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2023-08-24 22:33:27

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2023-08-18 15:49:134


介意双语对照词典结果:mind[英][mau026and][美][mau026and]n.心,精神,心力,知,智力,智慧; 心胸,头脑,人; 愿望,目的,意向,意志,决心,见解,意见; 记忆,记性,记忆力,回想; vi.介意; 注意; vt.专心于; 介意; 愿意做; 照顾; 第三人称单数:minds过去分词:minded复数:minds现在进行时:minding过去式:minded很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-08-18 15:50:212


2023-08-18 15:50:302


2023-08-18 15:50:584

能不能帮忙列举一下类似“XX minded”的一些词?

同学你好,我是来自新东方优能学习中心的老师钟雷sober minded 清醒的头脑例如,For a very sober-minded people, death is just another great adventure.对于头脑十分清醒的人来说,死亡不过是另一场伟大的冒险。 strong-minded adj. 意志坚强的open-minded adj. 虚心的, 思想开明的He wished his parents were more open-minded on political issues.他希望父母在政治问题上开通一些。absent-minded a.心不在焉的祝你取得好成绩!
2023-08-18 15:51:201

eco minded标志是什么意思

这个意思是:“关注环保的” eco- 是英语单词的前缀的一种 在这个词中 表示"生态(的)","环境(的)"; minded表示“有…思想的”,表示一种想法的倾向
2023-08-18 15:51:283

1. — Do you mind changing seats with me? — _______ (A) Yes, you can. (B) No, I don’t mind. (C)

2023-08-18 15:51:412


quick-minded 意思:头脑敏捷的。双语例句:1、It is hard for energetic, quick-minded people to waste time. 精力充沛、头脑敏捷的人极不愿意浪费时间。2、It is hard for energetic, quick-minded people to waste time, so they are often tempted to finish a job before setting out to keep an appointment. 精力充沛、头脑敏捷的人极不愿意浪费时间,因此她们常想做完一件事后再去赴约。
2023-08-18 15:52:073

外国人说open minded指什么

open minded是思想开明; 思想开放的意思,外国人说这句话是想让你持开放态度。心态阳光,开心快乐过好每一天。
2023-08-18 15:52:141


like-minded[英][lau026ak "mau026andu026ad][美][lau026ak "mau026andu026ad]adj.志趣相投的; 具有相似意向或目的的; 双语例句 1The opportunity to mix with hundreds of like-minded people与许许多多志趣相投的人交流的机会2We continually seek passionate, like-minded people who share our values and provide the kind of creative problem-solving skills that make us a better agency.我们一直在寻找热情洋溢、志同道合的人加入公司,他们认同我们的价值观,具备创造性解决问题的技能,促进公司蒸蒸日上。
2023-08-18 15:52:361


国际思维? ^^(精){锐}环东
2023-08-18 15:52:462


Heart belongs
2023-08-18 15:52:575


2023-08-18 15:53:293


2023-08-18 15:53:383


用作名词时可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。英语单词mind有以下两种词性:1、mind用作名词时,基本意思是“头脑,精神,理智”,还可以表示“智力、记忆力”,引申可表示“有才智的人”。2、mind用作动词时,基本意思是“留心”“注意”“当心”,还可以表示对(某事)“烦恼,苦恼,焦虑”。第三人称单数:minds;现在分词:minding;过去式:minded;过去分词:minded。He is ninety years old,but his mind is sharp.他虽然90岁了,但头脑还很灵活。Her death had an unbalancing effect on Joe"s mind.她一死,乔在精神上打击很大。Mind your own business!管好你自己的事!
2023-08-18 15:55:201


