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all bar takes are col.中文翻译是什么啊?谢谢哦!!!



consultant 英[ku0259nu02c8su028cltu0259nt]美[ku0259nu02c8su028cltu0259nt]n. (受人咨询的) 顾问; 会诊医生,(顾问)医生; 求教者,(与人)商议者,征求意见者,查阅者,咨询者;[例句]Shirley"s brother is now a consultant heart surgeon in Sweden.雪利的兄弟现在在瑞典做心脏外科高级顾问医师。[其他] 复数:consultants

Mr Chen teaches ___math.We all like ____very much A us ,his Cour, his B us ,him D our ,him

B us ,him




Core是Intel 酷睿 是英特尔推出的新一代基于Core微架构的产品体系统称之一 Opteron是AMD Opteron处理器 “Opteron”源自于拉丁文optimus——“最佳”的意思

all like cook哪个不同类?


European Commission 和 European Union一样么?

The European Commission is the executive of the European Union and promotes its general interest.

Down For The Count 歌词

歌曲名:Down For The Count歌手:Hi-Tek&Talib Kweli专辑:Reflection Eternal [Train Of Thought]Someone call a medic cause I think she"s gonna strike againShe slammed down the phone and gave the finger to the nightstandAnd holds the picture in the heart shaped frame we bought at targetYes I think we"ve got a problem but I can"t put my finger on itIt seems like you told me I"m in over my headBut all I remember is making out constantlyIf I don"t get out then I"ll probably end up deadShe"s the undisputed champ of my worldDown for the count, over and outToss in the towel cause she really got the best of meI can"t hang around, she kicks while I"m downWhat was that sound?I just wish the f-ing bell would ringLet"s get ready for verse #2The message on my cell says she"s waiting on the call from meto tell her that I"m sorry I can come back if I crawlBut I got bad knees and I can"t say that I"m sorry"Cept I"m sorry that I met youNow my guard"s up and I"m fighting dirtyIt seems like you told me I"m in over my headBut all I remember is making out constantlyIf I don"t get out then I"ll probably end up deadShe"s the undisputed champ of my worldDown for the count, over and outToss in the towel cause she really got the best of meI can"t hang around, she kicks while I"m downWhat was that sound?I just wish the f-ing bell would ringIt seems like you told me I"m in over my headBut all I remember is making out constantlyIf I don"t get out then I"ll probably end up deadShe"s the undisputed champ of my worldUndisputed champ of my world and I"m begging to beDown for the count, over and outToss in the towel cause she really got the best of meI can"t hang around, she kicks while I"m downWhat was that sound?I just wish the f-ing bell would ring

我上次在QQ上看到别人的主显示帐号是 之类的(好像是吧)求高手解


european parliament and the council of the european union什么意思

你好。european parliament and the council of the european union翻译成中文是:欧洲议会和欧盟理事会。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

Hot Chocolate的《Man to Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Man to Man歌手:Hot Chocolate专辑:6 x 6 - The Seventies许志安 - Man to Man作曲: AOK乐队 填词: 徐世珍厌倦了食物链 下班后老地方见喝一杯今夜不要跑给时间追附卡拿给老婆去逛街那个谁呀打完卡就快出现放松一下几个男人成群又结队喝一点小酒交流一下生活的体会干一杯man to man把她她她她们放一边自由 诚可贵再追追追追加下一杯侃侃大山聊聊球队烦恼苦闷全都不见今夜 man to man在这个下班后的失乐园冰啤酒透心扉 红酒要年份正确威士忌on the rock是男人的语言喂喂电话收讯不OK反正女朋友等明天再赔罪再来一点下酒菜是老板的花边吐一吐苦水也是一种心灵的复健松开我的领结 把西装丢在一边卸下了肩上男人的原罪放牛吃草一天 逍遥快乐似神仙在酒馆打烊之前干一杯man to man我喝喝喝也喝不醉梦想 高过天再听听听我唱一遍画画大饼看看妹妹明天的事留给明天今夜 man to man在这个下班后的失乐园




