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I constantly worry if I am dressed appropriately,

你好!I constantly worry if I am dressed appropriately,that perhaps I"ve actually forgotten .我一直担心如果我穿着适当,也许我已经忘记了。


Private Sub button1_Click()Clipboard.ClearClipboard.SetText text1.TextEnd SubPrivate Sub button2_Click()text2.Text=Clipboard.GetTextEnd Sub

请问Gun-fight in OK Corral是什么事件?


overall score什么意思

overall score 总成绩,总分数overall 英[u02ccu0259u028avu0259ru02c8u0254:l] 美[u02ccou028avu0259ru02c8u0254:l] adj. 全部的; 全体的; 一切在内的; 综合的; adv. 全面地; 总地; 总的说来; n. 工装裤; 罩衫; 〈英〉(军官的)紧身军裤; [例句]It featured a solo dance in which a woman in a short overall mimed a lot of dainty housework.它的亮点是一段独舞,一名身穿短罩衫的女子以哑剧形式优雅地表演了许多做家务的动作。[其他] 复数:overalls 形近词: overage overawe overarm 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科相关单词:Overall [人名]奥弗罗尔

vba如何copy一个sheet 并paste到一个新建的sheet

Cells.Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False


Copy&Paste 宝儿 的罗马音~

copy and paste是什么意思

copy 复制and 和paste 粘贴合起来就是 复制和粘贴


condition 英[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283n] 美[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259n] n. 状态; 环境; 健康状况; 条款; vt. 制约; 限制; 使习惯于; 使适应; vt. 对…具有重要影响; 影响; (某事发生的方式) 保持(头发或皮肤等的)健康; 养护; [网络] 条件; 前提; 状况; [例句]You can"t drive in that condition.你这种状态不能开车。


condition 英[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283n]美[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259n]n. 状态; 环境; 健康状况; 条款;vt. 制约; 限制; 使习惯于; 使适应;vt. 对…具有重要影响; 影响(某事发生的方式) 保持(头发或皮肤等的)健康; 养护;[例句]You can"t drive in that condition.你这种状态不能开车。[其他] 第三人称单数:conditions 复数:conditions 现在分词:conditioning 过去式:conditioned 过去分词:conditioned 形近词: rendition extradition addition


“Paste-Request-Code-here”是什么意思:Paste-Request-Code-here此处粘贴请求代码。Paste-Request-Code-here你先打开CAD软件,会出现产品许可激活选项。 将“申请号”复制到"Request"框内点击“Patch”,之后再点“Generate”得到激活码 把得到的激活码复制到产品许可激活选项中激活码的输入框内 点击“下一步” 就破解了。

意思the conditionofbeingunabletosee

the condition of being unable to see看不见的条款condition 英[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283n] 美[ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259n] n. 状态; 环境; 健康状况; 条款; vt. 制约; 限制; 使习惯于; 使适应; vt. 对…具有重要影响; 影响(某事发生的方式); 保持(头发或皮肤等的)健康; 养护; [例句]He remains in a critical condition in a California hospital.他在加州的一家医院里,病情仍然十分危急。[其他] 第三人称单数:conditions 复数:conditions 现在分词:conditioning过去式:conditioned 过去分词:conditioned形近词: rendition extradition addition





英语,翻译一下。besides we should be confident in ourselves


come put与get out 的区别

come put 把某某东西归纳整理放置在一起等等get out 出去

以“To be self-confident”为题写一篇初中英语作文,60字左右

are you not confident in yourself?

of course,i am a self-confident person.first,i have a comfortable family,my parents love me and they are the source of my confidene,they always encourage me when i fail and meet addition,i think every one is ordinary people,he can make mistakes ,and every one has his or her own stength,we have no reason to lose our self-confidence

What is the self-confidence?


come out 与get out分别用于什么句

come out有“出版、出现、为人所知”及物动词。一般书出版,是用书做主语的主动语态,EX:His new book will come out sometime next month.get 跟 out 结合起来变成一个固定短语搭配,表示从...出去,离开...范围,摆脱...束缚或者逃离,泄露出去等意思,也引申为下车,大体上都是从某个地方、区域、空间里变成在这些范围之外的意思.做使动用法 get sb/sth out,表示让 sb/sth 离开...范围,引申出取得,拯救,发表等意思.



英语作文how to improve ours self-confident

No confidence hegemony,she gradually found how can cut down the Mr Prince?No confidence,XiQin just how out of the letter and unify the whole country?No confidence,how can 102 qin shut to replace LiuHan banner?No confidence,how can the genghis khan fighters on the Danube land?Do not complain about life too much to its own suffering,too many twists and turns,and too much pain to himself a smile!Let you in a calm and less formal; increase the number of happy,less sad; plus some self-confidence,by a trace of inferiority.

以“To be self_confident”为主题得英语作文 100字左右

To be Self-ConfidentSelf-confidence is the belief in one"s own abilities, qualities, and worth. It is an essential trait that can greatly impact our lives. When we are self-confident, we have a positive mindset and are more likely to take on challenges and overcome obstacles.Self-confidence allows us to believe in ourselves and our potential. It gives us the courage to step out of our comfort zones and try new things. With self-confidence, we can face failures and setbacks with resilience and determination. It enables us to embrace our strengths and acknowledge our weaknesses, knowing that we are capable of continuous growth and improvement.Being self-confident also enhances our interactions with others. It helps us communicate effectively, express our ideas and opinions, and assert ourselves when necessary. When we believe in ourselves, others are more likely to believe in us too, leading to stronger relationships and increased opportunities.To be self-confident, it is important to cultivate a positive self-image and practice self-compassion. Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, and acknowledge your unique qualities and strengths. Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging individuals who believe in you.Remember, self-confidence is not about being perfect or never experiencing self-doubt. It is about embracing your worth and capabilities, even in the face of challenges. So, believe in yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and let your self-confidence shine.

self-confident是不是"自信"的意思 self的构词还有哪些

是,形容词形式 self-employed 个体户.自己把自己雇佣了~ self-motivated 自我激励的 self-awareness自我意识 Self-catering 可自己做饭 自信(self-confidence), self-conscious 自觉的 self-contemptuous 自卑的 self-dependence 自力更生

当 get out 翻译为“出版”时,它与 come out 有区别吗?

