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Environment 是环境的意思,condition是条件,状况的意思.Environment里面没有条件的意思,condition有. Hopes that this is helpful for you!

chef跟cooker的区别 如题

chef是大厨. cook是一般厨师. cooker是炊具.


chef和cook的区别是:cook指一般的厨师,chef是主厨,厨师长,级别比一般厨师高。cook 英 [kʊk]     美 [kʊk]    n. 厨师;炊事员。v. 烹调;烧煮;捏造;纂改(账目)。chef英 [ʃef]   美 [ʃef]  n.厨师;(尤指餐馆、饭店等的)主厨,厨师长。The cook went to see the cake left in the oven.炊事员去照看炉子里的蛋糕了。They engaged a cook for the summer.那个夏天他们雇了一个厨子。Try this new dish, created by our head chef. 品尝一下这道新菜吧,是我们厨师长首创的。



circumstance、 situation、 state 、environment、condition有什么区别?

circumstance ["s�0�5:k�0�5mst�0�5ns]基本翻译n. 环境,情况;事件;境遇网络释义circumstance:环境|环境详情|(复)情况social circumstance:社会情况Suspicious Circumstance:可疑状况situation [,sitju"ei�0�6�0�5n, -t�0�6u-]基本翻译n. 位置;形势;情况;处境网络释义situation:位置|地点,位置,形势,情况|情境economic situation:经济形势|经济风云|经济状况Clinical Situation:临床表现|临床表现:|临床表示state [steit]基本翻译n. 情形;国家;州adj. 国家的;州的;正式的vt. 陈述;规定;声明网络释义state:状态|陈述|州(美国)state revenue:财政收入|国家财政收入|财政帐入equilibrium state:平衡态|平衡状态|平衡environment [in"vai�0�5r�0�5nm�0�5nt]基本翻译n. 环境,外界网络释义Environment:环境|环境贴图| 环境internal environment:内部环境|内环境|内在环境electromagnetic environment:电磁环境|电磁噪声condition [k�0�5n"di�0�6�0�5n]基本翻译n. 条件;情况;环境;身分vt. 决定;使适应;使健康;以…为条件网络释义condition:条件|状态|情况状况working condition:工作环境|工况|工作条件ground condition:土地状况|地面条件|接地状态 希望能帮到你



the coat was made from cheetah.为什么不能用 is made from应该客观事实呀。

because it can"t be change

各位翻译达人,你们好1 请帮我把歌手30 Seconds to Mars的Alibi的歌词译成汉语好吗?谢谢!

没有警告标志,没有借口 我们正在衰落速度超过光速 注意到我们的机会,并烧毁坠毁 不,我们将永远不会知道 我爱上了分离,但我再回来, 然后我崩溃了,但再次回来, 是啊 我们都可以看到清澈见底, 这必然年底接近 使我们的选择,被火试验, 战斗,只有这样,我们觉得活着 我摔倒之外,但再次回来, 然后我崩溃了,但再次回来, 然后我崩溃了,但回来后再次 因此,我们在这里,巫聚首小时, 最快的转分化和吞噬 分而吞食 如果我能在结束对火灾的追求, 为了真理,为了爱,我的愿望 我的愿望 后来我之外,但再次回来 我爱上了距离,我崩溃了,我崩溃了, 余土崩瓦解。我摔倒外, 但是,再回来


Where does a cheetah live?What does it eat and what size and what colour is it?What can it do and when does it sleep?

请问英语中panther puma cougar leopard jaguar的区别是什么


You could stuff these envelopes 是什么意思

stuff 在这里做动词。 意思 塞满、填满。这句话可以翻译为, 你可以把这些信封都装满。

请问thing和stuff有什么区别阿?还有come through是什么意思?


