Mrs. Astrakhan?lf anyone can, Mrs. Astrakhan can.Can"t sing?Can"t sing? Rubbish, darling.Every little penguin has a song.When l have finished......your singing will be giving everyone the goose pimple.Now, to begin. First, we must find a feeling.Happy feeling, sad feeling.Maybe lonely feeling.You feel it?Good. Now, let it out.Be spontaneous.That, what is that?l"m being spontan-you-us.Darling, you want to meet beautiful girl?You want to make the egg?Oh, yes.Well, sing! And no jiggy-jog. Do not move muscle.No moving!Twinkle, twinkle, little starEnough!Okay. We go back to the top.Forget body. Look inside soul.Feel the feeling. Enormous feeling.So enormous it fills whole body.lt must escape or you explode.-Now, open your little beak. -Come on.Yes, yes. Lift up the head, that"s it.Now.... Now....NowDisaster! Catastrophe!l never fail before.Never! Never!-Well, l thought it was kind of cute. -But it just ain"t penguin, okay?So what if he"s a little different? l always kind of liked different.He"s not different. He"s a regular emperor penguin.Hey, you know what? l can leave school.l can go to work. The three of us.Whoa, little fella. You ain"t going nowhere till you got yourself an education.You get them singing muscles big and strong, you got that?l"ll try, Pa.You bet you will. The word ""triumph"" starts with ""try,"" and it ends with...?-""Umph."" -That"s right. A great big ""umph.""l"m going fishing.Oh, Mumble.That first hard summer......while his mom and dad were working overtime......on the great commute to the sea......Mumble found a place away from disapproving eyes......where a funky little fella could be himself.Hey, what you doing there, flipper bird?Nothing. What are you doing?Nothing. Just dropped in for a little lunch.There"s food? Here?Leg or wing?Oh, no, no, wait. Not me, l"m a penguin.Exactly. The flipper birds, that"s you, eat the fish.The flying birds, that"s me, eat the flipper bird and the fish.And lately, there ain"t a lot of fish.-So.... -This time l"m getting the juicy bits.-Me first! -Hey, you want a piece of me?Hey, hey, hey! l"m trying to think about lunch.Wait! Watch this!Yeah, that"s weird, all right. Listen. For once, we"re gonna do this civilized.-Now, get in line-- -Hey! What"s that on your leg?-What? This little thing? -Oh, no. Don"t start him on that.Shut up! The little flipper bird asked me a perceptive question.-A question like that deserves an answer. -Here we go.l got two words for you:""Alien abduction.""-Oh, you had to ask. -Have mercy.Quiet!Now, little buddy, there is something out there.Creatures. Not like us.Bigger, fiercer, and smarter too.-Ask me how l know. -How?Because l"ve been captured by them, that"s how.Unbelievable.What do you mean ""unbelievable?"" lt"s true.l"m sitting on a rock, minding my own business......when suddenly, they"re onto me.These beings, like big ugly penguins.Fat, flabby faces with front-ways eyes......no feathers, no beaks, and these-- These appendages.They probe me. They tie me up. They strap me down.They take this pointy thing and they stick it into me.And then, blackout.Gosh.l woke up and there"s this-- This thing on me.Every flying bird is dissing me, ""Hey, what"s




取得很大的进步的英文:make great progressprogress 读法 英 [ˈprəʊɡres , prəˈɡres]   美 [ˈprɑːɡres , prəˈɡres]  1、n.进步;进展;进程;前进;行进2、v.进步;改进;进展;前进;行进;(时间上)推移,流逝短语:1、continuous progress 连续进度2、progress bar 进度条;进度指示器3、work in progress 在制品;过程进行中的工作扩展资料词语用法:1、progress的意思是向前进,即“取得进步,进展”,强调其行进的距离,变化及改进提高的程度。2、progress用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常与介词in, with连用,表示“在…方面取得进展”。progress常用于进行体。词义辨析:progress,  proceed, advance, go这组词都有“前进,行进,进展”的意思,其区别是:1、progress 指按某一既定目标前进,取得发展,目的性很明确,强调经常和稳定地前进。2、proceed 侧重指继续前进。3、advance 主要用于具体的人或物,也可指科学技术和运动等。4、go 最常用词,含义宽泛而不确切,依上文确定其具体意思。


