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thedoctorhadcome医生在过去的某个时间点之前已经来了.具体什么时候不知道,thedoctorcame 医生在某个过去的时间点来了.






不及物动词 vi. 1.来;来到Could you come (to) see me tomorrow? 你明天能来看我吗? Come and look at the picture. 过来看看这幅画。 2.(往对方的方向)去;(说话者与对方一起)去Will you come with me to the store? 你和我一道去商店吗? I will come to see you on my way home. 我回家途中来看你。 3.到达(某处);达到(某一阶段)[Q]Three years later, he came to power. 三年后他上台掌权了。 They eventually came to the small town? 他们终于抵达那个小镇。 4.(时间)到来;(轮流)到The time has come for a change. 是到了改变一下的时候了。 5.达(到),伸展(到)The bus line comes near the school. 这条公共汽车线一直延伸到那座学校附近。 6.变成,达到(某种状态)[L]My shoe came loose. 我的鞋带松了。 7.终于...,开始...[+to-v]I came to realize that he was right. 我终于认识到他是对的。 8.(与how连用,构成问句)(怎么)会的How did you come to lose your watch? 你怎么把表弄丢的? 9.发生;降临;出现[(+of/from/to)]The answer suddenly came to me. 我突然想出了答案。 10.出身于,来自[(+from/of)]Bob comes from an old family. 鲍勃出身于一个古老的家族。 11.(从...)产生;(商品等以某种形态)供购买[(+from/in)]This dress comes in four sizes. 这种服装有四种尺寸供选购。 Illness may come from a poor diet. 饮食不良会生病。 及物动词 vt. 1.【口】搞;弄He thought to come a trick over his old pal. 他想跟他的老朋友开个玩笑。 2.【口】摆出...的样子,装出Don"t come the stern father. 别摆出一副严父的架势。 3.将满(...岁)She is coming eighteen. 她快十八岁了。



英语,为何用come 而不是came

have done不是么。怎么错了?


关于come用英语怎么读如下:come英 [kʌm]美 [kʌm]来;来到;到达,抵达(某地);来做;来取;来拿;(…地)来;行进(某段距离);发生;位于,处于(某位置);达到,进入;可提供;成为;达到;到(提及的时间);达到性高潮int.(鼓励某人要有理智或通情达理,或表示不太赞同)嗨,得啦,好啦n.精液;精子prep.(提及的时间)到来第三人称单数:comes现在进行时:coming过去式:came过去分词:comeYou can come with us if you want to.  如果你愿意可以跟我们一起来。It was very good of you to come.  你能来真是太好了。This will be a problem for some time to come.  这将是未来一段时期里的一个问题。Come on! It"s time we made a start.  快点!我们该出发了。People came from all over the world to view her work.  人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。People came from all over the world to view her work.  观众从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。We had come to a dead end in our research.  我们的研究工作已陷入绝境。The new computer system comes on stream next month.  新的计算机系统下月投入使用。Come on! We don"t have all day!  快一点!我们的时间不多了!I"d like to come on to that question later.  我想以后再讨论那个问题。I could come next week, or the week after.  我可能下周来,或者再下一周。Would you like to come with us?  你想不想和我们一块儿去?The children came in two by two.  孩子们一对一对地走了进来。


come:[kʌm]   v.来;来到;到达,抵达(某地);来做;来取;来拿;(…地)来;行进(某段距离);发生;位于,处于(某位置);达到,进入;可提供;成为;达到;到(提及的时间);达到性高潮int.(鼓励某人要有理智或通情达理,或表示不太赞同)嗨,得啦,好啦n.精液;精子prep.(提及的时间)到来第三人称单数: comes                       现在分词: coming过去式: came                          过去分词: come例句:1.You can come with us if you want to. 如果你愿意可以跟我们一起来。2.It was very good of you to come. 你能来真是太好了。3.This will be a problem for some time to come. 这将是未来一段时期里的一个问题。4.Come on! It"s time we made a start. 快点!我们该出发了。5.People came from all over the world to view her work. 人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。6.People came from all over the world to view her work. 观众从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。                                             


come [kʌm] [ 过去式came 过去分词come 现在分词coming ] vi. 来;开始;出现;发生;变成;到达vt. 做;假装;将满(…岁)int. 嗨!


