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He becomes a doctor.中地实义动词是哪个?



"become" 是一个非常常用的英语动词,表示“变成”、“成为”的意思,常用来描述事物的发展变化过程,使用形式较为灵活。以下是几种常见的使用方式:1. 表示状态的转变:常用在be + 形容词/名词的句子中,例如 “She becomes more and more beautiful every day.”(她每一天都变得越来越美丽了),“The water became hot.”(水变热了)。2. 表示职业的变化:通常用在名词后面,例如 “He became a doctor after he graduated from medical school.”(他毕业后成为了一名医生)。3. 表示某人或某事逐渐变化:通常用于表示变化会需要一定时间,例如 “The weather is becoming colder and colder as winter approaches.”(随着冬天的临近,天气变得越来越冷),“He is becoming more and more interested in English literature.”(他对英语文学越来越感兴趣了)。4. 表示转变思想、看法等内心状态:常用在to be后面,例如 “I became very interested in classical music.”(我对古典音乐产生了非常浓厚的兴趣),“She became convinced that he was telling the truth.”(她开始相信他说的是真的)。注意,在不同的句子中,become可以和其他的词组合使用,增强表达效果,例如:become aware of(意识到)、become angry(生气),等等。

Now we have computers.The world ____ small. 填写becomes 还是is becoming

is becoming


1)句子里有get和becomesThings get better when she becomes your friend.当她成为你朋友后,事情变得好起来了。2)句子里只有get I"ll get the book you want.我去给你拿那本你想要的书。 Can we get to the station in time?我们能及时到达车站吗? One day we"ll both get to see New York.总有一天我俩都有机会看看纽约。 3)句子里只有becomesThe weather becomes warmer.天气变暖和了。This new dress becomes you.这件新衣服很合你身。

分析句子成分:It becomes colder and colder when winter

It 主语, becomes 系动词谓语, colder and colder 表语, when winter comes 状语从句。


become的过去式是became,过去分词是become。 become主要用作动词,意思是变成; 开始变得; 适合(某人); 与…相称; 使(人)显得漂亮; 使好看。 扩展资料   一、become词性转换   第三人称单数:becomes   现在分词:becoming   过去式:became   过去分词:become   二、短语搭配   become impatient发急 ; 着急   become involved介入   become convinced确信   become invalid作废 ; 成为无效 ; 变得无效 ; 这药已失效了   Become weak手发软 ; 变得萎靡不振 ; 倦怠 ; 变弱   become extinct灭绝 ; 变坏 ; 绝种   become conscious醒悟 ; 恢复知觉   Become rich疾速致富 ; 迅速致富 ; 火速致富 ; 神速致富   三、双语例句   1.Her sole object in life is to become a travel writer.   她人生的唯一目标就是当游记作家。   2.The programme has become a firm favourite with young people.   这个节目已着实赢得了年轻人的.喜爱。   3.I didn"t expect him to become a successful writer.   我没想到他会成为一个成功的作家。   4.You have to become one .   你不得不成为一个。   5.But how can you look at yourself? What have you become?   但你怎么能面对自己? 你都已经变成什么样子了?   6.The environment has become a very hot issue.   环境已成为很热门的话题。


词典解释 不及物动词 vi. 1. 变成,成为;变得,开始变得[L]Phil became acquainted with them. 菲尔和他们熟识起来。 It seems that he has become very fond of the boy. 似乎他变得十分喜爱这男孩。 She became a famous writer. 她成了有名的作家。 及物动词 vt. 1. 适合;同...相称This color becomes you. 这颜色适合你。 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 become1. 成为,变得;适宜,同…相称2005考研词汇—lesson 2_旺旺英...become v.成为,变得;适宜,同…相称 2. 成为,变成,适宜计算机专用英语词汇1500词(17)下载-...679. become v. 成为,变成,适宜 3. 适合;与——相称自考综合英语(二)下册详解第五课上|自考综...become: 适合;与——相称

He becomes (quiet).为什么不用quietly?“becomes”在这里不是动词吗


It becomes more and more beauitful这句话对吗? It的后面能没有be动词? becomes 是什么意思?


becomes angry什么意思?

becomes angry中文意思是:变得气愤,愤怒的意思becomes是变得的意思。angry是愤怒、气愤的意思。


The weather becomes cold. Is it?

