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christmas happy 是什么意思?



:christmas carol的中文意思:圣诞节颂歌. 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.

merry christmas翻译成中文是什么意思


Marry christmas Merry christmas有什么区别?


marry christmas什么意思

marry christmas 的意思是圣诞节结婚。marry:娶; 嫁; 结婚; 结合; 为…主持婚礼christmas:圣诞节Merry Christmas:圣诞快乐圣诞节是一个适合结婚求婚示爱的节日,我们都知道,圣诞节是西方的盛大节日,相当于中国的春节,圣诞节是每年的12月25日,是纪念耶稣诞生的日子。也是外国人全家团聚的日子,围绕在圣诞节旁唱圣诞歌,互相交换礼物,分享一年来生活中的喜怒哀乐,表达内心的祝福和爱。我们都知道,外国人对于家庭观念很是强烈,所以圣诞节也就逐渐成为结婚、示爱、求婚的佳节了。

merry christmas什么意思

Merry Christmasint.圣诞快乐!圣诞快乐;圣诞;欠你一句;喜的圣诞节双语例句1. I just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas. 我只想祝福你圣诞快乐。2. Merry Christmas, everyone. 祝大家圣诞快乐!3. Merry Christmas, Mom. 妈妈,圣诞快乐!


意思是圣诞节快乐。相关介绍:merry有快乐、愉快的意思,christmas则表示圣诞节。圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名为“基督弥撒”,它源自古罗马人迎接新年的农神节,与基督教本无关系。在基督教盛行罗马帝国后,教廷随波逐流地将这种民俗节日纳入基督教体系,同时以庆祝耶稣的降生扩展资料相关作品:一、电影:《圣诞快乐》:是由新艺城影业有限公司出品的剧情片,影片讲述了中年报馆采访主任麦尚,在平安夜的生辰,只有两岁的儿子陪伴在侧,孤独想念死去的老婆。 儿子及女儿鼓励老爸追求隔邻女歌手小凤,在求爱过程中,闹出许多笑话,经过一番努力,有情人终成眷属。二、专辑:1.《Merry Christmas》:是郭富城1993年发行的唱片,包含10首歌曲,粤语专辑,是郭富城离开华星唱片前,发行的最后一张专辑。2.《Merry Christmas》:是美国女歌手玛丽亚·凯莉的首张圣诞专辑、第四张录音室专辑,制作人包括华特·亚凡瑟夫、玛丽亚·凯莉、路易斯·霍兰德等参考资料来源:百度百科-圣诞节

christmas marry you是什么意思


mery christmas是什么意思

Merry Christmas是圣诞快乐的意思。当要祝别人圣诞快乐,除了merry christmas,还可以说happy christmas,这两种说法都可以,中文意思也都是圣诞快乐。warm Christmas 气氛热烈的圣诞节。white Christmas 银色(有雪的)圣诞节。扩展资料圣诞节,西方传统节日,是基督教纪念耶稣诞生的重要节日。亦称耶稣圣诞节、主降生节,天主教亦称耶稣圣诞瞻礼。耶稣诞生的日期,《圣经》并无记载。公元336年罗马教会开始在12月25日过此节。12月25日原是罗马帝国规定的太阳神诞辰。有人认为选择这天庆祝圣诞,是因为基督教徒认为耶稣就是正义、永恒的太阳。5世纪中叶以后,圣诞节作为重要节日,成了教会的传统,并在东西派教会中逐渐传开。因所用历法不同等原因,各教派会举行庆祝的具体日期和活动形式也有差别。

Christmas holiday是什么意思

Christmas holiday圣诞假期请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


意思是圣诞节快乐。相关介绍:merry有快乐、愉快的意思,christmas则表示圣诞节。圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名为“基督弥撒”,它源自古罗马人迎接新年的农神节,与基督教本无关系。在基督教盛行罗马帝国后,教廷随波逐流地将这种民俗节日纳入基督教体系,同时以庆祝耶稣的降生扩展资料相关作品:一、电影:《圣诞快乐》:是由新艺城影业有限公司出品的剧情片,影片讲述了中年报馆采访主任麦尚,在平安夜的生辰,只有两岁的儿子陪伴在侧,孤独想念死去的老婆。 儿子及女儿鼓励老爸追求隔邻女歌手小凤,在求爱过程中,闹出许多笑话,经过一番努力,有情人终成眷属。二、专辑:1.《Merry Christmas》:是郭富城1993年发行的唱片,包含10首歌曲,粤语专辑,是郭富城离开华星唱片前,发行的最后一张专辑。2.《Merry Christmas》:是美国女歌手玛丽亚·凯莉的首张圣诞专辑、第四张录音室专辑,制作人包括华特·亚凡瑟夫、玛丽亚·凯莉、路易斯·霍兰德等参考资料来源:百度百科-圣诞节

Christmas Eve 是什么意思


Christmas 的汉语意思




merry christmas是什么意思

意思是圣诞节快乐。相关介绍:merry有快乐、愉快的意思,christmas则表示圣诞节。圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名为“基督弥撒”,它源自古罗马人迎接新年的农神节,与基督教本无关系。在基督教盛行罗马帝国后,教廷随波逐流地将这种民俗节日纳入基督教体系,同时以庆祝耶稣的降生扩展资料相关作品:一、电影:《圣诞快乐》:是由新艺城影业有限公司出品的剧情片,影片讲述了中年报馆采访主任麦尚,在平安夜的生辰,只有两岁的儿子陪伴在侧,孤独想念死去的老婆。 儿子及女儿鼓励老爸追求隔邻女歌手小凤,在求爱过程中,闹出许多笑话,经过一番努力,有情人终成眷属。二、专辑:1.《Merry Christmas》:是郭富城1993年发行的唱片,包含10首歌曲,粤语专辑,是郭富城离开华星唱片前,发行的最后一张专辑。2.《Merry Christmas》:是美国女歌手玛丽亚·凯莉的首张圣诞专辑、第四张录音室专辑,制作人包括华特·亚凡瑟夫、玛丽亚·凯莉、路易斯·霍兰德等参考资料来源:百度百科-圣诞节

