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  2009年底,对葡萄酒的热爱和对酿酒技术不倦的追求让两个经历迥异、经验丰富的制酒人走到了一起——奥利维德赛乐先生当时已是四个卓越庄园的拥有者,他旗下的冉富庄园-圣艾米利永极品酒庄和法国南部的爱弥儿庄园等在法国乃至世界都拥有很高的知名度;而皮耶尔让维拉先生年轻而有才华,倾力于酿制隆河沿岸C te R tie, Saint-Joseph和Condrieu地区的葡萄酒。共同的梦想让他们携手创立了德赛乐-维拉(Decelle Villa)庄园,协力挑战一个伟大的目标——酿制由娇贵的黑品乐(Pinot noir)和高贵的霞多丽(chardonnay)制成的法国葡萄酒之王——勃艮第葡萄酒。   他们买下了拥有法定勃艮第产地称号的3公顷葡萄园,同时也购买勃艮第产区高质量的葡萄,在夜圣乔治村庄(nuits-saint- georges)建立了一个酒窖——他们共同梦想的起点。夜圣乔治村庄在勃艮第葡萄酒的发展史非常重要,1880年,村庄拥有了火车站,更加快了勃艮第葡萄酒的贸易。德赛乐和维拉先生将酒窖安置在一个石头砌成的19世纪古色古香的建筑中,并引进了先进的酿酒设施。如今,这个翻修一新、宽敞的酒窖有三层,天花板为拱形,非常适合葡萄酒的酿制和培养。   酿酒厂面积为300平方米,可以容纳300个酿酒桶。它既有传统的勃艮第橡木桶和大橡木桶,又有非常现代的、双层桶壁的不锈钢酿酒桶。德赛乐和维拉先生对葡萄酒的酿制格外重视,所有的操作严谨而微妙。在酒的酿制中,他们不但追求最先进的技术,同时力求展现土地的特性。他们不禁严格管理自己的葡萄园,保证收获葡萄的质量,同时也精心选购其他庄园的葡萄,以保证原料的多样性。在种植和酿制过程中,他们力求展现当地气候和土壤的优势,同时也非常注意合理开采,保护环境和土地。   ‘Nous avons étés enthousiasmés par une belle gamme homogène. Le premier millésime, 2009, a tout pour conquérir les amateurs".   德赛乐-维拉庄园的一系列优质和谐的葡萄酒让人欣喜,2009年出产的产品一定能打动葡萄酒爱好者。   La Revue du Vin de France 对德赛乐-维拉庄园2011年出产的葡萄酒的评定。   Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er cru Les Crots 圣夜乔治一级庄园干红 非常完美的酒   ‘Rouge, nez tirant sur une note d"encre de chine. En bouche, il y a une très belle finesse de grain, une grande fluidité. De la délicatesse mais avec une belle intensité……"   红色,有中式熏香的气息。口感细腻,流畅,精致而紧凑。   完美的酒   Pommard 干红——风格怡人,口感非常平衡,有优雅的水果风味。   C te de Nuits Villages干红——气息温柔却非常令人垂涎,丹宁柔和而显著。   Savigny-Lès-Beaune 干红——完美的水果风味,清新诱人,多汁,细腻,爽口。   Puligny Montrachet 干白——香气怡人,口感有层次,有橡木的风味,强烈又含蓄,多汁而宜人。   Saint-Aubin 1er Cru 一级庄园干白——成熟度完美的上乘干白,口感超群,清新绵长。   Meursault 干白——完美的展现了乡土风味,口味微妙,有恰到好处的橡木味。口感饱满,紧致,精致。   JANCIS ROBINSON (杰西丝·罗宾逊)   Nuits-Saint-Georges 1er cru Les Crots 圣夜乔治一级庄园干红:光艳的深红色泽,非常喜悦的野生气息。口感不同寻常,奔放却不松弛,有恰到好处的橡木的风味。非常真诚、令人愉悦的一款酒。很容易上口。


近日,Supercell最新产品《Everdale》在加拿大、英国、北欧、澳大利亚、新西兰、新加坡、中国香港、菲律宾和马来西亚等国家或地区开启测试,不需要任何测试资格或激活码,只要符合地区限制所有玩家都可以下载体验。 广为流传的cell模式 杀伐果断的产品策略 提起Supercell想必都不陌生,旗下产品《部落冲突》《卡通农场》《海岛奇兵》《皇室战争》和《荒野乱斗》皆为各品类中的头部产品。有趣的是,《卡通农场》外,其余4款产品皆为PVP向 游戏 ,虽然《部落冲突》《海岛奇兵》可以“沉迷种地、无心战争”,但 游戏 的核心依然是PVP玩法。正如其官网对 游戏 产品的一句话介绍:Farm, Clash, Boom, Battle, Brawl! 除了产品外,Supercell的管理模式也一度被行业所传播,独特的“倒三角”“cell”模式,以“小而独立的团队”为基石,只要团队认为市场反馈不佳的项目果断砍掉,如此“杀伐果断”的决心才让Supercell每一款正式发行的 游戏 有如此高的品质。 据网络资料显示,在《部落冲突》之前,Supercell曾砍掉百万级用户规模的MMORPG页游《Gunshine》,此后又砍掉了一款开发6个月之久的代号为“Magic”的页游。而在《皇室战争》推出后,Supercell表示在砍掉11个项目后才有了《皇室战争》,其精益求精的态度可见一斑。 而在去年3月开启测试的《Hay Day Pop》也曾一度在行业内传播,大家也都很想知道Supercell做的三消 游戏 有何不同。但最终也没能逃过被砍的命运。资料显示,《Hay Day Pop》已于今年2月停运。 不过,今年4月Supercell公布了三款“Clash”题材相关的产品《Clash Quest》、《Clash Mini》和《Clash Heroes》,Supercell的“Clash宇宙”正在建立。 努力跳出前作影子的硬核模拟经营 游戏 说了这么多Supercell的过去,下面来看看这次测试的新产品《Everdale》。 与前几款注重PVP的 游戏 不同,《Everdale》是一款无PVP元素,“纯养老”的模拟经营 游戏 。 游戏 重点强调了和平的氛围,玩家之间没有竞争,只有纯粹的社交与合作。 本着不做云玩家的原则,出海斯基下载体验了一下《Everdale》。首先从卖相来看,《Everdale》还是没有完全脱离其他产品的影子,人物形象,建筑外观,场景的设计和颜色,以及一些音效,都充满了《COC》和《Boom Beach》的影子。不过也可以理解,毕竟做了这么多年的 游戏 ,想立刻跳出去还是有些难度的。 此外,当前版本的《Everdale》与常见的移动端模拟经营 游戏 相比更加硬核。例如,常见的模拟经营 游戏 中,玩家仅需建造各种功能的建筑,建造完成后会自动运行。而在《Everdale》中,所有事情都需要玩家手动安排人物,更像是RTS 游戏 中安排工兵建造、采集的体验。对于 游戏 玩家来说可能影响不大,但对于休闲玩家来说,能否接受这种操作模式,还要拭目以待。 (两人砍树一人建造的工作安排) 不过, 游戏 的引导做得还不错。从进入 游戏 后会循序渐进告诉玩家每个建筑的功能,安排“工人”的方式,解锁新建筑的研究方式等。至于 游戏 强调的社交元素,目前 游戏 时间有限暂未体验到。 总结一下,《Everdale》是Supercell对自己的又一次挑战,熟悉轻度PVP的他们这次做了一款极度和平的“养老” 游戏 。虽然 游戏 没有完全脱离其经典产品的影子,但也能看出他们在努力往外跳。 游戏 与常见的模拟经营 游戏 相比,参与感更强,但也更加硬核。整体来看出海斯基对《Everdale》持乐观态度,毕竟在《COC》里不“打仗”只“种田”的玩家不在少数,可见安稳和平的发展养成模式,是拥有可观的用户基础的。