Nothing will make me change my mind . 无论什么事都不能使我改变主意。 I didn"t vex my mind with the questions . 我也不去为这些问题多烦神。 His mind is not a mind for affpction . 他的头脑是不受苦恼的影响的。 You don"t mind sleeping in that bed, do you ? 你睡那张床,不在乎吧? My mind drifts to the years of my youth . 我回想起了自己的青年时代。 Never mind , i can manage without . 没关系我没有(那东西)也能凑合。 I had a target in mind for the first year . 第一年我心目中有个指标。 The problem bulks large in his mind . 这个问题在他心目中显得很重要。 I don"t think he"d mind my asking now . 看来他现在不会计较我发问了。 You have taken a great load off my mind . 你给我心里卸去了一副重担。 I have the memory of posting the letters in my mind . 我记着得寄信。 Was yeobright"s mind well-proportioned ? 姚伯的性情能算是中正平易吗? His whole mind was trying out the experiment . 他一心一意准备试验。 Poor old fellow, his mind is faipng . 可怜的老头儿,有点老胡涂了。 The good news has taken a load off my mind ... 这好消息使我如释重负。 Your advice will stick fast in my mind . 你的意见会牢记在我心中的。 A disturbing thought crossed my mind . 我突然想起一件令人心烦的事。 You"ve still got a broke state of mind . 你还是一副灰心丧气的样子。 His mind was destitute of that dread . 他的头脑里不再有那种恐惧感。 Knit the brows and a stratagem es to mind . 眉头一皱,计上心来。 Her mind was inevitably at pberty . 她的头脑必然是不受任何干扰的。 He *** iled and turned the fancy in his mind . 他微微一笑,顿生遐想。 I hope he can read the minds of soldiers . 我希望他能理解兵士的心理。 It never crossed my mind that she might lose . 我从未想到她会失败。 She minded very much that he had not e . 他没有来,她为此十分不悦。 His mind dwelt on what had passed . 刚才发生的事一直在他的脑海中翻腾。 His face was a true picture of his mind . 他的容颜是他内心的真实写照。 I was still balancing the matter in my mind . 我心里正在权衡利害得失。 No such idea had ever crossed my mind . 我心中从来未曾有过这样的想法。 For a moment her presence of mind forsook her . 刹那间她心乱如麻。
2023-08-18 15:55:391


  mind英 [mau026and] 美 [mau026and]  n.心,精神,心力,知,智力,智慧; 心胸,头脑,人; 愿望,目的,意向,意志,决心,见解,意见; 记忆,记性,记忆力,回想;  vi.介意; 注意;  vt.介意; 专心于; 愿意做; 照顾;  [例句]His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.  他疲惫的心继续沉溺于自哀自怜之中。  [其他]第三人称单数:minds 复数:minds 现在分词:minding 过去式:minded 过去分词:minded
2023-08-18 15:56:081


2023-08-18 15:56:184


mind 英[mau026and] 美[mau026and] n. 心,精神,心力,知,智力,智慧; 心胸,头脑,人; 愿望,目的,意向,意志,决心,见解,意见; 记忆,记性,记忆力,回想; vi. 介意; 注意; vt. 介意; 专心于; 愿意做; 照顾; [网络] 在乎; 智慧; 智力; [例句]His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.他疲惫的心继续沉溺于自哀自怜之中。[其他] 第三人称单数:minds 复数:minds 现在分词:minding 过去式:minded过去分词:minded
2023-08-18 15:56:341


kind-hearted ["kaind"hɑ:tid]基本翻译adj. 仁慈的;好心肠的网络释义kind-hearted:好心的|仁慈的,好心肠的|心地慈祥的Heaven never lets the kind-hearted down:皇天不负好心人open-minded基本翻译adj. 虚心的, 思想开明的网络释义open-minded:虚心的|虚心的,思想开明的|开明的,开放的unchained open-minded:开放的思想没有束缚在open-minded / cheerful:开朗的
2023-08-18 15:57:241


mind 英式音标 [mau026and] 美式音标[mau026and]n. 心,精神,心力,知,智力,智慧; 心胸,头脑,人; 愿望,目的,意向,意志,决心,见解,意见; 记忆,记性,记忆力,回想;vi. 介意; 注意;vt. 介意; 专心于; 愿意做; 照顾;[例句]I"m trying to clear my mind of all this我正在努力忘掉这一切。[其他] 第三人称单数:minds 复数:minds 现在分词:minding 过去式:minded过去分词:minded
2023-08-18 15:57:342