英语词组:merr christmas 是什么意思

圣诞快乐,不过应该是Merry Christmas

为什么圣诞快乐英文是merry christmas

因为Merry Christmas,在朗文词典里面,Merry Christmas 的意思等于Have a happy time at Christmas!Merry 的意思是欢乐的,愉快的。即Happy and cheerful。英国人普遍说Happy Christmas,因为Happy没有卷舌音,发音比较容易;而美国人普遍说Merry Christmas。在英文解释里,Happy表示快乐,而Merry有令人感到快乐的意思。如果一个人乐,还不如大家同乐,所以一般都用Merry Christmas。直接从字面意思上看,Merry这个日常生活英语词汇是“快活”的意思,但是更准确点,是指那种喝了点酒,脸微微泛红的那种快活,可能这也更能表现出圣诞节温馨的气氛。当然这只是表面的解释,其实真正发明用“Merry”的人是狄更斯。说的准确点:“Merry Christmas”这句祝福语,是在狄更斯的《圣诞颂歌》(A Christmas Carol)中首次出现的。狄更斯小时候圣诞节并不流行,然而狄更斯的家人在圣诞节欢乐得很:猜字谜、玩魔术、做游戏。狄更斯希望大家都能开开心心的,通过他的笔,Merry Christmas成了当时的流行语。或许就是从狄更斯“接地气”开始,merry这个词的意思不再是含蓄的”pleasant”,还多了“drunk”的意思,也就是以“醉酒、高歌、大笑”这种喧闹放纵的形式来庆祝。家庭团聚、互换礼物、享用大餐,人们用“Merry Christmas”相互祝福,也是在狄更斯的故事中才首次出现,并在现实生活中流行起来。但英国王室向来讲究传统,在文化观念方面也较为保守。或许是觉得merry这个词“纵酒狂欢”形象不好,所以女王一直用的都是Happy。要知道,在英国圣诞夜收看女王的演讲祝词是一个传统,就好像我们看春晚。而女王每说”Happy Christmas”时都会在人们心中留下深刻的印象。久而久之,在英国就有许多人和女王一样不再用”merry”这个词了。

“Merry Christmas”中文是什么意思?

意思是圣诞节快乐。相关介绍:merry有快乐、愉快的意思,christmas则表示圣诞节。圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名为“基督弥撒”,它源自古罗马人迎接新年的农神节,与基督教本无关系。在基督教盛行罗马帝国后,教廷随波逐流地将这种民俗节日纳入基督教体系,同时以庆祝耶稣的降生扩展资料相关作品:一、电影:《圣诞快乐》:是由新艺城影业有限公司出品的剧情片,影片讲述了中年报馆采访主任麦尚,在平安夜的生辰,只有两岁的儿子陪伴在侧,孤独想念死去的老婆。 儿子及女儿鼓励老爸追求隔邻女歌手小凤,在求爱过程中,闹出许多笑话,经过一番努力,有情人终成眷属。二、专辑:1.《Merry Christmas》:是郭富城1993年发行的唱片,包含10首歌曲,粤语专辑,是郭富城离开华星唱片前,发行的最后一张专辑。2.《Merry Christmas》:是美国女歌手玛丽亚·凯莉的首张圣诞专辑、第四张录音室专辑,制作人包括华特·亚凡瑟夫、玛丽亚·凯莉、路易斯·霍兰德等参考资料来源:百度百科-圣诞节

Happy Christmas这是什么意思?

没有这个说法,只有merry Christmas



merry christmas是什么意思?


on christmas是什么意思?

表示“在圣诞节”有两种说法:at Christmas, on Christmas Day(注意两者在搭配上的差异)。如:We had a good time at Christmas. 我们圣诞节过得很愉快。We had a party on Christmas Day. 圣诞节我们开了个晚会。【注】Christmas Eve 指“圣诞节前夕”或“圣诞夜”,其前也用介词 on。如:I had a good time on Christmas Eve. 圣诞夜我过得很愉快。at christmas是指“在圣诞节期间”,指节日“当天”才用介词on,如on New Year"s day(元旦那天),on Christmas Day (on Christmas-day(圣诞节那天),on Christmas Eve(on Christmas圣诞节前夕)。

Merry Christmas的中文意思是什么?

意思是圣诞节快乐。相关介绍:merry有快乐、愉快的意思,christmas则表示圣诞节。圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名为“基督弥撒”,它源自古罗马人迎接新年的农神节,与基督教本无关系。在基督教盛行罗马帝国后,教廷随波逐流地将这种民俗节日纳入基督教体系,同时以庆祝耶稣的降生扩展资料相关作品:一、电影:《圣诞快乐》:是由新艺城影业有限公司出品的剧情片,影片讲述了中年报馆采访主任麦尚,在平安夜的生辰,只有两岁的儿子陪伴在侧,孤独想念死去的老婆。 儿子及女儿鼓励老爸追求隔邻女歌手小凤,在求爱过程中,闹出许多笑话,经过一番努力,有情人终成眷属。二、专辑:1.《Merry Christmas》:是郭富城1993年发行的唱片,包含10首歌曲,粤语专辑,是郭富城离开华星唱片前,发行的最后一张专辑。2.《Merry Christmas》:是美国女歌手玛丽亚·凯莉的首张圣诞专辑、第四张录音室专辑,制作人包括华特·亚凡瑟夫、玛丽亚·凯莉、路易斯·霍兰德等参考资料来源:百度百科-圣诞节

Merry Christmas 是什么意思?




Christmas Eve是什么意思







n. 圣诞节一、读音:英 ["krɪsməs],美 ["krɪsməs] 二、例句:We usually sing carols at Christmas.圣诞节时,我们一般会唱颂歌。三、词汇用法:1、Christmas原指耶稣基督的诞辰,后来成为许多国家,尤其是西方国家的传统节日,时间是12月25日,可缩写成Xmas。2、“在圣诞节”要说at Christmas,不用on,但可说on Christmas Day〔Christmas day〕。在Christmas前不加定冠词the。原型词:Christ一、意思:n. 基督;救世主int. 天啊!二、读音:英 [kraɪst],美 [kraɪst] 三、例句:The pope is known as the vicar of Christ.教皇被称做基督的代理者。词汇搭配:Vicar of Christ 教皇before christ 公元前for Christ"s sake 看在老天的份上...


n. 圣诞节一、读音:英 ["krɪsməs],美 ["krɪsməs] 二、例句:We usually sing carols at Christmas.圣诞节时,我们一般会唱颂歌。三、词汇用法:1、Christmas原指耶稣基督的诞辰,后来成为许多国家,尤其是西方国家的传统节日,时间是12月25日,可缩写成Xmas。2、“在圣诞节”要说at Christmas,不用on,但可说on Christmas Day〔Christmas day〕。在Christmas前不加定冠词the。原型词:Christ一、意思:n. 基督;救世主int. 天啊!二、读音:英 [kraɪst],美 [kraɪst] 三、例句:The pope is known as the vicar of Christ.教皇被称做基督的代理者。词汇搭配:Vicar of Christ 教皇before christ 公元前for Christ"s sake 看在老天的份上...