“出版”一般不能翻译为get out。get out翻译是“滚出去”

get out和come out的区别


get out和come out的区别是什么?

get out 命令某人出去,滚出去。come out 自己主动出来,出去

come out和get out的区别

表示从.出来 时意思一样但后者意义范围广一些get out of 离开; 下The meeting went on late and he wanted to get out of it soon.会开得太晚了,他想早点离开.停止; 改掉; 戒掉; 脱离,摆脱,克服; 避免做某事It is not easy to get out of a bad habit.改掉坏习惯是不容易的.He has already got out of danger.他已脱险.Her sons were experts at getting out of housework.她的儿子们很会逃避家务活.He tried to get out of paying his share of the bill.他试图逃避支付账单上他那一份儿.My illness got me out of having to see him.我的病使我不用见他.从…得到,获得Somehow we have to get the information out of him.我们必须用某种方法从他那儿得到情报.

He made a few desperate stokes and you could tell he was exhausted 这句自怎么翻译?

He made a few desperate stokes and you could tell he was exhausted.翻译:他绝望地拍打了几下, 看得出他快耗尽了。

Henry Mancini的《Come To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Come To Me歌手:Henry Mancini专辑:Ultimate Pink Panther林依晨 - Come To Me作词:深白色 作曲:深白色当你有无法抗拒的忧郁虽然天气晴 心里在下雨眼看着来来往往的人群世界很拥挤该怎么呼吸只能够躲在自己的空间没有人了解没有人关心转过头看看外面的风景有我在阳光下等着你快来到我这里 看到蓝天就忘掉了忧郁就来到我这里 微笑让心情变得很干净快来到我这里 跟着风吹的方向去旅行就来到我这里 看世界用有快乐的眼睛come to me当你有无法抗拒的忧郁虽然天气晴 心里在下雨眼看着来来往往的人群世界很拥挤该怎么呼吸只能够躲在自己的空间没有人了解没有人关心转过头看看外面的风景有我在阳光下等着你快来到我这里 看到蓝天就忘掉了忧郁就来到我这里 微笑让心情变得很干净快来到我这里 跟着风吹的方向去旅行就来到我这里 看世界用有快乐的眼睛come to me快来到我这里 看到蓝天就忘掉了忧郁就来到我这里 微笑让心情变得很干净快来到我这里 跟着风吹的方向去旅行就来到我这里 看世界用有快乐的眼睛come to me

英语翻译Come and dance with me


colloquial words有哪些

常见的compoundWord有:homework,作业;hometown家乡,airconditioner空调机;airraid空龚;alarmclock闹钟;armsrace军备竞赛;assemblyline装配线;baby-sitter看孩子的人;bank account银行帐户;birth control节制生育;blooddonor献血者bloodpressure血压;bookcase书柜bookmark书签。需知:compoundword即复合词,与世界上其他任何语言一样,英语中有相当多的复合词(又称合成词),即词语形式上是两个(或以上)的单词组合起来的,其意思也多是前后两个词的简单复合。其中,有些复合词是需要连字符的,有些则已变成一个整体,不需要连字符。总体来说,现代英语在拼写方面有从繁趋简的倾向,许多原来分开写的复合词,后来发展成用连字符,现在又发展到合并成一个词。如warship是由war(战争)和ship(轮船)所组成,表示“军舰”。firefly是由fire(火)和fly(飞虫)所组成,表示“萤火虫”;thanksgiving表示“感恩节”;quicksand表示“流沙”;quicksilver表示“水银”;laptop表示“笔记本电脑”;palmtop表示“掌上电脑、掌中宝”等。这些词的意思构成往往顺理成章,很容易理解。


