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62. Which of these sentences tells the difference between Sheila"s life and Kelly"s ?B. Kelly has a big , caring family and Sheila is often on her own . .63. Which things about Sheila"s life does Kelly like ? . C. Her hair , her clothes , and her house . . 64. What things about Kelly"s life might Sheila like ? . B. The fact that Kelly has caring parents who are there to take care of her . . 65. Why do you think the writer includes the final sentence of the story ? D. To show that Sheila is lonely .


关于初二英语教学反思5篇 初二是学生初中生涯的关键期,是世界观和人生观的构成期,在这一阶段,学生的身体心理都发生了很大的变化,在学习方面也会有不同的看法,所以在这一时期必须要抓住学生的心理。下面是我给大家整理的初二英语教学反思,希望大家喜欢! 初二英语教学反思篇1 这学期我担任初二年级二个班的英语教学。在初中阶段的英语教学中,初二年级的分化现象往往十分突出,直接影响着学生在整个中学阶段的英语成绩,同时也阻碍了初中英语教学质量的提高。因此,防止两极分化,大面积提高教学质量,使学生在初中阶段获得较好的成绩,是我的教学目标。 由于教材的不断改革,我不敢怠慢,认真学习,研究教法,虚心向别人学习。不断总结教学的成功与失败的经验。一个学期过去了,以下是我在这个学期的教学体会。 一、及时帮忙,以防为主 初中英语的教学重点是基础知识和基本技能,因此教学应面向全体同学,争取做到人人基本达标。在教学过程中学生学习出现差距是不可避免的。一旦出现,就及时找学生谈,分析他们掉队的原因,动之以情,晓之以理,使学生从思想上认识到学习外语的重要性。同时给予学习方法的指导,耐心帮忙他们补习功课。对于一些有可能掉队的学生,及早指出,说明掉队的严重后果,做到防患于未然。 二、讲究教法,因材施教 外语教学和其他学科一样,有严谨的系统性和连贯性。学生在初一阶段所获得的语言技能,能否在初二年级得到继续发展,是防止分 化的又一个问题。这就给我提出了更高的要求,即力求把教学搞“实”、搞“活”。“实”是讲究实际效果,把教学大纲化为具体的要求,落实到教和学上,对每课时的教学计划逐项落实。课堂上,少讲空话,多做实事,精讲多练,以学生为主;对每个单元进行考查、总结,分析存在问题,及时补遗,帮忙学生过关。平时作业或测验得到好成绩或有进步的,必须在班上进行表扬,给予肯定;对作业错漏较多的当面批改,及时订正。“活”是侧重听说训练,把外语课由“讲演课”转成“实践课”。采用展示性的直观教学方法,使学生一上课就置身于一个讲英语的环境中,在既紧张而又活泼的气氛中学习英语。如教学一开始就寓于情景,教师一边做动作,一边说“WhatamIdoingImwriting/drinkingtea.”等等,之后让学生表演动作。“Readabook,please”当学生在读课文时,问这位学生:“Whatareyoudoing”帮忙他回答:“Iamreadingabook.”再叫学生表演,“Whatsshedoing”并回答,从而引出新单词。学生在情景中超多实践,很容易掌握所学资料。 三、激发动机,诱发兴趣 激发学生的学习内在动力,使学生用心主动地学习,是防止分化的一个重要方面。初二学生要是能听懂老师和同学说的英语,自己能用英语表达简单的思想,能读懂简易读物,他们就会感到有收获,兴趣就会产生,所以每堂课我都注意让学生有练的资料,有练的时间。每次 练习五分钟左右,费时不多收获较大。另外,给学生留同步阅读训练作业,以开阔学生眼界。异国他乡的风俗习惯、名人趣事,让学生在英语阅读中了解到,这大大激发了学生的学习热情,增强了学习兴趣。我不断为学生创造成功的机会,让他们更多地尝到成功的喜悦。同时良好的师生关系对培养学生的兴趣也起到了帮忙,因此,我注意控制自己的情绪,关心学生,尤其差生,同他们交朋友,不歧视他们,不动不动就训斥他们,常鼓励他们的学习自信心和学习热情。 因此,在教学上,我尽力了解学生的实际状况,因材施教。提高学生的学习兴趣,重视培养学生良好的学习习惯,培养学生的交际潜力,使他们学会运用英语进行初步的交际。在今后的教学中,我将更加努力。 总之,最重要的是教学技巧要灵活,教学要扎实。 初二英语教学反思篇2 一、重视课文的模仿朗读和背诵 口语训练中,课文的模仿朗读和背诵尤其重要。我们的教师很多没出国学习,口语不是很标准,因而跟读课文磁带是纠正学生不正确的发音的有效手段。背诵课文能帮忙学生在脑子里储存词汇和习惯用语,构成快捷的语流和语感,从而打好坚实的学习英语和运用英语的基础,这个过程对以后的学习都是十分有必要的,它更是发展学生的口语交往潜力的保证。要让学生清楚认识到英语口语潜力的构成务必首先有语言材料的超多有效输入和积累作为基矗在实际教学过程中,教师能够每一天抽查部分学生的背书状况,并就其流利程度和语音语调给一个档次,记录下来,每个月给予公布和奖励,以起到激励作用。同时我们要抓住这个有利契机,培养学生的自信心。 二、在课堂上创造说英语的环境 (一)课前五分钟的口语训练,促进学生口语的提高 每一天学生轮流值日,从而获得均等的机会来训练口语,时间2-3分钟,资料由学生根据自己的水平自由选取,可由浅到深、由易到难。能够是每日报告、搞笑的经历、故事讲解、与同学之间的对话等等。在值日生说完之后,务必给下面的同学提两个问题让他们回答,这样就能够到达共同提高的目的,同时也要给该生一个口语分数,并且记录在册。这是巩固知识和构成口语潜力的有效途径,在不知不觉中让学生得到锻炼,既增强学生学习兴趣,又培养了自信心,给每一个学生展示口语的机会和平台,让他们体验成功的乐趣。 (二)以小组为学习单位,互相帮忙,共同提高 每个学习小组4-6人,注意按学生的英语成绩进行合理的组合搭配,课堂上能够小组为单位进行对话训练、课本剧表演、问题讨论等等,这样能够使每个学生都有口语实践的机会,同时优等生能够在小组内起到带动作用,收到一举两得的效果。小组讨论完之后,还要挑选几组当堂表演或对话,并且让学生自己评出优胜者予以鼓励。为了获胜,学生在上新课之前会自觉预习,这样一来学生的预习习惯得以养成,真是一举多得! (三)鼓励学生抬头说英语,大胆展现自己 无论是阅读课还是对话课,教师都就应给学生带给一个表达自己的思想、感情和意见的时间和空间。当学生急于说出内心想法的时候,必须要鼓励学生抬头说英语,目视1 对话者,以示真诚和专注,然后说出自己要说的资料。学生在不经意的抬头之间,暗合了口语习得的规律。在阅读和模仿之后,有了必须的语言输入,然后抬头,重新理顺结构,排列词组,以期表达自己。学生可能借用课文或对话中的原句,还可能犯一些语法错误,但是这已经不重要了,重要的是已经把书上的语言融为自己的语言。这个内化的过程至关重要,因为它不仅仅考验了学生的记忆,更重要的是,他们开始尝试着创造性地运用语言,组织句子,而非简单地朗读或背诵。抬头说英语,使消极的语言理解转为主动的输出,完成了一个巧妙的过渡。 (四)开动脑筋,营造活跃的课堂氛围 教师要想方设法营造宽松的语言环境和氛围,让学生大胆、主动发表意见,这是培养学生口语潜力的有效途径。在不同的口语训练形式中要体现学生的主体作用,培养思维潜力及创新意识,实现知识从不会—学会—会用的转化,让学生用心参与,在练习中发现问题,解决问题,从而体会成功的乐趣。课堂上的口语训练形式是多样的:按人数能够分为单人的、双人的、小组的,按形式能够分为对话、表演、说唱、讨论、辩论、口头作文、演讲、看录像等等。丰富多变的课堂形式能够吸引学生的注意力,提高学生的兴趣,刺激他们用英语表达思想的愿望,从而到达从知识向潜力转化的目的。 三、举行英语圣诞晚会,加强口语实践 开展多种形式的课外活动,是提高学生口语表达潜力的一个重要环节。学生在40分钟的课堂上操练口语是远远不够的。因此倡导学生课后多听多说多唱是很有必要的,因此晚会的形式不拘一格,多种多样。 (一)英语朗读、演讲、讲故事。 (二)英语歌典、戏剧表演、小品表演。 这些表演形式活泼,资料广泛,既能培养学生的口语交际潜力,又能拓宽学生的视野,扩充学生的词汇量,激发学生说英语的兴趣,提高他们的口语水平,增强学生的自信心和操作语言的自豪感;还能够让学生在真实的语境中加强实践,培养丰富的语感初二英语教学反思——夯实基础查漏补缺 一、树立信心,明确目标,采取灵活多变的教学方法 信心是动力,目标是方向。我们明白初三英语生词多,课文长而且难,听、说、读、写要求高。学生在学习中将会碰到许多困难,因此,信心十足,目标明确是成功地进行英语教学的一个重要因素。首先,教师要上好课。如:备好课,吃透教材,抓住重点、难点,做到有的放矢。其次,教师要提高授课的效率,注重授课的艺术,活跃课堂气氛,激发学习爱好,采用灵活多变的教学方法。 英语学习切不可盲目,周密有效的计划。同时老师要给学生明确各阶段的学习目标,并制定相应的措施来保证目标的实施,要加大督促检查的力度,并在此基础上进行总结。在教学过程中,应留意思想教育与知识教学互相渗透,寓思想素质教育于知识教育之中,如:向学生讲述中国经济的迅猛发展急需超多的外语人才、北京奥运会的举办更需要更多的人会讲英语等,让学生熟悉到学英语的重要性,鼓励学生树立远大的理想,努力学好英语。 二、夯实基础,查漏补缺 英语基础对于英语学习至关重要,对英语基础不好的同学更应加强这一要求。如何在较短的时间内做到这一点呢 1.找出不足,查补缺漏 查缺补漏主要体此刻语音、词汇、日常交际用语上。语音和词汇的补漏工作应穿插在教学单词的时候进行。在教新词的过程中及时讲解有关的语言知识和单词辩音,及时归纳所学过的单词;在复习时要善于触类旁通,构成语音类、单词串,力争使没有把握的语音、词汇逐一巩固。日常交际用语的补漏要融汇于“四会”的语言运用中。要努力使基础知识转化为技能,要不断提高英语的日常交际潜力,力争做到听得懂、说得脱、读得畅、写得神。 2.立足课本,夯实基础 我们明白,初三英语学习主要是以深化基础知识为主。我想,在学习中要分阶段学习,在第一阶段要以大纲为标准,以课本为依据,按照课本的编排顺序,每一册、每一单元、每一课都要细致地学习,力求基础,全面。所谓基础,是指学习要抓装三基”,即基础知识、基本技能和基本解题方法。所谓全面,一是指学习要全面覆盖所学知识,不遗漏任何一个知识点,二是要面向全体学生,防止“片面追求高分”现象,绝不能冷落“差生”。 三、模拟练习,综合提高 查缺补漏后,学生的基础知识已比较全面、系统、完整。但是对于重点资料还要以专题的形式进行练习,以便于进一步突出重点。同时要强化易错点,为到达这一目的,教师要选取高质量的模拟练习题进行练习,然后进行讲评。那么,如何讲评呢好的讲评就应在讲评之前认真地分析,找出学生的错点,并在课堂上讲评时抓住这些错点,帮忙学生弄清出错的原因,使学生及时纠正错误。同时,讲评不能就题论题,而是就应抓住试题中的典型题目,讲清原理,归纳方法,总结规律,并对典型题目进行引申、推广。要做好这一点,需要留意以下两方面: 1.课本为主,资料为辅 那种迷信资料而放弃课本的做法是本末倒置的,同时,那种排斥资料中所带给的先进信息的做法是固步自封的。无庸质疑,课本是基础,而好的资料则是加深课本、提高潜力的重要手段。任何资料都不能代替课本,但资料能够突出课本的重要资料,能够带给课本中所不具有的先进理念和与时俱进的信息。因此,无论是开始复习的夯实基础阶段,还是构建知识网络、归纳基本方法及技巧阶段,都要在立足于课本的基础上进行。但同时,也要精选有典型性和针对性的资料,这样有利于学生把握解题方法和解题规律。 2.讲练结合,练重于讲 基础知识的总结、知识网络的构建、基本方法和技巧的归纳都离不开讲,但更离不开练。不练习,学生所获得的知识就不牢固,更不能深化,因此,练比讲更重要。要精讲,也就是要突出重点,抓住要害;要多练,就是让学生做足量练习,但杜绝那种不加选取的重复练习,要有针对性。 总之,初三阶段学习的方法很多,但正确把握以上三点是学好英语行之有效的方法。只有让学生们树立必胜的信心,夯实基础并有针对性的练习,必须会提高学习效果,在竞争中立于不败之地。 初二英语教学反思篇3 这学期,我任教八年级(初二)1和4班的英语。英语是中学生的一门主课,无论是校园、家长还是学生都很重视它,但是不少学生觉得这门功课单调枯燥,学起来吃力,甚至有不少学生放弃了它。究其原因,是学生对英语学习的接触面小,说练机会少,以及他与中文的部分反差的诸多因素,使得学生对英语学习常常存在“厌、怕、弃”的不健康的心理。这使我不得不改善教学方法。这学期我做的成功之处是: 第一,确立与新课程相适应的教育观念。 学生是学习的主体,老师不能代替学生读书,代替学生感知,代替学生观察、分析、思考,代替学生明白任何一个道理和掌握任何一条规律。老师只能让学生自己读书,自己感受事物,自己观察、分析、思考,从而明白任何一个道理和掌握任何一条规律。于是我改变“一言堂”,把课堂还给学生,构成师生交往、用心互动、共同发展的教学过程。 第二,使学生明白学习目的。 要学好英语,首先要使学生认识到学这一语言的目的和好处。众所周知,人类社会已经进入了21世纪,新的世界将是个充满竞争和多变的世纪,中国要在跨世纪的竞争中取得主动,中华民族要腾飞,要最终取决于优秀科技人才的涌现。如果我们不懂英语,怎样去了解世界只有学生自觉地把自己的理想与祖国的前途和命运联系起来,才会对英语学习真正感兴趣,这种兴趣也有可能转为学习英语的动力。因此我结合学生的实际状况,通读和节选教材,围绕着最简单、最基本、最常用的英语词汇、句型、交际会话等进行教学,使学生对英语产生兴趣,构成学习动机。 第三,改革课堂教学,用心运用校园推广的讲学稿。 用心响应和落实校园的改革实验课题,在每一节英语课堂教学中都认真使用讲学稿,并认真出好每一份讲学稿,督促检查好每一位学生做好讲学稿并实行周周清每周小测试,检查学生掌握知识的熟悉程度,以查漏补缺,扎实打好学生的英语基础,尽快提高学生的英语成绩。 第四,努力建立融洽的师生关系。 相对来说,初中生比小学生独立性强,自尊心也逐渐增强,渴望得到尊重。师生之间只有互相尊重,互相信任,才能建立起友好关系,从而促进学生学习的兴趣。所以我 务必树立正确的学生观,正确认识学生的主体地位。我用自己满腔的爱去关心、尊重学生,耐心细致地指导学生,沟通和学生的思想感情,使自己成为学生欢迎和爱戴的人。上课时我是学生的老师,循循善诱和激发学生学习的用心性,大胆求异创新;课后我却成为他们的好朋友,无话不谈,亮起心灵之光;生活上,我是他们的父母,关怀备至。这样经过我一学期的精心教育和培养,我所教班级学生成绩都有不同程度的进步,个性是二(4)班整个班级的学生无论从班级纪律.行业习惯.学习潜力及英语成绩各方面都有显著进步. 不足之处:目前的讲学稿教学改革还在试行当中,在课堂上我总怕学生吃不饱,不知不觉地讲多了,给学生思考的空间还不足,知识传授比重大,语言实践不足等等。今后我将建立以学生为本的教育观念,将讲学稿教学改革做到更上一层楼。 初二英语教学反思篇4 第一节课为听说课,在教学中我通过歌曲导入,引出了身体各个部位,学生们也很感兴趣,能迅速进入状态,接着通过人物的图片介绍身体部位,介绍完后让学生进行了速记并进行了检查。接着让大家做练习。紧接着学习了句型,并让学生小组合作进行练习。然后做了听力。紧接着让学生上台表演,底下的学生进行练习,并引入如果他病了应该怎么办这个句型。这是本节的一个重点,把各个知识点就行了整合。然后通过听力检验大家是否真正掌握了。又通过图片介绍学生喜闻乐见,通过游戏表演学生进行练习同学们也比较感兴趣,所以课堂气氛比较好,学生们配合的也不错,重难点掌握的也不错。最后学生编写的“小短剧”也是围绕话题展开,大部分是就表演了疾病与意外事故以及处理办法,在表演的过程中,学生创造性了展示了各种病得症状,并给予了科学的建议,本单元不仅仅是语言的学习,通过表演,学生也学到了日常生活中的有一些处理疾病和意外事故的常识,这就是学以致用吧。 电教媒体的应用对培养学生学习英语的兴趣,很有帮助,有趣,生动的图片很能吸引学生的眼球,兴趣是学生的老师,在学生有兴趣的条件下,学习任何东西的成功率都会高一些,本节课我发现连平时上课很不专心的同学都能够跟着老师来说和读。在以后的教学过程中,我要多尝试用多媒体来上课,相信定会达到事半功倍的效果。 但由于容量比较大,学生基础较差,到了后面时间有点紧张,同时由于平时上课英语指令用的较少,学生上课时有点反应慢。这是单元的遗憾。 总之我认为成功的课需要多动脑,勤钻研。而这需要长期的积累。所以在今后教学中应多研究教材,研究学生,争取在短期内取得更大的进步。 初二英语教学反思篇5 上完课后,我对这节课进行了反思。这节课基本上是以“任务型教学模式”进行教学,在设计和实施的过程中,做到了尽可能地在活动中去完成。如:在复习巩固前面所学的重点词汇和句型中,我运用了歌谣、游戏(快速配音)、哑剧表演这三个活动,做学生中玩中复习。在呈现新课时,我设置情境,请一位学生表演,然后设计了任务进行小组交流,通过交流后,对得了“流感”的一些病征和处理的方法有了一定的了解后,带着问题指导学生阅读短文,用简单明了的图片理出文章的线索,分化篇章难点,帮助学生理解文章大,引导学生边思考边阅读文章。解决了文章的大意和练习后。为了训练学生的拼读能力,我又进一步引导学习自己拼读新单词,学生掌握的效果良好。为了让课堂的容量增大,我进一步拓展了Good to know的知识,最后完成一篇课外阅读,再一次训练孩子们的阅读速度和理解能力,同时也增大了课外知识,同时也是巩固学习对新知识的理解和运用。 不足的地方: 一、小组交流时,任务不够明确,导致孩子们交流的话题有点偏离了任务。这给我的启示是,在设计小组任务时,一定要让学生明确任务和做法,同时要考虑到“任务”与真实生活中的任务有相似之处,任务应该侧重语言的内容大于语言的形式结构,让学生在“做事”的过程中学习语言。 二、孩子们“做事”的速度仍有待训练,效率有待提高。原计划要完成两篇简短的阅读,但由于各个环节把握的时间没控制好,导致没有完成第二篇的阅读。因此,在今后的教学中,我更要注意“任务”的真实性和完成“任务”的效率性。

求初二英语作文 题目 My. Last. vacation 我的假期

On my last vocation, I went to the beach with my mother,my father and my sisiter. We went there by car. Beach was very beautiful. The sea"s color is blue. The beach is gold. On the beach there were many shells. Shells have many colors. There were some rocks on the beach , too. The rock was grey. Then I swam in the sea. The seawater was cold, but I played happily. After swimming, we had a picnic. We ate the cookies, rice, hamburgers, orangesuff0cbread and so on. We drank the milk, juice, coke and water. We had lots of fun there.