2023-08-18 15:57:431


[maind] [maind] [maind] [maind] [maind]
2023-08-18 15:57:553


  mind 英[mau026and] 美[mau026and]  n. 心,精神,心力,知,智力,智慧; 心胸,头脑,人; 愿望,目的,意向,意志,决心,见解,意见; 记忆,记性,记忆力,回想;  vi. 介意; 注意;  vt. 介意; 专心于; 愿意做; 照顾;  [例句]I"m trying to clear my mind of all this  我正在努力忘掉这一切。  [其他] 第三人称单数:minds 复数:minds 现在分词:minding 过去式:minded过去分词:minded
2023-08-18 15:58:131

open minded是什么意思

2023-08-18 15:58:224

i am open minded 中mind为什么要加ed

open-minded 为合成词,意为: 愿意考虑不同意见的,思想开明的
2023-08-18 15:58:381


2023-08-18 15:59:093

like-minded 都有什么意思

形容词 志趣相投的;看法相同的 相似意向 观点相同的
2023-08-18 15:59:273

open minded什么意思

Open Minded思想开明;思想开放的
2023-08-18 15:59:473


It is hard for energetic, quick-minded people to waste time, so they are often tempted to finish a job before setting out to keep an appointment.——《新概念英语》虽然quick也可以作副词,但用quickly这种只能做副词的词不是更不容易引发歧义吗?
2023-08-18 15:59:563


没有short-minded, 有short-winded 或narrow-mindednarrow-mindedadj. 狭隘的;心胸狭窄的;有偏见的short-windedadj. 易喘气的;易气急的;简明扼要的
2023-08-18 16:00:061


strong-minded英 ["stru0254u014b"maindid, "stru0254:u014b-]美 ["stru0254u014b"mau026andu026ad]adj. 有主见的;意志坚强的[网络短语]strong-minded 意志坚强的,坚强的,固执己见的Alcina Strong-minded 女性英文名字strong-minded firm adamant 褒义词希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢!!
2023-08-18 16:00:362


broad-mindedadj.愿意听取他人意见的;胸怀宽阔的;有气量的 气量大的;心胸开阔;心胸宽广的例句筛选1.Firstly, we should be broad minded and be tolerant of the differences amongpeople.首先,我们应该是广泛的,宽容的人之间的差异。2.Be a girl vivid and broad-minded.做一个活泼开朗的女孩。
2023-08-18 16:00:441


2023-08-18 16:01:003


body 英[u02c8bu0252di] 美[u02c8bɑ:di] n. 身体; 尸体; 团体; 物体; vt. 赋予形体; [例句]A harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit头脑、身体和心灵的协调[其他] 第三人称单数:bodies 复数:bodies 现在分词:bodying 过去式:bodied过去分词:bodied 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科相关单词:Body [人名] [英格兰人姓氏]博迪绰号,来源于中世纪英语及古英语,含义是“身体,躯干”(body,trunk),可能指胖子mind 英[mau026and] 美[mau026and] n. 心,精神,心力,知,智力,智慧; 心胸,头脑,人; 愿望,目的,意向,意志,决心,见解,意见; 记忆,记性,记忆力,回想; vi. 介意; 注意; vt. 介意; 专心于; 愿意做; 照顾; [例句]His tired mind continued to wallow in self-pity.他疲惫的心继续沉溺于自哀自怜之中。[其他] 第三人称单数:minds 复数:minds 现在分词:minding 过去式:minded过去分词:minded spirit 英[u02c8spu026aru026at] 美[u02c8spu026aru026at] n. 精神,心灵; 情绪; 勇气; 精髓; v. 神秘地带走; [例句]Their cultural backgrounds gave them a spirit of adventure.他们的文化背景赋予了他们一种冒险精神。[其他] 第三人称单数:spirits 复数:spirits 现在分词:spiriting 过去式:spirited 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科
2023-08-18 16:01:181


是的 短袖上面一般有这个标志
2023-08-18 16:01:302

being poor,he is strong minded是什么结构?