Happy Christmas这是什么意思?


marry christmas 什么意思

你说的应该是“merry christmas”是“圣诞快乐”的意思。




Merry Christmas 是圣诞快乐的意思。Christmas 就是“圣诞节”的意思。merry 有“愉快的”意思。

Father Christmas是什么意思

Father Christmas圣诞老人Father Christmasn.圣诞老人; 例句:1.Viagra, ski jackets and father christmas costumes were all sent to tsunami victims. 伟哥,滑雪外套,甚至是圣诞老人装都送到了还小灾民手中。


Christmas英[ˈkrɪsməs]    美[ˈkrɪsməs]    n.    圣诞节;    [例句]The day after Christmas is generally a busy one for retailers圣诞节后的那一天零售商一般都比较忙。[其他]    复数:Christmases    christmas tree是圣诞树的意思

Merry Christmas什么意思?

圣诞节快乐:Merry Christmas一、短语例句:1、Merry Christmas to you and your family. 祝你和你的家人圣诞节快乐!2、I"m here to wish you all a Merry Christmas.我到这儿来是祝你们大家圣诞节快乐的。二、词汇解析1、Merry英 ["meri];美 ["meri]    adj. 愉快的;欢乐的;<口>微醉的例:There is a merry smile on her face.她脸上露出愉快的微笑。例:He is in a very merry mood today.他今天心情极为愉快。2、Christmas英 ["krɪsməs];美 ["krɪsməs]    n. 圣诞节例:We usually sing carols at Christmas.圣诞节时,我们一般会唱颂歌。例:Christmas is a time of mirth, especially for children.圣诞节是个快乐的日子,尤其是对孩子们。扩展资料用法1、merrymerry 一词直接源自古英语的merige,意为欢乐的,高兴的。副词形式为 merrily;比较级形式为 merrier;最高级为 merriest。作为形容词时,含义如下:愉快的;有趣的;轻快的;<英口>微醉的;激烈的;乐天的。常用搭配如下:merry pace 轻快的步伐、merry smile 愉快的微笑、merry young fellow 快活的小伙子、merry laughter 欢乐的笑声、the merry crowed 兴高采烈的人群、already merry 已经醉了。作为名词时,意思是:樱桃树,樱桃树所结的果实。除此之外,merry还有动词的含义:(使)很开心,快乐。2、Christmas直接源自晚期古英语的Cristes msse;最初源自此语的Christ(耶稣) + mass (弥撒)。Christmas可缩写成Xmas。“在圣诞节”要说at Christmas,不可以用on,但可说on Christmas Day〔Christmas day〕。在Christmas前不加定冠词the。常用搭配:celebrate / keep Christmas 庆祝圣诞节enjoy / spend Christmas 欢度/度过圣诞节warm Christmas 气氛热烈的圣诞节white Christmas 银色(有雪的)圣诞节Father Christmas 圣诞老人Christmas tree 圣诞树Christmas present 圣诞节礼物at Christmas 过圣诞节的时候

Merry Christmas是什么意思





圣诞节的意思 Merry Christmas是圣诞节快乐的意思 你可以回答她Merry Christmas 现在是新年,你也可以对她说happy new year,也就是新年快乐的意思 O(∩_∩)O~ 也祝你圣诞快乐,新年快乐!

merry christmas什么意思

英文原文:Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐!; 英式音标:[ˈmerɪ] [ˈkrɪsməs] 美式音标:[ˈmɛri] [ˈkrɪsməs]


Christmas是 圣诞节 的意思。

Merry Christmas中文是什么意思


amy begins writing a christmas card是什么意思



Caroline Caroline的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释形容词 a. 1.英王查理(Charles)一世或二世的2.法国卡洛林王朝的Chris 是由Christine(女) Christina(女)Christopher(男) Christian(男)的简称而来意思是"救世主" "基督的化身" "圣者" "保护者" 等1980~1990年间 在美Chris极为流行之名Caroline卡罗琳 好听,原因是有两盒比较响亮的元音字母,听起来悦耳。Chris克莉丝 只有一个元音字母,且发音不响亮!

为什么圣诞歌叫做christmas carol?carol不是人名字吗?


a christmas caro这篇英文练习翻译

你的单词应该少了一个字母,正确的应该是 a christmas carol中文意思是 圣诞颂歌。望采纳,谢谢。

跪求宇多田光 Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence-FYI 歌词

Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence - FYIUtada ^0^I give you my heartHold on let me sign itYour senorita aka your best friendHereby let it be knownLove like never beforeIm always at your serviceYou just have to holler at meNYC NYC woah woahTokyo Tokyo woah woahSend it off from the streets to the highestTo the highest highMP3 MP3 playersWork it out work it out hustlerOh my name got him there Mmm mmm mmmYou know why I"m gonna be yours tonightWe"re gonna Ooo-yah-hahaFYI Were gonna be up all nightI"ll see you laterCall me you know my numberLike Captain PicardI"m chilling and flossingIt"s 7 o clockI issue the warningThats right were stealing the showDamn right letting him knowWere sipping chardonnay from 2 PM on our working dayChinga-ling Chinga-ling woah woahChinga-ling Chinga-ling woah woahTake me down to the fields where the grass isWhere the glasses lieMP3 MP3 playersWork it out work it out hustlerOh my name got him there Mmm mmm mmmYou know whyI"m gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYIWere gonna be up all nightI"ll see you laterCall me you know my numberSee I don"t need a freeloader AhNo I don"t want a freeloaderIf you want a piece of this stuffGot to give got to give somethingYou know whyI"m gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYIWere gonna be up all nightI"ll see you laterCall me you know my numberYou know whyIm gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYIWere gonna be up all nightI"ll see you laterCall me you know my number

跪求宇多田光 Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence-FYI 歌词

Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence - FYIUtada ^0^I give you my heartHold on let me sign itYour senorita aka your best friendHereby let it be knownLove like never beforeIm always at your serviceYou just have to holler at meNYC NYC woah woahTokyo Tokyo woah woahSend it off from the streets to the highestTo the highest highMP3 MP3 playersWork it out work it out hustlerOh my name got him there Mmm mmm mmmYou know why I"m gonna be yours tonightWe"re gonna Ooo-yah-hahaFYI Were gonna be up all nightI"ll see you laterCall me you know my numberLike Captain PicardI"m chilling and flossingIt"s 7 o clockI issue the warningThats right were stealing the showDamn right letting him knowWere sipping chardonnay from 2 PM on our working dayChinga-ling Chinga-ling woah woahChinga-ling Chinga-ling woah woahTake me down to the fields where the grass isWhere the glasses lieMP3 MP3 playersWork it out work it out hustlerOh my name got him there Mmm mmm mmmYou know whyI"m gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYIWere gonna be up all nightI"ll see you laterCall me you know my numberSee I don"t need a freeloader AhNo I don"t want a freeloaderIf you want a piece of this stuffGot to give got to give somethingYou know whyI"m gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYIWere gonna be up all nightI"ll see you laterCall me you know my numberYou know whyIm gonna be yours tonightWere gonna ooohaaahFYIWere gonna be up all nightI"ll see you laterCall me you know my number

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence-FYI是什么意思???



fyi=for your information,也就是给你的信息,一般用在邮件里

宇多田光的Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI中的FYI是什么意思?求大神帮助

FYI=for you information

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence-FYI是什么意思???

