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2023-05-19 17:08:35



The road to the mountain peak is long. Some will stay at the foot of the mountain forever, complaining the height and distance of the road. Some just stay halfway through the mountain, boasting of the scenery he saw. Only those with great determination and hard work will reach the peak, enjoying the unlimited and wondrous view from his seat.


Road to the peak is long, someone stays at the foot of mountain sighing how high the mountain is and how long the road is;someone keeps his pace at the mountainside, just thinking by himself that how glorious the sight is;only with unremitting efforts shall we conquer the mountaintop and enjoy really splendid and imposing scenery in the world.


Long is the path to hilltop,someone stay down the hill forever plainting lofty mountain and long journey;someone stay in the mountain thinking infinite sight in their own conceit;only the one who are keep after and struggling can creste the hill,enjoying the beautiful scene over the world!



Is very long to the summit road, some people forever keep under themountain, sigh 山高路远; Some people keep the ravine, from thinksthe scenery infinite; Only has the unceasing pursue diligently personto be able to mount the summit, enjoys the world beautiful scene.


so long the way to peak is , someone plaint the the peak is so high and the way is so long who stay at the foot of hill forever;someone set up for that the scenes are infinite who stay at mountainside ;onlyone can arrive to the mountaintop who is aspire after continuous and enjoy the beautiful scenes all over the world.


It is long way to the top of a moutain. Some people forever remain at foot, contemplating the distance without moving; some people dwell within the moutain and think this is all it has to offer; Only people with diligent and refuse to settle are be able to claim the top, therefore, survey the beauty of the entire world.

(very much a translation by meaning rather than defination.)



boasting 英["bəʊstɪŋ]美["boʊstɪŋ]v. 有(引以为荣的事物)( boast的现在分词 );扬言;粗堑石头[例句]Most people in his shoes would be boasting.多数身居此职的人都会吹嘘炫耀。
2023-01-03 17:46:311


你好,让我来告诉你最正确的答案吧:发o的音,跟boat的o发同音,因为打不出音标,只能这样写了。是自吹自擂、自夸的意思。动词名词都有。例句she always boasts herself她经常自夸。
2023-01-03 17:46:362


boast意思见下:读音:英 [bəʊst]   美 [boʊst]  。释义:v.自夸;自吹自擂;有(值得自豪的东西)。n.夸耀;夸口。第三人称单数: boasts现在分词: boasting过去式: boasted过去分词: boasted。例句:His statement isn"t merely an idle boast. 他的话不仅仅是虚张声势的自夸。He is seriously to every matter, never boast himself. 他对待每一件事情都很认真,从来不自夸自大。The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf course. 那家宾馆还拥有两个游泳池和一个高尔夫球场。Despite his boasts that his children were brilliant, neither of them went to college. 尽管他夸赞他的两个孩子聪明,他们却都没念上大学。Sam boasted that she could beat anyone at poker. 萨姆吹嘘说打扑克牌谁都赢不了她。
2023-01-03 17:46:441


吹牛的英文可以用boast、ostentation、swank、brag等来表达。1.boast意思为大话、吹牛、诞;例句有:Witnesses said Furci boasted that he took part in killing them几位证人声称富尔奇曾吹嘘自己参与了对他们的屠杀。2.ostentation意思为大吹大擂、吹牛、大话;例句有:Consumers are abandoning the excess and ostentation of the 1980s消费者摒弃了20世纪80年代铺张摆阔的陋习。3.swank 意思为吹牛、大话、自吹自夸、招摇;例句有:Don"t be such a swank别那麽招摇。4.brag意思为吹嘘、自吹自擂;例句有:He bragged to his friends about the crime他向朋友炫耀他的罪行。
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2023-01-03 17:47:303

puff or boast 什么意思

puff or boast 自吹自擂吧puff 英[pʌf] 美[pʌf] n. 粉扑; 一阵(气味,烟雾等); 酥皮点心; 夸奖,吹嘘; vt. 膨胀; 吹捧; 喷出; 得意; vi. 膨胀; 喷出; 夸张; [例句]He lit a cigar and puffed at it twice他点了一支雪茄,吸了两口。[其他] 第三人称单数:puffs 复数:puffs 现在分词:puffing 过去式:puffed过去分词:puffed boast 英[bəʊst] 美[boʊst] vt. 夸口说; 自夸,自吹自擂; 以有…而自豪; 自负有; n. 夸口,自负; 自负的事物,引以为傲的东西; 自夸的话; 扬言; [例句]Witnesses said Furci boasted that he took part in killing them几位证人声称富尔奇曾吹嘘自己参与了对他们的屠杀。[其他] 第三人称单数:boasts 现在分词:boasting 过去式:boasted过去分词:boasted
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2023-01-03 17:48:019


描述性格的英文1.Easy-going 随和He was easy-going and good-natured.他为人随和温厚。2.Gossip 八卦She"s a great one for idle gossip.她很喜欢说别人闲话。3. Reserved寡言少语的He was unemotional, quite quiet, and reserved...他感情淡漠,沉默寡言,性格内敛。4. Big-head 傲慢的人,自负He"s always boasting. he"s such a big-head! 他总是吹牛。他太自负了!5. Emotional 情绪激动的He is a very emotional man...他是个很情绪化的人。6. Extrovert 性格外向的Mr Jobs is notoriously elusive, yet he is an extrovert compared with Mr Perlmutter. 乔布斯以低调闻名,然而与佩尔穆特相比,他甚至还有些外向。7. Distant 不友好的Pat sounded very cold and distant on the phone.从电话里听起来帕特非常冷淡和疏远。8. optimistic 乐观的Michael was in a jovial and optimistic mood.迈克尔情绪愉快乐观。
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2023-01-03 17:48:462


1.1 句首 what:什么,多么what do you like eating?你喜欢吃什么食物?1.2 句中 what:什么,(句中的what一般是引导从句用)Everybody can see what it is.人人都能明白它是什么。2.1 句首 how:如何How do you want to be remembered?你希望自己如何被人们记住?2.2 句中 how :怎么They really know how to enjoy life.他们十分了解怎么享受生活。3.1 句首 which:哪一个Which do you prefer?你更喜欢哪一个?3.2 句尾 which:哪一个(通常引导限制定语从句和非限制性定语从句)They have serious trouble deciding which of two or three tasks to do first.他们有严重的困难来决定在两个或三个任务中,那个该先做。4.1 句首 when :什么时候When do you begin your classes?你们什么时间开始上课?4.2 句中 when:的时候You give me hug when I need them.当我需要拥抱的时候,你会给我。5.1 句首 that:那个That was the worst game ever!那是最糟糕的一场比赛。5.2居中 that:Everyone knows that human life is limited.谁都知道,人的生命是有限的。
2023-01-03 17:48:573


孩子的谈话你听过年轻患儿采取在游乐场? 他们总是boasting.they那样说, "我爸爸的车是大于你爸的" , "我的妈妈是更聪明,比你" ,他们特别喜欢夸耀他们的家人.. 有三个小男孩,哈利, tedand加文,他们总是boasting.gavin是worst.everthing对他的家人始终是最好或最大或最expensive.whatever别人说,他都能去一个更好的。 有一天,当他们走在上学哈利说: "我父亲有浴每周两次" 泰德谈到未来。 "这没什么, "他说。 "拥有一个浴缸,每周两次,是dirty.my父亲有浴缸,每天,有时一天两次。 " 特德看gavin.now这是他turn.but什么可他说什么呢? "这个时候, "泰德想, "我会赢得胜利。 " 加文不知道该怎么say.he不能说他的父亲在洗澡3次day.that是愚蠢的。 他走着走着,在沉默。 泰德微笑哈利,哈利笑着back.they肯定,因为一旦他们殴打加文。 他们走到学校gates.still加文说,没有什么。 他们走进class.morning休息,午饭时间,下午打破一切passed.still加文说,没有什么。 "我们已经赢了, "泰德说,哈利,但他的发言太soon.on回家途中,加文说: "我爸的,所以胡成他没有洗澡都"
2023-01-03 17:49:084


  龟兔赛跑是人们十分熟悉的寓言,乌龟坚持不懈的精神一再被人称道,兔子的骄傲和轻敌则成为笑谈。我分享龟兔赛跑的 英语 故事 及翻译,希望可以帮助大家!  龟兔赛跑的英语故事及翻译版本1   The Hare was once boasting of his speed before other animals. "I have never been beaten," said he, "when I put forth my full speed. I challenge any one here to race with me."   从前有一只兔子,他在 其它 动物面前吹嘘自己跑得是如何如何的快。“当我全速奔跑的时候,我从来没有被打败过,”他说,“谁敢跟我比一比?”   The Tortoise said quietly, "I accept your challenge."   “我来跟你跑一场”,一只乌龟沉着地说。   "That is a good joke," said the Hare; "I could dance round you all the way."   “快笑死我了,” 兔子说,“我一边跑一边围着你跳舞都能赢你”。   "Keep your boasting till you"ve won," answered the Tortoise. "Shall we race?"   “你跑赢了再吹牛吧”,乌龟说,“我们可以开始比赛了吗?”   So a course was fixed and a start was made. The Hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and, to show his contempt for the Tortoise, lay down to have a nap. The Tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race.   于是,他们确定了一条比赛路线和起点。比赛开始,兔子是嗖的一声就跑得没影了,但他很快就停了下来。 为了让乌龟知道他并没把乌龟放在眼里,兔子决定睡上一觉再接着跑。 这时,乌龟正一点一点艰难地向前爬着。 当兔子一觉醒来,发现乌龟离终点已经很近了,要追已经赶不上了。   Then the Tortoise said: "Slow but steady progress wins the race."   这时,乌龟说:“踏踏实实、一步步前进,你就会赢得比赛”。   龟兔赛跑的英语故事及翻译版本2   The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never been beaten," he said, "when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me."   The tortoise said quietly, "I will race with you." "That is a good joke," said the hare. "I could dance around you the whole way."   The race started. The hare darted almost out of sight at once. He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.   The tortoise plodded on and on. When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.   龟兔赛跑   兔子向动物们夸耀他的速度,“我从来没有失败过,”他说,“当我奔跑时,没有人比我更快。”   乌龟平静地说:“我要与你比赛。”“真是笑话,我可以边玩边和你赛跑。”兔子说。   比赛开始了,一眨眼工夫,兔子已经跑得不见了踪影,但是他觉得自己跑得快,对比赛掉以轻心,躺在路边睡着了。   乌龟慢腾腾地却持续不停地走,当兔子一觉醒来,他看到乌龟已经快到终点线了。兔子输了比赛。   寓意: 骄兵必败;只有持之以恒,才能实现目标   龟兔赛跑的英语故事及翻译版本3   A HARE one day ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the Tortoise, who replied, laughing: "Though you be swift as the wind, I will beat you in a race." The Hare, believing her assertion to be simply impossible, assented to the proposal; and they agreed that the Fox should choose the course and fix the goal. On the day appointed for the race the two started together.   The Tortoise never for a moment stopped, but went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course. The Hare, lying down by the wayside, fell fast asleep. At last waking up, and moving as fast as he could, he saw the Tortoise had reached the goal, and was comfortably dozing after her fatigue. Slow but steady wins the race.   乌龟与兔为他们俩谁跑得快而争论不休。于是,他们定好了比赛的时间和地点。比赛一开始,兔觉得自己是天生的飞毛腿,跑得快,对比赛掉以轻心,躺在路旁睡着了。乌龟深知自己走得慢,毫不气馁,不停地朝前奔跑。结果,乌龟超过了睡熟了的兔子,夺得了胜利的奖品。   这故事说明,奋发图强的弱者也能战胜骄傲自满的强者。
2023-01-03 17:49:211


This Fish Net"Can you tell me what fish net is made of Ann?”asked the teacher."A lot of little holes are tied together whit zhe strings,”replied the zhe little girl 渔网“你能告诉我渔网是怎样做成的吗,安?”老师问。“用细绳将许多的小孔拴在一起就成了渔网。”小女孩答到。
2023-01-03 17:49:263