该简单句的结构:让步状语(being poor)+主语(he)+系动词(is)+表语(strong-minded)。解释: 1.being poor是动词ing形式作状语。2.strong-minded是一个单词,不能分开哦。
2023-08-18 16:02:031


single-minded专一双语对照词典结果:single-minded[英][u02c8su026au014bgu0259lu02c8mau026andu026ad][美][u02c8su026au014bɡu0259lu02c8mau026andu026ad]adj.专一的; 坚定的; 诚心的; 纯真的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.China"s single-minded pursuit of mercantilist objectives produces inflation and overheatingat home. 中国一味追逐重商主义目标,造成了国内的通胀和经济过热。
2023-08-18 16:03:012


“PDCA”指PDCA循环,又叫戴明环,是管理学中的一个通用模型。PDCA循环的含义是将质量管理分为四个阶段:Plan—Do—Check—Act。分别解释如下:1、P (plan) 计划包括方针和目标的确定,以及活动规划的制定。2、D (Do) 执行根据已知的信息,设计具体的方法、方案和计划布局;再根据设计和布局,进行具体运作,实现计划中的内容。3、C (Check) 检查总结执行计划的结果,分清哪些对了,哪些错了,明确效果,找出问题。4、A (Act)处理对总结检查的结果进行处理,对成功的经验加以肯定,并予以标准化;对于失败的教训也要总结,引起重视。对于没有解决的问题,应提交给下一个PDCA循环中去解决。扩展资料:PDCA的作用:1、能使任何一项活动有效进行的一种合乎逻辑的工作程序。2、使思想方法和工作步骤更加条理化、系统化、图像化和科学化。3、改进与解决质量问题,赶超先进水平的各项工作。4、大环套小环,小环保大环,互相促进,推动大循环。参考资料:PDCA循环_百度百科
2023-08-18 15:49:281