我觉得答案应该是Bspend money.....on something




  在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是我整理的初二英语作文10篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 初二英语作文 篇1   The Chinese New Year has a great history. In our past, people lived in an agricultural society and worked all year long. They only took a break after the harvest and before the planting of seeds. This happens to coincide with the beginning of the lunar New Year.   The Chinese New Year is very similar to the Western one, rich in traditions, folklores and rituals. It has been said that it is a combination of the Western Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. This is hardly an exaggeration!   The origin of the Chinese New Year itself is centuries old - in fact, too old to actually be traced. It is popularly recognized as the Spring Festival and celebrations last 15 days.   Preparations tend to begin a month before the date of the Chinese New Year (similar to a Western Christmas). During this time people start buying presents, decoration materials, food and clothing. A huge clean-up gets underway days before the New Year, when Chinese houses are cleaned from top to bottom. This ritual is supposed to sweep away all traces of bad luck. Doors and windowpanes are often given a new coat of paint, usually red, then decorated with paper cuts and couplets with themes such as happiness, wealth and longevity printed on them.   翻译   中国新年有一个伟大的历史。在过去,人们住在一个农业社会和全年工作。他们只休息后收获和播种前种子。这正好和农历新年的开始。   中国农历新年非常类似于西方,丰富的传统,民俗文化和礼仪。有人说,这是一个结合西方的感恩节,圣诞节和新年。这不是夸张!   农历新年的起源本身已经有几个世纪的历史了——事实上,老被追踪。普遍认为是春节,庆祝活动持续15天。   准备开始倾向于一个月前中国新年的日期(类似于西方的圣诞节)。在这期间人们开始购买礼物,装饰材料、食物和衣服。一个巨大的清理开始在新年的前几天,当中国房子清洁从上到下。这个仪式是为了扫除坏运气痕迹。门和窗户玻璃通常是给定一个新的漆皮,通常红色,然后用剪纸和对联装饰主题如幸福、财富和长寿印刷。 初二英语作文 篇2   Boring of summer vacation   Suddenly, the summer vacation is coming. I"m happy to "one jump three feet high" but I gradually found that summer vacation is boring. I wanted to finish in ten days, but, I have been doing for 24 days. The 30 day finally finished, father has bought me, only on Saturday and Sunday can rest a while.   I don"t like a holiday, but, as long as I still quite like no homework. More like summer and winter vacation, homework, tired bad. I hope can have a holiday, and can not write my homework, how comfortable, how carefree! If the day sentient days also old, if a man love die young. 初二英语作文 篇3   我们的新英语老师是一个既风趣又“凶残”的一个人,可以说是一个彻彻底底的“两面派”。她——便是我们的倪老师。   记得在暑假最后几天,一个天大的坏消息将我惊得心底冷冰冰的,不禁让我倒吸一口凉气——我们的英语老师换了。而让我更生无可恋的则是我们的新英语老师可是以“凶狠残暴”闻名校园的。   在没正式见面之前,我便对这位老师有所耳闻,几乎所有家长都说倪老师是位很好的老师,是位教导有方的老师,更是位十分严厉的老师。   上课的第一天,我有幸见到了她。当她刚跨进门的时候,我一眼就看到了那一头不算长的头发被束在后脑勺,那眼睛是炯炯有神,像一颗明珠一样闪烁着光芒,她脸上的每一个表情都写满了她的喜怒哀乐,随时可以吸引每一位同学的目光,活跃班级的气氛,引领每一个人的情绪。眨眼间,她的身形像疾风一样闪到讲台前,整个人看上去十分精明干练。   开口几句话就让我们笑开了颜——“classbegin!”一句英文在教室里回响,那声音果真是如雷贯耳,吓得我们一个个呆若木鸡。反应过来时,想起立却又不敢起立,“难道我走错班啦?”“这是八班吧?”说完便笑了起来,银铃般的笑声让我们也情不自禁地跟着傻笑,也有小部分同学小心翼翼地轻声回答:“嗯。”“是八班。”不得不说倪老师的气场真是强大!   报名字的时候,老师用洪亮地声音喊着我的名字,我马上起立,高喊一声“到!”老师瞅瞅我,忽然问了一句“你热不?”我不轻不响地回答:“不热。”老师问我的原因是因为炎炎夏日我却还披一件春季的校服外套,我妈也让我脱,可我却死活不脱,因为我真的不热。说完老师就开始调侃我:“如果中暑了我可以帮你扭痧。”说着还做起了扭痧的动作,还真是惟妙惟肖,手指一勾,那两根有劲的大拇指和食指便是狠狠一掐空气,脸上依然挂着笑容。我的后背却冒着冷汗,因为我曾经尝过这种滋味,简直痛不欲生。我只能苦笑着,心里想着:“这老师忒‘狠"了点吧?”   之后,老师拿出了一样“致命武器”——一根结实的教棒。当我一眼看见那家伙时,瞬间身形一抖,脸上的表情越来越不自然。她还让我们猜这根棒子叫什么名字,不一会,我的脑中便是灵光一闪,蹦出三个大字——杀威棒!心里想着:“这名字怕是再合适不过了。”可惜人算不如天算,原来她真正的名字叫“哈利。波特”,那可是一根承载着无数学子们的恐惧、害怕的教棒,那教棒上早已染上无形的杀气,是刹那能让我们闻风丧胆的魔鬼!我的心瞬间跌落地狱,绝望的心情笼罩在心头,面部不自然地抽搐着。   终于“叮”地一声,下课铃声响起,可我们却丝毫不敢挪动半分,直到老师从教室门口出去。走得远远的时候,才一把摊在椅子上,长舒一口气,心里的大石头才终于落下。   我们的老师能轻而易举地将我们的心情瞬间切换,像是在荡秋千,一会儿高,一会儿低,还真是位既幽默又“凶残”的老师,真不知道是幸运呢?还是不幸呢?   如何?你可有一位这样“两面派”的老师? 初二英语作文 篇4   Work and play do not contradict each other; in fact, they complement each other。 As the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy。" A life burdened with work leads you nowhere, for you would get tired and bored with your daily routine work。 On the other hand, proper recreation will relieve the tension and discomfort of our monotonous life because it offers you various ways to let out your pent—up emotions。   What I usually do to relax after school is jogging and seeing movies。 Usually I don"t spare time for exercise, but I value the physical education class at school。 Jogging several rounds in the field certainly relieves the day"s pressure。 On weekends, I"ll catch the morning movie for my visual enjoyment。 I feel revived and energetic for another week"s work—load。   工作与娱乐并不互相冲突,事实上,它们之间的关系还相辅相成。有句格言说:整日工作而没有休闲娱乐,会令人变得沉闷乏味。」被工作重担压得喘不过气来的生活,将使你一事无成,因为你将对一成不变的"例行公事感到厌烦。由另一方面来说,适度的娱乐活动能提供各种管道,来渲泄你被压抑的情绪,减轻单调生活中的紧张与不悦。   放学之后,我最常做的休闲活动,便是慢跑与看电影。通常我并不特地拨出时间来做运动,但是我很重视学校的体育课。在操场上慢跑几圈,无疑地可以减轻一天的压力。在周末时,我都去看早场电影,享受视觉飨宴。如此一来,我将有如再生般的充沛活力,去面对下一星期的工作量。 初二英语作文 篇5 Dear Mary,   How are you? Now, let me tell you about my vacation.   I will go to Guilin on vacation. Do you know Guiling? It"s in the south of China and it"s one of the most famous cities in China because of its beautiful sights. There are lots of beautiful mountains and rivers in Guilin. Many Chinese people think they are the best in the world. Every year thousands of tourists visit it. It"s best to travel around Guilin by ship. I think it must be very funny.   What about your vacation?   Yours,   Hu Xinyu 初二英语作文 篇6   Last week Chang Feng Park held a flower show.   I went to visit it with my friends.I was very glad to see so many beautiful flowers in the park.I was really amazed to see a sea of colourful flowers.They told me that some rare flowers came from Taiwan.Thousands of people stopped and watched them carefully.   I took many pictures there.Taiwan has always been a part of our country.I am sure sooner or later we can go there to see many more beautiful flowers.What great fun it will be. 初二英语作文 篇7   On the afternoon of November 18, we had the opening ceremony of the Fourth Dongzhou Middle School Sports Festival. Each class gave a wonderful performance. The next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. Many players were in it. All the others just watched them. Some were busy writing articles about it. The boys and girls 1500 metres races were the most exciting games. The relay races were exciting, too. Everyone cheered for the competitions. They did their best. When they scored for their own class, everyone was so excited that they jumped to their feet. The sports meeting didn"t end until four in the afternoon. We were tired but we were so happy. 初二英语作文 篇8   We all know that the giant panda,it"s very cute,but I often read in many people for their own economic interests to kill it,I feel very sad.   The giant panda is our country special product,it is the unique face has become "the WWF" sign.   The giant panda is like a bear,but not bear,at about 1.5 meters,weighs 160 kilograms,black and white on the appearance of body hair is their characteristics.   The giant panda temperament is gentle,posture and movement are particularly lovely.In all over the world in the zoo,the giant panda is the most popular pet tourists.   The giant panda this animal or representative of the remaining ancient animals,about 100 more than ten thousand years ago,the giant panda will live on the earth,so they have a "living fossil" said.   The giant panda this lovely and rare animals in an increasingly reduce,the world is less than 1000 only add up.   Don"t let this lovely and rare animals in the face of the earth?It is up to us to protect lovely and rare animals--the giant panda! 初二英语作文 篇9   7月7日那天,是我在汤姆少儿国际英语学英语的第一天,要带很多东西,比如铅笔,橡皮,作业和英语本子这些东西……   英语老师的名字叫KARIN,中文名叫蔡文陶。老师介绍了自己并给我们发了书本及安排座位。   老师给我取了个英文名字叫EASON,老师说我这名字很帅气,歌手陈奕迅也是这英文名呢。第一节课的时候,我们学A——E的英文字母及数字0——5,还有跟大家打招呼的HELLO,EVERYONE,真有意思。   时间过的真快呀,30节课已经上完了。只剩下今天最后一节课了,是我们的成果发布会,我们做了自我介绍,用英文的哦,还玩了很多跟英语有关的游戏,我最喜欢玩的是:我是小小投球手,游戏规则是小朋友们先要抢答问题,每组选一名抢答对的小朋友进行投球PK,只有一分钟的投球时间哦,我邀请妈妈一起参考投球游戏,我们两个配合很默契,是全班投进球最多的一个,我一共投了12个,我真开心,平且发布会结束我得了一等奖哦。   一个多月的暑假英语班里,我认识了很多好朋友,跟老师也有了一段很深厚的感情,我爱你汤姆国际英语。我对英语怀念着浓厚的乐趣,我喜欢学英语。 初二英语作文 篇10   There was a new year English party in our classroom,we"d invite our foreign teacher Mary john.each team should prepare two performances for this party,such as singing ,dancing ,talk show and so on.every student should participate in that party,if you want ,you can bring some food and beverage,we"d have a nice party.the party started from 7.30 to 10 ,12.30.09 I dont know what you mean ,I am not in your shoes ,I think you should think what situation you have,I just give you a construction.


   【篇一】初二英语上册重要知识点   I"mmoreoutgoingthanmysister.   1.BothSamandTomcanplaythedrums,butSamplaysthembetterthanTom.   萨姆和汤姆都会敲鼓,但是萨姆比汤姆敲得好。   2.Didyoulikethesingingcompetitionyesterday?   你喜欢昨天的歌唱比赛吗?   3.Themostimportantthingistolearnsomethingnewandhavefun.   最重要的是学到一些新东西并获得乐趣。   4.Areyouasfriendlyasyoursister?你和你的姐姐一样友好吗?   5.Who"smorehard-workingatschool?在校谁更努力?   6.It"sfantastic!好极了!   7.Shecanrunfasterandjumphigherthanme.她比我跑得更快跳得更高。   8.Agoodfriendislikeamirror.好朋友就像一面镜子。   9.That"swhyIlikereadingbooksandIstudyharderinclass.   那就是我在课堂喜欢读书,学习更刻苦的原因。   10.Iamshysoit"snoteasyformetomakefriends.   我很腼腆,因此对我来说交朋友不是很容易。   11.ButIthinkfriendsarelikebooks--youdon"tneedalotofthemaslongasthey"regood.   但是我认为朋友像是书--你不需要很多,只要它们好就行。   12.It"snotnecessarytobethesameasyourfriends.   和你的朋友一样是没有必要的。   13.Webothlikesports,butheplaystennisbetter.   我们都喜欢运动,但是他网球打得更好。   14.Larryoftenhelpstobringoutthebestinme.   拉里经常帮助我显现出的一面。   15.Ialwaysgetbettergradesthanhedoes,somaybeIshouldhelphimmore.   我总是比他取得更好的成绩,所以也许我应该更多地帮助他。   16.Idon"treallycareifmyfriendsarethesameasmeordifferent.   我真的不介意我的朋友是否与我一样还是不同。   17.Myfavoritesayingis,“Atruefriendreachesforyourhandandtouchesyourheart.”   我最喜欢的名言是:“真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人。”   18.Infact,she"sfunnierthananyoneIknow.   实际上,她比我认识的任何人都风趣。   19.Ibrokemylegslastyearbutshemademelaughandfeelbetter.   去年我的胳膊断了,但是她让我开心并感觉更好。   20.Wecantalkaboutandshareeverything.我们可谈论并分享一切。   21.I"mlouderthantheotherkidsinmyclass.我比班上其他的孩子声音更响亮。   22.MybestfriendissimilartoLarry.我的朋友与拉里相似。   23.Whodoyouthinkshouldgetthejob?你认为谁应该得到这份工作?   24.HuangLeiisn"tsogoodattennisasLarry.黄磊不如拉里擅长打网球。   25.CalltheEnglishStudyCenterat443-5667formoreinformation.   拨打443-5667向英语学习中心咨询更多信息。    【篇二】初二英语上册重要知识点   1.Longtimenosee.好久不见。   2.Didyougoanywhereinteresting?你去了有趣的地方吗?   3.IwenttoGuizhouwithmyfamily.我和家人一起去了贵州。   4.Wetookquiteafewphotosthere.我们在那里拍了不少的照片。   5.Didyoudoanythingspeciallastmonth?   上个月你做了什么特别的事吗?   6.Ijuststayedathomemostofthetimetoreadandrelax.   我大部分时间只是呆在家里读书休息。   7.Howdidyoulikeit?=Howdidyoufeelaboutit?=Whatdidyouthinkofit?   你觉得它怎么样?   8.Theonlyproblemwasthattherewasnothingmuchtodointheeveningbutread.的问题是晚上除了读书没什么事可做。   9.Nooneseemedtobebored.没有人看起来无聊。   10.IarrivedinPenanginMalaysiathismorningwithmyfamily.   今天早上我和家人到达了马来西亚的槟城。   11.Itwassunnyandhot,sowedecidedtogotothebeachnearourhotel.   天气晴朗而又炎热,因此我们决定去旅馆附近的海滩。   12.MysisterandItriedparagliding.姐姐和我尝试了滑翔伞运动。   13.IfeltlikeIwasabird.我感觉自己就像一只小鸟。   14.Iwonderwhatlifewaslikehereinthepast.我想知道在这儿过去的生活是什么样的。   15.Ireallyenjoyedwalkingaroundthetown.我真的很喜欢在镇上到处走走。   16.Whatadifferenceadaymakes!一天的变化有多大啊!   17.Wewaitedoveranhourforthetrainbecausetheretoomanypeople.   因为人太多,我们等了一个多小时的火车。   18.Becauseofthebadweather,wecouldn"tseeanythingbelow.   因为坏天气,我们没能看到下面的任何景色。   19.Myfatherdidn"tbringenoughmoney,soweonlyhadonebowlofriceandsomefish.我爸爸没带足够的钱,所以我们仅吃了一碗米饭和一些鱼。   20.ThefoodtastedgreatbecauseIwassohungry.这些食物尝起来真好,因为我们很饿。   21.Wewerewetandcoldbecauseweforgottobringanumbrella.   因为我们忘了带伞所以又冷又饿。   22.Everyoneinourclasstookabagwithsomefoodandwater.   我们班的每一个人都随身带了装有食物和水的袋子。   23.MylegsweresotiredthatIwantedtostop.我的腿太累了以至于我都想停下来。   24.Myclassmatestoldmetokeepgoing,soIwenton.我的同学告诉我坚持往前走,因此我继续前行了。   25.Everyonejumpedupanddowninexcitement.每个人兴奋地跳起来。    【篇三】初二英语上册重要知识点   Howoftendoyouexercise?   1.Nextweekisquitefullforme.下一周对于我来说相当忙。   2.Howoftendoyougotothemovies?你多久看一次电影?   3.Igotothemoviesmaybeonceamonth.我大概每月去看一次电影。   4.Ihavedanceandpianolesson.我要上舞蹈和钢琴课。   5.Howoftendotheystayuplate?他们多久熬一次夜?   6.Howmanyhoursdoyousleepeverynight?你每晚睡几个小时?   7.Lastmonthweaskedourstudentsabouttheirfreetimeactivities.上个月我们向学生问了他们的业余活动的情况。   8.Herearetheresults.这是调查的结果。   9.Wefoundthatonlyfifteenpercentofourstudentsexerciseeveryday.   我们发现仅有15%的学生每天锻炼。   10.Twentypercentdonotexerciseatall!20%的学生根本不锻炼。   11.WeweresurprisedthatninetypercentofthemusetheInterneteveryday.我们吃惊的是他们中有90%每天都使用因特网。   12.Moststudentsuseitforfunandnotforhomework.大部分学生用互联网只是娱乐而不是为了作业。   13.TheanswerstoourquestionsaboutwatchingTVwerealsointeresting.关于看电视这个问题的回答也非常有趣。   14.Althoughmanystudentsliketowatchsports,gameshowsarethemostpopular.尽管很多学生看运动类节目,但游戏类节目是欢迎的。   15.It"sgoodtorelaxbyusingtheInternetorwatchinggameshows,butwethinkthebestwaytorelaxisthroughexercise.通过上网或看游戏类节目是很好的放松方式,但我们认为的放松方式是通过锻炼。   16.Exercisesuchasplayingsportsisfun,andyoucanspendtimewithyourfriendsandfamilyasyouplaytogether.比如进行体育活动这方面的锻炼是有趣的,当你们一起的时候你可以和朋友.家人一起度过时光。   17.Oldhabitsdiehard.积习难改。   18.SheusuallywatchesTVformorethantwohoursaday.她通常每天看两个多小时的电视。   19.Herparentsaren"tveryhappybecauseshehardlyeverhelpswithhouseworkandshenevergoestothedentistforteethcleaning.她的父母很不高兴因为她几乎从不帮助做家务,并且她从不为清洁牙齿去看牙医。   20.Youhavetolearnmoreabouthealthyhabits.你必须要多了解一下健康的习惯。   21.Youaresmartaboutyourhealthmostofthetime.大部分时间你对你的健康很明智。   22.Janeisa16-year-oldhighschoolstudentintheUnitedStates.简是美国一名16岁的中学生。   23.Shesayssheisafraid.她说她害怕。   24.HeusestheInternetatleastthreeorfourtimesaweek.他每周至少上网三到四次。   25.Startexercisingbeforeit"stoolate.在为时太晚前就开始锻炼吧。


