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复数 potato( ) mango ( )child( ) can( ) Negro( )see( )

potatoes; mangos; children; cans; Negroes; sees

什么是technical barriers to trade??

technical barriers to trade技术性贸易壁垒定义技术性贸易壁垒(Technical Barriers to Trade,TBT)  WTO关于技术性贸易壁垒的文件有两个,分别是“技术性贸易壁垒协定”(TBT协定)和“实施卫生与动植物卫生措施协定”(SPS协定),于1995年1月1日WTO正式成立起开始执行。  技术性贸易壁垒是国际贸易中商品进出口国在实施贸易进口管制时通过颁布法律、法令、条例、规定,建立技术标准、认证制度、检验制度等方式,对外国进出口产品制定过分严格的技术标准,卫生检疫标准,商品包装和标签标准,从而提高进口产品的技术要求,增加进口难度,最终达到限制进口的目的的一种非关税壁垒措施。  它是目前各国,尤其是发达国家人为设置贸易壁垒,推行贸易保护主义的最有效手段。  涉及到贸易的各个领域和环节:农产品、食品、机电产品、纺织服装、信息产业、家电、化工医药,包括它们的初级产品、中间产品和制成品,涉及到加工、包装、运输和储存等环节。

which of the following is true什么意思



是frog marched反扣双手被钳制住的意思如图所示 当然,在战争中,更厉害,四肢都被扣绑住被人抬着走的意思。

圣安地列斯里女友Michelle Cannes要怎么约会

别找了 游戏里已经去除这个NPC了

圣安地列斯带女友Michelle Cannes去哪?


侠盗猎车手圣安地列斯秘籍Michelle Cannes就是机修工 女友怎么讨好,要带她去哪?穿什么衣服,开什么车,


Such a fright _______ that he dropped his bag and ran away. A.did the man get B.the man got.

A 试题分析:句意:这个人受到如此的惊吓以至于他扔掉包就跑了。“Such( +形容词)+名词+that 从句”或者“so +形容词/ 副词 +that从句”位于句首时句子用部分倒装语序,故选A。

the one with the money got such a fright that he …

so/such ......that.........如此。。。。以至于。。。

The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag,这句话中的got是什么用法

Fuck you!