  “仅运用基本面或技术面分析交易情况是不够全面的,基本面分析可以跟踪推动市场的力量,技术分析是基于对图表的剖析。”假如你曾出席过世界级的金融研讨大会,那么这个奠定Abe Cofnas在货币交易和全球指数领域世界级领军人物的经典论段可能会不经意间从他的演讲中一语带过。   华尔街资深交易员导师、研讨会领袖、世界著名的演讲家,出过5本经济类专著,曾同担任里根总统首席经济学家的知名经济学家威廉·尼斯坎南一起进修……这位头衔显著,经历丰富的大师,现在把目光投向了中国交易培训市场。Abe认为,以记账、货币基金交易等为代表的、普遍的理财行为预示着中国人理财意识正在觉醒,系统性学习交易专业技能在未来可以更好的规避风险。   我大学的时候并不是经济学出身,而是学习的政治学。1968年到1976年这8年期间,我分别在美国的布鲁克林学院,加利福尼亚大学的政治学学院、公共政策学院获得了我的政治学学士学位、政治学硕士学位及公共政策硕士学位。毕业后,有幸被纽约立法机关任命,从事政府项目效率和有效性评估工作,后来做战略规划咨询。   实际上我对经济学的兴趣,正是来源于我在政治学方面的兴趣。政治学是关于社会权力分配从而实现社会目标的学科。经济学则是关于人们社会行为、社会生产以及比如购买行为产生的动力分析。因为均涉及资源分配、流动的问题,两者融通性较高。加上我在研究生时期曾进修宏观经济学,和经济学领域诸多见识广博、建树颇丰的同学们一起交流学习,比如曾担任里根总统首席经济学家的知名经济学家威廉u2022尼斯坎南,所以后来在转型研究经济问题时非常顺利。   1990年,我辞掉政府战略规划咨询的工作,作为期货交易员,正式进入金融市场,并担任纽约Dean Witter副总裁。1年后创建自己的首家大宗商品交易公司Strategic Commodity trading Company。   从期货交易员到股票经纪人,再到创建自己的公司,我几乎经历了这几十年华尔街所有大大小小的风云变化。但是时代的发展却给我印象最为深刻。记得最初从事交易时还没有互联网,只有很少一部分人关心投资理财,他们如果想要得到这方面的建议,需要专门跑到金融机构面对面交流。那时的投资者也非常尊敬和信任经纪人,因为他们掌握着最专业的知识,最新的市场消息,对市场也最为了解。   今天由于互联网的出现,人们对于投资理财市场有了广泛的了解,越来越多的人开始参与到投资大流中。他们从网上学习理财知识,脱离经纪人自主交易。但全球性的股灾、惊人的旁氏骗局不断出现,恰恰证明在决定交易之前,人们仍然需要接受专业的教育和培训,才能将风险降到最低。出于这样的考虑,2000年我创建了佛罗里达奥兰多 有限公司,提供专业高端交易培训。   到目前为止,我已经在应用经济学、行为科学及交易方面工作了30余年,也出版了5本关于经济、交易方面的书籍。其中Wiley出版社出版的“Sentiment Indicator”(《投资情绪指标》)在2012年被翻译成中文在中国出版,当时我受邀来到北京演讲。   那次北京之行让我对中国交易市场有了新的看法。一方面,中国金融市场正在日益开放,金融交易会变得更加容易;另一方面,中国人自身对交易非常感兴趣,他们在学习投资技巧时也非常积极,从交易培训方面来讲这无疑是一次巨大的机会。于是我有了和中国交易员一起工作的初步想法。   2014年,我受邀在上海举行市场基本面的演讲,恰巧遇到了富瑞登金融交易学院的高层。我发现他们的经营模式很吸引人,他们面向交易员进行培训,能够让专业的交易员更加专业,交易更加成熟有利。经过一段时间的接触,我决定加盟富瑞登,定期为交易员提供高端的跨市场分析培训,并分享我这些年对于市场情绪影响交易方面的思考和研究。   在富瑞登工作的时候,我认识了随手记这个团队。美国的记账理财市场已经发展得非常成熟,随手记依托巨大的用户流量成为金融理财的重要入口,这种模式我非常看好。也很高兴能够做客随手记精彩人生分享我这几十年来的一些经历。   最后我想跟广大投资者说,现在系统学习交易的专业技能正当其时。中国向世界开放,影响了全球市场,中国交易员就处在了全球市场的中心,备受瞩目。接下来我也希望能跟中国的交易员们更多的沟通对话,共同见证世界经济的发展。   嘉宾介绍:   Abe Cofnas,货币交易和全球指数领域世界级领军人物,拥有政治学和公共政治两个硕士学位,并曾同曾担任里根总统首席经济学家的知名经济学家威廉·尼斯坎南一起进修。   基于30年的应用经济学、行为科学以及交易经验,Mr. Cofnas已在市场如何体现情感和情绪方面有了独到的见解。他主要贡献是得出运用基本面和技术面分析交易情况是不够全面的,基本面分析可以跟踪推动市场的力量,技术分析是基于对图表的剖析。Mr. Cofnas认为市场心理学和群体行为是找准市场趋势和时机的关键因素。目前已经出版了5本经济学专著。   同时,作为研讨会领袖以及世界著名的演讲家,他最近成立了首个二元期权全球通讯(。Mr. Cofnas认为“二元期权”是交易者最为理想的交易工具。    主要经历:   1968—72 年:在布鲁克林学院学习,获得政治学学士学位;   1973—74 年:在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校政治学学院学习,于 1974年获得政治学硕士学位;   1974—76年:在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校公共政策学院学习,于1976年获得公共政策硕士学位;   1976—87 年:被纽约立法机关任命,对政府项目进行效率和有效性评估;   1987—1990年:战略规划咨询;   1990—1994年:纽约Dean Witter 副总裁;   1995—2000年:Strategic Commodity trading Company 创始人和大宗商品交易商;   2000—至今:佛罗里达奥兰多 有限公司创始人,提供专业外汇交易培训;   2010—至今:Agro Financial编者,成立Fear and Greed trader focused on forex ale专栏;   2011—至今:Quicksilver Concepts Inc创始人兼总裁,得到风险投资开发算法交易,监督交易行为、预测市场方向;   2012—至今:二元期权交易公司(顾问;   目前:富瑞登金融交易学院(培训师和货币市场策略研究员。

