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total defects什么意思

2023-07-20 20:15:27

total defects





1. 完全缺损



1 The inspector will date and sign the "green" tag when there are no defects inscaffold construction noting total working load on tag.



Under the warranty of quality, the seller warrants the buyer that the property is free from defects

2023-07-20 16:28:074


晶体缺陷(crystal defects)是指晶体内部结构完整性受到破坏的所在位置。按其延展程度可分成点缺陷、线缺陷和面缺陷。晶体结构中质点排列的某种不规则性或不完善性。又称晶格缺陷。表现为晶体结构中局部范围内,质点的排布偏离周期性重复的空间格子规律而出现错乱的现象。①点缺陷,只涉及到大约一个原子大小范围的晶格缺陷。它包括:晶格位置上缺失正常应有的质点而造成的空位;由于额外的质点充填晶格空隙而产生的填隙;由杂质成分的质点替代了晶格中固有成分质点的位置而引起的替位等。在类质同象混晶中替位是一种普遍存在的晶格缺陷。②线缺陷,是沿着晶格中某条线的周围,在大约几个原子间距的范围内出现的晶格缺陷。位错是其主要的表现形式。具有位错的晶体结构,可看成是局部晶格沿一定的原子面发生晶格的滑移的产物。滑移不贯穿整个晶格,晶体缺陷到晶格内部即终止,在已滑移部分和未滑移部分晶格的分界处造成质点的错乱排列,即位错。这个分界外,即滑移面在晶格内的终止线,称为位错线。
2023-07-20 16:28:221

英译汉, 谢谢 Company A represents and warrants that Company A’s solution will perform 。。。

公司一表现,而且正当理由那一家公司解决将会实质上运行如公司 A. 公司所指定唯一的责任和公司 B 脚掌有关于如此的担保治疗法将会是公司义务使用商业合理的努力改正,在合理的时段内,任何证明,而且引起系统的解决可再生的缺点在所有的材料符合公司一规格不要再运行尊敬。
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2023-07-20 16:28:484

晶格缺陷的晶格缺陷lattice defects

在实际的晶体中,由于晶体形成条件、原子的热运动及其它条件的影响,原子的排列不可能那样完整和规则,往往存在偏离了理想晶体结构的区域。这些与完整周期性点阵结构的偏离就是晶体中的缺陷,它破坏了晶体的对称性。缺陷对晶体的物理性质具有极其重要的影响,可分为面缺陷、线缺陷和点缺陷三种。其中晶粒间界、堆垛层错和孪晶间界属于面缺陷,晶粒间界指多晶体中晶粒之间的交界面。堆垛层错是指晶体中原子面的堆垛顺序出现反常而造成的缺陷,它只影响层错面附近晶体结构,并不影响其他区域的原子层堆垛顺序。孪晶是指晶体中相毗邻的两部分互为镜像。线缺陷主要是指位错,位错的存在对晶体的力学性质机翼各种物理性质都有影响。除了三种缺陷外,晶体中还存在很多其他缺陷,如在对无位错单晶研究中发现晶体中存在微缺陷,在制作无位错硅单晶中发现了密度很大且线度很小的缺陷群。 最常见的点缺陷是“晶格空位”和“间隙原子”。当晶格中的某些原子由于某种原因(如热振动的偶然偏差等)脱离其晶格结点而转移到晶格间隙时会造成点缺陷。空位,填隙,替位; 即晶格中的“位错线”,或简称位错,可视为晶格中一部分晶体相对于另一部分晶体的局部滑移而造成的结果,滑移部分与未滑移部分的交界线就是位错线。位错,刃位错,螺旋位错,混合位错; 即晶界和亚晶界。这两种晶格缺陷都是因晶体中不同区域间的晶格位相过度造成的。平移界面,堆垛层错,晶界,亚晶界。
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2023-07-20 16:29:202


5.6钢的轧制和弯曲承包商应轧辊和弯曲钢如下:●截面形状应在焊接前滚到无失真,使它们在一个平面。任何变形应通过压或加热校正。锤击应不使用。●所有板块和部分需要弯曲的形状应以角环滚弯机冷加工成型,板卷或按适当的制动。5.7切割和打孔承包商应按照有关规范、标准和如下所示切割和孔钢:●割前,所有成员应合理安排,考虑到连接例如位置和螺栓孔的尺寸要求,切割长度/宽度和规定焊缝、夹板等规划切割应避免浪费或尽可能的不必要的关节。成员布局标记应通过将构件放置在水平支撑或衬垫上以保证精度。标记精度应仅限于+ / - 1毫米;●冷锯切时应采用切割构件长度。然而,激光,等离子体或机械气切割,剪切和剪切时,可以使用批准从公司获得。剪切、剪切和气体切割应清洁,从任何变形或毛刺平方和自由。完成,在需要的地方边缘应是地面平直和均匀的,用于去除尖锐的边缘和焊缝飞溅是指规范25977-000-3ps-nxs0-00001工程规范绘画和保护涂层。●两端在底板和接头应符合制备柱ANSI /鞍钢360节m2.6;●缺陷应当从板和型材的切割边缘切除;●熔合面应无缺陷,会影响沉积焊接金属或引起焊接缺陷;●自由边缘应光滑,衣着得体而不失真
2023-07-20 16:29:291

birth defect造句 birth defectの例文 "birth defect"是什么意思

They also found a way to reduce these drug-caused birth defects . 他们也发现了一种减少这类药物引起的先天缺陷的方法。 The *** ysis of birth defect in 12375 perinatal fetus 太原地区12375例围产儿出生缺陷分析 Cpnic *** ysis on 534 children wth birth defects at the age of 5岁出生缺陷儿童临床分析 Thalassemia family marriage and birth defect intervene 地中海贫血家系婚配与出生缺陷干预 Review on the trend of birth defect in 5 years 近五年出生缺陷的变化趋势 Congenital ? ? a birth defect that is not inherited 先天的缺点,并不是因为遗传而获得的特性。 Centre of human development and birth defects 人类发现及先天疾病中心 Monitoring of the birth defects in 12 years in hubei province 湖北省十二年出生缺陷监测分析 Birth defects in chaoyang district , beijing , in 1999年出生缺陷监测 I don " t know if it " s a fungus or some congenital birth defect 我不知道是不是真菌或者一些先天缺陷 It"s difficult to see birth defect in a sentence. 用 birth defect 造句挺难的 Analysis of 643 cases with birth defect 643例出生缺陷分析 Is that dubble bubble doubles the taste , not causes birth defects . "双炮"有更好的味道,而不会造成畸形 It " s a birth defect . - no , it " s not 天生缺陷-不,不是 Study progress on in birth defect 出生缺陷的研究进展 . . . is that dubble bubble doubles the taste , not causes birth defects . . . "双炮"有更好的味道,而不会造成畸形 Approach to screeing and intervention pattern of birth defects in longgang area 龙岗区出生缺陷筛查干预模式的探讨 The birth defects ( hat the drug produced were a result of inadequate testing 这种药物造成的婴儿先天性缺损就是实验不够的结果。 New research shows that some birth defects are pnked to *** oking during pregnancy 最新研究表明某些生理缺陷与怀孕期间抽烟有关。 Study on hair trace elements levels of pregnant women from birth defects surveillance system 出生缺陷与孕妇毛发微量元素含量研究 A : new research shows that some birth defects are pnked to *** oking during pregnancy 最新研究表明某些生理缺陷与怀孕期间抽烟有关。 Epidemiological *** ysis of birth defects in the adjoining areas of a normal nuclear power station 核电站正常运行期间毗邻地区出生缺陷的流行病学分析 Exceptions include folate for prevention of birth defects and calcium for prevention of bone disease 不过,补充预防出生缺陷的叶酸与预防骨质疏松的钙是例外。 Cleft palate ? ? a birth defect of the roof of the mouth in that the hard palate did not close pletely 腭裂。一种天生的缺陷,嘴巴的上部和下部不能完全闭合。 Impact of prenatal detection and termination of pregnancy on prevalence of birth defects in europe 欧洲关于产前检查并终止妊娠对出生缺陷监测发生率影响的资料分析 Who says environmental hazards can cause _ _ 9 _ _ , still birth , low birth weight and birth defects 世卫组织称环境危害可能导致流产,死胎,出生体重不足,婴儿先天性缺陷。 And the rate of congenital birth defects in babies born to mothers with ibd was more than ice as high 而且炎症性肠病的母亲生育有遗传缺陷的婴儿大于健康母亲的两倍。 Methods data were taken from chinese birth defects monitoring work , a hospital - based congenital anomapes registry system 方法采用以医院为基础的监测方法收集资料。 Who says environmental hazards can cause miscarriage , still birth , low birth weight and birth defects Who称环境问题可能会导致流产、胎儿不发育、出生体重低以及出生缺陷。 Who says environmental hazards can cause miscarriage , still birth , low birth weight and birth defects 世卫组织称环境危害可能导致流产,死胎,出生体重不足,婴儿先天性缺陷。 " many birth defects actually can be avoided if women use supplements of fopc acid during he noted 他说: “如果妇女在怀孕期间摄入足够的叶酸辅助品,很多出生缺陷完全可以避免。 It"s difficult to see birth defect in a sentence. 用 birth defect 造句挺难的 The 16 - year - old was born with spina bifida , a congenital birth defect that stunts brain and spinal cord development 16岁大患有脊柱分裂症,一种先天性缺乏症,阻碍大脑和脊椎发育。 As the mother of o children affpcted with serious birth defects , she became a pubpc voice for children " s charities 做为有天生残疾的两个孩子的母亲,她成为儿童慈善事业的公众呼声。 Who says environmental hazards can cause miss carriage ( miscarriage ) , stillbirth , low birth rate ( weight ) , and birth defects Who指出环境危害能引起流产,死产,出生重量低,和婴儿缺陷。 Neural tube defects : fopc acid supplements can reduce the risk of spina bifida and other neural tube birth defects 神经管不良症叶酸补充物可以降低罹患脊柱裂或是其它神经管先天缺损的机率。 " many birth defects actually can be avoided if women use supplements of fopc acid during pregnancy , " he noted 他说: “如果妇女在怀孕期间摄入足够的叶酸辅助品,很多出生缺陷完全可以避免。 At a loss , the doctor administered one more test , because blood - pressure medication can cause birth defects 在困惑不解的情况下,医生进行了第二次检查,因为治疗血压的药物能导致婴儿的先天缺陷。 When the neural tube does not close properly , a baby is born with a very serious birth defect called a neural tube defect 如果神经管没有结合紧凑的话,婴儿产生以后会有严重的缺陷,称为神经管缺陷。 However , dietary fopc acid supplementation by mothers - to - be before and during pregnancy can reduce the incidence of such birth defects 然而,由母亲妊娠期前或妊娠期的叶酸饮食供应能减少此种先天缺陷。 They learned that the son was mute . this speech problem was not a birth defect . the boy had suddenly bee mute for unknown reasons 意所依方面,有木材所做之八大佛塔,长一臂,泥塑八大佛塔高一层楼。 Scientists consulted by the u . s . government suggest these man - made molecules have the potential to cause cancer or birth defects 美国 *** 顾问科学家提出这些人造分子有潜在造成癌症或者出生缺陷的危险。 About 400 milpon women of childbearing age are iron deficient , which means their babies are exposed to various birth defects 大约有4亿的育龄妇女体内缺铁,也就是说,她们的婴儿将可能有各种天生的缺陷。 These birth defects happen in the first few weeks of pregnancy , often before a woman finds out that she is pregnant 一般来讲,出生缺陷是在怀孕最初几周发生的,而通常在这几周女性并没有意识到自己已经怀孕了。 Anencephaly is a form of neural tube defect that is typically an isolated birth defect that is not related to chromosomal abnormapties 无脑儿是神经管缺陷的一种类型,是单纯性先天性缺陷,与染色体异常无关。 The city " s rate of birth defects was 23 . 1 per thousand last year , an increase of nearly 4 per thousand over the previous three years " average 宁波市去年的新生儿出生缺陷率为23 . 1比此前三年的平均水平高出近4 The city " s rate of birth defects was 23 . 1 per thousand last year , an increase of nearly 4 per thousand over the previous three years " average 宁波市去年的新生儿出生缺陷率为23 . 1 ,比此前三年的平均水平高出近4 。 Provide information , materials for students and classrooms . has related information about birth defects , child development , and disabipty and health -为肢体和听觉障碍残疾人设立的职业高中,包含学校简介教研成果。 Warning : this product contains a chemical known to the state of capfornia to cause cancer , birth defects , or other reproductive harm 警告:本产品包含美国加州公布的可能导致癌症、生育缺陷,或其他生育伤害的化学物质。 The aerage age for a birth defect - related hospital stay was 17 . 6 years pared to 49 . 9 years for all other hospital stays 因出生缺陷而住院治疗的患者平均年龄为17 . 6岁,比较而言,所有其他原因住院的患者平均年龄为49 . 9岁。 It is especially important for pregnant women to drink pure water as lead in drinking water can cause severe birth defects 由于饮用水中的铅可以引起严重的出生儿童有问题,尤其对于怀孕的孕妇来说饮用干净健康的水显得特别重要。 They said their study pubpshed in the american journal of epidemiology is the first definitively to pnk air pollution with birth defects 他们说,这项刊登在美国流行病学杂志上的研究首次明确地提出空气污染与出生缺陷有关。 It"s difficult to see birth defect in a sentence. 用 birth defect 造句挺难的
2023-07-20 16:29:371


