barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 15:53:57

一、active 英 ["æktɪv]     美 ["æktɪv]    

adj. 活跃的;积极的;起作用的;灵活的

副词: actively

示例:He is an active member of the school"s stamp club.


二、complete 英 [kəm"pliːt]     美 [kəm"pliːt]    

adj. 完整的;完成的;彻底的

vt. 完成;使完美;使圆满;填(表格等)

副词: completely 

示例:We"ll certainly set up a complete modern industrial system.


三、deliberate 英 [dɪ"lɪbərət]     美 [dɪ"lɪbərət]    

adj. 深思熟虑的;故意的;从容不迫的

v. 仔细考虑;研讨


示例:We had no time to deliberate on the problem.



四、genuine 英 ["dʒenjuɪn]     美 ["dʒenjuɪn]    

adj. 真诚的;真正的;真实的;地道的


示例:A genuine friend will not desert you in time of adversity.


五、moderate 英 ["mɒdərət]     美 ["mɑːdərət]    

adj. 适度的;温和的;稳健的;中等的

v. 节制;使 ... 稳定,使 ... 缓和

n. 稳健的人


示例:Corn plants grow well in moderate weather.




真实的 dav(副词)
2023-01-02 16:53:184


genuinely 真正,真诚,确实/ ˈdʒɛnyuɪnli /读如 jen-you-in-li谐音 “兼又因里”
2023-01-02 16:53:312


1、He sounded genuinely interested.(听他的口气,他真的感兴趣。)2、He"sgenuinely curious.(他十分的好奇。)3、And I do genuinely feel happier.(而且我感到真正的快乐。)4、But he was the real: a genuinely talented man.(但他又如此真实:他确实是极有天赋的人。)5、He is a scholar, a genuinely learned man.(他是个学者,一个真正博学的人。)6、Some of these phenomena can also be tracked through the historian"s lens, but some are, I believe,genuinely new.(这些现象其中一些也可以通过历史学家的视角来追溯,但我认为,其中一些是真正的新现象。)7、If the subjects quickly chose a falsely flattering image—which most did—they genuinely believed it was really how they looked.(如果被试者很快选择了一张比本人好看的虚假照片——大多数人都这么选了——那他们打心底相信这张照片就是他们真实的样子。)8、I was genuinely puzzled.(我真的是感到很困惑。)9、He was genuinely remorseful.(他发自内心地感到懊悔。)10、I waited a long time until a script came along that I thought was genuinely funny.(我等了很久才碰巧拿到一个我认为着实滑稽的剧本。)
2023-01-02 16:53:381


ZHENZHEN呗..你还想翻译成true true么- -
2023-01-02 16:53:504


2023-01-02 16:54:041


2023-01-02 16:54:102

真诚地的英语翻译 真诚地用英语怎么说

2023-01-02 16:54:183


loyal英 [ˈlɔɪəl]   美 [ˈlɔɪəl]  adj.忠贞的;忠诚的,忠心的n.效忠的臣民;忠实信徒词汇搭配:genuinely loyal to 真诚地忠于utterly loyal to 完全忠于loyal in one"s love 忠于爱情loyal to 忠于例句:I thanked them for their long and loyal service 我感谢他们长期以来忠诚的效力。扩展资料同义词辨析:faithful、loyal、reliable1、faithful adj. 忠实的,忠贞的〔辨析〕指对某人、政党、信念等忠诚的,通常作定语;也指在爱情上忠贞不二的。〔例证〕Bob has always been a faithful friend of our family.鲍勃一直是我们家忠诚的朋友。2、loyal adj. 忠诚的,忠实的〔辨析〕指忠于朋友、国家、原则等并一直对其加以支持的。〔例证〕He remains loyal to the government despite criticism against it.尽管政府受到指责,他依然效忠于它。3、reliable adj. 可靠的〔辨析〕指某人或某事物可以信赖、依靠的。〔例证〕He is a reliable friend.他是一位可以信赖的朋友。
2023-01-02 16:54:296


