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Zweig was an extremely well-known writer in the 1930s and 1940s. Since his death in 1942 his work has become less known. Zweig wrote novels and short stories, and several biographies, of which the most famous is probably that of Mary Stuart. This was published in German as Maria Stuart and in English as (The) Queen of Scots or Mary, Queen of Scotland and the Isles. At one time his works were published in English under the pseudonym "Stephen Branch" (a translation of his real name), when anti-German sentiment was running high. His biography of Queen Marie-Antoinette was later adapted for a Hollywood movie starring the MGM actress Norma Shearer in the title role. Born in Vienna, Zweig was the son of Moritz Zweig, a wealthy Jewish textile manufacturer, and Ida (Brettauer) Zweig, the daughter of an Italian banking family. Zweig studied philosophy and the history of literature, and in Vienna he was associated with the avant garde Young Vienna movement. Being a Jew, he fled Austria in 1934. He was famously defended by the composer Richard Strauss who refused to remove Zweig"s name (as librettist) from the posters for the premiere, in Dresden, of his opera Die schweigsame Frau (The Silent Woman). This led to Hitler refusing to come to the premiere as planned; the opera was banned after three performances. Zweig then lived in England (in Bath and London), before moving to the USA. In 1941 he went to Brazil, where he and his second wife Lotte (née Charlotte Elisabeth Altmann) committed suicide together in Petrópolis using the barbiturate Veronal, despairing at the future of Europe and its culture. After the fall of Singapore, they believed Nazism would spread over the whole earth. "I think it better to conclude in good time and in erect bearing a life in which intellectual labour meant the purest joy and personal freedom the highest good on earth." His book The World of Yesterday is a paean to the European culture he considered lost. There are significant Zweig collections at the British Library and at State University of New York at Fredonia. The BL Zweig collection, given to the library by its trustees in May 1986, includes a wide range of items of surprising variety and rarity, among them Mozart"s own Verzeichnüss, that is, the composer"s own handwritten thematic catalogue of his works. The German writer Stefanie Zweig (b. 1932) is not related to Stefan Zweig




Charles DIckens"s Oliver TwistOliver Twist: The Parish Boy抯 ProgressCharles Dickens created an astonishing collection of literary masterpieces each of which tightly grasped the attention of the audience. Dickens was able to maintain a writing schedule that would have exhausted any other author. In slightly more than thirty years, Dickens published more than twenty novels, acted as editor for a variety of literary journals, created his own magazine, worked as a freelance reporter, and executed a series of charismatic public readings. His popularity established Dickens as one of the first 揷elebrities.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Crowds brimming with eager fans would accumulate as Dickens bellowed out the charming lines of his tantalizing novels. His significance and notoriety are still easily identified in contemporary literary cannons. Although his books sold and the audience waited on edge for the next installment of his works, Dickens was not given completely favorable reviews to every text. Oliver Twist was begun in February 1837 and continued as monthly installments in Bentley抯 Miscellany until April of 1839. Dickens originally titled the novel Oliver Twist: The Parish Boy抯 Progress but it has since been shorten to simply Oliver Twist. Dickens finished writing the novel in the London of 1838 and the first edition of the novel was found on shelves in November of 1838. The novel falls into the genre of a children抯 detective story but the novel also contains an aspect of social protest as Dickens details the Poor Laws and workhouses. Dickens uses his hyperbolic irony and sentimentalism to create characters currently residing in the underworld of industrial London. The themes that appear within the text are the delineation between good and evil, the hypocritical attitudes and behaviors of public institutions, and the ultimately flawed theory of individualism. Dickens uses mistaken identities and familial ties to create a story, which closely details the journey of a virtuous orphan through the mean streets of poverty (Spark Notes: Oliver Twist).While Dickens was composing Oliver Twist, he was also working as editor of Bentleys Miscellany. As an author, Dickens rarely completely finished one work before beginning an entirely new project. For example, Pickwick Papers was not completed prior to his beginning of Oliver Twist. Nor was Oliver Twist completed before Dickens had moved on to Nicholas Nickleby. Master Humphrey抯 Clock and The Old Curiosity Shop were soon to follow. Dickens wrote at a fevered pace which would have been daunting to other authors. In addition to his rapid publication of novels, Dickens was also able to create strikingly differing works. His first serially published novel, Pickwick Papers, was fully of comic charisma; however, Gilbert Keith Chesterton states that Oliver Twist 搃s by far the most depressing of all his books?(Chesterton). Oliver Twist is the story of an orphan who unwittingly stumbles upon his hidden fortune. The tale is one that vividly depicts the dismal prospects of one born into a workhouse without parents and is forced to survive on little or no compassion. Oliver is unloved and unwanted from the open of the novel. However, as the novel progresses, Oliver finds that his honest and kind disposition win him a variety of friends in high places. Although Fagin and the other street urchins continually seek to ruin Oliver抯 connections, Oliver抯 faithful heart find a home in the end. The novel demonstrates the benefits of a good will that may be found in the most unlikely of people. Oliver抯 merits carry him through life and away from the poverty that capture those with weaker morals. In the conclusion of the tale, Oliver finds himself among those with equally good manners and morals. His situation is only improved through the inevitable triumph of good over evil.Dickens initially published Oliver Twist in the format of serial publication. Dickens used the process of creating monthly installments to create a high level of suspense, leaving the audience eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series. Oliver Twist was reportedly 揳 part of everyday conversations, just as top rated television shows are for us today.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Dickens effectively used the publishing techniques to his benefit; he was able to work the system (Oliver Twist桾he Author and His Times).Interestingly, Dickens抯 personal environment was greatly shaken in both a happy manner and a sad one during the publishing of Oliver Twist. In May of 1837 Mary Hogarth died, devastating Dickens. Hogarth, his sister-in-law, was a dear friend and supporter of Dickens. Many critics speculate that the characters of Rose and Nancy were modeled after Dickens?companion Mary Hogarth. After Hogarth抯 death, Dickens feelings of abandonment seep into the world of Oliver. Oliver fears the loss of Rose as Dickens mourns the loss of Mary (Oliver Twist桾he Author and His Times). Catherine Dickens was also reported to have given birth to Charles, the first of ten children during this time (Victorian Web). The splendor of a new baby was contrasted with the great loss of a close friend. Dickens, in fact, was forced to take a break from his busy writing schedule to cope with the drastic changes that took place in his personal life at this time. The Poor Laws were established prior to the publication of the novel. The Poor Laws, according to The Victorian Web, were created to destroy the relief programs that were in play since 1601. The Poor Laws generated a system of workhouses. The workhouses allowed for a program of assistance that did not merely dole out money but rather doled out food, shelter, and clothing. The Poor Laws provided an answer to the declining laws that were supporting the impoverished. The problems were obvious: the current system left the aged uncared for, the children ignorant and uneducated, and the lower class population starving. King George III proposed a plan to:Stop the allowance system梩o deprive the magistracy of the power of ordering out-door relief梩o alter in certain case the constitution of parochial vestries梩o give large discretionary powers to the central commissioners梩o simplify the law of settlement and removal梩o render the mother of an illegitimate child liable to support it. Dickens[1] 366However, the workhouses proved to be yet another place to shove the poor. The theory may have been formed from noble ideals but the foundations were flawed. The boundaries and faults of the Poor Laws are blatantly exemplified in Oliver Twist. Oliver is forced to suffer the indignities of starvation, brutal treatment, and is damned to life in a workhouse. Dickens used his artistic talents to speak for the silent, to fight for the oppressed, and to champion those defeated. Dickens himself states: 揑t was my attempt, in my humble and far distant sphere, to dim the false glitter surrounding something which really did exist, by showing it in its unattractive and repulsive truth?(Dickens 6). Dickens used his literary engine to fuel the debate over the Poor Laws and to reveal the reality that so many unfortunate souls were forced to inhabit. The novel was received in a variety of ways. Many hailed the novel as a 搑unaway bestseller?and an encore to the highly prized Pickwick Papers. On the other hand, the Jewish population as well as other critics found the novel to be far too sentimental and lacking. One of the major issues raised by an entire community against the novels was the portrayal Fagin, the evil Jew. Milton Kerker in his article 揅harles Dickens, Fagin and Riah?states that Fagin may be the 搈ost grotesgue and villainous Jew in all of English literature.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Fagin was found by the Jewish community to be a ruffian with the devil dwelling within his cold heart. In 1854 the Jewish Chronicle was outraged and presented the public with this criticism of Dickens. Later in 1863, Eliza Davis writes Dickens to question his portrayal of Fagin. Dickens responds to Davis by stating:I must take leave to say, that if there be any general feeling on the part of the intelligent Jewish people, that I have done them what you describe as 揳 great wrong,?they are a far less sensible, a far less just, and a far less good-tempered people than I have always supposed them to be. Fagin, in Oliver Twist, is a Jew, because it unfortunately was true of the time to which that story refers, that that class of criminal almost invariably was a Jew. Dickens 378The public did not openly object to the portrayal of Fagin until several years after the novel was originally published. However, despite the fact that Dickens maintained his innocence, Dickens did attempt to make alterations in the next edition of the novel to correct this offensive implication. In the 1867 edition of chapter 38, Fagin is referred to as 搕he Jew?more than 250 times. However, in later chapters he is referred to as 搕he Jew?only 32 times. This is thought to have been Dickens抯 attempt to reconcile Fagin抯 character with the Jewish community. Despite this characterization of Fagin and Dickens抯 wording changes, Dickens never openly abused a Jewish person nor did he openly practice anti-Semitic opinions (Kerker).Likewise, the Monthly Review of January 1839 demanded that Dickens used characters that are so low that sympathy cannot be created. The reviewer feels that although there were comic pieces worth noting, the ending does not comply with the standard notion that the evil ones must face strict consequences while the just are rewarded. The reviewer does not go so far as to claim Dickens to be an immoral writer but he does not treat the characters with the morals that would classify Dickens with the 揾ighest rank of our moral fictionists.?Dickens is yet again commended for openly stating the plea of the downtrodden but in this reviewer抯 opinion, the downtrodden are not moral enough to place Dickens in a higher class of fiction novelists (Dickens 403-405).Just as the Monthly Review questions the worth of such characters as Nancy, William Makepeace Thackeray also claims that such characters are not worth the sympathy or the attention of the audience. Thackeray does allow for Dickens抯 popularity but questions his use of setting and characters. True, Dickens can charm an audience like none other. True, one must continually read Dickens to satisfy some strange need. Unfortunately, the fact remains that Thackeray does not believe there is much to be gained by closely examining the life of the poor and forgotten (Dickens 408-410). In the opinion of Thackeray, would it not be much more prudent to bestow such kind sympathies upon a worthier class of characters? Character such as Amelia Osborne and Becky Sharp are worthy of moral scrutiny but Oliver Twist and the like shall remain in the gutter, below the view of the mainstream population.Early reviews from The Examiner, September 10,1837, claim that this novel is an 揺xact painting?of the reality Dickens wished to present to the public. Dickens was praised for his capture of the emotions surrounding death of Nancy and the detailing of Oliver抯 life as an orphan. Although the reviewer is surprised to see Dickens making use of the Poor Law Debates in the first chapters of the novel, the reviewer understands the philanthropy that Dickens is attempting to inspire (Dickens 399-401). In conclusion of this review, the author states: 揥e leave him most reluctantly, and so will every read who has any capacity to see and feel whatsoever is most loveable, hateful, or laughable, in the character of the everyday life about him?(401).The Spectator states on November 24, 1838, that Dickens 揾as genius to vivify his observation.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Dickens is complimented for his powerful use of pathos and his description of truth. The reviewer admires Dickens抯 ability to find good in all humanity despite the dirty surroundings of unfortunates such as Oliver. Dickens抯 style is commended to be capable of an effective use of language while never sounding forced (Dickens 401-402).The Literary Gazette, and Journal of the Belles Lettres declares on November 24, 1838, that Dickens has 背ug deep into the human mind; and he has nobly directed his energies to the exposure of evils梩he workhouse, the starving school, the factory system, and many other things, at which blessed nature shudder and recoiled.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Dickens抯 ability to capture the suffering of Oliver intrigues the reading audience. Those who are far removed from the factories and the workhouses are suddenly acutely aware of the plea of the poor and the corruption of the Poor Laws. Dickens抯 has made a successful journey into social activism with the guidance of Oliver and his band of companions (Dickens 402-403).The Quarterly Review of 1839 published a glowing review of the novel. The reviewer believed Dickens to be 揳 sign of the times?and as such, he provoked 搈ore interest than that of Halley抯 comet.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> The reviewer felt that not only did he write just enough and not too much, but also he wrote with enough vigor to demand that the public read the next installment. His popularity was unparalleled and his installments were always immediately read. Dickens manages to tell of 搑eal pain?while the novel lacks in false sentimentalism (Dickens 405-408). The reviewer states: 揌e deals truly with human nature, which never can degrade; he takes up everything, good, bad, or indifferent, which he works up into a rich alluvial deposit. He is natural, and that neve




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IntroductionOn August14 1945, Emperor Hirohito of Japan issued an imperial edict on armistice, announcing Japan"s unconditional surrender. In accordance with the Potsdam Proclamation, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East was formed by 11 countries, including China, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, and had trials on Hideki Tojo and other Japanese war criminals responsible for launching the Japanese War of Aggression against China and the Pacific War.After the birth of New China, a total of 1,109 Japanese war criminals were taken over and held in custody in the two places of Fushun and Taiyuan. In 1954, the Supreme People"s Procuratorate Office of the Central People"s Government (later renamed the Supreme People"s Procuratorate of the People"s Republic of China) was responsible for the investigation and prosecution of the Japanese war criminals. It had trials on their crimes committed during the Japanese War of Aggression against China, including violating China"s sovereignty, planning and implementing the policy of aggression, conducting spy and espionage activities, manufacturing bacteria weapons, releasing poison gas, killing, arresting, enslaving and poisoning the Chinese people, raping women, plundering money and materials, destroying towns and villages, expelling peaceful inhabitants, and violating international norms and humanitarian principles.According to the Decision on the Handling of the Criminals in Custody from the Japanese War of Aggression against China adopted by the Standing Committee of the National People"s Congress (NPC) on 25 April 1956, the Supreme People"s Procuratorate of the People"s Republic of China announced the decision to exempt from prosecution and immediately release, in three batches in 1956, a total of 1,017 Japanese war criminals in custody, who had relatively minor offenses and good behaviors of repentance. Meanwhile, a public prosecution was initiated to the Special Military Tribunal of the Supreme People"s Court of the People"s Republic of China on 45 Japanese war criminals, who were of higher positions and heavier offenses (the other 47 war criminals died in custody).From June to July 1956, the Special Military Tribunal of the Supreme People"s Court of the People"s Republic of China publicly tried in Shenyang and Taiyuan the 45 war criminals including Suzuki Keiku, and, based on the defendants" criminal facts, circumstances of the crimes, repentance, etc., treated them with leniency in accordance with the decision of the NPC Standing Committee, sentencing them to from twenty years to eight years in prison respectively.Archives related to the trials of the war criminals of the Japanese War of Aggression against China, such as documents issued by the NPC Standing Committee, the Supreme People"s Procuratorate and the Special Military Tribunal of the Supreme People"s Court, are stored in the Central Archives. The confessions written by all the war criminals and the detailed trial records contained in the archive files are irrefutable evidence of the heinous crimes committed by the Japanese militarist aggressors against the Chinese people.Since the Abe cabinet came into power in Japan, it has openly confused right and wrong to mislead the public, in an attempt to whitewash the history of external aggression and colonialism. This is a total disregard of the historical justice and human conscience, as well as a challenge to the outcome of World War II and the post-war international order. On the occasion of the 77th anniversary of the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, we at the Central Archives have selected from the archive files the written confessions of the 45 Japanese war criminals tried by the Supreme People"s Court, including the original texts of the written confessions, supplements, corrections, postscripts, etc. as well as the then Chinese translations with abstracts, to release to the general public, in order to expose the anti-humanitarianism, anti-humanity, and anti-civilization atrocities during the Japanese invasion of China.The past, if not forgotten, can serve as a guide for the future. Only by truly remembering the history and learning from the history, can we avoid a repeat of the tragedy of war and achieve real and lasting peace and stability in the world.


