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先看2个例句 1)We will be there before 10,provided we don"t waste time.(如果我们不浪费时间,我们就能在10点之前到那儿.) 2)We will go provided that the weather is fine.(假如天晴,我们就去.) 3)Provided that no objection is raised,we will set back the program.(如果没人反对,我们就把这个项目推迟.) 请注意:provided不是过去分词,而是连词,作“假如,只要”解,在口语中常用providing.Provided that与if的不同在于:provided that所表示的“如果”,含有希望该条件实现的含义.而if的使用比provided要广泛许多,几乎能用provided的地方都能用if,前者用的是在是不多……


provided that 是if one is provided that 的简化,即provided 的逻辑主语是“受该过去分词支配”的句子主语如:Any two persons may marry in Scotland provided that both persons are at least 16 years of age on the day of their marriage. 在苏格兰,如果双方均年满16岁就可以结婚。(= if the two persons provided that they are …如果给这两个人被提供给他们双方均年满16岁)This new film will attract the crowds, whatever its quality, provided that it gets played up in the right way. 如果广告做得好,那么,无论这部新片子的质量如何, 都会吸引许多观众的.(= if the new film is provided that it gets played up in the right way 如果新电影得到广告做得好的条件)相反,providing that 的逻辑主语是“支配该现在分词”的句子主语。如:Providing that you exercise due care, there is no reason why you shouldn"t live to a great age. 只要你适当地注意, 你就可享有很高的寿命.(= if no reason provides that you exercise due care 如果没有理由规定了你适当地注意)I will go providing that my expenses are paid. 要是我的费用有人代付我就去.(if I provide that my expenses are paid 如果我有了我的费用有人代付的条件)







provided increased produced developed的意思及用法

provide 及物动词 vt.1.提供[(+for)] On Sundays his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast. 星期天,他的女房东不但供给早餐,还供给晚餐。 2.规定 The law provides that valuable ancient buildings should be preserved by the government.法律规定有价值的古代建筑必须由政府来保管。3.装备,供给[(+with)] Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing. 她总算设法使她的孩子有饭吃,有衣穿。 4.预备;准备 Mother provided a good dinner.妈妈准备了一顿美味的饭菜。 5.【法律】考虑;酌量 The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution.个人向上一级法院提出上诉,这是宪法所赋予的权利。6.【宗教】任命;指定…为候补牧师 不及物动词 vi.1.抚养,赡养[(+for)] He has a large family to provide for. 他有一大家子人要养活。 2.做准备;预约(for 或 against) 3.规定;订定 The constitution provides for an elected two-chamber legislature.宪法规定设置经选举产生的两院制立法机构。increase 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.增加, 增大, 增多 Her family increased.她家的人口增加了。The population of this city has greatly increased.本市人口已大大增加。Their difficulties are increasing.他们的困难越来越多。The factors for war were visibly increasing.这时战争因素有明显增长。The rain increased.雨下大了。The darkness increases the further we advance into the forest.我们越朝森林里走, 周围就越来越暗。We should increase production and practise strict economy.我们应当增加生产, 厉行节约。We had better increase the amount.我们最好把数量再增加一些。The purpose of criticism is to increase the Party"s fighting capacity.批评的目的是为了增强党的战斗力。His words only increased the anger of the workers.他的话只是使工人更加气愤。It has increased the contradictions between the two superpowers.这加剧了两个超级大国之间的矛盾。Travel increased one"s knowledge of the world.旅游使人增进对世界的了解。名词 n. 其他读音:[u02c8inkri:s] 1.增加, 增大, 增多 Increase in population made emigration necessary.人口的增加使向外移民成为必要。The tobacco merchants rose up in arms over the increase in taxes.烟草商人对提高税率非常恼火。2.增强;增进 3.增加量;增长额 4.【缝纫】放针 及物动词 vt.1.增强;增进 2.【缝纫】放(针) 不及物动词 vi.1.增强;增进 2.增殖,繁殖 3.【缝纫】放针produce 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.生产, 产生, 出产 That is an oil well that no longer produces.那是一口不再出油的井。However, this failed to produce the desired effect.但是这并没有产生预期的效果。2.制作, 创作 This famous author has produced little in the last few years.这位著名的作家近几年来作品甚少。He produced three short plays between May and July.他从五月到七月创作了三部短剧。及物动词 vt.1.出示, 提供 He produced his railway ticket when asked to do so.当验票时, 他出示了火车票。The girl is an authentic girl.I"ll produce her for you if you want.这个女孩很可靠, 如果你要见她, 我会带她来给你看看。2.引起; 导致 Hard work produces success.努力工作就会成功。Jimmy"s jokes produced a great deal of laughter.吉米的笑话逗得人们哈哈大笑。3.出版; 上演 The troupe produced a new play last night.剧团昨晚上演了一部新剧。4.制造,制作;创作 5.演出;放映;(电影)制片 6.生育,生(幼崽) Female sheep produce one or two lambs at a time.母羊一次生一至两头羊羔。 7.【经济学】生利,产生利益 Money at interest produces an income.有利息的钱带来一笔收入。8.【几何学】使线(或面)延长(或扩展) 名词 n.1.产品, 农产品 This is all locally grown produce.这都是本地农产品。The company markets its new produce.该公司出售它的新产品。2.产量;出产 3.结果;成果 4.产额,产量 5. (通常指雌性动物的)后代 develope发展,揭露



is not provided 还是 is not provide


。Provided 和Providing 的区别

provided (that)与providing (that)的区别是:provided (that)比providing (that) 更常用一些。 【Provided】CONJ-SUBORD 如果;假如;只要If you say that something will happen provided or provided that something else happens, you mean that the first thing will happen only if the second thing also happens.The other banks are going to be very eager to help, provided that they see that he has a specific plan... 如果看到他有具体的计划,其他银行会很愿意提供帮助。【Providing】CONJ-SUBORD 如果;假如;只要If you say that something will happen providing or providing that something else happens, you mean that the first thing will happen only if the second thing also happens.I do believe in people being able to do what they want to do, providing they"re not hurting someone else... 我真的认为人们只要不伤害别人,自己想做什么就可以做什么。