he got such a fright 去掉那个a 这句话还对吗

不能去掉such a fright 如此一个惊吓

Charles Algernoon Swinburne

Algernon Charles SwinburneBorn: 5-Apr-1837Birthplace: Grosvenor Place, London, EnglandDied: 10-Apr-1909Location of death: The Pines, Putney, EnglandCause of death: InfluenzaGender: MaleReligion: AtheistRace or Ethnicity: WhiteSexual orientation: BisexualOccupation: Poet, CriticNationality: EnglandExecutive summary: Masochist Victorian poetEnglish poet and critic, born in London on the 5th of April 1837. He was the son of Admiral Charles Henry Swinburne (of an old Northumbrian family) and of Lady Jane Henrietta, a daughter of George, 3rd Earl of Ashburnham. It may almost be said to have been by accident that Swinburne owned London for his birthplace, since he was removed from it immediately, and always felt a cordial dislike for the surroundings and influences of life in the heart of a great city. His own childhood was spent in a very different environment. His grandfather, Sir John Edward Swinburne, Bart., owned an estate in Northumberland, and his father, the admiral, bought a beautiful spot between Ventnor and Niton in the Isle of Wight, called East Dene, together with a strip of undercliff known as the Landslip. The two homes were in a sense amalgamated. Sir Edward used to spend half the year in the Isle of Wight, and the admiral"s family shared his northern home for the other half; so that the poet"s earliest recollections took the form of strangely contrasted emotions, inspired on the one hand by the bleak north, and on the other by the luxuriant and tepid south. Of the two, the influences of the island are, perhaps naturally, the stronger in his poetry; and many of his most beautiful pieces were actually written at the Orchard, an exquisite spot by Niton Bay, which belonged to relatives of the poet, and at which he was a constant visitor.After some years of private tuition, Swinburne was sent to Eton, where he remained for five years, proceeding to Balliol College, Oxford, in 1857. He was three years at the University, but left without taking a degree. Clearly he must have cultivated while there his passionate and altogether unacademic love for the literature of Greece; but his undergraduate career was unattended by university successes, beyond the Taylorian prize for French and Italian, which he gained in 1858. He contributed to the "Undergraduate Papers", published during his first year, under the editorship of John Nichol, and he wrote a good deal of poetry from time to time, but his name was probably regarded without much favor by the college authorities. He took a second class in classical moderations in 1858, but his name does not occur in any of the "Final" honor schools. He left Oxford in 1860, and in the same year published those remarkable dramas, The Queen Mother and Rosamond, which, despite a certain rigidity of style, must be considered a wonderful performance for so young a poet, being fuller of dramatic energy than most of his later plays, and rich in really magnificent blank verse. The volume was scarcely noticed at the time, but it attracted the attention of one or two literary judges, and was by them regarded as a first appearance of uncommon promise.It is a mistake to say, as most biographers do, that Swinburne, after leaving Oxford, spent some time in Italy with Walter Savage Landor. The facts are quite otherwise. The Swinburne family went for a few weeks to Italy, where the poet"s mother, Lady Jane, had been educated, and among other places they visited Fiesole, where Landor was then living in the house that had been arranged for him by the kindness of the Brownings. Swinburne was a great admirer of Landor, and, knowing that he was likely to be in the same town with him, had provided himself with an introduction from his friend, Richard Monckton Milnes. Landor and Swinburne met and conversed, with great interest and mutual esteem; but the meetings were not for more than an hour at a time, nor did they exceed four or five in number. Swinburne never lived in Italy for any length of time. In 1865 appeared the lyrical tragedy of Atalanta in Calydon, followed in the next year by the famous Poems and Ballads, and with them the poet took the public gaze, and began to enjoy at once a vogue that may almost be likened to the vogue of Lord Byron. His sudden and imperative attraction did not, it is true, extend, like Byron"s, to the unliterary; but among lovers of poetry it was sweeping, permeating and sincere. The Poems and Ballads were vehemently attacked, but Dolores and Faustine were on everyone"s lips: as a poet of the time has said, "We all went about chanting to one another these new, astonishing melodies." Chastelard, which appeared between Atalanta and Poems and Ballads, enjoyed perhaps less unstinted attention; but it is not too much to say that by the close of his thirtieth year, in spite of hostility and detraction, Swinburne had not only placed himself in the highest rank of contemporary poets, but had even established himself as leader of a choir of singers to whom he was at once master and prophet.Meanwhile, his private life was disturbed by troublous influences. A favorite sister died at East Dene, and was buried in the little shady churchyard of Bonchurch. Her loss overwhelmed the poet"s father with grief, and he could no longer tolerate the house that was so full of tender memories. So the family moved to Holmwood, in the Thames Valley, near Reading, and the poet, being now within sound of the London literary world, grew anxious to mix in the company of the small body of men who shared his sympathies and tastes. Rooms were found for him in North Crescent, off Oxford Street; and he was drawn into the vortex of London life. The Pre-Raphaelite movement was in full swing, and for the next few years he was involved in a rush of fresh emotions and rapidly changing loyalties. It is indeed necessary to any appreciation of Swinburne"s genius that one should understand that his inspiration was almost invariably derivative. His first book is deliberately Shakespearian in design and expression; the Atalanta, of course, is equally deliberate in its pursuit of the Hellenic spirit. Then, with a wider swing of the pendulum, he recedes, in Poems and Ballads, to the example of Charles Baudelaire and of the Pre-Raphaelites themselves; with the Song of Italy (1867) he is drawing towards the revolt of Giuseppe Mazzini; by the time Songs before Sunrise are completed (in 1871) he is altogether under the influence of Victor Hugo, while Rome has become to him "first name of the world"s names." But, if Swinburne"s inspiration was derivative, his manner was in no sense imitative; he brought to poetry a spirit entirely his own, and a method even more individual than his spirit. In summing up his work we shall seek to indicate wherein his originality and his service to poetry has lain; meanwhile, it is well to distinguish clearly between the influences which touched him and the original, personal fashion in which he assumed those influences, and made them his own. The spirit of Swinburne"s muse was always a spirit of revolution. In Poems and Ballads the revolt is against moral conventions and restraints; in Songs before Sunrise the arena of the contest is no longer the sensual sphere, but the political and the ecclesiastical. The detestation of kings and priests, which marked so much of the work of his maturity, is now in full swing, and Swinburne"s language is sometimes tinged with extravagance and an almost virulent animosity. With Bothwell (1874) he returned to drama and the story of Mary Stuart. The play has fine scenes and is burning with poetry, but its length not only precludes patient enjoyment, but transcends all possibilities of harmonious unity. Erechtheus (1876) was a return to the Greek inspiration of Atalanta; and then in the second series of Poems and Ballads (1878) the French influence is seen to be at work, and Victor Hugo begins to hold alone the place possessed, at different times, by Baudelaire and Mazzini. At this time Swinburne"s energy was at fever height; in 1879 he published his eloquent Study of Shakespeare, and in 1880 no fewer than three volumes, The Modern Heptalogia, a brilliant anonymous essay in parody, Songs of the Springtides, and Studies in Song. It was shortly after this date that Swinburne"s friendship for Theodore Watts-Dunton (then Theodore Watts) grew into one of almost more than brotherly intimacy. After 1880 Swinburne"s life remained without disturbing event, devoted entirely to the pursuit of literature in peace and leisure. The conclusion of the Elizabethan trilogy, Mary Stuart, was published in 1881, and in the following year Tristram of Lyonesse, a wonderfully individual contribution to the modern treatment of the Arthurian legend, in which the heroic couplet is made to assume opulent, romantic cadences of which it had hitherto seemed incapable. Among the publications of the next few years must be mentioned A Century of Roundels (1883); A Mid-summer Holiday (1884); and Miscellanies (1886). The current of his poetry, indeed, continued unchecked; and though it would be vain to pretend that he added greatly either to the range of his subjects or to the fecundity of his versification, it is at least true that his melody was unbroken, and his magnificent torrent of words inexhaustible. His Marino Falicro (1885) and Locrine (1887) have passages of power and intensity unsurpassed in any of his earlier work, and the rich metrical effects of Astrophel (1894) and The Tale of Balin (1896) are inferior in music and range to none but his own masterpieces. In 1899 appeared his Rosamund, Queen of the Lombards; in 1908 his Duke of Gardia; and in 1904 was begun the publication of a collected edition of his Poems and Dramas in eleven volumes.Besides this wealth of poetry, Swinburne was active as a critic, and several volumes of fine impassioned prose testify to the variety and fluctuation of his literary allegiances. His Note on Charlotte Brontë (1877) must be read by every student of its subject; the Study of Shakespeare (1880) -- followed in 1909 by The Age of Shakespeare -- is full of vigorous and arresting thought, and many of his scattered essays are rich in suggestion and appreciation. His studies of Elizabethan literature are, indeed, full of "the noble tribute of praise", and no contemporary critic did so much to revive an interest in that wonderful period of dramatic recrudescence, the side issues of which have been generally somewhat obscured by the pervading and dominating genius of William Shakespeare. Where his enthusiasm was heart-whole, Swinburne"s appreciation was stimulating and infectious, but the very qualities which give his poetry its unique charm and character were antipathetic to his success as a critic. He had very little capacity for cool and reasoned judgment, and his criticism is often a tangled thicket of prejudices and predilections. He was, of course, a master of the phrase; and it never happened that he touched a subject without illuminating it with some lightning-flash of genius, some vivid penetrating suggestion that outflames its shadowy and confused environment. But no one of his studies is satisfactory as a whole; the faculty for sustained exercise of the judgment was denied him, and even his best appreciations are disfigured by error in taste and proportion. On the other hand, when he is aroused to literary indignation the avalanche of his invective sweeps before it judgment, taste and dignity. His dislikes have all the superlative violence of his affections, and while both alike present points of great interest to the analyst, revealing as they do a rich, varied and fearless individuality, the criticism which his hatreds evoke is seldom a safe guide. His prose work also includes an early novel of some interest, Love"s Cross-currents, disinterred from a defunct weekly, the Tatler, and revised for publication in 1905.Whatever may be said in criticism of Swinburne"s prose, there is at least no question of the quality of his poetry, or of its important position in the evolution of English literary form. To treat first of its technique, it may safely be said to have revolutionized the whole system of metrical expression. It found English poetry bound in the bondage of the iambic; it left it revelling in the freedom of the choriambus, the dactyland the anapaest. Entirely new effects; a richness of orchestration resembling the harmony of a band of many instruments; the thunder of the waves, and the lisp of leaves in the wind; these, and a score other astonishing poetic developments were allied in his poetry to a mastery of language and an overwhelming impulse towards beauty of form and exquisiteness of imagination. In Tristram of Lyonesse the heroic couplet underwent a complete metamorphosis. No longer wedded to antithesis and a sharp caesura, it grew into a rich melodious measure, capable of an infinite variety of notes and harmonies, palpitating, intense. The service which Swinburne rendered to the English language as a vehicle for lyrical effect is simply incalculable. He revolutionized the entire scheme of English prosody. Nor was his singular vogue due only to this extraordinary metrical ingenuity. The effect of his artistic personality was in itself intoxicating, even delirious. He was the poet of youth insurgent against all the restraints of conventionality and custom. The young lover of poetry, when first he encounters Swinburne"s influence, is almost bound to be swept away by it; the wild, extravagant license, the apparent sincerity, the vigor and the verve, cry directly to the aspirations of youth like a clarion in the wilderness. But, while this is inevitable, it is also true that the critical lover of poetry outgrows an unquestioning allegiance to the Swinburnian mood more quickly t