Charles DIckens"s Oliver TwistOliver Twist: The Parish Boy抯 ProgressCharles Dickens created an astonishing collection of literary masterpieces each of which tightly grasped the attention of the audience. Dickens was able to maintain a writing schedule that would have exhausted any other author. In slightly more than thirty years, Dickens published more than twenty novels, acted as editor for a variety of literary journals, created his own magazine, worked as a freelance reporter, and executed a series of charismatic public readings. His popularity established Dickens as one of the first 揷elebrities.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Crowds brimming with eager fans would accumulate as Dickens bellowed out the charming lines of his tantalizing novels. His significance and notoriety are still easily identified in contemporary literary cannons. Although his books sold and the audience waited on edge for the next installment of his works, Dickens was not given completely favorable reviews to every text. Oliver Twist was begun in February 1837 and continued as monthly installments in Bentley抯 Miscellany until April of 1839. Dickens originally titled the novel Oliver Twist: The Parish Boy抯 Progress but it has since been shorten to simply Oliver Twist. Dickens finished writing the novel in the London of 1838 and the first edition of the novel was found on shelves in November of 1838. The novel falls into the genre of a children抯 detective story but the novel also contains an aspect of social protest as Dickens details the Poor Laws and workhouses. Dickens uses his hyperbolic irony and sentimentalism to create characters currently residing in the underworld of industrial London. The themes that appear within the text are the delineation between good and evil, the hypocritical attitudes and behaviors of public institutions, and the ultimately flawed theory of individualism. Dickens uses mistaken identities and familial ties to create a story, which closely details the journey of a virtuous orphan through the mean streets of poverty (Spark Notes: Oliver Twist).While Dickens was composing Oliver Twist, he was also working as editor of Bentleys Miscellany. As an author, Dickens rarely completely finished one work before beginning an entirely new project. For example, Pickwick Papers was not completed prior to his beginning of Oliver Twist. Nor was Oliver Twist completed before Dickens had moved on to Nicholas Nickleby. Master Humphrey抯 Clock and The Old Curiosity Shop were soon to follow. Dickens wrote at a fevered pace which would have been daunting to other authors. In addition to his rapid publication of novels, Dickens was also able to create strikingly differing works. His first serially published novel, Pickwick Papers, was fully of comic charisma; however, Gilbert Keith Chesterton states that Oliver Twist 搃s by far the most depressing of all his books?(Chesterton). Oliver Twist is the story of an orphan who unwittingly stumbles upon his hidden fortune. The tale is one that vividly depicts the dismal prospects of one born into a workhouse without parents and is forced to survive on little or no compassion. Oliver is unloved and unwanted from the open of the novel. However, as the novel progresses, Oliver finds that his honest and kind disposition win him a variety of friends in high places. Although Fagin and the other street urchins continually seek to ruin Oliver抯 connections, Oliver抯 faithful heart find a home in the end. The novel demonstrates the benefits of a good will that may be found in the most unlikely of people. Oliver抯 merits carry him through life and away from the poverty that capture those with weaker morals. In the conclusion of the tale, Oliver finds himself among those with equally good manners and morals. His situation is only improved through the inevitable triumph of good over evil.Dickens initially published Oliver Twist in the format of serial publication. Dickens used the process of creating monthly installments to create a high level of suspense, leaving the audience eagerly awaiting the next installment in the series. Oliver Twist was reportedly 揳 part of everyday conversations, just as top rated television shows are for us today.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Dickens effectively used the publishing techniques to his benefit; he was able to work the system (Oliver Twist桾he Author and His Times).Interestingly, Dickens抯 personal environment was greatly shaken in both a happy manner and a sad one during the publishing of Oliver Twist. In May of 1837 Mary Hogarth died, devastating Dickens. Hogarth, his sister-in-law, was a dear friend and supporter of Dickens. Many critics speculate that the characters of Rose and Nancy were modeled after Dickens?companion Mary Hogarth. After Hogarth抯 death, Dickens feelings of abandonment seep into the world of Oliver. Oliver fears the loss of Rose as Dickens mourns the loss of Mary (Oliver Twist桾he Author and His Times). Catherine Dickens was also reported to have given birth to Charles, the first of ten children during this time (Victorian Web). The splendor of a new baby was contrasted with the great loss of a close friend. Dickens, in fact, was forced to take a break from his busy writing schedule to cope with the drastic changes that took place in his personal life at this time. The Poor Laws were established prior to the publication of the novel. The Poor Laws, according to The Victorian Web, were created to destroy the relief programs that were in play since 1601. The Poor Laws generated a system of workhouses. The workhouses allowed for a program of assistance that did not merely dole out money but rather doled out food, shelter, and clothing. The Poor Laws provided an answer to the declining laws that were supporting the impoverished. The problems were obvious: the current system left the aged uncared for, the children ignorant and uneducated, and the lower class population starving. King George III proposed a plan to:Stop the allowance system梩o deprive the magistracy of the power of ordering out-door relief梩o alter in certain case the constitution of parochial vestries梩o give large discretionary powers to the central commissioners梩o simplify the law of settlement and removal梩o render the mother of an illegitimate child liable to support it. Dickens[1] 366However, the workhouses proved to be yet another place to shove the poor. The theory may have been formed from noble ideals but the foundations were flawed. The boundaries and faults of the Poor Laws are blatantly exemplified in Oliver Twist. Oliver is forced to suffer the indignities of starvation, brutal treatment, and is damned to life in a workhouse. Dickens used his artistic talents to speak for the silent, to fight for the oppressed, and to champion those defeated. Dickens himself states: 揑t was my attempt, in my humble and far distant sphere, to dim the false glitter surrounding something which really did exist, by showing it in its unattractive and repulsive truth?(Dickens 6). Dickens used his literary engine to fuel the debate over the Poor Laws and to reveal the reality that so many unfortunate souls were forced to inhabit. The novel was received in a variety of ways. Many hailed the novel as a 搑unaway bestseller?and an encore to the highly prized Pickwick Papers. On the other hand, the Jewish population as well as other critics found the novel to be far too sentimental and lacking. One of the major issues raised by an entire community against the novels was the portrayal Fagin, the evil Jew. Milton Kerker in his article 揅harles Dickens, Fagin and Riah?states that Fagin may be the 搈ost grotesgue and villainous Jew in all of English literature.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Fagin was found by the Jewish community to be a ruffian with the devil dwelling within his cold heart. In 1854 the Jewish Chronicle was outraged and presented the public with this criticism of Dickens. Later in 1863, Eliza Davis writes Dickens to question his portrayal of Fagin. Dickens responds to Davis by stating:I must take leave to say, that if there be any general feeling on the part of the intelligent Jewish people, that I have done them what you describe as 揳 great wrong,?they are a far less sensible, a far less just, and a far less good-tempered people than I have always supposed them to be. Fagin, in Oliver Twist, is a Jew, because it unfortunately was true of the time to which that story refers, that that class of criminal almost invariably was a Jew. Dickens 378The public did not openly object to the portrayal of Fagin until several years after the novel was originally published. However, despite the fact that Dickens maintained his innocence, Dickens did attempt to make alterations in the next edition of the novel to correct this offensive implication. In the 1867 edition of chapter 38, Fagin is referred to as 搕he Jew?more than 250 times. However, in later chapters he is referred to as 搕he Jew?only 32 times. This is thought to have been Dickens抯 attempt to reconcile Fagin抯 character with the Jewish community. Despite this characterization of Fagin and Dickens抯 wording changes, Dickens never openly abused a Jewish person nor did he openly practice anti-Semitic opinions (Kerker).Likewise, the Monthly Review of January 1839 demanded that Dickens used characters that are so low that sympathy cannot be created. The reviewer feels that although there were comic pieces worth noting, the ending does not comply with the standard notion that the evil ones must face strict consequences while the just are rewarded. The reviewer does not go so far as to claim Dickens to be an immoral writer but he does not treat the characters with the morals that would classify Dickens with the 揾ighest rank of our moral fictionists.?Dickens is yet again commended for openly stating the plea of the downtrodden but in this reviewer抯 opinion, the downtrodden are not moral enough to place Dickens in a higher class of fiction novelists (Dickens 403-405).Just as the Monthly Review questions the worth of such characters as Nancy, William Makepeace Thackeray also claims that such characters are not worth the sympathy or the attention of the audience. Thackeray does allow for Dickens抯 popularity but questions his use of setting and characters. True, Dickens can charm an audience like none other. True, one must continually read Dickens to satisfy some strange need. Unfortunately, the fact remains that Thackeray does not believe there is much to be gained by closely examining the life of the poor and forgotten (Dickens 408-410). In the opinion of Thackeray, would it not be much more prudent to bestow such kind sympathies upon a worthier class of characters? Character such as Amelia Osborne and Becky Sharp are worthy of moral scrutiny but Oliver Twist and the like shall remain in the gutter, below the view of the mainstream population.Early reviews from The Examiner, September 10,1837, claim that this novel is an 揺xact painting?of the reality Dickens wished to present to the public. Dickens was praised for his capture of the emotions surrounding death of Nancy and the detailing of Oliver抯 life as an orphan. Although the reviewer is surprised to see Dickens making use of the Poor Law Debates in the first chapters of the novel, the reviewer understands the philanthropy that Dickens is attempting to inspire (Dickens 399-401). In conclusion of this review, the author states: 揥e leave him most reluctantly, and so will every read who has any capacity to see and feel whatsoever is most loveable, hateful, or laughable, in the character of the everyday life about him?(401).The Spectator states on November 24, 1838, that Dickens 揾as genius to vivify his observation.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Dickens is complimented for his powerful use of pathos and his description of truth. The reviewer admires Dickens抯 ability to find good in all humanity despite the dirty surroundings of unfortunates such as Oliver. Dickens抯 style is commended to be capable of an effective use of language while never sounding forced (Dickens 401-402).The Literary Gazette, and Journal of the Belles Lettres declares on November 24, 1838, that Dickens has 背ug deep into the human mind; and he has nobly directed his energies to the exposure of evils梩he workhouse, the starving school, the factory system, and many other things, at which blessed nature shudder and recoiled.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> Dickens抯 ability to capture the suffering of Oliver intrigues the reading audience. Those who are far removed from the factories and the workhouses are suddenly acutely aware of the plea of the poor and the corruption of the Poor Laws. Dickens抯 has made a successful journey into social activism with the guidance of Oliver and his band of companions (Dickens 402-403).The Quarterly Review of 1839 published a glowing review of the novel. The reviewer believed Dickens to be 揳 sign of the times?and as such, he provoked 搈ore interest than that of Halley抯 comet.?SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes"> The reviewer felt that not only did he write just enough and not too much, but also he wrote with enough vigor to demand that the public read the next installment. His popularity was unparalleled and his installments were always immediately read. Dickens manages to tell of 搑eal pain?while the novel lacks in false sentimentalism (Dickens 405-408). The reviewer states: 揌e deals truly with human nature, which never can degrade; he takes up everything, good, bad, or indifferent, which he works up into a rich alluvial deposit. He is natural, and that neve


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  英语单词相邻我们可以记得更快,就像如果是相邻人家的话我们会比较熟悉一般。下面是我给大家整理的相邻的英文是什么,供大家参阅!   相邻的英文是什么   英 [əˈdʒeɪsnt] 美 [əˈdʒesənt]   adjacent   adjacent的英语例句   1. The schools were adjacent but there were separate doors.   这些学校紧挨着,但各自独门独户。   2. The planes landed on adjacent runways.   这些飞机在毗连的跑道上降落。   3. These young students live in adjacent rooms.   这些年轻的学生住在毗连的房间里.   4. We work in adjacent rooms.   我们在毗邻的房间里工作.   5. The house adjacent to ours is under repairs.   与我家相邻的房子正在修缮.   6. Those patients who were up to it could move to the adjacent pool.   身体状况允许的病人可去隔壁的游泳池。   7. They complained that they had been trapped inside the police station, but in fact most were seen escaping over the adjacent roofs to safety in nearby buildings.   他们抱怨说被困在了警察局里,但实际上,有人看见他们大多数人通过毗邻的屋顶,安全地逃到了附近的建筑物内。   8. The adjacent apartment block screened the high wall of the dunes.   附近的那座公寓大楼遮蔽了沙丘的那道高墙.   9. He sat in an adjacent room and waited.   他坐在隔壁房间里等候。   10. Each ecosystem, however, is continuous to some degree with adjacent systems.   然而, 每个生态系统在某种程度上都和邻近的系统是连续的.   11. Combustion effects may cause unintentional interactions with the adjacent main flow environment.   燃烧效应可能无意地引起与邻近主流环境的相互作用.   12. Channels generally contain coarser sediment than do the adjacent flood plains.   河床沉积物一般比邻近的泛滥平原沉积物粗些.   13. They may grow so large as to compress adjacent viscera.   它们可能长得很大而压迫临近脏器.   14. Bonds between adjacent atoms contribute more significantly than bonds between nonadjacent atoms.   相邻原子间的键比不相邻原子间的贡献大.   15. Newly - synthesized DNA strands from adjacent replicons are ligated together.   来自邻近的复制子的新合成的DNA链又连结在一起.   相邻的双语例句   1. There is substantial collaboration with neighbouring departments.   与相邻的一些部门有大量的合作。   2. Join one section of pipe to the next.   将一段管子与相邻的管子连接起来。   3. The house adjacent to ours is under repairs.   与我家相邻的房子正在修缮.   4. China borders on India in the southwest.   中国的西南与印度相邻.   5. Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland.   瑞典同挪威.芬兰相邻.   6. Culturally, they have much in common with their neighbours just across the border.   在文化上,他们与边境那边相邻而居的人们有许多共同点。   7. They are judged on looks and personality by women from neighboring groups.   其他相邻牧群的女人根据外貌和个性来评判.   8. An axial electron pair meets at right angles with 3 neighboring pairs.   轴向电子对与三个相邻的电子对相交成直角.   9. Two countries are neighbouring if their boundaries have an edge in common.   如果两个国家的边界有公共边,则说它们是相邻的.   10. Bonds between adjacent atoms contribute more significantly than bonds between nonadjacent atoms.   相邻原子间的键比不相邻原子间的贡献大.   11. Our farm neighbours on a large stretch of woods.   我们农场与一大片树林相邻.   12. Each terahedron shares two of its oxygens with neighbouring terahedra.   每一个四面体与其相邻的两个四面体共用两个氧原子.   13. Several adjacent buildings are morged and shown as a continuous built - up area.   几个相邻的建筑物合并表示成一个完整的建筑区.   14. Each tetrahedron shares two of its oxygens with neighboring tetrahedra.   每个四面体都有两个氧原子是与其相邻的两个四面体共用的.   15. We draw adiabats that divide the cycle into adjacent strips.   我们画许多绝热线将循环分割成若干相邻的狭条.   

分批 的英文,(动词)



Florence Nightingale (Florence Nightingale) is the English nursingstudy pioneer, the woman nurse professional founder and the modern agenurses the education the founder. On May 12, 1820, Nightingale hadbeen born in an Italian Florence wealthy family, the good education,she has once gone study in the University of Paris. In 1850, she didnot look after the household person"s opposition, goddaughter held thegentleman school study to German Caesar Swell the Christ to nurse, andstarted to country"s and so on England, law, Germany to nurse the workto conduct the inspection research, wrote many the nursing studymonograph. In 1853 took the post of London to be sick the woman tonurse can supervise. From 1854 to 1856, Crimea war period, Nightingaletake its humanity, the charitable heart as joins battle the bilateralcasualty service, has saved many person of lives, is called by thebattlefield soldier "the inspection lamp goddess". After the warended, she is regarded as the national heroes. In 1857, in herdiligently under, the English imperial family army health committeehad been established. In the same year, the medical service school istenable. In 1860, she used the Nightingale fund which the publicdonated in the English St. Thomas hospital to establish in the worldthe first nursing school - Nightingale nursing school, impelled theWestern Europe various countries and even world each place nurses thedevelopment which the work and the nurse educated. Afterwards, shebegins the midwife and helps the poor the courtyard nurse"s trainingwork. She "Hospital Writes down", "Nurses Writes down" and so on themain work to become the foundation teaching material which thehospital management, the nurse educates. As a result of hers endeavor,nursing study becomes a science. Her school thought passes to Europeanand American by England and the Asian various countries, Nightingaleis nursed by the reputation for the modern times the specialized firstancestor. In 1901, she because worked hard excessively, unfortunateboth eyes lost one"s sight. In 1907, was commends Nightingale"s inmedical practice remarkable contribution, English kings awards her thelegion of merit, caused her to become the woman which the Englishfirst place attained this great honor. In 1910 Nightingale passedaway 2 . In 1912, the international nurse council ━ ━ on May 12 decided asNightingale"s birth birthday the international nurse festival, was forthe purpose of driving the general nurses inherited and develop nursethe enterprise the glorious tradition, by "the compassion, thepatience, are careful, the sense of responsibility" treat eachpatient, complete nurse the work. At first called "the hospital date",also called "the Nightingale date", is called "the international nursefestival" in China. In this day, vigorously propagandizes nurses thework, encourages humanitarianism spirit which the nurses studies savesfrom impending death assists the wounded, already became a variouscountries nursing grand occasion.