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence – FYI 有实验钢琴家Ryuichi Sakamoto坂本龙一的影响,也有参考Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence这部电影。07年12月就录了,不是很满意,前几月才改好的。hikki觉得是很好的自我介绍,很符合自己的现在的状况。FYI-For Your Information

宇多田光的Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI中的FYI是什么意思?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

FYI=for you information

宇多田光的Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence中FYI是什么意思??

FYI=for you information

Christian的《Cara》 歌词

歌曲名:Cara歌手:Christian专辑:Canzoni D"AmoreCity High - 《Caramel》Uh-huh,Uh-huh,come onYou can say I′m plain Jane,but it′s not the sameI ain′t into big names,but I like nice thingsI watch boxin′ matches and the football gamesI wouldn′t mind being an actress,but I love to singI like goin′ out,takin′ walks and stuffI don′t run with many girls ′cause they talk too muchI enjoy quiet nights at home and curl up next to yaThough I′m ain′t a virgin that don′t mean I′m havin′ sex with yaAnywhere I go I′m spotted (No doubt)And anything I want I got it (Yeeah)5′5" with brown eyes (Caramel complexion)Smile like the sunrise (Body Like Heaven)′Cause anywhere I go I′m spotted (No doubt)And anything I want I got it (Yeeah)5′5" with brown eyes (Caramel complexion)Smile like the sunrise (Body Like Heaven)Baby look me in the eyes andtell me yeahI′m the kind of girl you like,I′m feelin′ you′Cause sweetie you′re my kind of guy,that′s what it isThink about it you just might wanna run with thisAll night longand if you want me we can keep this goingBut let me tell you I′m the type that′s strongAnd I don′t trust a lot of men, I′m independentI ain′t like some other womenAnywhere I go I′m spotted (No doubt)And anything I want I got it (Yeeah)5′5" with brown eyes (Caramel complexion)Smile like the sunrise (Body Like Heaven)′Cause anywhere I go I′m spotted (No doubt)And anything I want I got it (Yeeah)5′5" with brown eyes (Caramel complexion)Smile like the sunrise (Body Like Heaven)I keep ′em mesmorized, listen to me closelyE-V-E is how a thorough bred supposed to beHate the thirsty type, can′t even get close to meThat′s why I got my own stack, Daddy, how it′s supposed to beI ain′t about the game, playin′, and gift chasin′All in frontin′ Daddy Please we both big facin′All the things I want, I got, forget me notJust from my stance, why you starin′ at me? Got′chu hotNot too many bitches like her, one of a kindI mean even the chickens like her, she just a dimeNot impressed by your Cris′ poppin′Cause if you would, I might, end of the night, we gone be lip lockingBut only if I choose to, I don′t fall in love easilyGive′you the blues BooI have you sittin′ ′round misty-eyedCaramel, get ′em all the timeHot shit from City HighAnywhere I go I′m spotted (No doubt)And anything I want I got it (Yeeah)5′5" with brown eyes (Caramel complexion)Smile like the sunrise (Body Like Heaven)′Cause anywhere I go I′m spotted (No doubt)And anything I want I got it (Yeeah)5′5" with brown eyes (Caramel complexion)Smile like the sunrise (Body Like Heaven)Anywhere I go I′m spotted (No doubt)And anything I want I got it (Yeeah)5′5" with brown eyes (Caramel complexion)Smile like the sunrise (Body Like Heaven)′Cause anywhere I go I′m spotted (No doubt)And anything I want I got it (Yeeah)5′5" with brown eyes (Caramel complexion)Smile like the sunrise (Body Like Heaven)