  初二英语知识需要掌握每一个重要的知识点,会让你在英语考试中如鱼得水。下面就让我给大家分享一些初二英语上册重要知识点吧,希望能对你有帮助! 初二英语上册重要知识点篇一   How often do you exercise?   1. Next week is quite full for me. 下一周对于我来说相当忙。   2. How often do you go to the movies? 你多久看一次电影?   3. I go to the movies maybe once a month. 我大概每月去看一次电影。   4. I have dance and piano lesson. 我要上舞蹈和钢琴课。   5. How often do they stay up late? 他们多久熬一次夜?   6. How many hours do you sleep every night?你每晚睡几个小时?   7. Last month we asked our students about their free time activities.上个月我们向学生问了他们的业余活动的情况。   8. Here are the results. 这是调查的结果。   9. We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.   我们发现仅有15%的学生每天锻炼。   10. Twenty percent do not exercise at all! 20%的学生根本不锻炼。   11. We were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. 我们吃惊的是他们中有90%每天都使用因特网。   12. Most students use it for fun and not for homework. 大部分学生用互联网只是娱乐而不是为了作业。   13. The answers to our questions about watching TV were also interesting. 关于看电视这个问题的回答也非常有趣。   14. Although many students like to watch sports ,game shows are the most popular. 尽管很多学生看运动类节目,但游戏类节目是最受欢迎的。   15. Itu2019s good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise. 通过上网或看游戏类节目是很好的放松方式,但我们认为最好的放松方式是通过锻炼。   16. Exercise such as playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. 比如进行体育活动这方面的锻炼是有趣的,当你们一起的时候你可以和朋友.家人一起度过时光。   17. Old habits die hard. 积习难改。   18. She usually watches TV for more than two hours a day. 她通常每天看两个多小时的电视。   19. Her parents arenu2019t very happy because she hardly ever helps with housework and she never goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning. 她的父母很不高兴因为她几乎从不帮助做家务,并且她从不为清洁牙齿去看牙医。   20. You have to learn more about healthy habits.你必须要多了解一下健康的习惯。   21. You are smart about your health most of the time. 大部分时间你对你的健康很明智。   22. Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States.简是美国一名16岁的中学生。   23. She says she is afraid. 她说她害怕。   24. He uses the Internet at least three or four times a week. 他每周至少上网三到四次。   25. Start exercising before itu2019s too late. 在为时太晚前就开始锻炼吧。  初二英语上册重要知识点篇二   Iu2019m more outgoing than my sister.   1. Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom.   萨姆和汤姆都会敲鼓,但是萨姆比汤姆敲得好。   2. Did you like the singing competition yesterday?   你喜欢昨天的歌唱比赛吗?   3. The most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.   最重要的是学到一些新东西并获得乐趣。   4. Are you as friendly as your sister? 你和你的姐姐一样友好吗?   5. Whou2019s more hard-working at school? 在校谁更努力?   6. Itu2019s fantastic! 好极了!   7. She can run faster and jump higher than me .她比我跑得更快跳得更高。   8. A good friend is like a mirror. 好朋友就像一面镜子。   9. Thatu2019s why I like reading books and I study harder in class.   那就是我在课堂喜欢读书,学习更刻苦的原因。   10. I am shy so itu2019s not easy for me to make friends.   我很腼腆,因此对我来说交朋友不是很容易。   11. But I think friends are like books--you donu2019t need a lot of them as long as theyu2019re good.   但是我认为朋友像是书--你不需要很多,只要它们好就行。   12. Itu2019s not necessary to be the same as your friends.   和你的朋友一样是没有必要的。   13. We both like sports ,but he plays tennis better.   我们都喜欢运动,但是他 网球 打得更好。   14. Larry often helps to bring out the best in me.   拉里经常帮助我显现出最好的一面。   15. I always get better grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more.   我总是比他取得更好的成绩,所以也许我应该更多地帮助他。   16. I donu2019t really care if my friends are the same as me or different.   我真的不介意我的朋友是否与我一样还是不同。   17. My favorite saying is ,“A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.”   我最喜欢的 名言 是:“真正的朋友是一个可以援手帮助并感动你心扉的人。”   18. In fact, sheu2019s funnier than anyone I know.   实际上,她比我认识的任何人都风趣。   19. I broke my legs last year but she made me laugh and feel better.   去年我的胳膊断了,但是她让我开心并感觉更好。   20. We can talk about and share everything. 我们可谈论并分享一切。   21. Iu2019m louder than the other kids in my class. 我比班上其他的孩子声音更响亮。   22. My best friend is similar to Larry .我最好的朋友与拉里相似。   23. Who do you think should get the job? 你认为谁应该得到这份工作?   24. Huang Lei isnu2019t so good at tennis as Larry. 黄磊不如拉里擅长打网球。   25. Call the English Study Center at 443-5667 for more information.   拨打443-5667向 英语学习 中心咨询更多信息。  初二英语上册重要知识点篇三   1. Long time no see. 好久不见。   2. Did you go anywhere interesting? 你去了有趣的地方吗?   3. I went to Guizhou with my family. 我和家人一起去了贵州。   4. We took quite a few photos there. 我们在那里拍了不少的照片。   5. Did you do anything special last month?   上个月你做了什么特别的事吗?   6. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.   我大部分时间只是呆在家里读书休息。   7. How did you like it? = How did you feel about it? = What did you think of it?   你觉得它怎么样?   8. The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read. 唯一的问题是晚上除了读书没什么事可做。   9. No one seemed to be bored. 没有人看起来无聊。   10. I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.   今天早上我和家人到达了马来西亚的槟城。   11. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.   天气晴朗而又炎热,因此我们决定去旅馆附近的海滩。   12. My sister and I tried paragliding. 姐姐和我尝试了滑翔伞运动。   13. I felt like I was a bird. 我感觉自己就像一只小鸟。   14. I wonder what life was like here in the past. 我想知道在这儿过去的生活 是什么样的。   15. I really enjoyed walking around the town. 我真的很喜欢在镇上到处走走。   16. What a difference a day makes! 一天的变化有多大啊!   17. We waited over an hour for the train because there too many people.   因为人太多,我们等了一个多小时的火车。   18. Because of the bad weather, we couldnu2019t see anything below.   因为坏天气,我们没能看到下面的任何景色。   19. My father didnu2019t bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. 我爸爸没带足够的钱,所以我们仅吃了一碗米饭和一些鱼。   20. The food tasted great because I was so hungry. 这些食物尝起来真好,因为我们很饿。   21. We were wet and cold because we forgot to bring an umbrella.   因为我们忘了带伞所以又冷又饿。   22. Everyone in our class took a bag with some food and water.   我们班的每一个人都随身带了装有食物和水的袋子。   23. My legs were so tired that I wanted to stop.我的腿太累了以至于我都想停下来。   24. My classmates told me to keep going, so I went on. 我的同学告诉我坚持往前走,因此我继续前行了。   25. Everyone jumped up and down in excitement. 每个人兴奋地跳起来。 看了初二英语上册重要知识点的人还看 : 1. 八年级上册英语复习提纲 2. 初二英语上册知识点 3. 初二英语必备知识点 4. 初二上册英语知识点的重点总结 5. 初二英语上册重点短语及句型


英语教师编写教学计划要面向全体学生,提高学生地人文素养,增强实践能力和创新精神。正确把握英语学科特点,积极倡导合作探究地学习方式。以下是我整理的初二英语教师个人教学计划,希望可以提供给大家进行参考和借鉴。 初二英语教师个人教学计划范文一 新的学期已经到来,为认真贯彻党的教育方针,努力推进素质教育,完成教学任务,注重学生的全面发展,提高学生的整体素质,促进学生个性的发展。特制定本学期教学计划: 一、指导思想 以“英语课程标准”为宗旨,适应新课程改革地需要,面向全体学生,提高学生地人文素养,增强实践能力和创新精神。正确把握英语学科特点,积极倡导合作探究地学习方式。培养学生积极地情感态度和正确地人生价值观,提高学生综合素质, 为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。具体如下: 1、要面向全体学生,关注每个学生地情感,激发他们学习英语地兴趣,帮助他们建立学习地成就感和自信心,培养创新精神; 2、整体设计目标,体现灵活开放,目标设计以学生技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识地发展为基础; 3、突出学生主体,尊重个体差异; 4、采用活动途径,倡导体验参与,即采用任务型地教学模式,让学生在老师地指导下通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务地目标,感受成功; 5、注重过程评价,促进学生发展,建立能激励学生学习兴趣和自主学习能力发展地评价体系。 总之,让学生在使用英语中学习英语,让学生成为Good User而不仅仅是Learner。让英语成为学生学习生活中最实用的工具而非累赘,让他们在使用和学习英语的过程中,体味到轻松和成功的快乐,而不是无尽的担忧和恐惧。 二、全学期教学总目标 学生应有较明确地英语学习动机和积极主动地学习态度。能听懂教师对有关熟悉话题地陈述并能参与讨论。能读供七至八年级学生阅读地简单读物和报纸杂志,克服生词障碍,理解大意。能根据阅读目地运用适当地阅读策略。能与他人合作,解决问题并报告结果,共同完成学习任务。能在学习中互相帮助,克服困难。能合理计划和安排学习任务,积极探索适合自己地学习方法。在学习和日常交际中能注意到中外文化地差异。 三.教材简要分析 《新课标英语》八年级(下册),全书共有十个单元。本教材各单元话题灵活,贴近生活实际。本册书将学习的一些语法知识点有:一般将来时、过去进行时、现在完成时、间接引语、时间状语从句、条件状语从句、反意疑问句等。同时每个单元后都提供了一篇阅读文章,用以训练学生的阅读能力,扩大学生的阅读量。 四、学情简要分析 初二年级共6个班,学生人数249名。通过初一年半的"英语学习,大多数学生已能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段和简短的故事。能与教师或同学就熟悉的话题交换信息。能读懂短篇故事,能写便条和简单的书信。但由于各种因素的影响,学生发展参差不齐。有少数学生因为基础不够好,学习很吃力而自暴自弃,有的因此扰乱课堂次序,这给教学带来不少困难。 五、提高教学质量的可行措施及教改措施: (一)面向全体学生,注重素质教育。 (二)以学生为主体,尊重学生个体差异。 (三)采用活动途径,倡导体验与参与。 (四)开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道。 具体来说: 1.认真专研教材和课标,精心备课,认真上好每一堂课。确定每堂课的基础内容,预备内容和拓展内容,满足不同层次学生的不同需求。 2.充分利用现有的现代化教学设备,加强直观教学,提高课堂效率。 3.多与学生沟通,了解学生学习状况和需求,及时改进教学中存在的问题和不足。 4.积极开展丰富多彩的英语活动,提高学生兴趣。如英语演讲比赛、单词听写比赛、朗读 比赛、英语手抄报比赛、学唱英文歌曲,课前五分钟活动等。 5.注重个别辅导,在面向全体学生的基础上,培优补差。 6.不断学习,加强自身素质和业务能力的提高。 对于学生具体要求: 1. 每天背诵课文中的对话。目的:要求学生背诵并默写,培养语感。 2. 每天记5个生词,2个常用句子或习语。实施:利用“互测及教师抽查”及时检查,保证效果并坚持下去。 3. 认真贯彻晨读制度:规定晨读内容,加强监督,保证晨读效果。 4. 坚持日测、周测、月测的形成性评价制度:对英语学习实行量化制度,每日、每周、每月都要给学生检验自己努力成果的机会,让进步的同学体会到成就感,让落后的同学找出差距,感受压力。由此在班里形成浓厚的学习氛围,培养学生健康向上的人格和竞争意识。 5. 对后进生进行专门辅导,布置单独的作业,让他们在小进步、小转变中体味学习的快乐,树立学习的自信,尽快成长起来。 6. 关注学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学氛围。 7. 实施"任务型"的教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力 8. 在教学中根据目标并结合教学内容,创造性地设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织他们积极参与。学生通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务。 六.教学进度安排 Unit 1 6课时 第一周----第二周 Unit 2 5课时 第三周---第四周 Unit 3 5课时 第四周---第五周 第一次月测 Unit 4 5课时 第六周---第七周 Unit 5 6课时 第七周---第八周 Review and Mid-Test 5课时 第九周 初二英语教师个人教学计划范文二 一、 八年级上册英语教学目标 培养学生优良的英语学习兴趣、习惯,帮助学生树立自信心,养成良好的英语学习习惯,提高、发展自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略;使学生掌握一定的语言基本知识和技能,有较好的语感,获得初步运用英语的能力,为实际应运打下扎实的基础。同时注重综合能力的开发、提高,培养他们的观察、思维、记忆、想象和创造等方面的能力;让学生了解中西方文化的差异,培养爱国主义精神,增强世界观意识,并结合课外学习,达到教学的最优秀性,培养学生良好的自学能力和习惯,并做到持之以恒,使本年段的英语教学能进一步发展、提高。 在这一学期中,主要培养学生学习英语的兴趣,继续培养学习英语的学习习惯,要很好地完成本学期的教学学习任务,重视阅读能力的培养,在实际教育工作中把做好学生思想工作放在学科教育的首位,通过师生的共同努力,为学科和学生本人再创佳绩。 二、八年级上册英语教材分析 八年级英语是河北教育出版社出版的冀教版英语,教材编排有以下目的: 1.要使学生受到听、说、读、写、英语的训练,掌握最基础的语言知识和语言技能以及培养初步援用英语交际的能力;养成良好的外语学习习惯,掌握学习外语的基本方法;为进一步学习和运用英语打下扎实的基础。 2.使学生明确学习英语的目的性, 3.培养初步运用英语交际的能力和自学能力。 三、八年级上册英语教材重点、难点 本册教材从语音、词汇、语法、阅读等方面着手 1、语音教学 本册课本在上册的基础上进一步学习和运用音标和单词的发音规则,着重抓好学生的预习,自学能力。 2、词汇教学 本册课本所要学习、掌握的单词约400个,另有固定搭配和习惯用语若干条,任务较重。 3、语法教学 本册课本的语法教学项目有:动词过去完成时、过去进行时、情态动词、五种简单句的结构等。 4、阅读教学是重中之重,本册课本中的阅读课文比上学期难了很多,仍以对话为主,还有一些简单的短文。因此,提高学生的听说、表演对话的能力仍是本学期的一个教学重点,还应有一定的语法基础,具备相当的句子表达能力,能运用一定的词组和句型。 四、八年级上册英语学情分析 从整体情况来看,学生英语基础较差,兴趣不高,甚至有部分学生的听说读写能力还不够一年级水平,所以在课堂教学时,出现有学生不守课堂规则,不愿听课、睡觉或是做与课堂无关事情的现象,这使得课堂难以调控,难以形成英语学习氛围。有少部分学生基础较好,自制能力较强,能认真听课,按老师要求完成各项任务,。总的来说,本班的英语教学具有挑战性,需要耗费不少时间和精力。 五、八年级上册英语教学措施 1、依据学生基本情况,逐步激励学生对英语产生学习兴趣。 2、重视课堂教学质量,逐步提高学生英语交际能力。 3、有意识培养学生听力、表述、朗读、书写和作业的基本能力。 4、重视思维过程系统编排,由浅入深,由易到难,由已知到未知,循序渐进,点面结合,逐步扩展,循环往现,以加深影响。 5、特别注重阅读能力的培养。 初二阶段的英语教学工作十分关键,而这届学生英语底子薄,兴趣不高,在这种情况下,就需要更加深入地研究教材,根据学科特点及学生特点研究切实可行的课堂教学模式。努力探索适合学生特点、学生乐于接受的教学方法及模式。同时,要进行分层次教学。对于好的学生要加大知识的容量,拓展知识的层面,使好学生成绩更上一层楼;对于差生要因势利导,因材施教,使差生在原有的基础上有所提高。 重点:笔头练习: 在教学过程中应保证学生在写之前明确他们要做什么,应有一定的示范、例子,使他们明白该怎么做;听写是培养学生写这一技能的有效方法。 【一】、阅读训练 1. 读材料题目 2. 让学生用较快的速度默读一遍对话或短文 3. 当学生找到答案时,鼓励他们回答 4. 再细读一遍,进一步理解文章 5. 对于生词何习惯用语,让学生推测 6. 学生间的讨论 7. 加强阅读训练,培养阅读能力 【二】、语法教学 教师应控制讲解时间,重点必须在学生言语训练上,启发学生自己发现,探索和归纳。 【三】、其他方法、措施 六、八年级上册英语教学进度 本书为初二年级下册用书,共8单元,每天一课,剩余时间用来复习。 初二英语教师个人教学计划范文三 教学目标我校以“生本立校,鼓舞育人”为办学特色,致力培养具有生存力、学习力、合作力、创造力、领导力的优秀学生群体。在新课标理论的指导下,结合学校实际情况学习中挖掘学生的主动性与创造性,教学中注重引发学生发现问题,启发思维,最大限度的调动学生主动参与、主动探究的积极性,通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,以语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习态度、学习策略和文化意识五个方面共同构成的英语课程总目标,既体现英语学习的工具性,也要体现其人文性,既要有利于学生发展语言运用能力,又要有利于学生发展思维能力,从而全面提高学生的综合人文素质。 实施策略 以生为本,开展课堂生本特色课程教学,发挥学生学习的主体能动性,培养学生自主学习的能力,开展小组合作活动,培养学生的思维能力、创造能力和小组合作能力;根据学生的实际情况,因材施教,分层教学,争取不同层次的学生得到不同程度的提高。` 教学进度 第1周:unit15课时第2周:unit1,单元小测5课时第3周:Unit25课时第4周:Unit25课时第5周:Unit2,单元小测5课时第6周:Unit35课时第7周:Unit3,单元小测5课时第8周:Unit45课时第9周:Unit4,单元小测5课时第10周:复习,期中考试5课时第11周:Unit55课时第12周:Unit5,单元小测5课时第13周:Unit65课时第14周:Unit6,单元小测5课时第15周:Unit75课时第16周:Unit7,单元小测5课时第17周:Unit85课时第18周:Unit8,单元小测5课时第19周:期末复习5课时第20周:复习+期末考5课时 英语学科评价项目和具体标准评价项目考核内容评价标准分值 语言行为表现词汇记忆朗诵、背诵课文角色扮演。通过单词测试、课文默写过关情况进行评价。 日常学习表现 课堂活动总体表现记录作业上交记录根据学生课堂活动的积极性和课后作业的完成质量评价。 测评性评价1。单元测试2。阶段测试通过测试分数评价30 申报特色项目研究一、词汇的记忆方法:1。构词法记忆法2。音标记忆法二、名著课外阅读,写读后感,收集生词、短语,增加词汇量。


  初二英语语法归纳:1、宾语从句:主语+谓语动词+宾语从句。2、量词的用法:不可数名词常用数字+量词+不可数名词来表示。3、感叹句:How+adj+主语+系动词;How+adv+主语+实义动词;What+a∕an+adj+可数名词单数。4、条件状语从句:主将从现,用一般现在时表示将来。5、There be结构:There be+某物/某人+某地/某时。 初二英语语法重点总结归纳   重点语法:宾语从句   结构:主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语从句(主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语/表语)   例句:----Im good at English. He says. (改为加宾语从句的复合句)   ----He says Im good at English.   注意:①主句是一般现在时态,宾语从句的时态不受其影响。   例句:He says Im good at English now.   He says I was good at mathematics when I was young.   ②主句是过去时态,宾语从句也要用过去时态。   例句:He said I was good at mathematics when I was young yesterday.   He said I was good at English now yesterday.   ③宾语从句是客观真理时永远用一般现在时态。   例句:Our teacher says 24 hours make a day.   Our teacher said the sun gives us so many energy yesterday.   ④动词原形不能作主语,必须用其 -ing 形式。   例句:She said helping others changed her life.   重点短语:direct speech 直接引语   reported speech = indirect speech 间接引语   first of all = at first 首先   pass on 传递   be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事   be good at = do well in 在某方面做得好   in good health 身体健康   get over 克服   open up 打开   care for = take care of = look after 照料;照顾   not any more = not any lOnger= no longer 不再   have a cold 感冒   end-of-year exam 年终考试   get nervous 变得紧张   forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(该事未做)   forget doing sth. 忘记做某事(该事已做)   its + adj. + [for sb.] + to do sth. 做某事[对某人来说](加形容词)   context 上下文   Reading Strategy(阅读方法)   First read for meaning, not for detail. (首先理解文段的大致意思,不在于文段的细节部分。)   You can understand the meaning of a word you dont know from the context. (至于不懂的单词,你可以通过上下文来寻找它的正确释义。)   If you go to the party,youll have a great time!   八年级英语语法知识点归纳总结二   Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?   本单元的话题:谈论假期活动内容,复习一般过去时。   本单元的语法:1.复习一般过去时;2.学习不定代词和不定副词的用法。   2.不定代词和不定副词的用法:   (1)左边的some、any、every、no与右边的body、one、thing构成不定代词,some、any、every、no与右边的疑问副词where构成不定副词;   (2)一般情况下以some开头的不定代词和不定副词用于肯定句,以any开头的不定代词和不定副词用于否定句、疑问句;以no开头的不定代词和不定副词表示否定含义(no one为两个单词);   (3)不定代词或不定副词和形容词连用时,形容词放在后面。   He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。(肯定句用something,形容词important放后)   Did you buy anything special? (一般疑问句用anything,形容词special放后)   Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上个月你去令人感兴趣的地方了吗?   (一般疑问句用不定副词anywhere,形容词interesting放后)   (4)不定代词和不定副词做主语时,后面的动词用单数形式。Everone is here today.今天每个人都在这里。   本单元的短语和知识点:   1. go on vacation去度假 go to the mountains 上山/进山   2.stay at home呆在家go to the beach去海滩 visit museums 参观博物馆 go to summer camp去参观夏令营 3. study for tests为考试而学习备考 go out出去   4. quite a few相当多,不少(后跟可数名词复数)take photos照相 most of the time大部分时间 5.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth为某人买某物 6. taste good. 尝起来很好   taste(尝起来)、look(看起来)、sound(听起来)为感官动词,后跟形容词   7.have a goodgreatfun time过得高兴,玩得愉快(=enjoy oneself) 8. go shopping去购物 9. nothingbut+动词原形:除了之外什么都没有   He had nothing to do at home but read yesterday.昨天他在家除了读书无事可做。   10. seem to do sth:好像 I seem to know him.我好像认识他。   seem+(to be)+形容词:看起来The work seems(to be)easy.这工作看起来很容易。   11.keep a diary记日记   12. in+大地方:达到某地 (get to +地方:达到某地)   arrive at+小地方:达到某地 (get的过去式为got)   若是arrive和get后跟home、there、here三个地点副词,后面的介词inat o必须去掉。   Tom got home yesterday evening=Tom arrived home yesterday evening.昨晚汤姆到家。   13.decide to do sth:决定做某事 14. try doing sth.尝试做某事try to do sth.尽力去做某事   15. feel like给的感觉;感受到 16. in the past 在过去 walk around四处走走   enjoy doing sth:喜欢做某事 difference(名词,差异,差别)---- different(形容词,不同的)   18.start doing sth:开始做某事 (= start to do sth)   19.19.over an hour一个多小时 (over超过,多余 = more than)   20. too many 太多,后接可数名词复数。 too much 太多,后跟不可数名词,修饰动词作状语。   much too 太,后跟形容词或副词 , 分辨三者的口诀: too much, much too, 用法区别看后头:much 后接不可数,too 后修饰形或副。too many 要记住,后面名词必复数。   21. because of 因为,后接名词、代词或动名词(即动词+ing),不能接句子。   because因为,后跟句子。   He was late for school because of getting up late.他因为起晚而上学迟到。(get为动词)   = He was late for school because he got up late.   22. enough(足够的)与名词连用,一般放在名词前He has enough money .   23. enough(足够的)与形容词或副词连用,enough放在后面。He is old enough to go to school.   24. doing sth.忘记已经做过某事(已经做完)   Forget to do sth.忘记去做某事(还未做)(forget的过去式为forgot)   25. so+形容词+that+句子:如此以至于   too+形容词+to do sth:太以至于不能   形容词+enough to do sth:足够能够做某事(注意三个句型有时可以互换)   He is so young that he canprime;t go to school.= He is too young to go to school.   = He isnprime;t old enough to go to school.   Unit 2 How often do you exercise?   本单元的话题:谈论生活习惯,复习一般现在时。   本单元的语法:1.复习一般现在时;2.学习表示频率副词的用法。   主要频率副词的等级排序:always(总是) : usually (通常) : often(经常) : sometimes(有时) : hardly ever(很少) : never(从不)   这些副词在句子中的位置,一般放在助动词、be动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。即:行前助(系)后。 Peter is always late for school. Peter上学总是迟到。 上一页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 下一页


