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如何理解defect defective

2023-06-15 16:17:41





defect shortcoming weakness的区别,最好有例句.

前两个词的区别不大,defect 包含着shortcoming.具体根据英语解释应该能体现,请了解.defect 英语解释如下 imperfection in a bodily system2.a failing or deficiency同义词 imperfection in ...
2023-06-15 16:02:522


瑕疵,毛病; ,缺点
2023-06-15 16:03:302


defect [de·fect || "diu02d0fekt]n. 缺点, 不足之处, 缺陷v. 逃跑, 背叛, 脱离
2023-06-15 16:03:381

defection跟 defect的区别是什么呢

defection n. 背叛, 脱党, 离会defect n. 1.缺点,过失,瑕疵,缺陷,毛病 2. (尤指对完善或完备所必需的)欠缺,缺乏,不足(之处) 3.弱点,短处;污点 v.变节,叛变,脱离,背叛,投敌
2023-06-15 16:03:492

defect, shortcoming, fault之区别?

2023-06-15 16:04:023

defect 和 disadvantage 的区别

defeatvt.1. 战胜,击败The French defeated the English troops.法国人打败了英国军队。2. 使失败,挫败Our hopes were defeated.我们的希望落空了。3. 【律】使无效,废除n.[C][U]1. 失败,战败,挫折The aggressors were doomed to defeat.侵略者注定要失败。2. 战胜,击败disadvantagen.[C][U]1. 不利条件His lack of education was a disadvantage when he looked for a job.他缺少教育,这在找工作时是一个不利条件。2. 不利;损失,损害Not studying will be to your disadvantage.不学习将对你不利。vt.1. 使处于不利地位;损害
2023-06-15 16:04:344

关于一个英语单词 defect作为名词可以解释为缺点 请问此时是可数的吗?知道的来哦 别误人子弟

2023-06-15 16:04:431

2023-06-15 16:04:531

weakness defect demerit 区别。求详解,谢谢。

a fault or a lack of something that means that something or someone is not perfect--- defect a bad quality or feature of something --demerita fault in someone"s character or in a system, organization, design etc: -- weaknessweakness 弱点;缺点, demerit 过失;缺点 defect 瑕疵;毛病;缺陷从各词的意思上可以看出一些差别。本题问性格中的什么东西阻碍了他的事业发展。defect最贴切,人的性格一般都不可能十全十美,存在着缺陷,瑕疵,缺少达到圆满或完善所必需的东西,而非弱点、缺点或过失。性格中的弱点有时恰恰是优点呢。这个解释得很清楚。希望可以帮助你
2023-06-15 16:05:041

区别: defect 和defective

defect n. 缺点,缺陷;不足之处 vi. 变节;叛变 defective adj. 有缺陷的;不完美的 n. 有缺陷的人;不完全变化词 当作“缺陷”解的时候,defect是名词,defective是形容词,或者当它是名词的时候表示“有缺陷的人”
2023-06-15 16:05:151


问题一:不良品的英文是? defective products 问题二:某产品因不良不能使用用英语怎么说? Certain products can"t耿be put to use because of their defect(s) A certain product cannot be used because of its defect(s) 问题三:不良风气的英语该怎么说 the evils of society. 结合例句自己选择用哪个吧 例句 ? He hasn"t yet been infected with the evils of society. 他还没沾染社会上的不良风气。 Take effective action to clean up a city. 采取有效措施改革一个城市的不良社会风气。 An effort to rectify economic order and to clean unhealthy ways and customs is on foot in that country. 那个国家正在作整顿经济秩序和扫除不良风气的努力。 All practices that run counter to the requirement of the development 穿f the Party"s cause or the interests of the people should be resolutely removed. 一切不符合党的事业发展要求、不符合人民利益的不良风气,都应坚决克服。 Those outside the Party who have the same kind of bad style will, if they are good and honest people, learn from our example and correct their mistakes, and thus the whole nation will be influenced. 党外有这种不良风气的人,只要他们是善良的,就会跟我们学,改正他们的错误,这样就会影响全民族。” 问题四:不好的行为 用英语怎么说 improper deeds 问题五:"我的英语不好"用英语怎么说? 在翻译这个句子的时候不能用poor这个词,通常在英语国家的文化里面,当你说出poor这个词的时候,别人的第一反应是你需要施舍或是不愿意和别人聊了所以就以此来打法别人。这是新东方的权威老师说的话,我也查过很多相关资料证实了一下。这句话应该说成:my english is not very good , but i am working on it贰.既表达了你的水平,也表明你愿意提高的态度,别人很欣赏这种积极的学习和生活态度。 问题六:红色箭头/不良标签用英语怎么说 Red Arrow Defective label 问题七:我不好,用英文怎么说 40分 我不好 I"m no good 问题八:不良行为的英文怎么说 misconduct delinquenent cond叮ct bad behaviour 问题九:外观不良,电镀不良,焊接不良用英语怎么说 外观不良 : 1. co *** etic defect 2 visual failure 电镀不良 : 1. poor electro-plating 2. poor metal electro plating 3. POOR PLATING 焊接不良 : 1. rack of fusion 2. POOR WELD 问题十:不良品的英文是? defective products
2023-06-15 16:05:231