要chris brown 的matrix 和 damage 以及 beg for it 的歌词

Matrix"Had an epiphany, and this what it seemsThese smoking mirrors don"t wanna believeFor far too long they"ve been plottin on meThe stories unfolding now, it"s a conspiracy[Hook]Starting to feel like a deja vuI remember being here, must be a glitch in the matrixLook around they all got the same face onI"m standing by the phone someone call me[Chorus]Bring me to life, show me how to liveCause I lose control, feeling like NeoIn the matrix, I just wanna liveI just wanna live oh woahI took a red and a blue pill, now I Can"t decide what"s make believe or realAm I awake or am I still asleep?It"s killing me, Until the oracle I wanted to knowWhat I was supposed to do, she said I see on my ownAnd the craziest thing is that you already knowHow to decipher the signs on the side of the road oh woah[Hook]Starting to feel like a deja vuI remember being here, must be a glitch in the matrixLook around they all got the same face onI"m standing by the phone someone call me[Chorus]Bring me to life, show me how to liveCause I lose control, feeling like NeoIn the matrix, I just wanna liveI just wanna live oh woahI took a red and a blue pill, now I can"t decide what"s make believe or realAm I awake or am I still asleep?It"s killing meI need you, you gotta help meI"m part human, part androidI need your power so you can"t judge meJudge me, oh woah stuck in the matrixOh bring me to life[Chorus]Bring me to life, show me how to liveCause I lose control, feeling like NeoIn the matrix, I just wanna liveI just wanna live oh woah "Beg For It"[Verse:]Girl, I woke up before the lightThinking about tonightI can"t, I can"t sleepJust a few hours agoWe had the TV onDrowning out your screamsTell me your favorite love song girlI"m gonna play it while your toes curlGirl what you"re saying speak your mindGirl, show me what you like[Chorus:]I"m a make you beg for itBeg for itI"ll give you what you needOnly if you say pleaseI"m a make you beg for itBeg for itGo on whisper your wishes to me, baby[Verse:]Not gonna lie to you wasn"t expecting you,To have me on my knees, yeahI"m a gonna make you cryTears from your paradiseAnd love your ass to sleepYeah You"ve got my favorite secrets on,And I wont use my hands to take them offGirl what you"re sayingSpeak your mindShow me what you like![Chorus:]I"m a make you beg for it,Beg for itI"ll give you what you needOnly if you say please!I"m a make you beg for it,Beg for itGo on and whisper your wishes to me, babe![Verse:]Baby I"m gonna let it go,Girl, you go get it goodI"m gonna make twenty more secondsFeel like twenty more minutesBaby I"m gonna make you scream, yeahI"m not finished yet, twenty more secondsOh, you ain"t gotta beg no moreI"m a give it upI"m a give you all my loveAnd baby ohhhhI"m gonna give you what you"re asking forBut if you want moreI"m gonna make you beg, begAnd I"m a give you what you needOnly if you say pleaseI"m a make you beg for it, beg for it, beg for itIs your body telling me, oh?[Chorus:]I"m a make you beg for it,Beg for it!I"ll give you what you needOnly if you say please!I"m a make you beg for it,Beg for it!Go on and whisper your wishes to me, babe! "Damage"Damage..You know..Sometimes you don"t realize what you"ve done, until you"ve seen the damage...And I looked at the damage...Whoa.. yea.. yea.. Whoa.. yea ..Look at the damage..[Verse 1:]3 A.M. when my phone ring, beggin" me to come by, I was right around the corner..I know I could"ve said no but I ain"t stop, told me "come in, the doors unlocked for you".My intuition, I should, have listened to it,my girl, yo, she"d be pissed if she knew about this visit...She had a tank top on, I took her tank top off, but should"ve stopped, STOP!.. [sigh]But she ain"t let me, kissed me soft and gently.. she tempt me.Right then I stopped thinkin" consequences...Guess I must have lost my mind for a minute. listen.[Chorus:]Girl you know that I love.Girl I love you.With her that was lust..Shouldn"t have happenedI know I messed up...One phone call started this whole thing now...look at the damage.. damage..look at the damage..Damage.. damage that I caused you.I know I broke your heart, "cause I did you wrong.Look at the damage, look at the damage that I caused...[Verse 2:]The dumbest decision that I made that I ain"t proud of, a few hours that meant absolutely nothing cost me your love..I gotta live with regret, deserve to get what you give, now you won"t listen to nothing that I"m saying.Rode passed your house for hours, just to feel close to cards, no gifts, no flowers, could get me back with chu"...Your kiss, your touch, girl you know I"m missin"But you got my heart inside a prison, listen.[Chorus][Verse 3:]I was trippin", I was dippin", with these women, in these streets.Lost my girl, lost all that.Wish I could take it back.I was trippin", I was dippin", with these women, in these streets.Wish I could, take that back...[Chorus]

Chris Brown的《Damage》 歌词

歌曲名:Damage歌手:Chris Brown专辑:Chris Brown / Exclusivechris brown - damageby LAnce know..sometimes you don"t realize what you"ve done,until you"ve seen the damage...and i looked at the damage...whoa.. yea.. yea.. whoa.. yea ..look at the damage..3 a.m. when my phone ring,beggin" me to come by,i was right around the corner..i know i could"ve said no but i ain"t stop,told me "come in,the doors unlocked for you".my intuition,i should,have listened to it,my girl,yo, she"d be pissed if she knewabout this visit...she had a tank top on,i took her tank top off,but should"ve stopped, stop!..but she ain"t let me,kissed me soft and gently.. she tempt me.right then i stopped thinkin" consequences...guess i must have lost my mind for a minute. listen.girl you know that i love.girl i love you.with her that was lust..shouldn"t have happenedi know i messed phone call started this whole thing now...look at the damage.. damage..look at the damage..damage.. damage that i caused you.i know i broke your heart,"cause i did you wrong.look at the damage,look at the damage that i caused...the dumbest decision that i made that i ain"t proud of,a few hours that meant absolutely nothing cost me your love..i gotta live with regret,deserve to get what you give,now you won"t listen to nothing that i"m saying.rode passed your house for hours,just to feel close to cards, no gifts, no flowers,could get me back with chu"...your kiss, your touch,girl you know i"m missin"but you got my heart inside a prison, listen.girl you know that i love.girl i love you.with her that was lust..shouldn"t have happenedi know i messed phone call started this whole thing now...look at the damage.. damage..look at the damage..damage.. damage that i caused you.i know i broke your heart,"cause i did you wrong.look at the damage,look at the damage that i caused...i was trippin",i was dippin",with these women,in these streets.lost my girl, lost all that.wish i could take it back.i was trippin",i was dippin",with these women,in these streets.wish i could,take that back...girl you know that i love.girl i love you.with her that was lust..shouldn"t have happenedi know i messed phone call started this whole thing now...look at the damage.. damage..look at the damage..damage.. damage that i caused you.i know i broke your heart,"cause i did you wrong.look at the damage,look at the damage that i caused...

曼联队小将Chris Eagles资料(号码、生日,国籍,位置)


跪求Christina Aguilera新专辑《 Back to Basics》的整个英文歌词

BACK TO BASICS (intro)A very pleasant good evening ladies and gentlemen It is now time... The one and only... There never will be another... Christina Aguilera That"s how music should sound Ohh yeah I"ve waited for some time To get inside the minds Of every legend I"ve ever wanted to stand beside It"s like an endless ride Feeling the lows and highs Of every lyric and melody Every single rhyme So here I stand today In tribute I do pay To those before me who laid it down and paved the way And so to God I pray that he will give me strength To carry forward the gift of song in his good faith In his good faith... I"m going back to basics To where it all began I"m ready now to face it I wanna understand What made the soul singers And the blues figures That inspired a higher generation The jazz makers, and the ground breakers They gave so much of themselves and dedication So here I stand today In tribute I do pay To those before me who laid it down and paved the way Ohhh yeah hey... ha