  你曾经听过年轻的孩子在操场上说话吗?他们总是吹嘘。他们说这样的话,“我爸爸的车比你的爸爸的”和“我的妈妈是比你聪明。“他们特别喜欢夸耀他们的家庭。  有三个小男孩,哈利,特德和加文,他总是吹嘘。加文是最糟糕的。任何有关他的家人总是最好的或最大或最昂贵的。  无论其他人说,他总能继续更好的。有一天当他们w
2023-01-03 17:49:372


He also exaggerates how capable he is.楼下说得对,also敲错了,应该是always
2023-01-03 17:49:456


美国国父之一的富兰克林写的这篇哨子,收录于1990年代初二语文课本。传达的意思很简单, 不要为一个哨子付出过高的代价 。20年后重读英文原文,有了三点新的认识,于是有了这篇文字。 中学课本中的哨子这篇文章,写于1779年,其实是从73岁的富兰克林写给一个35岁的好友的回信中抽出来的。好友在前一封信中描述了天堂的种种美好,富兰克林在回信中先是表示基本同意,然后说当心不要为哨子们付出过多,于是娓娓道来他的童年故事。 这位好友是 Madame Brillon, 全名为Anne Louise Brillon de Jouy, 是一名法国女性音乐家和作曲家。他们认识时,两人都已结婚。有趣的是,76岁的富兰克林还特别写了一篇和平协议(treaty of Peace),原文如下: ARTICLE 1. There shall be eternal Peace, Friendship & Love, between Madame B. and Mr F. ARTICLE 2. ...In order to maintain the same inviolably, Made B. on her Part stipulates and agrees, that Mr F. shall come to her whenever she sends for him. ART. 3. That he shall stay with her as long as she pleases. ART. 4. That when he is with her, he shall be oblig"d to drink Tea, play Chess, hear Musick; or do any other thing that she requires of him. ART. 5. And that he shall love no other Woman but herself. ART. 6. And the said Mr F. on his part stipulates and agrees, that he will go away from M. B."s whenever he pleases. ART. 7. That he will stay away as long as he pleases. ART. 8. That when he is with her, he will do what he pleases. ART. 9. And that he will love any other Woman as far as he finds her amiable. Let me know what you think of these Preliminaries. To me they seem to express the true Meaning and Intention of each Party more plainly than most Treaties. -- I shall insist pretty strongly on the eighth Article, tho" without much Hope of your Consent to it; and on the ninth also, tho I despair of ever finding any other Woman that I could love with equal Tenderness: being ever, my dear dear Friend, Yours most sincerely 1782 如今的我已经不满意课本里的中文翻译了。这里,我把完整的全文贴出,并对哨子部分逐段译出,我个人比较感兴趣的地方加下划线。 To Madame Brillon, I received my dear friend"s two letters, one for Wednesday and one for Saturday. This is again Wednesday. I do not deserve one for to-day, because I have not answered the former. But, indolent as I am, and averse to writing, the fear of having no more of your pleasing epistles, if I do not contribute to the correspondence, obliges me to take up my pen; and as Mr. B. has kindly sent me word that he sets out to-morrow to see you, instead of spending this Wednesday evening, as I have done its namesakes, in your delightful company, I sit down to spend it in thinking of you, in writing to you, and in reading over and over again your letters. I am charmed with your description of Paradise, and with your plan of living there; and I approve much of your conclusion, that, in the meantime, we should draw all the good we can from this world. In my opinion we might all draw more good from it than we do, and suffer less evil, if we would take care not to give too much for whistles. For to me it seems that most of the unhappy people we meet with are become so by neglect of that caution. You ask what I mean? You love, and will excuse my telling one of myself. When I was a child of seven years old, my friends, on a holiday, filled my pocket with coppers. I went directly to a shop where they sold toys for children; and being charmed with the sound of a whistle, that I met by the way in the hands of another boy, I <u>voluntarily offered</u> and gave all my money for one. 当我还是一个七岁的孩子时,一个节日,我的朋友们给我的口袋塞满了铜币。我径直奔向卖儿童玩具的商店。路上遇到一个拿着口哨的男孩并被其口哨声迷住了,我 <u>自愿出价</u> ,掏空了口袋换取了一个口哨。 (译注:对真正想要的东西愿意出高价钱,其实是聪明的决定) I then came home, and went whistling all over the house, much pleased with my whistle, but disturbing all the family. My brothers, and sisters, and cousins, understanding the bargain I had made, told me I had given four times as much for it as it was worth; put me in mind what good things I might have bought with the rest of the money; and laughed at me so much for my folly, that I cried with vexation; and <u>the reflection gave me more chagrin than the whistle gave me pleasure.</u> 然后我回到家,哨声响遍房子。我非常得意我的哨子,却打扰了家人们。我的兄弟们,姐妹们和堂亲们,知道了我的买卖后,告诉我,我给出了其价值四倍的价钱;给我一个画面,我本可以用剩余的钱买多少好东西;嘲笑我是多么愚蠢,搞得我懊恼地哭了。回想起来,这只哨子带给我的沮丧要多于 快乐。 (译注:哨子本身并不一定带来喜悦或沮丧。是寄托在哨子上面的情感。显然,哥哥姐姐们的嘲笑造成了改变了我的感受。) This, however, was afterwards of use to me, the impression continuing on my mind; so that often, when I was <u>tempted to buy some unnecessary thing</u>, I said to myself, Don"t give too much for the whistle; and I saved my money. 无论如何,这件事依然对我有用,它一直烙印在我脑中。有很多次,我<u>心痒痒</u>要买一些不必要的东西,我会告诉自己,不要为哨子花费太多,于是我省了钱。 As I grew up, came into the world, and observed the actions of men, I thought I met with many, very many, who gave too much for the whistle. 当我长大,步入社会,观察到人们的行为,我认为太多太多的人为哨子付出了过分的代价。 When I saw one too ambitious of court favor, <u>sacrificing his time in attendance on levees</u>, his repose, his liberty, his virtue, and perhaps his friends, to attain it, I have said to myself, this man gives too much for his whistle. 当我看见有人过分寻求权贵的偏爱,把时间浪费在不停地献殷勤,不惜牺牲自己的休息、自由、美德甚至朋友,来达到目的。我对自己说,这个人为哨子多付钱了。 (译注:不一定是讨好上司,也可能是讨好选民,讨好特定利益关系的群体) When I saw another fond of popularity, constantly employing himself in political bustles, neglecting his own affairs, and ruining them by that neglect, "He pays, indeed," said I, "too much for his whistle." 当我看见有人为了 涨粉 ,不停地让自己忙于政治纷争中,忽略了自己份内的事情,而且 由于忽略而毁了自己重要的事情 。我说,他为了买这个哨子做了冤大头。 If I knew a miser, who gave up every kind of comfortable living, <u>all the pleasure of doing good to others</u>, all the esteem of his fellow-citizens, and the joys of benevolent friendship, for the sake of accumulating wealth, "Poor man," said I, "you pay too much for your whistle." 我知道有个吝啬鬼,他放弃了种种舒适的生活,放弃了为他人做好事带来的全部愉悦,放弃了同胞们对他的尊重和爱戴,放弃了慷慨友谊的快乐,仅仅是为了积累财富。我说,可怜的人啊,你为哨子蒙蔽了双眼。 When I met with a man of pleasure, sacrificing every laudable improvement of the mind, or of his fortune, to mere corporeal sensations, and ruining his health in their pursuit, "Mistaken man," said I, "you are providing pain for yourself, instead of pleasure; you give too much for your whistle." 当我遇见贪图享乐的人,牺牲了一切值得称颂的精神上的或者物质上的改进,仅仅是为了肉体上的感官体验,而在追求中毁掉了自己的健康。我说,误入歧途的人啊,你是在为自己提供痛苦而非快乐。你为哨子付出了过多代价。 If I see one fond of appearance, or fine clothes, fine houses, fine furniture, fine equipages, all above his fortune, for which he <u>contracts debts</u>, and ends his career in a prison, "Alas!" say I, "he has paid dear, very dear, for his whistle." 如果我看见一个人喜好外表,精致的衣服,高档房子,高级家具,高端装备,所有均在他的财力之上。他债务缠身,最终进了监狱。我说,他为哨子付出了昂贵的代价。 When I see a beautiful <u>sweet-tempered</u> girl married to an ill-natured brute of a husband, "What a pity," say I, "that she should pay so much for a whistle!" 当我看见漂亮甜美的女孩嫁给了品性恶劣的人,我说,太可惜了,她为哨子付出了太多。 In short, I conceive that great part of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by the false estimates they have made of the value of things, and by their giving too much for their whistles. 简而言之,我确信人类苦难中的很大一部分是由于虚假地估计了东西的价值,并未他们的哨子付出了过多的代价。 Yet I ought to have charity for these unhappy people, when I consider that, with all this wisdom of which I am boasting, there are certain things in the world so tempting, for example, the <u>apples of King John</u>, which happily are not to be bought; for if they were put to sale by auction, I might very easily be led to ruin myself in the purchase, and find that I had once more given too much for the whistle. 当我用我所宣扬的这种智慧考虑问题时,我也许应该要可怜这些不幸的人们,然而世界上有些极具诱惑的东西,比如英国约翰国王的苹果,恰好是买不到的。如果它们被拍卖,我也许很容易就成了剁手党,然后发现自己又一次被宰了。 Adieu, my dear friend, and believe me ever yours very sincerely and with unalterable affection. (November 10, 1779) 在分析哨子这个隐喻之前,我先翻译一段特斯拉汽车的创办人 Elon Musk的“第一原则思考”(First Principle thinking): Musk: Well, I do think there"s a good framework for thinking. It is physics. You know, the sort of first principles reasoning. Generally I think there are — what I mean by that is, <u>boil things down to their fundamental truths and reason up from there, as opposed to reasoning by analogy</u>. 马斯克:好吧,我确实认为存在一个思考的好框架。这就是物理,也就是那种第一原理来寻找根源。我的意思是,<u>把事情分解成最基本的真相,然后从根源上推演,而不是用比拟来推演。</u> Through most of our life, we get through life by reasoning by analogy, which essentially means copying what other people do with slight variations. 在我们生活中的大部分时候,我们都是通过打比方的推理方式来度过日常,这实质上就是复制别人怎么做事情,仅仅稍加改动。 (翻译完毕) 在我看来,哨子这篇文章出自于书信,本来就只是借题发挥指哪打哪,自然经不起严密的推敲。而且人类社会经过200多年的进化,已经能够更加精准地讨论一些话题了。简单说来,买哨子其实有两个关键问题: 富兰克林一直在说“为了一个哨子付出了过高的代价”,其实只是在处理第二个问题。然而更重要的其实是第一个问题。 如果哨子对你而言不重要,你又何必在乎多少钱? 参考链接:
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2023-01-03 17:50:102

Have you ever listened to young children talking in the playground? They are always boasting. T...

