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community-based以社区为基础的双语对照例句:1.Researchers say we need more school and community-based programsthat offer support to military families. 研究显示我们需要更多的学校和社区提供支持军人家庭的项目。2.The grant focused on community-based h.i.v. treatment and prevention,especially focusing on drug users and prostitutes. 那项资金本来是用于以社区为基础的艾滋病治疗和预防的,目标人群是吸毒人士和妓女。3.Many of these highlight a shift towards what mr satchell calls "community-based" slots playing designed to appeal to the facebook generation. 许多老虎机的玩法突出强调了向赛彻所谓“社群基础”的转变,被设计成能够吸引facebook一代的样子。

为什么FLASH全屏后左右有两条白边啊,我在背景图的第一帧加了:fscommand("fullscreen", "true");




Flash 8 制作的课件设置全屏后,怎么一播放,就自动缩小为原始尺寸呢 这fscommand("fullscreen",true);

在fscommand("fullscreen",true);语句后面再上下面语句fscommand("allowscale", true);就可以了

fscommand("fullscreen",true), 啥意思啊 杂用


法语中 表示 县有哪个 词, district 还是 comté?


这个是否真实 注册真实帐号,不入金送100美金,这里有。




用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. She__(come) buch nexteer. 2. What uveyou going to__(do) hextweek?


关于"will Chinese become glbal language"的英语作文

1As China becomes a global power, Chinese language will assume a greater global significance. That significance will extend over business, trade, culture and other areas. But, will Chinese have the influence of English now has? Will Chinese ever become the global language?After the year 1600, the British Empire began to spread English around the world. The process around a huge boost in the 20th century through the business, technology and postwar reconstruction. Beyond this, there were a number of quite extraordinary trends in culture, science and the arts that reinforces these developments. Either way, English now stands unchallenged as the world"s international language.English remains relevant today in every sphere of human life and activity. Though China"s economy is strong enough to significantly boost the cause of the Chinese. It seems unlikely that Chinese is going to displace English as the global language eventually. If that were to happen. It would arouse an entire linguistic and Cultural Revolution which does not seem feasible or practical. Interestingly, there is not much effort even from Chinese to promote their language on an international stage. They are happy to be able to speak their own language. But when it comes to international business .It is they who choose, the way the world does - in English.However it cannot be denied that till now Chinese is the most widely - spoken language in the world. But that is because of the huge China"s population, within and outside China. It seems quite improbably and far-fetched that the most widely-spoken language in the world will also become the most popular.2It is widely accepted that English,is the lingua franca* of theworld—the language of businessin a globalized economy. It isalso the language of the Internet,the most important technologycontributing to the rise ofglobalization and the resultingdominance of American English as the international language. Theascension* of English as the international language began with therise to a global power of the British Empire in the 19th and early20th century and was affi rmed and extended by the United States"taking the baton of world economic and military power from GreatBritain at the close of the Second World War. The consolidationof U.S. power, in particular with the end of the Cold War at theclose of the 20th century, meant that American English would bethe language of international communication for the foreseeablefuture.However, recently, with the rise of China as a global economic playeron the world scene, there has been talk of China"s challenging theUnited States" economic dominance and therefore the concomitant*rise of the Chinese language (specifically, Mandarin) as a rival toAmerican English as the world"s common language. Based onthe widely publicized fi gure of a 10% growth grate of the Chineseeconomy in the last decade, predictions have been made that,as China catches and surpasses the U.S. as the dominant globaleconomic power, Chinese will overtake English as the internationallanguage of business, technology and politics sometime in thiscentury, perhaps even in the next fi fty years.Nevertheless, as with many propositionsthat, when repeated enough times by alot of people are then taken for “facts,” thecoming economic challenge of China tothe U.S. and of Chinese to English as theinternational language is unlikely to happenany time soon. Lester Thurow, the notedMIT economist of globalization, recentlypublished his analysis of the 10% growth-rateclaim of the Chinese economy, and, usingthe Chinese government"s own statistics, heshowed convincingly that this fi gure is simplynot possible. In fact, the growth rate of theChinese economy for the last decade hasbeen more like 4% per annum, a fi gure notmuch above the U.S. growth rate of 3.5%during the same period. Using these morerealistic statistics, and assuming a constantaverage growth rate of about 4-5% annually,Thurow projects a Chinese contest of economic dominance, if it happens atall, to arrive no sooner than the 22nd century,not the twenty-fi rst3When I started considering this question a few years ago, it seemed like a complex question. The eventual outcome would be determined by a tangled stew of global sociological dynamics, trade and investment flows, migration patterns, economic growth rates, popular culture development and marketing, thought and opinion leadership, technology development, etc.I since have come to believe the answer is fairly simple: No, because Chinese is too difficult to learn and master as a second language.Certainly Chinese is an important language today, if for no other reason than because more than 1 billion people use it. And, it will remain important for many decades and probably centuries into the future. But, will large numbers of non-native speakers someday use it as a neutral, common language in order to converse with each other? Will corporate executives from France and Germany shift to Chinese when they meet to discuss business? How about students from Ghana and Thailand studying together in Canada? Or, government ministers from India and Australia discussing trade issues?I don"t believe so. And, those are the attributes that define a “global language”. 给你三篇参考一下吧

barry_610@ sina、com bb这些英文翻译成中文是什么意思?