生日:1987年8月25日出生地:南斯拉夫联盟共和国斯洛文尼亚共和国(现斯洛文尼亚)马里博尔市个人经历:苏里科的父亲是克罗地亚的一位大提琴家,母亲是斯洛文尼亚人,家里的许多成员也从事音乐工作。他5岁开始接受音乐教育,15岁时作为萨格勒布音乐学院有史以来最年轻的学生之一,师从Valter Deu0161palj教授,18岁毕业,后前往维也纳跟随Reinhard Latzko教授学习。2009年,苏里科进入英国皇家音乐学院,并于2011年在Mats Lidstrom教授的指导下取得了硕士学位。苏里科曾在世界上许多著名的音乐厅演奏(包括独奏),如维也纳金色大厅(Vienna Musikverein),阿姆斯特丹音乐厅(Amsterdam Concertgebouw),柏林音乐厅(Konzerthaus),伦敦威格摩尔音乐厅(Wigmore Hall)等。他曾经以独奏家身份与华沙爱乐乐团,俄罗斯国家交响乐团,德意志广播爱乐乐团,澳大利亚室内乐团合作演出。此外,苏里科也在各大音乐比赛中斩获一系列的国际大奖,如第七届波兰卢托斯拉夫斯基国际大提琴比赛(the VII Lutoslawski International Cello Competition in Warsaw, 2009)一等奖与杰出奖,欧洲广播联盟“青年音乐家”大赛一等奖(the European Broadcasting Union “New Talent” Competition, 2006),皇家音乐学院威格摩尔音乐厅大奖赛一等奖(the Royal Academy of Music Patron"s Award in Wigmore Hall, 2011)等。 生日:1986年6月15日出生地:克罗地亚普拉市个人经历:豪瑟同样出身音乐世家,中学毕业后就读于萨格勒布音乐学院,曾在英国,美国求学,并师从美国著名大提琴家伯纳德·格林豪斯(1916~2011)学习。豪瑟演出生涯虽不算长,却已经在全球超过40个国家和地区进行过演出,包括威格摩尔音乐厅(Wigmore Hall),皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅(Royal Albert Hall),阿姆斯特丹音乐厅(Amsterdam Concertgebouw),伦敦南岸艺术中心(Southbank Centre)等一系列著名音乐厅。另外,豪瑟也揽获了包括 PLG青年艺术家选拔赛(PLG Young Artists Auditions, 2009),爱乐乐团马丁音乐奖学金基金(Philharmonia Orchestra- Martin Musical Scholarship Fund, 2009)等近30项国内外比赛的大奖,并因其出色的音乐表现应邀先后在白金汉宫和圣詹姆斯宫的音乐会上为查尔斯王子演奏。豪瑟接触到许多诸如Mstislav Rostropovich, Bernard Greenhouse, Heinrich Schiff, Frans Helmerson, Arto Noras, Ralph Kirshbaum等颇具传奇色彩的古典艺术家。在伦敦学习期间,他与斯洛文尼亚小提琴家Lana Trotovsek、日本钢琴家Yoko Misumi组成格林尼治三重奏(The Greenwich Trio),后被闻名世界的“美艺三重奏”创始团员之一的大提琴家格林豪斯誉为“新美艺三重奏”。此后,三人组在英国、比利时、意大利等一系列室内乐比赛中均获得了一等奖,并逐渐在欧洲一些最负盛名的国际音乐节上演出。2012年5月豪瑟获得四项博灵奖(被誉为克罗地亚的格莱美奖),其中有两项是与苏里科组成的2CELLOS获得,另两项则颁给了他与Damir Urban合作创作的专辑《Urban & Hauser》。

jdi j1 fhd cmd incell dsi panel 这是什么牌子的屏幕好嘛?


请问贸易条款中cancellation window是什么意思?

lead time

cellio 是什么牌子

应该要的是cello吧~~ 是一家韩国化妆品牌~好像是针对男性肤质而开发的~~希望能帮到你~

通讯领域中 1. PCell 和 SCell 分别表示什么 怎么翻译?2. macro cell 具体表示宏基站 还是宏小区?谢谢。

要是你说的是LTEA的话Pcell&Scell就是Primary cell 和Secondary cell咯。很多资料都吧分量载波和服务小区弄一起了。一般cell都是小区, bs或nodeb才是基站啦 .截段LTE的载波聚合技术给你看,搜一下中文就有了.LTE-A系统中, UE进入连接态后可以同时通过多个分量载波( CC1 , CC2 ) 与源基站进行通信, 基站会通过显式的配置或者按照协议约定为 UE 指定一个主分量载波(Primary Component Carrier, PCC ) , 其他的分量载波 称为辅分量载波( Secondary Component Carrier, SCC ) ,在主分量载波( PCC ) 上的服务小区称为主服务小区(Primary Cell, Pcell ) , 在辅分量载波(SCC ) 上的服务小区称为辅服务小区 (Secondary Cell, Scell ) 。