Life in Somalia"s pirate town Whenever word comes out that pirates have taken yet another ship in the Somali region of Puntland, extraordinary things start to happen. Pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia have been surging There is a great rush to the port of Eyl, where most of the hijacked vessels are kept by the well-armed pirate gangs. People put on ties and smart clothes. They arrive in land cruisers with their laptops, one saying he is the pirates" accountant, another that he is their chief negotiator. With yet more foreign vessels seized off the coast of Somalia this week, it could be said that hijackings in the region have become epidemic. Insurance premiums for ships sailing through the busy Gulf of Aden have increased tenfold over the past year because of the pirates, most of whom come from the semi-autonomous region of Puntland. In Eyl, there is a lot of money to be made, and everybody is anxious for a cut. Entire industry The going rate for ransom payments is between $300,000 and $1.5m (£168,000-£838,000). A recent visitor to the town explained how, even though the number of pirates who actually take part in a hijacking is relatively small, the whole modern industry of piracy involves many more people. "The number of people who make the first attack is small, normally from seven to 10," he said. "They go out in powerful speedboats armed with heavy weapons. But once they seize the ship, about 50 pirates stay on board the vessel. And about 50 more wait on shore in case anything goes wrong." Given all the other people involved in the piracy industry, including those who feed the hostages, it has become a mainstay of the Puntland economy. Eyl has become a town tailor-made for pirates - and their hostages. Special restaurants have even been set up to prepare food for the crews of the hijacked ships. As the pirates want ransom payments, they try to look after their hostages. When commandos from France freed two French sailors seized by pirates off the Somali coast in September, President Nicolas Sarkozy said he had given the go-ahead for the operation when it was clear the pirates were headed for Eyl - it would have been too dangerous to try to free them from there. The town is a safe-haven where very little is done to stop the pirates - leading to the suggestion that some, at least, in the Puntland administration and beyond have links with them. Many of them come from the same clan - the Majarteen clan of the president of Somalia"s transitional federal government, Abdullahi Yusuf. Money to spend The coastal region of Puntland is booming. Fancy houses are being built, expensive cars are being bought - all of this in a country that has not had a functioning central government for nearly 20 years. Observers say pirates made about $30m from ransom payments last year - far more than the annual budget of Puntland, which is about $20m. A Canadian navy ship escorted a recent delivery of food aid to Somalia When the president of Puntland, Adde Musa, was asked about the reported wealth of pirates and their associates, he said: "It"s more than true". Now that they are making so much money, these 21st Century pirates can afford increasingly sophisticated weapons and speedboats. This means that unless more is done to stop them, they will continue to plunder the busy shipping lanes through the Gulf of Aden. They even target ships carrying aid to feed their compatriots - up to a third of the population. Warships from France, Canada and Malaysia, among others, now patrol the Somali coast to try and fend off pirate attacks. An official at the International Maritime Organisation explained how the well-armed pirates are becoming increasingly bold. More than 30% of the world"s oil is transported through the Gulf of Aden. "It is only a matter of time before something horrible happens," said the official. "If the pirates strike a hole in the tanker, and there"s an oil spill, there could be a huge environmental disaster". It is likely that piracy will continue to be a problem off the coast of Somalia as long as the violence and chaos continues on land. Conflict can be very good for certain types of business, and piracy is certainly one of them.

药品上的英文缩写LOT 061065 BBE FEB 10是什么意思

药品批次 061065BBE (best before end 即常说的有效期) 2010 年2月前使用




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junk food垃圾食品






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原来是美男5集黄泰京做造型时出现的英文歌,有句歌词是any louder

是please don"t leave me - -Pink


I love lookin" at you我喜欢望着你In the way God intended us这似乎是上帝对我们的眷顾I"m talkin" "bout nothin" on but a smile我不会再说什么,只是对你微笑And a little bit of sweat from when we made love多么甜美的微笑当我们沉浸在鱼水之欢时And you got me singin" oooooh你让我不由自主地哼唱起来,哦哦哦Oh your body makes me go oooooh哦,你让我心驰神往,哦哦哦I throw up my hands,我挥舞着双手say thank you to the man向所有的人致谢Cause just a touch,因为,仅仅只是轻抚一下你you is a blessin" and I"m glad I can我都觉得无比幸福,何其幸运All I can say is hallelujah, hallelujah,我无以言表,只能高呼哈利路亚 哈利路亚,hallelujah pretty baby哈利路亚,漂亮宝贝You got me religious,你让我拥有了信仰got me religious, got me religious你让我拥有了信仰你让我拥有了信仰And all I can say is hallelujah,我无以言表,只能高呼哈利路亚hallelujah, hallelujah pretty baby哈利路亚,哈利路亚,漂亮宝贝You got me religious,你让我拥有了信仰,got me religious, got me religious你让我拥有了信仰 你让我拥有了信仰I love bein" with you我想和你在一起Cause you"re easily worth adorin"因为,你值得我的爱慕Your voice in my ear somethin"你的话犹在耳边like a choir of angels像是唱诗班中天使的歌声一样Easy like Sunday morning就像星期日早晨一样悠闲舒适And you got me singin" oooooh你让我不由自主地哼唱起来,哦哦哦Oh your body makes me go oooooh哦,你让我心驰神往,哦哦哦And I just throw up both my hands,我挥舞着双手say thank you to the man向所有的人致谢Cause to be around you is a blessin"因为,能在你的身边,那就是天大的福分and I thank God I can感谢上帝All I can say is hallelujah,我无以言表,只能高呼哈利路亚hallelujah, hallelujah pretty baby哈利路亚,哈利路亚,漂亮宝贝You got me religious,你让我拥有了信仰got me religious, got me religious你让我拥有了信仰你让我拥有了信仰And all I can say is hallelujah,我无以言表,只能高呼哈利路亚hallelujah, hallelujah pretty baby哈利路亚,哈利路亚,漂亮宝贝You got me religious,你让我拥有了信仰,got me religious, got me religious你让我拥有了信仰 你让我拥有了信仰Oh when I see you in the mornin"哦,清晨,当我醒来Breakfast in bed我和你一起吃着早餐When you smile at me, oh当你对我微笑时,哦When you rub my head当你抚摸着我的额头时All I can say is, "Thank you Lord"我无以言表,只能说,承蒙圣恩For bringin" this one to me, yeah上帝将你带到了我的身边,耶All I can say is, "Thank you Lord"我无以言表,只能说,承蒙圣恩Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah哈利路亚,哈利路亚,哈利路亚You got me religious,你让我拥有了信仰you got me religious, got me religious你让我拥有了信仰 你让我拥有了信仰Said that all I can say, "Hallelujah, hallelujah"我无以言表,我只能说哈利路亚,哈利路亚Got me religious, got me religious你让我拥有了信仰,你让我拥有了信仰I said, "Thank you Lord,我无以言表,只能说,承蒙圣恩thank you Lord, thank you Lord"承蒙圣恩,承蒙圣恩yeah yeah thank you Lord, thank you Lord"耶耶 承蒙圣恩,承蒙圣恩