the people who had headaches.是定语从句吗?

who 引导的是定语从句,修饰前面的名词 the people

but do you know about headache

1-5 BACCC 6-10 CDDCD



He"s got a headache.什么意思

He"sgotaheadache.的中文翻译  He"sgotaheadache.  他头痛得很。  headache英[ˈhedeɪk]美[ˈhɛdˌek]  n.头痛;令人头痛的事;  [例句]Ihavehadaterribleheadacheforthelasttwodays.  两天来我一直头痛得厉害。  [其他]复数:headaches形近词:headachy

He"s got a headache.什么意思


i"ve a headache 表示我头疼。那么怎么表达“我们都头疼”?“a”怎么变化

we all have headaches.a去掉,headache变复数形式,all可要可不要

have many headaches 怎么翻译?


have a headache 为什么中间有个a? headache 可数吗?

ache是可数名词还是不可数名词表示一种疼痛状态时,是不可数名词:Chocolate gives me toothcake。我吃了巧克力牙疼。表示具体的某一次疼痛的发作时,〔美〕是可数名词,〔英〕是不可数名词:She very ofen gets stomaches.(〔英〕stomache)〔美〕她常常胃疼。▲headache一概作可数名词时用:I often get headaches。

migraine headaches是什么意思


He often suffers headaches.为什么不对?一定要用suffer from吗

对 suffer from 是固定搭配意为 经历 承受通常指疾病或困境

类似 ~ache的(如stomachache,toothache,headache)可数吗?如果可数,复数形式是什么?


1.What are headaches?中的headaches为何加了“s”?



