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optical的意思形容词光学的; 视觉的,视力的; 眼睛的. 光纤:* 内置AC-3、DTS解码,5.1声道输出 ; * 控制软件智能升级 ; * 32种字幕选择、8种语言选择 ; * 标准视频(AV)和S端子图像信号输出方式 ; * 光纤(OPTICAL)数码输出 ; * 同轴(COAXIAL)数码输出 ;2. 视觉的:从这一世界感出发,当毕达哥拉斯提出和表达那一具有决定意义的公式时,数对于他来说就成了一个视觉的(optical)象征--不是一般形式的度量,不是抽象的关系,而是既成领域的哨所,或者更确切地说,是感官能够分割、能够加以回视的既成之物的部分的哨所.3. 光学:能及主要特色 光学(Optical),物理(Physical),大量(massive)层的厚度定义 Ruget , 数学操作 , Herpin 替换(replacement) 光学和物理厚度的转换 群组和层数的转换 反向设计(reverse design) 不同质(inhomogeneous)层的模拟 包含了52种膜的材料。所以opticcoating有闪光的,耀眼的,令人眼前一亮的寓意

请问什么是 epoxy coated

更新1: 用于铁线铁板表面处理的 epoxy coated 是否等如喷漆或喷力架? epoxy coated 呢个 terms 多用于半导体行业? epoxy coated 在半导行业系指把晶片贴好在特定的底板上,做完了焊接 ( Bonding ) ,测试无误后,在其表面加上一个保护层,固定及保护所有 Bonging Wire、Die 的表面等,不使外界接触到及防止日久养氧化,用于电路板直接放入晶片的时侯。好处系最省位、便宜、工序少,如电子手表,电子发声玩具都用这方法。 epoxy 多数系黑色,最初为糊状好像白胶浆,加热后变成润滑油状,便可滴在要 coating 的位置,再放到炉中加温 ( 约 150℃ ) 使其变硬及定型,大概 45 分钟,完成后冷却至室温便完成所有 epoxy coated 的工作。 有时亦会用在要保密的电子设计中,以免别人可以抄袭,一拆开甚么都会损坏了。 很用心答你架,希望你有用。 该如何找专业合法业者 1.保固是否合理 有些不肖业者强调十年保固 一旦发生问题后你才发现公司不知去向 或者随便敷衍交叉应付你 2.价钱是否合理 开出的价钱会让你把价钱杀到没有保固风险利润 这样的施工品质是值得怀疑的 尤其现在工程宣传广告很多 你也不知道哪间好坏 可以多看多比听多比较别人意见 后来我也是找到平价地坪工程 他们家做防水抓漏、地坪工程、老屋翻修等等 十几年老经验的工程公司 推荐你找这间平价地坪工程 平价地坪工程公司 repair/ 评价 不然你也可以到比价网看看 比价网提供一个不错的服务 可以到比价网填写需要地坪工程的地方相关资料 就会有十几家地坪工程来报价给你 不用在一家一家比价了 也不怕碰到黑心的地坪工程公司乱报价 全民比价网 prices/ 地坪工程线上报价: prices/cdform/send20 评价 这一间是朋友2~3年前请他们处理过 之前是一下雨大楼社区屋顶就漏水 据朋友说到现在都没有再漏过水了 特速防水抓漏工程 technician/ 真金不怕火炼,一个优良的厂商是不怕客户来比较 这个网站有有数家 防水抓漏公司 可以让你自己问 可以透网友的评价找有口碑的业者 防水抓漏评价网 wet/ 评价 Bid 价网 bid/ 最大的分类广告平台,提供丰富的各行各业厂商和服务资讯,各式厂商,不怕你比价,免费刊登,轻松找! 还有可以到以下网站 提供许多大家防水抓漏会遇到的问题 防水抓漏馆 j2h/bbs/bbs57/ 修缮资讯 j2h/bbs/bbs51/ 由于我需要的是 wire (铁线) 的表面处理资料 . 半导行业虽然可以作为 reference 但不是我所需要 . 可能我的问题未够清晰 所以评价是普通 . 同时也谢谢你的意见 . en. *** /wiki/Fusion_bonded_epoxy_coating

coast to coast 歌词elliott smith的

Elliott Smith---coast to coast Last stop for a resolutionEnd of the line, is it confusion?So go. Go see whats there for youNothing new, nothing new for you to useI"ve got no new act to amuse youI"ve got no desire to use you, you knowBut anything that I could do, would never be good enough for youIf you can"t help it then just leave it aloneLeave it alone, yeah, just forget itIt"s really easyI believe I"ll forget it tooStill you"re keepin" me aroundTil I finally drag us both downStreaming feathers out your hatYes I believe that"s where it"s atYou belong tagging alongAnd I belong in your zooSo I wait for confirmationThat you"re never gonna use your starting gunUnless its me it sounds like being here just wasn"t that much funAnything that I could doWould never be good enough for youIf you can"t help it then just leave it aloneLeave me alone, yeah, just forget itIt"s really easyI"ll just forget it tooCoast to coast, coast to coastI"ll do what I can so you can be what you doCoast to coast, coast to coastI"ll do everything I can so you can be what you doCoast to coast, coast to coastCircuit rider comes every fifth sundayOh my lord, I fell asleep one dayAnything that I could doIs there anything that I could doThat someone doesn"t do for youThat someone didn"t do for youThat I haven"t already done for you


shoe -> shoescoat -> coatssock -> socksshort -> shortsdress -> dressesscarf -> scarves (或 scarfs)

我问的是sea level与 sea levels的区别。coastal area与 coastal areas的区别。都相差一个s

按道理sea level应该只有一个, 不能使用复数沿海地区可以有多个,可以使用复数碳排放当作一种概念时,不可数,不能使用复数。但是当作动作讲的时候,可以有多次、多个碳排放动作,可以用复数。

七星charcoal filter10香烟价格


正品日本七星王香烟,多少钱?seven stars charcoal filter 有box标的。日本原价多少?


在北京那能买到台湾长寿牌香烟 是GENTLE Charcoal filter 名字是长寿尊爵圆角包淡烟

找厦门朋友 在厦门能买到

charcoal filter是什么烟.烟上有两个大写的M M

你确定是charcoal filter吗?filter.是过滤嘴香烟,有时特指filter 大小的香烟。

在句子中:factories that burn coal also pollute the Air with a lot of black smoke. that能省略吗

其中的that 不可省略,因为一个句子的主干只能拥有一个谓语,这是语法所规定的。如果你非要去掉that 这个定语从句的引导词,那么你可以burn改为burning。。。成为一个非谓语结构,充当定语,修饰factories

网上卖的 Windows 7 OEM COA 是真还是假?如何分辨?