Roar - Katy PerryI used to bite my tongue and hold my breathScared to rock the boat and make a messSo I sat quietly, agreed politelyI guess that I forgot I had a choiceI let you push me past the breaking pointI stood for nothing, so I fell for everythingYou held me down, but I got upAlready brushing off the dustYou hear my voice, your hear that soundLike thunder, gonna shake your groundYou held me down, but I got upGet ready cause I"ve had enoughI see it all, I see it nowI got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fireCause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROARLouder, louder than a lionCause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAROh oh oh oh oh ohYou"re gonna hear me roarNow I"m floating like a butterflyStinging like a bee I earned my stripesI went from zero, to my own heroYou held me down, but I got upAlready brushing off the dustYou hear my voice, your hear that soundLike thunder, gonna shake your groundYou held me down, but I got upGet ready "cause I"ve had enoughI see it all, I see it nowI got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fire"Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROARLouder, louder than a lion"Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAROh oh oh oh oh ohYou"re gonna hear me roarRoar-or, roar-or, roar-orYou"re gonna hear me roarYou"re gonna hear me roarI got the eye of the tiger, the fire, dancing through the fire"Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROARLouder, louder than a lion"Cause I am a champion and you"re gonna hear me ROAROh oh oh oh oh ohYou"re gonna hear me roar




人力资本财务 Human resource capital finance


英国广播公司外文名称British Broadcasting Corporation


British Broadcasting Corporation.英国广播公司(BBC),成立于1922年,是英国最大的新闻广播机构,也是世界最大的新闻广播机构之一。在相当长的一段时间内BBC一直垄断着英国的电视、电台。在1955年独立电视台和1973年独立电台成立之前,BBC一直是英国唯一的电视、电台广播公司。2009年,主持人萨维尔因性丑闻被调查,无果而终。2012年10月24日,英国媒体称除了萨维尔,BBC内部还有多人卷入儿童性侵犯案件。2012年11月10日,BBC总裁乔治`恩特威斯尔因不实报道宣布辞职,13日,新闻总监海伦·博登及其副手史蒂夫·米奇尔被暂停其编辑工作,BBC继性丑闻之后又陷入了新一轮的信任危机。2017年3月,再陷造假门,纪录片中守灵夜描述成派对现场。


要用过去式。she used to write articlesbefore she died 或者She always wrote articles before she died.


职业生涯 [名] career; [例句]史蒂夫和我在各自的职业生涯中处于迥然不同的阶段。Steve and I were at very different stages in our respective careers






