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可数,表示谈话的次数conversation交谈是countable noun可数名词例句:Two conversations with our longtime ally King Hussein bracketed the meeting with Ismail.我们同长期的盟友侯赛因国王的两次谈话与我们同伊斯...





make conversation还是make conversations

我认为应该是;make converdations 或 make a conversation 如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!



have conversations with sb也可写成什么?

talk with sb,这两个意思是相近的。如果造句的话可以组They often have conversations with their children. 或者Jane is having a conversation with Mr. Brown.记得采纳

conversations conversation的区别

conversation n.交谈,会话;交往,交际;会谈;(人与计算机的)人机对话、conversations n.交谈( conversation的名词复数 );交往;谈话技巧;[自动数据处理](特指通过键盘和计算机进行的)人机对话;

make conversation还是make conversations

只能用make conversation


conversation[英][u02ccku0252nvu0259u02c8seu026au0283n] [美][u02cckɑnvu025au02c8seu0283u0259n] 生词本 简明释义 n.交谈,会话;交往,交际;会谈;(人与计算机的)人机对话 复数:conversations 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词 1.N-COUNT交谈;谈话;会话If you have a conversation with someone,you talk with them,usually in an informal situation. He"s a talkative guy,and I struck up a conversation with him... 他是一个健谈的人,于是我开始和他攀谈起来. I waited for her to finish a telephone conversation. 我等着她打完电话. 2.PHRASE正在谈话;正在交谈If you say that people are in conversation,you mean that they are talking together. When I arrived I found her in conversation with Mrs Williams.


conversation英[u02ccku0252nvu0259"seu026au0283n]   美[u02cckɑu02d0nvu0259r"seu026au0283n n.谈话;会话I listened to their conversation.我倾听他们的谈话。Did you have a conversation with him?你和他谈过话了吗?conversation复数conversations


conversation 英[u02ccku0252nvu0259u02c8seu026au0283n] 美[u02cckɑnvu025au02c8seu0283u0259n] n. 交谈,会话;交往,交际;会谈;(人与计算机的)人机对话 名词复数:conversations [例句]What follows is an edited transcript of our conversation.下文即我们谈话内容的编辑版。

come into being什么意思

  come into being  英 [ku028cm u02c8u026antuu02d0 u02c8bi:u026au014b] 美 [ku028cm u02c8u026antu u02c8biu026au014b]  [释义]产生; 诞生; 开始存在; 长;  [网络]出现 产生; 形成; 形成,产生;  [例句]It is only a short time that china investment fund come into being, but it develops very quickly.  中国投资基金的产生至今时间很短,但发展很快。


conversation[英][u02ccku0252nvu0259u02c8seu026au0283n] [美][u02cckɑnvu025au02c8seu0283u0259n] 生词本简明释义n.交谈,会话;交往,交际;会谈;(人与计算机的)人机对话复数:conversations以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT交谈;谈话;会话If you have a conversation with someone, you talk with them, usually in an informal situation.He"s a talkative guy, and I struck up a conversation with him...他是一个健谈的人,于是我开始和他攀谈起来。I waited for her to finish a telephone conversation.我等着她打完电话。2.PHRASE正在谈话;正在交谈If you say that people are in conversation, you mean that they are talking together. When I arrived I found her in conversation with Mrs Williams.

求fight together无损。请发送



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にご怎么读 nigo?nico?

ni go (こ=co(ko),ご=go。有两个点的是浊音,念go)



I couldn’t help praising the master’s鞋匠师傅 ________。后面应该填technique还是skill,他们到底有什

technique 指 科技。全写:scientific techskill 指技艺。你说呢?

如果直线y=m与函数y=cosx, x∈[0, 2π]的图象有两个交点,则m

作出y=sinx在[0,2π]上的函数图象,如图: 由图象可知当m=1或-1时,y=m与y=sinx(x∈[0,2π])只有一个交点, 当0<m<1或-1<m<0时,y=m与y=sinx(x∈[0,2π])有且只有两个交点, 故答案为:±1,(-1,0)∪(0,1).

in new york city ,horses must be given a 15-minute "coffee break"for each two hours of work的意思


complicated ; sophisticated ;seriously 这英语用谐音怎么读?