英语书中有句话 the most common kind is New Year"s resolutions

主语 "the most common kind "是单数,所以系动词是 "is".后面的表语是new year"s resolutions,用了复数,是指决心不止一个。

wordpress如何实现,这个功能啊, 和




虽然英国和美国都使用英美法系(Common Law System),但是两个国家的法律体系是否有什么不同?


communication barriers什么意思

communication barriers 沟通障碍;沟通的障碍;交际障碍例句筛选1.when you feel that there are communication barriers, what do you think themain cause is?当你感觉有交流障碍时,你认为主要原因是什么?2.Communication Strategies to break through Communication Barriers inEnglish突破英语交际障碍的应变策略

suggest advice recommend 用法区别

advice 是建议劝告意见等意思,但是他是名词suggest它意思还是动词,名次形式是suggestion 而recommend 的主要意思还是介绍,推荐。其次的意思才是建议。所以一般情况下建议的名词形式用advice 动词形式用suggest下面是单词意思和各个例句advice [əd"vais] n.1. 劝告;忠告2. 意见,建议,指点3. [通常用复数](尤指来自远方的)报道;消息,情报,报告4. 【商业】通知(书)recommend [rekə"mend] v. 建议,推荐,劝告,介绍suggest [sə"dʒest] v. 建议,提出1. Tell me the reason (why) he refused to listen to my advice.告诉我为何他拒绝听从我的劝告。2. Could you give me some advice?你能给我些忠告/建议吗?)?3. Thank you for your invitation/advice.感谢您的邀请/建议。1. I recommend the deal, but with certain caveats.我介绍这笔交易, 但有几项要提请注意.2. Can you recommend me a good restaurant?你能帮我介绍一家好饭店吗?3. So, what do you recommend to encourage affection?那么,你推荐用什么来鼓励爱情呢?1. I suggested to him that we should tackle the problem another way.我向他建议我们用另一种方式处理这个问题。2. We suggest you contact the Board of Works.我们建议您与工程委员会取得联系。”3. We suggest using a compression stuff sack to compress the bag to its smallest size.我们建议使用压缩材料大袋压缩袋子对它的最小的大小。

resume 与come back to working的区别?我想表达的我正在休假,下周才会上班

resume work是继续开始上班,与come back to working意思一样的.例如:Please be informed that our office will be closed on Monday due to Holidays in Kazakhstan.We will resume work on 4 December,2012....


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resume work什么意思?与come back to working的区别?我想表达的我正在休假,下周才会上班

I"m on vacation and i will come back to work next week



right反义词 come第三人称单数 there同音词 too同义词 good副词 right同


come(反义词) there(同音词) man(对应词)