哪首歌的歌词有come and dance with me

郭富城的《浪漫樱花》 如樱花盛开一刹那爱情的花瓣很快就落下如嘴巴对我很牵挂别装蒜吻我吧就让它像回家像动画的主角去摇摆如我们有了爱会发出光彩左右高低双手像钟摆钟画一个交叉烟花都放出来mi ni ko i sakura an e oh come and dance with me mi ni ko i sakura an e oh come and dance with me +乖乖龙地冬乖乖龙地冬乖乖龙地冬come and dance with me(ah...)如樱花熬不过仲夏爱情抓不紧被阳光蒸发起来吧寂寞洋娃娃没动作孤独吗没有话快乐吗像动画的主角去摇摆如我们有了爱会发出光彩左右高低双手像钟摇摆画一个交叉变出神奇色彩mi ni ko i sakura an e oh come and dance with me mi ni ko i sakura an e oh come and dance with me +乖乖龙地冬乖乖龙地冬乖乖龙地冬come and dance with me(ah...)mi ni ko i sakura an e oh come and dance with me mi ni ko i sakura an e oh come and dance with me +乖乖龙地冬乖乖龙地冬乖乖龙地冬come and dance with me(ah...mi ni ko i sakura an e oh come and dance with me mi ni ko i sakura an e oh come and dance with me +mi ni ko i sakura an e oh come and dance with me mi ni ko i sakura an e oh come and dance with me +come and dance with me(sakura)come and dance with me(ah┅.)come and dance with me(sakura)come and dance with me(ah┅.)come and dance with me

Come and dance歌词。

Diana Krall - Come Dance With Me(From This Moment On)Hey there cutes, put on your dancin" bootsAnd come dance with meCome dance with me, what an evenin" for some TerpsichorePretty face, I know a swingin" placeCome on, dance with meRomance with me cross a crowded floorAnd while the rhythm swingsWhat lovely things I"ll be sayin""Cause what is dancin" but makin" loveSet to music... playin"When the band begins to leave the standFolks start to roamAs we waltz home, cheek to cheek we"ll beCome on, come on, come onCome on and dance with meHey cutes, put on your dancin" bootsCome and dance with meCome and dance with me,What an evenin" for some TerpsichorePretty face, I know a swingin" placeSo, come on and dance with meRomance with me cross a crowded floorAnd while the rhythm swingsWhat lovely things I"ll be sayin""Cause what is dancin" but makin" loveSet to music... playin"When the band begins to leave the standFolks start to roamAs we waltz home, cheek to cheek we"ll beCome on, come on,Come on and dance with me


昵称: 小8常用名字和ID:陈悦xiao8性别: 女身高: 165 厘米体重: 50 公斤生肖: 龙生日:4月4号(清明节)星座: 白羊座体型: 微瘦血型: AB语言能力: 普通话所在地:江西省 南昌市祖籍: 吉林省 德惠市婚姻状态: 未婚教育水平: 大学本科职业: 新闻传播头衔 学生住房: 和父母合住饮酒: 偶尔应酬时吸烟: 因为特殊原因,抽好友印象: 时尚 个性 才女 美妞 豪爽 直率 帅气 谈得来的孩子宗教/信仰/追求: 一直在追梦,想到什么就去做什么口味: 这孩子超喜欢醋和糖厨艺: 赞一个.外表: 百变 美型视力: 近视衣着: 时尚 个性化头发: 总是变化ing身材: 匀称相貌 漂亮的大眼 瘦脸声音 比较甜 可爱气质 古灵精怪 男孩子气妆容 不化妆 偶尔化一点处事 脾气火爆 认死理待人 随和 真诚 搞笑 豪爽 天真 无城府 小白个性特长: 唱歌 街舞生日 1988-04-04喜欢的乐队:德国战车 玛丽莲.曼森 比较喜欢摇滚喜欢的艺人: 周杰伦喜欢的食物:特色小吃和饮料喜欢的饮料:好喝的都行cos定型: LOLI,但是相信只要自己愿意就能扮好角色,百变自居.人人网ID:陈悦xiao.8COS王国ID:陈悦(陈悦xiao8)09年步入cos界,10月2号第一次参加大型比赛.SIANA南昌国际数字动漫周中cos冰魔女,惊艳角色:圣魔之血--冰魔女(海嘉.冯.芙格威德)潘多拉之心--奥兹.贝萨流士原创角色--雪狐曾经客串:死神--大小白仙剑4--怀朔

(Come On) Dance With Me 歌词

歌曲名:(Come On) Dance With Me歌手:The Outlaws专辑:In The Eye Of The StormThe Old 97"s - Dance With MeUnderneath the foreign starsIn a foreign place where they don"t love youI do care,In the pale moonlightYour eyes are wideAnd the band plays…Everybody wants youAnd he takes your hand tenderlyAnd he whispersSweet surrender, nothingHow he feels about girls like youYour flip flop smiles,And your big blue eyesOn vacationDance with me into the oceanRoll with me into the seaDon"t tell me the world is in troubleDo you want to dance with me?Go, changes hands as the big wavesCrash and dream don"t dieBut I doWhere were you when I needed youRight nowThe telephone just rings,I"m gonna find you…Dance with me, into the oceanRoll with me, into the seaDon"t tell me the world is in troubleDo you want to dance with me, ohdo you want to dance with me?Underneath the foreign sunWith a foreign man who is gone and almost forgottenTake everything you seeAnd remember us and wonder,If you will be forgiven…Dance with me, into the oceanRoll with me, into the seaDon"t tell me the world is in troubleDon"t tell me the world is in troubleDance with me, into the oceanRoll with me, into the seaDon"t tell me the world is in troubleDo you want to dance with meDo you want to dance with me, ohDo you want to dance with me?Kevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!