可以providing 和 provided 形式上为动词provide的现在分词和过去分词,但它们均可用作连词,引导条件状语从句,其意为“只要”(=as long as)、“如果”(=if)等.如:Providing [Provided] you clear your desk by this evening,you can have tomorrow off.只要你到今晚把案头上的工作做完,你明天就可以休息.Providing [Providing] you promise not to tell anyone else.I"11 explain the secret.只要你保证不告诉任何人,我就把这个秘密讲给你听.Provided [Providing] that you keep quiet,you can come to the concert.只要你保持安静,你就可以去听音乐会.Providing there is no opposition,we shall hold the meeting here.如果没人反对我们将在这里开会.这类从句通常置于主句之前,但置于主句之后也是可能的.如:I will stay here provided [providing] the climate agrees with me.如果这里的气候合适的话,我就待下来.引用地址:


先看2个例句 1)We will be there before 10,provided we don"t waste time.(如果我们不浪费时间,我们就能在10点之前到那儿.) 2)We will go provided that the weather is fine.(假如天晴,我们就去.) 3)Provided that no objection is raised,we will set back the program.(如果没人反对,我们就把这个项目推迟.) 请注意:provided不是过去分词,而是连词,作“假如,只要”解,在口语中常用providing.Provided that与if的不同在于:provided that所表示的“如果”,含有希望该条件实现的含义.而if的使用比provided要广泛许多,几乎能用provided的地方都能用if,前者用的是在是不多……

英语中 provided 的词义及用法?

Provide sb. with sthProvide sth for sb.给某人提供某物


provided和if在当如果讲的时候.用法一样吗 provided =no condition that =providing that 译为 如果,假如 if也译为 如果,假设,较口语化。 其实provied和if引导的从句都为条件状语从句,时态用主将从现,二者可以等同。唯一区别还是provied较书面化,来感受下下面的例句(来自牛津高阶) We will buy everything you produce,provided of course the price is right. If necessary I can xome at once. If anyone calls,tell them I"m not at home. provided既可以把它当做provide的过去分词,当然你也可以把它看作新的单词,就是作为一个连词来用。你说过去分词短语做状语是 不对的,相当于还是把provided当过去分词用了,这样是不对的,provided在你的句子里是用作连词,后面引导了句子,作用相当于if,可以与 if互换。 例句 1)We will be there before 10,provided we don"t waste time.(如果我们不浪费时间,我们就能在10点之前到那儿.) 2)We will go provided that the weather is fine.(假如天晴,我们就去.) 3)Provided that no objection is raised,we will set back the program.(如果没人反对,我们就把这个专案推迟.) 请注意:provided不是过去分词,而是连词,作“假如,只要”解,在口语中常用providing.Provided that与if的不同在于:provided that所表示的“如果”,含有希望该条件实现的含义.而if的使用比provided要广泛许多,几乎能用provided的地方都能用if,前者用的是在是不多 Provided没有如果的意思,英语表示如果的此有if, in case, 和suppose that provided既可以把它当做provide的过去分词,当然你也可以把它看作新的单词,就是作为一个连词来用。你说过去分词短语做状语是不对的,相当于还是把provided当过去分词用了,这样是不对的,provided在你的句子里是用作连词,后面引导了句子,作用相当于if,可以与if互换。 你用有道词典或金山查下,就有把provided单独做了连词来解释。 关于为什么没有can,这个是很好解答的,can在句中只是一个助动词,可有可无,不影响句子的整体意思。 希望有用 provided 形式上为动词provide的过去分词,但可用作连词,引导条件状语从句,其意为“只要”(=as long as)、“如果”(=if)等。如: Provided you clear your desk by this evening, you can have tomorrow off. 只要你到今晚把案头上的工作做完,你明天就可以休息。 provided多预指好的情况,if则更加宽泛。用法基本一样,前者更书面语,属于高阶表达。 provided和if在句中当“假如、倘若”用时毫无差别 如果非要说区别 那前者更正式一些 在一些文书资料类的可能常见一点

provided 和if的区别?

在句中当“假如、倘若”用时毫无差别;if 比较平易近人,老妪能解。provided 经常在商业文书、法律文件中出现,比较正式。


英汉翻译conj. 假如;倘若 v. 提供;给予(provide的过去式)


provided是动词provide的过去分词和被动式provide的意思是 提供 例:He provided me with some food. 他给我提供了一些食物。Provided有一个常用用法 Provided that xxxxx, .... 表示 假设xxx/如果xxx/在xxx的前提下,......