真诚sincere; genuine; honest; earnest; bona fides
2023-01-02 16:55:043


2023-01-02 16:55:154


一、active 英 ["æktɪv]     美 ["æktɪv]    adj. 活跃的;积极的;起作用的;灵活的副词: actively示例:He is an active member of the school"s stamp club.他是学校集邮俱乐部的一名活跃会员。二、complete 英 [kəm"pliːt]     美 [kəm"pliːt]    adj. 完整的;完成的;彻底的vt. 完成;使完美;使圆满;填(表格等)副词: completely 示例:We"ll certainly set up a complete modern industrial system.我们一定要建立一个完整的现代化工业体系。三、deliberate 英 [dɪ"lɪbərət]     美 [dɪ"lɪbərət]    adj. 深思熟虑的;故意的;从容不迫的v. 仔细考虑;研讨副词:deliberately示例:We had no time to deliberate on the problem.我们没有时间仔细思考这个问题.四、genuine 英 ["dʒenjuɪn]     美 ["dʒenjuɪn]    adj. 真诚的;真正的;真实的;地道的副词:genuinely示例:A genuine friend will not desert you in time of adversity.真正的朋友不会在患难时弃你而去。五、moderate 英 ["mɒdərət]     美 ["mɑːdərət]    adj. 适度的;温和的;稳健的;中等的v. 节制;使 ... 稳定,使 ... 缓和n. 稳健的人副词:moderately示例:Corn plants grow well in moderate weather.谷类植物在温和气候中生长繁盛。
2023-01-02 16:55:326

truly 与really 的区别.

truly –adverb accordance with fact or truth; truthfully. 2.exactly; accurately; correctly. 3.rightly; properly; duly. 4.legitimately; by right. 5.really; genuinely; authentically. 6.indeed; verily. 7.sincerely:yours truly. 8.Archaic.faithfully; loyally. really –adverb reality; actually:to see things as they really are. 2.genuinely or truly:a really honest man. 3.indeed:Really,this is too much. –interjection 4.(used to express surprise,exasperation,etc.) 简单来说,就是: truly还能表示正当的,信件末尾可以写yours truly(不能写yours really)以表示忠诚 而really可用作语气词,表示惊异
2023-01-02 16:56:031

请问“I feel genuinely sorry”可以替换为“I genuinely feel sorry”吗?

2023-01-02 16:56:084


2023-01-02 16:56:239


2023-01-02 16:56:574


简明英汉词典really[5riEli]adv.真正地, 实在地, (表语气)真的吗?美国传统词典(双解)[r�0�9“…-l�0�9”, r�0�9“l�0�9] D.J.[6ri8*7li8, 6ri8li8]K.K.[6ri*7li, 6rili]adv.(副词)In actual truth or fact:实际上:确实地或事实上:The horseshoe crab isn"t really a crab at all.其实根本就不是螃蟹Truly; genuinely:真正地;十足地:That was a really enjoyable evening.那的确是一个快乐的夜晚Indeed:其实,真地:Really, you shouldn"t have done it.说真的,你不该做那事的现代英语综合大辞典really[5riEli]adv.真正地; 真实地; 事实上的确地确实地; 果然地[表示惊讶, 关心, 怀疑, 异议等]真的吗? 哦?Tell me what you really think.把你的真心话告诉我吧。A:We passed the winter in Mexico. B: R-?甲:我们在墨西哥度过了冬天。乙:真的吗?
2023-01-02 16:57:114


简明英汉词典really[5riEli]adv.真正地, 实在地, (表语气)真的吗?美国传统词典(双解)[r�0�9“…-l�0�9”, r�0�9“l�0�9] D.J.[6ri8*7li8, 6ri8li8]K.K.[6ri*7li, 6rili]adv.(副词)In actual truth or fact:实际上:确实地或事实上:The horseshoe crab isn"t really a crab at all.其实根本就不是螃蟹Truly; genuinely:真正地;十足地:That was a really enjoyable evening.那的确是一个快乐的夜晚Indeed:其实,真地:Really, you shouldn"t have done it.说真的,你不该做那事的现代英语综合大辞典really[5riEli]adv.真正地; 真实地; 事实上的确地确实地; 果然地[表示惊讶, 关心, 怀疑, 异议等]真的吗? 哦?Tell me what you really think.把你的真心话告诉我吧。A:We passed the winter in Mexico. B: R-?甲:我们在墨西哥度过了冬天。乙:真的吗?
2023-01-02 16:57:256

genuinely和 authentically的区别

2023-01-02 16:57:461


truly–adverb1. in accordance with fact or truth; truthfully.2. exactly; accurately; correctly.3. rightly; properly; duly.4. legitimately; by right.5. really; genuinely; authentically.6. indeed; verily.7. sincerely: yours truly.8. Archaic. faithfully; loyally.really–adverb1. in reality; actually: to see things as they really are.2. genuinely or truly: a really honest man.3. indeed: Really, this is too much.–interjection4. (used to express surprise, exasperation, etc.)简单来说,就是:truly还能表示正当的,信件末尾可以写yours truly(不能写yours really)以表示忠诚而really可用作语气词,表示惊异
2023-01-02 16:57:512

really 的用法?