  What bad weather it is!多么糟糕的天气啊!(weather为不可数名词)   ⑵ How +adj +主语+(谓语中的)系动词! How +adv +主语+(谓语中的)实义动词!   How happy I am!我多麽高兴啊! (happy为adj,am为系动词)   How hard they are working !他们工作多么努力啊!(hard为adv,work为实义动词)   点拨:陈述句改为感叹句,可以采用一判、二定、三移。   一判:是判断出陈述句谓语动词后的中心词的词性(adj∕adv∕n);   二定:是根据判断出来的结果来确定引导词(中心词为名词用What;中心词为形容词或副词用How;)   三移:就是把主语和谓语移到后面。   注意:在感叹句中,不得出现so,very,very much等表示程度的单词。   例如:①Our school is beautiful .   一判:beautiful为形容词;二定:beautiful为形容词,用How 来引导;三移:把Our school is移到How beautiful后面,即为感叹句How beautiful our school is!   ②He is a clever boy.   一判:boy为名词;二定:boy为名词,用What来引导;三移:把He is移到What a clever boy 后面,即为感叹句What a clever boy he is!   ③He studies English well.   一判:well为副词;二定:well为副词,用How 来引导;三移:把He studies移到How well后面,即为感叹句How well he studies!   练习:将下列句子变为感叹句。①The room is very bright.   ② We live a happy life today. ③It is a nice present.   ④This is difficult problem. ⑤She played the piano wonderfully.   16.)the (best) way to do sth:做某事的()方法 17.thanks for+名词V?ing:为什么而感谢 18.take a trip参加郊游,at the end of this month在本月底   19.go back to+地点:回到某地 He will go back to Beijing in 2 days.两天后他将回北京。   20.have a surprise party for sb为某人举办一个惊喜的晚会   21.without+名词代词 V?ing:没有 He cant finish the work without our help.(help为名词)   He went to school without having breakfast.他没有吃早饭就去上学。(have为动词)   24.look forward to +名词代词V.ing:期待,盼望   25.hear from sb.收到某人的来信 = receive a letter from sb.   27.the opening of :开幕/开业 28.在具体哪一天的上午、下午、晚上用on,比较:   in the morning在早晨 on Sunday morning在星期天的早晨 29.invite sb to +地点:邀请某人去某地(invite -- invitation ) invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事   31.reply to sth / sb:回答某事/回答某人 go shopping 购物,do homework做家庭作业   Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!   本单元的话题:谈论事情可能的结果。 。   本单元的语法:在条件状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将来--即主将从现。   If you go to the party, we will have a great time   从句(一般现在时) (主句一般将来时)   解释:在条件状语从句,时间状语从句中,若主句用一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时表示将来-------简称主将从现   If it is fine tomorrow,Ill visit shanghai   区分:宾语从句若主句为一般现在时,从句可以根据需要用任何时态   I think Ill finish the work in 2 days. 我认为我在两天内将完成这项工作。   主句(一般现在时) 宾语从句   填空:I think she (come)here tomorrow. If he (come )here,I (call)you.   本单元的短语和知识点:   1.have a great /good time 玩的开心 stay at home呆在家里take the bus乘公交车,go to the party参加晚会 tomorrow night明天晚上 talk about sth谈论某事 have a class party开班级晚会 have a class meeting 开班会   6.plan to do sth计划做某They are planning to go shopping.他们正在计划购物。 7.(P74,2b)half the class 全班一半人,make some food 做食物   8.ask sb. to do sth 请某人做某事My parents often ask me to study hard.   ask sb. not to do sth 请某人不要做某事 My techer often asks us not to be late.   10.too+形容词+to do sth:太以至于不能   so+形容词+that+句子:如此以至于   形容词+enough to do sth:足够能够做某事(注意三个句型常常可以互换转换)   He is so young that he canprime;t go to school.他如此年轻以至于不能去上学。   = He is too young to go to school.他太年轻了以至于不能去上学。   = He isnprime;t old enough to go to school.   11.tell sb. to do sth 高速某人做某事 tell sb. not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事   12.give sb some advice给某人建议/劝告 (adivce为不可数名词)   13.travel around the world 周游世界, go to college 上大学,   make(a lot of)money 挣钱, get an education接受教育 ,   14.)work hard 努力工作,a soccer player 一个足球运动员   15.talk to sb.与某人谈话,keepto oneself 把留给自己/独处   16.have problems with sth:在某方面有困难 have problems (in)doing sth:做方面有困难 (2个句型常常可以互换)   She has problems with English.她在学习英语方面有困难。   = She has problems (in) learning English.她学习英语有困难。   17.unless=ifnot如果不 Unless it is sunny tomorrow,I wont go shopping.=If it isnt sunny tomorrow,I wont go shopping.   18.be afraid to do sth:不敢做某事be afraid of sth:害怕某物   19.21.be angry with sb生某人的气He is angry with his son.他在生他儿子的气。   be angry aboutat sth 因某事而生气He is angry aboutat his work.他因为工作生气。   22.make mistakes犯错误 23.remember to do sth记着去做某事(事情还未做)   remember doing sth记着已经做过某事(事情做完,但是还记着)   Please remember to close the door when you leave.当你离开的时候记着关上门。(门还未关).   He remembered closing the door.他记着已经关上门了。(门已经关上)   24.advise sb to do sth劝说某人做某事 advise sb doing建议提议做某事。   25.Its best (not)to do sth. (不要)做某事 solve a problem解决难题   26.run away from逃避Dont run away from your problems. solve a problem解决难题   30.agree with sb:同意某人(的看法、意见、观点等)31.worry about 担心 =be worried about   八年级英语语法知识点归纳总结三   leave的用法   1.leave+地点表示离开某地。例如:   When did you leave Shanghai? 你什么时候离开上海的?   2.leave for+地点表示动身去某地。例如:   Next Friday, Alice is leaving for London. 下周五,爱丽斯要去伦敦了。   3.leave+地点+for+地点表示离开某地去某地。例如:   Why are you leaving Shanghai for Beijing? 你为什么要离开上海去北京?   2) 情态动词should应该学会使用   should作为情态动词用,常常表示意外、惊奇、不能理解等,有竟会的意思,例如:   How should I know? 我怎么知道?   Why should you be so late today? 你今天为什么来得这么晚?   should有时表示应当做或发生的事,例如:   We should help each other.我们应当互相帮助。 上一页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 下一页


  重点语法:宾语从句   结构:主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语从句(主语 + 谓语动词 + 宾语/表语)   例句:----Im good at English. He says. (改为加宾语从句的复合句)   ----He says Im good at English.   注意:①主句是一般现在时态,宾语从句的时态不受其影响。   例句:He says Im good at English now.   He says I was good at mathematics when I was young.   ②主句是过去时态,宾语从句也要用过去时态。   例句:He said I was good at mathematics when I was young yesterday.   He said I was good at English now yesterday.   ③宾语从句是客观真理时永远用一般现在时态。   例句:Our teacher says 24 hours make a day.   Our teacher said the sun gives us so many energy yesterday.   ④动词原形不能作主语,必须用其 -ing 形式。   例句:She said helping others changed her life.   重点短语:direct speech 直接引语   reported speech = indirect speech 间接引语   first of all = at first 首先   pass on 传递   be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事   be good at = do well in 在某方面做得好   in good health 身体健康   get over 克服   open up 打开   care for = take care of = look after 照料;照顾   not any more = not any lOnger= no longer 不再   have a cold 感冒   end-of-year exam 年终考试   get nervous 变得紧张   forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(该事未做)   forget doing sth. 忘记做某事(该事已做)   its + adj. + [for sb.] + to do sth. 做某事[对某人来说](加形容词)   context 上下文   Reading Strategy(阅读方法)   First read for meaning, not for detail. (首先理解文段的大致意思,不在于文段的细节部分。)   You can understand the meaning of a word you dont know from the context. (至于不懂的单词,你可以通过上下文来寻找它的正确释义。)   If you go to the party,youll have a great time!   八年级英语语法知识点归纳总结二   Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?   本单元的话题:谈论假期活动内容,复习一般过去时。   本单元的语法:1.复习一般过去时;2.学习不定代词和不定副词的用法。   2.不定代词和不定副词的用法:   (1)左边的some、any、every、no与右边的body、one、thing构成不定代词,some、any、every、no与右边的疑问副词where构成不定副词;   (2)一般情况下以some开头的不定代词和不定副词用于肯定句,以any开头的不定代词和不定副词用于否定句、疑问句;以no开头的不定代词和不定副词表示否定含义(no one为两个单词);   (3)不定代词或不定副词和形容词连用时,形容词放在后面。   He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。(肯定句用something,形容词important放后)   Did you buy anything special? (一般疑问句用anything,形容词special放后)   Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上个月你去令人感兴趣的地方了吗?   (一般疑问句用不定副词anywhere,形容词interesting放后)   (4)不定代词和不定副词做主语时,后面的动词用单数形式。Everone is here today.今天每个人都在这里。   本单元的短语和知识点:   1. go on vacation去度假 go to the mountains 上山/进山   2.stay at home呆在家go to the beach去海滩 visit museums 参观博物馆 go to summer camp去参观夏令营 3. study for tests为考试而学习备考 go out出去   4. quite a few相当多,不少(后跟可数名词复数)take photos照相 most of the time大部分时间 5.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth为某人买某物 6. taste good. 尝起来很好   taste(尝起来)、look(看起来)、sound(听起来)为感官动词,后跟形容词   7.have a goodgreatfun time过得高兴,玩得愉快(=enjoy oneself) 8. go shopping去购物 9. nothingbut+动词原形:除了之外什么都没有   He had nothing to do at home but read yesterday.昨天他在家除了读书无事可做。   10. seem to do sth:好像 I seem to know him.我好像认识他。   seem+(to be)+形容词:看起来The work seems(to be)easy.这工作看起来很容易。   11.keep a diary记日记   12. in+大地方:达到某地 (get to +地方:达到某地)   arrive at+小地方:达到某地 (get的过去式为got)   若是arrive和get后跟home、there、here三个地点副词,后面的介词inat o必须去掉。   Tom got home yesterday evening=Tom arrived home yesterday evening.昨晚汤姆到家。   13.decide to do sth:决定做某事 14. try doing sth.尝试做某事try to do sth.尽力去做某事   15. feel like给的感觉;感受到 16. in the past 在过去 walk around四处走走   enjoy doing sth:喜欢做某事 difference(名词,差异,差别)---- different(形容词,不同的)   18.start doing sth:开始做某事 (= start to do sth)   19.19.over an hour一个多小时 (over超过,多余 = more than)   20. too many 太多,后接可数名词复数。 too much 太多,后跟不可数名词,修饰动词作状语。   much too 太,后跟形容词或副词 , 分辨三者的口诀: too much, much too, 用法区别看后头:much 后接不可数,too 后修饰形或副。too many 要记住,后面名词必复数。   21. because of 因为,后接名词、代词或动名词(即动词+ing),不能接句子。   because因为,后跟句子。   He was late for school because of getting up late.他因为起晚而上学迟到。(get为动词)   = He was late for school because he got up late.   22. enough(足够的)与名词连用,一般放在名词前He has enough money .   23. enough(足够的)与形容词或副词连用,enough放在后面。He is old enough to go to school.   24. doing sth.忘记已经做过某事(已经做完)   Forget to do sth.忘记去做某事(还未做)(forget的过去式为forgot)   25. so+形容词+that+句子:如此以至于   too+形容词+to do sth:太以至于不能   形容词+enough to do sth:足够能够做某事(注意三个句型有时可以互换)   He is so young that he canprime;t go to school.= He is too young to go to school.   = He isnprime;t old enough to go to school.   Unit 2 How often do you exercise?   本单元的话题:谈论生活习惯,复习一般现在时。   本单元的语法:1.复习一般现在时;2.学习表示频率副词的用法。   主要频率副词的等级排序:always(总是) : usually (通常) : often(经常) : sometimes(有时) : hardly ever(很少) : never(从不)   这些副词在句子中的位置,一般放在助动词、be动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。即:行前助(系)后。 Peter is always late for school. Peter上学总是迟到。   I usually do my homework in the evening. 我通常在晚上做作业。   提问 always, sometimes, twice a day 等频率副词,用 How often   I watch TV every day.我每天都看电视rarr;How often do you watch TV?(你多长时间看一次电视?)   本单元的短语和知识点: 上一页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 下一页


To Pull up the Seedlings to Help Them GrowOnce upon a time,an old farmer planted a plot of rice.Everyday he went to the field to watch the seedlings grow.He saw the young shoots break through the soil and grow taller each day.But still,he thought they were growing too slowly.He got impatient with the young plants."How could the plants grow faster?" He tossed in bed during the night and could not sleep.Suddenly he hit upon an idea.He had an idea not wait for daybreak.He jumped out of the bed and dashed to the field.By the moonlight,he began working on the rice seedlings.One by one,he pulled up the young plants by half an inch.When he finished pulling,it was already morning.Straightening his back,he said to himself,"What a wonderful idea!Look,how much taller the plants have grown one night!" With great satisfaction,he went back home.He told his son what he had done in a triumphant tone.His son was shocked.Now the sun had risen.The young man was heart-broken to see all the pulled-up young plants dying.


  听课是一种对课堂进行仔细观察的活动,它对于了解和认识课堂有着极其重要的作用。下面是我给大家整理的初二英语听课记录相关 范文 ,供大家参阅!   初二英语听课记录相关范文篇1   要写好 作文 并不难,只有多多积累,多多练习,大家一定会成功的。这篇二年级写 国庆节 的作文由精品学习网带给大家,欢迎大家阅读。   关于初中英语的听课笔记范文   1.引语为一般陈述句,变为间接引语时一般由that引导(可省略)   2.如果直接引语中的主语为第一人称,变为间接引语时人称要随主语作适当变化   3.如果引述动词为一般过去时,间接引语中动词的时态一般推移到过去时间 4.其他变化 指示代词 时间状语 地点状语 动词 this—that today-that day here—there come--go these--those now-then   重点词组: 1. keep out不让......进入 2. out of style不时髦的;过时的 3. call sb. up打电话给...... 4. pay for付款 5. ask for要求 6. the same as与......同样的 7. in style时髦的;流行的 8. get on相处;进展 9. as much as possible尽可能多 10. all kinds of各种;许多 11. on the one hand, ......(在)一方面,...... 12. on the other hand, ......另一方面,......   初二英语听课记录相关范文篇2   时间:2013年3月22日星期五   授课教师:xxx   班级:初二(14)班   授课内容:外研社初二下 Module 6 Unit 1 She said China was very excitingplace.   本节课虽然没有逐字逐句地详细记录黄老师的教学过程,但是,坐在教室,用欣赏的眼光看着眼前这位年轻而又充满活力的老师,心中还是有很多的感慨。   给我印象最为深刻的有两点:   第一、黄老师有很强的亲和力,课堂上与孩子们打成一片,师生关系非常的融洽。   第二、黄老师有着很强的专业素质。从语言的角度来看,教师语言标准、地道、流畅、自然。这都是我需要努力学习、充实、不断提高的。   听了黄老师的课,也让我对两个方面有了机会进行更多的思考。这两个方面的内容是板书和课件。   一边听课,一边瞎想,一边将所想随手记了下来。虽然不是那么的深刻,但是,能让人去思考总是好的。   1. 板书   板书,在课堂教学中应该起到非常重要的作用。   首先,从板书安排来看,通常我们会将板书设置成为三个部分。   第一、课堂教学展示区;   第二、课堂随机生成区;   第三、课堂教学评价区。   每个部分都应当有着它独有的作用。   在课堂教学展示区,也许会有 简笔画 或者卡片,也许会用要点单词、 短语 或 句子 ,也许会有篇章的要点信息,一个箭头一个符号传达出篇章的逻辑关系等等。这些内容将会在课堂教学的全过程发挥着自己的作用。从课题呈现,到操练巩固,再到复习拓展,这一个区域都将是课堂教学重点难点的核心所在。   课堂随机生成区。   我们在课堂教学的时候,不应该把整个黑板全部让课堂教学展示区所占用,而应该注意“留白”。在留白的地方,当课堂教学随机生成一些知识点的时候,当学生提出一些问题需要教师补充说明解释的时候,这一个区域应该能够起到非常好的补充作用。   课堂教学评价区。   虽然我们面对的不是天真烂漫的小学生,但是,结合初中学生的年龄特点,我们在课堂教学的过程中肯定会开展小组活动,不论是pairwork还是groupwork,我们在小组活动进行的过程中,都可以根据学生的课堂学习情况进行及时有效地评价。通过板书的评价情况,孩子们能够从中找到自信、找到不足,找到学习的积极性、找到学习的动力。   从授课老师Kobe的板书情况来看,后面两个区域的内容几乎为零,而课堂教学展示区的设计相对来说,显得随意性比较强。虽然教师在板书的时候注意到了粉笔颜色的变化以突出要点难点,但是,书写潦草,规范性不强,布局略显杂乱,效果不好。   2. 课件   课件,是课堂教学的辅助手段。   用不用课件?不用课件行不行?什么时候用课件?怎样用课件?使用课件的目的是什么?这一系列的问题都应当是我们授课老师需要认真思考的问题。   从本节课课件的使用情况来看,整体情况良好。但是,如果从追求完满的角度来考虑,我们依然可以发现一些问题。比如说:课件背景画面的选择、屏幕文字的容量、版面的合理设计等方面都有较大提升的空间。   课堂教学的文字内容与课件背景画面没有任何的信息联系,让人感觉非常不搭。   屏幕文字容量太大,版面设计不合理。幸亏教室里用的是大屏幕。如果是我们班级的电视屏幕,估计坐在后面的孩子们就会感到非常吃力,直接影响教学效果。   随堂浅思而记,虽不深刻,但能唤醒自己的大脑,让自己去思考、去提升,不虚此行。   初二英语听课记录相关范文篇3   上午,来到**中学参加初三英语教研活动。参加本次活动的市镇中心英语教研组的成员和全镇初三英语老师。   本次活动首先听了六峰中学朱杰红老师的一杰初三教研课,然后,大家开展了积极的教研讨论活动,最后,曾衍明主任就初三英语复习工作做了一些工作部署。 下面是这节课的听课记录和听后随感。   Teaching procedure   1. 课前朗读,复习单词   2. Greetings ---- What"s the weather like today? Sunny.   紧接着复习其他表示天气的单词。cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy, fine, etc. 然后,启发学生说出另外一些表示天气的单词:warm, cold, cool, hot, etc. 启发的 方法 是通过师生问答开展的。教师问:What"s the weather will be like if it"s rainy? 然后学生回答说:It"ll be wet.   3. 由 It"s a fine day. 复习感叹句的表达形式。   How fine the day is! 当这一句话学生表述存在问题的时候,教师及时通过 What a fine day it is ! 启发,并最终让学生顺利说出下面的句子: How fine it is! 接着,进一步问道:如何赞扬一个人呢?引出下列单词:clever, smart, careful, hard, hard-working, 然后说: He is a hard-working student. I"ll learn from him.   4. 朗读Lesson 60 课文内容,之后,通过看幻灯片,谈论图片内容;(感觉在这一过程中,教师中文组织教学太多。如:首先,我们见到图画中有什么?像这样的句子完全可以直接用英语组织进行。教师通过幻灯片呈现 故事 ,在故事的呈现中渗透语言知识,形式很好。如果能就图片提出一些目的性更强、有效性更高的问题就好了。)接着,教师继续由图片、话题引出。The dog is our best friend. We should take good care of it. 这两句话可否连起来呢?让学生说出:The dog is our best friend and we should take good care of it.   5. 检查上次作文情况并步入正题----初三升中专题复习,书面表达   在这一环节中,让学生做老师,阅读并修改作文,谈谈他们的好与不好到底何在,应当如何修改。   6. 朗读范文 听课意见与随想   总体感觉:朱老师在课堂教学中表现出了扎实的教学基本功和丰富的教学 经验 ,并展示出了教师关爱学生、循循善诱等方面的教学特点。特别是在知识的引入过程中,十分注重启发学生思维,并在这一过程中努力提高学生的 想象力 和益友语言知识的运用能力。   随想与建议:   1. 书面表达是语言学习过程中语言输出的部分。它不是被动的语言输入,而是积极的主动输出。可以说,书面表达对于初三的同学来说,是最难的一个能力项目了。   2. 思考:如何提高学生作文或书面表达能力呢?   我觉得:第一,应当给与学生足够正确的语言输入;第二,应当专设书面表达作文课。在作文课上教师亲自示范,并和学生一起作文。比如说在看图过程中,可以更好的启发学生如何看图、如何说图。(这样可以更好的深入到学生的思维内核。)当说图训练充分之后,在开展进行书面表达。第三,注意要点的把握。如时态准确、选字恰当、长短句问题、连接词问题等。第四,学生作文优秀的拿出示范,不佳的进行错误分析。在修改作文时需要考虑我们修改的标准是什么?显性和隐性的标准何在?同时,还可以结合考试标准中对书面表达的专门阐述,有所侧重地开展教学活动。   3. 从教学环节安排来看,个人觉得各环节小任务明确,但是,各个小任务与大任务的目标一致性方面还有待加强。   4. 关于口语语言输出的工作,有一个教学活动是否可以考虑:那就是课前给学生6-8个单词或短语,让他们用这些词语说出一段 英语故事 。然后,在每节课上课开始的前三分钟可以让学生展示。在一定程度上对学生语言的输入会有所帮助。   5. 从这节课中的作文材料来看,随想到一个问题:那就是路见不平、拔刀相助的问题。这不是一个英语知识问题。需要考虑的是:当我们路见不平的时候,要不要拔刀相助,如何相助? He knew what was happening. He threw the bottle hard and quickly to the man. -------We should help people in trouble.----But how? 也许,就这样的话题,可以用英语开展更加深入地讨论(语言输出)。