dischargedis.chargeAHD:[d¹s-chärj“] D.J.[dis6t.$8d9]K.K.[d!s6t.$d9]v.(动词)dis.charged,, dis.charg.es缩写及物动词)To relieve of a burden or of contents; unload.卸下:解除负担或清除物品;卸货To unload or empty (contents).卸(货);倒空(物品)To release, as from confinement, care, or duty:释放;使退伍:释放、摆脱,如从监禁、护理或责任:discharge a patient; discharge a soldier.允许病人出院;让士兵退伍To let go; empty out:放出;腾空:a train discharging commuters.乘客正乘火车上下班To pour forth; emit:排出,放出:a vent discharging steam.排出蒸汽的孔To shoot:射击:discharge a pistol.开枪To remove from office or employment.See Synonyms at dismiss 免…的职;解雇参见 dismissTo perform the obligations or demands of (an office, duty, or task).See Synonyms at perform 履行义务,执行命令:履行义务;执行(公务、职责或任务)的命令参见 performTo comply with the terms of (a debt or promise, for example).遵守规定:服从(如债务或约定的)各条款Law 【法律】 To acquit completely:宣判…彻底无罪:discharged the defendant.宣布被告无罪To set aside; annul:撤销:discharge a court order.撤销法院命令To remove (color) from cloth, as by chemical bleaching.使褪色,漂白:为织物去色,如通过化学漂白Electricity To cause the release of stored energy or electric charge from (a battery, for example).【电学】 放电:使(如蓄电池)所蓄的电或能量释放出来Architecture 【建筑学】 To apportion (weight) evenly, as over a door.将重量平均分配:平均分布重量,如门上的To relieve (a part) of excess weight by distribution of pressure.减轻超重的压力:用分布压力来减轻(某部分)的负荷v.intr.Abbr. dis.(不及物动词)缩写 dis.To get rid of a burden, load, or weight.解除重担、负载物或重量To go off; fire:发射,开火:The musket discharged loudly.旧式步枪发声很大To pour forth, emit, or release contents.流出,冒出:排出、流出或倒出物品To become blurred, as a color or dye; run.染色:使变得模糊,如色彩或染料;渗开To undergo the release of stored energy or electric charge.放电:释放所贮存的能量或电荷n.(名词)AHD:[d¹s“chärj”, d¹s-chärj“] 缩写 dis.The act of removing a load or burden.卸下:卸货或摆脱负担的行为The act of shooting or firing a projectile or weapon.发射,开火:炮弹、武器的射击或开火A flowing out or pouring forth; emission; secretion:流出,放出,排出:a discharge of pus.流脓The amount or rate of emission or ejection.排放量:流量、流速,或排出量,排出的速度Something that is discharged, released, emitted, or excreted:排放物:排出、释放、射出或流出的东西:a watery discharge.含水分的排放物The act or an instance of removing an obligation, a burden, or a responsibility.摆脱责任:摆脱义务、负担或责任的事例Fulfillment of the terms of something, such as a debt or promise.履行责任:履行,执行如债务、誓约的条款Performance, as of an office or a duty.尽职,执行任务Dismissal or release from employment, service, care, or confinement.解雇:解雇;释放;自理;免职;退伍;An official document certifying such release, especially from military service.退伍令:书面形式证明那些释放的官方文件,尤指从军队服役退伍Law An annulment or acquittal; dismissal, as of a court order.【法律】 撤销令:取消,宣告无罪;法院命令的撤销Electricity 【电学】 Release of stored energy in a capacitor by the flow of current between its terminals.放电:在电容器存储能量通过两端间的电流流动而释放出来Conversion of chemical energy to electric energy in a storage battery.化学能转为电能:将化学能转变为蓄电池中的电能A flow of electricity in a dielectric, especially in a rarefied gas.电流:在非导体中的电流,尤其是稀薄气体中的电流Elimination of net electric charge from a charged body.排电:从电载体中消除网状电荷

I have a lot of headaches 和many headaches 有区别吗

没区别当修饰可数名词时, alotof=many当修饰不可数名词时,alotof=much谢谢采纳~~


这两个单词的ea部分发音不同,两者发音也不同哈。headache [ˈhedeɪk] n.头痛;令人头痛的人(或事物);麻烦第三人称单数:headachestea [tiː] 茶叶;茶;茶水;一杯茶复数形式:teas

headache前加a 还是an?



是不可数,但表示某次具体情况,所以看做可数. 类似 ~ache的(如stomachache,toothache,headache)可数 ,这就是抽象名词具体化。但是并不是表示“数量多”而是强调程度深。


headache:头疼词组:have a headache

他们感冒了用英文怎么说?They have a headache 还是They have headaches什么情况下用headaches

They have a cold






英 ['hedeɪk]释义:n 头痛;麻烦;令人头痛之事[ 复数 headaches ]短语:cluster headache 丛集性头痛 ; 组合性头痛 ; 头痛群扩展资料:重点词汇用法:headachen (名词)1、headache是由名词head和动词ache组成的合成词,意为“头痛”,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。2、headache引申可表示“令人头痛的事”,可用于表达感情上的痛苦和不快,用作可数名词,并且常接for。近义词:1、ache:疼痛2、pain:疼痛3、agony:极大的痛苦


英['hedeɪk]单词:headache释义:n.头痛;麻烦;令人头痛之事[复数:headaches]短语:cluster headache丛集性头痛;组合性头痛;头痛群扩展资料:近义词:ache英[eɪk]释义:v.(持续的)疼痛;渴望;哀痛,怜悯;感到痛苦n.(身体某部位的)疼痛;痛苦(一种恼人或苦乐参半的情感)n.(Ache)(美、印尼、法)阿切(人名)[复数:aches;第三人称单数:aches;现在分词:aching;过去式:ached;过去分词:ached]短语:stomach ache胃痛;胃疼;肚子痛;胃疼时的饮品




headache的中文意思:头痛。读音:英[ˈhedeɪk]、美[ˈhedeɪk]。释义:n. 头痛;麻烦;令人头痛之事变形:复数 headaches。同近义词:trouble/cephalalgian. [内科]头痛;麻烦;令人头痛之事headache造句如下:1、I"ve had a headache for two whole days.我已经头痛整整两天了。2、The high cost of treatment was a great headache for him.高昂的治疗费用是一件使他非常头痛的事。3、These noisy children are really a headache.这些吵闹的孩子们可真让人头痛。4、After staying up all night, he has a terrible headache today.他昨晚通宵了 今天头疼得厉害。5、Headache is a common symptom when you don"t drink enough water.当喝水不足的时候,头疼是很常见的症状。


headache 英[ˈhedeɪk]美[ˈhedeɪk]n. 头痛; 令人头痛的人(或事物); 麻烦;[例句]I have had a terrible headache for the last two days.两天来我一直头痛得厉害。[其他] 复数:headaches满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢(注:及时采纳回答,系统会返还财富值,加奖励哦)