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:D小题4:C 文章介绍了三个爱吹牛的同学吹牛的事情。小题1:B 推理题。根据下面两句“My Dad"s car is bigger than your Dad"s,” and “My Mom is smarter than yours.”说明他们喜欢吹牛说大话,故B正确。小题2:A 细节题。根据第三段第二行Harry said, “My father had a bath twice a week,”说明他们在吹爸爸一个星期洗澡的次数。故A正确。小题3:D 推理题。根据文章最后一句Gavin said, “My Dad is so clean that he doesn"t have to bathe at all.”说明Gavin才是最吹牛的人,故D正确。小题4:C 推理题。本句的意思是他说的太快了。再看下面的内容说明他错了,Gavin才是最吹牛的人。故C正确。
2023-01-03 17:50:171


德国馆 Germany Pavilion基本信息 场馆主题:和谐都市造型亮点:悬浮于空中的建筑设计团队:米拉联合设计策划有限公司国家馆日:5月19日展馆面积:6000平米展馆位置:C片区Pavilion PreviewTheme: BalancityHighlights: A City of Harmony and BalanceNational Pavilion Day: May 19Pavilion Area: Around 6,000 Square Meters Location: Within Zone C of the Expo Site概况开放状的建筑外形轻盈而飘逸,似乎在向参观者们发出真挚的邀请。“严思”、“燕燕”——两位特殊的虚拟讲解员,将陪伴每一位参观者穿行于各个展馆。穿越了一条充满典型德国都市画面的“动感隧道”后,参观者们便会踏入“和谐都市”内设计布置奇妙的体验空间。有用灯光、色彩和声响打造的“人文花园”、展示德国设计产品的“发明档案馆”和“创新工厂”、展示各种德国发明的新型材料的“材料之园”。建筑外观展馆由自然景区和展馆主体组成,外墙包裹透明的银色发光建筑膜,主体由四个头重脚轻、变形剧烈、连成整体却轻盈稳固的不规则几何体构成,阐释了“和谐城市”的主题。Pavilion FeaturesIt is the epitome of a city, boasting the creation of a "harbor image" and a "dynamic tunnel" with urban scenes from Germany. This is the "Balancity," a magnificent crystallization of Germanic originality and technology. The structure is wrapped in silver membrane. A terraced landscape stretches from the ground level up to the third floor of the pavilion. Four exhibition structures appear to hover, creating a perfect roof for visitors. 展示内容“动力之源”展厅顶端悬挂着巨大的、表面浮动着多种图像和色彩的金属感应球。进入大厅的参观者将被分为两组一起呼喊。金属球将移向呼声更大更整齐的那组,并变化其球面的图案和色彩。金属球静止后其表面会呈现地球、地球孕育种子、种子又变成花的生命诞生的过程。Pavilion DisplayThe theme of the pavilion is "Balancity." It demonstrates the importance of balance between modernization and preservation, innovation and tradition, community and the individual, work and leisure, and between globalization and national identity. Visitors will gradually explore various places typical of a city -- a harbor, a factory, a garden, a park and a depot where exhibits and urban projects from Germany will be on show. Highlight 1: Metal SphereMetal Sphere The highlight of the pavilion is a cone-shaped structure housing a revolving metal sphere, three meters in diameter and covered with LEDs, which will be activated by the noise and movement of spectators. Highlight 2: Virtual NarratorsVirtual Narrators Germany Pavilion"s virtual narrators Jens and Yan Yan will guide visitors to tour the pavilion. According to the plot, Jens, a male mechanics student in a German university, met female Chinese architect student Yan Yan in China. During the following parts of the exhibition, Yan Yan went to German and Jens introduced his lifestyle and the country to her. Visitor will follow the tour of the "narrators" to complete the visit of the pavilion. Highlight 3: PerformancePerformance Berlin Hip-hop Base may come to Expo 2010. Visitors will be able to experience the youth culture of Germany. The hip-hop culture is so vigorous that it has gone beyond the national and language barriers, spreading around the world and coming into the Germany Pavilion. Visitors will see the street dance, a type of "graffiti art" based on the urban culture and the "Open Air Jame" show empowered by the electrical source of street lights. Another great show is the vocal percussion, relying on nothing but artists" mouths and microphones in
2023-01-03 17:50:231

Have you ever listened to young children talking on the playground? They are always boasting(自夸

小题1:than小题2:who小题3:Whatever小题4:when小题5:a小题6:his小题7:in小题8:and小题9:had beaten小题10:so 试题分析:本文叙述了这三个孩子为了炫耀自己的家庭是多么好,别人都比不过他,三者中谁最后说的肯定比前面说的情况要好,他们互相攀比。提醒人们孩子的这种攀比心理是不可取的。小题1:考查连词。根据 bigger可知这是在作比较,故用 than.小题2:考查定语从句。这里是定语从句,who在从句中作主语。小题3:考查让步状语从句。whatever引导的是让步状语从句。小题4:考查连词。这里是when引导的时间状语从句。小题5:考查冠词。表示一周两次应该是twice a week,a表示每一。小题6:考查代词。轮到某人了用one"s turn ,故用his.小题7:考查固定短语。in silence沉默地,是固定短语。小题8:考查连词。这里both 与and连用表示两者都。小题9:考查动词时态。根据上文他们看到Gavin不说话认为他们已经打败了Gavin,故用 had beaten.小题10:考查连词。这里是so that 如此……以致于,是固定搭配,故用so.点评:任务型阅读虽然有考查学生的单词拼写能力,但是和“单词拼写”以及“对话填空”有着本质的区别。任务型阅读着重考的是语篇分析能力,对学生能力的考查更全面,要求也更高,包括考查学生的思维能力、分析能力、词汇能力以及其他的语言深层挖掘能力等。
2023-01-03 17:50:311


1, wearing flower dress Grid Scottish Men Men wearing skirts is rare in the world, Scotland is an example of a Man. Wearing a black hat, wearing a mesh dress and a flower socks, holding possession of pipe, which is proud of Scotland Men"s dress. Scottish Grid爱穿flower skirts, are different because the flower pattern cloth represents a different clan, each clan will devise for itself a representative of the spirit of the clan and blood ties flower cloth skirts. When people put on their own clan clan flower cloth, and at the same time out of their ethnic pride, responsibility and loyalty. 2, folk etiquette Gives the impression that the British people and the conservative and a sense of humor. British people more inclined to accept the familiar things, for new or foreign things always skeptical attitude. English was rather humble, self praise is no rearing performance. English a very high value on a person"s sense of humor. British-style humor to belittle the starting point of self to self for the great enemy, the ultimate aim is to be able to self, laughing at their own disadvantage, failure, embarrassment and even their own ideals. They do not believe that flowery rhetoric and boastful words. British people love sports, modern forms of sports, almost all are English invention, such as boxing, rugby, hockey and tennis. Tower Bridge Customs English has always been the attention of the appropriate clothing and beauty. Man to shoulder level, female to waist, clothes formation, well-ironed pants line. That is necessary to highlight the lines of bodybuilding, but also to cover up deficiencies in the body. In certain formal occasions, many British people still retain the traditional dress. Court trial, the judge is still wearing a wig, wearing black robes. Church, the priest should put on a robe. The opening of each Congress, to address the Queen, they are wearing pearl crown flashing, accompanied by the Royal Palace waitress are dressed in long white dress; Palace guards dressed in red jackets, yellow yellow buckle waist, wearing高筒black cap. Tower of London guards black hat, black, red crown and red上绣line. Konoe Cavalry are black, white trousers, black boots, white gloves, wearing银盔, floating high above the red spike. How the ball is not impolite Major general in the British dance around 22:00. Ball can be in private homes or to the Hotel. Masters of the guests should be invited to send invitations in advance, and pay attention to the guests invited to roughly equal numbers of men and women; such as ranges, will enable men more than women. In accordance with convention, the owner, please people take part in dance, and sometimes a dinner; have time, please not a dinner dance; while others please dance the guests take part in a small number of people have dinner, after dinner dance; other people can only take part in dance and should not eat. Therefore, the people were invited to see the words on the invitations so as not to embarrass the owner. Dance, the master with supper, it may only have some tea, coffee and sandwiches. Guests take part in dance apparel to tidy gentlemen dance to please female Zongbin rotation, which must have a dance with the hostess. Men with men, women and the women"s dance is to be a joke. Major festivals, such as a person received two invitations at the same time, it can take part in a dance, early exit and then drive another ball, because according to the habit of the people can take part in the ball with to go with, not impolite.
2023-01-03 17:50:376


I am from Beijing and born here too. I grew up here, so I am a local Beijing citizen. I am 26 years old and work in an eduacation system. My job is to encourage people in new ways of teaching. I"m 163cm tall,body very fit and with long hair. Everyone says that I have very white skin. My advantages, which also is my hobby are travelling, listening to music, reading, playing the piano, dancing and drawing. I"ve been learning them since I was in school.My friends say sometimes I could be really quiet but on the other hand, I could be very noisy and excited. But personally, I think the first impression I give to others are shy and sweet.I don"t know if writing like this seems to be a little showing off on myself but it is true and I don"t like telling lies because I am a very straight person.
2023-01-03 17:50:577


2023-01-03 17:51:213


HARRY, TIM 和 JERRY 总是喜欢自夸。 JERRY是他们三个人中最喜欢那个。所有关于他家庭的事情他都 31 或者最贵的。 无论别人说什么,他都总是要比别人的说得好一点。 一天,当他们 32 学校, HARRY 说“ 我老爸一个星期洗两次澡”“不值一提”TIM讲,“一个星期洗两次澡是 33. 我老爸洗澡 34,有时,一天两次。”  TIM 看了看JERRY, 现在是他的 35。 但是他能说什么呢? “这一次” TIM想,“ 我将会 36.”   JERRY 不知道  37。 他不能说他把一天洗三次澡。那样太愚蠢了。他很安静的走 38. TIM和HARRY都在微笑。他们确定这一次他们能打败JERRY了。整整一天39.JERRY 什么都没说。希望对你有帮助
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2023-01-03 17:52:223


boast的意思n.自夸,夸口;自负;值得夸耀的事物,引以为荣的事物v.自夸,夸口,自吹自擂,以有…而自豪,自负。双语例句1He boasts excellent basketball skills.他拥有出色的篮球技能。2These shameful things are not worth boasting off at all.这些不光彩的事完全不值得去炫耀3Exaggerated boast can put people into a state of difficulty to make progress.过度自夸会让人陷入一种难以进步的状态。
2023-01-03 17:52:341


