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语音学中剩余位置条件elsewhere condition什么意思啊?



- Game Boy Bros (第一代Game Boy的彩色版)- Game Boy Pocket(比普通的Game Boy更小更轻。同时从该产品开始,彩色屏幕开始普及)- Game Boy Light(由Game Boy Pocket追加背光式液晶屏幕而成)- Super Game Boy(用于在超级任天堂上使用GB卡带的设备)- Super Game Boy 2(与Super Game Boy相比增加了联机功能)- Game Boy Color(彩色屏幕,性能更高)- Game Boy Advance(使用被动反射式液晶屏幕)- Game Boy Advance SP(使用主动反射式液晶屏幕,折叠型)- Game Boy Player(可以插在GameCube上,能够在电视上玩GB和GBA(俱乐部)的游戏)- Game Boy Micro(性能等同于Game Boy Advance SP,体型迷你)

【GAME BOY 游戏机卡】 请问用哪个HS CODE ? 求出过的大神告知!万分感激!

你可以淘宝上搜下 ,我都是淘宝上买的

《like a virgin》歌曲,什么格式都可以,要欢乐合唱团版的,发到,谢谢


英文Roger that 和Copy that和I got it区别

rogerthat一般是命令得到一般上级对下级copythat也是收到信息的意思 但不强调级别关系gotit明白懂了

请大家推荐一些好听的英文歌,比如像Groove Coverage的歌!谢谢了!

everybodywe will rock you

I believe I am able to go to college什么意思



butterfly的意思是蝴蝶。蝶,通称为“蝴蝶,节肢动物门、昆虫纲、鳞翅目、锤角亚目动物的统称。全世界大约有 14000 多种,大部分分布在美洲,尤其在亚马逊河流域品种最多。中国有 1200 种。蝴蝶一般色彩鲜艳,身上有好多条纹,色彩较丰富,翅膀和身体有各种花斑,最大的蝴蝶展翅可达28~30厘米左右,最小的只有 0.7 厘米左右。蝴蝶和蛾类的主要区别是蝴蝶头部有一对棒状或锤状触角,蛾的触角形状多样。butterfly 一词源自古英文 buterfleoge,由 butere(butter)加 fleoge(flying creature)构成。蝴蝶体形大多在5~10cm之间,身体分为头、胸、腹;两对翅;三对足。在头部有一对锤状的触角,触角端部加粗,翅宽大,停歇时翅竖立于背上。蝶类触角为棒形,触角端部各节粗壮,成棒锤状。体和翅被扁平的鳞状毛。腹部瘦长。最大的是新几内亚东部的亚历山大女皇鸟翼凤蝶,雌性翼展可达31厘米;最小的是阿富汗的渺灰蝶,展翅只有7毫米。口器是下口式;足是步行足;翅是鳞翅;属于全变态。蝴蝶有5种视锥细胞,比人类多两种,也就是可以感受除红光、蓝光、绿光外其他两种我们无法命名的颜色。蝴蝶翅膀上的鳞片不仅能使蝴蝶艳丽无比、还像是蝴蝶的一件雨衣。因为蝴蝶翅膀的鳞片里含有丰富的脂肪,能把蝴蝶保护起来,所以即使下小雨时,蝴蝶也能飞行。大部分蝴蝶吸食花蜜,就吸食花蜜的蝴蝶来说,它们不仅只吸花蜜,而且爱好吸食某些特定植物的花蜜,例如蓝凤蝶嗜吸百合科植物的花蜜;菜粉蝶嗜吸十字花科的植物的花蜜;而豹蛱蝶则嗜吸菊科植物的花蜜等等;部分不吸食花蜜的蝴蝶有竹眼蝶吸食无花果汁液;淡紫蛱蝶吸食病栎、杨树的酸浆;还有一部分蝴蝶会吸食葡萄的肉,在葡萄地中常见蝴蝶吸食。蝴蝶是完全变态的昆虫,即一生会经过四个阶段:卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫。蝴蝶的卵一般为圆形或椭圆形,表面有蜡质壳,防止水分蒸发,一端有细孔,是精子进入的通路。不同品种的蝴蝶,其卵的大小差别很大。蝴蝶一般将卵产于幼虫喜食的植物叶面上,为幼虫准备好食物。幼虫孵化出后,主要就是进食,要吃掉大量植物叶子,幼虫的形状多样,多为肉虫,少数为毛虫。蝴蝶危害农业主要在幼虫阶段。随着幼虫生长,一般要经过几次蜕皮。幼虫成熟后要变成蛹,幼虫一般在植物叶子背面隐蔽的地方,用几条丝将自己固定住,之后直接化蛹,无茧。蛹成熟后,从蛹中破壳钻出,但需要一定的时间使翅膀干燥变硬,这时的蝴蝶无法躲避天敌,属于危险期。翅膀舒展开后,蝴蝶就可以飞翔了,蝴蝶的前后翅不同步扇动,因此蝴蝶飞翔时波动很大,姿势优美,所谓“翩翩起舞”,来源于蝴蝶的飞翔。一般蝴蝶成虫交配产卵后就在冬季到来之前死亡,但也有的品种会迁徙到南方过冬。元音字母u在重读闭音节里发短元音/u028c/的音,发音时,舌端离开下齿,舌中部抬高,舌位介于低与中低之间,是三个中元音中舌位最低的一个,牙床介于半开和开之间,是三个中元音中牙床开得最大的一个,双唇呈扁平状。这个音出现在字首、字中位置,如:sun 太阳umbrella 雨伞gun 枪nut 核桃bus 公共汽车,巴士uncle 叔叔,伯伯,舅舅under 在……下面(正下方)希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>首页出现这个,什么处理掉,对不起我对代码不了解


I got you covered.是什么意思?


I got you covered.是什么意思?


i got you covered是什么意思

i got you covered我罩着你1Here you go. i got you covered since I let you down.拿去吧,至从我叫你趴下后,我就开始掩护你了。2Everybody"s good. i got you covered.大家都点了,你的活我都干好了。3I got you covered by tomorrow night.我明晚前给你修好。

有谁知道if you come to me的全部歌词中文翻译?主要是最后一段。谢谢!


求电影《斯托克》的片尾曲comes the color

《斯托克》片尾曲:《Becomes the Color》歌手:Emily Wells所属专辑:Stoker (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)歌曲已上传附件。歌词:I became the color我身上有一种i become the daughter and the son斯托克儿女的色彩When the feast is over当这盛宴结束的时候welcome to another one欢迎来到另一个世界Lay my body down down平躺在down upon the water水面之上wrapped up in the clothes of my mother and my father穿着父母留下来的衣服o this is longingoh 我是多么渴望i want to be complete想要变得完整I was waiting round in a little jump seat我坐在一个小折叠椅上静静等待i had a hunger我渴望a mouthful of interludes自己有说不完的故事Youll do anything just to get rescued你做的任何事都是为了得到救赎I had longing我渴望了很久的isn"t that the key并不是一把take take taste taste sweet能打开我幸福之门的钥匙They said I"d gone south他们说我会越来越糟的I"d gone asunder我在逃避They don"t know hunger or what I been under他们不知道渴望是什么 或者不知道我的处境They were all laughing他们全都在嘲笑thought i was debris认为我是个废物I was just free其实我只是淡然而已We were ready to behave我们已经准备好表现自己But there"s no freedom但却没有自由w/out no cage逃出牢笼Whatever you think you"ve become不管你认为你已经成为了怎样的人Don"t worry bout it dear it"s where you come from.不要纠结它 这就是你本来的面目O no no, save me from my misery噢 不! 把我从痛苦中解救出来There"s no such, thing as living comfortably根本没有舒适的生活There"s no such, thing as going home根本没有回家的路I"m not formed of myself alone我不是完全由自我构造的All the other others they"ll just fade to black别的一切都将消失在黑暗中When you think you have me"s when i don"t look back你认为如果我不回头你就得到了我Keep on laughing, callin after me继续笑吧 大喊我的名字Keep on laughin, I"m just free继续笑吧 我无所谓We were ready to behave我们已经准备好去表现自己But there"s no freedom但却没有自由w/out no cage逃出牢笼Whatever you think you"ve become不管你认为你已经成为了怎样的人Don"t worry bout it dear it"s where you come from.不要去纠结它 因为这就是你本来的面目.............