头疼的厉害可以说成have a lot of headaches或have lots of headaches吗

应该是I have a lot of headache



i have lots of headaches 怎么理解


a headache 和 headaches 的区别

a headache 往往是指一次性的、较短暂的持续头痛eg:I"ve got a headache againheadaches 暗含了此人常常头痛,反复多次的意思比如,He"s always complaining about his headaches.




是不可数,但表示某次具体情况,所以看做可数. 类似 ~ache的(如stomachache,toothache,headache)可数 ,这就是抽象名词具体化。但是并不是表示“数量多”而是强调程度深。




headache常见释义头痛英:[ˈhedeɪk]美:[ˈhedeɪk]n.头痛; 令人头痛的人(或事物); 麻烦; 复数:headaches


headache 一般用在短语hane a headache,这种短语是固定搭配习惯用法,headache从意义上说不可数。


n. [内科] 头痛;头疼;棘手的局面(headache的复数)短语have headaches 头疼 ; 有头痛 ; 已经头痛get headaches 头痛constant headaches 经常头疼Easier headaches 更容易头疼encourage headaches 诱发头疼You headaches 你头痛吗Recurrent headaches 反复头痛Vascular Headaches 血管性头痛About headaches 描述头痛


headache的读音是:英["hede_k]。headache的读音是:英["hede_k]。headache的例句是用作名词(n.)I"ve got a headache.我头痛。headache的意思是n.头痛。一、详尽释义点此查看headache的详细内容n.(名词)头痛麻烦令人头痛的事令人头痛的人酒精饮料二、英英释义Noun:something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness;"New York traffic is a constant concern""it"s a major worry"pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs三、网络解释1. 头痛:这一研究成果发表在最新一期的美国<>(Headache)杂志上. 研究人员表示,为防止儿时受过虐待的偏头痛患者出现其他的疼痛共病,可以对他们实施认知行为疗法.2. 头疼:女士回答男士的话,说她感觉不舒服(notfeelingmyself),而且这已经有一段时间了(goingonfordays),她还感觉嗓子疼(haveasorethroat),但她否认有发烧(fever)或者头疼(headache)的症状.3. 头痛 _痛:头痛 头痛(headache)是指额、顶、颞及枕部的疼痛. 头痛是一个常见症状,大多无特异性且经过良好,如急性感染时的头痛,随原发病的好转而缓解. 但有些头痛症状却是严重疾病的信号,如高血压动脉硬化病人头4. 令人头痛的事:39. violator 违规者 | 40.headache 令人头痛的事 | 41. traffic accidents 交通事故四、例句I"ve got a headache.我头痛。The aspirins eased my headache.阿司匹林使我头疼减轻。I"ve got a splitting headache.我头疼得要裂开似的。This is another big headache for him.这是另一件使他非常头痛的事。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)I found my headache coming on.我觉得头开始疼起来了。Can you give me something to relieve my headache?你能不能给我点药把我的头痛止住?The doctor promised that the medicine would ease the poor man of his headache.医生保证这种药可以解除这个可怜人的头痛。The aspirin seems to quiet the headache.阿司匹林似乎使头痛减轻了。Reading in a dim light may bring on a headache.在光线暗的情况下看书会引起头痛。Tell him I have a headache,I won"t delay him today.告诉他我头痛,今天不耽搁他了。He had a headache yesterday but he feels like a million dollars today.他昨天头痛,但今天又感到精力充沛了。He had been going to take her to a lecture that night, but he had a headache.本来那天晚上他打算带她去听报告的,但他头痛起来了。I have a terrible headache, and my thoughts are all mixed up.我头疼得厉害,脑子里一团乱麻。She pretended a headache so she wouldn"t have to go.她佯称头痛,这样她就不必去了。He wanted to get his eyes examined, as he often had headaches.因为他经常头痛,所以他想把眼睛检查一下。I get terrible headaches but it helps if I lie down in the dark for a while.我头痛得厉害,要是在暗处躺一会儿那是大有好处的。After an hour of talk, he would be racked with headaches.谈了一个小时后,他就会头痛欲裂。Their son is a constant headache to them.他们的儿子老是给他们惹麻烦。Now that our boys are growing up, the constant need for new clothes for them is getting to be a real headache.因为我们的男孩子们正处于成长期,所以经常需要给他们买新衣服,这真是一件令人头痛的事。六、常用短语用作名词(n.)headache for对?来说感到头痛 feeling difficult to sth七、词语用法n.(名词)headache是由名词head和动词ache组成的合成词,意为“头痛”,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。headache引申可表示“令人头痛的事”,可用于表达感情上的痛苦和不快,用作可数名词,并且常接for。headache的相关近义词ache、pain、agonyheadache的相关临近词headdress、head、headacheu、headaches、headache man、headache pill、headache house、headache tablet、headache powder、headache pencil、headache epilopsy、Headache disorders点此查看更多关于headache的详细信息