阿里云邮箱怎么进入? 上面除了告诉我要申请企业邮箱之外没有别的





语文迷作文网 > 作文素材 > 优美段落 > 描写烟花的优美段落2015描写烟花的优美段落2015发布时间:2015-02-28 来源:作文网  1.十几支烟花直指天空,一粒粒金砂喷射而出,在空中傲然绽放。赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,样样俱全,姹紫嫣红,把夜空装点得美丽、婀娜,把大地照射得如同白昼。  2.千万朵色彩缤纷的焰火不甘落后,瞬间华丽绽放,九天玉女舞落漫天仙梅,朵朵精致,瓣瓣绚烂。旋即消逝,如梦醒悲凉。丝丝缕缕的白色烟雾携着淡淡火药味缓缓消散,片片破碎的纸屑如断翅的彩蝶悲壮坠落,这就是短暂辉煌的代价么?  3.烟花烟花满天飞,你为谁妩媚,不过是醉眼看花,花也醉,流沙流沙漫天坠你,为谁憔悴,不过是缘来缘散缘如水  4.烟花来了,真真切切地来了。在隆隆的“春雷”声中,烟花时而像金菊怒放、牡丹盛开;时而像彩蝶翩跹、巨龙腾飞;时而像火树烂漫、虹彩狂舞。  5.夜空宛如姹紫嫣红的百花园,五彩缤纷的烟花如同水晶石靓丽夺目,色彩斑斓的焰火好似彩绸绚丽多姿。  6.瞬息万变的烟花,曼妙地展开她一张张浅黄、银白、洗绿、淡紫、清蓝、粉红的笑脸,美不胜收。巨大的烟花在空中绽放,花瓣如雨,纷纷坠落,人们似乎触手可及。  7.当烟花在寂静的夜空中爆开时,绽放出七彩的美丽,让人忘记了它在爆发时的巨大的响声,忘记夜空的寂静,破灭前的壮丽,为的就是留下美丽的倩影,直至灰飞烟灭。绽放,消失只是瞬间的事,留下的是记忆中的美丽。  8.仰望天空,看着那形态各异,色彩缤纷的烟花,那绽放的烟花就象多情的流星雨淅淅沥沥,又似降落伞从空中降落,也如萤火虫般在夜空中偏偏起舞。  9.漂亮的烟花,绽开,落下,一瞬间的美丽,一瞬间的光彩。那一刻,整个世界都属于它们,整个世界随着它们的绽放而光彩一瞬,多么美丽的烟花,仿佛寄托着美丽的希望,仿佛寄托着爱的光芒。  10.烟花,虽然是没有根的花,是虚幻的花,但它毕竟用自己一秒的灿烂换来了人们的真心的喝彩. “嗖嗖嗖”,一束束耀眼的光线飞上天空,“啪啪啪„„”那一束束光线突然炸开,金色的、银色的、红色的、绿色的、蓝色的,星星般的花朵向四周飞去,似一朵朵闪光的菊花,光彩夺目。

You spin me out of control什么意思

You spin me out of control你使我失控双语对照例句:1.Are you one to spin out of control, in despair? 你是那个在绝望中失控的人吗?2.The key now is to ensure these dangers do not spin out of control. 现在的关键问题是,要确保这些危险不致失控。

Tremble, mortals, and despair! Doom has come to this world此话什么意思?谁能告诉我


R语言,。。。如何写分半算法bisection algorithm和解释code

你的code是找n以下所有的质数Q2: 你的循环条件就是sieve不能是空,所以不能是>1,一旦sieve空了,也就是sieve里的元素都能被p整除,循环停止。Q3:这是R语言,没有0的indexQ4:return是函数返回值,primes就是储存n以下所有质数的向量,不返回这个返回啥。Q5:stop就是当不满足if里的条件n>2时,错误信息提示:你的input value 必须大于等于2Q6: 感觉这是道English 的题目,你是不是直接翻译过来的。直接把原题贴上来。Q7: break加在sieve <- sieve [ (sieve %% p )!=0]的后面,整个code 的思想是2到100(我假设n=100),把2拿出来放到primes里,然后去掉2的倍数;接着把3push到primes里,之后去掉3的倍数;为什么没有4直接到5?因为在第一步4就被抹掉了(2的倍数),接着5拿出来,然后去掉5的倍数。。。一直到最后一个数97 其实可以写个break条件,当p>=sqrt(100)就可以停止了,因为当时sieve里的2到100已经只剩下质数,为何你得自己想想。所以在第8行后面加:if(p>=sqrt(n)) break #大大节省运算时间 原来是从2试到100,现在就2到10,快了好几倍当然你输出的结果也得改一改 return(c(primes,sieve))两分法求根你google一下不就有了,现在都2013年,还有维基百科


C语言的头文件格式是#include <stdio.h>的样式,确认你引用的头文件名称正确。不要把C和C++的头文件弄混淆了。

Warning: The default trust-region-reflective algorithm does not solve problems with the constraint