The True Story of RudolphThe story behind the story--------------------------------------------------------------------------------On a December night in Chicago many years ago, a little girl climbed onto her father"s lap and asked a question. It was a simple question, asked in children"s curiosity, yet it had a heart-rending effect on Robert May. "Daddy," four-year-old Barbara May asked, "Why isn"t my mommy just like everybody else"s mommy?"Bob May stole a glance across his shabby two-room apartment. On a couch lay his young wife, Evelyn, racked with cancer. For two years she had been bedridden. For two years, all of Bob"s small income and smaller savings had gone to pay for treatments and medication. The terrible ordeal had already shattered two adult lives. Now, Bob suddenly realized the happiness of his growing daughter was also in jeopardy. As he ran his fingers through Barbara"s hair, he groped for some satisfactory answer to her question. Bob May knew only too well what it meant to be "different". As a child he had been weak and delicate. With the innocent cruelty of children, his playmates had continually goaded the stunted, skinny lad to tears. Later, at Dartsmouth, from which he graduated in 1936, Bob May was so small that he was always being mistaken for someone"s little brother. Nor was his adult life much happier. Unlike many of his classmates who floated from college into plush jobs, Bob became a lowly copy writer for Montgomery Ward, the big Chicago mail order house. Now at 33, Bob was deep in debt, depressed and sad. Although, he didn"t know it at the time, the answer he gave the little child on his lap was to bring him fame and fortune. It was also to bring joy to countless thousands of children like his own Barbara. On that December night in the shabby Chicago apartment, Bob cradled the little girl"s head against his shoulder and began to tell a story . . . "Once upon a time, there was a reindeer named Rudolph, the only reindeer in the world that had a big red nose. Naturally people called him "Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer." As Bob went on to tell about Rudolph, he tried desperately to communicate to Barbara the knowledge that, even though some creatures of God are strange and different, they often enjoy the miraculous power to make others happy. "Rudolph," Bob explained, "was terribly embarrassed by his unique nose. Other reindeer laughed at him; his mother and father and sister were mortified, too. Even Rudolph wallowed in self pity." "Why was I born with such a terrible nose?" he cried."Well," continued Bob, "one Christmas eve, Santa Claus got his team of husky reindeer - Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, and Vixen, and the others -- ready for their yearly trip around the world. The entire reindeer community assembled to cheer these great heroes on their way. But, a terrible fog engulfed the earth that evening, and Santa knew that the mist was so thick that he wouldn"t be able to find a single chimney." "Suddenly Rudolph appeared, his read nose glowing brighter than ever. Santa sensed at once that here was the answer to his perplexing problem. He led Rudolph to the front of the sleigh, fastened the harness and climbed in. They were off! Rudolph guided Santa safely to every chimney that night. Rain, and fog, snow and sleet -- nothing bothered Rudolph for his bright red nose penetrated like a beacon." "And, so it was that Rudolph became the most famous and beloved of all the reindeer. The huge red nose he once hid in shame was now the envy of every buck and doe in the reindeer world. Santa Claus told everyone that Rudolph had saved the day, and from that Christmas on, Rudolph has been living serenely and happy." Little Barbara laughed with glee when her father had finished. Every night she begged him to repeat the tale until finally Bob could rattle it off in his sleep. Then, at Christmas time, he decided to make the story into a poem like the "Night Before Christmas" and prepare it in a booklet form with crude illustrations, for Barbara"s personal gift. Night after night, Bob worked on the verses after Barbara had gone to bed, for he was determined that his daughter should have a worthwhile gift, even though he could not afford to buy one.Then, as Bob was about to put the finishing touches on Rudolph, tragedy struck. Evelyn May died. Bob, his hopes crushed, turned to Barbara as his chief comfort. Yet, despite his grief, he sat at his desk in the quiet, now lonely apartment, and worked on Rudolph with tears in his eyes. Shortly after Barbara had cried with joy over his handmade gift on Christmas morning, Bob was asked to an employee"s holiday party at Montgomery Wards. He didn"t want to go, but his office associates insisted. When Bob finally agreed, he took with him the poem and read it to the crowd. At first the noisy throng listened in laughter and gaiety. Then, they became silent, and at the end broke into spontaneous applause. That was in 1938. By Christmas of 1947, some 6 million copies of the booklet had been given away or sold, making Rudolph one of the most widely distributed books in the world. The demand for Rudolph sponsored products increased so much in variety and number that educators and historians predicted Rudolph would occupy a permanent niche in the Christmas legend. Through the years of unhappiness, the tragedy of his wife"s death and his ultimate success with Rudolph, Bob May has captured a sense of serenity. And as each Christmas rolls around he recalled with thankfulness the night when his daughter"s questions inspired him to write the story. 希望采纳


  日常生活中,我们有的时候会遇见一些令人不好意思、觉得尴尬的事情,那么你知道不好意思的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的不好意的的英文,希望你喜欢!   不好意思的英文   1.embarrassed   2.be ill at ease   3. be ashamed of   embarrassed的用法   adj.局促不安的; 为难的; 尴尬的; 窘迫的   v.(使)窘迫,(使)局促不安( embarrass的过去式和过去分词);   1. They wolf-whistled at me, and I was so embarrassed I tripped up.   他们吹口哨挑逗我,我窘迫之下绊了一跤。   2. This practice embarrassed Luther, but he let it pass without comment.   这种做法让卢瑟难堪,但是他未置一词。   3. Polly, bewildered and embarrassed, dropped her head and scuffed her feet.   波莉既困惑又尴尬,低下头拖着脚走开了。   4. I think she was hugely embarrassed by the whole scene.   我认为整个场面让她极其尴尬。   5. She was embarrassed at showing her fear so nakedly.   她对于如此直接地表露了自己的恐惧感到尴尬不已。   6. "You can tell that he is extremely embarrassed," Mr Brigden added.   “你能看出他尴尬极了,”布里格登先生补充道。   7. He looked a bit embarrassed.   他看起来有点尴尬。   8. Candida admits to having been "mortally embarrassed".   坎迪达承认当时“尴尬得要命”。   9. Do you think she was embarrassed about it?   你觉得她曾为此而难为情吗?   10. William was angered and embarrassed by his oversight.   威廉因为自己的疏忽而羞愤交加。   ill at ease造句   1. With two children bedridden the mother was ill at ease.   两个孩子病得躺在床上,母亲非常焦急.   2. The boy was ill at ease in the presence of the headmaster.   那男孩在校长面前感到局促不安.   3. He always feels rather ill at ease before strangers.   他在陌生人面前总有些不自在.   4. He appeared embarrassed and ill at ease with the sustained applause that greeted him.   向他致意的掌声一直不歇,他显得有些难为情,不知如何是好。   5. Unable to withstand her " once - over, " Jou - chia felt awkward and ill at ease.   柔嘉经不起她这样看一遍, 局促不安.   6. Gral Lagher was ill at ease and then abruptly frantic.   加拉赫愈听愈不安,后来突然就象疯了一样.   7. He was ill at ease until Dawson"s Landing was behind him.   他提心吊胆,直到道生码头被甩在后面,才放下心来.   8. She looked as ill at ease as the Major.   她看来同少校一样地坐立不安.   9. The dazzle of the spotlights made him ill at ease.   聚光灯的耀眼强光使他局促不安.   10. He felt ill at ease in the strange surroundings.   在生疏的环境中,他感到局促不安.

secret garden的英文介绍

The book tells the story of Mary Lennox, a spoiled, contrary orphan, who is sent to live in her uncle"s manor in Yorkshire. She is left to herself by her uncle, Mr. Craven, who travels trying to escape from being haunted by the death of his wife, and the only one who has any time for her is the chambermaid Martha. It is Martha who tells Mary about the walled garden, Mrs. Craven"s favourite garden, which nobody has seen the inside of since she died; Mr. Craven locked it and buried the key.Exploring the grounds, Mary discovers the key to the secret garden, which has been turned up by a robin digging for worms, then the door. When she is inside the garden, she discovers that although the roses seem lifeless some of the other flowers have survived; she decides to work on the garden herself, but to keep it a secret, in case her uncle should find out and fit another lock for it. Through Martha, she recruits the assistance of Martha"s brother Dickon, who is known for being good with plants and wild animals. Dickon begins by providing gardening implements, bought with money Mary gives him, and demonstrating that the roses, though neglected, are not dead. When Mary"s uncle visits the house briefly (for the first time since she arrived), Mary asks him if she may have a bit of earth to make a flower garden in, and he agrees.On several occasions, Mary hears the sound of someone crying in the night, although all the servants deny hearing it too. Shortly after her uncle"s visit, she goes exploring and discovers her uncle"s son, Colin, who has been a bedridden invalid all his life - shunned by his father as a reminder of his mother - and is as spoiled and as contrary as Mary. (Archibald Craven suffers from hunchback, and is convinced Colin will develop the same condition.) The servants have been keeping Mary and Colin a secret from one another because Colin doesn"t like strange people staring at him, and is prone to terrible tantrums. Colin decides he likes Mary, and insists on her visiting him often. Mary tells him about the secret garden (although not, initially, that she"s found the way in).As spring approaches, Colin becomes put out that Mary is spending more time in the garden with Dickon than with him, and flies into a tantrum after Mary refuses to give way to him. Mary stands up to him (to the horror of the servants, who have been afraid of his temper), and when Colin calms down he asks if he could go out into the garden with her. Mary agrees, as she and Dickon had been planning to suggest it themselves, feeling that it would do Colin good and that in the secret garden, he would not have to worry about anyone staring at him.Dickon comes to visit Colin in his room, bringing various moorland animals with him, and the three children make plans for taking Colin to see the secret garden. Colin"s doctor agrees that it might do him good to have Dickon and Mary taking him around the grounds in a wheelchair, and Colin gives instructions that the gardeners are to keep out of the way while they are outside. Colin is delighted with the garden, and goes out to it with Mary and Dickon whenever the weather allows. As the garden revives and flourishes, so does he.The first person to find out what the children are up to is the old gardener Ben Weatherstaff, who was a favourite of Colin"s mother, and has been secretly visiting her garden once or twice a year since it was locked up by scaling the wall with a ladder. When he visits the garden for the first time since Mary"s arrival (having had to miss several visits because his rheumatism wouldn"t let him go up and down ladders as easily as he used to), he is initially angry with the children until he sees what good they"ve done the garden, and what good they"ve done Colin. Colin orders him not to tell anybody, and he agrees.Colin becomes determined that not only will he get better, by the next time his father returns from abroad he will be able to walk and run like a normal boy. He apparently accomplishes this solely through positive thinking; he refuses to think of himself as crippled, and he invents a kind of mantra to keep himself in the right, or "magic", frame of mind. He makes great progress, but keeps it hidden from everyone but Mary and Dickon and Ben, wanting it to be a surprise.When Mr. Craven next returns home, he arrives while the children are outdoors. He goes out to see Colin for himself, and finds himself drawn to the secret garden, where he is astonished first to hear children"s voices and then to find Colin not only racing Mary and Dickon around the garden, but winning. They take Mr. Craven into the secret garden to tell him what has been going on, then walk back to the house, astonishing the servants (to the delight of Ben Weatherstaff) by how healthy Colin is and how much happier his father has suddenly become.


作者简介;Nikolai Alexeevich Ostrovsky (Russian: Николай Алексеевич Островский) (29 September 1904 – 22 December 1936) was a Soviet socialist realist writer, who published his works during the Stalin era. He is best known for his renowned novel How the Steel Was Tempered on the Russian Civil War.Nikolai was the fifth child of a military officer and a daughter of Czech colonists (according to the official version, in a family of poor worker parents) in Volhynia. He attended the village church school until he was nine and then in 1913 he started working as a herds-boy. In 1914, his family moved to the railroad town of Shepetovka where Nikolai joined an elementary school from which he is expelled by his scripture teacher. He started working in the kitchens at the railroad station, but was dismissed in 1917 for sleeping on the job. He switched jobs working at a timber yard, then becoming a stoker"s mate and then an electrician at the local power station.According to the official biography, when the Germans occupied the town in spring of 1918, Nikolai ran errands for the local Bolshevik underground. In July 1918 he joined the Komsomol and the Red Army in August. He served in the Kotovsky cavalry brigade. In 1920 he was reportedly wounded near Lviv and contracted typhus. He returned to the army only to be wounded again and was demobilized on medical grounds. However, in the autobiographies written by Ostrovsky himself, he never mentioned that he had served in the Red Army. His military service was probably ascribed to him by the official propaganda to make a hero and a martyr of him.In 1921, he began working in railway workshops of Kiev as an electrician and as the secretary of the local Komsomol.Suffering from rheumatism and typhus, in August 1922 he was sent to Berdybsk, a resort on the Sea of Azov, for treatment. In October 1922 he was officially declared an invalid; however he continued working. In 1923 he was appointed Commisar of the Red Army"s Second Training Battalion and Komsomol secretary for Berezdov in western Ukraine. In January 1924 he went to Izyaslav as the head of Komsomol district committee and in August 1924 he joined the Communist Party. In 1925, with his health rapidly declining, he went to Kharkov for medical treatment and in May 1926 he went to a sanatorium in the Crimea. By December 1926 poly-arthritis deprived him of almost all mobility and be became virtually bedridden. In December 1927 Nikolai began a correspondence course at the Sverdlov Communist University in Moscow that he completed it in June 1929. In August, he lost his vision.Undaunted by his paralysis and blindness, in 1930, he began work on first novel, How the Steel Was Tempered which became renowned and influential in the Communist world. He also wrote articles for newspapers and journals and spoke often on the radio. In April 1932 he became a member of the Moscow branch of the Association of Proletarian Writers and in June 1934 he joined the Union of Soviet Writers. On October 1, 1935, he was awarded the Order of Lenin.After suffering for years from paralysis, illness and blindness, the real reason for which were congenital Ankylosing spondylitis as well as complications after the typhus, Nikolai passed away on 22 December 1936, aged 32. His death did not allow him to complete his second novel, Born of the Storm on the Russian civil war in UkraineThe original intention of a Hero of Making introduction to China is that it is educational to the young readers. The novel has a wide scope of spread in 1949-1966 in China and has a unusual effect on readers.It mainly benefits from abundant printing of Chinese translations and popularization of different adaptations. In addition, the spread of various artistic forms such as play,movie and picture-story book meet the demand of different strata. The charming of prevailing of a Hero of Making in 1949-1966 lies in the intervention of government performs a part of promoting function. Of course,the more deep reason is perhaps satisfying the mental and sentimental demand of the youth. It suits and mobilizes their heroic complex.Local reading in China of a Hero of Making in 1949-1966 goes through the change from esteeming Paul"s revolutionary heroism to emphasizing his fighting with the enemy firmly, then from adoring Paul to critizing him. It shows the profound political content and authoritative ideology. According to their different psychological purposes ,the readers of a Hero of Making can generally be divided into educated type"s and writer type"s.Distinctive autobiographic quality and youthful flavour of a Hero of Making have a visible or hidden effect on the texts of autobiography and the novels about the youth growing in 1949-1966. Some biographic texts are invented by the inspiration of a Hero of Making. Many of them are short of artistry characteristics, so biographic value prevails over their literature value. The characters in 1949-1966 literature about growing theme are in accordance with that of Paul, namely from non-consciousness to consciousness and from immaturity to maturity. But there is a distinct narration pattern that it reveals common feeling and natural resistance toward authoritative ideology by super-empirical romantic imagination, a Hero of Making influences personality of youth type in 1949-1966 profoundly. Therefore, strong Paul"s complex is displayed in youth life and literatureFrom the perspective of the relationship between Chinese and foreign literature, this paper tries to see what happened when How the Steel is Refined was introduced into China, and tries to reveal the influence of historical and cultural context, mass cultural psyche, folk elements and business operation, etc. on the receiving subject.On the basis of the analysis, the author of this paper attempts to show that as far as a literary phenomenon caused by a foreign literary text is concerned, multicultural study is more valuable than the study of the text only.Chapter one gives a brief introduction of the historical and cultural background of How the Steel is Refined. On this basis, we can make such an evaluation: although with no high literary value, this novel has a strong vigor because of some elements and has a deep influence.Chapter two examines the translation and introduction of How the Steel is Refined in the 30s before the establishment of the People"s Republic of China. It focuses on the need of such a work in the similar social context as that of the former Soviet Union and in the direction of the same ideology.Chapter three shows the bad treatment of this work from the breakdown of Sino-Soviet Union relationship to the end of the “Cultural Revolution”. In the specific historical context, this chapter sums up both the public and potent reception of this work, and shows the power of its influence.Chapter four gives a description and analysis of the second high interest in this work after the “Cultural Revolution”. Further on, this chapter examines the development of this novel in China and examines the literary phenomenon caused by the work.Chapter five is a summary and extension of the whole paper. It turns to the communication of Chinese and foreign literature, in which all kinds of elements together caused the literary and cultural phenomenon and the exploration of which will be helpful for creating a new situation for the study of the relationship of Chinese and foreign literat


Wildebeest are known for their annual migration to new pastures. Many documentaries feature wildebeest crossing rivers, or being eaten by crocodiles or drowning in the attempt. Although it is assumed that this migration is a frenzy and that the wildebeest cross blindly, recent research has shown that a herd of wildebeest possesses what is known as a "swarm intelligence", whereby the animals systematically explore and overcome the obstacle as one.