我现在需要atomic kitten唱的<if you come to me>和<loving you>的歌词

If You Come Back 歌手:Blue 专辑:All Rise C"mon c"monYeahCan you feel me?(Baby can you feel me?)I got something to sayCheck it outFor all this timeI"ve been lovin" you girlOh yes I haveAnd ever since the dayYou left me here aloneI"ve been trying to findOh, the reason whySo if I did something wrong please tell meI wanna understand"Cos I don"t want this love to ever end(And) I swearIf you come back in my lifeI"ll be there "til the end of time (Back to me, back to me, back into my life)(Oh yeah) And I swearI"ll keep you right by my side"Cos baby you"re the one I want (Back to me, back to me, back into my life)Oh yes you are (by my side)I watched you goTakin" my heart with youOh yes you didEvery time I try to reach you on the phoneBaby you"re never thereGirl you"re never homeSo if I did something wrong please tell meI wanna understand"Cos I don"t want this love to ever end(No, no, no, no)(And) I swearIf you come back in my lifeI"ll be there "til the end of time (Back to me, back to me, back into my life)(Oh yeah) And I swearI"ll keep you right by my side"Cos baby you"re the one I want (Back to me, back to me, back into my life)Oh yes you are (by my side)Maybe I didn"t know how to show it(How to show it)Maybe I didn"t know what to say(What to say)This time I won"t disguise(Won"t disguise)Then we can build our livesAnd we can be as one (be as one)(And) I swearIf you come back in my lifeI"ll be there "til the end of time (Back to me, back to me, back into my life)(Oh yeah) And I swearI"ll keep you right by my side"Cos baby you"re the one I want (Back to me, back to me, back into my life)Oh yes you are (by my side)(And) I swearIf you come back in my lifeI"ll be there "til the end of time (Back to me, back to me, back into my life)(Oh yeah) And I swearI"ll keep you right by my side"Cos baby you"re the one I want (Back to me, back to me, back into my life)Oh yes you are (by my side)Loving You 歌手:Shanice SweetHeartI never have told youHow much I love youHow much I careLoving you So beautifulLoving youIt"s easy"Cause you"re beautifulAnd loving youIt"s all I wanna doLoving youIt"s more thanJust a dream come trueAnd everything that I doIt"s out of loving youla la la la lala la la la lala la la la la la la lado do do doooh aahNo one else can make me feelThe colors that you bringStay with meWhile we grow oldAnd we will liveEach day in springtimeLoving youHas made my life so beautifulAnd every day of my lifeIt"s filled with loving youLoving youI see your soulCome shining throughAnd everything that weI"m so in love with you la la la la lala la la la lala la la la la la la lado do do doooh aahNo one else can make me feelThe colors that you bringStay with meWhile we grow oldAnd we will liveEach day in springtimeLoving youIt"s easy"Cause you"re beautifulEvery day of my lifeIt"s filled with loving youLoving youI see your soulCome shining throughAnd everything that weI"m so in love with youla la la la lala la la la lala la la la la la la lado do do doooh aah歌曲:crucify my love歌手:x-japan crucify my love作词 作曲:yoshikixcrucify my love if my love is blindcrucify my loveif it sets me freenever know never trust"the love should see a colour"crucify my loveif it should be that waylike a river flowing to the seayou"ll be miles away,and i knowi know i can deal with the painno reason to crycrucify my loveif my love is blindcrucify my loveif it sets me freenever know never trust"the love should see a colour"crucify my loveif it should be that wayswing the heartachefeel it inside outwhen the wind criesi"ll say goodbyetried to learn tried to findto reach out for eternitywhere"s the answeris it forevertill the loneliness shadows the skyi"ll be sailing down and i will knowi know i can clear clouds awayoh is it a crime to love




歌曲名:Valder Fields艺术家:Tamas WellsTamas Wells最有名的歌曲,收录于专辑<A Plea En Vendredi>中。Valder是一个地名。试听:下载:歌词:I was found on the ground by the fountain at Valder Fields and was almost dry 快被晒干的我在Valder Fields的喷泉旁被发现Lying in the sun after I had tried 在尝试无果后躺在烈日之下Lying in the sun by the side 就在那里,烈日之下We had agreed that the council would end at three hours over-time 我们已经同意在三小时后结束讨论Shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights 在信号灯前系好鞋带I was running late 我还是没有赶上(I) could apply for another one I guess 也许我能申请另一份工作If department stores are best 如果可以,那么百货公司将是最好的选择They said (that) there would be delays 他们说薪水会被拖欠Only temporary pay 而且只是临时性的For another one I guess 也许可以申请另一份If department stores are best 如果可以,那么百货公司将是最好的选择They said (that) there would be delays 他们说薪水会被拖欠Only temporary pay 而且只是临时性的She was found on the ground in a gown made at Valder Fields 她穿着在Valder Fields订做的礼服被发现And was sound asleep (on the) stairs out the door 在门外的楼梯上睡着了To the man who cried when he said that he loved his life 对着那个在说到他热爱自己生活时会哭泣的男人We had agreed that the council should take his keys to the bedroom door 我们同意协会取走他卧室的钥匙(in) Case he slept outside and was found in two days in Valder Fields (with a) mountain view当他在Valder Fields的一片山色之中睡了两天


country 和 nationality 国家与国籍国家是人类社会的一种存在形式,国籍是针对个人而言用以区别不同国家的人,先有国家后有国籍,慢慢的,国家又被赋予了文化等新的内涵,而国籍是没有变过的。

country 和 nationality 的区别

country 和 nationality 国家与国籍国家是人类社会的一种存在形式,国籍是针对个人而言用以区别不同国家的人,先有国家后有国籍,慢慢的,国家又被赋予了文化等新的内涵,而国籍是没有变过的。

这里的“conjuring unempathy”怎么翻译?

那就意味着你不执着于与伤害了你的人计较。conjure 唤起 unempathy无感

项目概念 和 概念项目的区别 英文是 project concept

conceptn概念 观念例句与用法:whooriginatedtheconceptofstereosound? 立体声是谁发明的?thepowerofagodordemontotransformaconceptintoanelementofthesensibleworld. 空幻境界神或魔鬼所具有的能将观念转化为可感知世界的一个元素的力量conception 概念 观念受精ihavenoconceptionofwhatyoumean. 我想不出你的意思是什么。youhavenoconceptionofwhatitwasliketobethere. 你完全不知道在那里是什么滋味。其实很多时候这两个瓷可以互换。后者更强调一种内心的,自然的,感性的认识而前者多是科学术语


concept 的同义词:conception constructconcept 的反义词:misconception detrimental的同义词:damaging, detrimental, prejudicial, prejudiciousdetrimental的反义词:profitablebeneficialusefulhelpful

正确答案是( )[A] sense[B] meaning [C] conception[D] cognition



conception和perception的区别:conception 是大家都达成共识的观念,比较客观点。perception 是自己认为如何,比较主观。

同义词辨析 Pregnancy和Conception

Conception 是用于指卵子受精的意思Pregnant 在日常生活中提到“怀孕”时惯常所用的单词。另外还有、foetation和fetation 怀孕,妊娠期



求 CONCEPTION 百度云免费在线观看资源

链接: 提取码: dehy



conceive conception区别?



《招魂2》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:5ya5导演: 温子仁编剧: 凯利·海斯 / 查德·海斯 / 温子仁 / 大卫·莱斯利·约翰逊-麦戈德里克主演: 帕特里克·威尔森 / 维拉·法米加 / 麦迪逊·沃尔夫 / 弗兰西丝·奥康纳 / 劳伦·埃斯波西托 / 本杰明·海格 / 帕特里克·麦考利 / 西蒙·迈克伯尼 / 玛丽亚·多耶·肯尼迪 / 西蒙·德兰尼 / 弗朗卡·波滕特 / 鲍勃·阿德里安 / 罗宾·阿特金·唐斯 / 邦妮·阿伦斯 / 哈维尔·博泰特 / 斯蒂芬·考特尔 / 艾比·森哈 / 斯特林·杰里斯 / 约瑟夫·比沙拉 / 艾米丽·塔斯克 / 凯特·库克 / 山农·库克类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 恐怖制片国家/地区: 加拿大 / 美国 / 英国语言: 英语上映日期: 2016-06-10(美国)片长: 134分钟又名: 诡屋惊凶实录2(港) / 厉阴宅2(台) / 招魂2:恩菲尔德吵闹鬼 / The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist该片讲述了故事发生在繁华的都市伦敦,佩吉(弗兰西丝·奥康纳 Frances O"Connor 饰)是一名家境十分贫寒的单亲妈妈,住在破旧的老房子里,独自抚养着三个孩子珍妮特(麦迪逊·沃芙 Madison Wolfe 饰)、玛格丽特(劳伦·埃斯波西托 Lauren Esposito 饰)和强尼(Patrick McAuley 饰)。最近,房子里出现的一些灵异现象让一家人陷入了恐惧和绝望之中,更糟糕的是,年纪最小的珍妮特似乎成为了恶灵附身的对象。教会的驱魔师劳瑞(维拉·法梅加 Vera Farmiga 饰)和艾德(帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)介入了此事,尽管他们十分同情这一家人,但两人的首要目的,则是探清此处灵异事件的真实性,然而,除了当事人的一些口述外,并没有确凿的证据证明这里真的发生了灵异事件,两人在无奈之中只有选择离去。


动漫名:《CONCEPTION》 又名:受孕请为我生孩子吧!;产子救世录;为我而生CONCEPTION 外文名:俺の子供を产んでくれ! 导演:元永庆太郎 编剧:柿原优子 主要配音:小野友树,加藤英美里,远藤绫,藤田咲,下田麻美,藤井雪代,杉山里穂,阿澄佳奈,大本真基子,小林沙苗,山口由里子,喜多村英梨,荒浪和沙,内藤千晶,加隈亚衣,松田健一郎,平川大辅 集数:12全话结局 类型:喜剧,动画 播放时间:2018年10月10日(日本) 首播电视台:SUN电视台、BS11 制片地区:日本 动画制作:GONZO 为我而生/CONCEPTION剧情简介: 电视动画《CONCEPTION》改编自Spike Chunsoft发行的RPG游戏《CONCEPTION 为我而生!》 子我简介 ,动画由GONZO负责制作 子我简介 ,于2018年10月10日至12月25日每周三在SUN电视台和BS11首播,全12话。 为我而生/CONCEPTION动画图片 弓削斋宫(小野友树 配音)是一个各方面都十分平凡的男子高中生,虽然嘴巴很毒,但内心里其实充满了正义感。一次偶然之中,他穿越来到了名为古兰巴尼亚的异世界之中,在这里,人类遭到了污秽的侵蚀,想要净化污秽,只有依靠十二星座的巫女。当然,只有巫女还不够,真正能够驱逐污秽的,其实是“稀人”和巫女们所生下的孩子“星之子”,而弓削斋宫恰好就是稀人。 成熟稳重拥有读心术的露卡(大本真基子 配音)、有着不为人知的一面的亚莉(远藤绫 配音)、任性而又自负的千金大小姐菲米露娜(藤田咲 配音),在这些巫女们的围绕下,弓削斋宫会做出怎样的选择呢?