Black Box Recorder

看完歌词,觉得很有味道,但自己的中文还不足以表达那个意思。见谅了。我很喜欢这个歌词,谢谢LZ让我又知道了首好歌~(人名,歌词故事中的那个女生)Meet me in the playground after school放学后,到操场上见我吧When everybody has gone home所有人都踏上了归程Promise not to breathe a word of this诺言不声言说Don"t even look at me till we"re alone不要等我们分开了,才会想要看着我Or tongues will start to wag也或者口齿相传(直译是 舌头开始摇摆)Stories will go round流言传播开来They"ll talk behind our backs他们会在背地里议论着我们We"ll never relive it down我们不会再经历那些了Write my name in blood across your shirt (May Queen)用鲜血在你的衣衫上落下我的姓名(May Queen)Prove to me that I"m the only one (May Queen)向我证明,我是你的唯一((May Queen)And cross your heart and hope to die (May Queen)穿过你的心房,期望着死去(May Queen)May God strike you dead if it"s a lie (May Queen)如果你虚情假意欺骗了我,上帝会让你死掉Meet me after school放学后来见我吧Meet me by the fields来那片田野见我吧Away from prying eyes避开那些窥视的双眼Kids can be so cruel小孩子也会是这么的让人痛苦Out in the fields, out in the hay外面的田野里,路上We"ve come this far, at days and date我们走了这么远,每天这么远But if we"ve heard, but if we"ve seen但如果我们听见了,如果我们看见了Then you might forfeit your first kiss接着你或许会丢掉了初吻This whole thing no-one else"s business (May Queen)不是其他人,只有我(May Queen)This is just a personal affair (May Queen)恋爱是我们的私事(May Queen)A one-off test-run for the future (May Queen)为了未来,仅仅有这一次机会Wonder if I"ll feel the same tomorrow (May Queen)我想知道明天我会否有相同的感受Or tongues will start to wag也或者口齿相传Stories will go round流言传播开来They"ll talk behind our backs他们会在背地里议论着我们We"ll never relive it down我们不会再经历那些了Now it"s the time, now it"s the place此时,此刻,此地We"ve come this far, at days and date我们走了那么远,每天那么远But if we"ve heard, but if we"ve seen但如果我们听见了,如果我们看见了Then you might forfeit your first kiss接着你或许会丢掉了初吻

sophisticated 和 complicated 的区别

sophisticated 和 complicated 的区别sophisticated 这个单词的词义:adj. 复杂的; 精致的; 富有经验的; 深奥微妙的; v. 使变得世故; 使迷惑; 篡改(sophisticate的过去分词形式); complicated 这个单词的词义:adj. 结构复杂的; 混乱的,麻烦的; v. 使复杂化( complicate的过去式);


sophisticated adj. 复杂的;精致的;久经世故的;富有经验的; complicated adj. 难懂的,复杂的。 扩展资料   Some sign languages are very sophisticated means of communication.   一些手势语是非常复杂的交流方式。   Mark is a smart and sophisticated young man.   马克是一个聪明老成的年轻人。   Claude was a charming, sophisticated companion.   克劳德是个有魅力、见多识广的"伙伴。   The instructions were rather complicated.   这些说明相当复杂。   The situation in Lebanon is very complicated.   黎巴嫩的形势非常复杂。


hupo vfg58dsyrdeedykj dtyjkduijtd tyduiyjusr yruysrjutujry6suisr6y4 6yt5ya 5yr5yaw35ya53y3oqh5a3qhouhy6qy3u5683uq3u506u

正确答案是( )[A] deficient[B] incomplete[C] inadequate[D] partial



result更强调前因后果,通常是你的行为导致的(好)结果 consequence通常是(坏)结果,可翻译为后果 outcome就不知道了,字典上说是the result of an effect,situation,ect...





