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有先天疾病 病死的 他的哥哥也是这种病死的 也是病的原因 他被妈妈抛弃

chris名字寓意 chris名字寓意是什么

1、Chris来源于希腊语,是各种英文名称的缩写,包括Christopher、Christian、Christina、Christine和Christos等。Chris本身也被用作一个名字,但这种情况并不常见。 2、Chris是一个无性别偏向的名字,因此男女都可以使用。Chris意味着“Christian”,意思是基督教徒,信奉基督教的人。在用作名字时没有特殊含义。


Chris的意思:中文音译克里斯,名字含义耶稣基督的信使,短格式的CHRISTOPHER。Christopher英 [ˈkrɪstəfə]   美 [ˈkrɪstəfɚ]  n.克里斯托弗。Chris的读音:[kris],用法示例如下:1.Chris crawled on his hands and knees out onto the highway. 克里斯手脚并用爬上了公路。2.Chris had insisted that we went separately to the club. 克里斯坚持我们不要一块儿去俱乐部。扩展资料:Chris名字性别 男孩英文名Chris来源语种古英语、希腊语Chris名字寓意充满自信Chris相似英文名Chrisholm 克里泽姆、Chrissie 克里西、Chrissy 克丽丝、Christ 克莱斯特、Christa 克丽斯塔、Christain克里斯坦。Chris Evert 克里斯•埃弗特:(1954~),美国网球选手,唯一一个以非种子选手身份获得女子大满贯单打冠军的网球运动员。



CHRIS 是什么意思,来历?







chris怎么读 chris的意思

1、Chris的读音:[krɪs]。n. 克里斯(男子名)。 2、名字印象处事乐观,心情愉快。有音乐家和艺术家的天赋,能在娱乐行业获得成功。人际关系较好,但有时易怒,爱争论。办事无条理,没有理财天赋。有时会被情绪所左右,而影响判断能力。为人慷慨,有同情心。




男的,chris克里斯。例句:1、Give over, Chris! You"re hurting me. 住手,克里斯!你把我弄痛了。2、Chris is not easily roused. 克里斯不容易激动。3、Chris couldn"t even raise the energy for a smile. 克里斯甚至连笑一笑的力气都没有。4、Chris was also the best player on the park. 克里斯同时也是场上的最佳球员。5、Chris had insisted that we went separately to the club. 克里斯坚持我们不要一块儿去俱乐部。




chris,kris是christine,kristine的简写,chris是个男女通用的名字.人们认为chris是个顽皮姑娘 或是非常有自信的女运动员,充满信心的微笑,外向,很有活力的那种人.



chris是什么意思 chris是何意思

1、chris的意识是:克里斯;克丽丝(女子教名Christabel、Christian、Christiana、Christine、Christopher的昵称)。 2、例句:Give over, Chris! Youre hurting me. 意识是:住手,克里斯!你把我弄痛了。Chris is not easily roused. 意识是:克里斯不容易激动。


Chris做英文名还不错。这是英文常用名,男女都可以叫 Chris,来源于基督教义,意思是“文明人/正派人”或“正派的/高尚的”。男子名一般翻译为“克里斯”,是 Christian(克里斯蒂安/克里斯钦)和 Christopher(克里斯托夫)的昵称。女子名一般翻译为克丽丝,是 Christiana(克里斯蒂安娜)和 Christine(克里斯廷)的昵称。英文起名注意事项:1、注意所用的的英文名字的含义有一些英文名字在国外会有不好的歧义,所以在大家起英文名的时候应该好好了解一下所用名字的含义,再决定是否适用。2、避免把中文名字直译成英文除非你有过硬的英文功底和对英美文化的了解,否则不推荐直接翻译中文名。中国人起名,要求是含义好、听着上口。外国人起名,则是要尽量从约定俗成的已有的名字中选一个。