警告:默认的信赖域反射算法不能解决problemswith指定的约束。FMINCON将使用active-setalgorithm相反。关于适用的算法,选择theAlgorithm文档中看到。在fmincon >在486年6 fwei当地最低可能的。约束满足。fmincon停止,因为预期变化的客观functionis低于默认值的功能公差和约束是满意在默认值的约束公差。<停止准则的细节>没有活跃的不平等。x = 1.0 e + 003 * 0.2855 0.3187 2.3135 3.5027 f = 48.9850 exitflag = 5优化停止因为预测目标函数的变化,5.153160 e - 007,不到选项。TolFun = 1.000000 e - 006,最大constraintviolation,-3.325198 e + 001,小于选项。TolCon = 1.000000 e - 006。优化指标Optionsabs(steplength *方向导数)= 5.15 e - 007 TolFun = 1 e - 006(默认)马克斯(约束违反)= -3.33 e + 001 TolCon = 1 e - 006(默认)不知道具体是什么意思,请大神详解默认信赖域反射算法,active-setalgorithm是什么意思,这算法适合哪类问题,matlab里怎么设置exitflag = 5表示什抱歉,这不是我回答的,是别人用我的账号打的,实在是抱歉,下次我会小心的



could you bring them to school for me later ? 什么意思?



jin-兽人寮 统天荘jin-兽人寮 统天荘2jin-见世物jin-和兽jin- Pre-Sentby有的发到邮箱来1223557571@qq.com可加分


不会,因为提单只需要货名或统称就可以了,不跟发票与信用证矛盾就行的。但是goods AS PER SALES CONFIRMATION ON BS080320 DTD 2008/04/01 这句话要在货名后列出。

denver broncos是什么意思

denver broncos 丹佛野马;丹佛野马队;丹佛野马球队例句筛选1.Romi is one of the 34 members of the Denver Broncos cheerleader team.露美是丹佛野马拉拉队的34名成员之一。2.Denver Broncos Head Coach Josh McDaniels talks to the press after the first day ofpractice July 28, 2010 at Dove Valley.丹佛野马队主教练麦克代尼尔斯乔希会谈后向新闻界实践的第一天,2010年7月28日在达夫瓦利。

station control是什么意思?



《A Course in Algebra》(Vinberg, E. B.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:  提取码:6gdc      书名:A Course in Algebra作者:Vinberg, E. B.出版年份:2003-4页数:511

《A Coursein Algebra》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《A Course in Algebra》(Vinberg, E. B.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: k9pu书名:A Course in Algebra作者:Vinberg, E. B.出版年份:2003-4页数:511

college algebra是什么意思


international accounting是什么意思

international accounting国际会计双语对照词典结果:international accounting[英][ˌɪntəˈnæʃənəl əˈkaʊntɪŋ][美][ˌɪntɚˈnæʃənəl əˈkaʊntɪŋ]国际会计; European ministers instantly demanded that the international accountingstandards board ( iasb) do likewise. 欧洲的部长们立刻要求国际会计准则委员会(iasb)也这么做。

collision of worlds中文歌词

ROBBIE WILLIAMS Feat. Brad Paisley - Collision Of Worlds 罗比·威廉姆斯的壮举。布莱德-世界的冲突At the first sign of the morning light 在第一次签署的晨光Old glory"s in the sky 天空中古老的光荣的Across the pond it"s afternoon and the Union Jack flies high 现在是下午,在池塘和工会杰克飞得高We"re on our first cup of coffee 我们在我们的第一杯咖啡We"re on our third cup of tea 我们在我们的第三杯茶And we can"t pretend to live on different planets you and me 我们不能假装居住在不同的行星你和我In this collision of worlds 在这个世界的冲突Watch the new day dawn on a distant shore 看新的一天的黎明时分,在一个遥远的海岸In this collision of worlds 在这个世界的冲突Oh you can sit this out no more 哦,你可以坐在这一点没有更多的Abbey road, Route 66 艾比路,66号公路CIA to the MI6 情报局军情六处的Right lane, left lane 右车道,左车道Metric, imperial, pounds, dollars, howdy, cheerio! 公制、英制、英镑、美元,你好,再见!VA growl to a v12 scream 弗吉尼亚州的咆哮声一v12尖叫Hail to the Cheif 冰雹来以Well God save the Queen 好上帝保佑女王Cops, bobbies, tobasco, wasabi, pistachio ice cream 警察,警察,tobasco、芥末、开心果冰淇淋In this collision of worlds 在这个世界的冲突It"s too late you can"t stop it now 太晚了,你不能阻止它现在In this collision of worlds 在这个世界的冲突Yeah find you a place and just watch it now 是的你找到一个位置,只看它现在Watch it now 看它现在Yeah you"re a good ol" boy 是的,你是一个好的不可思议的男孩Well you"re a decent bloke 你是一个好人I say it"s irony 我说这是讽刺I say it"s a joke 我说这是一个笑话When I look around now I can see 当我环顾现在我可以看到We ain"t so different 我们不是如此不同You and me 你和我Meat and potatoes 肉和土豆Bangers and mash 香肠和土豆泥Dollars, pounds, dosh, cash 美元、英镑、食物、现金Autobahn to the rising sun 高速公路到太阳的升起the I10 to the M1 凭借I10到M1Congress, parliament, President, the Queen 国会,议会,总统,女王Petrol you say gasoline 汽油你说汽油Now grab your bird, and get your girl 现在抓住你的鸟,并使你的女孩Now it"s a small world 现在这世界真小Collision of worlds 世界的冲突Watch the new day dawn on a distant shore 看新的一天的黎明时分,在一个遥远的海岸In this collision of worlds 在这个世界的冲突No you can sit this out no more 不,你可以坐在这一点没有更多的It"s a collision of worlds 这是一个世界的冲突It"s too late you can"t stop it now 太晚了,你不能阻止它现在Collision of worlds 世界的冲突Find you a place and watch it now 你找到一个地方,看着它现在