是茵陈吧?茵陈又称白蒿,属菊科类植物,主要分布在陕西、山西、安徽等地,多为野生,现在也有人工栽培,为常用中药。 【药 名】:茵陈 【拼 音】:YINCHEN 【英文名】:Virgate Wormwood Herb Capillary Wormwood Herb 【来 源】:为双子叶植物药菊科植物茵陈蒿的幼嫩茎叶。 【功 效】:清热利湿,解毒疗疮。 【主 治】:治湿热黄疸,小便不利,风痒疮疥。 【性味归经】:苦辛,凉。①《本经》:“味苦,平。”②《别录》:“微寒,无毒。”③《药性论》:“味苦辛,有小毒。”④《珍珠囊》:“苦甘。”入肝、脾、膀胱经。①张元素:“入足太阳经。”②《本草经疏》:“足阳明、太阴、太阳三经。”③《本草再新》:“入肝、肾二经。” 【用法用量】:内服:煎汤,3~5钱。外用:煎水洗。 【用药忌宜】:非因湿热引起的发黄忌服。①《本草经疏》: “蓄血发黄者,禁用。”②《得配本草》:“热甚发黄,无湿气,二者禁用。” 【药物配伍】:配栀子,清热利湿退黄,治湿热黄疸。配附子,温阳利湿退黄,主治寒湿内阻之阴黄。配大黄,治黄疸初起。配白藓皮,治病人身如金色,不多语言,四肢无力,好眠卧,口吐粘液。配车前子,清热利湿,通利小便。配厚朴,滑石,清湿热利胆宽中下气,化浊气消疸利尿泻火。 【别 名】:因尘(《吴普本草》)、马先(《广雅》)、茵蔯蒿(《雷公炮炙论》)、茵陈(《本草经集注》)、因陈蒿(《本草拾遗》)、绵茵陈(《本经逢原》)、绒蒿、细叶青蒿(《广西中兽医药植》)、臭蒿、安吕草(《江苏植药志》)、婆婆蒿(《山东中药》)、野兰蒿(《湖南药物志》) 【处方名】:茵陈、茵陈蒿、因陈、绵茵陈、西茵陈、北茵陈 【商品名】:茵陈、茵陈蒿、北茵陈、西茵陈,以质嫩、干燥、色灰绿或灰白、软绵如绒、气清香浓郁者为佳。 【动植物资源分布】:全国大部地区均有分布。主产陕西、山西、安徽。此外,山东、江苏、湖北、河南、河北、四川、甘肃、福建等地亦产。 【药材的采收与储藏】:春季幼苗高约三寸时采收,除去杂质,去净泥土,晒干。 【拉丁名】:药材Herba Artemisiae Scopariae原植物Artemisia capillaris Thunb.同属植物黄蒿Artemisia scopariaWaldst. Et Kitaib小白蒿A.frigidaWilld. 【炮制方法】:过筛,拣去杂质,除去残根,碾碎,再过罗去净泥屑。《雷公炮炙论》:“去根细锉用。” 【考 证】:出自《神农本草经》①《本草图经》:“茵陈蒿,今近道皆有之,而不及泰山者佳。春初生苗,高三、五寸,似蓬蒿而叶紧细,无花实,秋后叶枯,茎干经冬不死,至春更因旧苗而生新叶,故名茵陈蒿。五月、七月采茎叶阴干,今谓之山茵陈。江宁府又有一种茵陈,叶大根粗,黄白色,至夏有花实。阶州有一种名白蒿,亦似青蒿而背白,本土皆通入药用之。今南方医人用山茵陈,乃有数种,或著其说云:山茵陈京下及北地用者,如艾蒿,叶细而背白,其气亦如艾,味苦,干则色黑。江南所用,茎叶都似家茵陈而大,高三、四尺,气极芬香,味甘辛,俗又名龙脑薄荷。吴中所用,乃石香柔也,叶至细,色黄味辛,甚香烈,性温,误作解脾药服之,大令人烦。以《本草》论之,但有茵陈蒿,而无山茵陈。《本草》注云:茵陈蒿叶似蓬蒿而紧细,今京下、北地用为山茵陈者,是也。大体世方用山茵陈疗脑痛,解伤寒发汗,行肢节滞气,化痰利膈,治劳倦最要。详《本草》正经,惟疗黄疸,利小便,与世方都不应。今试取京下所用山茵陈为解肌发汗药,灼然少效,江南山茵陈疗伤寒脑痛绝胜,此见诸医议论,谓家茵陈亦能解肌下膈,去胸中烦,方家少用,但可研作饮服之,《本草》所无,自出俗方,茵陈蒿复当别是一物,主疗自异,不得力山茵陈。此说亦未可据,但以功较之,则江南者为胜,以经言之,则非《本草》所出。医方所用,且可计较功效,《本草》之义,更当考论尔。”②《纲目》:“茵陈,昔人多莳为蔬,故入药用山茵陈,所以别家茵陈也。洪舜俞《老圃赋》云:酣糟紫姜之掌,沐醯青陈之丝是也。今淮扬人二月二日犹采野茵陈苗,和粉面作茵陈饼食之,后人各据方土所传,遂致淆乱。今山茵陈二月生苗,其茎如艾,其叶如淡色青蒿而背白,叶歧紧细而扁整,九月开细花,黄色,结实大如艾子,花实并与庵? 花实相似,亦有无花实者。”③《本草崇原》:”一种开花结实者,名铃儿茵陈;无花实者,名毛茵陈;入药以无花实者为胜。”④《本经逢原》:“茵陈有二种:一种叶细如青蒿者名绵茵陈,专于利水,为湿热黄疸要药。一种生子如铃者,名山茵陈,又名角蒿,其味苦辛小毒,专于杀虫,治口齿疮绝胜。《本经》主风湿寒热,热结黄疸,湿伏阳明所生之病,皆指绵茵陈而言。”⑤《中药志》:“本品在历代之记载,皆与目前市售应用最广的茵陈蒿 Artemisia capillaris 类似。而《图经本草》又载江宁府一种茵陈,类似今用之白花茵陈。另在《图经本草》之白蒿项下又记有:今阶州以白蒿为茵陈蒿,苗叶亦相似,然以入药,恐不可用也。又似今植物白蒿。故按《本草》记载观之,古代药用称茵陈者甚多,又有名山茵陈、石茵陈者。但由其疗效观之,皆不相同,故不宜相混。” 【生药材鉴定】:之干燥的幼苗多揉成团状,灰绿色,全体密被白毛,绵软如绒。茎细小,长6~10厘米,多弯曲或已折断;分枝细,基部较粗,直径1.5毫米,去掉表面的白毛后,可见明显的纵纹,完整的叶多有柄,与细茎相连,叶片分裂成线状。有特异的香气,味微苦。以质嫩、绵软、灰绿色、香气浓者为佳。除上述品种外,尚有同属植物黄蒿Artemisia scopariaWaldst.Et Kitaib.(又名:滨蒿、北茵陈)、小白蒿A.frigidaWilld.等的幼苗,在东北等地作茵陈蒿使用。劲直蒿 A. strictaEdgew.的幼苗在西藏地区作茵陈蒿使用。显微鉴定:茵陈蒿叶粉末:灰绿色。①上表皮细胞垂周壁较平直,下表皮细胞壁波状弯曲;上下表皮均有气孔,不定式,副卫细胞3-5个。②腺毛少,顶面观鞋底形,由6,8细胞上下成对迭合而成,直径15-22μm。③丁字形非腺毛多碎断似纤维状,完整者顶端细胞极长,可至2mm,直径5-26μm,左右两臂不等长,壁厚,木化;基部1-3细胞,极扁短。 【中药化学成分】:茵陈蒿含具利胆作用的有效成分蒿属香豆精(Scopa-rone),即6,7一二甲氧基香豆精(6,7一Dimethoxycoumarin);含率因季节而异,开花期最高,达1.98%,以及绿原酸(Chloro-genic acid)和咖啡酸(Caffeicacid)。全草含精油约0,27%,果穗中精油较多,含率达1%。其成分有:B一蒎烯(B一Pinene),茵陈炔酮(Capillin),茵陈烯酮(Capillone),茵陈炔(Capil-lene),茵陈素(Capillarin)。还含脂肪油,其中脂肪酸为硬脂酸(Stearic acid),棕榈酸(Pal-mitic acid,油酸(Oleic acid),亚油酸(Linoleic acid),花生酸(Arachidic acid)褐煤酸(Montanic acid)。灰分中含氯化钾。种子中也含蒿属香豆精及氯化钾。黄蒿含蒿属香豆精,含率因部位和季节而异,花蕾中有0,5%,花头和种子中有2%;开花期全草有0.46%,开花前的花头中有1.52%,但幼苗中不含蒿属香豆精而含绿原酸。全草含精油约0.6%,以开花期含率最高,约达0.95%。其成分有:侧柏醇(Thujyl-alcohol),正丁醛(Buty-raldehyde),糠醛(Fur-furaldehyde),甲庚酮(Methylheptanone),葛缕酮(Carvone),1,8一桉叶素(1,8一Cineole),侧柏酮(Thujone),乙酸?牛儿酯(Geranylacetate),毕澄茄烯(Cadinene),丁香油酚(Eugenol, a一蒎烯(a一Pinene),B-蒎烯,冰草烯(Agropyrene)等。还含脂肪油,其中脂肪酸为肉豆蔻酸(Myristic acid),5.1%,棕榈酸23.48%,硬脂酸24.43%,花生酸18.04%,亚油酸11.25%,油酸10.09%;非皂化部分中有B-谷甾醇(B一Si-tosterol) 19.81%。又含另一利胆成分4一羟基苯乙酮(4-Hydroxy acetophenone)。还含胆碱(Choline),水杨酸(Salicylic acid),壬二酸(Nonandioic acid),石竹烯环氧化物(Caryophyllene epoxide)等。根含B一谷甾醇及草酸等。(1)猪毛蒿 含挥发油,油中成分有香芹(葛缕酮,carvone)、对-聚伞花素(p-cymene)、苎烯、紫苏烯(perillene)、α-水芹烯(α- phellandrene)、百里香酚(thymol)、α-,β-蒎烯、松油醇-4、马鞭草酮(verbenone)、萘、芳甲基苯乙酮(armethylacetophenone)。另含滨蒿素(scoparone)、对羟基苯乙酮及绿原酸等。(2)茵陈蒿 含挥发油,油中成分有月桂烯、苎烯,桉油精、α-蒎烯、莰烯、α-姜黄烯(α-curcumene)、达瓦酮(davanoe)、茵陈炔酮(capillin)、丁香酚(eugenol)、异丁香酚(isoeugenol)、萘、苯甲醛、龙脑。另含茵陈色原酮(capillarisin)、6,7-二甲氧基香豆素(即滨蒿素)。另报道从茵陈蒿地上部分分得茵陈素A、B(capillartemisin A,B)。 【中药化学鉴定】:取本品粗粉1g,加乙醇50ml,回流提取1小时,滤过。滤液滴于滤纸上,干后,置紫外灯(365mm)下检视,滨蒿浸出液显红色,茵陈蒿浸出液显砖红色。