2023-07-20 16:29:5510

谁能告诉我 合成体 的概念,谢谢!

智能材料的时代 展望21世纪的高分子化学 高分子化学作为化学的一个分支,同样也是从事制造和研究分子的科学,但其制造和研究的对象都是大分子,即由若干原子按一定规律重复地连接成具有成千上万甚至上百万质量的、最大伸直长度可达毫米量级的长链分子,称为高分子、大分子或聚合物。既然高分子化学是制造和研究大分子的科学,对制造大分子的反应和方法的研究,显然是高分子化学的最基本的研究内容。 高分子化学的发展历程 早在19世纪中叶高分子就已经得到了应用,但是当时并没有形成长链分子这种概念。主要通过化学反应对天然高分子进行改性,所以现在称这类高分子为人造高分子。比如1839年美国人 G oodyear发明了天然橡胶的硫化;1855年英国人 P arks由硝化纤维素(guncotton)和樟脑(camphor)制得赛璐珞(celluloid)塑料;1883年法国人 d e Chardonnet发明了人造丝 r ayon等。可以看到正是由于采用了合适的反应和方法对天然高分子进行了化学改性,使得人类从对天然高分子的原始利用,进入到有目的地改性和使用天然高分子。 回顾过去一个多世纪高分子化学的发展史可以看到,高分子化学反应和合成方法对高分子化学的学科发展所起的关键作用,对开发高分子合成新材料所起的指导作用。比如70年代中期发现的导电高分子,改变了长期以来人们对高分子只能是绝缘体的观念,进而开发出了具有光、电活性的被称之为“电子聚合物”的高分子材料,有可能为21世纪提供可进行信息传递的新功能材料。因此当我们探讨21世纪的高分子化学的发展方向时,首先要在高分子的聚合反应和方法上有所创新。对大品种高分子材料的合成而言,21世纪初,起码是今后10年左右,metallocene催化剂,特别是后过渡金属催化剂将会是高分子合成研究及开发的热点。活性自由基聚合,由此而可能发展起来的“配位活性自由基聚合”,以及阳离子活性聚合等是应用烯类单体合成新材料(包括功能材料)的重要途径。对支化、高度支化或树枝状高分子的合成及表征,将会引起更多的重视。因为这类聚合物的结构不仅对其性能有显著的影响,而且也可能开发出许多新的功能材料。 高分子化学的创新研究 高分子化学作为材料科学的一个支撑学科,其发展事实已经表明,化学方法制造出来的聚合物,当其作为高分子材料使用时,其作用和功能的发挥,不只是单靠由化学合成决定的一级结构,即分子链的化学结构,还要靠其高级层次上的结构,即靠高分子聚集体中由物理方法得到的、非化学成键的分子链间的相互作用的支撑和协调。有的时候这种高分子聚集体和这些高级结构,如相态结构和聚集态结构,对高分子材料、尤其是高分子功能材料的影响更为明显。这种物理方法得到的非化学成键的、分子链间的相互作用的形成,可以通过所谓的物理合成或物理组合的方法来实现,即用物理方法将一堆分子链依靠非化学成键的物理相互作用,联系在一起成为具有特定结构,如超分子结构的高分子聚集体,从而显示出特定的性质。因此21世纪的高分子化学除了制造和研究一个分子链,还应包括制造和研究“一堆”分子链,在化学合成之外包括物理合成,在分子层次的研究之外还要有分子以上层次的研究。 因而以精确设计和精确操作为基本思路来发展和完善化学和物理的这种结合,也是21世纪的高分子化学研究,尤其是高分子材料研究中一种值得注意的方向。 高分子材料的纳米化 现有的高分子化学反应中原子重新排列键合的反应空间一般都较原子尺寸大得多,因此化学反应是在一非受限空间进行的。如果在一有限空间或环境中,如纳米量级的片层中,小分子单体因为与片层分子的物理相互作用而被迫在此受限空间中进行某种方式和程度的排列,然后再发生单体的聚合时,聚合产物的拓扑结构既不可能是受限空间的完全复制,又不同于自由空间中得到的情况。我们从这种受限空间的聚合反应也许可以提出高分子纳米化学的概念。化学的制备对象从来都是纳米量级的原子或分子,但由于其方法不够精细,不能在纳米尺度上实现原子或分子的有目的的精确操纵,因此即使目前可以做到分子的精确设计也较难实现,从而使得化学合成给人以粗放的感觉。高分子的纳米化学,就是要按照精确的分子设计,在纳米尺度上规划分子链中的原子间的相对位置和结合方式,以及分子链间的相互位置和排列,通过纳米尺度上操纵原子、分子或分子链,完成精确操作,实现纳米量级上的高分子各级结构的精确定位。从而精确调控所得到的高分子材料的性质和功能。高分子纳米化学的目的就是实现高分子材料的纳米化。 高分子材料的纳米化可以依赖于高分子的纳米合成,这既包括分子层次上的化学方法,也包括分子以上层次的物理方法。利用外场包括温度场、溶剂场、电场、磁场、力场和微重力场等的作用,在一确定的空间或环境中像搬运积木块一样移动分子,采用自组装、自组合或自合成等方法,靠分子间的相互作用,构建具有特殊结构形态的分子聚集体。如果再在这种分子聚集体中引发化学成键,则能得到具有高度准确的多级结构的高分子。通过这种精确操作的高分子合成,可以准确实现高分子的分子设计。 高分子材料的纳米化还可以通过成型加工的方式得以实现,即在成型加工过程中控制高分子熔体的流动,调节高分子的结构形态从而控制使用性质。高分子材料的纳米化研究不仅应包括纳米化制备方法,还不应忽略高分子材料的纳米结构的观察和纳米性质的测量。因为结构和性能决定材料的使用价值。而高分子材料的纳米化的结果,是使得表面层上和界面层上的结构和性能表现出特异性,这部分也是由于在表面和界面的尺寸限制下,高分子材料的相结构和形态发生突变所致。因此需要开展表面层上和界面层上的相结构、相行为及分子链动力学的研究,建立相应受限条件下的高分子材料的构效关系。采用的研究方法中,计算模拟和扫描探针技术等都是十分有用的。 智能材料中的高分子化学 如果说20世纪的人类社会文明的标志是合成材料,那么下个世纪将会是智能材料的时代。在这个智能材料的时代,高分子化学同样承担着不可替代的作用。智能材料是材料的作用和功能可随外界条件的变化而有意识的调节、修饰和修复。已经知道高分子具有软物质的最典型的特征,即易于对外场作出响应。软物质(soft matter)是指易于发生变形的那类物质。软物质不仅在一般的剪切作用下可发生畸变和流动,而且小的热涨落也会对其性质带来重要的影响。软物质包括高分子、生物大分子、液晶、胶体及乳胶和微乳胶这类两亲物质等。软物质在物质科学的研究中被越来越多的提及,产生了研究软物质的专门学科———软物理(soft physics)。软物质可以用来研究凝聚态物理学中的一些核心问题,如对称性(symmetry)、低能量激发(low-ener- gy excitation)和拓扑缺陷(topological defects)之间的联系。软物质研究的另一方面的意义是软物质的应用。前面提及的软物质所包括的那些物质,实际都是有着明显的使用价值。也许正是因为如此,最近又出现了材料科学变软的提法。软物质的研究虽然目前主要还是在凝聚态物理的学术圈中进行,但其研究领域则涉及数学、化学、化工、材料、生物及其交叉学科,被认为是下个世纪物质科学及其相关学科中的重点研究内容之一。因此在高分子化学的研究中,引进软物质的概念,利用外场的变化构建高分子材料的特殊结构,实现外场作用下高分子材料的作用和功能的实时调制,应是高分子智能材料研究的重要内容。 广义上的智能材料也应包括生命材料。由于生物大分子和合成高分子都属于软物质,因此软物质科学的研究也有助于高分子生命材料的研究,虽然目前合成高分子也能模仿蛋白质分子的自组装,但却没有蛋白质分子那样的生命活性。这是因为合成高分子的分子链缺少确定的序列结构,不能形成特定的链折叠。如果在合成高分子膜的表面附着上蛋白质分子或有特定序列结构的合成高分子,研究这些表面分子折叠的方法、规律、结构和活性,形成具有生命活性功能,比如排斥和识别功能的软有序结构,再通过化学环境、温度和应力等外场来调节这些软有序结构,从而控制外界信号向合成膜内的传递,实现生物活性的形成和调控,尝试合成高分子生命材料。 高分子化学对资源的依赖 化学是制造和研究物质的科学。调节原子和分子在物质中的组合配置,控制物质的微观性质、宏观性质和表面性质,就可能使某种物质满足某种使用要求,因而这种物质就能作为材料来使用。因此材料的制备对资源的依赖性和材料的使用与环境的协调性,就成为化学研究中一个独特而又十分重要的方面。当代高分子合成材料依赖于石油这种化石资源。由于石油的生成是一个漫长的地质过程,同时石油又是当代人类社会的主要能源,石油资源正日益减少而又无法及时再生,因此寻找可以替代石油的其它资源,则成为21世纪的高分子化学研究中的一个迫切需要解决的问题。其解决的途径可以是天然高分子的利用,也应包括合成无机高分子的探索。 21世纪利用源于植物的高分子,显然不同于上个世纪对天然高分子的简单使用。结合基因工程的方法,促使植物产生出更多的可直接使用的天然高分子,或可供化学合成用的高分子单体。采用生物催化剂或菌种,将天然的植物原料,如淀粉、木质素和纤维素等,合成为与有机高分子相似的结构或性质更优异的高分子。这些由植物资源获得的高分子,不仅扩大了合成高分子的原料来源,而且得到的合成高分子还具有环境友好的特征,可以是生物降解的,可以是焚烧无害的,可以是循环再生的。目前来源于石油资源的合成高分子,其主链上的原子以碳为主兼有少量氮、氧等原子,因而称为有机高分子。无机高分子则泛指主链原子是除碳以外的其它原子。按元素性质判断约有四五十种元素可以形成长链分子。目前报道的有全硅主链、磷和氮主链、硅氧及硅碳主链、全镓和全锡主链,硫磷氮和硫碳主链、含硼主链、以及含过渡金属主链的无机高分子。其中主链全部是硅原子且具有有机侧链的聚硅烷应是值得注意的一种无机高分子。这既是由于硅是地球上储量最丰富的元素,又是因为聚硅烷既可用作结构材料又可用作功能材料。无机高分子的研究充分体现出了单体分子的选择和化学反应的控制,是如何决定高分子材料的性能和功能的。 高分子化学的可持续发展 研究高分子合成材料的环境同化,增加循环使用和再生使用,减少对环境的污染乃至用高分子合成材料治理环境污染,也是21世纪中高分子材料能否得到长足发展的关键问题之一。比如利用植物或微生物进行有实用价值的高分子的合成,在环境友好的水或二氧化碳等化学介质中进行化学合成,探索用前面提到的化学或物理合成的方法合成新概念上的可生物降解高分子,以及用合成高分子来处理污水和毒物,研究合成高分子与生态的相互作用,达到高分子材料与生态环境的和谐等。显然这些都是属于21世纪应当开展的绿色化学过程和材料的研究范畴。 高分子化学的发展方向 材料是人类社会文明发展阶段的标志。当代材料研究具有以下几个特点:传统材料(钢铁、陶瓷和有机高分子)之间的界限变得越来越模糊而融合变得更明显,如无机高分子和有机/无机杂化材料的应用等;通用材料与功能材料之间的相互渗透变得越来越明显,更多的通用材料包括结构材料会同时具有某些功能特性,而功能材料也会显现通用材料的性能;材料中原子和分子组合配置的精确设计和精确制备,及纳米尺度上结构和性质的观察和测量变得更重要,如化学制备智能材料、生命材料和单分子器件等;材料的传统研究方法与当代信息社会提供的新技术的结合变得更必要,如计算材料科学等。这些研究表明,当代化学家们正在迎接着以智能材料及生命材料为时代文明特征的21世纪的到来。 材料的发展是与人类社会的经济发展、人类与自然界间的协调和资源的利用以及人类自身的存在和发展同步进行的。因此支撑材料发展的相关科学如化学的发展,不仅关系到材料的创新和发展,还影响到受材料支撑的国民经济和社会发展的其它领域,如农业、能源、信息、环境及人口与健康等的进步与发展
2023-07-20 16:30:511