ZYR的Blinded by love歌词翻译

Zyr 歌曲 Blinded By Love歌词:[Chorus]You got me hypnotized你让我着迷I think I"m blinded by love我想我是被爱情蒙蔽Believing all your lies相信你的谎言I think I"m blinded by love我想我是被爱情蒙蔽Not looking at your flaws不看你的缺点I think I"m blinded by love我想我是被爱情蒙蔽Now you"ve closed all the doors现在你已经关上所有的门I think I"m blinded by love我想我是被爱情蒙蔽We kiss, we hug, we touch我们亲吻,拥抱,我们接触We always making love girl我们总是在爱着的女孩Argue and fighting争吵和打架But we always make it right girl但我们总是做着正确的女孩Always be loving you永远爱你Everywhere that I go我去的任何地方I"m never gonna stop我永远都不会停止And i think by now you should know我现在认为你应该知道No matter what无论什么I"ll always be here by your side我会一直在你身边I"ll hold you close to me and我会抱着你靠近我Hold your hand all through the night牵着你的手一整夜Dont worry, have no fear别担心,没有恐惧I can be your superman我可以做你的超人Protect with my heart保护着我的心Just need you to take my hand只要你握住我的手First you"re near, then you"re far第一次靠近你,然后你远离Turn around, there you are转身,你在哪里You were close, now you"re not你已经很接近了,现在你不要走Where"d you go? I forgot你去了哪里?我忘了Not the same, things have changed不一样了,事情已经改变了Everything you do is strange你所做的一切都是陌生的Teleport? Can"t be real传送?不可能是真的Like the way you make me feel喜欢你给我的感觉You disappear, I"m in fear你消失了,我害怕Saw you there, now you"re here看到你,你现在在这里In the shadows in the light在阴影中的光Am I wrong, or am I right?我错了,还是我说的对吗?I"m so lost, and confused我是如此失落,困惑I don"t know what to do我不知道怎么办才好Is it me? Is it you这是我吗?这是你的What is fake? What is true?什么是假的?什么是真的?[Chorus]You got me hypnotized你让我着迷I think I"m blinded by love我想我是盲目的爱Believing all your lies相信你的谎言I think I"m blinded by love我想我是盲目的爱Not looking at your flaws不看你的缺点I think I"m blinded by love我想我是盲目的爱Now you"ve closed all the doors现在你已经关上了所有的门I think I"m blinded by love我想我是盲目的爱You never tell the truth你从来就不说实话I think I"m blinded by love我想我是盲目的爱Never have any proof没有任何证据I think I"m blinded by love我想我是盲目的爱Why can"t I let you go?为什么我不能让你走?I think I"m blinded by love我想我是盲目的爱Feelings I can"t control感情我无法控制I think I"m blinded by love我想我是盲目的爱by love, by love被爱,被爱by love, by love被爱,被爱by love, by love被爱,被爱I think I"m blinded by love我想我是盲目的爱by love, by love

threaded conversation是什么意思


be divided over是什么意思

be divided over有分歧,不一致。例句:Economists are divided over a solution to the crisis.经济学家们对解决危机的方法意见不一。Analysts are divided over what this means for France Telecom (NYSE: FTE).对于该事件对于法兰西电信公司(纳斯达克股票号码:FTE)的影响,分析家们意见不一。




exceeded的意思是超过。超过,拼音:chāo guò,意思是指超越别人;在品质、功绩、道德或技术等方面超出。语出《法苑珠林》卷一○七:“﹝道朗﹞既从进(道进)受,以为菩萨胜地,超过三乘。”词态变化:第三人称单数:exceeds;过去式:exceeded;过去分词:exceeded;现在分词:exceeding。读音:英[u026aku02c8siu02d0d]、美[u026aku02c8siu02d0d]。双语例句:1、The hot air permitted higher speeds before the critical Mach number was exceeded.热空气可使之在超过临界马赫数之前达到更快的速度。2、Their total grain output still exceeded that of the previous year.他们的粮食总产量仍超过头一年。学习英语的重要性:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作枯樱,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。


  exceeded 英 [u026ak"si:du026ad]美 [u026ak"si:du026ad]  adj. 过度的,非常的;  v. 超越; 超过( exceed的过去式和过去分词 ); (在数量和质量等方面) 胜过; 越过…的界限;  网络: 超出; 超过了; 过度的;  例句:His performance exceeded all expectations.  他的表演超出了所有人的期待。  形近词: proceeded succeeded

be crowded with和be full of 的区别


A Little Piece Of Heaven (Amended Version) 歌词

歌曲名:A Little Piece Of Heaven (Amended Version)歌手:Avenged Sevenfold专辑:Avenged SevenfoldAvenged Sevenfold ROXBefore the story begins, is it such a sinFor me to take what"s mine, until the end of timeWe were more than friends, before the story endsAnd I will take what"s mine, create what God would never designOur love had been so strong for far too longI was weak with fear that something would go wrongBefore the possibilities came true, I took all possibility from youAlmost laughed myself to tears, conjuring her deepest fears(Come here you fxxking bitch)Must have stabbed her fifty fxxking times, I can"t believe itRipped her heart out right before her eyes, eyes over easyEat it, eat it, eat itShe was never this good in bed, even when she was sleepingNow she"s just so perfect, I"ve never been quite so fxxking deep inIt goes on and on and onI can keep you looking young and preserved foreverWith a fountain to spray on your youth wheneverCause I really always knew that my little crimeWould be cold that"s why I got a heater for your thighsAnd I know, I know it"s not your time but bye byeAnd a word to the wise when the fire diesYou think it"s over but it"s just begunBut baby don"t cryYou had my heart, at least for the most partCause everybody"s gotta die sometime, we fell apartLet"s make a new startCause everybody"s gotta die sometime yeahBut baby don"t cryNow possibilities I"d never consideredAre occurring the likes of which I"d never heardNow an angry soul comes back from beyond the graveTo repossess a body with which I"d misbehavedSmiling right from ear to earAlmost laughed herself to tearsMust have stabbed him fifty fxxking times, I can"t believe itRipped his heart out right before his eyes, eyes over easyEat it, eat it, eat itNow that it"s done I realize the error of my waysI must venture back to apologize from somewhere far beyond the graveI gotta make up for what I"ve doneCause I was all up in a piece of heavenWhile you burned in hell, no peace foreverCause I really always knew that my little crimeWould be cold that"s why I got a heater for your thighsAnd I know, I know it"s not your time but bye byeAnd a word to the wise when the fire diesYou think it"s over but it"s just begunBut baby don"t cryYou had my heart, at least for the most partCause everybody"s gotta die sometime, we fell apartLet"s make a new startCause everybody"s gotta die sometime yeah yeahBut baby don"t cryI will suffer for so long (What will you do, not long enough)To make it up to you (I pray to God that you do)I"ll do whatever you want me to do (Well then I"ll break you unchained)And if it"s not enough (If it"s not enough, it"s not enough)If it"s not enough (Not enough)Try again (Try again)And again (And again)Over and over againWe"re coming back, coming backWe"ll live forever, live foreverLet"s have wedding, have a weddingLet"s start the killing, start the killing(Do you take this man in death for the rest of your natural life, yes I doDo you take this woman in death for the rest of your natural life, I doI now pronounce you...)Cause I really always knew that my little crimeWould be cold that"s why I got a heater for your thighsAnd I know, I know it"s not your time but bye byeAnd a word to the wise when the fire diesYou think it"s over but it"s just begunBut baby don"t cryYou had my heart, at least for the most partCause everybody"s gotta die sometime, we fell apartLet"s make a new startCause everybody"s gotta die sometime yeahBut baby don"t cryAvenged Sevenfold ROX

