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coinbase钱包提现有限制。美国主要的加密货币交易所和钱包服务公司Coinbase据称不允许部分用户每天提取超过价值10美元的资产。2月2日,一位自称Coinbase用户的Reddit用户报告称,Coinbase对一些用户设定了每天10美元的取款限额。拥有该账户(handle Unholy_Crab1)的Reddit用户声称,他随后提出的提高取款限额的申请被Coinbase拒绝了。这位Reddit用户还分享了一张其所称的屏幕截图,这表明其比特币(BTC)的每日最大提取限额是10美元。拓展资料:1. Coinbase宣布了与Apple Pay和Google Pay的新整合,以前只有在与Coinbase Visa借记卡同步时才能使用。现在,在苹果钱包中添加了任何Visa或万事达借记卡的用户在手机上与Coinbase交易时,Apple Pay将自动作为一种支付方式出现。对Google Pay的支持将在秋季推出。即时提现将通过实时支付(RTP)网络进行,以替代自动清算所(ACH)转账,后者可能需要五天时间。RTP提现允许全天候近乎即时的资金转移,对每天的提现次数没有限制。2.目前该平台已支持包括比特币(BTC)、莱特币(LTC)、瑞波币(XRP)等在内的虚拟货币交易。在此之前,Coinbase 已提供多种账户注资选项,包括网银、借记卡、支票、电汇等途径,但便利性显然不及 PayPal 。3.Coinbase 钱包是一个由您并且只有您自己控制的加密货币钱包和DApp浏览器。这意味着您钱包的私钥(代表加密货币的所有权)直接存储在您的移动设备上,而不是像 这样的中心化交易所。您不需要 帐户即可使用 Coinbase 钱包。4.Coinbase 钱包支持以太坊、Polygon、比特币、Dogecoin、Litecoin、Stellar Lumens 和 Ripple 网络。钱包支持所有ERC-20 代币(包括 USDC 和 DAI)、BTC、BCH、LTC、XRP、XLM 和 DOGE。目前,Coinbase 钱包的应用内 DEX(去中心化交易所)集成支持托管在以太坊区块链上的资产,因此目前只有基于以太坊的资产可用于加密到加密的转换。

concentrate on 与focuse on 的区别



LCD ( Liquid Crystal Display)投影机分为液晶板投影机和液晶光阀投影机两类。液晶是介于液体和固体之间的物质,本身不发光,工作性质受温度影响很大,其工作温度为-55oC~+77oC。投影机利用液晶的光电效应,即液晶分子的排列在电场作用下发生变化,影响其液晶单元的透光率或反射率,从而影响它的光学性质,产生具有不同灰度层次及颜色的图像。 LCD投影机有两种:液晶板投影机&液晶光阀投影机 液晶板投影机 成像器件为液晶板,是被动式的投影方式。利用外光源金属卤素灯或UHP(冷光源)。 按照液晶板的片数,LCD投影机分为三片机和单片机 三片LCD板投影机原理是光学系统把强光通过分光镜形成RGB三束光,分别透射过RGB三色液晶板;信号源经过AD转换,调制加到液晶板上,通过控制液晶单元的开启、闭合,从而控制光路的通断,RGB光最后在棱镜中汇聚,由投影镜头投射在屏幕上形成彩色图像。目前,三片板投影机是液晶板投影机的主要机种。3LCD只是一种投影方式,是指采用3片LCD(HTPS),能够生成更加明亮、自然、对眼睛柔和的图像的投影机方式。是对光的三原色用R(红)、G(绿)、B(蓝)各自的液晶显示板进行控制后再加以合成颜色、可是每一点的颜色如实地再现其原色。日本几大LCD投影机生产厂商成立一个3LCD联盟,所以你会在很多日系的液晶投影机上看到3LCD的标志,其实综合起来就是3片液晶板的投影机,没有什么特别的含义.LCOS(Liguid Crystal on Silicon)是一种基于反射模式,尺寸非常小的矩阵液晶显示装置。这种矩阵采用CMOS技术在硅芯片上加工制作而成。像素的尺寸大小从7微米到20微米,对于百万像素的分辨率,这个装置通常小于1英寸。有效矩阵的电路在每个像素的电极和公共透明电极间提供电压,这两个电极之间被一薄层液晶分开。像素的电极也是一个反射镜。通过透明电极的入射光被液晶调制光电响应电压将被应用于每个像素电极。反射的像被光学方法同入射光分开从而被投影物镜放大成像到大屏幕上。采用LCOS技术的投影机其光线不是穿过LCD面板,而是采用反射方式来形成图像,光利用效率可达40%。与其他投影技术相比,LCOS技术最大的优点是分辨率高,采用该技术的投影机产品在亮度和价格方面也将有一定优势。这是介绍的原话,但是我想说的是现在基本上已经没有这种投影机了,事实证明他的设计存在缺陷,机器性能不稳定,是3LCD投影机的过度产品.现在在市场上已经销声匿迹了,我们叫它反射式投影机,对了它是单片液晶板.DLP(Digital Light processing)数码光输处理器的工作原理: 利用在基板上加工出许多微小反射镜的方法,制作出像素点。每一个微小反射镜代表一个像素点。用输入信号来控制这些小反射镜反射面的倾斜角度,从而控制反射光的反射方向,使反射光进入所需求的光路或者偏离该光路。这种调制图象的方式称为DLP技术。DLP技术是TI(美国德州仪器公司)的专利技术。基于DLP显示技术的投影机最早出现于1996年。其成像器件是DMD(Digital Micromirror Device,数字微镜装置)。DMD 芯片包含成千上万的微镜,每个镜子代表一个像素,开或关的状态就代表图像中像素点的亮和暗。光束通过一高速旋转的色轮(分色装置),投射在DMD上,再通过光学透镜投射在大屏幕上。目前DLP技术由TI公司专利拥有,该公司也是DMD芯片的惟一供应商 目前LCD技术及DLP技术的投影机是市面上的两大主要阵营。日本厂商大都采用LCD技术,欧美厂商可采用LCD 和DLP两种技术。LCD 与DLP两大阵营正处于激烈的竞争中,谁的产品、技术更好,目前没有明确的答案,但可以肯定地说,采用DLP的投影机产生的画面对比度较高,光路系统设计得更紧凑,因而在体积、重量方面占优势;而LCD在亮度均匀性、色彩及细节的表现上是强项。两种技术各具特点、难分仲伯,将在未来相当长的一段时间内共存,除非一方在技术或在市场策略上有所突破,才有望打破这种平衡,占据主导地位。都比较重要,要是最重要的话前两个是最重要的亮度(Lumens)目前采用的投影机亮度单位是ANSI流明,即美国国家标准化协会制定的测量投影机光通量的方法。ANSI亮度测验方法是按照ANSI规定调试设置好投影机,然后在屏幕中心选取9个面积大小相同的地方,测其亮度值,再取其平均值,即得到ANSI流明亮度值。测定环境如下:(1)投影机与幕之间距离:2.4米 (2)幕为60英寸 (3)用测光笔测量投影画面的9个点的亮度 (4)求出9个点亮度的平均值,就是ANSI流明。 根据亮度的不同,目前一般投影机的应用可分为:a、1000-1800ANSI (商务应用、娱乐应用)b、1800-3000ANSI(教育应用)c、3000ANSI以上(专业应用) 分辨率投影机分辨率是指投影机投射图像中的像素数。指标分为标称分辨率和最大输入分辨率两种。标称分辨率是指投影机投出的图像的实际分辨率,也称为物理分辨率或实际分辨率。最大输入分辨率是指投影机可接收比物理分辨率大的分辨率,通过压缩算法将信号投出。根据分辨率的不同,目前一般投影机的应用可分为:a、SVGA(800×600)〈教育应用、娱乐应用〉b、XGA(1024×768)〈教育应用、商务应用、娱乐应用〉c、SXGA( 1024×768以上)〈专业应用〉C、投影机的重量 根据重量的不同,一般将投影机可分超便携投影机、便携投影机、可携带型投影机和固定安装型投影机。根据重量的不同,目前一般投影机的应用可分为:a、超便携投影机(2kg以下)〈商务应用、娱乐应用〉b、便携投影机(2-4kg)〈教育应用、商务应用、娱乐应用〉c、可携带、固定型投影机(4kg以上)〈专业应用〉对比度 对比度最基本的形态是亮区对暗区的比例。比值越大,从黑到白的渐变层次就越多,从而色彩表现越丰富。