go 走 their 他们的 woman 妇女


come here

come的第三人称单数形式 us的物主代词 black的反义词 there的同音词 warm的反义词


come back 什么意思??急急急

回来, 在记忆中重现, 复原, 恢复, 反驳

come的第三人称单数形式 us的物主代词 black的反义词 there的同音词 warm的反义词





你可以看 它与String的区别 主要用于拼接字符串 是一个可变长的字符窜1、StringBuffer对象的初始化StringBuffer对象的初始化不像String类的初始化一样,Java提供的有特殊的语法,而通常情况下一般使用构造方法进行初始化。例如:StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();这样初始化出的StringBuffer对象是一个空的对象。如果需要创建带有内容的StringBuffer对象,则可以使用:StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(“abc”);这样初始化出的StringBuffer对象的内容就是字符串”abc”。需要注意的是,StringBuffer和String属于不同的类型,也不能直接进行强制类型转换,下面的代码都是错误的:StringBuffer s = “abc”; //赋值类型不匹配StringBuffer s = (StringBuffer)”abc”; //不存在继承关系,无法进行强转StringBuffer对象和String对象之间的互转的代码如下:String s = “abc”;StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer(“123”);StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer(s); //String转换为StringBufferString s1 = sb1.toString(); //StringBuffer转换为String2、StringBuffer的常用方法StringBuffer类中的方法主要偏重于对于字符串的变化,例如追加、插入和删除等,这个也是StringBuffer和String类的主要区别。a、append方法public StringBuffer append(boolean b)该方法的作用是追加内容到当前StringBuffer对象的末尾,类似于字符串的连接。调用该方法以后,StringBuffer对象的内容也发生改变,例如:StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(“abc”);sb.append(true);则对象sb的值将变成”abctrue”。使用该方法进行字符串的连接,将比String更加节约内容,例如应用于数据库SQL语句的连接,例如:StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();String user = “test”;String pwd = “123”;sb.append(“select * from userInfo where username=“).append(user).append(“ and pwd=”).append(pwd);这样对象sb的值就是字符串“select * from userInfo where username=test and pwd=123”。b、deleteCharAt方法public StringBuffer deleteCharAt(int index)该方法的作用是删除指定位置的字符,然后将剩余的内容形成新的字符串。例如:StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(“Test”);sb. deleteCharAt(1);该代码的作用删除字符串对象sb中索引值为1的字符,也就是删除第二个字符,剩余的内容组成一个新的字符串。所以对象sb的值变为”Tst”。还存在一个功能类似的delete方法:public StringBuffer delete(int start,int end)该方法的作用是删除指定区间以内的所有字符,包含start,不包含end索引值的区间。例如:StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(“TestString”);sb. delete (1,4);该代码的作用是删除索引值1(包括)到索引值4(不包括)之间的所有字符,剩余的字符形成新的字符串。则对象sb的值是”TString”。c、insert方法public StringBuffer insert(int offset, boolean b)该方法的作用是在StringBuffer对象中插入内容,然后形成新的字符串。例如:StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(“TestString”);sb.insert(4,false);该示例代码的作用是在对象sb的索引值4的位置插入false值,形成新的字符串,则执行以后对象sb的值是”TestfalseString”。d、reverse方法public StringBuffer reverse()该方法的作用是将StringBuffer对象中的内容反转,然后形成新的字符串。例如:StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(“abc”);sb.reverse();经过反转以后,对象sb中的内容将变为”cba”。e、setCharAt方法public void setCharAt(int index, char ch)该方法的作用是修改对象中索引值为index位置的字符为新的字符ch。例如:StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(“abc”);sb.setCharAt(1,"D");则对象sb的值将变成”aDc”。f、trimToSize方法public void trimToSize()该方法的作用是将StringBuffer对象的中存储空间缩小到和字符串长度一样的长度,减少空间的浪费。

acquiring company是什么意思

acquiring company兼并公司**************************************************************如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************

合并和并购:merger, consolidation, acquisition & combination

上篇文章介绍merger的意思( 戳这里 ),我们讲了吸收合并=merger,新设合并=consolidation。当时说的比较笼统,这里再稍微展开一下。 从公司法的角度而言,merger和consolidation的上位概念是“合并”(business combination)。 公司法仅承认这两种combination形式。在会计上,combination还包括acquisition,也就是M&A里面的“A”。 Acquisition可以针对资产(asset deal),也可以针对股权(share deal),二者在会计处理上不同。会计我是外行,不再过多介绍。 Consolidation除了表示企业新设合并,还可以指会计报表的合并,所谓“合并财务报表”(consolidated financial statements)。 Merger,consolidation和acquisition在法律定性、结构、程序和税收方面有些差异。但由于三者同属combination,在功能上接近,实践中,有将三者混淆的情况。 原因可能是在实务人员眼中,三者目的相同,有的只是手段差异,所谓“实质重于形式”的观点。也有可能是过于注重实践,未曾注意到或习惯性的忽视了概念之间的区别。 无论如何,概念框不住实践。以上所说,仅为词语定义层面的介绍,不代表实践中的用法。但在其他条件相同的情况下,准确是最优策略。

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finish complete complish acquire区别



residents"committee居民委员会committee[英][kəˈmɪti][美][kəˈmɪti]n.委员会; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Committee member joseph lieberman noted the need for change. 委员会成员joseph lieberman也指出了进行变革的必要性.___________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

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英语题目The company has ____ acquired (获得) a new office building in central New York.


acquired company是什么意思



manifold:廖n. 多种;复印本adj. 多方面的,有许多部分的;各式各样的vt. 复写,复印;增多;使……多样化companion:同伴n. 同伴;朋友;指南;手册vt. 陪伴n. (Companion)人名;(英)康帕宁profound:深刻的adj. 深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的option:选项n. [计] 选项;选择权;买卖的特权desperation:绝望n. 绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命cover:封面n. 封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物vt. 包括;采访,报导;涉及vi. 覆盖;代替surrounding:周围n. 环境,周围的事物adj. 周围的,附近的

