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外贸出口的唛头中的英文指的什么:INDEN NO,VAT NO,Defect mark

Inden No.我想是Identify 的缩写. Vat No.据说是Value added tax 的缩写,也就是增殖税号.放在唛头上应该不是税号的意思. Defect Mark 直译是不良品标记. 不管这三项是什么思意,这些号应该在形式发票或定单,或往来的邮件中能够找到. 找不到就直接问客户,或者直接让客户E—mail样本过来,或你做好了以后让客户确认.一定要小心别弄错了.

外贸出口的唛头中的英文指的什么:INDEN NO, VAT NO, Defect mark 什么意思?

Inden No.我想是Identify 的缩写。Vat No.据说是Value added tax 的缩写,也就是增殖税号。放在唛头上应该不是税号的意思。Defect Mark 直译是不良品标记。不管这三项是什么思意,这些号应该在形式发票或定单,或往来的邮件中能够找到。找不到就直接问客户,或者直接让客户E—mail样本过来,或你做好了以后让客户确认。一定要小心别弄错了。

求助:客户退货,到底要求什么东西?Please provide the RMA # and credit memo for the defective parts.


求关于质量管理:"零缺陷"的案例 (zero defects)



零缺陷管理(Zero Defect Management)、零缺陷(Zero Defects,ZD)、无缺点、缺点预防、零缺陷品质管理 零缺陷概念的产生: 被誉为“全球质量管理大师”、“零缺陷之父”和“ 伟大的管理思想家”的 菲利浦·克劳斯比 (Crosbyism) 在20世纪60年代初提出“零缺陷”思想, 并在美国推行零缺陷运动。后来,零缺陷的思想传至日本, 在日本制造业中得到了全面推广,使日本制造业的 产品质量 得到迅速 提高,并且领先于世界水平,继而进一步扩大到工商业所有领域。

I am content with this job____salary, but it still has some defects.

【答案】:D本题考察介词短语。A选项意为“尽管,虽然”表转折,B选项意为“需要,缺少”,C选项意为“用,依靠”, D选项意为“按照,在…方面”,而题目意为“就薪水而言,我对这份工作很满意。但它也有不足之处。”salary是对这份工作满意的地方,空格处不是转折关系。  

——,glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes 为什么填when well fitted

when well fitted是省略了的时间状语从句, 相当于: when glasses are well fitted 当从句的主语与主句的主语相同,且从句的谓动含有be动词时,可以省略主语及be 动词. 所以此句要填when well fitted. 句意: 当(眼镜)配...

Crystal defects can be classifiedinto A) ______ defects, B) ______ defects, and C) ______ defects.