focus on 与concentrate on的区别? 不要中文意思

前者,重在外表 眼睛注视 例如 He focused his eyes on me 他注视着我 后者,除了表面注视还包括精神集中,全神贯注的听.例如 I must concentrate on my work now 我必须全神贯注的工作.

focus on concentrate on 区别是?

focus on 集中于;聚焦concentrate on 集中精力;全神贯注很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!^_^



focus on concentrate on 区别是?

focus on 集中于;聚焦 concentrate on 集中精力;全神贯注 很高兴为你解答! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!

FRONTPAGE 可以插入的内容 A艺术字 B来自相机的相片 Coffice自带剪贴图 D来自文件的图片



[post// This file is overwritten whenever you change your user settings in the game.// Add custom configurations to the file "userconfig.cfg".unbindallbind "TAB" "+showscores"bind "ENTER" "+attack"bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"bind "SPACE" "+jump"bind "*" "sgren"bind "," "buyammo1"bind "." "buyammo2"bind "0" "slot10"bind "1" "slot1"bind "2" "slot2"bind "3" "slot3"bind "4" "slot4"bind "5" "slot5"bind "6" "slot6"bind "7" "slot7"bind "8" "slot8"bind "9" "slot9"bind "`" "toggleconsole"bind "a" "+moveleft"bind "b" "buy"bind "c" "radio3"bind "d" "+moveright"bind "e" "+use"bind "f" "stopsound"bind "g" "drop"bind "h" "+commandmenu"bind "i" "showbriefing"bind "j" "cheer"bind "k" "+voicerecord"bind "m" "chooseteam"bind "n" "nightvision"bind "o" "buyequip"bind "q" "lastinv"bind "r" "+reload"bind "s" "+back"bind "t" "impulse 201"bind "u" "messagemode2"bind "w" "+forward"bind "x" "radio2"bind "y" "messagemode"bind "z" "radio1"bind "~" "toggleconsole"bind "UPARROW" "+forward"bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"bind "LEFTARROW" "+left"bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right"bind "ALT" "+strafe"bind "CTRL" "drop"bind "SHIFT" "+duck"bind "F5" "snapshot"bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "famas;galil"bind "KP_5" "awp"bind "KP_END" "deagle"bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "mp5"bind "KP_PGDN" "m4a1;ak47"bind "KP_ENTER" "misc_helm"bind "KP_INS" "hegren"bind "KP_DEL" "flash"bind "KP_MINUS" "defuser"bind "KP_PLUS" "vest"bind "CAPSLOCK" "+speed"bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"bind "PAUSE" "pause"_cl_autowepswitch "1"_snd_mixahead "0.1"ati_npatch "0"ati_subdiv "0"bgmvolume "1.000000"bottomcolor "6"brightness "2"cl_allowdownload "1"cl_allowupload "1"cl_backspeed "400"cl_cmdbackup "2"cl_cmdrate "101"cl_corpsestay "600"cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50"cl_crosshair_size "auto"cl_crosshair_translucent "0"cl_dlmax "128"cl_download_ingame "1"cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"cl_forwardspeed "400"cl_himodels "0"cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"cl_lc "1"cl_logocolor "#Valve_Red"cl_logofile "eswc"cl_lw "1"cl_minmodels "0"cl_radartype "0"cl_righthand "1"cl_shadows "1"cl_timeout "60"cl_updaterate "101"cl_vsmoothing "0.05"cl_weather "1"con_color "255 180 30"console "0"crosshair "1.000000"fastsprites "0"fps_max "101.000000"fps_modem "0.0"gamma "3"gl_dither "1"gl_flipmatrix "0"gl_fog "1"gl_monolights "0"gl_overbright "0"gl_polyoffset "0.1"hisound "1"hpk_maxsize "0"hud_capturemouse "1"hud_centerid "1"hud_draw "1"hud_fastswitch "1"hud_saytext_internal "1"hud_takesshots "0"joystick "0"lookspring "0.000000"lookstrafe "0.000000"m_filter "0"m_forward "1"m_pitch "0.022"m_side "0.8"m_yaw "0.022"model "gordon"MP3FadeTime "2.0"MP3Volume "0.8"mp_decals "300"name "fnatic.f0rest SteelSeries"net_graph "0"net_graphpos "1.000000"net_scale "5"r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"r_detailtextures "0"s_a3d "0.0"s_automax_distance "30.0"s_automin_distance "2.0"s_bloat "2.0"s_distance "60"s_doppler "0.0"s_eax "0.0"s_leafnum "0"s_max_distance "1000.0"s_min_distance "8.0"s_numpolys "200"s_polykeep "1000000000"s_polysize "10000000"s_refdelay "4"s_refgain "0.4"s_rolloff "1.0"s_verbwet "0.25"sensitivity "3.500000"skin ""spec_autodirector_internal "1"spec_drawcone_internal "1"spec_drawnames_internal "1"spec_drawstatus_internal "1"spec_mode_internal "2"spec_pip "0"suitvolume "0.250000"sv_aim "0"sv_voiceenable "1"team ""topcolor "30"viewsize "120.000000"voice_enable "1"voice_forcemicrecord "1"voice_modenable "1"voice_scale "1"volume "0.46"setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"setinfo "_ah" "0"+mlook+jlookexec userconfig.cfg