神经管畸形4维能发现吗   神经管畸形4维能发现吗,随着科技的进步,神经管的畸形在我们的生活中也能利用科技的手段达到最能接受的一种普遍情况,但是偶然性的科技也是有一定的缺陷的,那么神经管畸形4维能发现吗,下面来了解一下吧。   神经管畸形4维能发现吗1    神经管畸形4维能发现吗   四维彩超能够全方位、多角度地观察宫内胎儿的生长发育情况,早发现胎儿多种异常,如血管畸形、唇裂、心脏、骨骼发育不良等,遗传性综合征也能被及时发现。另外,四维彩超还能展示胎儿体内脏器官的实时活动图像,为揪出胎儿先天性体表畸形和先心病提供科学依据。    胎儿神经管缺陷会有胎动吗   其实胎儿神经管缺陷一般情况下是不会影响胎动的,不能根据胎动确定胎儿神经管缺陷,应该定期B超检查,检测胎儿生长发育和各个器官结构和发育状况。据统计,孕妇在怀孕过程中出现胎儿畸形的几率约为2%,畸形的胎儿常伴有残疾或严重的疾病。目前,我国对重大胎儿畸形进行孕期筛查,主要包括:21-三体综合征、18-三体综合征、开放性神经管缺陷、无脑儿、重度脑积水、某些严重的先天性心脏病等。   看了以上这么多的信息,我们知道了神经管缺陷可是很严重的健康问题,各位妈妈们都应该注意,不能掉以轻心,平时注意要好好调理好身体,保护肚子里的宝宝,一旦有什么异常,一定要及时就医治疗,避免出现更加严重的后果。   神经管畸形4维能发现吗2    神经管畸形,又称神经管缺陷(neural tube defects) ,是一种严重的.畸形疾病,神经管就是胎儿的中枢神经系统。   在胚胎的第15-17日开始,神经系统开始发育,至胚胎22日左右,神经褶的两侧开始互相靠拢,形成1个管道,称为神经管,它的前端称为神经管前孔,尾端称为神经管后孔,胚胎在24-25日及26日时,前孔及后相继关闭。胎儿神经管畸形主要表现为无脑儿、脑膨出、脑脊髓膜膨出、隐性脊柱裂、唇裂及腭裂等。   当妇女怀孕3个月之内,胚胎发育时神经管闭合过程受到影响即产生胎儿脑或脊髓发育异常,便会形成小儿神经管畸形。小儿神经管畸形(DNT)是造成孕妇流产、死胎主要原因之一,也是造成婴儿死亡和患者终身残疾的主要原因之一。既影响出生人口素质,又威胁妇女儿童身心健康,给家庭和社会造成沉重的负担。小儿神经管畸形是世界范围内的一个重要公共卫生问题,中国是世界上已知的小儿神经管畸形高发国家。目前小儿神经管畸形的防治已被高度重视。   先天性神经管畸形这种疾病在我国并不少见,已经引起了很多医学家的重视。虽然说这种疾病非常的恐怖,会给家人带来极大的痛苦,但是也并不是不可防治的。所以各位怀孕的孕妇应当保护好自己,时刻注意胎儿的情况。
2023-07-20 16:31:071


Simplified evaluation method of surface defects (ie defects of an assessment) failure assessment diagram for a simplified evaluation, effectiveness evaluation map is a simplified vertical axis, horizontal and equal to 0.7 Sr Sr 0.8 horizontal and vertical lines surrounded by the rectangular security zone, a non-security zone outside the region, if the only point of failure assessment diagram assess the safety of the area, thieves can be accepted for the security or otherwise, can not guarantee safety or unacceptable, to determine the point at which to identify and assess Sr, a simplified assessment of surface defects mainly in the following steps 1: Defect characterization and determination of the equivalent crack size 2: Determination of Stress 3: Determination of material properties data, 4: and the calculation of 5: Based on the above data to calculate the assessment points safety evaluation Plane defects assessed by conventional assessment that two common failure assessment diagram, of which failure assessment curve with FAC that the conventional assessment of surface defects has the following steps: 1, 2, defect characterization to determine the stress determination of the main kind of a load of stress, secondary stress and the stress of weight 3, 4 determine the material properties data, stress intensity factor, the calculation of 5, Kr calculations 6, Lr calculation 6, and safety evaluation. If the calculation of the assessment points shall be acceptable in the security zone or security, can not guarantee security or otherwise unacceptable
2023-07-20 16:31:171

小弟恳请各位英语高手们帮忙将这篇自我介绍译成英文。我将感激不尽! 感谢!感谢! 愿好人一生平安。

Fellow teachers, everyone good afternoon! Be able to participate in this interview, I feel very honored. Now I feel very excited, and a little bit nervous. If express well, also please fellow teachers a lot!First of all, please allow me to introduce myself to you.My name is ABC, 22. I am from XX province, XX city. I am currently studying in XX university, majoring in XX professional. As a college student, I study hard, assiduously, made good grades. But because of the influence of the objective factors in professional knowledge, I still exist in some aspects of defects, Various aspects ability and key universities students still exist certain disparity. But I am positive, strong entrepreneurial spirit, therefore I have confidence up his shortcomings.My personality, strong responsibility. ?
2023-07-20 16:31:2515

defects excsit

2023-07-20 16:32:021

Crystal defects can be classifiedinto A) ______ defects, B) ______ defects, and C) ______ defects.