【答案】:point defects$line defects (dislocations)$area defects

defects excsit


birth defect造句 birth defectの例文 "birth defect"是什么意思

They also found a way to reduce these drug-caused birth defects . 他们也发现了一种减少这类药物引起的先天缺陷的方法。 The *** ysis of birth defect in 12375 perinatal fetus 太原地区12375例围产儿出生缺陷分析 Cpnic *** ysis on 534 children wth birth defects at the age of 5岁出生缺陷儿童临床分析 Thalassemia family marriage and birth defect intervene 地中海贫血家系婚配与出生缺陷干预 Review on the trend of birth defect in 5 years 近五年出生缺陷的变化趋势 Congenital ? ? a birth defect that is not inherited 先天的缺点,并不是因为遗传而获得的特性。 Centre of human development and birth defects 人类发现及先天疾病中心 Monitoring of the birth defects in 12 years in hubei province 湖北省十二年出生缺陷监测分析 Birth defects in chaoyang district , beijing , in 1999年出生缺陷监测 I don " t know if it " s a fungus or some congenital birth defect 我不知道是不是真菌或者一些先天缺陷 It"s difficult to see birth defect in a sentence. 用 birth defect 造句挺难的 Analysis of 643 cases with birth defect 643例出生缺陷分析 Is that dubble bubble doubles the taste , not causes birth defects . "双炮"有更好的味道,而不会造成畸形 It " s a birth defect . - no , it " s not 天生缺陷-不,不是 Study progress on in birth defect 出生缺陷的研究进展 . . . is that dubble bubble doubles the taste , not causes birth defects . . . "双炮"有更好的味道,而不会造成畸形 Approach to screeing and intervention pattern of birth defects in longgang area 龙岗区出生缺陷筛查干预模式的探讨 The birth defects ( hat the drug produced were a result of inadequate testing 这种药物造成的婴儿先天性缺损就是实验不够的结果。 New research shows that some birth defects are pnked to *** oking during pregnancy 最新研究表明某些生理缺陷与怀孕期间抽烟有关。 Study on hair trace elements levels of pregnant women from birth defects surveillance system 出生缺陷与孕妇毛发微量元素含量研究 A : new research shows that some birth defects are pnked to *** oking during pregnancy 最新研究表明某些生理缺陷与怀孕期间抽烟有关。 Epidemiological *** ysis of birth defects in the adjoining areas of a normal nuclear power station 核电站正常运行期间毗邻地区出生缺陷的流行病学分析 Exceptions include folate for prevention of birth defects and calcium for prevention of bone disease 不过,补充预防出生缺陷的叶酸与预防骨质疏松的钙是例外。 Cleft palate ? ? a birth defect of the roof of the mouth in that the hard palate did not close pletely 腭裂。一种天生的缺陷,嘴巴的上部和下部不能完全闭合。 Impact of prenatal detection and termination of pregnancy on prevalence of birth defects in europe 欧洲关于产前检查并终止妊娠对出生缺陷监测发生率影响的资料分析 Who says environmental hazards can cause _ _ 9 _ _ , still birth , low birth weight and birth defects 世卫组织称环境危害可能导致流产,死胎,出生体重不足,婴儿先天性缺陷。 And the rate of congenital birth defects in babies born to mothers with ibd was more than ice as high 而且炎症性肠病的母亲生育有遗传缺陷的婴儿大于健康母亲的两倍。 Methods data were taken from chinese birth defects monitoring work , a hospital - based congenital anomapes registry system 方法采用以医院为基础的监测方法收集资料。 Who says environmental hazards can cause miscarriage , still birth , low birth weight and birth defects Who称环境问题可能会导致流产、胎儿不发育、出生体重低以及出生缺陷。 Who says environmental hazards can cause miscarriage , still birth , low birth weight and birth defects 世卫组织称环境危害可能导致流产,死胎,出生体重不足,婴儿先天性缺陷。 " many birth defects actually can be avoided if women use supplements of fopc acid during he noted 他说: “如果妇女在怀孕期间摄入足够的叶酸辅助品,很多出生缺陷完全可以避免。 It"s difficult to see birth defect in a sentence. 用 birth defect 造句挺难的 The 16 - year - old was born with spina bifida , a congenital birth defect that stunts brain and spinal cord development 16岁大患有脊柱分裂症,一种先天性缺乏症,阻碍大脑和脊椎发育。 As the mother of o children affpcted with serious birth defects , she became a pubpc voice for children " s charities 做为有天生残疾的两个孩子的母亲,她成为儿童慈善事业的公众呼声。 Who says environmental hazards can cause miss carriage ( miscarriage ) , stillbirth , low birth rate ( weight ) , and birth defects Who指出环境危害能引起流产,死产,出生重量低,和婴儿缺陷。 Neural tube defects : fopc acid supplements can reduce the risk of spina bifida and other neural tube birth defects 神经管不良症叶酸补充物可以降低罹患脊柱裂或是其它神经管先天缺损的机率。 " many birth defects actually can be avoided if women use supplements of fopc acid during pregnancy , " he noted 他说: “如果妇女在怀孕期间摄入足够的叶酸辅助品,很多出生缺陷完全可以避免。 At a loss , the doctor administered one more test , because blood - pressure medication can cause birth defects 在困惑不解的情况下,医生进行了第二次检查,因为治疗血压的药物能导致婴儿的先天缺陷。 When the neural tube does not close properly , a baby is born with a very serious birth defect called a neural tube defect 如果神经管没有结合紧凑的话,婴儿产生以后会有严重的缺陷,称为神经管缺陷。 However , dietary fopc acid supplementation by mothers - to - be before and during pregnancy can reduce the incidence of such birth defects 然而,由母亲妊娠期前或妊娠期的叶酸饮食供应能减少此种先天缺陷。 They learned that the son was mute . this speech problem was not a birth defect . the boy had suddenly bee mute for unknown reasons 意所依方面,有木材所做之八大佛塔,长一臂,泥塑八大佛塔高一层楼。 Scientists consulted by the u . s . government suggest these man - made molecules have the potential to cause cancer or birth defects 美国 *** 顾问科学家提出这些人造分子有潜在造成癌症或者出生缺陷的危险。 About 400 milpon women of childbearing age are iron deficient , which means their babies are exposed to various birth defects 大约有4亿的育龄妇女体内缺铁,也就是说,她们的婴儿将可能有各种天生的缺陷。 These birth defects happen in the first few weeks of pregnancy , often before a woman finds out that she is pregnant 一般来讲,出生缺陷是在怀孕最初几周发生的,而通常在这几周女性并没有意识到自己已经怀孕了。 Anencephaly is a form of neural tube defect that is typically an isolated birth defect that is not related to chromosomal abnormapties 无脑儿是神经管缺陷的一种类型,是单纯性先天性缺陷,与染色体异常无关。 The city " s rate of birth defects was 23 . 1 per thousand last year , an increase of nearly 4 per thousand over the previous three years " average 宁波市去年的新生儿出生缺陷率为23 . 1比此前三年的平均水平高出近4 The city " s rate of birth defects was 23 . 1 per thousand last year , an increase of nearly 4 per thousand over the previous three years " average 宁波市去年的新生儿出生缺陷率为23 . 1 ,比此前三年的平均水平高出近4 。 Provide information , materials for students and classrooms . has related information about birth defects , child development , and disabipty and health -为肢体和听觉障碍残疾人设立的职业高中,包含学校简介教研成果。 Warning : this product contains a chemical known to the state of capfornia to cause cancer , birth defects , or other reproductive harm 警告:本产品包含美国加州公布的可能导致癌症、生育缺陷,或其他生育伤害的化学物质。 The aerage age for a birth defect - related hospital stay was 17 . 6 years pared to 49 . 9 years for all other hospital stays 因出生缺陷而住院治疗的患者平均年龄为17 . 6岁,比较而言,所有其他原因住院的患者平均年龄为49 . 9岁。 It is especially important for pregnant women to drink pure water as lead in drinking water can cause severe birth defects 由于饮用水中的铅可以引起严重的出生儿童有问题,尤其对于怀孕的孕妇来说饮用干净健康的水显得特别重要。 They said their study pubpshed in the american journal of epidemiology is the first definitively to pnk air pollution with birth defects 他们说,这项刊登在美国流行病学杂志上的研究首次明确地提出空气污染与出生缺陷有关。 It"s difficult to see birth defect in a sentence. 用 birth defect 造句挺难的