“拳皇”的英文名称是[The King Of Fighters]fughter 读音英 [ˈfaɪtə(r)]    美 [ˈfaɪtɚ] 例句:1. Douglas was a 29-year-old journeyman fighter, erratic in his previous fights.  释义:道格拉斯29岁,是个技术不错的拳击手,在以前的比赛中发挥不太稳定。2. Workers at the plant build the F-16 jet fighter.  释义:这个工厂的工人建造F-16喷气式战斗机。3. The fighter believes he can still regain some of his old magic.  释义:这位斗士相信自己仍然可以恢复从前的一些魔力。4. Five leading fighter pilots have been captured and paraded before the media.  释义:有5名一流的战斗机飞行员被俘,并被在媒体上曝光。5. He is something of a fighter, and will certainly want to win.  释义:他可谓是一个斗士,当然想赢。6. American fighter planes buzzed the city.  释义:美国战斗机低飞掠过城市。7. Fighter aircraft rained down high explosives.  释义:战斗机投下大量烈性炸药。8. a jet fighter  释义:喷气式战斗机。9. He gave a vivid account of his life as a fighter pilot.  释义:他生动地描述了他那战斗机飞行员的生活。10. The fighter accepted money to keep himself back from winning the fight. 释义:这位职业拳击手拿了钱,这阻碍了他在这场拳击赛中的获胜。





adele - rolling in the deep的英文歌词怎翻译的好些?

Rolling In the Deep -- AdeleThere"s a fire starting in my heart我内心烧灼Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark这狂热引我偏离黑暗Finally, I can see you crystal clear.最终我看见你Go ahead and sell me out and I"ll lay your ship bare.背叛我使你真相毕现See how I leave, with every piece of you我将剥离关于你的一切Don"t underestimate the things that I will do.不计代价 不择手段There"s a fire starting in my heart,我内心烧灼Reaching a fever pitch and it"s bringing me out the dark这狂热终将引我脱离黑暗The scars of your love, remind me of us这爱的伤痕使我想到我们They keep me thinking that we almost had it all不断提醒着我 那些你我几乎得到 现在却失去的所有The scars of your love, they leave me breathless这爱的伤痕几乎使我窒息I can"t help feeling...让我情难自抑的想到We could have had it all... (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)...你我本可幸福终老Rolling in the Deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)内心思潮汹涌Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)你将我的真心玩弄于股掌And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)轻易挥霍了我的宠爱Baby I have no story to be told宝贝 我们再没有过去But I"ve heard one of you and I"m gonna make your head burn若你胆敢提及我会让你痛不欲生Think of me in the depths of your despair.无需在绝望中念及我的温情Making a home down there, as mine sure won"t be shared.我绝不会再施与你任何怜惜(以下重复)The scars of your love, remind you of us.They keep me thinking that we almost had it allThe scars of your love, they leave me breathlessI can"t help feeling...We could have had it all... (you"re gonna wish you never had met me)... Rolling in the Deep(Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)Your had my heart... (you"re gonna wish you)... inside of your hand (Never had met me)And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... To the beat (Rolling in the deep)Could have had it allRolling in the deep.You had my heart inside of your hand,But you played it with your beatingThrow yourself through ever open door (Whoa)我的心门再不会向你敞开Count your blessings to find what look for (Whoa-uh)因你并不清楚你真正所求Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (Whoa)我将深藏我过往的哀戚And pay me back in kind- You reap just what you sow.不必妄想将我挽回 破镜再难重圆(You"re gonna wish you... Never had met me)We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall... Rolling in the deep)你我本可幸福终老We could have had it all yeah ( you"re gonna wish you... never had met me)你我本可幸福终老It all. (Tears are gonna fall)It allIt all (Rolling in the deep)We could have had it all (you"re gonna wish you, never had met me)你我本可幸福终老Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall rolling in the deep)内心思潮汹涌You had my heart inside... (you"re gonna wish you)... of your hand (Never had met me)对你如此一往情深 矢志不渝And you played it... (Tears are gonna fall)... to the beat (Rolling in the deep)而你却一再证明我情愫错付We could have had it all ( you"re wish you never had met me)我们本可携手老去Rolling in the deep (tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)内心思潮汹涌You had my heart... ( you"re gonna wish you)... Inside of your hand (Never had met me)我如此爱你 义无反顾But you played it你却一再愚弄我的深情You played it.从不珍惜You played it.从不怜悯You played it to the beat一再证明我情根错种