翻译平安夜快乐是 happy christmas eve 还是merry christmas eve


Christina Aguilera

英文名:Christina Maria Aguilera中文名:克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉国籍 : 美国所在 : 美国出生地点:Staten Island, New York, USA生日 : 1980年12月18日生肖 : 猴星座 : 射手座最喜欢的运动:棒球、排球最喜欢的颜色:粉红、白最喜欢的零食:Steak and potatoes最喜欢的歌手:ETTA JAMES,MADONNA,WHITNEY HOUSTON最喜欢的休闲:唱歌、跳舞、购物、运动最喜欢的电影:《音乐之声》她8岁就上台表演,从12岁到14岁这段时间她都是米老鼠俱乐部中最有魅力的女孩子。10岁时,Christina已为匹兹堡市的Steelers and Pirates俱乐部演唱美国国歌。1998年,迪士尼公司拍摄了反映中国古代的经典人物花木兰故事的卡通片<Mulan>,主题曲演唱者的决定一只悬而未决。公司找到当时在米老鼠俱乐部演唱水平最佳的Christina Aguilera,Christina在经理人的面前演唱了惠特尼休斯顿的名曲<Run to you >。经理人立马被这个年今18岁的女孩子的嗓音折服。两天之内,Christina就录制好了这首经典的<Relection>,这首歌还得到了第二年金球奖的提名。1999年,Christina与BMG唱片公司签约,录制了生平的第一张同名专辑。第一支单曲蝉联了美国公告牌排行榜六周冠军。随后发行的专辑首周卖出34万张,排名第二。于是整个1999年就都是Christina的天下了,专辑接连诞生了3支冠军单曲,两首Top10单曲。其实这张专辑是所有她的专辑中我最不喜欢的,因为刚刚步入歌坛的Christina的才华完全被唱片公司埋没了。专辑通篇的流行舞曲,让人生厌。可是它却是当年市场的宠儿,至今已在全球卖出了1200万张。2000年2月,Christina一举夺得了格莱美音乐大奖的最佳新人奖。然而这张唱片也不是一无是处,比如这首表达对母亲深厚谢意的歌曲<I turn to you >就非常出彩!其后,Christina马不停蹄的发行了西班牙语专辑<Mi Reflejo>,为了向自己的拉丁血统致敬(她的父亲是厄瓜多尔人)。这张专辑成为了2000年销量最高的拉丁专辑,并在2001年为Christina赢得了她的第一座拉丁格莱美大奖。专辑中的拉丁风格让人陶醉,本人最爱这首<Contigo en la diatancia>(天涯海角)。动人心弦的吉他撩拨伴着Christina醉人的声音。简直堪称完美!2000年底,Christina推出了圣诞节应景专辑<My kind of christmas>.以下是专辑中本人偏爱的一首歌<Have yourself a merry little christmas>.在2001年。Christina先是与拉丁天王Ricky Martin合作对唱经典<Nobody wants to be lonely>,然后又与Lil" Kim, Mya ,Pink合作了当年最为火爆的单曲<Lady marmalade>,这支单曲成为了Chrstina的第四支冠军单曲,并且让她在第二次站上格莱美的领奖台,与另外三个女孩共同获得了最佳合唱奖。2002年10月,Christina发行了让整个世界为之疯狂的专辑<Stripped>,这张唱片赢来了一片骂声和一片赞扬声,喜欢它的人赞不绝口,讨厌的则把它扁的一文不值。可是即便如此,专辑仍然势如破竹的在全球狂卖了800万张,位列2003年全球销量第五名。最让人欣慰的是,Chrstina在2004年初凭借大热歌曲<Beautiful>第三次站上了格莱美的领奖台,获得了年度最佳女歌手的超级大奖!这首<Beautiful>在现在看来可谓传世经典,朴实的歌词和曲子以及Christina同样朴实的演唱,让这首歌听起来格外让人感动!此后的巡回演唱会几乎场场爆满,Christina在歌曲中表达的那种坚强不屈服的精神让所有人为她倾倒!2005年11月,Christina与制作人男友Jordan Bratman结婚。【录音室专辑】[编辑本段]《Christina Aguilera》同名专辑 1999《My Kind Of Christmas 》恋恋祝福(圣诞特别专辑) 2000《Mi Reflejo》拉丁情怀(西班牙语) 2000《Just Be Free》自由自在 试音专辑(非官方) 2001《Stripped》裸 2002《Back To Basics》返璞归真 2006【DVD】[编辑本段]《Genie gets her wish 》 2000《My Reflection》洛杉矶演唱会 2000《Stripped Live in UK DVD》“裸”英国伦敦演唱会 2004《Back To Basics Live And Down Under》“返璞归真”澳大利亚悉尼演唱会 2008【格莱美音乐奖】[编辑本段]2000年 格莱美“最佳新人奖”(专辑《Christina Aguilera》)2001年 拉丁格莱美“最佳流行女声专辑奖”(专辑《Mi Reflejo》)2002年 格莱美“最佳流行合唱奖”(单曲《Lady Marmalade》)2004年 格莱美“最佳流行女歌手奖”(单曲《Beautiful》出自专辑《Stripped》)2007年 格莱美“最佳流行女歌手奖”(单曲《Ain"t no other man》出自专辑《Back to Basics》)【商业成绩】[编辑本段]单曲Genie in a bottle曾经是18个国家的排行榜冠军单曲Lady marmalade是2001年最大卖的单曲,全球卖出510万张单曲碟单曲Lady marmalade在全球50个国家登上冠军位置单曲dirrty在欧洲和亚洲的多个国家登上过冠军单曲Beautiful在全球15个国家登上冠军Christina在欧洲是不折不扣的抢钱天后,光拍广告她就挣了4000万欧元专辑Back to basics在全球16个国家登上冠军位置Christina是在Madonna之后唯一一个同时在美国,英国,澳大利亚,德国登上专辑榜冠军的歌手【正式录音室专辑】[编辑本段]Christina Aguilera 全美810万张,全球1250万张Stripped 全美400万张,全球1000万张Back to Basics 全球430万张【其他专辑】[编辑本段]Mi Reflejo 全美46万9千张,全球210万张My Kind of Christmas 全美84万3千张,全球130万张Just Be Free 全美10万张DVD:Genie gets her wish 登上Billboard录影带榜冠军My reflection 登上Billboard录影带榜冠军Stripped in UK 登上Billboard录影带榜第三名Live and down under 登上Billboard录影带榜冠军

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Christina Aguilera - Candyman.wav 链接: 提取码:XNTF

