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where boys become crocodile men文章

When does a teenager become an adult? In any countries, it happens on your 18th birthday, but in some parts of the world, you have to do something special to enter the world of adults.On the island of Papua New Guinea, the Niowra tribe lives near the Sepik River, which is full of crocodiles. The people believe that crocodiles made the Earth and its people. When it is time for teenage boys to become men, a "crocodile ceremony" take place.The boys are taken to a hut called "The Crocodile Nest". The hut is full of. Crocodile teeth and skulls. The boys are told to think of their crocodile "fathers and mothers" to help them to be strong and brave. Then they are beaten several times a day for six weeks and bamboo is used to make cuts on their chests and their backs. The boys play the drums together during their time in the hut-this helps them to feel that they not alone. The Niowra believe that this ceremony makes the boys stronger and braver, so that they can survive in the dangerous forest. They also say that the boys don"t feel the pain if they believe in their crocodile"fathers andmothers".And the amazing thing is that some of the boys sleep through the most painful parts of the ceremony!When the ceremony is over,there is singing and dancing and the crocodile men are given adult responsibilities in the village.

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代码修改一下就可以实现你需要的功能了。1.main函数中str的声明修改为 void str(string i, string j , string k);2.main函数中cout<<"按字母大小顺序排列为:"<< str(a,b,c) << endl;修改为cout<<"按字母大小顺序排列为:";3.str函数的实现修改一下返回类型为void函数体中的 return NULL; 去掉就可以了朋友,请【采纳答案】,您的采纳是我答题的动力,如果没有明白,请追问。谢谢。


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Role play the conversation的翻译.(中文)


ICH-GCP 9.1 Research Misconduct(1)

Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Identifying Research Misconduct Part 3: Investigating Allegations of Research MisconductPublic concern about misconduct in research arose in the early 1980s after reports of serious misbehavior by researchers. In one case, a researcher republished dozens of articles under his name that had previously been published by others. In other cases, researchers falsified or made up research results. Instead of looking into these problems, research institutions sometimes ignored them or covered them up. 公众对科研不端行为的关注始于20世纪80年代初,此前有研究人员严重不当行为的报道。在一个案例中,一名研究人员以他的名义重新发表了几十篇以前由他人发表的文章。在其他情况下, 研究人员伪造或编造研究结果 。研究机构有时忽视或掩盖这些问题,而不是调查这些问题。 Eventually, Congress required federal agencies and research institutions to develop policies on research misconduct. The U.S. Public Health Service created regulations for dealing with research misconduct ( 42 CFR 50 Subpart A ). These policies generally have three goals: 最终,国会要求联邦机构和研究机构制定有关研究不当行为的政策。美国公共卫生署制定了处理研究不当行为的法规(42 CFR 50子部分A)。这些政策通常有三个目标: Ⅰ、To define research misconduct. Ⅱ、To establish procedures for reporting and investigating research misconduct. Ⅲ、To protect both those who report alleged research misconduct and those accused of research misconduct. 1、 界定科研不端行为 。 2、 建立报告和调查研究不当行为的程序 。 3、 保护举报涉嫌科研不端行为的人员 和 被控科研不端行为的人员 。 This module discusses how federal policy defines research misconduct and provides a brief overview of the processes established by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) for responding to allegations of misconduct in PHS-supported research. 本模块讨论了 联邦政策如何定义研究不端行为 ,并简要概述了美国公共卫生服务局(PHS)为应对公共卫生服务局支持的研究中的不端行为指控而建立的程序。Federal regulations define research misconduct as: "... fabrication, falsification, plagiarism , or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the scientific community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research." 联邦法规将 研究不端行为 定义为: “…… 捏造、伪造、剽窃或其他严重偏离科学界普遍接受的提议、进行或报告研究的做法 。” Ⅰ、 Fabrication is making up data or results and recording or reporting them. Ⅱ、 Falsification is changing research materials, equipment, or processes or altering or omitting data or results so that the research record does not accurately reflect the research findings. Ⅲ、 Plagiarism is using another person"s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit. 1、 制作 是指制作数据或结果并记录或报告。 2、 伪造 是指改变研究材料、设备或过程,或改变或省略数据或结果,使研究记录不能准确反映研究结果。 3、 剽窃 是指使用他人的想法、过程、结果或话语而没有给予适当的信任。 Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion. In addition, the federal policy on research misconduct does not apply to authorship disputes unless they involve plagiarism. 研究不端行为不包括诚实的错误或意见分歧 。此外, 联邦科研不端行为政策不适用于著作权纠纷,除非涉及剽窃。 Research misconduct has a very specific meaning in federal regulations. Noncompliance with policies and procedures for the protection of human research subjects, although reportable to an Institutional Review Board (IRB), is not considered to be research misconduct under the federal definition. 研究不端行为在联邦法规中有非常具体的含义。 不遵守保护人类研究对象的政策和程序,尽管可向机构审查委员会(IRB)报告,但根据联邦定义,不被视为研究不当行为。 Federal policy on research misconduct applies to all federally funded research and all proposals submitted to federal agencies for research funding. 关于研究不当行为的联邦政策适用于所有联邦资助的研究以及向联邦机构提交的所有研究资助提案。 Many research institutions and universities apply the federal policy on research misconduct to all research, whether or not it is federally funded. In addition, many institutions have broadened the federal definition of research misconduct to include other improper practices. Researchers must be familiar with their institutional policies on research misconduct as well as with the federal policy. 许多研究机构和大学对所有研究都适用联邦关于研究不当行为的政策,无论其是否由联邦资助。此外, 许多机构扩大了联邦对研究不当行为的定义,将其他不当行为也包括在内 。研究人员必须熟悉其关于研究不当行为的机构政策以及联邦政策。The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) in the Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for promoting research integrity within the U.S. Public Health Service. ORI oversees investigations of research misconduct allegations and makes final decisions on findings of research misconduct. 卫生与公共服务部的研究诚信办公室(ORI)负责促进美国公共卫生服务部门的研究诚信 。ORI监督对科研不端行为指控的调查,并对科研不端行为的调查结果做出最终决定。 Through its Rapid Response Technical Assistance Program, ORI provides technical assistance to any institution that is responding to an allegation of research misconduct. In addition, researchers may hold informal discussions with ORI about allegations of research misconduct or the handling of research misconduct cases. ORI通过其 快速反应技术援助计划 ,向任何回应研究不当行为指控的机构提供 技术援助 。此外,研究人员可能与ORI就科研不端行为的指控或科研不端行为案件的处理进行 非正式讨论 。 Records maintained by ORI during the investigation of an allegation of research misconduct are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act to the extent permitted by law and regulation. 根据 《信息自由法》 ,在法律和法规允许的范围内, ORI在调查研究不当行为指控期间保存的记录可免于披露 。Research misconduct destroys the integrity or honesty of the research record. This sets it apart from other improper activities that may occur in research settings (e.g., financial conflicts of interest, misuse of grant funds, violation of human subject protections, sexual harassment, and discrimination). Although these improper activities are taken very seriously, they are not considered research misconduct because they do not alter the integrity of the research record. 研究不端行为破坏了研究记录的完整性或诚实性 。这使其与研究环境中可能发生的其他不当活动(例如,财务利益冲突、滥用拨款、违反人体保护、性骚扰和歧视)区别开来。尽管这些不当行为受到了非常严肃的对待,但它们不被视为研究不当行为,因为它们不会改变研究记录的完整性。 The term fraud has often been used to describe dishonesty in research. However, this term is more aptly used to describe illegal, deceptive financial practices. Behavior that destroys the integrity of the research record through fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism is most aptly termed research misconduct. 欺诈一词经常被用来描述研究中的不诚实行为。然而,这个术语更适合用来描述非法的、欺骗性的金融行为。 通过捏造、伪造或剽窃破坏研究记录完整性的行为最恰当地称为研究不端行为。 Instructions: Based on the description below, choose whether the information is True or False. 说明: 根据下面的描述,选择信息是否正确。 All three of the elements below must be present for a finding of research misconduct to be made. Under federal policy, a finding of research misconduct requires that: Ⅰ、There be a significant departure from accepted practices of the relevant research community; and Ⅱ、The misconduct be committed intentionally, or knowingly, or recklessly; and Ⅲ、The allegation be proven by a preponderance of the evidence. Feedback: Is this information True or False? All three of the elements must be present for a finding of research misconduct to be made. Therefore, the correct response is True. 必须具备以下三个要素,才能发现研究不当行为。根据联邦政策, 研究不端行为的发现要求 : 1、 与相关研究团体的公认实践存在重大偏差 ;和 2、 故意、明知或罔顾后果的不当行为 ;和 3、 该指控应以大量证据予以证明 。 反馈:这些信息是真是假?必须具备所有三个要素,才能发现研究不当行为。因此,正确的回答是正确的。Federal policy on research misconduct places the primary responsibility for reporting and investigating allegations of research misconduct with researchers and research institutions. This is consistent with the position, supported by most researchers, that research is a profession that should regulate its own conduct. 联邦关于研究不当行为的政策规定,研究人员和研究机构负有举报和调查研究不当行为指控的主要责任。这与得到大多数研究人员支持的观点是一致的,即 研究是一种应该规范自身行为的职业。 Research institutions that receive federal funding are expected to: Ⅰ、Foster an environment that discourages all research misconduct. Ⅱ、Use procedures for receiving and investigating reports of research misconduct. Ⅲ、Inform scientific and administrative staff of the procedures for responding to allegations of research misconduct and of the importance of complying with these procedures. Ⅳ、Take immediate, appropriate action when research misconduct is suspected or alleged to have occurred at the institution. Ⅴ、Investigate and rule on suspicions or allegations of research misconduct. Ⅵ、Report both the start of and the results of a formal investigation (not the initial inquiry) into an allegation of research misconduct to the Office of Office of Research Integrity. Ⅶ、File an Annual Report on Possible Research Misconduct with the designated federal agency. 接受联邦资助的研究机构应: 1、培养一个不鼓励所有研究不端行为的 环境 。 2、使用 接收和调查研究不端行为报告的程序 。 3、 告知 科学和行政人员应对研究不当行为指控的 程序 以及 遵守这些程序的重要性 。 4、 当怀疑或指称研究机构发生不当行为时 , 立即采取适当行动 。 5、对科研不端行为的怀疑或指控进行 调查和裁决 。 6、向研究诚信办公室报告对研究不端行为指控的 正式调查 (而非初步调查) 的开始和结果 。 7、向指定的联邦机构提交关于可能的研究不当行为的 年度报告 。 Federal policy on research misconduct assumes that research is a self-regulating profession. To be successful, professional self-regulation relies on conscientious participation by all members of the profession. Individual researchers are expected to: 关于研究不当行为的联邦政策假定研究是一种自我调节的职 业。要取得成功,专业自律有赖于所有专业人员的认真参与。个人研究人员应: Ⅰ、Maintain a high standard of integrity at all times in all of their research activities. Ⅱ、Assume responsibility for their actions. Ⅲ、Take misconduct or alleged misconduct seriously. Ⅳ、Report apparent misconduct by other researchers. Ⅴ、Keep confidential at all times information that is relevant to an investigation of alleged misconduct. 1、在所有研究活动中始终保持高标准的 诚信 。 2、 对自己的行为负责 。 3、 认真对待不当行为或被指控的不当行 为。 4、 报告其他研究人员的明显不当行为 。 5、始终对与涉嫌不当行为调查有关的 信息保密 。