【答案】:point defects$line defects (dislocations)$area defects
2023-07-20 16:32:091

汉译英 请教英语专业人士

1 the whole processing inventory.2 when sorting process, "FQC" (middle). No separation inspectors3 "in sorting, FQC accidentally bad taste.4 slow the pace of work, stop separating non-conforming again.5. Strengthen the monitoring work "FQC", ensure non-conforming again.
2023-07-20 16:32:372


2023-07-20 16:32:4814

We turn our attention away from our own defects, and when we are forced by untoward events to

如果我们不是(被一些不幸的事情弄的)被逼无奈,我们时常会忽视自己的缺点。forced by untoward events我将它翻译成:被不幸的事情所强迫做。。。。意义成被逼无奈
2023-07-20 16:33:282

——,glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes 为什么填when well fitted

您好,这里填when well fitted是省略主语的用法,补充完整是when (the glasses are) well fitted,表示【当眼镜被调整好的话】。希望能解答您的疑惑^~^
2023-07-20 16:33:372


NDT: Nondestructive Test 无损探伤NDT Film:探伤片
2023-07-20 16:33:484


Temperature Time The number of qualified film Class A Weld To be in the final Ⅰ level (piece) Defects and repairing note Test results Repair of the Taiwan products 0 Total, the maximum number of renovation 0 Parts repairing defects exceeding grade after passing the complex post-mortem Repairing the defective parts, see Weld-ray film to inform the table The quality of Taiwan products in line with Weld Ⅱ-level requirements, the qualified Detection of location and circumstances detailed in Weld-ray film negatives to inform the table-ray detection and location of (attach) Report (qualified) Reviewed by (qualified) NDT cachetThe first of the testing room The second reference to the user The third cross QC Penetration test report Part Name Head Grade Materials Part Number Surface Test site Penetrant Category International - Detection Penetrant Emulsifier Cleaning agent Imaging agent Osmotica on methods Spray Infiltration time Emulsifier on methods Emulsion time Imaging method of imposing Imaging time Workpiece temperature ℃ Contrast block type Detection of Qualified level Test Standards Detection Technology # Equipment and parameters Technical requirements Aluminum Weld # Defect # Types of defects Size traces of defects Defect approach and the results After polishing defects recheck Welding defects after recheck Nature Traces of size The final assessment (level) Detection of defects in parts Conclusions Detection JB/T4730.5-2005 the product complies with the requirements of the standard, assessed as qualified Site inspection and defect detection site location see diagram (attach) Appearance and geometry inspection reports Tests Measured results Inspection findings Beam-size plate On the lower deck of the adjacent seal between the shells of Neiao Cubicles on both sides of the total thickness of dislocation Weld appearance Ms high on the joints Kok solder joints feet high The biggest bite-depth Weld surface quality Inspection findings The appearance of Taiwan products and geometry with JB/T7261-94 technical conditions and requirements of design drawings Responsibility for testing division Products examiner Pressure test inspection reports Water Pressure Pressure test site Nitrogen channel Pressure Test Date Process card No. Manometer accuracy class Pressure gauges range Manometer test date Manometer # Manometer dial diameter Test Medium Clean water Chloride ion content Ambient temperature Medium temperature Design requirements Pressure test Curve Test pressure Design pressure Packing time Actual Pressure test Curve Conclusion This product by 1.2 MPa test, no leakage and no visible abnormal deformation, no abnormalities; pilot qualified conclusions. Responsibility for testing division Inspection staff Examiner Pressure test inspection reports Hermetic Oil-free dry air Plan No. Parts Name Grades Specifications Number of plant material End-plate Take over Head of Source material Wire Material examiner Products examiner Manufacturers to change the content Reviewed by 某某某Person filling the form:某某某Several years on 某某年累死我了...
2023-07-20 16:34:081


1, scope This procedure is applicable to ferromagnetic material made of pressure vessels and parts surface, near surface defects detection method of the magnetic powder. 2, the reference standard The following standards contain provision which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. In the standard was published, editions indicated For effective. All standards are subject to revision, the use of the standard of the parties should discuss the latest version of the standard to use the following possibility. GB150-1998 steel pressure vessel JB/T 4730-2005 pressure vessel NDT 3, personnel qualification 3.1 in magnetic powder the examination personnel, should according to "special equipment nondestructive testing personnel assessment and management regulations of requirements obtain corresponding qualification of the nondestructive testing personnel. 3.2 magnetic powder testing personnel should engage in with their own technology level corresponding work, and bear corresponding technical responsibility. 3.3 magnetic powder testing personnel shall, in accordance with relevant regulations, pressure vessel standards and this process, to complete the magnetic powder detection, ensure the quality of detection. 3.4 in magnetic inspection test personnel may not be a color-blind, SeRuo. Correction vision not less than 1.0. 4, equipment and equipment 4.1 equipment: Quality control should be consistent with JB/T 4730.4-2005 article 3.3 requirements. 4.2 equipment: black magnetic powder, kerosene, oil suspension Quality control should be consistent with JB/T 4730.4-2005 article 3.9 requirements. 5, process arrangement 5.1 after 24 hours after welding testing; 5.2 fasteners and forging after heat treatment in testing; 5.3 should be in the paint, hair and blue, phosphate and electroplating and other surface treatment before testing. 6, test process 6.1 detection methods: wet continuous method; 6.2 magnetization method: longitudinal magnetization and magnetic yoke method; 6.3 magnetized standard: exchange of electromagnetic yoke lifting force should be > 44 N; 6.4 sensitivity: use A 15/50 or 30/100 of the type A standard specimens for comprehensive performance test. 7, inspection operation 7.1 pretreatment: clean up test surface, weld and two is 10 mm heat affected zone, exposing metal luster. 7.2 magnetized: cross magnetic yoke method. Movement speed 30 cm/points, the polarization time for 1-3 seconds, at least two times magnetization, was stopped suspension 3 seconds, To stop magnetized. On 7.3 suspension: spraying method. 7.4 detection methods: wet continuous method, use first suspension wetting testing area workpiece surface, in electricity and put in the magnetic suspension, wait for magnetic liquid form Stop stranded into electricity, carries on the observation, evaluation magnetic image, be seized the surface of visible light > 500 LX and, when necessary, use 5-10 times A magnifying glass tiny defects magnetic image. 7.5 defects of magnetic image shows record: the defects of the magnetic image that can be used to record video camera, can be stripped sex plastic way records, and application sketches marked. 7.6 demagnetization: with electromagnetic yoke local demagnetization, of the residual magnetism on the workpiece shall not be more than 0.2 mT. 7.7 post-processing: cleaning off the surface of the magnetic powder. 8, acceptance and rating 8.1 the following defects not allowed to live 3 any cracks and white point; 4 any horizontal flaw display; 5 weld and fasteners any length is more than 1.5 mm of linear defects display; 6 forging any length on greater than 2 mm of linear defects display; 7 a single size is equal to or greater than 4 mm round defect display. 8.2 magnetic image evaluation and record in JB/T 4730.4-2005 article 5 execution. 8.3 defect display accumulation grades length in JB/T 4730-2005 table 6 execution. 9, the report 9.1 the test report issued by the press JB/T 4730.4-2005 article 10 execution; 9.2 the test report content should be correct, complete with corresponding persons responsible for confirmation of sign in. Send check list, 9.3 detection test site and defect schematic diagram, test records, etc., are filing as technical data. 9.4 test material must be properly keep the seven years, seven years later, can be passed to the user.
2023-07-20 16:34:341


墙体千万不要抹平,这样会让墙体变得更加脆弱,只需要将墙体的缺陷处补上就可以了。除此之外,旧墙体怎么加固旧墙体?还有一些方法,比如将旧墙体覆盖上防水材料,这样既可以防止水渗入墙体,又能起到保护作用,防止墙体受到撞击。Wall don"t be leveled, this will make the wall more fragile, only need to fill the wall defects can be. In addition, how to reinforce the old wall? There are some ways, such as covering the old wall with waterproof materials, which can prevent water from seeping into the wall and play a protective role to prevent the wall from being hit.2、旧墙体怎么加固旧墙体?2. How to reinforce the old wall?旧墙体怎么加固旧墙体?在旧墙体上加一层石膏板,这样可以增加墙体的强度,而且还可以防止墙体受潮。如果旧墙体的缺陷很大,可以另外砌一层墙体。How to reinforce the old wall? Adding a layer of gypsum board on the old wall can increase the strength of the wall and prevent the wall from damp. If the defects of the old wall are very large, another wall can be built.3、旧墙体怎么加固旧墙体?3. How to reinforce the old wall?旧墙体怎么加固旧墙体?如果旧墙体的缺陷很大,可以在旧墙体上加一层石膏板,这样可以增加墙体的强度,而且还可以防止墙体受潮。How to reinforce the old wall? If the defects of the old wall are very large, a layer of gypsum board can be added on the old wall, which can increase the strength of the wall and prevent the wall from damp.4、旧墙体怎么加固旧墙体?4. How to reinforce the old wall?旧墙体怎么加固旧墙体?如果旧墙体的缺陷很大,可以在旧墙体上加一层石膏板,这样可以增加墙体的强度,而且还可以防止墙体受潮。How to reinforce the old wall? If the defects of the old wall are very large, a layer of gypsum board can be added on the old wall, which can increase the strength of the wall and prevent the wall from damp.5、旧墙体怎么加固
2023-07-20 16:34:421