2-of-17 shooting:投篮17次命中2次。3 men weave:三人组合;指一般称强边进攻的模式。6-of-8 from the line:投罚球8次命中6次。the line指「罚球线」。8-man-rotation game:8人替补的比赛;指季后赛中,一般教练都只让8人轮流上场,亦即一个控球替补,一个2、3号替补,一个4、5号替补再加五个先发共8人。a blockbuster deal:球队之间「大规模的球员交易」。纽泽西网队用Stephon Marbury交换凤凰城太阳队的Jason Kidd,这句里的「交换」变成英文时,用介系词for就可以了!a foul: shooting:a球员在对手投篮下的犯规。a free throw 1 of 2:a球员在2次罚球下罚第一球。a free throw 2 of 2:a球员在2次罚球下罚第二球。a jump shot: made (30 PTS):a球员跳投得分(第30分)。a jump shot: missed:a球员跳投:不进。a sellout crowd:满座,客满,座无虚席。a substitution replaced by b:a球员替补上b球员。ABA(American Basketball Association):创立于1967年的美国职篮联盟,1976年倒闭。acceleration sprint:加速跑;由慢跑、滑步跑而后全速跑的跑步。acclimatization:适应;由于不断地滞留在不同的天气下,例如高度和温度的变化,而获得某种生理上的调整(adjustment)。active recovery:主动休息;即以30~40%运动强度实施休息。在运动完后作主动休息者,其血液中乳酸量降低较快,尤其在20~40分钟时差距较大。aerobic:有氧的;氧存在的。aggressiveness:侵略;如侵略防守。agility:敏捷性;动作迅速。air-ball :篮外空心球;篮板、篮框、篮网都没碰到。Air-ball:没碰到篮框的「篮外空心球」;『面包』。aircraft carrier:吨位大的球员称之;如Shaquille O"neal。All-American Team:简称全美第一队。alley-oop:空中接力;把球抛向空中,另一队员在空中把球扣或投入篮筐。anaerobic:无氧的;氧不存在的,基本上篮球是属于无氧运动。aqueous:水的。arena:比赛场、竞技场;比如Seattle的主场名叫Key Arena。arthroscopic surgery:关节内视镜;选手膝盖受伤检查的手术。assist:助攻;传球后能协助队友得分之举。(缩写:Ast.)assistant coach :助理教练;协助总教练之人员。Atlanta Hawks: 亚特兰大老鹰队。Atlantic Division :大西洋组。attitude:积极态度;表示防守、或卡位篮板或、抢进攻篮板之态度。away game:客场比赛。baby-hook:半勾;勾篮动作未完成前即出手。back spin:后旋转。back up:替补。back court:后场;backboard:篮板。backdoor cut:从两边45度走位往篮下的战术。backdoor play:走后门;篮球基本战术之一,当球员在任一位置持球,另一个队友以步法摆脱对手防守,然后空手切入篮下,接队友的传球而攻击。ball line:三角关系。ball-handing:球感。ballistic stretching:弹震伸展;伸展操的一种。ball-side:有球边。bank shot:擦板球。bank还可以当动词用。baseline:底线;球场两端的界线,另一称end-line。basis for training:训练的基础。basket:篮筐;也作ring,还有一种通俗的说法是hoop。behind the back dribble:背后运球。bench depth:替补球员的素质或称板凳深度。bench player:(指个人)后备(替换,支持)球员。bench player:「后发」球员,替补球员,板凳球员。bench points:替补球员得分的分数。bench warmer:上场时间很少的球员通常在场「下」把板凳都坐暖了。bench:替补队员;通称非先发之球员。between the legs dribble:跨下运球。big forward:小前锋,指3号球员。biggest lead:最多领先分数。block out:把对方球员挡住,使其不易抢到篮球,卡位。block shot:盖帽、封阻,缩写Blk.;将对手之投篮或上篮球拨动,改变其路线影响球进之举。blocking foul:阻挡犯规。blocking:封阻。blood pressure:血压;将血液送往循环系统的力量。血液挤向动脉时的压力称为心缩压,血液从动脉流初的力量称为心舒压。body low:身体降低。body protects that ball:身体保护球。bonus situation:超过团队犯规次数而犯规后获得的罚球。boo:嘘声(n)、发出嘘声(v)。球迷发泄不满的一种方法。Born for Lakers:天生湖人。Boston Celtics :波士顿凯特尔队。bounce pass:击地传球,又称反弹传球或地板传球。box and one:一盯人四区域。box out:抢篮板球挡人、卡位;即抢篮板球时站在对手和篮之间,用身体挡住防守队员的动作。brick(v):球打在篮筐或篮板上被崩出来;许多公牛队的球迷在客队罚球时都手执一块上写"Brick"的牌子在罚球队员的眼前不停的晃动,扰乱他的视线,以达到干扰罚球的目的。buzzed:动词,除了当「嗡嗡作响」的意思之外,也有低飞而过的意思。在航空表演中,飞机常以低飞(引擎会发出「嗡嗡」声)作信号或表示欢迎。buzzer beater:比赛结束前的最后一投;buzzer是比赛用的蜂鸣器。buzzer:蜂鸣器(表示时间终了,换人…等)。caffeine:咖啡因;是一种中枢神经系统兴奋剂。提高应变力,注意力和反应能力,延缓疲劳。增加肌肉中游离脂肪酸合成肝醣的能力会引起失眠肌肉颤抖利尿。cage:压篮,非扣篮,或称塞篮。calorie:卡路里;卡cal,能或功的单为位,等于一克的水升高摄氏1度所需的热量。captain:队长;队长是场上惟一有资格与裁判讨论规则和判罚的人。carbohydrate:醣类,碳水化合物;一种化学成分,包括醣、淀粉、纤维素,只含碳、氢、氧者,是食物养料(foodstuffs)的一种。cardiorespiratory Endurance:心肺耐力;肺和心脏摄入和输送足够量氧到活动肌的能力,使大肌肉的活动(如跑、游泳和骑车)能持续一段相当长时间的能力。carrying the ball:翻球。center pivot plays:中枢进攻法。center:中锋,又称5号球员。Central Division:中央组。change direction dribble:变化方向运球。charging foul:(带球)撞人(犯规)。charging zone:进攻免责区。charging:撞人。charisma:领袖魅力。Charlotte Hornets :夏洛特黄蜂队。Cheap-shot:故意犯规。cheered:欢呼。Chicago Bulls :芝加哥公牛队。chump change:没有天份球员。circle dribble:绕圈运球。circle right circle left dribble:绕右圈绕左圈运球。circuit training:循环训练。clean down:整理活动,比赛或训练结束,所做的整理操。Cleveland Cavaliers:克里夫兰骑士队。clutch shooter:紧要关头投篮,或胜败须臾之间的投篮。clutch-time performance:抗压力。coach killer:教练杀手。coach:教练,比如head coach主教练。coaching:技术或战术的指导。coast to coast:一个球员从后场运球到前场上篮,或称一条龙。