租凭一个服务器 服务器租凭网站 选择10美金一月的服务器即可 使用以下说明在Ubuntu Server 18.04masternode。服务器 确保您具有以下要求。- 设置主节点所需的硬币数量。 - 存放硬币的钱包。 - 服务器或VPS。 说明分为三个部分。 设置控制钱包(1/2) 打开你的钱包,等到钱包下载了完整的区块链。 转到“工具”。 单击“调试控制台”。 这是您将执行所有命令的控制台。 创建一个masternode私钥。 masternode genkey 示例输出 75eqvNfaEfkd3YTwQ3hMwyxL2BgNSrqHDgWc6jbUh4Gdtnro2Wo 显示您的抵押品地址。 getaccountaddress "MN1" 示例输出Nad4xtgdwf7c5y45ruy5MWtVY43zYMCvva 记下masternode私钥和附属地址。 设置VPS 在VPS上安装Ubuntu Server 18.04。 更新你的Ubuntu机器。 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade 安装所需的依赖项。 sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils python3 libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-all-dev libboost-program-options-dev sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev libzmq3-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler unzip software-properties-common 安装Berkeley DB。sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev 。从官方网站下载守护进程和工具。 提取tar文件。 tar -xzvf tbtcoin-daemon-linux.tar.gz tar -xzvf tbtcoin-qt-linux.tar.gz 安装守护程序和工具。 sudo mv tbtcoinnd tbtcoin-cli tbtcoin-tx /usr/bin/ 创建配置文件。 mkdir $HOME/.tbtcoin cd $HOME cd tbtcoin.conf Touch tbtcoin.conf Vi tbtcoin.conf 在examplecoin.conf中粘贴以下行。#---- rpcuser=rpc_tbtcoin rpcpassword=kuw05sqio7bcm8z96o7redv17xws1lw6xpd1qf33 rpcallowip= #---- listen=1 server=1 daemon=1 maxconnections=64 #---- masternode=1 masternodeprivkey=REPLACE_WITH_MASTERNODE_PRIVATE_KEY externalip=REPLACE_WITH_EXTERNAL_IP_OF_VPS #---- 将文本“REPLACE_WITH_MASTERNODE_PRIVATE_KEY”替换为使用命令 “masternode genkey”创建的“masternode私钥”。 例如 masternodeprivkey=75eqvNfaEfkd3YTwQ3hMwyxL2BgNSrqHDgWc6jbUh4G dtnro2Wo将文本“REPLACE_WITH_EXTERNAL_IP_OF_VPS”替换为VPS的外部IP地址。 例如externalip= 使用以下命令启动节点。 examplecoind 设置控制钱包(2/2) 使用命令“getaccountaddress”MN1“”将所需数量的硬币转移到您创建的“附属地 址”。 等到事务具有所需的masternode确认。 转到工具。 单击调试控制台。 输入以下命令。 masternode outputs 示例输出 [ {"06e38868bb8f9958e34d5155437d009b72dff33fc28874c87fd42e51c0f74fdb" : "0", } ] 转到“工具”。 单击“打开Masternode配置文件”。 修改以下行并将其粘贴到记事本中。 MN1 75eqvNfaEfkd3YTwQ3hMwyxL2BgNSrqHDgWc6jbUh4Gdtnro2Wo 06e38868bb8f9958e34d5155437d009b72dff33fc28874c87fd42e51c0f74fdb 0 MN1 - 您的masternode的别名。 - 您的VPS的外部IP。 9999 - 更换硬币的P2P端口。 75eqvNfaEfkd3YTwQ3hMwyxL2BgNSrqHDgWc6jbUh4Gdtnro2Wo - 来自命 令“masternode genkey”的Masternode私钥。 06e38868bb8f9958e34d5155437d009b72dff33fc28874c87fd42e51c0f74fdb - 来自命令“masternode outputs”的事务哈希。0 - 命令“masternode outputs”中的单个数字。 保存文件并关闭记事本。 关闭钱包并重新打开钱包。 前往设置”。 点击“解锁钱包”。 输入您的钱包密码并解锁您的钱包。 转到“工具”。 单击“调试控制台”。 使用该命令启动masternode。 masternode start-alias MN1 激活你的masternode需要+/- 30分钟

如何从SharePoint Content DB中查询List数据

  1. 查询[dbo].[AllLists]找到ListId。  select *  from [dbo].[AllLists]  where tp_Title = "Country"  由于整个网站集都是共用一个Content DB数据库,所以可能会出现在多个网站中都创建了Country这个List的情况,那么就会返还多条结果,这个情况下,就需要关联AllWebs表,根据网站的Url来判断到底哪个ListId才是我们需要的。  select w.FullUrl,l.tp_ID  from [dbo].[AllLists] l  inner join [dbo].[AllWebs] w  on l.tp_WebId=w.Id  where l.tp_Title = "Country"  在找到了ListId后,接下来所有查询都会用到这个Id。  2. 查询[dbo].[AllUserData],找到需要查询的列,并命名为别名。  假设第一步我们查询出来的ListId是"F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691",那么我们查询Country这个列表的所有数据的SQL就是:  SELECT *  FROM AllUserData  where tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691"