今天的单词看似很长,其实很简单-有时候词根的威力就在这里。 就如之前极力推荐大家记住一个长长的形容词后缀“aneous”,这样就可以记住以下一系列单词: A.simultaneous: simul+t+aneous同步发生的,同时的 simul独立做单词是副词,处方用语,表示“同时” B.miscellaneous:mis+cell+aneous混杂的 “mis”做前缀表示“坏的,错误的”如mislead误导,misfortune不幸……但在这里不是做前缀的意思,而是单词“mix”的变形,这里当一个词根来看待。之前说到一条造词规则:s/x/th/z可互换。所以该单词就是“细胞混合”,再形容词化,所以就是“混杂的”。 C.instantaneous:instant+aneous瞬时的单词“instant”本来表示“立刻的,马上的”。 以上例子是对之前提到的单词的详细讲解,之前只说明了形容词后缀,整体记忆未解释。也想强调,有意识地记忆那些比较长的且固定的词根词缀组合对于记单词会起到事半功倍的效果。 回到今天的主角counterproductive,很容易知道是counter和productive的组合。 它的意思是: “产生相反效果的,适得其反的,事与愿违的” 先来看看 productive : productive意思有“生产的;富有成效的” counter都知道是一个单词,人人也都知道它表示“柜台”,但除了这个熟义,它还有很重要的其他的意思 由其他意思,可以归纳概括下“counter”主要表示“反”。 1.(观点态度上相反)反驳 He was determined to counter the bribery allegations.他决心要反驳受贿的指控。 (bribery:n.贿赂;allegation:n.[无证据的]陈述,说法;指控)2.(作用等相反)抵消 Exercise helps to counter the effects of stress.运动有助于减轻压力。 3.(行为做法相反)违背,背道而驰 Some actions by the authorities ran counter to the President"s call for leniency.当局的某些行为和总统呼吁的宽容背道而驰。(leniency[li:njənsi]n.宽大,仁慈) 所以,不难理解counterproductive表示“适得其反的”,将“counter”视为表示“反”的词根即可。 例:One important feature of the soccer reform plan is to streamline the sport"s widely critized counterproductive management system. 足改方案 的一个重要特点是简化其广受诟病、适得其反的管理体系。 (streamline v.精简〔企业、组织等〕,简化…使效率更高;使…成为流线型) 又如军事上常用的“counterattack”:counter+attack 表示  “反击”。 经济上,尤其在国际贸易中“counter-offer”也写作短语“counter offer”或单词“counteroffer”,表示“还盘”,法律上叫“反要约”,因为与同为法律上的说法“要约”——“offer”相对。 另补充两个单词: counteract:counter+act抵消,对抗 例:However, if they counteract the consumption of coffee with milk, they are fine.然而,如果她们用牛奶抵消咖啡的用量,就没事。 counterintuitive:counter+intuitive反直觉的 例:The method is based on “the friendship paradox” — the counterintuitive idea that your friends have more friends than you do.这种办法是建立在“友谊悖论”的基础上——这种违反直觉的观点就是说:“你的朋友比你有更多的朋友”。 拓展 :发音连读规则里有一条“前辅后元可连读”,“counteract”、“counteroffer”、“counterintuitive”可能会听到有连读现象。就像短语“房地产”“real estate”的发音,大家可以去有道词典听听看。 总结: 今天只需要记住“counter”表示“反”; 其次,明白单词的多个意思之间通常有联系,只要按照自己的理解找到一个基础词义,其他展开理解记忆。比如,用“反”来记忆“counter”的三种词义,也恰好可用“反”来总结它的词根意思。

ICH-GCP 9.2 Research Misconduct(2)