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Sabine Weber


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1、Jasmine,2、Jessica3、Janet4、Jessie是个中性名字令人想起可爱运动型的女孩5、JENNY, JENNIE6、JUDY为Judith的简写。 Judy被视为喜欢捉弄人的小精灵,骄小,可爱,非常和善。7、JUNE(拉丁),六月。大部份人认为JUNE有如邻家女孩,活泼,可爱,有着中等的容貌及身材。8、JACQUELINE(希伯来文)意为"追随者"。感谢第一夫人,JACQUELINE给人的印象是黝黑,苗条,美丽神秘-富有,优雅善于社交的女子,迷人的魅力无法挡。 ***请参考*** ABIGALE 原为古希伯来名,意思是"最初的欢乐"或"欢乐之本"。在圣经撒母尔记上篇第二十五章中,讲到了一位早期名叫Abigale的人的故事。在这个故事之中,她是一位聪明、美丽的女人。她有过人的智能和谋略。因而,她后来成了以色列大卫王的妻子。 ABBYABBIE是ABIGAIL的简写。人们认为ABBY是娇小可爱的女人,文静,令人喜爱,个性甜美。 ADELINE:Adelaide的英文写法。AILSA古德语,快乐的姑娘的意思。 AIMEE来自法语,意为可爱的人。 ALICE(希腊)"真理";(老式德语)"贵族"。大部份的人都把Alice看做是"爱丽丝梦游仙境"的那位爱丽丝-一个年轻的梦想者喜欢热闹有着不受束缚的灵魂。有些人则认为她是自傲的老女人。 ALINA爱丽娜,古德语,『高贵』的意思。ALLISON:盖尔语,微小,真实的;古德语,名闻众神。令人联想到美丽无瑕的女子,聪明,体贴。ANGELIA(希腊)"天使,传送讯息者。"Angelia被描绘为美丽,娇小的女子若不是有着甜美温柔的个性,即是活泼莽撞的女孩。。 AMANDA(拉丁名)其词根表示爱的意思。AMANDA表示可爱的人。人们认为她保守美丽又纤细,甜美富有。 ANNE善良、优雅、喜欢帮助人的女孩.皇室的皇后、公主很多都是这个名字或者ANNIE,许多平民也都很喜欢这个名字。 AMY:拉丁文意思是"被深爱的"。AMY给人的印象是个玲珑,纤细的女孩,并有着安静,沉着,有文化素养及宛雅的特质。 ANDREA(拉丁语)"有女人味的"。ANDREA被描绘为成熟健康的女人可能是聪明也有可能是笨拙的,轻声细语也有可能严肃的令人难受,大体来说,ANDREA是令人敬佩的。 ANGELA(希腊)意谓天使,传递消息的人。ANGELA被形容为美丽,纤细的女人,温柔可人或是有活力但莽撞的女孩。ANNIE同ANN,如同孤女安妮一般,ANNIE被形容为可爱的小女孩,言行或许可笑却很聪明,个性和善却很固执。ANITA:Anita是Ann的西班牙写法。人们认为Anita这个名字非常适合娇小、美丽,性格讨喜的中层阶级女性,伶俐,讨人喜欢,而且充满乐趣。 ARIEL(希伯来),上帝的母狮子。母狮子,才不呢?ARIEL有着更柔美的形象,纤细,美丽,公主般的女孩,聪明而羞涩。 APRIL(拉丁),开始的意思。当人们听到APRIL时,他们想象的是优美的少女,甜美,活力奔放。 ASHLEY来自梣树林的人,ASHLEY被形容为美丽的专职妇女,害羞,友善有着正确的价值观与品味,喜欢有猫咪小狗的陪伴,还有穿著长礼服弹琴。AVIVA(希伯来)同Avivahc和Avivi. 有"美好的春天"的意思。BONNIE(苏格兰)意思是美丽,BONNIE这个名字让人联想到美丽,有这红色头发的苏格兰乡村女孩,充满活力,和善而且甜美。 BEATA(拉丁名)最快乐幸福的人。BEATRICE同BEATRIX,(拉丁)带来欢笑之人。人们认为BEATRICE是高大,强壮的单身女人,有着非凡的厨艺。BECKY:REBECCA的简写。BECKY被形容是可爱的顽皮姑娘,注重世俗之物,文静又快乐。BETTY:为Elizabeth的简写。Betty这个名字让人在脑中浮现一个金发女孩的影像,傻的可爱,又风趣。 BLANCHE(法语)白色,纯洁之意。人们心目中的BLANCHE若不是美丽善于运动的就是平淡乏味的女孩。BRENDA:(古式英语)煽动者,BRANDON,及BRENDAN的女性形式。BRENDA不是被描绘成美丽年轻的金发女孩就是有着恬静个性的黑人南方女人,或是穿著套装精明干练的女商人。CANDICE(希腊语),闪烁耀眼的。CANDICE令人想到身材高挑,美丽无瑕的女子,外向,直率,独立,而甜美。 CARINA亲爱的小东西!听起来好象有点肉麻喔!这可是我好不容易查到的耶。 CARMEN(拉丁)歌曲;(西班牙)来自卡曼山的。CARMEN给人的第一印象来自歌剧。CARMEN被形容作美丽,麦芽肤色,棕眼的西班牙女孩,坚强非常有吸引力。CAROL(拉丁)强悍,有女人味的。CAROL BURNETT是具代表性的人。CAROL被比喻为和善,居家类型,外向风趣的人。 CARRYCarrie是Carol,及Caroline的简写(同Kerry)。Carrie给人的感觉是可爱,聪明的金发女孩, 可能有两种极端不同的个性;一个是好玩外向的女孩,另一个则是安静好独处的女子。 CASSIECATHERINE,CASSANDRA的简写。人们心目中的CASSIE是可爱,受欢迎的大学女生,快乐而甜美。 CATHERINE(希腊)"纯真";Katherine的英文形式(同Katherine),人们对Catherine这个名字有两种看法:一是美丽,优雅,处于上流社会的世故者,拘谨,严肃,举止合宜;一是普通的女人,友善,受欢迎,又有教养。CATHY:为CATHERINE的简写(同KATHY),CATHY被描绘为可爱年轻的金发女子,充满活力,外向,有趣,且和善。但有些人则认为CATHY是被惯坏而且以自我为中心的女孩。 CHELSEA(古英语),停船的港口。CHELSEA给人的印象是富有的英国女性,有着独特的个性。 CHERRY樱桃,大部份的人对Cherry的印象是甜美,可爱充满青春气息,而且热心助人。 CHERYL为CHARLOTTE的另一形式,(亦同SHERYL)大部份的人认为CHERYL是娇小,可爱,甜美,友善的女孩,但有些人却把她看做是肥胖的代表。 CHRIS:Chris,Kris是Christine ,kristine的简写,Chris是个男女通用的名字。人们认为Chris是个顽皮姑娘或是非常有自信的女运动员,充满信心的微笑,外向,很有活力的那种人。 CHRISTINA 同Christine。如此佳人!Christina被形容为美丽娇小的女子家境富裕,聪明世故。 CHRISTINE(希腊)"基督徒"。CHRISTINE让人联想到窈窕美丽的棕发女孩有着天使般的脸孔,或是高大,令人印像深刻的运动员,个性木讷。 CHRISTY CHRISTINE 的简写。CHRISTY BRINKLEY是这个名字的代表人物,可爱,年轻,善良的金发女孩,风趣并受欢迎。 CINDY CINDERELLA,CYNTHIA,LUCINDA的简称。CINDY被称为所有美国青少年的皇后,甜美,吸引人的金发女孩,活力充沛又健康,但不是很聪明。 CLEMENT(希腊)宽容的意思。CLEMENT是个古老的名字,这个名字相当适合年长的南方乡村女孩,甜美,保守,不曾受过教育。 CLORIS 是古希腊神话里花的女神,指盛开的花朵.。 CORRINE 贵族之后。CORRINE给人的印像是有着高贵气质的金发女子,聪明的头脑及敏锐的判断力,通常团体中的佼佼者。 CRYSTAL(拉丁)"清澈如水晶"的意思。(同KRYSTAL)。CHRISTAL被描绘为富有,高挑,美丽的女子,非常有天份但过于矫饰自己。 DAISY (老式英语)"雏菊"。森林来的"金发女孩",甜美可爱。 DAPHNE (希腊)"桂树"。人们将Daphne形容为富有的年长女人,可能是头脑简单,四肢灵活或行为拘谨的棕发女子。 DARCY(爱尔兰语)"秘密"。人们口中的CHARCY是圆润可爱的邻家女孩。有的人则认为DARCY是像拉拉队长或那种在比赛过后喜欢到酒吧热闹的女孩。 DEXTRAD(拉丁名)很灵巧、熟练的意思。 DEBBIE DEBORAH,DEBRA的简写。DEBBIE被描绘为可爱,健康的小孩,健谈,活泼,又有趣。 DEMI(法国)一半或小的意思。DEMI MOORE是这个名字的代表人物。人们认为DEMI是个流行的名字适合聪明,美丽,受欢迎喜欢寻找乐趣的女孩。 DIANA(拉丁)神的,上帝的。大部份的人认为DIANA是美丽,身处上流社会的金发女子,保守,拘仅,安静,聪明。有些人却把DIANA看做投机主义的人。 DONNA(意大利文)"夫人"的意思。人们认为DONNA适合可爱的,有母爱的女子,文静,友善并平易近人。 DORIS (希腊)从海洋来的。DORIS被描绘为整齐,活跃的金发女子,健谈友善,就像DORIS DAY. EDITHA(老式英语)"丰硕之礼"对大部份人来说,Edith是平凡,穿著老旧,可爱,容易上当又迟钝的女人。有些人则把Editha看成不受赞许的老师。 ELAINE Elaine被人形容为美丽的金发女子-精明有商业头脑,不但友善还是个很好的朋友。 ELLIE 为Eleanor,Ella, Ellen等字的简写:人们认为ELLIE是可爱保守的南方乡村女孩,天真,迷人,而且甜美。 EMERALD英语。实际上是一种绿宝石的名字。后变为女人名。 EMILY(德语),勤勉的意思。(拉丁),恭维者的意思。大部份人将EMILY描绘为娇小可爱,安静保守的女子,聪明,柔弱,拘谨。 EMMA(古德文)"全球的,护士的",EMMA被看做是丰满,平常,年长的居家型女人,快乐,文静,教养良好,个性依赖。 ENID(威尔斯)意为"生命"或"灵魂"。有人认为ENID是上流社会的单身女子,守旧细心。但也有人认为ENID是活泼的派对爱好者。 ELSA同IISA(老式德语)贵族,ELIZABETH的简写。ELSA这个名字让人想到演员或富裕的欧洲女性,自负快乐及外向。 ERICA(老式挪尔斯语)"所向无敌";是Eric的女性形式。所向无敌?没错!Erica被看做是意志坚强,性感的金发女子,富有,任性,而且定不下来。 ESTHER (波斯)"星子"的意思。ESTHER这个名字给人两种印象:一个是于家中握权的女人,倔强,古板,另一个则是美丽的女子,甜美又文静。 EUDORA 拉丁名,意为幸福的礼品。 EVA 对大部份人来说,Eva是个优雅美丽的女子,也是个很有主见及直接的人,有人则认为Eva是性感,优雅的谋略者。 EVE 最早使用这个名字的人,据说就是<圣经>中所说的夏娃-亚当之妻。在欧洲,人们有这么一种迷信,即凡是被命名为夏娃的人一定会长命。因此,此名在宗教改格前流行于西欧。 FIONA FANNY, Fannie同Frances,Fanny被描绘为黑发,丰润的女孩,快乐,风趣,非常活泼有时让人有鲁莽的感觉。 FRIEDA(老式德语)"宁静"的意思。Freda被描绘为告大,朴实,古板的德籍女士,友善,温和,个性积极。 GINA 为Angelina,Regina的简写。Gina给人两种印象:一是娇小,美丽黑发受宠骄纵的意大利女子,或是平凡,圆润的风趣女人。 GLORIA (拉丁)"光辉"的意思。对大部份人说GLORIA是美丽气质优雅的金发女孩,受宠的大小姐。但对某些人说,GLORIA是文静,快乐,中层阶级的淑女。 GRACE(拉丁文)优雅之意。当人们想到GRACE,他们就会联想到文静,可爱,充满智能的老妇人。 GRETA 本来是MARGARET在瑞典的简称,但到了英国后,成了独立名字。大部份人心中的GRETA是性感的金发女星带着瑞典或德国腔调及美丽的长腿。代表人物为GRETA GARBO HELLEN(希腊)光的意思人们认为HELEN是美丽的上流社会的女子,有着黑发与黑眸,优雅,聪明受过高等教育的。 HEBE 希腊语,意为『春天之神』其变形为Hebbe。 HEIDIADALHEID, ADELAIDE的简写。人们将HEIDI描绘为电影或书中孩子般的角色-美丽文静的斯甘地拉维亚女子有着一头耀眼的金发。 INGRID (斯甘地拉维亚)"英雄之女"。人们将INGRID联想为金发的斯甘地拉维亚女子,聪明,热情,又勤奋INGA不是被描绘为美丽如INGRID BERGMAN般的美女不然就是高大,魁梧的年长女人。 ISHARA (印度名)很有钱的意思...所以取这名字的女孩要小心ㄋㄟ..。 IRENE (希腊)和平,Irene给人的强烈的感觉是个适合文静,中年的爱尔兰女子,和善,有趣。 IRIS (希腊)"彩虹"。在人们眼中,Iris是高佻,苗条,细致,且自视甚高的女子。 IVY (老式英文)"长春藤",IVY这个名字给人的印象有两种:一是守旧,具母性光辉的女人,稳重慈祥;一是急智外向的南方佳丽。 KAREN Katherine的丹麦型式。人们认为Karen是平凡的棕发女子,独立,风趣是个可以深交的朋友。 KARIDA (阿拉伯名)有纯洁、处女的意思。 KATE 为Katherine的简写。 Kate这个名字令人联想到可爱,外向,精力充沛,脚踏实地的女子。 KATHY,KATHIE 为KATHERINE,KATHERLEEN的简写(同CATHY)。KATHY被看做黑发的小女人,文静,温和又善良。 KATRINA 纯洁的意思。 KAY,Kaye 为Katherine的简写。有人说Kay是个过重但时髦的女人,表面看来友善甜美,私底下擅于算计且冷酷。 KELLY (爱尔兰盖利克)"战士"。Kelly给人两种不同的印象:可爱的乡下爱尔兰女孩,迷人又风趣。或是魁梧具野心的雄辩者,咄咄逼人令人不舒服。 KISHI (日文)让我们的地球快乐,(哇!取这个名字的人责任很重大喔~) KITTY kitty,是Catherine的简写,当人们听到Kitty时所想到的是可爱的红发女孩,性感,爱玩,坚强。 LAREINA 西班牙文里的意思是指皇后。 LAURA拉丁名,意为『海湾之树』。事实上是LAWRENCE的女性形式。人们说LAURA是美丽的金发蓝眸女子,古典气质,性格甜美。 LENA(拉丁)诱惑者;"leen"," "lena," "lina," "line"。LENA有两种不同的形象:娇小,活泼的歌者或是固执,年长的挪威女子。 LYDIA 原来是小亚细亚地区的一个地名。古代有一位国王叫Croesus,使这个地方成为很繁荣的地区。后来,他的王国于公元前546年崩溃。Lydia,成为人民后,其义为『利迪亚地区的姑娘』。简称为Liddy。 LILLIAN(拉丁)百合花,这个名字让人联想到脆弱,朴素,富有带着眼镜的妇人-可能是图书馆员。有些人则认为Lillian代表善良,还有人认为Lillian是诚实健谈的。 LINDA (西班牙语)美丽的意思。一点也没错,人们期望的Linda是有着蓝眸的金发女孩,既甜美又文静。 LISA 是ELIZABETH的别名,LISA被描绘成美丽,黝黑并安静聪明的女孩。有些人觉得LISA是个有趣并善良的女孩。 LIZ 为ELIZABETH的简写,人们将LIZ描绘为美丽,高挑,精力旺盛的女人,有棕色的短发和大眼睛。LIZ是勇敢的,爱直言的行为可能有时显得粗俗,自负,脾气不是很好。 LORRAINE (法文)对大部份的人来说LORRAINE是有着卷头发的中等美女,女强人,稳重,安静,有些人认为LORRAINE是有点轻浮,有趣的女子,脾气可能也不好。 LUCIA 同Lucy"光明"的意思。人们认为Lucia是很有趣的乡村女孩,活泼,搞笑,聒噪,可爱。 LUCY 来自拉丁字Lux,"光明"的意思。人们认为LUCY是有趣的乡村女孩,活泼可爱,风趣,引人注意。 LUCINE 在拉丁神话里,有位负责在孩子出生时,给予第一道光芒的罗马女神,所以LUCINEU有启蒙、照明的意思。 LULU 同LOUISE,LUELLA。人们形容LULU是顾家,保守的女人,愚蠢,浮燥,丰腴,甜美。 LYNN (老式英语)瀑布,或水池。是包含"lin","line","lyn"等字名字的简写。Lynn被形容为高,纤细,身体 健康的年轻女孩,个性独立而且友善。 MAGGIE 为MARGARET的简写。MAGGIE被认为是古板,身强体壮,满脸雀斑的爱尔兰女子,友善,风趣,大胆,独立,又大嗓门。 MANDY 为AMANDA,MANDA,MELINDA的简写。人们将MANDY描绘为年轻,可爱,精力充沛的女孩,外向且风趣。 MATILDA (老式德语)战争中占优势者。战争中的优势者,一点也没错。MATILDA被认为是高大,体积庞大的老女人,古板喜欢使唤人。有些人则认为这个名字非常地适合女巫。 MILLY 为CAMILLE,EMILY,MELISSA的简称。给人大块头年长女子的味道,健谈,友善,可爱又居家,是农夫也不一定。 MIYA 日文的意思是指神殿、寺庙。 MARIAH (希伯来)同MARY,人们说MARIAH是娇柔美丽的黑发姑娘,个性文静,温和,甜美。 MARY (希伯来)苦的意思,MARY 给人的印象是单纯的普通女孩,独立,安静并有点迟顿。 MAVIS (拉丁)最伟大者。为MAX的女性型式。MAXINE有三种形象:端庄温和,带着眼镜的教师;受拥戴,甜美的金发女皇;好动的的顽皮姑娘。 MAXINE (拉丁)最伟大者。为MAX的女性型式。MAXINE有三种形象:端庄温和,带着眼镜的教师;受拥戴,甜美的金发女皇;好动的的顽皮姑娘。 MAY (拉丁),伟大。 MAY让人联想到两种印象:丰满的金发女子,讨喜风趣,或者是平凡单调的女侍。 MELISSA(希腊)"蜜蜂"。人们认为MELLISA是娇小美丽的年轻女子,甜美但娇纵的大小姐。 MELODY原意有音乐旋律的意思,这个名字很受20世纪人中人们的喜爱,人们将Melody这名字和甜美、温柔、善解人意的女孩联想在一起。 MEREDITH(威尔斯)"来自海的守护神"。Meredith被看做古典美人,聪明,独立,富有。 MICHELLE(希伯来)像神的人;MICHAEL的女性形式。大部份人认为Michelle是美丽,身材修长的自大女千金。 MIRANDA (珍贵的赞美)大部份人将Miranda描绘为高大美丽的异国女子,高贵神秘甚至不可一世。 MIRIAM 为Mamie,Mary,Mayme的变形,意思是"甘苦的"。生下耶稣的圣母玛丽亚,如同Dolores及Mercedes等名字都是用来颂扬及表示对Mary的尊敬。这是个神圣的名字,唤此名字的人,多具有文才艺术方面的才华,在写作画画方面多有成就。 MONICA (拉丁文)参谋者之意。大部份人认为MONICA是美丽的金发女子,受过教育,风趣友善。有些人则认为Monica是被宠坏的大小姐。 NANCY NAN的别名,NANCY被描绘成美丽的黑发邻家女孩,安静讨人喜欢,个性和善并甜美。 NATASHA NATALIE的俄文形式。NATASHA被人们形容为有着巧克力肤色,美丽,具异国风情的神秘女子极度自我的女子。 NICOLE (希腊)意思是胜利的人们,由NICHOLAS衍生的女性名。人们把NICOLE形容是中国娃娃,意谓娇小,美丽的年轻女孩,甜美浪漫,但容易破碎。 NIKITA (俄语)胜利的意思,是NICOLE的另一种说法,在俄国也可以当男子名喔... NINA (西班牙)"女孩"之意。大部份人心目中的NINA是娇小美丽的金发女子,优雅,具异国风味,文静,冷默且独立。有些人则认为NINA是迷人随和的女孩。 OLINA 夏威夷话是指欢喜的、快乐的。 OPRAH (美国)同Opera,Opie。这个名字几乎和电视明星Oprah Winfee画上等号。Oprah给人的印象是霸道,美丽,积极,自以为是,大胆,聪慧,敏感。 PAMELA(希腊)全蜜的意思。人们认为PAMELA若不是高傲惹人厌的公主就是下等阶级的单亲妈妈。 PAULINE同Paula Pauline被描绘为聪明,冷静成熟的女子,直率,循规蹈矩。 PEARL(拉丁),珍珠的意思。 PEARL被视为美丽,高大的女子,健谈且风趣。 PEGGY 为Margaret的简称。人们认为Peggy是邻家男孩-可爱,友善,平凡。 PHILOMENA 希腊语,意为可爱的思想。 PHOEBE 希腊语,意为照顾。在古希腊,人们称月亮女神为PHOEBE,就如罗马人所说的DIANA一样。 POLLY为MOLLY,PAULA的另一种形式。POLLY被叙述为惹人疼爱的小甜心-可爱,活力充沛的女人,带着乐观与善良的态度。 PRISCILLA(拉丁文)的意思是远古的日子,部份的人把Priscilla 描绘为假正经的人,美丽,有女人味,有点紧张兮兮,除此之外颇善于交际。 QUENTINA 拉丁名,意为"第五个儿子",为QUENTIN的女性形式。简称QUENT. RACHEL (希伯来文)母羊的意思,RACHEL被描绘为美丽,娇小的黑发女子,一个聪慧能筑梦踏实的女子。 REBECCA 原为希伯来文Ribkah,意为"节成结的绳索",用它来比喻"忠诚的妻子"。 RITA MARGAET之简写。大部份人认为RITA是美丽有天份的女人,风趣外向,然而有点不真实。有人则认为RITA是文静且圣洁地。 ROSE (希腊)玫瑰的意思,人们认为ROSE是个真正的甜心-温和具有母性的光辉,心地善良,乐于助人。 ROXANNE (波斯)"黎明"的意思。任们认为Roxanne是美丽的,优雅的金发女子,充满活力又热心,虽然不是太精明。 RUTH(希伯来)意为"美人"或"朋友"。人们说RUTH是高大,强壮的普通女人,热心,受尊敬-通常是老师或领导者。 SABRINA (拉丁语)来自边界。人们认为SBRINA是美丽性感的女子,热情而俏皮。 SANDRA Alexandra的简写。Sandra这个名字给人两种印象,一种是聪明的金发女子,坚决有自主权;另一种则是丰满的女人,声音甜美个性随和。 SAMANTHA (亚拉姆语)"倾听者。SAMANTHA给人两种印像:一个是聪明,美丽的女子,另一个则是难缠的中年妈妈。 SAMMY SAMSON,SAMUEL的简写。SAMMY给人的直接印象来自Sammy Davis,Jr。人们将SAMMY看做纤细的黑人明星,风趣多才多艺。 SANDY SANDRA的简写。SANDY被形容为年轻的金发女子,聪明,好动,爱玩,善良且平易近人。 SARAH(希伯来)"公主"。 Sarah这个名字让人联想到矮小,美丽,卷发的女孩,保守又友善。 SELINA 月光之意。Selina给人的印象是个性开朗,面貌柔美的女子,温柔娴熟 SERENA (拉丁)"温和;沉着的"。SERENA给人两种不同的印象:可爱活泼充满惊喜的女孩;或是文静胆怯,虔诚的信徒。 SHARON (希伯来文)同Sarah。大部份人期待的Sharon是娇小可爱,中层阶级的金发女子,友善,甜美,聪慧。有人则认为Sharon是害羞迟钝的。 SHERRY, CHERIE同CHARLOTTE,CHER,SARAH,SHIRLEY.大部份人把SHERRY想成可爱娇小,圆润的金发女孩,友善,逢场作戏,然而却十分健忘。 SHIRLEY(老式英语)"来自耀眼的牧场"。人们将SHIRLEY描绘成灰发版的Shirley Temple-可爱,甜美,卷发,娃娃脸,有点过重。 SILVIA(拉丁文)"来自森林",在多数人的心里,SILVIA是个美丽富有的女人,冷静,循规蹈矩,精明的女商人。 STACY:ANASTASIA的简称。STACY被形容是娇小可爱,年轻的红发女子,活泼,外向喜欢开玩笑。 STELLA(拉丁)"星星"之意;ESTELLE的简写。大部份人认无STELLA是穿著朴素,古板,努力的工作者,反应迟钝号发牢骚者。 STEPHANIE(希腊)皇冠的意思。STEPHEN的女性型式。大部份的人认为STEPHANIE是纤细,美丽的女性,世故非常自我-模特儿,大概是吧。有些人认为她是非常善良的女孩。 SUE:Susan的简写。Sue给人两种不同的印象:一是传统家居的美国女孩,既甜美又体贴;或是美丽,有着致命吸引力的女人。 SUNNY(英文)"聪颖,快乐的":SONIA的简写。如同名字所给的意思,SUNNY被视做聪颖快乐外向,令人喜爱,性感但有点没大脑,喜欢参加派对的女孩。 TERESA(希腊)收获者。TERESA被形容为美丽,黑发的女人,文静,直接,而且有着极虔诚的信仰。 TINA 以"TINA"或"TINE"结尾名字的简写。大部份的人把TINA形容为活力充沛的女孩。有人则认为TINA是被宠坏又害羞的女孩。 TRACY (爱尔兰)作战者;(拉丁)有勇气的,RESA的简称。TRACY被描绘为可爱喜欢运动的有着卷曲金发女人,有自信的掌事者,喜欢寻找乐趣,有良好的教养个性温和。 VANESSA对大部份人来说是个美女的名字,纤细,有吸引力的女人。聪明,有财有势,有点高傲。有些人甚至会将vanessa和性感联想在一起。 VICKY:VICTORIA的简写。人们心中的VICKY是娇小,纯朴的顽皮女孩。 VIVIAN源为拉丁字vivianus,意为有活力的。充满活力?可不是吗!人们说VIVIAN是活力四射,有教养,风趣,友善,又好动 WENDY:GWENDOLYN,WANDA的简写。大部份的人认为WENDY是矮小可爱的女人,既友善又甜美。YOLANDA:(西班牙语)"紫罗兰"。YOLANDA给人的印象是气质高雅,可静可动的女孩,看起来柔弱,却有令人不可亵渎的气质。 YVETTE:同YVONNE。人们形容YVETTE是美丽的金发法国女子-懂得人情事故,既聪明又友善,只是有点傲慢 ZOEY同ZOE(希腊)生命之意。对大部份人来说,ZOE是美丽充满艺术气质的小孩,有趣但有点古怪。