  记录所听英语课程信息,是我们在听课时应该做的笔记。下面是我给大家整理了初二英语听课笔记记录 方法 ,供大家参阅!   初二英语听课记录 范文 篇1   上午,来到**中学参加初三英语教研活动。参加本次活动的市镇中心英语教研组的成员和全镇初三英语老师。   本次活动首先听了六峰中学朱杰红老师的一杰初三教研课,然后,大家开展了积极的教研讨论活动,最后,曾衍明主任就初三英语复习工作做了一些工作部署。 下面是这节课的听课记录和听后随感。   Teaching procedure   1. 课前朗读,复习单词   2. Greetings ---- What"s the weather like today? Sunny.   紧接着复习其他表示天气的单词。cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy, fine, etc. 然后,启发学生说出另外一些表示天气的单词:warm, cold, cool, hot, etc. 启发的方法是通过师生问答开展的。教师问:What"s the weather will be like if it"s rainy? 然后学生回答说:It"ll be wet.   3. 由 It"s a fine day. 复习感叹句的表达形式。   How fine the day is! 当这一句话学生表述存在问题的时候,教师及时通过 What a fine day it is ! 启发,并最终让学生顺利说出下面的 句子 : How fine it is! 接着,进一步问道:如何赞扬一个人呢?引出下列单词:clever, smart, careful, hard, hard-working, 然后说: He is a hard-working student. I"ll learn from him.   4. 朗读Lesson 60 课文内容,之后,通过看幻灯片,谈论图片内容;(感觉在这一过程中,教师中文组织教学太多。如:首先,我们见到图画中有什么?像这样的句子完全可以直接用英语组织进行。教师通过幻灯片呈现 故事 ,在故事的呈现中渗透语言知识,形式很好。如果能就图片提出一些目的性更强、有效性更高的问题就好了。)接着,教师继续由图片、话题引出。The dog is our best friend. We should take good care of it. 这两句话可否连起来呢?让学生说出:The dog is our best friend and we should take good care of it.   5. 检查上次 作文 情况并步入正题----初三升中专题复习,书面表达   在这一环节中,让学生做老师,阅读并修改作文,谈谈他们的好与不好到底何在,应当如何修改。   6. 朗读范文 听课意见与随想   总体感觉:朱老师在课堂教学中表现出了扎实的教学基本功和丰富的教学 经验 ,并展示出了教师关爱学生、循循善诱等方面的教学特点。特别是在知识的引入过程中,十分注重启发学生思维,并在这一过程中努力提高学生的 想象力 和益友语言知识的运用能力。   随想与建议:   1. 书面表达是语言学习过程中语言输出的部分。它不是被动的语言输入,而是积极的主动输出。可以说,书面表达对于初三的同学来说,是最难的一个能力项目了。   2. 思考:如何提高学生作文或书面表达能力呢?   我觉得:第一,应当给与学生足够正确的语言输入;第二,应当专设书面表达作文课。在作文课上教师亲自示范,并和学生一起作文。比如说在看图过程中,可以更好的启发学生如何看图、如何说图。(这样可以更好的深入到学生的思维内核。)当说图训练充分之后,在开展进行书面表达。第三,注意要点的把握。如时态准确、选字恰当、长短句问题、连接词问题等。第四,学生作文优秀的拿出示范,不佳的进行错误分析。在修改作文时需要考虑我们修改的标准是什么?显性和隐性的标准何在?同时,还可以结合考试标准中对书面表达的专门阐述,有所侧重地开展教学活动。   3. 从教学环节安排来看,个人觉得各环节小任务明确,但是,各个小任务与大任务的目标一致性方面还有待加强。   4. 关于口语语言输出的工作,有一个教学活动是否可以考虑:那就是课前给学生6-8个单词或 短语 ,让他们用这些词语说出一段 英语故事 。然后,在每节课上课开始的前三分钟可以让学生展示。在一定程度上对学生语言的输入会有所帮助。   5. 从这节课中的作文材料来看,随想到一个问题:那就是路见不平、拔刀相助的问题。这不是一个英语知识问题。需要考虑的是:当我们路见不平的时候,要不要拔刀相助,如何相助? He knew what was happening. He threw the bottle hard and quickly to the man. -------We should help people in trouble.----But how? 也许,就这样的话题,可以用英语开展更加深入地讨论(语言输出)。   初二英语听课记录范文篇2   课前板书   1. Do you like festival?   2. What kinds of festivals do you know in China?   3. Which festival do you like best? Why?   4. What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival? Teaching procedure Before class   Read the words in Module 2 During class:   1. Read the words and expressions in Module 2   2. Have a dictation of the words in Module 2   3. Ask and answer:    Do you like festivals?    What kinds of festivals do you know in China? Which festival do you like best? Why?    What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival?   4. Group work   Divide the students into nine groups and the topic for them to discuss is: What does your family do to get ready for Spring Festival?   5. Talk about the pictures.   6. Match the phrases and the pictures.   7. Listen and read.   8. Finish Part 3 --- Choose the correct answer.   9.Homework   评课意见:   1、课前进教室,提前板书相关内容,为课堂教学顺利进行打下基础,并能有效的节省时间;   2、教学环节设计安排清晰明了,过渡自然。   3、能结合学校分组分享教学法和英语教学的学科特点,有效开展分组活动。如全班学生分成九个小组,共同讨论分享—What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival? 在这一环节中学生能够积极参与,并能充分运用所学语言知识进行英语表达;   4、合理运用教学资源方面做得比较好。比如说教学挂图。教师能组织学生开展talk about the pictures 的教学活动。   5、每个教学环节在开展教学活动的时候,能够清晰准确地交代教学任务。如分组分享活动的任务是---Talk about what your family usually does to get ready for Spring Festival. 又如 Listen and Match 的任务是听录音材料,将相关短语划线;再如 Listen and read 部分,任务是回答下面问题。    What are Lingling and her family doing? What are the boys doing? What is Lingling doing?    What is Linglingu2019s mother doing?   建议:   1、 各个环节的时间安排值得考虑 比如说复习阶段。教师基本上是组织学生集体朗读、教师升降调带读的形式,然后组织学生进行听写。整个过程完成时间7:50。也就是说,从7:40到7:50,复习阶段花费了十分钟的时间。   结合自己前两天的课堂教学情况进行思考,觉得复习阶段是每一堂课的常规环节,应当常抓不懈;复习阶段的内容选择应当有的放矢,充分结合新授课内容;复习环节的时间分配不应当喧宾夺主;   复习的形式应该是多种多样的。而不一定每次都是朗读、听写。 又如:教学活动开始之后,教师组织学生进行关于节日方面的问答,并开展分组分享活动,在分组活动完毕之后,又组织进行分享。在这一过程中学生能够运用小组讨论的集体力量,大胆运用英语表达,为下阶段教学做了很好的铺垫,效果好。教师在这一过程中能有效地将学生的答案板书,便于新授课的引入,同时,在分享的过程中能够分组答题情况,适时开展评价活动。需要引起重视的还是时间。这个环节结束的时间是8:05。 还如:第八页的第一个环节Match the pictures and the phrases 结束的时间是 8:14。   从上面几个环节来看,课堂教学的重要部分 Listen and read 目前只剩下10来分钟的时间了。而这是明显不够的。   2、 教学挂图是一个非常有效的教学辅助。但利用的还是不够充分。不论是挂图的“挂”,还是talk about the pictures,都还有很大的空间可为;   3、 教师课堂英语组织教学方面,可是适当多些英语,少些汉语。同时,注意语音语调。如:festival的读音等。又如:我们听一遍,边听边跟读。好不好?再如:我们接着听下面这段对话,将你听到的短语划线。好不好?类似这样的内容,教师完全可以通过英语组织完成。   4、 板书的书写和设计还可以精益求精。比如说版面的设计,比如说字母L 的大小写形式。   5、 语言知识的专项练习是否可以适当增加。如关于现在进行时的内容—不仅课本内的活动设计合理,而且,workbook中也有相关内容。教师可以更好的利用已有内容开展教学活动。   初二英语听课记录范文篇3   听课班级:青杠中学8年级2班   授课教师:Miss Lin   课题:8年级1单元语法点   课型:复习课   教学目标:让同学们熟练地掌握现在完成时态的用法以及倒装句的用法    教学方法 :认知法   教学重点:现在完成时态的结构及使用情况   教学过程:1,教师在greeting之后,领读单词,同学们跟读。同时教师纠正同学们易犯的清辅音浊化和忽略重音的问题。   2,进入正题,列举课文例句,说明现在完成时态的结构。   A, 现在完成时的三种句型:一般句型,特殊疑问句型,一般疑问句型。   B, 现在完成时的使用情况:have gone to/ have been to/ have been in   C, 用现在完成时表示一段时间的句子结构:for+一段时间 since+一般过去时的句子/ 过去的时间点/ 过去一段时间+ago,以及在这种情况下短暂动词变为延续性动词的知识点。   D, 副词在现在完成时中的使用,逐一介绍yet just ever never already before,并举例说明。   3,介绍倒装句:举例说明完全倒装与不完全倒装。特别强调了so do I/neither do I,do可以是be动词、情态动词和助动词。   课堂评价:1,教师首先巩固学过的单词,教学过程由浅到深,易于学生循序渐进地掌握知识点。将语法点与例句相结合,生动形象,从而达到事半功倍的效果。   2,教师的板书思维严密,逻辑性强,浅显易懂。便于带动学生的思维跟着教师走。   3,课堂上师生间的互动缺乏,从而导致学习氛围不是很浓厚。教师应该给学生更多的鼓励,培养学生的学习兴趣。   听课班级:青杠中学8年级7班   授课教师:Miss Liu   课题:8年级5单元的词汇及相关语法   课型:复习课   教学目标:让同学们巩固之前学过的表达颜色的词汇,并知道怎样提问和回答。   教学方法:认知法   教学重点:英语中表达color的词汇和怎么询问一个事物的颜色。   教学过程:1,做listening dictation,巩固上一堂课学的color的词汇,并带领学生跟读。   2,教师用不同颜色的卡片和学生互动,逐一介绍各种色彩的英文词汇,并让学生跟读。教师问学生答,What color is it? Itu2019s orange.   3,为了巩固颜色问答的这个句式,教师将全班分为两个大组,教师抽出不同颜色的卡片,让一边提问,一边回答。   4,放磁带,听dialouge,教师询问学生dialogue的主要内容。并让学生跟着教师一起朗读dialogue。   5,分析dialogue中的主要语法点。Come from=be from并举例说明。   课堂评价:1,师生互动活跃,从而带动了课堂的学习气氛。   2,教师通过卡片的具体颜色来逐一介绍英语中表达各种色彩的词汇,非常形象,易于学生掌握。   3,教师在正式上课前首先听写上一节课学过的单词,从而使学生们进入了课堂学习的状态,为之后的互动打好了铺垫。   4,教师的Spoken English相对薄弱,有些单词的发音不到位,语言的流畅性也比较欠缺。 看过初二英语听课记录笔记的人还看了: 1. 初二英语听课记录范文 2. 初二英语听课记录相关范文 3. 初中英语听课记录范文 4. 小学英语听课记录范文 5. 高中英语听课记录范文


写的不好原因1.语法不通2词汇不会; 如何做?1. 记单词短语2仿写句子 至于通常说的多背就是仿写 最好有老师指导


   【题目要求】   假如你是David,下面是一张做家务的`情况表。请根据所给的信息写一篇短文,谈谈你和家人所做的家务以及你对做家务的看法,要求内容完整,语句通顺,80字左右。    【优秀满分范文】   I"m David. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I.   My father does the dishes on weekends. He sweeps the floor on Wednesdays. My mother cooks meals everyday. She washes clothes on Tuesdays and Saturdays. As for me, I do the dishes on weekdays. I take out the rubbish everyday. I sweep the floor on weekends.   I think it"s necessary for us students to do chores. Doing chores can help to develop our independency, and we can learn to take care of ourselves.    【参考译文】   我是戴维。我家有三口人。他们是我的父亲,我的母亲和我。   我爸爸周末洗碗。他星期三扫地。我妈妈每天做饭。她星期二和星期六洗衣服。至于我,平日里我洗碗。我每天都把垃圾拿出去。周末我扫地。   我认为我们学生做家务是必要的。做家务有助于培养我们的独立性,我们可以学会照顾自己。




Everyone is not alone in the society, and everyone needs friends. But how to make friends is a question for us. In my opinion, we can make friends in the following principles. On one hand, be a good listener .Let people talking about what they really want to talk. That you are a good listener means you understand him. On the other hand, be friendly to people. Everyone will be in trouble, so at any time, we should be friendly to people. In this way, you will have a lot of friends. Actually, making friends is a easier job if you put you true heart in it.每个人都在社会上并不孤单,每个人都需要朋友。但如何让朋友对我们来说是一个问题。在我看来,我们可以在以下原则的朋友。 一方面,做一个很好的听众,倾听他们真的想谈什么事。你是一个很好的聆听者意味着你理解他。 另一方面,对其它人友好。每个人都会有麻烦,在任何时候,我们应该友好相处的人。在这种方式,你将有很多朋友。 其实,如果你用心去和别人交流,那么广交朋友将会是一个很容易的工作。



初二英语差怎么补过来 补英语还来得及吗

来得及。初二时初中时期的中间阶段,是学习英语的黄金阶段,在这时期不仅得大量记忆单词还要学习语法,初二上册英语成绩差怎么办? 初二上册英语成绩差怎么办 1、单词一边复习一边记忆 初二英语成绩差,归根结底,还是初一的基础知识掌握得不牢。单词作为英语的重要知识,一点也不能犯迷糊。建议同学们从现在开始,就选本单词书,趁早背起来,这样的话,一方面,可以复习到学过的单词;另一方面,也能提早熟悉正在学和将要学的单词。 2、语法要重点学习 初中英语的语法知识基本上都集中在了初二,同学们一定要多花时间和精力去学。在学完单个语法点之后,最好把它们放到具体的语境中去理解,那样的话,就会较长时间不忘并能正确运用。 初二英语基础差怎样补 培养听英语的兴趣:听力训练时,即使听不懂也要继续听下去,不要半途而废。即使听不懂也是一种学习,耳膜已经开始尝试着适应一种新的语言发音,大脑在调整频率,准备接受一种新的信息代码,这本身就是一种学习的训练。 语法的学习:建议每学习一个语法点,在学校教室里抄过一边笔记后,回家静下心来,再重新整理一遍笔记,去粗取精,这其实是回顾温习的过程,并且要做好分类,不同重要程度的或者难易程度的要用不同的颜色区别对待,并时常翻阅。


Another problem is that lunchbox food safety. Experts stressed: "The lunch food must be placed in refrigerator, office refrigerator, if not better to abandon this approach because the high temperature bacteria of food quickly, eat prone to acute gastroenteritis." If there is no refrigerator, he suggested that the use of heat or cold can be a long time the special lunch boxes, thermos, etc. Sheng meals. Try to cook meals, do not load too much juice, because juice is gravy bacteria medium. Vegetables cooked a long time to place prone to strong carcinogens, sodium nitrite, Tan Rong Shao recommended vitamin supplement to ensure he can bring fresh cucumber, tomatoes, edible when the slice, Ban Zhao lunch eaten raw. If the hygienic quality of vegetables is guaranteed, you can produce their own salad. Because it has to go through microwave heating, lunch boxes must be a qualified products can be heated in a microwave to prevent leakage of toxins into the food.


  初二,在这个年级记录了我们许多青春的生活,也记录了我们的英语学习状况。下面是我给大家整理的初二英语下册短语英汉,供大家参阅!   初二英语下册短语英汉1   1. have a fever 发烧   2. have a cough 咳嗽   3. have a cold 受凉;感冒   4. have a headache 头痛   5. have a toothache 牙疼   6. have a stomachache 胃疼   7. have a sore throat 喉咙痛   8. have a sore back 背疼   9. talk too much 说得太多   10. drink enough water 喝足够的水   11. hot tea w ith honey 加蜂蜜的热茶   12. see a dentist 看牙医   13. get an X-ray 拍X 光片   14. enough stress足够的压力   15. awaste of tim e浪费时间   16. in order to为了;目的是..   17. get good grades取得好成绩   18. mind (not) doing sth. (不)介意做某事   19. depend on依赖;依靠   20. develop childre nu2019 s independence 发展孩子的独立性   21. look after/take care of 照顾;照看   22. do oneu2019 s part in (doin g ) sth.做某人分内的事   23. borrow 主语人借进。   24. borrow sth. from sb.从某人借某物 lend 主语人借出 lend sth. to sb.   25. lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人   26. provide sb. with sth.   27. provide sth.for sb.为某人提供某物。   28. buy sth. for sb.为某人买某物   29. pass sb. sth.   30. pass sth.to sb.递给某人某物   31. give sb.sth.   32. give sth. to sb. 给某人某物   33. .fall ill 生病   34. be badly ill 病的很严重   35. have free time有空闲时间   36. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事   37. hang out with sb. 与某人闲逛   38. after-school classes课外活动课   39. get into a fight with sb. 与某人吵架/打架   40. until midnight直到半夜   41. talk to/with sb. 与某人交谈   42. be angry with sb. 生某人的气   43. a big deal重要的事   44. work out成功地发展;解决   45. get on (well)with 和睦相处;关系良好   46. fight a lot经常吵架/打架   47. hang over笼罩   48. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事   49. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事   50. so that以便   51. mind sb. doing sth. 介意某人做某事   52. all the time一直   53. in future今后   54. make sb. angry使某人生气   55. worry about sth. 担心某事   56. copy oneu2019 s homework 抄袭某人的作业   57. be oneself 做自己   58. spend time alone独自消磨时光   59. give sb. pressure给某人施压   60. have a fight with sb. 与某人吵架   61. compete with sb. 与某人竞争   62. free time activities业余活动   63. get better grades取得更好的成绩   64. give oneu2019 s opinion提出某人的观点   65. learn exam skills学习应试技巧   66. practice sports体育训练   67. cause stress造成压力   68. cut out删除   69. be good at=do well in 擅长   70. be good for 对u2026有益   71. talk about 谈论   72. on the phone通电话   73. get off 下车   74. get over 克服   75. get away 离开   76. take out 取出   初二英语下册短语英汉2   1. agree with sb.同意某人(观点或看法)   2. take breaks 休息   3. wait for 等待   4. think about 考虑   5. cut off 切除   6. be interest in 对u2026感兴趣。   7. the same asu2026 和u2026一样u2026   8. away fromu2026远离u2026   9. see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事过程   10. see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事   11. be good for 对..有好处   12. at least 至少   13. in front of 在u2026前面   14. used to +v. 过去常常   15. be used to+ving或n. 习惯于   16. Clean-Up Day 清洁日   17. an old peopleu2019s home 养老院   18. help out with sth. 帮助解决困难   19. used to 曾经u2026 过去常常   20. care for 关心;照顾   21. the look of joy 快乐的表情   22. at the age of 在......岁时   23. clean up 打扫(或清除)干净   24. cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振奋   25. give out 分发;散发   26. come up with 想出;提出   27. make a plan 制订计划   28. make some notices 做些公告牌   29. try out 试用;试行   30. work for 为u2026工作;为u2026. 效力   31. put up 建造;举起;张贴   32. put off 推迟;延迟   33. put in 提出,放入,插入   34. hand out 分发;散发;发给   35. call up 打电话;召集   36. be satisfaction with sb. 对某人感到满意   37. look up 查阅(字典资料中)   38. raise money 筹钱;募捐   39. take after 与......相像;像   40. give away 赠送;捐赠   41. give up 放弃   42. give sb.sth.给某人某物。 =give sth. to sb.   43. fix up 修理;修补;解决   44. be similar to 与u2026u2026相似   45. set up 建立;设立   46. disabled people 残疾人   47. make a difference 影响;有作用   48. be able to 能够   49. after-school reading program 课外阅读项目   50. such as for example   51. at once 立刻,马上 =right away   52. live alone 独自居住   53. feel lonely 感到寂寞   54. decide to do sth. 决定做某事   55. come true 成为现实;实现   56. at the same time 同时   57. work out 可以解决,作出,   58. run out (of sth.)用完;耗尽某物   59. thanks (thank you) for doing 感谢某人做某事   60. go out for dinner 出去吃饭   61. stay out late 在外面待到很晚   62. go to the movies 去看电影   63. get a ride 搭车   64. take up 占用   65. take away 带走   66. take off 起飞   67. fold your/the clothes 叠衣服   68. sweep the floor 扫地   69. make your/the bed 整理床铺   70. clean the livng room 打扫客厅   71. no problem 没问题   72. welcome sb. 欢迎某人   73. come home from school/ work 放学/下班回家   74. throw down 扔下、抛弃   75. throw away 扔掉、浪费   76. throw sth. to sb. 向某人扔某物   77. come over 过来   78. take sb. for a walk 带某人去散步   79. go out for a walk 出去散步   80. as a result 结果、因此   81. all the time 一直;总是   82. all day/evening 整曰/夜   83. do housew ork 做家务   84. shout back 大声回应   85. walk away 走开   86. share the housework 分担家务   87. a com fortable home 一个舒适的家   88. in surprise 惊讶地   89. get som ething to drin k拿点喝的东西   90. watch one show 观看一个节目   91. hang out 闲逛   92. pass sb. sth. 把某物传给某人   93. get sth. wet 使某物弄湿   94. hate doing/to do sth. 讨厌做某事   95. do chores 做杂务   96. help sb. (to ) d o /with sth 帮助某人干某事   97. bring a tent带顶帐篷来   98. go to the store去商店   99. invite sb. to a party邀请某人参加聚会   100. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事   初二英语下册短语英汉3   1. take oneu2019 s temperature 量体温   2. put some medicine on sth.在u2026u2026上面敷药   3. feel very hot 感到很热   4. sound like 听起来像   5. all weekend 整个周末   6. in the same way 以同样的方式   7. in order to+v. u2026 so that+从句 u2026   8. invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事   9. learn to do sth. 学做某事   10. a member of u2026 u2026中的一员   11. die down 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失   12. wake up 醒来   13. in a mess 一团糟   14. break.. . apart 使u2026u2026分离   15. in times of difficulty 在困难的时候   16. at the time of 当.......时候   17. go off (闹钟)发出响声   18. take a hot shower 洗热水澡   19. miss the bus 错过公交车   20. pick up 接电话   21. bring... together 使u2026u2026靠拢   22. in the area 在这个地区   23. miss the event 错过这个事件   24. by the side of the road 在路边   25. the Animal Helpline 动物保护热线   26. walk by 走路经过   27. make oneu2019s way to. u2022. 在某人去u2026u2026的路上   28. hear the news 听到这个消息   29. important events in history 历史上的重大事件   30. for example 例如   31. be killed 被杀害   32. a school pupil 一个小学生   33. on the radio 通过广播   34. in silence 沉默;无声   35. more recently 最近地;新近   36. the World Trade Center 世贸中心   37. take down 拆除;摧毁   38. have meaning to 对u2026u2026有意义   39. remember doing sth. 记得做过某事   40. at first 首先;最初   41. part of... ...... 的组成部分   42. the highest mountain 最高的山脉   43. in the world 在世界上   44. any other mountain 其他任何一座山   45. of all the salt lakes 在所有的咸水湖中   46. run along 跨越u2026 u2026   47. freezing weather u2022冰冻的天气   48. take in air 呼吸空气   49. the first people to do sth. 第一个做某事的人   50. in the face of difficulties 面临危险   51. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事   52. achieve oneu2019 s dream 实现某人的梦想   53. the forces of nature 自然界的力量   54. reach the top 到达顶峰   55. even though 虽然;尽管   56. at birth 在出生的时候   57. be awake 醒着   58. run over with excitement 兴奋地跑过去   59. walk into sb. 撞到某人   60. fall over 摔倒   61. take care of 照顾;照料   62. every two years u2022每两年   63. cut down the forests 砍伐林木   64. endangered animals 濒危动物   65. go to a doctor 看医生   66. go along 沿着u2026u2026走   67. on the side of the road 在马路边   68. shout for help 大声呼救   69. without th inking twice 没有多想   70. get off 下车   71. have a heart problem 有心脏病   72. to oneu2019 s surprise使... 某人惊讶(出乎某人意料)的   73. thanks to 多亏了 ;由于;幸亏   74. in time 及时   75. save a life 挽救生命   76. get into trouble 造成(陷入)麻烦   77. right away 立刻;马上   78. because of 由于   79. get out of 离开;从u2026u2026出萍   80. hurt oneself 受伤   81. put a bandage on sth. 用绷带包扎   82. fa ll down 摔倒   83. feel sick 感到恶心   84. have a nosebleed 流鼻血   85. cut his knee 割伤他的膝盖   86. put her head back 把她的头向后仰   87. have problems breathing 呼吸困难   88. mountain climbing 登山运动   89. run out (of) 用完;用尽   90. so that 以便.;目的是u2026   91. so. . . that 如此u2026 u2026以至于u2026   92. be in control of 掌管;管理   93. in a difficult situation 在险境屮   94. keep on doing sth. 继续或坚持做某事   95. make decisions 做出决定   96. take risks 冒险   97. lie down and rest 躺下来休息   98. (go to) see a doctor(去)看病   99. need to do sth. 需要做某事   100. agree to do sth. 同意做某事   



