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2023-05-19 16:01:47



是frog marched







frog:n. 蛙;嗓音沙哑;马的蹄叉;刀剑的挂环。例句:1、The witch changed the prince into a frog.巫婆把王子变成了青蛙。2、We call the breast-stroke the frog style.我们称蛙泳为蛙式。3、He sang with a frog in his throat.他用略带沙哑的嗓音唱歌。近义词toad读音:英 [təʊd] 、美 [toʊd]。释义:n. 蟾蜍;癞蛤蟆。例句:1、Many kinds of toad hibernate in winter.许多种蟾蜍在冬天都会冬眠。2、Toad was watching both of them closely.蟾蜍在一旁仔细观察他俩的动静。
2023-01-02 19:22:131


frog,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词,作名词时意思是“青蛙;[铁路] 辙叉;饰扣”,作不及物动词时意思是“捕蛙”。短语搭配frog design青蛙设计 ; 青蛙设计公司 ; 田鸡设计公司 ; 青蛙设计咨询公司frog legs田鸡腿 ; 蛙腿 ; 食用蛙腿 ; 青蛙腿hairy frog壮发蛙 ; 多毛蛙断骨为刺双语例句1、I see a green frog at me.我看见一只绿色的青蛙在看我。2、Your mummy is frog, she has a green back.你的妈妈是青蛙,她有一个绿色的背。3、Again the man took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it, and put it back into his pocket.再一次,这男人将青蛙从口袋中拿出来看了看,并且对它微笑之后又放进口袋。4、The american wood frog undergoes an even more dramatic transformation .美国林蛙所经历的变化更为巨大。5、Did they fight over a frog ?他们是在为一只青蛙争执吗?6、A frog and a squirrel were neighbors .一只青蛙和一只松鼠是邻居。7、Let "s see the frog first .让我们先来看看这只青蛙。
2023-01-02 19:22:241


英汉解释:n. 青蛙;辙叉;饰扣vi. 捕蛙1、读音: [frɔɡ]2、同义词n. anuran,batrachian,gaul,salientian参考例句1. We hear the plump of the frog as we approach the pond. 当我们走近池塘时,我们听到青蛙落水的扑通声。2. He went into the woods to look for it and found a frog in a trap. 他把球打进了树林,就进去找,结果发现了一只困在陷阱里的青蛙。3. She went into the woods to look for it and found a frog in a trap. 她把球打进了树林,就进去找,结果发现了一只困在陷阱里的青蛙。英英解释n.1. any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and te2. a person of French descent3. a decorative loop of braid or cordv.1. hunt frogs for food网络释义frog青蛙; 辙叉,岔心; 辙叉; 岔心;Crazy Frog疯狂青蛙; 疯狂小青蛙的士高; 起笑蛙; 疯狂的青蛙;Smoked frog熏田鸡;Frog Splash跳蛙式飞身压; 跳水式飞扑压制; 青蛙飞扑; 跳水式飞身扑击压制;frog brick凹槽砖; 槽砖;
2023-01-02 19:22:301


2023-01-02 19:22:402


2023-01-02 19:23:013


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2023-01-02 19:23:471


frog和froggy的区别在于中文含义及复数形式不同。 froggy作为名词,可翻译成“蛙”,复数形式就是froggy; frog作为名词,除了翻译成“青蛙、蛙”之外,还有法国佬的含义,它的复数形式为frogs。 扩展资料   一、frog的基本释义及双语例句   frog是名词,意为蛙;青蛙;法国佬(对法国人的蔑称)。例句有:   1、A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale   在这个卡通童话里王子变成了一只青蛙。   2、A frog can live both on land and in water.   青蛙既能生活在陆地上也能生活在水中。   3、I managed to put the frog in Miss Smith"s handbag.   我把青蛙放到了史密斯小姐的.手提包里了。   4、I see a green frog looking at me.   我看到了一只绿色的青蛙在看这我。   二、froggy的基本释义及双语例句   froggy作为名词,可意为蛙。例句有:   1、If only my Froggy were here to advise me.   要是我的小蛤么能在这里告诉我就好了。   2、I personally taught my Froggy to speak.   我亲自教会我的小蛤么说的。   3、When you know Froggy doesn"t approve.   你知道小蛤么不会批准的。   4、Sometimes froggy"s criteria are too strict.   有的时候小蛤么的标准定得太高了。
2023-01-02 19:23:531