′琨楠恐艾网 可以领取免费试纸,赶紧去测吧。
2023-07-20 16:34:502


2023-07-20 16:34:584

——,glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes 为什么填when well fitted

when well fitted是省略了的时间状语从句, 相当于: when glasses are well fitted 当从句的主语与主句的主语相同,且从句的谓动含有be动词时,可以省略主语及be 动词. 所以此句要填when well fitted. 句意: 当(眼镜)配...
2023-07-20 16:35:231


选B 两个都表示被动语态,而根据具体的语境判断,应该是指着上面的瑕疵对顾客说这些商品打折出售。用被动语态进行时好一点。
2023-07-20 16:35:336

我没办法没分了 外贸英语帮翻译下 谢谢啊

2023-07-20 16:35:482


Title: on China"s current labor dispute mediation systemPick to : with China"s rapid economic development, labor system has undergone great changes, but also leads to more labor disputes, labor dispute mediation system to perfect also increasingly important. The mediation system as our country prevent and solve labor disputes is the main weapon in the existing conditions, specific application plays an important role in. From the" labor contract law" issued to" labor dispute mediation and Arbitration Law" carry out, the labor dispute mediation system in China has made a major innovation, also have a certain degree of perfection, but regardless of from the mediation organization body or effect, there are still more or less defect. To strengthen the study of labor dispute mediation system, further clarify its in China"s labor dispute settlement system in the specific application, it is necessary to.This article based on the mediation system of labor dispute in academic study and practice, analysis of the mediation system of labor dispute in China current situation, put forward corresponding improvement project, hope for the labor dispute mediation system to provide some reference to the development of.
2023-07-20 16:35:563


Abstract"MADEINCHINA" China is the pride of the Chinese economy as well as the global economic chain, a key element in the manufacturing sector as a pillar industry in China, for China"s economic development and make a significant contribution to the growth of China"s economy has a significant the role and status, relying on inexpensive Chinese goods, China"s GDP climbed the world"s fourth position. Foreign consumers to enjoy low prices and high cost of living, but an increase in labor costs, rising raw material prices, logistics costs have not been effectively controlled, the RMB exchange rate steadily higher, bank interest rates, export policy adjustments, such as the environment ,Traditional Chinese manufacturers also face unprecedented pressures, inexpensive low-cost marketing strategies used to sustain China"s manufacturing sector came to a crossroads. China go from here? The recent very hot topic, in such a background, to study the crisis in China is of great significance.Part of the article is divided into six topics: the first part of an overview in China, China manufacturing and the creation of the world"s factory as well as China"s relationship. The second section describes the process of industrialization of China"s manufacturing industry and the development of the model and the development direction of China"s foreign trade from the third part of the structure of defects and changes in domestic and international macro-economic analysis of the causes of the crisis. Part IV from the export growth rate, competitiveness and other aspects of the crisis on China"s exports. Part V of the third part of the main reasons for the analysis of corresponding countermeasures. Part VI of the main manufacturer of China"s future prospects,In the article, the last to arrive at a conclusion: China must be strong to do adjust the industrial structure and growth mode.Keywords: pillar industries in China at the crossroads of crisis response
2023-07-20 16:36:044

I am content with this job____salary, but it still has some defects.

【答案】:D本题考察介词短语。A选项意为“尽管,虽然”表转折,B选项意为“需要,缺少”,C选项意为“用,依靠”, D选项意为“按照,在…方面”,而题目意为“就薪水而言,我对这份工作很满意。但它也有不足之处。”salary是对这份工作满意的地方,空格处不是转折关系。  
2023-07-20 16:36:241


  歧视是一个贬义词,歧视别人是一种不道德的行为,被歧视的人内心肯定也不好受。那被歧视的英文是什么呢?下面是我为你整理的被歧视的英文,希望大家喜欢!   被歧视的英文   be discriminated   be discriminated造句   1. But in many other aspects, female shouldn"t be discriminated.   但在许多其他方面, 女性不应该歧视.   2. One should not be discriminated against because of physical defects.   不应该因为别人身体上有缺陷就歧视别人.   3. People should not be discriminated against.   人们不应该被区别对待.   4. Among the statutory successors in the same order, women shall not be discriminated against.   在同一顺序法定继承人中, 不得歧视妇女.   5. By using the software, the architectural elements of underground reservoir can be discriminated effectively.   该软件能准确识别地下储层结构要素类型,处理速度快,实用性强.   6. A woman who do not like to marry will be discriminated as un normal or inferior.   一个不结婚的女人会被视为不正常或低人一等.   7. Third, the internal pathological changes should be discriminated from the external clinical symptoms.   第三, 应当把内在的病理改变与外在疾病征象区别开来.   8. Should be a person that has second liver virus discriminated against?   一个患有乙肝病毒的人是不是就应该被人歧视?   9. These differences may be favored or discriminated against by NATURAL SELECTION.   这些变异可能在自然选择过程中被保留或淘汰.   10. If they practiced Han chauvinism and discriminated against the minority peoples, which would be very bad.   如果汉人搞大汉族主义,歧视少数民族, 那就很不好.   discriminate用法   vt.& vi.歧视; 区别; 辨出;   1. The device can discriminate between the cancerous and the normal cells.   这台仪器可以辨别癌细胞和正常的细胞。   2. The Commission for Racial Equality teaches organisations not to discriminate.   种族平等委员会告诫各家机构不要心存歧视。   3. The computer program was unable to discriminate between letters and numbers.   这计算机程序不能辨别字母与数字。   4. It is unjust and unlawful to discriminate against people of other races.   歧视外族人是不公正的,也是违法的.   5. You must learn to discriminate between facts and opinions.   你必须学会把事实和看法区分出来.   6. If you want to grasp English, you must carefully discriminate synonyms.   如果你想掌握好英语, 你必须仔细区分同义词.   7. The boy is too young to discriminate good books from bad ones.   这孩子太小,分不清好书和坏书.   8. How can he discriminate the real painting from the false one?   他怎么能把真画和假画分辨出来 呢 ?   9. He is the connoisseur who can discriminate between two equally fine wines.   他是一个能够鉴别两种同等好酒的行家.   10. A teacher must not discriminate between pupils.   老师对学生应当一视同仁.
2023-07-20 16:36:311


A rising incidence of birth defects in some parts of China is being attributed to environmental pollution, unhealthy lifestyles and poor nutrition. 我国一些地区的新生儿出生缺陷率不断上升,这主要是由环境污染、不健康的生活方式及营养不良等因素造成的。 The trend has led some experts to debate the reintroduction of Figures released by two populous provinces show alarming rises in the number of birth defects, according to Xinhua. 据新华社消息,两个人口大省的有关统计数据显示,新生缺陷儿的数量增长迅速。 In east China"s Zhejiang province, the incidence of babies with birth defects was 1.15 percent in 2003, rising to 1.33 percent in 2004 and 1.47 percent last year, the report said. 统计报告中说,中国东部省份浙江省2003年的新生缺陷儿比例为1.15%,2004年升至1.13%,去年增加到1.47%。 About 480,000 babies are born in Zhejiang each year, with about 7,200 babies born with defects in 2005, it added. 浙江省每年共有约48万名婴儿出生,2005年,患有出生缺陷的新生儿数量达到7200个。 In the southern province of Guangdong, the incidence has risen from 0.96 percent 10 years ago to 2.12 percent in the latest figures. 中国南部省份广东省的新生儿出生缺陷率从10年前的0.96%上升到最近的2.12%。 Cleft palate , neural tube defects, excessive numbers of fingers or toes, congenital heart disease and water on the brain are the top five birth defects among Chinese babies, the report said. 报告中提到,唇腭裂、神经管缺损、多趾症、先天性心脏病和脑积水是困扰我国新生儿的五大出生缺陷。 Experts said hereditary diseases, viral infections, environmental pollution, unhealthy lifestyles and poor nutrition were among the main known causes.专家介绍,遗传病、细菌感染、环境污染、不健康的生活方式和营养不良是导致出生缺陷的几大主要诱因。compulsory pre-marital health checks which were scrapped in 2003, the Xinhua news agency reported. 据新华社报道,由于新生缺陷儿不断增多,一些专家们正在考虑恢复已于2003年取消的婚前体检。
2023-07-20 16:36:391


零缺陷管理(Zero Defect Management)、零缺陷(Zero Defects,ZD)、无缺点、缺点预防、零缺陷品质管理 零缺陷概念的产生: 被誉为“全球质量管理大师”、“零缺陷之父”和“ 伟大的管理思想家”的 菲利浦·克劳斯比 (Crosbyism) 在20世纪60年代初提出“零缺陷”思想, 并在美国推行零缺陷运动。后来,零缺陷的思想传至日本, 在日本制造业中得到了全面推广,使日本制造业的 产品质量 得到迅速 提高,并且领先于世界水平,继而进一步扩大到工商业所有领域。
2023-07-20 16:36:471


2023-07-20 16:37:094

be free from defects in material and workmanship 是什么意思啊?