Maximum call stack size exceeded 问题出现原因是什么

Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded 意思为:堆栈溢出 发生原因: 递归次数过多,没有正确的退出递归造成堆栈溢出 解决方法: 减少递归次数,使用其他方法解决问题 恰当的时机返回,避免由于返回条件不正确导致的堆栈溢出

Maximum call stack size exceeded 问题出现原因是什么

Maximum call stack size exceeded(超过最大调用堆栈大小)也就是说调用的堆栈大小已经超过实际的大小,所以出错了。

Maximum call stack size exceeded 问题出现原因是什么

Maximum call stack size exceeded这个错误其实很直白,就是你程序代码堆栈调用超出了系统最大限制了。就是你不能这么一直调用【TS。DM】

maximum call stack size exceeded怎么解决

可以对WINDOW窗体的onerror事件做出操作,具体请参考以下代码:window.onerror=function (){return true;}注:此代码一定要放在所有JS脚本代码前,否则是不会起作用的。

JavaScript错误提示:Maximum call stack size exceeded

second方法里的 setTimeout(second(),1000); 改成 setTimeout(second,1000);试试看

Your account has been temporarily suspended.是什么意思


请问bolt , deduce , another是啥单词

bolt 可以是名词,也可以是及物动词或不及物动词[英][bu0259u028alt][美][bolt]n.螺栓,螺钉;闪电,雷电;门闩;弩箭vt.筛选;囫囵吞下;(把门、窗等)闩上;突然说出,脱口说出vi.(门窗等)闩上,拴住;冲出,跳出;(马等的)脱缰;囫囵吞下deduce 及物动词[英][du026a"dju:s][美][du026au02c8dus,-u02c8djus]vt.推论,推断; 演绎; 追溯根源; another 可以是形容词或介词[英][u0259u02c8nu028ceu0259(r)][美][u0259u02c8nu028ceu025a]adj.又一个; 再一个; 另一的; 其他一种; pron.另一个,别个; 再一个;

volunteers needed什么意思


WINDOWSDownloaded Installations里面的残余文件可不可以删除?


无法打开C:WINDOWSDownloaded Installations文件夹

找到此文件夹 右键点属性-安全 (如果没有就进入安全模式)里面设置

c盘windows里有个文件夹Downloaded Installations 里的是什么文件啊,是可以删除?请教高手!


电脑C盘公用文档里面的Downloaded lnstallations里面的文件夹有什么用可以删吗?


being surrounded by beautiful green mountains

B 考察非谓语动词,根据句子结构可知,该处作主语,surround的用法是 be surrounded by 被……所环绕,因为被动,加上作主语,所以选择B,A无法作主语,C只能作状语 D没有被动

surrounding by和surrounded by有什么区别吗?

ing 表示主动,进行ed 表示被动


surrounding 形容词,围着我是“每个人”的主动进行的,所以用ing形式


答案 B find oneself + 形容词,这道题使用分词做形容词,然后就是surrounding和surrounded的区别了,后者表被动,比较适用于题意,因此选B


一、provided(一)用作连词 (conj.)I shall go provided that it doesn"t rain.假如不下雨我就去。Provided that you reduce the price, I"ll take all the goods.假如你减价,我会买下所有的货物。Provided we have adequate supplies, the enemy can never break in.若有充足的给养,敌人是打不进来的。I will come provided that I am well enough.只要我身体好一定来。Provided that circumstances permit, we shall hold the meeting next week.只要情况允许,我们下周将举行会议。(二)用作形容词 (adj.)Please put your litter in the bin provided.请你把废物扔到预备好的垃圾箱里。To get these features working you first have to install the software provided.获得这些功能的工作,你首先必须安装该软件提供的。The newspaper article provided him with fuel for his speech.报纸上的这篇文章为他的演讲提供了启发。Many social services are still provided by voluntary societies in our city.在我们的城市,许多社会服务仍然是有志愿团体提供的。The recent scandal has provided the government"s opponents with plenty of ammunition.最近的丑闻给政府的反对派提供了大量的炮弹。二、ifconj. (连词)if作为从属连词,可引导条件状语从句、让步状语从句和名词从句。if引导条件状语从句,从句可为真实条件从句,也可为虚拟条件从句。如为真实条件从句,谓语用陈述语气,表示可能性很大,作“假使”“如果”解,通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时; 如果if从句中用will,表示意愿。从句如为虚拟条件从句,谓语动词要用虚拟语气,表示可能性不大或与过去事实相反,作“要是,假如”解。可指过去的情况,也可指现在和将来的情况。指将来情况时可用were to或should。在现代口语中,一、三人称后常用was代替were。if引导的虚拟条件句中,助动词were,should,had可以移至主语前,此时if可省略。if引导的条件从句中可以省略be和主语。if引导的条件从句,有时后接only以加强其语气,表示说话人非常盼望某人提出的条件能够实现。if可引导让步状语从句,作“虽然,即使”解,常和even连用。if可引导名词性从句,作“是否”解,常放在ask, doubt, know, learn, see, wonder等动词后。一般用在口语中,而且不能用于句首。if可以表示惊奇或愤怒。用于陈述语气的否定句时,意义则是肯定的。If ever...在现代英语中,表示强调,用于加强主句的意思,往往含有否定意思。When or if〔when, or if〕表示从句所说的也许不会实现。if any的意思是“如果有的话”。if only可表示对现时或未来的愿望,也可表示与过去事实相反的愿望,作“只要…但愿,要是…就好了”解。What will happen if...?意思是“要是…怎么办”。常缩略成What if...?If not后可加动词,通常动词省略,可用于现在时态或现在完成时态,表示“要不,不然”; 也可用于yes〔no〕疑问句之后,表示“许诺,告诫”。三、两者的区别(一)provided(that)假如,如果providing(that)条件是,如果两者都可以,意思可以互换。if 只有这一种形式,但是意思单一,如果。(二)做【如果讲】,用法相同。provided和if在当如果讲的时候.用法一样吗provided =no condition that =providing that 译为 如果,假如if也译为 如果,假设,较口语化。其实provied和if引导的从句都为条件状语从句,时态用主将从现,二者可以等同。唯一区别还是provied较书面化,例句如下:We will buy everything you produce,provided of course the price is right.If necessary I can xome at once.If anyone calls,tell them I"m not at home.