be confident 后接in 和接 about的区别

意思都是表示对...很信任。区别在用法上。be confident in sb/doing sth,后面可以加人。be confident about dong sth/sth,后面不可以加人。例句辨析:be confident in1、Those undergraduates appear to be more confident in their English proficiency and communicative competence, and they prefer to participate in various extra curricular English learning activities; whereas postgraduates and doctoral candidates tend to relate their English learning to research work. 他们对自己的英语语言能力和交际能力似乎信心较强,更愿意参与课外英语学习活动。硕士生和博士生更倾向于将英语学习融入自己的科研之中。2、Students are suggested to be more confident in themselves and try to grasp everychance to practise speaking English in daily life. 学生应该加强自信心,在日常生活中抓住练习英语口语的机会。3、But be confident and believe in yourself, because you can make a difference astime goes by. 但要有信心,相信自己,因为随着时间的推移,你可以让差异。be confident about1、Be confident about your ability in achieving your goal, and be sure of your strongwillpower and your endowment in language. 要确信自己必定能到达目标,深信自己有顽强的意志和语言方面的能力。2、A plaintive, sometimes despairing tune that knocks western self-confidence, itsrefrain is that the western world has precious little to be confident about. 这是一首悲情、有时带有绝望色彩的歌曲,动摇着西方人的自信心。它在副歌部分反复唱道,西方世界值得自信的东西少得可怜。3、To be on safer ground, a Chinese buyer would have to spend a total of$ 14bn inLondon and Sydney to be confident about acquiring a 10 per cent stake. 为了保险起见,中国买家必须在伦敦和悉尼两地拿出共140亿美元,以确信自己收购了10%的股份。

conflict between the generations is nothing new._

不同年代的冲突屡见不鲜。due to the widespread of sth 固定搭配

有谁知道纳京高(Nat King Cole)的的中文歌词

Quizas, quizas, quizas Siempre que te pregunto Que, cuándo, cómo y dónde Tú siempre me respondes Quizás, quizás, quizás Y así pasan los días Y yo, desesperando Y tú, tú c ontestando Quizás, quizás, quizás Estás perdiendo el tiempo Pensando, pensando Por lo que más tú quieras ?Hasta cuándo? ?Hasta cuándo? Y así pasan los días Y yo, desesperando Y tú, tú c ontestando Quizás, quizás, quizás Estás perdiendo el tiempo Pensando, pensando Por lo que más tú quieras ?Hasta cuándo? ?Hasta cuándo? Y así pasan los días Y yo, desesperando Y tú, tú c ontestando Quizás, quizás, quizás 我总是一遍又一遍的追问你 何时,何地,又该如何 你却总是回答说 或许,或许,或许 时日就这样飞过 我的绝望与日俱增 而你,你却还是这样回答 或许,或许,或许 你在浪费时间 思考着 思考着什么才是你最需要的 可是,这抉择到底什么时候才是尽头? 时日就这样飞过 我的绝望与日俱增 而你,你却还是这样回答 或许,或许,或许 既然你不肯承认你对我的爱 那么我又如何能够知道你是否爱我? 你只是告诉我 或许,或许,或许 千万次我这样问过你 反复追问 而你却只是回答 或许,或许,或许 如果你无法作出抉择 我们之间将永远无法开始 而我也不愿就这样 以分手和心碎结束 那么如果你真的爱我就肯定的回答我“是” 但是如果你并不爱我,亲爱的 也请你坦诚的回绝 而不要只是告诉我 或许,或许,或许 English translation of original Spanish lyrics: "PERHAPS, PERHAPS, PERHAPS" I am always asking you When, how and where You always tell me Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps The days pass this way And I am despairing And you, you always answer Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps You are wasting time Thinking, thinking That which you want most Until when? Until when? The days pass this way And I am despairing And you, you always answer Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps You are wasting time Thinking, thinking That which you want most Until when? Until when? The days pass this way And I am despairing And you, you always answer Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps

把这段话概括总结一下 Consider also the heroic example of Abraham Lincoln, who faced su

Consideralso the heroic example of Abraham Lincoln, who faced substantial hardships, failures and repeated misfortunes in his lifetime. His background was certainly not glamorous. He was raised in a very poor family with only one year of formal education. He failed in business twice, suffered a nervous breakdown when his first love died suddenly and lost eight political elections. Later in life, he suffered profound grief over the tragic death of three of his four children. Yet his strong will was the spur that pushed him forward, strengthening his optimism, dedication and determination. It intensified and focused his efforts and enabled him to triumph over the overwhelming failures and profound difficulties in his life. A hundred years later, people from around the world commend Abraham Lincoln as the greatest American president of all time.

操作系统 Mac OS 处理器 CPU类型 Intel Core i5 CPU速度 1.4GHz,


generations to come


Confessions 歌词

歌曲名:Confessions歌手:Eskadron专辑:Flow Homicide EPHello?Yo I"m in the booth I"mma call you right backNah I just gotta put this one part down I"mma call you backI"m at the studio man what--Man quit playin" with me manNo for real don"t play like thatAre you--are you serious?How you know?Put that on everything.DamnI"mma call u backI"mma call u back...Everytime I was in L.A. I was with my ex-girlfriendEverytime you called I told you,"Baby I"m workin." (No!)I was out doin my dirt (Oh!)Wasn"t thinkin" "bout you gettin" hurt(I) was hand in hand in the Beverly Center like manNot givin" a damn who sees meSo gone (I know)So wrong (Just listen)Actin" like I didn"t have you sittin" at home (THIS IS THE CORRECTION)Thinkin" about meBein" a good girl that you areBut you prolly believe you got a good manI mean I would never do the things I"mma "bout to tell you I"ve doneBrace yourselfIt ain"t goodBut it would be even worse if you heard this from somebody else (oh no)I know you hate meI know I hurt youBut there"s morelisten...