青蛙的英语是frog,音标英 [frɒɡ]、美 [frɑːɡ]。释义:n.蛙;青蛙;法国佬(对法国人的蔑称)We dissected a frog in biology class. 我们在生物课上解剖了一只青蛙。复数: frogs词源解说:直接源自古英语的frogga,意为蛙。相关短语:1、frog kick 蛙式2、tree frog [动]树蛙3、frog in one"s throat 因喉咙不适而声音嘶哑...4、frog face [医] 蛙面(由于鼻...5、frog stay 马蹄脊, 蹄楔棘...扩展资料:frog的近义词是:knot 结knot音标:英 [nɒt]、美 [nɑːt]释义:1、n. 结;节My dead fingers could not untie the knot.我的手指麻木了,解不开结。2、vi. 打结This wire is too stiff to knot easily.这线太硬不容易打结。3、vt. 把 ... 打成结;系牢;捆扎He knotted a towel about his neck.他把毛巾系在脖子上。相关短语:1、do 35 knots 时速可达35海里2、loosen a knot 把结解开3、make a knot 打结4、knot the laces 把鞋带系紧5、knot one"s tie 打领结
2023-01-02 19:23:596


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2023-01-02 19:25:214

英语ieap. frog的意思

2023-01-02 19:25:341

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2023-01-02 19:25:516


where is the frog?那只青蛙在哪?希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢 加油
2023-01-02 19:26:144


Frog Design是来自美国的一家专业创意设计公司。该公司被誉为硅谷的欧洲品味,并把这种美丽和优雅带入IT制造领域,主要设计作品包括索尼特丽珑电视、苹果Macintosh、戴尔电子商务网站以及雅虎的MUSIC BOX,微软的Wallop项目界面设计。
2023-01-02 19:26:281


蛙wā (名词)1 两栖动物的一科,无尾,后肢长,前肢短,趾有蹼,善于跳跃和泅水。种类很多:青~(俗称“田鸡”)。牛~。~泳。~人。 蛙 wā(形容词)1 淫邪 。如:蛙咬(淫声俗乐);蛙声(淫声,淫邪的乐声);蛙歌(淫邪之声)2 凹隐。扳着脸的样子 。如 那陈经济把脸儿蛙着不言语。《金瓶梅》 
2023-01-02 19:26:383


名词:青蛙; 法国人(轻蔑叫法);(铁路)撤叉动词:捕蛙
2023-01-02 19:26:492

科比的外号Mr.81、frog 是什么意思!frog 不是青蛙么?铁杆球迷来!