英文became,become ,becomes有什么区别?怎么用法?

become是原形 意思是变得 became是过去式 也可用被动语态 becomes适用于第三人称单数形式

英文became,become ,becomes有什么区别?怎么用法?在线等。谢谢~

become是原形 意思是变得became是过去式 也可用被动语态becomes适用于第三人称单数形式



become的过去分词 become的过去式是什么

1、become的过去式是became;过去分词是become;第三人称单数:becomes ;现在分词:becoming。 2、become,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“适合;相称”,作不及物动词时意为“成为;变得;变成”。




becomes过去式:became过去分词:become现在分词:becoming become 过去式 1. 成为,变为,开始变得,变成,转为: She became ill. 她生病了

is becomes是什么时态

一般现在时。意思是:变成。重点词汇:becomes英[bu026a'ku028cmz]释义:vi.成为;变得;变成(become的第三人称单数)。vt.适合;相称(become的第三人称单数)。短语:Death Becomes Her飞越长生;捉神弄鬼;影片原名;死亡之恋。词语使用变化:becomev.(动词)。1、become用作系动词时,意思是“成为,变得”,表示情况的开始、发展和结束的变化。后接名词、形容词(或其比较等级)、过去分词作表语,偶尔也可接带疑问词的动词不定式。常用在书面语中。2、become后接动词的过去分词可表示被动或结果,此时一般不接by短语。3、become用作及物动词时,还可表示“适宜,合适”。



becomes是什么意思 becomes怎么读

1、becomes 读音:美/bu026au02c8ku028cmz/。 2、释义:vi.成为;变得;变成(become的第三人称单数)。vt.适合;相称(become的第三人称单数)。 3、例句:This type of work rapidly becomes routine.这种工作很快就变得乏味无聊。

love is not love, love is condition

Love is not love最早来自莎士比亚爷爷的一首诗,Sonnet 116后半句不记得出处了



you are becoming 语法

you are becoming 全部释义和例句>>你变得

weather becoming worse and worse中为什么要用becoming


is becoming后能用比较级吗?

可以啊,is becoming more and more becoming better and better

become 有现在进行时吗


is becoming 是进行时么?



be becoming taller and taller

标题句子应该没有语病,这里的become做连系动词用,后面跟形容词cloudy 内容中的句子应该也没有问题,is becoming是现在进行时,需要用be引导,后面more and more beautiful还是跟了形容词. 又如: It is getting darker and darker. 或 The trees are growing taller and taller. --手工劳动,满意请采纳,谢谢--

become不是系动词么?为什么出来了“is becoming”呢?

become是系动词,但有些时候也可以把它当作实意动词. 关于 is becoming 的具体情况还是应该 联系上下文 的

are becoming是什么语态?


his wish is becoming a singer对吗?his wish is to become a singer.这两句有区别吗


is become 和 is becoming 这两个短语有何区别?