defect英语解释如下:1. an imperfection in a bodily system2. a failing or deficiency同义词:shortcoming3. an imperfection in a device or machine同义词:fault, flaw4. a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person"s body)同义词:blemish, mar。shortcoming n.短处,缺点1、a failing or deficiencyNot being punctual is his greatest shortcoming.不守时间是他的最大缺点。defect 包含着shortcoming。weakness:1.a flaw or weak point同义词:failing2.powerlessness revealed by an inability to act同义词:helplessness,impuissance3.the property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain4.the condition of being financially weak5.a penchant for something even though it might not be good for you
2023-06-15 16:05:331


2023-06-15 16:05:596

defect shortcoming weakness的区别,要详细的解释,最好有例句。

前两个词的区别不大,defect 包含着shortcoming。具体根据英语解释应该能体现,请了解。defect 英语解释如下:1. an imperfection in a bodily system2. a failing or deficiency同义词:shortcoming3. an imperfection in a device or machine同义词:fault, flaw4. a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person"s body)同义词:blemish, marshortcoming n.短处,缺点1、a failing or deficiencyNot being punctual is his greatest shortcoming. 不守时间是他的最大缺点。weakness1.a flaw or weak point同义词:failing2.powerlessness revealed by an inability to act同义词:helplessness,impuissance3.the property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain4.the condition of being financially weak5.a penchant for something even though it might not be good for you
2023-06-15 16:06:171


答案是 A: DefectThe defect in her character has hindered her from advancement in her career.Defect 的意思是a lack of something necessary for completeness or perfection 缺乏一样很重要的东西所以不完整
2023-06-15 16:06:262

defect shortcomings weakness 的区别

defect 小毛病 瑕疵 弱点,短处;污点 主要指物shortcoming 短处,缺点 多用复数weakness软弱;虚弱;疲软;衰弱;懦弱 主要是人性格上的缺陷
2023-06-15 16:06:373


此题最好加上mistake 一起来辨析吧。1.flaw2. errors3. fault4. defect
2023-06-15 16:07:032

缺损的英语翻译 缺损用英语怎么说

缺损: 缺少和损坏 lack and defect
2023-06-15 16:07:303

defect和 shortcoming意义上的区别?!

shortcoming 可以说人的缺点E.G he has a lot of shorcoming defect 可以指 事物的缺点
2023-06-15 16:07:381

“缺点”或“不足” 用英语怎么说?

2023-06-15 16:07:493


我觉得用imperfection 是不是更贴切一些,个人看法 natural internal structural imperfection -- microcrack
2023-06-15 16:07:571


2023-06-15 16:08:051


defect :往往只的是小缺陷,不足以影响整件事。如They detected no defect in the product.他们没发现产品有任何问题。flaw:缺陷,会左右整件事情的不足之处,它有动词、名词两个词性。如 Can you spot the flaw in their argument?你能指出他们论点中的谬误吗?
2023-06-15 16:08:311


defect英 [u02c8di:fekt] 美 [u02c8diu02ccfu025bkt, du026au02c8fu025bkt] n. 瑕疵,毛病;欠缺,缺点vi. 叛逃;背叛
2023-06-15 16:08:411


在表示人的缺点,设计制造方面的“缺点、缺陷”,两者应当没有区别.正如,中文的“缺点" 与”缺陷“ 有什么区别呢?但 defect = deficiency = fault = shortcoming 缺点、缺陷.如果表示 “缺少、不足、缺乏” = shortfall/ shortage/ lack 时,只可用 deficiency.
2023-06-15 16:08:561


  作名词时,flaw比defect多了个裂纹的意思,突然的狂风天气的意思。flaw还可作及物动词,defect不可做及物动词。   做不及物动词时,flaw是使破裂的意思,defect有背叛的意思。   flaw指某种有价值的东西因为有裂缝、伤痕而影响了原来的价值。   defect指由于缺少本质的或重要的东西而不完善。
2023-06-15 16:09:071