coast-to-coast pass:大角传球;从球场的一端传到另一端。combo guard:双能卫;指既能控球又能得分的后卫。commissioner:总裁,NBA的现任总裁是David Stern。communication:联络。concentration training:注意力集中训练。conditioning:体能训练;透过运动训练提高肌肉的能量(energy capacity)。体能训练不像技术训练般地着重在技术上。conference:联盟,NBA分东、西两个联盟(eastern conference和western conference)。contact:身体接触。contesting:竞争位置。coordination:协调性。court vision:全场视野。court:球场;赛场。cross-leg dribble:胯下运球。crossover:跨下运球过人,是Tim Hardaway的商标动作。cryogenic:低温的。curl:滚动条走位;pass game的2、3号球员切入禁区再切出45度接球攻击含跳投称之。cut:切入;泛称运球切入或空手切入。Dallas Mavericks:达拉斯小牛队。dead ball:死球。debut:首次上场。defender closes in:防守关门。defense:防守;当客队进攻时,我们经常能听到主场的球迷在体育馆音效师的带领下高喊"defense! defense"。defensive basket interference:防守方干扰投篮得分。defensive mind:防守心性;指防守时候会不会动脑。defensive plan:防守策略。defensive rebound:防守篮板球。defensive run:防守打出高潮;利用如抄截打出高潮打击对手士气。defensive three second rule:防守三秒规则;职业篮球才有的规则;其规定为距离防守对象只能一手之长间隔,若超过此距离,只允许三秒钟的时限。dehydration:脱水;因身体过度失水而产生的情况。delay of game:阻碍比赛正常进行。Denver Nuggets :丹佛掘金队。deny ball reversal:阻绝回传。deny the ball:阻绝防守;防守时不让对手接获球之动作。deny:阻绝。dethrone: throne是「王位」,de-有「去除」之意。dethrone就是「推翻王位」。打败「国王队」不就是「推翻国王」吗?detraining:停止训练。Detroit Pistons:底特律活塞队。diamond and one:菱形加一防守,一盯人然后加一菱形区域布阵。disqualification:被罚下场(缩写:DQ.)、犯满离场、毕业。division:赛区;NBA共有四个赛区,每个联盟下属两个赛区。don"t foul jump shooter:不向跳投者犯规。doormats:洋人一般在进入室内时是不脱鞋的;为了怕把室内弄得太脏,主人会在门前摆一块「擦鞋垫」doormat以便清除鞋底泥垢,引申的意思就是「被踩在脚底」的一支队伍。fade-away shot:后仰投篮,也作fade-away jumper。fake:假动作(n),做假动作(v);包含持球时头部、脚等假动作。fast break Pts:快攻得分。fast break:快攻。fatigue:疲劳;因长时间过度用力造成疲倦、不舒服和效率减低谓。field goal percentage:投球命中率。field goal:投篮得分(总称),包括两分球的投篮也包括三分球的投篮(缩写:FG.)。field goal:投球命中。fighting:斗殴。final:总决赛。finals:决赛、semifinals半决赛。finger roll:挑篮;低手上篮时手指拨球的动作。first half:上半场。first round:首轮比赛。first(second,third,fourth)period:比赛第1(2、3、4)节。five ticks left on the (game clock, shot clock…):(全场比赛,时限钟上…的)时间只剩下5秒钟。flaccid:弛缓;缺乏肌肉的张力,肌肉的衰弱萎缩,例如受伤后缺乏训练而产生的现象。flagrant foul:没有必要或动作过大的犯规,又称恶性犯规。flagrant foul:恶性犯规;flash cutting:闪切。flexibility:柔软性;一关节活动范围(静性柔软性),或一关节对动作的抵抗或阻力(动性柔软性)。floor balance:布阵平衡。floor insight:地板视野;指传球时的眼睛所见范围很广。follow through:跟随动作。footwork:步法。force to the outside:逼至外侧。foul out:犯满。foul strategy:犯规战术。foul trouble(n):犯规困扰;一个队员由于受到犯规次数的约束而带来的麻烦,比如说这个队员的法规次数已接近6次,再犯一次或两次规就将被罚下场。foul:犯规;个人犯规personal foul;全队的累计犯规叫team foul。four-point play:投进3分球后因被犯规再罚进一分。free agent:自由人。合同的期满的运动员和新人都是自由人,自由人的去留不受球队约束。free agents:此指NBA自由球员。free throw percentage:罚球命中率。free throw:罚球(缩写:FT.)。freestyle:即兴式动作。free-throw lane:罚球圈,禁区。frequency of training:训练次数、频率应如何。double dribble:两次运球;为违例。double pump:拉杆式投篮。double screen:双档。double team:用两位防守球员包夹进攻球员。double time dribble:双重节奏运球。double-double:两双;即两项技术统计指标达两位数。down screen:下挡。downtown:三分线以外。downward:下摆,双手投篮(或双手传球)动作前双手往下摆动的动作。draft:选秀,即NBA每年的迎新大会。drag:侧面运球,为求保护球、并能继续前进的运球,采侧向对手运球前进方式称之。dribble out the time:进攻方以运球方式消耗掉比赛所剩下时间。dribble:运球。dribbling-crossover:运球过人。drilled a jumper:drilled是「钻(洞)」的意思, 把球投入篮框就像是球「钻入」篮框一样。drive:空手走位。driving lay-up:运球上篮。driving to the hoop:带球上篮;drop step:低位转身。drug:药物;某种用来预防或治疗疾病或改善人类身心的化学物。dunk:灌篮。duo:原义是二重唱,在篮球中专指双人组合。duration of training:训练的时间及期间应如何。dyspnea:呼吸困难;困难痛苦的呼吸,例如不适应高地而到丹佛掘金比赛时,会产生呼吸困难。Eastern Conference :东区。eat up the clock:进攻方以运球或传球方式消耗掉比赛所剩时间。ectomorphy:外胚型;体型的一种,身体瘦长纤细之型。ejection:驱逐出场。elbowing:打拐子;end period:半场终结、结束。endomorph:内胚型;体型一种,身体肥满而柔软如Charles Barkley。ergogenicaids:增补剂。exercises chain:运动链,或称协调性。Expansion Draft:扩张选秀;expiration (of game, first half…):(全场比赛,上半场…的比赛)时间终了。extra pass:额外传球;指战术路线外的空档传球。fade:退守,当对手抢夺篮板球,最靠近球做对球施压阻运外,其它人都该马上退回半场,做盯人或区域防守之准备称之,或称回守。