The weather is becoming hot .is和becoming不是有两个谓语了吗

is becoming是become的现在进行时态的形式,所以是看成一个整体的


这几个词用作连系动词均可表示变化,使用时注意以下几点: 1.become 和get主要指一个人暂时性的身心变化或永久性的自然变化: become [get] angry,famous,fat,ill,old,well,deaf,strong,etc 生气,成名,发胖,得病,变老,痊愈,变聋,变强,等 另外,become 和 get 还可用于指天气的变化和社会的趋势: It"s becoming [getting] cold (dark,cloudy,etc).天渐冷了(黑了,多云了等). Divorce is becoming [getting] more common.离婚现象越来越常见了. 2.go 和come表示变化时,前者主要指一种由强到弱或由好到坏的变化(可用于人或事物),后者则主要指向好的方面变化: go bald (deaf,insane,etc) 发秃,变聋,发疯等. The meat"s gone off (gone bad).肉变味(变坏)了. The radio"s gone wrong.收音机出毛病了. Her wish came true.她的愿望实现了. Everything came right.一切顺利. 另外,go还可用于人或事物颜色的变色,与turn用法相同: She went [turned] blue with cold.她冻得脸色发青了. The rotten meat went [turned] green.这块腐烂的肉变绿了. 【注】① 但是 go 一般不与 old,tired,ill 等连用,遇此情况要用其他连系动词:grow [get] old 变老,fall [become] ill (sick) 生病,get [feel] tired 疲劳 ② go后接形容词通常表示的结果(见上例),在个别搭配中也表示现状:go hungry 挨饿,go naked 光着身子 ③ come 除表示向好的方面变化外,还有以下常见搭配值得注意:come untied 解开,come loose 变松,come undone 松开 3.grow 主要表示逐渐变化,强调变化的过程: It began to grow dark.天色渐渐黑了. The sea is growing calm.大海变得平静起来. The pollution problem is growing serious.污染问题日见严峻. 4.以上连系动词通常接形容词作表语,但有的还可接其他结构,如come,get,grow后可接不定式,become,turn后可接名词,get,grow后可接介词短语: You"ll soon grow to like her.你很快就会喜欢她的. It"s becoming a serious problem.它正在成为一个严重问题. The little plant grew into a tree.幼苗长成了一棵树. They went out of fashion years ago.它们好多年前已变得不时新了. 【注】turn后接名词时,往往表示意想不到的变化,名词前通常用零冠词: He turned writer after he graduated from a medical college.他从医学院毕业后当了作家.(比较:He became a writer after graduating from college.)




John is becoming a big boy.

系动词,比如become可以有过去式,但是可不可以变成is becoming????


The weather is becoming hot .is和becoming不是有两个谓语了吗


we are look forward to becoming a teacher.为什么becoming 不可以换成being呢





become / be interested in 对……感兴趣 [固定词组] 整句的意思:他们对物理越来越感兴趣了.