came1、读音 :   英音[keɪm]      美[音kem]    2、释义:V:.   来( come的过去式 )  ;到达; 达到(认识、理解或相信的程度);出生;3、例句:  The train slowly came to the station.火车缓缓地进站。come  1、读音:  英音[kʌm]    美音[kʌm]    2、释义:vt.    做; 装扮…的样子; 将满(…岁);  vi.    来; 出现; 开始; 发生;    int.    嗨!;    3、例句:He will come on time even though it rains.即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。其他第三人称单数:comes 现在分词:coming 过去式:came过去分词:come



be accused of complicity in the crime 这里动词accuse后边为什么有of

这与accuse (控告,指控)这个动词的用法有关。accuse sb (某人) of sth(某事)控告某人某事。


come的意思:来。come的的读音:英[kʌm],美[kʌm]。释义:vi. 来;开始;出现;发生;变成;到达。vt. 做;假装。n. (Come)人名;(英)科姆;(阿尔巴)乔梅。come的变形:过去式came,过去分词come,现在分词coming,第三人称单数comes。come造句。1、Will you choose to work or go to graduate school come graduation?毕业后你会选择工作还是读研?2、The boy came up with a great idea。这个男孩想出了一个好主意。3、He came in and shut the door.他进来并关了门。


come与came的区别? 谢谢了!


come是什么意思 come怎么造句

1、come,v.来; 来到; 到达,抵达(某地); 来做; 来取; 来拿;int.(鼓励某人要有理智或通情达理,或表示不太赞同)嗨,得啦,好啦;n.精液; 精子。 2、[例句]She had come to see the problem in a new light.她开始用新的角度来看待这个问题。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:comes 现在分词:coming 过去式:came 过去分词:come。

为什么come的过去式是came (是特殊形式还是什么的?)

有些动词的过去式不是直接加ed的 要考自己积累,也不是很多 比如come-came-come第三个是过去完成时,sleep-slept-slept,go-went-gone、、、、


e的过去式 e的过去式是came。 一、e词汇分析 音标:英 [kʌm]  美 [kʌm] 释义: vi. 来;开始;出现;发生;变成;到达 vt. 做;假装;将满(…岁) 短语 e around 苏醒 ; 顺便来访 ; 来访 ; 复原 e down 下来 ; 下降 ; 落 ; 倒下 拓展双语例句 1、I"ve e to say good-bye. 我是来向你辞行的。 2、The train is ing. 火车来了。 3、The reflection of the pagoda es and goes. 塔影时隐时现。 二、came词汇分析 音标:英 [keɪm]  美 [kem] 释义:e的过去式,都来;传来 短语 victory came 来到胜利 ; 胜利来了 ; 正在翻译 ; 胜利 came up 长出 ; 讨论 ; 想出 ; 意思为 拓展双语例句 1、He came along with some friends. 他和几个朋友一道来的。 2、He came at a time when we needed help. 正在我们需要帮助的时候他来了。 3、It suddenly came back to me where I saw him last. 我突然想起来我上次是在什么地方见到他的。 过去式: came 过去分词: e 现在分词: ing 第三人称单数: es e的过去式【came】 有不会的可以再问我 Come的过去式 e的过去式是came COME的过去式 e 的过去式是came。e 的过去分词是e e [kʌm] vi. 来; 来到 Come here, please. 请来这儿一下。 移动, 行走 到达, 达到 Has the train e through? 火车到达了吗? 出现于…, 位于… The car skidded off the road and came to rest in a field. 汽车滑出公路, 在田里停了下来。 转入另一种状态 Computer technology has e a long way since the 1970s. 自70年代以来, 电脑技术有了很大的发展。 link v. 成为, 变为; 变得, 终于 This great prediction is ing true. 这一伟大的预言即将成为事实。 came [keim] e的过去式 e 中古英语 en<古英语 cuman 来 live、go`e`see`drop的过去式 lived-lived went-gone came-e saw-seen dropped-dropped think teach play do e的过去式 thought taught played did came e的过去式came的读音 [ keim ]