christina aguilera 的candyman的翻译

Candyman Tarzan and Jane were swingin" on a vine Candyman, candyman Sippin" from a bottle of vodka double wine Sweet, sugar, candyman Hey, uh I met him out for dinner on a Friday night He really got me working up an appetite He had tattoos up and down his arm There"s nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm He"s a one stop shop, makes my panties drop He"s a sweet talkin" sugar-coated candyman A sweet talkin" sugar-coated candyman Ooh, yeah, yeah He took me to the Spider Club on Hollywood & Vine We drank champagne and we danced all night We shook the paparazzi for a big surprise (a big surprise) We dance through the night, who needs tomorrow tonight? He"s a one stop shop, makes my cherry pop He"s a sweet talkin" sugar-coated candyman A sweet talkin sugar-coated candyman Scatting Hey, yeah Oh, yeah He"s a one stop shop, makes my cherry pop He"s a sweet talkin" sugar-coated candyman A sweet talkin sugar-coated candyman Whoa, yeah Well, by now I"m getting all bothered and hot When he kissed my mouth he really hit the spot He got lips like sugar cane Good things come for boys who wait Tarzan and Jane were swingin" on a vine Candyman, candyman Sippin" from a bottle of vodka double wine Candyman, candyman (Sweet, sugar, candyman) He"s a one stop, gotcha hot, making all the panties drop (Sweet, sugar, candyman) He"s a one stop, got me hot, making my uh pop (Sweet, sugar, candyman) He"s a one stop, get it while it"s hot, baby don"t stop (Sweet, sugar) He got those lips like sugar cane Good things come for boys who wait He"s a one stop shop with a real big uh He"s a sweet talkin" sugar-coated candyman Say what? A sweet talkin sugar-coated candyman (say a sweet talkin sugar-coated candyman) A sweet talkin sugar-coated candyman Oooh, whoa Candyman, candyman Candyman, candyman Candyman, candyman Tarzan and Jane were swingin" on a vine (Tarzan and Jane were swingin" on a vine) Sippin" from a bottle of vodka double wine (Sippin" from a bottle of vodka double wine) Jane lost her grip and down she fell (Jane lost her grip and down she fell) Squared herself away as she let out a yell (Squared herself away as she let out a yell) Candy Man 甜心宝贝 “泰山和珍妮在藤蔓上歌唱” 甜心宝贝,甜心宝贝 “嘴里喝著伏特加” 甜甜蜜糖甜心宝贝 我们周五相约吃晚饭 他简直就是我的开胃菜 手臂上下都是刺青 属於最危险的型男 他绝无仅有 令人脸红心跳 他是甜言蜜语小甜甜的甜心宝贝 他是甜言蜜语小甜甜的甜心宝贝 他带我上好莱坞的蜘蛛俱乐部 整晚喝著香槟跳著舞 把狗仔队吓了一大跳 明天新闻铁定上头条 他绝无仅有 令人脸红心跳 他是甜言蜜语小甜甜的甜心宝贝 他是甜言蜜语小甜甜的甜心宝贝 重复上段 我现在浑身搔痒滚烫 他的一吻正骚到我痒处 他的双唇甜如糖 耐心等待就有甜头尝 重复泰山开场 绝无仅有你无法档 令所有人脸红心跳 小甜甜的甜心宝贝 绝无仅有你无法档 令我脸红心跳 小甜甜的甜心宝贝 绝无仅有要趁热尝 宝贝别停下 甜甜蜜糖 他的双唇甜如糖 耐心等待就有甜头尝 他绝无仅有 那个实在有够大 他是甜言蜜语小甜甜的甜心宝贝 甜言蜜语小甜甜的甜心宝贝(X3) 甜心宝贝(X8) “泰山和珍妮在藤蔓上歌唱” “嘴里喝著伏特加” “珍妮松手向下滑” “大叫一声却稳稳著地”

小飞侠乐队的成员:Harry Mark Christopher Judd

(外号:Juddy Harold!)出生年月:1985年12月23日出生地:Chelmsford星座:摩羯座乐队位置:鼓手相貌特征:蓝色的眼睛?!家庭成员:父母,哥哥,姐姐宠物:两只狗,两只猫和四只鸡随身会带什么:击鼓的棍子(你永远不知道什么时候……)最喜欢的……男演员:Jim Carrey女演员:Jennifer Aniston电影:Ace Ventura Pet Detective电视节目:Friends / Office歌曲:Hey Jude乐队:The Used / Blink 182 / Beatles男歌手:Chris Cornel女歌手:Alannis Morisette第一次听的演唱会:Doors tribute bands听过最好的演唱会:The Used座右铭:速战速决饮料:苹果果汁食物:意大利式细面条(我母亲做的)坏习惯:我打响指,并且我喜欢脸上的污渍形容自己:懒惰和狡猾最感兴趣的:性感的笑,眼睛最讨厌的:Danny,难闻的气味想要的车:Ford Capri学校里喜欢的课程:美术对自己影响最大的人:Travis Barker和我的父母最局促不安的时刻:无最幸运的事:当我们在排练预演时,我碰到了blink182 。那真是太令人惊讶了!最喜爱的处世方式:不要用这个,他们坏了。爱好和运动:很多,板球,我最爱的!其他:我喜欢和我的朋友们一起消磨时光----------------------------

canary wharf at christmas eve.什么意思?


求The Christmas Can-Can 歌词 精确..谢谢

铃声:歌名:The Christmas Can-Can原唱歌手:Straight No Chaser音乐用的是著名的菠菜进行曲。Straight No Chaser - The Christmas Can-Can下载:歌词:Straight No Chaser - The Christmas Can-CanChristmas, Christmas time is here, and Christmas songs you love to hearthoughts of joy and hope and cheer, but mostly shopping, shopping, shoppingChristmas. Christmas time is here, the sleigh bells and red nosed deersongs and songs we love to hear all played a thousand times each yearHeard this same song 20 times and it"s only Halloween (Joy to the World)It"s not even cold outside (deck the halls with boughs of holly)Christmas, Christmas time is here, and Christmas songs you love to hear(Hark the herald angels sing joy to)thoughts of joy and hope and cheer, but mostly shopping, shopping, shoppingChristmas season, starting sooner every yearIt"s October, stores with plastic Christmas treesRansack the mall, shop until you lose your mindSpike the eggnog, sit back and watchRudolf, Frosty, Tiny TIm, and Scrooge the price, or Charlie BrownIt"s time...It"s time to do the Christmas can-canif you can"t, can"t dance well that"s ok (not going to do the kick line)All you need is a tree, some lights about a thousand presentswrap them up and pray for snowRun to your closet find your Christmas sweaters screaming carols all the way (fa-la-la-la-la)They all the way to California it"s the Christmas can-can howl-a-win" to Christmas dayIt"s the most wonderful time of year we"re running mad with Christmas cheerhey what"s troubling you my friend?It"s not fair if your jewish, jewish (not fair if your Jewish, Jewish)Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel I made it out of clayYou realize that Christmas ain"t the only holidayHey he"s right who made these lawsLook! Wait! Here comes Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus (Santa, Santa, Santa, Santa, Santa, Santa, Santa, Santa)Hey Santa do the can-can help them if you can-can join in the paradeAll you need is a tree, some lights about a thousand presentswrap them up and pray for snowRun to your closet find your Christmas sweaters screaming carols all the way (fa-la-la-la-la)Friends all the way to Indiana it"s the Christmas can-can that"s the endWait for our endingWe should share this holidayI wanna give a happy Chanukah to you, a happy Chanukah to you, a happy Chanukah to youA merry Christmas, Chanukah and also Kwanzaa. MerryChristmas, happy Chanukah, and mer-ry Kwan-zaa too

dressed up as father Christmas and accom

是非时间性的伴随状语原形是He is dressed up as...