根据其各自的英英释义,assumption 是指在没有确凿证据的情况下所做的设想,而conception 是指根据对一个事情的了解所得出的结论,概念或者其过程,进一步的理解你可以看一下权威字典的例句。


concept 概念,指对事物已有一定的认识的观念notion是一种主观的想法主意的观点


perception是理解感知的意思 conception是构想构思的意思conception是你自己的创造性思维,设计、构思 perception是外部世界给你的感知。perception是感官。 conception是概念。例如:talent in any age is just as great.our____of what talent is may change. 填perception 而不是conception

definition 和 conception 的区别

前者是定义,假如说给 圆锥曲线下的定义。具体后者偏向于概念。抽象

concept, conception有何不同?

conceptn.1. 概念,观念,思想[C]He presented a new concept of the beginning of the universe.他提出了一种宇宙起源的新概念。conceptionn.1. 概念,观念;想法[U][C][(+of)]The study of astronomy gives you some conception of what the universe is like.学习天文学能使你对宇宙有所了解。2. 设想;构想;概念的形成[U]We studied the automobile from its earliest conception.我们从其最初的构想着手研究了汽车。3. 怀孕;胚胎[U][C]This drug can increase the chance of conception.这种药物可以提高怀孕的机率。4. 开始,创始[U]The conception of the United Nations was in 1945.联合国创始于一九四五年。


perception是理解感知的意思 conception是构想构思的意思conception是你自己的创造性思维,设计、构思 perception是外部世界给你的感知。perception是感官。 conception是概念。例如:talent in any age is just as great.our____of what talent is may change. 填perception 而不是conception


concept n 概念 观念例句与用法:Who originated the concept of stereo sound? 立体声是谁发明的?The power of a god or demon to transform a concept into an element of the sensible world. 空幻境界神或魔鬼所具有的能将观念转化为可感知世界的一个元素的力量conception 概念 观念 受精I have no conception of what you mean. 我想不出你的意思是什么。You have no conception of what it was like to be there. 你完全不知道在那里是什么滋味。concept 可用于表示哲学上的“概念”,而conception 强调“概念”形成的过程。此外,conception 可以表示“构思”或“看法”(其同词根动词为conceive)。如:a poetic conception (诗歌的构思),a clear conception of the meaning ofexistence(存在含义的清晰见解)concept 有两层含义:一为概念,一为“思想”或“观念其实很多时候这两个瓷可以互换。后者更强调一种内心的,自然的,感性的 认识而前者多是科学术语


牛津词典英文释义:concept:an idea or a principle that is connected with sth abstract 是指某个具体明确的客观的抽象概念,比如公平的概念,社会的概念conception:the process of forming an idea or a plan构成一个概念的过程,也就是构想,是指主观概念,比如我有一个构想想一下你想表达的这个概念、思想,中文能不能翻译成构想,如果能就用conception,如果不能就用concept


concept和conception的区别:concept是一个具体的概念,比如,下定义就是列出几条逻辑清晰的说明,这就是concepts;而conception则是指观念性、认识性的指导思想,比如中国人讲的学而优则仕就是一个conception。 扩展资料 concept的例句:It was Aristotle who proved the world is round. Plato popularized the concept(亚里士多德证明了地球是圆的,柏拉图普及了这一概念);conception的.例句:The other fundamental consideration in the conception of a plan is function(在构思设计图时要考虑的另一个基本因素是功能)。




conception[英][ku0259nu02c8sepu0283n][美][ku0259nu02c8su025bpu0283u0259n]n.受精,怀孕; 胚胎; 概念; 设想,构想; 复数:conceptions例句:1.This conception of photography as a mechanical recording medium never fully died away.摄影作为一种机械记录的媒介的概念从未完全消失。2.In this respect he follows the aristotelian conception of a teleological or purpose drivennatural world. 在此他服从了亚里士多德对于目的论和驱动自然世界的意图的观念。

“Cool”is a word with many meanings。全文


跪求招魂2 The Conjuring 22016年上映的由 帕特里克·威尔森主演的百度云资源

《招魂2》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看链接: 提取码:txr7导演: 温子仁编剧: 凯利·海斯 / 查德·海斯 / 温子仁 / 大卫·莱斯利·约翰逊-麦戈德里克主演: 帕特里克·威尔森 / 维拉·法米加 / 麦迪逊·沃尔夫 / 弗兰西丝·奥康纳 / 劳伦·埃斯波西托 / 本杰明·海格 / 帕特里克·麦考利 / 西蒙·迈克伯尼 / 玛丽亚·多耶·肯尼迪 / 西蒙·德兰尼 / 弗朗卡·波滕特 / 鲍勃·阿德里安 / 罗宾·阿特金·唐斯 / 邦妮·阿伦斯 / 哈维尔·博泰特 / 斯蒂芬·考特尔 / 艾比·森哈 / 斯特林·杰里斯 / 约瑟夫·比沙拉 / 艾米丽·塔斯克 / 凯特·库克 / 山农·库克类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 恐怖官方网站: www.theconjuring2.com制片国家/地区: 加拿大 / 美国 / 英国语言: 英语上映日期: 2016-06-10(美国)片长: 134分钟又名: 诡屋惊凶实录2(港) / 厉阴宅2(台) / 招魂2:恩菲尔德吵闹鬼 / The Conjuring 2: The Enfield PoltergeistIMDb: tt3065204故事发生在繁华的都市伦敦,佩吉(弗兰西丝·奥康纳 Frances O"Connor 饰)是一名家境十分贫寒的单亲妈妈,住在破旧的老房子里,独自抚养着三个孩子珍妮特(麦迪逊·沃芙 Madison Wolfe 饰)、玛格丽特(劳伦·埃斯波西托 Lauren Esposito 饰)和强尼(Patrick McAuley 饰)。最近,房子里出现的一些灵异现象让一家人陷入了恐惧和绝望之中,更糟糕的是,年纪最小的珍妮特似乎成为了恶灵附身的对象。教会的驱魔师劳瑞(维拉·法梅加 Vera Farmiga 饰)和艾德(帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)介入了此事,尽管他们十分同情这一家人,但两人的首要目的,则是探清此处灵异事件的真实性,然而,除了当事人的一些口述外,并没有确凿的证据证明这里真的发生了灵异事件,两人在无奈之中只有选择离去。



__came that Houston Rocket won again and Yao Ming got the most scores. a.Word b.Words c


歌词可以听得清楚的是有这么一句.."I FEEL SO COOL..." 谁可以帮助告诉一下,万分感谢

Keep My Cool - Luis Fonsi It was last night that I saw ya You were dancin" in the corner of our favorite club (It was) instantly love, oh girl You were puttin" on a show Watching your body go Was so much more Than sensual Oh I need what you got I will never ever stop Until I know that you"re my girl (Cause) you"re the one I want in my world All that matters now Gettin" through to you somehow I would do Anything for you Cause it"s the fire in your eyes that"s burnin" deep inside of me But"s it"s a feeling I have to hide cause it"s too soon to let you see (So hot) girl what can I do (So hot) yeah I"m falling for you But I gotta gotta keep my cool I know a lot of other guys Who"d like to have you in their life But there"s no chance Cause I will dance Circles all around your heart I will have you seeing stars And falling right into my arms Oh I"ll give it all I got I will never ever stop Until I know that you"re my girl (Cause) you"re the one I want in my world All that matters now Gettin" through to you somehow I will do Anything for you Need to find the key To unlock your door Never gone this far For anyone before It" won"t leave me alone It won"t let me be I can"t break free "Til you"re with me The fire in your eyes now baby The love I feel inside for you (So hot) girl what can I do (So hot) yes I"m falling for you I just gotta gotta keep my cool 歌名就叫做《I feel so cool >