conclusion 和consequence有什么区别

前者:结论,影响,后果,成果,常与of 连用.后者:结论,结果常搭配draw a conclusion


是《末代皇帝》的插曲,名称是《Main Title Theme》,作者是大卫 伯纳。你可以搜索听一下。三国杀OL对该曲子做了些修改,曲调基本相同。很有古代宫廷典雅之风。我在百度搜索了好久才搜索到,可能以前看过《末代皇帝》吧,对该纯音乐特别敏感,感觉特有中国风。最近一次是在电视上偶然听到的,一直就想弄清楚。推荐给大家。谢谢。


真的真的很饭茜的话 koala这个综艺一定要看哦!! 可以看出茜的性格和为人 超完美~尤其是其他成员好依赖她诶 (晶茜)很有爱

in consequence 和 in consequence of 的区别






Consequence 歌词

歌曲名:Consequence歌手:Paul Schutze专辑:ApartThe NotwistConsequencelyrics By 飞殇流逝You"re the colour, you"re the movementand the spinNevercould it stay with me the whole day longFail with consequencelose with eloquence and smile.I"m not in this movieI"m not in this song.Neverleave me paralyzed, love.leave me hypnotized, love.You"re the colour,you"re the movementand the spinNeverCould it stay with me the whole day longFail with consequencelose with eloquence and smileYou"re not in this movieyou"re not in this song.Neverleave me paralyzed, loveleave me hypnotized, loveleave me paralyzed, loveleave me hypnotized, loveleave me paralyzed, loveleave me hypnotized, loveleave me paralyzed, loveleave me hypnotized, loveleave me paralyzed, loveleave me hypnotized, loveleave me paralyzed, loveleave me hypnotized, love

as a consequence 和as a result有什么区别



consequence结果双语对照词典结果:consequence[英][u02c8ku0252nsu026akwu0259ns][美][u02c8kɑ:nsu0259kwens]n.结果,成果; [逻]结论; 重要性; 推论; 复数:consequences例句:1.Political and economic instability are an inevitable consequence. 政治和经济不稳定成为不可避免的后果。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


esult更强调前因后果,通常是你的行为导致的(好)结果 consequence通常是(坏)结果,可翻译为后果 oute就不知道了,字典上说是the result of an effect,situation,ect...,7,



resault 和consequence 区别

都是指事情的结果,但consequence通常指的是事情的负面结果,如同中文的后果.result指的是由某事产生的直接结果,可以是好的也可以是坏的,如She"s fired as a result of neglect of duty / His success is the result of years of research .result可以指比赛,选举,考试等的结果,consequence不可以