come on有没有加油的意思?


Node 怎样模拟客户端发送带有 cookie的请求

譬如我想请求我个人知乎的主页,但是需要带上cookie才能看到关注的人与被关注的人的页面。var catchFirstUrl = "followees"; //入口页面function onRequest(req, res){// 伪造cookieres.writeHead(200,{"Set-Cookie": "__utma=51854390.1513931145.1444970178.1444970178.1444970178.1;....","Content-Type": "text/html"})// 用 superagent 去抓取 入口页面 的内容superagent.get(catchFirstUrl).end(function(err,sres){// 常规的错误处理if (err) {console.log(err);}var $ = cheerio.load(sres.text);console.log("sres.text is "+ sres.text);res.end("Hello World <script>console.log(document.Cookie)</script>");})}http.createServer(onRequest).listen(8888);利用上面的写法,将登录态下的cookie全部加上,返回的页面 cookie 依旧是未登录态。所以想问下可以用什么方法 伪造携带cookie去请求页面。

Collision of Worlds歌词

ROBBIE WILLIAMS Feat. Brad Paisley - Collision Of WorldsAt the first sign of the morning lightOld glory"s in the skyAcross the pond it"s afternoon and the Union Jack flies highWe"re on our first cup of coffeeWe"re on our third cup of teaAnd we can"t pretend to live on different planets you and meIn this collision of worldsWatch the new day dawn on a distant shoreIn this collision of worldsOh you can sit this out no moreAbbey road, Route 66CIA to the MI6Right lane, left laneMetric, imperial, pounds, dollars, howdy, cheerio!VA growl to a v12 screamHail to the CheifWell God save the QueenCops, bobbies, tobasco, wasabi, pistachio ice creamIn this collision of worldsIt"s too late you can"t stop it nowIn this collision of worldsYeah find you a place and just watch it nowWatch it nowYeah you"re a good ol" boyWell you"re a decent blokeI say it"s ironyI say it"s a jokeWhen I look around now I can seeWe ain"t so differentYou and meMeat and potatoesBangers and mashDollars, pounds, dosh, cashAutobahn to the rising sunthe I10 to the M1Congress, parliament, President, the QueenPetrol you say gasolineNow grab your bird, and get your girlNow it"s a small worldCollision of worldsWatch the new day dawn on a distant shoreIn this collision of worldsNo you can sit this out no moreIt"s a collision of worldsIt"s too late you can"t stop it nowCollision of worldsFind you a place and watch it now


       NodeJS做爬虫也是很方便的。因为nodejs有HTTP模块直接可以使用,而且还有很多简单粗暴的库可以即拿即用。       首先,需要的库文件,       1、superagent 是个轻量的的 http 方面的库,就像jquery的post,和get一样,很简单。       2、cheerio 是一个服务端操作DOM的库,简直就是服务端的jquery。     好的,我们需要抓取某个网站的题目。如下图。这个系统下,及时是游客状态也是可以查看题目的,只是答案我们看不到。会显示我没有登录。现在我们有个需求,先抓取15页,根据URL的参数可以页数就是地址中 的P。并且要有本地cookie,获取cookie的方法,最简单的是,利用浏览器登录网站之后,在控制台直接打印document.cookie,得到之后,复制进txt文本。用fs模块读取并转换成字符串。在superagent请求时,把cookie传进去。好了,控制台已经不输出“未登录”,说明已经登录成功了。

cheerful;jar;corpse;share 这几个英语用谐音怎么读?