Sarah connor《Love is color blind》中文歌词

Love is color blind (爱无定界)   It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人   white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,亦或是棕色人还是红种人   let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现   love is color-blind 爱无定界   Verse 1:   I remember when 我仍记得   I was a child and couldn"t understand 当我还是一个小孩子的时候   people having fun discriminating all the different ones 无法理解那些人   为什么要嘲笑和歧视那些与众不同的人   mama just used to say 妈妈曾经对我说   when you grow up you"ll maybe find a way 当你长大后你要   to make these people see 使人们意识到   that everything I do comes back to me   我做的每样东西都是由我自己决定的   Bridge:   You gotta live your live 你应当为自己而活   we"re all the same, no one"s to blame 我们都是一样的,没有人应当受到责备   they gotta live their lives 他们应当为自己而活   just play the game and let love reign 这只是一个游戏,让爱来支配吧   Chorous:   It don"t matter if you"re black 无论你是黑人   white or yellow, if you"re brown or red 白种人还是黄种人,亦或是棕色人还是红种人   let"s get down to that 都让我们一起来实现   love is color-blind 爱无定界   TQ:   you re my brother, you re my friend 你是我的兄弟,你是我的朋友   all that matters in the very end is to understand 所有重要的是去了解   love is color-blind 爱无定界   I remember as a young boy 我仍记得我还是小男孩的时候   I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames 我看见我的邻居的每一幕   I saw the whole thang thru tears of pain 我看到的只有他们的眼泪和伤痛   and a situation"s rackin" my brain 我的脑海里显现着一个情景   I wish I could fly away and never come back again 我希望我能飞着离开这里  永远不再回来 we need some love y"all 我们大家都需要爱   we need some real deal help from above y"all 我们都需要来自你们真心的帮助   I mean the kids watchin" 我想说一个孩子看到   and I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand 却不能阻止这一切,我不懂   I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! 我想说,人啊!   我们身上都流淌着同样的血液啊   Bridge:   You gotta live your life 你应该为自己而活   better than our fathers did 活得比你们的长辈更好   let"s make some love, baby, have some kids 让我们给多点爱,让所有的孩子   they gotta live their lives 都为他们而活   and I don"t care what color they are, or you are, or we are   it"s all love, baby! 我不管他们还是你们亦或是我们是什么肤色,都要相亲相爱   C-Part:   You have been my mother 你可以是我的妈妈   you could have been my brother 你可以是我的兄弟   what if you were my sister 或者是我的姐妹   if you were my father? 或者是我的爸爸?   you could have been my fella 你可以是我的伙伴   you could have been my teacher 可以是我的老师   what if you were my friend? 也可以是我的朋友?   would be so nice to meet you 遇见你我会感到高兴

求love is colourful blind这首歌的歌词

是color,不是colorfulLove Is Color Blind——Sarah ConnorYeah What"s up? It"s TQ and Sarah again Haha Right back at ya Love is colour blind That"s right This time we"ve got a serious situation And we"re trying to do our best to help But we need your help You know what I"m saying Love is colour blind So come on It don"t matter if you"re black White or yellow, if you"re brown or red Let"s get down to that Love is color-blind Verse 1: I remember when I was a child and couldn"t understand People having fun Discriminating all the different ones Mama just used to say When you grow up, you"ll maybe find a way To make these people see That everything I do comes back to me Bridge: You gotta live your live We"re all the same, no one"s to blame They gotta live their lives Just play the game and let love reign Chorus: It don"t matter if you"re black White or yellow, if you"re brown or red Let"s get down to that Love is color-blind You"re my brother, you"re my friend All that matters in the very end Is to understand Love is color-blind TQ: I remeber as a young boy I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames I saw the whole thing thru tears of pain And the situation"s rackin" my brain I wish I could fly away and never come back again We need some love y"all We need some real deal help from above y"all I mean the kids are watchin" And I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! Bridge: You gotta live your life Better than our fathers did Let"s make some love, baby, have some kids They gotta live their lives And I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we are It"s all love, baby! Chorus: It don"t matter if you"re black White or yellow, if you"re brown or red Let"s get down to that Love is color-blind You"re my brother, you"re my friend All that matters in the very end Is to understand Love is color-blind C-Part: You could have been my mother You could have been my brother What if you were my sister If you were my father? You could have been my fella You could habe been my teacher What if you were my friend? Would be so nice to meet ya You could have been my mother You could have been my brother What if you were my sister If you were my father? I could have been your fella You could habe been my teacher What if you were my friend? Would be so nice to meet ya Verse 2: Take it out to the world Tell every boy and every little girl Be proud of yourself Cause you"re as good as anybody else Put away your prejudice Open your mind, don"t need a stick to this Try to make this earth A better place without a racial curse TQ: Yeah, it"s time for some changes nana na nana nana So come on put your hands up nana na nana nana Come on, put your hands up nana na nana nana Come on, put your hands up nana na nana nana It don"t matter y"all, staying colour blind nana na nana nana It don"t matter y"all, staying colour blind nana na nana nana It don"t matter y"all, staying colour blind, yeah It don"t matter if you"re black White or yellow if you"re brown or red Let"s get down to that Love is colour blind You"re my brother, you"re my friend All that matters in the very end Is to understand Love is colour blind Black or white Yellow or red Let"s get down to, down to that You"re my brother, you"re my sister You"re my brother, you"re my friend All that matters in the very end Is to understand Love is colour blind Colour blind, yeah

谁可以给我“love is colour bline”的歌词?

Love Is Color-Blind (feat. TQ) It don"t matter if you"re black white or yellow, if you"re brown or red let"s get down to that love is color-blind Verse 1: I remember whren I was a child and couldn"t understand people having fun discriminating all the different ones mama just used to say when you grow up you"ll maybe find a way to make these people see that everything I do comes back to me Bridge: You gotta live your live we"re all the same, no one"s to blame they gotta live their lives just play the game and let love reign Chorous: It don"t matter if you"re black white or yellow, if your brown or red let"s get down to that love is color-blind you"re my brother, you"re my friend all that matters in the very end is to understand love is color-blind TQ: I remeber as a young boy I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames I saw the whole thang thru tears of pain and a situation"s rackin" my brain I wish I could fly away and never come back again we need some lvoe y"all we need some real deal help from above y"all I mean the kids watchin" and I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! Bridge: You gotta live your life better than our fathers did let"s make some love, baby, have some kids they gotta live their lives and I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we are it"s all love, baby! C-Part: You have been my mother you could have been my brother what if you were my sister if you were my father? you could have been my fella you could habe been my teacher what if you were my friend? would be so nice to meet ya Verse 2: take it out to the world tell every boy and every little girl be proud of yourself cause you"re as good as anybody else put away your prejudice open your mind, don"t need a stick to this try to make this earth a better place without a racial curse TQ: Yeah, it"s time for some changes Chorus

Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control.中文是什么意思


Which ones of the following are correct?

Which ones of the following are correct? A.Trans-polyisoprene is more readily packed and crystallizable, and has properties of crystalline polymers.B.Cis-polyisoprene is more readily packed and crystallizable, and thus has properties of crystalline polymers.C.Trans-polyisoprene is tougher and harder than cis-polyisopreneD.Cis-polyisoprene is tougher and harder than trans-polyisoprene正确答案:Trans-polyisoprene is more readily packed and crystallizable, and has properties of crystalline polymers.;Trans-polyisoprene is tougher and harder than cis-polyisoprene

求keyshia cole唱的falling out 歌词中文意思!


惠普 compaq CQ45 支持dvd刻录么, 光驱是DVDRAM




I Could Kick Your Ass 歌词

歌曲名:I Could Kick Your Ass歌手:Justin Moore专辑:Justin Moore-The Valory Music Co.Justin Moore - I Could Kick Your AssYou got your million bucksYou got your flashy sports carYou got your trophy girlsMan you think you"re a starYou got your teeth bleachedYou like to play the rich gameYeah you think you"re a cowboyThe new jesse jamesBut I could kick your assI could jack your jawPut you flat in the dirt boyYeah I"d have a ballSo go ahead and act toughLike your John Wayne"s sonBut things can change fastI can kick your assTried to steal my girlBetter bring your big friendsAnother one or twoCause your gonna need themYou"re a little to smallTo be calling me namesI"m bout to knock that smirky little grinRight off of your faceI can kick your assI could jack your jawPut you flat in the dirt boyYeah I"d have a ballSo go ahead and act toughLike your John Wayne"s sonBut things can change fastI can kick your assYeahhI could kick your assI could jack your jawPut you flat in the dirt boyHell I"d have a ballSo go ahead and act toughLike your John Wayne"s sonBut things can change fastI could kick your ass

求歌词:complicated 超复杂 avril lavigne






avril 的 Complicated 下载: 歌手Avril R. Lavigne的首张专辑《Let Go》当中的一首歌曲 辉煌成绩: 单曲"Complicated"连续5周高距单曲榜首 单曲"Complicated"2002年度全美电台播歌率第7 单曲"Complicated"22个国家播歌冠军 单曲"Complicated"荣获英国第48届Ivor Novello音乐奖年度国际最佳歌曲 单曲"Complicated"荣获2003年迪士尼无线音乐奖「最佳原创歌曲」 单曲"Complicated"令Avril荣获2002年MTV音乐奖「最佳新人」 单曲"Complicated"打入2003年MTV Asia Hitlist 歌词: Uh Huh Life"s like this Uh Huh Uh Huh That"s the way it is Cause life"s like this Uh Huh Uh Huh That"s the way it is Chill out What you yelling for? Lay back It"s all been done before And if you could only let it be You will see I like you the way you are When we"re driving in your car And you"re talking to me one-on-one But you become Somebody else round everyone else Watching your back Like you can"t relax You trying to be cool You look like a fool to me Tell me Why"d you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you"re acting like you"re somebody else Gets me frustrated Life"s like this you You fall and you crawl and you break and you take what you get And you turning into Honestly, you promised me I"m never gonna find you fake it No no no You come over unannounced Dressed up like you"re something else Where you are and where it"s at you see You"re making me Laugh out When you strike a pose Take off All your preppy clothes You know You"re not fooling anyone When you become No no no (no no no) No no (no no no) No no (no no no) No no 2世界名表 complicated 系列参考资料:


  推荐楼主去百科里找FALCOM的资料,很全!  FALCOM  游戏发售日(计算机部分)  1982年  6月  ギャラクティック ウォーズ(Galactic Wars)(PC-8801)  1983年  10月  スーパー四人麻雀(Super Mah-Jongg)(X1)  バードランド(Bird Land)(PC-8001MKII)  コンピュータ·ザ·ゴルフ(Computer the Golf)(PC-8801/FM-8)  ホラーハウス(Horror House)(PC-8801)  コスモファイター II(Cosmo Fighter II)(X1)  11月  女子大生プライベート(Private Stripper)(PC-8801/PC-9801/X1/FM-7)  12月  SSGN潜航特攻作戦(SSGN Covert Cruise Special Attack Strategy)(FM-8)  ぱのらま岛(Panorama Island)(PC-8801)  ホラーハウス II - 狂気の馆(Horror House II)(PC-8801)  1984年  1月  モンスターハウス(Monster House)(MZ-2000)(非原创作品,实际为ホラーハウス的移植作。)  3月  デーモンズリング(Demons Ring)(PC-8801/PC-9801/FM-7)(将压缩数据一次性载入后瞬间展开的新技术使得游戏画面可以瞬间显示。)  6月  北の胁威(the Threat of North)(PC-6001)  7月  异次元からの脱出(Escape from Twilight Zone)(FM-7)  11月  ドラゴンスレイヤーVer 1.0(Dragon Slayer)(PC-8001MKII/PC-8801/X1/FM-7)(后续版本推出时间不明。)  1985年  4月アステカ(PC-8801/PC-9801/X1turbo/FM-7)  10月28日Dragon Slayer II-Xanadu(PC-8001MKIISR/PC-8801/PC-8801MKIISR)  11月15日Dragon Slayer II-Xanadu(X1/X1turbo)  11月21日Dragon Slayer II-Xanadu(PC-9801)  ??月Dragon Slayer(PC-9801/MSX)(SQUARE)  1986年  1月7日Dragon Slayer II-Xanadu(FM-7/FM-77/FM-77AV)  10月1日Xanadu Scenario ][ - The resurrection of Dragon(PC-8801/PC-8801MKIISR/PC-9801/FM-7/FM-77/FM-77AV/X1)  10月6日Dragon Slayer Jr. - Romancia(PC-8801MKIISR/PC-9801/X1)(MSX/MSX2版发售时间不明。)  10月24日アステカ II-太阳の神殿(PC-8801/PC-9801/X1)(FM-7/FM-77版发售时间不明。)  1987年  6月21日Ys-Ancient Ys vanished omen(PC-8801MKIISR)(也有说法是6月24日/6月26日)  6月26日Ys-Ancient Ys vanished omen(X1/X1turbo)(也有说法是7月25日)  8月Dragon Slayer II-Xanadu(MSX2)  8月28日Ys-Ancient Ys vanished omen(PC-9801)(也有说法是6月26日)  10月Dragon Slayer IV-Drasle Family(MSX/MSX2)  10月8日Ys-Ancient Ys vanished omen(FM-7/FM-77/FM-77AV)(FM-77AV版为当时唯一完美版。)  11月6日Dragon Slayer II-Xanadu(MSX)  12月10日Ys-Ancient Ys vanished omen(MSX2/MSX2+/MSX2 HB-F1XD)(Falcom制作/SONY发行)  12月20日Dragon Slayer V-Sorcerian(PC-8801MKIISR)  ??月アステカ II-太阳の神殿(MSX2/MSX2+)(东京书籍)  1988年  3月25日Dragon Slayer V-Sorcerian(PC-9801)  4月22日Ys II-Ancient Ys vanished the final chapter(PC-8801MKIISR)  5月20日Dragon Slayer V-Sorcerian(X1turbo)  6月17日Dragon Slayer V-Sorcerian(PC-88VA)  6月24日Ys II-Ancient Ys vanished the final chapter(PC-9801/X1turbo)  7月8日Ys II-Ancient Ys vanished the final chapter(FM-77AV)  7月15日Ys II-Ancient Ys vanished the final chapter(MSX2/MSX2+)  7月22日Sorcerian Utillity VOL.1(PC-9801)  7月22日Sorcerian 追加シナリオ VOL.1(PC-9801)  7月29日Sorcerian Utillity VOL.1(PC-8801MKIISR/X1turbo/PC-88VA)  7月29日Sorcerian 追加シナリオ VOL.1(PC-8801MKIISR/X1turbo/PC-88VA)  10月21日Sorcerian 追加シナリオ VOL.2 戦国ソーサリアン(PC-8801MKIISR/PC-9801/X1turbo/PC-88VA)  12月23日Sorcerian 追加シナリオVOL.3 ピラミッドソーサリアン(PC-8801MKIISR/PC-9801/X1turbo/PC-88VA)  1989年  3月Star Trader(PC-8801MKIISR)  6月8日Sorcerian NEWシナリオVOL.1 宇宙からの访问者(PC-9801)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  7月21日Sorcerian NEWシナリオVOL.1 宇宙からの访问者(PC-8801MKIISR)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  7月21日Ys III-Wanderers From Ys(PC-8801MKIISR)  7月28日Ys III-Wanderers From Ys(PC-9801)  7月31日Ancientland of Ys(PC DOS)(KYODAI Software Marketing)(伊苏初代美版)  8月9日Sorcerian NEWシナリオVOL.1 宇宙からの访问者(PC-88VA)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  8月25日Sorcerian NEWシナリオVOL.1 宇宙からの访问者(X1turbo)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  10月20日Ys III-Wanderers From Ys(MSX2/MSX2+)  12月8日セレクテッドソーサリアン1(PC-8801MKIISR/PC-9801/X1turbo/PC-88VA)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)(Sorcerian精选集系列,向玩家征集作品,并将其中优秀获奖作品游戏化,精选集共5集,每集2个剧本。)  12月10日Dragon Slayer VI-英雄伝说(PC-8801MKIISR)(Falcom第一个使用CD-ROM的游戏,只要有PC-8801MC型计算机并拥有Perfect Collection Dragon Slayer-the Legend of Heroes CD盘的话即可听到CDDA格式的音乐了。)  ??月Star Trader(PC-9801)  1990年  1月30日セレクテッドソーサリアン2(PC-9801)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  2月8日セレクテッドソーサリアン2(PC-8801MKIISR)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  2月9日ギルガメッシュソーサリアン(PC-9801)(クエイザーソフト制作/ブラザー工业发行)  2月10日セレクテッドソーサリアン2(X1turbo/PC-88VA)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  2月20日ギルガメッシュソーサリアン(PC-8801MKIISR)(クエイザーソフト制作/ブラザー工业发行)  3月24日Ys III-Wanderers From Ys(X68000)(完成度为当时所有版本Ys III最高。)  4月1日Sorcerian(PC DOS)(Sierra On-Line)(美国移植作,售价可不菲,59.95美元。)  4月12日セレクテッドソーサリアン3(PC-9801)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  4月20日Dragon Slayer VI-英雄伝说(PC-9801VM)  4月28日セレクテッドソーサリアン3(PC-8801MKIISR)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  5月11日セレクテッドソーサリアン3(X1turbo/PC-88VA)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  5月24日セレクテッドソーサリアン4(PC-9801)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  6月1日セレクテッドソーサリアン4(PC-8801MKIISR)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  6月8日Dragon Slayer VI-英雄伝说(FM-TOWNS)  6月13日セレクテッドソーサリアン4(X1turbo/PC-88VA)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  6月23日Dragon Slayer VI-英雄伝说(PC-9801笔记本专用)  7月13日セレクテッドソーサリアン5(PC-9801)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  7月26日セレクテッドソーサリアン5(PC-8801MKIISR/PC-88VA)(アモルファス制作/ブラザー工业发行)  8月7日Dragon Slayer VI-英雄伝说(MSX2/2+)  10月16日ギルガメッシュソーサリアン(X1turbo/PC-88VA)(クエイザーソフト制作/ブラザー工业发行)  12月21日Dinosaur(PC-8801MKIISR)  1991年  3月1日Dragon Slayer VII-Lord Monarch(PC-9801VM)(Falcom建社10周年纪念作)  6月Dinosaur(PC-9801VM)  8月10日Dragon Slayer V-Sorcerian(MSX2/MSX2+)(ブラザー工业)(戦国ソーサリアン和ピラミッドソーサリアン推出时间不明)  10月25日Brandish(PC-9801VM)  10月Dinosaur(FM-TOWNS)  11月6日Ys-Ancient Ys vanished omen(X68000)(电波新闻社)  11月29日Advanced Lord Monarch(PC-9801VM)  11月Dragon Slayer VII-Lord Monarch(FM-TOWNS)  12月20日Popful Mail(PC-8801MKIISR)  12月20日Brandish(FM-TOWNS)  ??月Star Trader(X68000)(MNM)  1992年  3月19日Dragon Slayer-英雄伝说II(PC-8801MKIISR)(Falcom最后一款PC-88游戏,PC-88上最后的大作。)  