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2023-08-18 15:49:335


  童话故事具有幻想特点,可培养儿童的创造力与想象力;故事中鲜明、生动的形象可促进儿童审美情感的发展;童话语言的鲜明口语性,可培养儿童说话能力。我整理了,欢迎阅读!   :会唱歌的云雀   The Singing Lark   A long time ago, there once lived a father who had three daughters. One day, before he left for a long journey, he said to his daughters, "When I e back what gifts should I bring back for you?" The eldest daughter wanted pearls and the second daughter wanted diamonds. However the youngest daughter wanted a singing lark.   The Singing Lark   Father promised to bring back the gifts and left for his journey. Several months later, Father had finished his journey and returned. He brought back the eldest and the second daughter"s presents, but he was not able to get his youngest daughter"s gift. And because he loved his youngest daughter the most, he felt very sad.   One day as he was resting in the forest, there up on the big tree he saw a singing lark. He went up the tree to get the singing lark. All of a sudden, a lion came and said, "Who came to take away my singing lark?"   "If you wish to take this bird, when I go to your house, give me the first thing that es running out. Can you promise me?" Father was worried that his youngest daughter would e out, but because he was afraid of the lion he gave his word to the lion.   When he arrived, as expected, the youngest daughter came running out without even putting on her shoes. Father told the youngest daughter the whole truth. The youngest daughter consoled her father and said, she would try to persuade the lion.   As soon as she arrived, the lion turned into a prince. The prince was cast upon a spell, during the day he was a lion and at night he lived as a prince.   She married the prince. They also had children. Soon afterward, a few days later, a message came that her second sister was getting married. The youngest wanted to go to the wedding with her prince. However, if the prince saw daylight he would be turned into a pigeon and fly around for seven years.   But, because his wife wanted to go together, he started for his journey. The wife was good at blocking away the sunlight. However, inside the church there was a hole in the window and one stream of sunlight came in.   So the prince turned into a pigeon and flew away. The wife for seven years searched for the pigeon.   She prayed to god to help her. "Dear god, please show me where he is." God replied that he was about to marry a princess from another country.   She then went into the castle secretly and whispered to the prince. "Prince, you are my hu *** and. You must leave with me." All of a sudden the prince"s spell was broken. The prince was under the terrible princess spell, and was just about to marry her.   The prince and his wife left for their own country. When they arrived home, their child had grown up quite a bit too. And they lived happily ever after for a long time.   :圣母玛利亚的孩子   The Virgin Mary"s child   A long time ago there lived a poor woodcutter and his wife. This couple had a daughter. However, they were so poor that they couldn"t even feed their daughter.   Then one day, while the woodcutter was chopping wood in the forest a beautiful Virgin Mary appeared. "Since you are living a hard life, why don"t you give me your daughter. I will take good care of her for you." "Yes, I understand." The Virgin Mary carried the child and went up into the heaven.   The child was able to eat delicious food, wear nice clothes, bee friends with the angels and lived happily. When the child turned 14years olds, the Virgin Mary left for a long journey.   "While I am gone take care of these 13 keys to heaven. Out of the 13 keys you may open 12 of them, however, you must never open the last key. If you open that door, unhappiness will e upon you." "Yes, I will keep in mind."   As soon as the Virgin Mary left, the little girl started opening door by door. The little girl who had opened all the twelve doors wanted to open the last door as well. Just then her fingers turned intoglimmering gold.   A little while later, Virgin Mary returned. When Virgin Mary saw the little girl"s finger, she knew that the little girl had not kept her promise. "Did you open the 13th door?" "No, I never opened it." Virgin Mary wanted to give the little girl another chance and asked her two more times. However, the little girl kept lying.   The angry virgin Mary sent the little girl back to earth. When she woke up from her sleep she knew that she was sent to earth and started to cry. However, she was not able to make a sound.   The little girl lived in a oak tree in the forest. Then one day, a prince who was out hunting discovered the little girl. "Who are you?" The little girl could not answer.   Even though the little girl could not utter a word, because she was so beautiful the prince fell in love. And he married the little girl.   A year later the queen bore a son. That night the Virgin Mary went to the queen. "Confess that you opened the 13th door. If you don"t, I will take your son away." "No, I never opened it." So, the Virgin Mary took the child and ran away with it.   Afterward, the queen had another son and a daughter, but Virgin Mary took all of them to heaven. From the people, there was a rumor that the queen was a wicked witch. The queen wanted to tell them, but she could not speak.   Eventually, the queen was sentence to death. The queen was set upon the fire post. It was just then, that the queen"s heart began to melt. The queen thought, "if only I had confessed that I had opened the door! All of a sudden, she was able to speak.   "Yes, virgin Mary, I did open that door." Just then, rain came pouring down from the sky and turned out the fire. And then the virgin Mary carried down the three children and spoke tenderly. "Whoever, confesses and repents their sins will be forgiven." Afterwards, the queen lived happily for a very long time.   :老人和他的孙子   The Old Man and His Grandson   A long time ago there lived a very old man. He was so old that he could not see or hear very well. He also could not walk very well, or eat very well for his hand shook. The old man"s son and daughter in law thought he was a nuisance. So, they had him to eat his meals squatted in the corner, behind the stove.   They gave him very little to eat. The old man would have sad look on his face as he looked at his son and daughter in law"s dinner table. One day the old man"s hand shook so terribly that he dropped his dish on the floor. The daughter in law started lecturing and scolding. And from that day, his meals were served in a shabby dish.   Not long afterwards, the family was sitting having their dinner. When, their four year old grandson was sitting on the floor carefully laying out and checking each of branches. The father asked, "What are you doing?" "I am making a *** all barrel."   "Why are you making it?" The son answered, "So that I can fill it with yours and mother"sportion of food, when I grow up."   The old man"s son and daughter in law looked at one another and without saying a word started weeping. The two quickly brought their old father to their dinner table. From that day on, the old man sat with the family when they had their meals. Even when the old man spilt his food here and there, the son and the daughter in law did not say a word.   
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  这篇文章主要介绍了Python中用PIL库批量给图片加上序号的教程,PIL库是Python中一个非常强大的处理图片的库,需要的朋友可以参考下  女友让我给她论文的图片上加上字母序号,本来觉得是个很简单的事情,但那个白底黑字的圆圈序号却难住了我,试了几个常用的软件,都不行。  后来用PS+动作,倒是能搞出来,不过也不容易,正好那天没搞完,于是拿回自己家做,但我的电脑上又没有PS,所以就用python实现了。  效果图  这里用的图片全是240X240的,按文件名的首字母作为序号,PIL虽然可以计算文字的尺寸,但类似D这样的字符依然不能处于圆圈的正中,所以还对个别字符做了偏移设置,本来想用aggdraw画圆圈的,能平滑一些,不过安装了好几次,都以失败告终,最终放弃。  ?1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041#!/usr/bin/envpython#-*-coding:utf-8-*-importos,sys,fnmatchimportImage,ImageDraw,ImageFontdefprocess_picture(filename):seq=os.path.split(filename)[-1][0].upper(),filename))draw=ImageDraw.Draw(img)#在右下角画白底黑框圆圈draw.ellipse((215,215,235,235),outline="black",fill="white")#将字母序号写入到圆圈内font=ImageFont.truetype("fonts/TimesNewRoman.ttf",20)#计算文字居中的位置text_size=draw.textsize(seq,font)x=(20/2)-(text_size[0]/2)y=(20/2)-(text_size[1]/2)#字母偏移量offsets={"A":1,"B":1,"E":1,"D":2}offset=offsets.get(seq,0)draw.text((215+x+offset,215+y),seq,font=font,fill="black"),filename),"JPEG")if__name__=="__main__":iflen(sys.argv)<3:print"<input_dir><output_dir>"sys.exit(1)input_dir,output_dir=sys.argv[1:3]os.path.exists(output_dir)oros.makedirs(output_dir)forfilenameinos.listdir(input_dir):iffnmatch.fnmatch(filename.lower(),"*.jpg"):process_picture(filename)注:更多精彩教程请关注三联图文教程频道,
2023-08-18 15:49:361