christmas island是什么意思


求一首日语歌,关于圣诞节的,只记得高潮部分有一句merry merry christmas


我想知道Chris Brown的一首歌。

歌名Crawl --Chris Brown 专辑 Griffiti 你看下是不是

《Champion》Chris Brown唱的、 这首歌的中文翻译。。。 谢谢。

Chipmunk - Champion (ft. Chris Brown)some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗yeah/耶some people give their lives/有的人献出生命they wanna hold you back,tell"em pee off/他们想让你临阵脱逃,让他们闭上臭嘴whenever they say you can"t,take the T off/要是有人说你做不到,你得把当中的“不字”去掉I remember when they told me I couldn"t be famous/我还记得他们曾说过我根本成不了名now my dream and reality is simultaneous/而现在我的梦想已然成为了现实and work your own way to the top/要是想要达到成功之巅的话得自己去努力if they put you on a pedestal they can take you off/如果是人民把你推上王位那他们一样可以把你给拽下来and there"s a higher level than the top/而且一山更有一山高you gotta make more,don"t do with what you got/你必须继续努力,不要沾沾自喜yeah,so go and get it in sunny/耶,保持阳光心态追逐你的梦想not everybody gets a second chance at getting money/并不是每一个人都能拥有第二次赚钱机会or even getting lucky so you gotta feel/甚至有的人一生也就幸运那么一次,所以你必须the hunger in your tummy/必须感触你内心的那份饥渴I"m always pushing myself to the limit/我总是将自身推向极限making sure I stay ahead/我必须保持领先you made me who I am,from the words you said/因为你的话,给了我前进到现在的动力some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习ah,hah/啊哈some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机ah,hah/啊哈some people but not me/我这里说的有些人指的可不是我I was born a champion/因为我生来就是个冠军some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗ah,hah/啊哈some people give their lives/有的人献出生命ah,hah/啊哈some people don"t believe/有的人就是不相信but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军 X3uh,this gon be the realest shit I ever wrote/啊...这段写过的歌里TM最为真实的一段off the record,no camera"s,forget a quote/不宜公开报道,也别拍照,更别引用我要说的话some of my family doing good,most doing dope/我的亲戚中有的过得不错,但大多都靠贩毒发家I from Verginia where they used to hangin nigga by rope/我来自弗吉尼亚,曾经无数黑鬼在这儿被奴隶主绞死I used to see my momma getting beat down/我曾亲眼看着我妈妈遭人毒打is that the real definition of me now/难道现在的我真的已经变成了当年的打手I fell off,back on my feet now/我摔了一大跤,但现在我又重新站了起来headed to the sky,can"t even see down/我正飞向蓝天,甚至不能再往下看award shows,I poured my heart out/在颁奖典礼上,我用全身心来表演and people still steady trynna point my flaws out/但人们却还是乐衷于不断挑我的小毛病and I"d be lying if I said it ain"t get to me/要是说这些我都无所谓,那我就是在撒谎but I"m a champion,legend,hi-hi-history/但关键是,我是个冠军,我将成为传奇,缔造新的历史I"m always pushing myself to the limit/我总是将自身推向极限making sure I stay ahead/我必须保持领先you made me who I am,from the words you said/因为你的话,给了我前进到现在的动力some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习ah,hah/啊哈some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机ah,hah/啊哈some people but not me/我这里说的有些人指的可不是我I was born a champion/因为我生来就是一个冠军some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗ah,hah/啊哈some people give their lives/有的人献出生命ah,hah/啊哈some people don"t believe/有的人就是不相信but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军 yeah/耶but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军 wants to help/好。。没有人愿意伸出援手I guess you are on your own/所以我想你全都得靠自己build a foundation with the bricks they throw/用他们向你扔来的板砖铸造坚实的地基in a black and white world,ture colors show/在这个黑白的世界,用心的色彩装点change if you want,everybody grows/你可以做点改变,因为人人都会长大life"s like an ill,but try and get a hold/生活像一场病,但你得努力治好他opinions ain"t fact,take em and let em go/人们的想法并不代表事实,听后就不用再在意you made me who I am,from the words you said/因为你的话,给了我前进到现在的动力some people have to learn/有的人得从失败中不断学习ah,hah/啊哈some people wait their turn/有的人坐等良机ah,hah/啊哈some people but not me/我这里说的有些人指的可不是我I was born a champion/因为我生来就是一个冠军some people have to fight/有的人必须奋斗ah,hah/啊哈some people give their lives/有的人献出生命ah,hah/啊哈some people don"t believe/有的人就是不相信but I was born a champion/但我的确生来就是一个冠军





求christmas song歌词

chestnuts roasting on an open firejack frost nipping at your noseyule-tide carols being sung by a choirand folks dressed up like eskimoseverybody knows a turkeyand some mistletoehelp to make the season brighttiny tots with their eyes all aglowwill find it hard to sleep tonight.they know that santa"s on his wayhe"s loaded lots of toysand goodies on his sleighand every mother"s child is gonna spyto see if reindeerrealy know how to flyand so i"m offering this simple phraseto kids from one to ninety-twoalthough it"s been saidmany times, many waysmerry christmas to you.they know that santa"s on his wayhe"s loaded lots of toysand goodies on his sleighand every mother"s child is gonna spyto see if reindeerrealy know how to flyand so i"m offering this simple phraseto kids from one to ninety-twoalthough it"s been saidmany times, many waysmerry christmasmerry christmasmerry christmasto you

关于merry christmas 的资料!要英语的~谜语,歌曲,圣诞节的由来.....都行

White Christmas" white Christmas" is synonymous and Christmas songs, the history of the most popular Christmas songs!" -- the white snow, white plains, Santa"s beard; Christmas cards, Christmas -- all in white christmas!What is Christmas? -- this is happy. So, we wish you a merry Christmas, happy new year! Little pudding, with candy, if you will not do something, we can not go oh, bless but is not free! From Enya ( Enya ) to the sound of nature! God Rest Ye Merry English version of" fable" don"t be sad, not sad, Jesus in the world. With joy, with the comfort, the son of God, our shepherd was born in a manger. Praise the Lord, he will get us out of the astray ... Tune is very familiar with, Angela Chang"s" allegory" which to this!Winter Wonderland famous Christmas song" Winter Wonderland" starting in 1934, since then has been repeated. The lyrics describe the Christmas scene: piled snowman, imagine that he is someone "s appearance, unwittingly entered only a winter some strange spectacle ... A silver world have the atmosphere of christmas!

在美国买的 alexandre christie这个牌子的表在中国能维修吗?


alexandre christie是什么牌子

参考资料:Alexandre Christie简称AC,源自瑞士品牌,是由欧陆现代精品设计大师Alexandre Christie创办,AC的品牌理念是B.E.E.F,具体来说就是brand、economy,elegance,fashion。 如何将时尚的元素,自我的真彩,适合的价位结合成一个品牌,是Alexandre Christie在1986年以后一直冥思苦想的问题,他开始以Reachable-Style为概念着手设计一些低价位的腕表,试图将腕表设计的都市风格和实用性结合起来,略带弧度的几何线条组合勾勒独特的优雅自信,以“搭配个人特色呈现不同风采”,创造现代主意简实风格的腕表。

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Alexandre Christie是什么手表????

Alexandre Christie简称AC,源自瑞士品牌,是由欧陆现代精品设计大师Alexandre Christie创办,AC的品牌理念是B.E.E.F,具体来说就是brand、economy,elegance,fashion。

ac表(alexandre christie)质量如何??是不是瑞士原装的啊?