Square dancing is becoming very popular 主谓宾状语,是什么






超舞经典曲目```喜欢:PSHE BANGS

Eminem的《Encore》 歌词

歌曲名:Encore歌手:Eminem专辑:Mockingbird EpEncore-EMINEM FEAT. DR.DRE & 50 CENT50 Cent:Sh-sh-sh-shadyAftermath, hahaG-G-G-G-G-Unit!, hahaEminem:cuz we came here toSet this party off rightLet"s bounce tonightAnd if they don"t let us in through the frontWe"ll come through the sideCuz i don"t ever wanna leave the gamewithout at least saying goodbyeSo all my people on the left,All my people on the rightSwing one last timeGet ya *ss up for the doctorOne more time,Get ya *ss up for the doctorCome on now, here we goCliff hanger,It"s another club bangerGot ya hangin" on the edge of ya seatGet on downDr. Dre:Times up, games over, you lose, I winTime to show these knuckle headsHow to do this hereOoh yeah, new year, next phase, beginLook who"s got you goin" crazy againI"m a trendI set one every time I"m inI go out and just come backFull circle againYou a fadThat means your somethingThat we already hadBut once you"re gone, you don"t come backEminem:too bad You"re off the map now,Radar can"t even find youWe stay on the grind,You slip, we out-grind youwalk around madYou let your anger blind youWe walk around just playin"Your_ain"t behind youEnough with the p*ssin" and moanin"whinin" and b*tchin"Sit and observe, listenYou"ll learn if you pay attentionWhy ten multi-platinum albums Lay to three diamondWorld-wideWe"re on the chartsWith a bullet and still climbin"Eminem:cuz we came here toSet this party off rightLet"s bounce tonightAnd if they don"t let us in through the frontWe"ll come through the sideCuz i don"t ever wanna leave the game withoutAt least saying goodbyeSo all my people on the left,All my people on the rightSwing one last timeEminem:When doctor dre say cr*nk,You will get it crunk,(get it cr*nk)And when 50 cent says jump,You get on one foot and-Jump, jump, jump, jumpDr. Dre:The buzz is tremendousWe drop you all to sense itI don"t gotta promote it forYou to know that doc is off the bitchesEminem:We keep the party rockin" off the hingesWe ain"t showin" off,We just goin" off popular consensusDr. Dre:But critics say that Doc is softDoc is talk,Doc is all washed upknock it offWho the f*ck is Doc impressin"?Doc is this, Doc is thatYou got the wrong impressionYou must be on the c*ckAnd doctor"s not,if you on guessinSo DJ take the needle and just drop it on the record(what)(bump bump)That"s why we always save the best cut lastTo make you scratch ya itch for itLike fresh cut grassEminem:Cuz we done swam with the sharks,Wrestle with alligatorsSpoke to a generation of angry teenagersWhom if it wasn"t for rap To bridge the gapMaybe raised to be racistWho may have never got to see our facesGrace to cover Rolling Stone pagesBroke down barriers of language and racesCalling the caped crusadersAnd me and Dre to pass the micAnd we can play the back and forth all dayLike the hot potato gameThats why we came ta"Eminem:cuz we came here toSet this party off rightLet"s bounce tonightAnd if they don"t let us in through the frontWe"ll come through the sideCuz i don"t ever wanna leave the game withoutAt least saying goodbyeSo all my people on the left,All my people on the rightSwing one last time50 cent, come on!50 Cent:Bounce now,Hands up,You know how we doWe make the club jumpEverywhere we goIt"s no secretEverybody knowWhen Dre"s involved,There"s plenty money involvedDr. Dre:And plenty honey"s involved,Sunday"s and palm treesCali, everyday is just another partyFrom the valley"sAll the way to them 8 Mile alleysLet"s rallyEminem:Hands up for the grand finaleNow raise up out ya seat,Dre is about to speakBlaze a pound of weedSix days up out the weekDr. Dre:You could catch me in the studioBangin" out the beats toProvide you with the heatThat keep blazin" out your speakerEminem:So never say never ain"t neverCuz Shady Aftermath togetherAlong with G-Unit Records presentsThe return of the-the Doc (and Shady)No one could do it betterWe tear the club up and leave withoutA strand of evidence and uhEminem:cuz we came here toSet this party off rightLet"s bounce tonightAnd if they don"t let us in through the frontWe"ll come through the sideCuz i don"t ever wanna leave the game withoutAt least saying goodbyeSo all my people on the left,All my people on the rightSwing one last timeEminem:Yeah, hahaStill Aftermath, 2006And don"t worry about that Detox albumIt"s comin", we gonna make Dre do it, haha50 cent, G-unit, Obie Trice, D-twizzy, Stat Quo, Dr. DreWe ain"t leavin", let"s go! hahaLadies and gentlemen,Thank you all for comin" out, peace!Oh shit, I almost forgotYou"re comin" with me (gun shots)Haha, bye bye!See you in hell, f*ckers.





become ing 是什么意思


英语作文:becoming a champ

你好,我简单写了一下,仅供参考。Becoming a champAs a teenager, I always have a dream to become a champion. It is said that the solder who doesn"t want to become stronger is not a good solder. In the same way, it it quite easy to understand that a student who doesn"t have a faith to overcome various exercises is not a brave man.To make it further, life is also a battle where everyone has to fight and fight without any delay since we have different target for achievement.The biggest enemy is our self. Thus becoming a champion in life is to do as following:1, Have a good faith in life, study, health, future, career, family as well as relationships between people.2, Keep fit both in spirit and in physical exercises3,Be loved in family, my country, community. Those who has a faith can feel more happier than those who got lost in the sea.4, Keep hard learning , make target from month to month. Encourage myself to get more achievements. The final target is to gain a brilliant future with people.

it is becoming more and more为什么用becoming



compare with



being a doctor和becoming a doctor的区别?

一个表示状态,是一个医生一个表示动作,成为一个医生 Being a doctor, I will do my best. Becoming a doctor he is very happy.


price是基本数据类型,没有可以调用的方法,要比较两个int值,可以这样做, y)


如果当前时间为2007年7月19日13时56分47秒 结果:Convert.ToDateTime("07/07/19")所表示的时间小于DateTime.Now 原因: 如果我们现在只要做到精确到“日”的时间比较,那么就要把两个时间统到同一精度。 结果:两个时间相等


become的ing形式、becoming 第三人称单数becomes ; 过去式became begin的ing形式、beginning 第三人称单数begins 过去式 began . bring的ing形式、bringing 第三人称单数brings 过去式brought . buy的ing形式、buying 第三人称单数buys 过去式 bought . come的ing形式、coming 第三人称单数comes 过去式came do的ing形式、doing 第三人称单数 does 过去式 did . 加油!不明白再问!