渴望做某事的英语短语是desire to do sth或be eager to do sth。重点词汇解释:1、desiren. 欲望;要求,心愿vt. 想要;要求;希望得到vi. 渴望双语例句:Compassion is a desire within us to help others. 同情是我们内心想要帮助他人的一种欲望。2、eageradj. 渴望的;热切的;热心的双语例句:Everyone in the class seemed eager to learn. 班上每个人似乎都热爱学习。扩展资料:1、desire的用法:desire用作名词的意思是愿望,欲望,可指各种愿望,欲望,包括好的和不好的;可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。desire引申还可作渴望的人或事的意思,常用于单数名词。desire后接表示物的名词作宾语时,后面可接被动词不定式或过去分词作宾语补足语。desire是表示愿望的动词,通常不用于进行体。2、eager的用法:eager的意思是热切的,渴望的,指对成功的期望或进取的热情,含有热切得难以等待或难以抑制的意味。eager在句中可用作定语或表语。eager的比较级,最高级有eagerer,eagerest和more eager,most eager两种形式。


The fair maiden, gentleman good qiu这句翻译过来是:淑女,君子好逑比Gentle and graceful girl is gentleman good spouse应该会更好




good bye kamen




霸王别姬没有其他英文译名。简介:Farewell My Concubine spans fifty-three years, presenting the lives of two men against the historical backdrop of a country in upheaval. Initially banned in China but shown to international acclaim, Chen Kaige"s film is one of the year"s true masterpieces. Deserving of its award at Cannes and of its prominent position in 1993"s New York Film Festival, Farewell My Concubine is a motion picture experience that few will soon forget after leaving the theater. In 1924 Beijing, the youthful Douzi and Shitou are brought together under the thumb of the strict master of a small acting troupe. It quickly becomes apparent that these are the most talented of the master"s pupils, and he pushes them harder than his other students. Thirteen years later, their suffering has paid off. Douzi, now going by the name of Chen Dieyi (Leslie Cheung), and Shitou, called Duan Xiaolou (Zhang Fengyi), are major opera stars, and their production, "Farewell My Concubine" is nationally known. The two are inseparable, until the woman Juxian (Gong Li) comes between them. Farewell My Concubine is neatly divided into eight chapters, including a 1977 prologue and epilogue that bookend the story. Each section represents a different era in Chinese history and the lives of the characters. The historical background from the time of the Warlords through the Cultural Revolution, including the Japanese invasion of 1937 and the Communist takeover, is integral to the plot. The first portion of the film is devoted to the early lives of Dieyi and Xiaolou as they form an unshakable bond under the often-cruel punishments of their master. Years later, when we meet them again as well-known actors, the bond has only strengthened. These two are as close as men can be - yet Dieyi wishes for even greater intimacy. The subject of homosexuality is only once overtly referred to in Farewell My Concubine, but its presence is never far from the surface. While Xiaolou remains blissfully unaware of the nature of his friend"s love, Dieyi is tortured by it. The introduction of Juxian, a prostitute who becomes Xiaolou"s companion, creates a moral dilemma for Dieyi that he is unable to fully resolve. Chen Kaige has done a fabulous job portraying these various relationships with depth, sensitivity, and realism. This is a real and powerful illustration of human interaction that depicts layers of hatred and love.


FYI means for your information, 供参考的意思 ,pls 就是please ,请的意思 i"m look forward to hear from you soon 就是说期望能够快点从你那得到消息,就是盼复的意思最好是你想知道的,说出来,一下子我也不知怎么说

我的英文名字是CARMEN我想问一下 她的原意是什么

英文名:Carmen['ka:men]中文音译:卡门名字性别:女孩英文名来源语种:拉丁语、古英语名字寓意:上帝的花园,正直,诚信,不善变名字印象:稍有喜新厌旧的习惯,想象力丰富而且目标明确,知道自己想要什么。是个理想主义者,慷慨大方,愿意帮助他人。乐于承担责任,为他人服务。有时过于陷入他人的问题,自己也会很烦恼。能很好地表现音乐和艺术。希望家庭稳定和睦。懂得照顾所爱的人。名字含义:上帝的花园;歌,这个名字是西班牙语的、意思是“花园”上帝的花园;歌CARMEL的中世纪西班牙形式受拉丁语carmen“歌曲”的影响。这是乔治·比泽的歌剧“卡门”(1875年)的主角的名字。扩展资料CARMEN-abbr.-积极雷达导弹接合干扰双语例句1、Gregory shared confidences with Carmen. 格雷戈里和卡门说了知心话。2、She stood looking at Carmen with her mouth agape. 她站着,张大了嘴看着卡门。




链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/10pOnlZ_GpuaSl8IhFspduA 提取码: rr9p    这里有字母的写法,希望能帮到你    英文字母书写格式汉字的书写规范是以米子格来规范汉字的格式,而英语则是以四线三格来规范英语字符的书写格式。


  首先,里尔是法国北方重要城市,是诺尔-加莱大区的首府。不是英国的。  Lille (French pronunciation: [lil] ( listen); Dutch: Rijsel) is a city in northern France. It is the principal city of the Lille Métropole, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the country behind those of Paris, Lyon and Marseille. Lille is situated on the Deûle River, near France"s border with Belgium. It is the capital of the Nord-Pas de Calais region and the prefecture of the Nord department.  The city of Lille, which annexed Lomme on 27 February 2000, had a population of 226,014 at the 2006 census[1]. Meanwhile, the Lille Métropole, which also includes Roubaix, Tourcoing and numerous suburban communities, had a population of 1,091,438. The eurodistrict of Lille-Kortrijk, which also includes the areas of the Belgian cities of Kortrijk, Tournai, Mouscron and Ypres, had 1,905,000 residents.  里尔(法语:Lille,荷兰语:Rijsel)是法国北部最大的城市,北部-加莱海峡大区(法语:Nord-Pas-de-Calais)首府和诺尔省省会。是法国北部的经济、文化、教育、交通中心。 里尔在古法语中称为(L"Isle),佛来芒语里称之为(Ryssel),现代荷兰语称之为(Rijsel),都是“渡渔乐河”上的一个岛屿的意思。  拥有226,800居民,里尔是它所在的城市群的主要城市,这个城市群拥有上百万的人口,和一些其他的城市如Roubaix、Tourcoing 和 Villeneuve-d"Ascq). 它也属于一个巨大的延伸到比利时的城市群,其中包括有城市Kortrijk (Nl.) 或称为 Courtrai(Fr.)、Mouscron 和 Menen (Nl.) 或称为 Menin(Fr.),一共包含了一百七十万的居民。  Origin of the city  The legend of "Lydéric and Phinaert" puts the foundation of the city of "L"Isle" at 640. Although the first mention of the town appears in archives from the year 1066, some archeological digs seem to show the area as inhabited by as early as 2000 BC, most notably in the modern-day quartiers of Fives, Wazemmes, and Old Lille.  The original inhabitants of this region were the Gauls, such as the Menapians, the Morins, the Atrebates, and the Nervians, who were followed by Germanic peoples, the Saxons and the Frisians, and the Franks later.  From 830 until around 910, the Vikings invaded Flanders. After the destruction caused by Norman and Magyar invasion, the eastern part of the region fell under the eyes of the area"s princes.  The name Lille comes from insula or l"Isla, i. "the island", since the area was at one time marshy. This name was used for the castle of the Counts of Flanders, built on dry land in the middle of the marsh. The Dutch name for the town, Rijsel, has the same meaning ("Ter IJsel" is West Flemish for "the island").  The Count of Flanders controlled a number of old Roman cities (Boulogne, Arras, Cambrai) as well as some founded by the Carolingians (Valenciennes, Saint-Omer, Ghent, Bruges).  The County of Flanders thus extended to the left bank of the Scheldt, one of the richest and most prosperous regions of Europe.  作为法国的弗朗德勒地区的首府,根据传说,里尔建成于640年,但它最早出现于宪章中为1054年。现在城市的所在地使我们无法找到古代的遗迹(高卢-古罗马时代)。  中世纪时,因为其优越的横跨Deûle河的地理位置和与周边同样位于comté de Flandre的繁荣城市的关系,里尔得到了很大的发展。当地一个呢绒的集市产生于十六世纪。