Part 4: Responding to Allegations of Research Misconduct Part 5: Safeguards for Informants and Accused Persons Part 6: Possible Penalties for Research Misconduct Part 7: Summary of Key PointsFederal policy makes researchers and research institutions primarily responsible for reporting and investigating alleged research misconduct. Research institutions" expected tasks in dealing with such allegations are spelled out in  42 CFR Part 50 Subpart A . 联邦政策规定研究人员和研究机构 主要负责报告和调查被指控的研究不当行为 。研究机构处理此类指控的预期任务在42 CFR第50部分A子部分中有详细说明。 Generally, the response to an allegation of research misconduct has three stages. 一般来说,对研究不当行为指控的回应分为三个阶段。 The inquiry assesses the facts of the allegation and the need for an investigation. An inquiry must be completed within 60 calendar days of its start, unless circumstances clearly require a longer time. 初步调查评估了 指控的事实和调查的必要性 。初步调查必须在开始后60个日历日内完成,除非情况明确要求更长的时间。 Those accused of misconduct must be informed of the allegation and of the inquiry. A written report of the inquiry must be prepared, summarizing the evidence reviewed and conclusions reached. The accused person(s) must be given a copy of the inquiry report. 必须将指控和调查 告知被指控行为不当的人 。必须 准备书面调查报告,总结审查的证据和得出的结论 。必须向被告提供一份调查报告的 副本 。If the inquiry provides an adequate basis for an investigation, that investigation should begin within 30 days of completion of the inquiry. The decision to begin an investigation must be reported in writing to the Director, Office of Research Integrity (ORI), on or before the date the investigation begins. 如果调查为调查提供了充分的基础,则 (正式)调查应在(初步)调查完成后30天内开始 。开始调查的决定必须在 调查开始之日或之前以书面形式报告给研究诚信办公室(ORI)主任 。 The investigation normally will include: Ⅰ、Examining all documents, including relevant research data, proposals, publications, correspondence, and records of telephone calls. Ⅱ、Interviewing all informants and all those accused of misconduct as well as others who may have information about key aspects of the allegation. Ⅲ、Preparing a report of the investigation"s findings and making the report available for comment by all informants and all those accused of misconduct. Ⅳ、Submitting a final report to ORI, the PI, the sponsor, and NIH for NIH-funded or supported research. 正式调查通常包括: 1、 检查所有文件 ,包括 相关研究数据 、 提案 、 出版物 、 信函 和 电话记录 。 2、 采访所有举报人 、 所有被指控行为不端者 以及 可能掌握指控关键方面信息的其他人 。 3、准备一份 调查结果报告 ,并将该报告提供给所有举报人和所有被指控不当行为的人以 供评论 。 4、 向ORI、PI、赞助者和NIH提交最终报告 ,用于NIH资助或支持的研究。 In most cases, the investigation should be completed within 120 days of its start. If the institution decides it cannot complete the investigation within this time, it must submit to ORI a written request for an extension. 在大多数情况下,正式调查应在开始后120天内完成。如果机构决定无法在此时间内完成调查,则必须 向ORI提交书面延期请求 。 This request must explain the reason for the delay, report on the investigation"s progress so far, and estimate when the investigation will be completed and the final report submitted. 该请求必须解释延迟的原因, 报告到目前为止的调查进展 , 并估计调查何时完成和提交最终报告 。If the investigation concludes that the allegation has merit, the institution may impose suitable penalties. In addition, the ORI may impose penalties of its own on investigators or institutions. 如果调查结论认为该指控有根据,该机构可以施加适当的处罚 。 此外,ORI可对调查人员或机构施加自己的处罚。 Institutions must notify the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) immediately if certain circumstances are found during an inquiry or investigation into an allegation of research misconduct. 如果在调查或调查研究不当行为指控时发现某些情况,各机构必须立即通知研究诚信办公室(ORI)。Click to view Clinical Trial Network(CTN) related content Every CTN member institution is expected to have an official responsible for investigating complaints of research misconduct, also referred to as the Research Integrity Officer (RIO). When an allegation of scientific misconduct is made in a CTN trial, the Research Integrity Officer of the research institution should be contacted immediately. 每个CTN成员机构都应有一名官员负责调查研究不当行为投诉,也称为研究诚信官(RIO) 。当在CTN审判中提出科学不端行为指控时,应立即联系研究机构的研究诚信官员。 The Research Integrity Officer should promptly assess whether the allegation falls under the federal definition of research misconduct and whether sufficient evidence exists to warrant an inquiry. He or she should alert the NIDA Center for the Clinical Trials Network office that an allegation of research misconduct has been made at one or more CTN sites. Within NIDA, responsibility for oversight of inquiries and investigations into research misconduct rests with the Office of Extramural Affairs. 研究诚信专员应立即 评估该指控是否属于联邦对研究不当行为的定义 ,以及 是否有足够证据支持调查 。他或她应通知NIDA临床试验中心网络办公室,有人指控一个或多个CTN站点存在研究不当行为。在NIDA内部,校外事务办公室负责监督对科研不端行为的调查和调查。 In addition, if NIDA is the sponsor of a study under an Investigational New Drug (IND), NIDA must promptly report to the FDA any information that any person involved in human subject trials committed research misconduct. If the FDA receives a complaint of alleged trial misconduct, the FDA will independently investigate, separate from the ORI investigation, and proceed with any necessary regulatory actions. 此外,如果NIDA是研究新药(IND)项下研究的赞助者, NIDA必须立即向FDA报告参与人体试验的任何人有研究不当行为的任何信息。 如果FDA收到指控试验不当行为的投诉,FDA将独立于ORI调查进行调查,并采取任何必要的监管措施。An allegation of research misconduct can have a significant impact on the informant, the accused person(s), and the institution where the alleged misconduct took place. Procedures must be in place to ensure the security of original documents, computers, biological specimens, laboratory notebooks, research and financial records, and other relevant items that might be altered, lost, or destroyed. 对研究不当行为的指控可能会对举报人、被告人和涉嫌不当行为发生的机构产生重大影响 。必须制定程序,确保原始文件、计算机、生物标本、实验室笔记本、研究和财务记录以及其他可能被更改、丢失或销毁的相关物品的安全。 In addition, specific safeguards are necessary to assure the protection of all persons concerned with an allegation of research misconduct. 此外,有必要采取具体的保障措施,以确保与研究不当行为指控有关的所有人员得到保护。A whistleblower (informant) is any member of a research institution, including a non-employee, who alleges that the institution or one of its members has engaged in, or has failed to respond adequately to an allegation of, research misconduct. 举报人(告密人)是指研究机构的任何成员 , 包括声称该机构或其成员之一参与或未能对研究不当行为的指控作出充分回应的非雇员。 The role of the whistleblower is essential to the effort to protect the integrity of research. People who in good faith report apparent research misconduct must be able to do so in confidence and without fear of retaliation or payback. 举报人的作用对于保护研究的完整性至关重要。真诚地报告明显研究不当行为的人必须能够在不担心报复或回报的情况下秘密报告。 Federal policy requires institutions to offer informants the following safeguards: Ⅰ、Protection of privacy to the extent possible. However, informants cannot remain anonymous. Ⅱ、Protection against retaliation. Ⅲ、Fair and objective procedures for examining and resolving research misconduct allegations. Ⅳ、Diligence in protecting the positions and reputations of informants. 联邦政策要求机构向举报人提供以下保障: 1、尽可能 保护隐私 。 但是,告密者不能保持匿名 。 2、 防止报复 。 3、 审查和解决科研不端行为指控的公正客观程序 。 4、 努力保护举报人的地位和声誉 。 Neither research institutions nor individual researchers may penalize persons who, in good faith, report alleged research misconduct. Even if the allegations are not sustained, as long as they are made in good faith, informants must be protected because they play a vital role in professional self-regulation. 无论是研究机构还是研究人员个人,都 不得处罚善意报告研究不当行为的人员 。 即使指控不成立,只要指控是善意的,举报人也必须受到保护 ,因为他们在 职业自律 中发挥着至关重要的作用。Most allegations of research misconduct are not substantiated. Persons accused of research misconduct must be assured that the mere filing of allegations will not bring their research to a halt or be the basis for other disciplinary action without compelling reasons. Other safeguards for accused persons include: 大多数关于科研不端行为的指控都没有得到证实。 必须向被指控研究不端行为的人保证,如果没有令人信服的理由,仅仅提出指控不会使他们的研究停止或成为其他纪律处分的基础。对被告人的其他保障措施包括: Ⅰ、Timely written notification of allegations made against them. Ⅱ、A description of all allegations. Ⅲ、Reasonable access to the data and other evidence supporting the allegations. Ⅳ、The opportunity to respond to allegations, supporting evidence, and any proposed findings of research misconduct. Ⅴ、Confidential treatment to the maximum extent possible. 1、 及时书面 通知对其提出的指控。 2、 所有指控的描述 。 3、 合理获取支持指控的数据和其他证据 。 4、 对指控、支持性证据和任何研究不端行为的建议调查结果作出回应的机会 。 5、尽可能 保密 处理。The persons selected to investigate allegations of research misconduct must have appropriate expertise and no unresolved conflicts of interest. 被选定调查研究不当行为指控的人员必须具备适当的 专业知识 ,并且 没有未解决的利益冲突 。Reasonable time limits must be set for the response to an allegation of research misconduct. Extensions of time may be allowed when necessary. 必须为对研究不当行为指控的回应 设定合理的时间限制 。必要时可允许延长时间。To the extent possible, knowledge of the identities of both subjects and informants involved in research misconduct investigations should be closely held. However, the accused person is entitled to know the identity of the informant. 在可能的情况下,应密切了解参与研究不当行为调查的受试者和线人的身份。但是,被告有权知道举报人的身份。 Alleged misconduct in a clinical trial that could threaten the health or safety of trial participants must be reported immediately to the trial principal investigator, the federal agency sponsoring the trial (NIDA in the case of CTN studies), and the Office of Research Integrity (ORI). The name(s) of the accused person(s) should remain confidential, but steps must be taken to ensure the safety of trial participants. 临床试验中可能威胁试验参与者健康或安全的涉嫌不当行为必须立即报告给 试验首席研究员 、 赞助试验的联邦机构( 就CTN研究而言为NIDA)和 研究诚信办公室 (ORI)。被告的姓名应保密,但必须采取措施确保审判参与者的安全。Research institutions may penalize researchers who are found to have committed research misconduct by terminating their employment or by requiring supervision of future research activities. 研究机构可以通过 终止他们的工作 或 要求监督未来的研究活动 ,来惩罚那些被发现有研究不端行为的研究人员。 When a grantee institution upholds a finding of research misconduct by anyone working on a NIH-funded research project, the grantee must assess the effect of the finding on that person"s ability to continue working on the research project. In addition, the grantee must promptly obtain approval from the sponsor and NIH for any intended change of principal investigator or other key personnel involved in the research project. 当被资助机构支持任何在NIH资助的研究项目中工作的人的研究不端行为的发现时,被资助机构必须评估该发现对该人继续从事该研究项目的能力的影响。 此外,被资助人必须立即获得资助人和NIH的批准,以变更任何涉及研究项目的主要研究人员或其他关键人员。 The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) may also impose penalties for research misconduct. Penalties are determined by the severity of the misconduct. Factors that ORI may consider in choosing a penalty may include the degree to which the misconduct: 研究诚信办公室(ORI)也可能对研究不端行为施加处罚。处罚取决于不当行为的严重程度。在选择处罚时,ORI可能考虑的因素包括不当行为的程度: Ⅰ、Was committed in a knowing, intentional, or reckless manner. Ⅱ、Was an isolated event or part of a pattern. Ⅲ、Had a significant impact on the research record, research subjects, other researchers, institutions, or the public welfare. 1、以 明知 、 故意 或 不计后果 的方式进行。 2、是一个 孤立事件或模式 的一部分。 3、对 研究记录、研究对象、其他研究人员、机构 或 公益事业 有重大影响者。 The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) may impose a variety of penalties when a finding of research misconduct is upheld. These penalties may include: 研究诚信办公室(ORI)可能会在 维持研究不端行为的调查结果 时 施加各种处罚 。这些处罚可能包括: Ⅰ、Correction of the research record. Ⅱ、Letters of reprimand. Ⅲ、Suspension or termination of a research grant. Ⅳ、Suspension or debarment from receiving federal funds. 1、研究记录的 更正 。 2、 申斥信 。 3、 中止或终止研究资助 。 4、 暂停或禁止接受联邦资金 。 When administrative actions are imposed by ORI (or the FDA, who has their own bulletin boards for debarred and disqualified investigators), the names of the individuals will be made public. 当ORI(或FDA,他们有自己的公告栏供被禁止和被取消资格的调查人员使用)采取 行政行动 时,这些人的 姓名将被公布 。 If the ORI believes that research misconduct may have involved criminal or civil fraud, it will refer the matter promptly to an investigative body such as the Department of Justice or the Office of the Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services. 如果调查机构认为研究不端行为 可能涉及刑事或民事欺诈 ,它将迅速将此事 提交司法部 或 卫生和公众服务部监察长办公室 等调查机构。ICH GCP was put together and became operational after public outcry of research misconduct that had occurred over the years. Following the ICH GCP guideline assists in preventing fraud and misconduct. So research misconduct is also a form of non-compliance to ICH GCP ICH GCP是在公众对多年来发生的研究不端行为提出强烈抗议后成立并开始运作的 。遵循ICH GCP指南有助于防止欺诈和不当行为。因此,研究不端行为也是不遵守ICH GCP的一种形式(?)。Ⅰ、Federal policy defines research misconduct as “fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.” This definition does not include honest error or differences of opinion or authorship disputes unless they involve plagiarism. 1、联邦政策将 研究不端行为 定义为“在提出、执行或审查研究或报告研究结果时捏造、伪造或剽窃。”该定义不包括诚实的错误、意见分歧或著作权争议,除非涉及剽窃。 Ⅱ、Federal policy on research misconduct applies to all federally funded research and all proposals submitted to federal agencies for research funding. 2、关于研究不当行为的联邦政策适用于 所有联邦资助的研究以及向联邦机构提交的所有研究资助提案 。 Ⅲ、The Office of Resear