Music In Me (Extended) 歌词

歌曲名:Music In Me (Extended)歌手:Campaus专辑:Music In MeCassie - Music In Me只听欧美滴!you say you understandand you act like youcan comprehend meyou know its hard for mebut you know i can"t believei want for you to seei want you to wake upcoz this is all meI"m who i wanna bethats why i can"t believeyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in methis is meyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in methis is meI"m not changing for no onethere"s music in mesee it"s deep it"s in my soulit"s everything I knowand i won"t let it go ohi need you to be strongi need you to be therefrom the start of the songbut still the things you saycan make me turn awayyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in methis is meyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in methis is meListeni got big dreamsi got plenty music in mei got everythingi need i just need you to believe in me me me..believe in me me me..i got big dreamsi got plenty music in mei got everything i needi just need you to believe in me me me..believe in me meyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in methis is meyou make me just wanna scream ohdon"t ever try to get in between ohi want you and the world to seethis is the music in methis is the music in me this is meShaGuar 制作


duce这个词根表示引导,带来。知道这个词根,那么下列单词都可以引申记忆和理解啦。deduce,de表示向下,向下引导,就引申为推论或者推断啦reduce,re表示回,往回引导,就引申为减少,缩小或者简化,还原。所以这两个单词是完全不同的意思,只是有相同的词根duce。下面再介绍两个常见单词帮助联想记忆,扩展词汇量:induce, in表示里,往里引导,引申为引诱,劝使;引起,导致。introduce, intro进入,引导进来,引申为引进,介绍的意思啦。

restart now or key is needed中文

在紧急情况停止或开启设备后,那个“重新启动”按钮需要打开所有驱动程序.当导致紧急情况停止的干扰恢复、这个按钮中的指示灯闪烁时,这个按钮才可能有用处. 一种当前活动的干扰,以指示灯亮起的方式来显示. 一种成为导致紧急情况停止原因但却对开启设备不产生影响的干扰,现在用指示灯闪烁来标示.

idea loaded classes are up to date.nothing to reload.什么意思

idea loaded classes are up to date. nothing to reload.理念加载类是最新的。没什么要重装。idea loaded classes are up to date. nothing to reload.理念加载类是最新的。没什么要重装。


reloaded 生词本简明释义v.再装,重新装( reload的过去式和过去分词 )以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义1.VERB再次给(枪)上膛;再装填If someone reloads a gun, they load it again by putting in more bullets or explosive. If you reload a container, you fill it again. She reloaded the gun as quickly as she could...她以最快的速度再次给枪装上子弹。He reloaded and nodded to the gamekeeper.他给枪重新装上子弹,然后朝猎场看守人点了点头。




reload 英[u02ccri:u02c8lu0259u028ad] 美[riu02c8lod] vt. 再装,重新装 第三人称单数:reloads;过去分词:reloaded;现在分词:reloading;过去... ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!


reload及物动词 vt.1.再装;重新装 This rifle only holds one cartridge and so must be reloaded after each shot.这支来复枪只能装一发子弹,所以在每次射击后都需重新装弹。reu25aaloadreload英 [u02ccri:u02c8lu0259u028ad] 美 [riu02c8lod] vt. 再装,重新装 重载授权表或清空日志; 重新加载; 再装; 自动填弹 再次给(枪)上膛;再装填 If someone reloads a gun, they load it again by putting in more bullets or explosive. If you reload a container, you fill it again. She reloaded the gun as quickly as she could... 她以最快的速度再次给枪装上子弹。He reloaded and nodded to the gamekeeper. 他给枪重新装上子弹,然后朝猎场看守人点了点


founded 强调建完的状态 built强调的是建筑的过程






built up是过去式;build up是一般现在式原型. 他的分析帮他们建立的信心. 这里是指某一个特定的分析.也就是说在过去的某一时间完成并被阅读的分析.所以用过去式built. 即便是什么不朽制作总是无时无刻不在给他们建立信心,那么用一般现在式时也要加s成为builds. 所以作为一般现在式原型build up对于一个第三人称单数的analysis是永远也不能用的.

派生词是什么英语中什么是派生词?crowded是一个派生词吧 怎么判断的?