2023-01-02 19:26:573


2023-01-02 19:27:086


没有这个字,只有frog这个字,意思是青蛙。青蛙(Frog)属于脊索动物门、两栖纲、无尾目、蛙科的两栖类动物,成体无尾,卵产于水中,体外受精,孵化成蝌蚪,用鳃呼吸,经过变异,成体主要用肺呼吸,兼用皮肤呼吸。 绝大部分青蛙通过体外受精繁殖,受精卵在母体外孵化成蝌蚪。全球只有10至12种青蛙进化至体内受精,部分会把受精卵排出体外孵化成蝌蚪。青蛙一向被认为是卵生动物,不过科学家发现,一种生活在印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛雨林的青蛙能够产下蝌蚪。这种青蛙是全球6000多种青蛙中唯一一种能够“下蝌蚪”的青蛙。蛙体型较苗条,多善于游泳。 颈部不明显,无肋骨。前肢的尺骨与桡骨愈合,后肢的胫骨与腓骨愈合,因此爪不能灵活转动,但四肢肌肉发达。最原始的青蛙在三叠纪早开始进化。现今最早有跳跃动作的青蛙出现在侏罗纪。因为青蛙是以昆虫和其他无脊椎动物为主食,因此必须栖息於水边。中国的蛙类有130种左右,它们几乎都是消灭森林和农田害虫的能手。青蛙身体可分为头,躯干和四肢 3 部分。青蛙前脚上有四个趾,后脚上有五个趾,还有蹼。青蛙头上的两侧有两个略微鼓着的小包包。那是它的耳膜,青蛙通过它可以听到声音。青蛙的背上是绿色的,很光滑、很软,还有花纹,腹部是白色的。可以使它隐藏在草丛中,捉害虫就容易些,也可以保护自己。它的皮肤还可以帮助它呼吸。它的气囊,只有雄蛙有。青蛙用舌头捕食,舌头上有黏液。青蛙头部扁平,略呈三角形,吻端稍尖。口宽大,横裂,由上下颌组成。上颌背侧前端有 1 对外鼻孔,外鼻孔外缘具鼻瓣。眼大而突出,生于头的左右两侧,具上、下眼睑;下眼睑内侧有一半透明的瞬膜。当眼睑闭合时,眼球位置有何变动?两眼后各有一圆形鼓膜(蟾蜍的鼓膜较小。在眼和鼓膜的后上方有 1 对椭圆形隆起称耳后腺,即毒腺)。雄蛙口角内后方各有一浅褐色膜襞为声囊,鸣叫时鼓成泡状。鼓膜之后为躯干部。蛙的躯干部短而宽,躯干后端两腿之间,偏背侧有一小孔,为泄殖腔孔。前肢短小,由上臂、前臂、腕、掌、指 5 部组成。 4 指,指间无蹼。生殖季节雄蛙第一指基部内侧有一膨大突起,称婚瘤,为抱对之用。后肢长而发达,分为股、胫、跗、跖、趾 5 部。 5 趾,趾间有蹼。在第一趾内侧有一较硬的角质化的距。蛙眼视网膜的神经细胞分成五类,一类只对颜色起反应,另外四类只对运动目标的某个特征起反应,并能把分解出的特征信号输送到大脑视觉中枢——视顶盖。视顶盖上有四层神经细胞,第一层对运动目标的反差起反应;第二层能把目标的凸边抽取出来;第三层只看见目标的四周边缘;第四层则只管目标暗前缘的明暗变化。这四层特征就好像在四张透明纸上的画图,迭在一起,就是一个完整的图像。因此,在迅速飞动的各种形状的小动物里,青蛙可立即识别出它最喜欢吃的苍蝇和飞蛾,而对其他飞动着的东西和静止不动景物都毫无反应。蛙类最小的只有5厘米,相当一个人的大拇指长,大的有30厘米(一尺多长),体型短阔,拥有强健的后肢。瞳孔都是横向的,皮肤光滑,舌尖分两叉,舌跟在口的前部,倒着长回口中,能突然翻出捕捉虫子。有三个眼睑,其中一个是透明的,在水中保护眼睛用,另外两个上下眼睑是普通的。头两侧有两个声囊,可以产生共鸣,放大叫声。体形小的品种叫声频率较高。fr这个字母组合是一个辅音连缀,读成/fr/,摩擦音f和r的发音需要同步进行。如:frog 青蛙frost 霜Friday 星期五French 法国的,法国人的,法语的fruit 水果front 前面friend 朋友frame 框架希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。
2023-01-02 19:27:301

frogfree 是什么

2023-01-02 19:27:351


2023-01-02 19:27:414


狐狸 垫子 母鸡 青蛙
2023-01-02 19:28:052

It is not a frog.是什么意思?

2023-01-02 19:28:141


没有正面,前面的意思. 美国有家非常有名的,学习用具的公司叫Leap Frong,标志是一只青蛙,大家都认为frong是frog的意思。
2023-01-02 19:28:241