Brazil (brəzĭl") , Port. Brasil, officially Federative Republic of Brazil, republic (2005 est. pop. 186,113,000), 3,286,470 sq mi (8,511,965 sq km), E South America. By far the largest of the Latin American countries, Brazil occupies nearly half the continent of South America, stretching from the Guiana Highlands in the north, where it borders Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, to the plains of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina in the south. In the west it spreads to the equatorial rain forest, bordering on Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia; in the east it juts far out into the Atlantic toward Africa. It is a federation of 26 states and Brasília, the federal district and site of the capital city of the same name. Its largest cities are São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Land Brazil"s vast territory covers a great variety of land and climate, for although Brazil is mainly in the tropics (it is crossed by the equator in the north and by the Tropic of Capricorn in the south), the southern part of the great central upland is cool and yields the produce of temperate lands. Most of Brazil"s large cities are on the Atlantic coast or the banks of the great rivers. The rain forests of the Amazon River basin occupy all the north and north central portions of Brazil. With the opening of the interior in the 1970s and 80s, these rain forests were heavily cut and burned for industrial purposes, farming, and grazing land. Beginning in the late 1980s, popular international movements, along with changes in government policy, began to reduce the rate of deforestation, but by the mid-1990s extensive burning was again occurring. The Amazon region includes the states of Amazonas, Pará, Acre, Amapá, Roraima, and Rondônia; its chief city is Manaus. Although it is not as developed as other parts of Brazil, the Amazon region produces timber, rubber, and other forest products such as Brazil nuts and pharmaceutical plants. Gold mining, ecotourism, and fishing are also important. At the mouth of the Amazon is the city of Belém, chief port of N Brazil. Southeast of the Amazon mouth is the great seaward outthrust of Brazil, the region known as the Northeast. The states of Maranhão and Piauí form a transitional zone noted for its many babassu and carnauba palms. The Northeast proper—including the states of Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe, and the northern part of Bahia—was the center of the great sugar culture that for centuries dominated Brazil. The Northeast has also contributed much to the literature and culture of Brazil. In these states the general pattern is a narrow coastal plain (formerly supporting the sugarcane plantations and now given over to diversified subtropical crops) and a semiarid interior, or sertão, subject to recurrent droughts. This region has been the object of vigorous reclamation efforts by the government. The “bulge” of Brazil reaches its turning point at the Cape of São Roque. To the northeast lie the islands of Fernando de Noronha, and to the south is the port of Natal. South of the “corner” of Brazil, the characteristic pattern of S Brazilian geography becomes notable: the narrow and interrupted coastal lowlands are bordered on the west by an escarpment, which in some places reaches the sea. Above the escarpment is the great Brazilian plateau, which tapers off in the southernmost state, Rio Grande do Sul, where it is succeeded by the plains of the Río de la Plata country. The escarpment itself appears from the sea as a mountain range, generally called the Serra do Mar [coast range], and the plateau is interrupted by mountainous regions, such as that in Bahia, which separates E Bahia from the valley of the São Francisco River. The chief cities of the Northeast are the ports of Recife in Pernambuco and Salvador in Bahia. There are a number of excellent harbors farther south: Vitória in Espírito Santo; Rio de Janeiro, the former capital, one of the most beautiful and most capacious harbors in the world; Santos, the port of São Paulo and the one of the greatest coffee ports in the world; and Pôrto Alegre in Rio Grande do Sul. In the east and southeast is the heavily populated region of Brazil—the states that in the 19th and 20th cent. received the bulk of European immigrants and took hegemony away from the old Northeast. The state of Rio de Janeiro, with the great steel center of Volta Redonda, is heavily industrialized. Neighboring São Paulo state has even more industry, as well as extensive agriculture. The city of São Paulo, on the plateau, has continued the vigorous and aggressive development that marked the region in the 17th and 18th cent., when the paulistas went out in the famed bandeiras (raids), searching for slaves and gold and opening the rugged interior. They were largely responsible for the development of the gold and diamond mines of Minas Gerais state, the second most populous state in Brazil, and for the building of its old mining center of Vila Rica (Ouro Prêto), succeeded by Belo Horizonte as capital. Minas has some of the finest iron reserves in the world, as well as other mineral wealth, and has become industrialized. Settlement also spread from São Paulo southward, particularly in the 19th and early 20th cent. when coffee from São Paulo"s terra roxa [purple soil] had become the basis of Brazilian wealth, and coffee growing spread to Paraná. That state, in the west, runs out to the “corner” where Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay meet at the natural marvel of the Iguaçu Falls on the Paraná River. The huge Itaipú dam, built from the early 1970s through the mid-1990s by Paraguay and Brazil, provides power for most of southern Brazil. The more southern states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, developed to a large extent by German and Slavic immigrants, are primarily cattle-raising areas with increasing industrial importance. Frontier development is continuing in central Brazil. The state of Mato Grosso is still largely devoted to stock raising. The transcontinental railroad from Bolivia spans the southern part of the state. The federal district of Brasília was carved out of the neighboring plateau state of Goiás, to the east, and the national capital was transferred to the planned city of Brasília in 1960. People Brazil has the largest population in South America and is the fifth most populous country in the world. The people are also diverse in origin, and Brazil often boasts that the new “race” of Brazilians is a successful amalgam of African, European, and indigenous strains, a claim that is truer in the social than the political or economic realm. Portuguese is the official language and nearly universal; English is widely taught as a second language. Most of the estimated 150,000 indigenous peoples (chiefly of Tupí or Guaraní linguistic stock) are found in the rain forests of the Amazon River basin; 12% of Brazil"s land has been set aside as indigenous areas. Some 90% of the population is at least nominally Roman Catholic. There are more than 50 universities in the country. Economy Brazil has one of the world"s largest economies, with well-developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and service sectors. Vast disparities remain, however, in the country"s distribution of land and wealth. Roughly one third of the workforce is involved in agriculture. The major commercial crops are coffee (Brazil is the world"s largest producer and exporter), citrus fruit (especially juice oranges, of which Brazil also is the world"s largest producer), soybeans, sugarcane, rice, corn, cocoa, cotton, tobacco, and bananas. Cattle, pigs, and sheep are the most numerous livestock. Timber is also important, although much of it is illegally harvested. Brazil has vast mineral wealth, including iron ore (it is the world"s largest producer), quartz, chrome ore, manganese, industrial diamonds, gem stones, gold, nickel, tin, bauxite, uranium, and platinum. The leading manufacturing industries produce textiles, chemicals, shoes, food products, steel, motor vehicles, ships, and machinery. Most of Brazil"s electricity comes from water power and it possesses extensive untapped hydroelectric potential, particularly in the Amazon basin. In addition to coffee, Brazil"s exports include iron and steel, concentrated orange juice, soybeans, beef, tropical hardwoods, and footwear. Crude oil, manufactured goods, and chemical products head the imports. Most trade is with the European Union nations, the United States, Argentina, and Japan. Brazil is a member of Mercosur. Government Brazil is governed by the 1988 constitution. Under its terms, authority is vested in the president, who is elected for four years by universal suffrage. Under a 1997 amendment, the president may be reelected once. There is a bicameral legislature consisting of an upper federal senate and a lower chamber of deputies. The 81 senators are elected for eight years and the 513 deputies are elected for four years. The president may unilaterally intervene in state affairs. Each state has its own governor and legislature. The main political parties are the Brazilian Democratic Movement party, the Liberal Front party, the Democratic Labor party, the Brazilian Social Democracy party, and the Workers party. History Early History There is evidence suggesting possible human habitation in Brazil more than 30,000 years ago, and scholars have found artifacts, including cave paintings, that all agree date back at least 11,000 years. By the time Europeans arrived there was a relatively small indigenous population, but the archaeological record indicates that densely populated settlements had previously existed in some areas; smallpox and other European diseases are believed to have decimated these settlements prior to extensive European exploration. The indigenous peoples that survived can be classified into two main groups, a partially sedentary population that spoke the Tupian language and had similar cultural patterns, and those that moved from place to place in the vast land. It is estimated that approximately a million indigenous people were scattered throughout the territory. Whether or not Brazil was known to Portuguese navigators in the 15th cent. is still an unsolved problem, but the coast was visited by the Spanish mariner Vicente Yáñez Pinzón (see under Pinzón, Martín Alonso) before the Portuguese under Pedro Alvares Cabral in 1500 claimed the land, which came within the Portuguese sphere as defined in the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494). Little was done to support the claim, but the name Brazil is thought to derive from the Portuguese word for the red color of brazilwood [brasa=glowing coal], which the early visitors gathered. The indigenous people taught the explorers about the cultivation of corn, the construction of hammocks, and the use of dugout canoes. The first permanent settlement was not made until 1532, and that was at São Vicente in São Paulo. Development of the Northeast was begun about the same time under Martím Afonso de Sousa as first royal governor. Salvador was founded in 1539, and 12 captaincies were established, stretching inland from the Brazilian coast. Portuguese claims, somewhat lackadaisically administered, did not go unchallenged. French Huguenots established themselves (1555) on an island in Rio de Janeiro harbor and were routed in 1567 by a force under Mem de Sá, who then founded the city of Rio de Janeiro. The Dutch made their first attack on Salvador (Bahia) in 1624, and in 1633 the vigorous Dutch West India Company was able to capture and hold not only Salvador and Recife but the whole of the Northeast; the region was ably ruled by John Maurice of Nassau. No aid was forthcoming from Portugal, which had been united with Spain in 1580 and did not regain its independence until 1640. It was a naval expedition from Rio itself that drove out the Dutch in 1654. The success of the colonists helped to build their self-confidence. Farther south, the bandeirantes from São Paulo had been trekking westward since the beginning of the 17th cent., thrusting far into Spanish territory and extending the western boundaries of Brazil, which were not delimited until the negotiations of the Brazilian diplomat Rio Branco in the late 19th and early 20th cent. The Portuguese also had ambitions to control the Banda Oriental (present Uruguay) and in the 18th cent. came into conflict with the Spanish there; the matter was not completely settled even by the independence of Uruguay in 1828. The sugar culture came to full flower in the Northeast, where the plantations were furnishing most of the sugar demanded by Europe. Unsuccessful at exploiting the natives for the backbreaking labor of the cane fields and sugar refineries, European colonists imported Africans in large numbers as slaves. Dependence on a one-crop economy was lessened by the development of the mines in the interior, particularly those of Minas Gerais, where gold was discovered late in the 17th cent. Mining towns sprang up, and Ouro Prêto became in the 18th cent. a major intellectual and artistic center, boasting such artists as the sculptor Aleijadinho. The center of development began to swing south, and Rio de Janeiro, increasingly important as an export center, supplanted Salvador as the capital of Brazil in 1763. Ripples from intellectual stirrings in Europe that preceded the French Revolution and the successful American Revolution brought on an abortive plot for independence among a small group of intellectuals in Minas; the plot was discovered and the leader, Tiradentes, was put to death. When Napoleon"s forces invaded Portugal, the king of Portugal, John VI, fled (1807) to Brazil, and on his arrival (
2023-01-03 17:52:491

corner 的用法

The area enclosed or bounded by an angle formed in this manner:角落:以这种方式形成的角度所包围或限制的地方:sat by myself in the corner; the corner of one"s eye.我独自坐在角落里;眼角got myself into a corner by boasting.吹牛使我陷入尴尬的境地“Neither party . . . has a corner on all the good ideas”(George B. Merry)“没有一个政党能独占所有的好处”(乔治B.梅里)
2023-01-03 17:52:551