Dear ______,①I am ______(自我介绍)。 ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a plaint about。③The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______(总体介绍)。 ④In the first place, ______(抱怨的第一个方面)。 ⑤In addition, ______(抱怨的第二个方面)。 ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it ______(感觉)to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果)。⑦I appreciate it very much if you could ______(提出推荐和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限)。 ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply。Yours sincerelyLi Ming
2023-08-18 15:49:221


韩国六大打歌节目:KBS音乐银行,SBS人气歌谣,MBC音乐中心,Mnet的M!Countdown,Show!Champion(冠军秀)和The Show。1、KBS音乐银行《音乐银行(Music Bank)》是KBS电视台2TV直播的一个音乐类节目,歌手们在专辑或者单曲宣传期都会争取参加,节目在韩国知名度很高,它的奖是对于歌手的一种很重要的肯定与支持。由于权威的音乐综合考量,使音乐银行成为韩国音乐的风向指标之一。更是韩国艺人想要获得的音乐肯定,很多艺人为自己获得音乐银行候选人而感到高兴。韩国时间星期五 18:30 在KBS2 播放(北京时间17:30)。音乐银行一周一次 ,歌曲都是刚刚发过唱片人的新歌,因为歌曲是新歌大家愿意听,人气自然高,谁如果发了新片,那么那一段时间内都会一直出现在音乐银行中,俗称“打歌”。音乐银行没有限制连冠的次数。2、SBS人气歌谣《人气歌谣》是韩国SBS于每周日下午15点20分制作播出的歌曲类节目。该节目以现场直播的形式,每期邀请一些人气歌手、组合来演唱近期内的流行歌曲。人气歌谣限制连续夺冠次数,同首歌曲最多连续夺冠3次,超过则不能继续表演。该节目与另一档节目《Kpopstar》共同成为SBS两大音乐节目。3、MBC音乐中心音乐中心(music show)是MBC电视台一个直播的音乐节目,歌手们在专辑或者单曲宣传期都会争取参加到这个节目,这个节目在韩国知名度很高。每周六播放一次,北京时间15:00播出(韩国时间16:00播出)。MBC音乐中心一周一次 ,以最近一段时间的人气歌曲为主 ,歌手们在专辑或者单曲宣传期都会争取参加到这个节目,这个节目在韩国知名度很高。MBC音乐中心是没有设置奖项的,单纯的让歌手打歌表演,这就和KBS的音乐银行有了最大的不同。4、M CountDown该节目每周选出流行音乐前50名的榜单,并邀请歌手及乐队现场表演最流行的音乐作品,于韩国时间每周四下午6点至7点40分(北京时间每周四下午5点)在Mnet电视频道及官方网页Mwave进行直播,节目亦透过Mnet USA、Mnet Japan、Channel M等频道在13个国家播出。5、MBCMusic《冠军秀》(ShowChampion)是以“ILOVEMUSIC”为标签于2012年2月1日开播的新型音乐节目,每周选出最佳人气曲目、最热门制作人、最值得关注的新人等三个部门的冠军,值得一提的是“新人冠军”将由到场的观众亲自投票选举,被选的歌手可以继续出演下周的直播。ShowChampion是MBCMUSIC台每周二晚播的新音乐放送,2012年2月14号第一期开播,2月21号第二期放送中颁出节目史上第一组1位获奖者。2013年改版换成周三直播。6、THE SHOWthe show是在SBS的有线频道播出的,俗称砸钱秀,事前投票砸钱送花,直播中送花。价值不高。
2023-08-18 15:49:211