C#中 为什么 "a".CompareTo("A")会返回 -1,小写a的ascii码不是大于大

string.CompareTo() 跟 ASCII 没有任何关系。道理很简单,ASCII 只有 256 个字符,其他字符难道就不能比较了?排序规则取决于当前系统的区域规则(即 System.Globalization.CompareOptions)。



compare to/with 放在句子开头都是用被动形式吗



become后面可以接形容词,变. become beautiful 变漂亮


看看你的打印语句放哪里了private void doxxx(){ System.out.println(a.compareTo(b)); }

compare sb后面加TO还是AS还是with



表示一种变化,可以用become +比较级,加ing表示现在正在进行的一种变化

becoming 可以直接做谓语吗?

becoming 是 become 的现在分词,通常用于进行时态,进行时态中,谓语动词是 be的适当形式+ becoming

java里面,第一个string是 abc。第二个是 ABC,用compareTo比较为什么输出是



//语言:C++,编译环境:Microsoft Visual Studio 2005//代码如下: #include <iostream>using namespace std;class Integer{public: int compareTo(int a,int b) { if(a>b) return 1; else if(a<b) return -1; else return 0; }};int main(){ int num1,num2; Integer i; cout<<"请输入两个数:"<<endl; cin>>num1>>num2; if(i.compareTo(num1,num2)==1) cout<<"第一个数比第二个数大!"<<endl; else if(i.compareTo(num1,num2)==-1) cout<<"第二个数比第一个数大!"<<endl; else if(i.compareTo(num1,num2)==0) cout<<"两个数相等!"<<endl; else cout<<"ERROR!"<<endl; return 0;}

JAVA compareTo能比较时间字符串吗




When the christmas comes的中文歌词

La La La La .....啊,啦,啦,啦……I"m wishing on a star又向星星许下愿望And trying to believe在恋爱试着点点去相信Love had some even though it"s far恋爱又遥远He"ll find me Christmas Eve她会在平安夜里寻找着我Have guess that Santa"s busy有没有说猜想恋爱是很忙Whatever never come around任你从来没来到我身边I think of him when Christmas comes to town西边的太阳落山后依旧都会想他Would have some the best time of the year愿意有一些一年中最好的时光When everyone comes home藏着那里爱情中的恋爱With all this Christmas cheer and It was带着阳光明媚的日子里It"s hard to be alone世界会有每个人都有点难和孤独Putting up the Christmas tree with friends who come around装饰起圣诞树有点朋友爱意It"s so much fun when Christmas comes to town每当圣诞来到城镇 是多么欢乐的事情Presents for the children it was wrapped in red and green孩子们的礼物包里五颜六色Hiding the things sunny and cloud I"ve heard about but never really scenery藏着在晴间多云的天气里 只是从不曾却从没看风景Will have no one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve is it平安之夜无人会入眠Hoping Santa"s on his way藏着期盼圣诞老人的路上Present for the children it was wrapped in red and green?给孩子们的礼物里又会都有些包裹着红色和绿色的盒子里?All the things Would you I"ve heard about but never really scenery to it?这些关于天气预报说着 只是都是听说却从未有看风景No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve没有人会在圣诞节的夜里入眠Hoping Santa"s on his way希望圣诞老人在来的路上When santa"s sleigh bells ring当圣诞老人雪橇铃声响起的时候It was hot and I listen all around天气很热并且倾听四周The herald angels sing?当天使说会要唱起圣歌?I never hear a sound可是我从未听到一丝音符And all the dreams of children孩子们曾经丢失的梦想Once lost will all be found曾经都会说着天气很热That"s all I want when Christmas comes to town那就是我所有的愿望,当圣诞来到小镇上