今天是母亲节,天气晴朗.我想给妈妈一个惊喜! 初二英语作文

Mother"s Day, I gave my mother a surpriseToday is May 8 Mother"s Day, the language teacher arranged a job: a surprise to his mother, and then also write an article.I returned home to do math homework began to use their brains to think what kind of mother a surprise. I think, ah think, it is a good idea to think of anything. Suddenly, I saw the door basking noodles. With his mother do not like to eat noodles it? Today, let me come to her mother burned a bowl of delicious noodles.So, I went out to collect basking noodles come in, and then I picked up about a bowl of noodles can cook into the kitchen. Then, I went to fetch some burning surface needs seasoning. All preparations are done. Then, I rest.Until five o"clock, I went into the kitchen, put a pot on the stove, put a pot of water inside. Then I open the gas bottle, lit the gas stove to boil water. While, the water is boiling, I put the noodles into the pot, then cover with lid. Burn for a while, I opened the lid to see open water in the boiling up, I immediately poured some cold water inside, then cover and let it burn. And burned for a while, I opened the lid to see the inside of the water and opened, I quickly off a small gas stove, and then out of a clip from the pot noodle eating a bit. Well, the pasta has cooked. So, I put off the gas bottle. Then I put some in a bowl inside MSG, salt, lard, onions, a little water. Then, I put the cooked noodles to put fish bowl placed condiments. I use chopsticks noodles turned a body. Ah, a bowl of noodles cooked a tasty. I was taken out of the pantry and from a number of beef slices on top. Then I went to the living room, carrying bowl.At this time, my mother just returned home. I hurried to meet her and ask her to sit down, hands around the bowl so that the mother eat noodles. Mom looked at, keeps complimenting me grow up, smiling from ear to ear bar.




join和 join in 二者都有“参加”的意思,但用法有所不同。 join多指参加某组织,成为其中的一个成员。而join in指参加活动。take part in=join in take part in指参加群众性活动、会议等,往往指参加者持有积极的态度,起一份作用join in通常指参加某种活动,尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动这两者一般可以互换attend常指参加或出席正式的活动或场合,如婚礼,会议等join 例句:①I will never forget the day when I joined the Party.我永远也忘不了入党的那一天。 ②Will you join us for dinner?请你和我们一起吃饭好吗?take part in 例句:①Will you take part in the English evening?同我们一起参加英语晚会好吗? ②All the students took an active part in the thorough cleaning.所有的学生都积极参加了大扫除。 ③We should take an active part in school activities.我们应该积极参加学校的活动。 join in 例句:①May I join in the game?我可以参加这个比赛吗? ②I hope you”ll all join in the discussion.我希望你们大家都参加讨论。 如果说"与某人一起做某事"、"和……在一起"则用join sb. in sth./doing sth.。例句: ①Would you join me in a walk?和我一起去散步好吗? ②Will you join us in a game of cards?你愿意和我们一起玩牌吗? ③I”ll join you in a few minutes.我过几分钟将和你在一起



初二英语作文 写一篇关于如何做北京烤鸭的英语作文 80字

First,check you have all the ingredients.You need green onion,sauce.relish,roast duck,and pancake.Put the pancake on the hand.Put the ingredients into a pancake,roll the pancake.You can put sauce on t...


  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是我帮大家整理的初二英语作文7篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 初二英语作文 篇1   Li xin, a young lady of 23 from xinjiang, has been a middle-school teacher of English for three years. she is slim and beautiful, and always has a nice smile on her face.   She was born for teaching and does a great jib. In her class, she can get her students involved in learning and doing exercises. They are attracted by the topics she gives and this makes her class lively. As a result, most students like to be in her class.   Li Xin is a good teacher not only because she has a good way of teaching, but also because she loves her students and never spoil them. She is kind and considerate, and is ready to help her students who meet with difficulties.   My teacher, Li Xin, is not only our good teacher, but also our best friend. We all like her and will remember her forever. 初二英语作文 篇2   When I was a little child I had many dreams.   I wanted to be rich so that I can live in a big and beautiful house. I can go everywhere by car. But now my dream seems to be better and more realistic. I hope I can have a good job. It will not take much of my time although I can"t earn much. Every year I have holidays to travel. Traveling is my favorite and it can reduce my pressure. It"s good for my life.   Therefore I hope traveling can be a part of my future life. 初二英语作文 篇3   After the spring, it is summer.   Summer is not only delicious, there are beautiful scenery.   Pond, the pink lotus in the pond distributed bursts of fragrance, people involuntarily came, white lotus like a little girl, wearing a white skirt in the pond dancing.   The tadpoles swam in the pond, and the frogs sit on the green leaves.   Willow under the grandfather in the next chess, playing cards, under the five children, willow also secretly laugh it!   The tree, know the joy of cried, as in calling friends.   Grass grass in the laughter.   Watermelon, is also essential for the summer things, and watermelon is delicious and quench their thirst.   I like summer.   春天过后,就是夏天了。   夏天不单单有好吃的,还有美丽的景色。   池塘里,粉色的荷花在池塘中散发出阵阵清香,使人中不由自主地走来,白莲像一位小姑娘,穿着白裙子在池塘中跳舞。   蝌蚪在池塘快活地游泳,青蛙在绿油油的荷叶上坐着。   柳树下老爷爷在下象棋、打牌、下五子,柳树也偷偷的笑呢!   大树上,知了快活地叫着,像在呼唤朋友。   草丛里小草在偷笑。   西瓜,也是夏天必不可少的东西,而且西瓜既好吃又解渴。   我喜欢夏天。 初二英语作文 篇4 Dear Li Jun,   I"m glad to help you with your problems.   I think you should understand your parents. I think your parents love you very much. They hope you can be better. You should love them, too. And you could talk about your problem with your parents. You could tell them you need time to relax. And you should study hard and get good grades. So they won"t worry about your study.   Yours,   Hu xinyu 初二英语作文 篇5   Last summer vacation, i went to Beijing with my parents. I was very happy and excited. The first day, we went to visit the Great wall. The second day, we want to Tian"anmen Square. It was very great. We also went shopping. The third day, we went to Beijing hutong. We took many photos there. The people in Beijing were friendly and the food there was delicious.   Tim is my good friend. Here are some of his life habits. He never plays any sports because he thinks it"s boring. He likes playing computer games and uses the Internet almost every day. He thinks it is much fun. Tim thinks junk food is very delicious and he eats it four times a week. And Tim hardly ever helps his mother with housework. He thinks it is dirty.   I don"t think Tim"s habits are good. I think he should play more sports, use the Internet less, eat less junk food and try to help do some housework.   I have several friends, and the closest one is Linda. In some ways,we look the same. But in some other ways, we look different. We both have black eyes and black hair. She is taller than me, and she is quieter. She does things very carefully. I am more outing, and I am funnier. We have some interests in common. We both like reading. 初二英语作文 篇6   You take notice in some places, you"ll see the fact that most smokers are young people and even some are middle school students. It is said that in China the number of the people smoking is about 0.3billion.   Why do so many people smoke? Some think that smoking is pleasure, some believe that they can refresh themselves by smoking. In fact, smoking is a bad habit, which has great harm to people"health. The study of smoking shows that many kinds of illnesses have something to do with smoking. Smoking itself is a waster. It costs one so much money, Besides, many fires are caused by careless smokers. Today more and more people all over the world want to give up smoking. If you"re mot a smoker, don"t start. 初二英语作文 篇7   Though the science is highly advocated, people try to explain everything in science, there are still some people believe that something happen for some certain reasons, and the ghosts manipulate the supernature. In the older generation, they believe in ghosts so much, my grandma is one of them. She burns joss sticks day and night, she says if she keeps doing this, and the immortal will see her sincere and will bless our family fast and sound. As for me, I don"t believe in superstition, a ghost exists in those people who do the guilty things" heart. But if people believe in superstition and have faith, that will be good for them, so they won"t feel empty and do the right things.   虽然科学得到了高度的提高,人们尝试着用科学解释每一件事情,但是仍然有一些人相信事出是有因的,鬼魂在背后操纵着超自然现象。在老一辈里,他们很相信鬼怪,我的"奶奶就是期中一个。她从早到晚的烧香,她说如果她坚持这样做的话,神仙就会看到她的诚意,就会保佑我们家身体健康。对于我来说,我不相信迷信,鬼魂存在于那些做了亏心事的人心中。但是如果人们迷信并且有信仰,这样对他们来说也是好的,这样他们就不会感到空虚,也会做对的事情。


  在我们平凡的日常里,大家都有写作文的.经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我精心整理的课外活动初二英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。   Some students like to participate actively in after class activities. They think after class activities are an integral part of school life. By going in for such activities, they can learn what they can"t learn from books, which will be beneficial to them in the future.   Others, however, don"t like after class activities at all. They think that a student"s work at school is learning theoretical knowledge and nothing else. Taking part in after class activities is a waste of the valuable time at school.   In my opinion, every student should engage in some after class activities because from these activities we can learn many valuable things that we won"t learn in classrooms. School is not just a place for learning the difference between "lie" or "lay", or what caused the hours of the daily schedule.   Finally, after class activities broaden our circle of acquaintances. No amount of ordinary school work can take the place of friends acquired in the informal familiarities of activities.


  掌握好英语期末试题的知识点是很重要的,多做英语期末试题有助于提高英语学习成绩。以下是我给你推荐的初二英语期末试题及答案,希望对你有帮助!   初二英语期末检测试题   Ⅰ.下列各组单词中,有一个单词画线部分的读音与其他三个单词画线部分的读音不同,请选出。7%    1.A.find B.kind C.behind D.give    2.A.place B.have C.gate D.late    3.A.put B.but C.number D.hungry    4.A.close B.open C.move D.home    5.A.meat B.clean C.great D.please    6.A.about B.touch C.house D.round    7.A.school B.reach C.child D.cheap   Ⅱ.根据句意及所给单词的首字母,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式。6%   1.Don"t be l for school next time.   2.This q is very easy. She can answer it.   3.My bike is b . May I use yours?   4.I am h . Please give me something to eat.   5.I am very b today. I have a lot of work to do.   6.“Shall we meet i the school gate?” “No, let"s meet outside.   Ⅲ.根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。6%   1.She got to school ______ than I. late   2.______ too much is bad for your health. eat   3.Keep the windows ______ .close   4.Which is the ____ month of the year?nine   5.Be ______. It"s time for class.quickly   6.“Whose shoes are these?” “They are ______ .”he   Ⅳ.英汉片语互译。10%   1.对……有好处 ______ 2.不到三个月 ______   3.前天_ _____ 4.半小时 ______   5.上个星期 ______ 6.have a good time ______   7.enjoy working ______ 8.up and down _______   9.be good at _______ 10.do sport_ _____   Ⅴ.选择填空。16%    1.Did you buy anything ______ your way home?   A.in B.to C.from D.on    2.Shall we go there on foot ____ by bus?   A.or B.but C.so D.and    3.This house is ______ dear, so he doesn"t want to buy it.   A.too much B.much too   C.many too D.too many    4.There_______ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.   A.is going to be B.are going to have   C.are going to be D.is going to have    5.Where"s my pen? I can"t ______ it.   A.find B.look at C.look D.look for    6.“ ______ does your mother usually go to work? ” “By bike.”   A.When B.Why C.How D.Where    7.“When ____ he ____ to London? ”“ Three years ago. ”   A.are, going to move B.do, move   C.did, move D.does, move    8.I have two brothers. One is a doctor, ______ is a driver.   A.one B.another C.the other D.other    9.It"s cold today. Why ____ your coat?   A.don"t put on B.not to put on   C.not putting on D.not put on    10.My brother ____ to school because she was ill.   A.doesn"t go B.not go   C.didn"t go D.not to go    11.We"d better ____ there by bus tomorrow.   A.going B.go C.to go D.goes    12.____ do you go to see your aunt?   A.How long B.How many   C.How much D.How often    13.Uncle Wang is ing to supper. Let"s buy______ meat this afternoon.   A.many more B.some more   C.a lot D.a few    14.The Whites reached Beijing ____ the afternoon of June 15.   A.in B.on C.at D.for    15.My father ____ lunch at home every day.   A.hasn"t B.doesn"t have   C.haven"t D.don"t have    16.We enjoyed ____ on the farm.   A.working B.worked C.works D.to work   Ⅵ.按要求改写下列各句,每空一词,缩写词算一词。10%   1.There are some old buses over there.改为单数形式   There____ ____ old ____ over there.   2.She bought some books for me last Sunday.就画线部分提问   ____ ____ she____ for you last Sunday?   3.Mr. Black teaches in a middle school.改为一般疑问句   ____ Mr. Black ____ in a middle school?   4.You mustn"t play football in front of the house.改为祈使句   ____ ____ football in front of the house.   5.My uncle worked in Shanghai for more than ten years. 就画线部分提问   ____ ____ ____ your uncle ____ in Shanghai?   6.Mike went to the park yesterday.改为否定句   Mike ____ ____ to the park yesterday.   7.The students are going to help the farmers to pick apples next Sunday.就画线部分提问   ____ ____ the students ____ ____ ____ next Sunday?   Ⅶ.根据中文和英文提示词语,写出正确的句子。所给英文词语 全部用上。注意大、小写和标点符号。20%   1.你最好不要在这条河里游泳。   you, swim, in the river   _______________________   2.凯特昨天在回家的路上买了一些蔬菜。   Kate, buy, some, vegetables, way, home, yesterday   ___________________________________________________   3.今天是几号?   what, the, today   ____________________   4.我出生于1980年6月18号。   I, born, June 18, 1980   _______________________   5.躺着看书对你的眼睛有害。   read, in bed, bad, your eyes   ___________________________   Ⅷ.补全对话,每空一词,缩写词算一词。10%   A:Excuse me, 1 the post office, please?   B:Go along this street. 2 the first turning on the left, and then go on. You can see it on your left.   A: 3 4 is it from here?   B:It"s 5 seven kilometres 6 .   A:Can I go there by bus ?   B:Yes, you can.   A:Which bus shall I take?   B:The No. 256 bus.   A: 7 can I get to the nearest bus stop?   B:It"s on the 8 side of the street. Look! The bus is ing.   A:Thanks a 9 .   B: 10 all right.   Ⅸ.阅读理解。5%   阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。   A traveller旅行者 came out of the airport飞机场 There were a lot of taxis. He asked every taxi-driver his name. Then he took the third one. It cost 5 dollars美元 from the airport to the hotel. “How much does it cost for the whole day?” the man asked. “100 dollars, ” said the taxi-driver. This was very dear, but the man said it was OK.   The taxi-driver took the man everywhere. He showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went back to the hotel旅馆. The traveller gave the taxi-driver 100 dollars and said, “What about tomorrow? ”The taxi-driver looked at the man and said, “Tomorrow? It"s another 100 dollars. ” But the man said, “That"s OK! See you tomorrow. ” The taxi-driver was very pleased.   The next day the taxi-driver took the traveller everywhere again. They visited参观all the parks and museums again. And in the evening they went back to the hotel. The man gave the taxi-driver 100 dollars again and said, “I"m going home tomorrow. ”The taxi-driver was sorry because he liked the traveller and, above all, 100 dollars a day was a lot of money. “So you"re going home. Where do you e from?” he asked. “I e from New York.” “New York! ” said the taxi-driver, “I have a sister in New York. Her name is Susannah. Do you know her?” “Of course I know her. She gave me 200 dollars for you! ”    1.Where did the traveller e from?   A.England B.America C.Canada D.France    2.Why did the traveller take the third taxi? Because ____.   A.the other taxi-driver asked for more money   B.the third taxi-driver was a kind-hearted热心肠的 man   C.he didn"t want to spend his own money on the ing visit   D.the other driver didn"t like him    3.Usually the cost of the travelling one day may be ____.   A.$ 100 B.$ 200   C.less than$ 100 D.more than $ 200    4.Who asked the traveller to give the money for the taxi-driver?   A.The traveller"s sister. B.The traveller himself.   C.Nobody. D.The driver"s sister.    5.The driver was unhappy ____ .   A.when he heard the traveller"s last words   B.when the traveller asked every taxi-driver his name   C.when the traveller asked him for his sister"s name   D.during the two-day visit   Ⅹ.完形填空。10%阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文下面各小题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。   Peter was an office worker. He worked in an office in a *** all town. One day his boss老板 1 to him, “Peter, I want you 2 to London, to an office there, to 3 Mr. Brown.”   Peter went to London 4 train. When he got to London, he thought, “The office isn"t far from here. I can go there on foot. I"ll 5 it easily.   But after an hour, he was still looking for it, he stopped and asked an old woman. She said, “Go along this street, turn left at the end, and it"s the second building on the right. ” Peter went and found 6 . A few days 7 , he went to London, 8 . He did not find the office, 9 he asked someone in the street. It was 10 same old woman. She was very surprised吃惊 and said, “Are you still looking for that place? ”    1.A.told B.said C.asked D.showed    2.A.go B.reach C.to go D.to reach    3.A.see B.look C.watch D.look at    4.A.on B.at C.by D.in    5.A.look for B.look at C.look D.find    6.A.it B.one C.the other D.another    7.A.after B.ago C.later D.before    8.A.again B.too C.so D.because    9.A.but B.so C.too D.or    10.A.a B.an C.the D.that   初二英语期末检测试题答案   Ⅰ.1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.A   Ⅱ.1.late 2.question 3.broken 4.hungry 5.busy 6.inside   Ⅲ.1.later 2.Eating 3.closed 4.ninth 5.quick 6.His   Ⅳ.1.be good for 2.less than three months 3.the day before yesterday 4.half an hour 5.last week 6.过得愉快 7.喜欢工作 8.上上下下 9.擅长于 10.运动   Ⅴ.1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.B 14.B 15.B 16.A   Ⅵ.1.is, an, bus, 2.What, did, buy 3.Does, teach 4.Don"t, play 5.How, long, did, work 6.didn"t, go 7.What, are, going, to, do   Ⅶ.1.You"d better not swim in the river.   2.Kate bought some vegetables on her way home yesterday.   3.What"s the date today?   4.I was born on June 18, 1980.   5.Reading in bed is bad for your eyes.   Ⅷ.1.where"s 2.Take 3.How 4.far 5.about 6.away 7.How 8.other 9.lot 10.That"s   Ⅸ.1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A   Ⅹ.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C

如何保持冷静 初二英语作文

When angry, let oneself more consider for others, put yourself in the attempt to understand others, and they do believe that all people are kind and simple, maybe it is difficult or have their own not to notice some difficulties will go against their will or harm, hurt others, others to others in trouble.In the heart be agitated when trying to read some books can let the mood calm or see interesting cartoon is good too. For example: Wang Cengqi prose,, zhu de2 yong, cartoon and so onIn fact all have impulse, rather angry is also a venting. But before the vent or wisely to think their approach would like to get angry, cause harm to others, give yourself in trouble and obsession. Believe in the later days, time and experience will take you to mature. So, need not too anxious, want to believe in the power of time.