There are those words _ which we become acquainted in daily conversation. A,at B,with C,by D,throug

B此题考察的是 be aquainted with结构


become /bɪ"kʌm/ v. 变得,成为

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一、active 英 ["æktɪv]     美 ["æktɪv]    adj. 活跃的;积极的;起作用的;灵活的副词: actively示例:He is an active member of the school"s stamp club.他是学校集邮俱乐部的一名活跃会员。二、complete 英 [kəm"pliːt]     美 [kəm"pliːt]    adj. 完整的;完成的;彻底的vt. 完成;使完美;使圆满;填(表格等)副词: completely 示例:We"ll certainly set up a complete modern industrial system.我们一定要建立一个完整的现代化工业体系。三、deliberate 英 [dɪ"lɪbərət]     美 [dɪ"lɪbərət]    adj. 深思熟虑的;故意的;从容不迫的v. 仔细考虑;研讨副词:deliberately示例:We had no time to deliberate on the problem.我们没有时间仔细思考这个问题.四、genuine 英 ["dʒenjuɪn]     美 ["dʒenjuɪn]    adj. 真诚的;真正的;真实的;地道的副词:genuinely示例:A genuine friend will not desert you in time of adversity.真正的朋友不会在患难时弃你而去。五、moderate 英 ["mɒdərət]     美 ["mɑːdərət]    adj. 适度的;温和的;稳健的;中等的v. 节制;使 ... 稳定,使 ... 缓和n. 稳健的人副词:moderately示例:Corn plants grow well in moderate weather.谷类植物在温和气候中生长繁盛。


一、active 英 ["æktɪv]     美 ["æktɪv]    adj. 活跃的;积极的;起作用的;灵活的副词: actively示例:He is an active member of the school"s stamp club.他是学校集邮俱乐部的一名活跃会员。二、complete 英 [kəm"pliːt]     美 [kəm"pliːt]    adj. 完整的;完成的;彻底的vt. 完成;使完美;使圆满;填(表格等)副词: completely 示例:We"ll certainly set up a complete modern industrial system.我们一定要建立一个完整的现代化工业体系。三、deliberate 英 [dɪ"lɪbərət]     美 [dɪ"lɪbərət]    adj. 深思熟虑的;故意的;从容不迫的v. 仔细考虑;研讨副词:deliberately示例:We had no time to deliberate on the problem.我们没有时间仔细思考这个问题.四、genuine 英 ["dʒenjuɪn]     美 ["dʒenjuɪn]    adj. 真诚的;真正的;真实的;地道的副词:genuinely示例:A genuine friend will not desert you in time of adversity.真正的朋友不会在患难时弃你而去。五、moderate 英 ["mɒdərət]     美 ["mɑːdərət]    adj. 适度的;温和的;稳健的;中等的v. 节制;使 ... 稳定,使 ... 缓和n. 稳健的人副词:moderately示例:Corn plants grow well in moderate weather.谷类植物在温和气候中生长繁盛。

sat语法题: acquaintances of alexei have commented that he is at once annoying because of his

1)这个就是SAT语法考试和高考语法考试不同的地方了.恰如SAT语法中我们要避免beinghaving等说法一样,我们要追求句式的清晰明了、整齐一致.如果按照楼主的意思,选了A的话,这个句子毫无整齐可言;但是如果是E的话,就会有一个“平行”的结构出现,即annoying——delightfubecause of his——because of hisimagination——unpredictability这就是为什么E比A要好得多.2)因为这是一个事实,表示他现在的状态,他就是一个那样的人3)alexei的熟人评论他的不可预测性是恼人的同时他的想象力又是令人喜爱的

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develop a company as a product开发一个公司作为一个产品

1. Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _____.


我要装驱动, 提示我未知硬件。ACPI-Compliant System是什么?


我要装驱动, 提示我未知硬件。ACPI-Compliant System是什么?


未知设备“Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System”怎么解决


未知设备“Microsoft ACPI-Compliant

未知设备“Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System”,是设置错误造成的,解决方法如下:1、首先,在桌面找到计算机,右击选择管理点进去。2、然后点击设备管理器。3、接着点击右侧未知设备选项。4、然后右击未知设备选项,点选列表中更新驱动程序软件。5、接着,点选第二个选项。6、然后点击浏览,选择要安装的程序。7、选中电池进行双击,随后点击列表中的SPU UPS然后出现一个对话框点击是,就恢复正常了。

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come from和be from的区别

② 1. 两者均可表示”来自哪里”.指明说话者的家乡.不过come from 属于短暂动词,不和延续时间连用, be from 可以. eg: I come from China.= I am from China. 2. Come from 还可表示从某个地方来,而be from 则不行. eg:




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