晶格缺陷的晶格缺陷lattice defects

在实际的晶体中,由于晶体形成条件、原子的热运动及其它条件的影响,原子的排列不可能那样完整和规则,往往存在偏离了理想晶体结构的区域。这些与完整周期性点阵结构的偏离就是晶体中的缺陷,它破坏了晶体的对称性。缺陷对晶体的物理性质具有极其重要的影响,可分为面缺陷、线缺陷和点缺陷三种。其中晶粒间界、堆垛层错和孪晶间界属于面缺陷,晶粒间界指多晶体中晶粒之间的交界面。堆垛层错是指晶体中原子面的堆垛顺序出现反常而造成的缺陷,它只影响层错面附近晶体结构,并不影响其他区域的原子层堆垛顺序。孪晶是指晶体中相毗邻的两部分互为镜像。线缺陷主要是指位错,位错的存在对晶体的力学性质机翼各种物理性质都有影响。除了三种缺陷外,晶体中还存在很多其他缺陷,如在对无位错单晶研究中发现晶体中存在微缺陷,在制作无位错硅单晶中发现了密度很大且线度很小的缺陷群。 最常见的点缺陷是“晶格空位”和“间隙原子”。当晶格中的某些原子由于某种原因(如热振动的偶然偏差等)脱离其晶格结点而转移到晶格间隙时会造成点缺陷。空位,填隙,替位; 即晶格中的“位错线”,或简称位错,可视为晶格中一部分晶体相对于另一部分晶体的局部滑移而造成的结果,滑移部分与未滑移部分的交界线就是位错线。位错,刃位错,螺旋位错,混合位错; 即晶界和亚晶界。这两种晶格缺陷都是因晶体中不同区域间的晶格位相过度造成的。平移界面,堆垛层错,晶界,亚晶界。