The Frog Prince 这是青蛙王子 The Frog Prince 青蛙王子 Many, many years ago, there lived a king. He had many beautiful daughters. And the youngest one was very lovely, and even the sun was surprised to see her when he shone on her face. Near the king"s castle lay a dark, gloomy forest. In the middle of the forest there was a fountain. One day, the king" s daughter went into the forest when it was very hot. She sat down on the side of the cool fountain. Then she began to toss a golden ball in the air, and catch it. It was a most interesting game to her. Once, however, the king" s daughter failed to catch the golden ball. It fell on the ground, and rolled into the water. The princess followed it with her eyes, but soon it disappeared. The water was very deep and she could not see the bottom. Then she cried aloud, and began to weep. Soon she heard a voice. It said, "Why are you weeping, princess? Your tears can melt even the stones!" She looked around and saw a frog. He was stretching his thick ugly head out of the water. "Oh, there you are, old waterpaddler," she said. "I am crying for the loss of my golden ball. It has fallen into into the fountain." 很久很久以前,有一位国王,他有很多美丽的女儿。而小女儿更是楚楚动人,连太阳照在她脸上时都会觉得惊讶。 在国王的城堡附近有一片幽暗的森林。森林中央有一座喷水池。 有一天,天气很热,国王的小女儿到森林里去。她坐在清凉的喷水池旁边。然后她开始往空中抛金球,再把它接住。对她来说,这是非常有趣的游戏。 然而,有一次国王的女儿没能将球接住。它掉在地上,然后滚进水中。 公主的眼光追随着它,不久它就消失了。水非常深,她见不到底。 这时她大声喊叫,开始哭了起来。不久她听到一个声音说:“你为什么哭呢,公主?你的眼泪甚至能把石头溶化掉。” 她四处看了一下,看到了一只青蛙,它那肥厚而又丑陋的脑袋正伸出水面。她说:“哦,原来是你这划水家伙在这儿。我哭是因为我的金球不见了。它掉到喷水池里去了。” "Then weep no more," said the frog. "I can get it for you. But what will you give me if I fetch your plaything?" "Oh, I will give you anything, dear frog," she replied. "What will you want——my dresses, my pearls and jewels, or my golden crown?" "I don"t want any of them," answered the frog. "Your clothes, your pearls and your jewels, or even your golden crown, are nothing to me. I want you to love me, and let me be your companion. I"d like to sit at your table, eat from your golden plate, and drink out of your cup, and sleep in your nice bed. If you promise me all this, I will dive down into the water and bring up your pretty golden ball."“Oh, yes," she replied. "I will promise you anything if only you bring back my ball." But she thought to herself that a silly frog like him could not be fit to associate with mankind. 青蛙说:“不要哭了,我可以帮你拿回来。但是如果我把你的玩具找回来,你要给我什么呢?” 她回答说:“哦,我会给你任何东西,亲爱的青蛙。你要什么——我的衣服,珍珠,珠宝还是我金色的王冠呢?” 青蛙答道:“我不要这些东西。你的衣服,珍珠,甚至于你金色的王冠对我来说,不值一文。我要你爱我,并让我做你的伴侣。我要坐在你桌子上,用你的金盘吃东西,用你的杯子喝水,并睡在你舒适的床上。如果你答应我这些,我就潜到水里去把你漂亮的金球拿上来。” 她回答说:“哦,好的。只要你把我的金球拿回来,我什么都答应你。” 但是她心想,像它那样愚笨的青蛙是不配和人类交往的。 The frog believed the king" s daughter. He dipped his head under the water and dived to the bottom. After a while he carried the ball to the surface, and threw it onto the grass. When the king" s daughter saw the beautiful ball, she was full of joy. She took it and ran away as fast as she could. "Wait, wait," cried the frog. "Take me with you! I can"t run as fast as you. " But the young princess would not listen to the frog"s croaking. She ran to the palace as fast as she could, and soon forgot the poor frog. So the frog returned to the fountain and remained there. The next day, however, when the princess was sitting with the king and eating out of her own little golden plate, she heard a strange noise on the marble steps outside. Then came a knock on the door, and a voice cried, "Lovely princess, open the door for me. " So she rose and went to the door. 青蛙相信国王女儿的话。它把头浸入水里,潜至水底。过了一会儿,它把球带出水面,并把它抛在草地上。 国王的女儿看到她漂亮的球时,非常高兴。她把它拿起来,然后飞快地跑掉了。 青蛙叫道:“等一等,带我一起走。我没有办法和你跑得一样快。”但是这位年轻的公主根本不理青蛙的叫声。她尽快地跑回皇宫,不久就把那可怜的青蛙忘记了。于是青蛙返回喷水池旁并待在那儿。 然而,第二天当公主和国王坐在一起,用她的小金盘吃东西时,她听到外面大理石台阶上传来奇怪的声音。然后传来敲门声,一个声音叫道:“美丽的公主,请为我开门。”于是她就起身走到门口去。 But when she caught sight of the frog, she closed the door and seated herself again at the table. She looked quite pale. When the king saw that his daughter was frightened, he asked, "My child, what is at the door? Has a giant come to carry you away?"“Oh, no, Father," she replied, "it is no giant, only a very ugly frog."”A frog! What can he want with you, my daughter?" "Ah, my dear father, I will tell you all about it. Yesterday when I was playing with my golden ball by the fountain in the forest, it rolled into the water, and because I cried, the frog fetched it for me, and 1 promised him that he could come to the castle and be my companion. I thought he could not get out of the water to come to me, and now here he is." Just then came a second knock on the door, and a voice cried, "King"s daughter, king"s daughter, open the door for me. You promised that I could be your companion when you sat in the shade and 1 fetched your ball from the bottom of the fountain." 