1. by bustake a/an + 交通工具 + to sp = go to sp by + 交通工具2. What does, do第一个does为助动词,因为主语he是第三人称单数;第二个do,和what一起构成do what“做什么”,表示对watches TV的提问。3. smarter thanbe + 形容词比较级 + than “比...更...”4. What"s, jobwhat does sb do? = what is one"s job? = What be sb? “某人是做什么工作的?”


1. C翻译:谁更外向/开朗,露西还是莉莉?解释:根据句意,应该是两种比较,所以用形容词的比较级: more outgoing这是比较级里的,你也可以看看语法书。2. B翻译:我妈和我都擅长滑冰。解释:句子主语为两者,用both(all指三者或以上);both做状语时,应该放在实意动词前,系动词之后,are就是系动词3. D翻译:上学期大多数学生去了英格兰学英语。解释:根据时间状语last summer,确定用一般过去时,A是一般时,B是单数的现在进行时,C是复数的现在进行时。排除ABC。4. B翻译:它离这里多远?大约五公里。解释:问距离用how far"多远". A是多长,明显不对。C是多少也不对,D也是多少的意思。我也是初二的学生


Hello every,My name is () and I"m a 14 years old boy .I join the competition and I like the competition. thanks eveyone!




  教案只说“怎样教”,说课稿则重点说清“为什么要这样教”。下面是我给大家整理的初二英语说课稿范文,供大家参阅!   初二英语说课稿范文篇1   一、说教材(教材分析) Analyzing teaching material   1. 说课型 lesson type (Dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision)   2. 本课在教材中的地位 status and function   Lesson 33 Saving the Earth is a dialogue. The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of Supposition/ Intentions/ conjecture/ Prohibition. Since it is a dialogue / reading. Itu2019s helpful to improve the Ss communicative/ reading ability.   3. 说教学指导思想 teaching guideline   (Teaching syllabus: Language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on reading; Grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills: develop reading skill/ discourse analysis; get them to understand the western culture better; improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems; Reading is for information, for fun; Use Top- down model or Bottom- up model to activate Ss schemata; Interactive model)   4. 说教学目标和要求 Teaching aims and demands (u2026be intended for Ss in key schools)   1)认知目标 knowledge objects   a. Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases:   Damage, lecture, pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn into   b. Get the Ss to be familiar with this sentence pattern:   If the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room leftu2026   Give the Ss a reinforced practice on the functional item Supposition.   c. Activate Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution and help Ss to know more about the problem of pollution.   2)智能目标 ability objects   a. Ask the Ss to make up a similar dialogue.   b. Help them to understand the dialogue better and improve the four skills.   c. Develop their ability of thinking independently.   d. Cultivate their ability to discover, analyze and solve problems.   e. Train them to collect information from the Internet.   f. Train them with some effective learning methods to optimize Ssu2019 learning results.   3)德育目标 moral objects   a. Arouse their interest in learning English;   b. Help them to understand the background of pollution.   c. Enable the students to love our earth and the nature.   d. Be aware of the importance of stopping pollution & protecting out environment.   e. Encourage the Ss to do something to save the earth.   5. 说教学重点 teaching important points (生词、句型;培养阅读技能)   a. New words and phrases   b. Sentence pattern: If- clause   c. improve their reading skills.   d. Talking about problems of the Earth.   6. 说教学难点 teaching difficult points (语法;发展交际能力)   a. functional item: Supposition.   b. Develop their communicative ability. Act out their own dialogue.   7. 说教具 teaching aids (multi-media computer, software, OHP)   The teaching syllabus says that itu2019s necessary for teachers to use modern teaching facilities. Itu2019s of great help to increase the class density and improve our teaching result. It can also make the Ss reach a better understanding of the text by making the classes lively and interesting. At the same time, it arouses the Ssu2019 interest in learning English.   二、说教法 Teaching methods   Five step method; audio-video; communicative approach;   Task-based learning: New Syllabus Design encourages teachers to use this teaching method. TBLT can stimulate Ssu2019 initiative in learning and develop their ability in language application. Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as the director and bring their ability into full play.   三、说学法 Study methods   1. Teach Ss how to be successful language learners.   2. Teach Ss how to develop the reading skill — skim & scan; how to communicate with others; how to learn new words; how to learn independently;   3. Get the Ss to form good learning habits.   四、说教学过程Teaching procedures   I. 复习 (Revision) 5min (Daily report; 词汇diagram; brainstorming; activate schemata)   Activity 1: Imagination   1). Suppose a bottle of ink is turned over and dirties your white shirt, what is to be done? (Wash it? Or throw it away?)   2). Suppose you catch a bad cold, whatu2019s to be done?   3). Suppose your bike is broken, whatu2019s to be done?   4). And suppose the earth, on which we all live, is damaged, whatu2019s to be done?   * What can you think of when you see “pollution” this word?(waste, environment, air, water, factory, desert, climate... Try to activate the Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution.)   II. 呈现 (Presentation) 5min   Activity 2: Presentation   Play the song “Earth Song” sung by Michael Jackson. (Create an atmosphere)   A lot of pictures and video clips about the causes and results of the three problems mentioned in this lesson will be shown on the screen with the help of the computer.   Ssu2019 presentation on pollution. Attract their attention, arouse their interest, and create a good atmosphere for communication.   * Activate their schemata and cultivate their ability in collecting information from the Internet and develop their ability in thinking independently.   III. 对话 / 阅读 (Dialogue)18m   1. Pre- reading   Activity 3: Prediction   1st listening/ fast reading, one guided Q to help Ss to get the main idea:   What do you think is discussed at the conference?   2. While- reading   Activity 4: Read and answer   2nd listening/ careful reading, more Qs to get the detailed information. Develop their reading skills: skim & scan. Pay attention to the pronunciation, stress & intonation.   * 阅读: Pre-reading; while-reading; post-reading (fast reading/ careful reading; skim/ scan; 识别关键词key words;确定主题句;创设信息差information gap;T or F; 填表格chart/diagram; Predicting; Make a timeline; Make a story map。达到对课文的整体理解和掌握。So that they can have a good understanding of the whole text.)   3. Post- reading   Activity 5: Language focus   While Ss are answering the Qs, the teacher deals with some key language points.   a. is being caused b. and so on c. go on doing   d. be fit for e. standing room f. if- clause   IV. 操练 (Practice) 10m   Activity 6: Retell   Use your own words to retell the dialogue in the 3rd person.   Activity 7: Acting out   Activity 8: Drill u2013 Supposition   Purpose: Practise the functional item of Supposition. (P. 33 Part 2; P.113, wb Ex. 3)   (Retell; act out; role play)   V. 巩固 (Consolidation) 6m   (Discussion; interview; press conference; debate; quiz)   Activity 9: role play   Suppose you were head of a village, scientist, journalist and villager, make up a conversation and ask several groups to demonstrate in front of the class.   * The Ss are encouraged to use the words and expression_r_rs like pollution, damage, be fit for, turn into, the if- clause, etc.   Activity 10: Discussion   Think of the question: Are we causing damage to the world?   What should we do to save the earth and protect our environment especially in our daily life?   Collect their answers and form a report.   VI. 作业 (Homework) 1m (Writing; continue the story; recite; retell)   Write a letter to the mayor, telling him sth. about the pollution around your school.   初二英语说课稿范文篇2   一、说教材:   1、教材简析:   我说课的内容是江苏牛津中学英语教材9A第3单元Teenage problems中的Integrated skills部分。本单元通过青少年中存在的问题和困扰这一主题,引出话题,谈论话题。由于学生对这一话题极感兴趣,我在教学中准备使用多种教学手段设置情景,有效地把单词和句型情景相结合,注重听说训练,使语言点的训练密切联系生活实际,达到灵活运用,学以致用的目的。   2、教学目标:   依据英语新课标所提出的总目标并根据本年段学生认知水平,我制定了如下教学目标:   a、 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词和词组.   b、能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型.   c、 能正确地听懂、掌握A板块前半部分听力内容,并能以较好的语音语调流畅地朗读后半部分的课文填空。   d、能用本课所学语言讨论青少年中存在的问题   3、教学重点、难点:   教学重点:正确拼读本课四会单词和句型,能流利地用所学句型进行情景会话。   二、说教法和学法   根据我对《英语课程标准》的理解和九年级学生的生理和心理特点,我将教学本课的指导思想确定为:让学生主体参与,主动探究,合作互动,充分发展。具体采用如下教学方法:   1、情景教学法:   通过设置较为真实的情景,使学生产生身临其境的感觉,激起学生情感上的共鸣,从而引导学生从整体上理解和运用语言,促进学生的语言能力及情感、意志、想象力、创造力等整体发展。   2、小组学习法:   每4人一组,可两两交流,也可自由选择,在互动中互相启发发生思维的碰撞。同时注意保证每个学生都有机会参与学习,培养学生与伙伴合作的意识和策略,提高人际交往能力。   3、练习法:   把大多课堂时间留给学生,使学生在多信息、高密度、快节奏的灵活操练中拓宽学习渠道。   另外,考虑到B板块为对话教学部分,我在这一环节的教学中主要侧重于学生朗读能力的培养,在训练听说的同时加强朗读指导,一方面可以培养学生朗读的基本技巧,另一方面也可以检查学生对课文理解的情况,进而培养学生的自主学习能力。   三、说教学程序   1、对话导入,学习新知   a、 以“Teenage problems”为主题及线索组织教学。课前在教室里头稍作布置,背景音乐的选择体现了牛津初中英语板块之间的自由组合,也为后面的教学做了一个提早渗透,这样,学生在轻松愉快的气氛中进入本课的学习,接着我向学生展示课件,引出青少年问题的话题,同时教授新词。由介绍学生自己的问题入手无形中拉近了与学生的距离,使学生备感亲切。   b、在学生展示自己作品的语境中,用多种手段,如:作品、图片、照片、简笔画等呈现。学生边学边进行听、说、拼读及运用,坚持循序渐进,由易而难的原则教学新知识。   2、巩固拓展,强化新知   a、 在情境中不断使用新句型,学生不仅学会了新的词组,而且不可避免地涉及到了旧知。同时也激发了学生的求知欲,想学更多的有关的词汇来介绍自己的问题,并向他人寻求有效的建议和意见,达到了学中用,用中学的目的,给予他们成功的乐趣。   b、仍以“Teenage problems”为场景由学生分小组自创小对话进行表演。要求问到前面所学句型并要求用到本课时所学的交际用语。通过这样的练习形式让学生主体参与,学生的思维处于积极兴奋的状态,有利于提高课堂学习效率。   3、指导朗读,感知课文   a、 在小对话表演告一段落时,自然导入A部分对话教学。然后播放多媒体课件让学生感知课文,为了让学生在听的过程中有所侧重,引起他们的有意注意,让他们带着问题去听。   b、播放录音再感知课文,以选择题的形式检查学生理解课文的情况。   c、跟读课文,为避免反复朗读时的过于枯燥,设计小小配音员的训练环节。   d、学生分角色朗读对话,指导学生在朗读时利用手势、表情、动作、声音等手法,以加强语言的表现力,更生动地传达说话人的思想和感情,使学生能在熟练朗读的基础上更深地理解对话内容。   4、面向全体,作业分层   为了满足不同类型不同层次学生的需求,在作业布置上我尝试进行分层教学即让程度较差的学生做a类作业;程度中等的学生做b类作业;程度较好的学生做c类作业,当然,也可以根据自己的兴趣特长进行自由选择。   a、朗读并抄写要求四会掌握的单词和词组;   b、听录音,朗读课文,并根据所学话题进行自由交谈并形成文字稿。   通过这样的作业形式争取让每一个孩子都学有所获,从而达到激励全体学生努力学习的目的。   初二英语说课稿范文篇3   一、教材分析:   1、教材的地位及作用:   第二册第五单元第二节课, 本单元围绕做"比较"( Makingcomparison) 这个题材开展多种教学活动,它与上一单元联系紧密,是它的延续。本节课是本单元的重点,表示数量的some,few的比较。通过学习的比较等级,进一步加深对比较等级的语法现象的理解和运用。同时通过some,few比较等级在陈述句与疑问句中的操练,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力。   2、教学目标:(知识目标、能力目标、德育目标)   知识目标:   (1)学习、掌握some,few的比较等级;   (2)学习单词strong。   能力目标:提高学生听、说、读、写及知识自学的综合能力。   德育目标:教育学生热爱劳动。不臀藁?No pains,no gains)。   确立教学目标的依据:   根据英语教学大纲规定,通过听、说、读、写的训练,使学生获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力,激发学生的学习兴趣,为进一步学习打好初步的基础。此外,根据我国国情和外语教学大纲的要求,现阶段外语教学的素质教育主要包括思想素质教育、目的语素质教育、潜在外语能力的培养、非智力因素的培养等四方面。   3、重点与难点:   重点:学习表示数量some, a few的比较等级。   难点:some, a few的比较等级在实际生活中的应用。   确立重点与难点的依据:   根据教学大纲的要求,及本课在教材中所处的地位和作用。   二、教材处理:   根据以上对教材的分析,同时针对中国学生学习外语存在一定困难的实际情况。首先给学生创造外语语言氛围,身临其境地把学生带到农场里。同时激发学生学习兴趣,使学生在参与农场的一系列活动中,掌握知识。最后通过做游戏对学生所学知识点进行训练,从而达到巩固知识的目的。   三、教学方法:   通过五步教学法,精讲巧练,由浅入深,由易到难,由已知到未知,循序渐进地深化教学内容。展开以教师为主导,以学生为主体的师生双边活动。   四、教学手段:   主要以现代化电教手段--多媒体辅助教学,贯穿整个教学过程。增加了直观性和趣味性,加大了课堂密度,提高了教学效果。   五、教学程序:   1、新课导入   为了激发学生的学习兴趣,引起注意,拉近师生距离,首先告诉学生这节课我将带他们去一个(转载自中国教师站文摘http://www.cn-teacher.com,请保留此标记。)有趣的地方,并请他们依据我的提示猜测要去哪里? 当学生猜出去农场时,我们便"上车", 一路欢歌(PickingApples)去农场。随着"嘎"的刹车声,电脑打出农场全景, 给学生一种身临其境的感觉,导入正课。   2、新课的讲解   本课利用多媒体教学手段展示了一幅幅色彩逼真、形象生动的画面,配有汽车声、动物的叫声,栩栩如生。以学生在农场里劳动为主线,通过树上结多少苹果,学生摘多少苹果,卡车运多少苹果筐,以及劳动后学生吃多少苹果的比较,将some,few的比较等级在一系列既关联又相对独立的语境中详细讲解,反复演练,使学生全面掌握。其中多媒体展示的动画部分更具特色,充分地调动了学生的积极性,吸引了全体学生的注意力,达到了教育教学目的,培养学生思想素质、情感素质和英语语言素质。   3、反复操练和巩固应用   为了调动学生的积极性,利用Work in threes,in pairs,in row,in group,及Boys ask,Girls answer等多种不同方式操练巩固。使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度培养学生运用英语的能力。   4、反馈练习   本课的又一次高潮是将游戏与练习有机结合,融为一体。设计下棋游戏,棋盘为20个格,每格均为在苹果园里劳动的情景,并配有本课的重点--比较等级的练习题。棋盘的上一男一女分别代表男生和女生两大组,值得一提的是决定男女生在棋盘上走几步的转盘,是用本课重点词汇fewest,fewer,a few,some,more和most组成,使学生在玩中进一步体会数量some,a few的比较等级的运用。学生通过转轮,边做游戏边做练习,寓教于乐,极大地激发学生学习兴趣,同时巩固了学生所学的知识。   5、归纳总结   本课除了板书所呈现的重点内容外,又把本课内容浓缩成韵律诗形式,巧妙地总结本课重点、难点,学生又通过优美的旋律、音韵动力听的节奏。进一步巩固,加强对本课内容的理解和运用。   6、展示板书   Unit 5 Lesson 18   Kate some apples.   Jim has more apples than Kate.   Meimei the most of all.   The first truck a few baskets.   The second one is carrying fewer tham the first.   The third one the fewest of all.   本课以素质教育为目的,结合教材重点、难点及英语学科特点,利用多媒体辅助教学,从视、听、说等方面使学生得到锻炼,在愉快、轻松的氛围中温故而知新,达到初步运用英语交际的能力。由于缺少经验,在教学过程中难免会出现不足,敬请各位老师不吝赐。




初二英语阅读理解答案   下面是我为大家提供的初二的英语阅读理解练习以及答案,有兴趣的`朋友可以阅读学习一下哦!   第一篇:   One day he went on a long way alone. Before he left home,his wife said,Now you have all these things. You need them on your way. Take care of your things on the way.He went to the station. He bought a ticket and got on the train with it.   About an hour later,the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said,Will you please show me your ticket?The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets but he could not find it. He was very worried. I cant find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train,said the old man.   I think you are right. I believe you bought a ticket. All right,you dont have to buy another ticket,said the conductor kindly. But the old man still(仍然) looked worried and said sadly,You dont know why Im worried. If I dont find my ticket,I cant remember my station. Where am I going?   1. The old man bought a ticket _______.   A. after he got on the train   B. before he got on the train   C. when the conductor told him to buy one   D. when he found he had no ticket with him   2. About an hour later,the conductor began _______.   A. to buy the tickets   B. to look for the tickets   C. to check(检查) the tickets   D. to show the tickets   3. The conductor told the old man that he didnt need to buy another ticket because _________.   A. the man was very old   B. he thought the old man had no money with him   C. the old man showed him the ticket   D. he believed the old man   4. The old man still looked worried because _________.   A. he couldnt get on the train.   B. he lost his ticket and a lot of money   C. he thought his wife would get angry with him   D. he forgot where he was going   5. Which of the following(下列) is right?   A. The old man went on the trip with his wife   B. The old man didnt find his ticket   C. The conductor was also an old man   D. The old man had to buy another ticket   第二篇:   The story happened during the Second World War(战争).An old man lived in a small town of Germany. He had three sons and they all worked in the same factory where he had worked. After the war had begun , his sons were all made to join the army one after another and they all died in the frights . The old man was very sad . he didnu2019t have enough food and was often hungry . And nobody helped him and he didnu2019t know how to go in living .   It was a very cold winter night . The old man couldnu2019t go to sleep . He had been hungry for two days and it was so cold in his room that ice could be seen . He had to get up and begun to run in the room until he lay down on the ground. The next morning he had to beg from door to door. He had been to a lot of cities and knew a lot.   Once he came to a village , but the villages were all poor and couldnu2019t give him anything . He was too hungry to go to another village . He thought hard and found a way . He came to a police station and called out , “Hitler is a foolish pig (希特勒是蠢猪)!"   Out came an old policeman at once . He took the old man into a room , gave him some bread and a cup of tea . Then he said , “Donu2019t say in our village , sir !”   “Iu2019m sorry, sir.” Said the old man . “I donu2019t know itu2019s Hitleru2019s hometown .”   “No, no , sir.” The policeman said in a hurry. “Itu2019s pigu2019s hometown !”   1. The old man was ___________.   A. a German B. a French   C. an Australian D. an Englishman   2. The old man was sad because ________.   A. his three sons all died during the war   B. His three sons had to join the army   C. He had no food or clothes   D. He lived in the small town alone   3. The old man got up and ran in his room to ________.   A. keep healthy   B. Forget he was sad and hungry   C. Make him warm   D. Find a way to forget he was hungry   4. The old man shouted outside the police station because______   A. he hated Hitler very much   B. he hoped the policeman could help him   C. he wanted to make the policemen angry   D. he thought the he would be given some food in prison (监狱)   5. Which statement is true?   A. The old policeman hated Hitler , too   B. The old policeman found that the old man his best friend   C. The old policeman would send the old man in prison   D. The old policeman liked Hitler better than pigs   第三篇:   Long, long ago there were only a few thousand people in the world. These people move form place to place over the land, hunting animals for food.   No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed. They did not have to look for food any more. They could stay in one place and grow it.   People began to live near one another. And so the first village grew. Many people came to work in the villages. These villages grew very big. When machines appeared(出现), life in the villages changed again. Factories were built. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities grew very big.   Today some people are moving back to small towns. Can you tell why?   1. The best title(题目)of the text should be ___.   A. Cities or Villages B. Back to Towns   C. How Cities Grew D. People and Animals   2. The underlined word "they" in the second paragraph refers to(指的是) ___.   A. villages B. animals C. cities D. people   3. When factories were built, ___.   A. more people live near the factories   B. people began to live in the factories   C. many people began to work in villages   D. many machines appeared in big factories   4. We can learn from the text that ___.   A. people like to work only in big cities   B. some people don"t like to live in big cities   C. there will be no small towns in the future(将来)   D. it is better to live in cities than in villages   5. In what order did people do the following things?   A. Worked in villages B. Lived near the factories.   C. Learned to grow food. D. Built factories.   E. Began to live near each other.   A. d, b, a, e, c B. e, a, c, d, b,   C. c, e, a, d, b D. a. c. d. e. b   >>>>>>参考答案<<<<<<   第一篇:B C D D B   第二篇:A A C D A   第三篇:1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C ;

【初二英语】他正在学校门口发放通告:He is ___ ___notices at the school gate.在线等!!快

handing out. letter . difficulty . considering of helping for


The Advantage of job interview Nowadays,job interview plays an important role in some companies" recruitment procedure.Generally,its advantages can be listed as follow: First,it help the company examine the applicators impartially in the interview .Some applicators may cheat in his personal resume.Through the interview,the recruiter may judge whether a applicator has cheated in his resume and then decide whether he is suitable for the position he apply for . Second,job interview provide some applicators who have no high diploma more opportunities to gain the job.He may show his good quality in the interview .At last ,job interview promote the communication between the recruiter and the applicator. It help the applicator know more about the company"s policy ,such as the salary,the welfare.At the same time the recruiter also know what the applicator want . Generally speaking,job interview do favor not only for the recruiter but also for the applicator.