常用的配置URL 系统自带配置也很好用: 如果文件夹子文件很多,可以使用 command+上箭头没加入Alfred缓存 Alfred比系统自带的搜索功能强大好用太多,建议关掉系统搜索的快捷键 ·系统偏好设置->聚焦· Alfred默认快捷键是 option+space

information company是什么意思

information company信息公司双语对照词典结果:information company信息公司; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Natrecor still had$ 66 million in annual sales in the united states last year, according to ims health, a healthcare information company. 但医疗保健信息公司艾美仕的调查显示:奈西立肽去年在美国年销售量依然达到六千六百万美元。


Archie阿尔奇Barrie巴里Bennie本尼 应该够了吧?

community calendar是什么意思

community calendar社团日程

《高分〉catch my teardrop-----Coldplay中英歌词


coral fleece blanket是什么意思

coral fleece blanket珊瑚绒毛毯请采纳


expensive和overpriced和costly的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、expensive:昂贵的。2、overpriced:价格太高的。3、costly:花钱多的。二、语法不同1、expensive:expensive的基本意思是“昂贵的,费用大的”,指花费的时间多、金额高或精力大。2、overpriced:price excessively high价格过高。3、costly:costly的基本含意是“昂贵的”,不在于价钱上贵而在于其豪华、精致、珍贵。三、侧重点不同1、expensive:expensive指物品的价格超过了它本身所值,或超过了购买者的支付能力。2、overpriced:侧重指要价过高,或远高于公道、合理的价格。3、costly:costly指物品价格高,通常是因物品稀少或珍贵所致。

blanket coverage是什么意思

blanket coverage 统一承保;之全额保障;全体覆盖例句筛选1.The fossil received blanket coverage around the world and newspapers hailedher as the "missing link" between humans and animals.世界各地对该化石进行了铺天盖地的报道,报纸称其为人类和动物之间“失落的一环”。2.Proponents of the technology also underestimated the number of transmittersthat would be needed to provide blanket coverage.倡导此技术的人还低估了要实现无缝覆盖所需的发射器数量。


cheek [tʃi:k]chess [tʃes]courage ["kʌridʒ]edge [edʒ]jeep [dʒi:p]justice ["dʒʌstis]

good outcome quality是什么意思


在oracle数据库alert log 文件中,"checkpoint not complete"指的是什么

当我们进行redo 切换的时候,会触发checkpoint 事件。 触发该事件有5个条件。 下文有说明。 Checkpoint做的事情之一是触发DBWn把buffer cache中的Dirty cache磁盘。另外就是把最近的系统的SCN更新到datafile header和control file(每一个事务都有一个SCN),做第一件事的目的是为了减少由于系统突然宕机而需要的恢复时间,做第二件事实为了保证数据库的一致性。Checkpoint will flush dirty block to datafile, 从而触发DBWn书写dirty buffer,等到redo log覆盖的dirty block全部被写入datafile后才能使用redo log(循环使用),如果DBWn写入过慢,LGWR必须等待DBWn完成,则这时会出现“checkpoint not completed!”。 所以当出现checkpointnot competed的时候,还会伴随cannot allocate new log的错误。如果遇到这个问题,可以增加日志组和增大日志文件,当然也可以修改 checkpoint参数使得检查点变频繁一些。在出现这个错误的时候,数据库是短暂hang住的,等待checkpoint的完成。 在hang住的时候,没有日志产生。

数据库因为什么情况会出现checkpoint not complete

当我们进行redo 切换的时候,会触发checkpoint 事件。 触发该事件有5个条件。 下文有说明。 Checkpoint做的事情之一是触发DBWn把buffer cache中的Dirty cache磁盘。另外就是把最近的系统的SCN更新到datafile header和control file(每一个事务都有一个SCN),做第一件事的目的是为了减少由于系统突然宕机而需要的恢复时间,做第二件事实为了保证数据库的一致性。Checkpoint will flush dirty block to datafile, 从而触发DBWn书写dirty buffer,等到redo log覆盖的dirty block全部被写入datafile后才能使用redo log(循环使用),如果DBWn写入过慢,LGWR必须等待DBWn完成,则这时会出现“checkpoint not completed!”。 所以当出现checkpointnot competed的时候,还会伴随cannot allocate new log的错误。如果遇到这个问题,可以增加日志组和增大日志文件,当然也可以修改 checkpoint参数使得检查点变频繁一些。在出现这个错误的时候,数据库是短暂hang住的,等待checkpoint的完成。 在hang住的时候,没有日志产生。

without conditions是什么意思

without conditions没有条件-----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!

without是什么意思呢,coins是 什么意思啊


请问哪位高手达成了office jerk里checklist最后一项water cooler squirt啊~就差这...