COA全称是Certificate Of Authenticity,也就是正版验证标签。 在零售版Windows上会有一个COA标签写上激活的序列号,而OEM版Windows上,因为厂家都是批量生产的机器,所以Windows验证都是通过BIOS里的信息验证的,而BIOS里存的都是一样的。 所以,对于OEM版,微软会提供一个COA标签由厂家贴在机器上,台式机就贴在机箱后面,笔记本就贴在下面,这个COA上也有一个序列号,而这个序列号是可以直接在别的机器上安装对应的Windows版本时使用。 所以,有人把这个COA标签扒下来放到网上卖,不过大部分OEM机器都是家庭版或者商业版的Windows,而买的人一般都希望买旗舰版的Windows,所以货源也挺紧张的。 楼上 @肖成凯 提到的COA是09年底Windows 7刚发布时搞的活动,当时微软向各大品牌机生产商提供免费从Windows Vista升级到Windows 7的服务,所有2009年6月之后卖出的机器都可以向厂家提出申请,然后支付¥86.5的邮费就可以得到微软公司寄出的Windows 7光盘,因为那光盘就是Windows 7零售版,所以上面有COA可以使用。 当年戴尔、宏基、惠普等厂家审查严格,对提交的申请严格审查购买日期、机器型号、机器序列号,购机发票,而只有联想审查不严,所以很多人乱填写机器型号和序列号也能申请到Windows 7光盘。后来很多人拿这光盘到网上卖,开始有卖¥100的,后来竞争越来越激烈,于是价格就无限逼近¥86.5了。 ———————————————————— Windows在OEM电脑上的激活是依靠一个保存在BIOS里的信息叫做SLIC。SLIC分版本的,1.0对应Windows XP,2.0对应Windows Vista,2.1对于Windows 7。所有高版本的SLIC可以激活当前及以下的版本的Windows,也就是说,SLIC 2.1可以激活3种Windows。 一般每个品牌就只有一个SLIC,所有这个品牌的机器的BIOS里都会包含这个SLIC。只有Dell特殊一点,他的Alienware品牌有单独的一个SLIC,可能是因为Alienware本来是一家独立的厂商吧。 如果用的电脑是品牌机,那么BIOS里都会包含有SLIC,区别在于版本。比如你的机器是09年初买的,BIOS里包含SLIC 2.0,自带系统是Windows Vista。假如这款电脑在09年9月后依然有生产,那么官方最新版的BIOS就会包含SLIC 2.1,直接更新一下BIOS然后上网下张这个品牌的Windows 7 OEM盘安装就完了。如果你的机器在09年底就停产了,那么可以用Award官方的BIOS修改软件去把SLIC集成到BIOS里刷进去。Dell特殊一点,它的BIOS是加密的,需要解密。另外,网上有很多好人会放出修改好的BIOS,直接下载刷新就可以了。 如果电脑是兼容机,也有一些好心人帮忙修改BIOS,下载刷新然后找和这个SLIC对应的Windows 7 OEM光盘安装即可。如果主板比较偏门也可以自己修改。另外,还有人把SLIC刷到到市面上最常见的10块钱一个的8139网卡的芯片里,买回来安上就可以了。 再有就是软破解,通过一个软件在Windows之前启动,把已经读到内存的BIOS加上SLIC。这种方式有一些风险,也会造成一些不稳定,毕竟修改了引导部分嘛。 关于Windows的光盘,有一些好心人会把拿到手的OEM光盘做成ISO上传,在PCBeta等论坛可以找得到。虽然PCBeta论坛上有各位资深版主把关,基本上可以保证光盘都是原版的,但是如果还是不放心,那么还有一种万无一失的方法。 在微软的MSDN网站会放出Windows各个版本的安装光盘,也就是所谓的MSDN版。这些文件在每款Windows刚发布时可以在MSDN网站下载到,以后也可以通过BT、eMule等各种方式在别的地方下载到。重要的是,微软网站会一直保留有这个文件的SHA1值,可以验证自己下载到的光盘的真实性。 而OEM版光盘,其实就是在MSDN版上增加了一些品牌机自己的信息,比如你按Win+Break键看到的品牌机标志,还有带品牌机标志的壁纸等。这些文件会存放在安装光盘里的某个固定的目录下。网上有人提供这个单独的目录的打包下载,只要下载这个目录,合并到MSDN版的安装光盘里,刻录后就可以得到一张OEM版的光盘。这个目录里只有一些品牌机标识图片文件和一些脚本文件,本身又很小,藏不下病毒,所以很安全。 系统安全从Windows本身做起。使用原版Windows光盘安装系统,原版Office和Photoshop安装后再破解,各款软件都从官网或者大的软件站下载,打开Windows补丁自动更新,使用Firefox或者Chrome浏览器,用U盘时按住Shift键插入,然后打开资源管理器,通过左边的树状目录进到U盘里。这样你的系统就已经很安全了,杀毒软件等可以不用。


首先把OC改成2√2,〈COA才是135度. 将三角形AOC顺时针旋转90度, 得一个三角形ABO",连结OO", 则〈AO"B=〈COA, AO=AO",〈OAO"=90度,三角形AOO"是等腰直角三角形,〈AO"O=45度, OO"=√2OA=2√2, OB=4,BO"=OC=2√2, 根据勾股定理,O"B^2+OO"^2=16,OB^2=16,三角形OO"B为等腰直角三角形,〈BO"O=90度, 〈AOC=〈AO‘B=90度+45度=135度.

adidas micoach pacer,可是在adidas网站上注册不了,是什么原因啊?求哪位用过的把步骤说一下


Mulberry 算是奢侈品吗?比coach 档次高一点


Mulberry 算是奢侈品吗?比coach 档次高一点


primer 和undercoat的区别?查字典这两个词都有底漆的意思,想问下他们具体区别如何?

The exterior metal surface of the unit shall be treated with hot zinc spray of minimum 50 micron thickness. Then it shall be painted with primer of 50 micron minimum thickness and a 100 micron minimum thickness undercoating. Then it shall be painted with a gloss or semi gloss paint of minimum 50 micron thickness. The ultimate dry film thickness shall not be less than 300 microns.Alternatively, galvanized exterior metal surface as per BS EN ISO 1461 painted with a gloss or semi gloss paint of minimum thickness 50 microns is also acceptable.一个基本的经验法则要记住:底漆总是底漆,但底漆并不总是底漆。俄亥俄州克利夫兰市舍温威廉姆斯公司(sherwin williams co.)建筑涂料产品经理安德鲁基宁(andrew kinnen)表示,底漆是底漆类别的一个子集,起着特殊的作用。不好意思哈,现在我还只是了解这个的阶段。 但两个是不一样的