2023-07-20 16:37:184


如何运用DPMO进行设计分析DPMO(Defects per Million Opportunity)即每百万个机会中的缺陷数,是六西格玛管理中的一个重要概念。一、DPU(Defects per Unit)单元缺陷d——是所观测到的缺陷的频数或次数u——是所生产的单元数量二、DPO(Defects per Opportunity)每机位缺陷例如,生产1000部电话机,每一部电话机具有10个等同缺陷机会,而检测出的缺陷数为60个,那么:所以由DPO可以计算DPMO,由DPMO可计算出ZLT。上式DPMO=6000,ZLT=4.01在这个例子中,Z是长期的,通常没有ZST。这是因为收集离散数据需要花很长时间。三、DPMO与西格玛或Z的转化问题假如我们知道一个过程有2000DPMO的能力,那么这个过程的西格玛或Z值是多少呢?我们可以用NORMSINV(标准正态分布的反函数)求得:Z= NORMSINV (1-DPMO/1000000)+1.5 Z计算出来是ZLT过程的长期能力由于DPMO=2000Z=标准值(1- 2000/1000000 ) +1.5=4.37反之,我们知道一个过程有Z=5.6个西格玛的能力,那么它的DPMO又是多少呢?同样我们可用以下公式:DPMO=1000000[1-标准距离(Z-1.5)]其中:NORMSDIST是标准正态累积分布,即在标准正态曲线下指定的Z值的面积。由于Z=5.6所以DPMO=1000000[1-标准距离(5.6-1.5)]=20四、最小DPU或DPMO设计对于过程(工序)而言,工序越多越复杂。这是因为每一个过程都会影响到新产品或服务的性能。假如一个过程完成需四个工序Y1、Y2、Y3、Y4,每一道工序的合格率为Y1=99%,Y2=95.4%,Y3=97%,Y4=98%,那么全部完成这个过程的能力是多少呢?从六西格玛设计角度来考虑,系统过程越少越好,这样既减少了工序,又提高了YRT,因此提倡简约设计,即减少冗余,提高新产品或过程的可靠性。因此在六西格玛设计系统分配上要考虑简化设计的重要性。最小DPU设计,也是从提高滚动合格率YRT来考虑的。从上图可以看出DPU→O,YRT→1,最小DPU设计也是从过程的繁杂程度来考虑合格率的。因此,进行简化设计也是六西格玛设计的方向之一,即简约之美。
2023-07-20 16:37:261

求关于质量管理:"零缺陷"的案例 (zero defects)

2023-07-20 16:37:583


1. 表面处理:喷漆 静电粉末/ 65-50760粉末涂层 厚度0.015 - 0.076(0.001" - 0.003")。颜色:蓝2. 除非另有说明,每侧的拔模角(draft corner)的角度范围在1u02da度或以下。3. 除非另有说明,所有边缘和内角的半径(radii)是 0.25。4. 分型线(parting lines)、脱模顶销痕(ejection marks)等位置必须经霍尼韦尔公司批准。5. 出现在壳体(housing)后的固定孔中心的尺寸如图所示,图象突出0.2毫米。6. 表面高度抛光,指定标志处(见注8)除外,不容许有脱模顶销痕或飞边(flash)。7. 所指定的尺寸是指在施加保护性涂层之前的尺寸。8. 零件不能有毛刺(blurr)或其他模塑缺陷(molding defects)。9. CQC重要组成部分。若任何所需材料或来源有变化,均须通知代理。10. 关键尺寸标注:u25ca u25ca表示关键特性,在设置生产之始,所显示的"最低工序能力指数”(Ppk)的不得少于 1.67,及持续“工序能力指数”(Cpk)不得少于 1.33。若"最低工序能力指数”值未达要求水平,所有操作及封闭操作均须经霍尼韦尔工程部批准。~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~
2023-07-20 16:38:081


2023-07-20 16:39:106


With the rapid growth of global economy and population, energy is becoming increasingly important. However, the over-reliance on non-renewable energy sources, such as oil, coal and gas, is now posing challenges to our future. Hence, addressing the energy crisis is one of the most serious issues we are facing today.Firstly, we need to develop and exploit renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro and biomass, which are sustainable and less harmful to the environment. Governments should encourage investment in renewable energy technologies by providing subsidies and tax incentives to attract private funding, and promote research and innovation in this area. Meanwhile, individual households can adopt energy-saving appliances, such as LED lights and energy-efficient air conditioners, to reduce energy consumption.Secondly, improving energy efficiency is also vital for addressing the energy crisis. We need to adopt energy-saving practices, such as turning off lights when leaving a room and using public transportation instead of private cars. Moreover, industries should adopt "green manufacturing" practices to reduce energy use and carbon emissions in their production processes.Thirdly, we should also explore nuclear energy as an alternative energy source. Although the nuclear power plant accidents in the past have been disastrous, modern nuclear technologies developed and used in some countries have proven to be much safer and more efficient. Governments should invest in developing safe and efficient nuclear energy technologies, as it provides a cleaner and more reliable energy source other than fossil fuels.Lastly, governments should develop and implement policies and regulations that encourage the transition to cleaner fuels and technologies, such as carbon taxes and emission reduction targets. Governments should also work together to establish global agreements that aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote low-carbon growth.In short, the energy crisis is a global challenge that requires concerted efforts from governments, the private sector, and individuals to find sustainable solutions. By developing sustainable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, exploring nuclear energy, implementing policies and regulations, we will be able to address the energy crisis and create a cleaner and brighter future.
2023-07-20 16:39:243


积分中值定理有多种: 0、(引理)费马定理 1、洛尔定理 2、拉格朗日中值定理 3、柯西中值定理 4、泰勒中值定理 你挨个wiki一下吧~他们的关系如下: 其中洛尔定理是最基本的,它是由费马定理推出的 洛尔定理又可以推出拉格朗日定理 拉格朗日定理。
2023-07-20 16:27:396

求Rumors--Jake Miller 下载,高清MP3。

2023-07-20 16:27:401


  青春是最优美的歌曲,只要你全身心地去吟唱。Youth is the most beautiful songs, as long as you to sing.你还知道哪些优美的英文励志句子吗?下面是我为大家准备的一些优美的英文励志句子,欢迎大家参阅,希望大家喜欢。   优美的英文励志句子(精选篇)   1、人的心灵在不同的时期有着不同的内容。   A person"s heart at different times have different content.   2、困难里包含着胜利,失败里孕育着成功。   Are contained in the difficult victory, failure breeds success.   3、劳动使人建立起对自己的理智力量的信心。   Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power.   4、我乐意向成功者学习和从成败中总结经验。   I"d be happy to learn from the successful and summarize experience from the success or failure.   5、只要比别人更努力,相信自己一定会成功。   As long as more efforts than others, believe you will succeed.   6、一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。   A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.   7、一个能思考的人,才真是一个力量无边的人。   A person can think of, only is a power of endless.   8、生前的赞扬往往虚假,死后的议论常常真实。   Lifetime praise often false, after the discussion is often true.   9、当有人说你是傻瓜时,证明你离成功不远了。   When someone says you are a fool, prove that you are not far from success.   10、视爱情为生活奢侈品:有最好,没有也能活。   See love as a luxury life, to have the best, no ability to live for.   优美的英文励志句子(热门篇)   1、不怕路长,只怕志短。   Not afraid of road is long, is short.   2、你有多努力,就有多幸运。   How ever you may work hard, you will have much luck.   3、自己去做吧。不要依赖别人。   Do it myself. Don"t rely on others.   4、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。   Courage to heaven, cowardice to hell.   5、种下一种个性,收获一种命运。   Planted a character, reap a destiny.   6、被克服的困难就是胜利的契机。   Be overcome difficulties is victory.   7、别再自己摸索,问路才不会迷路。   Don"t oneself fumble, to ask the way won"t get lost.   8、意志引人入坦途,悲伤陷人于迷津。   Will attract into the royal road to learning, sadness, trapped in the maze.   9、讲话要温和轻柔,态度要谦诚亲切。   Talk to moderate soft, QianCheng kind attitude.   10、不是你比别人差,只是付出不够多。   Is not inferior to others, you just pay enough.   11、最本质的人生价值就是人的独立性。   The essential value of life is the independence of the people.   12、成功者永不放弃,放弃者永不成功!   Winners never quit and quitters never success!   13、有了过错自己并没有发觉,这叫无知。   With the fault did not find, this is called ignorance.   14、只有学会应对不公平你才学会了生存。   Only learn to cope with unfair you learned to survive.   15、快乐不是因为拥有的多而是计较的少。   Happiness is not because have much but caring less.   优美的英文励志句子(最新篇)   1、生命是一条艰险的狭谷,只有勇敢的人才能通过。   Life is a dangerous valley, only the brave people.   2、做一切事都应尽力而为,半途而废永远不行。   Do everything you can to give your best, never give up halfway.   3、我所能奉献的没有其它,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。   What I can offer is no other, but blood, toil, tears and sweat.   4、人只要奋斗就会犯错误。   As long as the struggle will make mistakes.   5、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一次也不善于度过。   Life can not be two times, but many people are not good at a time.   6、尊重生命,完全尊重生命。   Respect for life, respect for life.   7、生命的最大用处是将它用于能比生命更长久的事物上。   The greatest use of life is to use it for things that are more permanent than life.   8、如能善于利用,生命乃悠长。   If you can make good use of, life is long.   9、哪里没有希望,哪里就不可能有努力。   Where there is no hope, there can be no hard work.   10、使一个人的有限的生命,更加有效,也即等于延长了人的生命。   To make a person"s limited life, more effective, that is, to extend the lives of people.   11、采珠人如果被海中张牙舞爪的怪物吓住,他就得不到宝贵的闪闪发亮的珍珠。   If the pearl diver is the satanic monster scare, he could never get the precious sparkling pearl.   12、人生包含着一天,一天象征着一生。   Life is a day, a day is a symbol of life.   13、生命的长短以时间来计算,生命的价值以贡献来计算。   The length of life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by its contribution.   14、我总觉得,生命本身应该有一种意义,我们绝不是白白来一场的。   I always feel that life itself should have a meaning, we are not in vain.   15、得其志,虽死犹生,不得其志,虽生犹死。
2023-07-20 16:27:411


With the development of market economy and China"s accession to the WTO, intellectual property infringement dispute cases have increased, to enjoy the protection of intellectual property copyrights, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights from infringement, set against the civil liability of intellectual property rights should be adopted to the Select the principle of intellectual property rights is not just theoretical circles the center of controversy one of the problems, but also the focus of judicial practice departments asked That one. Properly identify the principle of attribution of responsibility for infringement of intellectual property rights, can not only promote China"s IPR violations of the establishment and improvement, China"s intellectual property rights is to promote justice and raising the level of administrative law enforcement. This article from the five parts On the principle of attribution of intellectual property rights infringement The first part introduces the principle of attribution of intellectual property rights become a hot spot and outlined the background of intellectual property rights infringement liability doctrine The second part focused on IPR violations attributed to the principle of doctrine out. Details on the fault liability principle, the principle of no-fault liability and mixed the principle of the responsibility. The third part is mainly on the principle of attribution of the Western intellectual property rights related provisions. They described Japan, Germany, the United States and Britain. Liangdafaji the principle of attribution of the intellectual property of the relevant provisions. Whether that is in civil law countries or the common law countries, legislation on intellectual property rights infringement liability for damages and more-fault liability principles, not a no-fault principles of the results. Part IV is China"s intellectual property rights infringement on the principle of attribution. China"s civil law legislation and also the fault of the principle of the responsibility for determining violations of the basic principle of attribution. From the "General Principles of Civil Law" and the relevant provisions of the practice of justice, the presumption of fault could be applied to various types of special infringement行为. Based on China"s "General Principles of Civil Law" Section 106, paragraph 3, provides that only a special provision in the law of the occasion, to apply the principle of liability without fault. Also I think that the fair can serve as an independent responsibility to the application of the principle of attribution. Fifth through elaborate on that part of China"s IPR violations and apply the principle of no-fault fault the principle of attribution of the dual system of the conclusions.
2023-07-20 16:27:465