= =重在练习。。。重在策略。。。木哈哈


村民居委会例句:We were introduced to the Party"s activity room in the village committeecompound.我们在参观村委大院里的党组织活动室希望帮到你




cottage n. 小屋;村舍;(农舍式的)小别墅village n. 村庄;村民;(动物的)群落

quality control checklist是什么意思

quality control checklist质量控制检查表

country 和village有什么区别


有大神投过JOC 吗?Compound Characterization Checklist怎么填写

Private Sub Combo1_Click() "单击Combo1后,Label1显示用户的选择结果 Dim description As String With Combo1 description = "品名:" + .Text + " 类别:" + CStr(.ItemData(.ListIndex)) End With Label1.Caption = descriptionEnd SubPrivate Sub Command1_Click() " 创建“水果类”项目数组 Dim Fruits(1 To 4) As ItemType Fruits(1).Name = "苹果" Fruits(1).Category = 1 Fruits(2).Name = "橘子" Fruits(2).Category = 2 Fruits(3).Name = "香蕉" Fruits(3).Category = 3 Fruits(4).Name = "草莓" Fruits(4).Category = 4 " 在Combo1中动态添加水果类项目 BuildComboItems FruitsEnd Sub


同xuo们好,赵校长的英语小课堂又开讲了。 在英语中,是不是经常见到三个单词:country、countryside、village,它们仨都有农村的意思,很多同xuo是丈二和尚摸不着头脑。 这三个单词有什么区别呢?下面听赵校长给你们娓娓道来: 三个单词的意思区别: (1)country:不可数名词,与“city城市”、“town城镇”相对应。 country有两个意思:①国家、国土、国民;②乡下、农村, 它表达的乡下和农村是一种“抽象”的描述、泛指一切的乡下。 表示乡下时, 前面基本上会有定冠词the ,比如:in the country 而表示国家时,前面一般没有the,比如:my country;this country 例句: He prefers living in the country to being in the town. 他宁愿住在乡下而不愿住在城市。 (2)countryside:不可数名词,乡村地域或者乡村居民,构词上用的side表示这个词“有物理面积感”,比如:roadside:马路牙子;riverside:河边。 也就是说: countryside指的是农村地区的土地和风景。 例句: We are surrounded by lots of beautiful countryside.  我们周边是大片美丽的乡村地区。 (3)village:可数名词,指“村子、村庄、村落”,一般指具体的村庄; 关于具体的村庄,我就以我的老家,山东寿光东方村为例子吧,以下就是俺们村的图片 例句: He lives quietly in the country in a village near Lahti. 他在拉赫蒂附近乡下的一个乡村里过着平静的日子。 总结: country:由国家派生而来,泛指一切乡下; countryside:主要指乡村的土地、风景、风光; village:指具体的村子。 今天就到这儿了,你学会了吗?

village ,town和country的区别是什么?可以说in an English country吗?

village 指乡村,单指行政村,就是农村的一个村庄,town以下的行政单位town 城镇,相当于县级市country农村,和town相对而言的,还有国家的意思可以说in an English country 在英国