穿普拉达的女王 英语简介 稍微简单一点

PlotAndrea "Andy" Sachs (Anne Hathaway) is an aspiring journalist fresh out of Northwestern University. Despite ridiculing the shallowness of the fashion industry, she lands the job "a million girls would kill for": junior personal assistant to Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep), the icy editor-in-chief of Runway fashion magazine. Despite having little knowledge of fashion, Andy puts up with Miranda"s bizarre and humiliating treatment in hopes of getting a job as a reporter or writer somewhere else. At first, Andy fumbles with her job and fits in poorly with her catty coworkers, especially Miranda"s British senior assistant Emily Charlton (Emily Blunt).During a dinner with her father who came to visit her in New York City, Miranda calls her: the airports in Florida where she is are all closed due to a hurricane but she needs to get home and orders Andy to get her home somehow. Andy tries every airline company there is, but none of them are flying out because of the weather. When Miranda does arrive back at the office she tells Andy she has disappointed her more than any other of her previous assistants.Andy has a talk with Runway"s art director Nigel (Stanley Tucci), who gives a whole new perspective of Miranda, her work and fashion in general. Andy decides to change and—initially with Nigel"s help—gradually learns her responsibilities and begins to dress more stylishly. Slowly but surely, Andy begins to sacrifice her personal life to her career. Miranda notices the change in Andy and gives her a new task: delivering "The Book" (a mock-up of the next edition"s feature spreads) to her Upper East Side townhouse. Andy feels proud as Emily told her before that Miranda doesn"t allow "strangers" in her house. Emily explains to her that she has to behave as if she is "invisible" while she delivers the book at Miranda"s house. However, Andy is tricked by Miranda"s daughters into going upstairs, where she inadvertently walks in on Miranda and her husband arguing. Mortified, she drops the book and leaves.Miranda punishes Andy by giving her an impossible task: securing the unpublished manuscript for the next book in the Harry Potter series for her twin daughters to read on the train. Andy is just about to quit when Christian Thompson (Simon Baker), a famous writer and acquaintance of Andy"s informs her he has obtained it for her. Andy delivers the copies to a stunned Miranda and keeps her job, much to her boyfriend"s disappointment.When Emily falls ill, Miranda commands Andy to accompany the two of them to a charity benefit, where the two masquerade as partygoers while actually reminding her of important information about the people approaching her for greeting. At the event, Andy saves Miranda from being embarrassed by Emily, who had forgotten one of the names; meets Jacqueline Follet, the editor-in-chief of French Runway and Miranda"s rival; turns down an offer to meet a big publisher from Christian, but all the while misses her boyfriend"s birthday party.One evening, while returning The Book, Miranda informs her that she needs "the best team possible" for her Paris trip, which means stepping over Emily. Andy hesitates, as Emily has been boasting about going to Paris for months, but Miranda tells her that declining will send the message that she is not committed to her job or any future job at another publication. Faced with this threat, Andy accepts. The next day Miranda then tells Andy to be the bearer of bad news to Emily who, meanwhile, is hurrying back to the office after purchasing scarves from Hermes of Paris for Miranda. Just as Andy is about to tell her, Emily crosses at a "no cross" point and is hit by a taxi. Andy has a rough day confronting Emily about Paris and then at her friend Lily"s art gallery, where she accepts a kiss on the cheek from Christian. Lily catches this and berates Andy, to then confront her boyfriend about the fact that she is going to Paris. He realizes that they no longer have anything in common, and they break up.In Paris, Andy attends the shows and even meets designer Valentino Garavani, being introduced as "the new Emily". One night Andy comes into Miranda"s suite only to find her in her bathrobe, undressed, and crying. While deciding on a seating chart, Miranda opens up saying that her husband is divorcing her, and again the press would write rude things about her such as "career obsessed woman" who doesn"t care for family but that her biggest worry is for her daughters, who have lost yet another father figure. Later, Andy learns from Nigel that he has landed a job as creative director at fashion designer James Holt"s new company. Andy has dinner with Christian who figures out that she is single again. After a few glasses of wine she succumbs to Christian"s charms and the two have sex.In his hotel room the next morning, while dressing, Andy finds out that Runway"s owner is planning to replace Miranda with Jacqueline Follet. Surprised, she asks Christian about it who confirms it saying that Miranda has become old and that Jacqueline will bring fresh change to the magazine. Andy rushes to the door while Christian stops her calling her "baby" to which she replies that she is not his "baby". Andy storms out to find Miranda and warn her. When Andy finally tells her, Miranda seems unfazed. At a luncheon in honor of James Holt, Miranda announces that Jacqueline will be the new creative director of James Holt"s company much to the surprise of Andy and Nigel.En route to another event, Miranda explains to a still-stunned Andy that she knew about the plan to get rid of her all along, but she found an alternative for Jacqueline and presented "The List" (a list of all the designers, stylists, company owners, and models that were "raised and nurtured" by Miranda and who have promised their loyalty to her whenever and should she ever leave Runway) to the owner of Runway, who realized that without those people, Runway would suffer greatly, and was forced to reconsider. Miranda also says that she was pleased by Andy"s display of loyalty and that she sees a great deal of herself in her. Andy says she could never do to anyone what Miranda did to Nigel. Miranda replies that she already did, in stepping over Emily. Miranda tentatively comforts her, saying that those choices are necessary to live the life that she lives. At the event, Andy gets out of the car and simply walks away. When receiving a call from Miranda, she throws her phone into a fountain on the Place de la Concorde.Back in New York, she meets her boyfriend for breakfast. He has accepted an offer to work as a sous-chef in a popular Boston restaurant. Andy is disappointed, but her hope is rejuvenated when he says they could work something out.Andy goes to an interview for a newspaper job. The interviewer reveals that Miranda told him she was by far her biggest disappointment, but that if he did not hire her, he would be an idiot. Afterwards Andy calls Emily while walking past the Runway office and offers to send Emily all of the outfits Andy got while in Paris, Emily feigns imposition saying the clothes will "absolutely drown her" but accepts. After the call Andy then sees Miranda getting into her car across the street. They exchange looks and Andy smiles at her, but Miranda acts as if the two are strangers, which Andy takes in good grace. Once in the car, Miranda smiles slightly before curtly telling her driver, "Go.".
2023-01-03 17:53:021


70 a71 b72 a73 c74 c (should be interest instead of interesting)75 d76 c77 a78 c79 a80 a81 b82 b83 b84 a85 d86 c87 b88 a89 d
2023-01-03 17:53:091


Emma Woodhouse, the protagonist of the story, is a beautiful, high-spirited, intelligent, and "slightly" spoiled young woman of the age of twenty. Her mother died when she was very young, and she has been mistress of the house ever since, certainly since her older sister got married. While she is in many ways mature for her age, Emma makes some serious mistakes, mainly due to her conviction that she is always right and her lack of real world experience. Although she has vowed she will never ever marry, she delights in making matches for others. She seems unable to fall in love, until jealousy makes her realize that she has loved Mr Knightley all along.George Knightley, about thirty-six years old. He is a close friend of Emma, and her only critic, though he cares deeply for her. Mr Knightley is the owner of the neighbouring estate of Donwell Abbey, which includes extensive grounds and a farm. He is the elder brother of Mr John Knightley—the husband of Emma"s elder sister Isabella. Mr Knightley is very annoyed with Emma for persuading Harriet to turn down Mr Martin, thinking that the advantage is all on Harriet"s side; he also warns Emma against matchmaking Harriet with Mr Elton, correctly guessing that Mr Elton has a much higher opinion of himself. He is suspicious of Frank Churchill and his motives; although his suspicion turns out to be based mainly on jealousy of the younger man, his instincts are proven correct by the revelation that Frank Churchill is not all that he seems.Mr Frank Churchill, Mr Weston"s son by his previous marriage, an amiable young man who manages to be liked by everyone except Mr Knightley, who considers him quite immature, although this partially results from his jealously of Frank"s supposed "pursuit" of Emma. After his mother"s death he was raised by his wealthy aunt and uncle, whose last name he took. Frank enjoys dancing and music and living life to the fullest. Frank may be viewed as a careless but less villainous version of characters from other Austen novels, such as Mr Wickham from Pride and Prejudice or Willoughby from Sense and Sensibility.Jane Fairfax, an orphan whose only family consists of an aunt, Miss Bates, and a grandmother, Mrs Bates. She is regarded as a very beautiful, clever, and elegant woman, with the best of manners, and is also very well-educated and exceptionally talented at singing and playing the piano; in fact, she is the sole person that Emma envies. She has little fortune, however, and seems destined to become a governess – a prospect she dislikes.Harriet Smith, a young friend of Emma"s, is a very pretty but unsophisticated girl who is too easily led by others, especially Emma; she has been educated at a nearby school. The illegitimate daughter of initially unknown parents, she is revealed in the last chapter to be the daughter of a fairly rich and decent tradesman, although not a "gentleman". Emma takes Harriet under her wing early in the novel, and she becomes the subject of some of Emma"s misguided matchmaking attempts. Harriet initially rebuffs a marriage proposal from farmer Robert Martin because of Emma"s belief that he is beneath her, despite Harriet"s own doubtful origins. She then develops a passion for Mr Knightley, which is the catalyst for Emma realising her own feelings. Ultimately, Harriet and Mr Martin are wed, despite Emma"s meddling.Philip Elton is a good-looking, well mannered and ambitious young vicar. Emma wants him to marry Harriet; he wants to marry Emma. Mr Elton displays his mercenary nature by quickly marrying another woman of means after Emma"s rejection.Augusta Elton, formerly Miss Hawkins, is Mr Elton"s moneyed but obnoxious wife. She is a boasting, domineering, pretentious woman who likes to be the centre of attention and is generally disliked by Emma and her circle. She patronizes Jane, which earns Jane the sympathy of others.Mrs Anne Weston, formerly Miss Taylor, was Emma"s governess for sixteen years and remains her closest friend and confidante after she marries Mr Weston in the opening chapter. She is a sensible woman who adores Emma. Mrs Weston acts as a surrogate mother to her former charge and, occasionally, as a voice of moderation and reason.Mr Weston, a recently wealthy man living in the vicinity of Hartfield. He marries Emma"s former governess, Miss Taylor, and by his first marriage is father to Frank Churchill, who was adopted and raised by his late wife"s brother and sister-in-law. Mr Weston is a sanguine, optimistic man, who enjoys socializing.Miss Bates, a friendly, garrulous spinster whose mother, Mrs Bates, is a friend of Mr Woodhouse. Her accomplished niece, Jane Fairfax, is the light of her life. One day, Emma humiliates her on a day out in the country, when she pointedly alludes to her tiresome prolixity. Afterward, Mr Knightley sternly rebukes Emma. Shamed, she tries to make amends.Henry Woodhouse, Emma"s father, is always concerned for his own health and comfort, and to the extent that it does not interfere with his own, the health and comfort of his friends. He assumes a great many things are hazardous to one"s health, and is generally a difficult person to handle because he is always fussing about the trifling things which bother him and which he assumes must bother everyone else just the same, to the point of trying to convince his visitors to deny foods he thinks too rich. He laments that "poor Isabella" and especially "poor Miss Taylor" have married and been taken away from him, because since he is unhappy about their being gone, he assumes they must be miserable as well.Isabella Knightley (née Woodhouse) is the elder sister of Emma and daughter of Henry. She is married to John Knightley, and spends much of her time at home caring for her five children (Henry, "little" John, Bella, "little" Emma, and George).John Knightley is Isabella"s husband and George"s younger brother. He is an old acquaintance of Jane Fairfax. He indulges his family"s desires for visits and vacations, though he would prefer to stay at home, especially if the weather is less than perfect.
2023-01-03 17:53:151


英语作文 篇1   in return 作为(对的)报答(或回报、交换)   on the road 在去的旅途中;在过程中   as a rule 通常,一般说来   in the long run 终究,从长远看   for the sake of 为了起见,看在的份上   on sale 出售;廉价出售   on ascale规模地,在规模上   in secret 秘密地,暗地里   in a sense 从某种意义上说   in shape 处于(良好)状态   on the side 作为兼职或副业;暗地里   at first sight 乍一看,初看起来   out of sight 看不见,在视野之外   in spite of 不管,不顾   on the spot 在场,到场;立即,马上,当场   in step 同步,合拍,协调   out of step 不合拍,不协调   in stock 有现货的,有库存的   in sum 总而言之   in tears 流着泪,含着泪,在哭着   in terms of 从方面来说,按照;用的话   for one thing 首先,一则   at a time 每次,一次   at no time 从不,决不   at one time 曾经,一度 英语作文 篇2   How I Spent My Winter Vacation   The Winter vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forget about school at least for a while. Lest I fool around all through this summer vacation, I made a plan as to how to spend it.   First, I thought I should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that I could have a better understanding of them. Then I thought I should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running rowing, to keep me physically strong. It stood to reason that with such a good plan I should make the best of my vacation time. I did, because I lived up to what I had planned. 英语作文 篇3   1. at first/ first(ly)/ first of all / in the first place 首先;第一   2. in the beginning 起初   3. to begin with /to start with首先   4. finally/at last/ at the end 最后;终于   5. at present 现在;当今   6. one the one hand…(on the other hand)一方面…(另一方面)   7. in general 一般说来   8. generally speaking 一般地说   9. on the whole /all in all总起来说   10. in a word/ in short,/in brief, 简言之;总之   11. to be honest 说实话   12. all the time 一直,始终   13. in my opinion. 在我看来   14. as a matter of fact 实际上   15. as far as concerned 就...而言   16. at least 至少   17. by accident 偶然   18. play an important role in… 发挥着重要作用   19. by all means 尽一切办法,务必   20. even if/though 即使,虽然   21. every now and then 时而,偶尔   22. in order to 为了   23. more or less 或多或少,有点   24. take the place of/instead of 代替   25. on the contrary 相反   26. make full use of 充分利用   27. be good for/be beneficial to 对…有益   28. be bad for/be harmful to对…有害   29. attach great importance to… 重视   30. convenient and efficient .方便快捷 英语作文 篇4   The famous Chinese documentary television series, called “A bite of China” introduces the history and story behind food of various kinds in China. It quickly gained high ratings and widespread popularity.I speak highly of this documentary for it vividly promotes Chinese culture, which is supposed to be a successfully marketing case. Instead of simply boasting various kinds of cuisine, this one represents the production process behind food. What"s more, it matches up with the lives of local people, which triggers emotional connection. In addition, there are many beautiful natural sceneries, which attract many people"s attention. This food documentary reflects ecological civilization, showing the concept of sustainable development. For all of these aspects, it establishes a good image for our country. Therefore, it can be described as a successful food documentary. 英语作文 篇5   I like reading very much because reading is the ladder of human progress. What"s more, reading brings us not only endless fun but also opportunities.   There are many available books for us to choose from, like history books, science books, literary books and so no. But what interests me most in history books---over the long course of history, the Chinese nation has witnessed changes of dynasties, transfers of governments, and foreign powers in modern history. This makes me realize the great responsibility of the development of the motherland. Therefore, we should study hard for the rise of the Chinese.   I sincerely hope that everyone can absorb more nutrients and cultivate a more noble character through reading.
2023-01-03 17:53:221


Ben Stiller leads an all-star cast including Robin Williams and Dick Van Dyke in this hilarious blockbuster hit. When good-hearted dreamer Larry Daley (Stiller) is hired as night watchman at the Museum of Natural History, he soon discovers that an ancient curse brings all the exhibits to life after the sun sets. Suddenly, Larry finds himself face-to-face with a frisky T. rex skeleton, tiny armies of Romans and cowboys and a mischievous monkey who taunts him to the breaking point. But with the help of President Teddy Roosevelt (Williams), Larry may just figure out a way to control the chaos and become a hero in his son"s eyes. Boasting jaw-dropping special effects and laugh-out-loud moments, Night at the Museum is your ticket to nonstop fun!
2023-01-03 17:53:283

I am given是什么意思?