这句尾的to come应该如何理解?谢谢解答

generations to come = future generations

patent 和copyright 区别

patent是指专利权,别人不能随意使用,想使用是需要付钱的copyright是著作权,别人可以使用,只要说明作者是你就行了patent[5peitEnt, 5pAtEnt]n.专利权, 执照, 专利品adj.特许的, 专利的, 显著的, 明白的, 新奇的vt.取得...的专利权, 请准专利copyright[5kCpirait]n.版权, 著作权

patent, copywrite有什么区别

patent 翻译成中文是:专利。 copywrite : 翻译成中文是:复写专利分为:发明专利,实用新型,外观设计等。发明专利是发明了世上没有的东西,实用新型是世上有的东西发现了新的用途,外观设计就不用说明了。 复写:就是没有电老时代的:“剪刀加酱复”。有电老时代的:"copy and paste". 就是把不同人的文章其中的部分搬到自己的文章里。

corrective and preventive action是什么意思

corrective and preventive action 纠正和预防措施;矫正与预防措施;矫正及预防措施例句筛选1.e. Manage all customer complain and investigate root cause. Reply customer on finding and implement corrective and preventive action.处理客户投诉并追根溯源。及时与客户沟通并实施预防及纠正措施。2.Involve in the corrective and preventive action参与预防及整改措施

hazard assessment and preventive controls plan什么意思

hazard assessment and preventive controls plan危害评估和预防控制计划hazard assessment危害评价preventive预防; 防止; 预防措施; 预防药; 预防的; 防止的controls控制( control的名词复数 ); 限制; 管理权; 控制键; 控制( control的第三人称单数 ); 管理;


请问concession,give in,compromise在表示让步的意思时有什么区别?

surrender屈服;屈从 You use surrender to refer to someone"s attitude or behaviour when they lose the will to resist their feelings or the demands of other people.——失去信心时concession(尤指为平息争端或冲突而作出的)让步,妥协 If you make a concession to someone, you agree to let them do or have something, especially in order to end an argument or conflict.give in屈服; 投降; 让步(动词词组)compromise折中;妥协;让步 A compromise is a situation in which people accept something slightly different from what they really want, because of circumstances or because they are considering the wishes of other people.——因为环境或考虑到他人的愿望

compensated for by

Such weaknesses are more than compensated for by cetaceans" well-developed acoustic sense. 你这个问题 不难 可以 看作 动介短语的被动语态 如 the boy is looked after by his mother . 我相信 你能 明白.我就不讲了. compensate for weaknesses 弥补弱点求里面的歌名视频6565

Jami Soul 的 She

翻译歌词Never Gone【Colton Dixon】


为什么网址有的有 有的却没有!只有.com呢?有什么学问呢?


文献中常出现的consecutive patients怎么理解?


Leopoldo Federico的《Libertango》 歌词

歌曲名:Libertango歌手:Leopoldo Federico专辑:100 Best TangoAndrea Bocelli - Liberta"(Francesco Sartori- Alessio Bonomo)Libertà per chi parte verso il blulibertà per chi sta tornando giàlibertà per chi perde la sua sciae libertà per noi che navighiamo viasoltanto nell"idea del maresì libertà per noi che rimaniamo quacon il braccio alzato per salutareun dolce sogno di grandi mari e libertàlibertà per chi sfida il temporalelibertà per chi ha le vele al solee libertà per noi che navighiamo viaal vento di un"idea sul maresì libertà per noi che rimaniamo quacon il braccio alzato per salutareun dolce sogno di grandi mari e libertà, libertàsì libertà per noi che non partiamo maima sentiamo intorno sai il maresì libertà per noi che rimaniamo quacon le braccia al vento per salutareun dolce sogno in libertà...di vele al sole in libertà.fine

文献中常出现的consecutive patients 啥意思?怎么理解?在线等。多谢!



1.共同点 都是保存在 浏览器 端,并且是 同源 的 2.区别 ①Cookie 数据始终在 同源的http请求中携带 (即使不需要),即cookie在浏览器和服务器之间来回传递,而 sessionStorage和localStorage不会自动把数据发送给服务端,仅保存在本地 。cookie数据还有路径的概念,可以限制cookie只属于某个路径下。 ②存储大小的限制不同: cookie数据不能超过4k ,同时因为 每次http请求都会携带cookie ,所以 cookie只适合保存很小 的数据,比如 会话标识 。 sessionStorage和localStorage 虽然也有存储大小的限制,但比cookie大的多, 可以达到5M或更大 。 ③数据的有效期限不同 cookie 只在设置的 过期时间之前 有效,即使窗口关闭或浏览器关闭 sessionStorage 只在 当前浏览器窗口关闭之前 有效(面向session的浏览器存储,因此只存在于一个页面的生命周期,关闭即清除,采用 键值对 的形式存储数据) localStorage一直有效 ,即使窗口或浏览器关闭也会一直对数据进行保存,因此 用作持久数据 ④作用域不同 cookie 在 所有 的 同源 窗口中是 共享 的 sessionStorage 不在不同的浏览器窗口中共享,即使是同一个页面 localStorage 在 所有同源窗口中都是共享的

js运行错误 无法获取未定义或 null 引用的属性“pagecount”


翻译翻译!! 1.I think i should give it a go 2.Nothing comes between you and success.& With you at



This is the weather report. It"s cool in Lhasa today.This is my mather. She"s very beautiful.