今天的单词看似很长,其实很简单-有时候词根的威力就在这里。就如之前极力推荐大家记住一个长长的形容词后缀“aneous”,这样就可以记住以下一系列单词:A.simultaneous:simul+t+aneous同步发生的,同时的simul独立做单词是副词,处方用语,表示“同时”B.miscellaneous:mis+cell+aneous混杂的“mis”做前缀表示“坏的,错误的”如mislead误导,misfortune不幸但在这里不是做前缀的意思,而是单词“mix”的变形,这里当一个词根来看待。之前说到一条造词规则:s/x/th/z可互换。所以该单词就是“细胞混合”,再形容词化,所以就是“混杂的”。C.instantaneous:instant+aneous瞬时的单词“instant”本来表示“立刻的,马上的”。以上例子是对之前提到的单词的详细讲解,之前只说明了形容词后缀,整体记忆未解释。也想强调,有意识地记忆那些比较长的且固定的词根词缀组合对于记单词会起到事半功倍的效果。回到今天的主角counterproductive,很容易知道是counter和productive的组合。它的意思是:“产生相反效果的,适得其反的,事与愿违的”先来看看productive:productive意思有“生产的;富有成效的”counter都知道是一个单词,人人也都知道它表示“柜台”,但除了这个熟义,它还有很重要的其他的意思由其他意思,可以归纳概括下“counter”主要表示“反”。1.(观点态度上相反)反驳He was determined to counter the bribery allegations.他决心要反驳受贿的指控。(bribery:n.贿赂;allegation:n.[无证据的]陈述,说法;指控)2.(作用等相反)抵消Exercise helps to counter the effects of stress.运动有助于减轻压力。3.(行为做法相反)违背,背道而驰Some actions by the authorities ran counter to the President"s call for leniency.当局的某些行为和总统呼吁的宽容背道而驰。(leniency[li:nj_nsi]n.宽大,仁慈)所以,不难理解counterproductive表示“适得其反的”,将“counter”视为表示“反”的词根即可。例:One important feature of the soccer reform plan is to streamline the sport"s widely critized counterproductive management system.足改方案的一个重要特点是简化其广受诟病、适得其反的管理体系。(streamline v.精简〔企业、组织等〕,简化使效率更高;使成为流线型)又如军事上常用的“counterattack”:counter+attack 表示 _胺椿鳌薄经济上,尤其在国际贸易中“counter-offer”也写作短语“counter offer”或单词“counteroffer”,表示“还盘”,法律上叫“反要约”,因为与同为法律上的说法“要约”——“offer”相对。另补充两个单词:counteract:counter+act抵消,对抗例:However, if they counteract the consumption of coffee with milk, they are fine.然而,如果她们用牛奶抵消咖啡的用量,就没事。counterintuitive:counter+intuitive反直觉的例:The method is based on “the friendship paradox” — the counterintuitive idea that your friends have more friends than you do.这种办法是建立在“友谊悖论”的基础上——这种违反直觉的观点就是说:“你的朋友比你有更多的朋友”。拓展:发音连读规则里有一条“前辅后元可连读”,“counteract”、“counteroffer”、“counterintuitive”可能会听到有连读现象。就像短语“房地产”“real estate”的发音,大家可以去有道词典听听看。明白单词的多个意思之间通常有联系,只要按照自己的理解找到一个基础词义,其他展开理解记忆。比如,用“反”来记忆“counter”的三种词义,也恰好可用“反”来总结它的词根意思。

英文翻译中 制定合作协议的制定用哪个词啊? construct or establish

draw up cooperation agreement

谁能帮我翻译一下《Scotty》这首歌的歌词 谢谢了

歌曲:《Scotty》歌手:Allan TaylorScotty checked out this morning斯科特今早离开in his customary way和他平时一样with a glass of good malt whisky in his hand手上拿着一杯好喝的麦芽威士忌at least that"s what they say至少,他们是这么说的he didn"t leave much owing他没有留下太多的债when he finally paid the bill他最后都还清了maybe he should"ve settled a few good scores也许他不会得太多赞美but now i guess但我在想he never will他永远不会得到吧i remember the time he told me我记得那时候他跟我说we were born under a golden star我们都出生在金色的星球下and maybe sometimes we couldn"t find it也许我们永远也找不到它and the journey seemed too far人生的旅程似乎很远but it was just a matter of hanging in但这只是一个问题and we"d get there in the end我们到达终点的时候都会解决的一个问题well it seems you"re going to find it好像你已经找到答案了my crazy beautiful friend我疯狂的又善良的朋友Mr.scott has left the building斯科特先生离开了这栋楼the big old 12 strings is packed away带着他那个大的12弦的乐器the gig is finally over and Scotty"s on his way演出结束,斯科特上路了but there"s a song i still keep singing但是我还会唱起那首歌and i"ll never lose the tune我永远不会忘记那旋律cause Scotty"s out there somewhere因为斯科特就在那里and he"s howling at the moon他就坐在月亮上咆哮he"s howling at the moon他就坐在月亮上咆哮i can hear him, he"s howling at the moon我能听见他,他正坐在月亮上咆哮Scotty"s out there somewhere斯科特就在那里and he"s howling at the moon他就坐在月亮上咆哮扩展资料Scotty是由英国民谣诗人Allan Taylor作词作曲并演唱的一首歌曲,传唱已久。轻柔、稳重、温暖而抒情,Allan Taylor低沉醇厚的歌声与优雅纯熟的吉他技巧,搭配其它优秀乐手的简单乐器伴奏,特别适合夜深人静的时候轻松欣赏。录音精致、清澈而透明。60年代就已红遍英国民谣乐坛的Allan Taylor,以吉他和民谣风征服了英国及爱尔兰,他的乐风影响了Dire Straitv、Fairport Convention、Steeleye Span等民谣摇滚巨将,他在乐坛的地位是无庸置疑的

谁能帮我翻译一下《Scotty》这首歌的歌词 谢谢了

不想留下遗憾!打开33uub 什么直播电影都有的


with him是介宾短语,在句中作伴随状语修饰谓语动词take,强调take the coat的目的是给him带,去掉这个with him结构也不影响句子的完整性。该句句意为:Allan身上没带外套。


你说的phone code和phone number的区别是吗?电话号码一般用phone number,很少用phone code.code一般是area code,country code这类编码.


你的经验还是挺丰富的嘛!竟然可以乱改用法. 这两个词是基本一样的,除了拼法和读音. 这两个词的区别只在于contrary是用在论文,正规书信等正规场合用的.opposite多用于非正式场合.


这二个字意思可说几乎完全一样,但有时用处不同,即不可以互换使用.如contrary opinions是指两种对立的意见,但如果说opposite opinion是指与这或那个对立的其中的一种意见.换言之,A和B这两种对立意见中,contrary opinions可指A和B两种对立的意见,但opposite opinion只能指A是B的opposite opinion,或反之.但在下面的句子中,二者又可以互换:acts that are contrary to our code of ethics.


opposite可做介词,而contrary不可以。contrary还可做名词,如 I"ve never opposed it. The contrary is true: I"ve always supported it. x0dx0a 我从未反对过它. 恰恰相反: 我一贯支持它. x0dx0aopposite:I live in the house opposite. x0dx0a 我住在对面的房子里。x0dx0acontrary opinions是指两种对立的意见,但如果说opposite opinion是指与这或那个对立的其中的一种意见。换言之,A和B这两种对立意见中, contrary opinions可指A和B两种对立的意见,但opposite opinion只能指A是B的opposite opinion,或反之。


contrary [con·tra·ry || "kɒntrərɪ]n. 相反, 对立面adj. 相反的, 对立的,矛盾的adv. 相反地opposite [op·po·site || "ɑpəzɪt /"ɒp-]n. 对立面; 对立物adj. 相对的, 对立的,对面的adv. 在对面, 在对过prep. 相对的, 对立的,对面的#对立面;对立物#在对面,在对过#在...对面

on the contrary与on the opposite有什么区别





  没说明要求的字数哦,原文接近900词,那我就看着写啦,估计一二百词吧~  The world should be sensible of the situations of Japan. Though some argue that we need not worry about serious consequences at the damaged nuclear power plants in Japan, concerns do exist as to the future of the nuclear industry. After what had happen at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, the Fukushima nuclear plant may well turn into a haunting memory for the entire world. Promise has been made to draw lessons from this incident,yet people can see clearly with their own eyes that things aren"t getting better,that the nuclear industry haven"t been well prepared for possible disasters such as this one in Japan,as they "d promised to have.At this time, nuclear scientists and the industry are explaining to the public that damage or even explosion of a nuclear plant is no disaster at all, nevertheless, it is, to many of us,a rarely occurred calamity. Even if the scientists turn out to be right about their explanation, the impact to the industry can still be huge and undermining. Had the same happened to some backward nations,we could have neglect the matter,but this time it is Japan,a nation known for its precautionary way of doing things. It is understandable for Japan to be reliant on nuclear energy for the prevention of climate change, however, the safety of nuclear plant should be guaranteed. The commercial benefit of developing nuclear industry has been offset by safety costs.So, whatever the prospect of this industry, the world will likewise be harmed.