1 Affenpinscher 艾芬笃宾犬2 Afghan Hound 阿富汗猎犬3 Airedale Terrier 万能梗4 Akita 秋田犬5 Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬6 American Eskimo Dog 美国爱斯基摩犬7 American Staffordshire Terrier 美国史特富郡梗8 American Water Spaniel 美国水猎犬9 Anatolian Shepherd 安娜图牧羊犬10 Australian Cattle Dog 澳洲牧牛犬11 Australian Shepherd 澳洲牧羊犬12 Australian Terrier 澳洲梗13 Basenji 贝吉生犬14 Basset Hound 巴吉度猎犬15 Beagle 贝高犬16 Bearded Collie 古代长须牧羊犬17 Bedlington Terrier 贝林登梗18 Belgian Malinois 比利时玛利诺犬19 Belgian Sheepdog 比利时牧羊犬20 Belgian Tervuren 比利时坦比连犬21 Bernese Mountain Dog 伯恩山犬22 Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬23 Black and Tan Coonhound 黑褐猎浣熊犬24 Bloodhound 血猎犬25 Border Collie 边境牧羊犬26 Border Terrier 边境梗27 Borzoi 波索尔28 Boston Terrier 波士顿梗29 Bouvier des Flandres 法兰德斯畜牧犬30 Boxer 拳狮犬31 Briard 伯瑞犬32 Brittany 不列塔尼猎犬33 Brussels Griffon 比利时粗毛猎犬34 Bull Terrier 牛头梗35 Bulldog 老虎犬36 Bullmastiff 斗牛马士提夫犬37 Cairn Terrier 凯安梗38 Canaan Dog 卡南犬39 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 查理士王小猎犬40 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 乞沙比克猎犬41 Chihuahua 吉娃娃42 Chinese Crested 中国冠毛犬43 Chinese Shar-pei 中国沙皮犬44 Chow Chow 松狮犬45 Clumber Spaniel 克伦伯犬46 Cocker Spaniel 曲卡犬47 Collie 牧羊犬48 Curly-Coated Retriever 卷毛寻回犬49 Dachshund 腊肠犬50 Dalmatian 斑点犬51 Dandie Dinmont Terrier 短脚狄文梗52 Doberman Pinscher 都柏文犬53 English Cocker Spaniel 英国曲卡犬54 English Setter 英国塞特犬55 English Springer Spaniel 英国曲卡犬56 English Toy Spaniel 英国玩赏曲卡犬57 Field Spaniel 田野猎犬58 Finnish Spitz 芬兰猎犬59 Flat-Coated Retriever 平毛寻回犬60 Fox Terrier (Smooth) 猎狐梗61 Fox Terrier (Wire) 刚毛猎狐梗62 Foxhound (American) 美国猎狐犬63 Foxhound (English) 英国猎狐犬64 French Bulldog 法国老虎犬65 German Shepherd Dog 德国牧羊犬66 German Shorthaired Pointer 德国短毛指示犬67 German Wirehaired Pointer 德国钢毛指示犬68 Giant Schnauzer 大型史纳莎69 Golden Retriever 黄金猎犬70 Gordon Setter 哥顿塞特犬71 Great Dane 大丹犬72 Great Pyrenees 大白熊犬73 Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 大瑞士山地犬74 Greyhound 格雷伊猎犬75 Harrier 哈利犬76 Havanese 哈威那77 Ibizan Hound 依比沙猎犬78 Irish Setter 爱尔兰塞特犬79 Irish Terrier 爱尔兰梗80 Irish Water Spaniel 爱尔兰水猎犬81 Irish Wolfhound 爱尔兰猎狼犬82 Italian Greyhound 义大利格雷伊猎犬83 Jack Russell Terrier 积奇罗素梗84 Japanese Chin 日本犬85 Keeshond 荷兰毛狮犬86 Kerry Blue Terrier 凯利蓝梗87 Komondor 可蒙犬88 Kuvasz 哥威斯犬89 Labrador Retriever 拉布拉多犬90 Lakeland Terrier 湖畔梗91 Lhasa Apso 拉萨犬92 L?wchen 罗秦犬93 Maltese 玛尔济斯94 Manchester Terrier 曼彻斯特梗95 Mastiff 马士提夫犬96 Miniature Bull Terrier 迷你牛头梗97 Miniature Pinscher 迷你笃宾犬98 Miniature Schnauzer 迷你史纳莎99 Newfoundland 纽芬兰犬100 Norfolk Terrier 罗福梗101 Norwegian Elkhound 挪威猎麋犬102 Norwich Terrier 罗威士梗103 Old English Sheepdog 古代英国牧羊犬104 Otterhound 奥达猎犬105 Papillon 蝴蝶犬106 Pekingese 北京犬107 Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen 迷你贝吉格里芬凡丁犬108 Pharaoh Hound 法老王猎犬109 Plott Hound 普罗特猎犬110 Polish Lowland Sheepdog 波兰低地牧羊犬111 Pointer 指示犬112 Pomeranian 松鼠犬113 Poodle 贵妇犬114 Portuguese Water Dog 葡萄牙水犬115 Pug 八哥116 Puli 波利犬117 Rhodesian Ridgeback 118 Rottweiler 洛威拿119 Saint Bernard 圣伯纳犬120 Saluki 东非猎犬121 Samoyed 萨摩犬122 Schipperke 舒柏奇犬123 Scottish Deerhound 苏格兰猎鹿犬124 Scottish Terrier 苏格兰梗125 Sealyham Terrier 西里汉梗126 Shetland Sheepdog 喜乐蒂牧羊犬127 Shiba Inu 西巴犬128 Shih Tzu 西施129 Siberian Husky 西伯利亚雪橇犬130 Silky Terrier 丝毛梗131 Skye Terrier 斯开岛梗132 Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 爱尔兰软毛梗133 Spinone Italiano 史毕诺犬134 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 斯塔福郡斗牛梗135 Standard Schnauzer 标准史纳莎136 Sussex Spaniel 塞式猎犬137 Tibetan Spaniel 西藏猎犬138 Tibetan Terrier 西藏梗139 Vizsla 维兹拉犬140 Weimaraner 威玛猎犬141 Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) 威尔斯柯基犬 (卡狄根)142 Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) 威尔斯柯基犬 (宾波基)143 Welsh Springer Spaniel 威尔斯激飞猎犬144 Welsh Terrier 威尔斯梗145 West Highland White Terrier 西部高地白梗146 Whippet 惠比特犬147 Wirehaired Pointing Griffon 钢毛指示格里芬犬148 Yorkshire Terrier 约瑟夏梗

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Affenpinscher 艾芬笃宾犬2 Afghan Hound 阿富汗猎犬3 Airedale Terrier 万能梗4 Akita 秋田犬5 Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬6 American Eskimo Dog 美国爱斯基摩犬7 American Staffordshire Terrier 美国史特富郡梗8 American Water Spaniel 美国水猎犬9 Anatolian Shepherd 安娜图牧羊犬10 Australian Cattle Dog 澳洲牧牛犬11 Australian Shepherd 澳洲牧羊犬12 Australian Terrier 澳洲梗13 Basenji 贝吉生犬14 Basset Hound 巴吉度猎犬15 Beagle 贝高犬16 Bearded Collie 古代长须牧羊犬17 Bedlington Terrier 贝林登梗18 Belgian Malinois 比利时玛利诺犬19 Belgian Sheepdog 比利时牧羊犬20 Belgian Tervuren 比利时坦比连犬21 Bernese Mountain Dog 伯恩山犬22 Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬23 Black and Tan Coonhound 黑褐猎浣熊犬24 Bloodhound 血猎犬25 Border Collie 边境牧羊犬26 Border Terrier 边境梗27 Borzoi 波索尔28 Boston Terrier 波士顿梗29 Bouvier des Flandres 法兰德斯畜牧犬30 Boxer 拳狮犬31 Briard 伯瑞犬32 Brittany 不列塔尼猎犬33 Brussels Griffon 比利时粗毛猎犬34 Bull Terrier 牛头梗35 Bulldog 老虎犬36 Bullmastiff 斗牛马士提夫犬37 Cairn Terrier 凯安梗38 Canaan Dog 卡南犬39 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 查理士王小猎犬40 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 乞沙比克猎犬41 Chihuahua 吉娃娃42 Chinese Crested 中国冠毛犬43 Chinese Shar-pei 中国沙皮犬44 Chow Chow 松狮犬45 Clumber Spaniel 克伦伯犬46 Cocker Spaniel 曲卡犬47 Collie 牧羊犬48 Curly-Coated Retriever 卷毛寻回犬49 Dachshund 腊肠犬50 Dalmatian 斑点犬51 Dandie Dinmont Terrier 短脚狄文梗52 Doberman Pinscher 都柏文犬53 English Cocker Spaniel 英国曲卡犬54 English Setter 英国塞特犬55 English Springer Spaniel 英国曲卡犬56 English Toy Spaniel 英国玩赏曲卡犬57 Field Spaniel 田野猎犬58 Finnish Spitz 芬兰猎犬59 Flat-Coated Retriever 平毛寻回犬60 Fox Terrier (Smooth) 猎狐梗61 Fox Terrier (Wire) 刚毛猎狐梗62 Foxhound (American) 美国猎狐犬63 Foxhound (English) 英国猎狐犬64 French Bulldog 法国老虎犬65 German Shepherd Dog 德国牧羊犬66 German Shorthaired Pointer 德国短毛指示犬67 German Wirehaired Pointer 德国钢毛指示犬68 Giant Schnauzer 大型史纳莎69 Golden Retriever 黄金猎犬70 Gordon Setter 哥顿塞特犬71 Great Dane 大丹犬72 Great Pyrenees 大白熊犬73 Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 大瑞士山地犬74 Greyhound 格雷伊猎犬75 Harrier 哈利犬76 Havanese 哈威那77 Ibizan Hound 依比沙猎犬78 Irish Setter 爱尔兰塞特犬79 Irish Terrier 爱尔兰梗80 Irish Water Spaniel 爱尔兰水猎犬81 Irish Wolfhound 爱尔兰猎狼犬82 Italian Greyhound 义大利格雷伊猎犬83 Jack Russell Terrier 积奇罗素梗84 Japanese Chin 日本犬85 Keeshond 荷兰毛狮犬86 Kerry Blue Terrier 凯利蓝梗87 Komondor 可蒙犬88 Kuvasz 哥威斯犬89 Labrador Retriever 拉布拉多犬90 Lakeland Terrier 湖畔梗91 Lhasa Apso 拉萨犬92 L?wchen 罗秦犬93 Maltese 玛尔济斯94 Manchester Terrier 曼彻斯特梗95 Mastiff 马士提夫犬96 Miniature Bull Terrier 迷你牛头梗97 Miniature Pinscher 迷你笃宾犬98 Miniature Schnauzer 迷你史纳莎99 Newfoundland 纽芬兰犬100 Norfolk Terrier 罗福梗101 Norwegian Elkhound 挪威猎麋犬102 Norwich Terrier 罗威士梗103 Old English Sheepdog 古代英国牧羊犬104 Otterhound 奥达猎犬105 Papillon 蝴蝶犬106 Pekingese 北京犬107 Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen 迷你贝吉格里芬凡丁犬108 Pharaoh Hound 法老王猎犬109 Plott Hound 普罗特猎犬110 Polish Lowland Sheepdog 波兰低地牧羊犬111 Pointer 指示犬112 Pomeranian 松鼠犬113 Poodle 贵妇犬114 Portuguese Water Dog 葡萄牙水犬115 Pug 八哥116 Puli 波利犬117 Rhodesian Ridgeback 118 Rottweiler 洛威拿119 Saint Bernard 圣伯纳犬120 Saluki 东非猎犬121 Samoyed 萨摩犬122 Schipperke 舒柏奇犬123 Scottish Deerhound 苏格兰猎鹿犬124 Scottish Terrier 苏格兰梗125 Sealyham Terrier 西里汉梗126 Shetland Sheepdog 喜乐蒂牧羊犬127 Shiba Inu 西巴犬128 Shih Tzu 西施129 Siberian Husky 西伯利亚雪橇犬130 Silky Terrier 丝毛梗131 Skye Terrier 斯开岛梗132 Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 爱尔兰软毛梗133 Spinone Italiano 史毕诺犬134 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 斯塔福郡斗牛梗135 Standard Schnauzer 标准史纳莎136 Sussex Spaniel 塞式猎犬137 Tibetan Spaniel 西藏猎犬138 Tibetan Terrier 西藏梗139 Vizsla 维兹拉犬140 Weimaraner 威玛猎犬141 Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) 威尔斯柯基犬 (卡狄根)142 Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) 威尔斯柯基犬 (宾波基)143 Welsh Springer Spaniel 威尔斯激飞猎犬144 Welsh Terrier 威尔斯梗145 West Highland White Terrier 西部高地白梗146 Whippet 惠比特犬147 Wirehaired Pointing Griffon 钢毛指示格里芬犬 望采纳。。。。。。。。。。。


1、 国内不少律师事务所都用的“lawyer"s office”,但是推荐使用“law firm”, 2、 具体区别在80-90年代,不少地区律师事务所所名大都采用“—— —— lawyer"s office”,这种用法在英文中根本没有,它让人感受的意思,是律师办公地点,即我们称的“律师楼”。 而现在内地律师事务所的英文所名均采用“—— —— law firm”,这才是正确用法。但值得注意的是,这种情形的律师事务所规模较大,含有“集团”的意思在其中。而内地有不少律师事务所只有3-5人,用此名称与实不符。司法行政机关设立的乡镇法律服务所不能使用“law firm”。 扩展资料:“法律”和“律师”英语用法:1、不少律师或律师事务所将“law”英文一词作“律师”使用,如在他们的宣传册中,中文“精济律师”对应的是英文单词组合“ECONOMIC LAW”;2、在每个合伙人律师照片右下方标注载明律师名称,其为“—— —— —— LAW”,实质上想表达的英文意思为“××× 律师”。这两条都涉及到英文单词“law”的含意和用法,如果其没有律师的含意或没有此种用法,那就是“误”或者是“错”。不论“误”或“错”,都是不行的,这是与高素质律师事务所不相适应。3、“law”的意思是法律,不能当作“律师”使用。4、“lawyer”律师一词只在通称、泛指时才能使用,如,在向人介绍职业或从事行业时,可以讲I am a lawyer ——我是律师。对于特定人不能使用。因此,应当表述为—— —— Wang Attorney ——王××律师。而上面的表述,中式英文的、直译的结果是"×××法律",这样的结果就完全两码事了。参考资料来源:百度百科--firm


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·卡梅罗-安东尼 卡梅罗-安东尼(Carmelo Anthony)卡梅罗-安东尼(Carmelo Anthony)国籍:美国场上位置:前锋生日:1984年5月29日身高:2.03米体重:99.8公斤曾效力球队:锡拉丘兹大学现效力球队:丹佛掘金队