派生法(derivation)是英语主要的构词法.这方法是借前缀或后缀之助,制造出派生词(derivative words),主要有名词、形容词和动词三种. 前缀以否定前缀(negative prefixes)un-,in-,im-,il-,ir-,non-,dis-,mis-,mal-等为主,使延伸出来的派生词变成反义词. Ⅰ名词派生词 Balance→imbalance;pleasure→displeasure;management→ mi *** anagement;efficiency→inefficiency;concern→unconcern ;literacy→illiteracy;resolution→irresolution; interference→noninterference;nutrition→malnutrition. Ⅱ形容词派生词 Accurate→inaccurate;patient→impatient.regular→ irregular;legal→illegal;native→non-native;orderly→ disorderly;mon→unmon. Ⅲ动词派生词 Agree→disagree;judge→misjudge;treat→maltreat; activate→inactivate;use→ill-use;mobilize→immobilize; manage→mi *** anage;quote→unquote. 除了否定前缀之外,其他常用的前缀还有 anti-,auto-,bi-,co-,counter-,de-,ex-,inter-,mono-,post,pre-,pro-,re-,sub-,super-,trans-,tri-,ultra-等. 例如: anti-government(反 *** );auto-intoxication(自我迷醉);bilateral(双边的);coexistence(共存);counter-argument (反建议);de-emphasize(不强调);ex-president(前任会长);international(国际间的);monolingual(单语的);post-war (战后的);precaution(预先防备);pro-China(支持中国); re-state(重述);subhuman(低于人类的);superimpose(加在上面);trans-atlantic(横跨大西洋的);triangle(三角); ultra- *** art(超能的). 前面例子证明,加上前缀后的词,虽然意思改变,但词性保持不变. (en-除外,象able 形容词,enable动词;courage 名词,encourage动词) 相反的,加上后缀的词,不但词义有些改变,词性也完全不同.这样一来,动词或形容词加上适当的后缀之后,可以得到名词派生词, 如: amaze→amazement;kind→kindness. 同样的,名词或动词加上适当的后缀,便可以得到形容词派生词, 如: merce→mercial;depend→dependent. 最后,名词或形容词加上动词性的后缀,可以得到动词派生词,加上副词性后缀(仅限 -ly),则得到副词派生词, 如: fright(名词)→frighten(动词);modern(形容词)→ modernize(动词);beauty(名词)→beautify(动词);year(名词)→yearly(副词);quick(形容词)→quickly(副词).

图纸中的recommended footprint是什么意思





他们的破解的版本都大同小异的. 不过在一些游戏里 S版的稳定点, 又或者是T版的稳定.两者不会相差很大的. 我习惯用S版的. 在3DM 论坛里, 两个版本的破解版游戏都有的

美剧秘密部队主题曲The Unit Extended Theme的歌词

<<Walk the fire>>歌词(真是太少了!)give me ur secret 给我你的秘密 Bring me a sign 带我一个迹象 Give me a reason 给我一个理由 To walk the fire 赴汤蹈火 See another dawn 另见曙光 Through our daughters" eyes 通过我们的女儿的眼睛 You give me a reason 你给我一个理由 To walk the fire 赴汤蹈火

英语翻译例:宣传总监 Chief Inspector of PropagandaIs awarded to XXX in

主席----chairman 秘书长----secretary-general 主席助理----President assistant 秘书长助理----Assistant secretary-general 宣传总监----Publicity director 宣传督导----Propaganda supervision 常务署长----Standing director 志愿者统筹----Volunteers to plan as a whole 财务统筹----Financial plan as a whole 学术总监----Academic director 学术督导----Academic supervision 学术成员----Academic member 常务成员----Standing members 宣传成员----Propaganda members 赞美的自己说点就行啊

霉霉i would very much like to be excluded from this narrative什么时候说的

2009年MTV录影带颁奖上,霉霉凭借《You Belong With Me》打败了碧昂斯《Single Ladies》。颁奖嘉宾的侃爷竟夺过霉霉的话筒当着霉霉和全球观众的面说,碧昂斯的这首录影带是有史以来最棒的,这奖应该属于碧昂斯……手捧奖杯的霉霉说出了她很经典的一句话:Ehh, I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.嗯,我真心希望从这趟浑水中脱身啊。希望对你有帮助

求w-inds.-dedicated to you歌词(中日罗)

Dedicated to you ga ra su no mi zu u mi so ra wo u tsu su ra n ha n sen shi te ru hi ka ri no bu ri zu mu ki mi no so tta ko no ba shomade bokuwakitayo kimi no ruutsu tadori BLUE... sundetahitomiwa sunderukono soranosei TRUTH... tomoni ikitanemijikakutemo futa ri kimiwo sou zutto wasurenaiyo tentojini sotto hanasaretemo me ga i ga hi to tsu kanunonaraba mouichido...kiminiaitai na mi ta sa ede zu ni samayotteta doushiyoumonaikotowoshittayo kimiwasaigoni「mataaeru」to wa ra i bo ku wa kamisama wo nikunda tou...mayottatokiwa kimiworadoui i doushitaka tooibashohe omoiwo kazenoyouniutau 「sukida」tte motto iitakatta sukoshiyaninaru kotomodekizu kimigashiranaiasuwo korekarabokuwa douikirebaii? darenotamesaewataru BLUE SKY futaridemiyagetane hikokikumo yakusokuwamou hatasenaikedo bokunoyume semete kanaietai kimiwo sou zutto wasurenaiyo tentojini sotto hanasaretemo kenjitsuwa sou tokinizankokute mounidoto...kiminiaenai kiminotamesaewataru BLUE SKY futaridemitsuketane ichibanmoshi yakusokuwamoukawasenaikedo kiminoyume semete kanaietai 玻璃般的湖面上 正映著天空 就有如一面稜镜 散射著七彩光芒 你知道吗? 我已经来到你的故乡 试著拼凑你过去的点点滴滴 你舍弃的双眸 是因为这片湛蓝的晴空 而如此清澈吗? 我们曾经一同分享生命 就算那只是转瞬即逝的刹那 我从未将你忘记 即使你我之间的距离 是永远无法横越的生死鸿沟 如果我还有一个愿望能被实现 那就请让我再见你一面 我乾涸的眼眶 伴著我在迷惘中不断徘徊 因为我知道 我对什麼都已无能为力 虽然你一直到最后 都还笑著跟我说「一定还可以再见面的」 但我对命运之神的恨意却已不可收拾 如果今天换做是你身处这迷惘 你会怎麼说? 你会怎麼做? 希望我的歌声能像微风一样 把我朝向远方的思念带到你身边 我好想再多说几次「我喜欢你」 不管你做什麼我也一定不会不高兴 可是当未来已经没有你的身影时 我该如何继续走下去? 这片无垠的青空是为了你 才能如此澄澈 我们曾经一同仰望 那颗最早点亮夜空的星星 虽然我们已经不可能再立下任何誓约 但至少让我替你实现 你曾经拥有的一切梦想...... W-indの<Dedicated to you> タ イ ト ル名: Dedicated to You 作词者名: shungo. アーティスト名: w-inds. 作曲者名: Hayabusa 歌词: ガラスの湖 空を映す 乱反射してる 光のプリズム 君の育ったこの场所まで 仆は来たよ 君のルーツ辿り BLUE… 澄んでた瞳は 澄んでるこの空のせい TRUTH… 共に生きたね 短くても 二人 君を そう ずっと 忘れないよ 天と地に そっと 离されても 愿いが一つ 叶うのならば もう一度…君に逢いたい 涙さえ出ずに 彷徨ってた どうしようもないことを知ったよ 君は最期に「また逢える」と微笑(わら)い仆は 神様を憎んだ 问う…迷った时は 君ならどう言い どうしたか 远い场所へ 想いを 风のように歌う 「好きだ」って もっと 言いたかった 少し嫌(や)になることもできず 君が知らない明日を これから仆は どう生きればいい? 谁のため冴え渡る BLUE SKY 二人で见上げたね 飞行机云 约束はもう果たせないけど 仆の梦 せめて 叶えたい 君を そう ずっと 忘れないよ 天と地に そっと 离されても 现実は そう 时に残酷で もう二度と…君に逢えない 君のため冴え渡る BLUE SKY 二人で见つけたね 一番星 约束はもう交わせないけど 君の梦 せめて 叶えたい