  表达缺点的英文:defect   读音如音标所示:英 [di:fekt] 美 [difkt, dfkt]   例句   1. NHTSA has the most active defect investigation program in the world, opening or closing an investigation almost every week.   2. The lack of a centrally controlled regulatory system is considered a key defect underpinning China"s perennial food and drug safety woes.   3. She had said her baby was diagnosed with Trisomy 13 syndrome, a chromosomal defect that can cause severe mental retardation and death.   4. He believes that the problem is a defect in the design and wants HP to give him a new computer.   5. The congenital heart disease is a defect in the structure of the heart and great vessels which is present at birth.   6. That means, every 30 seconds there is a baby born somewhere having some congenital defect.   7. Young actor Max Page was born with a congenital heart defect called Tetralogy of Fallot, according to a statement from Children"s Hospital Los Angeles.   8. Kang Jin has a congenital heart defect, a condition more common than many realize.   表达缺点的.英语:weakness   读音如音标所示:英 [wi:kns] 美 [wikns]   例句   1. We all have our little weaknesses.   我们大家都有自己的小毛病。   2. Angling for compliments is one of his weaknesses.   爱听恭维话是他的毛病之一。   3. Weakness compelled him to retire early.   他因身体虚弱而较早退休。   4. His weakness for cigarettes is detrimental to his health.   他抽烟的嗜好对他的身体有害。   5. He has a weakness for detective stories.   他特别爱看侦探小说。   表达缺点的单词:shortcoming   读音如音标所示:英 [:tkm] 美 [:rtkm]   例句   1. The phenomenon reflects a shortcoming in institutional design of the student loan system.   2. If that is a shortcoming, it is one that can be excused due to the high fidelity of the imitation.   3. This shortcoming has made it difficult for investors to evaluate the earnings potential of a listed company and make an informed investment decision.   4. The shortcoming of this is he"ll usually not let on to the woman his musings.   5. This shortcoming can be rectified with careful food combinations and this is the premise of a vegan diet.   6. Nan launched a second " ownership revolution " in 1998 as he found a deadly shortcoming for a family business was attracting and retaining talented employees.   7. " This shortcoming has greatly influenced my work, " Yan said.   8. She wants to use China as a benchmark to analyze the shortcoming of Western capitalism and she finds many.   9. " The only shortcoming was I retouched them so well the hair looked a little fake, " Chen says.
2023-06-15 16:09:341


a fault or a lack of something that means that something or someone is not perfect--- defect a bad quality or feature of something --demerit a fault in someone"s character or in a system,organization,design etc:-- weakness weakness 弱点;缺点,demerit 过失;缺点 defect 瑕疵;毛病;缺陷 从各词的意思上可以看出一些差别.本题问性格中的什么东西阻碍了他的事业发展.defect最贴切,人的性格一般都不可能十全十美,存在着缺陷,瑕疵,缺少达到圆满或完善所必需的东西,而非弱点、缺点或过失.性格中的弱点有时恰恰是优点呢. 这个解释得很清楚.
2023-06-15 16:09:561

“缺点”或“不足” 用英语怎么说

2023-06-15 16:10:182


问题一:不良品的英文是? defective products 问题二:某产品因不良不能使用用英语怎么说? Certain products can"t耿be put to use because of their defect(s) A certain product cannot be used because of its defect(s) 问题三:不良风气的英语该怎么说 the evils of society. 结合例句自己选择用哪个吧 例句 ? He hasn"t yet been infected with the evils of society. 他还没沾染社会上的不良风气。 Take effective action to clean up a city. 采取有效措施改革一个城市的不良社会风气。 An effort to rectify economic order and to clean unhealthy ways and customs is on foot in that country. 那个国家正在作整顿经济秩序和扫除不良风气的努力。 All practices that run counter to the requirement of the development 穿f the Party"s cause or the interests of the people should be resolutely removed. 一切不符合党的事业发展要求、不符合人民利益的不良风气,都应坚决克服。 Those outside the Party who have the same kind of bad style will, if they are good and honest people, learn from our example and correct their mistakes, and thus the whole nation will be influenced. 党外有这种不良风气的人,只要他们是善良的,就会跟我们学,改正他们的错误,这样就会影响全民族。” 问题四:不好的行为 用英语怎么说 improper deeds 问题五:"我的英语不好"用英语怎么说? 在翻译这个句子的时候不能用poor这个词,通常在英语国家的文化里面,当你说出poor这个词的时候,别人的第一反应是你需要施舍或是不愿意和别人聊了所以就以此来打法别人。这是新东方的权威老师说的话,我也查过很多相关资料证实了一下。这句话应该说成:my english is not very good , but i am working on it贰.既表达了你的水平,也表明你愿意提高的态度,别人很欣赏这种积极的学习和生活态度。 问题六:红色箭头/不良标签用英语怎么说 Red Arrow Defective label 问题七:我不好,用英文怎么说 40分 我不好 I"m no good 问题八:不良行为的英文怎么说 misconduct delinquenent cond叮ct bad behaviour 问题九:外观不良,电镀不良,焊接不良用英语怎么说 外观不良 : 1. co *** etic defect 2 visual failure 电镀不良 : 1. poor electro-plating 2. poor metal electro plating 3. POOR PLATING 焊接不良 : 1. rack of fusion 2. POOR WELD 问题十:不良品的英文是? defective products
2023-06-15 16:10:281