Affenpinscher 艾芬笃宾犬 2 Afghan Hound 阿富汗猎犬 3 Airedale Terrier 万能梗 4 Akita 秋田犬 5 Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 6 American Eskimo Dog 美国爱斯基摩犬 7 American Staffordshire Terrier 美国史特富郡梗 8 American Water Spaniel 美国水猎犬 9 Anatolian Shepherd 安娜图牧羊犬 10 Australian Cattle Dog 澳洲牧牛犬 11 Australian Shepherd 澳洲牧羊犬 12 Australian Terrier 澳洲梗 13 Basenji 贝吉生犬 14 Basset Hound 巴吉度猎犬 15 Beagle 贝高犬 16 Bearded Collie 古代长须牧羊犬 17 Bedlington Terrier 贝林登梗 18 Belgian Malinois 比利时玛利诺犬 19 Belgian Sheepdog 比利时牧羊犬 20 Belgian Tervuren 比利时坦比连犬 21 Bernese Mountain Dog 伯恩山犬 22 Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬 23 Black and Tan Coonhound 黑褐猎浣熊犬 24 Bloodhound 血猎犬 25 Border Collie 边境牧羊犬 26 Border Terrier 边境梗 27 Borzoi 波索尔 28 Boston Terrier 波士顿梗 29 Bouvier des Flandres 法兰德斯畜牧犬 30 Boxer 拳狮犬 31 Briard 伯瑞犬 32 Brittany 不列塔尼猎犬 33 Brussels Griffon 比利时粗毛猎犬


1 Affenpinscher 艾芬笃宾犬 2 Afghan Hound 阿富汗猎犬 3 Airedale Terrier 万能梗 4 Akita 秋田犬 5 Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 6 American Eskimo Dog 美国爱斯基摩犬 7 American Staffordshire Terrier 美国史特富郡梗 8 American Water Spaniel 美国水猎犬 9 Anatolian Shepherd 安娜图牧羊犬 10 Australian Cattle Dog 澳洲牧牛犬 11 Australian Shepherd 澳洲牧羊犬 12 Australian Terrier 澳洲梗 13 Basenji 贝吉生犬 14 Basset Hound 巴吉度猎犬 15 Beagle 贝高犬 16 Bearded Collie 古代长须牧羊犬 17 Bedlington Terrier 贝林登梗 18 Belgian Malinois 比利时玛利诺犬 19 Belgian Sheepdog 比利时牧羊犬 20 Belgian Tervuren 比利时坦比连犬 21 Bernese Mountain Dog 伯恩山犬 22 Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬 23 Black and Tan Coonhound 黑褐猎浣熊犬 24 Bloodhound 血猎犬 25 Border Collie 边境牧羊犬 26 Border Terrier 边境梗 27 Borzoi 波索尔 28 Boston Terrier 波士顿梗 29 Bouvier des Flandres 法兰德斯畜牧犬 30 Boxer 拳狮犬 31 Briard 伯瑞犬 32 Brittany 不列塔尼猎犬 33 Brussels Griffon 比利时粗毛猎犬 34 Bull Terrier 牛头梗 35 Bulldog 老虎犬 36 Bullmastiff 斗牛马士提夫犬 37 Cairn Terrier 凯安梗 38 Canaan Dog 卡南犬 39 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 查理士王小猎犬 40 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 乞沙比克猎犬 41 Chihuahua 吉娃娃 42 Chinese Crested 中国冠毛犬 43 Chinese Shar-pei 中国沙皮犬 44 Chow Chow 松狮犬


1 Affenpinscher 艾芬笃宾犬 2 Afghan Hound 阿富汗猎犬 3 Airedale Terrier 万能梗 4 Akita 秋田犬 5 Alaskan Malamute 阿拉斯加雪橇犬 6 American Eskimo Dog 美国爱斯基摩犬 7 American Staffordshire Terrier 美国史特富郡梗 8 American Water Spaniel 美国水猎犬 9 Anatolian Shepherd 安娜图牧羊犬 10 Australian Cattle Dog 澳洲牧牛犬 11 Australian Shepherd 澳洲牧羊犬 12 Australian Terrier 澳洲梗 13 Basenji 贝吉生犬 14 Basset Hound 巴吉度猎犬 15 Beagle 贝高犬 16 Bearded Collie 古代长须牧羊犬 17 Bedlington Terrier 贝林登梗 18 Belgian Malinois 比利时玛利诺犬 19 Belgian Sheepdog 比利时牧羊犬 20 Belgian Tervuren 比利时坦比连犬 21 Bernese Mountain Dog 伯恩山犬 22 Bichon Frise 卷毛比雄犬 23 Black and Tan Coonhound 黑褐猎浣熊犬 24 Bloodhound 血猎犬 25 Border Collie 边境牧羊犬 26 Border Terrier 边境梗 27 Borzoi 波索尔 28 Boston Terrier 波士顿梗 29 Bouvier des Flandres 法兰德斯畜牧犬 30 Boxer 拳狮犬 31 Briard 伯瑞犬 32 Brittany 不列塔尼猎犬 33 Brussels Griffon 比利时粗毛猎犬 34 Bull Terrier 牛头梗 35 Bulldog 老虎犬 36 Bullmastiff 斗牛马士提夫犬 37 Cairn Terrier 凯安梗 38 Canaan Dog 卡南犬 39 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 查理士王小猎犬 40 Chesapeake Bay Retriever 乞沙比克猎犬 41 Chihuahua 吉娃娃 42 Chinese Crested 中国冠毛犬 43 Chinese Shar-pei 中国沙皮犬 44 Chow Chow 松狮犬 45 Clumber Spaniel 克伦伯犬 46 Cocker Spaniel 曲卡犬 47 Collie 牧羊犬 48 Curly-Coated Retriever 卷毛寻回犬 49 Dachshund 腊肠犬 50 Dalmatian 斑点犬 51 Dandie Dinmont Terrier 短脚狄文梗 52 Doberman Pinscher 都柏文犬 53 English Cocker Spaniel 英国曲卡犬 54 English Setter 英国塞特犬 55 English Springer Spaniel 英国曲卡犬 56 English Toy Spaniel 英国玩赏曲卡犬 57 Field Spaniel 田野猎犬 58 Finnish Spitz 芬兰猎犬 59 Flat-Coated Retriever 平毛寻回犬 60 Fox Terrier (Smooth) 猎狐梗 61 Fox Terrier (Wire) 刚毛猎狐梗 62 Foxhound (American) 美国猎狐犬 63 Foxhound (English) 英国猎狐犬 64 French Bulldog 法国老虎犬 65 German Shepherd Dog 德国牧羊犬 66 German Shorthaired Pointer 德国短毛指示犬 67 German Wirehaired Pointer 德国钢毛指示犬 68 Giant Schnauzer 大型史纳莎 69 Golden Retriever 黄金猎犬 70 Gordon Setter 哥顿塞特犬 71 Great Dane 大丹犬 72 Great Pyrenees 大白熊犬 73 Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 大瑞士山地犬 74 Greyhound 格雷伊猎犬 75 Harrier 哈利犬 76 Havanese 哈威那 77 Ibizan Hound 依比沙猎犬 78 Irish Setter 爱尔兰塞特犬 79 Irish Terrier 爱尔兰梗 80 Irish Water Spaniel 爱尔兰水猎犬 81 Irish Wolfhound 爱尔兰猎狼犬 82 Italian Greyhound 义大利格雷伊猎犬 83 Jack Russell Terrier 积奇罗素梗 84 Japanese Chin 日本犬 85 Keeshond 荷兰毛狮犬 86 Kerry Blue Terrier 凯利蓝梗 87 Komondor 可蒙犬 88 Kuvasz 哥威斯犬 89 Labrador Retriever 拉布拉多犬 90 Lakeland Terrier 湖畔梗 91 Lhasa Apso 拉萨犬 92 L?wchen 罗秦犬 93 Maltese 玛尔济斯 94 Manchester Terrier 曼彻斯特梗 95 Mastiff 马士提夫犬 96 Miniature Bull Terrier 迷你牛头梗 97 Miniature Pinscher 迷你笃宾犬 98 Miniature Schnauzer 迷你史纳莎 99 Newfoundland 纽芬兰犬 100 Norfolk Terrier 罗福梗 101 Norwegian Elkhound 挪威猎麋犬 102 Norwich Terrier 罗威士梗 103 Old English Sheepdog 古代英国牧羊犬 104 Otterhound 奥达猎犬 105 Papillon 蝴蝶犬 106 Pekingese 北京犬 107 Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen 迷你贝吉格里芬凡丁犬 108 Pharaoh Hound 法老王猎犬 109 Plott Hound 普罗特猎犬 110 Polish Lowland Sheepdog 波兰低地牧羊犬 111 Pointer 指示犬 112 Pomeranian 松鼠犬 113 Poodle 贵妇犬 114 Portuguese Water Dog 葡萄牙水犬 115 Pug 八哥 116 Puli 波利犬 117 Rhodesian Ridgeback 118 Rottweiler 洛威拿 119 Saint Bernard 圣伯纳犬 120 Saluki 东非猎犬 121 Samoyed 萨摩犬 122 Schipperke 舒柏奇犬 123 Scottish Deerhound 苏格兰猎鹿犬 124 Scottish Terrier 苏格兰梗 125 Sealyham Terrier 西里汉梗 126 Shetland Sheepdog 喜乐蒂牧羊犬 127 Shiba Inu 西巴犬 128 Shih Tzu 西施 129 Siberian Husky 西伯利亚雪橇犬 130 Silky Terrier 丝毛梗 131 Skye Terrier 斯开岛梗 132 Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 爱尔兰软毛梗 133 Spinone Italiano 史毕诺犬 134 Staffordshire Bull Terrier 斯塔福郡斗牛梗 135 Standard Schnauzer 标准史纳莎 136 Sussex Spaniel 塞式猎犬 137 Tibetan Spaniel 西藏猎犬 138 Tibetan Terrier 西藏梗 139 Vizsla 维兹拉犬 140 Weimaraner 威玛猎犬 141 Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) 威尔斯柯基犬 (卡狄根) 142 Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) 威尔斯柯基犬 (宾波基) 143 Welsh Springer Spaniel 威尔斯激飞猎犬 144 Welsh Terrier 威尔斯梗 145 West Highland White Terrier 西部高地白梗 146 Whippet 惠比特犬 147 Wirehaired Pointing Griffon 钢毛指示格里芬犬 148 Yorkshire Terrier 约瑟夏梗你问的应该是品种名吧、、希望有帮助哦~


洛基英语的老师解释:[名]the Lantern Festival; January 15 on the lunar calendar; festival of lanterns; lantern festival dumplings; Lantern Festival


德安东尼(Mike D"Antoni)


元宵节介绍 英文 The Lantern Festival (元宵节) is the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration. This day is for the last moment for setting off fireworks, the last excuse for eating a big feast and the last chance for family getting together before the “年” celebrations are over. (Latern Festival is also a traditional time of celebration for foreigners who live in China). The Lantern Festival, the 15th of the first month of the lunar calendar, is the first full moon of the year. Celebrations and traditions on this day date back to the Western Han Dynasty. Traditions for this festival: as the name indicates, hanging and looking at lanterns is the main tradition. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are displayed on trees, or along river banks. Parents often take their children to Lantern Fairs and sometimes lucky kids even get a mini toy lantern. Another tradition is guessing lantern riddles. These are riddles that are hung on lanterns for people to shoot down and solve. The riddles are usually short, wise, and sometimes humorous. The answer to a riddle can be a Chinese character, a famous person"s name, a place name or a proverb. This tradition has become a popular game with serious staying power even as social development changes other traditions. Other than that, the most important thing to do today is to eat sweet dumplings. In northern China, sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour are called “元宵” while in southern part they are called “汤圆”. Typical sweet dumplings are filled with black sesame sauce, sweetened bean paste, or hawthorn. Making “元宵” today is like a game or an activity, so it"s seldom done without a reason and a group of friends or family present to help out.


Are you the one 女生唱,伤感的英文歌。易学。


布布的不错哦,有她的新曲:I wanna go、Hold it against me、Till the world ends她的歌很好听哦,还有Ke$ha的歌我也很喜欢,不知道你喜欢不喜欢电音,但也给你推荐几首:Tik Tok、Blow、Your love is my drug、Animal、Cannibal,还有碧昂斯的,她出的新专辑<<4>>里的歌有很多都是轻快的,Taylor swift的也很好听,她的声音很甜,你可以听听看,还有katy perry的歌你也可以听听看,我挺喜欢她嗓子的声音,Adele,这次VMA赢了许多奖项,声音哑哑的,好听的有很多,像Roling in the deep等等,和Adele嗓子一样很有质感的还有Diana vickers,虽不是很出名,但歌很好听,我很喜欢,你可以听听看,适合在午后无聊时听,像Notice、Once、Four leave clorver等等都很好听...就这些啦、压箱底的都拿出来了,希望可以帮到你啦~