really adv.(副词)1. In actual truth or fact:实际上:确实地或事实上:eg.The horseshoe crab isn"t really a crab at all.其实根本就不是螃蟹2. Truly; genuinely:真正地;十足地:eg.That was a really enjoyable evening.那的确是一个快乐的夜晚3. Indeed:其实,真地:eg.Really, you shouldn"t have done it.说真的,你不该做那事的
2023-01-02 16:57:592


恳 kěn[形](1) (形声。从心,(kěn)声。本义:诚恳,真诚)同本义解说:垦从心从垦(豸艮土)。垦,弯腰耕耘。耕耘於心,本义真诚、诚恳。[earnestly;genuinely]恳,信也。——《广雅·释诂一》至诚曰恳。——《一切经音义》四引《通俗文》意气勤勤恳恳。——东汉·班固《汉书·司马迁传》。师古曰:“恳恳,至诚也。”又乖恳愿。——唐·李朝威《柳毅传》(2) 又如:恳悃(真心诚意);恳款(殷切诚恳);恳曲(诚恳委婉);恳言(诚挚之言);恳直(诚挚切直)
2023-01-02 16:58:101


really[5riEli]adv.真正地, 实在地, (表语气)真的吗?[r¶“…-l¶”, r¶“l¶] D.J.[6ri8*7li8, 6ri8li8]K.K.[6ri*7li, 6rili]adv.(副词)In actual truth or fact:实际上:确实地或事实上:The horseshoe crab isn"t really a crab at all.其实根本就不是螃蟹Truly; genuinely:真正地;十足地:That was a really enjoyable evening.那的确是一个快乐的夜晚Indeed:其实,真地:Really, you shouldn"t have done it.说真的,你不该做那事的really[5rIElI]adv.真正;实在That teenager singer is really dynamite!那个少年歌手真是轰动一时!I"m not really interested in fishing.我不是真正对钓鱼有兴趣。The government"s new higher taxes are really beginning to bite.政府提高税收的新措施真的开始引起不满了。非常I really hate him.我非常恨他。It"s really hard lines to lose your passport."你把护照弄丢了,可真倒霉!"真的吗‘I collect rare coins." ‘Really?"“我收集罕见的硬币。”“真的吗?”
2023-01-02 16:58:151

both men were genuinely sorry that they had to leave.这是个什么从句?帮我分析下句子结构。

2023-01-02 16:58:203


2023-01-02 16:58:316


一、active 英 ["æktɪv]     美 ["æktɪv]    adj. 活跃的;积极的;起作用的;灵活的副词: actively示例:He is an active member of the school"s stamp club.他是学校集邮俱乐部的一名活跃会员。二、complete 英 [kəm"pliːt]     美 [kəm"pliːt]    adj. 完整的;完成的;彻底的vt. 完成;使完美;使圆满;填(表格等)副词: completely 示例:We"ll certainly set up a complete modern industrial system.我们一定要建立一个完整的现代化工业体系。三、deliberate 英 [dɪ"lɪbərət]     美 [dɪ"lɪbərət]    adj. 深思熟虑的;故意的;从容不迫的v. 仔细考虑;研讨副词:deliberately示例:We had no time to deliberate on the problem.我们没有时间仔细思考这个问题.四、genuine 英 ["dʒenjuɪn]     美 ["dʒenjuɪn]    adj. 真诚的;真正的;真实的;地道的副词:genuinely示例:A genuine friend will not desert you in time of adversity.真正的朋友不会在患难时弃你而去。五、moderate 英 ["mɒdərət]     美 ["mɑːdərət]    adj. 适度的;温和的;稳健的;中等的v. 节制;使 ... 稳定,使 ... 缓和n. 稳健的人副词:moderately示例:Corn plants grow well in moderate weather.谷类植物在温和气候中生长繁盛。
2023-01-02 16:59:031