如何从SharePoint Content DB中查询List数据

Case 1简单数据类型的自定义列表查询假设我们现在有一个Country列表,记录了全球200多个国家和地区的中文名,英文名,建国日期,面积,人口等信息,整个列表只有字符串、日期、数字等简单类型,没有User,Lookup等数据类型,则整个List的数据都可以从[dbo].[AllUserData]查询获得,具体查询步骤:1. 查询[dbo].[AllLists]找到ListId。select *from [dbo].[AllLists]where tp_Title = "Country"由于整个网站集都是共用一个Content DB数据库,所以可能会出现在多个网站中都创建了Country这个List的情况,那么就会返还多条结果,这个情况下,就需要关联AllWebs表,根据网站的Url来判断到底哪个ListId才是我们需要的。select w.FullUrl,l.tp_IDfrom [dbo].[AllLists] linner join [dbo].[AllWebs] won l.tp_WebId=w.Idwhere l.tp_Title = "Country"在找到了ListId后,接下来所有查询都会用到这个Id。2. 查询[dbo].[AllUserData],找到需要查询的列,并命名为别名。假设第一步我们查询出来的ListId是"F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691",那么我们查询Country这个列表的所有数据的SQL就是:SELECT *FROM AllUserDatawhere tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691"这个表的列非常多,在SharePoint 2013的环境中会更多,但是存储数据的列都是用“数据类型+数字”来命名的。所以如果要找建国日期这个字段对应的列,那么就去看datetime1 datetime2等,如果要找面积,人口等数值类型的列,那就去看float1 float2等;如果要找中文名,英文名之类的字符串列,那就要看nvarchar1 nvarchar3等列。这里基本上都是靠眼睛来看的,根据查询的结果推断哪些字段存储了哪些数据。在得知每个字段的对应后,即可修改查询,将别名加上。SELECT d.nvarchar1 as ChineseName,d.nvarchar3 as EnglishName,d.datetime1 as FoundingDate,d.float1 as Area,d.float2 as PopulationFROM AllUserData dwhere tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691"【注意:SharePoint并没有在数据库中以很方便的结构展现哪些列表字段对应哪个数据库字段,在AllLists表中,虽然有个字段tp_Fields,但是在SharePoint2010及之后,该字段是压缩的二进制,使用SQL是无法读取的。所以根本不可能通过查询数据库得知哪个字段的别名是什么。】参考: 过滤掉已删除的数据。如果数据经过删除,然后又重新录入,那么我们就会发现,第2步的查询结果会把删除的和重新录入的数据都查询出来。SharePoint采用的删除方法都是软删除,通过设置一个标志位来表示一条数据已经被删除,所以我们只需要将删除标识tp_DeleteTransactionId=0添加到where条件中,即可将未删除的数据返回。SELECT d.nvarchar1 as ChineseName,d.nvarchar3 as EnglishName,d.datetime1 as FoundingDate,d.float1 as Area,d.float2 as PopulationFROM AllUserData dwhere tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691" and d.tp_DeleteTransactionId=04. 过滤掉历史版本的数据。如果这个列表开启了版本控制,那么我们查询的结果可能包含多个版本的数据,而我们只需要最新版本的数据,不希望历史版本数据出现在查询中。AllUserData表中,使用tp_IsCurrentVersion字段来标识这条数据是最新的当前版本还是历史版本。于是,查询最新版本的SQL改为:SELECT d.nvarchar1 as ChineseName,d.nvarchar3 as EnglishName,d.datetime1 as FoundingDate,d.float1 as Area,d.float2 as PopulationFROM AllUserData dwhere tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691" and d.tp_DeleteTransactionId=0 and d.tp_IsCurrentVersion=1 5. 过滤掉内容审批未通过的数据。如果这个列表开启了内容审批,那么就会出现多个最新版本的情况,一个是已经被审批通过的版本,另一个是修改后还没有进行审批的版本。一般来说,我们是希望只有审批通过的才查询出来,用户进行修改后,只要审批状态不是Approve,那么就不应该出现在查询结果中。在AllUserData表中,使用tp_ModerationStatus字段来标识这行数据是否已经被审批通过。这是一个枚举类型,其值为:0 The list item is approved.1 The list item has been denied approval.2 The list item is pending approval.3 The list item is in the draft or checked out state.4 The list item is scheduled for automatic approval at a future date.这里,我们只要审批通过的数据,所以我们的SQL更新为:SELECT d.nvarchar1 as ChineseName,d.nvarchar3 as EnglishName,d.datetime1 as FoundingDate,d.float1 as Area,d.float2 as PopulationFROM AllUserData dwhere tp_ListId="F20E316B-EA24-4164-9437-BBB17C182691" and d.tp_DeleteTransactionId=0 and d.tp_IsCurrentVersion=1 and tp_ModerationStatus=0

amount to和account for的区别





英特尔core2quad相当于Q6600,Intel Core 2 Quad 2.7 Ghz应该是第一代酷睿核心,Q6600之类的CPU,同频和i3相当。英特尔Core2 Quad CPU 是 酷睿 2 四核 Q9550 是型号 ,2.83GHz是CPU的主频。前端总线频率 1333MHz 倍频 8.5 二级缓存 12MB 外频 333MHz 3.49GB 是 你的内存 3.5GB 大小。

CPU的种类都有哪些?Core 2 Quad是什么意思?


主板的CPU种类Core2 Extreme/Core 2 Quad/Core 2 Duo/Pentium/赛扬4是什么意思?


amounts to account for 是什么意思?

1、amount to表示“总计,共达,等于”,如:The total costs amount to 60 dollars.(总花费为60美元。)2、account for表示“说明,解释”,如:I want you to account for every cent you spent.(我要你说明你所花的每一分钱。)二者用法显然不同。

cpu 是Intel Core2 Quad2.4GHZ还是Intel Core2 Quad2.6GHZ还是Intel Core2 Duo2.4GHZ好


英语quad core什么意思?


amount to和account for的区别

1、amount to表示“总计,共达,等于”,如:The total costs amount to 60 dollars.(总花费为60美元。)2、account for表示“说明,解释”,如:I want you to account for every cent you spent.(我要你说明你所花的每一分钱。)

tomcat 的 host 中 context 中 crossContext 作用

你如果来访问,那么你的访问从原理上来讲应该是docBase为webtest1的那个application,而如果你通过来访问,那他事实上访问的是docBas为webtest1/test1的application,两个application不同.如果你需要用其他application的参数,那么用本application的ServletContext的getContext(String uriPath)方法获得另一个application的context,然后可以进行你的操作, 至于crossContext是干什么用的我没用过 我也没查到,你可以自己查一下.

quad country指的哪些国家?