英语作文 投诉信

Customer Mr. Wang Dajun June 10 at the center to buy a color TV, with less than a week and it broke. He called the service center mall, shopping malls are the answer is contact with the TV production, home repairs as soon as possible. But a week passed, no one home repair. Mr. Wang asked return and full refund.
2023-08-18 15:49:102


前列腺高潮英文如下:prostate orgasm前列腺是男性生殖器附属腺中最大的实质性器官。由前列腺组织和肌组织构成。前列腺是男性生殖系统中重要的性腺器官,外形似栗子,位于耻骨联合后方、小骨盆内。前列腺尖端抵近盆底肌,其环绕尿道的部分即为尿道外括约肌。后方与膀胱颈部相连,并且可能凸向膀胱内;腹侧附着于耻骨后,间隙内有阴茎背深静脉等血管穿行;背侧与直肠以狄氏间隙相隔,两侧有包含阴茎勃起神经的血管神经束通过。正常前列腺横径约4cm,垂直径约3cm,前后径约2cm。前列腺体积随年龄增长而增长,儿童和老年阶段,其体积增长较快,而青年阶段,其增长处于相对静止。前列腺囊位于尿道背侧前列腺深部,为较大的盲囊,开口于精阜。它的上皮与前列腺的腺泡相似,有时有纤毛,常有许多皱襞和腺样凹陷。前列腺囊是胚胎发生时Mül-ler管的残迹,也称男性子宫。先前认为它没有功能,近年有学者认为它也是男性生殖系统的附属腺。
2023-08-18 15:49:081

ESET NOD32是什么意思?

2023-08-18 15:49:052

2010年KBS SBS MBC演技大赏得奖名单?