cool is lhasa it in可以组成什么句子

Is it cool in lhasa?拉萨天气凉快吗?It is cool in lhasa拉萨天气很凉快一个疑问句一个陈述句


1.cookie:存储在用户本地终端上的数据。有时也用cookies,指某些网站为了辨别用户身份,进行session跟踪而存储在本地终端上的数据,通常经过加密。一般应用最典型的案列就是判断注册用户是否已经登过该网站。2.HTML5 提供了两种在客户端存储数据的新方法:..两者都是仅在客户端(即浏览器)中保存,不参与和服务器的通信;localStorage - 没有时间限制的数据存储,第二天、第二周或下一年之后,数据依然可用。如何创建和访问 localStorage:<script type="text/javascript">localStorage.lastname="Smith";document.write(localStorage.lastname);</script>下面的例子对用户访问页面的次数进行计数:复制代码复制代码<script type="text/javascript">if (localStorage.pagecount){localStorage.pagecount=Number(localStorage.pagecount) +1;}else{localStorage.pagecount=1;}document.write("Visits "+ localStorage.pagecount + " time(s).");</script>复制代码复制代码sessionStorage - 针对一个 session 的数据存储,当用户关闭浏览器窗口后,数据会被删除。创建并访问一个 sessionStorage:<script type="text/javascript">sessionStorage.lastname="Smith";document.write(sessionStorage.lastname);</script>下面的例子对用户在当前 session 中访问页面的次数进行计数:复制代码复制代码<script type="text/javascript">if (sessionStorage.pagecount){sessionStorage.pagecount=Number(sessionStorage.pagecount) +1;}else{sessionStorage.pagecount=1;}document.write("Visits "+sessionStorage.pagecount+" time(s) this session.");</script>复制代码复制代码sessionStorage 、localStorage 和 cookie 之间的区别共同点:都是保存在浏览器端,且同源的。区别:cookie数据始终在同源的http请求中携带(即使不需要),即cookie在浏览器和服务器间来回传递;cookie数据还有路径(path)的概念,可以限制cookie只属于某个路径下。存储大小限制也不同,cookie数据不能超过4k,同时因为每次http请求都会携带cookie,所以cookie只适合保存很小的数据,如会话标识。而sessionStorage和localStorage不会自动把数据发给服务器,仅在本地保存。sessionStorage和localStorage 虽然也有存储大小的限制,但比cookie大得多,可以达到5M或更大。数据有效期不同,sessionStorage:仅在当前浏览器窗口关闭前有效,自然也就不可能持久保持;localStorage:始终有效,窗口或浏览器关闭也一直保存,因此用作持久数据;cookie只在设置的cookie过期时间之前一直有效,即使窗口或浏览器关闭。作用域不同,sessionStorage不在不同的浏览器窗口中共享,即使是同一个页面;localStorage 在所有同源窗口中都是共享的;cookie也是在所有同源窗口中都是共享的。Web Storage 支持事件通知机制,可以将数据更新的通知发送给监听者。Web Storage 的 api 接口使用更方便。

It’s cool in Lhasa什么意思


he could not drive it

He could neither drive it, nor sell it, even nor give it away.

《L’Accordeur 调音师》里面的那首钢琴曲是啥名字?



cookie 用来频繁交互,同时cookie一般和后端session绑定在一起使用同时会话关闭不影响cookiesessionStorage 用来在一个会话中保存状态,关闭浏览器会丢失

Franco Battiato的《Inverno》 歌词

歌曲名:Inverno歌手:Franco Battiato专辑:Inneres Auge (Il Tutto E" Più Della Somma Delle Sue Parti)Annalisa Scarrone - InvernoOra che alberi infinitiSbiadiscono oltre le pareti,Un brivido ha svegliato un sorriso in me.Ora che le tue mani sono più tiepideOgni mia paura si dissolveràSciogliendosi come neveCammino nella pioggiaCammino controventoCammino camminoE fuggo via da questo invernoToccare il cielo in una stanzaè un"illusione che mi bastaIn volo verso tePer rinascereE cancellare questo inverno.Ora che tutte le promesse fiorisconoDalla mia finestraLe soffierò come petali di rosaOra che in un bacio mi son perduta giàDentro ad un tramonto ti perderòCercando una nuova estateCammino via da questo invernoPer cancellare questo inverno.Per cancellare questo invernoè un"illusione che non mi bastaVorrei dormireE poi rinascereInnamorarmi in questo inverno

Ascolta Il Tuo Cuore 歌词

歌曲名:Ascolta Il Tuo Cuore歌手:Laura Pausini专辑:Le Cose Che ViviLaura Pausini - Ascolta Il Tuo CuoreEhi adesso come stai?Tradita da una storia finitaE di fronte a te l"ennesima salita.Un po" ti senti sola,Nessuno che ti possa ascoltare,Che divida con te i tuoi guai.Mai! tu non mollare mai!Rimani come sei,Insegui il tuo destino,Perché tutto il dolore che hai dentroNon potrà mai cancellare il tuo camminoE allora scopriraiChe la storia di ogni nostro minutoAppartiene soltanto a noi.Ma se ancora resterai,Persa senza una ragioneIn un mare di perchéDentro te ascolta il tuo cuoreE nel silenzio troverai le parole.Chiudi gli occhi e poi tu lasciati andare,Prova a arrivare dentro il pianeta del cuoreè difficile capireQual è la cosa giusta da fareSe ti batte nella testa un"emozione.L"orgoglio che ti piglia,Le notti in cui il rimorso ti svegliaPer la paura di sbagliare,Ma se ti ritroveraiSenza stelle da seguireTu non rinunciare maiCredi in te! Ascolta il tuo cuore!Fai quel che dice anche se fa soffrire.Chiudi gli occhi e poi tu lasciati andare,Prova a volare oltre questo dolore.Non ti inganneraiSe ascolti il tuo cuore,Apri le braccia quasi a toccareOgni mano, ogni speranza, ognisogno che vuoiPerché poi ti porterà al cuore di ognuno di noi.Ogni volta, che non sai cosa fare,Prova a volare, dentro il pianeta del cuore.Tu tu prova a volareDo do do dov"è il pianeta del cuore.Tu tu tu dentro il pianeta del cuore