focus on和concern有什么区别

focus on 是专注于某一事情,领域,比如专注于学习,focus on studyconcern是关系到,与。。有关,比如this concerns all of us.这个事情与我们都有关系。还有就是担忧的意思。these problems begin to concern me.这些事情让我担忧。

concentrate on 与focuse on 的区别

concentrate on 注意力集中,专注, focus on 聚焦于,关注于, 两者在某层意义上可以相互转换,注意体会两者的微妙区别.

pay attention to ,concentrate on ,focus on 之间的区别

pay attention to 注意,关心 如:...Pay more attention to doing that.做那件事要更加注意concentrate on 专心于,把思想集中于… 将…集中于… 如:Their talks always center around politics.他们的谈话总是围绕着政治focus on 致力于… 对(某事或做某事)予以注意 把…作为兴趣中心 使聚焦于 使直射于 (使)集中于其中pay attention to 的语感是最弱的,concentrate on次之,focus on 比较强此外,focus有焦点的意思

in the light of = according to 可以说 in the light of a survey 么

in the light of1.按照,根据,依照;鉴于,由于,考虑到,照顾到;从…的观点 [亦作 in light of]2.当作according to作介词用]1) 按照,依照,据,根据…2) 依(或视)…而定,随着…而,以…为转移,取决于3) 按…次序4) 据(权...

in the light of(按照,根据)与according to的区别是什么?