sakula config

wNv悍将sakula config unbindallbind "TAB" "+showscores"bind "ENTER" "+attack"bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"bind "SPACE" "+speed"bind """ "+moveup"bind "+" "sizeup"bind "," "buyammo1"bind "-" "sizedown"bind "." "buyammo2"bind "/" "+movedown"bind "0" "slot10"bind "1" "slot1"bind "2" "slot2"bind "3" "slot3"bind "4" "slot4"bind "5" "slot5"bind "6" "slot6"bind "7" "slot7"bind "8" "slot8"bind "9" "slot9"bind ";" "+mlook"bind "=" "sizeup"bind "[" "invprev"bind "]" "invnext"bind "`" "toggleconsole"bind "a" "+moveleft"bind "b" "buy"bind "c" "radio3"bind "d" "+moveright"bind "e" "+use"bind "f" "+attack2"bind "g" "drop"bind "h" "+commandmenu"bind "i" "showbriefing"bind "j" "cheer"bind "k" "+voicerecord"bind "l" "showbriefing"bind "n" "+voicerecord"bind "o" "buyequip"bind "q" "lastinv"bind "r" "+reload"bind "s" "+back"bind "t" "impulse 201"bind "u" "messagemode2"bind "v" "buyequip"bind "w" "+forward"bind "x" "radio2"bind "y" "messagemode"bind "z" "radio1"bind "~" "toggleconsole"bind "UPARROW" "+forward"bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"bind "LEFTARROW" "+left"bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right"bind "ALT" "+strafe"bind "CTRL" "+duck"bind "SHIFT" "impulse 100"bind "F1" "autobuy"bind "F2" "rebuy"bind "F5" "snapshot"bind "F6" "save quick"bind "F7" "load quick"bind "F9" "chooseteam"bind "F10" "chooseteam"bind "INS" "+klook"bind "PGDN" "+lookdown"bind "PGUP" "+lookup"bind "END" "centerview"bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+duck"bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump"bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"bind "MOUSE2" "+jump"bind "PAUSE" "pause"_cl_autowepswitch "1"_snd_mixahead "0.1"ati_npatch "0"ati_subdiv "0"bgmvolume "1.000000"bottomcolor "6"brightness "2"cl_allowdownload "1"cl_allowupload "1"cl_backspeed "400"cl_cmdbackup "2"cl_cmdrate "101.000000"cl_corpsestay "600"cl_crosshair_color "50 250 250"cl_crosshair_size "small"cl_crosshair_translucent "1"cl_dlmax "128"cl_download_ingame "1"cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"cl_forwardspeed "400"cl_himodels "0"cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"cl_lc "1"cl_logocolor "#Valve_Ltblue"cl_logofile "lambda"cl_lw "1"cl_minmodels "0"cl_radartype "1"cl_righthand "1"cl_shadows "1"cl_timeout "35"cl_updaterate "101.000000"cl_vsmoothing "0.05"cl_weather "0"con_color "255 180 30"console "1"crosshair "1"fastsprites "0"fps_max "100.000000"fps_modem "0"gamma "3"gl_dither "1"gl_flipmatrix "0"gl_fog "1"gl_monolights "0"gl_overbright "0"gl_polyoffset "0.1"hisound "1"hpk_maxsize "4"hud_capturemouse "1"hud_centerid "1"hud_draw "1"hud_fastswitch "1"hud_saytext_internal "1"hud_takesshots "0"joystick "0"lookspring "0.000000"lookstrafe "0.000000"m_filter "1"m_forward "1"m_pitch "0.022000"m_side "0.8"m_yaw "0.022"model "gordon"MP3FadeTime "2.0"MP3Volume "1"mp_decals "300"name "wNv sakula <3 z3m"net_graph "0.000000"net_graphpos "1.000000"net_scale "5"r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"r_detailtextures "0"s_a3d "0"s_automax_distance "30"s_automin_distance "2"s_bloat "2.0"s_distance "60"s_doppler "0.0"s_eax "0"s_leafnum "0"s_max_distance "1000"s_min_distance "5"s_numpolys "200"s_polykeep "1000000000"s_polysize "10000000"s_refdelay "4"s_refgain "0.4"s_rolloff "1.0"s_verbwet "0.25"sensitivity "4"skin ""spec_autodirector_internal "1"spec_drawcone_internal "1"spec_drawnames_internal "1"spec_drawstatus_internal "1"spec_mode_internal "4"spec_pip "0"suitvolume "0.250000"sv_aim "0"sv_voiceenable "1"team ""topcolor "30"viewsize "120.000000"voice_enable "1"voice_forcemicrecord "1"voice_modenable "1"voice_scale "2"volume "1"setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"setinfo "_ah" "0"+mlook这个是他参加weg时所用的

consequence,result,out comes,effect的区别

result, consequence, effect, outcomeue003这组词均含有“结果”的意思,指事物最后呈现的一种局面。ue003result是最普通的用词,用途最广,指很多效果、后果的综合,带有“最后结果”的意味。ue003consequence这个词带有贬义,一般表示一种不好的结局,常译为“后果”。ue003effect与cause(原因,起因)相对,强调由某种原因直接或立即产生的结果,可译为“效果,效力,作用,影响”。ue003outcome常译为“结果,结局”,常指某项活动、比赛或者悬而未决的事情最后见分晓、见输赢。ue004The net result of our discussions was that she agreed to take this job.我们反复商量的最终结果是她同意接受这份工作。ue003The high level of unemployment has produced harmful social consequences.高失业率已经造成了不良的社会后果。ue003The advertising campaign didn"t have much effect on sales.这次广告运动对销售未能起到多大的作用。ue003There were not many people who dared predict the outcome of the general election.没有人敢预测大选的结果。