随着休闲活动的日益增多,人们也在选择具有这种风格的腕表,于是瑞士品牌Alexandre Christie(表迷喜欢称之为“AC”表)应运而生,同时它也为我们带来一种“优质平价”的选择,告诉大家:对于一只腕表应该享受其品牌、品质所传达的意念,而这些并不需要花费高昂的代价来获得,AC的价值观也迅速改变了许多人的消费理念,不再把“好表”与“贵价”划上等号。在欧洲、美洲、东南亚等地,AC已经成为众多年轻人的领导品牌,如今在中国大陆这股AC旋风终于登陆,并且愿意同本地的名表爱好者分享自身的理念。就像AC品牌大陆区负责人所说:从AC品牌创立之初就订立了B.E.E.F的哲学理念,具体来说就是品牌(Brand)、经济(Economy)、高雅(Elegance)、时尚(Fashion),而所有这些都可以从AC腕表中得到淋漓尽致地展 那么如何去品味与选择一款AC腕表呢?一、优质的外观材料:AC表款全部选用符合欧洲标准的不锈钢作为表壳的材料,在表玻璃方面则以强化矿物、蓝宝石水晶来适应不同状态下的要求。二、独特的审美设计:AC擅长运用黑、白、蓝三种色调,不但体现出简洁、高雅的气息,而且大胆的选择彩色表盘,搭配长方形以及正方形的时尚表款,无论是正装或休闲服,搭配起来同样地自然与贴合。三、实用的多重功能:为了配合休闲活动的需要,AC表款增加了计时(Chronograph)等多功能,不但增添了多针计时的实用性,而且带来了豪放的视觉冲击力。四、卓越的保用性能:在AC运动系列中特别突出了防水性,同时在表盘上也标注了相应的防水深度,另外表针与刻度采用专业的夜光材料,目的是在黑暗的环境中一样能够准确的分辨时间。当然,每一只AC表都具有一年的保修期,无论在全世界任何一家AC表服务中心,都可以享受完善的售后服务。现。

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Alexandre Christie手表怎么样

Alexandre Christie 亚力克丽 手表,手表被称为A.C手表,是瑞士手表品牌。手表的机芯大都是使用的瑞士RONDA公司的石英机芯。其它瑞士品牌手表的石英表 也大都是使用这个公司的机芯,当然石英机芯也是有差别的。这个公司的机芯还是挺好的。

alexandre christie是什么牌子

  亚历山大克里斯蒂(Alexandre Christie)简称AC,源自瑞士品牌,是由欧陆现代精品设计大师Alexandre Christie创办,AC的品牌理念是B.E.E.F,具体来说就是brand、economy,elegance,fashion。 如何将时尚的元素,自我的真彩,适合的价位结合成一个品牌,是Alexandre Christie在1986年以后一直冥思苦想的问题,他开始以Reachable-Style为概念着手设计一些低价位的腕表,试图将腕表设计的都市风格和实用性结合起来,略带弧度的几何线条组合勾勒独特的优雅自信,以“搭配个人特色呈现不同风采”,创造现代主意简实风格的腕表。 



dance 中的chrisma是什么意思





n.似乎与人的大脑有关,比如在句子a combination of his chrisma andn.似乎与人的大脑有关,比如在句子a combination of his chrisma and【医】 软膏, 油膏





卡丽斯翻译成中文就是chris? 顾问老师给取的名 ,好像不怎么喜欢


Kevin Chris Choi 算不算一个正确的英文名?

西方人天才使用middle name 的. 例: Gary Faye Locke 骆家辉; 印度男子也可用:Kevin Chris Chandra...但香港囝没有必要夸张啦...学学李小龙(Bruce Li); 成龙(Jackie Chan); 叶倩文(Sally Yeh)...*Kevin Choi 比较有 "man"...

hurry christmas是什么意思

marry Christmas,圣诞节快乐。hurry Christmas,匆匆而过的圣诞节。具体点就是感叹圣诞节一晃而过的意思。

hurry christmas是什么意思

楼主说的是不是marry Christmas?就是圣诞节快乐的意思。hurry是可以是动词和名词,不过不是形容词呀,这样以来语法就错了吧,匆忙的圣诞节?呵呵,我也只是半吊子~


at。如果节日是...Day的形式,用on,如:On Christmas Day,on Children"s Day,On New Year"s Day。如果后没有Day,则用at,如:at Christmas。单词解释at 英 [ət] 美 [ət]    prep. 在;向;达n. 基普(老挝货币基本单位)(=att);[化]砹(极不稳定放射性元素)abbr. 密封的(=airtight)abbr. 气温(=air temperature)例句:I"m sorry to obtrude on you at such a time.翻译:我很抱歉在这个时候打扰你。


你拼错了克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉(英语:Christina Aguilera;1980年12月18日-),美国著名流行歌手、作曲人及作词人,是一位坐拥五座格莱美奖和六首冠军单曲的超级巨星。 克里斯蒂娜在主唱迪士尼卡通电影花木兰的主题曲《Reflection》后和唱片公司RCA Records签约,凭借首张同名专辑《克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉》(1999年)的浑厚嗓音和亮丽外表走红。2001年,克里斯蒂娜和瑞奇·马汀合作,参与他的专辑《Sound Loaded》和电影《红磨坊》的原声带,《Lady Marmalade》是2001年最大卖的单曲,全球卖出510万张,使她在2002年赢得一项格莱美奖。克里斯蒂娜推出第二张录音室专辑《裸》(2002年),歌曲有Hip-Hop元素的《Dirrty》和使克里斯蒂娜赢得2004年格莱美奖最佳女歌手的《Beautiful》等,是真正能感受克里斯蒂娜嗓音和内心的专辑,这张唱片创下惊人的销售量。 2005年她与唱片公司经纪人乔丹·布拉特曼〈Jordan Bratman〉结婚,已于2010年离婚[1]克里斯蒂娜第三张录音室专辑《天生歌姬》于2006年发行(Back to Basics;2006年),专辑空降全球20几个国家和地区的销量榜冠军位置,也使她成为继麦当娜之后唯一一个同时空降美国、英国、澳大利亚专辑榜冠军的女歌手。2008年,克里斯蒂娜入选《滚石》杂志《史上100名最伟大歌手》,是榜单中唯一低于30岁的歌手。2010年6月8日,第四张录音室专辑《Bionic》发行,首波主打单曲为《Not Myself Tonight》,歌曲一开始就受了大众的热烈关注。 2010年11月15日,克里斯蒂娜在好莱坞星光大道拥有了一颗属于自己的星。 同年,克里斯蒂娜首次主演的电影歌舞剧《Burlesque》上映,得到不少好评,电影和原声带在世界各地都取得榜首位置。除此之外,克里斯蒂娜创下全球50,000,000张的唱片销售记录,成为了其中一位在任何时间内专辑销量最高的歌手。 而且是继麦当娜后第二位在2000"s内单曲销量最高的歌手,亦被喻为本年代的最佳嗓音。