2023-01-02 16:59:543

truly 与really 的区别.

truly– accordance with fact or truth; truthfully.2.exactly; accurately; correctly.3.rightly; properly; duly.4.legitimately; by right.5.really; genuinely; authentically.6.indeed;
2023-01-02 17:00:051


2023-01-02 17:00:1015


sincerely读法:[sɪnˈsɪəli]。诚挚地;真诚地;网络释义:真诚地;真诚的;诚恳地;真情挚爱;真挚地。双语例句:1、I sincerely hope things will turn out well for you.我真诚希望你一切都好。2、We sincerely expect you to accept the post of manager.经理一职,尚祈俯就。3、I sincerely hope you will take good care of yourself.诚盼善自珍摄!4、We sincerely hope that all here present will feel free to express their ideas/speak their mind.我们诚恳地希望所有与会者都能畅所欲言。5、He was genuinely/sincerely/truly apologetic for his blunder.他对自己犯的错误由衷地感到歉疚。
2023-01-02 17:00:591


“尊敬”的名词单词有:respect、eneration、venerability、honor、regard、esteem1、respect 读音:英 [rɪ"spekt] 美 [rɪ"spekt]    vt. 尊敬;尊重;遵守;关于;涉及n. 尊敬;敬重;关系;方面n. (复)respects: 敬意;问候Their relationship was based on mutual respect.他们的关系是以相互的尊重为基础的。2、eneration 读音:英 [ˌvenə"reɪʃn]美 [ˌvenə"reɪʃn]    n. 崇敬The relics were objects of veneration/were held in veneration.这些遗物是备受崇敬之物.3、venerability 读音:英 [venərə"bɪlɪtɪ]  美 [venərə"bɪlɪtɪ]    n. 尊敬;尊严;壮严Shakespeare and Dickens were pop-culture entertainers in centuries past, but as familiar as they remain, they"ve sunk into venerability.在过去几个世纪中,莎士比亚和狄更斯是为人们提供娱乐的流行文化的代表。不过,他们虽然仍旧为人们所熟知,却早已变成受人尊敬的圣人。4、honor  读音:英 ["ɒnə(r)]  美 ["ɑːnər]    n. 荣誉;荣幸;尊敬;信用;正直;贞洁vt. 尊敬;使荣幸;对...表示敬意;兑现He won honor for his courage.他以勇气赢得大家的尊敬。5、regard读音:英 [rɪ"ɡɑːd]  美 [rɪ"ɡɑːrd]    v. 尊敬;视为;注视;留意;和 ... 有关n. 关心;尊敬;注意;致意;考虑John is a pilot held in high regard.约翰是一位深受尊敬的飞行员。6、esteem读音:英 [ɪ"stiːm] 美 [ɪ"stiːm]    n. 尊敬   vt. 尊敬;认为All his students held him in high esteem.他的学生对他都很尊敬。
2023-01-02 17:01:086


sincerely读法:[sɪnˈsɪəli]。诚挚地;真诚地;网络释义:真诚地;真诚的;诚恳地;真情挚爱;真挚地。双语例句:1、I sincerely hope things will turn out well for you.我真诚希望你一切都好。2、We sincerely expect you to accept the post of manager.经理一职,尚祈俯就。3、I sincerely hope you will take good care of yourself.诚盼善自珍摄!4、We sincerely hope that all here present will feel free to express their ideas/speak their mind.我们诚恳地希望所有与会者都能畅所欲言。5、He was genuinely/sincerely/truly apologetic for his blunder.他对自己犯的错误由衷地感到歉疚。
2023-01-02 17:01:441