Base coat 是一种新型材料,在国内应该叫做砂浆。Primer就是底漆

most leaves are coated with waterproof( ),or cuticle


West Coast Poplock 歌词

歌曲名:West Coast Poplock歌手:Ronnie Hudson专辑:Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Box Set)Now wait a minuteCalifornia knows how to party (x2)In the city, of L.A.In the city, of good old Watts.In the city, city of Compton (???)There Poplock (???)WOOOOPoplocking in Rolls-Royces, Cadillac, Lincoln and Mercedes BensPoplocking in Howard Johnson, Sheraton (???)Poplocking at the Holiday InnPoplocking in Hollywood, it"s understoodWhile listening to the MacPoplocking at Broadway, everydayTo the PreachersSo rough, so tough, out here babySo rough, so tough, out hereCalifornia knows how to party (x2)In the city, of L.A.In the city, a girl wants! (???)In the city, of good old Watts.There PoplockDance, dance disco styleIt"s all on the West CoastLiving good and playing hardCruising the BoulevardLeaning and feeling (???)And you won"t be dreamingThat"s what it"s all aboutSo rough, so tough, out here baby (x4)WOOOOLock it up babyWOOOO, YALock them shouldersLock them armsNow lock that neckJust raise those fingers in the airI swear it"s getting mighty funky out thereThere"s a party over hereThere"s a party over thereCan"t get it right on cuzPlayboysThat"s cool, clean and manCan"t get it right on cuzRight onSo rough, so tough, out here babySo rough, so tough, out hereCalifornia knows how to party (x2)In the city, of L.A.In the city, of good old Watts.In the city, city of Compton (???)WOOOThere PoplockPoplocking in Rolls-Royces, Cadillac, Lincoln and Mercedes BensPoplocking in Howard Johnson, Sheraton (???)Poplocking at the Holiday InnPoplocking in Hollywood, it"s understoodWhile listening to the MacPoplocking at Broadway, everydayTo the PreachersSo rough, so tough, out here babySo rough, so tough, out hereCalifornia knows how to party (x2)In the city, of L.A.In the city, of good old Watts.In the city, city of Compton (???)WOOOThere PoplockDance, dance disco styleIt"s all on the West CoastLiving good and playing hardCruising the BoulevardLeaning and feeling (???)And you won"t be dreamingThat"s what it"s all aboutSo rough, so tough, out here baby (x3)Shake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get UpShake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get UpShake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get UpMake you wannna scream, Make you wanna screamShake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get UpMake you wannna scream, Make you wanna screamShake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get UpMake you wannna scream, Make you wanna screamShake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get Up,Make you wannna scream, Make you wanna scream

求一首歌的歌词west coast poplock

Now wait a minuteCalifornia knows how to party In the city, of L.A.In the city, of good old Watts.In the city, city of Compton There Poplock WOOOOPoplocking in Rolls-Royces, Cadillac, Lincoln and Mercedes BensPoplocking in Howard Johnson, Sheraton Poplocking at the Holiday InnPoplocking in Hollywood, it"s understoodWhile listening to the MacPoplocking at Broadway, everydayTo the PreachersSo rough, so tough, out here babySo rough, so tough, out hereCalifornia knows how to party (x2)In the city, of L.A.In the city, a girl wants! In the city, city of Compton There PoplockDance, dance disco styleIt"s all on the West CoastLiving good and playing hardCruising the BoulevardLeaning and feeling And you won"t be dreamingThat"s what it"s all aboutSo rough, so tough, out here baby WOOOOLock it up babyWOOOO, YALock them shouldersLock them armsNow lock that neckJust raise those fingers in the airI swear it"s getting mighty funky out thereThere"s a party over hereThere"s a party over thereCan"t get it right on cuzPlayboysThat"s cool, clean and manCan"t get it right on cuzRight onSo rough, so tough, out here babySo rough, so tough, out hereCalifornia knows how to party In the city, of L.A.In the city, of good old Watts.In the city, city of Compton WOOOThere PoplockPoplocking in Rolls-Royces, Cadillac, Lincoln and Mercedes BensPoplocking in Howard Johnson, Sheraton Poplocking at the Holiday InnPoplocking in Hollywood, it"s understoodWhile listening to the MacPoplocking at Broadway, everydayTo the PreachersSo rough, so tough, out here babySo rough, so tough, out hereCalifornia knows how to party In the city, of L.A.In the city, of good old Watts.In the city, city of Compton WOOOThere PoplockDance, dance disco styleIt"s all on the West CoastLiving good and playing hardCruising the BoulevardLeaning and feeling And you won"t be dreamingThat"s what it"s all aboutSo rough, so tough, out here baby (x3)Shake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get UpShake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get UpShake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get UpMake you wannna scream, Make you wanna screamShake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get UpMake you wannna scream, Make you wanna screamShake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get UpMake you wannna scream, Make you wanna screamShake your booty and bust your soulGet up, Get UpMake you wannna scream, Make you wanna scream

They have fun at the fashion show.(改为同义句) I think this coat is very nice.(改为否定句)

1.In the fashion show,they have fun.同义句2.I don"t think this coat is very nice.否定句3.Is he raises money for Project Hope?4.She isn"t do some important work for our class.否定句5.Is her red coat looks she modern?




在爱马仕做了口红之后,COACH也推出了唇部产品,这次是和丝芙兰联名推出了四件套唇釉,里面有两支叠涂色,和两支带颜色的。相对来说,更推荐单买里面带颜色的两支。#berry是红棕调的红茶色,特别适合现在的季节涂,非常清透,不过这个系列是不成膜的唇蜜质地哦。 1、Coach丝芙兰联名唇釉Berry什么颜色 coach和丝芙兰的联名唇釉一共有四只,其中#berry这支是个红棕调的伯爵红茶,唇蜜质地上嘴偏日系,显色度不错,是适合春夏的颜色,黄皮可入。颜色很像Mac Marrakesh的唇釉版,不过这个系列的都是不成膜的质地哦,但是还是比较持久的。 2、Coach丝芙兰唇釉Berry上嘴试色 #Berry因为质地的原因,非常清透的一支红茶奶冻,上嘴嘟嘟的。虽然有点黏黏的,但是会遮唇纹,覆盖度还是很不错的。如果要购买的话推荐入单支,专门买套盒的话里面会经常用的也应该只有#berry和#mauve,另外两个颜色则是用来叠涂的裸粉、微光唇蜜。 3、Coach丝芙兰联名唇釉值得买吗 Coach丝芙兰联名唇釉一共有4个色号:#nude pink、#shimmer、#berry、#mauve四只,但只推荐买#berry、#mauve这两只有颜色,一个是清透红茶色,一个是棕调奶茶色,这两只上嘴都会很好看,滋润、遮唇纹。#nude pink是裸粉色,适合叠涂哑光质地的口红,单涂就没有什么变化;#shimmer里面带紫色的细闪,也是适合日常叠涂,或者去做眼影的提亮。它的外包装设计还是比较好看的,是带珍珠的小花花,但是套盒有一丢丢的显廉价。如果平时不怎么叠涂的话,建议能拆开买就拆开买。

Famous Blue Raincoat 歌词

歌曲名:Famous Blue Raincoat歌手:The Handsome Family专辑:Leonard Cohen: I"M Your ManArtist: Jennifer WarnesAlbum: Famous Blue RaincoatTitle: Famous Blue RaincoatEdit by: Simon ZhangIt"s four in the morning, the end of DecemberI"m writing you now just to see if you"re betterNew York is cold, but I like where I"m livingThere"s music on Clinton Street all through the evening.I hear that you"re buildingyour house deep in the desertAre you living for nothing now?Hope you"re keeping some kind of record.Yes, and Jane came by with a lock of your hairShe said that you gave it to herThat night when you planned to go clearDid you ever go clear?Ah, the last time we saw youyou looked so much olderYour famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulderYou"d been to the station to meet every trainBut she never turned up I"m Lili MarleneSo you treated some woman to a flake of your lifeAnd when she got home she was nobody"s wife.Well I see you there with a rose in your teethOne more thin gypsy thiefWell I see Jane"s awakeShe sends her regards.And what can I tell you oh what can I tell youWhat can I possibly say?I guess that I miss you, I guess I forgive youI"m glad that you stood in my way.And if you ever come by here, be it for Jane or for meI want you to know your enemy"s sleepingI want you to know your woman is free.Yes, and thanks, for the trouble you took from her eyesI thought it was there for good so I never really tried.And Jane came by with a lock of your hairShe said that you gave it to herThat night when you planned to go clearSincerely, a friend~Wish you happy! --enjoy100~