come的过去式是came。英 [kʌm],美 [kʌm]    v. 来;来到;来取、来拿;成为;达到;接近;摆出......的样子;处于(某个位置)例句:He will come on time even though it rains.翻译:即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。短语:1、come directly 有目的地来2、come duly 按时来3、come gradually 逐步发生四点变化规则:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。(1)一般动词,在词尾直接加“-ed ”。(然而要注意的是,过去分词并不是过去式)work---worked---worked,visit---visited---visited(2)以不发音的“e”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“d ”。live---lived---lived(3)以“辅音字母 + y ”结尾的动词,将 "y" 变为 "i" ,再加“-ed”。study—studied—studied,cry—cried—cried,try—tried—tried,fry—fried—fried. [1] (4)重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“-ed”。以上内容参考 百度百科-过去分词

be accused of complicity in the crime 这里动词accuse后边为什么有of



come的过去式是came。一、come词汇分析音标:英 [kʌm]  美 [kʌm] 释义:vi. 来;开始;出现;发生;变成;到达vt. 做;假装;将满(…岁)短语come around 苏醒 ; 顺便来访 ; 来访 ; 复原come down 下来 ; 下降 ; 落 ; 倒下拓展双语例句1、I"ve come to say good-bye.我是来向你辞行的。2、The train is coming.火车来了。3、The reflection of the pagoda comes and goes.塔影时隐时现。二、came词汇分析音标:英 [keɪm]  美 [kem] 释义:come的过去式,都来;传来短语victory came 来到胜利 ; 胜利来了 ; 正在翻译 ; 胜利came up 长出 ; 讨论 ; 想出 ; 意思为拓展双语例句1、He came along with some friends. 他和几个朋友一道来的。2、He came at a time when we needed help. 正在我们需要帮助的时候他来了。3、It suddenly came back to me where I saw him last. 我突然想起来我上次是在什么地方见到他的。




came 是 come的过去式 ======================================== 柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答 您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力=========================================

intel compiler patcher怎么使用


A problem is preventing windows from accurately checking the license of this computer

我也有过类似的经历 你试试下面的方法系统更新问题不能通过覆盖安装系统或采用系统恢复盘恢复系统来解决(两者恢复系统的机理是相同的)。不过对于你的问题下列方法应很有效(实际上,在恢复完系统后,你已经失去了你以前所有WINDOWS补丁): 1.立刻重启机器,按F8进入安全模式,打开C盘,进入WINDOWS目录找到SoftwareDistribution文件夹,任意改名,比如改为SD,作为备份,以防不测。 2.重启机器退出安全模式,上网,然后打开Windows update进行升级,此时WINDOWS如果重新开始下载更新并安装。标明你系统更新恢复正常。 原理: 由于WINDOWS在WINDOWS UPDATE时会在硬盘上建立相应记录文件夹,该文件夹就是C: /Windows/SoftwareDistribution,并把相应升级信息写入注册表,假如升级出现错误,注册表也相应记录错误信息。并在每次 WINDOWS DATE中去自动访问SoftwareDistribution目录,以至于出现依次升级错误就会造成以后屡次出现错误,而造成升级次次失败。SoftwareDistribution由于在正常模式下系统会自动调用,所以正常模式下无法改名或删除。进入安全模式修改后,再次 WINDOWS UPDATE,系统找不到该文件夹,会自动重建该目录,并重新扫描系统升级信息,以至可以成功升级。 3.注意,你的更新时间可能会较长些,务必一次更新完毕,并根据提示操作。更新时不要中途退出或断电。

we can calculate much ____with the help of a computer

accurately是精确地,副词他的比较级是 前加 moreaccurately修饰calculatemuch 修饰比较级

completely accurate和 sufficient accurate 程度区别?






Perry Como的《Feelings》 歌词

歌曲名:Feelings歌手:Perry Como专辑:Legends - Perry ComoFeelingsVhaldemarFight To The EndTrust is growing, words are runningFeelings change your points of viewYeah!!!Veins are burning, sweat is fallingFaith raises the loyaltyDreams are flowing, liquid feelingsBreak you!!!Try to mend your previous times,Your dreams are longer than your timeMix your blood with gold and fireAnd fight out!!!Tunders bursting, wind is burningMind is turning sensitiveLights spinning, gaseous feelingsBreak you!!!Try to mend your previous times,Your dreams are longer than your timeMix your blood with gold and fireAnd fight out!!!Sometimes I feel nothing can help meSometimes I need to break my routineSomeone told me the only solutionFill up your life with... HEAVY METAL!!!!!soloVeins are burning, weat is fallingFaith raises the loyaltyDreams are flowing, liquid feelingsBreak you!!!Try to mend your previous times,Your dreams are longer than your timeMix your blood with gold and fireAnd fight out!!!Sometimes I feel nothing can help meSometimes I need to break my routineSomeone told me the only solutionFill up your life with... HEAVY METAL!!!!!