读法:英 [ˈhedeɪk]  美 [ˈhedeɪk] 释义:n. 头痛;麻烦;令人头痛之事短语:1、Cervicogenic headache 颈源性头痛 ; 颈椎病变性头痛 ; 颈因性头痛 ; 颈椎性头痛2、psychogenic headache 心因性头痛 ; 古道热肠果性头痛 ; 性头痛3、parietal headache 巅顶痛 ; 巅顶头痛4、Sinus Headache由鼻炎引起的头疼症状 ; 窦性头痛一、headache近义词:trouble1、英 [ˈtrʌbl]  美 [ˈtrʌbl] 2、n. 麻烦;烦恼;故障;动乱3、vt. 麻烦;使烦恼;折磨4、vi. 费心,烦恼二、短语1、Trouble Couples 开心勿语 ; 年 ; 片2、make trouble 惹事生非 ; 制造麻烦 ; 小搞搞 ; 闹事3、Old trouble 老毛病 ; 犯老毛病4、tribal trouble 部落冲突 ; 部落战争 ; 部族争斗




我怎样才能到达学校? 仅供参考,欢迎指正


headaches的意思是:令人头痛的事;头疼等。n.令人头痛的事;头疼;棘手的局面;头痛;(headache的复数)。have a bad headache 头很痛, 患重头痛。have a headache 头痛;头疼;头痛病。sick headache 呕吐性头痛。cluster headache 偏头痛。severe headache 严重头痛;剧烈头痛。双语例句:1、I am now tired and extremely hungry — with a headache into the bargain.我现在又累又饿,而且还头疼。2、He"s so straight-edge that he won"t even take Tylenol when he has a headache.他是如此的一个苦行主义者,即便是头疼时也不肯服用泰诺。3、I had a bad headache but it"s going off now.我原来头很痛,现在慢慢好了。4、Her plea of a headache was not entirely false.她头疼这个借口不完全是假的。5、Her headache was back with a vengeance.她的头痛再次剧烈发作。





what is difference between mergers and acquisitions in U.S. and china?


canI go to school now。

can I go outside now?!

Purchase Acquisition 是什么意思??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Purchase Acquisition的翻译是购股接管,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,这个词的意义如下:合并收购项目采用的会计方法,买方将目标公司当作投资,将目标公司的资产根据公平市场价值加入本身的资产。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!


这里面buy和其它几个词的区别最大。buy只是购买的意思,就是简单的付钱取货。这个词只能用在非正式场合。其它三个词所代表的意思,美国人也常常搞混。它们的区别在于每个词所代表的过程。Purchase所代表的意义最窄,就是和采购本身相关的活动。而Acquisition所代表的意义最广,按美国国防部的定义,包含了设计、开发、生产、装备及维护等等过程。Procurement则介于两者之间。Purchase 采购过程,包括申请、批准、填写采购单、订货、及收货。Procurement 包括市场调查、厂家调查、合同谈判、及采购过程。Acquisition 包括所有Purchase和Procurement的过程,再加上从概念到产品开发到维护及服务的一系列活动。

Purchase Acquisition代表什么?



这里面buy和其它几个词的区别最大。buy只是购买的意思,就是简单的付钱取货。这个词只能用在非正式场合。其它三个词所代表的意思,美国人也常常搞混。它们的区别在于每个词所代表的过程。Purchase所代表的意义最窄,就是和采购本身相关的活动。而Acquisition所代表的意义最广,按美国国防部的定义,包含了设计、开发、生产、装备及维护等等过程。Procurement则介于两者之间。Purchase 采购过程,包括申请、批准、填写采购单、订货、及收货。Procurement 包括市场调查、厂家调查、合同谈判、及采购过程。Acquisition 包括所有Purchase和Procurement的过程,再加上从概念到产品开发到维护及服务的一系列活动。

clmb(现在分词) write(现在分词) much(同义词) mice(单数)




1题是选E吧,“,”后加which,非限制性定语从句,fearing不可以用which fears来代替因为which不修饰人,并且此处 residents是复数形式,也不能用fears。第2题也是非限制性定语从句,which指代music,exists作music的谓语修饰它。相当于把“ Music seems to be universal”和“music exists in some form in all human cultures”2个句子整合为一个句子。

mysql 中alter语句中change和modify的区别

有两点不同1 change 可以重命名列名,也可能修改列的数据类型,而modify只能修改列的数据类型。2 两者写法不同,举例:--changeALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE b a BIGINT NOT NULL;--如果只需要修改类型ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE b b BIGINT NOT NULL;--modifyALTER TABLE t1 MODIFY b BIGINT NOT NULL;


比较明显的区别:如果是只改变列的类型不改变名称时,用change为ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE b b BIGINT NOT NULL;用modify 为alter table t1 modify b bingint not null; --不需要写两个相同的列名当需要修改字段名称时使用change;当需要修改字段类型时使用modify,毕竟modify还是比change少写个字段名称的,因次还是比较节约系统资源的额 ^_^