Facilitator as Coach, Teacher, Trainer, and Mentor

As facilitators, I think most of us will agree that our foremost role is this: to be the “keeper of the process.” Yet from a practical standpoint, we will often be called to edge over slightly into roles better described by terms such as coach, teacher, trainer, and mentor. How you may ask do these roles differ? Let"s take a quick look. Facilitation as it"s normally understood, refers to managing and maintaining a group process. The primary focus of the facilitator is on “how” the process is going in the group. The facilitator will help the group to stick with their ground rules and guidelines that bound the process they have agreed to use to get to some end result. Coaching is typically practiced with individuals, and tends to be bit more directive than facilitation. Coaching focuses on helping individuals get into immediate action, while addressing barriers and support they may need to get moving quickly. Coach usually asks more of the group than pure Facilitation–often challenging the group to produce more or be more. Group Coaching supports individuals who are part of groups with common interests, skills, or issues. While coaching focuses on individuals in the group, the remainder of the group receives indirect benefit from witnessing individuals being coached. Training requires that the trainer have specific knowledge in the subject of the training. The job of the trainer is to impart knowledge or skills to her students using a variety of methods at her disposal. Effective trainers will often employ facilitation and coaching skills. Note that facilitators and coaches don"t necessary have experience in, nor do they focus on, the technical content in which their clients are involved. Teaching tends to be more didactic. In other words, teachers instruct and inform their students, very much like the process I"m using right now. I"m basically telling you what I think and how I see the subject matter before us. Mentoring involves instructing, guiding, coaching someone seeking to master a particular field that you have already mastered. Though mentoring is very “content” focused, it will also often employ teaching, training, and coaching as well. So in summary, for the purposes of clarity, we could say that facilitation and coaching focus more on the “who” and the “how,” where teaching, training, and mentoring focus more on the “what.” Flowing Between Roles Please understand that the roles we defined above are discreet terms that address aspects of a continuum of skills and approaches. Very seldom does anyone adhere to any one individual role, never crossing, even a little, into a related role. For example, a facilitator working with a group who passed up an opportunity to coach an individual seeking to take an action they"ve been stuck on would be doing the individual and the group a great disservice. Assuming first of course that the individual consented to the coaching. We"re suggesting here that knowing and practicing the role of coach, teacher, trainer, or mentor may be appropriate at times, within the context of facilitation. And may in fact substantially increase your effectiveness as a facilitator. For example, a client seeking your services as a facilitator to help improve teamwork in their organization may employ your services to facilitate team-building. To help individuals become better team players, you may need to coach them individually around how their behaviors are impacting the team either pro or con. You may need to “teach” them the attributes of an effective team and team player. You may need to train them in the skills held by good team players. You may need to provide an environment where enough trust is facilitated so that they feel safe sharing their fears that are keeping them from showing up as a more effective team player. So how does one know when to cross into these other roles? First have clarity and understanding with your client on their goals for the group. Second, be attuned to what each situations seems to be calling for and whether or not you feel a natural pull into the shift that you choose. How do you make an effective shift in and out of the role of facilitator? To avoid diluting your function as facilitator, it is important to make transitions into and out of other roles effectively. This is especially true if you make a transition from facilitator to participant/content expert. It can be helpful to actually announce to the group that you are going to make this transition. Then once your input is complete, announce your transition back. Some facilitators have even been known to physically put on different hats when changing roles just to make the transitions visible. You may already be dancing between roles as a facilitator without really thinking about it. And frankly, that"s often the goal. To seamlessly show up in a way that best facilitates the results your client is after. Hopefully gaining clarity about the roles will help you fill in any gaps that may be present. I"m interested in hearing your thoughts on this topic. Action Review the roles above and assess how many of them you play in your work. Would embracing a different mix of these roles improve your effectiveness in any way? If so, how? I"d love to hear what happens for you. If so, please let us know, along with sharing your questions, feedback, and experience on this topic in the comments section below.




They have a coat in green

the man in green coat 这里in green coat是man的同位语吗?

不是介词短语作后置定语the man in green coat穿绿大衣的那个人。

Who is the girl on the red coat?

英语是现在很重要的一门语言,从小学开始大家都会学习相关的语法和使用,说到这里不少家长都会有一个问题,那就是who提问单数还是复数,who后面跟is还是are,下面就是相关的解答,一起来看看吧。who提问单数还是复数其实都是可以的,需要根据具体的语言环境来确定,比如Who is the girl on the red coat?那个穿红上衣的女孩(一个女孩,单数)是谁?,因为这里所说的是一个女孩子,所以在who后面根的就是单数;而Who were the boys playing football with at this time yesterday?昨天的这个时候那些男孩和哪些人(复数)在踢球?,这里所说的是一群人,所以需要复数才行。 who后面跟is还是are也是需要根据表达的意思来确定,如果只是针对一个人进行提问或者是阐述的话,那么通常后面都是使用is,但如果是针对一圈人或则是用动词的第三人称形成表达,在who后面就需要跟随are才是正确的。 在who的使用上面有很多不同的方法,需要根据语言所表达情况以及内容进行确定,建议大家将其使用方法了解清楚,大部分人都还是能够用对的,没有太大的问题。

Poema的 Wool Coats歌词

verse 1wool coats, my mittens, and my scarvesused to be my favorite part of the winter timebut now i, oh i am far more fondof something that"s newto say this frosty weather could keep me coldwell, that"d be untrue when i"m with youchoruscause winter comes only once a yearlet"s make the most of it my dearwe"ll put up the lights, will you hold my hands? their cold as icesinging the songs we love to hearand when the night is drawing nearstay by my side and sip chocolate by the fire lightverse 2darling, oh if you ever loved mewould you dance me aroundwhat a love i"ve foundwatching it"s a wonderful life here with my best friendi could see this becoming tradition for usthis has begun the years to comechorus x2