total defects什么意思

total defects总缺陷双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 完全缺损例句:1.1 The inspector will date and sign the "green" tag when there are no defects inscaffold construction noting total working load on tag. 当脚手架结构不存在缺陷时,将在“绿色”标

Ultrasonic sounds produce pulsed signals, ______ various defects in metal can be detected. A)by mea


区别: defect 和defective

defectn. 缺点,缺陷;不足之处vi. 变节;叛变defectiveadj. 有缺陷的;不完美的n. 有缺陷的人;不完全变化词当作“缺陷”解的时候,defect是名词,defective是形容词,或者当它是名词的时候表示“有缺陷的人”



The connected J-Link is defective




瑕疵 (defective), 与 poor quality (品质不良)是两回事

Translation: Defect of goods and poor quality of goods are two different things. Comparation and contrast: Defective products: the products having defects.有瑕疵的产品;不合格的产品。 Poor quality of products refer to the products are not certain to be defective, but poor in quality. 指的是产品不一定有瑕疵或不合格,只不过是质量上稍微差了一点而已。







customer defection什么意思

customer defection客户流失请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

[ A] defection[ B] infection[C] reflection[D] connection


defective faulty 哪个严重

faulty更严重faulty 英[u02c8fu0254:lti] 美[u02c8fu0254lti] adj. 错误的; 有错误的,有过失的,有缺点的; 不完美的; 全部释义>>[例句]You may be basing your life on a faulty life metaphor.你或许是建基于一个错误的比喻上。defective 英[du026au02c8fektu026av] 美[du026au02c8fu025bktu026av] adj. 有错误的; 有缺陷的,有瑕疵的; [语] 变化不全的; 智力低于正常的; n. 身心有缺陷的人; 变化不全的词; 全部释义>>[例句]A public inquiry ruled that the report had been unfounded and described the bbc"s editorial policies as defective.此后一项公开调查得出结论说,bbc的这个报道没有事实根据,报道称bbc的编辑政策是有缺陷的。

——,glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes 为什么填when well fitted


structural defect是什么意思

structural defect 结构缺陷 结构性瑕疵;结构上的缺陷例句筛选1.But the EU competition rule has revealed some structural defect ofenforcement mechanism till now from its first practice.但是欧盟竞争规则实践至今,在执行机制上也暴露出一些体制性的缺陷。2.The Cause and Solutions for Structural Defect of Preplaced AggregateConcrete预填骨料混凝土的结构缺陷及改进措施

No defect是什么意思


material defect是什么意思

material defect 英[mu0259u02c8tiu0259riu0259l diu02c8fekt] 美[mu0259u02c8tu026ariu0259l u02c8diu02ccfu025bkt] [词典] 材料缺陷; [例句]Magnetic Material Defect Online Inspection System Based on DSP基于DSP的磁性材料缺陷在线监测系统

material defect是什么意思


defect structure是什么意思

defect structure缺陷结构双语对照词典结果:defect structure[英][diu02c8fekt u02c8stru028cktu0283u0259][美][u02c8diu02ccfu025bkt u02c8stru028cktu0283u025a]缺陷构造; 以上结果来自金山词霸-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

major defect是什么意思


inherent defect是什么意思





defect-free英 [diu02c8fekt fri:] 美 [u02c8diu02ccfu025bkt fri] adj.无缺陷的;


第一个是缺陷 第二个是不足

extended defects是什么意思

extended defect1. 扩展缺陷固体无机化学... ... ( 杂质缺陷( extrinsic defect) ( 扩展缺陷( extended defect) 导带 (空带空带) 空带能隙( band gap).