但是当她看到那只青蛙时,便关上门又坐回她的位子上。她看起来脸色苍白。当国王发觉她女儿被吓到时,便问道:“孩子,在门外的是谁?是巨人要来把你带走吗?” 她回答:“哦!不是的,父亲。那不是巨人,只不过是只非常丑的青蛙。” “青蛙!它找你做什么呢,女儿?” “哦,亲爱的爸爸,我会告诉您一切。昨天我在森林里的喷水池旁玩金球时,它滚到水里面去了。因为我哭了,所以那只青蛙就帮我把球找回来,而我答应它可以到城堡来做我的朋友。我以为它不可能从水中跑来找我,但是现在它已经来了。” 就在此时,传来第二次敲门声,一个声音叫道:“国王的女儿,为我开门。你坐在树荫下,而我为你从水底取出你的球时,你曾答应我可以做你的朋友的。” "Then, my daughter," said the king, "you must keep your promise. Go and let him in at once." So she had to go and open the door, and the frog hopped in after her. When she sat down, he cried, "Take me up by you." She didn"t want to take him up at first, but her father told her to lift the frog onto the chair by her side. When he was placed on the chair, he jumped upon the table and said, "Now, push your little golden plate nearer, and we will eat together." The princess did as he told her, but everyone could see that she disliked it. At last he said, "I have eaten and drunk quite enough, and 1 feel very tired, so now carry me upstairs into your little bedroom. Let" s sleep together." When the princess heard this, she began to weep. She was really afraid of the cold frog. She could not even touch him, and now he wanted to sleep in her neat, beautiful little bed. 国王说:“既然如此,女儿,你必须信守你的诺言。立刻让它进来。”她不得已只好去开门,青蛙跟在她后头跳进来。 当她坐下时,它叫道:“把我抱起来坐在你旁边。”起初她不肯把它抱起来,但是她父亲要她把青蛙捧起来放在她旁边的椅子上。 当它被放到椅子上时,它跳到桌子上说:“现在,把你的小金盘推近一点,我们一起来吃东西。”公主照它的话做了,但是每个人都可以看得出来她非常不愿意。 最后它说:“我已经吃饱喝足,而且觉得累了,所以现在带我上楼到你的小卧房去。让我们睡在一起。” 当公主听到这些话时,她开始哭了起来。她真的很害怕这只冰冷的青蛙。她甚至不敢摸它,而现在它竟然要睡在她整洁、漂亮的小床上。 But the king was displeased at her tears, and he said, "Don‘t despise the frog. He helped you when you were in trouble." Then she took up the frog with two fingers, carried him upstairs and placed him in a comer of her room. In the evening, however, when the princess was in bed, the frog crept out of his corner and said to her, "1 am very tired. Lift me up and let me sleep in your bed, or I will tell your father." When the princess heard this, she got very angry. She seized the frog in her hand and threw him against the wall. She said, "You will be quiet now, 1 hope, you ugly frog." But as he fell, how surprised she was to see the frog! Because the frog had changed into a handsome young prince with beautiful eyes. Afterwards the prince became her constant companion, and at last her father gave his consent to their marriage. The prince said to her, "I was changed into a frog by a wicked witch, so 1 had to live in the fountain. Only you could release me. No one else in the world had the power to do so.“ 但是国王对她的眼泪感到很不悦,就说道:“不要瞧不起青蛙。当你有困难时是它帮了你。” 于是她用两根手指头夹起青蛙,把它带到楼上去放在她房间的一个角落里。 然而,当晚上公主就寝时,青蛙从角落里爬出来说:“我很累了。把我捧上去睡在你的床上,要不然我就告诉你父亲。” 公主听到这些话时,非常地生气。她把青蛙捉在手上扔向墙壁。她说:“我希望你现在能安静一点,丑陋的青蛙。” 但是青蛙落下时,看到它的样子,她大感惊讶!因为青蛙变成了一位有一双美丽眼睛的英俊王子。之后,王子变成她的终身伴侣,最后国王同意了他们的婚事。 王子告诉她说:“我被一个坏巫婆变成一只青蛙,所以我只能住在喷水池里。只有你能解救我。世界上没有任何其他人可以办得到。” The young prince told her that when they were married, he would take her to his own kingdom. So on the wedding day, a splendid carriage drove up to the door. It was drawn by eight white horses. They had white feathers on their heads and golden harnesses, and by the side of the carriage stood the prince"s faithful steward, Harry. This faithful Harry had been very unhappy when his master was changed into a frog. His hear almost burst with sorrow. So he fastened three iron bands round his heart. The carriage with the prince and his bride quickly drove away with Harry behind. Harry was full of joy because the spell on his master had been broken. Soon they heard a loud crack. Now the prince knew nothing of the iron bands round his servant"s heart, so he cried out, "Harry, is the carriage breaking?" "No, sir," he replied. "Only the iron bands round my heart are breaking because 1 am so happy to see my master traveling back to our kingdom with a beautiful bride." The prince and the princess never forgot faithful Harry. (The End) 年轻的王子对她说他们结婚后,要带她回去他自己的王国。于是在他们结婚的那一天,一辆华丽的马车开到门口。那是一辆由8匹白马所拉的马车。马头上都装饰着白色的羽毛,全身套着金色的马具,在马车的一旁站着王子的忠实仆人哈利。 当他的主人被变成青蛙时,忠实的哈利非常不开心。他的心因悲伤而几乎崩裂。所以他用3条铁片捆住他的心。 马车载着王子和他的新娘很快地驶走了,哈利紧跟在后面。因加在他主人身上的诅咒已经解除,哈利满心欢喜。不久他们听到一声很大的破裂声。 王子不知道捆在他仆人心上铁片的事,所以他大声问:“哈利,是马车断裂了吗?” 他回答:“不是的,殿下,只是我心上的铁片断裂了,因为见到我的主人带着一位漂亮的新娘回国,我太高兴了。” 王子和公主从没忘记过忠实的哈利。 ( 结束 )
2023-01-02 19:28:301