高中英语 1)concentrate on & focus on有什么区别吗? 2)seat这个单



教师国培计划登录平台入口: 3月25日至3月29日,全国中小学教师继续教育网(以下简称“全国继教网”)承办的“国培计划(2018)”——河南省乡村教师工作坊研修项目工作坊主持人第三次集中培训(以下简称“国培计划第三次集中培训”)在湖南长沙圆满完成。南阳市镇平、方城、社旗、淅川、桐柏、南召、内乡七个项目县的工作坊主持人参与了本次培训。 一、开班仪式   3月26日上午,国培计划第三次集中培训开班仪式在长沙顺利举行。出席开班仪式的有南阳市教育局师训科主任科员孙继伟,全国继教网河南办事处主任王国强、教学教务总监路秀娟以及来自桐柏县教师进修学校的学员代表王静副校长。   孙老师对本地培训者团队的工作热情和学员的学习积极性给予了表扬,并提出要做好培训总结工作,促进培训工作更进一步。其次,孙老师期望参训教师能珍惜培训机会,认真学习,努力成长为优秀的培训者。最后,孙老师预祝本次培训活动圆满完成。   王主任代表全国继教网对南阳市教育局、县区管理员和参训教师表示热烈地欢迎;他强调2018年国培计划的顺利实施和圆满完成离不开每一位参与者的大力支持和辛苦付出,并对每一位参与者表示真诚地感谢,最后他对本次培训的课程安排进了简单介绍。   王校长作为工作坊主持人代表,她不仅汇报了本坊线上研修和线下集中研修活动的开展情况和实施成效,同时分享了培训过程中个人的收获和感悟。 二、颁奖仪式 “国培计划(2018)”——河南省乡村教师工作坊研修项目已圆满完成,在此期间涌现出一大批优秀管理团队和先进个人。为表彰先进,树立典型,全国继教网特评选了7个先进组织单位、46名优秀项目校校长、68名优秀工作坊主持人和1500余名优秀学员。 三、专题讲座 一个善于总结的人,总能不断取得进步;一个善于总结的团队,总能不断的突破创新。颁奖仪式结束后,优秀项目县管理员、项目校校长和工作坊主持人代表分别进行了项目总结汇报和经验分享。在本次培训中,他们不但起到了示范引领的作用,而且在引领培训的过程中也促进了个人的成长。   本次培训分别邀请了湖南省汨罗市教师培训中心副教授熊周蓉、长沙教育学院教授唐良平、湖南省中小学教师发展中心培训管理科科长黄佑生、湖南省益阳市桃江小学校长黄丽君等湖南省国培专家。专家们为参训教师分享了湖南省在教师培训方面的政策、方法和经验,为大家烹饪了一场理论提升和实践操作的营养大餐。   熊周蓉:培训中团队建设的设计与实施 所谓团队建设就是有着共同需求的人,结合在一起,为了共同的目标,发挥每个人的作用,最终达到团队目的,同时也促进个人的成长。熊老师从什么是团队建设、团队建设的对象、主题、步骤和创意这几个方面,和参训教师分享了团队建设的做法和经验。为参训教师以后的培训工作提供了诸多经典和示范案列。 唐良平:送教培训的理论与实践 唐老师作为长沙市中小学教师培训专家和教育部国培计划专家库专家分别从送教培训的顶层设计与具体实践两个方面阐述了送教培训如何实施才更有实效性,专业性,实用性。唐老师的讲座从专业的角度为参训教师以后的送教培训工作提供了理论支撑和操作方法,起到了很好的引领和启迪作用。 黄佑生:培训者的价值使命与基本修炼 黄老师从培训者的价值使命和培训者的基本修炼两个方面引导参训教师去思考:为什么要参加培训?为什么要成为培训者?为什么要去培训他人?用黄老师的话讲就是培训是在种福,是在让自己成为幸福的人,同时也帮助别人成为幸福的人。   “夫子循循然善诱人”,黄老师的讲课内容扣人心弦,又引人深思,课间休息期间孙老a师也积极向黄老师请教。   黄丽君:用心建坊,搭建成长平台 黄校长不仅分享了自己作为工作坊主持人带领坊员进行工作坊研修的经验和做法,同时还提到作为工作坊主持人一定要善于思考与实践,要让工作坊研修成为常态,研修成为行走方式,深度学习成为需要,最终培养出一批批优秀教师。参训教师在收获经验的同时,也被黄校长对教育事业的这份热爱和教育情怀所感动! 专题讲座结束后,参训教师来到了长沙市望城区中小学教师发展中心进行考察学习。首先,参训教师在发展中心周国庆副主任的带领下参观了发展中心的各功能室。之后,周国庆副主任为参训教师详细介绍了望城区“研训一体”的教师培训的模式和方法。贴近一线教学实际,助力了教师专业成长。此次考察学习不仅开拓了参训教师的视野,同时为参训教师在区域教师培训方面提供了丰富的经验,具有重要的参考价值。   本次培训,参训教师聆听了湖南省国培专家们的精彩讲座,学习了湖南省教师培训的模式、做法和经验。希望本次长沙之行每一位参训教师都学有所获,能更加深刻地认识到作为教师培训者的使命和价值,继而不断超越自我、实现自我,最后希望每位参训教师都能成为幸福的人,然后培养出更幸福的人。


你是在做这个题目么。..Would it be ________ for you to pick me up at four o"clock and take me to the airport?A. free B. vacant C. handy D. convenient【解析】考查形容词词义。此处为convenient的惯用句型:It is convenient for sb to do sth.

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渣打银行既swift code?

你要由AU汇款到UK, 你要俾下面资料俾你嘅汇款银行 1. 收款银行名称: STANDARD CHARTERED BANK (HONG KONG) LTD. 2. 收款银行地址 3. 收款银行 Swift Code : SCBLHKHH 4. 收款人姓名 5. 收款人地址 6. 收款人户口号码 渣打银行既swift code SCBLHKHH 最好请你收款人到他的银行证实一下 虽然有人会在后面加上分行号码 SCBLHKHHXXX, 但系你用总行Swift Code 就得, 因为户口号码已包括分行号码在内 。 当你到au 银行汇款时, 你的银行会在你的户口扣取汇款数目同手续费。 然后通过电脑, 很快在中国香港的收款银行就会收到消息而将款项存入收款人户口, 同时亦收取手续费。 中国香港渣打 Swift Code : (渣打自己个网Swift Code部份坏咗) wholesalebanking.standardchartered/en/capabilities/tractionbanking/cashmanagement/Documents/Global_Swift_Codes.pdf ,参考: 本人在银行(不在中国香港)汇款部门做,Standard Chartered Bank Hong Kong Swift Code,参考:,

the colony of slippermen 歌词

歌曲名:the colony of slippermen歌手:Genesis专辑:The Lamb Lies Down On BroadwayThe Arrival.Rael:I wandered lonely as a cloud,Till I came upon this dirty street.I"ve never seen a stranger crowd;Slubberdegullions on squeaky feet,Continually pacing,With nonchalant embracing,Each orifice disgracingAnd one facing me moves to say "hellay".Your skin"s all covered in slimy lumps.With lips that slide across each chin.His twisted limbs like rubber stumpsAre waved in welcome say "Please join in:"My grip must be flipping,Cos his handshake keeps slipping,My hopes keep on dippingAnd his lips keep on smiling all the time.Slipperman:"We, like you, have tasted love.Don"t be alarmed at what you see,You yourself are just the sameAs what you see in me."Rael:Me, like you? Like that!Slipperman:"You better watch it son, your sentence has only just begunYou better run and join your brother John:"A Visit to the Doktor.Slipperman:"You"re in the colony of slippermen.There"s no who? why? what? or when?You can get out if you"ve got the gripe To see, Doktor Dyper, reformed sniper- he"ll whip off your windscreenwiperRael:John and I are ableTo face the Doktor and his marble table.The Doktor:Understand Rael, that"s the end of your tail.Rael:"Don"t delay, dock the dick!"I watch his countdown timer tick . . .The Raven.He places the number into a tube,It"s a yellow plastic shoobedoobe.It says: "Though your fingers may tickleYou"ll be safe in our pickle."Suddenly, black cloud come down from the sky.Its a supersized black bird that sure can fly.The raven brings on darkness and nightHe flies right down, gives me one hell of a fright.He takes the tube right out of my handsMan, I"ve got to find where that black bird lands."Look here John, I"ve got to runI need you now, you"re going to come?"He says to me:John:"Now can"t you seeWhere the raven flies there"s jeopardy?We"ve been cured on the couchNow you"re sick with your grouch.I"ll not risk my honey pouchWhich my slouch will wear slung very low."Rael:He walks away and leaves me once again.Even though I never learn,I"d hoped he"d show just some concern.I"m in the agony of SlipperpainI pray my undercarriage will sustain.The chase is on, the pace is hotBut I"m running so very hard with everything that I"ve got.He leads me down an underpassThough it narrows, he still flies very fast.When the tunnel stopsCatch sight of the tube, just as it drops.I"m on top of a bank too steep to climbI see it hit the water just in timeto watch it float away, watch it float away, watch it float away . . . TODO :IDENTIFIER