KBS:演技大赏张赫《推奴》最优秀男演员金甲秀《灰姑娘的姐姐》最优秀女演员文根英《灰姑娘的姐姐》、钱忍和《面包王金卓求》最佳荧幕情侣张赫李多海《推奴》、张根锡文根英《玛丽外宿中》、尹时允李英雅《面包王金卓求》、宋钟基刘亚仁《成均馆绯闻》、朴有天朴敏英《成均馆绯闻》 迷你剧部门优秀男演员奖:金秀路《学习之神》 迷你剧部门优秀女演员奖:韩恩静《狐狸姐姐传》 中篇剧集部门优秀男演员奖:吴志浩《推奴》 中篇剧集部门优秀女演员奖:朴敏英《成均馆绯闻》 特别企划、长篇剧集部门优秀男演员奖:尹时允《面包王金卓求》 特别企划、长篇剧集部门优秀女演员奖:柳真《面包王金卓求》 连续剧部门优秀男演员奖:李钟赫《请和我结婚吧》 连续剧部门优秀女演员奖:金智英《请和我结婚吧》 最佳男配角:成东日《推奴》《逃亡者planB》 最佳女配角:李宝熙《奇怪的三兄弟》《笑吧 东海》 最佳男新人:朴有天《成均馆绯闻》 最佳女新人:吴智恩《奇怪的三兄弟》、李诗英《富翁的诞生》 人气奖(男):宋钟基《成均馆绯闻》 人气奖(女):文根英《灰姑娘的姐姐》 网友投票奖:朴有天《成均馆绯闻》、朴敏英《成均馆绯闻》、张根锡《玛丽外宿中》 最佳编剧:江恩庆《面包王金卓求》 童星奖:吴载武《面包王金卓求》、金有贞《九尾狐姐姐传》、徐信爱《九尾狐姐姐传》 独幕剧特别奖:孙贤珠、李善均、郑由美SBS:演技大奖高贤贞《大物》特别献礼剧最优秀男主角玄彬《秘密花园》、权相宇《大物》特别献礼剧最优秀女主角河智苑《秘密花园》年度最佳作品《巨人》网络票选最受欢迎电视剧《秘密花园》 特别企划最优秀演技奖:李范秀《巨人》、金正恩《我是传说》 连续剧最优秀演技奖:孙贤洙、刘昊景《邻居家的敌人》 网络票选最高人气奖:玄彬、河智苑《秘密花园》 制作人奖:车仁表《大物》、朴尚民《巨人》、韩惠珍《济众院》 功劳奖: 朴建亨 特别献礼优秀演员奖:李胜基、申敏儿《我的女友是九尾狐》 特别企划优秀演员奖:郑宝锡、朴真熙《巨人》 连续剧优秀演员奖:宋昌义《人生是美丽的》、姜成妍《妻子回来了》十大明星赏李胜基、申敏儿、玄彬、河智苑、郑宝锡、李范秀、朴真熙、高贤贞、权相宇、金素妍最佳荧幕情侣奖玄彬河智苑《秘密花园》、李胜基申敏儿《我的女友是九尾狐》、朱尚旭黄静茵《巨人》 最佳喜剧:《邻居家的敌人》 最佳职业剧:《医生冠军》 特别献礼剧最佳配角:李在勇、李秀景《大物》 特别企划最佳配角:李德华《巨人》、洪智敏《我是传说》 连续剧最佳配角:申成录《邻居家的敌人》、林智恩《三姐妹》 新星奖:朱尚旭、黄静茵、金秀贤、卢珉宇、崔始源、含恩静、南奎丽、韩彩儿MBC:年度大奖金南珠《逆转的女王》、韩孝珠《同伊》年度最佳剧集《同伊》最佳男主角池珍熙《同伊》、郑俊浩《逆转的女王》最佳女主角孔孝真《Pasta》、申恩庆《欲望的火花》 优秀男演员 李民浩《个人的取向》、朴时厚《逆转的女王》 优秀女演员 朴恩惠《粉红唇膏》、李素妍《同伊》 男新人奖 李尚允《快乐我们家》、李太成《恶作剧之吻》 女新人奖 朴河善《同伊》、赵允熙《黄金鱼》 黄金演技奖之连续剧部门 金宝妍、朴尚元《黄金鱼》 黄金演技奖之配角部门 金由石《同伊》、夏由美《逆转的女王》 黄金演技奖之中坚演员部门 朴正洙、林才武《美味人生》 人气奖 韩孝珠、金贤重最佳荧幕情侣李善均孔孝真《Pasta》 童星奖 金由静《同伊》《欲望的火花》、李兴石《同伊》《美味人生》 最佳导演 吴庆勋《快乐我们家》 演员PD奖 蔡正安《逆转的女王》、李泰坤《黄金鱼》 剧组奖 《Gloria》 电视部门功劳奖 郑惠善、罗文熙 电台部分功劳奖 成景燮 电台部门新人奖 卢洪哲《卢洪哲的好朋友》 电台部门优秀节目 奖玄英、裴翰成、裴哲秀 电台部门最优秀节目奖 赵英南《现在是电台时代》 最佳编剧 高惠林《亚马逊的眼泪》、朴玄珠《美味人生》、赵恩静《黄金鱼》
2023-08-18 15:49:012