consequence用法 短语

consequence的释义:结果,后果,作为...的结果;推论,推断,推理,逻辑上的必然结果;重要(性),重大(性);影响;自大,神气活现;成果。consequence的短语:in consequence 因此,结果;in consequence of 由于…的缘故。 consequence用法和短语 用作名词 (n.) 动词+~ accept〔bear, suffer, take〕 the consequence承担后果 consider the consequence考虑后果 形容词+~ destructive consequence毁灭性的后果 evil consequence恶果 fateful consequence致命的后果 foreseen consequence已预见的后果 grave consequence严重的后果 slight consequence无关紧要 介词+~ as a consequence因此 in consequence of由于…的缘故,由于 of consequence重要 matter〔person〕 of consequence重要的事〔人〕 ~+介词 consequence of mismanagement管理不善的后果 consequence of rudeness莽撞的结果


【consequence】英 ["kɒnsɪkwəns]     美 ["kɑːnsəkwens]    【可数名词】a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon;结果,后果,影响"the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise""his decision had depressing consequences for business""he acted very wise after the event"take the consequences承担后果 regardless of the consequences不顾后果;不计后果 .If climate changes continue, we will suffer the consequences.如果气候变化继续下去,我们将自食其果。I believe I am capable of calculating the political consequences accurately.我觉得我能准确预料此事的政治后果。The consequences of the counter-revolution have been extremely bloody.反革命的结果是十分血腥的。【不可数名词】having important effects or influence;重要(性),重大 "decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself""virtue is of more moment than security""that result is of no consequence"He is a man of great consequence.他是一个很重要的人物。Both sides think of the point as of no consequence.双方都认为这一点不重要。The difference is not of consequence.此差别是无关紧要的。




consequence的释义:结果,后果,作为...的结果;推论,推断,推理,逻辑上的必然结果;重要(性),重大(性);影响;自大,神气活现;成果。consequence的短语:in consequence 因此,结果;in consequence of 由于…的缘故。 扩展资料   consequence用法和短语   用作名词 (n.)   动词+~   accept〔bear, suffer, take〕 the consequence承担后果   consider the consequence考虑后果   形容词+~   destructive consequence毁灭性的.后果   evil consequence恶果   fateful consequence致命的后果   foreseen consequence已预见的后果   grave consequence严重的后果   slight consequence无关紧要   介词+~   as a consequence因此   in consequence of由于…的缘故,由于   of consequence重要   matter〔person〕 of consequence重要的事〔人〕   ~+介词   consequence of mismanagement管理不善的后果   consequence of rudeness莽撞的结果

result consequence outcome都是表结果,它们怎么区分

result 结果,导致。一般来说,不存在好或坏的区分,就是单纯指结果consequence 后果,这里更多的是指不好的结果outcome 成果,指好的结果。可以按上述进行区分,希望能帮到你

as a result 和 as a consequence有什么区别

result是“结果” 而consequence是“后果”前者用于陈述条件具备后“出现”的结果。后者用于强调前因“导致”的后果。

in consequence和as a consequence的区别

差别很大,表达意思完全不同:The infection is serious in consequence.= 这感染导致严重后果。The infection is serious as a consequence. =结果就是一次严重传染。


result,consequence,effect,outcomeue003这组词均含有“结果”的意思,指事物最后呈现的一种局面.ue003result是最普通的用词,用途最广,指很多效果、后果的综合,带有“最后结果”的意味.ue003consequence这个词带有贬义,一般表示一种不好的结局,常译为“后果”.ue003effect与cause(原因,起因)相对,强调由某种原因直接或立即产生的结果,可译为“效果,效力,作用,影响”.ue003outcome常译为“结果,结局”,常指某项活动、比赛或者悬而未决的事情最后见分晓、见输赢.ue004The net result of our discussions was that she agreed to take this job.我们反复商量的最终结果是她同意接受这份工作.ue003The high level of unemployment has produced harmful social consequences.高失业率已经造成了不良的社会后果.ue003The advertising campaign didn"t have much effect on sales.这次广告运动对销售未能起到多大的作用.ue003There were not many people who dared predict the outcome of the general election.没有人敢预测大选的结果.希望采纳哦!