将表格修改为下面第二个表格形式。 用一条ALTER语句实现。 CHANGE:如果我们不只是修改单一列,而是用一条语句改变两个列,我们需要修改列的名称,同时更改他们的数据类型,这时就需要我们用到关键字CHANGE,可以在一条语句中放入多个CHANGE,在中间加上分隔的逗号即可。 比如原来的表两列,类型为VARCHAR(50),和VARCHAR(10),现在不止要更改列名,还要更改这两列的类型。 程序如下: MODIFY:使用它可以只修改列的类型而不会干涉它的名称,假设要把proj_desc列的字符长度修改为VARCHAR(120)以容纳更多的说明文字,只要这么做就可以。 总结如下; (1)既更改列名也更改类型,用CHANGE (2)只修改类型,用MODIFY,但这种方法比较慢,我们用另一种方法直接修改.frm文件,而不改动表本身。


change, alter, vary, convert, modify, transform, turn这些动词均含有"变化,改变"之意。change: 指任何变化,完全改变,强调与原先的情况有明显的不同。alter: 常指轻微的改变,强调基本上保持原物、原状的情况下所进行的部分改变。vary: 暗示不规则或断断续续地变。convert: 指进行全部或局部改变以适应新的功能或用途。指信仰或态度时,强调较激烈、大的改变。modify: 强调起限定作用的变化或变更。指细小的变化,常含"缓和、降调"的意味。transform: 指人或物在形状、外观、形式、性质等方面发生的彻底变化,失去原状成为全新的东西。turn: 指外形、颜色、气味、性质等方面的变化,比change更通俗。


change意为改变,modify意为修改简单地说,change 可以将这个字段名字 属性 和 注释全给改了而modify不可以改字段名字例如:alter table test change id changeid int;上面是将id字段名改为changeid,类型改为int型alter table test modify id int;上面将id的类型改为int型,却无法修改id的名字

uncle wang arrived at no.14 middle school half an hour ago是什么意思





change:不管要修改的是类型还是字段名都必须把字段名列出来,比如:ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE b b BIGINT NOT NULL; 用modify的话直接是 alter table t1 modify b bigint not null;

急啊!我要参加个英语演讲,主题是learn to change我写好稿了,但中间有个故事是课本上的,老师说要我换掉


mysql 中alter语句中change和modify的区别

  CHANGE 对列进行重命名或更改列的类型,需给定旧的列名称和新的列名称、当前的类型MODIFY 可以改变列的类型,此时不需要重命名(不需给定新的列名称)

schofield barracks哪个城市

schofield barracks在夏威夷州的火奴鲁鲁。Schofield Barracks is a United States Army installation and census-designated place (CDP) located in the City and County of Honolulu and in the Wahiawa District of the American island of Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi.

题目是learn to change youself 的英语作文 急求~!

Many persons want to change the world, but from my perspective, if we don"t learn to change ourselves, how can we change the world.There are many things that need to be changed and progressed. Unchangeable life is just like a pool of dead water. Learning to change helps us to create a progressing and fresh life. Only by changing can we correct our weaknesses and perfect ourselves. Only by changing can we transform our attitude and see the beautiful side. Only by changing can we live a brand-new life and take another rhythm. It is changing that makes us become excellent persons. So please learn to change, to change the present situation and perfect yourself. In this way, you will have a better life and our world will be more beautiful.If you often throw away rubbish freely. Please change it and form good habits. then you will find the defects are fading, and you are going to be an polite person. our environment will be much cleaner.If you often argue with others about some little things, please change your attitude and make another thought, you will get different understanding and acquirement. And because of your changes, our world will become more harmonious.If you are tired of the present lifestyle, just change it and live another rhythm life. You can experiment with new ways of thinking and acting, complete tasks that are relaxing and educational. You will find a brand-new and meaningful life. At the same time, our world will be more beautiful.So my dear friends, never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. If you don"t like the taste of your life, just change it. If you want to change the world, please change yourself. Conquer your limitations and embrace new challenges. Maybe you will see a different sky.


参考mysql5.5手册,可以使用CHANGE old_col_name column_definition子句对列进行重命名。重命名时,需给定旧的和新的列名称和列当前的类型。事例:例如:要把一个INTEGER列的名称从a变更到b,您需要如下操作:mysql> ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE a b INTEGER;如果您想要更改列的类型而不是名称, CHANGE语法仍然要求旧的和新的列名称,即使旧的和新的列名称是一样的。例如:mysql> ALTER TABLE t1 CHANGE b b BIGINT NOT NULL;您也可以使用MODIFY来改变列的类型,此时不需要重命名:mysql> ALTER TABLE t1 MODIFY b BIGINT NOT NULL;关于何时使用change,何时使用modify,其实都是无可厚非的,最主要是个人的习惯。当需要修改字段名称时使用change;当需要修改字段类型时使用modify,毕竟modify还是比change少写个字段名称的,因次还是比较节约系统资源