Core Quad与i5,i7都是4核的,那有什么区别?


as far as sb could和as far as sb. can有什么不同?

Could 和 Can 的两个点 一个是Could是委婉的说法 第二个就是关于两个词的时态 要联系上下文看你到底是不是以时态的角度去写的 如果不是就是用的委婉的说法来说

请问intel处理器的core2duo和core2quad和core 的i3 、i5、 i7(i系列)都有什么区别?


as far as concerned造句


quad-core 是什么??

四核CPU,像core i5.core i7系列。你是不是看到战地3配置不明白才来问的?。。。。

as far as i am concerned。as far as和concerned分别怎么解释

as far as 据。。。什么什么concerned 关心的 有关的as far as i am concerned 据我关心的。。。

Intel Core2 Duo 2.4 Ghz Intel Core2 Quad 2.7 Ghz 有何区别?那个2是什么意思?

Core2 Duo 2.4 Ghz是双核处理器 Core2 Quad 2.7 Ghz 是四核处理器这是二者最大的区别……当然了,它俩的内核可能不一样……那个2……是英特尔给cpu命名的一部分……

as far as,,,,,,,is concerned.就,,,,,而论。 这个短语在句中做什么


as far as 是副词 意思是:就...而言 为什么:就我而言→As far as I am concerned. 不是:As far as I

这是个固定用法,一般用来陈述己见,相当于:In my opinion,From my piont of view,就我个人而言

as far as I am concerned是什么意思


怎么理解Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200/散装..


CPU的种类都有哪些?Core 2 Quad是什么意思?

cpu就分两个品牌,一个是inter(英特儿) 一个是amdcore2quad 意思是酷睿2的升级版,酷睿2四核,采用的是酷瑞2的架构

quad-core 是什么??


as far as sb /sth be concerned中的“as far as"什么意思?


clustered column是什么意思

clustered column集柱; clusteredadj.丛生的,群集的; 成群的; v.使集中(cluster的过去式和过去式); 聚合; 例句Officials were clustered at every open office door, talking excitedly...每个开着门的办公室门口都有官员们三五成群在兴奋地交谈。

Intel Quad Core,这个Quad是什么?


As far as i am considerd 和concerned分别什么意思

As far as i am considered就我个人考虑As far as i am concerned就我个人而言As far as I am concerned, they are strongly against it.据我所知,她们都很强烈地反对假唱。

“As far as be concerned”是什么意思?

As far as。。。is concerned至于(就)……而言双语对照例句:1.But not as far as china is concerned. 但对中国来说却没有什么教训可以吸取。2.As far as gis is concerned, the key constraint remains the user interface. 就gis技术本身而言,计算机主要的限制还是在于用户的进入。3.So, as far as drilling is concerned, there should be no issue. " 所以,就钻探而言,应该是没有问题的。

Ice-T的《Ricochet》 歌词

歌曲名:Ricochet歌手:Ice-T专辑:Home Invasion (Includes The Last Temptation Of Ice )Shiny Toy Guns - Ricochet!welcome back towhere I"m gonna to have youshell shock - fall backevery one I see throughwatch your head spinlike a mesocyclonebouncing off the wallsnow there"s nowhere to runlike a bulletmeant to be shotyou"re the targetdead on the spotwhen I focusI never missit starts with a kissshe ricochetsand you don"t noticeshe"s in your headand you just don"t noticelet the sweat fallfind me in the back stalllet it snow downnow we"re gonna deck hallsI hit the bullseyemaking all the boys cryI hit the main linebreaking through the night skylike a bulletmeant to be shotyou"re the targetdead on the spotwhen I focusI never missit starts with a kiss