按住shift调节大小可以保持中心点不变Ctrl+G+P 选中全部对象页面居中L 左对齐

as a consequence和as a consequence of的区别是什么

as a consequence 意为:结果;后果=as a result as a consequence of意为:因为;由于=as a result of

subsequence和 consequence怎么区别

subsequence:1. something that follows something else[同] sequel, subsequence2. following in time也就是说,subsequence强调时间上面随后发生的事consequence:1. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon2. the outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual3. having important effects or influence也就是说,consequence强调因果关系和影响


consequence是可数名词。consequence多指随某一事件引起的,必然或自然的不良结果,不强调直接的因果关系,而侧重事件发展的逻辑关系。 consequence用法和短语 用作名词 (n.) 动词+~ accept〔bear, suffer, take〕 the consequence承担后果 consider the consequence考虑后果 形容词+~ destructive consequence毁灭性的后果 evil consequence恶果 fateful consequence致命的后果 foreseen consequence已预见的后果 grave consequence严重的后果 slight consequence无关紧要 介词+~ as a consequence因此 in consequence of由于…的缘故,由于 of consequence重要 matter〔person〕 of consequence重要的事〔人〕 ~+介词 consequence of mismanagement管理不善的后果 consequence of rudeness莽撞的结果




consequence后果consequence[英][u02c8ku0252nsu026akwu0259ns][美][u02c8kɑ:nsu0259kwens]n.推论; 结果,成果; [逻]结论; 重要性; 复数:consequences






consequence[英][u02c8ku0252nsu026akwu0259ns][美][u02c8kɑ:nsu0259kwens]n.结果,成果; [逻]结论; 重要性; 推论; 复数:consequences以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Political and economic instability are an inevitable consequence. 政治和经济不稳定成为不可避免的后果。



consequence // poisonous这英语怎么念??

con se qeun ce 抗 瑟 困 死poi son nous 婆诶 森 呐 死嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎嘎加油

consequence 的词组有哪些?

as a consequence of 作为什么的结果


翻译如下这段话出自呼啸山庄第三章:‘A man"s life is of more consequence than one evening"s neglect of the horses: somebody must go," murmured Mrs. Heathcliff, more kindly than I expected.意思是“一个人的性命总比一晚上没有人照应马重要些。总得有个人去的。”希刺克厉夫夫人轻轻地说,比我所想的和善多了。这里consequence的意思是重要。