英语翻译 他真诚的感谢了他。(genuine)

he thanks to him genuinely
2023-01-02 17:01:536


2023-01-02 17:02:153


  “道”是万物万法之源,创造一切的力量;德是为顺应自然、社会和人类客观需要去做事的行为,不违背自然发展规律,去发展自然、发展社会,提升自己的践行方式。道德是一种社会意识形态,它是人们共同生活及其行为的准则与规范。罪莫大于无道,怨莫大于无德。那么你知道道德用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    道德英语说法1:   moral    道德英语说法2:   morality    道德的英语例句:   李把他在生意中的道德标准运用到私人关系中去。   Lee carries over his business ethics into his personal relationships.   我们对道德标准看法不一致。   We differ about moral standards.   作为清教徒,他的道德和宗教观念都很严格。   As a Puritan, he is strict in moral and religion.   我对宗教问题和道德问题不感兴趣。   I am unconcerned with questions of religion or morality.   他的行为违背了社会行为的道德准则。   His behavior transgressed the moral rules of the social conduct.   道德标准是否有所改进?   Have standards of morality improved?   那些认为节育与堕胎是不道德行为的人   Those who think that birth control and abortion are immoral   狄更斯以其敏锐的社会和道德触觉为人称道。   Dickens was lauded for his social and moral sensitivity.   她的案例属于道德法律的范畴。   Her case falls within the ambit of moral law.   我反对宣扬婚前性行为不道德的说教。   I rejected the teaching that premarital sex was immoral.   道德贫乏之人不能站在道德高地。   People in the moral gutter cannot take the high ground.   有道德的人患了昏睡性脑炎可能变得不讲道德。   A virtuous person may be rendered vicious by encephalitis lethargy.   要说教会问题不是当代社会道德争论的一大议题,那就错了。   It would be wrong to say that the Church doesn"t enter the great moral debates of our time.   要求高管们真正违背命令以遵守道德准则的时候,这是个非常高的要求。   It is a very high bar when we ask executives to be genuinely insubordinate in order to be moral.   个人道德和职业道德有时会相互抵触。   Personal ethics and professional ethics sometimes conflict.   他确实认为欧洲文明道德沦丧。   He really thinks that European civilisation is morally bankrupt.   宗教价值观常常和人本主义道德观相去甚远。   Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals.   也许他正在为其中牵扯的道德问题而伤脑筋。   Perhaps he was agonizing over the moral issues involved.   目前我们在道义上占了优势。我们可以从伦理和道德的角度捍卫我们主张的一切。   Now we stand on the moral high ground. We can defend ethically and morally everything we stand for.   然而,自我实现对于道德而言至关重要,因为没有自我实现的公民,无论多么有道德,都无法履行道德赋予他们的义务。   Because unfulfilled citizens can not perform the duties morality assigns them.
2023-01-02 17:02:291

He seemed genuinely pleased

2023-01-02 17:02:382


2023-01-02 17:02:502


cherishedv.怀有; 爱护; 珍爱( cherish的过去式和过去分词 ); 抚育; 双语例句 1He genuinely loved and cherished her.他由衷地爱恋并珍惜她。2So it should surprise no one that Brad Hintz thinks the Volcker rule could be the death of all things cherished on Wall Street.因此,布拉德•欣茨痛恨沃尔克规则,认为它将葬送华尔街所珍视的一切,他的反应倒也不算出乎意料。
2023-01-02 17:02:581


Cherish it when you go.
2023-01-02 17:03:044


I do have much sincerity to buy this vehicle recently, but if you are not earnest to sell and only give me $1000 discount, I"m afraid it is not necessary for us to discuss further.
2023-01-02 17:03:247


2023-01-02 17:03:488


2023-01-02 17:04:161


i am sorry for my carless and appreiciate your understanding.
2023-01-02 17:04:223


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2023-01-02 17:05:063


2023-01-02 17:05:211


One year, I went back to my hometown to spend some joyous time there, and I wanted to pay a visit to a tomb of a historical figure. But I reached there only to find that it prohibited access of visitors, which made me furious for I really adored that historical figure. Since it was during summer vacation, the weather was burning, and what we wore was light, therefore with hardly second thought and only impulse to attain my goal, we climbed over the wall. That was genuinely exhilarated, for this was the first time that I had been so brave to seek what I enjoyed, and climbing over wall itself was truthful excitement, no to mention chasing what I liked.
2023-01-02 17:05:271