解析还是一样的。xml文件为:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><node><teacher name="11" age="33"/></node>{NSString * path=[[NSBundle mainBundle]pathForResource:@"baidu" ofType:@"xml"]; NSData * data=[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:path]; //解析data NSXMLParser * xmlParser=[[NSXMLParser alloc]initWithData:data]; xmlParser.delegate=self; //开始解析 [xmlParser parse];}-(void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser didStartElement:(NSString *)elementName namespaceURI:(NSString *)namespaceURI qualifiedName:(NSString *)qName attributes:(NSDictionary *)attributeDict{ NSLog(@"elementName=%@",elementName); NSLog(@"%@",attributeDict);}2013-10-10 14:55:12.758 xml练习[3802:c07] elementName=node2013-10-10 14:55:12.760 xml练习[3802:c07] {}2013-10-10 14:55:12.760 xml练习[3802:c07] elementName=teacher2013-10-10 14:55:12.761 xml练习[3802:c07] { age = 33; name = 11;}解析结果如上,也就是在代理方法中找到attributeDict,就可以拿到值。它是一个字典,你从字典里面再拿出来就OK了。

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Cowboys From Hell 歌词

歌曲名:Cowboys From Hell歌手:Pantera专辑:Cowboys From HellCowboys From HellPanteraCowboys From HellCowboys From HellPantera纪念Dimebag Darrell 1966 - 2004Under the lights where we stand tallNobody touches us at allShowdown, shootout, spread fear within, withoutWe"re gonna take what"s ours to haveSpread the word throughout the landThey say the bad guys wear blackWe"re tagged and can"t turn backYou see us comin"And you all together run for coverWe"re takin over this townHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hellPillage the village, trash the sceneBut better not take it out on me"Cause a ghost town is foundWhere your city used to beSo out of the darkness and into the lightSparks fly everywhere in sightFrom my double barrel, 12 gauge,Can"t lock me in your cageYou see us comin"And you all together run for coverWe"re takin over this townHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hellHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hell



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Cowboys From Hell 歌词

歌曲名:Cowboys From Hell歌手:Pantera专辑:1990-2000: A Decade Of DominationCowboys From HellPanteraCowboys From HellCowboys From HellPantera纪念Dimebag Darrell 1966 - 2004Under the lights where we stand tallNobody touches us at allShowdown, shootout, spread fear within, withoutWe"re gonna take what"s ours to haveSpread the word throughout the landThey say the bad guys wear blackWe"re tagged and can"t turn backYou see us comin"And you all together run for coverWe"re takin over this townHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hellPillage the village, trash the sceneBut better not take it out on me"Cause a ghost town is foundWhere your city used to beSo out of the darkness and into the lightSparks fly everywhere in sightFrom my double barrel, 12 gauge,Can"t lock me in your cageYou see us comin"And you all together run for coverWe"re takin over this townHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hellHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hell

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PAULA COLE的《14》 歌词

歌曲名:14歌手:PAULA COLE专辑:CouragePumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted发现 forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.However, as the evidence(证据) began to accumulate(积累),experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.The hunt for(搜寻) the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw "a large cat" only five yards away from her.It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed(确认) that a puma will not attack(攻击) a human being人类 unless it is cornered(adj.被困得走投无路的).The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed(看到) at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of(抱怨) "cat-like noises" at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree.The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from ?As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of在某人手中(为......所有) a private collector and somehow managed to escape.The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think想起来真讨厌 that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.L2:Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired.The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since. One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start: the clock was striking the hours!Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o"clock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer. "Whatever are you doing up here Bill ?" asked the vicar in surprise." I"m trying to repair the bell," answered Bill." I"ve been coming up here night after night for weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.""You certainly did give me a surprise!" said the vicar. "You"ve probably woken up everyone in the village as well. Still, I"m glad the bell is working again.""That"s the trouble, vicar," answered Bill. "It"s working all right, but I"m afraid that at one o"clock it will strike thirteen times and there"s nothing I can do about it.""We"ll get used to that Bill," said the vicar. "Thirteen is not as good as one but it"s better than nothing. Now let"s go downstairs and have a cup of tea."The city was even equipped with a drainage system,for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted.The body of one statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. Its missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C.This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman.She stood three feet high and her hands rested on her hip. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground.Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.L4:These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money than clerks who work in offices.People who work in offices are frequently referred to as" white collar workers" for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work.Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation.Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit. He then changed into overalls(n.工作服) and spent the next eight hours as a dustman.Before returning home at night, he took a shower and changed back into his suit. Alf did this for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret.Alf"s wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job. He will soon be working in an office as a junior clerk.He will be earning only half as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him "Mr. Bloggs", not "Alf".L5:Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president"s palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it. The article began: "Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president"s palace." The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them.Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. He sent the journalist two urgent faxes, but received no reply.He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired.When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written.A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist. Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well.However, he had at last been allowed to send a cable in which he informed the editor that he had been arrested while counting the 1084 steps leading to the 15-foot wall which surrounded the president"s palace.L6:The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty.Mr Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display. Two of his assistants had been working busily since 8 o"clock and had only just finished.Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet. After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr Taylor went back into his shop.The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. It came to a stop outside the jeweler"s. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars.While this was going on, Mr Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain.The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed.Just as it was leaving, Mr Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves. They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.L7:Has it ever happened to you? Have you ever put your trousers in the washing maching and then remembered there was a large bank note in your back pocket?When you rescued your trousers, did you find the note was whiter than white? People who live in Britain needn"t despair when they make mistakes like this(and a lot of people do)! Fortunately for them, the Bank of England has a team called Mutilated Ladies which deals with claims from people who fed their money to a machine or to their dog.Dogs, it seems, love to chew up money!A recent case concerns Jane Butlin whose fiance, John, runs a successful furniture business.John had a very good day and put his wallet containing £3000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping. Then he and Jane went horse-riding. When they got home, Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven and without realizing it, cooked her fiance"s wallet as well. Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and notes turned to ash!John went to see his bank manager who sent the remains of wallet and the money to the special department of the Bank of England in Newcastle: the Mutilated Ladies!They examined the remains and John got all his money back. "So long as there"s something to identify, we will give people their money back," said a spokeswoman for the Bank."Last year, we paid £1.5m on 21000 claims."L8:The Great St Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. At 2470 metres, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe.The famous monastery of St Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies about a mile away. For hundreds of years, St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous Pass.These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia, were used as watch-dogs even in Roman times.Now that a tunnel has been built through