请教restr sys defect是什么意思?


a defect什么意思及同义词

a defect释义:一个缺陷网络:a defect 缺陷a latent defect 隐蔽瑕疵a certain defect 一定缺陷

Nothing is so beautiful but it betrays some defect on close inspection 句子分析,帮个忙。

其实这句话应该蛮好理解的,结构方面就是这个“but”了,其实这里的but 和I"m sorry,but I can"t help you 中的but 是一样的

请问什么是“defect injection”缺陷注入?

This technique is also call fault seeding and testing(Mills, 1972). The idea is to inject known faults into the software system, and then usetesting to catch both injectedseeded faults and original faults to ensure that certaintypes of defects are detected and removed, much like what immunization do to keeppeople healthy.将Defect注射到源程序中。因为很多Defect很不容易在某种机器环境中出现,比如一个用户的机器内存特别少的时候,微软要求程序仍然不能丢失数据和发生安全漏洞,但测试人员不能把测试机器的内存拆下来,也不能非常精确的把内存消耗到期望的数值,这时他们会通过注射一段代码来模拟内存的分配。


defect是缺陷、缺瑕疵的意思 laden是载重、拖累、加载的意思

defect from的讲解

hello everyone,今天我们要学习的词组是defect from,defect from的意思是缺陷,它是由动词defect和介词from组合在一起的,读作【u02c8diu02d0fekt fru0259m】,defect这个单词单独来看是缺点缺陷的意思,from这个介词单独来看是来自的意思,组合在一起的话可以翻译为缺陷来自,可以直接翻译为缺陷,defect from这个词组有许多同义词,在单词中的同义词有【imperfection】、【drawback】,接下来我们再来看看它的用法,defect from这个单词翻译为缺陷;例如我们来看看下面这个句子,Chapter two study the defect from,the bank"s essence, namely bank run. 第二章,本文研究了银行本质决定其内在缺陷的问题,即银行挤兑效应的存在命题,现在我们再来看看第二个例句,This year Linda is 18 years old.They knew she had a heart defect from birth,but all the while they didn"t have money to get treatment. 琳达今年18岁了,从出生就发现有缺陷,但是一直没有钱去接受治疗,今天的学习到这里就结束了,defect from这个词组你学会了吗?






a fault or a lack of something that means that something or someone is not perfect--- defect a bad quality or feature of something --demerit a fault in someone"s character or in a system,organization,design etc:-- weakness weakness 弱点;缺点,demerit 过失;缺点 defect 瑕疵;毛病;缺陷 从各词的意思上可以看出一些差别.本题问性格中的什么东西阻碍了他的事业发展.defect最贴切,人的性格一般都不可能十全十美,存在着缺陷,瑕疵,缺少达到圆满或完善所必需的东西,而非弱点、缺点或过失.性格中的弱点有时恰恰是优点呢. 这个解释得很清楚.


  作名词时,flaw比defect多了个裂纹的意思,突然的狂风天气的意思。flaw还可作及物动词,defect不可做及物动词。   做不及物动词时,flaw是使破裂的意思,defect有背叛的意思。   flaw指某种有价值的东西因为有裂缝、伤痕而影响了原来的价值。   defect指由于缺少本质的或重要的东西而不完善。


在表示人的缺点,设计制造方面的“缺点、缺陷”,两者应当没有区别.正如,中文的“缺点" 与”缺陷“ 有什么区别呢?但 defect = deficiency = fault = shortcoming 缺点、缺陷.如果表示 “缺少、不足、缺乏” = shortfall/ shortage/ lack 时,只可用 deficiency.


defect英 [u02c8di:fekt] 美 [u02c8diu02ccfu025bkt, du026au02c8fu025bkt] n. 瑕疵,毛病;欠缺,缺点vi. 叛逃;背叛


defect :往往只的是小缺陷,不足以影响整件事。如They detected no defect in the product.他们没发现产品有任何问题。flaw:缺陷,会左右整件事情的不足之处,它有动词、名词两个词性。如 Can you spot the flaw in their argument?你能指出他们论点中的谬误吗?