这个地方我看了一下,每个样本都是单独分析出来的结果,其实对于细胞通讯一直有一个争议,那就是先整合后再分析呢,还是单样本分析完了进行比较,不知道大家怎么看,Cellchat这里是建议分开做 CellChat从全局出发,以预测细胞间通信的一般原理。 比较多种生物学条件之间的细胞间通讯时,它可以回答以下生物学问题: 首先是上述第一个问题 ,CellChat compares the the total number of interactions and interaction strength of the inferred cell-cell communication networks from different biological conditions. To identify the interaction between which cell populations showing significant changes, CellChat compares the number of interactions and interaction strength among different cell populations.( 配受体数量和通讯强度的差异 ) The differential number of interactions or interaction strength in the cell-cell communication network between two datasets can be visualized using circle plot, where red (or blue) colored edges represent increased (or decreased) signaling in the second dataset compared to the first one.( 红色加强,绿色降低 ) 如果我们不止两个样本呢?? The differential network analysis only works for pairwise datasets. If there are more datasets for comparison, we can directly show the number of interactions or interaction strength between any two cell populations in each dataset. 为了更好地控制不同数据集上的推断网络的节点大小和边缘权重,我们计算了每个单元格组的最大单元数以及所有数据集之间的最大交互数(或交互权重)。 To simplify the complicated network and gain insights into the cell-cell communication at the cell type level, we can aggregate the cell-cell communication based on the defined cell groups. Here we categorize the cell populations into three cell types, and then re-merge the list of CellChat object.( 细胞类型水平上分析 ) 比较二维空间中的传出和传入交互强度,可以轻松识别出具有不同数据集之间发送或接收信号的显着变化的细胞群体。 然后,CellChat可以基于它们在多种生物学条件下的细胞间通信网络,识别具有更大(或更少)差异的信号网络,信号组以及保守的和context-specific 的信号通路。 CellChat performs joint manifold learning and classification of the inferred communication networks based on their functional and topological similarity. NB: Such analysis is applicable to more than two datasets. Functional similarity: High degree of functional similarity indicates major senders and receivers are similar, and it can be interpreted as the two signaling pathways or two ligand-receptor pairs exhibit similar and/or redundant roles. NB: Functional similarity analysis is not applicable to multiple datsets with different cell type composition.( 这个地方还是要注意一下,我们来看一下功能相似性的定义 ) Structural similarity: A structural similarity was used to compare their signaling network structure, without considering the similarity of senders and receivers. NB: Structural similarity analysis is applicable to multiple datsets with the same cell type composition or the vastly different cell type composition. 这里要注意的是A structural similarity was used to compare their signaling network structure, without considering the similarity of senders and receivers, using a previously developed measure for structural topological differences ( 算法在单样本时候已经分享过 ) Here we can run the manifold and classification learning analysis based on the functional similarity because the two datasets have the the same cell type composition.( 这一部分单样本已经介绍过了 )。 We can identify the signaling networks with larger (or less) difference based on their Euclidean distance in the shared two-dimensions space( 我们可以在共享二维空间中基于它们的欧几里得距离来识别具有较大(或较小)差异的信令网络 ). Larger distance implies larger difference of the communication networks between two datasets in terms of either functional or structure similarity. NB : We only compute the distance of overlapped signaling pathways between two datasets. Those signaling pathways that are only identified in one dataset are not considered here. If there are more than three datasets, one can do pairwise comparisons by defining comparison in the function rankSimilarity . By comparing the information flow/interaction strengh of each signaling pathway, we can identify signaling pathways, (i) turn off, (ii) decrease, (iii) turn on or (iv) increase, by change their information flow at one condition as compared to another condition.( 这才是我们细胞通讯分析的重点,高低开合四个方向 ) We can identify the conserved and context-specific signaling pathways by simply comparing the information flow for each signaling pathway( 没怎么变的通讯 ), which is defined by the sum of communication probability among all pairs of cell groups in the inferred network (i.e., the total weights in the network). This bar graph can be plotted in a stacked mode or not. Significant signaling pathways were ranked based on differences in the overall information flow within the inferred networks between NL and LS skin. The top signaling pathways colored red are enriched in NL skin, and these colored green were enriched in the LS skin. The above analysis summarize the information from the outgoing and incoming signaling together. We can also compare the outgoing (or incoming) signaling pattern between two datasets, allowing to identify signaling pathways/ligand-receptors that exhibit different signaling patterns. We can combine all the identified signaling pathways from different datasets and thus compare them side by side, including outgoing signaling, incoming signaling and overall signaling by aggregating outgoing and incoming signaling together. NB: rankNet also shows the comparison of overall signaling, but it does not show the signaling strength in specific cell populations. We can compare the communication probabilities mediated by ligand-receptor pairs from some cell groups to other cell groups. This can be done by setting comparison in the function netVisual_bubble . Moreover, we can identify the upgulated (increased) and down-regulated (decreased) signaling ligand-receptor pairs in one dataset compared to the other dataset. This can be done by specifying max.dataset and min.dataset in the function netVisual_bubble . The increased signaling means these signaling have higher communication probability (strength) in one dataset compared to the other dataset. NB: The ligand-receptor pairs shown in the bubble plot can be accessed via signaling.LSIncreased = gg1$data . The above method for identifying the upgulated and down-regulated signaling is perfomed by comparing the communication probability between two datasets for each L-R pair and each pair of cell groups. Alternative, we can identify the upgulated and down-regulated signaling ligand-receptor pairs based on the differential gene expression analysis. Specifically, we perform differential expression analysis between two biological conditions (i.e., NL and LS) for each cell group, and then obtain the upgulated and down-regulated signaling based on the fold change of ligands in the sender cells and receptors in the receiver cells. Such analysis can be done as follows. Since the signaling genes in the net.up and net.down might be complex with multi-subunits, we can do further deconvolution to obtain the individual signaling genes. We then visualize the upgulated and down-regulated signaling ligand-receptor pairs using bubble plot or chord diagram. Visualize the upgulated and down-regulated signaling ligand-receptor pairs using Chord diagram Similar to the CellChat analysis of individual dataset, we can visualize the cell-cell communication network using Hierarchy plot, Circle plot or Chord diagram. Edge color/weight, node color/size/shape : In all visualization plots, edge colors are consistent with the sources as sender, and edge weights are proportional to the interaction strength. Thicker edge line indicates a stronger signal. In the Hierarchy plot and Circle plot , circle sizes are proportional to the number of cells in each cell group. In the hierarchy plot, solid and open circles represent source and target, respectively. In the Chord diagram , the inner thinner bar colors represent the targets that receive signal from the corresponding outer bar. The inner bar size is proportional to the signal strength received by the targets. Such inner bar is helpful for interpreting the complex chord diagram. Note that there exist some inner bars without any chord for some cell groups, please just igore it because this is an issue that has not been addressed by circlize package. For the chord diagram, CellChat has an independent function netVisual_chord_cell to flexibly visualize the signaling network by adjusting different parameters in the circlize package. For example, we can define a named char vector group to create multiple-group chord diagram, e.g., grouping cell clusters into different cell types. Using chord diagram, CellChat provides two functions netVisual_chord_cell and netVisual_chord_gene for visualizing cell-cell communication with different purposes and different levels. netVisual_chord_cell is used for visualizing the cell-cell communication between different cell groups (where each sector in the chord diagram is a cell group), and netVisual_chord_gene is used for visualizing the cell-cell communication mediated by mutiple ligand-receptors or signaling pathways (where each sector in the chord diagram is a ligand, receptor or signaling pathway.) NB: Please ignore the note when generating the plot such as “Note: The first link end is drawn out of sector ‘MIF".”. If the gene names are overlapped, you can adjust the argument small.gap by decreasing the value. We can plot the gene expression distribution of signaling genes related to L-R pairs or signaling pathway using a Seurat wrapper function plotGeneExpression . 相当不错,大家多多尝试分析 生活很好,有你更好