Leonard Cohen的Famous Blue Raincoat 歌词译中文。

It"s four in the morning, the end of December      凌晨四点,十二月最后一天      I"m writing you now just to see if you"re better      写信来只想问一句是否还好      New York is cold, but I like where I"m living      纽约虽然冰冰冷冷,不过我还满意这住处      There"s music on Clinton Street all through the evening      克林顿大街灯红酒绿夜夜笙歌            I hear that you"re building      your little house deep in the desert      听说你最近打算在这沙漠深处营建自己的心灵小屋      You"re living for nothing now;      I hope you"re keeping some kind of record      看来你现在是看破红尘想超凡脱俗了;还望别忘记你自己那些无法磨灭的痕迹            Yes, and Jane came by with a lock of your hair      是啊,简带着你的发结来到我身边      She said that you gave it to her      她说那是你送的      That night that you planned to go clear      就在你决定远离这喧嚣尘世的那一晚      Did you ever go clear?      可是,你到底有没有真的毫无牵挂呢?            Ah, the last time we saw you, you looked so much older      啊,记得上次我们遇到你的时候,你看上去苍老得厉害      Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder      你那件骄傲的蓝风衣肩膀上时光的烙印依稀可见      You"d been to the station to meet every train      你去车站随便乘上火车      And you came home without Lili Marlene      回到家里也没有那些莉莉玛莲            And you treated my woman      to a flake of your life      而你对待我的情人像是生命里的一朵雪花      And when she came back      she was nobody"s wife      然后她回到我身边,却也不属于任何人            Well I see you there with the rose in your teeth      唔,我看到你在那边,嘴里叼着一支玫瑰      One more thin gypsy thief      又一个狡猾的吉普赛偷心贼啊      Well I see Jane"s awake      噢,简醒了      She sends her regards      让我代为问候            And what can I tell you my brother, my killer      可是我能和你说什么呢,我的兄弟啊;还是我的克星      What can I possibly say?      究竟讲些什么呢?      I guess that I miss you, I guess I forgive you      估计我还是想念你的,也许我还可以原谅你      I"m glad you stood in my way      还是很荣幸我们有同样的选择            If you ever come by here, for Jane or for me      如果你从未涉足这里,我是说无论简或是我      Your enemy is sleeping, and his woman is free      你的情敌还在深睡,他的情人孑然一身      Yes, and thanks, for the trouble you took from her eyes      好吧,还是要谢谢你,为了你抹去了她的眼里的忧愁      I thought it was there for good so I"ve never tried      我想总是好的,那这样也就这样了            Yes, and Jane came by with a lock of your hair      是啊,简带着你的发结来到我身边      She said that you gave it to her      她说那是你送的      That night that you planned to go clear      就在你决定远离这喧嚣尘世的那一晚      ——Sincerely, L .Cohen

一周新包 - COACH波普印花,GUCCI x adidas 联名 等

COACH 与 20世纪美国波普艺术家 Tom Wesselmann 联名系列新品本周正式登场。 这只 Swinger 20 手袋将 Wesselmann 绘制的女性面部肖像印在包包上,蓝色眼影和烈焰红唇在黑色背景上形成鲜明对比,尽显摩登女性魅力。 定居于智利的漫画家兼插画家 Pablo Delcielo 的画作为 「GUCCI LOVE PARADE」 系列注入一抹趣味色彩。 拟人效果的 生梨先生 出现在 老花托特包 上,充满诙谐感; 包包背面的英语短句出自 玛丽莲·梦露 ,意为「不管如何,我独自一人,我永远都是独自一人。」 GUCCI x adidas 跨界联名作品是近期热门,设计灵感来自复古学院制服。 这款 迷你旅行包 采用复古保龄球包型,亮点是包身以 红蓝元素 勾勒出2大品牌的标志性标识—— 三叶草和 GG Logo ,搭配红绿织带肩带,充满复古运动气息。 这只 迷你化妆包 出自 CELINE 2022秋冬 「Dans Paris 在巴黎」 系列作品。 采用小巧便携的 立方体盒型 ,包裹标志性的 Triomphe 老花帆布 ,顶部包盖饰以双拉链开合。搭配棕色小牛皮手柄和肩带,复古又别致尤其适合凹造型。 Miu Miu 近期的包袋一改往日青春甜美的风格,而是强调实用性与日常着装。 这款 大号肩背包 取材柔嫩皮革,渲染 木瓜色 给人感觉明亮又温暖。 包身低调点缀压花徽标,配有纤细的 金链肩带 ,捧在手里或单肩背都洋溢慵懒舒适气息。







英语作文(the coast of romance)

The shadow of Romance seeking on the campus Recent years have witnessed an increasing trend in university students" lives. This is an intensely popular trend that we cannot fail to notice. There is no doubt that the romance seeking could cultivate our tastes and relax. A host of college students, however, have enable the seeking romance as the tool of showing off themselves, even the symbol of pursueing satisfactory lives. what"worse, a multitude of students who were born in the poverty or not well in family ecomic condition have wasted too much precious time and handsome of money to afford expensive ones to showcase themselves, like beautiful and romantic roses, tasty and delicious birthday cakes, colorful candles, and splendid, surprised fireworks and so on. This kind of behavior has produced negative impacts on campus, which should be severly critisized and penalized. All the same, on no accout could they remind of thier parents who were suffering from the pain in hard work. Of course, as is known to all, everything has both bright and dark sides. Someones eventurally seeked their ideal partner in mind through proper romantic scene by going blinddate. Meanwhile, the romance is also a superb means of relaxing and amusing can hugely relieve our strains. This is a divisive topic. As far as I"m concerned that we should be more rational on seeking the romande as college student. Wonderful as the romance is, we are by no means addicted to it. After all, nothing is more important than to receive education, so only in this way can we contributes to our future life , rather than seeking the romance constantly in our university .