我觉得用imperfection 是不是更贴切一些,个人看法 natural internal structural imperfection -- microcrack

defect和 shortcoming意义上的区别?!

shortcoming 可以说人的缺点E.G he has a lot of shorcoming defect 可以指 事物的缺点

如何理解defect defective



此题最好加上mistake 一起来辨析吧。1.flaw2. errors3. fault4. defect

defect shortcomings weakness 的区别

defect 小毛病 瑕疵 弱点,短处;污点 主要指物shortcoming 短处,缺点 多用复数weakness软弱;虚弱;疲软;衰弱;懦弱 主要是人性格上的缺陷


答案是 A: DefectThe defect in her character has hindered her from advancement in her career.Defect 的意思是a lack of something necessary for completeness or perfection 缺乏一样很重要的东西所以不完整

defect shortcoming weakness的区别,要详细的解释,最好有例句。

前两个词的区别不大,defect 包含着shortcoming。具体根据英语解释应该能体现,请了解。defect 英语解释如下:1. an imperfection in a bodily system2. a failing or deficiency同义词:shortcoming3. an imperfection in a device or machine同义词:fault, flaw4. a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person"s body)同义词:blemish, marshortcoming n.短处,缺点1、a failing or deficiencyNot being punctual is his greatest shortcoming. 不守时间是他的最大缺点。weakness1.a flaw or weak point同义词:failing2.powerlessness revealed by an inability to act同义词:helplessness,impuissance3.the property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain4.the condition of being financially weak5.a penchant for something even though it might not be good for you


defect英语解释如下:1. an imperfection in a bodily system2. a failing or deficiency同义词:shortcoming3. an imperfection in a device or machine同义词:fault, flaw4. a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person"s body)同义词:blemish, mar。shortcoming n.短处,缺点1、a failing or deficiencyNot being punctual is his greatest shortcoming.不守时间是他的最大缺点。defect 包含着shortcoming。weakness:1.a flaw or weak point同义词:failing2.powerlessness revealed by an inability to act同义词:helplessness,impuissance3.the property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain4.the condition of being financially weak5.a penchant for something even though it might not be good for you

区别: defect 和defective

defect n. 缺点,缺陷;不足之处 vi. 变节;叛变 defective adj. 有缺陷的;不完美的 n. 有缺陷的人;不完全变化词 当作“缺陷”解的时候,defect是名词,defective是形容词,或者当它是名词的时候表示“有缺陷的人”

weakness defect demerit 区别。求详解,谢谢。

a fault or a lack of something that means that something or someone is not perfect--- defect a bad quality or feature of something --demerita fault in someone"s character or in a system, organization, design etc: -- weaknessweakness 弱点;缺点, demerit 过失;缺点 defect 瑕疵;毛病;缺陷从各词的意思上可以看出一些差别。本题问性格中的什么东西阻碍了他的事业发展。defect最贴切,人的性格一般都不可能十全十美,存在着缺陷,瑕疵,缺少达到圆满或完善所必需的东西,而非弱点、缺点或过失。性格中的弱点有时恰恰是优点呢。这个解释得很清楚。希望可以帮助你

关于一个英语单词 defect作为名词可以解释为缺点 请问此时是可数的吗?知道的来哦 别误人子弟


defect 和 disadvantage 的区别

defeatvt.1. 战胜,击败The French defeated the English troops.法国人打败了英国军队。2. 使失败,挫败Our hopes were defeated.我们的希望落空了。3. 【律】使无效,废除n.[C][U]1. 失败,战败,挫折The aggressors were doomed to defeat.侵略者注定要失败。2. 战胜,击败disadvantagen.[C][U]1. 不利条件His lack of education was a disadvantage when he looked for a job.他缺少教育,这在找工作时是一个不利条件。2. 不利;损失,损害Not studying will be to your disadvantage.不学习将对你不利。vt.1. 使处于不利地位;损害

defect, shortcoming, fault之区别?