宝马3.0 Coupe Sport Lightweight,直六和轻量化共同体


country music介绍及经典曲目有哪些

Country musicPopular music based on the folk style of the southern rural United States or on the music of cowboys in the American West.Also called: country and westernRed River Valley(红河谷) Take Me Home,Country Road(故乡的路) Elcondor Pasa(神鹰歌) Five Hundred Miles(五百里路) Love Is Blue(蓝色的爱) River Of Babylon(巴比伦河) Sad Movies(伤心电影) Puff(波夫) Green Sleeves(绿袖子) Top Of The World(世界之颠)Tennessee Waltz(田纳西华尔兹) Blowing In The Wind(随风飘去) When A Child Is Born(孩子诞生时) Rose,Rose,I Love You(玫瑰,玫瑰,我爱你) Morn Then I Can Say(爱你在心口难开) Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree(老橡树上的黄丝带)

dose your grandma like collecting old vases?的肯定回答

Dose your grandma like collecting old vases?你外婆喜欢收集旧花瓶吗?肯定回答是:Yes, she does.是的,她喜欢。


.<globalization>该配置元素主要完成应用程序的全局配置。它主要包括以下3种属性。— fileEncoding:用于定义编码类型,供分析ASPX,ASAX和ASMX文件时使用。它可以是下述任何编码类型。(1)UTF-7:Unicode UTF-7字节编码技术。(2)UTF-8:Unicode UTF-8字节编码技术,这也是最常用的基于Web的Unicode格式。(3)UTF-16:Unicode UTF-16字节编码技术。(4)ASCII:标准ASCII码。— requestEncoding:指定ASP.NET处理的每个请求的编码类型,其可能的取值与fileEncoding特性相同。— responseEncoding:指定ASP.NET处理的每个响应的编码类型,其可能的取值与fileEncoding特性相同。<globalization>节配置范例如下:<configuration><system.web> <globalization fileEncoding="utf-8" requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" /></system.web> </configuration>我也没有的,不过可以手动添加

itunes打开,出现we cannot complete your request on the iTunes Store at this time,是怎么了


英语翻译,帮写一篇英语作文,Both benefits and costs of globalization.(150字

In the U.S.labor is relatively scarce (particularly low-wage labor) and capital is relatively abundant.In poorer countries,labor is relatively abundant (particularly low-wage labor) and capital is relatively scarce.Integrating markets with poorer nations thus results in lower wages for U.S.workers and increased returns to holders.(We should note in passing that many American workers also own capital.) So in the U.S.,globalization means that the value of the stock market increases while wages stagnate or decrease. But this describes only the effect of globalization in our nation.In countries with an abundance of labor relative to capital03which is the case in most poor countries03the opposite oute occurs:Globalization means that wages increase,and can increase significantly.This is what the describes.(The other oute would be stagnation or decline in returns to domestic capital in poorer nations.This provides a potential reason for opposition to globalizationamong economic elites in less-developed countries.) Put the two predicted effects together for labor,and we get the seeming paradox ofthe middle class rising throughout most of the less-developed world,while the middle class stagnates or declines in the U.S.

谁能介绍一下纽约大学里面liberal studies program和core program??

目前是在NYU Liberal Studies Core Program(以下简称LSP),严格意义上来说这不算是一个专业。Liberal Studies(中文翻译博雅艺术)是College of Arts and Science之下的一个program,同时也因为人数众多,作为独立的学院存在。课程方面,必修课分别是:Cultural Foundations(文学艺术方面),Social Foundations(政治哲学方面)和Writings(写作)。录取了不一定要参加这个program。纽约大学(New York University)简称NYU,是一所位于纽约州的世界顶尖私立研究型大学,成立于1831年,由18个学院和研究所组成,是全美办学规模最大的私立名校之一,同时还在中国和阿联酋建有上海纽约大学和纽约大学阿布扎比分校。NYU以丰厚的校友捐赠、研究资金和培育创新才能的教育理念著称,在2019QS毕业生就业能力排名世界第11位,极受雇主认可 ,全美著名校友总数排名第8位。纽约大学在哲学、数学、会计与金融、法律、表演艺术、计算机科学等多个优势学科拥有世界顶尖的学术资源 ,研究生院享有极高声誉。扩展资料:纽约大学有哪些最受欢迎的课程:1、 幸福的科学 THE SCIENCE OF HAPPINESS2、启蒙文学和哲学 ENLIGHTENMENT LITERATURE & PHILOSOPHY3、 女权主义和戏剧 FEMINISM & THEATRE4、 爱的真谛 LOVE ACTUALLY5、 新闻与社会:媒体中的少数民族 JOURNALISM AND SOCIETY: MINORITIES IN THE MEDIA参考资料来源:百度百科-纽约大学