韩剧《我的爱》插曲hawaian couple 的韩文、中文歌词~

韩语歌词 귀여워 귀여워 웃을때 귀여워 Kwiyowo kwiyowo utseulttae kwiyowo Cute, cute, when you smile you"re cute 너무 귀여워 나만의 연인 그대 Nomu kwiyowo naman-eui yeonin keudae You are my very cute lover 멋있어 멋있어 너무 멋있어서 Moshisseo moshisseo nomu moshisseoseo Awesome, awesome, so awesome 가슴이 콩닥콩닥 뛰는걸 어떡해 Gaseumi k"ongdak k"ongdak ddwineungeol eottokhae What am I to do with this pounding heart 두려워 두려워 너의 그 두 눈빛 Turyeowo turyeowo neo-eui keu tu nunbit Longing, longing for your gaze 빠져 버릴거 같아 요즘 수영배워 Ppajweo beorilgeo katta yojeum suyeongbaewo Afraid I might sink in I"m learning how to swim these days 섹시해 섹시해 너의 그 쇄골뼈 키스해 주고 싶은 마음 이만큼 Sekshihae sekshihae neo-eui keu swaegolppyeo k"iseuhae jugo ship"eun maeum imank"eum Sexy, sexy your collarbone"s sexy, this is how much my heart wants to kiss you 둘만의 기념일 둘만의 냉장고 Tulman-eui kinyeomil tulman-eui naengjango Our anniversary, our refrigerator 둘만의 사진들 둘만의 비밀거리 Tulman-eui sajindeul tulman-eui bimilgeori Our pictures, our secrets 둘만의 속삭임 둘만의 와인잔 Tulman-eui soksagim tulman-eui wainjan Our whispers, our wine glasses 둘만의 커플룩 둘만의 추억얘기 Tulman-eui k"eop"eulluk tulman-eui ch"ueokyaegi Our couple ring, our reminisces 이런저런 시시콜콜 반짝반짝 길들여진 Ireonjeoran shishik"olk"ol banjjakbanjjak kildeuryeojin This and that, inquisitively sparkling we become familiar with each other 이래저래 알퐁달퐁 샤방샤방 익숙해진 Iraejeorae alp"ongdalp"ong shabangshabang iksukhaejin This and that, splish splash, sparkling we become comfortable with each other 우릴 맞이했던 해변가에 옛 유행노랠 흥얼거려 Uril majihaetdeon haebyeonga-e yet yuhaengnoraeng heungeolgeoryeo The beach that we met on, I"m humming an old famous song 우릴 축하했던 바람소리가 우릴 고조시켜 Uril chu"khahaetdeon paramsuriga uril kojoshig"yeo The sound of the wind that congratulated us is withering us 긴장돼 긴장돼 너의 그 모습을 그을린 구릿피부 품에 안겨 Kinjangdwae kinjangdwae neo-eui keu moseubeul keu-eulllin kuritp"ilbu p"ume angyeo Becoming tense, becoming tense, your muscles are becoming tense, I"m in your embrace 샤방해 샤방해 너의 그 목소리 컬러링으로 담고 싶은 이맘 Shabanghae shabanghae neo-eui keu mogsori k"eolleoringeuro damgo ship"eun imam Bright, bright is the sound of your voice, my heart wants to fill you with colors 둘만의 기념일 둘만의 냉장고 Tulman-eui kinyeomil tulman-eui naengjango Our anniversary, our refrigerator 둘만의 사진들 둘만의 비밀거리 Tulman-eui sajindeul tulman-eui bimilgeori Our pictures, our secrets 둘만의 속삭임 둘만의 와인잔 Tulman-eui soksagim tulman-eui wainjan Our whispers, our wine glasses 둘만의 커플룩 둘만의 추억얘기 Tulman-eui k"eop"eulluk tulman-eui ch"ueokyaegi Our couple ring, our reminisces 이런저런 시시콜콜 반짝반짝 길들여진 Ireonjeoran shishik"olk"ol banjjakbanjjak kildeuryeojin This and that, inquisitively sparkling we become familiar with each other 이래저래 알퐁달퐁 샤방샤방 익숙해진 Iraejeorae alp"ongdalp"ong shabangshabang iksukhaejin This and that, splish splash, sparkling we become comfortable with each other 우릴 맞이했던 해변가에 옛 유행노랠 흥얼거려 Uril majihaetdeon haebyeonga-e yet yuhaengnoraeng heungeolgeoryeo The beach that we met on, I"m humming an old famous song 우릴 축하했던 바람소리가 우릴 고조시켜 Uril chu"khahaetdeon paramsuriga uril kojoshig"yeo The sound of the wind that congratulated us is withering us 달려갈게 나 기다려줘 너 Tallyeokalke na kidaryeojwo neo I"ll wait, come running to me 기다릴게 나 달려와줘 너 Kidarilke na tallyeowojwo no I"ll run to you, wait for me中文翻译 可爱 可爱 笑的时候好可爱 真的很可爱 我的爱人 帅 好帅 因为太帅了 我的心碰碰乱跳 怎麼办 害怕 害怕 你的眼神 好像会掉进去一样 最近在学游泳 性感 好性感 你的锁骨 好想亲一下 小鹿乱撞 两人的纪念日 两人的冰箱 两人的照片 两人的秘密 两人的悄悄话 两人的酒杯 两人的情侣装 两人的回忆 这样那样 琐碎小事 闪闪亮亮 被你套牢 这样那样 大小事情 闪闪亮亮 变成习惯 让我们相遇的海边 哼著以前流行的歌 祝福我们的风声 让我们兴奋 紧张 好紧张 你的冷漠 被晒黑的皮肤 躲进你怀里 好听 好听 你的声音 想将它变成彩色 两人的纪念日 两人的冰箱 两人的照片 两人的秘密 两人的悄悄话 两人的酒杯 两人的情侣装 两人的回忆 这样那样 琐碎小事 闪闪亮亮 被你套牢 这样那样 大小事情 闪闪亮亮 变成习惯 让我们相遇的海边 说著以前流行的笑话 祝福我们的海浪声 让我们兴奋 啦啦啦啦啦....................... 跑向我吧 我会等你 等我 我会跑向你

perfect boundary condition这是什么意思?哪位大神能具体解释一下.

如过在40%以下.还是有得9的. 很多人说..什么升一级才减0.01.放P啦..误倒群众. COF和等级没关系的 原理是.进一张图.然后返回城镇这样就少0

conflict ,fight, struggle的区别

conflict,fight,struggle的区别答:conflictfightstruggle  都含“战斗”、“斗争”的意思。  conflict指“由于严重不一致,而引起抵触或冲突”,如:Theiraccountofthecausesofthewarconflictswithours.他们对于战争起因的报告与我们的报告相反。  fight原义是“打仗”、“战斗”,指“任何形式的斗争”,特别强调“短兵相接”,如:Thetwoboysfought.两个孩子动手打起来了。  struggle本义是“挣扎”,指“克服某种障碍或困难,以达到某种目的”,意味着“处境难”,如:Theywerestrugglingforpeace.他们为和平而斗争。

controlled experiment 怎么解释I

controlled experimentun.控制实验;控制性试验【网络】对照实验;核对实验;受控试验

谁能翻译 Alizee的 a contre courant的歌词啊?