in which instance, as follow should be added a ing?

I am not sure. But maybe it will help you.As to as follow/as follows, we usually use it as adv., namely, we tend to use as follows when it follows verb. eg. do it as follwsAs to as following, personally I think it could be divided into as & following, following here used as adj.(sometimes maybe following codes, tips as following.Anyway, as following has something to deal with noun, while as follow(s) has something to deal with as following, as following codes, noun is placed ahead so as following is used

When we arrived, we found the meeting room crowded with___ students.


【英语】高一英语填空题(二)She demanded that I ( ) her pencil box which I?

D. 她命令我捡起她的铅笔盒,那是我不小心碰落到地板上的. make up 没有你说的那个意思.它一般是指构成,构造;化妆.,10,我觉得是D,捡起来,因为我把她的铅笔盒弄地上了她让我捡起来。make up 是补偿的意思,如果不能原物补的话要用make up for 我记得老师讲过make up是指能以原来的形式补偿的东西比如时间,可以再以时间的形式补上 make up for就是只能用替代物补上...,2,pick up 这个宾语从句在demand之后需要使用虚拟语气,所以不能以此来判断意思,make up的补偿是尽量弥补,没有你说的这个意思。,1,D.pick up 捡起来,0,【英语】高一英语填空题(二) She demanded that I ( ) her pencil box which I by chance knocked on to the floor. A.use up B.put up C.make up D.pick up --------------------------------------------- My opinion: I think this sentence means that the writer was asked to pay back her pencil box.So I choose the statement C(I think "make up" may mean "make(buy) a new one for her").Am I right? I search on the Internet: 1、make sth up (REPLACE) to reduce or replace something,usually an amount of time or work,that has been lost: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2、make up for sth to take the place of something lost or damaged or to pensate for something bad with something good ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [All of your answers are right.I really misunderstand the meaning of "make up".]

gelbooru 出现这个Search is overloaded! Try again later...要怎麼办? 意思是我ip被封了吗?


He guided us home safely. 这英语中的 home,safely在这里是什么成分??

home在这儿是副词,作宾语补足语。home要是名词前面应该有冠词或者物主代词。safely以ly结尾一定是副词,在这作状语,修饰动词guided。全句汉语意思: 他指引我们安全回到家里。

Congress has decided that the present law____________(maintain)?

Congress has decided that the present law (should) be maintained.国会决定维持现行法律。decide, decree, order, vote等属于此用法。

sandy 与sanded 的区别是什么?

sandy是一个形容词 1.含沙的;多沙的;铺上沙的 2.沙色的,黄棕色(头发)的3.流沙似的,不稳固的sanded形容词 1.铺沙的;沙地的2.有小斑点的;沙色的3.掺沙的它们两个的中文意思是差不多,只是sanded 是sandy 的过去式

有没有关于Textbooks should be Recyded 的英文作文 不用太好50字 要翻译 快!!


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解决ZuulException: Forwarding error以及Readed time out

最近刚入坑微服务,总是会碰到很多坑,一个坑一个脚印,默默记下。 Problem 1: 其中一个微服务模块,启动,本身没有问题,postman测试接口也没有问题。同时在网关中配置了相关转发,例如: 但是通过网关访问就会出现问题,通过API网关路由来访问微服务,zuul默认路由规则 : http://zuul 的Host地址:zuul端口/要调用的服务名/服务方法地址,报错: Forwarding error...... Caused by: null...... Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Read timed out 是因为接口调用的时间过长,超过了等待时长,于是配置一下时长,在网关模块中application.yml配置 以及 还有 进行这样的配置之后,可以通过API网关路由来访问服务了,postman接口测试正常。 Problem 2: 微服务之间通讯的时候,由于配置了熔断器,发现A服务中每次调用B的时候,都会进入fallback,由此判断调用过程出现了问题。 其实还是上面说到的时间问题,我将fallback去掉之后,在controller 中try...catch捕获到了错误,定位错误:spring cloud java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException 【此处记录下,不去掉fallback也能捕捉错误,在client中try...catch就可以】 首先我尝试了在A服务的application.yml中设置了熔断器的检测时间:(熔断器检测时间(默认1秒)) 但是并没有效果, 后来就关闭熔断器超时检测时间功能,也就是不超时 OK,到此问题都解决了,微服务自身运行正常,API网官访问也正常,微服务间通讯也正常