..the workmen employed by the company in which he held shares. 这里持股held shares为什么用过去式?


love actually 中where the fuck is fucking my coat 什么意思,谢谢

“the fuck”和“fucking”都是骂人的脏字(英文dirty word),在这里用以加强语气,可以译作“妈的”之类的粗话。“where the fuck is fucking my coat”可以简化为“where is my coat”,即“我的大衣在哪”,加上语气词“the fuck”和“fucking”可以加强急躁或生气的语气,译作“我他妈的大衣放他妈哪了”。

急求请问这是什么鱼?在美国Richardson college 钓到的。能吃吗?




C盘里面的My Documents的Corel User Files文件夹可以删除吗?


2007 年诺贝尔化学奖授予德国化学家GerhardErtl ,以表彰他对固体表面化学过程研究的重大发现。使 CO、NO




2007年诺贝尔化学奖授予德国化学家Gerhard Ertl,以表彰他对固体表面化学研究过程中的重大发现.使CO、NO


There are two things I can count on my dad asking every time he calls me:"Is there anything I ca

count on someone doing something 其中doing something作宾语补语 所以asking作dad的宾语补语

confication-gollath type

simon cowell现在有女朋友吗?


go back to sp,get back to sp,come back to sp区别?


coldplay 演讲稿 英文

Hello again. We begin with the news that, since we were last in touch, we"ve launched a new discography on It features all of the band"s singles and albums, with their UK release date, artwork and a 60-second clip of each and every song. The discography also contains all of the single"s videos, plus the official lyrics for every Coldplay track, as approved by the band themselves. We"re quite proud of it. Click here to check it out. WILL TALKS OZ, ENO AND THE SAINTSFor the latest in our exclusive chats with the band, caught up with Will earlier this week for a chat about the band"s current Australian tour, their recent recording stint with Brian Eno and Will"s beloved Southampton FC. Click here to read it. While you"re on the site, check out an interview with Life In Technicolor ii video director Dougal Wilson; a bunch of cracking blogs from Roadie #42; and The Oracle putting the world to rights by means of some wise answers to fans" questions. We"ve even had pictures of Coldplay-shaped puppets in odd places. Coming up soon, we"ve got an interview with Jonathan from Mercury Rev. We"d like to think we"re worthy of a bookmark. MORE N.AMERICAN DATES ANNOUNCEDThis morning, announced another bunch of Coldplay shows, which will see the band heading back to North America in May and June. Here are the shows, with their on sale dates (all times are local). Tickets will be available from here. MAY15 West Palm Beach, FL - Cruzan Amphitheatre (on sale 10am, 23rd March)17 Atlanta, GA - Lakewood Amphitheatre (on sale 12noon, 21st March)18 Birmingham, AL - Verizon Wireless Center (on sale 10am, 16th March)20 Virginia Beach, VA - Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre (on sale 11am, 20th March)21 Washington, DC - Nissan Pavilion (on sale 12noon, 20th March)23 Hartford, CT - Meadows (on sale 11am, 20th March)24 Hershey, PA - Hershey Stadium (on sale 11am, 20th March)26 Philadelphia, PA - Susquhana Center (on sale 11am, 20th March)27 Saratoga Springs, NY - SPAC (on sale 10am, 23rd March)29 Scranton, PA - Toyota Pavilion (on sale 11am, 20th March) 30Pittsburgh, PA - Post Gazette Pavilion (on sale 12noon, 21st March)JUNE1 Buffalo, NY - Darien Lakes (on sale 10am, 23rd March)2 Detroit, MI - DTE Energy Music Theatre (on sale 10am, 23rd March)4 Cincinnati, OH - Riverbend Music Center (on sale 10am, 20th March)5 Indianapolis, IN - Verizon Wireless Music Center (on sale 10am, 23rd March)6 Nashville, TN - Sommet Center (on sale 10am, 21st March)9 New Orleans, LA - New Orleans Arena (onsale 10am, 21st March) 10 San Antonio, TX - AT& T Center (on sale 10am, 21st March)12 Des Moines, IA - Wells Fargo Arena (on sale 10am, 21st March)13 Omaha, NE - Qwest Center (on sale 11am, 21st March)15 Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre (on sale 10am, 14th March)17 Calgary, AB - Pengrowth Saddledone (on sale 10am, 14th March)18 Edmonton, AB - Northlands (on sale 10am, 14th March) 20 Vancouver, BC - GM Place (on sale 10am, 14th March) To see the full list of Coldplay"s upcoming shows across the UK, Europe, Australasia, Asia and North America click here. WEB EXCLUSIVE T-SHIRTSIf you fancy owning a Coldplay T-shirt, might we point you in the direction of some much-nicer-than-most-band-merch T-shirts which are available exclusively from the Coldplay online shop? There"s this gents" #42 one. And this ladies" butterfly one. If you like the look of them (or want to see the full range), head over to your local branch of the Coldplay online shop by clicking here. WIN A SIGNED GRAMMY TICKETYou might remember that we gave away a signed Grammys envelope last month, via the Messenger (it was won by Lynn from Mobile, Alabama). Well, it turns out that we"ve got another Grammys gift to offer you. This time, it"s one of the band"s tickets for the 2009 Grammys, signed by all four members. If you"d like to win it, simply email your name and address to before Thursday 26th March. One entry per person and t"ing. Cheerio. The Coldplay Messenger

come back 和 be back、get back的区别是什么?


come back与 get back有什么区别

come back , 回来。 get back, 取回。这只是简单回答。

come back 和 be back、get back的区别是什么?