A contre-courant Nos univers 我们的世界 A contre-courant 反向电流 Tout à l"envers... 一切都在反面 Pas pour longtemps! 不是为了长久 Quand tu es sur terre 当你接地的时候 Mets-moi au courant 就使我带电 Que j"imagine... 所以我想... Nos fusions. 我们的融合 On se désire 互相渴望 Sous haute-tension 处于高度紧张 Mais pas de prises... 但是没有凝固 De nerfs, je con... 没有精力,我赢... ...cilie tes rires ...得了你的笑容 Et mes électrons 和我的电子 Un bal de vie 生命的舞台 Bal de ballons 充满气球的舞台 Rien d"ordinaire 没什么平常的 Rien que du bon temps 也没什么除了好时光 Tête à l"envers... 面向反面 Pas trop longtemps. 时间并不是特别长 Quand tu es sur terre 当你接地的时候 Mets-moi au courant 就使我带电 Que je devine... 所以我猜 Les intentions. 那些意图 On s"électrise: 是带电的 Tension maximale 最大的紧张 Les corps-circuits... 身体的电路 De deux amants 两个恋人 On s"illumine 闪耀着光芒 Lumière animale 是本能的光线 L"école de l"é... 是带电的 ...lectro-aimant. 恋人的流派 Retrouver le sens 发现这层生活 De la vie, je pense 的含义,我想 Passe par l"ennui 经过了烦闷 Quand toi, tu es parti, 当你,你离去的时候 Retrouver les sens 才发现了这层含义 Moments qui s"insolencent 傲慢的时刻 Des défiles de doigts, 手指间的缝隙 De mon envie de toi. 我对你的渴望 Quand le courant passe, aussi la menace 当电流通过的时候,伴随着恐吓 Du temps qui se barre, du temps qui nous sépare 时间拦住了我们,时间使我们分离 Et le courant passe, j"ai en moi l"audace 而且电流通过,使我变得勇敢 Du champs magnétique, et ?a c"est magnifique! 是磁场,它好极了! Nos univers 我们的世界 A contre-courant 反向电流 Reviens sur terre 回到地上 Et pour de bon 为了更好 Quand tu m"espères 当你盼望我的时候 Mets-moi au courant 就使我带电 Que j"envisage... 所以我打算 Une rébellion 来一次反抗 On se statique 我们归于静止 Quand je lui dis non, 当我对他说不的时候 Pas plus de six... 说不超过六次 Allocutions 这样话 Il me panique 他就让我害怕 D"électrocution 会触电 Mon isolant 我的绝缘体 C"est la passion 这就是爱情

I could give up all of the world because there are at least you that I am worth cherishing.


小野惠令奈First Love MP3 给链接吧也方便大家,个个都发邮箱,真的很郁闷!!

想要的话 直接去酷狗音乐一搜就有了






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component一般在体积上比element大,说一辆车是由哪些元件组成,一般不用element,element指的是小到不能再分割或拆开的,而component则强调是一个完整系统的一部分.它们的英文解释如下componentn.1.A constituent element,as of a system.2.A part of a mechanical or electrical complex.elementn.A fundamental,essential,or irreducible constituent of a composite entity.(其它略)





temporary primary extraordinary alimentary documentary

cooking dinner 、drawing pictures |doing the dishes 的音标

1 cooking n. 烹饪;烹调;烹调用的;烧煮 2 cooking oil 食用油 3 cooking utensils 烹饪用具 4 cooking n. 烹饪 5 cooking battery 厨房用具 6 cooking boiler 蒸煮锅 7 cooking cabinet 蒸箱 8 cooking kettle 油料(种籽)炒锅 9 cooking liquor 煮液, 汤汁 10 cooking pot 蒸煮罐 11 cooking room 蒸煮工段, 热处理工段 12 cooking schedule 蒸煮规程, 热处理操作规程, 热炼规程 13 cooking shrinkage 烧煮损耗 14 cooking steam 蒸煮用汽 15 cooking stove 厨灶 16 cooking tank 蒸煮锅 17 cooking time 蒸煮时间 18 cooking utensil 烹饪用具 19 cooking vat 蒸煮锅[槽、桶] 1 dinner n. 正餐(午饭或晚饭);晚餐;(一天中的)主餐;宴会;晚宴;(现通例指)晚餐;吃饭;(正式的)晚宴 2 dinner n. 正餐, 宴会 3 dinner bucket n. 饭盒,饭桶 4 dinner cloth 餐巾 5 dinner coat n. 男子无尾晚礼服 6 dinner dance n. 筵席后有舞会的宴会 7 dinner fork 餐叉 8 dinner hour 午饭时间, 中午休息时间 9 dinner jacket 无尾礼服 10 dinner knife 餐刀 11 dinner lady n. 监管学校用餐的女士 12 dinner party n. 宴会 13 dinner plate n. 西餐用大盘 14 dinner ring 镶宝石戒指 15 dinner roll 午餐小面包 16 dinner service n. 成套的餐具 17 dinner set n. 成套的餐具 18 dinner suit 夜小[便]礼服 19 dinner table n. 餐桌 20 dinner waggon n. 装有脚轮的送菜车 1 drawing n. 图;绘画;图画;图样;素描;绘图;机械图;图(指素描或工程图);素描(画);绘画(艺术);取出存款;提款;提存 2 drawing n. 图画, 制图, 素描术 3 drawing Bristol 制图用光泽纸板 4 drawing account 预支帐户 5 drawing and coiling apparatus 拉盘(毛细管)装置 6 drawing apparatus 描绘器 7 drawing basin 引上池 8 drawing bench 拉床 9 drawing block 拉(丝)模板, 拉丝卷筒 10 drawing board n. 制图板 11 drawing camera 绘图室 12 drawing capstan 张紧卷筒, 拉丝卷筒 13 drawing card [美]能吸引观众的表演[演讲] 14 drawing chain 链式输管机(玻璃管), 牵引链 15 drawing chamber 引上窑, 拉引室 16 drawing channel 引上通路 17 drawing chute 放矿漏斗[溜眼] 18 drawing clearance 拉延间隙 19 drawing cloth 描图布 20 drawing compartment 拉引室 1 picturesque a. 如画般的;生动的;如画的;独特的;美丽如画的;(语言)生动的;绘声绘色的;(景色等)如画的;(语言等)生动的;(景色等)似画的;形象的;风景优美;风景如画的 2 picturesque adj. 独特的 1 doings n. 行为;活动 2 doing () n. 做, 干, 行为, [复]活动, 所作所为 3 doing-over n. 痛打,狠揍 4 doings n. 行为,活动,社交活动 1 the , det. 起限定作用的冠词;这;定冠词;这个;那个;这些;那些;(定冠词);这(那)个;这(那)些;这(那)个;这(那)些;那ad.[用于比较级;最高级前];这(那)些( 2 the 1960s 二十世纪六十年代 3 the alimentary canal 消化道 4 the Alps n. 阿尔卑斯山脉 5 the Amazon 亚马逊河;(拉丁美洲)亚马孙河;亚马孙(河) 6 the Antarctic Ocean 南冰洋 7 the Appalachian Mountains 阿巴拉契亚山脉� 8 the approach of night 夜幕降临 9 the Archer n. 人马座 10 the Arctic n. 北极区 11 the Arkansas =the Arkansas River阿肯色河� 12 the Asian Games 亚运会 13 the Atlantic 大西洋;《大西洋》月刊 14 the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 15 the award ceremony 颁奖仪式 16 the Balance n. 天秤座 17 the balance beam 平衡木 18 the BBC World Service 英国广播公司全球服务 19 the Beatles 甲壳虫乐队 20 the best 最好的 1 dishes 器皿