coal is( )useful energy选择题 B.a C./

答案选C,什么都不填energy为不可数名词,不可用冠词修饰。冠词的用法:1.冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义。英语中的冠词有三种,一种是定冠词,另一种是不定冠词不定冠词在句子中最大的语法功能是:用在可数名词的单数形式前表示泛指表明一类人或事物区别于类例: am Chinese我是(一个)中国人。This is book.这是(一本)书为了读音的方便,在以元音音素开头的可数2.名词的单数名词前用an而不用a。当我们使用an时,条件有三①这个名词的读音必须是以元音音素开头-即它的音标的第一个音素是元音,而不是说它是以元音字母开头。②它必须是个可数名词。③它还必须是个单数名词。我们常常见到这类用法:university an hour一个小时an orange an engineer一位工程师an ordinary man一个普通人an honest person一位诚实的人3.定冠词在句子中,既可以用于可数名词前,也可以用于不可数名词前;既用在可数名词的单数形式前,也用在可数名词的复数形式前。从表达意义上讲,它既可表达this,that之意义,也可表达 these those之意义。例句:This is the very ink Im going to bui这正是我要买的那种墨水The words on the blackboard are to be learned next tir板上的这些单字是接下来要学的扩展资料:不可数名词用法注意:1.不可数名词无复数形式,即不能在词尾加-s,要特别注意下列常用常考的一些不可数名词。information情报,信息 knowledge知识 experience经验furniture家具 luggage(总称)行李 baggage行李(美语)equipment设备 jewelry珠宝 advice劝告 exercise运动traffic交通 homework家庭作业 mail邮件population人口数 damage损害,损失 idea主意,想法clothing(总称)衣服 bread面包 paper纸cloth布 meat肉 glass玻璃 soap肥皂 fruit水果 sugar糖2.不可数名词前不能直接用a,an,one,two,each,many, several,these, those等词来修饰或限制,如不能说 a mail,而说 a piece of mail不能说 each furniture,而可说 each piece of furniture;不能说 several luggage,而可说 several pieces of luggage。3.不可数名词前,根据需要可以加the,some,much, a little,a lot of, a great/ good deal of, a large/ small amount of, a plenty of等词语。4.不可数名词的计数要用量词或单位词,不能直接加数词。information, furniture, mail, luggage, advice, equipment, news, jewelry, paper, bread, glass ,music等不可数名词,根据需要可以用a piece of来计数。如: a piece of furniture一件家具, two pieces of equipment两台设备; several pieces of jewelry几件珠宝,a few pieces of luggage几件行李, those pieces of formation那些情报, many pieces of music许多首曲子。milk,oil,water,blood,tea,wine等表示液体的不可数名词以及flour, fruit,rice等物质名词,根据不同情况和需要,可以用 a drop of,a cup of a glass of a bottle of, a bucket of a bag of a bowl of, a basket of, a basin of等词语来计数。如: a drop of blood一滴血, several drops of oil几滴油, two glasses of wine二杯酒, a basin of water一盆水, several bottles of milk几瓶牛奶, three cups of tea三杯茶, a bag of four一袋面粉, four bowls of rice四碗饭, a few baskets of fruit几篮水果。butter;bar,oi, sugar,wool, medicine,loth等物质名词,可根据情况与 a pound of, a gallon of, a spoonful of, a teaspoonful of, a yard of等搭配。如: a pound of butter一磅黄油, a gallon of oil一加仑油,five yards of cloth五码布, two pounds of wool两磅毛线, a teaspoonful of sugar一茶匙糖, two spoonfuls of medicine两匙药。物质名词可按形状来计数的,常用计量短语 a loaf of, a bar of,a slice of, a lump of, a sheet of, a roll of, a block of等。如: three loaves of bread三条面包, several bars of soap几条肥皂, a slice of meat一片肉,a sheet of paper一张纸, two blocks of ice两块冰。其它表示计量单位的词还有 a suit of, a set of, an article of,an item of, a pile of, a mass of, a pair of等如:several suits of clothing几套衣服, a set of furniture-套家具, an item of news一则新闻,two pairs of shoes两双鞋, a mass of sand一堆沙。



three tons of coal后面用is 还是are


hard coal是什么意思

hard coal无烟煤双语对照词典结果:hard coal[英][hɑrd ku0259ul][美][hɑu02d0(r)d kol]硬煤,无烟煤; 白煤;

thermal coal or steam coal?

thermal coal电煤(供给发电厂的)是Thermal coal基本翻译热能煤网络释义Thermal coal:热能煤|电煤|用于发电的煤thermal stability of coal:煤的热稳定性Determination of thermal stability of coal:煤的热稳定性测定方法steam coal基本翻译动力煤;蒸汽煤;短沼煤;锅炉煤网络释义steam coal:动力煤|短沼煤|锅炉煤Steam locomotive coal water equipment:蒸汽机车煤水设备Indonesia steam Coal:印尼煤

Fluent 中coal-hv,coal-lv,coal-mv各表示什么意思

coal-hv 高挥发分煤粉 coal-lv 低挥发分煤粉 coal-mv 中挥发分煤粉







__ the temperature might drop,coal was prepared for warming.

considering…… 作为原因状语从句considering是个介词


是单数。a lot of coal,意思“很多煤”,这里coal 是不可数名词。a lot of意思是“很多”。coal表示“煤”是,是不可数名词。比如There is a lot of coal in the truck(卡车里有很多煤)。coal表示“煤块”的意思时,是可数名词,比如There were red coals in the grate.(壁炉里有红红的煤块)

coat oil paper哪个和coal是同一类词

如果词性看:oil,paper,coal都是不可数名词名词。从含义看:coal , oil 都属于不可再生资源从发音看:coal ,coat前半部分发音类似





coal is( )useful energy选择题 B.a C./


of coal中文翻译

They have put up the price of coal again . 他们把煤的价钱又提高了。 We ran out of coal , and had to burn wood . 煤烧完了,只好烧木头。 We have received an order for o tons of coal . 我们已收到两吨煤的定单。 Pennsylvania sits on 35 bilpon tons of coal . 宾州煤的蕴藏量为三百五十亿吨。 Have we got enough supppes of coal ? 我们贮存的煤够用吗? The mine had yielded a total of about 3714 tons of coal . 这座矿已生产了3714吨煤。 Electricity must be generated by the consumption of coal or oil . 发电需要消耗煤或石油。 The degree of carbonization of coal depends on the temperature . 煤层的炭化程度取决于温度。 The oversize is reduced by roll crushers to the correct size of coal . 大粒煤再用对辊压碎机压碎到要求的粒度。 A man of eighty was picking up lumps of coal along the railroad . 一个年过八旬的老汉,这会儿正沿著铁路在捡煤碴。 Way and effect of power energy - saving of coal enterprises 煤炭企业节电途径及效果 Yet the number of coal - fired plants is growing 但是,燃煤发电站的数量正在上升。 Practice of maximizing resource recovery of coal pillar 煤柱资源回收最大化实践 Discussion of plurapstic management of coal enterprise 煤炭企业多元化经营刍议 On adjustment of economical structure of coal industry 浅谈煤炭工业经济结构的调整 Technical modification of coal burner of rotary kiln 回转窑燃烧器喷煤咀的技术改造 Method for determination of coking value of coal pitch 煤沥青结焦值的测定方法 Calculation of coal hill volume by using contour pne method 等高线法煤山体积计算 General rules for *** ytical and testing methods of coal 煤炭分析试验方法一般规定 Production practice of coal briquetting for gasification 气化用工业型煤的生产实践 Analysis on china " s economic operation of coal industry in 2006年煤炭经济运行评析 Technical renovation of coal plow in power generation plants 电厂用犁煤器结构改进 Analysis of parameters of coal pillar in bupanta mine 补连塔井田区段煤柱参数分析 Present status and outlook of coal biologic processing 煤炭生物加工现状与展望 A catastrophe model of coal and gas delay outburst 煤与瓦斯延期突出的突变理论研究 How to strengthen safety production of coal enterprise 强化煤炭企业安全生产之浅见 Thermal - gravimetry study of coal char bustion model 煤焦燃烧模型的热重实验研究 Geological factors affecting failues of coal mine roof 影响煤矿顶板事故的地质因素 The development of electrochemistry desulfurization of coal 煤的电化学脱硫及其进展 Apppcation of coal anchor support along goaf 煤锚支护在完全沿空掘巷中的应用

more coal为什么coal是 单数??

coal 是煤 在这里是不可数名词 所以用单数的形式


coal 英[ku0259u028al] 美[kou028al] n. 煤; 煤块; 煤堆; 木炭; vi. 上煤; 加煤; vt. 给…加煤; 把…烧成炭; [例句]Gas-fired electricity is cheaper than coal天然气发电比煤便宜。[其他] 第三人称单数:coals 复数:coals 现在分词:coaling 过去式:coaled过去分词:coaled



Coal 不同的情况下,可数、不可数都可以用.coal KK:[] DJ:[] n.1.煤[U]不可数 2.(燃烧中的)煤块[C] 可数3.木炭[U] 不可数vt.1.给...加煤 2.把...烧成炭 vi.1.上煤,加煤 The ship called at Boston to coal.船停靠在波...