stranded deep物品怎么合成

将合成物品的原材料丢在地上按住右键拖动到一起,之后会看到这一堆物品整体呈橘黄色状,长按左键进行合成。合成物品时请勿使用锤子。合成建筑物品时,请手持锤子。需要合成的物品的组成部分一起放在地上,靠得近点,指针移上去长按左键即可出现菜单。石制匕首1个Stick(木棍)1个Rock Sharp(锋利的石头)1个Rope (粗绳)石制斧头1个Stick(木棍)1个Rock(石头)1个Rope (粗绳)石制锤子1个Stick (木棍)2个Rock(石头)1个Rope (粗绳)石制长矛2个Stick(木棍)1个Rock Sharp(锋利的石头)1个Rope(粗绳)营火5个Stick(木棍)火坑1个 Camp Fire(营火)6个Rock(石头)加强火坑1个 Fire Pit(火坑)3个Stick (木棍)1个Rope (粗绳)基础篇完毕,下面开始更新建筑篇建筑是游戏的关键组成部分之一,在力学允许的情况下,你可以搭建出你所想要的房子。开始建筑时你首先需要一个石制锤子或锤子,之后像制作工具一样将材料放到一起按住左键,如果组合正确就可以制作建筑材料了!要建造一个庇护所首先需要一个地基,有了地基就可以在其上放置支架、墙壁和屋顶并且搭建起来。Foundations(地基)8个Stick(木棍)Raft(筏子)8个Stick与地基一样,需要在水中建造ess 看把Supports(柱子)1个Foundations(地基)1个Stick(木棍)用于放置在Foundations的四角Wall(墙)1个Foundation(地基)4个Stick(木棍)2个Palm Frond (椰子叶)放置在柱子间,椰子叶从椰子树的头部获得Roof(房顶)1 x Foundation (地基)4 x Stick(木棍)4 x Palm Frond (椰子叶)可以放置在四个柱子之上Steps1 x Foundation (地基)5 x Stick (木棍)6 x Rope (粗绳)可以放在地基的任何位置上床木头+绳子=床, 晚上可以睡,但不一定一觉大天亮

body of;scores of;a multituded of这三个的区别,最好造句说明

body of 后面是不可数名词scores of,a multituded of 后面都是可数名词但a multitude of 数量非常多,scores of 几十个a multitude of [英][u0259 u02c8mu028cltitju:d u0254v][美][e u02c8mu028cltu026au02cctud u028cv]大量; It has a multitude of trade barriers, weak labor unions, and an undervalued currency.中国也有大量贸易壁垒,软弱的工会,以及估值过低的货币。Scores of multinationals do the same.数十家跨国企业在做着同样的事情。Scores of restaurants and hotels have opened.那里有几十家餐厅和旅馆已经开张


区别如下:all-round adj. 全面的;多方面的;全能的;多才多艺的例句He demonstrated the all-round skills of a quarterback.他展示了一个枢纽前卫非常全面的技术。well-rounded 面面俱到的;多才多艺的;(语句)有表达力的 informed 了解情况的;见多识广的;有情报根据的;消息灵通的。

A Star Is Born [Jay-Z + J. Cole] (Amended Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:A Star Is Born [Jay-Z + J. Cole] (Amended Album Version)歌手:Jay-Z 专辑:The Blueprint 3Jay-Z Ft. J.Cole - A Star Is Born(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)(Jay-Z)I seen Mase do it, I seen Ye do it,X came through, caught lighter fluid,Still i came through it,Clap for em,But I"m the blueprint,I"m like the map for em,I dropped another classic,Made Puff pass it,Nobody could touch Puff back when Puff had it,Wayne scorching, I"ll applaud him,If he keep going, pass the torch to him,50 came through like hurricanes do,Thought I"d finish his ass at summerjam too,I had the Illmatic on bootleg,Sh-t was so ahead, thought we was all dead,Wayne did a millie, 50 did a millie,Ye too, but what Em did was silly,The white boy blossomed after Dre endorsed him,His flow on Renegade, f-cking awesome,Applaud him,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Snoop Dogg did, Nelly came down,The Face Mob, kept it ghetto for the H town.Luda moved digits after he moved b-tches,Drake"s up next, see what he do with it,Rule had a run, couple movie parts,T.I literally wanted to shoot up the charts,Wat up Jeezy, wat it do,Y"all remind me of us in early 92,Outcast landed, 3 thou was ill,Like a male version of Lauren Hill,Mobb Deep shook it but Prodigy took it a lil too far,Can"t f-ck with Brooklyn,Wu Tang gang bang, Meth ate,Rae" took on the date with the Purple Tape.Passed on to Ason ? and then Ghostface,They had a hell of a run,Standing Ova, ayyy,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)And I am one of one,Can"t you see just along my front,My brain new lou sun shineBeen a star since i was back in one time,One time give it up for him,December 4th a star was born,Clap for him,He went from moving that cornerTo this corner office is so enormous,Hey, Pres Carter,Watch him get a Monica on all day,Hey,Got so many monikers but only 1 JayThey come they go,Some real some foe,Some friends some hoesBut no i goes nowhere this Hov,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)(J. Cole)And could i be a star,This fame and this game have to change who you are,Could i be the same one who came from a far away life,Just to make it in this broadway lights,Now shining in the broad day light, go figure,A slow transition from a lil broke n-gga from the Ville,Got a deal a real life saver,Dreams of being behind the wheel like Jada,I chill now a lil ice later, Cole you go the glow like a lil lightsaber,So clap for him, then applaud Hov, he gave em a plat for him,Flow so sick thought he wrote the rap for him,No sir,The flows cold as a shoulder of a gold digging hoes when a broke n-gga approaches,Told ya I"m focused man, I"ll let you muthf-ckers soak it in,(Chorus)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)Clap for em, clap for em, clap for em (Jay-Z)Everyday a star is born (J. Cole)

红色警戒地图编辑器用不了 red alert 2 is not correctly installed (ra2.mix could not be loaded)他说


美服LOL登录提示,关于账号permanently suspended,急!



send的过去式只有sent,没有sended,所以不需要比较。sent 英[sent] 美[su025bnt] v. 派遣; ( send的过去式和过去分词 ) 送; (某种反应) 使作出; (某状态) 使进入; 例句:The Spanish Armada was sent to attack England in1588.1588年西班牙无敌舰队被派遣进攻英国。
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