村庄 和村民希望帮组你

country 和village有什么区别




求Alexandra Leaving 的歌词翻译,是Leonard Cohen的歌

Alexandra 是人名下面是歌词:Suddenly the night has grown colder   夜好像一下子变冷了   The god of love preparing to depart   爱情即将启程离我远去了   Alexandra hoisted on his shoulder   再用力抱一下Alexandra   They slip between the sentries of the heart   再一起默默走完心灵上最后的路吧      Upheld by the simplicities of pleasure   在纯真的欢乐中   They gain the light, they formlessly entwine   他们光彩照人,却又若即若离   And radiant beyond your widest measure   超出你最大的想象   They fall among the voices and the wine.   他们在歌声和美酒中相爱      It"s not a trick, your senses all deceiving,   这本身不是一个陷阱,只是你的感觉欺骗了你   A fitful dream, the morning will exhaust   断断续续的梦,已将早晨耗尽   Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving   忘记Alexandra的离开吧   Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost   然后忘记Alexandra的出现      Even though she sleeps upon your satin   即便她和你一起睡在丝绸的床单上   Even though she wakes you with a kiss   即便她每日用吻唤醒你   Do not say the moment was imagined   别说这一切像在做梦   Do not stoop to strategies like this   也别沉醉在这些甜蜜里      As someone long prepared for this to happen   就像许多人早就知道这一切会发生那样   Go firmly to the window. Drink it in   坚强地站在窗前,将痛苦一饮而尽   Exquisite music. Alexandra laughing   优美的音乐响起,Alexandra开始欢笑   Your firm commitments tangible again.   你必须要履行你们最初的约定了      And you who had the honor of her evening   记得那些你曾荣幸拥有过Alexandra的夜晚   And by the honor had your own restored   记得你给予了Alexandra同样的荣幸   Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving   忘记Alexandra的离开吧   Alexandra leaving with her lord   Alexandra正带着爱情远离      Even though she sleeps upon your satin   即便她和你一起睡在丝绸的床单上   Even though she wakes you with a kiss   即便她每日用吻唤醒你   Do not say the moment was imagined   别说这一切像在做梦   Do not stoop to strategies like this   也别沉醉在这些甜蜜里      As someone long prepared for the occasion   就像许多人早就等待这一时刻的到来   In full command of every plan you wrecked   忘掉一些你原来的计划吧   Do not choose a coward"s explanation   不要做一些无谓的解释   that hides behind the cause and the effect.   那些废话在因果之后已无关紧要了      And you who were bewildered by a meaning   你可能会对生活产生困惑   Whose code was broken, crucifix uncrossed   曾经的信念也可能不复存在   Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving   因此你得忘记Alexandra的离开   Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost   然后忘记Alexandra的出现      Say goodbye to Alexandra leaving   忘记Alexandra的离开吧   Then say goodbye to Alexandra lost   然后忘记Alexandra的出现   


广义的甜点,包括蛋糕,但不包括咖啡 狭义的甜点,是指一种类似沙拉的东西或者一种类似糊状的东西 是排名查询网站,那么alexa分开来理解,是什么意思?

Alexa Internet公司是亚马逊公司的一家子公司,总部位于加利福尼亚州旧金山。alexa就是个名字,分开来没有别的意思,就像人名、地名一样,alexa就是这家公司的代号。它并不是几个单词的拼凑,也不是什么的缩写。

英语单词rough 和coarse 有什么区别吗?

rough [rʌf]n. 高低不平的地面; 未加工状态; 深草区; 粗制品v. 使不平, 使粗糙; 粗制; 使蓬乱; 草拟, 画...的轮廓adj. 粗糙的, 草率的, 粗暴的adv. 粗糙地, 粗暴地coarse [kɔːs]adj. 粗糙的, 粗俗的, 下等的

ferry、helicopter 、spaceship、 aeroplane哪个特殊?


you have to wear a thick coat是什么意?

you have to wear a thick coat 你得穿一个厚的外套

What do you think of some college students cheating on tests?

Cheating in Exams Nowadays, many students tend to cheat in exams. Some students copy answers from others. It is obvious that the phenomenon of cheating in exams becomes very serious. There are many remarkable factors contributing to the cheating in exams. First of all, some students just play time away and want to pass the exams without efforts. They don"t make efforts in their study time and they don"t have a good knowledge for what they have learned, and it is hard for them to pass the exams, therefore they choose to cheat in the exams. In addition, some students are under great pressure from their parents or teachers, and they fear to fail in the exams. Thirdly, many even cheat to get higher scores and scholarship. In this case, they not only get praise or admiration but also reputation from others. Frankly speaking, the common reason for cheating in the exams is that they want to pass the exams or get higher score. As a result, those who usually cheat in exams will never treat study seriously again because they believe they will always get good marks without hard-working. Besides, exams certainly become unfair for non-cheating students. They may think study is no more necessary. In order to avoid this bad phenomenon of cheating in exams, both students and school should make efforts. First of all, students should give his priority to study and form a good habit to finish the homework independently. Secondly, school should educate the students to realize that cheating in exams is an immoral behavior. We should get the students to form the ideas of being honest, both in study and if life. Last but not least, a strict discipline for exams should be carried out. School should take some effective measures to give a suitable punishment to the students who cheated in exams. And I believe that, cheating in exams, this situation will be improved better through our efforts in coming days.

In the battle against cheating, this is the cutting edgeand a key to encourage honesty in the bo


一道语法填空 without the concern of(cheat)答案给的是being cheated 这里为什么不能用cheating


英语问题(couldn't be cheating)

肯定不都是句子。通常应该是it couldn‘t be cheating。成分:be做谓语。

Cheating on exams is popular in colleges and statistics show that it has risen dramatically dur...