母鸡的叫声的英文:CluckCluck 读法 英 [klʌk]     美 [klʌk]    v. 发咯咯声;发啧啧声n. (孵蛋鸡)咯咯声例句1、The hen clucked when calling her chickens.母鸡唤小鸡时,发出咯咯的叫声。2、He clucked his disapproval about it.他发出啧啧声以示反对。短语1、Fuster Cluck 一团糟2、dumb cluck 愚人3、Cluck Edith 名称4、Ken Cluck 标签5、Cluck Ken 名称扩展资料cluck 近义词 flap词语用法1、flap的基本意思是使某事物上下或左右地移动,也可指人以软而平之物轻轻拍打某物,还可指旗帜等飘动、摆动,还常用于鸟类振翅飞行。引申可表示“讲蠢话”“乱吹”,俚语里还可表示“激动起来”“被搞糊涂”。2、flap可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作及物动词时,跟简单宾语。3、flap的过去式和过去分词是flapped。词汇搭配1、flap against 拍打2、flap at 轻拍3、flap from 从…移动4、flap in 飘动5、flap over 从…上飞过


be good at


skill migration

skilled teachers 什么意思?“外教”的英文怎么说?

Shilled teacher是技能老师 外教是foreign teacher


技能的英文是skill。释义:n.技能,技巧;本领,技术n. (Skill)人名;(瑞典)希尔变形:过去式skilled过去分词skilled现在分词skilling第三人称单数skills复数skills双语例句The cook has a great skill in cuisine.这位厨师烹饪技艺高超。He took many apprentices and taught them the skills of making wine.他收了很多学徒,向他们传授酿酒技术。These workers started to work after being skilled.这些工人们经过培训后就开始干活了。


一、skilled in读音:英 [skild in]   美 [skɪld ɪn]  [体]擅长例句:1、He is skilled in sculpture. 他精于雕刻。2、An eloquent speaker is one skilled in the use of words. 有口才的人善于用词。二、skilled读音:英 [skɪld]   美 [skɪld]  adj.熟练的,有技能的;需要技能的;娴例句:1、A high proportion of the new arrivals are skilled professionals 新来的人中很大一部分是技术熟练的专业人士。2、He has become a skilled worker. 他已经成为一名熟练的工人。三、proficient读音:英 [prəˈfɪʃnt]   美 [prəˈfɪʃənt]  adj.精通的,熟练的n.能手,老手,专家复数: proficients例句:1、I am proficient in English, and I can speak a little Gemp3an. 我英文很精通,而且我会说一点点德语。2、You need to be proficient in reading music if you do not know the song you are learning. 你需要精通读音乐如果你不知道这首歌你学习。反义词一、unfamiliar读音:英 [ˌʌnfəˈmɪliə(r)]   美 [ˌʌnfəˈmɪljɚ]  adj.陌生的;不熟悉的;不常见的;没有经验的例句:1、The subject is unfamiliar to me. 我对这主题不熟悉。2、One morning, we took a different route, which led us to an unfamiliar trail. 一天上午,我们走了一条不同的路线,这条路引导我们到了一条不熟悉的小径。二、not familiar读音:英 [nɔt fəˈmiljə]   美 [nɑt fəˈmɪljɚ]  生疏;生疏的例句:1、We provided training on some jobs that the kids were not familiar with. 有些工作孩子们还不太熟悉,我们对他们进行了训练。2、He is not familiar with the new technique. 他不熟悉这项新的技术。
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