Perry Como的《Feelings》 歌词

歌曲名:Feelings歌手:Perry Como专辑:Very Best OfFeelingsArtist:Morris AlbertmY~651171131不能忘记的感觉 却从来不曾拥有FeelingsNothing more than feelingTrying to forget myFeelings of lovetea dropsrollling dwon on my faceTrying to forget myFeelings of loveFeelingsFor all my life I"ll feel itI wish I"ve never met you girlYou never come againFeelingswow wow wow feelingwow wow wow feelingagain in my armsFeelingsFeelings like I"ve never lost youand feelings like I never havel youagain in my heartFeelingsfor all my life I"ll feel itI wish I"ve never met you girlyou never come againFeelingsfeelings like I"ve never lost youand feelings like I"ve never have youagain in my lifeFeelingwow wow wow feelingwow wow wow feelingagain in my armsFeelingwow wow wow feelingwow wow wow feeling

Perry Como的《Feelings》 歌词

歌曲名:Feelings歌手:Perry Como专辑:Love SongsFeelingsVhaldemarFight To The EndTrust is growing, words are runningFeelings change your points of viewYeah!!!Veins are burning, sweat is fallingFaith raises the loyaltyDreams are flowing, liquid feelingsBreak you!!!Try to mend your previous times,Your dreams are longer than your timeMix your blood with gold and fireAnd fight out!!!Tunders bursting, wind is burningMind is turning sensitiveLights spinning, gaseous feelingsBreak you!!!Try to mend your previous times,Your dreams are longer than your timeMix your blood with gold and fireAnd fight out!!!Sometimes I feel nothing can help meSometimes I need to break my routineSomeone told me the only solutionFill up your life with... HEAVY METAL!!!!!soloVeins are burning, weat is fallingFaith raises the loyaltyDreams are flowing, liquid feelingsBreak you!!!Try to mend your previous times,Your dreams are longer than your timeMix your blood with gold and fireAnd fight out!!!Sometimes I feel nothing can help meSometimes I need to break my routineSomeone told me the only solutionFill up your life with... HEAVY METAL!!!!!



财务表表中的accumulated other comprehensive income

accumulated other comprehensive income::相当于未分配利润(累计利润或累计利润总额);other comprehensive income:其他业务利润或收益;comprehensive income:利润总额


Accumulated other comprehensive incomeAccumulated other comprehensive income is a general ledger account that is classified within the equity section of the balance sheet.累计其他综合收入是一个总分类账户,属于资产负债表内的资产负债表。

在会计中,accumulated other comprehensive income翻译过来是什么科目?


The company poured a record amount of money into

The company poured a record amount of money into drug development.公司药物发展注入了创纪录数量的钱。a record amount of money创纪录数量的钱

commercial accounting是什么意思

commercial accounting英 [kəˈmə:ʃəl əˈkaʊntɪŋ]美 [kəˈmɚʃəl əˈkaʊntɪŋ][词典] 商业会计,经济核算制;[网络] 商业会计; 公司会计;[例句]How to select commercial accounting software如何选择商品化财务软件

he is preparing for tomorrow"s competition


frustrated prevented discouraged accomplished区别


下雨变小了英语怎么说的,是come down ,slow down,push down ,还是calm down ,每个词都解释一下

come downv.下来, 倒塌, 没落, 病倒, 捐钱, 流传下来, 垂下slow downv.(使)慢下来push down 1.向下推 2.推下去,陷进去 3.按calm downv.平静下来, 镇定下来我想应该是slow down 如果从中选的话


前者,在有利的情况下保持冷静。类似: 闻胜勿骄 ,不要被胜利冲昏头脑。后者,在不利的局面中保持镇静。 类似:闻败勿馁,遭挫折而不影响信心。两种迥然不同的情况,都需要冷处理,千万头脑不能发热。calm和composed虽然近义, favorable 和adverse却反义,难道是一个意思么?