签订合约SigningAContract英语对话-在职英语 JOHN:Haveyouhadachancetolookoverthecontract? LORRIE:Yes.I"vereaditcarefully. JOHN:Anddoyouhaveanyquestions? LORRIE:No.ButthecontractstipulatesthatIwillteach22hoursaweek. Willyouhavethatmanyclassesformerightaway? JOHN:No,probablynot.Forthefirsttwoweeksyoumayteach10or15hours. LORRIE:Butmysalarywillbe1100dollarsamonth. Willyoupaymethatmuchforthefirstmonth? Because,Imean,Iwon"tbeworkingsomanyhours. JOHN:Iunderstand.That"swhyIdidn"twritethedateonthecontract. Forthefirsttwoweeks,wewillpayyouaccordingtothehoursyouteach. Whenyouhave22hoursofclasses,thenthecontractwilltakeeffect. Isthatalrightwithyou? LORRIE:Oh,soIdon"tsignthecontracttoday.Isthatright? JOHN:Idon"twantyoutomisunderstand,MissBriggs. Weareveryseriousabouthiringyou.Wewantyoutoteachforus. Weusuallydocontractsthiswaybecauseitismoreconvenient. LORRIE:Icanacceptthat. JOHN:Good.Andyourbenefitswillbeginimmediately. LORRIE:Evenmyhealthinsurance? JOHN:Yes.Wewillapplyforyourhealthinsurancetomorrow. Andyourfreemembershipintheclubstartstodayifyoulike. LORRIE:Ihaveafewquestionsaboutthefreemembership. JOHN:Whatwouldyouliketoknow? LORRIE:Ismymembershipthesameaspayingclubmembers? Imean,canIgetdiscountsatclubhotels? JOHN:Absolutely.Theonlydifferenceisintherestaurantandbarvouchers. LORRIE:Whatarebarvouchers? JOHN:Payingclubmembersgetaround300dollarsayearinrestaurantvouchers. Thevoucherscanbeusedintherestaurantorthelounge. Butwedon"toffervoucherstoemployees. LORRIE:Butaccordingtothecontract,employeesgetadiscountintherestaurant. JOHN:That"sright.Soinaway,itischeaperforyouthanforthemembers. Yougetmorebenefitsthantheydo. LORRIE:So,fornow,youwantmetokeepacopyofthecontract. Butwewon"tsignityet.Isthatright? JOHN:Yes.I"vepreparedthecontractjustsothatyouunderstandeverything. Sothatyouunderstandtheterms. LORRIE:Iunderstand. Andaccordingtothetermsonthecontract,Iamhappytoacceptthisjob. Ilookforwardtoit. JOHN:I"mverypleased.Welookforwardtohavingyouhere,MissBriggs.考研政策不清晰?同等学力在职申硕有困惑?院校专业不好选?点击底部官网,有专业老师为你答疑解惑,211/985名校研究生硕士/博士开放网申报名中:

As far concerned是什么意思

as/so far concerned 就...而言



求一篇英语作文,The most rewarding thing I should do at college,150词左右。

141词,祝您好运I believe that there cannot be more rewarding college experience than joining college student clubs. It could be the student government, interest clubs such as the finance or investment club, or charity associations such as Save the Children. Experience at a student organization in college is especially rewarding because I will have the opportunity to meet and interact with new, like-minded individuals. Also, through practice, I will gain valuable soft skills such as leadership and teamwork that are transferable to the workplace. Above all, it will allow me to make valuable contribution to the college or local community. In order to achieve that goal, I would first identify what are my interests, and research about different clubs to find out which ones matches my personality and interests the best. Of course, I will try my best to apply to those organizations.


1 2 3 4lets gobaby you那吗内 you耨n 大r扣慢chocolate 噶他ch ch chocolate噶他you 那吗内 you girl一龙 一龙 内给大恩一b速r都go taste itsweet that that that that耨r 的里Q播r给你航gi了r大主r累go taste itsweet that that that that那r得留噶主你耨n大r扣慢chocolate噶他一愣啊起民得播r搜你sing噶尅攻个没 攻个没母森sing噶尅为一里凑就嘿what够加谬奔安几那你噶m吧噶m吧 歌临你nun懂加噶啊冷歌里r带吗大吗大米求男都头吗给那r航韩你一b速r夸 不的楼问你航gi皮不 oh ohbaby you 那吗内 you耨n 大r扣慢chocolate噶他ch ch chocolate噶他you那吗内 you girl一龙 一龙 内给大恩一b速r都go taste itsweet that that that that耨r 的里Q播r给你航gi了r大主r给go taste itsweet that that that that那r得留噶主你耨n大r扣慢 chocolate 噶他加录哈r特米奥b搜耨n大r扣慢航gii cant stop加古慢 搜你嘎耨哇内撒一噶oh特m都奥b给当Q求 oh oh oh噶m吧噶m吧 歌临你nun懂加噶啊冷歌里r带吗大吗大米求男都头吗给那r航韩你一b速r夸 不的楼问你皮不 oh ohhey chocolate耨n 奔命耨噶sing gin 歌诶慢走卡r够呀耨诶音斯她可累没哦r临某没selfie可啊累带个r穷哈男内够呀耨n ki噶耨诶音歌吗娘不理几都韩明掐怎的滩奔为gi几根m尅哇哈嫩歌你卡卡哦头可歌啊r几给的累给噶噶问都就用就用hush lets follow额滴噶那 silver skirt一b够 够里起嫩耨i wanna kissesgo diva 播啦哦你ass shake that切我求 都楼几嫩当耨ki gi为诶播楼几嫩 mouthhiu了r滴哈给古r留lets do french 修扣r啦baby you 耨吗内 you耨n 大r扣慢 chocolate 噶他ch ch chocolate噶他you 那吗内 you girl一龙 一龙 内给大恩一b速r都go taste itsweet that that that that耨r的里Q播r给你航gi了r大主r给go taste itsweet that that that that那r得刘噶主你 耨n大r扣慢chocolate噶他

May Dayy is coming汉语意思?