被动语态 be +动词过去分词I am given 我有
2023-01-03 17:53:413


Overview of Fujian Lying in the southeastern coast of China and bordering Zhejiang Province, Jiangxi Province and Guangdong Province, Fujian is facing Taiwan across the Straits and one of the closest mainland provinces to Southeast Asia and Oceania, as well as an important window and base of China for global exchanges. Boasting a long history, Fujian was called the Region of Minyue during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Prefecture of Min-Zhong during Qing Dynasty. In the middle of Tang Dynasty, the post of Fujian Military Commissioner was established, and the province was hereafter called Fujian. The brief name of Fujian, "Min", is derived from Min River, the greatest river within the province. Covering a land area of 121,400 square kilometers and a sea area of 136,000 square kilometers, Fujian governs Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Putian, Longyan, Sanming, Nanping and Ningde (nine municipal cities), as well as 85 subordinated counties, cities and districts (including Jinmen County). By the end of 2005, the total population of Fujian reached 35,350,000 (exclusive of Jinmen and Mazu). As one of the earliest provinces opening to the outside world, Fujian has launched 12 national development zones and special economic zones, bringing about an all-round opening-up configuration. The people of Fujian are famed for their diligence, courage, industry and hospitality. This mountainous province is also renowned for the tradition of starting career in overseas countries, which makes it a famous hometown of overseas Chinese.
2023-01-03 17:53:591


  故事是儿童所喜爱的,是儿童语言发展的一个重要媒介,是儿童生活中必不可少的一个重要的组成部分。下面是我为您整理的英文儿童睡前故事精选,希望对你有所帮助!   英文儿童睡前故事篇一:Belling the cat老鼠开会   Long ago, there was a big cat in the house. He caught many mice while they were stealing food.   从前,一所房子里面有一只大猫,他抓住了很多偷东西的老鼠。   One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy.   一天,老鼠在一起开会商量如何对付他们共同的敌人。   Some said this, and some said that. At last a young mouse got up, and said that he had a good idea.   会上大家各有各的主张,最后,一只小老鼠站出来说他有一个好主意。   "We could tie a bell around the neck of the cat. Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound of the bell, and run away."   “我们可以在猫的脖子上绑一个铃铛,那么如果他来到附近,我们听到铃声就可以马上逃跑。”   Everyone approved of this proposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, "That is all very well, but who will tie the bell to the cat?" The mice looked at each other, but nobody spoke.   大家都赞同这个建议,这时一只聪明的老耗子站出来说:“这的确是个绝妙的主意,但是谁来给猫的脖子上绑铃铛呢?”老鼠们面面相觑,谁也没有说话。   英文儿童睡前故事篇二:The hare and the tortoise龟兔赛跑   The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never been beaten," he said, "when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me."   兔子向动物们夸耀他的速度,“我从来没有失败过,”他说,“当我奔跑时,没有人比我更快。”   The tortoise said quietly, "I will race with you." "That is a good joke," said the hare. "I could dance around you the whole way."   乌龟平静地说:“我要与你比赛。”“真是笑话,我可以边玩边和你赛跑。”兔子说。   The race started. The hare darted almost out of sight at once. He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.   比赛开始了,一眨眼工夫,兔子已经跑得不见了踪影,但是他觉得自己跑得快,对比赛掉以轻心,躺在路边睡着了。   The tortoise plodded on and on. When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.   乌龟慢腾腾地却持续不停地走,当兔子一觉醒来,他看到乌龟已经快到终点线了。兔子输了比赛。   英文儿童睡前故事篇三:The bat, the birds,and the beasts蝙蝠、鸟和野兽   There was a big fight between the birds and the beasts. The bat did not join in the fight.   鸟与野兽宣战,蝙蝠没有参战。   Some birds said to the bat, "Come with us." But he replied, "I am a beast."   鸟对蝙蝠说:“加入我们吧。”蝙蝠回答说:“我是野兽。”   Later on, some beasts said to him, "Come with us." But he replied, "I am a bird."   后来,一些野兽对蝙蝠说:“加入我们吧。”但是蝙蝠回答说:“我是鸟。”   At last the fighting ended peacefully. The bat first went to the birds, and wanted to join in the celebration, but they all turned against him. He then went to the beasts, but was also driven away.   当鸟和野兽宣告停战和平时,交战双方明白了蝙蝠的欺骗行为。蝙蝠来到鸟类当中,他们都敌视他,蝙蝠去野兽那里,也被赶走。   英文儿童睡前故事篇四:The lion in love恋爱中的狮子   A lion once fell in love with a beautiful girl, so he went to her parents and asked them to marry her to him.   一只狮子爱上了一位美丽的女孩儿,便找到她的父母向她求婚。   The old parents did not know what to say. They did not like the idea of giving their daughter to the lion, but they did not want to enrage the king of beasts.   女孩儿的父亲不知道该如何回答,他不忍将女儿许配给野兽,但又害怕激怒这兽中之王。   At last the father said, "We are glad to marry our daughter to you, but we fear that you might possibly hurt her. So if you remove your claws and teeth, we will give her to you."   于是父亲说:“我们很乐意将女儿嫁给你,但又怕你不小心伤害她,如果你拔去牙齿,剁掉利爪,我们就将女儿嫁给你。”   The lion loved the girl very much, so he trimmed his claws and took out his big teeth. When he came to the parents again, they simply laughed in his face, and beat him out of their house.   狮子非常爱这个女孩儿,于是他修剪了爪子,拔掉了尖牙后又去找女孩的父母。可是这时,他们嘲笑他,并把他赶了出去。
2023-01-03 17:54:051

burn someone down 这个俚语什么时候出现的

关于burn someone down 这个俚语什么时候出现的的问题简单回答一下。burn someone down原意:烧伤某人俚语意思:灭某人的威风什么时候出现的并不重要
2023-01-03 17:54:392


2023-01-03 17:54:491


Americans, British, Japanese and Chinese people together to discuss their military equipment, both boast a strong military of their country. In order to promote the spirit of Bushido, the Japanese decided to head Apple, so that the other three individuals to make a gesture of marksmanship. Americans are holding a gun, walked 10 steps forward, turn around and shot hit in the Japanese head of Apple, Americans proudly: "I"m Hunter!" The British were armed with guns, forward 20 steps, turn around and shot hit in the Japanese head of Apple, the British proudly: "I"m Bond!" Chinese people carrying guns, walked five steps forward, turn around and shot shot of the Japanese, the Chinese proudly: "I"m sorry!"
2023-01-03 17:54:567

is given到底是什么样的语态 例句如:He is given to boasting. is后面一般是表语...

这句也属于是被动啊 你会用追问吗 修改答案这样好麻烦 这跟 i was given 10yuan by my mother 不是一个道理? 英语中的 连系动词+表语共同可以构成句子的谓语部分。主谓结构的谓语动词可以由:实义动词;情态动词+动词原形;连系动词+表语三种形式 was given 就是谓语 然后单独看 was是系动词 given是表语
2023-01-03 17:55:231