go call look teach think point help buy see bruch work comb open wash talk jump 这些词的过去式

go:过去式went 过去分词gone call:过去式called 过去分词called look: 过去式looked 过去分词lookedteach:过去式taught 过去分词taught think : 过去式thought 过去分词thoughtpoint: 过去式pointed 过去分词pointedhelp:过去式helped或 holp 过去分词helped 或 holpen buy: 过去式bought 过去分词boughtsee:过去式saw 过去分词seen bruch /brush: 过去式brushed 过去分词brushed 应该是brush吧work:过去式worked 或 wrought 过去分词worked 或 wrought comb:过去式combed 过去分词combedopen:过去式opened 过去分词openedwash:过去式washed 过去分词washed talk:过去式talked 过去分词 talkedjump:过去式jumped 过去分词jumped

have yougot a compuer or a tv。写答语

答案是:Ihave gota computer或者是:Ihave gotaTV☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

playing in the compuer room is boring.(对boring 提问?

How is playing in the computer room?

请问Where do you think ____he ____ the compuer?是宾语从句吗

不是。do you think 是插入语 。did put

I want to buy a compuer 句型







implement 实现. complement n.补充,补充物,主要指补充不足使之完美。 Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.有咖喱的菜配米饭最棒。 supplement n.增补,补充,补贴,主要指另外补加,增补。 One year after we made our report, we had to add a supplement to cover new events.我们在报告完成一年之后,必须增补一个包含新事件的附加部分。

supplement complement有何区别?

supplement n.增补,补充,补贴,主要指另外补加,增补。complement n.补充,补充物,主要指补充不足使之完美。


supplement 和 complement 的区别:一、含义不同1、supplement   n. 增刊;补充物例句:It comes out each week and it has a magazine supplement.译文:每周出版一期,还附有杂志增刊。2、complement   n.补充例句:There will be a written examination to complement the practical test.译文:会有一次书面考试来补充实践测试。二、词汇搭配不同1、supplementsupplement one"s diet 补充饮食;supplement one"s income 增加收入;supplement elaborately 精心地补充;supplement natural fertilizer 补充天然肥料;2、complementexcellent complement 极好的补充;necessary complement 必要的补充;object complement 宾语补足语;subject complement 主语补足语三、用法不同1、supplement 基本意思是“增补”,指对已很完整的事物作增补,以使其进一步改进、丰富、提高。尽管所增加的东西对原事物的完全或完整并不是非有不可的,也不一定是相互依存的。例句:She gives private lessons to supplement her income.译文:她给私人授课以增补收入。2、complement 基本意思是“补充”,用作名词(n.)例句:The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser.译文:绿色墙纸是旧松木梳妆台的完美衬托。


你好!come a calling来调用

用下面给出词或短语的恰当形式填空: as per,conclude,comply,so,should,make,accordingly,account

Dear Sirs,In reply to your letter of 3rd November【inquiring】about the insurance on our CIF offerfor cosmetics【made】to you on 12rd Novermber, we wish to give you thefollowing information.For transactions【concluded】on CIF basis, we usually【effect】insurance with thePeople"s Insurance Company of China against All Risks,【as per】Ocean MarineCarge Clause of the People"s Insurance Company of China, dated the 1stJanuary,1981.【Should】you require the insurance to be【covered】as perInsutitute Cargo Clauses,we would be glad to【comply】.But if there is any difference in premium between the two it will be charged to your【account】.We are also【in】a position to insure the shipment against any【additional】risks if you 【so】desire,and the extra premium is to be【borne】by you. In this case, we shall【send】you the premium receipt issued by the relative【underwriter】.Usually, the amount insured is 110% of the total invoice【value】. However,if a higherpercentage is required,we may do【accordingly】but you have to bear the extra【premium】aswell.We hope our above information will【provide】you with all that you wish to know and we now looking forward to【receiving】from you order.Yours faithfully,