2023-01-02 19:28:362


是什么意思 frog青 蛙
2023-01-02 19:28:457

英语leap frog是小跳蛙的意思吗

对的!leapfrog n. 跳蛙游戏,跳背游戏
2023-01-02 19:29:128


thunder frog 雷蛙雷蛙其实是用来钓黑鱼的一种蛙型假饵。(黑鱼在台湾,日本马来西亚等地叫做雷鱼)所以钓雷鱼(黑鱼)的假饵就叫做雷蛙。也有它外形像蛙的原因。
2023-01-02 19:29:461


2023-01-02 19:29:593


2023-01-02 19:30:1111

Paradoxical Frog是什么意思

Paradoxical Frog多指节蛙paradoxical[英][ˌpærə"dɒksɪkl][美][ˌpærə"dɒksɪkl]adj.矛盾的; 似非而是的; 反常的,荒谬的; 反论的,反面议论的; 例句:1.Fearless and dominant people are often a paradoxical mix of charm and nastiness. 无所畏惧、支配欲强的人通常都是魅力和邋遢的矛盾统一体。
2023-01-02 19:30:512

frog 可以作为英文名字吗

2023-01-02 19:31:003


frog主要用作名词、动词,作名词时意思是“青蛙;[铁路] 辙叉;饰扣”,作不及物动词时意思是“捕蛙”。短语搭配:frog design青蛙设计;青蛙设计公司;田鸡设计公司;青蛙设计咨询公司。frog legs田鸡腿;蛙腿;食用蛙腿;青蛙腿。hairy frog壮发蛙;多毛蛙断骨为刺。frog的拓展:一、双语例句1、I see a green frog at me.我看见一只绿色的青蛙在看我。2、Your mummy is frog,she has a green back.你的妈妈是青蛙,她有一个绿色的背。3、Again the man took the frog out of his pocket,smiled at it,and put it back into his pocket.再一次,这男人将青蛙从口袋中拿出来看了看,并且对它微笑之后又放进口袋。二、词语用例习语n.have, etc.a frog in your throat(暂时)失音,嗓音嘶哑。
2023-01-02 19:31:151