Coal is much calorific than green wood . 煤产生的热量比湿木材多得多。 It "s difficult to ascertain the coal deposits ... 煤储量很难探明。 They have put up the price of coal again . 他们把煤的价钱又提高了。 We ran out of coal , and had to burn wood . 煤烧完了,只好烧木头。 I hate to see someone raked over the coals . 我讨厌见到别人挨骂。 It "s more economical to use gas than coal .. 烧煤气比烧煤上算。 We have enough coal to see the winter out . 我们有足够的煤过冬。 We have received an order for o tons of coal . 我们已收到两吨煤的定单。 Coal itself is a heavy pollutant . 煤本身就是一种严重的污染物。 He contracted to supply me with coal regularly . 他订约将煤按期供给我们。 There are extensive coal deposits in the u.s.s.r . 蘇联的煤的储藏很丰富。 A *** all coal fire burned in the grate . 炉子里生著小小的煤火。 He is busy with proving up a coal deposit . 他正忙于勘探煤层。 I hate to see someone raked over coals . 我讨厌见到别人挨骂。 Coal seams intermixed with iron ore . 煤层和铁矿混杂在一起。 Pennsylvania sits on 35 bilpon tons of coal . 宾州煤的蕴藏量为三百五十亿吨。 Coal mining has always been a dangerous occupation . 采煤向来是一种危险职业。 Do you burn coal as well as wood on this fire ? 你是不是用煤也用木头生这炉火? Have we got enough supppes of coal ? 我们贮存的煤够用吗? When coal burns part of it is left as ash . 煤燃烧时,一部分作为灰烬留了下来。 Will this coal last out the winter ? 这点煤能够烧一冬吗? Our country produces not only coal , but also iron . 我们县不光出煤,而且出铁。 The clean coal is sent to a crusher and the boilers . 干净的煤送入破碎机和锅炉。 The coal must e out of the ground and be shipped . 煤必得从地下掘起来装出去。 Anyway, they won"t have a cold coal to blow at . 无论如何他们不会干白费气力的事。 Coal is one viable alternative . 煤是一种可行的代用品。 Gregory , on my word , we "ll not carry coals . 格列高里,我们绝对不能忍辱受屈呀。 The mine had yielded a total of about 3714 tons of coal . 这座矿已生产了3714吨煤。 Many ships coal at gibraltar . 许多船在直布罗陀加煤。 The noncarbon constituents of the coal would be separated . 煤的非碳成分将分离出来。 The chemist reported on his experiments with coal tar . 化学家提出他实验沥青的报告。 My job is to get coal out . 我的责任就在把煤掘出来。 There are intermediate varieties known as cannel coal . 有一些中间性的变种,叫做烛煤。 Coal is primarily graphite . 煤从根本上说是石墨。 Their new conversation means carrying coals to newcastle . 他们新的会谈不过是枉费徒劳。 The boss hauled him over the coals for neglecting his duty . 他因失职而受到老板的谴责。 Electricity must be generated by the consumption of coal or oil . 发电需要消耗煤或石油。 They were raked over the coals for burning out sppshod work . 他们因做事马虎而受到责骂。 They blow the coals in secret, prompting me to revenge . 他们暗地里火上加油,激励我报复。 They blew the coals in secret, prompting me to revenge . 他们暗地里火上浇油,激励我报复。 Coal , oil and minerals are the raw materials of industry . 煤、石油和矿产品都是工业原料。 She is more than irritated now, don"t stir the coals ! 她现在已火冒三丈了,别再火上加油了! The degree of carbonization of coal depends on the temperature . 煤层的炭化程度取决于温度。 Coal is one of the most important energy sources in the world . 煤是世界上最重要的能源之一。 Cannel coal is dull black . 烛煤呈暗黑色。 At present coal is the most mon food of a steam plant . 目前,煤是蒸汽动力厂的最常用的能源。 We must have the coal . 我们需要的是煤。 Coal is destructively distilled leaving a sopd residue, coke . 煤 *** 馏后剩下固体残余物:焦炭。 In the coal shaft the working-men pushed the coal cars sullenly . 工人们在煤矿里慢吞吞地推著煤车。


Coal 不同的情况下,可数、不可数都可以用。coal KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 煤[U]不可数 2. (燃烧中的)煤块[C] 可数3. 木炭[U] 不可数vt. 1. 给...加煤 2. 把...烧成炭 vi. 1. 上煤,加煤 The ship called at Boston to coal. 船停靠在波士顿上煤。


coal的意思如下:coal [英]ku0259u028al [美]kou028al n. 煤;煤块;煤堆;木炭 vi. 上煤;加煤 vt. 给…加煤;把…烧成炭 [例句]This is where the increasing importance of another commodity – coal – becomes apparent.这显然使另一种大宗商品——煤炭——愈发重要。


coal煤常见释义英[ku0259u028al]美[kou028al]n.煤;(尤指燃烧着的)煤块;vt.上煤;加煤给…加煤;把…烧成炭;例句I put more coal on the fire.我往火里再加了些煤。

A coat 翻译成中文

a coat:一件外套What a nice coat. 多么漂亮的外套。



coat是什么意思 解析coat的含义和用法?

1. wear a coat:穿上外套5. coat with something:涂层、覆盖物1. 外套、大衣:coat是最常见的含义,指的是一种外套或大衣,通常用于保暖或美观。5. coat with something:涂层、覆盖物3. put on a coat:穿上外套1. wear a coat:穿上外套


coat的音标为:英[ku0259u028at],美[kou028at]。coat是一个英语单词,可以用作名词和及物动词,可以翻译为上衣、外套,等等。短语搭配:trench coat 风衣;战壕风衣;雨衣;战壕服;Lip coat 口红弧膜;口红护膜;持久护唇膏;红弧膜;sack coat 男便装上衣;[服装]男式便装短上衣;男便装上装;男紧身上衣。例句:1、Here"s your umbrella and you coat.这是您的伞和大衣。2、My coat and my umbrella please.请把我的大衣和伞拿给我。3、I like to wear my red coat.我喜欢穿我的红外衣。4、Feline coat patterns fall into two categories : stripes and spots.猫科动物皮毛特征分为两大类:条纹特征与斑点特征。5、When Michelle Obama and the president stepped out of their limousine on inauguration day morning,people were talking about the first lady"s sleek,checkered navy coat.总统就职典礼当天早上,身穿方格海军蓝外套的米歇尔·奥巴马与总统先生走出加长轿车时,第一夫人的时髦装扮便引起了人们的讨论。