求一首歌,歌词好像是:It"s become so hard,You are bring back the real me

new classic - single versionOoohh, uh Oh, Oh Oh, yeah Ever tried to reach for something 曾经尝试过追求一些东西But it"s someone else"s dream? 但是最后好像只是别人的梦想Every step that you take forward 你向前的每一步Takes you right back where you"ve been 都会带你回到原点And then when you least expect it 然后当你破釜沉舟的出发And you tried about everything 当你尝试没一件事情Somebody hears your opinion 有些人听到了你的意见Somebody cares what you say 有些人开始在意你所说的You woke me up 你唤醒了我No longer tired 不再疲惫With you I feel inspired 有了你,我充满激情You helped me find my fire (uh) 你让我找到了我的生命之火You"re the new classic 你是的新的经典You"re the new PYT 你是新的PYTStands for pay young taking on the world 代表了青春的全力付出From the driver"s seat 从驾驶位置上看你You look so classic, fantastic是那样充满古典美When you own that floor Bring the beat back once more Let me see you do that, oh 让我看着你做这一切Tryin" to do it right 只是努力去做No rehearsal, it"s your life 不用彩排,这是你的生命本能When you"re doing this crazy dance 当你跳起这段疯狂的舞蹈Cuz you"re makin these crazy plans 你正在做这些疯狂的计划It"s just a dance, not a test 只是一个舞蹈,不是测试You put in work to be the best (oh) 你把一切都做好最好It"s a classic take on a brand new game 这个全新的游戏是一个新的经典Before the needle drops, they"re gonna know your name 瞬息之间,他们已经知道了你的名字When it gets old don"t lose the love 天亮前不会再失去爱You"re cold I"ll warm you up (you up)我来温暖冰冷的你Your fire"s hot enough, enough, enough, enough, enough 你的爱情火热十足You"re the new classic 你是的新的经典You"re the new PYT 你是新的PYTStands for pay young taking on the world 代表了青春的全力付出From the driver"s seat 从驾驶位置上看你You look so classic, fantastic是那样充满古典美When you own that floor Bring the beat back once more Let me see you do that, oh 让我看着你做这一切It"s become so hard 这一切看起来很复杂For me to be surprised 因为我是如此的惊奇You"re bringin back the real me 你找回了真正的我No judgement in your eyes 在你的眼里没有疑惑Cuz when I dance with you 当我和你跳舞的时候It"s how I speak the truth 我不知道如何讲出实情Just classic when we met 我们的遇见将成为经典Now you made me new 你使我焕然一新You"re the new classic 你是的新的经典You"re the new PYT 你是新的PYTStands for pay young taking on the world 代表了青春的全力付出From the driver"s seat 从驾驶位置上看你You look so classic, fantastic是那样充满古典美When you own that floor Bring the beat back once more(Bring the beat back once more) You"re the new classic 你是的新的经典You"re the new PYT 你是新的PYTStands for pay young taking on the world 代表了青春的全力付出From the driver"s seat 从驾驶位置上看你You look so classic, fantastic是那样充满古典美When you own that floor Bring the beat back once more Let me see you do that, oh 让我看着你做这一切You"re the new classic (yeah) 你是的新的经典You"re the new PYT (the new PYT) 你是新的PYTStands for paying young and took the chance to believe in me 代表着付出青春和全心全意的相信我

in conformity with; in accordance with; in compliance with 这三个短语区别

in conformity with与…相符 in accordance with与…一致, in compliance with 按照…从字面上就可以区别了

compulsory internship什么意思

义务实习 额 不好意思 我不知道该怎么说啊 你百度一下吧 sorry

commensurate accordance 区别


dhd中,有个软件,HtcRecommends.apk和HtcRecommendsWidget.apk 是做什么用的?


直接就是ae recommendation后是什么

等待副主编的意见。Awaiting AE recommendation,表明 Reviewer的意见都回来了,等待 Editor作出终审意见。AE是associate editor的简称,负责给这篇文章找外审专家,并给出小修/大修/拒稿/接收的意见。一般是期刊编委会成员。

the doctor recommended that I come here for the sunshine before Istarted for home.翻译

医生推荐我为家为在 Istarted 前的阳光来这里。Istarted 这个不会?


The doctor recommends his patient that he should walk everyday.


The doctor recommends his patient that he should walk everyday.

do you have some recommends?中,recommend用不用加s?

recommend不是名词,应该是 do you have any recommendation? 后面不加s.

The doctor recommends ______ as much as possible.[ 1分]

A医生建议他尽可能地多休息。recommend sb. to do sth.