在人体内和体表生活着的微生物会对健康产生重要影响,也会随着年龄发生变化。在人体肠道中,正常的微生物中超过99%都是细菌,菌落十分丰富、种类也具有多样化的特征,能够对宿主的身体发育、营养吸收和免疫功能发挥重要作用。 年龄增长可能会使得友好微生物减少,有害微生物增加,进而增加慢性炎症、代谢功能紊乱和其他疾病的患病风险。在2021年8月12日,爱尔兰科克大学研究团队通过移植年轻小鼠的粪菌给老年小鼠,发现老年小鼠身上,与衰老相关的免疫系统在移植后发生了逆转,大脑恢复活力、代谢状况和基因调控模式也和年轻小鼠相似。 1、在医学翻译材料中,对消化系统的概述主要集中在哪些方面? 消化系统(英文翻译:digestive system)包括消化管和消化腺两部分,消化管(英文翻译:alimentary canal)是指从口腔到肛门的管道,其中各部的功能不同,形态各异,可分为口腔、咽、食管、胃、小肠(十二指肠、空肠和回肠)和大肠(盲肠、阑尾、结肠、直肠和肛管)。 临床上,通常把从口腔到十二指肠的这部分管道称为上消化道,空肠以下的部分称下消化道。消化腺(英文翻译:alimentary gland)按体积的大小和位置不同,可分为大消化腺和小消化腺两种。大消化腺位于消化管壁外,成为一个独立的器官,所分泌的消化液经导管流入消化管腔内,如大唾液腺、肝和胰。小消化腺分布于消化管壁的黏膜层或黏膜下层,如唇腺、颊腺、舌腺、食管腺、胃腺和肠腺等。 消化系统的基本功能是摄取食物,进行物理性和化学性消化,经消化管黏膜上皮细胞吸收,最后将食物残渣形成粪便排出体外。 2、消化系统中,口腔相关部分包括哪些组成器官? 口腔(英文翻译:oral cavity)是消化管的起始部,其前壁为上、下唇,侧壁为颊,上壁为腭,下壁为口腔底。口腔向前经口唇围成的口裂通向外界,向后经咽峡与咽相通。 整个口腔借上、下牙弓(包括牙槽突和牙列)和牙龈分为前外侧部的口腔前庭(英文翻译:oral vestibule)和后内侧部的固有口腔(英文翻译:oral cavity proper)。前者是上、下唇和颊与上、下牙弓和牙龈之间的狭窄空隙;后者位于上、下牙弓和牙龈所围成的空间,其顶为腭,底由黏膜、肌和皮肤组成。 颊(英文翻译:cheek)是口腔的两侧壁,其构造与唇相似,即由黏膜、颊肌和皮肤构成。 腭(英文翻译:palate)是口腔的上壁,分隔鼻腔与口腔。腭分硬腭(英文翻译:hard palate)和软腭(英文翻译:soft palate)两部分。 舌(英文翻译:tongue)邻近口腔底,其基本结构是骨骼肌和表面覆盖的黏膜。舌具有协助咀嚼和吞咽食物、感受味觉及辅助发音等功能。 舌分舌体(英文翻译:body of tongue)和舌根(英文翻译:root of tongue)两部分,二者之间在舌背以向前开放的V字形的界沟(英文翻译:terminal sulcus)为界。舌体占舌的前2/3,为界沟之前可游离活动的部分,其前端为舌尖(英文翻译:apex of tongue)。 舌肌为骨骼肌,分舌内肌(英文翻译:intrinsic lingual muscle)和舌外肌(英文翻译:extrinsic lingual muscle)。 唾液腺(英文翻译:salivary gland)位于口腔周围,能分泌并向口腔内排泄唾液。唾液腺分大、小两类。小唾液腺(minor salivary glands)位于口腔各部黏膜或黏膜下层中;大唾液腺(英文翻译:major salivary glands)有3对,即腮腺、下颌下腺和舌下腺。 咽(英文翻译:pharynx)是消化管上端扩大的部分,是消化管与呼吸道的共同通道。咽呈上宽下窄、前后略扁的漏斗形肌性管道。 3、在医学翻译中,咽的分部是如何分类的? 1)鼻咽部(英文翻译:nasopharynx):是咽的上部,位于鼻腔后方,上达颅底,下至腭帆游离缘平面续口咽部,向前经鼻后孔通鼻腔; 2)口咽部(英文翻译:oropharynx):位于腭帆游离缘与会厌上缘平面之间,向前经咽峡与口腔相通,上续鼻咽部,下通喉咽部;腭扁桃体(英文翻译:palatine tonsil)位于口咽部侧壁的扁桃体窝内,是淋巴上皮器官,具有防御功能。 3)喉咽部(英文翻译:laryngopharynx):是咽的最下部,稍狭窄,上起自会厌上缘平面,下至第6颈椎体下缘平面与食管相续;喉咽部的前壁上份有喉口通入喉腔。在喉口的两侧各有一深窝称梨状隐窝(英文翻译:piriform recess),为异物常滞留之处。 4)咽壁肌:咽肌为骨骼肌,包括咽缩肌和咽提肌。 4、医学翻译中食管的位置和分部是怎样的? 食管(英文翻译:esophagus)是一前后扁平的肌性管状器官,是消化管各部中最狭窄的部分,长约25厘米。食管上端在第6颈椎体下缘平面与咽相接,下端在第10胸椎平面穿过膈进入胸腔。食管全长除沿脊柱的颈、胸曲相应地形成前后方向上的弯曲之外,在左右方向上亦有轻度弯曲,但在形态上食管最重要的特点是有3处生理性狭窄。 消化系统中还有更多值得 医学翻译 工作者学习的内容,包括胃(英文翻译:stomach)、小肠(英文翻译:small intestine)、空肠(英文翻译:jejunum)、回肠(英文翻译:ileum)、大肠(英文翻译:large intestine)、胃肠道的神经内分泌功能、肝(英文翻译:liver)、胰(英文翻译:pancreas)等。


在动漫展览中,集邮的意思就是指和coser们合影。当你在参加动漫展览的过程中,如果想和coser合影,就要和人家商量,如果人家说集邮,那么就是同意你的合影要求了。集邮是经常见到的词语,很多人理解为搜集邮票,在漫展上,集邮代表的含义,与邮票没有任何关系,集邮就是指合影的意思。遇到喜欢的coser,如果想合照的话,千万别说合照,一定要说集邮,不然会被coser拒绝的。Coser多是漫展大佬,不说黑话,会被当小白拒绝的。集邮在二次元用语中的意思是在漫展中和coser合影。cosplay是英文costume play的简略写法,其动词为cos,而玩cosplay的人则一般被称为coser。以现今的cosplay而言,其形式及内容一般是指利用服装、小饰品、道具以及化装来扮演acg(anime、comic、game)中的角色或是一些日本视觉系乐队以及电影中的某些人物。二次元,是一个ACGN亚文化圈专门用语,来自于日语中的“二次元”,意思是“二维”。日本早期的动画、漫画、游戏等作品都是以二维图像构成,其画面以我们视角来看是一个平面,所以通过这些载体创造的虚拟世界被动漫爱好者称为“二次元世界”,简称“二次元”。在日本的动画爱好者中指动画、游戏等作品中的角色。集邮是经常见到的词语,很多人理解为搜集邮票,在漫展上,集邮代表的含义,与邮票没有任何关系,集邮就是指合影的意思。遇到喜欢的coser,如果想合照的话,千万别说合照,一定要说集邮,不然会被coser拒绝的。Coser多是漫展大佬,不说黑话,会被当小白拒绝的。


在动漫展览中,集邮的意思就是指和coser们合影。当你在参加动漫展览的过程中,如果想和coser合影,就要和人家商量,如果人家说集邮,那么就是同意你的合影要求了。集邮是经常见到的词语,很多人理解为搜集邮票,在漫展上,集邮代表的含义,与邮票没有任何关系,集邮就是指合影的意思。遇到喜欢的coser,如果想合照的话,千万别说合照,一定要说集邮,不然会被coser拒绝的。Coser多是漫展大佬,不说黑话,会被当小白拒绝的。集邮在二次元用语中的意思是在漫展中和coser合影。cosplay是英文costume play的简略写法,其动词为cos,而玩cosplay的人则一般被称为coser。以现今的cosplay而言,其形式及内容一般是指利用服装、小饰品、道具以及化装来扮演acg(anime、comic、game)中的角色或是一些日本视觉系乐队以及电影中的某些人物。二次元,是一个ACGN亚文化圈专门用语,来自于日语中的“二次元”,意思是“二维”。日本早期的动画、漫画、游戏等作品都是以二维图像构成,其画面以我们视角来看是一个平面,所以通过这些载体创造的虚拟世界被动漫爱好者称为“二次元世界”,简称“二次元”。在日本的动画爱好者中指动画、游戏等作品中的角色。集邮是经常见到的词语,很多人理解为搜集邮票,在漫展上,集邮代表的含义,与邮票没有任何关系,集邮就是指合影的意思。遇到喜欢的coser,如果想合照的话,千万别说合照,一定要说集邮,不然会被coser拒绝的。Coser多是漫展大佬,不说黑话,会被当小白拒绝的。

constructive alignment 是什么意思




cold alignment是什么意思

cold alignment 冷态对中cold alignment 冷态对中1.Taking the rich gas compressor group of Zhenhai Refinery as an example, this paper describes the application of thermal expansion calculation in solving the numerical validation problem of cold alignment during equipment installation in order to ensure the good alignment of compressor group under hot state.文章以镇海炼化富气压缩机组为例,介绍运用热膨胀量的计算解决在设备的安装过程中碰到的冷态对中数值验证的实际问题,以确保机组在热态时的良好对中。

“courtesy professor”是什么职位?

客座教授,一般在多个学系任职的教授,在非主要任职的学系后或前加( courtesy)

confirm和prove的区别 都是证明的意思,用法上有什么区别呢?

我们在用英文表示"证明"时,通常会用到confirm和prove这两个词,这两个词在具体含义侧重点和用法上是存在着区别的,具体如下:一:含义解释confirm 英 [kənˈfɜːm]  美 [kənˈfɜːrm]  v.(尤指提供证据来)证实,证明prove 英 [pruːv]   美 [pruːv]  v. 证明,证实;后来被发现是,最终显现为相同点:两词都可以表示"证明"。不同点:Confirm 一般用在已经知道了某件事以后,再次进行确认;Prove一般用在不知道这件事的可行性,需要证实它。二:用法区分confirm的基本意思是“证实”“确定”,指以不可辩驳的事实或不容置疑的陈述证实某事的真实性、准确性、正确性以及有效程度,引申可表示为“认可”“坚定”。confirm是及物动词,其主语多为人,宾语可以是名词、代词或that从句,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语prove的基本意思是“证明",即以足够、可靠的证据来证明自己的观点或结论是正确的,而对方的论点或结果是站不住脚的。此外,也可表示证实有争议的人或物的品质、实力或适合性等。引申可作“检验"解。三:典型例句1、confirm——A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view.  随便翻阅一下历史就足以证实这种观点。——Can you confirm what happened?  你能证实一下发生了什么事吗?——It has been confirmed that the meeting will take place next week.  已经确定会议将于下个星期召开。2、prove——Are you just doing this to prove a point?  你这么做就是为证明自己对吗?——They hope this new evidence will prove her innocence.  他们希望这一新证据能证明她无罪。——In the light of later events the decision was proved right.  从后来发生的事看,这一决定证明是正确的。


confirm与prove在同时表示证实,肯定;确认时. confirm和prove都是vt. prove表示“证明是,表明是”时是vi

become an expert at 与become expert at 与

前面的有个an expert是指一个人,所以要加an后面的expert的主语是children是复数,所以不需要加an前面的expert是名词专家,后面跟的at在某个领域,指在某个领域是专家第二个expert是和expert at连用在一起的,意思为擅长或精通


我们就快要失去家园钻石吞没无线电蔓延滋长在那静寂的夜我们留下照片 留下一些让历史有东西去讲述发掘然后以飞机的飞行速度拼命往前孩子们悲伤呜咽若那是你所需要的哭也没关系的若你需要可以抱住我抱紧我那样一个外星之物我们徘徊着 徘徊着 无家可归着数以百万计的UFO怀着希望定点盘旋着 盘旋着终见那光芒时念念有词说若你想飞就飞吧没关系的但若你决定了记得打给我打这个号码给我那样的一个外星之物我们仅仅只是外星之物仅仅只是想要再次回到家中告诉你的长官那位先生或是夫人我们会平和降临我们无意去制造危机在远离此地的某处那未知之境里所有的外星人都在联络着家里纵观我的生命在那天际线上看它穿过你的眼睛却将毕生穷尽那样一个外星之物一个活动中的目标在即定的运动轨迹里一小片地域 或是某个角落里在那时空之境向前翻转行进翻过时间的扉页越过亚洲之顶穿越过岁月痕迹我们仅仅只是外星之物仅仅只是想要再次回到家里去

As almost every conceivable contact between human


请帮我找些有关欧美60"s 70"s的反传统文化(counterculture)的内容,最好是英语的!