come back 回来 I"m going away and I may never come back. 我要走了,可能永远不再回来. 记起,回忆起 Gradually,the fragments of her childhood came back to her. 渐渐地,她回忆起了童年生活的一些片断. 强烈反驳 “But you"re just as guilty!”Jane came back. “可你同样有罪!”珍反驳道. 〈非正〉重复说 I didn"t hear you.Could you come back? 我没听见你说的什么,你能重复一遍吗? be back 回来,放回 get back 回来,回家 What time will you get back? 你什么时候回来? 回到…上来 Things will not get back to normal soon after the earthquake. 地震过后一切都不会马上恢复正常. 退后 Get back,don"t block the traffic. 往后退,不要阻塞交通. 找回,取回 I haven"t got back the book I lent him. 我还没有收回我借给他的那本书. 报复,向…报仇 I"ll get back at them somehow for this! 我一定想法为这件事报复他们! 所以,区别应该很明显看的出来了吧

get/come/be back 的区别!!!

前面两个表动作 后面表状态 可以是已经和现在

get/come/return back 各有什么区别?

get/come/return back get here,过来。come here 过来return 回来back 回来不过你这只不过是片面的分析这4个单词。get本身的意思是得到的意思。get sth for sb.但是get还有很多特殊意义比如,i get it. 我明白了。get up 起来。get lost,滚蛋come 便是一个意思,就是来。come here, 过来,come up,上来。come over,过来。return 也是一个意思,就是sth go back to some place,i returned,我回来了,returned home, 回家了。returned books,还书。back的意思有很多种,you hurt my back,你把我的后背弄疼了。i am back,我回来了。back then,以前,back home,在我故乡。你并没有returned back有回来的意思,my friendly returned back to his room.我朋友回到他房间了。i returned back my friend"s books.我把朋友的书还给他了。

go back 、come back、get back的区别

go back 回去,就是说花的人不在所说的地方come back 回来,就是说话的人在所说的地方get back 取回,这是其中一种常用解释如果一定要解释为和上面两个类似的话,就是动身回来(说话的人所在地未知

单词用法 get back,come back,go back的区别

get back:1.回来(通常指回家)例:I heard you were on holiday.when did you get back?我听说你去度假了.是什么时候回来的?2.恢复到原来的状态或形式 例:I hope that things will soon get back to normal.我希望...

come back 与 get back有什么区别?

come back是你描述别人的“回来”,如“Welcome to come back”get back是你说你自己的“回来”,如“I"m get back”

能把 幸福花园 发给我吗,拜托,我邮箱是 谢谢


come nack 与get back有什么区别吗?

come back指主语回来了。get back指主语把宾语拿回来了。如:Tom has come back. 汤姆已经回来了。(回来的是汤姆本身)Tom has gotten the meat back from Jerry. 汤姆已经从杰利那里取回了肉。(取回来的是肉)也可以说:The meat has been gotten from Jerry by Tom.另外,get back有恢复的意思,如:Then life started to get back to normal. 随后生活又恢复了正常。在网络上,come back也被做恢复的意思用。

go back /get back/come back有什么区别?后面接地点是否都要加TO

不用都加to,要看情况。get back一般为取回的意思,而come back一般为返回讲,go back一般为回...两者后面可加to,但回家时,两者都不可加to。至于接地点也可以不用to,例如come back from school从学校返回的意思。明白了吧

get back to和come back to的区别

意思相近Could you come back to my house after you finish shopping?你能在购物完之后回到我的住所吗(购物之前此人是在my house的)Get back to where you were just now. 回到你刚刚所在的地方!(也是指在此之前,在原来的地方)两者的区别在于:说come back to的人(指使者),是让被指使对象回到...的环境中(通常是指使者自己所在的环境中), 而get back to..是让指使的对象回到他原来所在的环境中(但并不一定是指使者所在的环境)

初中英语20分悬赏go back, get back,come back,give back的全部意思及用法讲解!!

首先、come back是回来、可以指具体的人、物、也可以指抽象的感觉、(喜欢、爱、讨厌之类的、)、这个词的用法是 回到说话的地点、(即该短语的主语要在说话现场、)、go back、与上面不同的就在于、用这词组时、主语和说话的现场不能一致、get back的特殊用法考察的比较多、他有权利的重新获得、恢复、日常交际用语中还可以表示、等下再说的意思、give back的意思是return、归还的意思、还有恢复、反射的意思、其实短语动词只要多阅读、多做题、多积累就好、恩、都是自己打的、学习进步、ALL、

come back 与get back 的区别

come back强调动作;get back 强调状态

get back 和come back的区别


go back 、come back、get back的区别

go back 回去 如go back to school...比如You have to go back to school when this summer vacation is over. 所以go back和come back的区别,就是go back是回去 come back是回来 get back的意思蛮多的,不一定是回去到某个地方,还可以使回去/返回到某种状态 比如 I have to get back to work immediately because I haven"t finished the proposal yet. 我必须马上回到工作状态,因为我还没有写完我的提案. get back如果中间加个东西意思就变成把.取回 Can I get my book back? 我能把我的书要回来么? He got his former job back. 他重获旧职. 所以总的来说,关于get back你记住它有三个基本意思就可以了 1.回到某个地方 2.返回到某种状态 3.拿回,取回

get back和come back的区别?

get back 返回,回来;回家 取回come back 回来 记起 恢复原状;重新流行

it could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet


it could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet


It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet.这句话中only...if 是不是个词组


It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet中could 怎么理解


我下不到OPPO T15的主题,能也发给我吗,我邮箱是,谢谢


It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet中could 怎么理解


"come down" "get down"有区别吗?

解释为"下来"时为同义词组; get down 还有记下来,吞下之意

get down与come down的区别

get down是让人去做,有命令的意思比如get sth down 就是把...取下来comr down就是下来对别人说,但是没有命令的意思


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