模板列 设定 隐藏列 赋值






那就要用统计函数了Excel的统计工作表函数用于对数据区域进行统计分析。例如,统计工作表函数可以用来统计样本的方差、数据区间的频率分布等。是不是觉得好像是很专业范畴的东西?是的,统计工作表函数中提供了很多属于统计学范畴的函数,但也有些函数其实在你我的日常生活中是很常用的,比如求班级平均成绩,排名等。在本文中,主要介绍一些常见的统计函数,而属于统计学范畴的函数不在此赘述,详细的使用方法可以参考Excel帮助及相关的书籍。 在介绍统计函数之前,请大家先看一下附表中的函数名称。是不是发现有些函数是很类似的,只是在名称中多了一个字母A?比如,AVERAGE与AVERAGEA;COUNT与COUNTA。基本上,名称中带A的函数在统计时不仅统计数字,而且文本和逻辑值(如TRUE 和 FALSE)也将计算在内。在下文中笔者将主要介绍不带A的几种常见函数的用法。 一、用于求平均值的统计函数AVERAGE、TRIMMEAN 1、求参数的算术平均值函数AVERAGE 语法形式为AVERAGE(number1,number2, ...) 其中Number1, number2, ...为要计算平均值的 1~30 个参数。这些参数可以是数字,或者是涉及数字的名称、数组或引用。如果数组或单元格引用参数中有文字、逻辑值或空单元格,则忽略其值。但是,如果单元格包含零值则计算在内。 2、求数据集的内部平均值TRIMMEAN 函数TRIMMEAN先从数据集的头部和尾部除去一定百分比的数据点,然后再求平均值。当希望在分析中剔除一部分数据的计算时,可以使用此函数。比如,我们在计算选手平均分数中常用去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,XX号选手的最后得分,就可以使用该函数来计算。 语法形式为TRIMMEAN(array,percent) 其中Array为需要进行筛选并求平均值的数组或数据区域。Percent为计算时所要除去的数据点的比例,例如,如果 percent = 0.2,在 20 个数据点的集合中,就要除去 4 个数据点(20 x 0.2),头部除去 2 个,尾部除去 2 个。函数 TRIMMEAN 将除去的数据点数目向下舍为最接近的 2 的倍数。 3、举例说明:示例中也列举了带A的函数AVERAGEA的求解方法。 求选手Annie的参赛分数。在这里,我们先假定已经将该选手的分数进行了从高到底的排序,在后面的介绍中我们将详细了解排序的方法。 图1二、用于求单元格个数的统计函数COUNT 语法形式为COUNT(value1,value2, ...) 其中Value1, value2, ...为包含或引用各种类型数据的参数(1~30个),但只有数字类型的数据才被计数。函数 COUNT 在计数时,将把数字、空值、逻辑值、日期或以文字代表的数计算进去;但是错误值或其他无法转化成数字的文字则被忽略。 如果参数是一个数组或引用,那么只统计数组或引用中的数字;数组中或引用的空单元格、逻辑值、文字或错误值都将忽略。如果要统计逻辑值、文字或错误值,应当使用函数 COUNTA。 举例说明COUNT函数的用途,示例中也列举了带A的函数COUNTA的用途。仍以上例为例,要计算一共有多少评委参与评分(用函数COUNTA),以及有几个评委给出了有效分数(用函数COUNT)。 图2三、求区域中数据的频率分布FREQUENCY 由于函数 FREQUENCY 返回一个数组,必须以数组公式的形式输入。 语法形式为FREQUENCY(data_array,bins_array) 其中Data_array为一数组或对一组数值的引用,用来计算频率。如果 data_array 中不包含任何数值,函数 FREQUENCY 返回零数组。Bins_array为一数组或对数组区域的引用,设定对 data_array 进行频率计算的分段点。如果 bins_array 中不包含任何数值,函数 FREQUENCY 返回 data_array 元素的数目。 看起来FREQUENCY的用法蛮复杂的,但其用处很大。比如可以计算不同工资段的人员分布,公司员工的年龄分布,学生成绩的分布情况等。这里以具体示例说明其基本的用法。 以计算某公司的员工年龄分布情况为例说明。在工作表里列出了员工的年龄。这些年龄为 28、25、31、21、44、33、22 和 35,并分别输入到单元格 C4:C11。这一列年龄就是 data_array。Bins_array 是另一列用来对年龄分组的区间值。在本例中,bins_array 是指 C13:C16 单元格,分别含有值 25、30、35、和 40。以数组形式输入函数 FREQUENCY,就可以计算出年龄在 25岁以下、26~30岁、31~35岁、36~40岁和40岁以上各区间中的数目。本例中选择了5个垂直相邻的单元格后,即以数组公式输入下面的公式。返回的数组中的元素个数比 bins_array(数组)中的元素个数多 1。第五个数字1表示大于最高间隔 (40) 的数值(44)的个数。函数 FREQUENCY 忽略空白单元格和文本值。 {=FREQUENCY(C4:C11,C13:C16)}等于 {2;2;2;1;1} 图3四、一组用于求数据集的满足不同要求的数值的函数 1、求数据集的最大值MAX与最小值MIN 这两个函数MAX、MIN就是用来求解数据集的极值(即最大值、最小值)。函数的用法非常简单。语法形式为 函数(number1,number2,...),其中Number1,number2,... 为需要找出最大数值的 1 到 30 个数值。如果要计算数组或引用中的空白单元格、逻辑值或文本将被忽略。因此如果逻辑值和文本不能忽略,请使用带A的函数MAXA或者MINA 来代替。 2、求数据集中第K个最大值LARGE与第k个最小值SMALL 这两个函数LARGE、SMALL与MAX、MIN非常想像,区别在于它们返回的不是极值,而是第K个值。语法形式为:函数(array,k),其中Array为需要找到第 k 个最小值的数组或数字型数据区域。K为返回的数据在数组或数据区域里的位置(如果是LARGE为从大到小排,若为SMALL函数则从小到大排)。 说到这,大家可以想得到吧。如果K=1或者K=n(假定数据集中有n个数据)的时候,是不是就可以返回数据集的最大值或者最小值了呢。 3、 求数据集中的中位数MEDIAN MEDIAN函数返回给定数值集合的中位数。所谓中位数是指在一组数据中居于中间的数,换句话说,在这组数据中,有一半的数据比它大,有一半的数据比它小。 语法形式为MEDIAN(number1,number2, ...)其中Number1, number2,...是需要找出中位数的 1 到 30 个数字参数。如果数组或引用参数中包含有文字、逻辑值或空白单元格,则忽略这些值,但是其值为零的单元格会计算在内。 需要注意的是,如果参数集合中包含有偶数个数字,函数 MEDIAN 将返回位于中间的两个数的平均值。 4、 求数据集中出现频率最多的数MODE MODE函数用来返回在某一数组或数据区域中出现频率最多的数值。跟 MEDIAN 一样,MODE 也是一个位置测量函数。 语法形式为MODE(number1,number2, ...)其中Number1, number2, ... 是用于众数(众数指在一组数值中出现频率最高的数值)计算的 1 到 30 个参数,也可以使用单一数组(即对数组区域的引用)来代替由逗号分隔的参数。 5、 以上函数的示例 以某单位年终奖金分配表为例说明。在示例中,我们将利用这些函数求解该单位年终奖金分配中的最高金额、最低金额、平均金额、中间金额、众数金额以及第二高金额等。 详细的公式写法可从图中清楚的看出,在此不再赘述。 图4五、用来排位的函数RANK、PERCENTRANK 1、一个数值在一组数值中的排位的函数RANK 数值的排位是与数据清单中其他数值的相对大小,当然如果数据清单已经排过序了,则数值的排位就是它当前的位置。数据清单的排序可以使用Excel提供的排序功能完成。 语法形式为RANK(number,ref,order) 其中Number为需要找到排位的数字;Ref 为包含一组数字的数组或引用。Order为一数字用来指明排位的方式。 如果 order 为 0 或省略,则Excel 将 ref 当作按降序排列的数据清单进行排位。 如果 order 不为零,Microsoft Excel 将 ref 当作按升序排列的数据清单进行排位。 需要说明的是,函数 RANK 对重复数的排位相同。但重复数的存在将影响后续数值的排位。嗯,这就好像并列第几的概念啊。例如,在一列整数里,如果整数 10 出现两次,其排位为 5,则 11 的排位为 7(没有排位为 6 的数值)。 2、求特定数值在一个数据集中的百分比排位的函数PERCENTRANK 此PERCENTRANK函数可用于查看特定数据在数据集中所处的位置。例如,可以使用函数 PERCENTRANK 计算某个特定的能力测试得分在所有的能力测试得分中的位置。 语法形式为PERCENTRANK(array,x,significance) 其中Array为彼此间相对位置确定的数字数组或数字区域。X为数组中需要得到其排位的值。Significance为可选项,表示返回的百分数值的有效位数。如果省略,函数 PERCENTRANK 保留 3 位小数。 3、与排名有关的示例 仍以某单位的年终奖金分配为例说明,这里以员工Annie的排名为例说明公式的写法。 奖金排名的公式写法为: =RANK(C3,$C:$C) 百分比排名的公式写法为: =PERCENTRANK($C:$C,C3)

Marcella Detroit的《Detroit》 歌词

歌曲名:《Detroit》歌手:Marcella Detroit专辑:《Jewel》发行时间:2006-04-10 流派:流行 发行公司:华纳音乐歌词:My daddy taught meIn this county everyone"s the sameYou work hard for your dollarAnd you never pass the blameWhen it don"t go your wayNow I see all these big shotsWhining on my evening newsAbout how their losing billionsAnd it"s up to me and youTo come running to the rescueWell pardon me if I don"t she"d a tearCuz they"re selling make believeAnd we don"t buy that hereBecause in the real world they"reShutting Detroit downWhile the boss man takes hisBonus pay and jets on outta townDC"s paying out the bankerAs the farmers auction groundAnd while their living up on Wall StreetIn that New York City townHere in the real world they"reShutting Detroit downHere in the real world they"reShutting Detroit downWell that old mans been workingHard in that plant most all his lifeAnd now his pension plansBeen cut in half andHe can"t afford to dyeAnd it"s a crying shameCuz he ain"t the one to blameWhen I look down and see his callused handsWell let me tell you friendIt gets me fighting madBecause in the real world they"reShutting Detroit downWhile the boss man takes hisBonus pay and jets on outta townDC"s paying out the bankerAs the farmers auction groundAnd while their living up on Wall StreetIn that New York City townHere in the real world they"reShutting Detroit downAnd while their living up on Wall StreetIn that New York City townHere in the real world they"reShutting Detroit downHere in the real world they"reShutting Detroit downIn the real world they"reShutting Detroit downThey"re shutting Detroit down试听:http://music.baidu.com/song/7925111

Andrea Bocelli的《Melodramma》 歌词

歌曲名:Melodramma歌手:Andrea Bocelli专辑:Cieli Di ToscanaMelodrammaAndrea BocelliQuesta mia canzoneInno dell" amoretela canto adessocon il mio dolorcosì forte così grandeche mi trafigge il cuorMa limpido è il mattinofra i campi odor di vinoio ti sognavo e adessoti vedo ancora lìah, quanta nostalgiaaffresco di collinaio piango che pazziafu andarsene poi via.Questa melodiaInno dell" amorete la canto e sentotutto il mio dolorcosì forte, così grandeche mi trafigge il cuorMa limpido è il mattinotra i campi un gran mulinolì è nato il mio destinoamaro senza teamaro senza te...E questo cuore cantaun dolce melodrammaè l" inno dell" amorche canterò per teè un melodramma cheche canto senza tehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8194181

求Celldweller - own little world的歌词翻译!要人工的,行数要和英文对齐!

