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n. 技术;技艺

This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______ comfortably. worn B..

B 试题分析:考查主动语态表示被动含义。当不及物动词与副词连用。表示主语的性格特征的时候,使用主动语态表示被动含义。句意:这种由经验丰富的制造商生产的眼镜带起来很舒服。本句中的动词wear与副词comfortably连用表示这种眼镜的特点。故B正确。点评:当不及物动词与副词连用。表示主语的性格特征的时候,使用主动语态表示被动含义。在平时要注意这方面的用法的积累。

Genius and the Craftsman揭示了什么道理




master craftsman是什么意思


craftsman 美国 公司


great country craftsman翻译

great country craftsman的翻译是伟大的国家工匠。工匠,拼音gōng jiàng,有工艺专长的匠人,现代被称为大师傅,技术员。专注于某一领域、针对这一领域的产品研发或加工过程全身心投入,精益求精、一丝不苟的完成整个工序的每一个环节,可称其为工匠。距今七八千年前的原始社会末期,人类出现了第二次社会大分工,手工业从农业分离出来。出现了专门从事手工业生产的工匠,有手艺有技术,可称为匠,在现代被称为大师傅,技术员。彼得是一个著名的工匠。Peter is a famous craftsman.蹩脚工匠总说自己的工具差。(谚)A bad workman finds fault with his tools.拙工匠抱怨家什不好使。An ill workman quarrel with his tools.这个工匠向他的独子传授了制罐的手艺。The craftsman taught his son and heir how to make pots.




r 是木,n是匠,记住就好啦!

旅游英语900句 第40期:Arts and Crafts Store 工艺品商店

Key Sentences(重点句子) 607. Don"t you think we could use one to decorate our room? 难道你不想买一条来装饰我们的房间吗? 608. Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art,an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style. 艺术挂毯体现了地毯纺织艺术的水平,是具有典型中国风格的手工艺精品。 609. Is this the marvellous landscape in Guilin? 挂毯上是不是美丽的桂林山水? 610. What a lovely tapestry! 多美的挂毯啊! 611. Which do you prefer,the linen one,the figured dacron or the brocade? 您要哪种台布,亚麻的、提花涤纶还是织锦缎的? 612. You haven"t anything cheaper,have you? 你们没有再便宜一点儿的吗? 613. Please have a look at the handembroldered one with anew design of bamboo. 请看这块手绣的有新式竹子图案的台布。 614. What fine needlework! 多好的绣工啊! 615. Are you being served,sir? 先生,有人接待您吗? 616. I"d like to buy a medium-sized cloisonne vase with alight blue background. 我想买一个中等尺寸的景泰蓝花瓶,底色要淡蓝的。 617. I"m sorry,sir. They are sold out. 对不起,先生,它们已经卖完了。 618.The background is pale blue with traditional Chinese paintings of flowers and birds. 底色是浅蓝的,还有中国花鸟画。 619. It"s attractive. I"ll take a pair. 这个很漂亮,我要一对。 620. Can you pack the vases and send them to New York bymail for me? 你替我把花瓶包装好寄往纽约,行吗? 621.They are made from different materials——dolomite,tough silk,organdie etc. 它们是用不同的材料做的,白云石、绡、蝉翼纱等。 622.This is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather. 这把是用雁毛做的,这把是用云雀毛做的。Dialogue A (A:Shop Assistant B:Mr Stone C:Mrs Stone) B:look,Maggie. These tapestries are beautiful!Don"t you think we could use one to decorate our room? C:All right. (Looking at the price tags)Oh,a bit too much! A:Artistic tapestry is the highest form of expression of the rug weaving art,an exquisite handicraft of superb artistry in typical Chinese style. Considering the fine craftsmanship they are worth much more. B:I agree. Is this the marvellous landscape in Guilin?Whata lovely tapestry!We are going to Guilin in two days-this tapestry is really impressive. C:I prefer to buy some embroidered tablecloths to match the tapestry. A:Which do you prefer,the linen one,the figured dacron or the brocade? C:The brocade,please. How much is one piece? A:Sixty yuan and sixty fen. C:Too expensive. You haven"t anything cheaper,have you? A:Yes,we have. Here,please have a look at the handembroidered one with a new design of bamboo. C:What fine needlework!What"s the price? A:Forty yuan and fifty fen. B:IS this the sale price? A:No,it isn"t,sir. They are all first-class goods. We have price tags on each of them. Our shop holds a one price policy. We are not allowed to change the price at will. C:I see. I"ll take two then. Henry,you like them? B:Yes,I do. Eh,could you send them to our room? A:Certainly,sir. Please write down your name and yourroom number.Dialogue B A:Are you being served,sir? B:I"d like to buy a medium-sized cloisonne vase with a light blue background. A:I"m sorry,sir. They are sold out. We only have some big ones now,but we are expecting to have some tomorrow. B:Oh,I am leaving China tomorrow. I don"t think I have much time. A:Could you go to the Shanghai Friendship Store and get it there? B:Let me see. How much is the big one? A:One hundred and eighty yuan. B:That sounds reasonable. Will you show the some? A:Yes,sir. How would you like this one?The background is pale blue with traditional Chinese paintings of flowers and brids. B:It"s attractive. I"ll take a pair. I am sure my wife will like them. A:Yes. I"m sure she will,sir. B:Can you pack the vases and send them to New York by mail for me? A:Yes,sir. Please write your name and address on this slip. B:OK. How much should I pay then? A:Four hundred yuan altogether,including the postage and the charge for the packing. You know,we"ll have to make a special box. B:All right. Here"s the money. A:Thank you.Dialogue C (A:shop assistant B:Mr Smith C:Mrs Smith) C:(to B)Come here,John,do you like the eggs?(to A)Are they made of real eggs? A:They"re made of egg shells. The yolk and white are taken off. B:Let me see…。 A pair of eggs is sold at two yuan and fifty fen. It"s not expensive,Is it,Joan? C:No,I think we"ll take two pairs. B:The small screens look lovely. (to A) What are they made from? A:They are made from different materiais-dolomite,tough silk,organdie, etc. The frames are made of mahogany.The designs are painted by hand. B:(to C)Shall we take one? C:I think so. But shall we buy some fans? B:Yes. (to A) Are these all sandal fans? A:Not all of them. Some are made of Chinese little leaf boxwood with scent sprayed on. Those made of real sandalwood are much more expensive. C:May I take a smell of them and compare which one I like better. A:Yes,please. Here you are. (After smelling them) C:This one smells better. I"ll take this and buy a feather fan. Please show me some. A:Yes,this is made of wild goose feather and this is made of skylark feather. C:I"ll take both of them. Please put all things I selected to-get her and tell me how much do I owe you? A:Just a moment,please. I"ll figure them out.Words and Expressions artistry n. 艺术性;艺术技巧 weave vt. 织,编(制) embroidery n. 绣花,绣制品 shell n. 壳;果壳;荚 yolk n. 蛋黄;卵黄 domolite n. 白云石;石灰岩;大理石 organdie n. 蝉翼纱 frame n. 架子;框架 mahogany n. 红木;核花心木;红柳桉木 sandal n. 凉鞋;檀香 spray vt. 喷;喷涂;向……喷射(out) scent n. 气味;香味;香水 (or:perfume) compare v. 比较,对照 feather fan 羽毛扇 skylark n. 云雀