2023-07-20 16:27:473

求 应聘图书馆管理员 英语自我介绍

good morning, my name XX, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am XX years old,born in XX province ,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX major isXX.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend   several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and pany. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. pared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will bine law with my former education. i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my clas *** ates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memory on stage. that is my pride.
2023-07-20 16:27:361


2023-07-20 16:27:354


孙广年 于旭东 沈才卿第一作者简介:孙广年,中宝协人工宝石委员会第一、二届委员,第三届副主任委员,浙江省巨化集团晶体材料厂厂长。一、引言材料科学是现代文明的三大支柱(能源、信息、材料)之一,是人类文明的物质基础。晶体生长属于材料科学范畴并且是它的发展前沿。业已证明,一些高新科学技术的发展,无一不和晶体材料密切相关;军事工业的发展,例如导弹、无人驾驶飞机、潜艇、人造卫星及宇宙飞船等的窗口材料都需要晶体生长的优质材料,这些材料的好坏决定着技术水平的高低,而且只有在材料方面有所突破,才能希望相关技术有所突破。高质量的无色蓝宝石由于它的特殊优良性能,有着非常广泛的用途,例如蓝宝石单晶具有独特而优良的物理化学性质,特别是在0.2~5.0μm波段有良好的透光性,可广泛用于红外军事装备、卫星和空间技术等领域。由于蓝宝石晶体的电介质绝缘、有恒定的介电常数等特性,使其成为应用最广泛的衬底材料之一。为此,世界各国都在想方设法进行研究和生产。浙江省巨化集团公司晶体材料厂经过多年的努力,用熔体泡生法和熔体提拉法相融合的技术生产出了高质量的无色蓝宝石,已生产出直径达到220mm以上,重28kg以上,不仅可以用于军事工业的窗口材料,也可以用于衬底材料和发光二极管(LED)节能环保行业,具有无限的潜力和发展前景。二、高质量蓝宝石晶体生长技术简要蓝宝石是刚玉宝石的一种,除了红色的红宝石以外,其他刚玉宝石都叫蓝宝石。无色蓝宝石是蓝宝石中的一种,化学成分为三氧化二铝(Al2O3),三方晶系,抛光表面具亮玻璃光泽至亚金刚光泽,一轴晶负光性,折射率值为1.762~1.770,双折射率为0.008~0.010,摩氏硬度为9,密度约为4.00g/cm3。蓝宝石的人工合成方法主要有焰熔法、助熔剂法和熔体法,其中熔体法又包括好几种方法。但是,焰熔法和助熔剂法都不能生长出高质量的蓝宝石大晶体,原因是:焰熔法生长的宝石晶体除单个晶体比较小外,晶体还具有大量的镶嵌结构,质量欠佳;助熔剂法生长的宝石晶体也很小,并且包含有助熔剂阳离子,质量也不太好。只有熔体法生长的宝石晶体具有纯度和完整性都高的特点,并且单个晶体大,能成为现代高科技及国防工业急需的高质量宝石晶体。熔体法生长宝石的原理是:将构成宝石成分的原料放在耐高温坩埚中加热熔化,然后在受控条件下,通过降温使熔体出现过冷却,从而使晶体生长出来的方法。由于降温的受控条件不同,因此从熔体中生长出高质量宝石晶体的方法也稍有不同。目前,世界上主要的熔体法高质量蓝宝石晶体生长技术有以下4种:①Czochalski熔体晶体提拉法;②EFG(Edge-defined Film-fed Growth)熔体导模法;③HEM(Heat Exchanger Method)熔体热交换法;④Kyropoulos Method熔体泡生法。以上4种从熔体中生长宝石晶体的方法,其技术特点和优缺点简要介绍如下。1.熔体晶体提拉法熔体晶体提拉法(简称熔体提拉法)是利用籽晶从熔体中提拉生长出晶体的方法。该方法能在短期内生长出大而无位错的高质量单晶,是由J.丘克拉斯基(J.Czochalski)在1917年首先发明的,所以又称丘克拉斯基法,简称 Cz提拉法,为熔体中生长晶体最常用的方法之一。其主要技术特点是所有使用提拉法生长晶体的共同基础,简述如下:将宝石组分的原料装在坩埚中,并被加热到原料的熔点以上,此时,坩埚内的原料被熔化成熔体;在坩埚的上方有一根可以旋转和升降的提拉杆,杆的下端带有一个夹头,其上装有籽晶,降低提拉杆,使籽晶插入熔体中,调好温度,使籽晶既不熔掉也不长大,然后缓慢地向上提拉和转动籽晶杆。同时,缓慢地降低加热功率,经过缩颈—扩肩—等径生长—收尾的生长全过程,就能得到所需直径的晶体。整个生长装置安放在一个可以封闭的外套里,以便使生长环境中有所需要的气氛和压强;通过外罩的窗口,可以观察到生长的情况。其生长原理见图1。此方法的主要优点是:①在生长过程中可方便地观察晶体生长的状况;②晶体在熔体表面处生长,不与坩埚相接触,这样能显著减小晶体的应力,并防止坩埚壁的寄生成核;③可以方便地使用定向籽晶和“缩颈”工艺。“缩颈”后的籽晶,其位错可大大减少,这样可使扩肩后生长的晶体,其位错密度降低,得到完整性很高的晶体。此方法的主要缺点是晶体比较小,最多能达到直径2~3英寸 1英寸=25.4mm。,不能适应现代高科技和国防工业对大尺寸晶体的要求。在生长大尺寸晶体上,其他3种方法都优于Czochalski熔体晶体提拉法。20世纪70年代,由于激光材料研究的需要,我国开始研制人造钇铝榴石(YAG)和人造钆镓榴石(GGG)晶体的熔体提拉法生长技术,由于军事工业发展的需要和尖端科技研究及应用的需要,熔体提拉法生长宝石晶体技术后来得到了进一步的发展和完善,现在已能够顺利生长出许多有实用价值的宝石晶体(图2,3),如合成无色蓝宝石、合成红宝石、人造钇铝榴石(YAG)、人造钆镓榴石(GGG)、合成变石等。图1 熔体提拉法晶体生长示意图图2 熔体提拉法生长的蓝宝石晶体图3 熔体提拉法生长的激光晶体2.熔体导模法熔体导模法是改进型的熔体晶体提拉法,可以控制晶体形状。其主要工艺技术特点是:将一个高熔点的惰性模具放于熔体之中,模具的上表面具有所需形状的“图案”,下部带有细的管道直通模具顶端,熔体由于毛细作用被吸引到模具的上表面,与一个籽晶接触后,熔体随籽晶的提拉而高于模具表面时,能自动拓展到“图案”的边缘,在随后的提拉中生长出模具顶端形状的晶体。它的主要优点是可以按我们的要求生长出多种形状的晶体,Saint-Gobain公司用此技术能够生长直径450mm到500mm的蓝宝石光学用晶片,而日本京瓷公司则可以用改良的技术生长LED衬底使用的C面晶片,并拥有该项技术的专利。其原理示意如图4所示。此方法生长晶体的设备和工艺技术难度较大,不易推广。图4 熔体导模法晶体生长示意图图5 熔体热交换法生长的350mm蓝宝石晶体3.熔体热交换法熔体热交换法的实质是控制温度,让熔体在坩埚内直接凝固结晶。其主要技术特点是:要有一个温度梯度炉,这个温度梯度炉是在真空石墨电阻炉的底部装上一个钨钼制成的热交换器,内有冷却氦气流过。把装有原料的坩埚放在热交换器的顶端,两者中心相互重合,而籽晶置于坩埚底部的中心处,当坩埚内的原料被加热熔化以后,氦气流经热交换器进行冷却,使籽晶不被熔化。随后,加大氦气的流量,带走更多的熔体热量,使籽晶逐渐长大,最后使 整个坩埚内的熔体全部凝固。此方法的主要优点是:晶体生长时,坩埚、晶体、加热区都不动,消除了由于机械运动而造成晶体的缺陷;同时,可以控制冷却速率,减少晶体的热应力及由此产生的晶体开裂和位错等缺陷,是生长优质大晶体的好方法。但这个方法的设备条件高,整个工艺复杂,运行成本高,因此并没有被广泛应用。该工艺为Crystal System公司专利技术,主要为美国军方提供整流罩,目前已经生长出直径350mm的蓝宝石晶体(图5)。4.熔体泡生法熔体泡生法是1926年由Kyropouls发明的,经过几十年来科研工作者的不断改进和完善,目前是解决熔体晶体提拉法不能拉大直径晶体的方法之一。其生长晶体原理示意如图6所示,其主要技术特点是:将待生长的晶体原料放在耐高温的坩埚中加热熔化,然后调整炉内温度场,使熔体上部处于稍高于熔点状态;籽晶杆上安放一颗籽晶,让籽晶接触熔融液面,待籽晶表面稍熔后,降低表面温度至熔点,提拉并转动籽晶杆,使熔体顶部处于过冷状态而结晶于籽晶上,在不断提拉的过程中,生长出圆柱状晶体。