《for your babies》的歌词翻译

2023-01-03 17:55:303


1、在我的心头燃点起那休憩的黄昏星吧,然后让黑夜向我微语着爱情。 Light the resting evening star in my heart and let the night eone doesn"t love you the fort me, because every seent. 19、哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。 Even the smallest cottage has enough space for a couple of lovers. 20、爱情就是耐心与善良,不是妒忌与自夸,也不是傲慢与无礼。 Love is patience and kindness, neither jealousy and boasting, nor arrogance and rudeness. 21、如果两个人注定在一起,最终他们总会找到重温旧梦的路。 If two people are destined to be together, eventually they will find a way to revisit their old dreams. 22、爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。 Love is not counting the days, it makes every day meaningful. 23、我不需要一张照片把你记起,因为在我心里你从未曾离去。 I don"t need a picture to remember you, because in my heart you never leave. 24、时光并不残忍。只是对于它来说我们太脆弱。 Time is not cruel. It"s just that we"re too fragile for it. 25、所谓的回头,只不过是丢掉了白天的太阳之后,又错过了夜晚的星星。 The so-called turning back is only to lose the sun in the day and the stars at night. 26、夏末的雨停后,空气里没有传来春末雨的清新感。 After the rain stopped at the end of summer, there was no sense of freshness in the air of the rain at the end of spring. 优美抒情诗句 1、千门开锁万灯明,正月中旬动地京。张祜《正月十五夜灯》 2、残月出门时,美人和泪辞。韦庄《菩萨蛮红楼别夜堪惆怅》 3、一别如斯,落尽梨花月又西。纳兰性德《采桑子当时错》 4、渭北春天树,江东日暮云。杜甫《春日忆李白》 5、永日方戚戚,出门复悠悠。韦应物《送杨氏女》 6、松月生夜凉,风泉满清听。孟浩然《宿业师山房期丁大不至》 7、绿蓑江上秋闻笛,红袖楼头夜倚栏。曹雪芹《香菱咏月其三》 8、今日圣神家四海,戍旗长卷夕阳中。杜牧《题武关》 9、君若清路尘,妾若浊水泥。曹植《明月上高楼》 10、双星何事今宵会,遗我庭前月一钩。德容《七夕二首其一》 11、日烘晴,风弄晓,芍药荼醾,是处撄怀抱。高鹗《苏幕遮送春》 12、晴浦晚风寒,青山玉骨瘦。董以宁《卜算子雪江晴月》 13、疏梅月下歌金缕。晏几道《虞美人疏梅月下歌金缕》 14、江上月明胡雁过,淮南木落楚山多。刘长卿《江州重别薛六柳八二员外》 15、月笼云暗重门锁。苏轼《蝶恋花雨霰疏疏经泼火》 16、云边雁断胡天月,陇上羊归塞草烟。温庭筠《苏武庙》 17、三奏月初上,寂寥寒江深。权德舆《月夜江行》 18、扫却石边云,醉踏松根月。吴西逸《清江引秋居》 19、秋风万里动,日暮黄云高。岑参《巩北秋兴寄崔明允》 20、月华如水笼香砌,金环碎撼门初闭。孙光宪《菩萨蛮月华如水笼香砌》 21、冰合井泉月入闺,金缸青凝照悲啼。李白《夜坐吟》 22、解道澄江净如练,令人长忆谢玄晖。李白《金陵城西楼月下吟》 23、更无柳絮因风起,惟有葵花向日倾。司马光《客中初夏》 24、闺中少妇不知愁,春日凝妆上翠楼。王昌龄《闺怨》 25、大明韬日月,旷野号禽兽。杜甫《九日寄岑参》 26、色香空尽转生香,明月小银塘。纳兰性德《一丛花咏并蒂莲》 27、高卧南斋时,开帷月初吐。王昌龄《同从弟销南斋玩月忆山阴崔少府》 28、江送巴南水,山横塞北云。王勃《江亭夜月送别二首》 29、月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。张继《枫桥夜泊》 30、记得去年今夕,酾酒溪亭,淡月云来去。文征明《念奴娇中秋对月》 31、日落狐狸眠冢上,夜归儿女笑灯前。高翥《清明日对酒》 32、纵明月相思千里隔。贺铸《琴调相思引送范殿监赴黄岗》 33、微身奉日月,飘若萤之光。李白《秦女卷衣》 34、此去与师谁共到,一船明月一帆风。韦庄《送日本国僧敬龙归》 35、松竹翠萝寒,迟日江山暮。曹组《卜算子兰》 36、今我不为乐,知有来岁不?命室携童弱,良日登远游。陶渊明《酬刘柴桑》 37、汉月还从东海出,明妃西嫁无来日。李白《王昭君二首》 38、山吐月千仞,残夜水明楼。王以宁《水调歌头呈汉阳使君》 39、明月松间照,清泉石上流。王维《山居秋暝》 40、有弟皆分散,无家问死生。杜甫《月夜忆舍弟》 41、穿针人在合欢楼,正月露、玉盘高泻。严蕊《鹊桥仙碧梧初出》 42、日长才过又今宵。张先《浣溪沙楼倚春江百尺高》 43、只疑残粉涂金砌,恍若轻霜抹玉栏。曹雪芹《香菱咏月其二》 44、人生自是有情痴,此恨不关风与月。欧阳修《玉楼春尊前拟把归期说》 45、淇水流碧玉,舟车日奔冲。李白《魏郡别苏明府因北游》 46、明月黄河夜,寒沙似战场。李流芳《黄河夜泊》 47、坠粉飘红,日日香成阵。赵令畤《蝶恋花卷絮风头寒欲尽》 48、玉颜不及寒鸦色,犹带昭阳日影来。王昌龄《长信怨》 49、近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春。苏麟《断句》 50、觉来红日上窗纱,听街头卖杏花。王元鼎《醉太平寒食》 51、两岸荔枝红,万家烟雨中。李师中《菩萨蛮子规啼破城楼月》 52、旦别河桥杨柳风,夕卧伊川桃李月。宋之问《寒食还陆浑别业》 53、万里乡为梦,三边月作愁。岑参《送人赴安西》 54、相逢成夜宿,陇月向人圆。杜甫《宿赞公房》 55、半天凉月色,一笛酒人心。袁枚《夜过借园见主人坐月下吹笛》 56、清朝饮醴泉,日夕栖山冈。阮籍《咏怀八十二首其七十九》 57、帽檐尘重风吹野,帐角香销月满楼。史达祖《鹧鸪天卫县道中有怀其人》 58、子规啼月小楼西,玉钩罗幕,惆怅暮烟垂。李煜《临江仙樱桃落尽春归去》 59、出谷日尚早,入舟阳已微。谢灵运《石壁精舍还湖中作》 60、疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏。林逋《山园小梅其一》 61、月照城头乌半飞,霜凄万树风入衣。李颀《琴歌》 62、丹桂不知摇落恨,素娥应信别离愁。王琪《望江南江南月》 63、难将心事和人说,说与青天明月知。唐寅《美人对月》 64、圆光过满缺,太阳移中昃。李白《君子有所思行》 65、眷西谓初月,顾东疑落日。谢灵运《登永嘉绿嶂山》 66、茫茫江汉上,日暮欲何之。刘长卿《送李中丞之襄州》 67、求之不可得,沿月棹歌还。孟浩然《万山潭作》 68、一钩初月临妆镜,蝉鬓凤钗慵不整。李璟《应天长一钩初月临妆镜》 69、闲窗尽日将愁度。袁去华《东坡引陇头梅半吐》 70、明月几时有?把酒问青天。苏轼《水调歌头丙辰中秋》 71、高咏楚词酬午日,天涯节序匆匆。陈与义《临江仙高咏楚词酬午日》 72、弯弯月出挂城头,城头月出照凉州。岑参《凉州馆中与诸判官夜集》 月亮抒情诗句 1、素月分辉,明河共影,表里俱澄澈。张孝祥《念奴娇过洞庭》 2、凝云鼓震星辰动,拂浪旗开日月浮。许浑《汴河亭》 3、穿针人在合欢楼,正月露、玉盘高泻。严蕊《鹊桥仙碧梧初出》 4、初闻征雁已无蝉,百尺楼高水接天。李商隐《霜月》 5、残月秣陵砧,不传消息但传情。李煜《望远行碧砌花光照眼明》 6、高楼当此夜,叹息未应闲。李白《关山月》 7、镜水夜来秋月,如雪。温庭筠《荷叶杯镜水夜来秋月》 8、游伎皆秾李,行歌尽落梅。苏味道《正月十五夜》 9、月色灯山满帝都,香车宝盖隘通衢。李商隐《观灯乐行》 10、戍楼刁斗催落月,三十从军今白发。陆游《关山月》 11、仰看星月观云间,飞鸽晨鸣声可怜,留连顾怀不能存。曹丕《燕歌行》 12、三五年时三五月,可怜杯酒不曾消。黄景仁《绮怀》 13、自昔佳人多薄命,对古来、一片伤心月。辛弃疾《贺新郎用前韵送杜叔高》 14、我愧虽无李白才,料应月不嫌我丑。唐寅《把酒对月歌》 15、春花秋月何时了?往事知多少。李煜《虞美人春花秋月何时了》 16、朗月清风,浓烟暗雨,天教憔悴度芳姿。李清照《多丽咏白菊》 17、忧来其如何?凄怆摧心肝。李白《古朗月行》 18、惟有南来无数雁,和明月、宿芦花。邓剡《唐多令雨过水明霞》 19、雨过月华生,冷彻鸳鸯浦。柳永《甘草子秋暮》 20、明月到今宵,长是不如人约。辛弃疾《好事近中秋席上和王路钤》 21、至今不会天中事,应是嫦娥掷与人。皮日休《天竺寺八月十五日夜桂子》 22、绝景良时难再并,他年此日应惆怅。刘禹锡《八月十五夜桃源玩月》 23、渌水明秋月,南湖采白苹。李白《渌水曲》 24、回乐峰前沙似雪,受降城外月如霜。李益《夜上受降城闻笛》 25、起来搔首,梅影横窗瘦。汪藻《点绛唇新月娟娟》 26、长安大道横九天,峨眉山月照秦川。李白《峨眉山月歌送蜀僧晏入中京》 27、九月寒砧催木叶,十年征戍忆辽阳。沈佺期《古意呈补阙乔知之》 28、渐新痕悬柳,淡彩穿花,依约破初暝。王沂孙《眉妩新月》 29、博得嫦娥应借问,缘何不使永团圆。曹雪芹《香菱咏月其三》 30、闻道绮陌东头,行人长见,帘底纤纤月。辛弃疾《念奴娇书东流村壁》 31、斜月半窗还少睡。晏几道《蝶恋花醉别西楼醒不记》 32、风清月白偏宜夜,一片琼田。欧阳修《采桑子天容水色西湖好》 33、昨夜更阑酒醒,春愁过却病。李璟《应天长一钩初月临妆镜》 34、空有姑苏台上月,如西子镜照江城。欧阳炯《江城子晚日金陵岸草平》 35、日月如磨蚁,万事且浮休。辛弃疾《水调歌头送杨民瞻》 36、色香空尽转生香,明月小银塘。纳兰性德《一丛花咏并蒂莲》 37、金霞昕昕渐东上,轮欹影促犹频望。刘禹锡《八月十五夜桃源玩月》 38、佳期旷何许,望望空伫立。孟浩然《秋宵月下有怀》 39、素娥惟与月,青女不饶霜。李商隐《十一月中旬至扶风界见梅花》 40、旦别河桥杨柳风,夕卧伊川桃李月。宋之问《寒食还陆浑别业》 41、白云映水摇空城,白露垂珠滴秋月。李白《金陵城西楼月下吟》 42、昨夜风开露井桃,未央前殿月轮高。王昌龄《春宫曲》 43、暗相思,无处说,惆怅夜来烟月。韦庄《应天长别来半岁音书绝》 44、花似雪,东风夜扫苏堤月。方以智《忆秦娥花似雪》 45、知君惯度祁连城,岂能愁见轮台月。岑参《送李副使赴碛西官军》 46、冉冉年华吾自老。辛弃疾《蝶恋花月下醉书雨岩石浪》 47、人悄悄,帘外月胧明。岳飞《小重山昨夜寒蛩不住鸣》 48、醉月频中圣,迷花不事君。李白《赠孟浩然》 49、山南山北雪晴,千里万里月明。戴叔伦《转应曲边草》 50、花光月影宜相照。李清照《蝶恋花上巳召亲族》 51、月黑雁飞高,单于夜遁逃。卢纶《和张仆射塞下曲其三》 52、扇裁月魄羞难掩,车走雷声语未通。李商隐《无题凤尾香罗薄几重》 53、雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改。李煜《虞美人春花秋月何时了》 54、月明船笛参差起,风定池莲自在香。秦观《纳凉》 55、长簟迎风早,空城澹月华。韩翃《酬程延秋夜即事见赠》 56、喜静看、匹练秋光,倒泻半湖明月。张炎《疏影咏荷叶》 57、夜寒茅店不成眠,残月照吟鞭。吴激《诉衷情夜寒茅店不成眠》 爱情抒情诗句 1、我住长江头,君住长江尾;日日思君不见君,共饮长江水。 2、怀春情不断,犹带相思旧子。 3、沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然! 4、也想不思量,可免相思苦;几次细思量,情愿相思苦。 5、花满河阳,为君羞褪晨妆茜。 6、隔座送钩春酒暖,分曹射覆蜡灯红。嗟余听鼓应官去,走马兰台类转蓬。 7、彼泽之陂,有蒲与荷。有美一人,伤如之何?寤寐无为,涕泗滂沱。 8、聚散苦匆匆,此恨无穷!今年花胜去年红,可惜明年花更好,知与谁同? 9、自别后,忆相逢,几回魂梦与君同,今宵剩把银红烧,犹恐相逢是梦中。 10、他生莫作有情痴,人间无地著相思。 11、爱情要完结的时候自会完结,到时候,你不想画上句号也不行。 12、最关情,折尽梅花,难寄相思。 13、两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝幕幕。 14、一枝艳露凝香,云雨巫山枉断肠。 15、凝恨对残晖,忆君君不知。 16、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝。 17、自古英雄多孤单,命运难济随人好,花照开,人不见。 18、同穴窅冥何所望,他生缘会更难期。 19、与君别后泪痕在,年年著衣心莫改。 20、易求无价宝,难得有心郎。 21、春风不相识,何事入罗帏? 22、如花美眷,似水流年,回得了过去,回不了当初。 23、枫叶千枝复万枝,江桥掩映暮帆迟。忆君心似西江水,日夜东流无歇时。 24、问君能有几多愁,恰是一江春水向东流。 25、秾艳一枝细看取,芳心千重似束。 26、关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈宨淑女,君子好逑。 27、入我相思门,知我相思苦,长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极。 28、犯贱是普遍真理,你我只是其中之一。 29、心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。盛宴之后,泪流满面。 30、众里寻她千百度,木然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处。 31、玲珑骰子安红豆,入骨相思知不知?三尺焦桐为君死,此曲终兮不复弹。 32、此去经年,应是良辰美景虚设。 33、临断岸,新绿生时;是落红带愁流处,记当日门掩梨花,剪灯深夜语。 34、我歌君起舞,潦倒略相同。 35、经流年梦回曲水边看烟花绽出月圆。 36、梳洗罢,独倚上江楼。过尽千帆皆不是,斜晖脉脉水悠悠,断肠白洲! 37、海上生明月,天涯共此时! 38、胭脂泪,相留醉,几时重,自是人生长恨水长东。 39、花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝! 40、罗带同心结未成。江头潮已平。 41、恨君却似江楼月,暂满还亏,暂满还亏,待得团圆是几时?。 42、临高楼,雨湿面,云中身影却不见。枯坐千年,未见你来。 43、闻君有两意,故来相决绝。 44、俏丽若三春之桃,清素若九秋之菊。 45、曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。 46、东边日出西边雨,道是无晴却有晴。 47、绮席象床寒玉枕,美人何处醉黄花。 48、思君如满月,夜夜减清辉。 49、十年生死两茫茫。不思量,自难忘。 50、爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将;阿姊闻妹来,当户理红妆;小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。 51、招招舟子,人涉昂否。不涉昂否,昂须我友。 52、他生莫作有情痴,人间无地着相思。 53、兽炉沈水烟,翠沼残花片,一行行写入相思传。 54、何事东君,解将芳思,巧缀一斛春冰。 55、愿君采葑菲,无以下体妨。 56、凡事皆有代价,快乐的代价便是痛苦。 57、多少红颜悴,多少相思碎,唯留血染墨香哭乱冢。 58、明月不谙离恨苦,斜光到晓穿朱户。 59、冷风萧瑟哭声有,寒雨飘洒泪痕无;行人只闻风吹雨,哪知深夜有人哭。 60、司马相如宅在州西笮桥,北有琴台茂陵多病后,尚爱卓文君。 61、贱妾茕茕守空房,忧来思君不敢忘,不觉泪下沾衣裳。 62、云渺渺,水茫茫。征人归路许多长。相思本是无凭语,莫向花笺费泪行。 63、天街曾醉美人畔,凉枝移插乌巾。 64、可怜无定河边骨,犹是春闺梦里人。 65、还始觉、留情缘眼,宽带因春。 66、十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘,千里孤坟,无处话凄凉。 67、借酒消愁愁更愁,只怕酒醒之后断人肠。 68、寒苦不忍言,为君奏丝桐。 69、从别后,忆相逢,几回魂梦与君同开辟鸿蒙,谁为情种?都只为风月情浓。 70、只缘感君一回顾,使我思君朝与暮。 71、滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。 72、一生一代一双人,争教两处销魂。相思相望不相亲,天为谁春? 73、无缘何生斯世,有情能累此生。
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  人无信则不立,做人最重要的就是讲诚信。人生在世,做人一定要讲究诚信,人没有诚信,将无法在社会中立足。诚信是一个人的根本,连诚信都没有,那么谁又会相信你呢?以下是我为大家整理的关于诚信英语谚语,希望能帮到您。    关于诚信英语谚语   1、君子养心,莫善于诚。   A gentleman should not be good at honesty.   2、诚者,天之道也;思诚者,人之道也。   Sincerity is the Tao of Heaven; Sincerity is the Tao of Man.   3、说出一个人真实的思想是人生极大的安慰。   Speaking out one"s true thoughts is a great comfort in life.   4、意志薄弱的人,一定不会诚实。   A weak-willed person will never be honest.   5、春风化春雨,诚信铸辉煌。   Spring weathers spring rain, honesty casts brilliance.   6、失去了真,同时也失去了美。   Lost the truth, but also lost the beauty.   7、少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。   Less empty talk, more work, solid, hard work.   8、人类最不道德订户,是不诚实与懦弱。   The most immoral subscribers are dishonest and cowardly.   9、丈夫一言许人,千金不易。   It"s not easy for a husband to say a word.   10、人之所助者,信也。   Believe in those who are helped by others.   11、精诚所至,金石为开。   Sincerity is the key to success.   12、遵守诺言就象保卫你的荣誉一样。   Keeping your promise is like defending your honor.   13、刻薄不赚钱,忠厚不蚀本。   Being mean does not make money, but being loyal does not cost money.   14、吹牛与说谎,两者是近亲。   Boasting and lying are close relatives.   15、诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。   Honesty and diligence should be your permanent companion.   16、失去信用等于碎了的镜子,不可能修复。   Losing credit is a broken mirror. It can"t be repaired.   17、一言九鼎重千秋。   Every word has its own merits.   18、你必须以诚待人,别人才会以诚相报。   You have to be honest with others before they can reciprocate.   19、马先驯而后求良,人先信而后求能。   Horses first tame and then seek good, people first believe and then seek ability.   20、宁可人负我,切莫我负人。   Better be negative than negative.   21、语言犹如枝叶,行为犹如果实。   Language is like branches and leaves, and action is like fruit.   22、才者,德之资也;德者,才之帅也。   Talent is the capital of virtue; virtue is the handsome of talent.   23、奸险是万恶之源,忠厚是完善之本。   Adversity is the root of all evil, loyalty is the foundation of perfection.   24、世界未有比真诚人更为可贵的。   Nothing in the world is more valuable than a sincere person.   25、诚实者既不怕光明,也不怕黑暗。   Honest people are neither afraid of light nor darkness.   26、诚实是一个人得以保持的最高尚的东西。   Honesty is the noblest thing a man can keep.   27、为人莫象绣花枕头,外面绣花里面藏糠。   It is not like an embroidered pillow, but hides chaff in the embroidery outside.   28、没有一处遗产像诚实那样丰富的了。   No legacy is as rich as honesty.   29、善气迎人,亲如弟兄;恶气迎人,害于戈兵。   Kindness greets people, like brothers; evil greets people, harms the soldiers.   30、失去信用而赚的钱应结算在损失里。   Loss of credit and earnings should be settled in the loss.    关于诚信的英文谚语   1、诚信是友谊的必备条件。   Honesty is a necessary condition for friendship.   2、诚信处世世界大,奸诈为人人格低。   Honesty and integrity are great in the world.   3、没有一处遗产像诚实那样丰富。   No legacy is as rich as honesty.   4、性命不可能从谎言中开出灿烂的鲜花。   Life is impossible to bring forth brilliant flowers from lies.   5、诚开金石,信步天下。   Open up the world.   6、诚信者,受人爱戴尊敬也。   Those who are faithful are loved and respected.   7、坦白是诚实与勇敢的产物。   Confession is the product of honesty and courage.   8、诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。   Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates.   9、立身须以诚为本,治国必以法为基。   Honesty must be based on sincerity and rule by law.   10、坦白是诚实和勇敢的产物。   Confession is the product of honesty and courage.   11、用诚信美化心灵,用法治规范社会。   Use good faith to beautify the mind and rule the society with the rule of law.   12、轻诺必寡信,多易必多难。   It is much harder to trust than to promise.   13、坦白是使人心地轻松的妙药。   Confession is a magic pill to make people feel relaxed.   14、以诚感人者,人亦诚而应。   Honest and touching, people should be honest.   15、宁失万贯,不失诚信。   It is better to lose money than to lose honesty.   16、有其言,无其行,君子之耻也。   There are words, no deeds, and the shame of a gentleman.   17、吹响诚信号角,高举法治大旗。   Blow the horn of integrity and hold high the banner of rule of law.   18、最不轻易作许诺的人往往更守信用。   Those who are least likely to make promises are more trustworthy.   19、以诚取信心灵美,依法循规事业兴。   Honesty wins the trust of the soul and promotes the rule of law according to law.   20、处己事上临下皆当以诚为主。   Where we are, we must be honest.   21、忠诚的高尚和可敬,无与伦比。   Loyalty is noble and respectable.   22、没有一种罪恶比虚伪和背义更可耻了。   No sin is more disgraceful than hypocrisy and back righteousness.   23、甚至上帝也助诚实勇敢者一臂之力。   Even God helps those who are honest and brave.   24、闪光的东西不一定都是金子。   All that glitters is not gold.   25、虚假的坦白实在是一个可怕的事情。   False confession is a terrible thing.   26、当你背叛别人时,你也背叛了自己。   When you betrayed others, you also betrayed yourself.   27、诚信是立身之本,法治乃安国之源。   Honesty is the foundation of the establishment, and the rule of law is the source of the country.   28、实话可能令人伤心,但胜过谎言。   The truth may be sad, but it is better than a lie.   29、诚信在心,法治在行。   Integrity is in mind and rule of law is in line.   30、咱们就应老老实实地办事。
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哈利,提姆和杰里总是自夸(自夸)。杰里是最糟糕的三个。一切关于他的家人总是最好或最昂贵的。无论别人说,他总能更进一步。  有一天,当他们走到学校,哈利说,“我爸爸有一周洗两次澡。“这算不了什么,”蒂姆说。“有一个一周洗两次澡是脏的。我爸爸有一个浴室从不,有时,一天两次。”  提姆看着杰瑞。现在是他的答案。但是他说什么?“这一次,”提姆日
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Babylonian Captivity是什么意思