5月22日Popful Mail(PC-9801VM)  7月24日Dragon Slayer-英雄伝说II(PC-9801VM)  1993年  1月8日Dragon Slayer VI-英雄伝说(X68000)(SPS)  2月26日Dragon Slayer-英雄伝说II(FM-TOWNS)(ブラザー工业)  3月12日Brandish II-the Planet Buster(PC-9801VM)  1994年  3月18日英雄伝说III-白き魔女-もうひとつの英雄たちの物语(PC-9801VM)  11月25日Brandish III-Spirit of Balcan(PC-9801VM)  12月16日英雄伝说III-白き魔女 RENEWAL(PC-9801VM)  1995年  3月10日Brandish RENEWAL(PC-9801VM)  4月28日Revival Xanadu(PC-9801VM)  5月26日英雄伝说III-白き魔女 RENEWAL CD-ROM(PC-9801VM)  7月21日Brandish II-the Planet Buster RENEWAL(PC-9801VM)  9月29日Brandish III-Spirit of Balcan RENEWAL(PC-9801VM)  12月8日Revival Xanadu II Remix+Revival Xanadu Easy Mode(PC-9801VM)(游戏为两个同捆套装。需要注意的是Revival Xanadu II Remix并非1986年Xanadu Scenario ][ - The resurrection of Dragon的复刻作。)  1996年  5月24日英雄伝说IV-朱红い雫(PC-9801VM)  10月4日Brandish VT(PC-9801VM)  12月20日Lord Monarch Original(Windows)  1997年  3月14日Lord Monarch First(Windows)  3月22日Lord Monarch Online(Windows)  4月25日新·英雄伝说(Windows)  5月30日Lord Monarch Pro(Windows)  6月27日Sorcerian Forever(Windows)(游戏并非复刻,5个任务全部是全新的。)  12月22日Vantage Master(Windows)  1998年  4月24日Ys ETERNAL-Ancient Ys vanished omen(Windows)  7月10日Vantage Master V2(Windows)  10月30日Monarch Monarch(Windows)  12月4日Revival Xanadu(Windows)(Unbalance)  12月11日Brandish IV-眠れる神の塔(Windows)(本作实质为Brandish VT的Windows复刻加强版。)  1999年  3月26日みんなのモナモナ(Windows)  4月23日新英雄伝说III-白き魔女(Windows)  4月29日みんなのローモナ(Windows)  7月9日太阳の神殿(Windows)(Unbalance)  12月9日英雄伝说V-海の槛歌(Windows)  12月10日Romancia-Another Legend(Windows)(Unbalance)  2000年  7月26日Ys II ETERNAL-Ancient Ys vanished the final chapter(Windows)  11月7日Sorcerian Original(Windows)  12月7日英雄伝说IV-朱红い雫(Windows)  2001年  5月23日Ys ETERNAL-Ancient Ys vanished omen VE(Windows)(DigiCube发行)  6月28日Ys I·II Complete(Windows)  12月20日Zwei!!(Windows)(Falcom建社20周年纪念作)  2002年  6月27日VM Japan(Windows)  9月27日VM JAPAN パワーアップキット—富岳幻游记(Windows)  12月19日Dinosaur Resurreciton(Windows)  2003年  9月27日Ys VI-the Ark of Napishtim(Windows)  12月19日Ys VI-the Ark of Napishtim通常版(Windows)(Ys VI完全版)  2004年  6月24日英雄伝说VI-空の轨迹(Windows)  12月25日Gurumin(Windows)  2005年  6月30日Ys-the Oath in Felghana(Windows)  10月27日Xanadu Next(Windows)  2006年  3月9日英雄伝说-空の轨迹SC(Windows)  11月16日Sorcerian Online在日本开始正式运营(Windows)(电游社开发/Excite运营)  12月21日Ys Origin(Windows)  2007年  3月29日Ys Origin Vista版(Windows)(Ys Origin完全版)  6月28日英雄伝说-空の轨迹 the 3rd(Windows)  11月5日Ys Online-the Call of Solum在韩国开始正式运营(Windows)(CJ-internet)  2008年  9月25日Zwei II(Windows)  注1:本列表不包含同人作、海贼版(盗版的日式叫法)、EGG版、代理其他公司游戏、给其他公司做代工和无实质意义上改动的诸如再版廉价版英文版之类的版本。(英文版有两个作品不在此列。)  注2:部分作品发售日期完全不明,故没有列入。  注3:部分作品(如伊苏第一作)发售日期有各种各样的说法,这里只能给出其中公认度较高的日期。部分无法确认的后面有标注其他日期。  注4:标注格式为:[月][日][游戏名字][登陆机种][开发和发行公司(Falcom官方开发就不写了)][补注说明]  注5:1982-1984年作品名分日文和英文两种标注。  注6:由于游戏本身标注混乱,部分作品名称标注并不统一,统计的时候做了一定程度的修改。如Dragon Slayer Jr.-Romancia的FC版写作Dragon Slayer III-Romancia、英雄传说初代作的数种叫法等等。关于这点请给予理解。  [编辑本段]游戏发售日(游戏机部分)  1986年  ??月Dragon Slayer(Super Cassette Vision)(エポック社)  1987年  7月17日Dragon Slayer IV-Drasle Family(FC)(Namco)  10月30日Dragon Slayer III-Romancia(FC)(东京书籍)  11月16日Faxanadu(FC)(Hudson)(Hudson借用正统Xanadu的部分设计制作的原创游戏。)  1988年  8月3日アステカ II-太阳の神殿(FC)(东京书籍)  8月26日Ys-Ancient Ys vanished omen(FC)(Victor)  10月15日Ys-Ancient Ys vanished omen(Sega Mark III)(Sega)  1989年  5月25日Ys II-Ancient Ys vanished the final chapter(FC)(Victor)  12月21日Ys I·II(PCE)(Hudson)  1990年  2月14日Mega Drive Sorcerian(MD)(Sega)  8月12日Dragon Slayer(GB)(エポック社)  1991年  3月22日Ys III-Wanderers From Ys(PCE)(Hudson)  6月21日Ys III-Wanderers From Ys(SFC)(Tonkin-house)  9月27日Ys III-Wanderers From Ys(FC)(Victor)  10月25日Dragon Slayer VI-英雄伝说(PCE)(Hudson)  11月1日Ys III-Wanderers From Ys(MD)(日本Telenet)  1992年  2月14日Dragon Slayer VI-英雄伝说(SFC)(エポック社)  3月6日Dragon Slayer Gaiden-眠りの王冠(GB)(エポック社)  7月17日Sorcerian(PCE)(Victor)  10月9日Lord Monarch(SFC)(エポック社)  12月23日Dragon Slayer-英雄伝说II(PCE)(Hudson)  1993年  6月4日Dragon Slayer-英雄伝说II(SFC)(エポック社)  11月19日Ys IV-Mask of the Sun(SFC)(Tonkin-house)  12月22日Ys IV-the Dawn of Ys(PCE)(Hudson)  1994年  2月18日Dragon Slayer VIII-the Legend of Xanadu(PCE)  4月1日Popful Mail(MD)(SegaFalcom)  6月10日Popful Mail(SFC)  6月17日Brandish(PCE)(NEC)  6月24日Lord Monarch-とことん戦闘伝说(MD)(SegaFalcom)  6月25日Brandish(SFC)(光荣)  8月12日Popful Mail(PCE)(NEC)  10月5日Dragon Slayer VI-the Legend of Heroes(MD)(SegaFalcom)  1995年  1月20日Dragon Slayer-英雄伝说II(MD)(SegaFalcom)  6月30日the Legend of Xanadu II-the Last of Dragon Slayer(PCE)  8月11日Brandish II-the Planet Buster(SFC)(光荣)  12月29日Ys V-失われた砂の都ケフィン(SFC)  1996年  3月15日Brandish II-Expert(SFC)(光荣)  3月22日Ys V-Expert(SFC)(光荣)  1997年  11月6日Falcom Classics(SS)(Falcom监督/Victor制作发行)(内含三个游戏:Dragon Slayer/Revival Xanadu/Ys)  1998年  2月26日白き魔女-もうひとつの英雄伝说(SS)(Hudson)  3月19日英雄伝说III-白き魔女(PS)(GMF)  6月25日英雄伝说I+II(PS)(GMF)  8月27日英雄伝说IV-朱红い雫(PS)(GMF)  9月23日英雄伝说I+II(SS)(GMF)  10月29日Falcom Classics II(SS)(Falcom监督/Victor制作发行)(内含两个游戏:太阳の神殿/Ys II)  12月23日Lord Monarch-新·ガイア王国记(PS)(东芝EMI)  2000年  4月27日Sorcerian-七星魔法の使徒(DC)(Victor)  2003年  8月27日Ys I·II-Eternal Story(PS2)(DigiCube)  2004年  8月26日Zwei!!(PS2)(Taito)  12月16日英雄伝说ガガーブトリロジー-白き魔女(PSP)(Bandai)  2005年  2月3日VM Japan(PS2)(Asmik-ACE)  3月10日Ys-the Ark of Napishtim(PS2)(KONAMI)  3月24日Ys III-Wanderers From Ys(PS2)(Taito)  5月26日Ys IV-Mask of the Sun-a new theory(PS2)(Taito)  6月2日英雄伝说ガガーブトリロジー-朱红い雫(PSP)(Bandai)  2006年  1月12日英雄伝说ガガーブトリロジー-海の槛歌(PSP)(Bandai)  1月19日Ys-the Ark of Napishtim(PSP)(KONAMI)  3月23日Ys Strategy-the Beginning(Nintendo DS)(MMV)  3月30日Ys V-失われた砂の都ケフィン(PS2)(Taito)  6月29日Gurumin(PSP)  9月28日英雄伝说-空の轨迹FC(PSP)  2007年  2月1日Ys-the Ark of Napishtim特别版(PSP)(KONAMI)  9月27日英雄伝说-空の轨迹SC(PSP)  12月20日空の轨迹マテリアルコレクション-ポータブル(PSP)  2008年  3月20日Ys DS(Nintendo DS)(Interchannel-Holon)  3月20日Ys II DS(Nintendo DS)(Interchannel-Holon)  4月24日Vantage Master Portable(PSP)(非原创作,实际为1997年初代Vantage Master的PSP复刻作)  7月24日英雄伝说-空の轨迹 the 3rd(PSP)  9月25日ZweiⅡ(PC)  11月27日空之轨迹FC+SC+3rd合辑(PSP)  12月11日Zwei !!(PSP)  2009年  3月17日Brandish—The Dark Revenant(PSP)  注1:本列表不包含同人作、EGG版、无实质意义上改动的诸如再版廉价版英文版之类的版本。  注2:标注格式为:[月][日][游戏名字][登陆机种][开发和发行公司(Falcom官方开发就不写了)][补注说明]  注3:由于游戏本身标注混乱,部分作品名称标注并不统一,统计的时候做了一定程度的修改。如Dragon Slayer Jr.-Romancia的FC版写作Dragon Slayer III-Romancia、英雄传说初代作的数种叫法等等。关于这点请给予理解。  注4:Dragon Slayer IV-Drasle Family发售日期并非标注错误,Namcot制作的FC版比Falcom官方版发售时间确实早3个月,原因不明。



Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds是什么意思


Language in mission 与College -The Ladder to succe

Language in mission 与College:条件关系if you pursue certain Language in mission,you have to accomplish by college education.The Ladder to success与Discovery of a new life stage :因果关系The Discovery of a new life stage is a key step to find out the Ladder to,if you pursue the Ladder to success in your life ,you have to set up your goal such as to pursue certain Languagec in college and by doing so,you first need to adopt a new style of life.of course,there are other logic relationships to interpret those;just make them accountible.

ph.d怎么找博后 CV,cover letter和推荐信

找博后的话,paper和研究方向应该很重要吧!选择一个好的方向和该方向的大牛。小木虫上有很多这方面相关信息,你可以查查。COVER LETTER 无非就是简版的CV,重点突出你的成绩和方向,表示一下在该领域的强烈兴趣和研究能力而已。推荐信当然是尽可能找业界的有点知名度的老板来写。

Jacobs Ladder 歌词

Jacob"s LadderChumbawambaJacob"s Ladder演唱:Chumbawamba歌曲:Jacob"s Ladder (Not in My Name)~幸魂~收藏like a sermon on the mountainsays the dumber got dumbhellfire and brimstoneswapped for oil and gunswhen we"re pushing up daisieswe all look the samein the name of the father maybebut not in my nameon this Jacob"s ladderthe only way up is downone step from disastertwo to make the higher groundJacob"s ladderAnd they sent him to the wars to be slain, to be slainAnd they sent him to the wars to be slaina million lifetimesleft dying in the sunin the streets down in Whitehalldogs picking at the bonesnine eleven got brandednine eleven got soldthere will be no one left to waterall the seeds you"ve sownon this Jacob"s ladderthe only way up is downone step from disastertwo to make the higher groundJacob"s ladderand they sent him to the warsto be slain to be slainand they sent him to the warsto be slainAnd they sent him to the wars to be slain, to be slainAnd they sent him to the wars to be slainon this Jacob"s ladderthe only way up is downone step from disastertwo to make the higher groundon this Jacob"s ladderthe only way up is downone step from disastertwo to make the higher groundJacob"s ladderO Bulldog Leader,sooner or laterwe"ll dig up the body and try her murderO Bulldog Leader,sooner or laterwe"ll dig up the body and try her murder........


每一天都有一个让你梦想成真的机会。 意思是说,你要把握住每一天,相信每一天。


我可以他妈的你所有的时间双语对照例句:1.How could you not say a word all this time? 你怎么这次一句话都不说了?

please give me ----- second chance.填a,the,有什么区别

a; 句意:请再给我一次机会。

高分悬赏求Rjbofhiphop的Second chance 的英文全文歌词

my eyes are open wideby the wayi made it through the dayi watch the world outsidebye the wayi am leaving out todayby the wayi just saw halley"s comet saidwhy are you always running in placeeven the man in the moon disappearedsomewhere in this stratospheretell my mother tell my fatheri have done the best i canto make them realizethis is my lifei hope they understandi am not angry i am just sayingsometimes good bye is a second chanceplease don"t cry one tear for mei"m not afraid of what i have to saythis is my one and only voicefor today so listen closei just saw halley"s comets saidwhy you always running in placeeven the man on the moon disappearedsomewhere in this stratospheretell my mother tell my fatheri have done the best i canto make them realizethis is my lifei hope they understandi am not angryi am just sayingsometimes goodbye is a second chancehere is my chancethis is my chancetell my mother tell my fatheri"ve done the best i canto make them realizethis is my lifei hope they understandi am not angry i am just sayingsometimes goodbye is a second chancesometimes goodbye is a second chancesometimes goodbye is a second chance

Second chance - Rjbofhiphop的歌词




second chance 的歌词

I found the phoneI must"ve missed your messageYou got it wrong, It wasn"t what your friend said.I can tell by your tone, I"ve taken it too far again.Just when I thought I"d gone and fixed it all again.Your friends are telling you, You gotta move on.Just when I thought I"d gone and wrecked it all again.You turned around so I could tell you what took so long.I don"t know why i ever waited to say.Cuz I"m just dying just to see you again .Instead of holding you, I was holding out.I should"ve let you in, but I let you down.You were the first to give ,I was the first to ask.Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance.I should"ve known, took you and I for grantedFaber DriveGotta let you know, I was never underhanded.Tell by your tone, I"ve taken it too far again.Just when I thought I"d gone and fixed it all again.My friends are telling me they saw you with someone.Just when I thought I"d gone and wrecked it all again.You turned around so I could tell you what took so long.I don"t know why i ever waited to say.Cuz I"m just dying just to see you again .Instead of holding you, I was holding out.I should"ve let you in, but I let you down.You were the first to give, I was the first to ask.Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance.My last mistake, putting my friends first.I tried to laugh it off but I made things worse.You were the first to give, I was the first to ask.Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance.What you give is always what you get.It seems so different with(out) a second chance.Just when I thought I"d gone and fixed it all again.My friends are telling me they saw you with someone.Just when I thought I"d gone and wrecked it all again.You turned around so I could tell you what took so long.I don"t know why I ever waited to say.Cuz I"m just dying just to see you again .Instead of holding you, I was holding out.I should"ve let you in, but I let you down.You were the first to give, I was the first to ask.Now I"m in second place, to get a second chance.My last mistake, putting my friends first.I tried to laugh it off but I made things worse.You were the first to give I was the first to ask.Now I"m in second place to get a second chance.Instead of holding you, I was holding outI should"ve let you in, but I let you downYou were the first to give, I was the first to askNow I"m in second place, to get a second chance.

Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:Second Chance歌手:Z.Z. Hill专辑:Brand New Z.Z. Hillone more chanceUh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCant go on without you by my sideHold onShelter come and rescue me out of this stormAnd out of this cold I need someoneOh why oh why why whyIf you see hertell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(See)(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at love(Alright)One more chance at loveSearching for that one who is going to make me wholeHelp me make these mysteries unfoldHold onLightning about to strike in rain only on meHurt so bad sometimes its hard to breatheOh why whyIf you see herTell her this from meAll I need isOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more chance for love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(One more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveAnd I would walk around this world to find herAnd I dont care what it takes noWhyId sail the seven seas to be near herAnd if you happen to see herSee tell her this from meOne more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at love(Tell her this from me)One more chance at love(Yeah, Yeah)One more chance at loveOne more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(I cant find)One more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at love(Yeah one more)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(For love)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Yeah I cant stop)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(Lovin you)One more chance at loveOne more chance at love(I cant stop)One more chance at love(Lovin you)(Aaow)One more chance at love(I cant stop)

Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:Second Chance歌手:Yo Gotti专辑:Live From The KitchenTinchy Stryder feat. Taio Cruz - Second ChanceI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveThem mistakes I will learn from themNow you"ve changed, you were stern back thenClose the case, where"s the lidRebuild the bridge that I burned down thenBack to an item all resurrectedNow we"re back online, we"re connectedYou"re older, I"m wiser, let"s paint this picture perfectI could have been anywhere by now, but nowhere feels better than homeYeah yeah yeahIf you don"t know you should know right now that you"re the only that I wantOh oh ohI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, ohYo, if the vision ain"t clear for nowWipe my e1, and I cleanse them outWent from up to down, to I nearly drownedAnd now we"re back around 360And I missed you more than you miss meIt"s a four letter word that my lips readNow we"re doing it faster in light speedAnd the time is right so kiss meI could have been anywhere by now, but nowhere feels better than homeYeah yeah yeahIf you don"t know you should know right now that you"re the only that I wantOh oh ohI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, ohYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, ohThey said the doors were closing inGrab the towel throw them inLet"s try a second time, if it"s wrong we fit the crimeNow the doors are opening, take my hand let"s try againYeah, we"re born to fight, welcome some soldiers inI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, ohYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Yeah, ohI can"t believe I got a second chance at loveI can"t believe I got a second chance at love

Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:Second Chance歌手:Mark Medlock专辑:Club TropicanaFaber Drive - Second ChanceI found the phoneI must"ve missed your messageYou got it wrongIt wasn"t what your friend saidTell by your toneI"ve taken it too far again(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)Your friends are telling youYou gotta move on(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see you againInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceI should"ve knownTook you and I for grantedGotta let you knowI was never underhandedTell by your toneI"ve taken it too far again(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)My friends are telling meThey saw you with someone(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see you againInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceMy last mistakePutting my friends firstI tried to laugh it offBut I made things worseYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceWhat you give is always what you getThere"s so much I haven"t given yetIf you could give another second chance(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)My friends are telling meThey saw you with someone(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see youInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceMy last mistakePutting my friends firstI tried to laugh it offBut I made things worseYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to give I was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chance

second chance 的歌词

shinedown[ti:second chance][al:the sound of madness]shinedown - second chancemy eyes are open wideby the wayi made it through the dayi watch the world outsidebye the wayi am leaving out todayi just saw halley"s comet shootingsaid why you always running in place?even the man in the moon disappearssomewhere in the stratospheretell my mother,tell my fatheri"ve done the best i canto make them realisethis is my lifei hope they understandi"m not angry, i"m just saying...sometimes goodbyeis a second chanceplease don"t cry one tear for mei"m not afraid ofwhat i have to saythis is my one and only voiceso listen close,it"s only for todayi just saw hailey"s comet shootingsaid why you always running in place?even the man in the moon disappearssomewhere in the stratospheretell my mother,tell my fatheri"ve done the best i canto make them realisethis is my lifei hope they understandi"m not angry, i"m just saying...sometimes goodbyeis a second chancehere"s my chancethis is my chancetell my mother,tell my fatheri"ve done the best i canto make them realisethis is my lifei hope they understandi"m not angry, i"m just saying...sometimes goodbyeis a second chancesometimes goodbyeis a second chanceendliam finn[00:00.00][00:15.10]my eyes are open wide[00:18.64]by the way[00:20.74]i made it through the day[00:24.71]I watch the world outside[00:28.12]by the way[00:30.50]I am leaving out today[00:34.10]I just saw halley"s comet said[00:39.87]why are you always running in place[00:43.73]even the man in the moon disappeared[00:49.59]somewhere in this stratosphere[00:53.22]tell my mother tell my father[00:58.42]I have done the best I can[01:02.50]to make them realize[01:05.26]this is my life[01:07.52]I hope they understand[01:12.56]I am not angry I am just saying[01:18.71]sometimes good bye is a second chance[01:24.91]please don"t cry one tear for me[01:28.18]I"m not afraid of what I have to say[01:34.41]this is my one and only voice[01:37.73]for today so listen close[01:40.53]it"s only for today[01:44.00]I just saw halley"s comets said[01:49.85]why you always running in place[01:53.76]even the man on the moon disappeared[01:59.54]somewhere in this stratosphere[02:02.73]tell my mother tell my father[02:07.75]I have done the best I can[02:11.98]to make them realize[02:14.60]this is my life[02:16.99]I hope they understand[02:21.99]I am not angry[02:24.02]I am just saying[02:28.20]sometimes goodbye is a second chance[02:41.59]here is my chance[02:46.28]this is my chance[02:55.51]tell my mother tell my father[03:00.64]I"ve done the best I can[03:04.73]to make them realize[03:07.35]this is my life[03:10.30]I hope they understand[03:14.79]I am not angry I am just saying[03:20.87]sometimes goodbye is a second chance[03:25.66]sometimes goodbye is a second chance[03:30.48]sometimes goodbye is a second chance[03:35.20]

Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:Second Chance歌手:Johnny Burnette专辑:Best OfFaber Drive - Second ChanceI found the phoneI must"ve missed your messageYou got it wrongIt wasn"t what your friend saidTell by your toneI"ve taken it too far again(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)Your friends are telling youYou gotta move on(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see you againInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceI should"ve knownTook you and I for grantedGotta let you knowI was never underhandedTell by your toneI"ve taken it too far again(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)My friends are telling meThey saw you with someone(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see you againInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceMy last mistakePutting my friends firstI tried to laugh it offBut I made things worseYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceWhat you give is always what you getThere"s so much I haven"t given yetIf you could give another second chance(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and fixed it all again)My friends are telling meThey saw you with someone(Just when I thought)(I"d gone and wrecked it all again)You turned aroundSo I could tell you what took so longI don"t know why I ever waited to sayCuz I"m just dying just to see youInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceMy last mistakePutting my friends firstI tried to laugh it offBut I made things worseYou were the first to giveI was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chanceInstead of holding youI was holding outI should"ve let you inBut I let you downYou were the first to give I was the first to askNow I"m in second placeTo get a second chance

second chance 歌词大意

(Oooooh, oooooh)(oooooh,ooooo H)When you flew out of the nest当你飞出巢You made a mistake你犯了一个错误Flew all the way back路飞回来When you got back to your den你回到巢穴时One minute too late was already wrecked迟到一分钟已经毁了I, I我,我It"s a fraction of a whole but it"s so hard to control这是一个整体的一小部分,但它很难控制I, I get this straight我,我就直说了You can"t can"t count on a second chance你不能指望不上第二次机会The second chance will never be found第二次机会永远不会被发现的You can"t can"t count on a second try你不能指望不上的第二次尝试The second try will never come "round第二次尝试不会回心转意(Oooooh, oooooh)(oooooh,ooooo H)You stick to what you knew before你坚持你知道之前Don"t know what you like不知道你喜欢什么Just made up your mind只是让你的心灵The picture still hangs on the wall照片还挂在墙上From back in the day从一天When you had it all当你拥有了一切I, I我,我It"s a fraction of a whole but it"s so hard to control这是一个整体的一小部分,但它很难控制I, I get this straight我,我就直说了You can"t can"t count on a second chance你不能指望不上第二次机会The second chance will never be found第二次机会永远不会被发现的You can"t can"t count on a second try你不能指望不上的第二次尝试The second try will never come "round第二次尝试不会回心转意You can"t can"t count on a second chance你不能指望不上第二次机会The second chance will never be found第二次机会永远不会被发现的You can"t can"t count on a second try你不能指望不上的第二次尝试The second try will search to come down第二次尝试将搜索下来I, I我,我It"s a fraction of a whole but it"s so hard to control这是一个整体的一小部分,但它很难控制I, I get this straight我,我就直说了You can"t can"t count on a second chance你不能指望不上第二次机会The second chance will never be found第二次机会永远不会被发现的You can"t can"t count on a second try你不能指望不上的第二次尝试The second try will never come "round第二次尝试不会回心转意You can"t can"t count on a second chance你不能指望不上第二次机会The second chance will never be found第二次机会永远不会被发现的You can"t can"t count on a second try你不能指望不上的第二次尝试The second try will search to come down第二次尝试将搜索下来满意请采纳哦!

Second Chance 歌词

歌曲名:Second Chance歌手:Silence Of September专辑:Sleep Of ReasonSilence of September - Second ChanceQQ : 349777127something"s changing deep inside i can"t tell what it issomething"burning, something"aching i can feel it on your lipsthe words that you"e saying they don"mean the same thing,that they used toyou were the bullet in my gun now you"e the sky without the sunsomething is wrong herethe doors have been closed all your loved ones are ghosts now and foreverdon"t wait up for mejust go to bed with your misery i know,i will not be your second chance (i will not close my eyes no more)i will not be your second chance (set the world on fire, burn, burn, burn)almost lost, but not quite found there are no words to say we were perfectbut we smashed it into pieces anywaythe words that you said they wrong and you know it,yeah you know ityou were so eager just to show meall the things that I did wrongcoz you were perfect you were something better all alonglife is for living,but live it without medon"wait up for mejust go to bed with your misery i know,I will not be your second chance (i will not close my eyes no more)i will not be your second chance (set the world on fire, burn, burn, burn)i will not forgive you you cannot defeat medon"wait up for mejust go to bed with your misery i know,I will not be your second chance (i will not close my eyes no more)i will not be your second chance (set the world on fire, burn, burn, burn)
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