christmas time 的中文歌词—西城男孩

There is something specialAbout this time of yearThe Christmas feeling"s everywhereI just got homeTo Join YouI"ve been away too longBut now I"m back to share my loveFriends are reunitedOne big familyFilled with love to lastThroughout the yearChristmas timeTime to share our loveCome and joyThe tiding"s to the worldChristmas timeThe best time of the yearYes, it"s Christmas timeYou and me togetherA Sleigh ride in the parkA loving kiss straight from my heartStraight from the heartSnowflakes are falling gentlyThe smell of chestnuts in the airAnd Christmas lights they gleamAcross the skyChristmas timeTime to share our loveCome and joyThe tiding"s to the worldChristmas timeThe best time of the yearYes, it"s Christmas timeDo you remember?Everything felt so rightWhen I held you close to meDo you remember?Those cold Christmas NightsWhen we sewed the world in harmonyChristmas timeTime to share our loveCome and joyThe tiding"s to the worldChristmas timeAlways the best timeChristmas timeTime to share our loveCome and joyThe tiding"s to the worldChristmas time

求后街男孩Last Christmas歌词

不是叫 last Christmas 吧? 应该是叫 Christmas time .There is something special About this time of year The Christmas feeling"s everywhere I just got home To Join You I"ve been away too long But now I"m back to share my love Friends are reunited One big family Filled with love to last Throughout the year Christmas time Time to share our love Come and joy The tiding"s to the world Christmas time The best time of the year Yes, it"s Christmas time You and me together A Sleigh ride in the park A loving kiss straight from my heart Straight from the heart Snowflakes are falling gently The smell of chestnuts in the air And Christmas lights they gleam Across the sky Christmas time Time to share our love Come and joy The tiding"s to the world Christmas time The best time of the year Yes, it"s Christmas time Do you remember? Everything felt so right When I held you close to me Do you remember? Those cold Christmas Nights When we sewed the world in harmony Christmas time Time to share our love Come and joy The tiding"s to the world Christmas time Always the best time Christmas time Time to share our love Come and joy The tiding"s to the world Christmas time

Christmastime 歌词

歌曲名:Christmastime歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities & B-SidesThere is something specialAbout this time of yearThe Christmas feeling"s everywhereI just got homeTo Join YouI"ve been away too longBut now I"m back to share my loveFriends are reunitedOne big familyFilled with love to lastThroughout the yearChristmas timeTime to share our loveCome and joyThe tiding"s to the worldChristmas timeThe best time of the yearYes, it"s Christmas timeYou and me togetherA Sleigh ride in the parkA loving kiss straight from my heartStraight from the heartSnowflakes are falling gentlyThe smell of chestnuts in the airAnd Christmas lights they gleamAcross the skyChristmas timeTime to share our loveCome and joyThe tiding"s to the worldChristmas timeThe best time of the yearYes, it"s Christmas timeDo you remember?Everything felt so rightWhen I held you close to meDo you remember?Those cold Christmas NightsWhen we sewed the world in harmonyChristmas timeTime to share our loveCome and joyThe tiding"s to the worldChristmas timeAlways the best timeChristmas timeTime to share our loveCome and joyThe tiding"s to the worldChristmas time

圣诞歌we wish your merry christmas的歌词

We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas we wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas we wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Good tiding we bring to you and your kins Good tiding is for Christmas and Happy New Year Good tiding is to you whenever you are Good tiding for Christmas and Happy New Year We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas we wish you a merry christmas and a Happy New Year We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas we wish you a merry christmas and a Happy New Year

后街男孩的歌曲Christmas Time歌词翻译

  CHRISTMAS TIME BACKSTREET BOYS  --------  (oooohhh...)  There is something special  About this time of year  The Christmas felling`s everywhere  I just got home  To join you  I`ve been away too long (been away too long)  But now I`m back to share my love  Friends are reunited  One big family  Filled with love to last  Throughout the year  (Chorus)  Christmas time  Time to share our love  Come and joy  The tiding`s to the world  Christmas time  The best time of the year  Yes, it`s Christmas time  You and me together  A sleigh ride in the park  A loving kiss straight from my heart  (Straight from the heart)  Snowflakes are falling gently  The smell of chestnuts in the air  And Christmas lights they gleam  Across the sky (ohohoh, it`s Christmas time)  (chorus)  Christmas time  Time to share our love  Come and joy  The tiding`s to the world  Christmas time  The best time of the year  Yes, it`s Christmas time  Do you remember? (do you remember)  Everything felt so right  When I held you close to me  Do you remember?  Those cold Christmas nights  When we sawed the world in harmony  (Chorus)  Christmas time  Time to share our love  Come and joy  The tiding`s to the world  Christmas time  The best time of the year  Yes, it`s Christmas time  (It`s Christmas for all the boys and girls)  (Christmas time. Time to share our love  Come and joy. The tiding`s to the world)  这个时候有些异常  到处都是圣诞的感觉  我也回家来到你们中间  离开太久之后我回来了来分享我的爱  朋友像个大家庭  一年上头都充满了爱  圣诞是分享爱的季节  圣诞时节  是一年中最好的日子  是的,就是圣诞节  你和我相聚在公园  爱和吻发自心底  雪花落在我们身上  空气中有栗子的味道  圣诞的灯光在空中划过  你还记得美好如此的种种吗  当我拥你入怀  你还记得那些寒冷的圣诞夜吗  当我们看到人间成天堂  附带一个连接,相信你看到这里以后会兴奋不已,这里你想要的应有尽有!




只有on christmas day才是正确的在具体的某一天,在具体的某一个节日,都要用onon National Dayon Children"s Day

christmas 和christmas day的区别?


christmas 在什么时候



as+形容词或副词原级+as 1、在否定句或疑问句中可用so… as2、当as… as 中间有名词时采用以下格式3、用表示倍数的词或其他程度副词做修饰语时,放在as的前面。4、倍数+ as + adj. + as <=> 倍数+ then + of比较级形容词或副词+than He is taller than I. They lights in your room are as bright as those in mine.可修饰比较级的词 a bit, a little等2、还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。3、以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。many,old和far1、much more +不可数名词2、 old 有两种比较级和最高级形式: older/oldest 和elder/eldest。 3、far 有两种比较级,farther,furtherthe+最高级+比较范1、形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。

christmas day是几月几日

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