彼此的眼光,彼此的声音 彼此的努力,只是为了一起分享那片空间 可以肯定地说,他们会抛弃我 我只是一个和他分手的陌生人 我沉浸在背弃当中,但这只是家常便饭 我只想活在我梦中的世界里 可以肯定的说二选一是个事实 你顽固的坚持你那黑暗的标准 他们是在为自己,这不在于他们说的是什么 他们说会给你全部,然后再一一拿走 是时候了:你该离开我的世界了 欢迎来到一个只属于我的世界(原意是:欢迎来到一个连呼吸的空气都是我的的世界) 没人能战胜我,没人能模糊我的意志 我先成为别人,然后做我从未尝试过的事 在此时间将不复存在,我也就不会死去 解释这些原因和这些诗歌是不必要的,因为这已印在我的脑海 可以肯定的说这只是尝试,无需证明 或者是采取认罪的方式返回原路 他们是在为自己,这不在于他们说的是什么 他们说会给你全部,然后再一一拿走 是时候了:离开我的思绪 欢迎来到一个只属于我的世界 没人能战胜我,没人能模糊我的意志 我先成为别人,然后做我从未尝试过的事 在此时间将不复存在 欢迎来到一个只属于我的世界 没人能战胜我,没人能模糊我的意志 跟着我进来你就会知道你会找到什么 在此时间将不复存在,我也就不会死去 (后面都是重复的,参照前面就行了) 翻译完了,希望有帮助

He’s a excellent goalkeeper.这句话哪里错了?





cell英 [sel] 美 [su025bl]n.<生>细胞; 小牢房; 电池; <诗>墓穴vi.住在牢房或小室中vt.囚禁cell press网络释义相关词条French cell press1. 弗氏细胞压碎器filter-press cell1. 压滤式电池

潜血bld -ca10cell//ul

BLD+ 潜血临界 就是出现了少许红细胞.尿隐血 是指尿中有血红蛋白和肌红蛋白,而非红细胞;而尿液中含有较多的红 细胞,称血尿。尿隐血阳性,由电脑尿液分析仪测出尿隐血阳性[尿隐血(+)即为阳性],作镜检发现有红细胞者。 正常情况下,血浆中的血红蛋白与珠蛋白结合,分子量大,不能从肾小球滤过膜滤过,而无血红蛋白尿。临床上出现血红蛋白尿的原因主要为血管内溶血,即血管内大量红细胞被破坏,释出游离血红蛋白,过多的游离血红蛋白超过珠蛋白的结合能力,而从肾脏排出发生血红蛋白尿,严重时尿呈酱色。其次为尿路中的溶血,即当尿储存在膀胱中时有红细胞,但因尿比重过低或呈碱性受到破坏而释放出血红蛋白而呈尿隐血阳性。肌红蛋白尿是由各种原因(变性、炎症、广泛创伤和代谢紊乱)的肌肉组织破坏而从尿液中排出引起的。肌红蛋白分子量较小,可从肾小球滤过膜滤过。

尿潜血(bld) 3+>200 cells ul


谁能帮我分析一下酒店的Cancellation Policy

521之后 和 到达日期之前2周(14日)外(比如6月21你们入住,那么之前6月7日之前4.30, 5.1 5.2 5.3 ...取消)取消,都要交2天房费在14日内(如6.7 - 6.21)和任何NO-SHOW 都将扣除3日房费。写的很清楚. IN PRIOR是到达日期之前,不是之后2周

英语 微积分 cancellation equations是什么意思



名词,取消的意思The cancellation of the football match really ticked him off. 足球赛的取消真把他给气坏了.


英研究发现:有过妊娠糖尿病,将来2型糖尿病风险高10倍!研究员开发出治疗鼻咽癌的新型抗病毒靶向药物疗法!Nature:IgE的唾液酸化是导致过敏致病性的决定因素美科学家:抑制天花的牛痘病毒可用于制造COVID-19疫苗! 在你我身边应该有那么一些人,他们想吃什么就吃什么、几乎也不运动,但就是永远不会变胖。到底是他天生就这么幸运吗?现在,发表于《Cell》杂志上的一项研究中科学家发现了一种基因,就是使这些天生幸运的人可以永保纤瘦的原因。该基因在代谢健康的瘦弱人群中可抵抗体重增加且结果显示删除该基因可导致苍蝇和小鼠变瘦,并发现其在大脑中的表达可能与调节能量消耗有关。 癌症标靶基因竟与苗条有关? ALK其实是一个众所周知与癌症相关的基因,ALK基因编码的蛋白质在细胞通讯以及神经系统的发育和功能中起关键作用,而ALK基因的突变与非小细胞肺癌和神经母细胞瘤有关。 在一项健康研究数据库的分析之后,由英属哥伦比亚大学生命科学研究所所长、医学遗传学系教授Josef Penninger所领导的国际科学家团队发表于《Cell》期刊中的一项研究指出,ALK基因的某些变异与自然瘦弱的人体重增加的敏感性低有关。缺乏ALK基因的转基因小鼠也显示出明显的肥胖抵抗力。 迄今为止,大多数研究都集中在肥胖上,很少研究是针对人类或动物模型中的纤瘦。Penninger指出:「每个人都研究肥胖症和肥胖症的遗传。但我们认为,‘让我们扭转局面,开始一个新的研究领域。"我们来研究纤瘦。」所以Penninger团队并没有关注肥胖个体的危险因素,而是从研究苗条的人开始。 研究人员对数据库进行了搜索以寻找与瘦弱有关的遗传线索,该数据库包含来自爱沙尼亚47,102名20-44岁的健康人数据。研究人员进行了全基因组关联研究(genome-wide association study, GWAS),以比较健康瘦弱人群的DNA样本和临床数据(该人群处于6%的最低水平)与体重正常的个体进行比较,以寻找与瘦弱有关的遗传变异。他们针对体重指数低于 18公斤/平方公分的人的遗传特征进行分析,研究结果显示了ALK基因的遗传变异,这些变异是针对瘦人的。 剔除ALK的小鼠消耗更多的热量 他们在ALK基因中发现了两个特定的变体,它们与已知的癌症驱动突变不同,并且与纤瘦度相关。然后他们试图剔除果蝇中的同等基因。研究小组发现,这大大降低了血液中的脂肪含量。他们接着研究了ALK在小鼠中的作用,与将ALK基因耗尽的动物对照组进行了比较。两组的食物摄入量,每日活动量和肠道脂质吸收量相同,但剔除ALK的小鼠体重减轻且葡萄糖耐受度提高。 此外,以高脂饮食挑战这些囓齿动物的结果显示,剔除ALK的小鼠逃过了体重的增加,然而正常小鼠却因此变得肥胖。研究小组报告说,没有ALK的小鼠似乎会消耗更高的卡路里。即使ALK基因剔除的小鼠的饮食和活动量与正常小鼠相同,它们从幼年起仍表现出较低的体重和体脂,并一直持续到成年。进一步的分析表明,在大脑中高度表达的ALK可能在指示脂肪组织燃烧更多能量方面起作用。 From: Cell ALK抑制剂未来可能用于肥胖症的治疗策略 ALK已经是公认的抗癌靶标,研究人员建议以该基因为靶标可能可以做为未来针对肥胖症的治疗策略。 研究第一作者、维也纳分子生物学研究所的博士后研究员Michael Orthofer在新闻稿中说,该基因在消化系统外起作用。 Orthofer解释说:「我们的研究表明,ALK在大脑中起作用,它通过整合和控制能量消耗来调节新陈代谢。」 资深作者、英属哥伦比亚大学的生命科学研究所所长、医学遗传学系教授Josef Penninger指出了可能的未来研究,确定ALK如何调节人的新陈代谢以促进瘦身。Penninger在一份声明中说:「仔细想一想,我们可以透过关闭ALK并降低ALK功能来确立我们是否仍保持纤瘦。目前ALK抑制剂已经使用于癌症治疗,我们可以透过它来抑制ALK,且实际上我们也会来尝试这样做。」





whole-cell extract 和cell-free extract的区别

whole-cell extract全细胞抽提物cell -free extract无细胞提取物

批改英语作业评语的单词有哪些?Great!/Perfect!/Good!/Wonderful!/Correct!/Excellent! 的区别?