convert ,change ,modify, transform ,alter的详细区别和用法

这五个动词都含“改变”的意思:1、alter 指部分更改,仍保留本质和总体结构,其名词是 alteration。( 1)The sleeves of the shirt are a bit too long. I"ll have to ask the tailor to alter them.这件衬衫的袖子太有长了点。我得请裁缝改改。( 2)While frictions may cool their relationship, they will not alter the basic nature of their cooperation.尽管摩擦也许使他们的关系降温,但不会改变他们之间合作的基本性质。(3)In doing translation, one should not alter the meaning of the original to suit one" own taste.翻译时不应根据自己的好恶改变原文的意思.(4)The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life.她有钱了,可这丝毫没能让她改变节俭的生活习惯。(5)It is human nature that people don"t like anything that will causealterations in their lifestyle.这是人类的本性,人们不喜欢导致他们的生活方式改变任何事物。(6)Some alterations to our original plans might be necessary.可能需要的我们原计划作一些修改。2、vary 指不规则的变化或断断续续的改变,其名词是 variation。(1)The doses used for surgical anaesthesia vary between 2 and 10 mg / kg. 外科手术麻醉药的用量从每公斤2毫克到10毫克不等。(2)The nature of these ties must vary withthe different problems of different areas. 这一些结合的性质必须视不同地区的不同问题而有所变化。(3)As opinions vary on that point, no decision can be reached. 在那一点上, 大家意见纷纷,莫衷一是。(4)Estimates of risk aversion vary widely, and no quantitative guidelines are available. 对于风险的躲避的估算具有很大的差异, 而且也没有适用的数量指标。(5)It is difficult to describe the climate of England because the variations are so frequent and unpredictable.很难描述英格兰的气候,因为其变化频繁难以预测。(6)Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.货币兑换率是经常变的。3、convert 指为了能适应新的用途或目的而改变某物的状态、形态、特性等,常用结构是 convert …… into ……. 名词形式是 conversion。(1)The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy.太阳能电池能把阳光的能量转化为电能。(2)Internal combustion engines convert the energy in gasoline"s molecular bonds into motion.内燃机的工作原理是将汽油中分子团的能量转化为动能。(3)What"s the formula for converting pounds into kilos?英镑转换成公斤的公式是什么?(4)They have converted the barn into an exhibiting hall.他们把仓库转换成一个展览大厅。(5)Now there is a large team of experts who devote themselves to the research on the conversion of water into fuel, which is obviously a complicated problem.现在有一大批专家致力于研究将水转换成燃料,这些显然是一个复杂的问题。(6)You may need this exchange memo for convertion when you leave America. 离开美国需要兑换时,你可能用得着这个兑换证书。4、modify 使用较为广泛,可指改变意见、计划、结构、体系、方法、内容等,其名词是 modification。(1)The Industrial Revolution modified the whole structure of the English society.工业革命变革了英国社会的整个结构。(2)And you must modify it all times, and add new code in it.你需要随时的它进行修改,添加新的代码。(3)Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour.这种体系不是简单地惩罚罪犯,而是鼓励他们改变自己的行为。( 4)We have to modify our plan a little bit. 我们得对我们的计划稍加修改.(5)The architects made some modifications in the structure of the designed building.建筑师对设计好的大楼结构作了一些更改。(6)Modification of the engine to run on lead-free fuel is fairly simple.将发动改用无铅燃料是相当简单的。5、transform 指事物的面貌、功能或性质发生深刻的变化,失去原状成为全新的东西。其名词是transformation。(1)My hometown has tansformed into a modern town.我的家乡现在已经变成一个现代化的城镇。(2)After the Wilson family moved in, the eight children helped transform the neighborhood from dull to lively.威尔逊一家搬来后,他家8个孩子使原本死气沉沉街坊变得生气活泼。(3)A little paint will soon transform this old car. 只要喷上一点油漆就会马上使这部旧车变个模样。(4)We have transformed the hills nearby the village by afforestation. 通过治山造林我们已经改变了周围的山丘的面貌。(5)Going to college brought about a dramatic transformation in her outlook. 上大学使她的观念发生了巨大的变化。(6)But the breadth ofthe economic transformation can"t be measured by numbers alone. 巨大经济变化的程度单凭数据是不能衡量的。


1. We simulate an image of electric field and electric potential of point charge.                                                研究带电椭圆环导体的电势和电场分布.来自互联网2. In television a persistence of the electrical charge image on the phosphor screenaof frames.                                                在电视技术中,荧光屏上画面帧的电荷映象暂留.来自互联网3. Charge Coupled Devices ( CCD ) are widely used in many fields including the acquirement of biomedical image.                                                电荷耦合器件 ( CCD ) 的应用越来越广泛,在生物医学图像的获取方面也不例外.来自互联网查看更多例句>>网络释义 image charge 1. 镜象电荷image carrying fibre bundle 导象纤维束image charge 镜象电荷image classification 图象分类法 - 基于41个网页 2. 象电荷image analyzer 图象分析器image charge 象电荷image contrast 象对比度 - 基于38个网页 3. 像电荷(5%) Ans: 在解静电学问题时,将金属导体用适当的映像电荷(image charge)取代, 以简化问题的方法.映像电荷必须在金属表面(边界)上产生与原问题同样的电位分布. - 基于8个网页 4. 影像电荷 影像格 image cell影像电荷 image charge影像编码 image coding - 基于3个网页 相关词条 charge coupled imaging device 1. 电荷耦合成像器件 中文名称: 电荷耦合成像器件测试方法下载标准首页显示标准全文暂无标准译文英文名称: Measuring methods for charge coupled imaging device. 基于10个网页 charge image 1. 电荷图象charge hoist 装卸料吊车charge image 电荷图象, 电象- 基于79个网页 2. 电荷映象In television a persistence of the electrical charge image on the phosphor screenaof frames ., 在电视技术中 , 荧光屏上画面帧的电荷映象暂留. 基于1个网页 charge coupled imager 1. 电荷耦合成象器...charge coupled fet 电荷耦合场效应晶体管结构charge coupled imager 电荷耦合成象器charge coupled logic 电荷耦合逻辑电路 基于65个网页 charged latent image
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