May Dayy is coming汉语意思五月天来了



Record Company Pimpin 歌词

歌曲名:Record Company Pimpin 歌手:Ice Cube专辑:War & Peace Vol. 2 (The Peace Disc) (Explicit)Please listen to my demo {x8}A nigga told me, the record company"s the pimpThe artist is the hoe, The stage is the cornerAnd the audience is the trip, god damn(verse one) {:21}Incredible young nigga, you can"t belive i"m just one niggaGod damn i"ve gotten biggerIntellect superior,Walk in a room and make the whole interior, inferiorIf you look me in my eyesYou might fuck around and loose control of your mind body and your soulGrab aholdUndisputed on the microphone, what choo thinkIf you wink, i"ll make you ich thinkDid you blink, did you ever drink your own brain matterShotgun enima, this ain"t no cinemaAll praises due to the creator--for this man here, that can"t no nigga stand near--True, inventor of the double-youWhat choo wanna do, i got the red and the blueShow me one nigga dedicated to rapsI"ll show you ten niggas dedicated to snapsRecord company death traps settin" decoysJust to pimp young b-boysWith a cup full of yak, studio contactManiac with a contractWell turn up the bass and the motherfuckin" trebleIce CubeAbout to do a deal with the devil for my vocal levelBullshit points, plus he want to rub it inAnd take all my publishin", god damnDo i take it up the rectumJust to rock the spectrumGive up a right arm, just to do a formHell no, all you motherfukers goan leave this bitch limpin"No more, record company pimpin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more No more No more No moreYou ain"t pimpin" me (uhn uhh, uhn uhh)I ain"t pimpin" you (uhn uhh, uhn uhh)I just wanna be free (i just wanna be free)So what we gonna do (can i holla at you, holla at you)You ain"t pimpin" me (please listen to my demo)I ain"t pimpin" you (please listen to my demo)I just wanna be free (i just wanna be free)So what we gonna do (can i holla at you, holla at you)(verse two) {2:01}I"ma keep it simple, it went from "please listen to my demo"To "get your ass out my limo"Stretch presidentialIt"s essential cuz the record company will have your ass in a rentalIf you let "em, You have to behead "emContracts you never read "emCEO"s you never met "emSent to an atourney, Burnstein and BurneyNigga that"s his lawyer, ain"t got nothin" for yaBite you in the ass like a Georgetown HoyaWhen they ignore ya cause, you got to hold your ballsCatch a motherfucker slippin" in bathroom stallsAnd then you show "em that you ain"t a rookieLet "em know that you"d rather have, more points than more pussyPimp turned bookieNow how the fuck i get in so much debtGod damn, we just metWelcome to the rap gameMotherfucker be confused and broke before he know whats happenin"You can be the star and fuck womenI"ma just play the back and keep winnin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more (No more), record company pimpin"No more No more No more No moreYou ain"t pimpin" me (please listen to my demo)I ain"t pimpin" you (please listen to my demo)I just wanna be free (i just wanna be free)So what we gonna do (i got to holla at you, holla at you)You ain"t pimpin" me (uhn uhh, uhn uhh)I ain"t pimpin" you (uhn uhh, uhn uhh)I just wanna be free (i just wanna be free)So what we gonna do (can i holla at you, holla at you)It went from please listen to my demoTo get your ass out my limo {x4}(outro) {3:43}Mama"s, don"t let your kids grow up to be rappersUnless you tell them if they gonna get in this buisnessThey better learn this buisnessOr they goan get fuckedSimple as thatSimple as that

BFF的《Heartcore》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartcore歌手:BFF专辑: HeartcoreThis is what I really feelHeartcoreBFFHey hey hey don"t you act so toughActing like you knew it all before my loveHey hey hey answer your phoneYou do it all the time when you"re feeling so alonePay pay pay Pay attention nowThis is what I"m telling you straight outYou"re gonna love me HeartcoreMiss me HeartcoreWish that I could kiss you like I did beforeLove me HeartcoreMiss me HeartcoreYou"ll be on your knees begging me for moreHey hey hey I"m still alivewith my heart shaking up my chest tonightsay say say what about yourselfyou must feel better now you are off my shelfhey hey hey this is what I really feelHeartCoreYou"re gonna love me HeartcoreMiss me HeartcoreWish that I could kiss you like I did beforeLove me HeartcoreMiss me HeartcoreYou"ll be on your knees begging me for moreDon"t ask I don"t fixDon"t tell what you missI told you all beforewhen you slammed the dooryou can"t hold me backI can"t be second bestthank you, and best regardsall the best for your future endeavoursYou"re gonna love me HeartcoreMiss me HeartcoreWish that I could kiss you like I did beforeLove me HeartcoreMiss me HeartcoreYou"ll be on your knees begging me for moreLove me HeartcoreMiss me HeartcoreWish that I could kiss you like I did beforeLove me HeartcoreMiss me HeartcoreYou"ll be on your knees begging me for morelovin" R&B -珂珂sheery lyrics-


报错的主要原因是因为IMP取的是if中的定义,返回void *,于是怀疑项目编译设置上设置的不对。继续搜百度找到如下内容: “使用XCode的小伙伴们要特别注意了,需要先到项目的构建设置里面把Apple LLVM X.0 - Preprocessing 的Enable Strict Checking of objc_msgSend Calls 选项设置为NO,否则result = imp(clazz, sel);会报错的!!” 按照上面说的进行了设置,运行成功。并且经过调试,发现确实是Enable Strict Checking of objc_msgSend Calls控制着OBJC_OLD_DISPATCH_PROTOTYPES的取值。