Great!Perfect!Good!Wonderful!Correct!Excellent!Very good!Fantastic!(好象很少)以上都是描述好的Not so good!So so!Too bad!Worse! / Worst!以上都是描述差的好想没区别

my cell number? 什么意思

这个是没有一个具体的翻译的,因为cell的意思有很多种.具体要把整个句子写出来,根据上下文的语境来翻译. MY:我的. NUMBER:号码.cell [sel] n.1. (附属于大修道院的)小修道院(或女修道院)2. 隐士的小屋,女修道院的密室3. 小牢房;单人牢房4. 非常小的洞、孔、槽、室5. (蜂房的)巢室;(昆虫的)翅室6. 【植物学】子房室;花粉囊;孢子囊7. 组织(尤指骨)中的小孔隙;微孔8. (党派、团体的)基层组织9. 【生物学】细胞10. 【电工学】1) 电池 [亦称作 battery,electric cell,galvanic cell,voltaic cell,参较 dry cell]2) = solar cell3) 电解槽11. [亦称作 electrolytic cell]【物理化学】电解(电)池12. 【计算机】单元格13. 【电子学】光电元件14. 坟墓15. 【通信工程】1) 细胞式2) cell radio (无线电蜂窝网络系统中)基站覆盖区,蜂窝(指一批无线电话仅借助一台无线电发射机即能实现通话的一个小地区)(=cellphone)16. 【军事】(二至六架飞机组成的)小编队



原电池为什么被叫galvanic cell

电分离器 复位锁存与电分离器

求Andrea Bocelli安德列-波切利的歌词


marvelous excellent在音游的区别






有没有supercell -《 My Dearest》的中文就歌词!!求!!!

so, everything that makes me whole 现在将一切都奉献给你 I"m yours... 呐 像这样开心地笑出声音 还是自出生第一次经历 一定 因为我自己 为了这天 就这么延伸在这错误的 道路上不断前行的足迹 一直 一个人孤寂 向着那远方 即便是遥不可 及的我和你 只要牵住手 永远不分离 无论到哪里都不会有问题 "已不用一人孤寂" 你的话 让笑颜 重新开启 有了必须守护的事物现在已经在此地 即使有时不知所措地没有前进的动力 失去所有可能的你迷失在黑暗的阴翳 深深埋在 这绝望里 被吞噬殆尽的须臾 我会为你照亮着远方点燃这光芒一缕 即使这个世界的王也没办法将它消去 so, everything that makes me whole 现在将一切都奉献给你 I"m yours... 呐 这个世界中真实存在着 是各种各样幸福的汇聚 有一天 两个人一起 即使有人将你称作骗子地污蔑和歪曲 即使都去伤害着你用那些无情的言语 即使整个世界都已经对你产生了怀疑 即使逼迫 让你戴着 皇冠之上布满荆棘 我也一定做你的同伴永远站在你这里 因为我已经了解到你孤独痛苦的心意 so, everything that makes me whole 现在将一切都奉献给你 I"m yours... 终有一日你会完全了解我全部的东西 我必定会在那个地方等待与你的相遇 即使那里希望的碎片完全分崩而离析 即使我的 存在本身 已然完全不被允许 你依然未曾将我就这么地遗忘在心底 这些事情我比任何人都要清楚而熟悉 所以现在我愿意将我所有的一切全部赠予 献给你

Supercell的《My Dearest》 歌词





在uiview里面的tableView中,点击cell进入跳转到另一个界面的方法1.先找到view对应的viewController- (UIViewController *)viewController {for (UIView* next = [self superview]; next; next = next.superview) {UIResponder *nextResponder = [next nextResponder];if ([nextResponder isKindOfClass:[UIViewController class]]) {return (UIViewController *)nextResponder;}}return nil;}2.接下来是点击cell的方法-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{qunzuDetailViewController *qc=[[qunzuDetailViewControlleralloc]initWithNibName:@"qunzuDetailViewController" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];[[self viewController]presentViewController:qc animated:YES completion:nil];}

如何建立config schematic cellview

在自定义UITableViewCell中创建了一个按钮。想在点击该按钮时知道该按钮所在的cell在TableView中的行数。就是cell的 indexPath.row两种方法都很好。-(IBAction):(id)sender{NSLog(@"MyRow:%d",[self.table indexPathForCell:((TableViewCell*)[[sender superview]superview])].row); //这个方便一点点,不用设置tag。NSLog(@"MyRow:%d",((TableViewCell*)[[sender superview]superview]).tag);//这个需要加载cell时设置tag.不过也很方便。}-(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableViewcellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{//删除cell.contentView中所有内容,避免以下建立新的重复int i = [[cell.contentView subviews] count] - 1;for(;i >= 0 ; i--){[[[cell.contentView subviews] objectAtIndex:i] removeFromSuperview];}//添加buttonUIButton *but = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom];[but setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"delete.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];[but setFrame:CGRectMake(280, 10, 30, 30)];[but setAlpha:0.8];[but addTarget:self action:@selector(del:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];[cell.contentView addSubview:but];//设置Tag为cell 对应的indexPath rowfor(id view in subviews){if([view isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]){[view setTag:[indexPath row]];//[cell.contentView bringSubviewToFront:view];}}}//Button事件-(void)del:(id)sender{for(UITableViewCell *cell in visiblecells){if(cell.tag == button.tag){//button.tag就是对应的[indexPath.row}

Celldweller的《Frozen》 歌词

歌曲名:Frozen歌手:Celldweller专辑:The Complete CelloutInside this fantasyIt seems so real to meSynthetic ecstasy, when her legs are openTrue Love behind a wallWhere men and angels fallA fading memory, when my mind is frozenI can see a frozen point in timeWhere her figure still awaitsTongue of fire tracing lips outlineWhere frozen breath originatesWith one motion of her waiting eyesShe strips everything awayThis one moment is intensifiedAnd colors all fade to greyI am in the only place that i want to beThough we know that it ends eventuallyBut it"s alright because right now we"re frozenI want to forget mistakes they"ve helped me makeIt"s better to be broken than to breakInside this fantasyIt seems so real to meSynthetic ecstasy, when her legs are openTrue Love behind a wallWhere men and angels fallA fading memory, when my mind is frozenI can see a frozen point in timeThat is easy to retraceLight and darkness are both intertwinedThe elements are in their place withOne motion of her wanting mindThe real world begins to fadeAnd all the hateful things I have becomeTemporarily go awayInside this fantasyIt seems so real to meSynthetic ecstasy, when her legs are openTrue Love behind a wallWhere men and angels fallA fading memory, when my mind is frozenWhen my mind"s frozen:I"ll take you anwhere you want to goFar from anything that feels like home (lets go)You are anyone I want to be (it"s here and now, and now it"s only you and me)It"s never enough (mmm that"s true)I want to stay here (yeah, and I do too)Breakin" it down(takin" it down)With smell(smell), touch(touch, taste(taste), sight(sight), and sound(sound)How long will I be here without you near because I"m so coldBreak them first or I"ll get broken is not what I was told, now I"m so coldI"m so coldSo coldInside this fantasyIt seems so real to meSynthetic ecstasy, when her legs are openTrue Love behind a wallWhere men and angels fallA fading memory, when my mind is frozenInside this fantasyIt seems so real to meSynthetic ecstasy, when her legs are openTrue Love behind a wallWhere men and angels fallA fading memory, when my mind is frozenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/18740365

关于锌碳电池(zinc-carbon cell)的发电问题

锌碳电池内有一枝被碳粉和氧化锰(IV)混合物所包围的碳棒作为电池的正电极,而电池的外壳是由锌制造,锌外壳是电池的负电极,电解质则是湿润的糊状氯化铵(NH4Cl)。 1)manganese(IV) oxide [氧化锰(IV)] 只是作为氧化剂,并不能在正极产生作用。 当完成接驳电路后,按下电路上的开关,电子便会由锌电极经外电路流向碳电极,锌碳电池就是这样产生电力。但是锌碳电池有一样缺点的,就是在使用电池时,在正电极上的还原作用会产生氢气(hydrogen gas),由于氢气是不良的导电体,所以会阻碍反应进行,令电流减少,因而降低电池的效率。所以在锌碳电池内必须加入一种氧化剂 —— 氧化锰(IV)以除去氢气。 图片参考:i248.photobucket/albums/gg191/ncy_0916/chem12?t=1220679384 2)MnO2 和 Mn2O3其实都不是良好的导电体,加入碳粉可以提高导电性, 故此,为了防止电池因碳棒产生氢气而无法运作,所以会加入二氧化锰(减极剂)和碳粉,可提高电池的效能。 3)manganese(IV) oxide [氧化锰(IV)] 是糊状物。 图片参考:i248.photobucket/albums/gg191/ncy_0916/cell?t=1215403969