frog英 [frɒɡ]   美 [frɑːɡ]  n.蛙;青蛙;法国佬(对法国人的蔑称)复数: frogs 双语例句全部 蛙 青蛙1Data analysis for passive electrical physiological property of frog blood cell 蛙血细胞被动电生理特性的数据分析 2Situation and development of artificial breeding of China forest frog 中国林蛙人工养殖现状及发展方向 3He opened the box and out jumped a frog. 他打开盒子,从里面跳出一只青蛙来。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 4The prince was turned into a frog by the witch. 王子被女巫变成了一只青蛙。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 5The frog plopped back into the water. 青蛙扑通一声跳回水中。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 6With a wave of her magic wand, she changed the frog into a handsome prince. 她魔杖一挥,把青蛙变成了英俊的王子。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 7The frog puffed itself up. 这只青蛙胀得鼓鼓的。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》 8Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases. 青蛙吃破坏庄稼、传播疾病的害虫。 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 9Frogs will usually breed in any convenient pond 通常青蛙会在任何条件适宜的池塘中繁殖。 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 10A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale 在这个卡通童话里王子变成了一只青蛙。 《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》
2023-01-02 19:32:261


2023-01-02 19:32:462


n.蛙,青蛙;法国佬(对法国人的蔑称)(Frog);(外套的纺锤状)装饰盘花纽扣(或装饰缏);蹄楔;(铁路线上的)开槽铁盘或钢盘;尤指支撑(或系紧)某物的东西;(腰带上挂剑、刺刀或类似武器的)搭环;花插(插花用的底座);(弦乐器的)弓根,马尾箱;(平面上的)隆起部分,肿块v.捕蛙【名】 (Frog)(俄)弗罗格(人名)造句Data analysis for passive electrical physiological property of frog blood cell  蛙血细胞被动电生理特性的数据分析Situation and development of artificial breeding of China forest frog  中国林蛙人工养殖现状及发展方向
2023-01-02 19:32:531


翻译如下frogn.青蛙;〈侮辱〉青蛙佬,对法国人的蔑称;[交]铁路辙叉;饰扣,挂环例句We dissected a frog in biology class. 我们在生物课上解剖了一只青蛙。
2023-01-02 19:33:051


2023-01-02 19:33:153


frog英 [frɒɡ]        美 [frɑːɡ]  n.蛙 ;   青蛙;   法国佬(对法国人的蔑称)
2023-01-02 19:33:261


2023-01-02 19:33:341

flying frog是什么意思

flying frog词典[动物]黑蹼树蛙网络飞蛙; 飞行青蛙; 数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道1A bright green, red-footed tree frog was described in 2007, and called a "flying frog" because its long, webbed feet allow it to glide when falling. 在2007年有过记录的一种全身翠绿、足部红色的树蛙被称为“飞蛙”,因为它长长的蹼脚可以使它在下落时滑翔。Provided by gtcom2Dubbed the "flying frog," this unusual amphibian uses its webbed feet as an aid while gliding through the air. 这种绰号为“飞蛙”的独特两栖动物使用它的蹼状足来辅助空中滑翔。Provided by gtcom3Silhouetted against the night sky, a Wallace"s flying frog ( Rhacophorus nigropalmatus) glides through the air in Borneo. 婆罗洲,一只华莱士飞蛙(黑掌树蛙)从天空划过,夜空映衬出它的轮廓。Provided by gtcom
2023-01-02 19:33:422

英语ieap. frog的意思

2023-01-02 19:33:511


2023-01-02 19:33:562


frog 英[frɒɡ] 美[frɔɡ,frɑɡ] n.青蛙;〈侮辱〉青蛙佬,对法国人的蔑称;[交]铁路辙叉;饰扣,挂环 名词复数:frogs [例句]A frog and a squirrel were neighbors. 一只青蛙和一只松鼠是邻居.
2023-01-02 19:34:041