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请问DAOHUI CRAFTS定制的徽章颜色容不容易掉色呢?





doing crafts___interesting 这里应该是填is还是are?为什么呢?

动词不定式和动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。填is Doing crafts is interesting.

make crafts是什么意思


doing crafts is interesting对吗?

这个craft 用字不好表达,如果说玩具:playing toys is interesting. 如果是手工艺:Making antiques is interesting

arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and craftsn.工艺; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Dowdy on the outside, its entrance is a riotous stairway to arts and crafts heaven. 尽管这家博物馆的外表平淡无奇,但其入口却是一条通往艺术与工艺殿堂的台阶。



arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and crafts工艺品双语对照词典结果:arts and craftsn.工艺; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Can"t I just make one in arts and crafts? 我能不能用小丑的篮板?

arts and crafts是什么意思


arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and craftsn.工艺; 例句:1.Dowdy on the outside, its entrance is a riotous stairway to arts and crafts heaven. 尽管这家博物馆的外表平淡无奇,但其入口却是一条通往艺术与工艺殿堂的台阶。2.Can"t I just make one in arts and crafts? 我能不能用小丑的篮板?3.The arts and crafts of the North American Indians北美印第安人的手工艺4.Pyrography is also branded on the gourd, or other small things, as a small arts and crafts.烙画还可以烙在葫芦上,或是其他小物品上,作为小的工艺品。5.our cooperation handles arts and crafts.我们公司从事工艺品买卖。6.We have a mind to do joint participation with you on Chinese arts and crafts in our market.would you entertain this proposal?我们有意与你方合作,在我国市场上合资经营中国工艺品,你们愿意接受这个建议吗?7.Ketchikan brims with history.Its parks and museums display arts and crafts of Native Alaskans, including the world"s largest collection of totem poles.凯契根洋溢着历史气息,这里的公园和博物馆展示着阿拉斯加原住民的艺术和工艺品,包括全世界最丰富的图腾柱收藏品。

arts and crafts是什么意思啊??


arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and craftsn.工艺; 例句:Can"t I just make one in arts and crafts? 我能不能用小丑的篮板?

arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and craftsn.工艺; 例句:1.Dowdy on the outside, its entrance is a riotous stairway to arts and crafts heaven. 尽管这家博物馆的外表平淡无奇,但其入口却是一条通往艺术与工艺殿堂的台阶。2.The path from conflict to love is not by way of arts and crafts. 从冲突到爱的路径不是艺术和手工艺所能铺就。



arts and crafts是什么意思

arts and crafts释义:n.工艺,工艺品例句使用 arts and crafts emporium工艺品商店。2.Our company has had a big business in Chinese arts and crafts.我们公司经营大宗中国工艺品。3.The designs used in the indigenous arts and crafts of this tribe are unique.这个部落自己生产的工艺品的设计很独特。4.The design used in the indigenous art and craft of this tribe is unique.这个部落自己生产的工艺品的设计很独特。5.Our investment shall exceed50% because the art and craft we handle are made in our country.因为是经营我方工艺品,我们的投资应在50%以上。

doing crafts什么意思

doing crafts 全部释义和例句>>做工艺品


A wonderful trip to BeijingI had a fantastic time with my father in Beijing. We were so crazy about the beautiful place that we didn"t want to return home.It took us about three hours to fly there. First, we went to the Palace Museum. When we were going around the Palace Museum, I was attracted by the colorful crafts on display. It was fun to see so much beautiful works.

doing crafts后面加is还是加ar


crafts 和 artworks的区别



crafts,工艺( craft的名词复数 );行业;飞机;飞行器。 craft是一个英文单词,为动词、名词,作动词时意为“精巧地制作”。作名词时意为“工艺;手艺;太空船;人名;(英、德、罗)克拉夫特”。 crafts[krɑ:fts]  原级:craft 现在分词:crafting 过去分词:crafted 过去式:crafted


A craft is an activity such as weaving, carving, or pottery that involves making things skilfully with your hands. 工艺 英 [krɑu02d0fts] 音“ 克拉夫茨”


craft名词 n.1.工艺,手艺[C][U]He learned his craft from an old master.他从一位老匠人那儿学得他的手艺。2.(需要手艺的)行业,职业[C]He learned the mason"s craft.他学泥水匠这一行。3.同业;行会;行会成员[the S]4.手腕,狡猾,奸计[U]She is a woman full of craft.她是一个诡计多端的女人。5.船;航空器;航天器[C][M]


手工能力 手工技艺很好啦


craftsmanship[英][ˈkrɑ:ftsmənʃɪp][美][ˈkræftsmənʃɪp]n.技术,技艺; 工力; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.This requires not so much new technology, but its integration with centuries-old jewelcraftsmanship. 这并不要求多么高新的技术,但需要跟传承百年的珠宝手艺融合起来。2.In the context of lacking local materials and craftsmanship, an abstract formbecomes a natural choice aesthetically. 在缺乏当地的材料以及技术的情况下,一个抽象的形式变成了自然选择而形成的美感

genius and the craftsman 课文翻译是什么?

genius and the craftsman课文翻译是:天才与工匠。重点词汇:genius英['dʒi:niəs]释义:n.天赋,天资;天才,智商很高的人;(擅长做某事的)高手;精华,精髓;对某人有很大好(或坏)影响的人;(神话中某个人、地方或机构的)守护神;(民族或时代的)普遍特征。adj.<非正式>天才的。[复数:geniuses或genii]短语:Evil Genius邪恶天才;邪恶天才心得篇;完美汉化版;汉化版。词语辨析:ability,capacity,capability,genius。这些名词均可表示人的“能力,才能”之意。1、ability普通用词,指人先天的或学来的各种能力。2、capacity侧重指人的潜在能力,通常不指体力,多指才智,尤指接受与领悟能力。3、capability多用于人,指胜任某项具体工作的能力,也指本身具有、尚未发挥的潜在能力。常与of或for连用。4、genius语气最强,指天赋的高度才能与智力。

it is a woodcarving crafts这句英文是否正确?

不能吧,craft作为单数也有手工艺品的意思。因为前面a,所以应该是It is a woodcarving craft.


carpenter木匠、craftsman匠人这两个单词的意思?We all know oji English learning machine or IEnglish, which is more helpful for children to learn English?