Father Christmas是什么意思


Father Christmas是什么意思

Father Christmas圣诞老人双语对照词典结果:Father Christmasn.圣诞老人; 例句:1.Viagra, ski jackets and father christmas costumes were all sent to tsunamivictims. 伟哥,滑雪外套,甚至是圣诞老人装都送到了还小灾民手中。

Father Christmas是什么意思


Christmas is a Christian holy day usaually celebrated on December 25th.


求but i am a good girl ----Christina Aguilera的中文歌词

Where I"ve been all my life?The dress is Chanel, the shoes YSL,The bag is Dior, Agent Provocateur!My address today,L.A. by the way, above Sunset Strip,The hills are the way.My rings are,.. it makes the head turn,They all say: darling, what did you do to those pearls?What?I am a good girl!But I Am A Good Girl The age I adore, the day I"ll...Breakfast... and... for sure!The chateau for cocktails, the court yard at night,... for dinner,.. is divine!You know I have found,The words go around,They all say my feet never do touch the ground!What?I am a good girl!I am a good girl! 我去过的地方我的生命吗?这件衣服是Chanel,YSL的鞋子,这个包是Dior,密探!今天我的地址,洛杉矶顺便说一下,上面的日落大道,满山遍野的道路。我的戒指,..它使头部转动,他们都说:亲爱的,你是怎么做的珍珠吗?什么?我是个好姑娘!但我是一个好女孩我崇拜的年龄,这一天我会...早餐...和...肯定的!城堡的鸡尾酒,在夜间庭院,...吃饭,..是神圣的!你知道,我发现,这些话出去转转,他们都说我的脚从来不接触地面!什么?我是个好姑娘!我是个好姑娘!

求Agatha Christie的《七钟面》故事概要(英文版)