2023-06-15 16:10:372


2023-06-15 16:10:461

defect from的讲解

hello everyone,今天我们要学习的词组是defect from,defect from的意思是缺陷,它是由动词defect和介词from组合在一起的,读作【u02c8diu02d0fekt fru0259m】,defect这个单词单独来看是缺点缺陷的意思,from这个介词单独来看是来自的意思,组合在一起的话可以翻译为缺陷来自,可以直接翻译为缺陷,defect from这个词组有许多同义词,在单词中的同义词有【imperfection】、【drawback】,接下来我们再来看看它的用法,defect from这个单词翻译为缺陷;例如我们来看看下面这个句子,Chapter two study the defect from,the bank"s essence, namely bank run. 第二章,本文研究了银行本质决定其内在缺陷的问题,即银行挤兑效应的存在命题,现在我们再来看看第二个例句,This year Linda is 18 years old.They knew she had a heart defect from birth,but all the while they didn"t have money to get treatment. 琳达今年18岁了,从出生就发现有缺陷,但是一直没有钱去接受治疗,今天的学习到这里就结束了,defect from这个词组你学会了吗?
2023-06-15 16:10:541


2023-06-15 16:11:055


2023-06-15 16:11:473


defect是缺陷、缺瑕疵的意思 laden是载重、拖累、加载的意思
2023-06-15 16:12:121

请问什么是“defect injection”缺陷注入?

This technique is also call fault seeding and testing(Mills, 1972). The idea is to inject known faults into the software system, and then usetesting to catch both injectedseeded faults and original faults to ensure that certaintypes of defects are detected and removed, much like what immunization do to keeppeople healthy.将Defect注射到源程序中。因为很多Defect很不容易在某种机器环境中出现,比如一个用户的机器内存特别少的时候,微软要求程序仍然不能丢失数据和发生安全漏洞,但测试人员不能把测试机器的内存拆下来,也不能非常精确的把内存消耗到期望的数值,这时他们会通过注射一段代码来模拟内存的分配。
2023-06-15 16:12:221

Nothing is so beautiful but it betrays some defect on close inspection 句子分析,帮个忙。

其实这句话应该蛮好理解的,结构方面就是这个“but”了,其实这里的but 和I"m sorry,but I can"t help you 中的but 是一样的
2023-06-15 16:12:327

a defect什么意思及同义词

a defect释义:一个缺陷网络:a defect 缺陷a latent defect 隐蔽瑕疵a certain defect 一定缺陷
2023-06-15 16:12:521

请教restr sys defect是什么意思?

2023-06-15 16:13:033

extended defects是什么意思

extended defect1. 扩展缺陷固体无机化学... ... ( 杂质缺陷( extrinsic defect) ( 扩展缺陷( extended defect) 导带 (空带空带) 空带能隙( band gap).
2023-06-15 16:13:121


2023-06-15 16:13:211


第一个是缺陷 第二个是不足
2023-06-15 16:13:521


defect-free英 [diu02c8fekt fri:] 美 [u02c8diu02ccfu025bkt fri] adj.无缺陷的;
2023-06-15 16:14:041


2023-06-15 16:14:154


2023-06-15 16:14:242


间隙原子和空位是成对出现的,称为弗兰克尔缺陷(Frenkel defect);若只在晶体内形成空位而无间隙原子时,称为肖特基缺陷(Schottky defect)
2023-06-15 16:14:331


2023-06-15 16:15:102

inherent defect是什么意思

2023-06-15 16:15:332


意思:故障。fault一、含义:n. 缺点;故障;过错;[地]断层。v. 找 ... 错误。二、用法fault表示具体的“缺点,错误,缺陷,故障”时,可用作可数名词; 泛指抽象的“过失,过错”“责任”时,是不可数名词。近义词:defect一、含义:n. 缺点;缺陷。vi. 背叛。二、用法15世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古典拉丁语的defectus,意为失败,反抗;最初源自此语的deficere,意为失败,应得。作名词有“缺点,缺陷”的意思。defect强调不影响全局,完美不足,用于人时,defect多指人体器官上的缺陷。
2023-06-15 16:15:421