consequence consequent区别

ce 为名词表结果 t为adj. 表合乎逻辑的发生。




in consequence 因此,结果in consequence of 由于…的缘故as a consequence of 作为...的结果


  在考研英语词汇的复习过程中,有些考生采取囫囵吞枣的复习方式,一味的追求背单词的速度,只记住了单词最表面的意思,而没有进行深度挖掘。其实考研英语在题目的考查过程中,对考生单词的检测可谓是全方位多角度的,翻译、阅读理解中以及各个题型在考察同一个词汇时,可能具体应用到文中的意思不尽相同,这就需要引起考生的高度重视。Consequence是考研英语的高频词汇,下面老师就带大家一起来看一下,它在考研英语中的应用。   一、Consequence在真题中的应用   Consequence在历年考研真题中多次考察,在文中出现的词意分别有“推论”、“结果”、“影响”等含义,但是什么情况下应该使用该词的什么含义,还要靠考生在平时做题的过程中仔细揣摩,善于总结积累,发现其中奥妙。   1996年考研英语试卷英汉翻译真题   1、Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs. Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating.   【解析】   该句子可以拆分为三段:   Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs. / Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science / being to some extent self-accelerating.   从该句子的结构来说,主干结构是一个对比句Some…are…reasonable result of…Others are reasonable consequences of…此外,particular advances后有多重定语in science being to some extent self-accelerating.   就词的含义来说,Consequence在该句意为“结果”,reasonable consequences意为“必然结果”。   参考译文:在这些原因中,有些完全是自然而然地来自社会需求,另一些则是由于科学在一定程度上自我加速而产生某些特定发展的必然结果。   2、This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of possible consequence in the future.   【解析】句子可以拆分为三段:This seems mostly effectively done / by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediategoals/but of possible consequence in the future.   从该句子的结构来说,主干结构是系词+过去分词+被动宾语:This seems mostly effectively done by…而research后面是双重定语not related to… but of…由此断定related to意思等于of   就词的含义来说,Consequence在此句中意为“影响”possible consequence意为“可能的影响”。   参考译文:给某些与当前目标无关但将来可能产生影响的科研以支持,看来通常能有效地解决这一问题。   1998年考研英语试卷英汉翻译真题   Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics…   【解析】从该句子的结构来说,主干结构cosmic inflation is a consequence, and many astrophysicists have been convinced that it is true,其中Odd though it sounds是倒装的让步状语从句,consequence前后有多重定语。 就词的含义来说,Consequence在此句中意为“推论”,scientifically plausible consequence 意为“科学上可信的推论”。   参考译文:宇宙膨胀说虽然听似奇特,但它是基本粒子物理学中一些公认的理论在科学上看来可信的推论。许多天体物理学家七八年来一直认为这一论说是正确的。   二、多义词词义辨析   关于多义词词意的选择和确定,的确是考察考生词汇复习情况扎实与否的一项关键,例如consequence 来说,就有“推论”、“结果”、“影响”等多重含义,那么考生该如何辨析多义词,在考试中,具体来说有三种方法:   1. 词性不同,词意不同   有些词汇的词意是随着词性变化的。如:back做副词意思是“回来”,做动词是“支持”,做形容词是“过期的”(如:a back issue, 过期的期刊),做名词是“背面,背部”等。因此,选择词意的首要前提是明确词性。   2. 适用学科不同,词意不同   由于每个行业都会利用常见的词汇表达学科内部的专业问题,久而久之就形成了同一单词的在各学科与专业间,所表达的含义不同,这就造成了一词多义。   3. 搭配不同,词意不同   “word has no meaning till it is in a context”是说词在上下文中方有意义,一个孤立的词汇往往要与其他词汇搭配构成短语,才能更好的展现其丰富的词意,使词意更明朗,文章更生动。所以考生在背诵单词的同时一定要熟记该词汇的短语用法。   通过真题的展现,我们研究了一词多义的Consequence,又深入研究了多义词辨析的三种方法,希望考生们可以限度的学习到其中的精髓,在解题中“火眼金睛”的辨析词意,获得自己满意的成绩!






   托福词汇consequences释义及例句   consequences   n.重要(性)( consequence的名词复数 );结果;重要地位;因果关系   后果;苦果;后果的;效果   双语例句   1 . If climate changes continue, we will suffer the consequences .   如果气候变化继续下去,我们将自食其果。   来自柯林斯例句   2 . I believe I am capable of calculating the political consequences accurately.   我觉得我能准确预料此事的政治后果。   来自柯林斯例句   3 . The consequences of the counter-revolution have been extremely bloody.   反革命的结果是十分血腥的。   来自柯林斯例句   4 . She wasn"t really with it. She hadn"t taken in the practical consequences .   她并不怎么机敏。她还没有意识到实际的后果。   来自柯林斯例句   5 . We must be mindful of the consequences of selfishness.   我们必须考虑自私自利的后果。   来自柯林斯例句   网络释义   -consequences   1 . 后果   ...乎比B型性格的学生(fellows)要好。太热衷于获胜(being too keen to win)可能产生危险的后果(consequences):记住第一个跑马拉松的人费迪皮迪兹(Pheidippides),在说完“欢呼吧,我们胜利.   2 . 苦果   与其在终场时行为排斥球迷的幌子,随后在竞争了结后垂头闷气的吞下败北苦果 ( Consequences ),世上的事,不如己意者,那是当然的。还不如不玩了,是以在那个层面上讲,艾弗森(Iverson)是成功大亡命。   3 . 后果的   whoever illegally uses special monitoring or photographing equipment and causes grave consequencesis to be sentenced to not more than two years of fixed-term imprisonment , criminal detention , or control .非法使用窃听、窃照专用器材,造成严重后果的,处二年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。   4 . 效果   ...所以解决方案并不描述一个特定而具体的设计或实现,而是提供设计问题的抽象描述和怎样用一个具有一般意义的元素组合(类或对象组合)来解决这个问题。效果(consequences)描述了模式应用的效果及使用模式应权衡的问题。尽管我们描述设计决策时.   相关词条-consequent divide   1 . 顺向分水岭   consanguinity 岩浆同源consequent divide 顺向分水岭consequent river 顺向河   -consequences (   1 . 一后果   American business , which anyhow feels unloved by this White House , will suffer the consequences ( see article ) .美国企业将要承担这一后果了,不管怎样,企业都觉得自己不受白宫的喜爱。   -in consequence   1 . 由于   surge的博客 ... in consequence 因此,结果 in consequence of 由于。。。的缘故 on the contrary 反之,正相反.   -consequent valley   1 . 顺向谷   consequent ridge 顺向山脊consequent valley 顺向谷consequent 继起的是什么邮箱