小题1:Present situation/ Phenomena小题2:not feeling ashamed小题3:adopting/using mobile phones小题4:Reasons/Causes/Factors小题5:more easily小题6:graduation and jobs小题7:make sense小题8:cheat on exams小题9:Solutions/Suggestions/Advice/Measures/Ways小题10:to be honest 试题分析:小题1:Present situation/ Phenomena  细节题。根据第一段第一句Cheating on exams is popular in colleges and statistics show that it has risen dramatically during the past score years.说明作弊现在很流行。小题2:not feeling ashamed         细节题。根据第一段第2行. Students don"t feel ashamed to cheat on exams.小题3:adopting/using mobile phones 根据第二段第三行some adopted mobile phones as a way to cheat on exams.小题4:Reasons/Causes/Factors 总结归纳题。根据文章第三段说明本段是学生作弊的原因分析。小题5:more easily 细节题。根据第三段第一句technology had made cheating easier。小题6:graduation and jobs 细节题。根据第三段最后一句in order to graduate from school and land jobs.小题7:make sense 同义词转换。根据第四段第2行they think studying isn"t meaningful.小题8:cheat on exams 同义句转换。根据第四段最后people cheating on exams小题9:Solutions/Suggestions/Advice/Measures/Ways 总结归纳他。根据倒数第二段内容可知是解决这个问题的建议。小题10:to be honest 根据倒数第二段第一行honesty is an important part of American character.点评:考查考生对文章的篇章结构的理解和同义词近义词的词性词形的转换。

求英语作文一篇。题目: cheating in college

With the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to education. As a result, thousands of students take part in various examinations. However, some students have been found cheating on their exams. Some of them copy from each others, some took out their textbooks or reference books to copy, some copied from small pieces of paper on which they had prepared for the exam, still some used the modern communication tools such as BP, mobile phone as a way to cheat on exams. Then, what"s the effect of cheating on exam? There are three factors for this. First, it results in an unfair competition and will destroy the creativity of those bright students. Second, it will ruin the students" self-confidence in the long run. Third, under that kind of circumstances, the students graduated from the schools will not be the one who can meet the need of the society. However, how to stop cheating on exam? In my opinion, there are two ways we can adopt. First, a severe punishment should be put into effect to prevent students from cheating. Second, great effort should be made to make students understand what kind of person the society needs and try to improve their self-confidence


comeback释义是回归;恢复;复出;卷土重来的意思,comeback的音标读音是 【"kʌmbæk】,comeback的词类是动词。双语例句:It will be an even harder comeback this time. 这一次,我们的恢复甚至可能更加困难。He"s great in the role of the struggling actor trying to make a comeback after one big success in a series. 他的表演很出色,他扮演的角色是 一个很努力的演员,在一系列大的成功之后,尝试着做个回归。Now, you might wonder from where you can get the motivation to overcome your fear of failure or comeback after you fail in your pursuit of passion. 在追求热情失败过后,你现在可能想的是哪里能够得到足以克服失败的恐惧或重新复出的动机。The city made a splendid comeback.这个城市恢复了旧时的风采。Halibut have made a comeback in Alaska.在阿拉斯加,大比目鱼已经恢复。相关词组:comeback wool 回交种毛 stage a comeback 东山再起 make a comeback 东山再起

用iTunes Connect查看app的统计,Total和Units分别表示什么意思


Cheater cheater compulsive eater 老友记第三季中Ross说出这句话

其实就是我们小时候说的那种孩子气的话,也或者是父辈们会用来教育小朋友的那种朗朗上口也有教育意义的话。(一下子想不出个例子来 -。-)compulsive是:【心理学】情不自禁的,(心理上)冲动的,强迫所引起的,无法控制自己的。其实是Ross在嘲笑、讥讽Monica,说如果她耍赖,她就和小时候一样一个劲地吃,吃到很胖。体会一下~PS: 国外网友的解释:Its simply a way of saying some one has cheated but doing it in a rhyme. Eater rhymes with cheater. On a strict interpretation it is of course meaningless as eating has nothing to do with cheating.A similar phrase is liar, liar, pants on fire.PPS: 他给的这个example不错~ 中文里类似的肯定也有

eco bottle是什么意思


中考英语口语刚考完 ,我把comfortable读成comfordent 我吧cheapest读成


the cost is too expensive. how about this one?lt"s much___. a,cheap b,cheaper c,cheapest d,chepest

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