defection跟 defect的区别是什么呢

defection n. 背叛, 脱党, 离会defect n. 1.缺点,过失,瑕疵,缺陷,毛病 2. (尤指对完善或完备所必需的)欠缺,缺乏,不足(之处) 3.弱点,短处;污点 v.变节,叛变,脱离,背叛,投敌


defect [de·fect || "diu02d0fekt]n. 缺点, 不足之处, 缺陷v. 逃跑, 背叛, 脱离


瑕疵,毛病; ,缺点

defect shortcoming weakness的区别,最好有例句.

前两个词的区别不大,defect 包含着shortcoming.具体根据英语解释应该能体现,请了解.defect 英语解释如下 imperfection in a bodily system2.a failing or deficiency同义词 imperfection in ...








Infect和defect是两个常用的英语单词,它们的发音和拼写非常相似,但是它们的意思和用法却有很大的区别。1.InfectInfect是一个动词,意为“感染、传染”。例如,我们可以说:“The virus can infect people easily.”(这种病毒很容易感染人。)或者“Wash your hands frequently to avoid infecting others.”(经常洗手以避免传染给他人。)Infect通常用于描述疾病、病毒、细菌等的传播和感染。2.DefectDefect是一个名词和动词,意为“缺陷、瑕疵”和“缺陷、背叛”。例如,我们可以说:“The product has a defect in its design.”(这个产品在设计上有缺陷。)或者“He defected to the other side during the war.”(他在战争期间叛变到了对方阵营。)Defect通常用于描述产品、系统、组织等的缺陷和问题,也可以用于描述人的背叛和叛变。3.区别Infect和defect的区别在于它们的意思和用法。Infect是一个动词,用于描述疾病、病毒、细菌等的传播和感染;而defect是一个名词和动词,用于描述产品、系统、组织等的缺陷和问题,也可以用于描述人的背叛和叛变。此外,infect和defect的发音和拼写也有所不同,需要注意区分。4.以下是一些使用infect和defect的例句:The flu virus can infect people easily.(流感病毒很容易感染人。)The product has a defect in its design.(这个产品在设计上有缺陷。)The computer system has a defect that causes it to crash frequently.(这个计算机系统有一个缺陷,导致它经常崩溃。)He defected to the other side during the war.(他在战争期间叛变到了对方阵营。)


在表示人的缺点,设计制造方面的“缺点、缺陷”,两者应当没有区别。正如,中文的“缺点" 与”缺陷“ 有什么区别呢?但 defect = deficiency = fault = shortcoming 缺点、缺陷。如果表示 “缺少、不足、缺乏” = shortfall/ shortage/ lack 时,只可用 deficiency.



PCB测试: ICT、MDA(Manufacturing Defects Analyzer)、ATE(Automatic Test Equipment)有何不同?

  一般我们称呼ICT都是指这种较高级的测试机台,如Agilent3070、Genrad、TR8100…等,除了基本的MDA功能外,也可以下载程式到待侧的电路版中,执行自我测试,提供电压及频率量测…等。  一般称呼MDA为比较低阶的ICT,例如TRI-518系列、JET-300、ADSYS-K518系列…等,这类测试机台只能量测基本的L/C/R/D零件,也可以搭配 TestJet测试排PIN零件,但其功能比较阳春,无法提供待测试电路板电源,所以也无法执行低阶的电路板程式自我测试。可以将这种测试机台当作是一台可以自动测试的万用电表。  ATE通常为流线测试,可以直接加接在SMT的后面,其主要目的为测试实板及板上零件之功能是否正常运作,故实板必须加电源才可使板上的零件工作,所以ATE在送信号时,需特别考虑零件的特性、规格,否则易损坏零件。(来源

cosmetic defect是什么意思

cosmetic defect外观缺陷; 外观不良; 例句:1.Embryos are to be screened for a cosmetic defect for the first time in a British clinic.

epidemic defect是什么意思呀。。。