巴赫的cello suite是什么意思


plos genetics和cell reports谁好


should young children have cell phones?求一段对话

Should children have cell phones? Is there a real need for a kid to own a cell phone? Parents should look at different things such as the age of the child, in which situations he or she would use it and where will the child be taking it.If your child is very young a cell phone would not be necessary unless your child has an important medical condition. In this case it would be very useful in case the teacher has to contact you or the family doctor directly in an emergency.Parents could consider giving a cell phone to a grade-schooler child to be in contact specially if the child is coming home alone. In the situation when maybe you are driving to pick him up and are running late or someone else than you is fetching him up a the last moment you may use a cell phone to inform and assure your child.Many middle school children will start asking for cell phones since many class mates might have one already. The latest cell phone models come with cameras, mp3 players and games which are generally the main reasons why kids are interested in them and want to own one. When they are in after school programs such as sports they could reach you in the case they don" feel well or want to go to a friend"s house at the last moment. Depending on how they behave in school a cell phone can be a reward for their hard work.In high school age there are no more excuses for your teenager not to own a cell phone. They can save money to pay for it and buy minutes to make calls. A cell phone can give you peace of mind and foster your child"s independence. Unless you are punishing your child for something there is no way you are going to keep a teenager away from cell phones. They can go out and you can rest assured they are at reach and they are safer with a cell phone in their hand. If they are coming home later than usual or change plans then it is very simple and convenient using a cell phone. It is also great because your teenager will stay off your home phone!Regardless of your child"s age you should be ready for lost, damaged or stolen cell phones. When getting the phone ask the provider company to get the extender warranty that covers all of this. You will be glad you did. Kids are learning how to be responsible about their things and may not realize how much a cell phone costs. Kids are kids, and it is normal for them to loose or damage their things. Save yourself the trouble of buying a new cell phone each time something like this happens.

cell phone lot是什么意思

cell phone lot 很多手机望采纳!

That kind of cell phone is ...


I am playing cell phone. 语法对不对?

不对。l am playing with the cellphone.

where is your cell phone from主谓宾分布?

Where is your cell phone from?这是一个特殊疑问句,也就是说,句中的句子成分与一般陈述句不同了。为了分析句子的成分的方便和易懂,我们暂且将句子还原成陈述句形式,如下:Your cell phone is from where.显而易见,这是一个系表结构的句子,即主语+系动词(be)+表语; 系动词+表语通常称复合谓语主语:Your cell phone 系动词 be(is) +表语from where;即复合谓语:is from where如果还要细分析,your 是cell phone 的修饰语,定语;where 是介词from的宾语,我们通常说介词宾语。

复制英语作文:Turn off Your Cell Phone

Turn off your cell phone With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for most people. Obviously, it shortens the distance between people and makes our life more convenient.However, have you noticed sometimes the cell phone also bring embarrassment to us? It is not rare to see someone pressing the cell phone to his ear and shouting loudly in public as if there were no one else present. And I am sure each one has had such an experience that the cell phone ring continuously on a formal occasion.So if you are one of them, please shut off your cell phone, especially on a quiet and serious occasion. It is a respect for both others and yourself.


《Cell》([美国] 斯蒂芬·金)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qIMA_IM74ZjwkePx2qnR3A 密码:h4ln书名:Cell作者:[美国] 斯蒂芬·金豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:Scribner出版年份:2006-01-24页数:384内容简介:On October 1, God is in His heaven, the stock market stands at 10,140, most of the planes are on time, and Clayton Riddell, an artist from Maine, is almost bouncing up Boylston Street in Boston. He"s just landed a comic book deal that might finally enable him to support his family by making art instead of teaching it. He"s already picked up a small (but expensive!) gift for his long-suffering wife, and he knows just what he"ll get for his boy Johnny. Why not a little treat for himself? Clay"s feeling good about the future.That changes in a hurry. The cause of the devastation is a phenomenon that will come to be known as The Pulse, and the delivery method is a cell phone. Everyone"s cell phone. Clay and the few desperate survivors who join him suddenly find themselves in the pitch-black night of civilization"s darkest age, surrounded by chaos, carnage, and a human horde that has been reduced to its basest nature...and then begins to evolve.There"s really no escaping this nightmare. But for Clay, an arrow points home to Maine, and as he and his fellow refugees make their harrowing journey north they begin to see crude signs confirming their direction: KASHWAK=NO-FO. A promise, perhaps. Or a threat...There are one hundred and ninety-three million cell phones in the United States alone. Who doesn"t have one? Stephen King"s utterly gripping, gory, and fascinating novel doesn"t just ask the question "Can you hear me now?" It answers it with a vengeance.作者简介:Stephen King lives in Maine with his wife,the novelist Tabitha King.He does not own a cell phone.


cellphones是指手机,即移动电话sell phone是指卖手机,销售、售卖电话机

高三优秀英语作文:Be,Wise,to,the,Cell,Phone 高三优秀英语作文范文

写作翻译网权威发布高三优秀英语作文:Be Wise to the Cell Phone,更多高三优秀英语作文相关信息请访问英文写作翻译网。 It has been witnessed that since the coming of the cell phone, it has been developed so fast, thanks to the high technology, today, the function of cell phone improves a lot, some even can equal to the computer. People like to change the cell phone, because they want to have more function, but some teenagers lose wise mind on the road of changing cell phone. They want to buy the newest product, so that they can show off. Recently, it has been reported a boy sell his kidney for the purpose of buying an iphone, this is so shocked, the boy is selling his health for a new cell phone. People should be wise to the cell phone, they need to figure out that all the cell phones have some common basic function, some new productsu2019 function is almost the same. They should measure their situation to buy a new one. 人们已经见证了自从手机的诞生,手机发展得很快,多亏了高科技,今天,手机的功能提高了很多,一些手机甚至可以比得上电脑。人们喜欢换手机,因为他们想要有更多的功能,但是一些青少年在追求换手机的道路上失去了理智。他们想要买最新的手机,这样就可以炫耀。最近,据报道,一个男孩子为了买一台iPhone而去**,这是多么令人震惊啊,男孩为了新手机卖掉了自己的健康。人们应该理智对待手机,他们需要弄清楚所有的手机都具有共同的基本功能,一些新产品的功能几乎都一样。他们应该根据自己的情况来衡量是否买新手机

cell phone and l英语作文200字

College students" proper use of cell phone Nowadays cell phone is becoming the necessaries of college students" life. We are far away from our family. We can use cell phone to communicate with our families. We can also use the phone to take photos, listen to the music and surf the Internet. Nevertheless, a number of students in college students depend on cell phone excessively. Students use the phone in many inappropriate conditions. For example, students use the phone in class. So they can"t concentrate on book and what teachers say. As time going by, students will lose interest in study and their score will go down. I think we should use cell phone correctly in these ways. First, we should use the phone in correct occasion, we should mute the phone in public. Second, we ought to use healthy cell phone ring. Last, we had better form a good habit, not depend on cell phone excessively. We can use these time to do many things, such as reading books, doing exercise and so on. All in all, we shouldn"t become phone"s slave, on the contrary, we should let cell phone service us correctly.

unlocked cell phone 中unlocked 什么意思?


I have got a cell phone ,email and voice mail.But why am i so lonely?的翻译、语法、解析

have got 指有的意思,老外经常使用。I have a cell phone=I have got a cell phone.

cell phoneareused

回答:A. 解释:用的是被动,因为后一句中的主语they指的是cell phones。这句话的意思是:现在,手机真的很有帮助,他们在日常生活中被广泛应用。 希望能帮助到您!