Let dhkiauwe djadjh jsdhais sdyeu xicud

chemist confessions三酸精华怎么使用?




corporate loyalty reluctant alienation 这两个字的中文意思是甚麼?


chemist confessions三酸精华怎么使用?


化工有限公司翻译成chemical co.,ltd还是chemical co.,lto

你好!化工有限公司Chemical industry co., LTD.希望对你有所帮助!

chemical composition是什么意思

chemical composition[英][ˈkemikəl ˌkɔmpəˈziʃən][美][ˈkɛmɪkəl ˌkɑmpəˈzɪʃən]化学成分[组成]; 例句:1.The results actually compared pretty well to the earlier estimate based on chemical composition. 相比早先根据化学成分计算的结果,这个成绩已经相当不错了。2.Researchers suspect there may be something unique about the chemical composition of black tea polysaccharides that boosts their blood sugar benefits. 研究者猜想在红茶多糖化学成分有某些独特的东西,能增强它的血糖功效。3.To find out why, researchers used sophisticated x-ray analyses to determine the exact chemical composition of the paint as it browns. 为了寻求原因,研究人员利用尖端的x射线分析,以确定变为棕色的颜料的确切化学成分

如何理解chemical conversation?

解答:chemical conversation化学论坛


区别如下:seek的基本意思是“寻找”“寻求”“谋求”“设法得到”,指怀有很大希望,付出很大努力去寻求某人或某物,也可指对崇高目的或抽象事物的追求、向往或探索。偶尔表示不费吹灰之力的调查。seek还可作“试图”解。seek用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。用作不及物动词时,其主动形式含有被动意义。seek用于be to结构时,尽管主语是seek的逻辑宾语,句子也要用主动结构。seek是书面语,较少用于口语。discover 侧重发现原来人们不知道的东西 而气味是固有存在的,鼻子不是去“发现”气味,而是捕捉、检测气味。

求 Justin Timberlake的 Spaceship Coupe中文歌词!!

spaceship coupe太空飞船 Justin timberlake Hey, yeah, yeah Hey, I wrote this song for you嘿,这是为你写的歌 Listen Everybody"s looking for the flyest thing to say每个人都在找吸引的故事来说 (flyest thing to say) But I just wanna fly但是我只想飞翔 (fly away with you, you, you, you)和你一起 I don"t wanna be the one to alienate, yeah (alienate)我并不想疏远 You see, I"m trying to find an alien you in (you, you, if it"s cool, cool) 你知道我在努力寻找有你在的外星国度 We can"t take an airplane我们无法乘坐飞机 Where we"re going is way too high因为我们将去的地方是那么的高 Going where the day sky turns into night到达那个日夜交接的地方 I got the windows special tinted for the stars为了和星星相称,我把窗户也染上了色彩 that get too bright在夜空中如此明亮 And I saved you a seat, so let"s ride为你准备了专属座位,开始翱翔 Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船里 There"s only room for two (Me and you)只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top down we"ll cruise around我们环游宇宙 Land and make love on the moon在月亮上着陆,开始浪漫的一夜 Would you like that?你喜欢吗? Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船 There"s only room for two (Me and you) 只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top of you wrapped up我将你紧紧包裹 In my space lover cocoon.在我的爱巢中 And I love it when I hear you say我喜欢听你吟唱 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh(自行YY) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Sing to me快唱给我听 I love it when I hear you say我喜欢听你吟唱 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Sing to me快唱给我听 Now everybody knows现在所有人都知道 that you"re from outer space (outer space)你来自外太空 But honey, I just want to turn out this space但是亲爱的,我只想和你留在这外太空 with you (you, you, you, you)和你一起 So drive me to your galaxy where I could play, yeah带我到那个我可以随心所欲的星际 (that milky way)到银河系 And sugar I"ll take my time甜心,我们可以慢慢来 And show you the backseat view, view, if it"s cool, cool向你展示太空的美景 We can"t take an airplane我们无法乘坐飞机 Where we"re going is way too high因为我们将去的地方是那么的高 Going where the day sky turns into night到达那个日夜交接的地方 I got the windows special tinted for the stars为了和星星相称,我把窗户也染上了色彩 that get too bright在夜空中如此明亮 And I saved you a seat, so let"s ride为你准备了专属座位,开始翱翔 Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船 There"s only room for two (Me and you)只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top down we"ll cruise around我们环游宇宙 Land and make love on the moon在月亮上着陆,开始浪漫的一夜 Would you like that?你喜欢吗? Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船 There"s only room for two (Me and you) 只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top of you wrapped up我将你紧紧包裹 In my space lover cocoon.在我的爱巢中 And I love it when I hear you say我喜欢听你吟唱 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh(自行YY) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Sing to me快唱给我听 I love it when I hear you say我喜欢听你吟唱 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Sing to me快唱给我听 Now break it down现在 Hey...嘿 This is the part这个环节 Where you and me你和我 and all of the stars collide tonight还有星星之间相互碰撞 This is the part接下来 Where we take off我们起飞 And then we fly far away, far away, far away在太空中自由翱翔 Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船 There"s only room for two (Me and you)只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top down we"ll cruise around我们环游宇宙 Land and make love on the moon在月亮上着陆,开始浪漫的一夜 Hop into my spaceship coupe快来到我的飞船 There"s only room for two (Me and you) 只属于我们俩的空间 And with the top of you wrapped up我将你紧紧包裹 In my space lover cocoon.在我的爱巢中 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh... Baby, can"t you see all the stars?宝贝,你能看见这星星吗? They shine, they shine它们这么的闪耀 Just for you专门为你而闪耀 I said oh, yeah, yeah我说过的 Just hop into my spaceship coupe只要到我的飞船里来 I saved a seat for you我为你准备了专属座位 Right here next to me就在我的身边 I"m gonna take you to the moon我要带你到月球上 Then I"ll make you say让你只对我说 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh(自行YY) Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh I love it when I hear you say我喜欢听你吟唱 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh(自行YY) Then I"ll make you say让你只对我说 Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh(自行YY) Baby this is the part宝贝接下来 Where you and me你和我 and all of the stars collide tonight还有星星之间相互碰撞 This is the part然后 Where we take off我们起飞 And then we fly far away, far away, far away在太空中自由翱翔


pink 粉红色salmon pink 橙红色baby pink 浅粉红色shocking pink 鲜粉红色brown 褐色, 茶色beige 灰褐色chocolate 红褐色, 赭石色sandy beige 浅褐色camel 驼色amber 琥珀色khaki 卡其色maroon 褐红色green 绿色moss green 苔绿色emerald green 鲜绿色olive green 橄榄绿blue 蓝色turquoise blue 土耳其玉色cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色aquamarine blue 蓝绿色red 红色scarlet 绯红, 猩红mauve 紫红wine red 葡萄酒红purple, violet 紫色lavender 淡紫色lilac 浅紫色antique violet 古紫色pansy 紫罗兰色white 白色off-white 灰白色ivory 象牙色snowy white 雪白色oyster white 乳白色gray 灰色charcoal gray 炭灰色smoky gray 烟灰色misty gray 雾灰色




cook的名词形式还是cook。cook用作动词时可译为“烹调;烧煮;捏造;纂改(账目)”,用作名词时的意思是“厨师;做饭的人;炊事员”。cook是可数名词,表示私人厨师时可不加冠词,首字母常大写。例句:The cook went to see the cake left in the oven.炊事员去照看炉子里的蛋糕了。近义词介绍:chef表达意思:厨师,主厨;(法)谢夫(人名)。词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。固定搭配:sous chef副厨;副厨师长。例句:In the very beginning, there was just Carême, the top chef who elevated dining into art.在最开始的时候,只有顶级厨师卡拉姆将用餐提升到艺术的层面。


读音:英 [kʊk],美 [kʊk]一、释义v.烹调;煮;烧;篡改;伪造;干得起劲;做得欢;干得好n.烹饪者;厨师;炊事员;(Cook)人名:库克二、例句1、A separator means you can cook more than one thing at once.有了隔离器你就能同时做几样菜。2、Cook for a further thirty-five minutes until the filling has set.再烹调35分钟直到夹馅凝固。扩展资料近义词:bake一、读音英 [beɪk],美 [beɪk]二、释义v.烘;焙;烤;晒;烘烤;烘焙;烤制n.烘焙食品;烤餐会双语例句1、Bake until the topping is crunchy.烘烤至浇头发脆。2、They bake their own bread and cakes他们自己烤制面包和蛋糕
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