consequence 和 repercussion 的区别是什么

consequence ["ku0254nsi,kwu0259ns] n.1. 结果,后果;影响2. 【逻辑学】(逻辑上的)结论,推论,推理3. 因果关系4. 重要性;重大意义5. 重要地位;显要,卓越;举足轻重6. 趾高气扬,自命不凡近义词:effect . importance . 短语1. as a consequence因而;结果2. in consequence=as a consequence3. in consequence of因为…的缘故,由于4. of consequence重要的,重大的;有地位的,有声望的5. of no consequence不重要的,无足轻重的6. take the consequences (of)承担(某事的)后果;对(某事的)后果负责例句与用法General what talent can get melancholia, what consequence can serious word cause?一般什么人才会得忧郁症,严重的话会导致什么后果?"Incidentally, the commentary ignores Iran altogether, as if it is not a factor of consequence on the Afghan chessboard".“顺便说一下,评论完全忽视伊朗,好像它在阿富汗棋盘上不是一个重要因素”。This paper analyses several questions and consequence in the using process of belt conveyor, puts some methods to solve these questions.分析了带式输送机使用过程中易出现的几个问题及后果,提出了解决这些问题的方法。repercussion [,ri:pu0259"ku028cu0283u0259n; re-] n.1. 击回;弹回;反冲2. (光、声等的)反射;回声3. [常用复数]反响;反应;影响4. 【音乐】(音调、和弦的)反复例句与用法Many rural families violate the nation"s one-child policy and often turn down hospital care for fear of repercussion.很多农村家庭违反了国家独生子女政策害怕受处罚而拒绝在医院生产。Spontaneous art expression in a non-judgmental atmosphere allows the person to express repressed thoughts or feelings without the threat of repercussion.在自由自在的氛围中,自主性艺术表达使得参加者无拘束的情况下表露自己压抑的情感。The results showed that the blood of goats and its complex prescription have significant effects on repercussion, analgesia and have long time of drug action.结查显示山羊血及其小复方具有明显的消肿镇痛作用,而且具有药效作用维持时间长的优点。




result [re·sult || ru026a"zu028clt]n. 计算结果, 成效consequence [con·se·quence || "ku0252nsu026akwu0259ns]n. 推论; 推理outcome ["au028atku028cm]n. 后果; 结局

英语中的build,make的区别,the kind of computer is the abacus made inChina,看补充。

1946年2月14日,世界上第一台电脑ENIAC在美国宾夕法尼亚大学诞生。 这部机器使用了18800个真空管,长50英尺,宽30英尺, 占地1500平方英尺,重达30吨(大约是一间半的教室大,六只大象重)。针对于这么大的物件你觉得是用build合适还是make呢?(make是针对于体型较小的物件)




consequence 英[u02c8ku0252nsu026akwu0259ns] 美[u02c8kɑ:nsu0259kwens] n. 推论; 结果,成果; [逻] 结论; 重要性; [例句]Her lawyer said she understood the consequences of her actions and was prepared to go to jail她的律师说她明白自己行为的后果,已有了入狱的心理准备。[其他] 复数:consequences
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