你这个函数只是比较大小, this .lastTime > callLogNeedAllBean.lastTime 时反回正值;反之则返回负值。所以某种逻辑上,可以说是降序

java中的compareTo();charAt();方法 怎么用的

compareTo(Character anotherCharacter)根据数字比较两个 Character 对象。 如果该 Character 等于此 Character,则返回 0;如果该 Character 的数值小于参数 Character,则返回小于 0 的值;如果该 Character 的数值大于参数 Character,则返回大于 0 的值(有符号比较)。注意,这是一次严格的数字比较;toLowerCase(char ch) 使用来自 UnicodeData 文件的大小写映射信息将字符参数转换为小写。isLetter(char ch) 确定指定字符是否为字母isWhitespace(char ch) 确定指定字符依据 Java 标准是否为空白字符。

become不是系动词么?为什么出来了“is becoming”呢?

become是系动词,但有些时候也可以把它当作实意动词。关于 is becoming 的具体情况还是应该 联系上下文 的

java 怎么写compareto方法实现扑克牌排序

public class Card { private String face; private String suit; public String getFace() { return face; } public void setFace(String face) { this.face = face; } public String getSuit() { return suit; } public void setSuit(String suit) { this.suit = suit; } public Card(String face, String suit) { super(); this.face = face; this.suit = suit; } public Card() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub }----------------------------------------------------------------------------------public class Consts { public static final String BLACK = "3"; //黑桃 public static final String RED = "2"; //红桃 public static final String CLUB = "1"; //梅花 public static final String DIAMOND = "0";//方块 }------------------------------------------------------------------------------------public class OrderTool { public List<Card> doOrder(Card[] card_array) { List<Card> list = new ArrayList<Card>(); // 按类排序 if (card_array != null && card_array.length > 0) { Card temp = null; int flag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < card_array.length; i++) { if (flag > 0) { System.out.println("请检查传入的纸牌值!"); break; } for (int j = i + 1; j < card_array.length; j++) { int i_suit = this.convert(card_array[i].getFace()); int j_suit = this.convert(card_array[j].getFace()); if (i_suit == -1 || j_suit == -1) { flag++; break; } if (i_suit > j_suit) { temp = card_array[i]; card_array[i] = card_array[j]; card_array[j] = temp; } else if (i_suit == j_suit) { int i_face = Integer.parseInt(card_array[i].getSuit()); int j_face = Integer.parseInt(card_array[j].getSuit()); if (i_face < j_face) { temp = card_array[i]; card_array[i] = card_array[j]; card_array[j] = temp; } } } } for(Card card : card_array){ list.add(card); } } return list; } private int convert(String param) { int res = 0; try { res = Integer.parseInt(param); return res; } catch (Exception e) { if ("A".equalsIgnoreCase(param)) { return 1; } else if ("J".equalsIgnoreCase(param)) { return 11; } else if ("Q".equalsIgnoreCase(param)) { return 12; } else if ("K".equalsIgnoreCase(param)) { return 13; } else { System.out.println("拿的是王吧!"); return -1; } } } public static String faceTranslater(int face){ String res = ""; switch(face){ case 3:res = "黑桃";break; case 2:res = "红桃";break; case 1:res = "梅花";break; case 0:res = "方块";break; } return res; }//测试 public static void main(String[] args) { Card c0 = new Card("A",Consts.BLACK); Card c1 = new Card("2",Consts.BLACK); Card c2 = new Card("A",Consts.RED); Card c3 = new Card("5",Consts.CLUB); Card c4 = new Card("4",Consts.RED); Card c5 = new Card("3",Consts.DIAMOND); Card c6 = new Card("4",Consts.BLACK); Card[] c = {c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6}; List<Card> list = new OrderTool().doOrder(c); for(Card card : list){ System.out.println("花色:"+OrderTool.faceTranslater(Integer.parseInt(card.getSuit()))+"&"+"牌面:"+card.getFace()); } }

eventually the light becoming dim我是在15篇文章贯通六级词汇看到的这个becoming错的吧

这个问题我想了好久,楼上@十二楼的晴空说得很棒。我简单补充一下。可以看作是“in the evening”后面省略了“she had been”。所以,抛弃前一个相当于并列成分的句子不看,完整的句子可以看作:In the evening,she had been watching the light becoming dim.或者换一种说法:In the evening,she had been watching the light to become dim.


我认为可以互换 不过查了查资料 说get较多与形容词比较级连用 dark是形容词吧The sky is getting darker and darker.
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