my precious son(s)my little darling
2023-01-02 17:05:335


learnt和learned的区别:表达含义不同、词性不同、用法及使用范围不同。learnt作为动词,是learn的过去分词和过去式,含义有学习、学到、听到、得知、记住等;learned可作形容词和名词,含义有知识渊博的、学者的、非天生的、学会、熟记等。 扩展资料   一、learnt的中文含义及用法介绍   learnt作为learn的过去分词和过去式,作为动词,含义有学;学习;学到;学会;听到;得知;获悉;记住;背熟;熟记。   例句:He learnt to play the piano at an early age.   他早年就学会了弹钢琴。   She"s only five ─ she hasn"t learnt to tell the time yet.   她才五岁,还没有学会看钟表。   Today we learnt how to use the new software.   今天我们学习了怎样使用这个新软件。   It"s about time you learnt to face facts.   现在该是你学会正视事实的时候了。   I"ve learnt from bitter experience not to trust what he says.   我已从痛苦的经验中得到了教训,不要相信他的话。   We learnt how to draw buildings in perspective.   我们学习如何用透视法画建筑物。   I learnt conversational Spanish at evening classes.   我在夜校班学过西班牙语会话。   二、learned的中文含义及用法介绍   1、可作形容词,含义为有学问的;知识渊博的;博学的;(为)学者的;学术性的;学问精深的;通过训练(或经历)形成的;学到的`;非天生的。   例句:He is a serious scholar, a genuinely learned man.   他是一位严谨的学者,一个真正的学问家。   No man ( or one) is born wise or learned.   没有人是天生聪明或者有学问的。   It is well-known that she is a learned woman.   众所周知,她是个知识渊博的妇女。   He was known as the most learned man, teacher of human soul.   他被称为最博学的人、人类灵魂的导师。   2、可作动词,含义为学;学习;学到;学会;听到;得知;获悉;记住;背熟;熟记。   例句:His one regret is that he has never learned a language.   他唯一的遗憾是从未学过一门外语。   I learned a lot from my father.   我从父亲那里学到了许多东西。   He went into a rage when he learned about it.   他听到这事,勃然大怒。   Have you learned your part yet?   你记住你的台词了吗?
2023-01-02 17:07:031

急!急!急! 跪求英文文章

One of my patients, a successful businessman, tells me that before his cancer he would become depressed unless things went a certain way. Happiness was "having the cookie." If you had the cookie, things were good. If you didn"t have the cookie, life wasn"t worth a damn. Unfortunately, the cookie kept changing. Some of the time it was money, sometimes power, sometimes sex. At other times, it was the new car, the biggest contract, the most prestigious address. A year and a half after his diagnosis of prostate cancer he sits shaking his head ruefully. "It"s like I stopped learning how to live after I was a kid. When I give my son a cookie, he is happy. If I take the cookie away or it breaks, he is unhappy. But he is two and a half and I am forty-three. It"s taken me this long to understand that the cookie will never make me happy for long. The minute you have the cookie it starts to crumble or you start to worry about it crumbling or about someone trying to take it away from you. You know, you have to give up a lot of things to take care of the cookie, to keep it from crumbling and be sure that no one takes it away from you. You may not even get a chance to eat it because you are so busy just trying not to lose it. Having the cookie is not what life is about." My patient laughs and says cancer has changed him. For the first time he is happy. No matter if his business is doing well or not, no matter if he wins or loses at golf. "Two years ago, cancer asked me, "Okay, what"s important? What is really important?" Well, life is important. Life. Life any way you can have it, life with the cookie, life without the cookie. Happiness does not have anything to do with the cookie; it has to do with being alive. Before, who made the time?" He pauses thoughtfully. "Damn, I guess life is the cookie
2023-01-02 17:07:092


interested的意思如下:adj.    感兴趣的; 关心的; 表现出兴趣的; 有利害关系的; 当事人的。v.    使感兴趣; 使关注。interested 造句:1. He sounded genuinely interested.听他的口气,他真的感兴趣。2. I"m not interested in sport.我对体育运动不感兴趣。3. Alex is not interested in girls yet.亚历克斯对女孩子还不感兴趣。4. He became interested in sculpting and pottery.他变得对雕刻和制陶感兴趣了。5. I"m not interested in a romantic relationship.我对谈情说爱不感兴趣。6. Why bother asking if you"re not really interested?如果你不是真的感兴趣,干吗费口舌打听呢?7. It bothered me that boys weren"t interested in me.让我烦恼的是,男孩们对我不感兴趣。8. He was clever, well-read and interested in the arts.他聪明,博览群书,并且对艺术感兴趣。9. He got interested in politics when he was in college.他在上大学时就开始对政治感兴趣了。10. I hate to disappoint you, but I"m just not interested.我不想使你扫兴,但我确实不感兴趣。
2023-01-02 17:07:171