1.flowers 2.chances 3.charity 4.organzing5.living 6.seem7.study8.in9.around10.much


April 4 Monday Sunny Today,I went to People"s Park with friends to play.First,we went boating on the lake.Water is so clear, and we enjoy playing.Then we wnet to the zoo.We saw any animals,like monkey ,tiger,snake,and so on.We rode the horse,it"s very exciting.The most interesting is catching fish.There were all kinds of goldfish.If we caught the goldfish,we could took them away.What a happy day!

初二英语作文 我的烦恼 60词 要翻译

As I teenager, my life is fun and stressed at the same time. I not have to deal with the school, but also issues of growing up. However, I also enjoy being a teen, going to school and learning everyday. The ideal happiness for me is a summer vacation without homework! I believe that having a vacation, perhaps just a short one, that I can plainly do whatever I want, would be awesome. I am looking forward to it, which is comming up in less than a month. But right now, I need to work hard for my final exams!当我十几岁时,我的生活是有趣的,强调在同一时间。我没有处理学校,但也成长的问题。然而,我也喜欢作为一个青少年,每天上学和学习。理想的幸福对我来说是没有作业的暑假!我相信有一个假期,也许只是一个短,显然,我可以做任何我想要的,将是可怕的。我期待着它,这是确保在不到一个月的时间。但是现在,我需要努力工作为我的期末考试!


初二英语下册第八单元,b部分2b用英语复述: (A Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever ) When Sarah used to fight over almost everything with her family. she heard a song full of feelings about returning home on the radio in England five years ago.It made Sarah think about her family and friends back in the US.She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them.She has become a fan of American country music. Country music is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America.Nashville,Tennessee is the home of country music.Many songs these days are just about modern life in the US,such as the importance of money and success,but not about belonging to a group.However,country music brings us back to the"good old days"when people were kind to each other and trusted one another.It reminds us that the best things in life are free--laughter,friends,family,and the beauty of nature and the countryside. Sarah"s dream is to come back Tennessee one day.There is a Country Music Hall of Fame Museum in Nashville.There are also always a lot of great country music concerts with famous musicians and singers,like Garth Brooks, one of the most successful musicians in American history.He"s sold more than 120 million records.Sarah hopes to see him sing live one day.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------该文章的参考缩写: When Sarah used to fight over almost everything with her family. she heard a song full of feelings about returning home on the radio in England five years ago.It made Sarah miss her family and friends back in the US.She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them.She has become a fan of American country music. Country music is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of America.Nashville,about the"good old days"when people were kind to each other and trusted one another.It reminds us that the best things in life are free--laughter,friends,family,and the beauty of nature and the countryside. Sarah"s dream is to come back Tennessee one day.


Hey, my friends, have you ever been to Xiamen? Xiamen can be fun. If you haven"t been there, that"s OK, I will take you there now. Xiamen, located in the southeast of Fujian Province, near the sea. Sometimes, smoke, make people feel as if there is a fairyland. Xiamen has a bird in the world, and other local difference, you entered the Xiamen city can hear birds Huan call, and open the peacocks and parrots at the door to greet you, let you feel the bird"s friendship, there is also dedicated to birds perform acrobatics hall. You see, the dove riding a bicycle on the wire, the more powerful ah, and the blackbird in the garbage, how about health Ya how, Xiamen bird world is fun to do? You don"t worry, and more fun behind, we first visit Hulishan fortress, I to take you to visit China the biggest gun and the minimum of the gun, first saw is the smallest gun?? only 80 centimeters in length, but its power is not small, effective range at about 2 km, again go toward in walk is the China biggest cannon?? a total length of 15 meters of the cannon, a range of up to 10 kilometers. After the battery if you want to relax? No problem, walking, we beach to, where the beach can be soft, light foot is stepping up very comfortable, also can pick up shells, swimming, soak in water, very fun, go and play water. Finally, we went to Gulangyu Island Tour, Gulangyu has two major characteristics. First, it is "the hometown of music", in Gulangyu out of the many musicians, now island is almost every household has a piano, and everywhere you can hear the sweet piano. Secondly, it closest to the island of Taiwan, standing on the top of the sunshine rock Jimuyuantiao can see Taiwan island of Kinmen, Taiwan since ancient times, is China"s sacred territory inseparable. I believe the near future, Taiwan will return to the embrace of the motherland, to at that time, I want to visit the island.


  “生命在于运动。”没错,运动不但可以锻炼我们的身体,还能充实我们的生活,愉悦我们的心情。下面是我给大家整理的,供你参考!   初二运动英语作文篇1   In the morning, just opened the window, cool air to face, let people be refreshed. What a nice day to run! I got dressed and went downstairs and found that there were already some morning exercises in the square. I quickened my pace and ran to the left of the square, ready to run around the square, looking at the surrounding scenery.   It was a green trail, covered with thick trunks and scattered leaves. I have a look, there are many wrong birds nest on the trunk. I have heard the chirping of birds, a very beautiful melody, and the *** ell of nature. I was still running, not feeling tired, but I felt that my body and mind were relaxed.   Just run out of the beautiful path, and then to the gym. Various fitness equipment and facilities have bee a good place for people to exercise. I ran as I ran, and I met an old woman who was doing morning exercises. She looked like sixty or seventy. She sat on a gym and exercised her back. I could see a *** ile on her face. The old granny"s move proves that the word "life lies in sports" also shows that exercise does bring happiness to people. Now I had some sweat oozing out of my head, but I ran forward.   Turning a curved corner, I ran to the departure spot. There are plenty of fish in the pond on the left. They get together and they"re like they"re playing and playing. Finally, I ran back to the beginning and ended the morning run.   Exercise brings happiness as well as health. Whether it"s my personal experience or what I"ve seen and heard, it illustrates this point. Why, then, stay at home every day as "otaku", join the movement and join the national movement!   初二运动英语作文篇2   Exercise is something mon but significant. Although nearly everyone knows its importance, I still want to emphasize today.   锻炼是一件很普通却又很重要的事情。虽然基本上每个人都知道它的重要性,但是今天我还是要强调一下。   In the first place, exercise is significant to health. It goes without saying that the importance of heath to people. There is a Chinese saying,” Health is the source of revolution.” And the most important way to keep health is to do exercise. Exercise is the best and directly way to keep health. When you are doing exercise, your whole body can get moved, which will make you bee healthy.   首先,锻炼对健康很重要。健康对于人们的重要性是不言而喻的。有一句中国谚语:“身体是革命的本钱”,而保持健康最重要的方法就是锻炼身体。锻炼是保持健康的最好也是最直接的方法。当你在运动的时候,你的整个身体都动了起来,这会使你变得健康。   Secondly, exercise helps you to save money. As what I said above, if we do not does exercise often, we may in a bad health. Thus, we have to go to the hospital to see the doctor. It is well-known that the medical industry is very expensive. It may cost your one"s month salary for going to the hospital once.   其次,锻炼可以节省金钱。正如我上面所说的,如果我们不经常运动,我们的健康状况就可能会不太好。因此,我们必须去医院看医生。众所周知的,医疗都是非常昂贵的。去一次医院有可能会花掉你一个月工资。   Last, exercise will make you bee more and more beautiful or handsome. As you exercise your body, your body will get fit, which will make you look better.   最后,锻炼会使你变得越来越漂亮或越来越英俊。你在锻炼身体的同时,你的身体会变得越来越强壮,看起来也就越来越好。   There are others benefits to do exercise; I just do not list here. Move, try yourself to do some exercise, do not always sitting on the chair.   锻炼还有很多其他的好处,我就不一一列举了。动起来,尽量多动动,不要总是坐在椅子上。   初二运动英语作文篇3   When we arrived at the school, we saw that the playground was already crowded, and we didn"t want to fall behind. We rushed up to table tennis. We fought hard on the court, you serve, I fight back; You attack, I defend; You"re defending, I"m attacking, I don"t know how many rounds, you"re sweating and you don"t know. Time slipped by, and soon it was dark, and the people on the playground were almost gone, and we stopped. The glow of the sunset reflected our red face, and we went back happily together. The school formed the student basketball team and I was lucky to be one of them. Every day, I keep taking part in basketball training. My health is getting stronger and stronger every day. Before I took part in training, I was sickly and sickly, and I would have a cold and fever. Now I have rarely seen them. It is exercise that makes my body more robust, it is exercise that makes me healthy. I also enjoy happiness in sports. In the school basketball team this year, when playing, our understanding of all the players and attack, the basketball into the basket the moment we are very excited, excited and happy, encouraged each other.   The joy in sports, and the friendship between friends. I love sports and I gain a strong body through sport. Through exercise I gain happiness; Through sports I also gained friendship! Sports, you"re not going to get involved?


  我们生存在地球上每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。下面,是我为你整理的保护环境的初二英语作文带翻译A,希望对你有帮助!   保护环境的初二英语作文带翻译A篇1   Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals. Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind. Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it. Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment   .人与环境是和谐相处的,我们生存在地球上,人是自然之子,而不能仅把人看作自然的征服者,大家都知道,人类只有一个地球,地球上的山山水水、动物。植物是人类的细胞,如果我们把它损坏了,破坏了大自然的组织,等于消灭人类。因此,环境要与社会公德联系起来,与实践行为作为人格教育的一项重要内容来抓。每个人都要履行保护环境的责任和义务。   保护环境的初二英语作文带翻译A篇2   Protecting the environment is everyone"s duty.How should we do?I think we should do the follwings.Firstly,we should drive less,walk more,and often ride bikes.Secondly,we should have low-carbon lifestyle,so as to reduce the pollution of the atmosphere,slow the deterioration of the ecological environment.We can use energy saving lamps,reduce the time of shower,save water,and turn off the lights when leaveing the room.We can recycle paper,books,and leave the books to the students in the lower grades for using.At last,when we go shopping,we should bring bags,not using plastic bags and less using paper towels.   译文:保护环境是每个人的责任.我们应该怎样做呢?我认为我们应该做到以下几点.首先,我们应该少开车、多走路,而且经常骑自行车.其次,我们应该低碳生活,以减少对大气的污染,减缓恶化的生态环境.我们可以使用节能灯,减少淋浴的时间,节约用水,离开房间时要关灯当.我们可以回收纸、书,把书籍留给低年级学生使用.最后,当我们去购物时,应该带包,而不是使用塑料袋,少用纸巾.   保护环境的初二英语作文带翻译A篇3   With the improvement of our living standard, more and more people can afford a car. As a result, our roads are more often than not crammed with cars. However, with more and more waste gas being discharged by the cars, the problem of air pollution becomes even more serious. So nowadays we advocate to lead a low-carbon life.   与我们的生活水平的提高,越来越多的人都买得起汽车的。因此,道路往往没有堆满了汽车。然而,随着越来越多的废气排放是汽车、空气污染问题变得更加严重。所以现在我们提倡过低碳的生活。   My suggestion is we should ride bikes more often instead of driving cars.By riding a bike, we can not only exercise our body but also protect our environment. Why not have a try, my dear friends?   我的建议是我们应该更经常骑自行车而不是开车骑一辆自行车,我们不仅能锻炼身体,也能保护我们的环境。为什么不试试,我亲爱的朋友?


  梦想是伟大的,有了梦想,生活才有了精彩,人生才有了意义。你知道怎么写一篇我的梦想是当一名记者的英语作文吗?下面是我给大家整理的初二英语作文我的梦想当一名记者,供你参考!   初二英语作文我的梦想当一名记者篇1   Everyone has their own dream, the dream of every individual are great, happy, far away. Dreams of making each individual to strive for their goals, to strive, to struggle, to open up. My dream is a long Great later, when a a journalist; a newspaperman. Was a child, I saw uniformed a journalist; a newspaperman, I feel a special air, on television saw the police risk their lives to rescue and save people when I told them more of a cult. They disregard their own safety, to maintain the social peace. When someone asked if I want to do when you grow up, I am proud to say: "When the a journalist; a newspaperman." But I understand that when a a journalist; a newspaperman officer is not an easy thing to do, the light still does not work like the. The key is to learn cultural knowledge, and actively exercise good health, so be possible to achieve my dream. I put my dream in mind and study hard. Strive to make my dreams come true as soon as possible.   初二英语作文我的梦想当一名记者篇2   My Dream Job   Everyone has their dream jobs, so have I.As my family and friends know, I am good at writing and have excellent eloquence,so my dream job, first, is becoming a reporter. I want to write articles for newspapers and magazines.And then, after graduation from high school, I desire to study in Beijing and get good result. After last, what I want to do is working in a TV Station.   初二英语作文我的梦想当一名记者篇3   my dream jabWhen I was a kid, I wanted to be a journalist, I want to go to Beijing after graduating from high school to college, and I will write articles to newspapers and magazines ,i Want to work in a radio station and travel all over the world.I"ll work hard, I wish my dream.


初中英语教学阶段,口语交际能力的培养是教学任务的重要内容之一。英语教学中利用情景对话的方式,能有效地把创设情景和小组活动结合起来对学生进行口语训练。下面是初二英语口语对话自带翻译,一起来了解下吧:【初二英语口语对话自带翻译】A:I"d like to visit the famous spots in Paris. Can you tell me what they are?A:我想游览巴黎的名胜,你能告诉我有哪些吗?B:Well, Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum and Arch of Triumph are all good places of interest in this city.B:嗯,埃菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫、凯旋门都是市内的胜地。A:Oh, I can"t wait to go,but I have only two days,so do you think I can visit all of those places in two days?A:啊,我都等不及想去了,可我只有两天的时间,你认为我能在两天内游览完所有这些地方吗?B: No,you can"t if you want to take a good look at them.B:如果你想好好游览而不是走马观花的话,那两天时间是不行的。A:That"s too bad. But I still can choose a few of them. Then What"s the best way to do my sightseeing?A:太可惜了,不过我还是可以选些地方去游览的。那我最好怎么样游览呢?B:In that case I suggest you go to Louvre Museum first. Because there are so many treasure there.B:这样的话,我建议你先去卢浮宫,因为那里有很多珍宝。A:Really? It"s so attractive.A:是吗?太吸引人了。B:And if time is enough you can go to see the Eiffel Tower. It almost stands for Paris.B:如果时间够的话,你可以去看看埃菲尔铁塔,它几乎代表了巴黎。A:Arch of Triumph is my favor, too. So I should set off at once.A:凯旋门我一直也很喜欢。看样子我得马上出发了。B:Have a good time !B:祝你玩儿得开心!A:Thank you.A:谢谢。【初二英语长对话加翻译】Joel: So, anyway, you talked about city hunter. That"s a Japanese comic? OK, tell me about that?乔尔:之前你谈到了《城市猎人》这部漫画。这是日本漫画,对吧?和我们说说这部漫画吧。Tres: I really don"t remember much. It was some guy that was wanted, I guess for murder, I don"t think he really did it. I think. I"m not sure. But, yeah, the issues I treked through, this guy was searching for a little elementary school girl, and eventually he found her, but right before they could reunite, the cop came in and they started fighting and the cop beat him really bad and shot him a few times but the guy still escaped.特雷斯:我不太记得了。大概是有关一个因为谋杀而被通缉的男人的故事,不过我觉得他没有进行谋杀。我也不太确定。我记得,这个男人在寻找一个小学女孩,他终于找到了她,可是就在他们重聚之前,警察出现了,然后他们开始打斗,警察把他打得很惨,而且还朝他开了几枪,不过这个男人还是成功逃走了。Joel: So this is just one comic book or it"s a whole series?乔尔:这是单本漫画还是一个系列故事?Tres: It was, what do you call, BJ Jump from like 1992.特雷斯:这部漫画从1992年开始在BJ Jump周刊上连载。Joel: What"s BJ jump?乔尔:BJ jump是什么?Tres: It"s a weekly thick comic book, so it has many comics inside.特雷斯:是漫画周刊,里面有许多漫画。Joel: Oh, I see, so it"s just one story.乔尔:哦,我明白了,所以每期就只登一篇。Tres: Right, they have various comics.特雷斯:对,周刊里有许多不同的漫画。Joel: You can buy that in the United States?乔尔:在美国可以买到吗?Tres: My sister brought it back from me when she studied in Japan in Junior High School.特雷斯:我记得那是我姐姐在日本上高中的时候从日本给我买回来的。Joel: I think I remember you telling me about some other comic book that you used to read when you were a kid or..?乔尔:我记得你说过你小时候看过的一些漫画书,是吗?Tres: I can tell you about the comic book I read as an adult. (OK. OK.) I think the best Japanese comic out there today is Nijuuseki-shonen, "20th Century Boys" and it"s a story of kids who make up this fantasy world and how they save the world and then when they become adults they learn that all these things that they"ve created are starting to come true. The rest you should read.特雷斯:我可以跟你说说我成年后看的漫画书。(好)我认为现在日本最好的漫画是《20世纪少年》,这部漫画讲的是,一群虚构出一个世界的孩子如何守护这个世界,还有他们成年后发现所有他们编造的事情都成为了现实。具体内容你要自己去看漫画。Joel: What does a comic book cost in Japan anyway?乔尔:日本漫画书大概多少钱?Tres: You can buy one brand new from say 500 Yen to up to a 1,000 Yen, or you can go to convenience stores and buy the weekly sale books that have various comics inside, which I think are maybe 270 Yen, I think, or you can go to a used comic book store and buy the popular comics for somewhere from 250 and 350 yen.特雷斯:500到1000日元可以买一本崭新的漫画书,或者你可以去便利店买连载多个漫画的周刊,周刊大概要270日元,你还可以去二手漫画书店,花250到350日元就可以买到受欢迎的漫画。Joel: I"m gonna have to buy your used ones for a starter kit.乔尔:作为入门者,我要买你的漫画书。Tres: Alright. I can help you out.特雷斯:好。我可以借你。Joel: OK, hook me up.乔尔:好,给我介绍一下。【初中日常英语对话及翻译】Ann: Have you read the news?你看过这个新闻了吗?Lily: What news?什么新闻?Ann: In Russia, the speaker of the House proposed that mistress should be legal.在俄国,议长提议说二奶应该被合法。Lily: Was he crazy?他疯了吗?Ann: I donu2019t know. The reason is that he said the rate of population growth was very low.我不知道,他说这是因为俄国的人口增长率太低了。Lily: If this propose were put into effort, do you think the rate of population growth would be improved?如果这个提议被推行,你认为人口增长率会提高吗?Ann: I donu2019t think so.我不这么认为。Lily: In Russia, even in most western country, people have a thought that they donu2019t want to have many babies.在俄国,甚至是大部分的西方国家,人们的思想都是不想要太多的孩子。Ann: Yes, German, France, Britain, Italy and so on, the rate of population growth have been among 0% to 3% for many years.是的,德国,法国,英国,意大利等国家,人口增长率都在0%到3%之间徘徊多年了。Lily: Wow, these countries need to have some change.哇,这些国家真的需要点改变。【简单的英语对话加翻译】Ann: Welcome to my home.欢迎到我家来。Lily: Thank you. Can I have something to drink?谢谢,能给我点儿喝的吗?Ann: Ok, wait a moment.好的,稍等。Lily: Thank you. I am very thirty.谢谢。我很渴啊。Ann: What did you do?你做了什么?Lily: I ran here.我跑着来的。Ann: Oh? Why?哦?为什么?Lily: I overslept and we made it at eight ou2019clock.我睡过头了,而且我们约好八点的。Ann: So you ran here?所以你跑过来?Lily: Of course, I donu2019t like to be late.当然,我不喜欢迟到。