A house party is taking place at Chimneys which has been rented out by the Marquis of Caterham for two years to Sir Oswald Coote, a self-made millionaire and his wife. As well as the couple, there is a party of young people staying there – three girls and four young men. One of them, Gerald ‘Gerry" Wade, has a deserved reputation for sleeping in very late in the morning, much to the annoyance of Lady Coote. The six youngsters plan a joke on Gerald by buying eight alarm clocks and putting them in his room that night after he has fallen asleep but timed to go off at irregular intervals the next morning, starting at 6.30am.The next morning, all the clocks having rung at the prescribed times but Wade not having stirred from his bed, it is discovered that the young man is dead in his bed, having drunk an overdose of chloral during the night. The group is shocked and Jimmy and Ronny agree to drive over to Deane Priory where Loraine Wade, Gerry"s half-sister, lives and break the news to her. On the way, Ronny hints at something about Gerry but stops full at confiding in Jimmy. Returning back to Chimneys and going to Gerry"s room, Jimmy points out to Ronny that the alarm clocks have been arranged on the mantelpiece but there are only seven of them – one is missing.Several days later, Lord Caterham retakes possession of Chimneys at the end of its two-year lease from the Cootes. The inquest has taken place with a verdict of ‘Death by Misadventure" but no explanation has been reached for the rearrangement of the clocks. Bundle is a friend of Bill Eversleigh"s and puzzling over the matter she decides to write to him. Gerry Wade died in her room and pulling out a part of her writing desk she finds an unfinished letter from Gerry to Loraine dated the day before he died. In it he speaks of being "awfully fit" but “so sleepy I can"t keep my eyes open.” Most strangely, he asks her to “forget what I said about that Seven Dials business.” More puzzled than ever, she decides to go to London to see Bill. On the way there, a man steps out of a hedge and into the road. Bundle misses him but he collapses anyway, muttering about “Seven Dials…” and “Tell...Jimmy Thesiger.” The man dies. Bundle manages to get the body into the car and to a doctor where she is told that the car didn"t hit the man – he was shot.A card on the body identifies the man as being Ronny Devereux and Bundle recalls that he also was one of the Cootes" house party. She returns to Chimneys and tells her father all that has happened and he tells her in turn that during his absence he received a visit from George Lomax, the Under-Secretary for State for Foreign Affairs who received a strange warning letter written from the Seven Dials district of London. The next day Bundle finally makes it to London and gets Jimmy"s address from Bill. Going there, she meets Loraine Wade who has also called in to see Jimmy and breaks the news of Ronnie"s death to Jimmy. Shocked, he recounts Ronny"s behaviour in the car on the way to see Loraine for the first time and she, in turn, tells the two of them that the incident that Gerry referred to in his last letter to her was a list of names and dates she found with an address in Seven Dials on it when she accidentally opened one of her late half-brothers letters. He had then hinted to her of some secret society with reference to the Mafia. The three wonder if Gerry"s death was murder and the removal of one of the alarm clocks, leaving seven dials, was a warning signal. Jimmy knows that Gerry was connected in some way with the Foreign Office and security services. Bundle tells the other two of the warning letter that George Lomax received and that he is holding a house party the next week at his house at Wyvern Abbey and Jimmy and Bundle decide to get themselves an invitation and join in.Bundle decides to go and see Superintendent Battle at Scotland Yard about the matter, but he proves unhelpful, aside hinting that Bill Eversleigh knows something about Seven Dials. The next evening, Bundle meets Bill for a night out and asks him what he knows. He tells her that Seven Dials is a seedy nightclub and gambling den and Bundle insists he takes her there. In the club, Bundle recognises the doorman as being Alfred, a former footman from Chimneys. The next day, after making arrangements through family connections to get into George Lomax"s party, Bundle returns to the Seven Dials club and questions Alfred as to why he left Chimneys. He tells her that the Cootes had as a guest a Russian gentleman called Mosgorovsky who offered him three times his footman"s salary to leave his previous employment and work at the club. Bundle forces the scared man to show her round and he eventually takes her into a secret room in which there is a table and seven chairs. She forces Alfred to hide her in a cupboard in the room and several hours later is able to witness from her place of concealment a strange meeting as five people gather. They wear hoods over their evening wear with eye slits and clock faces on the hoods, each clock showing a different time between one o"clock and six o"clock and their accents reveal their different nationalities. One of the sinister group is a woman with a mole on her exposed shoulder blade. They talk of the absent number two and one of figures complains about the always-missing number seven. They also talk of Lomax"s party at Wyvern Abbey where a German called Eberhard will be present with a valuable invention. They also talk of plans to divert suspicion from the inquest on Ronny Devereux and mention Bauer, the footman at Chimneys as being in their pay. The meeting over, the group leaves and Alfred frees Bundle from her watching place.The next day Bundle tells Jimmy of the meeting. They suspect Bauer of murdering Gerry and Jimmy tells Bundle that Eberhard has invented a formula which could make wire as strong as steel, revolutionising airplane manufacturing. The German government turned the invention down and the meeting at Wyvern Abbey is for a possible sale to the British, represented by Sir Stanley Digby, the Air Minister.The next Friday, Bundle and Jimmy arrive at Wyvern Abbey and are introduced to the other guests including the Cootes, Sir Stanley Digby, Terence O"Rourke and the beautiful Hungarian Countess Radzky. Bundle is further surprised to see Superintendent Battle there. He tells her that he is at Wyvern to “keep an eye on things”. Bill Eversleigh also turns up. Jimmy has told Bill what Bundle told him of the meeting of the Seven Dials. Realising that Sir Stanley is only going to be staying one night at Wyvern, they work out that any theft of the formula is going to be attempted that night and Jimmy and Bill agree to keep two separate watches, changing over at 3.00am, them both using a pistol that Jimmy has brought with him.At 2.00am Jimmy, on the first watch in an alcove in the hallway, thinks he hears a noise coming from the library, a room that leads on to the terrace. He finds nothing in the room and continues his watch from there.Bundle, previously told by Jimmy and Bill that there was no part in their plans for her, had meekly acquiesced but instead had changed her clothes into something more suitable, climbed down the ivy outside her room and had promptly run into Superintendent Battle, also on his own watch outside the house. He persuades her to go back. She does so but goes to check on Jimmy in his alcove. Finding that he has gone, and not knowing that he has moved to the library, she goes to Bill"s bedroom but finds that she has made a mistake and it is the Countess"s room but the Hungarian lady is also missing. Her puzzlement is interrupted by the noises of a tremendous struggle coming from the library and two gunshots.This noise also attracts the attention of Loraine Wade who has arrived at Wyvern at the dead of night. A few moments before the commotion, a paper packet lands at her feet as she walks along the darkened terrace. She picks it up and sees s man climbing down the ivy from above her. She turns and runs – almost straight into Battle whose questions are interrupted by the fight in the library. Running there, they find Jimmy unconscious and shot through his right arm. The household is woken by the noise and pours into the room. Jimmy comes round and tells how he fought the man who climbed down the ivy. They were both armed and each fired a shot. Sir Stanley rushes back to check his room but finds that the formula has gone. Battle is not perturbed as Loraine still holds the dropped packet and is able to return its precious contents. Sir Oswald Coote raises suspicions when he comes in from the terrace, having supposedly been on a late-night walk and having seen no one suspicious but having found the pistol of the escaped man on the lawn. The Countess is also found in the room, unconscious behind a screen. She tells a story of coming down for a book to read, being unable to sleep, and hearing what turned out to be Jimmy"s approach, hid from fear of him being a burglar. She passed out when the fight happened. Bill gallantly offers to help her to her room and Bundle suddenly spots a mole on the Countess"s shoulder through her negligee – she is a member of the Seven Dials! She tells Battle the whole story of her spying on the association and the role the Countess plays and is told to leave matters alone.The next morning, Battle searches the scenes of the crime and finds the place where the assailant"s pistol landed when it was thrown onto the lawn, only one set of footprints leading to this point – Sir Oswald"s – and a charred, left-handed glove with marks of teeth in the fireplace. He theorises that the thief threw the gun onto the lawn from the terrace and then climbed back into the house via the ivy. Bundle hears news from Chimneys that the footman Bauer is missing and Sir Oswald leaps to the conclusion that he is their man.Before the house party breaks up, Jimmy asks Loraine to keep an eye on Bundle and make sure she doesn"t get herself into danger by investigating on her own any more while he integrates himself with Lady Coote and gets an invitation to their new house in Letherbury, wanting to investigate Sir Oswald further, suspecting him of being the missing number seven from the Seven Dials.At Letherbury, Jimmy looks through Sir Oswald"s study in the dead of night, is almost caught by Rupert Bateman but manages to talk his way out of the situation. The next day Loraine and Bundle arrive, their car having ‘broken down" a short distance away and Jimmy is able to tell them that he has found no evidence that Sir Oswald is number seven.Several days later, Bill turns up at Jimmy"s London flat. Ronny Devereux"s executors have sent him a letter that Ronny left for Bill, should anything happen to him, and he finds its contents incredible. A short time later, Jimmy rings up Bundle and Loraine who are at Chimneys and tells the girls to meet him and Bill at the Seven Dials club, Bill"s story being “the biggest scoop of the century.” The two girls get their first and Bundle frightens Alfred away by telling him the police are after him. Jimmy arrives, having left Bill outside in the car and upon his request, Bundle shows him the secret room where the Seven Dials meet. Loraine interrupts them – something is wrong with Bill. In the car, they find him unconscious and take him into the club. Jimmy runs off to get a doctor and Bundle goes round the club looking for brandy for Bill but someone knocks her unconscious.She comes round in Bill"s arms and Bundle is pleasantly surprised to hear words of love from him. They are interrupted by Mr Mosgorovsky who then takes them into an emergency meeting of the Seven Dials. Number seven is there and reveals himself – it is Superintendent Battle. He tells Bundle that the Seven Dials is not an association of criminals but instead is a group of criminal-catchers and people who do secret service work for their country. Among the group, Mr Mosgorovsky is a member, Gerry Wade and Ronny Devereux were, the Countess having now taken Gerry"s place but her real identity is the American actress, Babe St Maur. To Bundle"s shock, another member of the association is Bill Eversleigh but that shock is increased when Battle tells her that the association has at last succeeded in getting their main target, an international criminal who stock trade is the theft of secret formulae – Jimmy Thesiger who was arrested this afternoon together with his accomplice, Loraine Wade.Battle explains that Jimmy killed Gerry Wade when he got onto Jimmy"s track. Jimmy took the eighth clock from the dead man"s room in an attempt to see if anyone reacted to there being ‘seven dials". Bauer was put into Chimneys by the Seven Dials to keep an eye on things but Jimmy was too clever for him.Ronny Devereux died when he started to get too close to the truth and the latter"s last words were not a warning to Jimmy about the Seven Dials but the other way round. At Wyvern Abbey, there was no second man stealing the formula. Jimmy climbed up the ivy to Sir Stanley Digby"s room, threw the formula down to Loraine, climbed back down the ivy and into the library where he staged the fight, shot himself in his right arm and threw the second pistol onto the lawn. As his right arm was disabled and he was right armed he had to dispose of his left-handed glove, using his teeth hence the marks, in the fire.Bill"s story of the papers Ronny left him were a fabrication to get Jimmy into the open. Jimmy gave Bill a drugged drink in his flat but it was not drunk. Bill feigned unconsciousness in the car outside the Seven Dials club. Jimmy never went for a doctor but hid himself in the club and it was him who knocked Bundle unconscious. His plan was to leave Bill and Bundle there as a “shock” to the then-unknown number seven.Bun