比利时馆效果图比利时展馆占地面积将达5250平方米,其中包括欧盟展厅。展馆主体将采用“脑细胞”的结构。据悉,“脑细胞”同时寓意比利时作为欧洲三大传统文化———拉丁、日耳曼和盎格鲁-撒克逊文化———的汇聚地和交汇点所扮演的重要角色。Belgium museum exhibition covers an area of rendering Belgium will reach 5250 square meters, including the exhibition hall. "The main exhibition hall will adopt a brain structure. It also implies brain ", "three traditional culture in Belgium as Europe - Latin, the Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and play important roles.展馆名称: 中国2010年上海世博会比利时国家馆 展馆位置: 世博园区C片区 展馆主题: 比利时馆:运动和互动 造型亮点: 脑细胞(神经元) 建筑面积: 5250平米(1000平米给欧盟) 开工时间: 2009年8月5日 设计者: JV Realys(AOS集团)与Interbuild 场馆类型: 自建馆 国家馆日: 6月13日 确认参展时间: 2006年10月 签订合同时间: 2008年8月5日 Hall name: the world expo 2010 Shanghai, China national museum in BelgiumPosition: expo garden exhibition area CTheme: exhibition hall: sports and interaction in BelgiumModelling of brain neurons) (highlights:Building area 1,000 square meters, 5250 square meters (to the)Working hours: on August 5, 2009Architect: the JV Realys (AOS group) and InterbuildVenue: self-built museumNational library: June 13Confirm the time: October 2006Sign the contract time: on August 5, 2008概况 比利时-欧盟馆温和、冷静的建筑外观与新奇、迷人的内部装修构成对比。展馆主体采用“脑细胞”的结构,“脑细胞”神经元的灵感来自于比利时丰富的科学和艺术成就,以及作为欧洲政治中心之一的地位。展馆正面外墙将采用透明玻璃材料,另外三面外墙将采用封闭式金属板外墙。展馆共有两个入口,一个是比利时展区的入口,一个是欧盟展区的入口。generalBelgium - the museum is mild, calm and novelty, charming architectural appearance of interior decoration make contrast. Main USES "brain" exhibition, "the structure of neurons in the brain" inspiration from Belgium abundant art and science, as well as the achievements of European political center. Positive external exhibition will use transparent glass material, the other three will be closed using exterior surface of metal plate wall. Hall has two entrances, a Belgian galleries, one is the area of the entrance. 展馆外观 “脑细胞”结构是比利时-欧盟馆的整体设计理念,“脑细胞”能表现出比利时“欧洲首都”的独特地位,同时它能够引起参观者的好奇,让他们饶有兴致地探索比利时丰富的文化形式和内涵。“脑细胞”也寓意着比利时作为欧洲三大传统文化——拉丁、日耳曼和盎格鲁-撒克逊文化——的汇聚地和交汇点所扮演的重要角色。建筑外部,巨大的顶棚将撑起一片与室外完全联通的公共空间,其设计灵活新颖,又兼顾挡风遮雨的实用性。Hall appearance"Brain" structure is the museum of Belgium - the overall design concept, "brain" can show "European capital" in Belgium, it can cause the curious visitors, let them with interest to explore the cultural forms and Belgium rich connotation. "Brain" also signify Belgium as Europe, Latin and traditional culture Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and play important roles. Building exterior, huge ceiling will hold a and outdoor completely unicom public space, the design of new and flexible both zheyu wind practicability.展示内容 首先,比利时-欧盟馆将是一个生机勃勃的时尚展馆,展现比利时以其友好的投资环境构成的理想居住地。比利时-欧盟馆将通过美食来分享这些经验,展馆内比利时啤酒咖啡馆供应各类啤酒,现场还可以品尝享誉世界的巧克力,馆内同时还将开设一家米其林比利时VIP餐厅。其次,比利时-欧盟馆将举办超过150个研讨会和大型会议,并常设精美且享受盛誉的钻石展。比利时探险家Alain Hubert远征南极洲的第一手经验、比利时大学有关未来绿色经济的学术研究成果、前沿的科技等也都是展馆的精彩内容。Display contentFirstly, the Belgian - eu pavilion will is a vibrant, fashion show, with its friendly Belgian investment environment constitute the ideal residence. Belgium - eu pavilion will come to share the experience through gourmet coffee in the Belgian beer, the exhibition of beer, the site also supply can taste the world famous chocolate, also will open a Michelin restaurant in Belgium VIP. Secondly, the museum will be held in Belgium - more than 150 seminars and conferences, exquisite and enjoy high reputation and permanent exhibition of diamonds. Belgian explorers Alain Hubert expedition Antarctica first-hand experience, Belgium university relevant future academic research achievements of green economy and technology, etc are also the contents. 展馆亮点 钻石光芒闪耀展馆 为了展示超过550年的“钻石之都”安特卫普,参观者可在展馆中欣赏到来自安特卫普钻石博物馆的10件最负盛名的钻石珠宝,以及世界闻名的ECC奖杯。ECC奖杯是一个价值超过100万欧元的钻石网球拍,由6公斤的黄金和1600颗钻石打造而成。馆内还设有“裸钻厅”。参观者不仅可以当场购买裸钻并请技师将钻石镶嵌到饰品上,而且还将获得含有世博元素的钻石证书。此外,每天还将设有2小时的打磨钻石“表演”。HallDiamonds shine light exhibition in order to show more than 550 years "diamond" Antwerp, visitors can enjoy in the exhibition in museum of diamonds from the royal Antwerp the 10 most prestigious diamond jewelry, and the world famous ECC trophy. ECC trophy is a value of more than 100 million euros from the tennis racket, diamond 6 kg of gold and 1,600 diamond building. The library is equipped with "naked drill hall". Visitors can not only on the bare drill and please buy diamonds inlaid engineer to jewelry, but also will contain elements of diamond expo. In addition, every day will have 2 hours of polishing diamonds "performance".巧克力工厂美味飘香 几百年来,比利时巧克力因其独特的味道和出色的设计享誉全球。世博会上,比利时-欧盟馆里将建设一个梦幻般的“巧克力工厂”。一些巧克力将被做成上海地标建筑,如东方明珠的形状。来自比利时的4家顶级巧克力品牌制造商戈迪瓦、吉利莲、诺豪斯、巴利·嘉勒博将联手进驻展馆,70位巧克力技师将现场展示巧克力制作的技艺。比利时-欧盟馆预计每天提供2.5万颗独立包装的比利时巧克力,让游客免费品尝原汁原味的比利时巧克力。Chocolate factory delicious scentFor hundreds of years, the Belgian chocolate owing to its unique flavor and excellent design all over the world. The expo, Belgium - the stadium will build a dreamy "chocolate factory". Some chocolate will be made in Shanghai, such as the Oriental pearl landmarks. The top four from Belgian chocolate brand manufacturers GeDi watts, cobolli gigli Ephraim, Howe, Barry, jia le beau to garrison, 70 chocolate technician will make the chocolate. The museum every day Belgium - 2.5 million is expected to provide independent packing Belgian chocolate, let visitors free taste authentic Belgian chocolates. 2009年6月3日下午,上海世博会比利时国家馆推介会在上海举行。记者在推介会上了解到,占地5250平方米的比利时馆将包括1000平米的欧盟展厅,展馆采用“脑细胞”为主体结构,表现欧洲和比利时的丰富艺术内涵以及凝聚了人类文明发展和智慧结晶的科学成就。June 2009, 3 days afternoon, Shanghai world expo Belgian national museum seminar was held in Shanghai. Reporter in promotion meeting understands, covers an area of 52.5 square pavilion will include 1,000 square meters in Belgium, the exhibition hall of the European Union by "brain" as the main structure and performance of Europe and Belgium and rich artistic connotation of the development of human civilization and wisdom crystallization of scientific achievements. 比利时馆的主题为“运动和互动”,展馆的一面外墙将采用透明的玻璃材料,另三面将采用延展的金属板形成封闭幕墙,展馆不仅是欧洲厅、比利时厅及其各共同体和地区展厅的所在地,更提供各类社交和会晤场所,包括餐厅、酒吧和贵宾中心,展板将悬在滑轨上,在展厅内移动,表现馆中所展示的不同地区,塑造比利时对外开放的形象和态度和多文化的和谐共存,展馆内部呈现一种广场氛围,没有内外界线,表现比利时人“懂得享受生活”的理念。The Belgian theme "movement and interactive exhibition", the side wall will use transparent glass material, the other three will extend the sheet metal forming, the exhibition is not enclosed facade European hall, Belgium hall and the community and area of exhibition location, provide various social and meeting place, including restaurants, bars and VIP exhibition center, in the slippery course will hang on, moving in the exhibition hall, which show different areas inside and outside the image and Belgium open attitude and cultural harmonious coexistence, hall inside an atmosphere, no internal and external boundary square, who know how to enjoy life in Belgium, "the concept of". 比利时政府总代表Leo F.W. Delcroix饶有兴致的告诉记者比利时以巧克力和钻石闻名于世,因此在上海世博会期间,顶级钻石展将亮相比利时馆,届时,来自世界各地的钻石设计师们将带来他们的作品,其中更包括了十几位来自中国的设计师,两国的时尚模特也将登场助兴,他表示钻石展不用于商业目的,接下来他们将与中国相关部门沟通,通过钻石展为建设希望小学募集资金,当记者提到保险问题时,他表示比利时已经在“认真考虑这一问题”。The Belgian government always represent the interest Delcroix F.W. Leo told reporters in chocolate and diamond in Belgium, so famous in Shanghai world expo, top diamond will debut, Belgium, from around the world will bring the diamond designers of their works, including a dozen more from China, the designer of the two countries will debut christmas-to fashion models, he says diamond not used for commercial purposes, then they will communicate with related departments in China, through the diamond exhibition for building the hope school raise funds and insurance when reporters mentioned in Belgium, he said in "seriously considering this problem". 另一个记者非常感兴趣的话题则是Leo F.W. Delcroix提到的“巧克力工厂”,据他介绍,比利时馆将复制一个梦幻般的“巧克力工厂”,在工厂中,参观者能看到巧克力的制作过程,甚至能免费品尝比利时巧克力,一些巧克力将被做成上海地标建筑如东方明珠的形状,说到这里,他调皮的眨了眨眼睛,表示“参观者能免费尝到正宗的比利时巧克力,但他们必须控制自己的胃口”。Another reporter is very interested in the topic is Delcroix F.W. Leo mentioned "chocolate factory", according to him, Belgium pavilion will copy a dreamy chocolate factory ", "in factories, visitors can see the production process, even chocolate can taste the free Belgian chocolate, some chocolate will be made Shanghai landmarks such as the Oriental pearl shape, here, he naughty blinked, said" visitors can free taste authentic Belgian chocolate, but they must control appetite. Leo F.W. Delcroix告诉记者,比利时馆每天下午将举行抽奖活动,就欧洲和比利时概况问答比赛的优胜者进行抽奖,每天将有一名幸运儿赢得去比利时旅游的机会,而每周也将举行一场类似活动,优胜者有机会赢得比利时出产的钻石。Leo F.W. Delcroix tells a reporter, Belgium hall will be held every afternoon, Europe and lucky winners of Belgium quiz on general every day, there will be a lucky win a lucky chance to Belgium tourism, and will hold a similar activities, the winner has a chance to win the Belgian produce diamond. “脑细胞”结构是比利时馆的整体设计理念,Leo F.W. Delcroix表示用该形象代表比利时最为恰当,因为“脑细胞”能表现出比利时“欧洲首都”的独特地位,同时它能够引起参观者的好奇,让他们饶有兴致地探索比利时丰富的文化形式和内涵。"Brain" structure is the overall design concept of Belgium, Leo Delcroix F.W. with the image represents Belgium said the most appropriate, because "brain" can show "European capital" in Belgium, it can cause the curious visitors, let them with interest to explore the cultural forms and Belgium rich connotation. “脑细胞”也寓意着比利时作为欧洲三大传统文化——拉丁、日耳曼和盎格鲁-撒克逊文化——的汇聚地和交汇点所扮演的重要角色,“脑细胞”的灯光与色彩变幻将自然地融入上海的夜景中。"Brain" also signify Belgium as Europe, Latin and traditional culture Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and the role of brain ", "the light and color changes will naturally in Shanghai at night. 建筑的外部设计彰显比利时人所特有的务实和严谨的精神,这与意趣盎然的、有机的“脑细胞”设计形成了鲜明的对比。巨大的顶棚将撑起一片与室外完全联通的公共空间,其设计灵活新颖,又兼顾挡风遮雨的实用性,在公共广场将种植树木,旨在为参观者提供一块舒适的聚居地,在这里举办一系列广场活动。The external design to reveal the belgians peculiar pragmatic and rigorous spirit, which brought exuberant, organic "brain" design to form bright contrast. Huge ceiling will hold a and outdoor completely unicom public space, the design of new and flexible both zheyu wind is practical, in the public square, designed for planting trees to provide a comfortable visitors, to hold a series of square in here. 2009年8月5日下午,比利时国家馆在浦东世博园区举行奠基仪式。2010年,一座占地5000平方米、以“脑细胞”为主体结构的展馆将亮相黄浦江畔。参观者在展馆内可以看到顶级钻石展、“巧克力工厂”以及极地科研展等精彩的展览,亲身体验比利时乃至整个欧洲的丰厚艺术底蕴。On August 5th in 2009, the Belgian national museum in the afternoon at the park pudong ceremony. By 2010, an area 5000 square meters, with "brain" as the main structure of the exhibition will appear on the huangpu river. Visitors can see in the exhibition hall, top diamond "chocolate factory" and the polar research etc, experience the wonderful show in Belgium and throughout Europe and generous artistic heritage. 比利时副首相兼商务部长Didier Reynders,上海市政府副秘书长、世博局局长洪浩,比利时展区总代表戴明哲,比利时驻上海总领事裴泽东,欧盟驻华代表团政务参赞孟葛岚等出席奠基仪式,并与比利时馆的中国建设者们一起按下手印,比利时馆内将有一堵墙用于这些手印的展示。Belgium"s deputy prime minister and minister of commerce, Didier Reynders Shanghai municipal government, deputy secretary-general of the expo, hong DaiMingZhe general representative area, Belgium, Belgium in Shanghai, the general PeiZeDong delegation attended GeLan meng e-government counselor etc, and Belgium foundation stone laying ceremony of China with the builder press handprint, Belgium museum will have a wall used for these fingerprints. 比利时馆将于2009年年底之前完成建设,2010年3月完成布展工作。比利时馆整体设计理念为“脑细胞”结构,展馆将采用易于搭建,方便拆卸并且可回收的建筑结构。为了适应上海温暖潮湿的气候,展馆外部将由三个延展的封闭门面构成。馆内不仅容纳了欧盟展馆,还将提供包括餐馆、酒吧和VIP中心在内的舒适聚会场所。Belgium museum in 2009, complete construction before the end of March 2010. Finish layout Belgium hall overall design concept for the "brain", the exhibition will be adopted to structure, easy disassembly and recycling of architecture. In order to adapt to the Shanghai warm humid climate, the exhibition will be spread by three external appearance of closed. The European Union, not only contain exhibition will also provide including restaurants, bars and VIP center, comfortable meeting place. 比利时展区总代表戴明哲介绍说,比利时非常有信心向公众呈现一个迷人的展馆。首先,比利时馆将是一个生机勃勃的时尚展馆,展现比利时以其友好的投资环境构成的理想居住地。比利时馆将通过美食来分享这些经验,展馆内比利时啤酒咖啡馆供应各类啤酒,现场还可以品尝享誉世界的巧克力,馆内同时还将开设一家米其林比利时VIP餐厅。其次,比利时展馆将举办超过150个研讨会和大型会议,并常设精美且享受盛誉的钻石展。比利时探险家Alain Hubert远征南极洲的第一手经验、比利时大学有关未来绿色经济的学术研究成果、前沿的科技等也都是展馆的精彩内容。Belgium DaiMingZhe said chief representative of exhibition, Belgium very confident to present an attractive public exhibition. Firstly, the Belgian museum is a vibrant, fashion show, with its friendly Belgian investment environment constitute the ideal residence. Belgium pavilion will come to share the experience through gourmet coffee in the Belgian beer, the exhibition of beer, the site also supply can taste the world famous chocolate, also will open a Michelin restaurant in Belgium VIP. Secondly, the Belgian exhibition will be held for more than 150 seminars and conferences, exquisite and enjoy high reputation and permanent exhibition of diamonds. Belgian explorers Alain Hubert expedition Antarctica first-hand experience, Belgium university relevant future academic research achievements of green economy and technology, etc are also the contents.望采纳。

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不知道你知不知道有一个爱尔兰人叫 卡拉·荻龙 你可以听听她的歌.


 Audrey Hepburn, PMF (4 May 1929(1929-05-04) – 20 January 1993) was an English/Belgian actress.  Born in Belgium, Hepburn lived in The Netherlands during her childhood and for the duration of the Second World War. After the war, she studied ballet and then moved to London, where she studied drama and worked as a photographer"s model. After making a few films and appearing in a Broadway play, Hepburn played the lead role in Roman Holiday (1950), winning an Academy Award, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA for her performance. She also won a Tony Award for her performance in Ondine (1954).  Over the next several years, she was one of the most successful film actresses in the world, and performed with some of Hollywood"s most notable leading men, including Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Henry Fonda, Gary Cooper and Fred Astaire, with whom she danced in Funny Face(1957). She won BAFTA Awards for her performances in The Nun"s Story (1959) and Charade (1963), and received Academy Award nominations for her work in Sabrina (1954), Breakfast at Tiffany"s (1961) and Wait Until Dark (1967). She also played Eliza Doolittlein the film version of My Fair Lady(1961).  Her war-time experiences inspired her passion for humanitarian work, and although she had worked for UNICEF since the 1950s, during her later life, she dedicated much of her time and energy to the organization. From 1988 until 1992, she worked in some of the most profoundly disadvantaged communities of Africa, South America and Asia. In 1992, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.  Hepburn was married twice, and had a son with each of her husbands, the actor Mel Ferrer, and the psychiatrist Andrea Dotti. From 1980 until her death, she lived with the actor Robert Wolders. She died of cancer at her home in Switzerland at the age of 63.  She was posthumously awarded the The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for her humanitarian work. She received a posthumous Grammy Award for her spoken word recording, Audrey Hepburn"s Enchanted Tales in 1994, and in the same year, won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Achievement for Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn, thereby becoming one of a few people to receive an Academy, Emmy, Grammy and Tony award. In 1999, she was ranked as the third greatest female star of all time by the American Film Institute.


有个性的英文:charactercharacter 读法 英 ["kærəktə(r)]  美 ["kærəktər]    1、n. 个性;品质;字符;人物;名誉;地位2、adj. [剧](角色)代表某一特性的短语1、analyse sb"s character 分析某人的性格2、dangerous character 危险人物3、determined character 果断的性格4、describe a character 描写人物5、play a character 扮演某一角色扩展资料词语用法1、character的基本意思是“个性”“特色”。主要指某人、事物或地点所具有的区别于他人、他物、他地点的所有属性,即某人、事物、地点具有的独特的品质或本质,也可指一个人根深蒂固的心理特征的综合,即个人特定的内在本质。多用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。2、character也可指“品行,德性”,如原则性强、诚实等,这时用作不可数名词。3、character作“人”解时是非正式用法,或谓其古怪滑稽,或含贬义。也可指小说、戏剧中出现的“人物,角色”。4、character还可作书写或印刷的“字体”“符号”解,“汉字”一般说Chinese characters。词汇搭配1、main character 主要人物2、negative character 反面人物3、noted character 知名人士4、strong character 性格坚强的人5、acquired characters 后天特性


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·卡梅罗-安东尼 卡梅罗-安东尼(Carmelo Anthony)卡梅罗-安东尼(Carmelo Anthony)国籍:美国场上位置:前锋生日:1984年5月29日身高:2.03米体重:99.8公斤曾效力球队:锡拉丘兹大学现效力球队:丹佛掘金队


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The armor Xiu building is the Guiyang famous scenic spot. The armor Xiu building, just likes Xi"the goose tower, Wuhan"s Huanghe Bldg., Chengdu"s Wangjiang building, Kunming"s Daguan Bldg. is these urban sign is the same, the armor Xiu building is Guiyang"s symbol, is Guiyang"s badge.The tourist saw first what is the armor Xiu building stone memorial arch,Crosses the building to arrive at the Nanan to be possible to tour one which Guiyang only saves to build in bright Xuandenianjian, was more than 560 year Ming Dynasty constructs " the green hills garden ".The armor Xiu building is in the bustling streets rare quiet and beautiful place, in the scenic area antique, outside the scenic area the tall building stands in great numbers, after at nightfall brilliantly illuminated, the person"s shadow rocks, becomes the historical culture and the modern civilization focus point, is glittering the historical ray in the modern civilization, is being spirited " the armor Xiu world " the spiritual outlook, will guide the people to move toward the glorious future.注:看你个人水平删减 译文:甲秀楼是贵阳著名风景区。甲秀楼,犹如西安的大雁塔、武汉的黄鹤楼、成都的望江楼、昆明的大观楼都是这些城市的标志一样,甲秀楼是贵阳的标志,是贵阳的徽章。游客最先看到的是甲秀楼的石牌坊,接着是 过楼抵南岸可游览贵阳仅存的一座始建于明宣德年间,距今560多年的明代建筑"翠微园"。甲秀楼是闹市中一处不可多得的清幽之地,景区内古色古香,景区外高楼林立,入夜后灯火辉煌,人影晃动,成为历史文化与现代文明的聚焦点,在现代文明中闪烁着历史的光芒,昂扬着"甲秀天下"的精神风貌,引导人们走向美好的未来。


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