$con = mysql_connect("localhost","mysql_user","mysql_pwd");//连接mysql数据库localhost,以mysql_user用户名和mysql_pwd密码进行连接,得到mysql连接$conif (!$con){//如果连接失败 die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error());//输出错误信息并退出脚本}$sql = "SELECT * FROM Person";//定义查询sql语句:查询Person的所有字段mysql_query($sql,$con);//执行sql语句并返回结果集,结果并没有进行任何处理,对于此次sql查询来说无任何意义,查完了就完了,没有将结果进行任何处理输出等// 一些代码mysql_close($con);//关闭mysql链接


词典结果:corporate[英][u02c8ku0254:pu0259ru0259t][美][u02c8ku0254:rpu0259ru0259t]adj.法人的,团体的,社团的; 公司的,总体国家的; 〈古〉团结的; 共同的,全体的; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Their occupants are investment bankers and corporate executives. 它们的使用者是投资银行家和企业高管。

big cock man什么意思

往好了理解就是大领导的意思 cock 解释为:公鸡; 龙头; 成熟雄鸟; 首领,领导



请问几个英语问题,consumer segment 和business executives什么意思啊 还有个是

消费群体企业经理高德纳澳大利亚研究主管director指导者,指挥者,监督人,管理人,主管人;尤指主管;(工程等的)总监;校长;院长;所长;署长;局长;处长;主任[略作dir.]理事;董事;经理conductor指导者;带领者,向导;指挥人;管理人research conductor 研究指导人





论文修改中be highlighted in yellow color怎么做


highlight color中文是什么意思

highlight color_百度翻译highlight color 网络 突出显示颜色; 高亮颜色; 高光颜色; [例句]Now the highlight color, a slightly lighter peach. she was a statuesque redheaded eyeful.

vocational and technical college怎么缩写


Vocational College是什么意思


英语Vocational College怎么翻译?

Vocational College职业学院

外国college和vocational college的区别

你好,根据您的描述,出题者应该是想让您分别讨论Vocational college和University的区别,也就是技校与普通大学的区别。College单独有附属学院的意思,可以是某所大学的学院,当然也有技术学院的意思。如果您当时讲college的时候是按照技校的概念去写的话,应该不会判跑题。

take me home country roads 中文谐音

嗨林风的瑞南斯耨. 拽爱出服给巴啦网类够. 楼King安了快乐斯驹特. 雷森吐卖哦哈逼特. 搜买你批泼,袄了软的我. 逃米为吐外Fai,搜摸来哟狗. 忒米吐哟哈,忒米吐哟搜. 给米有而黑北否Ruang噢. 手米挖的拉文斯,还问嘎的哭路. 手米外的完的斯看逼出. 雷塞那Fin拉斯佛瑞挖. 外容里嘿儿吐得. Loveyou斯卖挖卖挖阿. 服瑞米法如为. 忒米吐哟哈,忒米吐哟搜. 给米哟阿嘿Den吼米. 手米挖的Loveyou,斯Fi买改顶洒. 一起噻,忒米兔哟哈. 斯得林麻了忙特嗨. 楼King安得模服入忒不入斯该. 阿修够安西桑佛软斯. 给浪瑞滴抗扑入嗨安斯 多米兔马斯桃K,无法Sei爷爱林飞耶. 哦来你的僧完,呼没西米望了Sei诶. 忒米吐哟哈,忒米吐哟搜. 给米有而黑北否Ruang噢. 手米挖的拉文斯,还问嘎的哭路. 手米外的弯的斯看逼出. 雷塞哪Fin拉斯佛锐挖. 外容里嘿儿吐得. Loveyou斯卖挖卖挖阿. 服瑞米法如为. 忒米吐哟哈,忒米吐哟搜. 给米哟啊嘿Den吼米. 手米挖的Loveyou,斯Fi买改顶洒. 一起噻,特米吐哟哈. 忒米吐哟哈,忒米吐哟搜. 给米哟啊嘿DEN吼米. 手米挖的loveyou,斯FI买该顶撒. 一起噻,特米吐哟哈特. 我都觉得搞笑类