One of the most famous writers from England by far is Agatha Christie. Her books and plays can ...

小题1:than小题2:when小题3:her小题4:second小题5:in 小题6:the小题7:away小题8:for/on 小题1:和比较级more foreign languages连用用 than小题2:考查连词:当她24岁的时候和Archibald Christie结婚了,用 when小题3:考查形容词性物主代词:用her代替Agatha Christie"s.小题4:考查序数词:从前面的This book was the first time that the world met Mrs. Christie"s famous detective Hercule Poirot. 可知是第二个侦探:second小题5:考查介词:在哪个年代用in 小题6:考查词组:under the name用…名字小题7:考查词组:pass away去世小题8:考查词组:for/on sale销售。


《马普尔小姐探案 第四季》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:    链接: 提取码:rebj    导演:希提·麦克唐纳编剧: 凯文·埃尔约特 / 斯蒂芬·丘切特 / 保罗·鲁特曼 / 帕特里克·巴罗 / 阿加莎·克里斯蒂主演: 朱莉亚·麦肯齐 / 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 / 马修·麦克费登 / 鲁珀特·格雷夫斯 / 娜塔莉·多默尔 /类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 犯罪制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语首播: 2008-11-08(爱尔兰)季数: 集数: 4单集片长: 93分钟又名: 马普尔小姐 第四季 / Agatha Christie"s Marple Season 4该剧讲述了2004年起由英国ITV出品的系列剧“Agatha Christie"s Marple”,根据Agatha Christie原著作品改编,其中前三季马普尔小姐扮演者为Geraldine McEwan,第四季起改为Julia McKenzie,截至2010年共拍摄五季,每季四集,内容包括:第一季:藏书室女尸之谜、寓所谜案、谋杀启事、命案目睹记第二季:沉睡的谋杀案、魔手、煦阳岭的疑云、斯塔福特疑案第三季:零时、复仇女神、无妄之灾、伯特伦旅馆之谜第四季:黑麦奇案、杀人不难、借镜杀人、悬崖上的谋杀第五季:破镜谋杀案、蓝色天竺葵、名苑猎凶、白马酒店

Agatha Christie是谁


知道关于Agatha Chrisie这个女人的什么吗?听说她很伟大

Agatha Chrisie曾经于1920年在伊斯坦布尔期间创作了“东方快车谋杀案

merry christmas的中文是什么

merry Christmas 。1、merry的意思adj.愉快的,快活的;有趣的;[口]微醉的;生动的n.甜樱桃;梅里(姓氏)2、marry的意思vt.& vi.娶;嫁;(使)结婚;结合vt.为…主持婚礼根据词语意思可以确定是merry Christmas,圣诞快乐。扩展资料:merry常用短语:1、make merry行乐;宴乐 2、the more the merrier人越多越热闹;(东西)多多益善,越多越好 。例句:3、eat, drink and be merry 行乐要及时 4、play (merry) hell with sth/sb对…造成严重影响;严重损害… 5、lead sb a (merry) dance 给某人造成许多麻烦(或忧虑) 6、to cause sb a lot of trouble or worry给某人造成许多麻烦(或忧虑) 

marry christmas和Merry christmas的区别是?

Marry christmas和Merry christmas的区别为:一、指代不同1、Marry christmas:与迈瑞克里斯么斯结婚。2、Merry christmas:圣诞快乐。二、用法不同1、Marry christmas:marry的基本意思是“男婚女嫁”,指(使)男子和女子成为夫妻的行为或状态。还可表示家长、亲朋或牧师等为新人主持婚礼。2、Merry christmas:基本意思是“幸福的”“快乐的”,指人在各种状态(如事事顺利)下的愉快、快乐或满足的心理状态。三、侧重点不同1、Marry christmas:这是一个动词短语,表示和某人结婚。2、Merry christmas:这是一个节日祝福语。

Marry christmas和Merry christmas有什么区别吗?