请你以cell-phone 为题写一篇英语作文

My dear mom bought a cellphone to me,she wants to communicate with me at any time and at any place. The cellphone is red and white ,it is very lovely,I love it very much and I take it to school every day.But I never open it in class because I know it will disturb the class. I can use it to send good message to my best friends and tell them the latest news.I can relate to my parents and tell them my situation to make them satisfied. Thank you for my mom ,and I will protect it well

手机英语怎么说,美国是cell phone,那英国

手机 [词典] cellphone; handset; mobile phone; [电影] Handphone; [例句]有个手机响了。A cellular telephone beeped

a Cell phone的意思是什么

手机 亲~!!!是一个手机请采纳


cell phone [英][sel fu0259un][美][su025bl fon] n.手机; 例句: 1. Are present cell phone safety standards strict enough? 现在的手机安全标准够不够严? 2. Harvey uses a cell phone to help manage his disease. 哈维利用一个手机来帮...

a Cell phone的意思是什么

手机 亲~!!!是一个手机请采纳

求大师给个关于cell phone 的英语作文,70个词左右就OK了,拜托!

As is shown in the chart, cell phones are becoming increasingly popular within China. In 1999, the number of cell phones in use was only 2 million, but in 2002, the number reaches 5 million. And in the year 2005, the number has suddenly soared to 9 million. There are many factors contributing to this development. Firstly, a cell phone has no wires and can be carried everywhere easily. Secondly, a cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with news, games, music and chat through sending short messages. Thirdly, the drop in price and the simultaneous improvement in the functions have made it possible for an average person to make use of cell phone. The wide use of cell phones has make them more and more indispensable in people"s daily life. The many functions of the cell phone have made certain people reluctant to separate themselves from their cell phone. 谢谢

cell phone的来历

“手机”有两个“学名”:移动电话(mobile phone)和“蜂窝式便携无线电话”(cellphone)。第一个学名不太通用,第二个学名cellphone却牢牢扎根。英文单词cellphone怎么会广布全球、世界通用呢?请注意其中的构造成分“cell”,它有三个意思:细胞、蜂窝、牢房。我们可以从这三个角度来描绘手机的功能,演绎出一些深刻的哲理。 手机像“细胞”,无论走到哪里,它都能够生成新的社会、新的可能、新的关系。换言之,手机不仅有移动的功能,而且有生成和创造的功能。 手机像“蜂窝”,它使我们拥挤在密密麻麻的蜂房里,忙忙碌碌,闹闹嚷嚷,几乎丧失了一切独立生存的空间。 手机像“牢房”,它的联络功能,超过了人类的一切其他技术手段,使人类社会成为一个“千里一线牵”的社会。手机便捷,我们可以随时随地呼叫,随时随地获取信息,这是其利;然而,我们又可能随时随地被叫,随时随地受到手机铃声的干扰,这是其弊。手机使你能够与家人、朋友保持联系,又使你受到各种短信的骚扰。它把我们牢牢锁定在一个无处藏身、随时待命的囚笼里。

cell phone怎么读

cell: [ sel ] phone: [ fu0259un ] 额 分开了...

cell phone 是什么意思啊


英语作文,cell phone,200字,麻烦了

As is known to all, the cellphone is very widely used, especially by teenagers who live the life “on the go”. They think it a useful tool for daily life, so they want to have one. Many students think if they have a cellphone, they can keep in touch with their families and friends. They think owing a cellphone is good for their life. Some parents also share the same idea. However, some people don"t agree that students should bring cellphones to school. First, they think it is bad for the students" health to use cellphones. Second, it will add burden to parents because students usually depend on their parents. Third, if students use cellphones in school, they may not keep their minds on their studies. They may spend most of their time sending text messages or playing games. In my opinion, I think owing a cellphone is not a bad thing. However, we should use the cellphones at the right moment. In class, we should make full use of our time to study. Do not use cellphones in class to interrupt others. If in emergency, it is not a bad choice to use cellphones.

cell phone是什么意思

cell phone 英[sel fu0259un] 美[su025bl fon] n. 手机; [例句]This is my cell phone and pager.这是我的手机号码和寻呼机号码。

cell phone 是什么意思啊

“手机”有两个“学名”:移动电话(mobile phone)和“蜂窝式便携无线电话”(cellphone)。第一个学名不太通用,第二个学名cellphone却牢牢扎根。英文单词cellphone怎么会广布全球、世界通用呢?请注意其中的构造成分“cell”,它有三个意思:细胞、蜂窝、牢房。我们可以从这三个角度来描绘手机的功能,演绎出一些深刻的哲理。 手机像“细胞”,无论走到哪里,它都能够生成新的社会、新的可能、新的关系。换言之,手机不仅有移动的功能,而且有生成和创造的功能。 手机像“蜂窝”,它使我们拥挤在密密麻麻的蜂房里,忙忙碌碌,闹闹嚷嚷,几乎丧失了一切独立生存的空间。 手机像“牢房”,它的联络功能,超过了人类的一切其他技术手段,使人类社会成为一个“千里一线牵”的社会。手机便捷,我们可以随时随地呼叫,随时随地获取信息,这是其利;然而,我们又可能随时随地被叫,随时随地受到手机铃声的干扰,这是其弊。手机使你能够与家人、朋友保持联系,又使你受到各种短信的骚扰。它把我们牢牢锁定在一个无处藏身、随时待命的囚笼里。

cell phone 是什么意思啊

“手机”有两个“学名”:移动电话(mobile phone)和“蜂窝式便携无线电话”(cellphone)。第一个学名不太通用,第二个学名cellphone却牢牢扎根。英文单词cellphone怎么会广布全球、世界通用呢?请注意其中的构造成分“cell”,它有三个意思:细胞、蜂窝、牢房。我们可以从这三个角度来描绘手机的功能,演绎出一些深刻的哲理。 手机像“细胞”,无论走到哪里,它都能够生成新的社会、新的可能、新的关系。换言之,手机不仅有移动的功能,而且有生成和创造的功能。 手机像“蜂窝”,它使我们拥挤在密密麻麻的蜂房里,忙忙碌碌,闹闹嚷嚷,几乎丧失了一切独立生存的空间。 手机像“牢房”,它的联络功能,超过了人类的一切其他技术手段,使人类社会成为一个“千里一线牵”的社会。手机便捷,我们可以随时随地呼叫,随时随地获取信息,这是其利;然而,我们又可能随时随地被叫,随时随地受到手机铃声的干扰,这是其弊。手机使你能够与家人、朋友保持联系,又使你受到各种短信的骚扰。它把我们牢牢锁定在一个无处藏身、随时待命的囚笼里。

cell phone number与phone number 有什么区别

手机号码 vs 电话号码

请你以cell-phone 为题写一篇英语作文


请你以cell-phone 为题写一篇英语作文

My dear mom bought a cellphone to me,she wants to communicate with me at any time and at any place. The cellphone is red and white ,it is very lovely,I love it very much and I take it to school every day.But I never open it in class because I know it will disturb the class. I can use it to send good message to my best friends and tell them the latest news.I can relate to my parents and tell them my situation to make them satisfied. Thank you for my mom ,and I will protect it well

give me your call phone number,是cell还是call

call is wrog.

以"my view on cell phone"为题写一篇120字英语作文,要求:在中国玩手机变

Nowadays,mobile phones have become as indispensable tool in people"s lives.A proposed this idea,many people will ignore him,also some people will argue that the benefits of the mobile phone a lot,it can facilitate people"s contact,is beneficial to people"s life,there are many function can help people living there are two sides to anything,change an Angle to think will be better.But I think mobile phones there are drawbacks,affect people"s health:A,cell phone harm the eyesWith cell phone too close to the distance,a long time looking at small font is easier to make the eye fatigue,headache,dry eyes,blurred visionSecond,the mobile phone make you sickAccording to a study published in applied microbiology,found that about 20% to 30% of the virus in glass similar to smart phone screen surface will be transferred to your fingertips,which can then be transferred to your mouth,eyes,etc.Three,the mobile phone to destroy focus abilityMobile phone seems to have a magic,people are like opium,continually check the menu screen,news,email,application,even if seldom see new and interesting information,continue to look at it.Mobile phones increase the people damage to its dependencies and the people work a centralized capacity.Four,mobile phoneBought a mobile phone,you don"t have time to relax.Mobile phone with you 24 hours a day,a text message,email,there is no way don"t you look at it .



cell phone number和mobile phone number有区别吗

没有区别的 亲
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