J. Cole的《Breakdown》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakdown歌手:J. Cole专辑:Cole World: The Sideline Story (Deluxe Edition)J. Cole - BreakdownCole World: The Sideline Story(2011)Roc Nation请关注SinaWeibo @大田WillyDaKingLook, I just shed tears homie and now I ain"t too proud to admit itJust seen my father for the first time in a minuteAnd when I say a minute I mean years manDamn, a whale could have swam in them tears famCause as I left them I reflected on my younger daysWhen it was just me and my brother and my mother playedFather, cause no other man botheredNot even my biological, it never seemed logicalBut I accepted it cause I ain"t know no betterThought I was brighter than a Polo sweaterNo pops was like Martin with no CorettaSo many things you could have told meAnd saved me the trouble of lettin" my mistakes show meI feel like you barely know meAnd that"s a shame cause our last name is the sameThat blood type flowin" through our veins is the sameMy mama left you and maybe your anger"s to blameBut that"s no excuse, only you and God know the truthAnd why you only call monthly, barely ever saw meSpend some summers with you and played with my cousin MauryMaybe I should be tellin" you fuck you cause you selfishBut I want a father so bad, I can"t help itI break down, I break downCan"t help but break downI break downI never thought I"d see my mama on that shit manIt"s fuckin" with her body, now she sick damnI wanted a big house with a white picket fence and a poolWho would have ever thought that it would come to this, man?Quicksand is what this life feel likeThat shit these rappers kick is nothin" like real lifeYou made a milli off of servin" hard white, yeah rightMy mama tell you what addicted to that pipe feel likeStupid niggas, I heard the cops be shootin" niggasI swear to God, wish I could bullet proof my niggasCan"t get no jobs, but they still recruitin" niggasWe tryna stand tall when it gets to crucial niggasBreak down! We break down, we break down, we break down...Servin" time, locked downAnd she don"t want nobody to know, his daughter 25 poundsBy the time he get out, she gon" be 4Now will his girl stay down?Ain"t no doubt, she love him yeah that"s fo shoBut temptation stays roundAnd if she strayed, how could he ever know?Never know and so, she goes to the club on the weekendA little freakin", but them niggas hollaBut she never speakin", but tonight I see the devil creepin"Cause she been lonely, she ain"t felt a man in 7 seasonsDamn! She do the best that she canHer mama tellin" her to find another manShe college educated with a felon boyfriendThat"s what she thinkin" tonightMaybe she"s right, but pleaseStay down mama! Gotta be strong, don"t break down mama!Please... stay down mama! Gotta be strong, don"t break down mama!Don"t break down, don"t break down, don"t break down, don"t break down...

"container breakdown"是什么意思

那么你对集装箱装运是如何分类的呢? breakdown 表示“分类;分级;分析,分类细账;分类成细目”

breakdown of cost是什么意思

breakdown of cost的中文翻译breakdown of cost 故障成本双语例句1Breakdown and Analysis of Project Cost 项目工程成本分解探析2Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was provided with a detailed breakdown ofthe cost estimates for conference servicing under sections 2 and 28D. 经询问,咨询委员会收到了第2款和第28D款项下会议事务估计费用的细目。


Uh huh, lifes like this生活就是这样Uh huh, uh huh, thats the way it is那是它是的方式Cause lifes like this生活就是这样Uh huh, uh huh thats the way it is那是它是的方式Chill out安静whatcha yelling for?你在笑什么Lay back回想Its all been done before我们都做了些什么And if you could only let it be如果你放轻松,You will see你会看见I like you the way you are我喜欢你和你的方式When were drivin in your car当我们做在你车里时And youre talking to me one on one你同我一遍又一遍的诉说But youve become但是现在你变了Somebody else round everyone else跟其他人没有区别了。Youre watching your back你时刻注意你的形象,Like you cant relax总是很拘束。Youre tryin to be cool你想装酷,You look like a fool to me但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。Tell me告诉我Why you have to go and make things so complicated?你为什么让事情变的这么复杂?I see the way youre acting我能看出你在伪装Like youre somebody else gets me frustrated这让我烦透了。Lifes like this生活就是这样,And you fall and you crawl and you break你会跌倒,你会挣扎,你会崩溃,And you take what you get你想得到你想得到的And you turn it into honesty你要接受现实You promised me你答应过我Im never gonna find you fake it我永远不会发现你假装些什么No no noYou come over unannounced没有事先通知你就来了,Dressed up like youre someone else打扮的象另外一个人,Where you are and where its sad you see你就像一出悲剧。Youre making me你装出很酷的样子,Laugh out when you strike your pose却让我大笑不止,Take off all your preppy clothes脱掉你那身怪衣服,You know youre not fooling anyone你知道你骗不了任何人。But youve become但是现在你变了Somebody else round everyone else跟其他人没有区别了。Youre watching your back你时刻注意你的形象,Like you cant relax总是很拘束。Youre tryin to be cool你想装酷,You look like a fool to me但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜

英语翻译。 你们学校有电脑吗? ___ ___ ___ computers in your sc

Do you haveWe have has

There was a second race中为什么不用the而用a


frustrated prevented discouraged accomplished区别


account 和bill有什么区别?

account = 帐号bill = 账单

_no homework left,the pupils could do whatever they likd. a there was b there being请详细说明原因



fee [fi:]基本翻译n. 费用网络释义fee:费用|手续费,费用,税|欧洲会计师联合会acceptance fee:认付费|录取通知费, 承兑费, 认付费|承兑手续费procedure fee:手续费account [05"kaunt]基本翻译n. 帐目,报告,估计v. 叙述,解释n. 利益,好处网络释义Account:帐户|账户|帐目account sales:销货帐|销货帐,销货 清单|承销清单account receivable:应收帐||应收未收帐|应收账款|应收款Bill [bil]基本翻译n. 帐单,钞票,票据,清单,议案,法案,广告,鸟嘴,喙vt.开帐单,用海报宣传,把...列成表比尔(男名)网络释义bill:账单|比尔|帐单treasury bill:国库券|短期国库券|财政部证券accommodation bill:空头票据|通融票据|融通票据
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