晶体在生长过程中或生长结束时不与坩埚接触,这就大大减少了晶体的应力,可以获得高质量的大直径晶体。它与熔体晶体提拉法不同之处在于扩肩时晶体直径比较大,几乎与坩埚直径相同(比较图1和图6),加上晶体不与坩埚接触,这些就是熔体泡生法的工艺特点和难点所在。浙江巨化集团公司晶体材料厂通过将熔体泡生法与熔体提拉法技术相融合,开发了这种高质量的蓝宝石生长技术,并以生长无色优质蓝宝石晶体为主要产品,有人也把此方法称为“熔体泡生提拉法”。目前已能生长出直径220mm以上,重28kg以上的高质量无色蓝宝石晶体,产品见图6。图6 熔体泡生法生长晶体的原理示意图及其产品三、熔体泡生法生长高质量无色蓝宝石晶体的工艺1)将纯净的α-Al2O3原料装入坩埚中。坩埚上方装有可旋转和升降的提拉杆。杆的下端有一个籽晶夹具,其上装有一粒定向的无色蓝宝石籽晶(注:生长无色蓝宝石时不加致色剂,籽晶也要用无色蓝宝石,无色蓝宝石晶体比有色蓝宝石晶体用处更大)。2)将坩埚加热到 2050℃以上,降低提拉杆,使籽晶插入熔体中。3)控制熔体的温度,使液面温度略高于熔点,熔去少量籽晶以保证能在籽晶的清洁表面上开始生长。4)在实现籽晶与熔体充分沾润后,使液面温度处于熔点,缓慢向上提拉和转动籽晶杆。控制好拉速和转速,籽晶就逐渐长大。5)小心地调节加热功率,使液面温度等于熔点,实现宝石晶体的缩颈—扩肩—等径生长—收尾的生长全过程。整个生长装置安放在一个外罩里,以便抽真空后充入惰性气体,使生长环境中保持所需要的气体和压强。通过外罩上的窗口可观察晶体生长情况,以便随时调节温度,使晶体生长过程正常进行,用这种方法可以生长出大直径高质量的无色蓝宝石晶体。四、熔体泡生法生长优质蓝宝石的技术要点蓝宝石属三方晶系,晶体结构存在着两个主要的滑移体系(底面滑移系和柱面滑移系),因此在采用提拉法生长蓝宝石单晶工艺中,温场的温度梯度和晶体生长方向的合理选择将对蓝宝石单晶的质量产生关键的影响。1.建立合理的温度梯度是生长优质晶体的首要条件热系统是温度梯度的决定因素,是生长优质晶体的基本条件。当晶体恒温生长时,根据界面稳定条件:中国人工宝石而中国人工宝石所以有中国人工宝石因此界面保持稳定的最大生长速率为中国人工宝石式中: 和 分别为界面附近熔体和晶体中的温度梯度;K1和Ks分别为熔体和晶体的热导率;L为结晶潜热;ρ为晶体密度。从式(3)中可以看出,晶体的最大生长速率取决于晶体中温度梯度的大小,要提高晶体的生长速率,必须加大温度梯度。但是,晶体中温度梯度过大,将会增加晶体的热应力,引起位错密度增加,甚至导致晶体开裂。因此,根据无色蓝宝石单晶的热导率等性质,建立合理的温度梯度是生长完整单晶的前提。2.晶体的生长方向选择很重要无色蓝宝石属于三方晶系,存在有两个主要的滑移系:(0001)面沿 方向的底面滑移系和 面沿 方向的柱面滑移系。滑移最易沿原子密度大的晶向发生,因此晶体生长界面与(0001)面交角大时,由于底面滑移,易于产生大量晶界;当滑移比较严重时,则可能产生滑移带,形成孪晶;相反,则不易产生滑移,晶界不易生成。沿0°取向即(0001)生长时,晶体外形的对称截面虽易呈六角形,但是缺陷会优先在光轴方向增殖,容易形成镶嵌结构,破坏晶体结构的完整性。由此可见,选择合适的晶体生长方向是必要的,我们根据多次试验找到了生长优质无色蓝宝石的晶体生长方向。我们认为,根据所建立的温度梯度,选择合适的晶体生长方向是生长高质量无色蓝宝石单晶的关键。五、熔体泡生法生长优质无色蓝宝石的应用熔体泡生法生长的优质蓝宝石通常应用于国防工业、军工科技和尖端科学技术研究领域,其边角料或不合格原料可以用于珠宝首饰行业。熔体泡生法生长的优质蓝宝石之所以在国防工业、军工科技和尖端科学技术研究领域中有广泛的应用,是由无色蓝宝石晶体本身的优良性能决定的。无色蓝宝石单晶的部分性能参数见表1。表1 无色蓝宝石单晶部分性能1.优质无色蓝宝石晶体在基底中的应用优质无色蓝宝石晶体由于其卓越的性能,在一些基底应用中成为首选材料。主要表现在以下几个领域内:1)蓝光 LED发光二极管基底材料(BLED"s)——在无色蓝宝石基底上生长Ⅲ—V族和Ⅱ—Ⅵ族化合物;2)红外探测器——无色蓝宝石晶体可以作为生长碲镉汞晶体(HgCdTe)的基底;3)砷化镓晶片(GaAs)的基底;4)微波集成电路材料。一方面在微电子集成电路应用方面,R面— 晶面的无色蓝宝石衬底是异质外延硅的首选材料:由于无色蓝宝石单晶具有高且稳定的介电常数,使其特别适合作微波和高速集成电路以及压力传感的异质衬底。另一方面,在无色蓝宝石单晶上可以外延铊等混合超导化合物,制作高电阻器件,也可以用来生长GaAs或者用它做其他一些材料的载片。另外,A面— 晶面无色蓝宝石单晶衬底:由于无色蓝宝石单晶具有稳定的介电常数和高绝缘性,可用作高温超导材料的载体。再有,C面—{0001}晶面的无色蓝宝石单晶衬底有单面或者双面抛光的,被广泛应用于外延生长Ⅲ—V和Ⅱ—Ⅵ族化合物,如蓝光 LED用的GaN衬底(白光 LED是在蓝光 LED的基础上,经过荧光粉效应而产生的)。其次,也被用于制作红外探测用的汞镉锑化合物器件的载体。2.优质无色蓝宝石在发光二极管(LED)领域中的应用LED的应用领域非常广,包括通讯、消费性电子、汽车、照明、信号灯等。我们可大体把它们区分为背光源、照明、电子设备、显示屏、汽车等五大领域。在地球资源日渐衰竭的今日,环保和节能是当今各产业发展的重心,尤其是需要消耗大量电力的照明产业,在光源的研发上,更趋向于环保和节能。发光二极管(LED)的出现,是对人类照明世界的一次革命,对人类的未来有着重大影响与改变。LED除了耗能低、寿命长之外,还有以下优点:1)应用非常灵活:可以做成点、线、面各种形状的轻、薄、短小产品;2)环保效益佳:由于光谱中没有紫外线和红外线,也没有热量和辐射,属于典型的绿色照明光源,而且废弃物可回收,无污染;3)控制极为方便:只要调整电流,就可以随意调光,不同光色的组合变化多端,利用时序控制电路,更能达到丰富多彩的动态变化效果。LED不仅可用于大型广告显示屏,还可以用于建筑和交通照明。白光 LED的出现,是 LED从标识功能向照明功能跨出的实质性一步。白光LED最接近日光,能较好地反映照射物体的真实颜色,所以,从技术角度看,白光 LED无疑是LED最尖端的技术。白光LED的市场应用将非常广泛,也是白炽钨丝灯泡及荧光灯的“杀手”。目前,白色LED已开始进入一些实际应用领域,如应急灯、手电筒、闪光灯等产品已相继问世。据美国能源部预测,2010年前后,美国约有55%的白炽灯和荧光灯将被白光 LED替代,每年节电价值可达350亿美元,可形成一个500亿美元的大产业。日本提出,白光 LED将在2008年左右大规模替代传统白炽灯。为了抢占未来市场的制高点,通用电气、飞利浦、奥斯拉姆等世界三大照明工业巨头纷纷行动,与半导体公司合作成立 LED照明企业,目标是在 2010年前把LED发光效率再提高8倍,价格降低99%,前景多么诱人!3.优质无色蓝宝石在GaN外延衬底材料中的应用优质无色蓝宝石晶体是目前唯一商用的GaN外延衬底材料,而半导体发光技术的新成就,为优质无色蓝宝石晶体的应用开创了新的前景。通过在无色蓝宝石晶体基片上外延GaN,可以制作蓝光发光二极管(LED)。目前LED的重要用途和前景正逐渐被人们所认识,随着 LED产业化的飞速发展,大尺寸、高品质的蓝宝石晶体将成为市场的新宠。六、结语我们用熔体泡生法与熔体提拉法相融合的技术生长出了优质的大直径无色蓝宝石。为了获得高质量的无色蓝宝石单晶,在晶体生长过程中,从晶体本身的特性出发,建立了合理选择温度梯度和晶体生长方向相融合的生长工艺。熔体泡生法生长的高质量无色蓝宝石单晶的应用领域非常广泛,可以应用于国防工业、军工科技和尖端科学技术研究领域,尤其是在衬底领域和发光二极管(LED)方面的应用,表现出优异的发展前景。参考文献何雪梅,沈才卿编著.2005.宝石人工合成技术.北京:化学工业出版社.马胜利等.1998.导模法生长白宝石单晶中的缺陷观察.无机材料学报,13(1).王崇鲁.1983.白宝石单晶.天津:天津科学技术出版社.于旭东等.2006.蓝宝石晶体的生长方向研究.人工晶体学报,35(2).张克从等.1997.晶体生长科学与技术.北京:科学出版社.张玉龙等.2005.人工晶体——生长技术、性能与应用.北京:化学工业出版社.张蓓莉主编.2006.系统宝石学(第二版).北京:地质出版社.专利文献.日本亚木精密宝石株式会社P2003-313092A.LED照明突出优点及广泛的用途.通信信息报,2006-02-10.Pub.No.:US2005/0227117A1,United States,Patent Application Publication.Schmid al.J.Amer.1970.Cerma.Soc,53,528Scheel H J,Fukuda T.2003.The Developlment of Crys-tal Growth Technology,Crystal Growth Technolo-gy,pp.3~14.
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