用recommend doing这个语法,举一个例子,要句子。

用法:recommend doing意思:建议,推荐例句:i recommend you doing it again.

recommend to hm asap

你好!recommend to hm asap建议尽快嗯

使用 recommend sb 造句

一般的写作中用词组recommend sb. (not) to do sth., 所以可以说I recommend you ( not ) to do severe sports after dinner immediately.我推荐(建议)你吃完饭后不要马上做剧烈运动。希望采纳,谢谢

recommend strongly是什么意思


highly recommend是什么意思

highly recommend 全部释义和例句>> 高度推荐recommend 英[ˌrekəˈmend]美[ˌrɛkəˈmɛnd]vt. 推荐; 劝告; 使显得吸引人; 托付;vi. 推荐; 建议;[例句]Ask your doctor to recommend a suitable therapist.让你的医生给你推荐一个合适的治疗专家。[其他] 第三人称单数:recommends 现在分词:recommending 过去式:recommended 过去分词:recommended 形近词: discommend


recommend face推荐的人


recommend: v. 推荐,介绍; 劝告,建议 及物动词 vt. 推荐,介绍,推举 及物动词 vt. 推荐<人、物> · I can recommend this dish. 我可以推荐这道菜。 · His former employer recommends him warmly. 他从前的雇主热心地推荐他。 及物动词 vt. 推荐<人> [给… [担任…] ] [for,to] · He recommended the young man to our firm [for the post]. 他推荐那位年轻人到我们公司 [担任那个职位] 。 及物动词 vt. 推荐<人><为…> · I can recommend Miss Green as a good typist. 我可以推荐格林小姐作为一名优秀的打字员。 及物动词 vt. 推荐<某人><人、物>; 将<人、物>推荐[给某人][to] · Can you recommend me a gardener? = Can you recommend a gardener to me. 你能为我推荐一名园丁吗?。 及物动词 vt. 劝,劝告,建议 及物动词 vt. 劝告 < (做) …> ,建议 < (做) …> · I recommend going by airplane. 我建议搭飞机去。 及物动词 vt. 劝<人><做…> · The druggist has recommended me to try this ointment for sunburn. 药房老板劝我试用这种药膏治疗晒斑。 及物动词 vt. 劝告,建议 <… (一事) > · He recommended that the prisoners (should) be released. 他建议释放俘虏。 及物动词 vt. <性质、特征等> 使…得 [人的] 欢心; 成为…的优点; 使…具有魅力[to] · What aspect of her character first recommended her to you? 是她性格上的哪一点首先讨你喜欢? · This hotel has very little to recommend it. 这家旅馆没有什么可取之处。 及物动词 vt. <书>将…托付 [于神、人等] ,委托[to] · She recommended her soul to God. 她把灵魂托付给上帝。 vt. 推导;建议;力劝 advise advocate dictate direct favour guide instruct prescribe promote propose proposition refer suggest urge

recommend 用法



recommended[英] [.rekə"mend][美] [.rekə"mend]释义:动词.推荐,劝,托,(行为,性质)使人欢喜网络.被推荐的,建议,最新推荐变形.过去分词:recommended,现在分词:recommending,第三人称单数:recommends


recommended英 [rekə"mendɪd]  美 [rekə"mendɪd]  adj.被推荐的v.推荐;托( recommend的过去式和过去分词 );劝告;使显得吸引人VERB 推荐;介绍 If someone recommends a person or thing to you, they suggest that you would find that person or thing good or useful.I have just spent a holiday there and would recommend it to anyone...我刚刚在那里度过假,很想把它推荐给每一个人。recommendedThough ten years old, this book is highly recommended.尽管是10年前出版的,这本书仍值得大力推荐。2VERB 建议;劝说(做…) If you recommend that something is done, you suggest that it should be done.The judge recommended that he serve 20 years in prison...法官建议判处他20年监禁。3VERB 使受欢迎;使有优势 If something or someone has a particular quality to recommend them, that quality makes them attractive or gives them an advantage over similar things or people.La Noblesse restaurant has much to recommend it...“贵族”餐馆有很多值得称道之处

recommed 的形容词形式

recommendable 可推荐的, 值得推荐的; 可取的, 适当的

recommend strongly是什么意思

recommend strongly 强烈推荐.




recommend sb to do sth 有这种用法
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