Marry christmas和Merry christmas的区别为:一、指代不同1、Marry christmas:与迈瑞克里斯么斯结婚。2、Merry christmas:圣诞快乐。二、用法不同1、Marry christmas:marry的基本意思是“男婚女嫁”,指(使)男子和女子成为夫妻的行为或状态。还可表示家长、亲朋或牧师等为新人主持婚礼。2、Merry christmas:基本意思是“幸福的”“快乐的”,指人在各种状态(如事事顺利)下的愉快、快乐或满足的心理状态。三、侧重点不同1、Marry christmas:这是一个动词短语,表示和某人结婚。2、Merry christmas:这是一个节日祝福语。

Merry Christmas的Merry 是什么意思?

merry adj.欢乐的,愉快的词组make merry:尽情欢乐go on one"s merry way:一意孤行

Merry christm 是什么意思啊?

圣诞快乐是Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas的Merry 是什么意思?

圣诞狂欢心动方案 想好怎么过这个洋味十足的节日了吗?如果你还没有成型的plan(计划)的话,不妨看看我们的提议。无论是自由惬意地驱车郊游、热情洋溢的圣诞PARTY、还是浪漫温馨的烛光晚餐……样样可都是让人心动神往哟! 驱车郊游―――享受自然 一提起圣诞,人们便会不由自主地联想起郊外一望无际的银色世界,飞奔的马车,悦耳的马铃儿声,伴随着清脆的《铃儿响叮当》的歌声前行。这幅如诗般的画面已经深深地印刻在我们的记忆中。人们在羡慕之余不禁慨叹这天与地、人与自然的完美融合。如今,这样的画面已不再是望尘莫及的遐想。逢圣诞之际,约几位品性相投的好友驱车郊游,远离都市的喧嚣,尽情享受大自然给我们带来的无穷魅力,将生活的烦恼、工作的压力、学习的劳苦统统抛到脑后,让禁锢已久的心情随着歌声飞扬。 如果能提前准备一点野餐的必备之物,那就更加惬意了。新朋老友共叙情谊,举杯换盏辞旧迎新,那份温馨和浪漫更不是用语言所能够表达。 圣诞PARTY―――张扬个性 圣诞PARTY是圣诞节中的重头好戏。由于目前住房等条件的限制,能够在家开PARTY的人还只是少数,大多数人都喜欢参加酒店或迪吧组织的活动。因为这种活动的筹备更加到位,从活动的策划,到环境的布置,还有活动项目的安排都面面俱到,你只需约上几位好友去尽情享受就行了。 不过,有一点需要特别注意:参加这样的大型圣诞PARTY,你一定要穿上自己平日最漂亮的服装;如果有晚礼服或者旗袍的话,那就更好了。要知道,服装是交际场合的无声语言,身着富丽的晚礼服是赢得他人尊重和好感最简洁而行之有效的方式。脱下穿久了的职业装,尽情展现一下自己的妩媚与高雅吧,在如梦似幻的灯光之下,你一定会让朋友们刮目相看的。你还可借此机会大胆塑造一个全新的自我形象,尝试一下平日里不敢运用的色彩,做一个极尽夸张、张扬个性的发型,你会突然发现,自己的魅力原来远不止于此。 烛光晚餐―――体味浪漫 在平安夜里与相爱的人一起共进烛光晚餐,实在是再浪漫不过的事了。摇曳的烛光,伴随着悠扬的乐曲,衬托着爱人的哝哝细语,那分缱绻与缠绵将爱意展现得淋漓尽致。你可以选择一间环境典雅的西餐屋,去那里体味一下西餐的新鲜与雅致,在刀叉之中比较一下东西方文化的差异;你也可以选择典型的中式大餐,于色、香、味之中领略中华饮食文化的博大精深;你还可以到富有情致的咖啡屋小憩,品味一下平日里难得的悠闲和雅致。相信这样的圣诞大餐会让你一生难以忘怀。不过,有一点需要提醒您,赴这样的烛光晚餐,男士一定得西服领带穿戴整齐,千万不敢蓬头垢面,一身的龌龊,而破坏了情调。 保龄较量―――展现英姿 平日里为工作而奔波的上班族是难得有时间活动一下身体的,那就不妨借圣诞节的机会好好舒展一下自己的筋骨,到保龄球馆里一展身手。你可以邀几位朋友同行,在保龄球馆里好好较量一番,体会一下运动健儿奋力搏杀的豪气,也给节日的温馨增添一分英姿。但一定要记住了,去打保龄可千万不能西装革履,长裙飘曳的,自己活动起来不方便不说,让别人看到也会耻笑你的服装文化如此贫乏。 街头漫步―――感受圣诞 如果你还从来没有过过圣诞节的话,那就不妨在平安夜或圣诞夜里携家人到大街上走走,看看,去感受一下节日的气氛。看看商场里手拿圣诞礼物的圣诞老人;看看街头缀满点点星光的圣诞树;看看川流不息、车水马龙的大街小巷;看看绚丽多彩的霓虹闪烁;看看夜色中不断舞动的成千上万支荧光棒;看看头戴飞禽走兽各类面具的姑娘、小伙子;看看手拿各种玩具布偶的大人孩子。置身于欢乐的海洋之中,你能不被这节日的气氛所感染吗?心动不如行动,朋友们,快快行动起来,圣诞节,让我们一起去狂欢!




Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐1.Merry Christmas! Hey, what plans do you have for this special day? 圣诞快乐!喂.这么特别的日子.你打算怎么过啊?2.They read the opening chapters of Genesis to a worldwide audience of millions, signing off with, “Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth. 他们向全世界千千万万听众朗读了《创世纪》开篇章节,并在结束时祝福:“圣诞快乐,上帝保佑你们,保佑美好地球上的每一个人。”

merry Christmas to you是什么意思


merry christmas的中文意思是什么?

merry Christmas 。1、merry的意思adj.愉快的,快活的;有趣的;[口]微醉的;生动的n.甜樱桃;梅里(姓氏)2、marry的意思vt.& vi.娶;嫁;(使)结婚;结合vt.为…主持婚礼根据词语意思可以确定是merry Christmas,圣诞快乐。扩展资料:merry常用短语:1、make merry行乐;宴乐 2、the more the merrier人越多越热闹;(东西)多多益善,越多越好 。例句:3、eat, drink and be merry 行乐要及时 4、play (merry) hell with sth/sb对…造成严重影响;严重损害… 5、lead sb a (merry) dance 给某人造成许多麻烦(或忧虑) 6、to cause sb a lot of trouble or worry给某人造成许多麻烦(或忧虑) 

Merry Christmas是什么意思

Merry Christmas圣诞快乐双语对照词典结果:Merry Christmasint.圣诞快乐!; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The entire team wishes you safe and merry christmas! 全体toxel网成员祝您身体安康、圣诞快乐!2.Wishing you a merry christmas and happy holidays. 希望你有一个愉快的假日以及圣诞。

merry christmas and happy new year是什么意思

merry christmas and happy new year    英[ˈmeri ˈkrɪsməs ənd ˈhæpi njuː jɪə(r)]    美[ˈmeri ˈkrɪsməs ənd ˈhæpi nuː jɪr    翻译:圣诞和新年快乐双语例句1、I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 我祝大家圣诞快乐和新年快乐!2、Christmas is coming I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year a few days soon. 现在圣诞节到来,我想跟你们说圣诞快乐,在不久的几天后新年快乐。3、Christmas and happy New Year! May the season"s joy fill you all the year round. 祝圣诞及新年快乐!愿节日的愉快伴你一生。4、Merry Christmas and happy New Year! 圣诞快乐,恭贺新禧!5、To our friends: it has been a wonderful year of approach-thanks to all of you!Merry Christmas and happy new year! 给朋友们:这是场域建筑精彩的一年-感谢所有的朋友!圣诞新年快乐!

Merry Christmas是什么意思

圣诞快乐​请采纳 如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳, ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力 ~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

ugly christmas是什么意思

ugly christmas 难看的圣诞ugly 英[ˈʌgli] 美[ˈʌɡli] adj. 丑陋的; 难看的; 有敌意的; 不祥的; n. 丑陋的人(东西); [例句]She makes me feel dowdy and ugly.她让我自惭形秽。[其他] 比较级:uglier 最高级:ugliest


Catherine 这个名字在英文名里很普遍。在英格兰有和威尔士以及在苏格兰的名字仅仅在字母上不同:The most common variants are Katherine, Kathryn, and Katharine. The spelling Catherine is common in both English and French. Less-common variants in English include Katheryn, Katharyn, Kathryne, Katherin, Kathrine, Catharine and Cathryn.Christy 很不错。

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cassie和chris 没有关系啊...他们只是朋友!是因为cassie住在chris家吗?只是出于朋友帮助啦...这就是外国的友谊啊,哈哈。cassie和sid是一对。chris和jal是一对。可怜的chris最后病发死了,呜呜。

皮囊第二季Chris死了Cassie 为什么要走?

前面她不是慌张的连手机都拿不稳 号都拨不出去嘛 虽然她总是一副略无谓的样子 但亲眼看见住在一起的朋友那么大出血 都会承受不住的吧

Fireflies ——chris Garneau

传好了 ~

Merry Christmas是什么意思

意思是圣诞节快乐。相关介绍:merry有快乐、愉快的意思,christmas则表示圣诞节。圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名为“基督弥撒”,它源自古罗马人迎接新年的农神节,与基督教本无关系。在基督教盛行罗马帝国后,教廷随波逐流地将这种民俗节日纳入基督教体系,同时以庆祝耶稣的降生扩展资料相关作品:一、电影:《圣诞快乐》:是由新艺城影业有限公司出品的剧情片,影片讲述了中年报馆采访主任麦尚,在平安夜的生辰,只有两岁的儿子陪伴在侧,孤独想念死去的老婆。 儿子及女儿鼓励老爸追求隔邻女歌手小凤,在求爱过程中,闹出许多笑话,经过一番努力,有情人终成眷属。二、专辑:1.《Merry Christmas》:是郭富城1993年发行的唱片,包含10首歌曲,粤语专辑,是郭富城离开华星唱片前,发行的最后一张专辑。2.《Merry Christmas》:是美国女歌手玛丽亚·凯莉的首张圣诞专辑、第四张录音室专辑,制作人包括华特·亚凡瑟夫、玛丽亚·凯莉、路易斯·霍兰德等参考资料来源:百度百科-圣诞节

Merry Christmas!是什么意思啊




christmas day是什么意思? at christmas又是什么意思?

表达的意思不同。各自的用法也不同。一、at christmas1、释义:在圣诞节期间(即圣诞节前后的一段时间)。2、用法:一般后面跟时间,此时也可说成Christmastide或Christmastime,此时若用介词通常用at。3、例句:(1)It"s pretty cold here at Christmastime.圣诞节期间这里很冷。(2)The shops are very busy at Christmas.圣诞节期间店铺忙得不可开交。二、on Christmas Day1、释义:指“圣诞日”,即12月25日(某些教会为1月6日)。2、用法:此时也可说成Christmas Day,若表万在这一天,其前用介词on。3、例句:(1)I"m always busy on Christmas(Day).圣诞节这天我总是很忙。(2)The trains don"t run on Christmas Day.圣诞节火车停驶。扩展资料:Christmas1、释义:n.圣诞节2、变形:复数,Christmases。3、例句:(1)"Prices are down 40 per cent since Christmas,"he lamented.)“圣诞节以来物价降了4成,”他悲叹道。(2)"Will Joe be here at Christmas?"-"I expect so."“圣诞节时乔会来这里吗?”——“我想会的。”(3)Authorities requisitioned hotel rooms to lodge more than 3,000 stranded Christmas vacationers.当局征用旅馆房间安顿了3,000多名无处落脚的圣诞度假者。

英语merry christmas中文是什么意思啊

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