Ascolta Il Tuo Cuore (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Ascolta Il Tuo Cuore (Live)歌手:Laura Pausini专辑:San Siro 2007Laura Pausini - Ascolta Il Tuo CuoreEhi adesso come stai?Tradita da una storia finitaE di fronte a te l"ennesima salita.Un po" ti senti sola,Nessuno che ti possa ascoltare,Che divida con te i tuoi guai.Mai! tu non mollare mai!Rimani come sei,Insegui il tuo destino,Perché tutto il dolore che hai dentroNon potrà mai cancellare il tuo camminoE allora scopriraiChe la storia di ogni nostro minutoAppartiene soltanto a noi.Ma se ancora resterai,Persa senza una ragioneIn un mare di perchéDentro te ascolta il tuo cuoreE nel silenzio troverai le parole.Chiudi gli occhi e poi tu lasciati andare,Prova a arrivare dentro il pianeta del cuoreè difficile capireQual è la cosa giusta da fareSe ti batte nella testa un"emozione.L"orgoglio che ti piglia,Le notti in cui il rimorso ti svegliaPer la paura di sbagliare,Ma se ti ritroveraiSenza stelle da seguireTu non rinunciare maiCredi in te! Ascolta il tuo cuore!Fai quel che dice anche se fa soffrire.Chiudi gli occhi e poi tu lasciati andare,Prova a volare oltre questo dolore.Non ti inganneraiSe ascolti il tuo cuore,Apri le braccia quasi a toccareOgni mano, ogni speranza, ognisogno che vuoiPerché poi ti porterà al cuore di ognuno di noi.Ogni volta, che non sai cosa fare,Prova a volare, dentro il pianeta del cuore.Tu tu prova a volareDo do do dov"è il pianeta del cuore.Tu tu tu dentro il pianeta del cuore


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Commander Zadak came out of the gate . Kiah op

这应该是由说话人所处位置决定的.显然这段话,不可能用两个come out of或者go out of

选哪个,请给出原因。A.Thinking B.To be viewed C.Viewed D.Considering


ghost love score 歌词意思

歌名:《ghost love score》歌手:Nightwish专辑:《showtime, storytime》发行时间:2013-11-19歌词:We used to swim the same moonlight waters我们曾经悠游在相同的月光Oceans away from the wakeful day当时的痕迹早已消逝於海面 My fall will be for you我的失落是为了你My fall will be for you我的失落是为了你My love will be in you我的失落是为了你If you be the one to cut me我的爱是与你相依I"ll bleed forever我将血流不止Scent of the sea before the waking of the world在世界苏醒前,海洋的气息引导我至此brings me to thee Into the blue memory进入湛蓝的回忆中 My fall will be for you我的失落是为了你My fall will be for you我的失落是为了你My love will be in you我的爱是与你相依If you be the one to cut me如果你是伤害我的那个人I"ll bleed forever我将血流不止Into the blue memory进入湛蓝的回忆中A siren from the deep came to me来自深海中的塞壬之声(注)Sang my name my longing呼唤著我的名,咏唱著我那难以实现的渴望Still I write my songs about that dream of mine所以我为自己的梦境谱写歌曲Worth everything I may ever be细说可能发生的一切The Child will be born again that siren carried him to me塞壬将带来重生之子First of them true loves, singing on the shoulders of an angel最初的孩子由纯真的在天使的肩膀上唱歌Without care for love n" loss不在意爱与失去Bring me home or leave me be带我回家或离开我My love in the dark heart of the night我的爱成了夜晚的噩梦I have lost the path before me我已遗忘了过去的道路The one behind will lead me但未来将引领著我Take me cure me接纳我,治愈我Kill me bring me home杀了我,带我回家Every way every day每一天,每一刻Just another loop in the hangman"s noose只是另一个绞刑般的回圈Take me cure me接纳我,治愈我Kill me bring me home杀了我,带我回家Every way every day每一天,每一刻I keep on watching us sleep於我们安睡的夜晚,我仍然独自醒著Relive the old sin of Adam and Eve of you and me重蹈亚当与夏娃原罪的你和我Forgive the adoring beast宽恕那迷恋的野兽Redeem me into childhood归还给我童年Show me myself without the shell给我敞开心扉的自我Like the advent of May就像五月的降临I"ll be there when you say我会在那,听你说Time to never hold our love永远不要约束我们的爱My fall will be for you我的失落是为了你My fall will be for you我的失落是为了你My love will be in you我的爱是与你相依If you be the one to cut me如果你是伤害我的那个人I"ll bleed forever我将血流不止

go home ,get home ,come home ,be home 的用法与区别

go home回家get home到家come home来到家be home在家

go home和come to home的区别是啥?

go back home和come back home都是“回家”的意思,但它们的用法有点不同。go 与come 是反义词,它们的主要区别是说话的地点不同。1、go back home 指在家以外的地方说的“回家”(即说话人不在家)。2、come back home 指在家对“在外的人”说的“回家”(即说话人在家里)。如:I will go back home as soon as school is over .一放学我就回家。My mother asks me to come back home at once.我妈妈叫我马上回家。

come home是什么意思和GO HOME有什么区别

来是 come, 去是 go所以 come home = 快点回来 (我们家里), go home =快点回返(你家)去
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