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  寓言故事脍炙人口,它集知识性与趣味性于一体,将寓言故事引入到数学问题中,既使自然科学与人文科学有机结合,又增加了学习数学知识的娱乐性,这正体现了新课改的全新理念。我精心收集了英语寓言小故事及翻译,供大家欣赏学习!   英语寓言小故事及翻译篇1   The hare and the tortoise   龟兔赛跑   The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never been beaten," he said, "when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me."   兔子向动物们夸耀他的速度,“我从来没有失败过,”他说,“当我奔跑时,没有人比我更快。”   The tortoise said quietly, "I will race with you." "That is a good joke," said the hare. "I coulddance around you the whole way."   乌龟平静地说:“我要与你比赛。”“真是笑话,我可以边玩边和你赛跑。”兔子说。   The race started. The hare darted almost out of sight at once. He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.   比赛开始了,一眨眼工夫,兔子已经跑得不见了踪影,但是他觉得自己跑得快,对比赛掉以轻心,躺在路边睡着了。   The tortoise plodded on and on. When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.   乌龟慢腾腾地却持续不停地走,当兔子一觉醒来,他看到乌龟已经快到终点线了。兔子输了比赛。   英语寓言小故事及翻译篇2   The lion in love   恋爱中的狮子   A lion once fell in love with a beautiful girl, so he went to her parents and asked them to marry her to him.   一只狮子爱上了一位美丽的女孩儿,便找到她的父母向她求婚。   The old parents did not know what to say. They did not like the idea of giving their daughterto the lion, but they did not want to enrage the king of beasts.   女孩儿的父亲不知道该如何回答,他不忍将女儿许配给野兽,但又害怕激怒这兽中之王。   At last the father said, "We are glad to marry our daughter to you, but we fear that you might possibly hurt her. So if you remove your claws and teeth, we will give her to you."   于是父亲说:“我们很乐意将女儿嫁给你,但又怕你不小心伤害她,如果你拔去牙齿,剁掉利爪,我们就将女儿嫁给你。”   The lion loved the girl very much, so he trimmed his claws and took out his big teeth. When he came to the parents again, they simply laughed in his face, and beat him out of their house.   狮子非常爱这个女孩儿,于是他修剪了爪子,拔掉了尖牙后又去找女孩的父母。可是这时,他们嘲笑他,并把他赶了出去。   英语寓言小故事及翻译篇3   There was a big fight between the birds and the beasts. The bat did not join in the fight.   鸟与野兽宣战,蝙蝠没有参战。   Some birds said to the bat, "Come with us." But he replied, "I am a beast."   鸟对蝙蝠说:“加入我们吧。”蝙蝠回答说:“我是野兽。”   Later on, some beasts said to him, "Come with us." But he replied, "I am a bird."   后来,一些野兽对蝙蝠说:“加入我们吧。”但是蝙蝠回答说:“我是鸟。”   At last the fighting ended peacefully. The bat first went to the birds, and wanted to join in thecelebration, but they all turned against him. He then went to the beasts, but was also driven away.   当鸟和野兽宣告停战和平时,交战双方明白了蝙蝠的欺骗行为。蝙蝠来到鸟类当中,他们都敌视他,蝙蝠去野兽那里,也被赶走。
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