1、coat的英语怎么读音。 2、Coat的英文怎么读。 3、coat的英文怎么读。 4、coat英语咋读。1.coat的英语读音:英[kt],美[kot]。 2.coat,名词,意为“外套”。 3.coat基本含义n.外套。 4.外衣。 5.大衣。 6.(套装的)上装。 7.动物皮毛。 8.v.给…涂上一层。 9.(用…)覆盖。 10.[例句]Heturnedoffthetelevision,putonhiscoatandwalkedout.他关掉电视,穿上外套,出门了。 11.第三人称单数:coats复数:coats现在分词:coating过去式:coated过去分词:coatedcoat双语例句IsthishiscoatYes,itis.这是他的外套吗?是的,它是。

coat是什么意思中文 coat怎么造句

1、coat英[ku0259u028at]美[kou028at]n.外套; 外衣; 大衣; (套装的)上装; 动物皮毛;v.给…涂上一层; (用…)覆盖。 2、[例句]Ive had your coat cleaned ─ its as good as new now.你的外套洗好了——像新的一样。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:coats 复数:coats 现在分词:coating 过去式:coated 过去分词:coated。


coat意思是:外套、上衣、外衣。coat例句:1、The Cardiganshire corgi has a short, rough coat.卡迪根柯基犬长着蓬乱的短毛。2、Ferguson stood up and buttoned his coat.弗格森站起来把外套扣子系好。3、Hi, come in! May I take your coat?请进,要把衣服脱了吗?

coat怎么读 coat如何读

1、coat 英[ku0259u028at]、美[kou028at]。 2、n.外套; 外衣; 大衣; (套装的)上装; 动物皮毛;vt.给…涂上一层; (用…)覆盖。 3、例句:Ive had your coat cleaned ─ its as good as new now.你的外套洗好了——像新的一样。 4、第三人称单数:coats 复数:coats 现在分词:coating 过去式:coated 过去分词:coated。


coat英语读法:英式发音【ku0259u028at】。一、释义:外套、上衣、层、表皮、涂上、覆盖、包上。二、词汇搭配:1、button coat:扣上外衣。2、slip on coat:匆忙穿上外衣。3、take off coat:脱掉外衣。4、unbutton coat:解开外衣。5、wear coat:穿着上衣。6、heavy coat:厚实的外套。7、loose coat:宽松的外衣。8、ready made coat:成衣。9、tight coat:紧身衣。10、warm coat:暖和的上衣。例句:1、You may hang your coat on the hook.你可以把外套挂在钩子上。2、She was wearing a woolen coat,with a cotton blouse underneath.她外面穿了一件毛外套,里面穿一件棉布衬衫。3、Jane bought a fur coat yesterday.简昨天买了一件裘皮大衣。4、One of the buttons has come off my coat.我上衣上的一颗扣子掉了。5、The wall needs a second coat of paint.那面墙需要再刷一层油漆。




coat的音标为/kot/,表示外套。外套,又称为外衣,是穿在最外面的服装。外套的体积一般比较大,长衣袖,在穿着时可覆盖上身的其他衣服。oa在单词里发音的时候,一般发合口双元音/o/的音,这个双元音由两个音组成,第一个音是中元音/u0259/,发音时,舌端离开下齿,双唇扁平,向第二个音/u028a/滑动,舌位由低到高,口形由大到小,音量由强到弱,两个音合而为一个双元音。如:toad 蟾蜍goal 球门loaf 一条面包cloak 斗篷soap 肥皂roast 烤gloat 幸灾乐祸throat 喉咙roach 斜齿鳊oath 誓言。


coat的中文 外衣


coat这个单词的发音是/ku0259u028at/。 coat一般指的是外套,可以是厚外套,也可以是轻薄的夏季外套。它还可以指覆盖在表面的一层涂料或物质。jacket也可表示外套,但同时也有夹克的意思,coat和jacket在一些情况下是可以互换使用的,但它们有所不同。通常来说,coat更长,更厚,更适合在寒冷的天气穿着,而jacket则更短,更轻,更适合春秋季节穿着。coat用作名词,可以这样使用:I need to buy a new coat for the winter.(我需要为冬天买一件新外套。)The painting needs another coat of varnish.(这幅画需要再上一层清漆。)


coat 英[ku0259ut] 美[kot] 过去式:coated 过去分词:coated 现在分词:coating 复数:coats n. 1.上衣,外套,大衣,外衣 2.动物皮毛 3.涂料层;覆盖层 vt. 1.为某物涂抹,给…涂上一层; 用…覆盖 名词 n. 1.上衣,外套,大衣,外衣 He slipped on his coat. 他匆忙穿上外衣. 2.动物皮毛 3.涂料层;覆盖层 及物动词 vt. 1.为某物涂抹,给…涂上一层; 用…覆盖 He coated his chairs with white paint. 他在椅子上涂了一层白漆.


trousers是指“裤子”,coat是指“上衣,外套”,当然有区别了. 你若问 trousers 和 pants 有何区别,它们都指“裤子”,trousers在英国等英联邦国家较常使用, pants在北美地区的美国和加拿大较常使用.


可以加形容词性物主代词,如his,her,my,your等。coat可以用作名词coat是可数名词,基本意思是“上衣,外套”,多指男式大衣,也可指女式或儿童服装,一般有袖,前面系扣。引申可指“(动物的)皮毛”。coat用作名词时意思是“外衣”,转化成动词时表示“在表面上涂抹”,强调涂抹的动作。coat是及物动词,其后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。coat用作名词的用法例句You may hang your coat on the hook.你可以把外套挂在钩子上。She was wearing a woolen coat, with a cotton blouse underneath.她外面穿了一件毛外套,里面穿一件棉布衬衫。Jane bought a fur coat yesterday.简昨天买了一件裘皮大衣。coat可以用作动词coat用作名词时意思是“外衣”,转化成动词时表示“在表面上涂抹”,强调涂抹的动作。coat是及物动词,其后接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。用于主动结构时以涂抹物作主语,以涂抹对象作宾语,含义是“?涂抹在?上”。如表示“用?涂抹?”,则须使用coat sth with sth。coat用作动词的用法例句The bookshelves were coated with red paint.书架上涂了一层红色的油漆。The table was coated in dust.桌子上覆盖了一层灰尘。


jacket和coat区别:指代不同、用法不同。一、指代不同1、coat:外套,外衣,大衣。2、jacket:夹克衫,短上衣。二、用法不同1、coat:coat是可数名词,基本意思是“上衣,外套”,多指男式大衣,也可指女式或儿童服装,一般有袖,前面系扣。引申可指“(动物的)皮毛”coat用作名词时意思是“外衣”,转化成动词时表示“在表面上涂抹”,强调涂抹的动作。2、jacket:jacket的基本意思是“带袖的短上衣”“夹克衫”,也可作“马铃薯皮”“书籍的护封”解。jacket是可数名词,有复数形式。jacket例句1、That jacket was a really good buy.(那件夹克确实买得很划算。)2、Take your jacket off and I"ll sponge it down with water.(把你的夹克脱下来,我要用海绵蘸上水把它擦一擦。)3、She rested her cheek against the roughness of hisjacket.(她把脸靠在了他粗糙的夹克上。)4、He was wearing a burgundy polyesterjack(他穿着一件紫红色聚酯纤维夹克。)
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